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Revista Colombiana de Matem´ aticas Volumen 46(2012)2, p´ aginas 185-204 The Brauer Group of K3 Covers El grupo de Brauer de K3 cubrimientos Hermes Mart´ ınez Universidad Sergio Arboleda, Bogot´ a, Colombia Abstract. In this paper we study the injectivity of the induced morphism on the Brauer groups π * : Br 0 (Y ) Br 0 (X) given by the K3 cover π : X Y of the Enriques surface Y . Key words and phrases. Brauer group, K3 surface, Hochschild–Serre spectral sequence. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 14J28, 16K50, 20J062. Resumen. En este art´ ıculo estudiamos la inyectividad del morfismo inducido sobre los grupos de Brauer π * : Br(Y ) Br(X) dado por el K3 cubrimiento π : X Y de la superficie de Enriques Y . Palabras y frases clave. Grupo de Brauer, superficie K3, sucesi´ on espectral de Hochschild–Serre. 1. Introduction Let Y be an Enriques surface and π : X Y its K3 cover with the fixed point free involution τ compatible with π. Since the Brauer group Br(Y ) is Z/2Z, it is natural to ask about the triviality of the morphism π * : Br(Y ) Br(X). This question was first mentioned by Harari and Skorobogatov in [3] and later answered by Beauville in [2] where he proved that the morphism is trivial if and only if the period map (Y,ϕ) belongs to one of the hypersurfaces H λ for some λ Λ - with λ 2 2 mod 4 and where H λ is the hypersurface of Ω (this is the domain given by the equations ω · ω =0· ω> 0· λ 6= 0 for all λ Λ - with λ 2 = -2) defined by the equation λ · ω = 0. We give some group cohomology conditions for the morphism π * to be injective. Besides, we also establish the type of the N´ eron Severi group of the K3 cover X of Picard number 11 such that the morphism π * : Br(Y ) Br(X) is injective. 185

Revista Colombiana de MatematicasVolumen 46(2012)2, paginas 185-204

The Brauer Group of K3 Covers

El grupo de Brauer de K3 cubrimientos

Hermes Martınez

Universidad Sergio Arboleda, Bogota, Colombia

Abstract. In this paper we study the injectivity of the induced morphism onthe Brauer groups π∗ : Br′(Y )→ Br′(X) given by the K3 cover π : X → Y ofthe Enriques surface Y .

Key words and phrases. Brauer group, K3 surface, Hochschild–Serre spectralsequence.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 14J28, 16K50, 20J062.

Resumen. En este artıculo estudiamos la inyectividad del morfismo inducidosobre los grupos de Brauer π∗ : Br(Y ) → Br(X) dado por el K3 cubrimientoπ : X → Y de la superficie de Enriques Y .

Palabras y frases clave. Grupo de Brauer, superficie K3, sucesion espectral deHochschild–Serre.

1. Introduction

Let Y be an Enriques surface and π : X → Y its K3 cover with the fixed pointfree involution τ compatible with π. Since the Brauer group Br(Y ) is Z/2Z, itis natural to ask about the triviality of the morphism π∗ : Br(Y ) → Br(X).This question was first mentioned by Harari and Skorobogatov in [3] and lateranswered by Beauville in [2] where he proved that the morphism is trivial if andonly if the period map ℘(Y, ϕ) belongs to one of the hypersurfaces Hλ for someλ ∈ Λ− with λ2 ≡ 2 mod 4 and where Hλ is the hypersurface of Ω (this is thedomain given by the equations ω ·ω = 0, ω ·ω > 0, ω ·λ 6= 0 for all λ ∈ Λ− withλ2 = −2) defined by the equation λ · ω = 0. We give some group cohomologyconditions for the morphism π∗ to be injective. Besides, we also establish thetype of the Neron Severi group of the K3 cover X of Picard number 11 suchthat the morphism π∗ : Br(Y )→ Br(X) is injective.



2. Basic Facts about Enriques Surfaces

We briefly recall some fundamental facts about Enriques and K3 surfaces.

Definition 1. A K3 surface is a compact complex surface X with trivial canon-ical bundle, i.e. ωX ∼= OX , and H1(X,OX) = 0.

Definition 2. An Enriques surface is a compact complex surface X with ω2X∼=

OX , ωX 6= OX and H1(X,OX) = 0.

The second cohomoloy of a K3 surface H2(X,Z) endowed with the cup-product is an even unimodular lattice of rank 22 and signature (3, 19), i.e.,

H2(X,Z) ∼= E⊕28 ⊕ U⊕3

where E8, U are the root and hyperbolic lattices respectively.

Let Y be a smooth Enriques surface, π : X → Y its K3 cover and τ : X → Xthe corresponding fixed point free involution such that X/τ ∼= Y . Thus weobtain the following lemma

Lemma 3. 0→ 〈ωY 〉 → Pic(Y )→ Pic(X)τ → 0 is an exact sequence.

Proof. Let L be a sheaf with π∗(L) = OX . Then L⊗(OY ⊕ωY ) = π∗(π∗(L)


π∗(OX) = OY ⊕ ωY . Therefore L is either OY or ωY . On the other hand, ifλτ : M → τ∗(M) is an isomorphism for some line bundle M ∈ Pic(X),then, since M is simple (because it is a line bundle), τ∗λτ λτ = c. id forsome c ∈ C. Thus, we can replace λτ by 1√

cλτ to obtain a linearization on M

(see Definition 7 below). Hence, there exists a line bundle L on Y such thatπ∗L =M. X

Lemma 4.

i) If X is a K3 surface, then H1(X,Z) = H2(X,Z)tors = 0 (see [1, Prop.3.3]).

ii) If Y is an Enriques surface, then H1(Y,Z) = H2(Y Z)tors = Z/2Z.

