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The Cave (Draft 2) - Copy

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  • 7/31/2019 The Cave (Draft 2) - Copy


    The Cave

    He knows not to be frightened for he is dreaming, safely sleeping in his bed, his body

    lying light-years away, nebulae away, in another galaxy. He cannot see further than three feet

    ahead of him, and hes crawling through a tunnel, with brown dirt pressing in on all sides.

    Rocks peek out in the tunnel walls, gray or black or blue in vivid contrast to the dank soil.

    Finally he reaches the end, and before him are the woods.

    Hes been here before. He walks through a pair of trees, their boughs overhead creating

    an arch. Hes now standing in a clearing, with tiny white flowers on tall, leafy stalks poking up

    in swaying patches. In the middle is a table. He recognizes it as his own kitchen table, but hes

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    mostly looking at the man seated at the single chair, his hands clasped under his chin and a

    small, secret smile curling his lips. Hes wearing an ornate purple robe, and a crown set with

    three yellow jewels. His skin is far too pale. His hair is falling out on his shoulders. He has no

    eyes. In front of him is a plate, heaped with a mountain of morel mushrooms, all battered and

    fried and countered by two vast bowls of honey mustard.

    Turn around, the man says.

    He has done so before, retreated back into the cave. This time he walks forward and

    picks up one of the morels. He takes a big bite of it, staring at the man at his table. The mans

    false smile fades, replaced by a grimace of hate, and the entire world begins to shake as he


    Jeremy woke up one morning in July's fantastic heat to go hunting for mushrooms. There

    was one particular kind he really wanted to find that morning, even though he knew it was too

    late for them to grow. He had read about them in one of his dad's field guides which he kept

    lined neatly on a shelf in his office. There was a guide to trees, a guide to songbirds, one for

    fishes, and eventually one for mushrooms and other fungi. Veteran mushroom hunters might

    have picked the woods clean of morelsthe spongy, sickly looking mushrooms which

    supposedly were delicious when battered and friedby that deep, warm period of the year, but

    Jeremy had dreamt about them, and that was enough to make up his mind to take a hike and try

    to find some.

    Thus that morning, his boots laced, Jeremy started headed for the woods near his house

    after telling his mother where he would be. She had given him a bemused chuckle as he went out

    the door. "Make sure you don't get eaten by a bear out there," she had said, turning back to the

    kissing-people book she was reading. Jeremy's mother, he had decided, didn't seem to think

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    much of mushrooms, morels or otherwise. Characters in the kissing-people books probably had

    no use for them. However, the idea of meeting a bear intrigued him, and gave him a bit of a

    spring in his step as he made for the forest.

    The forest was a ragged woodlot on the west side of Bowersville, running north to south

    along the town's perimeter and stretching westward for about a mile before running into some

    farm fields. Kids on either pole of Bowersville usually played in the forest, creating secret forts

    and mimicking Cops and Robbers or Allies and Nazis or Scientists and Dinosaurs. Kids on the

    north end were more numerous in the woods than kids of the south end. The houses were bigger

    on the south end, and parents there were more apt to keep their children from venturing into the

    green void for fear of snakes and other monsters.

    Jeremys friend at school, Harrison, (a kinda dumb name, so he went by Harry us ually)

    who lived in one of the bigger houses, related to Jeremy tales Harrys mother had told him, about

    poisonous snakes and wild dogs that might bite, and would certainly bark. Other stories he'd

    heard around the lunchtable came from the word of kids whose brothers had moved onto middle

    and high school, tales of endless caves that brave men disappeared into, or buried treasure

    guarded by indistinguishable monsters with teeth rivaling the wild dogs Harry's mom had spoken


    Nevertheless, Jeremy was only looking for mushrooms. He lived neither at the north end

    or the south end, but at a comfortable middle, where he could enjoy the refugee of American

    wildlife without concerns of propriety. It couldn't be that dangerous anyway, he reasoned.

    When it came down to it, stories at the lunchtable were just stories, and stories are mostly lies,

    aren't they?

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    But as he neared the towering line of trees at the end of Wharf Avenue, which led into

    The Capwell's driveway before curving southward to the nice part of town, Jeremy felt a slight

    apprehension bubble its way into his gut. He slowed down his walking, his hands in the pockets

    of his jean shorts and his Transformers tee-shirt ruffled by a cool gust, as he surveyed the crown

    of greenery at the tops of the big trees. Next to the Capwell's yard was a vacant lot, too small to

    build a house on, sloping down into a culvert where storm-drains carried rainwater, creating a

    streambed which was swollen after a rain, but only muddy most of the time. Jeremy steeled

    himself, trying to think of his dream againit was fading, the way dreams always seem to do, he

    should have written it downbut he only kept thinking of the story Eric at school told them that

    spring, how his brother Nathan had encountered a crazed Jungleman who tried to skewer him

    with a spear, and how he had narrowly escaped becoming dinner.

    Jeremy took a deep breath and stepped off the curb and into the weed-strewn lot, careful

    of his footing as he descended the slope into the culvert. The woods soon swallowed him up.

