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The Breckenridge news. (Cloverport, KY) 1900-04-18 [p...

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Y I 8 THE BRECKENRIDQE NEWS WEDNESDAY APRIL 18 1900 eoe t t I 1 1 j 1ati if I Is HARDINSBURG Miss Tula Daniel is in St Louis Judge Morcer went to Louisyillo last Friday Mlsa Maty Board has returned Iron Bewleyvllle W K Withers of Kirk hat been i 111 or the past week John E Keith of OIoverl ort was here last Saturday Miss Jenule Warfied Is the guest of Miss Lillie Scott The moet complete line of groceries at tho Eclipse in town Eyes examined mud glasses I properly I fittedatT 0 Lewis v u Mrs Roland firnlth was over from Etepnensport Sunday Lm Cart of Union Star was visiting here loet week Saturday I Clerk Owen Cunningham went to i Cloverport last Saturday MlEs Lila Ford has ben in Louisville tome time visiting her aunt Ueiits Furnishings ties collars culTs shirts just put in at the Eclipse The now Methodist church at Kirk will be called the Miller Memorial They had a special Easter service at the Long Lick Catholic Church last SundayWe give you some close prices on groceries for the cash Try usThe EclipseL they who has been sick for some time was able to be in town last SaturdayCy has been hauling a good deal of lumber this spring and received good prices for it We have some new goods that it will pay you to come in and look at this week and get prices Anderson and Martin the saw mill men shipped a car load of lumber to Evannvillo last week A X Kincheloe is closing out his stock of goods and is going on the road about the first of May Rev F AL Petty and V G Babbage went out to Kirk last Sunday and organ ¬ lied a Sunday school Joseph Teat returned from Louisville ast week where he had been to par chase some spring goods Tho protracted meeting which has been in progress at tho M 1 E Church closed last Saturday night A new line of dry geode and notions at the Ecllpuo They have just been put in and aro fresh and nobby Your watches clock and iewelry when needing repairs will be properly attend ¬ ed to if brought to T 0 Lewis CT Adams and wife who have beta visiting Judge Ahls family went to Beaver Dam Ky last Monday Rev F M Petty will preach the luneral sermon of Mr Nelson Jolly at Kirk the fifth Sunday in this month f Mr Worslfcy of Fordaville arrived here last Saturday with his new press lIe will occupy the old Vivian Daniel building Watches clocks jewelry musical in ¬ struments silverware and sewing ma ¬ chines for sale at nas nable prices at T C Lewis The indications seem favorable for a fine fruit crop this year The country will be doubly prosperous with apples and peaches in abundance WHITES CREAM VKUM1FUGE not only effectually diutroys worms it also increawfl tho uppatite aids aeuimilatlon and transforms a frail infant into one of robust health lelce6 cants II H Board who now residis in Louisville lost his four year old boy Thornwj about ten days ago and the re ¬ mains were brought liar and interred iu the Hurdiniburs Coimteiy A chair factory would be a god tiring for this town While money is bo plen ¬ tiful the btuinem men of this town ought to look about and start something that would give employment to laborers Tho cold weather of last week put a check on the operations of tho farmers in this section for the time being how- ever ¬ if tiny weathar brightens up there will r lot of corn planted tints month A Sunday school was organized out at tho new Methodist church at Kirk last Sunday with about forty members pros ent Granville Wilson was appointed Kuperintf ndent Frank DnIIaven Kpcre tar and Tice Miller Treasurer They a wll meet every Sunday afternoon at 230 oclockAdministrators Sale On Saturday Anril 21 and Mon- day ¬ April 23 1000 and on days It named thereafter will expose to Public Salo the personal property of the estate of J A Witt consisting princi pally of Hardware Qneensware Tin ware Groceries Caudles etc Neckties i Collars Cuffs Shirts Gloves Buttons Hosiery etc Showcases tales and many other articles not mentioned her- einE ¬ t A WITT Executrix Hardins 1burg Ky- ifi t r r Hu testimonials unequallednit number And unexcelled in quality the world over Testimonials witch tell the truth about the most remarkable cures in the history of medicine Cures of Scrofula Salt Rfieum M Humors Rheumatism Culvrh Dys pcpsia Tfiat Tired Feeling Thousands of people Agree that it fleif4 oi1tJ BRANDENBURG Mire Hlggins of Owensboro was the guest of Mrs Ed Yeakel last week Miss Sophia ithelnckle of Louisville spent Sunday with her aunt Mrs J Caeperkp Time Ladies Aid of the M E church met the Mrs Mclntire Monday after noon1 Sock Social was discossod J S Owl RS defeated W D Ashcraft by sixteen votes It was all fair and square Mr Asbcraft takes his defeat gracefully J T Ditto the popular Queen City ha rtW2JL I re fir tAw ok Us lied letter hurry up or niter wldl women will voTe and then all bachelors will be heavily taxed andI 1 her handsome little stepsons spent ¬ urday and Sunday with her parents Mr and Mrs JW Lewis We rnirs Lula in nil our church services especially our missionary meetings Miss Fannie and Ruth Philips Sue Owings Georgia Helmstetter Ten Ham ¬ Ilion Harvey Ditto Jim Vessels Pius Yates Ben Hook Albert Bewley Geno Fontaine and Jim Bickerataff went to St Martins last SundayI Sam Jones will lecture for the News boys Home April 2Jth Jeffersons lecture brought more than 1000 The MeQert Stock company will donate the receipts of one performance to the Home Tine Is all as it should be It is a worthy cause Brother Lltchfield preached a most encouraging sermon last Sunday morn- ing ¬ lie spoke very beautifully of the observance of Easter and of the atoning work of Christ The future ho made all radiant with immortal hope The choir sang very pretty selections with Mies Daisy Mclntire as organist Owensboro was strictly uln it on Easter Sunday She ordered 50 worth flowers Lilies and American beauties in profusion were shipped from Louis ¬ ville There was no dearth of Easter flowers although the season was a little backward tho florists in the cities did a large business Derby Day is May 3rd which does not fit in for those who wish to take in Churchill Downs and the May Festlyal A tremendous crowd is expected in the grand aland and a large proportion will be the fair sex who seem determined not to mibs anything from Admiral Schley to Kentucky Farmer I am lor- an horse that has Kentucky attached to his name Easter morning dawned bright an- dradiantthe glad daythe day of flow ¬ ereol sonLof hope The resurectlon of Christ was the anthem of every Christian