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The business of marriage show #2

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The Business Of Marriage, Show Number Two Welcome to the business of marriage, where we understand that working on your marriage is an income producing activity and now here is our host, your marriage mentor, Dino Watt. Dino: Marriage tip, pillow talk. It always fascinates me to find out couples who don’t go to bed together. It’s almost an epidemic I believe. I didn’t say go to sleep together at the same time, just go to bed together at the same time. This allows you to have pillow talk with one another, talk about your wins and your challenges for the day, talk about what you are expecting for tomorrow. Put your intentions out there for what you want. It’s a great way to grow closer and have better communication. Don’t be a part of the epidemic, make sure that you create a space for pillow talk to happen in your relationship every night. Start tonight. Welcome once again to the business of marriage, marriage advice for entrepreneurs. I’m Dino Watt and I’m excited for our guest today because she is my favorite guest of all guests. It’s my wife Shannon Watt. Shannon welcome to the show. Shannon: So happy to be here, thanks for having me on. Dino: Well, just so you know everybody I figured that being a show that interviews entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs’ wives the idea here is always to help you get more tips and tricks and ideas of how you can grow your businesses without sacrificing your marriage. Shannon has been on this journey with me through our entire lives. She actually thought she was marrying an actor, which I don't know what possessed her to think that was a good idea. And then moved on to— Shannon: Oh, we don't have time, it’s only half an hour show to go so basically 20 years of being with an entrepreneur. Dino: Yeah 20 years of entrepreneurship and so the ups and the downs and the rollercoaster rides and the loopity loops and all that fun stuff. And so I thought it would be good to have Shannon answer the questions that we ask all of our guests to answer on this show. So are you ready for the answers? Shannon: I’m ready. Dino: Yeah?
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The Business Of Marriage, Show Number Two

Welcome to the business of marriage, where we understand that working on your marriage is

an income producing activity and now here is our host, your marriage mentor, Dino Watt.

Dino: Marriage tip, pillow talk. It always fascinates me to find out couples who don’t go

to bed together. It’s almost an epidemic I believe. I didn’t say go to sleep

together at the same time, just go to bed together at the same time.

This allows you to have pillow talk with one another, talk about your wins and

your challenges for the day, talk about what you are expecting for tomorrow. Put

your intentions out there for what you want. It’s a great way to grow closer and

have better communication.

Don’t be a part of the epidemic, make sure that you create a space for pillow talk

to happen in your relationship every night. Start tonight. Welcome once again to

the business of marriage, marriage advice for entrepreneurs. I’m Dino Watt and

I’m excited for our guest today because she is my favorite guest of all guests. It’s

my wife Shannon Watt. Shannon welcome to the show.

Shannon: So happy to be here, thanks for having me on.

Dino: Well, just so you know everybody I figured that being a show that interviews

entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs’ wives the idea here is always to help you get

more tips and tricks and ideas of how you can grow your businesses without

sacrificing your marriage.

Shannon has been on this journey with me through our entire lives. She actually

thought she was marrying an actor, which I don't know what possessed her to

think that was a good idea. And then moved on to—

Shannon: Oh, we don't have time, it’s only half an hour show to go so basically 20 years of

being with an entrepreneur.

Dino: Yeah 20 years of entrepreneurship and so the ups and the downs and the

rollercoaster rides and the loopity loops and all that fun stuff. And so I thought it

would be good to have Shannon answer the questions that we ask all of our

guests to answer on this show. So are you ready for the answers?

Shannon: I’m ready.

Dino: Yeah?

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Shannon: Yeah, shoot them.

Dino: Going to rock our world with some good answers yeah?

Shannon: We’ll see.

Dino: Alright, awesome. Before I have already told them that we’ve known each other

since we were five years old and all that stuff so typically I'm going to ask our

guest the story of how we met. But I wanted to kind of throw something out

there to you and I want you to tell us if you remember the story of our first date.

