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The Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre · The Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre...

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The Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre 1 Selected Initiatives in Mainstreaming Climate Change into National and Regional Policies, Strategies and Plans in the Caribbean By Joseph McGann Programme Manager Presentation to the Global Climate Alliance Presentation to the Global Climate Alliance Caribbean Training Workshop, April 23 Caribbean Training Workshop, April 23-26, 2012 26, 2012 Montego Bay, Jamaica Montego Bay, Jamaica
Page 1: The Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre · The Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre PPrreesseennttaattiioonn ttoo tthhee GGlloobbaall CClliimmaattee AAlllliiaannccee CCaarriibbbbeeaann

The Caribbean CommunityClimate Change Centre


Selected Initiatives in Mainstreaming Climate Changeinto National and Regional Policies, Strategies and

Plans in the Caribbean

ByJoseph McGann

Programme Manager

Presentation to the Global Climate AlliancePresentation to the Global Climate AllianceCaribbean Training Workshop, April 23Caribbean Training Workshop, April 23--26, 201226, 2012Montego Bay, JamaicaMontego Bay, Jamaica

Page 2: The Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre · The Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre PPrreesseennttaattiioonn ttoo tthhee GGlloobbaall CClliimmaattee AAlllliiaannccee CCaarriibbbbeeaann

The Caribbean Community

Climate Change Centre

Presentation to the Global Climate AlliancePresentation to the Global Climate AllianceCaribbean Training Workshop, April 23Caribbean Training Workshop, April 23--26, 201226, 2012Montego Bay, JamaicaMontego Bay, Jamaica


A Brief Overview

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Recognizing the vulnerability to the impacts ofRecognizing the vulnerability to the impacts ofclimate change and climate variability on theclimate change and climate variability on theeconomic development and social needs of theeconomic development and social needs of theregion, the Heads of Government of CARICOM atregion, the Heads of Government of CARICOM attheir annual meeting in July 2002, endorsed thetheir annual meeting in July 2002, endorsed thecreation of the Caribbean Community Climatecreation of the Caribbean Community ClimateChange Centre with the following mandate:Change Centre with the following mandate:

Presentation to the Global Climate AlliancePresentation to the Global Climate AllianceCaribbean Training Workshop, April 23Caribbean Training Workshop, April 23--26, 201226, 2012Montego Bay, JamaicaMontego Bay, Jamaica


Change Centre with the following mandate:Change Centre with the following mandate:

to coordinate the regionalto coordinate the regionalresponse to climate changeresponse to climate changeand its efforts to manageand its efforts to manageand adapt to its projectedand adapt to its projectedimpacts.impacts.

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Limited operations commenced in January 2004 withLimited operations commenced in January 2004 withthe appointment of a Director.the appointment of a Director.

The Centre became fully operational in July 2005The Centre became fully operational in July 2005through supporting grants fromthrough supporting grants from

Presentation to the Global Climate AlliancePresentation to the Global Climate AllianceCaribbean Training Workshop, April 23Caribbean Training Workshop, April 23--26, 201226, 2012Montego Bay, JamaicaMontego Bay, Jamaica


through supporting grants fromthrough supporting grants from

–– The host country, BelizeThe host country, Belize–– The Governments of Barbados and ItalyThe Governments of Barbados and Italy

It is located in the City of Belmopan, Belize.It is located in the City of Belmopan, Belize.

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The Objectives of the CentreThe Objectives of the Centre

Promoting protection of the earth’s climate systemPromoting protection of the earth’s climate systemwith special emphasis on the Caribbeanwith special emphasis on the Caribbean

Enhancing regional institutional capabilities for theEnhancing regional institutional capabilities for thecoco--ordination of national responses to the adverseordination of national responses to the adverseeffects of climate changeeffects of climate change

Providing comprehensive policy and technicalProviding comprehensive policy and technicalsupport in the area of climate change and relatedsupport in the area of climate change and related

