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The Calypso Family Apocalypse Chapter 24

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Apocalypse Story for Sims 2.
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The Calypso Family Apocalypse Chapter 24
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The Calypso Family Apocalypse

Chapter 24

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Hello and Welcome back. I know its been a really long time and I’m sorry.I’m sure you know what this slide means, so I won’t linger.

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Beth and Peter have been spending as much time as they can with little Brooke.“Who’s Grandma’s little angel, You are.”


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“Yes, I’d like to finally quit my job so I can stay home with my grandbabies.”“…”

“Bye”Slacker still isn’t lifted, but I don’t think she cares.

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“Well, Brooke time to get big for Mommy.”After only 2 years being a baby, in the story at least.

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Brook’s Stats5/9/9/3/1

She has the family ears, not that it matters at this point.

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Sadie gets potty training out of the way quickly.

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As well as talking.

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“There you go, someone will teach you to walk tomorrow, sweet dreams”“Ni Ni, Gamma”

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“Lookie, Ganpa, I walkie”“So you did, good job, Brooke”

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“This is fun, why don’t we do it more often?”


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Now you know, lol

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Meanwhile, Sadie pops into her third trimester? I think so.

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When they’re not playing with Brooke they do stuff like this, As you can see, we still have the car Dante made,

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“I see you have improved your driving skills, Pt 11”

“Yes, Pt.87. Shall I return the specimen now?”

“Yes Please do, this one is loud.”

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You know he wanted it and probably rolled the want to meet aliens again already.

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I think its time to harvest“Yes I know, but I want each tomato to be the best it can be.”

I use macros, I don’t consider them cheats

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They finally find the time to give Brooke a nice makeover. I think she is adorable.

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Matthew works on a picture of his parents, I really don’t know how much time they have left.

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“Matt, Where are you……”

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“Oooooooooo, Hurtsssss”

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“I’m here Sadie, Your doing fine.”“Dada, what wong with Mama?”

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“Mama’s Ok Brooke, she’s just giving you a little baby brother or sister.”“Owwwwww”

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“Awwww, aren't’ you just the sweetest.”

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“Hold your son for just a second, Matthew”

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“Why, Creator, why. Owwwwww”

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And we have another boy, as you probably guessed, they are cheesecake twins.The first born is Caleb and his brother is Casper.

Both have their mothers hair, and Caleb has dark blue eyes, while Casper has green,Looks like we have come full circle.

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“Omg, I’m a guy, guys don’t have kids do they?”They can, but in your case its because of the trip you took with the aliens.

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Because the cribs are needed for the twins, Brook was moved upstairs and given a dog bed.

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She still gets just as much attention as the new babies.“I no wan brovers”

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Soon its time for Brooke to enter the next stage of her life.

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“Look Brooke, even Uncle Toby came to your party.”“Wan pretties”

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Brooke grew up well, as is usual in my households, but in dire need of a change of clothes, and a new hairdo, this one just doesn't’ suit her anymore.

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Looks like we have a triple birthday, First up we have Caleb.

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Caleb’s Stats9/9/6/3/3

No pointy ears on him though, but there will be no heir this gen, as it is the last one.

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Caspers turn.

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Caspers Stats5/9/6/3/9

Casper does have the family ears, that makes me happy, the genetics I started with made it all the way to the end.

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Training got taken care of, but I’m not going to show all the pictures.

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Looks like its time for the fourth and final child to make an apperance.

“Ahhhhhh, Stop narrating, and let me have this baby.”

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“I hate you right now, You know that right?”

Nah, I don’t believe you, you’ll thank me in the end.

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And here she is.

“Her name is Heather. Isn’t she adorable?”

Yes, she is.

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Just to show he wasn’t’ alone.

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Tag team walking, I know I wasn’t’ going to show more, but this is cute.

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Casper and Caleb like dancing

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Beth and Peters life bars are getting really full, I’m going to miss them.I’m glad they got to meet their grandkids though.