Lemma 5. If Y is an Enriques surface, then Br′(Y ) = H3(Y,Z) = Z/2Z.

Proof. By Serre duality and Lemma 4(i), it follows that 0 = b1(Y ) = b3(Y )and H3(Y,Z)tors = H2(Y,Z)tors = Z/2Z (see [1, page 15]). Since pg(Y ) = 0,the exponential sequence induces the following exact sequence

0→ H2(Y,O∗Y )→ H3(Y,Z)→ H3(Y,OX).

Then, from the vanishing of H3(Y,OX), we conclude the isomorphismBr′(Y ) = H3(Y,Z) and from the vanishing b3(Y ) = 0, we deduce thatH3(Y,Z) =Z/2Z. X

Volumen 46, Numero 2, Ano 2012


3. The Kernel of π∗ : Br′(Y ) → Br′(X)

We will study the kernel of the map π∗ : Br′(Y ) → Br′(X) induced by theuniversal cover, π : X → Y , of the Enriques surface Y . In a particular case wewill be able to describe the non trivial element of Br′(Y ) as a Brauer–Severivariety over Y . For the basic facts about group cohomology we refer to [11]. Inorder to describe ker(π∗), we use the Hochschild–Serre spectral sequence (see[5, Theorem 14.9])

Ep,q2 := Hp(Z/2Z, Hq(X,O∗X)

)⇒ Hp+q(Y,O∗Y ). (1)

and the following theorem (cf. [11, Theorem 6.2.2]). First, we recall that for acyclic group G of order m with a generator τ , the norm in ZG is the elementN = 1 + τ + · · ·+ τm−1.

Theorem 6. If A is a G-module with G a cyclic group generated by τ , then

Hn(G,A) =

AG, if n = 0;a ∈ A : Na = 0

/(τ − 1)A, if n is odd;

AG/NA, otherwise.

The last theorem can be used to compute En,02 for all n. First, since theaction of 〈τ〉 = Z/2Z on C∗ = H0(X,O∗X) is trivial, one has

En,02 = Hn(Z/2Z,C∗) = 0 (2)

for all even integers n 6= 0. On the other hand, if n is an odd integer anda ∈ C∗ with N(a) = 1, it follows from the definition of the norm map that1 = aτ(a) = a2. Thus

En,02 = Hn(Z/2Z,C∗) = Z/2Z. (3)

Since E2,02 = 0, also E2,0

∞ = 0 and the following exact sequence follows:

0→ E1,1∞ → H2(Y,O∗Y )→ H2(X,O∗X)τ . (4)

Let us recall now a few facts about linearization for finite group actions.Let Z be a smooth projective variety with an action by a finite group G. Letσ : G× Z → Z be the action on Z, µ : G×G→ G be the multiplication mapof G and p2 : G× Z → Z, p23 : G×G× Z → G× Z be the projections.

Definition 7. A G-linearization of a coherent sheaf F is an isomorphism λ :σ∗F → p∗2F of OG×Z-modules that satisfies the cocycle condition (µ×idZ)∗λ =p∗23λ (σ × idG)∗λ.

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In the particular case that G is a finite group, the last definition canbe reformulated as follows: A G-linearization of F is given by isomorphismsλg : F → g∗F for all g ∈ G satisfying λ1 = idF and λgh = h∗λg λh. If(F, λ) and (F ′, λ′) are two G-linearised sheaves, then Hom(F, F ′) becomes a G-representation defined by the right action g.f = (λ′g)

−1g∗fλg for f : F → F ′.

Let Y be an Enriques surface and π : X → Y its universal cover map.We proceed to define the relative norm homomorphis NX/Y . Let Ui be an

open covering of Y such that Ui := π−1(Ui) consists of two copies of Ui. Take

f = (f0, f1) ∈ O∗(Ui) and define the sheaf relative norm map by f0f1. Thus,the relative norm homorphism induced in the Picard groups can be definedas follows: take a 1-cocycle

ϕi = (ϕi0, ϕ


over X that represents a line

bundle L, and define our desired morphism by NX/Y(

(ϕi0, ϕi1)i

)=ϕi0 ·ϕi1


This is also the cocycle defining the line bundle det(π∗(L)). Hence, we obtainNX/Y (−) = det(π∗(−)) and one can show the following lemma whose proofcan be found in [2].

Lemma 8. The kernel of π∗ : Br′(Y )→ Br′(X) is(kerNX/Y

)/((1− τ) Pic(X)


Definition 9. Let X be a surface and P a P1-bundle on X. We say that Pcomes from a vector bundle if there exists a vector bundle E on X such thatP ∼= P(E).

Lemma 10. Let Y be an Enriques surface and π : X → Y its universal covermap. Let L be a line bundle satisfying τ∗L⊗L = OX , NX/Y (L) = 0, and such

that [L] is nontrivial in E1,12 = H1


). Then P(O⊕L) descends to

a projective bundle that does not come from a vector bundle.

Proof. Let L ∈ Pic(X) be a line bundle with NX/Y (L) = 0 representing anontrivial element in

E1,12 = H1


)=L ∈ Pic(X) : τ∗L⊗ L = OXτ∗M ⊗M∨ : M ∈ Pic(X)


We proceed to give a G-linearization on P(OX ⊕ L):

λτ : P(τ∗(OX ⊕ L)

)−→ P(OX ⊕ L).