Presentation to the Global Climate AlliancePresentation to the Global Climate AllianceCaribbean Training Workshop, April 23Caribbean Training Workshop, April 23--26, 201226, 2012Montego Bay, JamaicaMontego Bay, Jamaica


Providing comprehensive policy and technicalProviding comprehensive policy and technicalsupport in the area of climate change and relatedsupport in the area of climate change and relatedissuesissues

Promoting education and public awareness onPromoting education and public awareness onclimate change issuesclimate change issues

Facilitating regional consensus for negotiationsFacilitating regional consensus for negotiationsrelated to the UNFCCCrelated to the UNFCCC

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Collaborating InstitutionsCollaborating Institutions

United Kingdom Hadley CentreUnited Kingdom Hadley Centre Potsdam Institute for Climate ImpactPotsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research,Research,

GermanyGermany Meteorological Research Institute, JapanMeteorological Research Institute, Japan INSMET of CubaINSMET of Cuba University of Louisville (Kentucky, U.S.A.)University of Louisville (Kentucky, U.S.A.) Florida International University (U.S.A.)Florida International University (U.S.A.) NOAA (U.S.A.)NOAA (U.S.A.)

Presentation to the Global Climate AlliancePresentation to the Global Climate AllianceCaribbean Training Workshop, April 23Caribbean Training Workshop, April 23--26, 201226, 2012Montego Bay, JamaicaMontego Bay, Jamaica


NOAA (U.S.A.)NOAA (U.S.A.) CARDICARDI CIMHCIMH University of the West IndiesUniversity of the West Indies University of BelizeUniversity of Belize CATHALACCATHALAC OASOAS CMCC of ItalyCMCC of Italy

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Presentation to the Global Climate AlliancePresentation to the Global Climate AllianceCaribbean Training Workshop, April 23Caribbean Training Workshop, April 23--26, 201226, 2012Montego Bay, JamaicaMontego Bay, Jamaica



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THETHE MAINSTREAMINGMAINSTREAMING ADAPTATIONADAPTATIONTOTO CLIMATECLIMATE CHANGECHANGE (MACC)(MACC)PROJECTPROJECT,, ((20032003 toto 20092009)) aa GEF/WBGEF/WBfundedfunded project,project, executedexecuted byby thethe CARICOMCARICOMSecretariatSecretariat (CCS)(CCS) andand thethe CaribbeanCaribbeanCommunityCommunity ClimateClimate ChangeChange CentreCentre


Presentation to the Global Climate AlliancePresentation to the Global Climate AllianceCaribbean Training Workshop, April 23Caribbean Training Workshop, April 23--26, 201226, 2012Montego Bay, JamaicaMontego Bay, Jamaica


CommunityCommunity ClimateClimate ChangeChange CentreCentre(CCCCC),(CCCCC), waswas oneone mechanismmechanism utilizedutilized totosupportsupport selectedselected climateclimate changechange adaptationadaptationinitiativesinitiatives inin thethe CaribbeanCaribbean CommunityCommunitycountriescountries..

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TheThe initiativesinitiatives underunder thethe MACCCMACCC ProjectProjectfocusedfocused onon thethe followingfollowing::

TheThe BuildingBuilding ofof CapacityCapacity toto AssessAssessVulnerabilityVulnerability andand RisksRisks AssociatedAssociated withwithClimateClimate ChangeChange andand ClimateClimate VariabilityVariability


Presentation to the Global Climate AlliancePresentation to the Global Climate AllianceCaribbean Training Workshop, April 23Caribbean Training Workshop, April 23--26, 201226, 2012Montego Bay, JamaicaMontego Bay, Jamaica


ClimateClimate ChangeChange andand ClimateClimate VariabilityVariability

TheThe BuildingBuilding ofof CapacityCapacity toto ReduceReduceVulnerabilityVulnerability toto ClimateClimate ChangeChange

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TheThe initiativesinitiatives focusedfocused onon thethe followingfollowing::