    Gnarled bushes plucked at his clothes as he moved onward past the stagnant smell of the culvert.

    The bushes bore bright red berries, he saw, but he recognized them as poison berries. Eric had

    once brought some to school and dared Harry to eat some with his sandwich, and after lunch

    Harry yarked all over his desk in Mrs. Olingers history class. Eric had laughed, and after hed

    come back to school the next day Harry had laughed as well. The witnesses of the dare and the

    subsequent regurgitation all came away feeling a bit wiser.

    Once he was past the culvert and the Poison Berry bushes, Jeremy glanced upwards at the

    dense canopy, where rays of sunshine poured through. He smiled as a pair of bright blue birds

    sailed above, chirping noisily. After a few more paces, he found a sufficient walking stick,

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    testing it by banging it against a sturdy tree; the seasoned branch held together, and Jeremy

    pressed onward, whistling with the birds.

    After awhile he came across the Big White Tree. Easily the biggest tree in the woods, it

    sat somberly near the spot where the culverts stream emptied into a big swampy puddle,

    surrounded by green vegetation. One of the plants he recognized was a tall, leafy stalk with

    white flowers at its top; they were all over the forest floor, but were concentrated here. Jeremy

    searched in this area for a few minutes, kicking up fallen leaves and poking through brambles

    which entangled the far side of the Big White Trees pond and finally pulling up some of the

    leafy white-flowered stalks in absentminded frustration, which easily came out of the earth, root

    and all, and gave off a distinct garlic-like smell. In the process, a fair number of burs had clung

    to his pants. As he ventured past the trees domain into a drier area of woods, he plucked at the

    burdocks on his jeans, racking his brain for clues as to where morels could be hiding.

    He came next upon a small, well-trodden clearing, beginning to weed out with stalks of

    tall spikey-headed plants and some thorny brambles. On one end a pile of garbage had been

    gathered and made into a makeshift fort against some of the poison berry bushes. A stack of

    three old tires made one wall, and a massive tattered yellow and orange umbrella propped up

    against some boards made another. The rest was made of bushes. This was the territory of older

    boys. Jeremy didnt see anybody lurking in the bush or hear them in the trees, but theyd

    probably be around shortly. They might not turn out to be hostile, but for whatever reason

    Jeremy didnt want any help on his quest. They might even make fun of him, since morels were

    out of season; he pressed on.

    Twenty minutes later, and still no morels. He found a plethora of other fungi, however.

    There were some thick white disks growing on a fallen tree, a clutch of orange mushrooms that

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    Jeremy remembered from the field guidetheir name he couldnt pronounce, but he asked his

    father to read it to him, and he thought hed called them Shinderella. While kicking through

    some leaf litter hed come across tiny mushrooms with toothpick-thin stalks and heads like puny

    parasols. He picked a couple and put them in his pocket.

    While he was realizing that he had nothing with him to put morels in if he were to find

    any, he heard the crunching of leaves from behind him. He spun around. Stepping past a pair of

    trees was a tall man with a long, wiry beard and a baseball cap in dirty jeans and a faded t-shirt.

    He was eyeing Jeremy curiously, walking slowly forward with one hand in his pocket and the

    other clutching something tightly. He held it out to him and muttered something unintelligible.

    Jeremy stood frozen, weakly grasping his walking stick, but his legs had turned to mush.

    Here was the Jungleman that Nathan had encountered; he was apparently some sort of sorcerer,

    pointing a wand at Jeremy and uttering an incantation to freeze him so he could be taken back to

    the Junglemans camp and made into supper.

    The man stopped and lowered his hand, now looking at Jeremy with a species of concern

    on his brow. Yall right, kid?

    Jeremy gulped. Huh?

    Said, are ya all right?

    Yeah Im fine

    Probly too young, but I asked if ygot a lighter on you. The man held out his hand

    again; this time Jeremy saw the cigarette he was holding.

    Oh yeah. I mean no, I dont have a lighter. Too young, yeah.

    The man nodded, casting a forlorn gaze away from Jeremy into the trees. Thought so.

    Well, whatya doing out here anyway? Not alone are you?

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    Feeling was returning to Jeremys legs. He checked behind him to make sure he had a

    clear exit if this guy tried anything. Briefly, he envisioned himself leaping over the logs behind

    him and making a dramatic escape by swinging from the vines dangling from the treetops.

    Yeah. Im mushroom hunting.

    The man brightened. Yeah? Find any good ones?

    Not yet

    Not yet, right on, thats the spirit. Kind you lookin for?

    He shifted on his feet and looked aside. Morels.

    He-ha ha! Little late, innit? All dried up or all eaten up by now, I think.

    Maybe but I had a hunch.

    The man nodded. Hunchs as good as evdence to some people. But I hate ttell ya, I

    think youre, well, youre outta luck today, I mean, morels dont grow this time thyear. Take it

    from me on this one.

    You know about them?