SinceNX/Y (L) = 0 we can find aG-linearised isomorphism i : L⊗τ∗L → OXwhere we consider OX endowed with the canonical G-linearization. We defineλτ as the composition of morphisms

P(OX ⊕ L)→ P(τ∗L ⊕ (L ⊗ τ∗L)

)→ P(τ∗L ⊕OX)→ P(OX ⊕ τ∗L)

Volumen 46, Numero 2, Ano 2012


[a : b] 7→ [aτ∗b : bτ∗b] 7→[aτ∗b : i(bτ∗b)

]7→[i(bτ∗b) : aτ∗b

]where a and b are sections of OX and L respectively. Note that P(OX⊕τ∗L) =P(τ∗OX ⊕ τ∗L) because we consider the canonical linearization on OX , i.e.τ∗OX = OX . Since i is a G-linearised isomorphism, it commutes with τ andfrom this we can check that λ2

τ = id as follows:


([a : b]

)= λτ

([i(bτ∗b) : aτ∗b


): i(bτ∗b)τ∗(aτ∗b)

]=[aτ∗a.i(bτ∗b) : i(bτ∗b)τ∗(aτ∗b)

]=[aτ∗a : τ∗(aτ∗b)

]=[aτ∗a : bτ∗a

]= [a : b].

Hence, the projective bundle P(OX ⊕L) descends to a projective bundle Pover Y . Now, we show that P does not come from a vector bundle on Y . SupposeP = P(E) for some vector bundle E over Y and so P


)= P(OX ⊕ L).

Thus, it follows that π∗(E) = M ⊗ (OX ⊕L), for some M ∈ Pic(X). By takingdeterminants on both sides of this isomorphism we get det


)= M⊗2⊗L.

In particular, this implies that M is not invariant. Indeed, if M is an in-variant line bundle, L = det


)⊗ (M∨)⊗2 is an invariant bundle. Hence

L ∼= OX because τ∗L ⊗ L = OX , a contradiction. Since M⊗2 ⊗ L is invariantand τ∗L ⊗ L = OX , one has

M⊗2 ⊗ L = τ∗(M⊗2 ⊗ L) = τ∗M⊗2 ⊗ L∨

and so, τ∗M⊗2 = M⊗2 ⊗ L⊗2. Hence, from the torsion freeness of Pic(X) weobtain τ∗M = M⊗L, i.e., L = τ∗M⊗M∨, but this contradicts the assumptionthat L defines a non trivial element in E1,1

2 . X

Lemma 11. Let π : X → Y be the universal cover of an Enriques surface Ywith ρ(X) = 10. Then π∗ : Br′(Y )→ Br′(X) is a nontrivial homomorphism.

Proof. We show that ρ(X) = 10 implies Pic(X)τ = Pic(X), i.e., all the linebundles on X are invariant. Since ρ(X) = 10, Pic(X)τ ⊆ Pic(X) is a sublatticeof finite index. Thus, if L is a line bundle, there exists a positive integer r withL⊗r ∈ Pic(X)τ , i.e.,

τ∗L⊗r = L⊗r.Hence

(τ∗L ⊗ L∨)⊗r = OX .Since Pic(X) is torsion free, we obtain

τ∗L ⊗ L∨ = OX ,

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i.e., L is an invariant line bundle. Thus, the group H1(Z/2Z,Pic(X)


and the lemma holds. X

Example 12. In this example we show the existence of a K3 surface X withρ(X) = 10 that covers an Enriques surface. First, we find a K3 surface withPicard number 10. Let us define Λ := E8 ⊕E8 ⊕U ⊕U ⊕U and an involutionρ of L by

ρ : Λ→ Λ, (e1, e2, h1, h2, h3) 7→ (e2, e1,−h1, h3, h2).

Note that this involution is the universal action (cf. [1, Ch. VIII, Lemma 19.1]),i.e. whenever π : X → Y is the universal covering of an Enriques surfaceY with τ : X → X the covering involution, then there exists an isometryφ : H2(X,Z)→ Λ such that φ τ∗ = ρ φ. The ρ-invariant sublattice of Λ is

Λ+ = x ∈ Λ : ρ(x) = x = (e, e, 0, h, h) : e ∈ E8, h ∈ U,

which is isometric to E8(2)⊕ U(2), where the isometry is given as follows

ρ+ : Λ+ → E8(2)⊕ U(2), (e, e, 0, h, h) 7→ (e, h).

Hence, E8(2)⊕U(2) → E⊕28 ⊕U⊕3 is a primitive embedding. Since this lattice

has Picard number 10 and signature (1,9), by [6, Cor. 2.9] we can find analgebraic K3 surface X with NS(X) = E8(2)⊕U(2). Now, we show that X hasa fixed point free involution. The isometry ρ+ also yields an isomorphism(

Λ+)∨/Λ+ ∼= (Z/2Z)10.

It means that Λ+ is a 2-elementary lattice with l(AΛ+) = 10. This gives usan involution

τ∗ : H2(X,Z)→ H2(X,Z)

which is the identity on Λ+ and acts like multiplication by (−1) on TX =

(Λ+)⊥ =(


where the orthogonal complement is taken in H2(X,Z).Since τ∗ is the identity on Λ+ (=NS(X) through the isometry ρ+), it is effectiveand so it maps a Kahler class to a Kahler class. By the global Torelli Theoremfor K3 surfaces, there exists a unique involution τ : X → X which induces τ∗

on H2(X,Z). Then it follows from [8, Thm. 4.2.2], that the set of fixed pointsXτ is empty. It means that the involution τ is fixed point free, hence X/τ isan Enriques surface.