TheThe BuildingBuilding ofof CapacityCapacity toto EffectivelyEffectivelyAccessAccess andand UtilizeUtilize ResourcesResources toto ReduceReduceVulnerabilityVulnerability toto ClimateClimate ChangeChange (Transfer(Transferandand ShareShare Risk)Risk)

Presentation to the Global Climate AlliancePresentation to the Global Climate AllianceCaribbean Training Workshop, April 23Caribbean Training Workshop, April 23--26, 201226, 2012Montego Bay, JamaicaMontego Bay, Jamaica


DeliveringDelivering ClimateClimate ChangeChange InformationInformation andandDataData toto KeyKey StakeholdersStakeholders forfor PolicyPolicy andandDecisionDecision MakingMaking andand PublicPublic EducationEducation andandAwarenessAwareness

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Capacity Established to Formulate andCapacity Established to Formulate andAnalyze Adaptation Policy OptionsAnalyze Adaptation Policy Options

AA numbernumber ofof CaribbeanCaribbean InstitutionsInstitutions nownowhavehave thethe capacitycapacity andand capabilitycapability toto conductconductformulationformulation andand analysisanalysis ofof adaptationadaptationpolicypolicy optionsoptions..

Presentation to the Global Climate AlliancePresentation to the Global Climate AllianceCaribbean Training Workshop, April 23Caribbean Training Workshop, April 23--26, 201226, 2012Montego Bay, JamaicaMontego Bay, Jamaica


policypolicy optionsoptions.. TheseThese includeinclude thethe ClimateClimate StudiesStudies GroupGroup

andand thethe CentreCentre forfor ResourceResource ManagementManagementandand EnvironmentalEnvironmental StudiesStudies ofof thethe UWIUWI andandthethe EnvironmentalEnvironmental SolutionsSolutions LtdLtd.. (ESL),(ESL),(private(private sector)sector) amongamong othersothers

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DownscaledDownscaled GlobalGlobal ClimateClimate ModelsModels UsedUsed totoSupportSupport ofof DecisionDecision MakingMaking forfor AdaptationAdaptation

TheThe ClimateClimate StudiesStudies GroupGroup (CSG)(CSG) ofof thetheUWIUWI andand INSMETINSMET ofof Cuba,Cuba, hashas beenbeenengagedengaged inin thethe downscalingdownscaling andand scenarioscenario

Presentation to the Global Climate AlliancePresentation to the Global Climate AllianceCaribbean Training Workshop, April 23Caribbean Training Workshop, April 23--26, 201226, 2012Montego Bay, JamaicaMontego Bay, Jamaica


engagedengaged inin thethe downscalingdownscaling andand scenarioscenariodevelopmentdevelopment activitiesactivities withwith thethe CCCCCCCCCC..

ThisThis hashas providedprovided beneficiariesbeneficiaries andand usersuserswithwith thethe outputsoutputs ofof downscaleddownscaled climateclimateprojectionprojection scenariosscenarios forfor useuse inin vulnerabilityvulnerabilityandand impactimpact assessmentsassessments andand otherother studiesstudies

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A harmonized approach for climate changeA harmonized approach for climate changevulnerability and risk assessment developedvulnerability and risk assessment developed

VulnerabilityVulnerability andand capacitycapacity assessmentsassessments ininthethe agricultureagriculture (Guyana),(Guyana), tourismtourism(Barbados)(Barbados) andand waterwater sectorssectors (Jamaica(Jamaica andandStSt.. VincentVincent andand thethe GrenadinesGrenadines werewere

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StSt.. VincentVincent andand thethe GrenadinesGrenadines werewerecompletedcompleted usingusing thethe manualmanual..

