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#the case against the alt right Brought to you by Cult of...

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#the_case_against_the_alt_right Brought to you by Cult of Moonman™ “A fifth column special snowflake group whose sole purpose is to attack the Alt-Right Brand” - TRS


Brought to you by Cult of Moonman™

“A fifth column special snowflake group whose sole

purpose is to attack the Alt-Right Brand” - TRS

Preface: Rambo’s Rant

I broader rant to explain some of my reasonings in my hatred of this thing.

What pisses me off the most with the (((Alt-Right))) and TRS is that they act like literal niggers. Just

think of it and you’ll see that their behaviour is no better then that of a savage steppe dwelling negro

who spends more time looking for the next pile of fermented fruit to chew on, than thinking about

the future.

In their delusion and short sightedness they’re hoarding in anything that moves to their so called

“movement”. They don’t care if the new “recruits” are jews, niggers, sexual-degenerates or some

other modern-world abomination. They do this because nothing matter to them, besides the idea of

“winning”. And like every negro they haven’t a clue about what this “winning” they’re talking about

even means. They’re so far up their own asses that they’ve not even realised that this thing, they call

a “movement, i.e. the (((Alt-Right)))™® © isn’t even a movement. It’s not even an ideology. It has no

ideological foundation nor a goal to reach. All which are essential in the outlining of goals.

If you cannot even get a coherent, broadly accepted, set of goals together, then how in the hell do

you expect to win? You can’t win or reach your goal if you as a group/movement don’t know what

the hell you’re doing and working towards in the first place.

Tangent: And before some triggered (((Alt-Right))) faggot comes along claiming that “WE DO HAVE

GOALS” I’ll just stop you there. You don’t. There are a million and one different people speaking for

this (((Alt-Right)))™® © and everyone has a completely different stance of what the goals of the

(((Alt-Right)))™® © are. And if that wasn’t enough, each one of them has a completely different

stance of what the (((Alt-Right))) even is.

Back to their nigger behaviour: Like all low intellect creatures the (((Alt-Right))) parrots try to use

“arguments” which aren’t based in logic or reason to defend their own lunacy. They’ll tell everyone

critical of their precious “movement” that instead of whining we should spend our time helping

them to weed out the shit from the (((Alt-Right))) and make the (((Alt-Right))) better. It does not

occur to them how stupid this argument is so I’ll explain it to them.

First. It’s extremely inefficient to waste time and energy trying to change a “movement” that isn’t a

movement to begin with. It’s equally inefficient to form an ideology out of a thing that never was

intended to be one.

The (((Alt-Right))) was by designed meant to be a confusing and subversive pile of corrosive shit.

Designed by the jew to once again can lure away the youth from discovering the true ideologies of

the white man. Ideologies that threaten the very essence of zionism the global scams of the world

jewry. The (((Alt-Right))) is nothing but an artificial fog of war and the (((Alt-Righters))) are falling for

it head over heals.

Second. While the (((Alt-Right))) parrots “help us make the (((Alt-Right))) better”, they completely

neglect to tell us why in the hell we should spend time making something better, when “making it

better” means that we’d make it resemble already existing ideologies.

What is the point of inventing the wheel again besides have us occupied with useless tasks while the

jew fucks us over once again?

While they’re engaged in this senseless expansionism without a plan and forging a movement and an

ideology of something that was designed to be neither they have the audacity to claim that we on

the actual far-right are being destructive purists. So let me make it very clear to any (((Alt-Right)))

faggot reading this.

Long before anyone had even heard of the term (((Alt-Right))) we on the far-right were growing year

by year. We did so by emphasising that our ideologies have the goal of creating white society that

focus on the betterment of our people and the future of our race. We didn’t need to dumb it down,

we didn’t apologise for our demands of purity and we definitely did not allow any jews, niggers,

faggots or other degenerate to come in and speak for us. A mere look at the rise of the far-right in

Europe in the last 10 years will show you that you do not need to pander for jews, niggers or faggots

to reach the hears of the white men and women out there. Thus the only argument for they have,

that in an alternative universe would makes sense, falls apart. That is the one the (((Alt-Right))) likes

to parrot the most: “We need to get as many aboard as possible to win, and if we intend to do so we

can’t exclude certain groups of people”.

But besides all the above flaws in their argumentation and “thinking”, it still does not compute to

them, that they cannot claim to have the same goals as the far-right when they’re accepting

everything the far-right resents.