Shannon: Well, it depends because we went on a couple before I realized we were actually

going on dates so which one are you talking about specifically?

Dino: Okay how about the real official date, the day that you realized, oh, this is an

actual real date -

Shannon: I’m not just hanging out with a friend?

Dino: Yeah.

Shannon: That would be going out to Disneyland. You asked me to go Disneyland, you paid

for it. We walked around forever and had a good time and I finally I realized oh I

think we are on a date, we are not just hanging out as neighbors and friends and

so I’m the one that made the first move and actually held your hand -

Dino: Yeah I missed the big opportunity to kiss you at that point.

Shannon: Yeah and then we were went to the fireworks and I thought he was going to kiss

me there but he didn’t, he waited until we were in the dark tunnels of the train

going through—

Dino: Well, the missed opportunity was right at – I mean we were perfect, right, at

Cinderella’s castle we were right there, we had all the fireworks going over even

Tinkerbelle flew right by and I just didn’t take the opportunity.

Shannon: I know, missed opportunities.

Dino: I was a dumb, 16, 17-year old at the time.

Shannon: But now you've learnt the lesson.

Dino: That’s right.

Shannon: You actually take opportunities.

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Dino: And so for any of you that often go to Disneyland or have been to Disneyland,

whenever you are on the ride, the railroad—

Shannon: Train.

Dino: The train takes you around the entire park, once you get to the tunnels where

they start showing the formation of the earth and where all the dinosaurs are

and stuff that’s where we hit our first kiss.

Shannon: First kiss.

Dino: Right there, yeah, that was our first kiss. Very good, good, I’m glad that you

remembered that. So I’m basically the creator and I guess mastermind behind

the Business of Marriage since I first started. But let everybody know kind of

what your role is and what you do because you are a huge part of so much

content and so much of the mentoring and all that fun stuff. So let everybody

know what it is that you do.

Shannon: Well first of all I’m a stay at home mom and I get to help out with you with the

business which is great because for years I’ve worked as a mentor in other

companies and in this one and I am now helping you as the business grows to

train the mentors who work underneath you, help you write your books.

And actually use our life situations as well as breakdowns and then we have

breakthroughs because we are like oh that was really a good lesson, let’s turn

that into some content and share with other people. So I try to keep it real, I try

to keep it authentic and use our own life experiences to put into your


Dino: That’s a really good point. We do often, I think people need to understand that

of course even though we teach people about marriage and having powerful and

awesome marriages. We also have our breakdowns and our strives although I’m

as perfect as I can possibility be and you don't have any flaws from the outside


Sometimes we could enter those breakdowns but we use those as lessons of

okay how do we get through this and how do we actually teach other people.

One thing I found, I’m sure you've seen this too when you are mentoring is that

oftentimes when we are having a struggle about something, it will also pop up in

our mentees lives as well.

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Shannon: Yeah, our clients, absolutely. Also even at seminars the questions that people ask

us at the seminars that help us to realize, keep our finger on the pulse of what’s

going on in the community and the world so we can address those needs and

keep it flowing.

Dino: It’s really been a great way of content creation, that’s been really good.

Awesome, alright so I do ask everybody that I’ve always loved the saying man

plans and God laughs.

So where do you think has there is been a place in our lives where we’ve planned

something specifically and God kind of laughed and went yeah, maybe not so


Shannon: Oh there are so many but the first one that pops in my mind now that you've

asked me that is actually planning our children. I think that we planned to have

our kids a couple of years apart and tried to use preventative measures for that

and those didn’t always work and we had three kids in three years.

Dino: Yeah, I think a lot of times when people see that we had three kids literally in

three years they look at us and be like man why would you do that? And it

wasn’t something we planned, we really did have a good plan, right, it was going

to be two to three years.

Shannon: But now it’s actually I’m okay with it because we’ll be in our late 40s and all our

kids will be in college so we can be young grandparents.

