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The Canobolas Rural Technology

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The Canobolas Rural Technology High School Thursday 5th September, 2013 Term 3 Issue 14 Icely Road Orange NSW 2800 Ph: 02 6362 1677 Fax: 02 6362 4481 Website: [email protected] Email: [email protected] . HALL MURAL Over a hundred students have worked on transforming the back wall of the school hall into a work of art. Started last month, teams of students have undercoated over 80 square metres of wall before adding background colour and finally silhouettes of sporting activities. The work is due for completion in the next week.

The Canobolas Rural Technology

High School

Thursday 5th September, 2013 Term 3 Issue 14

Icely Road Orange NSW 2800 Ph: 02 6362 1677 Fax: 02 6362 4481 Website: [email protected] Email: [email protected]



Over a hundred students have worked on transforming the back wall of the school

hall into a work of art. Started last month, teams of students have undercoated

over 80 square metres of wall before adding background colour and finally

silhouettes of sporting activities.

The work is due for completion in the next week.

Dear Parents and Members of our School Community

Welcome to our second last newsletter of the term. On Tuesday, our school had

the pleasure of listening to twelve wonderful student leaders as they delivered

their vision for what our school will look like under their leadership as captains in

2014. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the following students on

their professionalism, commitment and dedication to our school. Paige Hertslet,

Eliza Chapman, Vincent Warner, Chris Gogala, Taylor Clark, Rory Pogson,

Tameeka Thorley, Rebecca Hobden, Alexandra Brown, Hannah White, Larissa

Churchill and Taniesha Townsend delivered exceptional speeches to our school

assembly. The captains and vice captains will be announced on Thursday 19th

September at the Year 12 farewell ceremony.

Academic Olympics

Yesterday, a dedicated group of Year 7 and Year 8 students took part in the

academic Olympics at James Sheahan High School. Our teams performed very

well overall and although we did not place in the top three our staff were

extremely impressed with the calibre of participation and the level of intellect of

our students. Academic success is an area within our school where we are

continuing looking to improve and these events are one way in which we are

able to support our students to grow. Congratulations to all participants and I look

forward to seeing more success over the next term.

From the

Principal’s Desk


On Thursday our school CKC teams travelled to Cowra to play the second round of

the CKC cup. Unfortunately, we went down to Cowra 16-7 however, Mr Skein and

the PE staff who supported our teams could not speak more highly of the way the

students conducted themselves both on the sporting field as well as when they

were speaking to students and staff from Cowra High School. For me, the CKC Cup

is about participation and every one of the students who travelled to Cowra had

the opportunity to participate and they did that with Pride and Respect for our

school. Well Done!

Year 11 Exams

Next week Year 11 students will sit their final exams for the preliminary course. This is

a stressful time of the year for senior students and each of our Year 11 students

should be spending a significant amount of time studying for their exams. Exams will

run all week and students are expected to attend every exam in full school uniform

and on time. When students do not have exams, they are free to utilise the senior

study centre or the library. There will not be timetabled classes during Year 11

exams for Year 11 students.

Year 12 Farewell

On Thursday 19th September, Year 12 students will be officially farewelled by our

school community. The assembly will take place in the school hall and will begin at

10.30am sharp. All parents and members of our school community are invited to


P&C Meeting

Next Wednesday 11th September the P&C will be holding their final meeting of the

term. All parents and community members are encouraged to come along.

SASS Recognition Week

Next week is SASS recognition week. Our dedicated administrative and support

staff, cleaners, general assistant and farm assistants work tirelessly to support our

school and our students. Without these staff our school would not operate. I would

like to acknowledge the hard work that every one of my SAS staff undertakes each

and every day and express my deepest thanks for their professionalism and

commitment to our school. If you get a chance to speak with any of our

administrative or support staff over the coming week, please take the time to thank

them for the way they keep our school running efficiently and without any fuss day

after day.