TheThe manualmanual andand thethe finalfinal reportsreports ofof thesetheseassessmentsassessments areare nownow availableavailable fromfrom thetheCCCCCCCCCC

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Capacity Established to Formulate andCapacity Established to Formulate andAnalyze Adaptation Policy OptionsAnalyze Adaptation Policy Options

NationalNational AdaptationAdaptation StrategiesStrategies (NAS)(NAS) totoaddressaddress climateclimate changechange inin specificspecific sectorssectorshavehave beenbeen completedcompleted andand presentedpresented toto thethe

Presentation to the Global Climate AlliancePresentation to the Global Climate AllianceCaribbean Training Workshop, April 23Caribbean Training Workshop, April 23--26, 201226, 2012Montego Bay, JamaicaMontego Bay, Jamaica


havehave beenbeen completedcompleted andand presentedpresented toto thetherespectiverespective nationalnational governmentgovernment agenciesagencies forforconsiderationconsideration andand implementationimplementation..

NASNAS werewere completedcompleted forfor BarbadosBarbados(tourism),(tourism), BelizeBelize (water),(water), GuyanaGuyana(agriculture),(agriculture), andand JamaicaJamaica (water)(water)

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Capacity Established to Formulate andCapacity Established to Formulate andAnalyze Adaptation Policy OptionsAnalyze Adaptation Policy Options

AA regionalregional studystudy waswas alsoalso completedcompleted forfor thethehealthhealth sectorsector andand withwith specificspecificrecommendationsrecommendations onon HealthHealth andand ClimateClimate

Presentation to the Global Climate AlliancePresentation to the Global Climate AllianceCaribbean Training Workshop, April 23Caribbean Training Workshop, April 23--26, 201226, 2012Montego Bay, JamaicaMontego Bay, Jamaica


recommendationsrecommendations onon HealthHealth andand ClimateClimateChangeChange AdaptationAdaptation OptionsOptions forfor thethe regionregion..TheThe studystudy waswas conductedconducted byby thethe CSGCSG

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The ESL TechnicalThe ESL TechnicalTeamTeam

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Montego Bay, JamaicaMontego Bay, Jamaica

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The CCCCC ED presentsThe CCCCC ED presentsNAS to Minister HoraceNAS to Minister HoraceChang in JamaicaChang in Jamaica

Presentation to the Global Climate AlliancePresentation to the Global Climate AllianceCaribbean Training Workshop, April 23Caribbean Training Workshop, April 23--26, 201226, 2012

Montego Bay, JamaicaMontego Bay, Jamaica

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WRTWRT Building of Capacity to Effectively AccessBuilding of Capacity to Effectively Accessand Utilize Resources to Reduce Vulnerabilityand Utilize Resources to Reduce Vulnerability ,,the following outcome was achievedthe following outcome was achieved

Established/institutionalized theEstablished/institutionalized the capacity tocapacity toprepare regional negotiating positionsprepare regional negotiating positions

Presentation to the Global Climate AlliancePresentation to the Global Climate AllianceCaribbean Training Workshop, April 23Caribbean Training Workshop, April 23--26, 201226, 2012Montego Bay, JamaicaMontego Bay, Jamaica


prepare regional negotiating positionsprepare regional negotiating positions(common and consolidated) and agenda for(common and consolidated) and agenda forthe UNFCCC and other international forathe UNFCCC and other international fora

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WRTWRT Delivering CC Information and Data to KeyDelivering CC Information and Data to KeyStakeholders and Public Education andStakeholders and Public Education andOutreachOutreach,, two outcomes were achievedtwo outcomes were achieved

1.1.The groundwork laid for the establishment ofThe groundwork laid for the establishment ofa fully functional information clearing housea fully functional information clearing house

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a fully functional information clearing housea fully functional information clearing housemechanismmechanism

2. Selected elements of a regional public2. Selected elements of a regional publiceducation and outreach program establishededucation and outreach program established

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Presentation to the Global Climate AlliancePresentation to the Global Climate AllianceCaribbean Training Workshop, April 23Caribbean Training Workshop, April 23--26, 201226, 2012Montego Bay, JamaicaMontego Bay, Jamaica



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The CARICOMThe CARICOM“Regional Framework for“Regional Framework forAchieving DevelopmentAchieving Development

Resilient to Climate Change”Resilient to Climate Change”


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Resilient to Climate Change”Resilient to Climate Change”

Delivering TransformationalDelivering TransformationalChange 2011Change 2011--20212021

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In 2009,In 2009, two significant steps were taken totwo significant steps were taken toaddress climate change in the Caribbean.address climate change in the Caribbean.