Dino: Yeah, we are already planning the empty nest. We are already planning what

that’s going to look like so that’s great. As I don’t want to sugarcoat things it’s

not always fun and even though we are able to make a lot of content out of our

own challenges and stuff like that. But for you, what’s been the toughest part

about being married to an entrepreneur for the last 20 years?

Shannon: Probably the toughest part, more at the beginning than now, was definitely the

cash flow like it was hard to budget, you never know. There were months when

it was feast and there were months where it’s famine, just trying to regulate that

and being able to set money aside for things if you don't know what’s exactly

coming in.

I know that can be hard, money can be a tricky, an emotional trigger in a lot of

relationships anyways even with a regular steady income. But I definitely think

that as an entrepreneur as you are trying to transition from a job and a weekly

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paycheck into an entrepreneur situation. There is a hurdle there and there are

some things you need to put in place in your relationship so you can brave those


Dino: Yeah, absolutely. There has been some rough rollercoaster rides there for a little

bit even you having to go with me and even at the time where we had really lost

a lot of money and I had to go and actually knock doors to actually leave your

home and go to other places with me to be able to do that.

I think those are all kind of built us up to where we are now so that’s definitely a

tough one for a lot of people out there I’m sure. So what is the biggest lie that

you either were told or believed about marriage before you got married?

Shannon: I don't know that anyone told me specifically something that’s a lie but I think

society in general. One of the biggest misconceptions, going way back here to

when we first met is that once you found the one for you, someone that you

were absolutely in love with that you will never be attracted to someone again.

I think that really shocked me. I know that we were head over heels in love,

newlyweds maybe married a year or so and things were fantastic and me

spending some time around an instructor that was my age and just really found

that attraction to him and going why am I attracted to somebody else?

Why do we click, why is our energy so matched when I’m totally fulfilled and

happy in my marriage and I love him and there are no issues, why is there this

thing? And I think that people shame themselves, they hide it, they feel bad,

they beat themselves up about it instead of acknowledging it to yourself.

And acknowledging it to your spouse and saying hey, this is where I’m at right

now and not that I'm going to act on it but saying it will help me to dissipate the

feeling and putting safeguards in place and having your spouse support you to

make sure that you don’t do anything that lingers you in that emotion.

But I think that’s definitely one thing that people don’t really realize is that

throughout your relationship. It doesn’t have to be your first year I mean that’s

what happened for me but you are going to meet throughout your life different

people that you are attracted to and that’s okay.

Obviously don’t dwell on it and don’t act on it but so many relationships I think

can be saved if they didn’t have the – usually it’s affairs and then break up a

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whole relationship over something that was just going on your carnal instincts

instead of realizing okay I can acknowledge it and move on.

Dino: I’ll never forget that day or that night that you came home and that was back

before there were cell phones and all stuff and you were at your class and me

just wondering man, where is she, what’s going on? I thought maybe she was

hurt on the road or something like that.

And when she came in and said hey, we need to talk about this because I’m

attracted to this other guy. It was this really kind of interesting moment that we

still use to this day. We talked about earlier about the things we use in our lives

for creating content.

But that idea that you can be attracted to somebody else and you are not a bad

person and that you are not only going to be attracted to one person the rest of

your life. And that’s not just even an emotional attraction but also a physical

attraction to other people.

But the power in that is being able to claim that power and say well this is how

I’m feeling. For me in that moment was really interesting because it happened a

couple of years ago too. We had a visitor and you had mentioned after they left

how you were attracted to them. And when I said well what was it that you were

attracted to?

It actually was a trait that I used to have and do and you were able to point it

out. And so it allowed me then to say oh, I need to kind of get back on that game

again and I need to do that again. Because if that’s the reason why she fell in

love with me and was attracted to me and I’m not doing that anymore that’s not

her fault, that’s not on her, it’s just something that she’s attracted to and I need

to bring that out again.

And I think a lot of couples, if they would really have those open and honest

conversations about each other what a great learning process that could be of

going oh that’s where I’m no longer doing that or I’m slacking on that area.

