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The British-Israel-World Federation Monthly Prayer Diary

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The British-Israel-World Federation Monthly Prayer Diary Pray daily for Our Lord’s Return and for the Kingdom’s manifestation in righteousness Day Focus for Prayer 1st H.M. Queen Elizabeth II and the Royal Family. 2nd Government, national and local. 3rd The Judiciary and the Courts; that the Law of the LORD be upheld. 4th For the Covenant Nations and their Armed Forces; that they maintain the defence of the Realm and of the British Commonwealth of Nations. 5th The Church worldwide; its leaders; the local Minister and congregation. 6th Missionary activity at home and abroad; to be a ‘light to the Gentiles.’ 7th The B.I.W.F. U.K. Board of Management and its committees. 8th B.I.W.F. HQ and Staff at Low Etherley. 9th The National Bible College, staff and students. 10th The Covenant Publishing Company and staff; for writers and The Covenant Nations magazine. 11th Our Patrons, President and Deputy President. 12th Members and Associates, that they will have a strong faith in Christ. 13th The B.I. message: that it will always have spiritual and academic integrity. 14th The B.I. Speakers; for inspiration, stamina and safety in travel. 15th The B.I.W.F. Areas in the United Kingdom, the Organisers and activities.

The British-Israel-World Federation

Monthly Prayer Diary

Pray daily for Our Lord’s Return and for the Kingdom’s

manifestation in righteousness

Day Focus for Prayer

1st H.M. Queen Elizabeth II and the Royal Family.


Government, national and local.

3rd The Judiciary and the Courts; that the Law of the LORD be upheld.

4th For the Covenant Nations and their Armed Forces; that they maintain

the defence of the Realm and of the British Commonwealth of Nations.

5th The Church worldwide; its leaders; the local Minister and congregation.

6th Missionary activity at home and abroad; to be a ‘light to the Gentiles.’

7th The B.I.W.F. U.K. Board of Management and its committees.

8th B.I.W.F. HQ and Staff at Low Etherley.

9th The National Bible College, staff and students.

10th The Covenant Publishing Company and staff; for writers and The Covenant

Nations magazine.

11th Our Patrons, President and Deputy President.

12th Members and Associates, that they will have a strong faith in Christ.

13th The B.I. message: that it will always have spiritual and academic integrity.

14th The B.I. Speakers; for inspiration, stamina and safety in travel.

15th The B.I.W.F. Areas in the United Kingdom, the Organisers and activities.

16th The B.I.W.F. Canada, Board of Directors and Dominion activities.

17th The B.I.W.F. in the States of Australia, Boards of Directors and activities.

18th The B.I.W.F. New Zealand, Board of Directors and activities.

19th The B.I. work in the United States of America.

20th The B.I. work in The Netherlands, South Africa and believers in

kindred nations.

21st For those detractors of the B.I. message; that the LORD by His Spirit

will cause them to be willing to think again, to look more closely and

to be more gracious in their attitude.

22nd That the Holy Bible may be studied as our constitutional witness and

authority in our schools and obeyed in our national institutions.

23rd That ways may be found to bring the B.I. message to young people.

24th For those in training for the Ministry that they may hold fast ‘the

faith once delivered to the Saints.’

25th That the light of Christian truth may never be extinguished.

26th For the sick in mind and body and for those involved in healing; for

the repentance and spiritual deliverance of convicted prisoners.

27th For the Public Services.

28th For our own family and friends and neighbours.

29th For the local community and its organisations.

30th For industry and business in the nation.

31st An extra day of praise and personal dedication.



