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The British and French Colonies in North America: Canada, New England, Middle and Southern.

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The British and French The British and French Colonies in North Colonies in North America: America: Canada, New Canada, New England, Middle England, Middle and Southern and Southern
Page 1: The British and French Colonies in North America: Canada, New England, Middle and Southern.

The British and French The British and French Colonies in North America:Colonies in North America:

Canada, New Canada, New England, Middle England, Middle and Southernand Southern

Page 2: The British and French Colonies in North America: Canada, New England, Middle and Southern.

The The French French in in North North AmericaAmerica

► While the English settled along the While the English settled along the COASTCOAST of of North America…North America…

► The French settled the The French settled the INTERIOR…INTERIOR…► Hoping to take part in the Hoping to take part in the FUR TRADE. FUR TRADE. ► Quebec, on the St. Lawrence river, became the Quebec, on the St. Lawrence river, became the

capital of capital of NEW FRANCE…NEW FRANCE…► And unlike the English, the French had generally And unlike the English, the French had generally

GOODGOOD relations with the Indians. relations with the Indians.

Page 3: The British and French Colonies in North America: Canada, New England, Middle and Southern.

The Fur TradeThe Fur Trade One reason the One reason the

French could not French could not afford to afford to angeranger the the Indians…Indians…

Was because they Was because they RELIEDRELIED on the Indians on the Indians to supply them with to supply them with FUR.FUR.

The The BEAVER HAT BEAVER HAT had had become become WILDLY WILDLY POPULAR POPULAR in Europe…in Europe…

And the Indians And the Indians providedprovided beaver fur… beaver fur…

In In exchangeexchange for guns, for guns, cloth, jewelry and cloth, jewelry and liquor.liquor.

Page 4: The British and French Colonies in North America: Canada, New England, Middle and Southern.

The Puritans

By the 1600’s, there was a large group of people in England who were ANGRY with the Church of England…

They felt it had grown UNHOLY and CORRUPT…

And that it needed to be PURIFIED.

These people were called PURITANS.

They gathered for SECRET MEETINGS…

And conducted ILLEGAL prayer sessions…

And if they were caught, they were jailed, tortured, sometimes executed.

Page 5: The British and French Colonies in North America: Canada, New England, Middle and Southern.

The Voyage of the Mayflower

Eventually, a group of Puritans…

Called Puritan Separatists…

Or PILGRIMS…Decided to move to

North America…To found a NEW

CHURCH…Which came to be

called the PURITAN CHURCH.

Page 6: The British and French Colonies in North America: Canada, New England, Middle and Southern.

The Mayflower CompactUpon reaching the North

American coastline…The Pilgrims drew up an

agreement...Whereby they would select

REPRESENTATIVES…Who would issue RULES for the

new colony…Rule that APPLIED TO

EVERYBODY.This concept is called “self-

government”…And was the first such example

in the English colonies.

Page 7: The British and French Colonies in North America: Canada, New England, Middle and Southern.

Plymouth ColonyThe Pilgrims’ colony was

named PLYMOUTH, and it was a DISASTER…

They knew VERY LITTLE about FARMING and almost NOTHING about how to survive in North America.

The first winter, half of them died.

The next summer, however, a Native American named Squanto taught them how to plant corn and clear fields…

And their second harvest was so bountiful that they decided to hold a feast of thanks…

Thanksgiving, 1621.

Page 8: The British and French Colonies in North America: Canada, New England, Middle and Southern.

For what reason did the French establish settlements

in North America?

A.) to pursue religious freedom.

B.) to take part in the fur trade.

C.) to challenge British control of Canada.

D.) to explore undiscovered lands.

Page 9: The British and French Colonies in North America: Canada, New England, Middle and Southern.

What was the reason for the Pilgrims' founding of Plymouth

Colony?A.) the colony was to be used as a base from which to hunt for gold.

B.) in order to convert the Indian population to Christianity.