Shannon: Being insightful, yeah, I think being real and really analyzing your relationship is a

good thing.

Dino: Yeah that was awesome, so good tip for everybody. Okay, so, let’s give a little bit

of hope. We talked about the toughest part about being an entrepreneur a

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minute ago when it comes to cash flow, what is your favorite part about being

married to an entrepreneur if there is one?

Shannon: There is actually a couple, that’s actually hard. I love the freedom that comes

with the schedule. I love that you can work from home and sometimes it can be

a curse because there is not a clock you are punching and you could stay working

as long as you want unless I come in and stop you.

But in general like if the kids have a play at school or we want to go on a vacation

or do something, I love the freedom of time. I love the creativity aspect of it, the

fact that we get to be creative and create content and create new ideas and new

programs and be around creative people, that creative process.

And actually on the money side, when being an entrepreneur is working for you,

I love the ability to create your own future, financial future. l love that whenever

we want something whether it’s a new laptop or a vacation or a car, we can set a

goal and quickly make the money for it.

We are not making this certain paycheck that every day we’ve got to save a few

nickels and dimes here and there. We just seem to be able to set a goal, manifest

it and make it happen. So I love that we are in charge of our own destiny.

Dino: That’s a really good point it’s true because I guess when you think about people

who have jobs and they also can budget for stuff too but it’s a matter of okay,

how much out of this paycheck am I going to take each month, how much am I

going to sacrifice even more.

Shannon: We are creating.

Dino: Yeah, interesting, yeah, budgeting versus creating. There is a whole new

program we should create there; budgeting versus creating. That’s very cool.

What is the takeaway that you want people who are listening, what’s the

message that you want people to take away from that and maybe that’s it that—

Shannon: Yeah, in the hard times remember your why, to remember the why you gave

before. For me it’s been the freedom, the creativity and the manifestation

powers I guess the abilities of it beyond.

Dino: I remember years ago, we talk about this every once in a while especially when it

comes to money and marriage and stuff is that there was a gentleman in our

church who I was talking to and he was very successful entrepreneur. The

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meeting at church that Sunday they were talking about budgeting and how to

really kind of watch every penny and stuff like that.

And they had an accountant who was doing it so he was very specific on the

things that you can cut out of your life. I remember walking out into the foyer

and seeing this gentleman who I admired and just saying I just feel like we’ve cut

out everything that we don’t really have a cable bill, we don't have all those

things that are luxuries. And he turned to me and he said I’ve always found it

easier to make more money than to cut back.

Shannon: Than to reduce on expenses, yeah.

Dino: Because at one point you are going to get to, there are no more expenses to

reduce. But you can always make more money, you can always find ways and as

entrepreneurs, that’s—

Shannon: That’s what we’ve done.

Dino: Yeah.

Shannon: Because I know you are doing business of marriage but I’ve been an

entrepreneur as well ever since we were married.

Dino: When we were first married one of the things that was really important to

Shannon, actually when we first had kids I’d say it was, was that we realized hey,

Shannon’s time is important to be there with the kids not cleaning the house.

And even though at the time we had that 750square foot apartment we had a


That Shannon would work, she’s a massage therapist, she doesn’t really practice

it anymore but she used that for years to support us and she would work and

extra massage. She knew if she just did one more hour of massage that could pay

for somebody coming to clean the house so she didn’t have to.

And that’s part of being able to say, being in control of your own future and

saying hey, I want that one thing I just have to do this other little thing to get the

money for that and now I can have what I want. So that’s a great lesson that you

taught us.

Okay good, what process do you like to undertake for us to make decisions

about the business? Because there is kind of balance, there is couples that are

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out there where he owns a business or she owns a business and they are not

really involved in the business.

But when it comes down to it because it’s going to affect their lives in one way or

another, there is going to have to be a decision making process. And in our lives,

there have been times where you've been involved in the business, whatever the

business might be and there have been times where you weren’t involved in the


Shannon: And actually times that I’ve had my own business as well.

