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The CAUSE of GRAVITY: Fractal Self Similar Charge …

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9/4/16, 10:55 AM SELF SIMILARITY (constructive charge collapse): Cause of GRAVITY and Mass Creation Page 1 of 55 http://goldenmean.info/creation/alchemycourse.html The CAUSE of GRAVITY: Fractal Self Similar Charge Symmetry- creates the recursive CONSTRUCTIVE 'charge collapse' which even Einstein used to DEFINE GRAVITY ELECTRICALLY.. here is the model, the visual proof- the cause of the GRAVITY MADE BY ATOMS- is the fact that the NUCLEAR particles geometry (platonic nest) is PROFOUNDLY -SELF SIMILAR to the ELECTRON SHELLS! (platonic nest) Chemist Moon, Univ Chicago shows below the platonic nature of nuclear hadron nesting, Winter - here confirms the model- showing the necessary correlation to the fact that the s,p,d,f electron subshells HAVE PRECISELY THE SAME SELF SIMILAR SYMMETRY (torus to cube to dodec /icos). - A New Scientific / Biofeedback BreakThru - from Implosion Group -Dan Winter Update May 2010, In this article we show visually how the nucleus parts are precisely platonic and self similar (fractal) to their corresponding electron shells.. This discussion became so much more compelling when we published my new equation proving that Planck LENGTH times Golden Ratio accurately predicts 3 of the Golden Ratio radii of hydrogen: goldenmean.info/goldenproof We update our stellar discussion of fractal plasma at: goldenmean.info/carringtonevent "Essentially the more compressed form of plasma - that results when the spin /rotation symmetries complete their platonic (and therefore Golden Ratio) nesting - is called the atomic table. See goldenmean.info/creation -for pictures. Notice there the seed for your new understanding that the atomic table's platonic and golden ratio fractality is itself powerful evidence - that even atoms only make and have gravity because their inside -nucleus, is fractal (& golden ratio ) to their outside - electron shells ." Charge Array SELF SIMILARITY: Cause of Mass Creation Visualizing WHY Self-Similarity of Charge symmetry is the electrical cause of the gravity which holds atoms (and everything) together.. Dan Winter proposed the idea that fractal charge collapse is the CAUSE of gravity -presenting at the major international conference of Unified Field Physicists in Budapest. Self-similar or fractal non-destructively COLLAPSEable charge: the CAUSE of gravity? We have suggested this hypothesis about the cause of gravity also because it can help us understand the gravity making empowerment of DNA during charge absorbing BLIS your charge field KA or rainbow body. When the bodies charge field becomes coherent enough (coherence perfected is fractal in this model)- then you have the doorway to s In this pictorial essay - we are suggesting physics must consider: WHY electron shells valence symmetry is precisely SELF SIMILAR to NUCLEAR SYMMETRY. The way this is true- is this because only this fractally enabled charge collapse the CAUSE of GRAVITY? Also note below the pic and link to spirasolaris.ca showing recent physics evidence the Golden Mean ratio is the ubiquous principle of planetary orbital geometrics (Kepler's We illustrate here that the platonic solids nest (tetra/cube to dodeca to icosa) IS specifically the precise symmetry nest of : a) the geometry of atomic nuclei - nuclear hadrons (protons and nutrons arrangement in the nucleus) b) the interlayering of the s,p,d,f - master set of electron shells as thruout all atoms c) golden ratio and therefore implosive and gravity making self similar charge collapse. Each edge or wave length ratio of cube to dodec, and dodec to icos, and icos to dodec IS only Golden Ratio. And further the x,y,z coodinate value of EACH vertex i THEREFORE (in the cube/dodec/icos/dodec/icos infinite platonic nest) the distance to center in each case from each vertex specifically ALLOWS the recursive CO infinite constructive charge compression or collapse. Using Golden Ratio - charge compression BECOMES charge acceleration because the wave velocities add and

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The CAUSE of GRAVITY: Fractal Self Similar Charge Symmetry- creates the recursive CONSTRUCTIVE'charge collapse' which even Einstein used to DEFINE GRAVITY ELECTRICALLY..