heartthe message from the pulpits the song of the whole earth Easter lisle Easter bonnets pretty dress- es ¬ happy faces bright smiles greeted us every where Father Myering preached a fine sermon at the Catholic church from the lextUlle is risen Six children made their first communion on the oc ¬ casion Tine altar was beautifully dccoi ated The choir rendered the Kyrie Elelson in 0 Sanctus in F offertory The Eucharist hymn and response were beautifully sung with Miss Lena Nevitt as organist At Benediction in the after ¬ noon the singing was good Father My eriug asked the little boys never to touch intoxicating drinks and to shun bad corn pany Father Myering is very popular and Is a consecrated ChrIstian It rtaerl0a A I AM 8 YEARS anda + n- say 17 W I a t Bens ItDT- arar I In dnillWlcIt robrxrauoent rot YOyrnlnwaatt + adeelda limas assns Iaaaao M J taraaar GARFIELD iia Ltllle Priest I it visiting hOT sister Mrs Emma Davis this week MT toe Lyons has returned homo fr ma weeks visit nt CntV- rJwse W bi Is all mllfis over the ar ¬ rival of a little girl I at his hiwse- Mf Sarah Whitwnrih is iu Louisville this wetk buying millinery goods Thomas Dowt U has bought tints house and lot owned by Steve Davis here Dr llarnel IB having his borne plas ti red Tom Divia IB tloicg the work Dis Kint heloe and Meador were called to weMn Jfntlie Priest nor i Bell last Tuesday Mrp Eddie Payne of Lodihurg visited her mother Mrs Nichon last Saturday and Sunday More wedding dresses art being made in our midst We expect to soon Lear wedding belle- Bowugtr McKinniy has ru n t e d Elisba Simmons farm near Ephesu We wih mini and his bride much hap plneao and prosperity- A Sunday school has been organized at Pleasant Grove Thin spunks well for the good people but what about the church we need so much and hear noth ¬ ing about No family can afford to be without one minute Cough Cure It will stop a cough and cure a cold quicker than any other medicine writes 0 W Williams Sterling Run Pa It cures croup bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles and prevents consumption Pleasant and harmless A R Fisher GARRETT Mrs tilck Brown is able to be out againMrs Buckler and daughter were in Garnettsville last week Harry Harrngtonof Brandenburg has been visiting his grandparents here Me Martha Tuell and nieces Luella and Zalma Miles visited the family of Blant Shacklett recently In almost every neighborhood there is some one whose life has been saved by Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy or who has been cured of chronic diarrhoea by the use of tbat medicine Such persons make a point of telling of it whenever opportu ¬ nity offers hoping that it may be the means of saving other lives For sale by A R Fisher Cloverport It A Shellman Stephensport JOLLY STATION K B Rice Magin Ky was Inert last weekMiss May Ball has begun her spring school Miss Zada Nichols has returned from BrandenburgMr of the Plano Mfg Co of Louisville was here recently to visit W L Frank acd family Perfect digestion is the only founds ¬ tion for perfect health The food we eat makes all the blood we have which in turn feeds every nerve muscle and tis- sue ¬ in the body HEROINE quickens the appetite aids digestion gives tone and vigor to all the functions and Insures good health Price 50 cents H Ring out the old Ring In the new Bins out the wu Rang ta the true It We bring to you tho nw and true from the ptoey forests of Norway DR BELLS Pine DTrm ilonoy Naturco most natural remedy Improved by science to a Pleasant Permanent Posltlro Cure for coushs colds and all Inflamed surfaces of the Lungs and Bronchial Tubes Tho sore weary cough woin Lungs are exhlla ¬ rated tho microbebearing mucus Is cut out the cause of that tickling is removed and the Inflamed membranes aro healed and soothed so that there is no Inclination to cough SOLD BY ALL GOOD DRUGGISTS Bottles Only 26o 60o and 100 than IJISBE SURE YOU GET Dr BUs PiRiTarHiuy ew a I aerrdr ar s 4 STEPHENSPORT Mr Pete Reify improving Miss Katip Allen returned to GhenftUitt Friday Mrs R A Smith spent last Sunday in Hard inebnrg Mies Crossou of Cloverport was in town Thursday Sunday was an ideal day for donning the Esmtir bonnet Mr and Mrs K B Blain puut Sutday in town with their parents Miss Dee lias bum spent several days lat week in Cloverport- MiesKatlt Crawford was In Union Star for a day last week There w 11 bu reyunr orviu > U in the M E Church next Sunday Mr and Mis Hewitt Hawkins of near here sperms Sunday iu town Mr und MID Dave Jolmton and tort spent Erster in Cloverport ChatlesSutherlsudof Now Albany Iiul was Iu town Sunday Carpenters have commenced work on G > McCubbiufl new rusiduuceV- V 0 and A T Blain huvo moved their stock ol Voihia fiomPutesville here A R Miller went to Henderson Sun ¬ day to sp nd several days with his ton Master Peter H Best and ilru L B Helm are on the aick list nr this wri- ting ¬ Our milliner Mrs Onus II Wudlirg ton reports n gjoJ sale of Emitter bon note Mr and MM W H Sargent of Ford villc spent Sunday with Mrs B A Shellman MI8B Bell McCauu spent Saturday and Sunday in Rome lad the guest of Mite Fannie McKuughn Mrs Godfrey HaswHll of Hardius burg spent last week with liar parents Mr and Mrs G W McCubbins The Misses Claycomb of 0 ffeushoro spent Sunday here with their grand- parents Mr and Mrs Andrew Clay combMr and Mrs Pete Best and his mother Mrs Pete Beats Sr of Petiie are spending a law days with Mr and Mrs Christ Best Dr Sylvester Parr after spending a few days last week in Concordia left Friday for Clifton bulls to see his sister Mrs Hyllis Jtdti- We congratulate Mr and Mrs S G Reynolds of Rome Ind on the arrival of two little mUses who arrived at their home one day last week CAVE SPRING A Sunday school waR ore azed at tie M E Church South Sunday April let Mies Lucy Noblett opened her spring school at this placo Monday April 2nd Mr and Mrs Steve Pool from Texas are visiting here TE Butler and Miss E L Pumpbrey were married at the home of the brides parents Thursday March 22nd Their many friends with them success and happiness through life The marriage of Miss Lizzie M Hall to Mr Wesley Tucker occurred Tuesday evening March 13th at the Cave Spring M E Church South Rev Davis offi ¬ dating Miss Hall is an attractive Breckenridge county girl Mr Tucker formerly of this county is employed in the mercantile business at Millwood Grayson Co Their friends wish them much joy Remarkable Cure of Rheumatism KENNA Jackson Co W Va About three years ago my wife had an attack of rheumatism which confined her to her bed for over a month and rendered her unablo to walk a step