The Heads of Government of CARICOM:The Heads of Government of CARICOM:

Approved theApproved the Liliendaal Declaration onLiliendaal Declaration on


Presentation to the Global Climate AlliancePresentation to the Global Climate AllianceCaribbean Training Workshop, April 23Caribbean Training Workshop, April 23--26, 201226, 2012Montego Bay, JamaicaMontego Bay, Jamaica


Approved theApproved the Liliendaal Declaration onLiliendaal Declaration onClimate Change and DevelopmentClimate Change and Development

The DeclarationThe Declaration defines the national anddefines the national andinternational political positions of the CARICOMinternational political positions of the CARICOMmember states.member states.

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In 2009,In 2009, two significant steps were taken to addresstwo significant steps were taken to addressclimate change in the Caribbean.climate change in the Caribbean.

The Heads of Government of CARICOM:The Heads of Government of CARICOM:Approved “Approved “A Regional Framework for AchievingA Regional Framework for AchievingDevelopment Resilient to Climate ChangeDevelopment Resilient to Climate Change””


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Development Resilient to Climate ChangeDevelopment Resilient to Climate Change””prepared by the Caribbean Community Climateprepared by the Caribbean Community ClimateChange Centre (CCCCC).Change Centre (CCCCC).

The Framework articulates the strategic direction forThe Framework articulates the strategic direction forthe region’s response to climate change risks andthe region’s response to climate change risks andprovides a roadmap for action.provides a roadmap for action.

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The Heads of Government further requested theThe Heads of Government further requested theCentre to prepare an Implementation Plan (IP) toCentre to prepare an Implementation Plan (IP) tosupport the implementation of the Strategicsupport the implementation of the StrategicFramework.Framework.

The IP was developed during the periodThe IP was developed during the periodSeptember 2010 to June 2011, with funding fromSeptember 2010 to June 2011, with funding from


Presentation to the Global Climate AlliancePresentation to the Global Climate AllianceCaribbean Training Workshop, April 23Caribbean Training Workshop, April 23--26, 201226, 2012Montego Bay, JamaicaMontego Bay, Jamaica


September 2010 to June 2011, with funding fromSeptember 2010 to June 2011, with funding fromthe UK Department for International Developmentthe UK Department for International Developmentand the Climate and Development Knowledgeand the Climate and Development KnowledgeNetwork.Network.

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The Implementation Plan lays the groundThe Implementation Plan lays the ground--workworkto mainstream climate change into the nationalto mainstream climate change into the nationaldevelopment and planning processes in CARICOMdevelopment and planning processes in CARICOMmember states.member states.

The Implementation Plan was prepared followingThe Implementation Plan was prepared following


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The Implementation Plan was prepared followingThe Implementation Plan was prepared followingan extensive programme of consultation with overan extensive programme of consultation with over70 institutions and organizations and more than70 institutions and organizations and more than200 stakeholders including politicians, government200 stakeholders including politicians, governmentofficials, regional agencies, NGOs, private sectorofficials, regional agencies, NGOs, private sectorand donor agencies.and donor agencies.

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The IP will involve a transformational change inThe IP will involve a transformational change inmindset, institutional arrangements, operatingmindset, institutional arrangements, operatingsystems, collaborative approaches and integratedsystems, collaborative approaches and integratedplanning mechanisms in the region. These shifts haveplanning mechanisms in the region. These shifts havebeen initiated by the strong political leadership whichbeen initiated by the strong political leadership whichpaved the way for the Regional Framework and thepaved the way for the Regional Framework and the


Presentation to the Global Climate AlliancePresentation to the Global Climate AllianceCaribbean Training Workshop, April 23Caribbean Training Workshop, April 23--26, 201226, 2012Montego Bay, JamaicaMontego Bay, Jamaica


paved the way for the Regional Framework and thepaved the way for the Regional Framework and theImplementation Plan.Implementation Plan.

