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The Casa Batlllo - Mahdiar GhaffarianPhilippe Thiébaut, has even suggested that the rooms of the...

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The Casa Batlllo (1904-1906 ) A n t o n i G a u d i Case Study - Body Assignment Mahdiar GhaffarianHoseini Intro to Design Theories - Fall 2011
Page 1: The Casa Batlllo - Mahdiar GhaffarianPhilippe Thiébaut, has even suggested that the rooms of the Batllo apartment unfold like a process of cellular growth.” (Rachel Grossman) Mahdiar

M a h d i a r G h a f f a r i a n H o s e i n iC a s e S t u d y A s s i g n m e n tI n t r o D e s i g n T h e o r i e s - F a l l 2 0 1 1

T h e C a s a B a t l l l o

(1904-1906)A n t o n i G a u d iC a s e S t u d y - B o d y A s s i g n m e n t

M a h d i a r G h a f f a r i a n H o s e i n iI n t r o t o D e s i g n T h e o r i e s - F a l l 2 0 1 1

Page 2: The Casa Batlllo - Mahdiar GhaffarianPhilippe Thiébaut, has even suggested that the rooms of the Batllo apartment unfold like a process of cellular growth.” (Rachel Grossman) Mahdiar

M a h d i a r G h a f f a r i a n H o s e i n iC a s e S t u d y A s s i g n m e n tI n t r o D e s i g n T h e o r i e s - F a l l 2 0 1 1

The Casa Batlllo (1904-1906)A n t o n i G a u d i

Architecture is not just a design, a form, a bui lding or a structure but i t is def ined by i ts inhabitants, the human.

“house of bones” or “house of yawns” are names referred to casa batl lo by Antonio Gaudi , both these names and many other factors and interpretat ions imply that not only this bui lding has a lot to present regarding to the notion of the body but also the bui lding i tself is usually compared to a human body and is considered as a piece of natural organic architecture. This bui lding as discussed in previous paper is introduced as a type of in between, when gothic and modern architecture together are leading this architecture.

A bui lding is always in relat ion to the body and both body and architecture have effects on each other . I t is the body that def ines a space and the space does so for the body “To

Page 3: The Casa Batlllo - Mahdiar GhaffarianPhilippe Thiébaut, has even suggested that the rooms of the Batllo apartment unfold like a process of cellular growth.” (Rachel Grossman) Mahdiar

be a body, is to be t ied to a certain world, as we have seen; our body is not pr imari ly in space: i t is of i t . ”

Physical relat ion between bui lding and the body

the use of natural forms inside and outside of casa batl lo represent a strong formal relat ion between architecture and nature which human body is a part of i t , moreover the space created inside and outside is correlated to human f igure port ions and requirements.

the large amount of l ight and venti lat ion in the space and the concentrat ion of the architect on these technical health-oriented factors remind us of the modern scheme of health caring systems in which designing bui ldings which provide best possible si tuation for man to l ive a healthy l i fe by means such as avoiding dark and humid spaces and instead of them designing sky l ights and atr iums with good air condit ioning systems

M a h d i a r G h a f f a r i a n H o s e i n iC a s e S t u d y A s s i g n m e n tI n t r o D e s i g n T h e o r i e s - F a l l 2 0 1 1

casa batllo neighboring other buildings

Page 4: The Casa Batlllo - Mahdiar GhaffarianPhilippe Thiébaut, has even suggested that the rooms of the Batllo apartment unfold like a process of cellular growth.” (Rachel Grossman) Mahdiar

were the main concerns of the t ime. While some gothic and classic bel iefs regarding body is obvious in many features of this architecture l ike using f igurat ive elements or vi truvian port ions.

“a truly new spir i t can only exist in a new body… we have to real ize that the most formidable discovery of our t ime is health… physical health, basis of mental health, basis of every balanced activi ty , of al l production, in al l domains, and in that of art as much as un al l the others… the body wil l emerge naked in the sun, washed, muscled, supple.” (Winter , Le Corps nouveau)

While l iv ing in casa batl lo the bui lding’s windows, balconies, walls, cei l ings and curves are al l metaphors of extensions of body, wide views through extended eyes, a deep breath through extended mouth in balconies (house of yawns) and so on.