Saturday, 25th

September 2021


Theme: In Sickness and in Health

1 Isa. 1:1-9 The sickness of a disobedient nation

2 Isa. 1:10-20 God’s reasonable remedy for unreasonableness

3 Isa. 2:1-11 The future kingdom of peace

4 1 Cor. 11:23-34 Misuse of God’s gifts brings disaster

5 Ex. 15:20-27 The lesson of the bitter-sweet

6 Psa. 103 Redemption, forgiveness and healing

7 Deut. 8 Pride goes before a fall

8 Psa. 105:23-45 ‘Not one feeble person among their tribes’

9 Hos. 5 Moral sickness from strange alliances

10 2 Chr. 7:1-14 Humility, repentance, forgiveness, healing

11 Psa. 147 Broken hearted outcasts find healing

12 Mal. 4 The Sun of righteousness heals

13 Isa. 58 Israel’s mission to humanity

14 Hos. 14 Healing for the backslider

15 Mt. 8:1-17 He took our infirmities and sicknesses

16 Lk. 4:16-32 The anointed healing ministry of Jesus

17 Isa. 53 ‘With his stripes we are healed’

18 Ezk. 34:1-16 Israel’s leaders failed the people

19 Mt. 4 Jesus heals sickness and disease

20 Lk. 5:16-26 Jesus forgives and heals

21 Mt. 12:10-21 Condemnation from the Pharisees for Sabbath healing

22 Lk. 13:11-17 Healing, shame and rejoicing

23 John 5:1-18 Authority to heal

24 Mt. 10:1-15 Healing power given to the disciples

25 Mk. 16:9-20 The great commission

26 Acts 3:1-6 The lame man healed

27 Acts 4:1-12 The power of the name of Jesus

28 Acts 4:13-33 The boldness of the disciples

29 Jam. 5 Healing ministry in the church

30 Lk. 9:1-6 The sending of the disciples

31 Rev. 22 Healing for the nations


Theme: Our All-Seeing God

1 Gen. 11:1-9 The Lord sees the tower of Babel

2 Psa. 14 The Lord looks to see if any seek God

3 Psa. 94 ‘Shall He not see?’

4 2 Chr. 6:12-21 That God may watch over His house

5 2 Chr. 7:12-22 God replies to Solomon

6 2 Chr. 16:7-14 The eyes of the Lord over all the earth

7 Psa. 33 The Lord looks from heaven

8 Psa. 34 ‘The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous’

9 1 Peter 3:8-22 God’s face against evil-doers

10 Isa. 1 Warning and promise

11 Jer. 23:19-32 God sees the secret places

12 Mt. 6:1-18 God rewards secret actions

13 Hab. 1:12-17 God cannot behold evil

14 Heb. 4 A better rest for the believer

15 Deut. 11:7-21 The eyes of the Lord on His land

16 Job 14 Job’s plea to God

17 Psa. 115 Israel to trust in the Lord

18 Job 28 ‘His eye seeth every precious thing’

19 Psa. 32 God’s eye guides

20 Zech. 4 The eyes of the Lord run to and fro

21 1 Tim. 2 That which is acceptable in God’s sight

22 Lk. 10:21-37 That which seemed good in His sight

23 Isa. 43:1-12 Israel precious in God’s sight

24 Acts 4:1-22 What is right in the sight of God

25 Isa. 40:1-11 Isaiah foresees Christ’s glory in God’s sight

26 Zech. 12:1-10 God’s eyes on Judah and the house of David

27 Mt. 22:1-14 God sees the man without a wedding garment

28 Rev. 22:13-21 ‘I am Alpha and Omega’


Theme: The Kingdom and the Throne

1 Gen. 28 ‘This stone … shall be God’s house’

2 Gen. 35 The anointed stone

3 Gen. 49 Promise of sceptre to Judah

4 Ex. 19 The Kingdom established

5 Josh. 24 The stone of national witness

6 1 Sam. 8 The theocracy rejected

7 1 Sam. 10 Saul anointed

8 2 Sam. 2 David anointed over Judah

9 2 Sam. 5 David anointed over Israel

10 2 Sam. 7 The everlasting Throne

11 1 Chr. 5 The Royal Line and the Birthright Line

12 1 Chr. 13 The eternal Davidic Kingdom of the Lord

13 1 Chr. 28 The Throne of the Kingdom of the Lord

14 1 Chr. 29 Solomon’s accession to the Throne of the Lord

15 2 Chr. 6 A descendant on the Throne always

16 2 Chr. 7 The eternal covenanted Throne

17 Psa. 89 The Throne as sure as the sun

18 Isa. 9 Christ to take up the Throne of David

19 Jer. 3 ‘Jerusalem’ called the Throne of the Lord

20 Jer. 31 Both houses of Israel to be redeemed

21 Jer. 33 The Throne as sure as night and day

22 Ezk. 17 Preservation of Royal House in another land

23 Dan. 2 Nebuchadnezzar’s dream of the Stone Kingdom

24 Dan. 7 The Coming of Christ as King

25 Amos 9 Earthly Royal House established

26 Mic. 5 The chief ruler’s birth place