School Social

Congratulations to those students who attended the school social on Wednesday

evening. We had a large participation rate and all of the students had a safe and

fun time. I would like to acknowledge Mr Williams and the staff who gave up time

with their families to supervise the school social.

I hope you have a great fortnight and I look forward to speaking to you next fort-


With my warmest regards

Chad Bliss

On the 26th August Visual Arts students in Year 12 submitted their art works as part

of their HSC examination.

Pictured are Blake Ravot, Nick Howell and Rachel Wilkinson putting the final touch-

es to their work. All students in this year's class have worked exceptionally hard to

complete fantastic work.

The works will be exhibited later in Term 4 after the marking has been completed.

Year 12 Visual Arts

Body of Works

Many new books have just hit the library shelves and the

choices are exciting for readers.

Award-winning author, Margaret Wild has written a gripping story of

two girls at the turning point of their lives. If you had the opportunity to

leap into a new life or accept the life you have, what would you do?

The Vanishing Moment is impossible to put down as Arrow and Marika

step into a new future which combines loss and courage, together

with a surprising twist.

Every Breath, a new murder mystery, introduces James Mycroft, a self

-styled Sherlock Holmes with a passion for forensics. He is the

neighbour of Rachel, recently moved to Melbourne from the

country. Together they discover a body at Melbourne Zoo and

become involved with the police investigation. As Mycroft falls

under suspicion, dark secrets from his past are revealed. Anyone

with an interest in forensics will enjoy this new offering from Ellie


A remarkable memoir from one of the youngest Holocaust

survivors on Schindler’s List, The Boy in the Wooden Box recounts

the experiences of Leon Leyson and his ultimate survival, the

result of a combination of luck and perseverance. This is a

valuable addition to the Library and joins other books about the

Holocaust, including Morris Gleitzman’s Once, Then and After as

well as The Wrong Boy by Suzy Zail and Kathy Kacer’s The Diary of Laura’s Twin.

Everybody knows finishing high school and deciding what to do next

can be hard. Should you go to university? TAFE? Get an

apprenticeship? Or perhaps just travel the world? Rebecca

Sparrow’s Find Your Feet (the 8 things I wish I’d known before I left

high school) shares advice she wishes she had been told. This guide

will help you find your feet and shows, through personal anecdotes,

that even successful people have faced many of the same concerns.

The next book in the Through My Eyes series, about children in conflict

zones, has arrived. Amina describes how one family’s life in Somalia was

shattered by civil war. Amina secretly creates her own artwork in the

streets and derelict buildings to give herself a sense of hope. Her artwork

explodes into Mogadishu’s underground world, providing a voice for

people all over the city.


If you enjoy a good ghost story, Lockwood & Co: The Screaming

Staircase will make your hair stand on end. This is a world where the

ghostly threat is countered by Agents wearing chainmail shirts and

wielding silver tipped rapiers. A single touch from a Type Two ghost

will cause you to swell up, turn blue and die a painful death. Join

the team on a terrifying journey which involves spending the night in

the most haunted house in England. Who will escape alive? Read,

find out but prepare to be very afraid.

New historical fiction from Kelly Gardiner, The Sultan’s Eyes, transports

you first to Venice then the Ottoman Empire in 1648. It is the continuing

tale of Isabella Hawkins’ exciting life as she and her friends escape the

Inquisition and end up in the Sultan’s palace in Constantinople where

politics and lies need to be negotiated safely. Each chapter includes

stunning images from the Rare Book Collection of the State Library of


Sophie is in Year 12 at an all-Lebanese, all-Catholic school where she

is invisible, uncool and bored out of her brain. Unfortunately her

father has antiquated ideas about curfews and the “Lebanese way”.

When simmering cultural tensions erupt into violence, Sophie must

decide whether to risk social ostracism and speak out against

everything she has been brought up to believe and to stop

pretending she is invisible. Hate is Such a Strong Word by Sarah

Ayoub is a brilliant debut novel about identity, culture and finding

your place.