with ¬ out assistance her limbs being swollen to double their normal size Mr 8 Maddox Insisted on my using Chamber ¬ lains Pain Balm I purchased a fifty cent bottle and used it according to the directions and the next morning sho walked to breakfast without assistance in any manner and sho has not had a similar attack sinceA B Parsons For sale by A R Fisher Cloverport R A Shellman Stephensport CHENAULT flies Motile Stallman Is visiting in Louisville Rise IIi Roberta has about recovered from an attack of pneumonia Mire Bessie Cunnicglmm who tins been visiting at Derby Ind has return ¬ ed home Miss Teaff of Hardlnsburg I is teaching our spring school The attendance is reported small Gus Fryinlre who has boen having such a eerlous attack of ibturnntiEm Is elowly improving Miss Mary Louise Allen who is study ¬ ing music under Miss Etta May Frymlre is progressing rapidly Our merchant Abe Bennett lisa his house almost completed He is doing a good business this spring Miss Maggie Brodie went to Derby Ind one day last week to see Miss Liz ¬ zie Lime who is quite sick with pneu ¬ monla Albert and W H Jackson of Brazil Ind after a visit to relatives i l in this city returned home Sunday You know all k about ire The rush Che > worry the cxhaustioni go with a great uponl you off this feeling You are a slave to your work Sleep falls and you are on the verge of nervous exhaustion What Is to be done Take frs5a- f31Plrilla For fifty years it has been lifting up the dis ¬ couraged giving rest to the overworked and bringing refreshing sleep to the depressed No other Sarsaparilla approaches ireIn age and In cures Ayers is the leader of them all It was Old before other sarsaparillas were born SIOO a bottle All draulsti Ayers Pills aid the ac ¬ tion of Ayers Sarsapa ¬ rilla They cure bilious ¬ ness H w a box I havo need Ayera medicines for moro than 49 sears and have laid from tho very start that you made tho host modrclDCS In the world I urn enrMnur Ran arlUa Fared my life whtj I tint took It 40 years ago I am now put 70 and am nom without your medicines KKANK TIIOMAK r M Jan 211897 1 Enoti Kansas Write lha Doctor It yen have any complaint whateret rod desire the but medical aclilce yen can poMlblf rfcelre write tin doctor freely You will lecelra a prompt re > plj without cost Addmi- DR J C AVER Low ll Man PRIZE WINNERS Miss Irene Board Closes A Successful Private School At Hardlns ¬ burg Friday April 6th The private school taught by Miss Irene Board cloeed Friday afternoon Prizes were awarded to Harry Hoben Allen Kincheloe Miller DeUaven Ern ¬ est Haswell and Virgil Babbage for ex- cellency ¬ in their claeses The following is the Honor Roll for the last month Ada Beard 095 Stuart Babbaee 09 Allen Klncheloo 98 Isabel Gardner98Mart- ina Gardner 97 Harrv Hoben97Ilerb- ert Hook 07 Ernest Haswell 005 Minnie McCunningham 00 Virgil Babbage00Mil- ler Dellaven of 06 Arthur Haswell 95 Emmet Royalty of 05- IIIKNE Boii Teacher The Best In the World We believe Chamberlains Cough Remedy is the beat in tine world A few weeks ego we suffered with a severe cold and a troublesome cough and hay ing read their advertisements our own and other papers we purchased a bottle to see if it would affect us It cured us before the bottle was more than half used It is the best medicine out for colds and coughsThe Herald Andor Honvllle Ind For sale by A R Fisher Cloverport R A Shellman Stephens port NONPROGRES ¬ SIVE SPIRITS We have from an exchange a list of men who not only do a town no good but are a positive drawback to it First those that go out of town to do their trading Second those who oppose im- provements Third those who prefer a quiet town to onu of push and business Fourth thuEe who think business canine done slyly and with out advertising Filth thorn who deride public spirited men Sixth thosa wino oppose every improvement that does not originate with themselves Seventh those who oppose any public enterprise that does not appear to bttiinfit them Spreads like Wildfire When things art lithe best they bo como theIIbett selling Abraham Hare n leading druggie I of Belleville 0 writes Electric Bitters are the beat selling bitters I have handled in 20 years You know why 7 Most diseases begin in disorders of stomach liver kidneys bowels blood and nerves Electric Bitters tones up the stomach regulates liver kidneys and bowels purifies the blood strengthens the nerves henqa cures multitudes of maladies It builds up the entire system Puts new life and vigor into any weak sickly run down man or woman Price 50 cents Sold by Short Haynes druggists SUDDEN DEATH firs Ell Qarrett Dies Ot ParalysIs Thursday Night April lath Triesudden death of Mrs Eli Garrett came as a great shock to her friends Thursday night April 12th She win otrickon with paralysis Thursday obrut noon and died that night Her health had been good prwvlom to this and she had no warning of tint attack which ended her life The funeral servlc3 wero conducted Friday morning at the home of he i daughter Mrs Joe Garrett with whom she lived by Rev W B Rutledge August Flower It sa surprising fact1 says Prof HoutoD that in my travels in nil path of the world for the last ton years 1 I Imvo met more people having used Greens August Flower than any other remedy fur dyspepsia deranged liver and tomnchaflll for constipation I find for tcurlMs and salesmen or for persons Gil rig ifllce positions where headaches and general bed feelings from irregular ImbitH txUt that Greens August Flower is n urantt remedy It does not Injure the system by frequent use and is ex cfliont for sour stomachs and indiges thou Sample bottles free at A R Fichus Sold by dealers in all civilized coun ¬ tries AT REST firs Parmclla Pack Died At Her Home Near Weldon Monday April The 9th lIP Parmella Pack better knov n in this community as Grandmother Idea died Monday morning April Oil ut eleven oclock after an illness of two weeksMrs Pack was 82 years old and bad been u consistent member of the Baptist church 05 years She leaves two chil dren and a large number of grandchil drento mourn her loss Too much good can not be said ol Grandmother Pack She was an honest upright and generoushearted citizen always helpful to those in need She will be greatly missed in tho community and the family have much sympathy in their bereavement Sho was burled in the Buck Grove cemetery Rev Judsou Willett conduct- Ing ¬ the funeral services LAURA LEI SHREWSBURY Free of Charlie IAn adult suffering from a cold settled on the breast bronchitis throat or lung troubles of any nature who will call at A R Fishers will be presented Iwith a sample bottle of