The Implementation Plan is tailored to the regionalThe Implementation Plan is tailored to the regionalcontext, linking specific actions with wider regionalcontext, linking specific actions with wider regionaland national sustainable development and growthand national sustainable development and growthstrategies to effectively mobilise limited resources.strategies to effectively mobilise limited resources.Central to this is the ‘threeCentral to this is the ‘three--ones’ approach.ones’ approach.

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The IP is a living document and will serveThe IP is a living document and will serveas the blueas the blue--print to take forward andprint to take forward anddeliver the strategic elements and goalsdeliver the strategic elements and goalsidentified in the Regional Framework.identified in the Regional Framework.


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Prior to approval by the Heads in MarchPrior to approval by the Heads in March2012, the IP was endorsed by:2012, the IP was endorsed by:

Representatives of national governments in MayRepresentatives of national governments in May20112011COTED in September 2011COTED in September 2011The Community Council in February 2012The Community Council in February 2012..

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Caribbean states must become lowCaribbean states must become low--carbon economiescarbon economies::Building a low carbon climate resilient economy should be anBuilding a low carbon climate resilient economy should be anintegral element of the wider sustainable development agendaintegral element of the wider sustainable development agendaof the CARICOM. Regional institutions and national Governmentsof the CARICOM. Regional institutions and national Governmentsare to review their existing strategies, policies and actions toare to review their existing strategies, policies and actions toensure they align with building resilience and delivering a lowensure they align with building resilience and delivering a lowcarbon economy.carbon economy.


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carbon economy.carbon economy.

CARICOM and its regional organisations must play a keyCARICOM and its regional organisations must play a keyand critical role in execution of the IP:and critical role in execution of the IP:The regional organizations will work collectively through aThe regional organizations will work collectively through aregional support structure that will allow countries to maximiseregional support structure that will allow countries to maximisetheir resources and technical expertise to the benefit of all.their resources and technical expertise to the benefit of all.

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Building resilience through transformational change andBuilding resilience through transformational change andeffective mobilisation of scarce resources:effective mobilisation of scarce resources:Business as usual will not drive the transformation required toBusiness as usual will not drive the transformation required tobuild resilience to a changing climate. The Caribbean cannotbuild resilience to a changing climate. The Caribbean cannotdeliver resilience and create low carbon economies withoutdeliver resilience and create low carbon economies withoutfinancial and technical assistance built on effective partnershipsfinancial and technical assistance built on effective partnershipsbetween national governments and international developmentbetween national governments and international developmentpartners.partners.


Presentation to the Global Climate AlliancePresentation to the Global Climate AllianceCaribbean Training Workshop, April 23Caribbean Training Workshop, April 23--26, 201226, 2012Montego Bay, JamaicaMontego Bay, Jamaica



Disaster risk reduction and climate change areDisaster risk reduction and climate change areinextricably linked:inextricably linked:Building resilience to existing climate variability and the changesBuilding resilience to existing climate variability and the changesalready experienced will be enhanced through the disaster riskalready experienced will be enhanced through the disaster riskreduction programmes across the Caribbean. The work of thereduction programmes across the Caribbean. The work of theCaribbean Disaster and Emergency Management Agency mustCaribbean Disaster and Emergency Management Agency mustremain a priority.remain a priority.

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Risk assessment and management must be the standardRisk assessment and management must be the standardin decisionin decision--making and resourcemaking and resource--allocation processesallocation processes::The Regional Framework is founded upon the principle of using riskThe Regional Framework is founded upon the principle of using riskmanagement processes and tools to aid decisionmanagement processes and tools to aid decision--making. Riskmaking. Riskmanagement processes can us to better manage our responses tomanagement processes can us to better manage our responses toaspects of climate variability and climate change that create or increaseaspects of climate variability and climate change that create or increasea risk to the Caribbean region, its member states, citizens,a risk to the Caribbean region, its member states, citizens,infrastructure, economies and environment.infrastructure, economies and environment.