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Peter helps finish up some paintings, I really like how they turned out.

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I normally wouldn’t do this, but poor Casper grows up tonight and he is fearing the death of his grandparents, so I let Peter and Beth both have a sip of Elixir of Life. I just don’t

have a picture of Beth getting her sip.

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“Time to blow out the candles, Caleb”“Otay, Ptptptp”

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“Feels funny, Mommy”“It’s Ok, Caleb, Your just growing.”

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“I’ll help you this time, Casper. But next time you’ll have to do it yourself.”“Ok, Daddy”

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“Sparklies, Tickles”

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Both boys grow up well, as is usual, both are in need of a makeover as well.

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And again we have a triple birthday.

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Heather’s Stats9/10/10/3/3

I have no notes on her ears, so I really don’t know

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I got the boys bunk beds, but I may remove them, although at this stage in the game I guess it really doesn’t matter.

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Each of the kids wish for peace of mind. But I don’t think you really need to see all the pictures. The chapter would go on forever if I included all the pictures I have.

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Heather is taught all her skills, here is a token picture.

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Cassie comes to visit, I finally decided on a hairstyle for her.

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I actually expected them to go sooner, but grim didn’t show up.“I’m glad, now we will get to be here for Heathers birthday.”

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“Daddy make funny face.”

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Time for another makeover, although that hair still looks really good on her.

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“We don’t have much time left, Please don’t grieve too much”“But Mom, you and dad can stay, we have plenty of elixir of life”

“Son, your mother and I are tired, It’s time for us to go”

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“I love you Peter, I do hope Grim will take us together. I don’t want to go on without you.”“Darling, if he doesn’t’, you will be fine, and I will wait for you.”

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“Are you sure, Grim?”“Yes, your wife has one more day, I will come back tomorrow.”

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“Why Grim Why.”

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“Grandpa, Waaaaaaa”

Brooke seemed to glitch out, didn’t start crying till after, I had to move her out of the shot.

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“Why’d Grandpa have to die on my birthday?”“I don’t know, Brooke”

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Brook rolled Popularity, her LTW is to be The General.I don’t remember the plan, so I don’t know who was going to do what, I’m sure I will

remember later.

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“I miss Peter.”

I know, but you won’t have to wait long.

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Heather makes the family wish. Peace of Mind as usual.

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“It’s ok mom.”

“I miss him so much.”

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“Grim, You came back.”

“Of course I did, that husband of yours wouldn’t even pass the gate without you.”

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“Darling, Come let us go together.”

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Sometime after I got the kids into private school, but I don’t seem to have a single picture of the headmasters visit.

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I built this pet shop a while back, and I really don’t think this is a good idea now, but I did it anyways.

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Meet Salem the newest member of the family.

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After picking up a few things, we head home

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Salem is a pretty cat, but then I did design him to look like my cat in real life. Although I do think my cat doesn’t have quite as much fur.

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Soon its time for the twins to grow up again, this time no triple birthday.

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Caleb decides he wants to be a romance sim.

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Casper's turn. I do like the custom cakes.

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Casper decides he wants to be family.

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The cats are getting along really well, I do wish I hadn’t done this though.

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Soon there will be kittens in the house.

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Time flies and its time for our last child to become a teen.

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Heather decides she wants to be a pleasure sim. Well she’s going to have a lot of time to have fun, she maxed all her skills before she grew up. I’m sure I’ll find something for her

to do in the meantime.

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Anna gave birth to 2 kittens, a boy and a girl. I named them Hamlet and Helen.

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Well that’s it for this chapter. I know its not as good as my earlier chapters. But then I’m pretty sure my chapters were never that good to begin with. I know that I had decided who was doing what but I’ve lost the paper that I wrote those notes on and will have to figure out who is going to do what. I’m sure that I chose their aspirations according to what I

planned for them to do, so it should be a bit easier for me to figure out.There will probably be at least one more chapter after this one, and then I should be done.