Boecheea German Syrup free of charge Only one bottle given to one person and none to child ¬ ren without order from parents No throet or lung remedy ever had such a sale as Bocchees German Syrup in all parts of the civilized world Twenty years ago millions of bottles were given away and your druggist will tell YOU its success was marvelous It is really the only Throat and Lung Remedy general- ly ¬ endorsed by physicians One 75 cent bottlo will cure or prove ita value Sold by dealers in all civilized countries AXTEL Houston Pool went to Hardlnsburg last week Robert Frank and litho son went to the Falls of Rough one day last week Little Maud aged eight years daughter of Mrs Vanie Glasecock died Dec 17 1699 of meningitis She was ill only a few days which time sine suffered terri ¬ bly She leaves n father mother and two little brothers to mourn her loss She was buried in the family graveyard of Mr Wm Glasscock 9 Put away the little dresses That our darling ueed to wear She will never need them here She has gone to realms more fair Ilone for her sweet kiss waitingIn lut aside her little playthings Wet with mothers saddest tears We shall miss our littlo Maudie yearsFold That sire never more shall wear For waitingIn fair HEn MOTlER Most women with female weakness suffer dreadfully from piles in addition to their other pains They may be cured by using TABLEKS BUCKEYE PILK OINTMENT Price 50 cents in bottles tubes 75 cents- Advertising Did It Mr Allen SatteraeRin talking to I a respentatlvo of the NEWS saidit pays to advertise recently put a notieo In the want column of the NEWS advertising a cow for sale Two days after the pub- lication ¬ I received word and letter from far and near Mr Satterflpld was asked Have YOU sold the cow Yes and I credit the salo to the advertisement in the NEWS Cleanse the liver purify the blood in- vigorate the body by using DeWitts Little Early Risers These famous little pills always act promptly A R Fisher IN MEMORY k Or Ada Fe Durbin Who Departed This 1 Life Six Months Ago At Quaton Y This Is a glad beautiful 1 world fragrant with the cdor of flowers tnneful with the songs of birds resplendent with the glories of earth and sea and sky Yet all this beauty has no attraction for us since grim merciless death has npprnrod in our mldtit and taken from us out dar ling Ada OUT sky is hung willCi bsck and sombre hued cloud our lives are overcast with the gloom of sorrow and dto pair without the presences of her who has none on before Tho world seems empty and cheerless It seems co hard to nave to give her up It has been just six months since she1 departed this life How runny lonely hours I have spent In those dreary v t months God gave and he tnketh t sway and we ought to be submissive to hiea will I try to be but that tines not lessen tins pain and aching void in my heart Our great consolation IB that some dayj j we shall see her again in that home where there id no more parting and truant aches It is also a consolation to know that sho upon whom we lavished so ranch affection la at peace and in the world of bliss It will only be a littlo while until we too shall cross the dark river and join our loved one on tho other side When wo leavo this world of changes When wo leave tide world of care We will find our missingloved one fi In a mansion bright and fair HER MOTHER FANNIE DUBBIN 1000000 DEATHS From Cholera During the Past Year The Germs of This Fatal Disease are Lurking Everywhere I l Thousands of Dollars Saved by This Wonderful Discovery Hundreds of thousands of dollars have icount i flocks caused by cholera roup gape and other fatal diseases There have been many remedies advanced but nonef f seem to be to successful as the American Poultry Mixture This will cnre chick ¬ ens in the last stago of cholera and roup t and is excellent for gapes Do yourn fowls suffer from violent diarrhoeadrop 1 ping of the wings stdpor or excessive thirst These are the first symptoms of cholera Cholera 1 U a germ dfseBO and being Infectious spreads rapidly through the entire flock Take time by the tore lock dont stop to experiment with un ¬ reliable or untried remedies Use this mixture at once and the sanitary mess urea they recommend in connection Dont give the fowls up Cholera Isa terrible disease but this remedy cures it every time It is also guaranteed ion roup which can be told by hoan1 breathing swelled oyes discharge at the nostrils resembling catarrh Fifty Jdol lars is offered for a iy case the Mtiu i will not euro If some of your fowls are Q diseaied it will prevent the rest fromtj patching it Try it It is cheap relia R ble and effective a scientific preparation goes mere than three times aa far as any other remedy does more good than all of them combined It is used and en dorsed by the most experienced d l ° largest breeders of plain and fancy poul try in all parts of the world The manu factnrers guarantee every packageor re fund purchase money If your druggist doesnt sell Amencan Poultry Mixture hes behind the age In that case sendOJ gloo for sample box to American Mfg i Co Terre Haute Ind < I Egg Hunt Miss Elizabeth Skillman entortaiaed the members of Miss Annie Raitts little school Sunday afternoon in honor of her nelce Miss Elizabeth Skillman The children spent the time pleasantly hang- ing Easter eggs In tho yard after which refreshments were served and the little folks went home happy in P oBeeSlQlrGf the gaily colored eggs Those pj fcnt were Misses Leonora McGavock Eloise il Nolte Lucilo LaNeave Elizabeth kiu4 t man and John Burke Jr i DEATH A RELIEF 4 l Ed Lichen Son Of Chas Ltslien DW After A Grief But Painful I Uiseix I Wednesday April nth Ed Lishen third son of Mr nnd 1dro Clioa LUhen died nt their homo AVM nesday April lltb attar a brief ilhjew1 Ho was taken ill Monday fiufforlnx with I such a sevoro pain in his head that death was a relief Wednesday morning tJJr was buried Thursday afternoon Rev W < B Rulledga conducting the Bervtc ei P1 Ed wps a bright boy of twelve y ate arid wlllbo greatly missed by hh JUjiUy f anti playmates IUd parents havo great svBip thjrjlt their bereavement I W H Ship tan JBeardtley Nluurt t under oath snyjrfcjj I MrRredl jroni dve popsla for twes4yiy years DoeWra and dieting gavi but Iltt 1e relief d1 ly he used KtlMtj p laC npw eats chat M A- She wAnfni J aad h feiiht l1M irnV- f tdlgt +ece what year Jitt lt n J J L I K 1 I t t fn
Page 1: The Breckenridge news. (Cloverport, KY) 1900-04-18 [p 8].nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7crj48qq82/data/0134.pdf · 2013-11-27 · MeQert Stock company will donate the receipts of one performance