    Sure. Make springtime pretty fine. He shrugged, pocketed his cigarette. You wanna

    look in old apple orchrds, and round any places where trees just got cut down, or were cut down

    thpast summer. Elm trees specially. Fyou want, I can give you some pointers on where tfind

    em when the season rolls round next spring.

    Jeremy hesitated; the man was a stranger, although he seemed friendly enough, but

    wasnt that what particularly malevolent strangers wanted you to think? He finally nodded,

    gripping his walking stick.

    Alright, were close to a good spot right now I think. He looked left, right, and turned

    in that direction and walked on, absentmindedly pushing aside some brush. Jeremy followed,

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    keeping his distance. The man did not glance back at him, as if he had forgotten Jeremy was


    They passed by a shallow pit, its sloping bowl strewn with leaves. As Jeremy hurried to

    catch up with the man, he nearly tripped. Looking back, he saw that his foot had caught on some

    sort of roots no, it was barbed wire, he saw. He pulled it up, carefully, and watched as a ring

    of leaves were disturbed all around the shallow pit. The man realized that Jeremy had fallen

    behind. He turned back and was casting his curious gaze over the boys discovery. Jeremy

    stepped over the wire barrier and prodded his walking stick into the dead leaves. It was strange

    that there wasnt anything growing in this little patch, not even some of the leafy garlic plants,

    and with the evidence of the barbed wire, Jeremy knew it was no random accident that the pit lay


    Wont you be careful, huh? said the man. He had walked over to the other side of the

    pit and looked down into the mat of leaves, rubbing his forehead. He did not cross the line of the

    barbed wire.

    Wonder why its here Jeremy grunted, prodding the leaves more forcibly, frowning.

    He moved closer to the very rim of the bowl, churning up the leaves.

    Could be a mine shaft. They used to mine coal around here, back in the seventies or

    eightihey, look out!

    Jeremy slipped, just as a section of the leaves gave way to reveal a small, rocky passage.

    He braced himself on his walking stick, and it cut into his palm, letting blood stream down the

    wood. A drop fell and splattered on his boot; another fell into the cave and onto a rock just on

    the entryway. Jeremy scrambled out of the pit and sat on the edge, throwing his stick to the

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    ground and gasping at the revealed cave. He examined his hand as the man rushed over to him,

    pulling a piece of cloth out of his back pocket.

    Holy God, kid, I said tbe careful! Here, lemme see that He took Jeremys palm and

    looked at the gash.

    Jeremy looked at it too, and tears welled up in his eyes. He had almost died, fallen into a

    cold hole in the middle of the woods, cold as a grave, buried by the leaves where no one would

    find him

    The wound was shallow, but it looked like it hurt fierce. Could get infected. The man

    wrapped his handkerchief around the boys hand, tying it tight. Dont worry, its clean, he said

    as Jeremy looked at the cloth, which looked like what a cowboy would wear around his neck.

    Youll be fine, kid, just make sure you clean it with some peroxide when yget back home,


    Jeremy nodded. Thanks He was grateful that he wasnt going to start crying in front

    of the stranger more than anything. Guess you were right. Mine shaft.

    The man looked back down at the hole. Maybe. Usually theres a gob pile round those

    old mines, though, but I didnt see any. Might just be a cave.

    Do mushrooms grow in caves?

    The man laughed, stood up wiping his hands on his th ighs. Yer a trooper, huh kid? Not

    givin up easily. Whats your name?


    Call me Nash, Jermy. And yeah, I guess mushrooms could grown caves, ifn its cold

    and wet and dark enough. He furrowed his brow, looking into the dark maw below. But

    ywouldnt wanna go in there, not now without a flashlight and some good buddies for backup.

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    Jeremy nodded, also staring down at the hole apprehensively. Something about it seemed

    familiar, like something hed seen in a movie a long time ago, or in a dream

    Nash said, Wait whats that comin from?

    A tiny blue glow had sprouted at the very edge of the hole. It was coming from the rock

    that Jeremys blood had fallen on. Nash shifted on his feet, his hands hanging loosely at his

    sides and his mouth gaping. As they watched, dumbfounded, another rock lit up with the

    pleasant blue glow further in the cave, and then another, and another, until a bend in the tunnel

    blocked their view.

    Ill be some sortve fairy lightshow, innit? said Nash, laughing dryly.

    It wants us to keep going in, doesnt it? Jeremy had lifted his walking stick from the

    ground again, plucking off a leaf that had stuck to his blood.

    Dont have any authority on knowing what caves want from a person, myself. But fI

    had to make a good guess, Id say youre right, kid.

    Kind of creepy, though.

    Nash laughed, loud and abrasive this time, pulling off his ball cap and scratching his

    head. He shifted on his feet again, as if he wanted to walk away. Youre two for two now on

    that, Jermy. The lights now pulsed slowly, invitingly. There was no sound; even the birds

    seemed to hold their breath.

    Think its a bad idea?

    Yyyyeeah, probly. Could be bats in there.

    But it was covered up?

    Might be another way in and out.

    Jeremy shrugged. Im not afraid of bats.

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    Well, me neither, but they could have rabies. Or there could be snakes, or some sort of

    gas, cyanide or carbn mnoxide or somethin.