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Uncertainty is not a reason for inactionUncertainty is not a reason for inaction::There is sufficient information available to make some decisions now.There is sufficient information available to make some decisions now.While there are issues with baseline data and knowledge gaps, there isWhile there are issues with baseline data and knowledge gaps, there isa wealth of existing information, knowledge and expertise which musta wealth of existing information, knowledge and expertise which mustbe built upon to develop capacity. Specific actions such as conducting abe built upon to develop capacity. Specific actions such as conducting afull asset inventory of Saint Lucia’s water utility assets could befull asset inventory of Saint Lucia’s water utility assets could beundertaken, followed by a risk assessment of the assetundertaken, followed by a risk assessment of the asset’’s vulnerabilitys vulnerabilityto climate variability.to climate variability.

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The mandate given to the CCCCC by the Heads ofThe mandate given to the CCCCC by the Heads ofGovernment in CARICOM to develop the IP providedGovernment in CARICOM to develop the IP providedpolitically powerful credibility for the process andpolitically powerful credibility for the process andensured the buyensured the buy--in of key stakeholders.in of key stakeholders.Armed with this robust mandate the CCCCC and consultantArmed with this robust mandate the CCCCC and consultantteam, gained access to a wide range of stakeholders andteam, gained access to a wide range of stakeholders andmeaningful consultations were held.meaningful consultations were held.


Presentation to the Global Climate AlliancePresentation to the Global Climate AllianceCaribbean Training Workshop, April 23Caribbean Training Workshop, April 23--26, 201226, 2012Montego Bay, JamaicaMontego Bay, Jamaica


Aligning national and regional priorities resulted in a successfulAligning national and regional priorities resulted in a successfulimplementation plan.implementation plan.

Although the IP is a regional plan for addressing climate change,Although the IP is a regional plan for addressing climate change,the elements that make up the IP also had to address nationalthe elements that make up the IP also had to address nationalissues and national priorities. This was assured through theissues and national priorities. This was assured through theidentification of key regional issues in the five strategic elementsidentification of key regional issues in the five strategic elementsof the Regional Strategy for Building Climate Resilience in theof the Regional Strategy for Building Climate Resilience in theCaribbean.Caribbean.

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Targeting key senior actors and institutions ensured thatTargeting key senior actors and institutions ensured thatinputs were truly reflective of national circumstancesinputs were truly reflective of national circumstances..Rather than convening meetings with national stakeholders in one placeRather than convening meetings with national stakeholders in one placeat one time or meeting just with national climate change committees,at one time or meeting just with national climate change committees,the consultation approach was more directly targeted at key individuals.the consultation approach was more directly targeted at key individuals.Senior officials were engaged successfully through this method and wereSenior officials were engaged successfully through this method and weremore able to accurately articulate the national positions on key issues.more able to accurately articulate the national positions on key issues.

The iterative stakeholder review process of the IP , fullThe iterative stakeholder review process of the IP , full


Presentation to the Global Climate AlliancePresentation to the Global Climate AllianceCaribbean Training Workshop, April 23Caribbean Training Workshop, April 23--26, 201226, 2012Montego Bay, JamaicaMontego Bay, Jamaica


The iterative stakeholder review process of the IP , fullThe iterative stakeholder review process of the IP , fullnational participation in a regional workshop and invitingnational participation in a regional workshop and invitinginputs for finalisation of the IP, gave national entities ainputs for finalisation of the IP, gave national entities aclear stake in the development and fostered ownershipclear stake in the development and fostered ownershipamong stakeholdersamong stakeholders..The process involved building consensus among sovereign states, with aThe process involved building consensus among sovereign states, with awide range of country and stakeholder interests. It was important to bewide range of country and stakeholder interests. It was important to besensitive to key issues that emerged as vital to national interests and tosensitive to key issues that emerged as vital to national interests and toensure that they were reflected in the compilation of priority actions.ensure that they were reflected in the compilation of priority actions.