t I


1 j





Miss Tula Daniel is in St Louis

Judge Morcer went to Louisyillo lastFriday

Mlsa Maty Board has returned IronBewleyvllle

W K Withers of Kirk hat been i111

or the past week

John E Keith of OIoverl ort was

here last SaturdayMiss Jenule Warfied Is the guest of

Miss Lillie Scott

The moet complete line of groceries at

tho Eclipse in town

Eyes examined mud glassesI properlyI

fittedatT 0 Lewis v u

Mrs Roland firnlth was over from

Etepnensport Sunday

Lm Cart of Union Star was visiting

here loet week Saturday

I Clerk Owen Cunningham went to

i Cloverport last Saturday

MlEs Lila Ford has ben in Louisville

tome time visiting her aunt

Ueiits Furnishings ties collars culTs

shirts just put in at the Eclipse

The now Methodist church at Kirkwill be called the Miller Memorial

They had a special Easter service at

the Long Lick Catholic Church last

SundayWegive you some close prices on

groceries for the cash Try usTheEclipseL

they who has been sick for

some time was able to be in town last

SaturdayCyhas been hauling a good deal

of lumber this spring and received good

prices for itWe have some new goods that it will

pay you to come in and look at this

week and get prices

Anderson and Martin the saw mill

men shipped a car load of lumber toEvannvillo last week

A X Kincheloe is closing out his

stock of goods and is going on the road

about the first of May

Rev F AL Petty and V G Babbage

went out to Kirk last Sunday and organ ¬

lied a Sunday schoolJoseph Teat returned from Louisville

ast week where he had been to parchase some spring goods

Tho protracted meeting which has

been in progress at tho M1 E Churchclosed last Saturday night

A new line of dry geode and notionsat the Ecllpuo They have just been put

in and aro fresh and nobby

Your watches clock and iewelry whenneeding repairs will be properly attend ¬

ed to if brought to T 0 Lewis

CT Adams and wife who have betavisiting Judge Ahls family went to

Beaver Dam Ky last Monday

Rev F M Petty will preach the

luneral sermon of Mr Nelson Jolly at

Kirk the fifth Sunday in this month

f Mr Worslfcy of Fordaville arrived

here last Saturday with his new press

lIe will occupy the old Vivian Danielbuilding

Watches clocks jewelry musical in ¬

struments silverware and sewing ma ¬

chines for sale at nas nable prices atT C Lewis

The indications seem favorable for a

fine fruit crop this year The country

will be doubly prosperous with apples

and peaches in abundance


only effectually diutroys worms it also

increawfl tho uppatite aids aeuimilatlon

and transforms a frail infant into one of

robust health lelce6 cants

II H Board who now residis inLouisville lost his four year old boy

Thornwj about ten days ago and the re¬

mains were brought liar and interrediu the Hurdiniburs Coimteiy

A chair factory would be a god tiring

for this town While money is bo plen ¬

tiful the btuinem men of this town ought

to look about and start something thatwould give employment to laborers

Tho cold weather of last week put acheck on the operations of tho farmersin this section for the time being how-ever


if tiny weathar brightens up therewill r lot of corn planted tints month

A Sunday school was organized out attho new Methodist church at Kirk lastSunday with about forty members prosent Granville Wilson was appointedKuperintf ndent Frank DnIIaven Kpcre

tar and Tice Miller Treasurer Theya wll meet every Sunday afternoon at

230oclockAdministrators Sale

On Saturday Anril 21 and Mon-


April 23 1000 and on daysIt named thereafter will expose to

Public Salo the personal property of theestate of J A Witt consisting principally of Hardware Qneensware Tinware Groceries Caudles etc Neckties

i Collars Cuffs Shirts Gloves ButtonsHosiery etc Showcases tales andmany other articles not mentioned her-einE


t A WITT Executrix Hardins1burg Ky-



rrHu testimonials unequallednit number And unexcelled in quality

the world over Testimonials witch tell the truth about the

most remarkable cures in the history of medicine Cures of

Scrofula Salt Rfieum M Humors Rheumatism Culvrh Dys

pcpsia Tfiat Tired Feeling Thousands of people Agree that it

fleif4 oi1tJ


Mire Hlggins of Owensboro was theguest of Mrs Ed Yeakel last week

Miss Sophia ithelnckle of Louisvillespent Sunday with her aunt Mrs JCaeperkp

Time Ladies Aid of the M E churchmet the Mrs Mclntire Monday after

noon1 Sock Social was discossod

J S Owl RS defeated W D Ashcraftby sixteen votes It was all fair andsquare Mr Asbcraft takes his defeatgracefully

J T Ditto the popular Queen City ha

rtW2JL I re firtAw ok Us lied

letter hurry up or niter wldl womenwill voTe and then all bachelors will beheavily taxedandI1

her handsome little stepsons spent ¬

urday and Sunday with her parents Mrand Mrs JW Lewis We rnirs Lulain nil our church services especially ourmissionary meetings

Miss Fannie and Ruth Philips SueOwings Georgia Helmstetter Ten Ham ¬

Ilion Harvey Ditto Jim Vessels PiusYates Ben Hook Albert Bewley GenoFontaine and Jim Bickerataff went toSt Martins last SundayI

Sam Jones will lecture for the Newsboys Home April 2Jth Jeffersonslecture brought more than 1000 TheMeQert Stock company will donate thereceipts of one performance to theHome Tine Is all as it should be Itis a worthy cause

Brother Lltchfield preached a mostencouraging sermon last Sunday morn-ing


lie spoke very beautifully of theobservance of Easter and of the atoningwork of Christ The future ho made allradiant with immortal hope The choirsang very pretty selections with MiesDaisy Mclntire as organist

Owensboro was strictly uln it onEaster Sunday She ordered 50 worthflowers Lilies and American beautiesin profusion were shipped from Louis ¬

ville There was no dearth of Easterflowers although the season was a littlebackward tho florists in the cities did alarge business

Derby Day is May 3rd which does notfit in for those who wish to take inChurchill Downs and the May FestlyalA tremendous crowd is expected in thegrand aland and a large proportion willbe the fair sex who seem determinednot to mibs anything from AdmiralSchley to Kentucky Farmer I am lor-

an horse that has Kentucky attachedto his name

Easter morning dawned bright an-dradiantthe glad daythe day of flow ¬

ereol sonLof hope The resurectlonof Christ was the anthem of everyChristian heartthe message from thepulpits the song of the whole earthEaster lisle Easter bonnets pretty dress-es


happy faces bright smiles greeted usevery where Father Myering preacheda fine sermon at the Catholic church fromthe lextUlle is risen Six childrenmade their first communion on the oc ¬

casion Tine altar was beautifully dccoi

ated The choir rendered the KyrieElelson in 0 Sanctus in F offertoryThe Eucharist hymn and response werebeautifully sung with Miss Lena Nevittas organist At Benediction in the after ¬

noon the singing was good Father Myeriug asked the little boys never to touchintoxicating drinks and to shun bad cornpany Father Myering is very popularand Is a consecrated ChrIstian