    What about those lights?

    Nash held up his hands. Look, kid, if you wanna go down there and check it out, I aint

    stoppin you. Im not lettin you go down by yourself, either, thoughdangerous. Dont need

    that on my conscience, you know?

    Jeremy could see that there was something more keeping Nash from wanting to go down

    there, but didnt press him. They stood in silence, letting the situation sink in. Jeremy knew that

    he was going down there, to see where the mesmerizing lights led, Nash or no Nash. He stepped

    into the leafy basin of the pit, tentatively distributing his weight in case there was another

    opening. He tried to think of how he should begin the descent into the cave. He thought hed go

    head first, so he could see where he was going, but then decided it would be easier to go feet

    first. It was just wide enough for him to get down with no trouble; the incline was fairly steep,

    but with the rocks that jutted out at decent intervals he found it easily navigable, quite like the

    plastic tunnels at Chucky Cheese.

    He looked up as he approached the bend in the tunnel to see Nash slip through the

    entrance, blocking the sunlight. Jeremy kept his eyes on Nashs sneakers as they climbed down,

    but kept throwing glances over his shoulder or through his knees to see where he was going.

    From what he could tell, the tunnel spiraled, as if a corkscrew had originally dug it out. It wasnt

    too long before the cave leveled off and widened. Jeremy stood up and looked down the

    passage, and was still gawping when Nash exited the spiral and took in the sight of the cave.

    The pulsing blue stones were tightly packed in a ring along the circumference of the cave.

    More of them were imbedded on the walls in eldritch designs, and one particularly large stone

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    was centered in the caves ceiling, casting light upon a short circular pedestal large enough to fit

    a dinner table on. Lying upon the pedestal, clothed in dark purple robes with its hands folded

    upon its chest, was a corpse. Its papery skin clung taut to its bones, and its eyesblank, opaque

    orbs like marbleswere open, staring at the glowing stone above it. Jeremy could see the

    individual bones in its fingers and toes. Its hair and nails had fallen out, eons ago by the look of

    it, and on its head was a silvery crown. An acrid, fragrant smell hung in the air, like cinnamon

    and vinegar.

    Jeremy heard Nash whisper some choice words in the dead air next to him, but

    everything was suddenly very far away, even the awful jackhammer of his heart, and for the

    second time that day his legs had turned to jelly; this time he did drop his walking stick, and it

    clattered loudly to the stone floor.

    We gotta get outta here, Nash was saying, also frozen solid. Gotta get outta here, kid,

    Holy God Jesus, this places cursed, oh oh its moving

    The corpse on the pedestal stirred. Its hands unfolded to prop itself up and swing itself

    nimbly off the pedestal, turning its unblinking dead eyes upon the intruders. Its nose and ears

    were gone, its lips dried into thin slivers. It raised an emaciated hand at them, and its jaw fell

    open to reveal tiny black teeth.

    Ordel dii.

    Nash took a step forward, raising his own hands and crying out, as a red cloud

    materialized from the creatures hand and rushed out, gripping Nash and freezing him solid .

    Nashs body trembled violently in midair, and then toppled in a heap.

    Curses! Inexceedable lamentations! My aim has been compromised in these long years

    of imprisonment. Blast the sun!

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    Jeremy bent down and grabbed his walking stick. He barely knew what he was doing

    before he was swinging the heavy branch like a lightsaber upon the frail form of the corpse,

    emitting a howl of rage.

    The creature held out its hand again and the wood shattered in Jeremys hands. He

    dropped it just as the part he was wielding it by burst into flame, quickly turning to ash.

    Fool boy whose blood frees me, fool boy, not easily am I dispatched, am I? No, never,

    is the true term. Never. The corpses jaw moved up and down, but it had no tongue and

    couldnt be speaking; the voice was speaking through the corpse, not from it. Vigil, my vigil is

    broken, my prison! Time, so much time must have passed by in the world. And now! The

    labors of the sacrifice may be my only chance from this wretched incarceration. My faithful is

    frozen, young one, see him? He takes your place, but why? Do you believe also that I have

    depreciated in my tomb, that I am less than I ever was? Speak, fool sacrifice! You need not fear

    me, for now.

    Jeremy stared shivering at the body of Nash. Was he dead? The thing said that he was

    only frozen. He called Nash his faithful did that mean Nash brought him here on purpose? It

    couldnt, though. Nash hadnt wanted to go in the cave in the first place. And he had ducked in

    front of Jeremy as the thing tried to freeze him with the red cloud spell

    No, said Jeremy. He tried to block me. He saved me.

    Perhaps so yet here you are, brought to my domain. Why? Your dreams brought you

    here, did they not? The pair of you; foolish delights for you, riches unbound for the faithful

    servant. Is it not so?

    The creature had done this. Jeremy stared at the corpse standing before him, into its

    blank silvery eyes. Hed been tricked. And maybe Nash had been tricked, too; maybe Nash

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    knew that something evil was waiting inside the cave, had been warned of it in his dream. There

    couldnt be any alternative; it just didnt make sense!