The (((Alt-Right))) are the new kid on the block. They’re on our turf. Yet like some ungrateful shitskin

from the Middle-East they run around and piss on everything that we’ve built and show a complete

lack of respect towards their elders. They demand that we the far-right adapt to their need, give

them our resources and time while undermine our own future. Well that is not going to happen. The

far right belongs to the Ethnic Nationalists, Fascists, National Socialist etc. and the (((Alt-Right))) was

a guest we allowed to stay around until the US elections and Brexit were over. And if the (((Alt-

Right))) intends to stay around they’ll better get in line, shut up and do as told or they’ll have to

leave us the fuck alone.

So to make it perfectly clear. It’s the (((Alt-Right))) that has to adapt to us, not the other way around

if they intend to spend time in the same space that we occupy. Be it out in the real world or online.

And if they’re unable to do so we’ll treat them the same fucking way we treat any other vermin and

parasites. We annihilate them.

Last but not least I’ll leave a few things for the confused (((Alt-Right))) muppet to think about in the

hopes that they get some clarity and stop this fucking nonsense.

1. Name a single well known person out there that speaks for the (((Alt-Right))) and or identifies as

one that isn’t a jew, homosexual, mixed-race individual or a supporter of these before mentioned.

2. How do you among the (((Alt-Right))), who’ve been “red pilled” for years, and know about the jew

and their tricks, justify being part of and defending a creation coined by the jew, and filled to the

brim with jews and their supporters?

3. What is there to gain from re-inventing the wheel and working over time to change something

that is flawed by design, into something that already exists?

I hope that the three small questions above can at least make you think about what you’re doing and

set you on a path to find more discrepancies in the (((Alt-Right))) so that you finally find your way

back home to the far-right.

Required Reading: http://ropeculture.org/2017/01/13/zero-tolerance/

https://archive.is/2Wl4n - Meet the Jewish ‘Paleoconservative’ Who

Coined The Term ‘Alternative Right’ (forward.com)

https://archive.is/tmzdQ - SOME OBSERVATIONS FROM THE MAN

WHO CREATED ALT-RIGHT (frontpagemag.com)

https://archive.is/Na8Fl - Is it Possible for Jewish Nationalists &

European Nationalists to Work Together? (redice.tv)

https://archive.is/t3HhQ - Alt-Right Meltdown After Tweets About

the ‘Jewish Question’ (heatst.com)

https://archive.is/TX6mq - The Alt-Right’s Jewish Godfather


https://archive.is/dfsgq - The Jewish Alternative, the Jewish “Alt-

Right” (thejewishalternative.com)

https://archive.is/zPT1L - Regarding Baked Alaskan (/r/altright)

https://archive.is/H2VV8 - Why do so many leftists hate Israel’s

culture? (blackpigeonspeaks.com)

https://archive.is/uuUfy - Why is the Alt Right full of pathetic

untermenschen? (4/pol/)

https://archive.is/cU71j - Meet Mike Peinovich, the Upper East Side’s

Neo-Nazi Media Kingpin (medium.com)

https://archive.is/mjhtL - 'GRINDR' GREG JOHNSON REVEALED


https://archive.is/Mhtpa - American Vanguard Exposed (8/pol/)

https://archive.is/tccqx - What in Tarnation, Duke?


Proof that Neo-reaction is the father of the Alt-Right:

https://archive.is/U3eJy - THE RISE OF THE RADICAL RIGHT: THE ALT



https://archive.is/GonKe - Why the Replacement of Neoreaction with

the Alt Right Was a Good Thing (medium.com)

https://archive.is/0OsZx - A mysterious author just wrote a

fascinating history of the alt-right (fusion.kinja.com)

https://archive.is/Wk5Sp - Neoreaction, Alt-Right and Politics


https://archive.is/p9rem - The alt-right is more than warmed-over

white supremacy. It’s that, but way way weirder. (vox.com)

https://archive.is/Ylu77 - The Silicon Ideology (archive.org)

The Right Stuff dox threads:

/pol/ vs TRS

Thread 1: https://archive.is/NwpvY

Thread 2: https://archive.is/8se3q

Thread 3: https://archive.is/QHf8m

Thread 4: https://archive.is/lkdFz

Thread 5: https://archive.is/MRdAk

Thread 6: https://archive.is/LQIof

Thread 7: https://archive.is/Q1Gwb

Thread 8: https://archive.is/ntqa0

Thread 9: https://archive.is/Vpezf

Unofficial 9: https://archive.is/03nc1

Thread 10: https://archive.is/KKRZd

Thread 11: https://archive.is/A0ESq

Thread 12: https://archive.is/NW6M1

Thread 13: https://archive.is/fkjgd

Thread 13.1: https://archive.is/4E6Tm

Thread 14: https://archive.is/j9EjG

Thread 15: https://archive.is/iqB2F

Thread 16: https://archive.is/hAdqc


Dox 1: https://archive.is/yuegm

Dox 2: https://archive.is/HzvLT

Dox 3:



Seventh Son

Dox 1:



Dox 2



Dox 3



Dox 4 https://archive.is/jyCgj

Dox 5 https://archive.is/etOKi

Other TRS

TRS dox general: https://archive.is/d4KC5

TRS dox general, Ghoul edition: https://archive.is/WuH4s

TRS capitulation thread: https://archive.is/CoPIa

After dox thread: https://archive.is/iabt2

TRS blames /pol/ for initial Ghoul dox: https://archive.is/9HSZK

BPS cucks for Israel thread: https://archive.is/o3Eye

Mike Enoch (Peinovich)

Mike dox 1 https://archive.is/I7eME

Mike dox 2 https://archive.is/0pCEj

Mike dox 3 https://archive.is/rumnx

Mike dox 4 https://archive.is/gUUU7

Mike dox 5 https://archive.is/X6cBY

Mike dox 6 https://archive.is/7OZNw

TRS defending Jew Mike 1 https://archive.is/1JEhL

TRS defending Jew Mike 2 https://archive.is/8PxNg

The Daily Stormer

Andrew “Weev” Auernheimer



"Any attempt to brand me an anti-Semite is idiotic. I have no problem with any

person solely because of their Semitic descent. Take a look at my last name,

“Auernheimer”. Think about the likely origins of this name for a second. Even a

quick Google reveals its origins. The most famous Auernheimer of history,

journalist and author Raoul Auernheimer, had his way bought from the fires of

Dachau by his uncle, (((Theodore Herzl))) himself. Come on, I have curly hair

and brown eyes here. The claim many “journalists” are making that I am some

sort of Nazi is preposterous, but I suppose you have to resort to ad hominem

when the public overwhelmingly supported me on the basis of the facts of the



"Recently, someone who is known as the ultimate sleaze persona of “the

Internets”, a Jew by the name of Andrew Alan Escher Auernheimer, aka Weev,

has been been making the rounds as advocate for White ethnicity. Much of

this is simply a fraud: Weev was one of the most notorious “anti-Semite

hunters” of the early to middle 2000’s.He and his gang of Internet stalking an

cyber-harassing trash were one of the more effective trolling gangs who

collaborated or worked within large media websites for the express purpose to

shut down political discussion of Jewish involvement in 9-11 and political

power structures in general. Now, some 10 years later, and a short but well

deserved prison sentence, Weev has been seeking to “rebrand” himself as a

“White Nationalist”."

https://archive.is/RoKqc - Andrew "Weev" Auernheimer-legit or one

of "Vince McMahon's" boys (blindlight.org)

Sven Longshanks

https://archive.is/Rfhuy - Sven Longshanks from Radio Aryan/Daily

Stormer is convicted sex offender

Andrew Anglin

https://archive.is/UGRfg - Purity Tests are Absolute Poison to the Alt-

Right (dailystormer.com)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FB-1YrSv0nM - ANDREW


David Duke

https://archive.is/lVYEc - The David Duke Show: In Defense of Mike


Assorted Images

Assorted Videos

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEv672uRhLQ - Undeniable

evidence that Michael Enoch is Jewish “amongst other Jews”

http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=53b_1426403408 - Andrew Anglin

does the Philippines-Jailbait Style

https://streamable.com/b5er7 - Richard Spencer is ok with Drugs

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDpItNkUIsI - A character


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qjJ6L39l-K8 – A Judas Goat

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjNCPjn-5hU - How To Take

Down Controlled Opposition Shills - Richard Spencer

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xlb0Jvm4NqM – Mike Enoch’s

Jew Wife and her admission of Jewry

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrwxVASOPg4 – Ella Peinovich

presenting ‘Sasa Africa’ (Mike Enoch extended family)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FB-1YrSv0nM - ANDREW


https://streamable.com/8qvcm - Kike Enoch

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWlgmkz0zvI - Saint Andrew

Anglin Version 2012

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFbjfjpefYY – Mike Enoch

admits he’s Jewish

https://youtu.be/fSG6TQv7VEE - The Alt-Right, MASK OFF (Daily

Stormer, Anglin, Weev, Enoch, Duke, Molyneux) EXPOSED