C.) so that they could take part in the tobacco industry.D.) to establish a place where they could freely practice the Puritan religion.

Page 10: The British and French Colonies in North America: Canada, New England, Middle and Southern.

Massachusetts Bay Colony In 1630, a Puritan named

John Winthrop founded the Mass Bay Colony…

Which was settled by a much LARGER group of Puritans than Plymouth had been.

Winthrop called Mass Bay “A City Upon a Hill”—

And expected it to be an example of a PURE society for the rest of the world to follow…

It had a HIGH standard of living…

And quickly attracted THOUSANDS of additional settlers…

During a period called the GREAT MIGRATION.

Page 11: The British and French Colonies in North America: Canada, New England, Middle and Southern.

Puritan LifeThe Puritans were


individuals of any other religion but Puritan Christianity.

Church attendance was MANDATORY…

And citizens were encouraged to SPY on their neighbors…

And to report any IMPURE behavior.

Punishments for IMPURITY were often HARSH…

And included whippings, beatings and expulsion from the colony.

Page 12: The British and French Colonies in North America: Canada, New England, Middle and Southern.

The Half-Way Covenant

Membership in the Puritan Church required a verifiable mystical experience…

Wherein a person had DIRECT contact with God.

As the population of New England began to grow…

Many of the newly-arrived could not claim such an experience…

And were not allowed to join the Puritan Church…

Which made them second-class citizens. Eventually the “Halfway Covenant” was

established… Which allowed for people to “halfway” join

the Church, without having to verify contact with God.

Many people felt, however, that this agreement undermined the strict religious framework upon which the colony had been founded.

Page 13: The British and French Colonies in North America: Canada, New England, Middle and Southern.

Roger WilliamsRoger Williams

► In 1636, a Puritan minister named In 1636, a Puritan minister named Roger Williams began speaking out Roger Williams began speaking out about about HYPOCRISYHYPOCRISY in the Puritan in the Puritan Church.Church.

► Why, he asked, were the Why, he asked, were the PURITANSPURITANS so willing to so willing to STEALSTEAL land from the land from the Indians…Indians…

► And why did they refuse to work And why did they refuse to work on on CONVERTINGCONVERTING the Indians to the Indians to Christianity?Christianity?

► Criticizing the church like this was Criticizing the church like this was UNACCEPTABLE…UNACCEPTABLE…

► And he was And he was BANISHEDBANISHED from from Massachusetts Bay. Massachusetts Bay.

► He fled to He fled to Rhode Island…Rhode Island…► Established its capital, Established its capital,

Providence…Providence…► And guaranteed And guaranteed religious freedom religious freedom

to ALL (Christian) settlers to all to ALL (Christian) settlers to all settlers.settlers.

Page 14: The British and French Colonies in North America: Canada, New England, Middle and Southern.

The The SaleSalem m WitcWitch h TrialsTrials► As Massachusetts Bay expanded, many of the new settlers did not believe in the As Massachusetts Bay expanded, many of the new settlers did not believe in the

Puritans’ Puritans’ extremely high standardsextremely high standards of proper behavior… of proper behavior…► And And witchcraftwitchcraft—the influence of the —the influence of the DEVILDEVIL—was blamed for society’s increasingly —was blamed for society’s increasingly

impure behavior. impure behavior. ► In 1692, several young girls In 1692, several young girls claimed the devil had taken control of themclaimed the devil had taken control of them..► They began They began accusingaccusing people in town of being witches. people in town of being witches.► Trials were held, and Trials were held, and 20 men and women were hanged20 men and women were hanged..

Page 15: The British and French Colonies in North America: Canada, New England, Middle and Southern.

Anne Hutchinson

Moved to Massachusetts Bay from England in 1634…

And started hold Bible studies in her home…

Where she began questioning Puritan beliefs…

Particularly the story of Adam and Eve…

And how it BLAMES Eve for exposing Adam to original sin.