    Yes, I can see the truth in your eyes, sacrifice. And much moreyour fear for the

    faithful that brought you here. You dont believe he could have done this to you? Well, perhaps

    in this I may have you; you shall complete the task in his place. Yes

    What do you want? Jeremy tried to shoutit came out as a hoarse whimper. He was

    backed against the runed wall.

    Want! the creature shrieked. Its cry was deafening in the small cave. Want; only a

    mortal knows want. I am beyond want! I am beyond feeble squabbling of mortals and the

    indulgences of your puny philosophies. It shrieked again, something like a behemoth hawk and

    an elephantwhatever it sounded like, it was completely inhuman. I am the great Revenant of

    Croscar. I shall tell you what I need.

    Look upon my circlet, sacrifice. Behold, for greater power than your mind will ever be

    capable of is sealed within. It lowered its head slightly, its jaw still working in silence.

    Jeremy saw there were three circular empty spots on the silver crown, big enough to poke

    his finger through. The center hole was slightly larger than the other two.

    Once, great stones of power adorned my circlet. I was unstoppable, so I thought! This

    time will be different. Ill kill those meddlers as soon as they cross my path; no hesitation this

    time! They will pay! Croscar emitted a howl of hatred, low and nearly tangible, chilling

    Jeremys spine. You will find the gems. They are near here; long has my spirit watched over

    them, waiting for the day innocent blood would be shed by my faithful!

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    Croscar pointed a bony finger at Jeremys forehead, and he backed further against the

    wall. His eyes darted to Nash, and then to the exithe couldnt leave the man laying there

    helpless with the monster, but how could he save him? And what if

    A cold sensation gripped Jeremys head. He clutched his temples with a groan and

    doubled over.

    Here, I bestow knowledge to you, sacrifice. With the faithful paralyzedwhat an

    unfortunate accident, that, do you agree?I commandyou to do my bidding.

    Images flew through Jeremys head. He saw forest in all of them, greenery and gray

    wood. In one moment there was a flash of white; then a swirl of yellow and orange; finally there

    was a strange shape, something orange again, but suddenly overtaken by blackness.

    He returned to the cold tomb, Croscar standing over him with dead impassiveness.

    Be gone now, young one. Carry out my tasks. Return me to power!

    Jeremy stood up straight, grimacingstill in the back of his mind he saw that rusty form

    become covered by darkness. It chilled him. He would have to find it, whatever it was.

    I wont, Jeremy said.

    Croscar flared up, raising his arms above his head, instantly conjuring up red and blue

    crackling lights in the air around them. His corpse finally made a sound, a low, reedy screech;

    this frightened Jeremy much more than the thought of the black thing in the forest. Now, dont

    be petulant with me, mortal! I can see the truth inside you, do you remember? You fear for the

    faithful; you believe that he is your friend. So be it! Do my bidding, sacrifice, or your friend

    shall be no more.

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    Jeremy darted his eyes to the immobile form of Nash. He had said that he didnt want

    Jeremy hurting himself on his conscience. But now here the tables were turned, and it was Nash

    unwittingly depending on Jeremy.

    Still you hesitate, boy? Do you need a demonstration, do you? A red and blue arc of

    lightning met in the air above the creatures head and crackedinto a wild beam of violet energy

    which waved madly to wipe out the remaining red and blue bolts.

    Jeremy looked at Croscars empty eyes once more, his own wide with uncertainty and

    fear. He looked at Nash again. He lowered his head. Okay, Ill do it. Dont hurt him, Ill do


    Indeed, indeed you shall. And if you dawdle before the fall of the sun, know that youll

    feel this mans pain. Remember, you do, my spirit goes beyond these walls, and it will find you.

    You shall know no peace until I am freed, freed from my crypt.

    Jeremy had begun to climb the passageway to the surface as Croscar spoke, his arms and

    legs numb dumbbells that he dragged through the dirt and gravel. He breached the opening of

    the cave into afternoon sunshine, crawled out of the pit, and found himself wondering if his mom

    was wondering where he was. How long had he been gone? Two hours? More less? He

    wasnt sure. He wandered vaguely into the woods, wishing he had worn his watch. More burs

    clung to his clothes; normally he avoided them, but at the moment he felt dead to the world.

    The din of traffic told him the direction he could travel to get out of the forest. For a

    moment he stood facing that way, thinking. He didnt know Nash. He didnt owe him anything,

    not even for the bandana, really, it wasnt worth dying over. The police could do more for him

    than he could, thought Jeremy. He could get out of the woods and find a policemanhe went by

    the station nearly every day on the way to school and backand tell him that his friend fell in a

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    hole in the woods. Hed leave out the part about the skeleton in the cavehe knew that they

    would only laugh at him for thatand then they could come back here and they would know

    how to deal with the monster because they were grown-ups. They could handle it, somehow.

    Jeremy nodded to himself and started walking towards the sound of the road, when the

    cold gripped his temple. It was like the worst ice cream headache hed ever had, instantaneously

    flooring him. He dropped to his knees, clutching his head.