27 Lk. 1 The Throne of David

28 Lk. 2 The Glory of Israel to be restored

29 Acts 15 Tabernacle (house) of David to be built-up

30 1 Cor. 10 The ‘anointed’ Rock in the wilderness

31 Rev. 20 All to stand before God (‘The Throne’ Gk.)


Theme: Two Kingdoms and Two Captivities

1 Psa. 114 Destiny of the two kingdoms of Israel and Judah

2 1 Ki. 11:1-25 Division of the kingdom as punishment for Solomon’s sin

3 1 Ki. 11:26-43 Jeroboam promised rulership of ten tribes

4 1 Ki. 12:1-15 Rehoboam’s foolish decision

5 1 Ki. 12:16-33 Jeroboam elected king of house of Israel

6 1 Ki. 15 Israel and Judah warred continuously

7 2 Ki. 14 War between Amaziah of Judah and Jehoash of Israel

8 2 Ki. 17:1-23 Captivity of ten tribes in Halah and Habor etc

9 2 Ki. 17:24-41 The Samaritans and their history

10 2 Ki. 18:1-16 The fenced cities of Judah taken by Assyria

11 2 Ki. 18:17-37 Assyria threatens Jerusalem

12 2 Ki. 19 God preserves Jerusalem following Hezekiah’s prayer

13 2 Ki. 20:12-19 Hezekiah’s imprudence

14 2 Ki. 22 Judgment for Judah’s sin

15 2 Ki. 23:31-24:5 Judah tributary to Egypt and then to Babylon

16 2 Ki. 24:6-20 First deportation to Babylon

17 2 Ki. 25 Siege of Jerusalem and final captivity of Judah

18 Jer. 18:1-6 Israel, though broken, will be resuscitated

19 Jer. 19 Judah to be broken irrevocably

20 Dan. 9 Daniel prays for all Israel; the promise of Messiah

21 Ezra 1 Decree of Cyrus

22 Ezra 2 Detailed list of returning remnant of Judah

23 Ezra 3 Ancient worship re-established

24 Ezra 4 Samaritans seek to interfere

25 Ezra 6 Temple finished and dedicated

26 Jer. 3 Promise of forgiveness and restoration

27 Hos. 1 Future reunion of houses of Israel and Judah

28 Isa. 9:1-7 The two Advents; as a child and as a ruler

29 Isa. 11 & 12 Re-united Israel and Judah under our Lord’s rule

30 Isa. 2:1-5 The re-united kingdom to attract all nations


Theme: God in our Life

1 Psa. 1 ‘The ungodly shall not stand in the judgment’

2 Col. 4:1-6 Let your speech be gracious and well-seasoned

3 1 Ki. 17:8-16 God’s promises fail not

4 1 Peter 2:13-17 Fear God and rebel not

5 Psa. 135 Israel is a peculiar treasure unto the Lord

6 1 Thes. 4:13-18 ‘So shall we ever be with the Lord’

7 1 Cor. 15:51-58 ‘Victory through our Lord Jesus Christ’

8 2 Peter 3:14-18 Grow in the knowledge of Jesus Christ

9 Isa. 8:11-22 Agree not to a confederacy for your security

10 Lk. 14:25-33 The Lord has paid the price, therefore follow Him

11 Psa. 2 ‘Serve the Lord with fear’

12 2 Cor. 8:1-15 He gave His all. Will we do less?

13 2 Cor. 3:12-18 We all are changed into the same image

14 Psa. 88 ‘Lord, I have called daily upon thee’

15 Josh. 3 The Lord goes before His people

16 Heb. 10:32-39 Press on! Press on!

17 Lk. 19:1-10 Restore the lot of the needy

18 Gal. 5:16-26 ‘Walk in the Spirit’

19 Psa. 51 ‘Uphold me with thy free Spirit’

20 Lk. 6:27-36 ‘Love ye your enemies, and do good’

21 Psa. 147 Fill your life with God, and you shall praise Him

22 Lk. 5:12-16 The necessity of prayer

23 1 Sam. 15:1-23 The reward of the giver is in the giving

24 Psa. 148 The works of God praise Him

25 Prov. 9:1-10 ‘The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom’

26 Gen. 17:1-8 & Great faith brings heaven into all your living


27 Lk. 2:25-38 The reward of patient faith

28 Lk. 6:20-26 Beware the approval of men

29 2 Peter 1:16-21 The Holy book is inspired

30 Jon. 1:17-3:2 God pursues us to ensure our obedience

31 Gal. 4:1-7 ‘Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son’


Theme: Redemption, Repentance and Return

1 Ezk. 18:21-32 National prayer for repentance

2 Deut. 30:1-8 Moses sees nation return to God

3 Mal. 3:1-7 ‘Return unto me and I will return unto you’

4 Joel 2:15-32 Priests and ministers weeping

5 Heb. 3:7-19 The Holy Ghost says ‘Hear his voice’

6 Psa. 80 Three prayers

7 Num. 6:22-27 Israel blessing, glory and defence

8 2 Chr. 7:3-11 Israel saw Glory

9 Ezk. 39:21-29 Seeing is believing. Israel unveiled

10 2 Chr. 7:14-18 ‘If My people’