She was put on trial for her actions…

And BANISHED from the Colony…

She later joined Roger Williams...

Then moved to unsettled territory in New York…

Where she and her entire family were scalped by Indians.

Page 16: The British and French Colonies in North America: Canada, New England, Middle and Southern.

The Half-Way Covenant was...

A.) a compromise between the strict Puritan beliefs of the Massachusetts Bay founders and the less-religious newcomers to the colony.

B.) a way for the Puritan leadership to exercise control over Massachusetts Bay society.

C.) an example of King George III's efforts to prevent self-rule in Massachusetts Bay.

D.) part of a larger colonial trend of attempting to convert the Native American population to Christianity.

Page 17: The British and French Colonies in North America: Canada, New England, Middle and Southern.

Anne Hutchinson and Roger Williams were both...

A.) interested in reforming the Puritan Church..

B.) determined to destroy the Puritan Church.

C.) given positions of great power in the Puritan Church.D.) opponents of religious of tolerance in the New England colonies.

Page 18: The British and French Colonies in North America: Canada, New England, Middle and Southern.

The events surrounding the Salem The events surrounding the Salem Witch Trials are BEST seen as an Witch Trials are BEST seen as an

illustration of...illustration of...

A.) the influence of anti-government activity in A.) the influence of anti-government activity in the British colonies.the British colonies.

B.) the dangers of self-government and freedom B.) the dangers of self-government and freedom of speech.of speech.

C.) a feeling among many Puritans that the C.) a feeling among many Puritans that the colonies had abandoned their religious colonies had abandoned their religious foundation.foundation.

D.) the work of a French conspiracy to cause D.) the work of a French conspiracy to cause turmoil in the British colonies.turmoil in the British colonies.

Page 19: The British and French Colonies in North America: Canada, New England, Middle and Southern.

King King Philip’s Philip’s


► By 1675, the Indians By 1675, the Indians were were FURIOUSFURIOUS with the with the continual expansion of continual expansion of New England…New England…

► And erupted in a massive And erupted in a massive rebellion.rebellion.

► The colonists believed it The colonists believed it was led by was led by Algonquin Algonquin Indian leader MetacomIndian leader Metacom (whose English name was (whose English name was King Philip)…King Philip)…

► But for the most part, it But for the most part, it was simply a large was simply a large number of tribes acting number of tribes acting independently. independently.

King Philip, or Metacom

Page 20: The British and French Colonies in North America: Canada, New England, Middle and Southern.

King King Phillip’s Phillip’s War, War, Cont.Cont.

► Armed with guns, the Indians destroyed Armed with guns, the Indians destroyed 12 English12 English settlements… settlements…► But they began to starve with the colonists responded by But they began to starve with the colonists responded by

destroying their destroying their cropscrops..► In August of 1676, Metacom was killed and the rebellion In August of 1676, Metacom was killed and the rebellion ended…ended…► And by 1700, there were And by 1700, there were 92,000 92,000 colonists in New England…colonists in New England…► And only And only 9,0009,000 Indians. Indians.► After King Phillip’s War, English settlers had After King Phillip’s War, English settlers had TOTAL CONTROL TOTAL CONTROL over New over New

EnglandEngland. .

Page 21: The British and French Colonies in North America: Canada, New England, Middle and Southern.

Which statement BEST describes the RESULT of King Phillip's War?

A.) the war resulted in an alliance between the A.) the war resulted in an alliance between the British and the Native Americans.British and the Native Americans.

B.) the war led to the Spanish takeover of parts B.) the war led to the Spanish takeover of parts of Western Canada.of Western Canada.

C.) the war caused parts of the Puritan Church C.) the war caused parts of the Puritan Church to splinter into opposing segments.to splinter into opposing segments.

D.) the war secured British control of New D.) the war secured British control of New England and eliminated the Indian threat to England and eliminated the Indian threat to white settlements in that region.white settlements in that region.