    Going somewhere?

    The images blasted him right behind his eyes: the green of the forest interrupted by

    white; the yellow and orange twirling madly, also amid a shroud of green; the awful shadow

    creeping over the rusted thing, also submerged in a cauldron of green.

    It stopped as quickly as it had begun. Jeremy blinked away a tear and stood up. He

    hesitated, but took another step in the direction of the road.

    The pain returned. He was ready for it, and did not fall, but cried out. Again, the pictures

    were transmitted to him of scenes in the forest.

    Keep trying that and I will make it worse.

    Jeremy tried another step. And another. It was as if he were trapped inside a bubble

    which would not break. He could almost feel Croscars bind stretching as he pushed himself

    forward. The pain increased with each shuffling step.

    Almost there! cried Jeremy. His eyes were closed in strain, and he did not see the

    log which lay in front of him. His foot bumped against it and he tripped backward, the bubbles

    tension flinging him back into the leaves.

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    There was a roar of triumph, like nails scratching on chalkboard mixed with the squalling

    cry of a bull elephant. Jeremy looked up at the log, panting. He had lost his ground, and he

    didnt think he would get it back. He had lost his energy.

    Go, sacrifice, in the place of my servant. Make me whole

    Jeremy stood up again. He turned in the direction he knew the first gem would be, and

    walked unhindered, his head hung in defeat.

    The quick, almost blinding flash of white in Croscars assault of imagery told Jeremy

    where the first gem would be. He didnt question the logic of the spell Croscar had used on him;

    he knew, infallibly. His only hesitation as he approached the swampy domain of the Big White

    Tree was how, exactly, he could get the stone out.

    He stood in front of the massive trunk, covered in brown flaky bark to a height just above

    his head. The sprawling branches were out of climbing height, but where would that get him

    anyway? He wasnt sure. He pressed the heel of his wrist into his forehead, thinking

    desperately. He had seen the tree in his fathers field guide on the subject; it was a sycamore.

    The biggest tree in terms of mass on the east coast, his father had read, followed by a long,

    unpronounceable scientific name. Jeremy had tried to read it, too, but couldnt get his tongue

    around it. He remembered his dad smiling as he tried, and getting frustrated.

    Jeremy walked around to the other side of the tree, tears now coming down his cheeks

    freely. He may not ever see his dad again, or his mom, Harry, Eric or anybody. A squirrel was

    chittering somewhere above him. A blue jay swooped into one of the pale branches overhead,

    cawing at him as if spurring him on to retrieve the gem.

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    He looked up at the bird. I dont know what to do. I dont want him to die but its

    not right, to get that thing the gems, is it? He wiped his eyes and nose on his shirt as the bird

    flew away in agitation.

    He sat down with his back against the tree, staring into the woods around him. He

    figured that Croscars spirit forminvisiblemust be lurking somewhere as he laughed in the

    cave, watching him. Moisture was soaking into the seat of his jeans. He stood up quickly,

    looking down at what hed sat in, and gaped.

    They were mostly crushed, thanks to his own butt, but two or three small ones were

    poking through the mossy earth to greet the sunshine. Jeremy stooped, completely abashed at

    what he was seeing. He plucked one of the less-damaged specimens, looking at it from every

    angle. It was pale gray, with dark spongy pockmarks on its head; a white morel. Morchella

    deliciosa. There was a whole clutch of them; it looked as if they had just sprung up within the

    past hour. They certainly werent there when hed been by the Big White Tree last time.

    Jeremy tried to laugh. It was almost too good to be true. He sat back down again, staring

    at the cluster of mushrooms, and snuffled. He popped the one he was holding into his mouth and

    forced himself to chew it. The flavor wasnt terrific, not like hed been expecting, but it wasnt

    bad either. Probably needed to be cooked. Almost definitely what was he doing, eating

    mushrooms? Just as he swallowed, he remembered the warning near the front of the mushroom

    field guide, that any and all wild mushrooms needed to be cooked first, and cooked thoroughly.

    It said so in big bold letters, followed by a powerful exclamation mark. And didnt he have other

    things to do at the moment? Or was he savoring a final meal, a final victoryhe had found

    them, morels in July, he had overcome.

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    As the mushroom settled in his stomach, a single word forced itself into Jeremys brain:


    He stared at the moss and the mushrooms for a moment, abashed. They were leading his

    way; was this more of Croscars doing? It had told him that it sent the dreams to Nash and

    himself. Yet there was something about the morels that was indescribably good; they could not

    lead him to harm or evil. Jeremy wondered if there was something else at work here besides the

    monster in the cave. Maybe there was a way to defeat Croscar, as if it were simply a boss in a

    video game.

    Jeremy dug into the dirt and moss, right through the squashed morels, sifting through the

    dirt carefully so he wouldnt miss the stone. He was getting hand-deep in the moist earth, and

    starting to get a sinking feeling in his gut, when his fingernails clawed against something solid.

    He dug around it, thinking hed hit a root or a rock; it was too big to be the stone from Croscars

    crown. Eventually he unearthed a rectangular form, and with more excavation along the edges

    he coaxed it out of the ground.