It rtaerl0a AI AM 8 YEARS anda + n-

say 17 WI a t Bens ItDT-ararI In dnillWlcIt robrxrauoent rotYOyrnlnwaatt+ adeelda limasassns Iaaaao M J taraaar


iia Ltllle Priest Iit visiting hOT sisterMrs Emma Davis this week

MT toe Lyons has returned homofr m a weeks visit nt CntV-

rJwse W bi Is all mllfis over the ar¬

rival of a little girlI at his hiwse-

Mf Sarah Whitwnrih is iu Louisvillethis wetk buying millinery goods

Thomas Dowt U has bought tints houseand lot owned by Steve Davis here

Dr llarnel IB having his borne plas

ti red Tom Divia IB tloicg the work

Dis Kint heloe and Meador were calledto weMn Jfntlie Priest nori Bell lastTuesday

Mrp Eddie Payne of Lodihurg visitedher mother Mrs Nichon last Saturdayand Sunday

More wedding dresses art being madein our midst We expect to soon Learwedding belle-

Bowugtr McKinniy has ru n t e dElisba Simmons farm near EphesuWe wih mini and his bride much happlneao and prosperity-

A Sunday school has been organizedat Pleasant Grove Thin spunks well for

the good people but what about thechurch we need so much and hear noth ¬

ing about

No family can afford to be withoutone minute Cough Cure It will stopa cough and cure a cold quicker thanany other medicine writes 0 W

Williams Sterling Run Pa It curescroup bronchitis and all throat andlung troubles and prevents consumptionPleasant and harmless A R Fisher


Mrs tilck Brown is able to be out

againMrsBuckler and daughter were in

Garnettsville last week

Harry Harrngtonof Brandenburg hasbeen visiting his grandparents here

Me Martha Tuell and nieces Luellaand Zalma Miles visited the family of

Blant Shacklett recently

In almost every neighborhood there issome one whose life has been saved byChamberlains Colic Cholera andDiarrhoea Remedy or who has beencured of chronic diarrhoea by the use of

tbat medicine Such persons make apoint of telling of it whenever opportu ¬

nity offers hoping that it may be themeans of saving other lives For sale byA R Fisher Cloverport It A ShellmanStephensport


K B Rice Magin Ky was Inert last

weekMissMay Ball has begun her spring

schoolMiss Zada Nichols has returned from

BrandenburgMrof the Plano Mfg Co of

Louisville was here recently to visit W

L Frank acd family

Perfect digestion is the only founds ¬

tion for perfect health The food we eatmakes all the blood we have which inturn feeds every nerve muscle and tis-



in the body HEROINE quickensthe appetite aids digestion gives toneand vigor to all the functions and Insuresgood health Price 50 cents

H Ring out the old Ring In the newBins out the wu Rang ta the true It

We bring to you tho nw and true from theptoey forests of Norway


Pine DTrm ilonoyNaturco most natural remedy Improved by

science to a Pleasant Permanent PosltlroCure for coushs colds and all Inflamed surfacesof the Lungs and Bronchial Tubes

Tho sore weary cough woin Lungs are exhlla ¬

rated tho microbebearing mucus Is cut out thecause of that tickling is removed and the Inflamedmembranes aro healed and soothed so that thereis no Inclination to cough


Bottles Only 26o 60o and 100 thanIJISBE SURE YOU GET

Dr BUs PiRiTarHiuyew a I aerrdr ar s 4


Mr Pete Reify improvingMiss Katip Allen returned to GhenftUitt

FridayMrs R A Smith spent last Sunday in

Hard inebnrgMies Crossou of Cloverport was in

town ThursdaySunday was an ideal day for donning

the Esmtir bonnetMr and Mrs K B Blainpuut Sutday

in town with their parentsMiss Dee lias bum spent several days

lat week in Cloverport-

MiesKatlt Crawford was In UnionStar for a day last week

There w 11 bu reyunr orviu > U in theM E Church next Sunday

Mr and Mis Hewitt Hawkins of nearhere sperms Sunday iu town

Mr und MID Dave Jolmton and tortspent Erster in Cloverport

ChatlesSutherlsudof Now AlbanyIiul was Iu town Sunday

Carpenters have commenced work onG > McCubbiufl new rusiduuceV-

V 0 and A T Blain huvo movedtheir stock ol Voihia fiomPutesville here

A R Miller went to Henderson Sun ¬

day to sp nd several days with his tonMaster Peter H Best and ilru L B

Helm are on the aick list nr this wri-


Our milliner Mrs Onus II Wudlirgton reports n gjoJ sale of Emitter bonnote

Mr and MM W H Sargent of Fordvillc spent Sunday with Mrs B AShellman

MI8B Bell McCauu spent Saturday andSunday in Rome lad the guest of MiteFannie McKuughn

Mrs Godfrey HaswHll of Hardiusburg spent last week with liar parentsMr and Mrs G W McCubbins

The Misses Claycomb of 0 ffeushorospent Sunday here with their grand-parents Mr and Mrs Andrew Clay


and Mrs Pete Best and hismother Mrs Pete Beats Sr of Petiie arespending a law days with Mr and MrsChrist Best

Dr Sylvester Parr after spending afew days last week in Concordia leftFriday for Clifton bulls to see his sisterMrs Hyllis Jtdti-

We congratulate Mr and Mrs S GReynolds of Rome Ind on the arrivalof two little mUses who arrived attheir home one day last week


A Sunday school waR ore azed at tieM E Church South Sunday April let

Mies Lucy Noblett opened her springschool at this placo Monday April 2nd

Mr and Mrs Steve Pool from Texasare visiting here

T E Butler and Miss E L Pumpbreywere married at the home of the bridesparents Thursday March 22nd Theirmany friends with them success andhappiness through life

The marriage of Miss Lizzie M Hall toMr Wesley Tucker occurred Tuesdayevening March 13th at the Cave SpringM E Church South Rev Davis offi ¬

dating Miss Hall is an attractiveBreckenridge county girl Mr Tuckerformerly of this county is employed inthe mercantile business at MillwoodGrayson Co Their friends wish themmuch joy