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Page 23: The British and French Colonies in North America: Canada, New England, Middle and Southern.


► Because the colonies were Because the colonies were BRITISHBRITISH property… property…► The British government The British government CONTROLLEDCONTROLLED their economies. their economies.► And FORCED them to submit to a policy called And FORCED them to submit to a policy called


POWERS POWERS (like Great Britain)…(like Great Britain)…► Use Use COLONIESCOLONIES (like the American colonies)… (like the American colonies)…► To make To make money.money.► A good way to think about Mercantilism is as a form of A good way to think about Mercantilism is as a form of


Page 24: The British and French Colonies in North America: Canada, New England, Middle and Southern.

How Does Mercantilism Work? Britain FORCED the colonies to sell raw

materials to British businesses… It was ILLEGAL for American businessmen

to sell such materials to ANY OTHER COUNTRY but Great Britain.

The British then turned those raw materials into FINISHED goods…

And sold them for gold and silver. Mercantilism made many British

businesses VERY RICH… But it upset the colonists because they

were FORBIDDEN to export their raw materials to ANY OTHER nation…

Even if another nation offered MORE MONEY than the British.

Page 25: The British and French Colonies in North America: Canada, New England, Middle and Southern.

Mercantilism...A.) is an economic policy that promotes the well-being of colonies over that of the mother country..

B.) is a social policy that calls for religious tolerance and open government.

C.) is an economic policy whereby the British used the colonies as a source of raw materials.

D.) is a military policy in which the mother country pays for the security and protection of its colonies..

Page 26: The British and French Colonies in North America: Canada, New England, Middle and Southern.

The New England Colonies

The NEW ENGLAND colonies…



Page 27: The British and French Colonies in North America: Canada, New England, Middle and Southern.

The Triangle Trade Raw Materials were

produced in the AMERICAS… Shipped to EUROPE… And turned into

MANUFACTURED GOODS (guns, pots & pans, furniture)…

Which were traded in West Africa for…

SLAVES… Who were used to produce


Etc., etc.

Page 28: The British and French Colonies in North America: Canada, New England, Middle and Southern.

The Middle PassageThe MIDDLE PASSAGE refers

to the journey of slave ships…

From WEST AFRICA…To North & South America.The slaves were locked

below deck for the entire journey…

And between twenty and forty percent died on the way…

Of disease, starvation, thirst, etc.

Page 29: The British and French Colonies in North America: Canada, New England, Middle and Southern.

Economic Economic DevelopmentDevelopment

in the in the Middle Middle

ColoniesColonies• The The MIDDLE…MIDDLE…• Or Or MID-ATLANTICMID-ATLANTIC colonies were… colonies were…• NEW YORK…NEW YORK…• NEW JERSEY…NEW JERSEY…• DELAWARE…DELAWARE…• PENNSYLVANIA.PENNSYLVANIA.• Their populations were Their populations were DIVERSE—DIVERSE—• English, Irish, Dutch, Scottish, German, Swedish…English, Irish, Dutch, Scottish, German, Swedish…• And their economy was devoted to And their economy was devoted to BUYING AND BUYING AND

SELLING.SELLING.• Consequently, there were Consequently, there were FEW SLAVES FEW SLAVES in the Middle in the Middle

Colonies. Colonies.

Page 30: The British and French Colonies in North America: Canada, New England, Middle and Southern.

William Penn In 1681, in order to settle a debt, King

Charles II of England… Gave a HUGE TRACT of land to William

Penn… Making Penn the world’s LARGEST

landowner. The colony was named PENNSLYVANIA

—Penn’s Woods… Penn called the colony a “holy

experiment”… Guaranteeing FREEDOM OF WORSHIP

to all settlers. Its capital… PHILADELPHIA… Later became a center of international


Page 31: The British and French Colonies in North America: Canada, New England, Middle and Southern.