Dino: Yeah, in a separate business. So what do you feel has been the best way to make

decisions about the business together?

Shannon: I guess just talking about it first of all, maybe writing pros and cons. Talking

about what it’s going to take, having real honest communication about whose

roles and responsibilities are, the different parts and pieces and then just making

sure that we touch base on a weekly, have a team meeting or our marriage

masterminds every week to make sure that we are on the same page.

Dino: Right, so when it comes to separating our business life from our personal life,

you alluded earlier in one of your answers about how sometimes being an

entrepreneur is hard to get me to separate, like to leave the office and actually

come in and say hey, it’s time to leave the office.

Shannon: Yeah that 50 steps is like very hard sometimes for you.

Dino: Yeah, exactly. So what are some of the things that we try to implement in order

to step our business from our family life or our married life?

Shannon: Well that’s really a good question and I’m not sure that we are 100% good at it

so just being totally authentic that we still sometimes need to work on that. A lot

of husbands that have a commute and so they get to use that commute time to

transition from being a business guy to family guy.

Your commute is 20 steps from your office into the rest of the house so I think

what’s good is that when we go on our date nights and stuff we try not to talk

about work. If we do, we set a specific time of five to 15 minutes talk about

whatever it is we need to talk about, decisions or ideas.

But then when we switch it to not even about the kids just about life or maybe

something that we’ve recently seen in current events or read or whatever. We

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try to talk about Dino and Shannon from a boyfriend/girlfriend aspect versus

business partners or co-parents or things like that. I also think it’s important

sometimes I have to actually go into your office and say okay when is your punch

out time, what is your timeframe?

Dino: Right, what time are you done?

Shannon: What time are you done so I can count on that so I can count on that for you to

come in and whatever it is dinner or helping out with kids or whatever.

Dino: Well I think one of the things that we’ve done recently because you are right, I

mean we do have a business called The Business of Marriage so it’s pretty


But I think one of the things that I like that we’ve done recently is we’ve tried to

go out with other couples who have nothing to do with our business or have like

no clue some of them what we do. That way it forces us to not talk about the

business and to talk about other things instead.

Shannon: Yeah, that’s good because we can’t get stuck in our circles of a lot of seminars

and personal development people and people in the business and seeing people

outside of it and nurturing those relationships.

Dino: Absolutely. Okay so when it comes to our business intersecting with our

marriage what’s the must live-by tip that you want to give people?

Shannon: Actually, two popped in my head. One is we work our systems in our own

marriage. We don’t psychoanalyze each other or try to throw mud into each

other’s face.

But my one tip that I was really going to bring up is we live by the marriage

mastermind which in our programs we really talk about that and about really

setting our intentions for the week, going over our budget, going over our

schedules, going over what our intentions are, what we are trying to create.

Just having that communication power hour between you and I and setting up of

that and also talking about our breakdowns and stuff like that is really crucial.

Dino: Yeah, it’s very crucial for us to have that because if not then—

Shannon: How can I work with a business partner if I don’t like him?

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Dino: Right, exactly. Well speaking of liking me, so what are some things that you do,

and let’s be specific here to keep the romance alive in our relationship?

Shannon: Well I think this is a G-pod cast so we’ll have to keep the bedroom stuff aside.

Dino: Oh we can do PG, that’s fine.

Shannon: What do I do to keep the romance alive? One thing that I think we are great

about is we are really good about leaving the kids at home on a regular basis and

getting out on a date night. We are also pretty good at getting away quarterly or

bi-annually, just you and I without the kids.

I think having alone time away from just the stresses of raising children or even

having the business, there is nothing better than that. Just recently when we

went on a family vacation and we were in an area so remote they didn’t have


And so it was so nice that you couldn’t check your phone or your emails,

checking in with work and touching base with work that you just had to be

completely unplugged and that was very awesome.