Psychological and mental relat ion between bui lding and the body

Inside casa batl lo unconsciously every individual is a f low fol lowing the path that architect has designed, i t has been designed for them how to experience the space and

M a h d i a r G h a f f a r i a n H o s e i n iC a s e S t u d y A s s i g n m e n tI n t r o D e s i g n T h e o r i e s - F a l l 2 0 1 1

Page 5: The Casa Batlllo - Mahdiar GhaffarianPhilippe Thiébaut, has even suggested that the rooms of the Batllo apartment unfold like a process of cellular growth.” (Rachel Grossman) Mahdiar

how to feel in certain spaces. Every space is designed related to the body to make i t a part of the space.

Although the bui lding and i ts form is mysterious, strange and unfamil iar in person’s mind but visi tors and users have always claimed that the bui lding feels so homely and they have never fel t out of place or not matched. homely or unhomely, a place where you feel famil iar with and you feel at home, regardless to the fact that you have ever been there or not and irrespective to

the appearance which can be strange or not . The house has been design with respect to body act ions and body requirements in addit ion to the use of natural forms and materials and curved surfaces which induct the feel ing of famil iar i ty al l together play roles in this phenomenon. When an individual is experiencing the house, i t is not just a physical place but a psychological space in person’s mind.

M a h d i a r G h a f f a r i a n H o s e i n iC a s e S t u d y A s s i g n m e n tI n t r o D e s i g n T h e o r i e s - F a l l 2 0 1 1

Page 6: The Casa Batlllo - Mahdiar GhaffarianPhilippe Thiébaut, has even suggested that the rooms of the Batllo apartment unfold like a process of cellular growth.” (Rachel Grossman) Mahdiar

How the bui lding is a bodyCasa batl lo is a result of t ransformation

from an exist ing unwanted si tuation to a perfectly suitable appealing architecture. Like curing a disease Gaudi change a sick body with a healthy one not only by improvements but also by organ transplantations and even adding new organs. While designing a new circulat ion and space organization Gaudi thoroughly undertook the design of every single element of the bui lding, f rom the extravagantly protuberant facade to al l aspects of the inter ior , including the graceful ly gnarled furniture.

Three di f ferent stages that def ine the relat ion between architecture and the body through centuries are “ the bui lding as body”, “ the bui lding epitomizing bodily states” and “environment as a whole endowed with bodi ly characterist ic” . Casa batl lo is a combination of “ the bui lding as a body” and “the bui lding epitomizing body states” as i t is simultaneously expressing the body and working as a body. This is another reason to claim the assumption of the type of in-between.

“The parts of bui lding should be arranged similarly to those of an animal; as is seen,

M a h d i a r G h a f f a r i a n H o s e i n iC a s e S t u d y A s s i g n m e n tI n t r o D e s i g n T h e o r i e s - F a l l 2 0 1 1

Page 7: The Casa Batlllo - Mahdiar GhaffarianPhilippe Thiébaut, has even suggested that the rooms of the Batllo apartment unfold like a process of cellular growth.” (Rachel Grossman) Mahdiar

for example, in the case of the horse, whose parts are equally beauti ful and eff icient . ” (Albert i ) casa batl lo is obeying this rule as well , every feature is formally, functionally and structural ly designed and these factors are not detachable.

“The undulat ing rhythms and the organic imagery of these inter iors create the feel ing that the house l ives and breathes. Spiral forms on the walls and cei l ings lend a sensation of movement to the spaces. One Gaudi scholar , Phi l ippe Thiébaut, has even suggested that the rooms of the Batl lo apartment unfold l ike a process of cel lular growth.” (Rachel Grossman)

M a h d i a r G h a f f a r i a n H o s e i n iC a s e S t u d y A s s i g n m e n tI n t r o D e s i g n T h e o r i e s - F a l l 2 0 1 1