    It was a box of some sort. He examined it, brushing off mud and removing a snail on the

    bottom. Wooden, with metal hinges, and a strange clasp holding it shut. Jeremy prodded this,

    cleaned it up, prodded again, and finally after sliding a hidden latch on the side by accident it


    Sitting on brilliantly clean purple silk was a golden crystal, glinting in the sunlight.

    Jeremy wiped his uninjured hand on his jeans and picked it up carefully as he could so as not to

    soil it, peering at it, smiling at the sight of it. It began to glow, very dimly in the warm light of

    the day, yet was quite cool to the touch. Jeremy felt and understood that it had magic inside, a

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    lot of magic. He put it in his pocket, and considered the box. Finally he buried it where hed

    found it, throwing a handful of leaves over the disturbed spot. One down, two to go.

    He ventured into the forest again, squishing his way over the swampy pond by the

    sycamore. He tried to remember where the next gem was supposed to be, thinking of the flashes

    of color which had run through his mind from Croscars magic. The images were fading fast,

    like the dream Croscar apparently sent him. He rememberedregretfullythe black swoosh, a

    vampiric specter, over some rusted thing.

    But that was the third image, he knew, probably where the biggest stone was, the one in

    the middle of Croscars circlet. It was the second one that was giving him trouble. There was a

    flash of garish color intruding the green forest, something like old mustard stained on an

    otherwise clean jacket

    A crashing noise somewhere up ahead brought Jeremy out of his thoughts. He froze,

    until a scrawny deer bounded into view. It spotted him and veered in another direction. Jeremy

    waited, hearing heavier, more ungainly crashing noises coming after the deer. Appearing from

    behind a tree, was a boy, pulling a twig out of his short dark hair, carrying a slingshot and

    looking eagerly for where the deer had got to. Another boy with sandy hair and a huge grin

    came next, easily ducking out of the way of the branches the first kept running into. He spotted

    Jeremy and waved.

    Jeremy! Hey, Jeremy! He almost got im that last time, cmon!

    It was Harry. The boy with the slingshot stopped and saw Jeremy and also grinned. Eric.

    Hey, Jer, he said, sticking his slingshot in his pocket, which bulged with what must

    have been ammo. Did you see it go by? We were sitting by that old fort back there, and it just

    walked right next to us like it didnt see us!

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    You were trying to kill it with that? asked Jeremy, pointing at the slingshot.

    Harry laughed. Thats what I said! If it had horns it wouldve killed both of us. If Eric

    could shoot at all, anyway.

    Eric mumbled something and stared, sullen, after his quarry. He pulled his slingshot out

    again and started pulling on the elastic bands.

    Harry was looking at Jeremys hand. What happened to you?

    I slipped. Jeremy looked at the bandanna around his hand; hed almost forgotten hed

    had an accident. He felt a guilty pang for Nash.

    What are you doing out here, anyway?

    I was hunting mushrooms.

    Eric rounded on him. Really? You find any?

    A few but well his voice fell as he tried to think of how to explain his dire

    situation to his pals.

    Harry said, We found some, too, right inside the fort. Well Eric did, anyway. He was

    out here before me.

    Eric was nodding. Yeah. They were gross looking. You actually supposed to eat

    them? Id rather eat poison berries. He looked significantly at Harry.

    Jeremy blinked. The umbrella, yellow and orange. The fort of course! Can you

    show me? he said.

    Sure, dont get too excited though, said Harry, who had given a small shove into Erics

    shoulder. This idiot already smashed them all.

    Shut up, poison-breath, returned Eric. He ran back the way they had come, with Harry

    in hot pursuit and Jeremy keeping up behind them.

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    They came out at the clearing as Harry gave a rough push against Eric, nearly toppling

    him. Jeremy hurried over to the garbage fort, looking inside for signs of the telltale morels.

    Cut it out,Harrison! cried Eric, still laughing.

    Shut up, said Harry, who skulked over to help Jeremy. Eric giggled, taking aim at

    invisible assailants in the woods around them with his slingshot.

    Sure enough, a patch of dirt inside the fort, just underneath the shade of the big umbrella,

    was strewn with fungi and footprints from Erics shoes. Jeremy started to dig immediately.

    I think the idiot actually saved a couple, he might whatre you doing?

    Jeremy ignored him, rapidly uncovering another wooden box. He pried it out of the

    ground and fumbled with it to find the secret latch to open it.

    Eric fired a slug at a tree, making a loud thwock! Ka-BOOM! Another one down,

    Sergeant! He trundled over to them, taking aim at another tree. Thwock! Yeah, take that,

    Nazi! He glanced to Harry. Areas clear, sir!

    Harry was staring at the box Jeremy had procured, dumbfounded. Jeremy found the latch

    and popped it open, revealing another yellow gem on purple silk. It gathered in sunlight and

    began to glow as its brother had.

    Eric saw the box and the gem inside of it and lowered his slingshot. Whoa is that


    Jeremy said, I dont think so. But its magic. He picked it up and held it in his palm.