Remarkable Cure of Rheumatism

KENNA Jackson Co W Va

About three years ago my wife had anattack of rheumatism which confinedher to her bed for over a month andrendered her unablo to walk a step with ¬

out assistance her limbs being swollento double their normal size Mr 8Maddox Insisted on my using Chamber ¬

lains Pain Balm I purchased a fiftycent bottle and used it according to thedirections and the next morning showalked to breakfast without assistancein any manner and sho has not had asimilar attack sinceA B ParsonsFor sale by A R Fisher Cloverport RA Shellman Stephensport


fliesMotile Stallman Is visiting inLouisville

Rise IIi Roberta has about recoveredfrom an attack of pneumonia

Mire Bessie Cunnicglmm who tinsbeen visiting at Derby Ind has return ¬

ed homeMiss Teaff of Hardlnsburg Iis teaching

our spring school The attendance isreported small

Gus Fryinlre who has boen havingsuch a eerlous attack of ibturnntiEm Iselowly improving

Miss Mary Louise Allen who is study ¬

ing music under Miss Etta May Frymlreis progressing rapidly

Our merchant Abe Bennett lisa hishouse almost completed He is doing agood business this spring

Miss Maggie Brodie went to DerbyInd one day last week to see Miss Liz ¬

zie Lime who is quite sick with pneu ¬


Albert and W H Jackson of BrazilInd after a visit to relativesi l in this cityreturned home Sunday

You know allk about ire The

rush Che> worry the

cxhaustionigowith a greatuponlyou

off this feeling Youare a slave to your workSleep falls and you areon the verge of nervousexhaustion

What Is to be doneTake


For fifty years it hasbeen lifting up the dis¬

couraged giving rest tothe overworked andbringing refreshing sleepto the depressed

No other Sarsaparillaapproaches ireIn ageand In cures Ayers is

the leader of them allIt was Old before othersarsaparillas were born

SIOO a bottle All draulstiAyers Pills aid the ac ¬

tion of Ayers Sarsapa ¬

rilla They cure bilious ¬

ness H w a box

I havo need Ayera medicines formoro than 49 sears and have laidfrom tho very start that you madetho host modrclDCS In the world Iurn enrMnur Ran arlUa Fared mylife whtj I tint took It 40 years agoI am now put 70 and am nomwithout your medicines

KKANK TIIOMAK r MJan 2118971 Enoti Kansas

Write lha DoctorIt yen have any complaint whateret

rod desire the but medical aclilce yencan poMlblf rfcelre write tin doctorfreely You will lecelra a prompt re >plj without cost Addmi-

DR J C AVER Low ll Man


Miss Irene Board Closes A SuccessfulPrivate School At Hardlns ¬

burg Friday April 6th

The private school taught by Miss

Irene Board cloeed Friday afternoonPrizes were awarded to Harry HobenAllen Kincheloe Miller DeUaven Ern ¬

est Haswell and Virgil Babbage for ex-


in their claeses The followingis the Honor Roll for the last monthAda Beard 095Stuart Babbaee 09

Allen Klncheloo 98

Isabel Gardner98Mart-ina Gardner 97

Harrv Hoben97Ilerb-ert Hook 07

Ernest Haswell 005Minnie McCunningham 00

Virgil Babbage00Mil-ler Dellaven of 06

Arthur Haswell 95Emmet Royalty of 05-

IIIKNE Boii Teacher

The Best In the World

We believe Chamberlains CoughRemedy is the beat in tine world A fewweeks ego we suffered with a severecold and a troublesome cough and haying read their advertisements our ownand other papers we purchased a bottleto see if it would affect us It cured usbefore the bottle was more than halfused It is the best medicine out forcolds and coughsThe Herald AndorHonvllle Ind For sale by A R FisherCloverport R A Shellman Stephensport



We have from an exchange a list ofmen who not only do a town no good butare a positive drawback to it Firstthose that go out of town to do theirtrading Second those who oppose im-provements Third those who prefer aquiet town to onu of push and businessFourth thuEe who think business caninedone slyly and with out advertisingFilth thorn who deride public spiritedmen Sixth thosa wino oppose everyimprovement that does not originatewith themselves Seventh those whooppose any public enterprise that doesnot appear to bttiinfit them

Spreads like Wildfire

When things art lithe best they bo

como theIIbett selling AbrahamHare n leading druggie I of Belleville0 writes Electric Bitters are the beatselling bitters I have handled in 20 yearsYou know why 7 Most diseases begin indisorders of stomach liver kidneysbowels blood and nerves ElectricBitters tones up the stomach regulatesliver kidneys and bowels purifies theblood strengthens the nerves henqacures multitudes of maladies It buildsup the entire system Puts new life andvigor into any weak sickly run downman or woman Price 50 cents Soldby Short Haynes druggists


firs Ell Qarrett Dies Ot ParalysIsThursday Night April lath

Triesudden death of Mrs Eli Garrettcame as a great shock to her friendsThursday night April 12th She winotrickon with paralysis Thursday obrutnoon and died that night Her healthhad been good prwvlom to this and shehad no warning of tint attack whichended her life

The funeral servlc3 wero conductedFriday morning at the home of he i

daughter Mrs Joe Garrett with whomshe lived by Rev W B Rutledge

August FlowerIt sa surprising fact1 says Prof

HoutoD that in my travels in nil pathof the world for the last ton years 1IImvo met more people having usedGreens August Flower than any otherremedy fur dyspepsia deranged liverand tomnchaflll for constipation I findfor tcurlMs and salesmen or for personsGil rig ifllce positions where headachesand general bed feelings from irregularImbitH txUt that Greens August Floweris n urantt remedy It does not Injurethe system by frequent use and is excfliont for sour stomachs and indigesthou Sample bottles free at A RFichus

Sold by dealers in all civilized coun ¬



firs Parmclla Pack Died At Her HomeNear Weldon Monday

April The 9th

lIP Parmella Pack better knov n inthis community as Grandmother Ideadied Monday morning April Oil uteleven oclock after an illness of two

weeksMrsPack was 82 years old and bad

been u consistent member of the Baptistchurch 05 years She leaves two children and a large number of grandchildrento mourn her loss

Too much good can not be said olGrandmother Pack She was an honestupright and generoushearted citizenalways helpful to those in need Shewill be greatly missed in tho communityand the family have much sympathy intheir bereavement