Now, we introduce the following spectral sequence

Ep,q2,Z := Hp(Z/2Z, Hq(X,Z)

)⇒ Hp+q(Y,Z) (5)

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associated to the covering map π : X → Y of an Enriques surface Y and wecompute some terms of this. Since X is a K3 surface, the vanishing H1(X,Z) =H3(X,Z) = 0 implies

En,12,Z = En,32,Z = 0 (6)

for all integers n. Now, we compute the terms En,02,Z for all integers n. First, we

note that the action of Z/2Z is trivial on Z. Since the term E0,02,Z corresponds to

the invariant elements of Z under the action of Z/2Z we obtain that E0,02,Z = Z.

Now, let us compute the terms En,02,Z for odd n. Since the action is trivial, wededuce that

0 = N(m) = τ∗(m) +m = 2m.

Then it follows that m = 0 and hence by Theorem 6 that En,02,Z = 0. On the

other hand, if n is an even number we can see that En,02,Z = Z/2Z. Summarizing,

En,02,Z =

Z, if n = 0;

0, if n is odd;

Z/2Z, if n is even, n 6= 0.


From (6) and (7) we deduce

E0,3∞,Z = E2,1

∞,Z = E3,0∞,Z = 0

and this impliesE1,2∞,Z = Z/2Z. (8)

The homomorphism c1 : Pic(X) → H2(X,Z) induces a homomorphismC : E1,1

2 → E1,22,Z which can be easily described using Theorem 6 as

C :

L ∈ Pic(X) : τ∗L⊗ L ∼= OX

τ∗M ⊗M∨ : M ∈ Pic(X)

→` ∈ H2(X,Z) : τ∗`+ ` = 0

τ∗m−m : m ∈ H2(X,Z)

, (9)

sending [L] to [c1(L)].

Theorem 13 (Schwarzenberger, [10]). Let X be a projective surface. A topo-logical complex vector bundle admits a holomorphic structure if and only if itsfirst Chern class belongs to the Neron–Severi group of the surface.

Lemma 14. Let Y be an Enriques surface. Then every topological vector bundleon Y has a holomorphic structure.

Proof. Let E be a CX–bundle on Y . Since Y is an Enriques surface thenNS(Y ) ∼= H2(Y,Z). Hence c1(E) ∈ NS(Y ) and by Theorem 13, E has a holo-morphic structure. X

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Lemma 15. The homomorphism C is injective.

Proof. Let [L] be the class of a line bundle L such that τ∗L ⊗ L = OX .Suppose that C(L) = 0. Thus, there exists a topological line bundle M suchthat L = M∨ ⊗ τ∗M and so

−c1(M) + c1(τ∗M) = c1(M∨ ⊗ τ∗M) = c1(L) ∈ NS(X). (10)

On the other hand, since the topological rank 2 vector bundle τ∗M⊕M hasa linearization (i.e. the trivial linearization), there exists a topological vectorbundle E on Y such that π∗E = τ∗M⊕M . By Lemma 14, E has a holomorphicstructure and induces one on τ∗M ⊕M . Thus, by Theorem 13,

c1(τ∗M ⊕M) ∈ NS(X). (11)

Therefore, by (10) and (11), 2c1(τ∗M) = (c1(τ∗M) − c1(M)) + c1(τ∗M ⊗M) ∈ NS(X). Since X is a K3 surface, c1 : Pic(X) → H2(X,Z) is injectiveand so


NS(X)→ H2(X,OX).

Thus c1(τ∗M) ∈ NS(X) because 2c1(τ∗M) ∈ NS(X) and H2(X,OX) istorsion free, and so we conclude [L] = 0 in E1,1

2 . X

In Example 12 we have introduced the involution ρ on the K3 lattice Λ :=(E8)⊕2⊕U⊕3 and also defined the invariant lattice Λ+. We define similarly theρ-anti-invariant sublattice of Λ by

Λ− := ` ∈ Λ : ρ(`) = −`.

Given ` = (x, y, z1, z2, z3) ∈ Λ, we get ρ(`) = −` if and only if

` = (x,−x, z1, z2,−z2).

Let m = (m1,m1, n1, n2, n3) ∈ Λ, then

ρ(m)−m =(m2 −m1,−(m2 −m1),−2n1, n3 − n2,−(n3 − n2)


this yields that` = (x,−x, z, y,−y) ∈ Λ−

can be written as ρ(m) −m for some m ∈ Λ if and only if z = −2n for somen ∈ U .

Let Y be an Enriques surface and π : X → Y its universal coveringmap. Consider the spectral sequence E1,2

2,Z associated to this (see (5)). Let

` ∈ H2(X,Z) such that τ∗` = −`. Thus, 2` = ` − τ∗`, i.e. [2`] = 0 in E1,22,Z =

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H1(Z/2Z, H2(X,Z)

). Therefore, any element in E1,2

2,Z = H1(Z/2Z, H2(X,Z)

)is 2-torsion.

By definition, E1,23,Z = ker


2 : E1,22,Z → E3,1


). Thus

E1,23,Z = E1,2


because E3,12,Z = H3

(Z/2Z, H1(X,Z)

)= 0. Since

Z/2Z = E1,2∞,Z = ker


3 : E1,23,Z → E4,0



we have only the following two options:

(i) E1,22,Z = Z/2Z× Z/2Z and d1,2

3 6= 0,

(ii) E1,22,Z = Z/2Z and d1,2

3 = 0.

Now, we show that (ii) can not occur.

Lemma 16. Let Y be an Enriques surface and π : X → Y its universalcovering map. Then the d1,2

3 of the spectral sequence Ep,q2,Z associated to themorphism π : X → Y is not 0.

Proof. First, we compute the term E0,4∞,Z. Since

E1,3∞,Z = E3,1

∞,Z = 0,

E4,02,Z = Z/2Z and E2,2

2,Z is a torsion group, one finds

E0,4∞,Z = Z.