The Dutch Settle New AmsterdamThe Dutch (from the Netherlands)

were the first to settle a region of North America that they named New Amsterdam…

It attracted MANY different kinds of people because the Dutch are TOLERANT.

The colony quickly became a major center of COMMERCE…

And was later taken over by the BRITISH…

Who renamed the colony…NEW YORK.

Page 32: The British and French Colonies in North America: Canada, New England, Middle and Southern.

The Southern ColoniesThe SOUTHERN colonies are:MARYLAND…VIRGINIA…The CAROLINAS…And GEORGIA.The economic BASIS in the

South was…AGRICULTURE…And the economy of the South

came to be entirely dependent upon…


Page 33: The British and French Colonies in North America: Canada, New England, Middle and Southern.

In which colonial region was RELGION the most important

aspect of society?

A.) New England..

B.) Middle..

C.) Southern.

Page 34: The British and French Colonies in North America: Canada, New England, Middle and Southern.

Which colonial region was the most TOLERANT and DIVERSE??

A.) New England..

B.) Middle..

C.) Southern.

Page 35: The British and French Colonies in North America: Canada, New England, Middle and Southern.

Which colonial region was the MOST dependent upon

agriculture and the use of slave labor?

A.) New England.

B.) Middle.

C.) Southern.

Page 36: The British and French Colonies in North America: Canada, New England, Middle and Southern.

In which colonial region was the triangular trade of tremendous economic


A.) New England.

B.) Middle.

C.) Southern.

Page 37: The British and French Colonies in North America: Canada, New England, Middle and Southern.

In which colonial region were In which colonial region were the cities of New York and the cities of New York and Philadelphia established?Philadelphia established?

A.) New England.A.) New England.

B.) Middle.B.) Middle.

C.) Southern.C.) Southern.

Page 38: The British and French Colonies in North America: Canada, New England, Middle and Southern.

Which colonial region Which colonial region developed an economy that developed an economy that

was based on buying and was based on buying and selling?selling?

A.) New England.A.) New England.

B.) Middle.B.) Middle.

C.) Southern.C.) Southern.

Page 39: The British and French Colonies in North America: Canada, New England, Middle and Southern.

Benjamin Franklin No person better symbolizes the OPPORTUNITIES

offered in the American colonies than Benjamin Franklin.

In Europe, a person’s ability to become economically successful…

Depended upon one’s family background. If you were BORN POOR… You STAYED POOR. Franklin, however, came from NOTHING… And worked his way up to great wealth, fame,

influence and power… Simply through HARD WORK and INTELLIGENCE. The opportunity of SOCIAL MOBILITY for

EVERYBODY… Made America UNIQUE in the world.

Page 40: The British and French Colonies in North America: Canada, New England, Middle and Southern.

The Wisdom of Ben FranklinThe Wisdom of Ben Franklin► A penny saved is penny A penny saved is penny earned.earned.► He who speaks much is He who speaks much is wrong wrong

often.often.► Early to Early to bedbed, early to , early to riserise, etc., etc.► Three can keep a secret if Three can keep a secret if two are two are

dead.dead.► He who gives up an He who gives up an essential essential

libertyliberty for a for a little securitylittle security deserves deserves neither and will lose both.neither and will lose both.

► God helps those that help God helps those that help themselves.themselves.

► Fish and visitors stink after Fish and visitors stink after three three days.days.

Page 41: The British and French Colonies in North America: Canada, New England, Middle and Southern.

The Great Awakening Some of the earliest settlers in American had

been religious FANATICS… But a hundred years later, the STRICT religiosity

of the early colonies had largely died off. In the mid-1700’s, however, there was an

EXPLOSION of renewed religious feeling in the colonies…

Called the Great Awakening… Where travelling preachers gathered enormous

outdoor crowds… To deliver furious fire-and-brimstone sermons… And caused many colonists to become

convinced that America must BREAK with Great Britain…

In order rededicate itself to God.