All this and more in the Library this month! Come and browse the New Books rack.

The Library is open for borrowing most mornings at 8.30am and at lunchtimes.

The Open Boys soccer team finished off the last of their games for the round robin

competition that is 'Orange Interschool's competition' two weeks ago. The boys got

their first win of the competition against Orange Christian School with a convincing

3nil win. Unfortunately we suffered losses against Kinross (3-2) and Orange High (7-1)

along with a forfeit to James Sheahan, however the boys represented the school

with great pride and should be proud of their efforts. Reports from a couple

of the Year 12 students who have been in the side since they were juniors, stated

that it's the first time the Open Boys soccer team has won a game in this


Open Boys Soccer

Small Ensemble

The Small Ensemble competed

at the Wellington Eisteddfod

and earned 94 marks and

second place for their

performance of The Magic of

Andrew Lloyd Webber. Careful

rehearsal, teamwork, and

special hairstyles were the

successful combination. Mr

Pelley, Miss Llewelyn and Mr

Squiggle were wonderful

s u p p o r te r s a n d m a n y

audience members offered

h igh praise after our

performance. Congratulations

Hannah White, Ellena Hicks,

Jacinta Percival, Kaitlyn

Woods, Laura Alexander, Chris Gogala, Tameeka Thorley, Maddison Ewens,

Alexandra Brown.

Music Notes

Year 12 Music

Year 12 Music have their Practical Music HSC examination next Thursday 12th

September. Submitted works (composition) were sent off to the Board of Studies this

week for HSC marking. As the students rehearse their HSC songs for one last week, I

wish them the best of luck on the HSC Day.

Junior Music

Year 9 students are learning about Jazz Music. They have a research assignment

due at the end of term.

Year 8 Music are rehearsing performances with Mr Caulfield and sounding great.

Year 7 Music are learning about different styles of Rock Music. They have a

research assignment due at the end of term. They are learning to play a variety of

different songs on keyboard, guitar and drumkit.

Mervyn Mackay and Isaiah Lucas learning Beautiful.

Sharon Jansen helping Glenden Roden master the Rock drumbeat.


Young Australia Workshops visited CRTHS on August 22nd so Year 7 and Elective

Music students could enjoy the Soundscape performance. Multi-instrumentalist

Colin Offord brought a bagful of cultural and homemade instruments that he

demonstrated. Many students took up the opportunity to have a go at playing

these unique instruments.

Miss Aldrick - Music

Year 12 enjoyed their Farewell Social last night dressed as Favourite Childhood


In their final two weeks of class, Year 12 are preparing for the looming HSC



Slave Day Auction - Friday 13th September

Slave Day – Tuesday 17th September

Farewell Breakfast – Thursday 19th September 8am

Farewell Assembly – Thursday 19th September 10:30am

Graduation – Friday 22nd November (Alcohol Free Event)

More information to be issued tomorrow.

They are reminded to finalise a number of forms by the end of next week:

Ensure you have signed the photo ID form for HSC (Miss Aldrick)

Grad Info Sheet (Miss Aldrick)

Application for Reference Sheet (Miss Aldrick)

Early-Entry Applications for University (Miss Aldrick/Mr Holmes)

Post–school survey (Mr Holmes)

Return chocolate Fundraising money (Miss Aldrick)

Supply a baby photo for slideshow (Miss Aldrick)

Return slip regarding numbers for Farewell Assembly (Office)

Organise your laptops (Mr Buchtmann)

Miss Aldrick – Year 12 Adviser

Year 12 News



UNIFORMS Has your child left school?

or maybe they have outgrown their old school uniform and it is

sitting in a cupboard somewhere?? Then please consider


We have lots of needy families who would benefit from your kind donation.

For more information or to arrange a donation

please contact Ms. G. Lindsay at the school

on ph: 63621677