Suppose that d1,23 = 0. Since X is a K3 surface,

E0,32,Z = H0

(Z/2Z, H3(X,Z)

)= 0 (12)

E2,12,Z = H2

(Z/2Z, H1(X,Z)

)= 0. (13)

By definition of the terms of the spectral sequence,

E4,03,Z =



2 : E2,12,Z → E4,0


)and by (13), E4,0

3,Z = E4,02,Z. Since d1,2

3 = 0,

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E4,04,Z =



3 : E1,23,Z → E4,0


) = E4,03,Z,

and finally by (12)

E4,0∞,Z = E4,0

5,Z =E4,0



4 : E0,34,Z → E4,0


) = E4,04,Z.

Hence we conclude E4,0∞,Z = E4,0

2,Z = Z/2Z, a contradiction. X

4. More about the Morphism Br′(Y ) → Br′(X)

We recall the following two results due to Beauville:

Proposition 17. ([2, Cor. 5.6 and its proof]) Let λ = (α, α′, β) ∈ H2(X,Z)such that α, α′ ∈ E8⊕U and β ∈ U and ε the class of e+f in U2 := U/2U wheree, f is the basis of the hyperbolic lattice U . Then the following conditions areequivalent:

i) π∗λ = 0 and λ /∈ (1− τ∗)(H2(X,Z)


ii) τ∗λ = −λ and λ2 ≡ 2 mod 4.

iii) the class β = ε and α′ = −α.

Corollary 18. π : Br′(Y )→ Br′(X) is trivial if and only if there exists a linebundle L on X with τ∗L = L∨ and c1(L)2 ≡ 2 mod 4.

Now, we quickly recall a kind of divisors in the period domain Ω of E8(2)⊕U(2)-polarized marked K3 surfaces. If we fix the unique primitive embeddingof E8(2)⊕ U(2) in the K3 lattice Λ, then Ω is by definition

Ω :=

[ω] ∈ P((E8(2)⊕ U(2)


): ω2 = 0, ωω > 0


Let S ⊂ Λ be a primitive sublattice of rank 11 containing the lattice E8(2)⊕U(2). Then the subset

Ω(S) :=

[ω] ∈ P(S⊥C)

: ω2 = 0, ωω > 0

is called the Heegner divisor of type S in Ω.

Proposition 19. ([9, Proposition. 3.1]) If X corresponds to a very generalpoint of Ω(S), i.e. in the complement of a union of countably many properclosed analytic subset of Ω(S), then we have NS(X) = S.

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Remark 20. Ohashi proved in [9, Theorem. 3.4], that for a lattice S = U(2)⊕E8(2)⊕〈−2N〉 with N ≡ 0 mod 4, there exists a K3 surface X with an Enriquesquotient and such that NS(X) = S.

Example 21. Now, we will show the existence of a K3 surface X covering anEnriques surface Y with ρ(X) = 11 and E1,1

2 = 0 which from (4) implies thatπ∗ : Br′(Y )→ Br′(X) is injective. Let α ∈ Λ, defined by (see [7])

α =

(∑i odd

aiei,−∑i odd

aiei, 0, f1 − f2,−f1 + f2


where the a′is are integers. This is a primitive element, α = β − ρ(β) where

β = (a1e1 + a3e3,−a5e5 − a7e7, 0, f1, f2)

andα2 = −4

∑i odd

a2i = −4m.

Thus, E8(2)⊕U(2)⊕αZ → E⊕28 ⊕U⊕3 is a primitive embedding (note that

E8(2)⊕ U(2) diagonally embeds in E⊕28 ⊕ U⊕3). Note that by the Lagrange’s

four-square Theorem ([4, Proposition 17.7.1]), m can take any positive integervalue. By Proposition 19 and Remark 20, there exists a K3 surface X with anEnriques quotient Y and such that

NS(X) = E8(2)⊕ U(2)⊕ αZ

and by [1, Lemma 19.1] there exists an isometry φ : H2(X,Z) → Λ such thatφ τ∗ = ρ φ. Now, we take a line bundle L with c1(L) = φ−1(α). Then,

α = −ρ(α)

= −ρ(φ(φ−1(α)

))= −φ


))= −φ


))= −φ


)= φ



Then, from the injectivity of φ, it follows that

c1(τ∗L ⊗ L) = 0,

and since X is a K3 surface we deduce

τ∗L ⊗ L = OX ,

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i.e. [L] ∈ E1,12 . Now, since α = β − ρ(β) and E1,1

2 ⊆ E1,22,Z (Lemma 15), then

[L] = 0 in E1,12 .

Now, we show that for any line bundleM such that τ∗M⊗M = OX , thereexists an integer n such thatM = L⊗n. By construction of the above primitiveembedding, we have that the action of τ∗ on E8(2)⊕U(2) is the identity. Thus,if M is a line bundle, it can be written as M = L⊗n ⊗ F for some invariantline bundle F . Hence

OX = τ∗M⊗M = τ∗L⊗n ⊗ τ∗F ⊗ L⊗n ⊗F = F⊗2.

Hence F = OX because Pic(X) is torsion free and thus M = L⊗n. Thus, wehave shown that E1,1

2 = 0.