11 Hos. 2 Israel divorced, betrothed – remarried

12 Isa. 62 Restored nation and restored land

13 Rev. 19:1-7 Marriage of the Lamb

14 Rom. 6:1-9 & Christ our Passover

1 Cor. 15:20-23

15 Ex. 12:1-14 A memorial

16 Rom. 5:1-8 Paul’s faith in the redemption of the body

17 Heb. 8:6-12 Christ the Mediator of the New Covenant

18 John 14:1-18 Promise of the Comforter

19 Ezk. 36:26-37 New heart transplant

20 Jer. 31:27-34 Covenant with the house of Israel and house of Judah

21 Psa. 89:1-37 Everlasting covenant with David

22 Dan. 9:1-19 Daniel’s prayer and confession

23 2 Chr. 6:19-42 Solomon’s advice for Israel’s future

24 1 Thes. 4 Believers’ comfort in resurrection of the body

25 Mt. 1:17-25 The birth of Christ

26 Deut. 29:1-15 Forty desert years, kept and clothed

27 Gen. 22:1-18 Abraham’s sacrifice – Isaac

28 Heb. 11:1-13 The fruits of faith

29 John 19:12-20 Jesus bearing His Cross to Golgotha

30 Rev. 19:11-17 Coming of Christ in Glory


Theme: The Advents of Christ

1 John 1:1-14 Deity, Immortality and Creativity of Jesus Christ

2 Heb. 1:1-13 ‘Upholding all things by the word of His power’

3 Gen. 1:1-2.3 Story of Creation

4 Gen. 3:1-19 Fall of man and first promise of coming Messiah

5 Gen. 12:1-3 God’s promise to Abraham

6 Gal. 3:13-18 Blessing of Abraham to be given to Gentiles through Christ

7 Gen. 17:15-19 Promise of Isaac

8 Gen. 28:10-16 Jacob’s dream

9 Gen. 49:8-12 Messiah to come from tribe of Judah

10 2 Sam. 7:8-17 God’s promise to David

11 Psa. 2 David’s first Messianic Psalm

12 Psa. 22:1-18 Christ’s rejection and crucifixion prophesied

13 Psa. 16 His resurrection foretold

14 Isa. 7:10-16 Christ to be born of a virgin

15 Isa. 9:1-7 Coming Messiah. Israel’s only hope

16 Isa. 28:14-18 & Christ the corner stone

1 Peter 2:6-8

17 Isa. 42:1-12 Christ the servant

18 Isa. 49:1-7 Christ, Israel’s redeemer and a light to the Gentiles

19 Isa. 50 & Humiliation and marring of Christ


20 Isa. 53 Christ wounded for our transgressions

21 Isa. 61 Both advents of Christ foretold

22 Dan. 9:20-27 Chronology of His Coming

23 Mt. 1:18-25 Conception and birth of Christ

24 Mic. 5:1-3 & Christ to be born in Bethlehem

Lk. 2:1-7

25 Lk. 2:8-20 Shepherds witness the birth of the Saviour

26 Mt. 2:1-12 Visit of wise men

27 Zech. 9:9 & Events of Holy Week foretold


28 Lk. 23:27-56 Crucifixion of Christ

29 Mt. 28:1-15 Resurrection of Christ

30 Acts 1:1-11 The promise of Christ’s return

31 Lk. 21:8-36 Christ foretells events leading to His return


Theme: Christ – the Way, the Truth and the Life

1 Gen. 1:26-2:25 Created in perfection

2 Gen. 3 The fall from grace

3 Gen. 22:1-14 The substitute

4 Ex. 12:1-30 The Passover

5 Heb. 9:11-28 Christ, the Lamb of God

6 Isa. 53 Jehovah’s suffering Servant

7 John 10:7-30 The Good Shepherd of the Israel sheep

8 Rom. 8 Christ dwelling in you

9 Ex. 17:1-7 The water of life; Christ smitten once

10 Num. 21:1-20 The brazen serpent; Christ made sin for us

11 Dan. 9:16-27 The coming of Messiah the Prince

12 Dan. 2:24-45 The Davidic Kingdom

13 Isa. 7:10-16 The great sign; Immanuel to come

14 Mt. 1:18-25 Conception and birth of Immanuel

15 Mk. 15:1-38 The crucifixion

16 Lk. 23:12-56 Jesus dismisses His Spirit

17 John 19:1-30 The power of authorities given by God