here is the model, the visual proof- the cause of the GRAVITY MADE BY ATOMS- is the fact that the NUCLEARparticles geometry (platonic nest) is PROFOUNDLY -SELF SIMILAR to the ELECTRON SHELLS! (platonic nest)

Chemist Moon, Univ Chicago shows below the platonic nature of nuclear hadron nesting, Winter - here confirms the model- showing the necessary correlation to the factthat the s,p,d,f electron subshells HAVE PRECISELY THE SAME SELF SIMILAR SYMMETRY (torus to cube to dodec /icos). -

A New Scientific / Biofeedback BreakThru - from Implosion Group -Dan WinterUpdate May 2010, In this article we show visually how the nucleus parts are precisely platonic and self similar (fractal) to their corresponding electron shells.. Thisdiscussion became so much more compelling when we published my new equation proving that Planck LENGTH times Golden Ratio accurately predicts 3 of the

Golden Ratio radii of hydrogen: goldenmean.info/goldenproof

We update our stellar discussion of fractal plasma at: goldenmean.info/carringtonevent

"Essentially the more compressed form of plasma - that results when the spin /rotation symmetries complete their platonic (and therefore Golden Ratio) nesting - iscalled the atomic table. See goldenmean.info/creation -for pictures. Notice there the seed for your new understanding that the atomic table's platonic and golden ratiofractality is itself powerful evidence - that even atoms only make and have gravity because their inside -nucleus, is fractal (& golden ratio ) to their outside - electron


Charge Array SELF SIMILARITY: Cause of Mass Creation

Visualizing WHY Self-Similarity of Charge symmetryis the electrical cause of the gravity which holds atoms (and everything) together..

Dan Winter proposed the idea that fractal charge collapse is the CAUSE of gravity -presenting at the major international conference of UnifiedField Physicists in Budapest.

Self-similar or fractal non-destructively COLLAPSEable charge: the CAUSE of gravity?

We have suggested this hypothesis about the cause of gravity also because it can help us understand the gravity making empowerment of DNA during charge absorbing BLISS. (Peter Gariaev's phantom DNA, research in Russia for example). This could be a way to survive the solar maximum / 2012 /rapture for example- inyour charge field KA or rainbow body. When the bodies charge field becomes coherent enough (coherence perfected is fractal in this model)- then you have the doorway to sustainability electrically (immortality).

In this pictorial essay - we are suggesting physics must consider: WHY electron shells valence symmetry is precisely SELF SIMILAR to NUCLEAR SYMMETRY. The way protons/ neutrons nest (see pics from U.Chicago chemist MOON below) appears platonically perfectly SELF SIMILAR to the way electrons nest. Ifthis is true- is this because only this fractally enabled charge collapse the CAUSE of GRAVITY?

Also note below the pic and link to spirasolaris.ca showing recent physics evidence the Golden Mean ratio is the ubiquous principle of planetary orbital geometrics (Kepler's dream realized). If this is true- is it because Golden Ratio self similarity enabled charge collapse is key to stabilizing the gravity of the solar system?

We illustrate here that the platonic solids nest (tetra/cube to dodeca to icosa) IS specifically the precise symmetry nest of :

a) the geometry of atomic nuclei - nuclear hadrons (protons and nutrons arrangement in the nucleus)

b) the interlayering of the s,p,d,f - master set of electron shells as thruout all atoms

c) golden ratio and therefore implosive and gravity making self similar charge collapse.

Each edge or wave length ratio of cube to dodec, and dodec to icos, and icos to dodec IS only Golden Ratio. And further the x,y,z coodinate value of EACH vertex in the inPHIknit array of cube/dodec/icos/dodec/icos/dodec/icos.... (see '

THEREFORE (in the cube/dodec/icos/dodec/icos infinite platonic nest) the distance to center in each case from each vertex specifically ALLOWS the recursive CONSTRUCTIVE charge wave heterodyning which ONLY Golden Ratio allows. This is THE solution to Einstein's electrical recipe for gravity:infinite constructive charge compression or collapse. Using Golden Ratio - charge compression BECOMES charge acceleration because the wave velocities add and multiply constructively as well as the wave lengths. In this model, charge acceleration is considered identical to the production of gravity.