Example 22. Let E1, E2 be elliptic curves over k (a field of characteristic0) which are not isogeneous over k and such that their points of order 2 aredefined over k. For i = 1, 2, let Di be a principal homogeneous space of Eiwhose class in H1



), Ei)

has order 2. The antipodal involution P 7→−P defines an involution on D1 and on D2, and defines a Kummer surfaceX by considering the minimal desingularization of the quotient of D1 × D2

by the simultaneous antipodal involution. Since X is a Kummer surface, itcovers an Enriques surface Y . Harari and Skorobogatov were able to provethat for this example the morphism π∗ : Br′

(Y)→ Br′


is injective (see [3,

Corollary 2.8]) where X and Y are the surfaces over k obtained from X andY respectively by extending the ground field from k to k. We also know fromCorollary 4.4 in [6] that ρ

(X)≥ 17 because X is a Kummer surface.

Let π : X → Y be the universal covering map of an Enriques surface Y andlet τ be the fixed point free involution of X associated to π. We proceed tostudy how τ acts on H2


)and on H3



Lemma 23. Let X be a K3 surface with a fixed point free involution τ . Theinvolution τ acts on H2


)as τ∗α = α−1.

Proof. The involution τ acts on H2(X,OX) as − id. Indeed, since H2(X,OX

)is one dimensional then the action τ on this is ± id. If θ is a 2−form andτ∗θ = θ, the form descends to a 2−form on Y := X/τ . This is a contradictionbecause for any Enriques surface, h0,2(Y ) = 0. From the exponential sequencewe get






)τ∗− id

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Hence for every α ∈ H2(X,O∗X

), τ∗α = α−1. X

Lemma 24. Let X be a K3 surface. Any element in the Brauer group Br′(X)is 2−divisible.

Proof. From the exact sequence

0→ Z/2Z→ O∗X → O∗X → 0

we get

0→ Br′(X)2 → Br′(X)→ Br′(X)→ 0

because H3(X,Z/2Z) = 0. X

Remark 25. Let ρ := ρ(X) denote the Picard number of a surface X. Let X bea K3 surface with an involution τ that has no fixed points. For any invariant linebundle L under τ , there is a line bundle M on the Enriques surface Y := X/τsuch that π∗M = L. This is no longer true for Brauer classes. Indeed, byLemma 23, the invariant elements of Br′(X) under τ consist of all the 2-torsionelements of Br′(X). Since X is a K3 surface, Br′(X)2

∼= (Z/2Z)22−ρ. Hence,since ρ ≤ 20, there exists an element α ∈ Br′(X) such τ∗α = α which is not inthe image im

(π∗ : Br′(Y ) → Br′(X)

). In conclusion, you may have picked α

that happens to be in the image, but since 22− ρ ≥ 2, there is always anotherone.

Now, let us compute some elements of the spectral sequence Ep,q2 introducedin (1), associated to the universal covering map π : X → Y of an Enriquessurface Y . First, we know from the exponential sequence that

H3(Y,O∗Y ) ∼= H4(Y,Z) = Z. (14)

Remark 26. By Theorem 6,

E2,12 = H2



L ∈ Pic(X) : τ∗L⊗ L∨ = OX

τ∗M ⊗M : M ∈ Pic(X)


E1,22 = H1

(Z/2Z, H2(X,O∗X)


α ∈ H2


): τ∗(α).α = 1

τ∗(β).β−1 : β ∈ H2


) .

By Lemmas 23 and 24, E1,22 = 0. Now, if L ∈ Pic(X) with τ∗L ⊗ L∨ =

OX . Then [L⊗2] = [τ∗(L) ⊗ L], i.e. [L] is a 2-torsion element in E2,12 =



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Thus E1,22 = 0, E3,0

2 = Z/2Z (cf. (3)) and E2,12 is a torsion group (by (26)).

In conclusion, we get from the (14) which says that E3 = Z, that

E0,3∞ = Z, (15)

E1,2∞ = E2,1

∞ = E3,0∞ = 0. (16)

The action τ on H3(X,O∗X

)= H4(X,Z) = Z is ± id. If τ∗ = − id, then

E0,32 = H0

(Z/2Z, H3


))= H3


)τ= 0, but this contradicts the

fact E0,3∞ = Z. Thus, we have shown the following lemma. (Note that this

lemma trivially follows only from the fact that H3(X,O∗X

)= H4(X,Z) = Z

and the action on the last cohomology group is id, but the computations aboveare needed).

Lemma 27. Let X be a K3 surface with a fixed point free involution τ . Thenthe action of τ on H3


)is trivial.

Remark 28. Let L be a line bundle such that τ∗L ⊗ L = OX . Thus, L⊗2 =L⊗ (τ∗L)∨, i.e. [L]⊗ [L] = [L⊗2] = 0 in E1,1

2 = H1(Z/2Z,Pic(X)). Since

E0,22 = H0

(Z/2Z, H2


))= H2



by Lemma 23, E0,22 = Br′(X)2. Indeed, if α ∈ Br′(X) with τ∗α = α, then by

Lemma 23, α = τ∗α = α−1, i.e. α is a 2−torsion element of Br′(X). On theother hand, if α ∈ Br′(X)2, then by Lemma 23, α = α−1 = τ∗α. Finally, byRemark 25, E0,2

2 = Br′(X)2 = (Z/2Z)22−ρ.

Since any element in E1,12 is a 2-torsion element, we have only the following

four cases:

i) E1,12 = 0 or

ii) E1,12 = Z/2Z, d1,1

2 = id, i.e. E1,1∞ = 0 or

iii) E1,12 = Z/2Z, d1,1

2 = 0, i.e. E1,1∞ = Z/2Z or

iv) E1,12 = Z/2Z× Z/2Z, d1,1

2 6= 0, i.e. 0→ Z/2Z→ E1,12

d1,12→ E3,02 → 0.

Lemma 29. Let Y be an Enriques surface, π : X → Y the universal cov-ering map of Y and τ the fixed point free involution given by π. If E1,1

2 =H1(Z/2Z,Pic(X)

)= 0. Then E2,1

2 = H2(Z/2Z,Pic(X)

)= (Z/2Z)20−ρ.