18 John 20 The resurrection of Jesus

19 John 21 The risen Christ is Master of our service

20 1 Cor. 15:14-58 The order of the resurrections

21 Heb. 5 Christ the great High Priest

22 1 Peter 1 Dispersed Israel begotten again (v.3)

23 Eph. 2 The chief corner stone of ‘lost’ Israel

24 1 Peter 2 The Shepherd of ‘found’ Israel sheep

25 2 Cor. 5 Our walk by faith; no terrors of death

26 Rom. 6 Union with Christ in death and resurrection

27 Tit. 2 A ‘peculiar people’ redeemed

28 Rev. 19 The great Judge coming to make war

29 Rev. 20 All to stand before His Throne (v.12)

30 Rev. 21 Twelve tribes in new Jerusalem

31 Rev. 22 Blessings to Israel and the world restored


Theme: The Doctrine of the Word

1 Prov. 28 Against unscrupulous dealing

2 Mt. 5:17-30 Jesus and the Law

3 Rom. 7:15-25 Law and conscience

4 Psa. 1 Man blessed

5 Rom. 13 The law of love

6 John 1:1-17 The Word made flesh

7 John 10:22-39 Jesus asserts His deity

8 Psa. 37:1-18 The inheritance of the meek

9 John 15:18-27 The world’s hatred foretold

10 1 Cor. 14:1-22 Prophecy the best gift

11 2 Peter 1:15-21 The ‘more sure word of prophecy’

12 Psa. 78:1-8 ‘A testimony in Jacob’

13 Phil. 2:1-16 The example of Christ

14 Isa. 42:1-12 The Servant of Jehovah

15 Heb. 10:1-18 One sacrifice for sins

16 Psa. 119:57-72 Prayer and profession

17 Mk. 12:28-34 The great commandments

18 Mic. 4:1-7 Consolation

19 Psa. 81 A call to praise and to hearken

20 Acts 24:10-21 Worship

21 Isa. 51:1-11 Redemption

22 Psa. 119:97-112 The source of wisdom

23 Gal. 3:26-4:7 Sonship in Christ

24 Jer. 31:27-37 Restoration in the last days

25 John 5:19-27 The Son’s works in the Father’s

26 Psa. 147 ‘Praise ye the Lord’

27 Acts 2:37-47 Repentance and conversion

28 1 Peter 1:17-2:5 The enduring Word

29 John 14:13-31 ‘My peace I give unto you’

30 Rev. 19:11-16 Christ’s return in Glory


Theme: Gratitude and Praise

1 1 Chr. 16:23-36 David’s psalm of praise

2 2 Chr. 20:14-24 ‘Praise the beauty of holiness’

3 2 Chr. 29:25-36 ‘They sang praises with gladness’

4 Ezra 3:9-13 ‘Many shouted aloud for joy’

5 Neh. 9:1-10 ‘Stand up and bless the Lord’

6 Neh. 12:24-30 ‘To praise and give thanks’

7 Psa. 7 ‘I will praise the Lord’

8 Psa. 29 ‘Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness’

9 Psa. 31 ‘Oh how great is Thy goodness’

10 Psa. 33 ‘Sing unto Him a new song’

11 Psa. 34 ‘O magnify the Lord with me’

12 Psa. 47 ‘O clap your hands, all ye people’

13 Psa. 51 ‘O Lord, open thou my lips’

14 Psa. 66 ‘Make a joyful noise unto God’

15 Psa. 67 ‘Let the people praise Thee, O God’

16 Psa. 92 ‘O Lord, how great are thy works’

17 Psa. 98 ‘Sing unto the Lord with the harp’

18 Psa. 100 ‘Serve the Lord with gladness’

19 Isa. 12 ‘Behold, God is my salvation’

20 Isa. 62 ‘Till He make Jerusalem a praise in the earth’

21 Jer. 33:6-11 ‘Praise the Lord of hosts’

22 Dan. 2:16-23 ‘I thank thee, and praise thee’

23 Dan. 4:24-37 ‘I praised and honoured Him that liveth for ever’

24 Rom. 15:1-15 That we should be to the praise of His glory

25 Eph. 1:1-14 ‘The praise of his glory’

26 Phil. 4:4-23 ‘Rejoice in the Lord alway’

27 Heb. 13 ‘Offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually’

28 1 Peter 1:3-16 ‘Be ye holy; for I am holy’