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Combining the regionCombining the region--specific knowledge and experiencespecific knowledge and experienceof the CCCCC team with the services of a reputableof the CCCCC team with the services of a reputableconsultancy firm was a strengthconsultancy firm was a strength..The consulting team’s leadership and guidance in key technical areasThe consulting team’s leadership and guidance in key technical areaswas complemented by the onwas complemented by the on--thethe--ground knowledge and experience ofground knowledge and experience ofthe CCCCC team that had been built up over the years and capitalisedthe CCCCC team that had been built up over the years and capitalisedon existing and excellent working relationships with key national andon existing and excellent working relationships with key national andregional organizations. This supported easy access to key stakeholdersregional organizations. This supported easy access to key stakeholders


Presentation to the Global Climate AlliancePresentation to the Global Climate AllianceCaribbean Training Workshop, April 23Caribbean Training Workshop, April 23--26, 201226, 2012Montego Bay, JamaicaMontego Bay, Jamaica


regional organizations. This supported easy access to key stakeholdersregional organizations. This supported easy access to key stakeholdersand was instrumental in facilitating a complex regional process.and was instrumental in facilitating a complex regional process.

Additional benefits have emerged from theAdditional benefits have emerged from theImplementation Plan processImplementation Plan process..The IP process has enhanced knowledge of regionThe IP process has enhanced knowledge of region--specific climate issuesspecific climate issuesacross a wide range of stakeholders in the Caribbean and this hasacross a wide range of stakeholders in the Caribbean and this hasstrengthened the position of the CCCCC to support the mainstreaming ofstrengthened the position of the CCCCC to support the mainstreaming ofclimate change into different sectors.climate change into different sectors...

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Delivery of the IP is a shared responsibility. RegionalDelivery of the IP is a shared responsibility. Regionalorganisations have a role in supporting and guiding actionorganisations have a role in supporting and guiding actionon climate change, howeveron climate change, however the focus for transformationalthe focus for transformationalchange is at the national levelchange is at the national level and below.and below.

The pace at which such change can be achieved will be aThe pace at which such change can be achieved will be afunction of the capacity, resources, empowerment of andfunction of the capacity, resources, empowerment of andengagement across and between all sectors andengagement across and between all sectors and


Presentation to the Global Climate AlliancePresentation to the Global Climate AllianceCaribbean Training Workshop, April 23Caribbean Training Workshop, April 23--26, 201226, 2012Montego Bay, JamaicaMontego Bay, Jamaica


engagement across and between all sectors andengagement across and between all sectors andstakeholders, along withstakeholders, along with the political will to effect changethe political will to effect change..

The adoption ofThe adoption of the ‘threethe ‘three--ones’ approach to resourceones’ approach to resourcemobilisationmobilisation is considered to be the most effective processis considered to be the most effective processby which this change can be delivered.by which this change can be delivered.

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Contact InformationContact Information

THE CARIBBEAN COMMUNITYTHE CARIBBEAN COMMUNITYCLIMATE CHANGE CENTRECLIMATE CHANGE CENTRE22ndnd Floor, Lawrence Nicholas Bldg.Floor, Lawrence Nicholas Bldg.P.O. Box 563P.O. Box 563Bliss Parade,Bliss Parade,Belmopan,Belmopan, BelizeBelizeTel: +501Tel: +501--822822--1094/11041094/1104


Tel: +501Tel: +501--822822--1094/11041094/1104Fax: +501Fax: +501--822822--13651365Website:Website:www.caribbeanclimate.bzwww.caribbeanclimate.bz

Presentation to the Global Climate AlliancePresentation to the Global Climate AllianceCaribbean Training Workshop, April 23Caribbean Training Workshop, April 23--26, 201226, 2012

Montego Bay, JamaicaMontego Bay, Jamaica

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Presentation to the Global Climate Alliance CaribbeanPresentation to the Global Climate Alliance CaribbeanTraining Workshop, April 23Training Workshop, April 23--26, 2012 Montego Bay,26, 2012 Montego Bay,