Proof. Since E1,12 = 0,

E3,03 =



2 : E1,12 → E3,0


) = E3,02 = Z/2Z

Volumen 46, Numero 2, Ano 2012


and by (16)

0 = E3,0∞ = E3,0

4 =E3,0



3 : E0,23 → E3,0


) .Thus d0,2

3 is surjective. Since E1,12 = 0,

Z/2Z = E0,2∞ = E0,2

4 = ker(d0,2

3 : E0,23 → E3,0


), (17)

and since E3,03 = E3,0

2 = Z/2Z and all elements in E0,22 are 2-torsion,

E0,23 = Z/2Z× Z/2Z. (18)

By (16)

0 = E2,1∞ =



2 : E0,22 → E2,1


) ,and thus the morphism d0,2

2 : E0,22 → E2,1

2 is surjective. Hence, by (17) and thefact that any element in E0,2

2 is a 2−torsion element (cf. Remark 28),

E0,22 = E0,2

3 × E2,12 .

From E0,22 = (Z/2Z)22−ρ (cf. Remark 28) and (18), E2,1

2 = (Z/2Z)20−ρ. X

Lemma 30. Let Y be an Enriques surface, π : X → Y the universal cov-ering map of Y and τ the fixed point free involution given by π. If E1,1

2 =H1(Z/2Z,Pic(X)

)= Z/2Z and E1,1

∞ = 0. Then E2,12 = H2




Proof. Since E1,12 6= 0 and E1,1

∞ = 0, im(d1,1


)= E3,0

2 = Z/2Z (cf. (3)). Thus

E3,03 =



2 : E1,12 → E3,0


) = 0. (19)

By Remark 26, any element in E2,12 is 2−torsion. Then there is an integer m

such that E2,12 = (Z/2Z)m. By (16),

0 = E2,1∞ =



2 : E0,22 → E2,1


)and thus im



)= (Z/2Z)m. Hence



)= (Z/2Z)22−ρ−m

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because E0,22 = (Z/2Z)22−ρ. Since E0,2

∞ = Z/2Z,

Z/2Z = E0,2∞ = E0,2

4 = ker(d0,2

3 : ker(d0,2


)→ E3,0


)and from (19)

Z/2Z = ker(d0,2


)= (Z/2Z)22−ρ−m

and so m = 21− ρ. X

Lemma 31. Let X be a K3 surface that covers an Enriques surface Y andsuch that its spectral sequence satisfies E1,1

2 = H1(Z/2Z,Pic(X)

)= Z/2Z and

E1,1∞ = Z/2Z. Then E2,1

2 = H2(Z/2Z,Pic(X)

)= (Z/2Z)21−ρ.

Proof. By assumptions d1,12 is trivial and so

E3,03 =



2 : E1,12 → E3,0


) = E3,02 = Z/2Z

and by definition

E3,04 =



3 : E0,23 → E3,0


) . (20)

On the other hand,

0 = E0,2∞ = ker


3 : E0,23 → E3,0


)because E1,1

∞ = Z/2Z. Hence d0,23 : E0,2

3 → E3,03 = Z/2Z is injective and this

and (20) imply the following equivalence:

E0,23 = Z/2Z if and only if E3,0

∞ = E3,04 = 0. (21)

By (16), E3,0∞ = 0. Thus, the equivalence (21) implies E0,2

3 = Z/2Z. Since byRemark 26, any element in E2,1

2 is a 2-torsion element, there exists an integerm such that E2,1

2 = (Z/2Z)m. By (16),

0 = E2,1∞ =



2 : E0,22 → E2,1


) ,and thus


2 : E0,22 → E2,1


)= (Z/2Z)m,

i.e. the map d0,22 is surjective. Since E0,2

2 = (Z/2Z)22−ρ (cf. Remark 28), E0,23 =



), it yields from the surjectivity of d0,2

2 that

E0,23 = (Z/2Z)22−ρ−m.

Thus, m = 21− ρ because E0,23 = Z/2Z. Hence

E2,12 = (Z/2Z)21−ρ. X

Volumen 46, Numero 2, Ano 2012


Lemma 32. Let Y be an Enriques surface and π : X → Y the universalcovering map of Y such that E1,1

2 = H1(Z/2Z,Pic(X)

)= (Z/2Z)2. Then

E2,12 = H2


)= (Z/2Z)22−ρ. Moreover ρ(X) ≥ 12.

Proof. Since E1,12 = (Z/2Z)2 and E3,0

2 = Z/2Z, the map d1,12 6= 0. Hence

E1,1∞ = E1,1

3 = ker(d1,1


)is nontrivial, and it must be Z/2Z. By definition,

E3,03 =



2 : E1,12 → E3,0


) = 0 (22)

and by (16)

E2,1∞ = E2,1

3 =E2,1



2 : E0,22 → E2,1


) = 0. (23)

Since E1,1∞ = Z/2Z, then

0 = E0,2∞ = E0,2

4 = ker(d0,2

3 : E0,23 → E3,0



Thus, by (22), E0,23 = 0. By definition,

E0,23 = ker


2 : E0,22 → E2,1


)and then d0,2

2 : E0,22 → E2,1

2 is injective. Hence, by (23),

E2,12 = E0,2

2 .


2 = Br′(X)2 = (Z/2Z)22−ρ,

one findsE2,1

2 = (Z/2Z)22−ρ.