Dino: Yeah, that was great, awesome, thank you. And I would say that one of the

things that I'm going to put out there that you do and we’ll make a little PG is

that when people go to our website and they see our programs and we do talk

about intimacy and the importance of three to five times a week, intimacy with

your spouse. And you are really good about making sure that happens for the

creativity, for the focus, for the attentiveness and all that. And so I appreciate


Shannon: Wow I’m glad that that’s on the recording for.

Dino: Absolutely, everyone knows. And we have plenty of recording about sex, it’s not

anything we are shy about. Alright, so now we’ve come to the place in our

podcast where I ask some not so random questions because you have the

questions in front of you but they are just for you to be very quick, easy answers.

It doesn’t have to be very deep or long just help people out.

Shannon: I haven’t looked at these, number one is hard.

Dino: Alright, well as you know I believe that every couple has a brand. We know our

friends that are the Ken and Barbie couple or the never together couple or the

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always having vacation couple or whatever it is. If we were a brand, what would

that brand be and when we have a slogan what would it be?

Shannon: I haven’t thought about this in a while. I think it depends on the different groups

of people that we are around. But I definitely think that people think of us as a

fun couple and I also think people think of us as kind of an enlightened couple or

conscious, intentional couple that we work on it. We know a lot and we try to

share a lot, I don't know if that makes sense.

Dino: Yeah I think the fun couple fits a lot. We are the ones who always have parties

here for New Year’s Eve stuff like that yeah it’s awesome, okay. Independent of

me what is your most important luxury or indulgence that you give yourself?

Shannon: Time alone I think is one of my favorite indulgences and what is great about that

is that it doesn’t cost any money, you know it doesn’t have to. I mean it could if

you decided to go shopping or you decided to go get a massage or something

like that.

But honestly just alone time, there is even from when we have little kids. I would

either say I need some alone time so I'm going to go off and do something or be

somewhere alone or I’d say you take the kids and let me just be alone and chill in

the house by myself.

For me that just is a time to decompress or read or take a bath or just do

whatever I want to do, sometimes even just sitting and watching chick flicks that

I want to watch that nobody else want to watch and all that pressure. I’m just

like, I’m a little bit more of an introvert and so I love having some alone time that

I can recharge my own soul.

Dino: Yeah, and it’s free like you said in most cases, that’s awesome.

Shannon: Yes.

Dino: What is your favorite book or resource that’s helped you in your business?

Shannon: I can’t narrow it down to just one, I think it’s the last book you read. I really think

that when you are supposed to learn something, I feel like the universe puts it in

your path, whether somebody recommends it to you, you hear about it at a

seminar, you see it on Amazon or whatever.

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Whatever the last book that you read if you are taking it and putting it into

action in your relationship or in your business, then that’s what’s needed for you

right then.

Dino: So is there a book that you've read recently? I know that you are doing your

screenwriting and stuff would you say like story or the cat saved, whatever it is, -

story writing.

Shannon: Yeah that’s so much my business, I’m having a memory blank right now but I’ve

also just recently read something about relationships. I’ll have to go back and re-

read older ones and that’s been really helpful.

Dino: Awesome, okay. So, an ideal date with me is—

Shannon: Travelling, anywhere outside of where we live. I love to travel and so maybe a

little sightseeing and then sitting by a pool, relaxing, reading a book, having a

good meal. I just can’t narrow it down to one place but I love travelling, I love

exploring new things.

Dino: Awesome, what is your super power?

Shannon: I said we are not making this PG. Besides those bedroom super powers I would

say my super power is probably in tapping into inspiration maybe. I’m pretty

analytical and I check things out a lot in my brain like pros and cons.

Dino knows that I’m a thinker but then I take it once I kind of like analyze and

come up with what I think, I feel like I do take it to my higher power, I pray about

it and I get inspirational downloads and I think that’s probably my best.

Dino: Yeah, that’s true. You are really good in inspiring.

Shannon: I think that’s the best thing that’s helped us in our marriage but also in our


Dino: Yeah, agreed and with our kids and everything, that’s great.

Shannon: Yes.