29 Psa. 118 ‘O give thanks unto the Lord’

30 Psa. 135 ‘Sing praises unto his name’

31 Rev. 19:1-13 ‘Let us be glad and rejoice’


Theme: The Faithfulness of God and Man’s Response

1 Psa. 100 A Psalm of praise

2 Psa. 36 To the chief Musician

3 Psa. 89:1-18 ‘Thy seed will I establish for ever’

4 Psa. 103 ‘To such as keep his covenant’

5 Psa. 111 ‘He sent redemption unto his people’

6 Ezk. 12:21-28 ‘Thy word which I have spoken shall be done’

7 1 Cor. 1:1-9 The believer’s position in grace

8 Heb. 2 Christ tasted death to lift men

9 Heb. 6 We inherit the faithful promises

10 Rev. 1:4-20 ‘I am Alpha and Omega’

11 Rev. 19:1-11 His Name is ‘Faithful and True’

12 Deut. 7:6-15 He will keep His Oath

13 1 Peter 1:1-16 ‘Kept by the power of God’

14 1 Peter 3 Christ suffered once to bring us to God

15 2 Peter 3:1-13 The Lord will return

16 1 Peter 4 Our response in faith to God

17 2 Tim. 2 ‘The foundation of God standeth sure’

18 Heb. 10 ‘I will put my laws into their hearts’

19 Jam. 1:1-12 The crown of life is promised

20 Rev. 21:1-11 The new Jerusalem will come

21 Mt. 8:5-13 A man of great faith

22 Mt. 9:15-31 A woman of great faith

23 Mk. 2:1-12 The faithful supporters

24 Mk. 7:24-30 Faithful to the order of civilisation

25 Lk. 5:1-11 ‘Launch out into the deep’

26 Lk. 9:37-45 A lesson in faith

27 Lk. 18:35-43 Recognition of our need in faith

28 1 Thes. 3 The believer’s sanctification

29 Heb. 11 The sphere of faith

30 1 Peter 2:1-9 ‘But ye are a chosen generation’


Theme: Worship

1 Gen. 24:10-27 Faith and gratitude in worship

2 Deut. 4:5-20 Visual aids forbidden

3 Ex. 20:1-6 Bowing before man-made objects is forbidden

4 Isa. 40:18-31 It is absurd to worship idols

5 Jer. 7:16-26 Consequences of false worship

6 Deut. 18:9-14 Cruelty and anger in false worship

7 Psa. 18:1-19 & Love an ingredient of true worship


8 Dan. 3:1-27 God’s faithful servants refuse to worship the image

9 Dan. 3:28-30 & Worship from a heathen king


10 Isa. 6:1-4 Worship from angelic beings

11 Mt. 4:8-11 Satan tries to bargain for worship

12 John 4:19-24 The Father seeks for worshippers

13 Lk. 5:1-8 Jesus accepts Peter’s act of worship

14 Acts 10:17-26 Peter refuses worship from Cornelius

15 Acts 14:8-18 Paul and Barnabas decline to be worshipped

16 Rev. 19:9-10 & Angels must not be worshipped


17 Lk. 24:46-53 ‘They worshipped him’

18 Acts 17:21-32 Replace superstitious worship by true worship

19 Rom. 1:18-25 Unprofitable worship

20 Heb. 1 The Son is worthy of worship

21 Psa. 95 Call to joyful worship

22 Psa. 51 Penitence in worship

23 Psa. 63 Only God can satisfy

24 Psa. 115 ‘Unto thy name give glory’

25 Psa. 108 A song of God’s greatness

26 Psa. 92 A joyful song for the Sabbath

27 Rev. 12 The ultimate in false worship

28 Rev. 14:8-10 Solemn warning

29 Rev. 5:8-14 Universal adoration

30 Rev. 7:1-10 Led by Israel, the nations join in worship

31 Rev. 19:1-8 ‘And after these things I heard a great voice’