Since E2,12 is a quotient of Pic(X)τ and thus of Pic(Y ) = Z10 × Z/2Z,

one finds 22 − ρ ≤ 10 (note that Z/2Z ⊂ Pic(Y ) goes to zero in E2,12 ). Thus

ρ ≥ 12 X

In conclusion, by lemmas 29, 30, 31, 32 and the statement before Lemma 29,we only have the following four cases:

i) E1,12 = 0, E2,1

2 = (Z/2Z)20−ρ or

ii) E1,12 = Z/2Z, E1,1

∞ = 0, E2,12 = (Z/2Z)21−ρ or

iii) E1,12 = Z/2Z, E1,1

∞ = Z/2Z, E2,12 = (Z/2Z)21−ρ or

iv) E1,12 = (Z/2Z)2, E1,1

∞ = Z/2Z, E2,12 = (Z/2Z)22−ρ.

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Note that in the cases ii) and iii) we have that ρ ≥ 11.

Theorem 33. Let X be a K3 surface with a fixed point free involution τand Picard number ρ such that H2


)= (Z/2Z)22−ρ. Then the

morphism π∗ : Br′(Y )→ Br′(X) is trivial, where Y := X/〈τ〉.

Proof. Since E2,12 = (Z/2Z)22−ρ, we are in case iv). Hence E1,1

∞ = Z/2Z. By(4), the morphism π : Br′(Y )→ Br′(X) is trivial. X

Theorem 34. Let X be a K3 surface with a fixed point free involution τand Picard number ρ such that H2


)= (Z/2Z)20−ρ. Then the

morphism π∗ : Br′(Y )→ Br′(X) is nontrivial, where Y := X/〈τ〉.

Proof. Since E2,12 = (Z/2Z)20−ρ, we are in case i). Hence E1,1

∞ = 0. By (4),the morphism π∗ : Br′(Y )→ Br′(X) is injective. X

Let Y be an Enriques surface and π : X → Y its universal covering map. Weknow that if X is as in the first case above, then ρ(X) ≥ 10, and if X is one ofthe cases ii) or iii), then ρ(X) ≥ 11 and ifX is as in the case iv), then ρ(X) ≥ 12.Thus, if ρ(X) = 10, the K3 surface X satisfies the conditions of the first caseand we obtain E1,1

2 = 0. Hence, by (4), the morphism π∗ : Br′(Y )→ Br′(X) isinjective. This is another proof of the same result obtained before out Lemma11.

Proposition 35. Let X be a K3 cover of an Enriques surface Y such thatρ(X) = 11 and NS(X) = U(2) ⊕ E8(2) ⊕ 〈−2N〉, where N ≥ 2. Then π∗ :Br′(Y )→ Br′(X) is injective if and only if N is an even number.

Proof. Note that NS(X) = U(2) ⊕ E8(2) ⊕ 〈−2N〉 = π∗NS(Y ) ⊕ 〈−2N〉(because, as in Example 12, Λ+ ∼= U(2)⊕E8(2) and this is diagonally embeddedin the K3 lattice), i.e. τ∗ acts trivially on U(2) ⊕ E8(2). Now, we show thatτ acts as − id on 〈−2N〉. Let L ∈ NS(X) denote the generator of 〈−2N〉, i.e.c21(L) = −2N . Thus,

τ∗L = I ⊗ L⊗k (24)

for some integer k and invariant line bundle I and since τ is an involution:

L = τ∗τ∗L = τ∗I ⊗ τ∗L⊗k

= I ⊗ τ∗L⊗k

= I ⊗(I ⊗ L⊗k

)⊗k= I⊗(k+1) ⊗ L⊗k



HenceL⊗(k2−1) ⊗ I⊗(k+1) = OX (25)

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and we find that L⊗(k2−1) is an invariant line bundle. Thus,

OX = L⊗(−k2+1) ⊗ τ∗L⊗(k2−1) =(L∨ ⊗ τ∗L


and if k 6= 1,−1, then OX = L∨⊗τ∗L (because Pic(X) is a free torsion group),i.e. L is an invariant line bundle which contradicts our assumption about L.If k = 1, then from (25) we get I = OX and then by (24), L is an invariantbundle which contradicts our assumption on L. Thus k = −1 and from (25),I = OX and from (24) we obtain τ∗L⊗ L = OX , i.e. τ acts as − id in 〈−2N〉.

Now, we show that if M is a line bundle such that τ∗M ⊗M = OX , thenM = L⊗m for some integer m. Indeed, if M = L⊗m⊗F where F is an invariantline bundle, then

OX = τ∗M ⊗M = τ∗L⊗m ⊗ τ∗F ⊗ L⊗m ⊗ F = F⊗2.

Hence F = OX because Pic(X) is torsion free and thus M = L⊗m.

Suppose that N is an even number and that π∗ : Br′(Y )→ Br′(X) is trivial.By Corollary 18, there exists a line bundle M = L⊗m for some integer m suchthat c1(M)2 ≡ 2 mod 4. Thus −2m2N ≡ 2 mod 4, which implies that m2N isan odd number and thus N is an odd number, a contradiction. On the otherhand, let us suppose that π∗ : Br′(Y ) → Br′(X) is injective. By Corollary 18,c21(L) 6≡ 2 mod 4. Hence, (1−N) 6≡ 0 mod 2 and thus N is an even number. X

Acknowledgements. I am grateful to my advisor, Daniel Huybrechts, for allhis help and encouragement and the Max-Planck Institute for Mathematics inBonn for all its support.


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(Recibido en mayo de 2012. Aceptado en octubre de 2012)

Escuela de Matematicas

Universidad Sergio Arboleda

Calle 74 No. 14-14

Bogota, Colombia

e-mail: [email protected]

Volumen 46, Numero 2, Ano 2012