Dino: Alright, what is the best piece of advice that you've ever gotten about marriage?

Shannon: When I was younger, when I was like a teenager there would be little phrases

that people would say or you would see it on a plaque or something. This is way

before there was means, there was no Facebook when I was a teenager but I

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would say like something about happiness in life is falling in love over and over

again but always with the same person.

And I was like aw that’s cute, I didn’t really understand it. Now that I’ve been

married for 20 years and I’ve known you for way more than that I will say that

that is true, there are times that I’m not so in love with you or times that I don’t

like you so much or just I’m in it because I’m loyal and I’m faithful and I know

there is a base love underneath.

And I know that it just ebbs and flows and I think that when kids grow up with

princess fairytales and chick flicks and everything always works out, they ride off

into the sunset, you don’t realize that no there is going to be ebb and flow.

Dino: There is an after, after the ever after.

Shannon: Yeah, that you are going to fall right back in love and be madly in love with him

in a couple of weeks or months or whatever, days whatever it is. And I think

more relationships would stay together if they realize if you get through that

tough time.

In fact I think Dr. Garmin who is a relationship researcher says that they’ve

interviewed couples in their really tough times and within five years all of them

are back, they’ve gone back and settled all back into a good place or even better

than they were. So it’s just about that hanging in there and realizing that I have

fallen in love with Dino probably a dozen times in our relationship, not just the

first time.

Dino: Absolutely, great. Okay, well the last question, sounds a little bit morbid at first I

know but stay with me and this is one that I love to hear everybody’s answers

okay, one common denominator that we all have, every single one of us

hopefully in the far, far future is death.

Someone is going to be asked your eulogy at your funeral but you being smart

enough you pre-write it for them. Who is it that you’d ask to give your eulogy

and what do you write as the most important lesson in life?

Shannon: Oh my gosh that’s a huge question. I feel put on the spot here. Well are you alive

because obviously I would have you do my eulogy and hopefully you’d be crying

and emotional and be really tender.

Dino: Well I’ve always said that I have to die before you so I don't know I think I might

be dead.

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Shannon: Wow, so you are changing the story so you are narrowing my choices of who I

get to pick?

Dino: It could be me.

Shannon: It could be Dino, if not hopefully one of my kids and so yeah either my kids or

Dino, so yeah my immediate family is the one I'm going to ask. And what I want

to them to say as the most important lesson is that you don’t find your soul

mate, you create your soul mate, I think.

And that they know love because they saw us in our relationship even through

sometimes the fighting or the impatience with each other whatever like that that

we’ve always come back.

That we are quick to heal, quick to forgive, quick to get out of our anger and be

together and they saw a real relationship, but yeah, definitely that your soul

mate. And I think there is no one and only person that you actually create it that

you guys work together to make them perfect companionship.

Dino: Like you said earlier, you fall in love with that person over and over again. You

create that soul mate.

Shannon: Yeah, for different reasons.

Dino: Awesome, well Shannon thank you very much for being on the show.

Shannon: I feel like I was on one of those Jeopardy shows or something.

Dino: Well, I’ll give you a prize if you like. I’ll give you some alone time.

Shannon: Okay, there you go, there you go, see, my husband knows me.

Dino: But I do appreciate and I hope everybody else appreciates. I’m sure they do, just

through your wisdom and your insights and your ability to go through the

questions that we are going to be asking all of our guests to go through and

maybe if I’m nice enough to you I guess you’ll come on the show again later on

and maybe we’ll do a part two.

Shannon: Absolutely, I’d love it.

Dino: So thank you very much everybody for joining us on this show today. I hope you

enjoyed it and got some real nuggets out of how you can grow your business

without sacrificing your marriage and we’ll see you on the next episode.

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There you have it, another great episode of The Business of Marriage, marriage advice for

entrepreneurs. Thanks for joining us here and don’t forget to visit us on our website at

www.thebusinessofmarriage.com or www.dinowatt.com for more great advice that can help

you and both your business and your marriage.