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Links- Golden Ratio in physics.


If this is true - then we suggest physics must deal with the hypothesis that it is precisely that charge collapse (toward implosion) of self similarity which is the cause of the gravity making which holds atoms together. This will then set the stage for understanding the role of biologic generated 'phase conjugate' 'DNA radio'charge fields in the production and stabilization of gravity. Thus we come to begin to understand the astronomic logic of star systems expending energy to fabricate genepools like ours. (Star making and "Sun God' production).

As we discussed at goldenmean.info/gravitycause experimental protocols intended to prove that charge collapse (for example there - in phase conjugate dielectric capacitor array) is the cause of gravity. At the golden ratio rich - nested dodecahedron. (This is also the shape/symmetry of the cold fusion key: palladium atom).

Here we merely add some visual review - suggesting how compelling this idea is- and worthy of further (and more mathematical ) development.

Here, in summary, is our thesis

1. Only fractality allows infinite compression.

2. Perfect compression of charge is the cause of mass creation AND gravity- because... The quality of inertia storage which defines mass only arises out of charge in rotation - when that rotation is locked into phase BY the centripedal implosive force of charge acceleration thru light speed at center (gravity). (Why perfectingcurvature or corriolis like forces is often modelled to understand gravity).

Rotational force= mass. Transverse charge moving BETWEEN frequencies and phase velocities thru center= gravity. Perfected translation of vorticity / Golden Mean - optimizes that path of perfect curvation translation from MASS to the energy in GRAVITY! (Gravity coupling the vacuum by fractalized coherence is NOTfree energy- see goldenmean.info/notfree ).

3. Golden Ratio being the only geometry of constructive recursive heterodyning (recursive wave interference) - is the curvation of space time which is the cause of gravity. In hydrodynamic terms: optimized translation of vorticity. Only Golden Ratio allows phase VELOCITIES of the interfering charge waves to recursivelyinterfere CONSTRUCTIVELY. In this way a portion of the charge inertia of compression is TRANSLATED (in vorticity) in to ACCELERATION. In this model - if charge rotation stores the inertia defining mass, the periodicity defining TIME, then also the same ACCELERATION of that charge DEFINES GRAVITY(heterodynes add and multiply the wave SPEEDS)

So while physics is correct to say gravity is caused by the curvature of space time, they fail to realize the geometric perfection of that curvature is Golden Mean. If as hydronamics claims that Golden Mean is optimized translation of vorticity - and charge in rotation is mass, and linear charge is energy (when heterodynedrecursively becomes gravity)- then Golden Ratio defines the only non-destructive charge path between mass and energy.

"Self-Similarity:So, how does nature do it?-(source see link) How does nature direct molecules into snow flakes, or crystals or any other regular form? Chaos Theoryhas an answer: Self Similarity, a fundamental principle that allows building blocks to mimic their own shape in the building they make.....A large number of

particles will display a pattern that is near equal to the initial possibilities of a single particle.....A similar thing is going on here: A large number of elements may form ashape that is derived from the shape of one element. And because no element can be coerced to follow a certain path, no large number of elements will display the exact

same pattern as another group. Patterns caused by large numbers of elements are alike but never the same. Hence all snow flakes look alike but no two are exactly identical....... Self-similarity is a really big deal. It occurs all over nature and many have argued that self-similarity is one of the key natural principles that shape our world

the way it is. Self-similarity has been observed in all fields of research: physics but also biology and even psychology and sociology. It also happens all overScriptures and has been studied extensively, most often referred to as type-Theology. In the Book of Exodus for instance, Moses constructs the Tabernacle according to

patterns he observed in heaven, making the tabernacle a self-similarity of something that exists on a different level of complexity, namely heaven. ........"

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Visual evidence- the electron shells (above s,p,d,f) above nest platonically..

below- note the NUCLEAR HADRONS (proton + neutrons) are ALSO platonically arranged.( see Moon / Univ Chicago pic, 21st Century Magazine).

Dan Winter challenges physics to 1. quantify this obvious SELF SIMILARITY between electrons charge symmetry vs. nucleus charge symmetry,

and 2. show that in fact there can be ANY other reason for this SELF SIMILARITY (between electron shells vs nucleus) if not to CAUSE the gravity which holdsatoms together! (constructive charge collapse= charge implosion >where charge compression becomes the charge acceleration which DEFINES gravity?)