Sho was burled in the Buck Grovecemetery Rev Judsou Willett conduct-Ing


the funeral servicesLAURA LEI SHREWSBURY

Free of Charlie

IAn adult suffering from a cold settledon the breast bronchitis throat or lungtroubles of any nature who will call atA R Fishers will be presented Iwith asample bottle of Boecheea GermanSyrup free of charge Only one bottlegiven to one person and none to child ¬

ren without order from parents Nothroet or lung remedy ever had such asale as Bocchees German Syrup in allparts of the civilized world Twentyyears ago millions of bottles were givenaway and your druggist will tell YOU itssuccess was marvelous It is really theonly Throat and Lung Remedy general-ly


endorsed by physicians One 75 centbottlo will cure or prove ita value Soldby dealers in all civilized countries


Houston Pool went to Hardlnsburglast week

Robert Frank and litho son went tothe Falls of Rough one day last week

Little Maud aged eight years daughterof Mrs Vanie Glasecock died Dec 17

1699 of meningitis She was ill only afew days which time sine suffered terri ¬

bly She leaves n father mother andtwo little brothers to mourn her lossShe was buried in the family graveyardof Mr Wm Glasscock


Put away the little dressesThat our darling ueed to wear

She will never need them hereShe has gone to realms more fair

Ilone for her sweet kisswaitingInlut aside her little playthings

Wet with mothers saddest tearsWe shall miss our littlo MaudieyearsFold

That sire never more shall wearFor waitingIn fair


Most women with female weaknesssuffer dreadfully from piles in additionto their other pains They may becured by using TABLEKS BUCKEYEPILK OINTMENT Price 50 cents inbottles tubes 75 cents-

Advertising Did ItMr Allen SatteraeRin talking to Ia

respentatlvo of the NEWS saidit pays toadvertise recently put a notieo Inthe want column of the NEWS advertisinga cow for sale Two days after the pub-


I received word and letter fromfar and near Mr Satterflpld was asked

Have YOU sold the cow Yes andI credit the salo to the advertisement inthe NEWS

Cleanse the liver purify the blood in-

vigorate the body by using DeWittsLittle Early Risers These famous littlepills always act promptly A R Fisher


Or Ada Fe Durbin Who Departed This 1

Life Six Months Ago At QuatonY

This Is a glad beautiful1 world fragrantwith the cdor of flowers tnneful withthe songs of birds resplendent with theglories of earth and sea and sky Yetall this beauty has no attraction for ussince grim merciless death has npprnrodin our mldtit and taken from us out darling Ada OUT sky is hung willCi bsckand sombre hued cloud our lives areovercast with the gloom of sorrow and dtopair without the presences of her whohas none on before Tho world seemsempty and cheerless It seems co hardto nave to give her up

It has been just six months since she1departed this life How runny lonelyhours I have spent In those dreary vtmonths God gave and he tnketht swayand we ought to be submissive to hieawill I try to be but that tines not lessentins pain and aching void in my heart

Our great consolation IB that some dayjj

we shall see her again in that homewhere there id no more parting andtruant aches It is also a consolation toknow that sho upon whom we lavishedso ranch affection la at peace and in theworld of bliss It will only be a littlowhile until we too shall cross the darkriver and join our loved one on tho othersideWhen wo leavo this world of changes

When wo leave tide world of careWe will find our missingloved one fi

In a mansion bright and fairHER MOTHER FANNIE DUBBIN

1000000 DEATHS

From Cholera During thePast Year

The Germs of This Fatal Disease areLurking Everywhere Il Thousands

of Dollars Saved by ThisWonderful Discovery

Hundreds of thousands of dollars haveicounti

flocks caused by cholera roup gapeand other fatal diseases There havebeen many remedies advanced but noneff

seem to be to successful as the AmericanPoultry Mixture This will cnre chick ¬

ens in the last stago of cholera and roup t

and is excellent for gapes Do yournfowls suffer from violent diarrhoeadrop 1

ping of the wings stdpor or excessivethirst These are the first symptoms ofcholera Cholera 1U a germ dfseBO andbeing Infectious spreads rapidly throughthe entire flock Take time by the torelock dont stop to experiment with un¬

reliable or untried remedies Use thismixture at once and the sanitary messurea they recommend in connectionDont give the fowls up Cholera Isaterrible disease but this remedy curesit every time It is also guaranteed ionroup which can be told by hoan1breathing swelled oyes discharge at thenostrils resembling catarrh Fifty Jdollars is offered for a iy case the Mtiu iwill not euro If some of your fowls are Qdiseaied it will prevent the rest fromtjpatching it Try it It is cheap relia R

ble and effective a scientific preparationgoes mere than three times aa far as anyother remedy does more good than allof them combined It is used and endorsed by the most experienced d l


largest breeders of plain and fancy poultry in all parts of the world The manufactnrers guarantee every packageor refund purchase money If your druggistdoesnt sell Amencan Poultry Mixturehes behind the age In that case sendOJgloo for sample box to American Mfg iCo Terre Haute Ind


Egg HuntMiss Elizabeth Skillman entortaiaed

the members of Miss Annie Raitts littleschool Sunday afternoon in honor of hernelce Miss Elizabeth Skillman Thechildren spent the time pleasantly hang-ing Easter eggs In tho yard after whichrefreshments were served and the littlefolks went home happy in PoBeeSlQlrGfthe gaily colored eggs Those pj fcntwere Misses Leonora McGavock Eloise ilNolte Lucilo LaNeave Elizabeth kiu4 tman and John Burke Jr



Ed Lichen Son Of Chas Ltslien DWAfter A Grief But Painful IUiseix I

Wednesday April nth

Ed Lishen third son of Mr nnd 1droClioa LUhen died nt their homo AVMnesday April lltb attar a brief ilhjew1Ho was taken ill Monday fiufforlnx with I

such a sevoro pain in his head that deathwas a relief Wednesday morning tJJrwas buried Thursday afternoon Rev W <

B Rulledga conducting the Bervtc ei P1Ed wps a bright boy of twelve y ate

arid wlllbo greatly missed by hh JUjiUyf

anti playmatesIUd parents havo great svBip thjrjlt

their bereavement I

W H Ship tan JBeardtley Nluurtt

under oath snyjrfcjjI MrRredl jroni dvepopsla for twes4yiy years DoeWraand dieting gavi but Iltt1e relief d1ly he used KtlMtj p laCnpw eats chat M A-She wAnfniJ aad h feiiht l1M irnV-ftdlgt +ece what year Jitt lt

n J J LI K1


t tfn