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Golden Physics .. How exciting can it get:

By way of review- from goldenmean.info/creation (pictorial) - THE ONLY REASON ATOMS (Like Planetary Magnetospheres) HAVE AND MAKE GRAVITYIS TO THE EXTENT THEIR INSIDE (NUCLEUS) IS FRACTAL / SELF-SIMILAR (golden ratio) TO THEIR OUTSIDE (ELECTRON SHELLS)!

This enables the non-destructive charge collapse- which defines stable gravity.

So- it is exciting to see physics slowly catching on:

"...the energy of atomic hydrogen is actually equivalent to the energy of the simplest atomic condenser with the Golden mean capacity"

( Remember the golden ratio fractality of hydrogen is the centerpiece of solar fusion, and the absolute center bond of the DNA's zipper / ensoulment)

(Compare this work on Hydrogen - to Randy Masters years of work plumbing the Golden Ratio in the Balmer emission lines of Hydrogen.):

The Golden ratio, ionic and atomic radii and bond lengths Author: Raji Heyrovska a

Affiliation: a J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague, Czech RepublicDOI: 10.1080/00268970412331333591 Publication Frequency: 24 issues per year Published in: Molecular Physics, Volume 103, Issue 6 - 8 March 2005 , pages 877 - 882 Subjects: Atomic & NuclearPhysics; Chemical Physics; Group Theory; Mathematical Physics; Physical Chemistry; Quantum Mechanics; Theoretical Physics; Thermodynamics & Kinetic Theory; Number of References: 16 Formatsavailable: HTML (English) : PDF (English)

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Abstract This work arose from the author's finding that the ratio of the radius of hydrogen, estimated recently (C.H. Suresh, N. Koga, J. Phys. Chem. A, 105, 5940(2001)) by density functional methods, to the ground state Bohr radius is the Golden ratio, which operates in a variety of natural phenomena. It is found that theGolden ratio indeed plays a quantitative role in atomic physics. The interesting results are (1) that it arises in atomic dimensions due to the electrostatic forcesbetween negative and positive charges; (2) that the energy of atomic hydrogen is actually equivalent to the energy of the simplest atomic condenser with theGolden mean capacity; (3) that the origin of two terms in the Rydberg equation for absorption and emission is in fact in the ground state term; (4) that all atoms can beassigned definite values of cationic and anionic radii based on the Golden ratio and covalent radii; (5) that these radii are additive and explain quantitatively bond lengthslike those of alkali halides, of hydrides of many elements and of many other bonds, whether covalent or ionic or both; and (6) that the work functions of alkali metals canbe evaluated using the bond lengths.Amazing in a way that scientists like Guy Obololensky (pic / link below-) (Hi Guy- thanks for selling me your polygraph 30 years ago, and showing me your scope tomeasure faster than light signals)... realize that.. cascading frequency heterodyning is key to the scalar and superluminal..

<Guy Obolensky(compare to Golden Mean caducceus)

yet fail to see the real power of PHASE CONJUGATION (recursive phase velocity heterodyning) optimized by GOLDEN RATIO (caducceus). THIS is the principle ofgravity and life generation, mitogenic radiation, optical phase conjugation, DNA radio.. and 'getting a soul'. The science of soul HAS to begin with the electric field of DNAgenerating phase conjugation. Reference goldenmean.info/phaseconjugation , and goldenmean.info/fractalfield . DNA scientist Crick has written about ' Science of Soul' ..needs to be informed about phase conjugate optics. The optical frequencies of cellular mitogentic radiation have been measured. altcancer.com/mitogen.htmThanks to Bill Nelson for the suggestion.

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Above, from Carolan's "Spiral Calendar" book, note how the stock market as a 'chaotic oscillator' moves from chaos to the predictable, predictably at the moment when thevolume harmonics enter golden mean ratio - Prechter / Elliott Wave - Here is the principle: onset compression / implosion = onset self-organization, - more atgoldenmean.info/stockmkt/stockmkt.html

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