    Harry looked at Jeremy, his mouth gaping. How did you know that was there?

    Well I have to find three of them. You guys I think Im in trouble. He reached

    into his pocket and pulled out the first stone, laying them both beside each other. They were cold

    on his skin, glowing ever brighter.

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    Magic? Eric scratched behind his ear. Because theylight up?

    Jeremy was fighting back tears again. He didnt trust himself to look at either of his

    buddies, only staring at the two gems. I woke something up in the woods something bad.

    And now someone might die because of me.

    He told them as much of what happened as he could, starting with his dream of the

    morels. They both listened to him, silently. He still didnt look at them, so he couldnt tell if

    they believed him or not.

    When he was done, he finally looked at them, expecting them to laugh or be angry.

    Instead they stared at him with pale, grave faces. Harry in particular was looking ashen, almost


    Eric turned back to face the quiet forest, expecting the creature to fly out at them.

    Youve gotta find one more of those gold gems, then?

    That thing will kill you anyway, wont it? said Harry. He sat down in the dirt outside

    the fort.

    Jeremy stood up. Probably. And yeah, the biggest one is still out there. I dont know

    where it is though, or how to find it. I mean, Ill know what to look for when I see it, but I

    have to hurry. Hell kill Nash, and then hell kill me.

    Harry looked up at Eric, who was flexing the bands of his slingshot distractedly. You

    know the woods better than us. Your brothers told you everything aboutthem, hasnt he?

    Eric nodded. I didnt know that he was telling the truth about monsters and stuff

    though I thought he was trying to scare me.

    I believed them, muttered Harry as he stood up again.

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    Jeremy placed the gems in his pocket, where they glowed cool against him. You guys

    cant come with me. I toldyou, hes watching us right now, hell kill you too!

    Eric snorted, and shot another rock at a tree. Thwock! Like to see him try

    No, guys! You dont understand!

    Id do it for you, if I was you, said Harry defiantly.

    Me too, said Eric. Were not afraid of monsters. Its probably just a guy in a

    costume, like Scooby Doo.

    Its not!

    Dont matter. Were gonna help you. You scared the deer away, remember? You owe

    me something to shoot.

    I didnt!

    Harry said, We can at least help you find the other gem, right? How about it?

    Its I Its not fair if you guys get killed.

    We wont, I promise, said Harry.

    Pinky promise, said Eric, grinning and holding out his pinkie.

    This isnt a game.

    Neither is a pinkie promise, said Eric. Harry held out his pinkie as well, looking more


    Jeremy sighed and held out his pinkie. He wrapped it around Erics, then Harrys.

    When things get you know serious you guys should leave.

    Nope, too late. Pinkie promise, said Eric.

    Jeremy relented, shrugging. Okay the third gems by something big and rusty. I

    think it was really deep in the woods.

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    Eric? Any idea where that is?

    Eric pocketed his slingshot and beamed at them. Only one thing Ive ever seen thats

    big and rusty like you said in here. Theres an old lawnmower someone dumped in a swampy

    place. Theres these green bamboo things all around it, Ill show you. Come on!

    They followed Eric into the woods. The three boys cast continuous nervous glances at

    thickets of trees and any other places their path was obscured. Twice Eric halted, having a slug

    in his slingshot at the ready, and made a detour around ominous bends in their path.

    It took them nearly fifteen minutes to reach a slope downward in the woods, revealing a

    wide, wet area with green stalks like Eric had described. They were growing rampantly in the

    shallow, stagnant puddles. Mosquitoes hummed, hanging like a mist over the reeds. Standing

    inexplicably in the very center of the bog was a completely rusted over hulk of machinery which

    may or may not have been, at one time, a riding lawnmower.

    The boys approached it slowly. Standing at the edge of the slope, Harry reached down

    and picked up a tree branch. Remembering his encounter in the cave, Jeremy decided against

    doing similarly, simply tackling the muddy ridge to get to the lawnmower as fast as he could. He

    navigated his way down, slipping near the bottom and landing with a splash in one of the

    puddles. Instantly he felt his socks swell as water soaked over his boots. Grumbling, he pulled

    himself out of the water onto an embankment that appeared to serve as a deer trail.

    Eric followed next, careful to land on the trail, followed by Harry, who held his tree

    branch like a quarterstaff in front of him. Jeremy walked up to the rusted machine, the green

    bamboo plants swishing against him as he brushed by them, and soon saw that it was in the

    middle of the largest puddle. He sighed, and trudged into the water once again.

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    Careful, Jer, Eric cautioned him. I got a bad feeling about this place. I think that my

    brother told me that someone was murdered around here a long time ago I dont know if thats

    true or not though.

    Do you see any of the mushrooms out there? asked Harry.

    Jeremy came up to the seat of the machine, feeling more and more surely that whatever

    this thing was, it was not a lawnmower of any kind. The bottom of it was wide, with small

    wheels mostly submerged in the water. It created a base for Jeremy to climb onto out of the

    swamp. The metal seat faced a console of knobs and a couple of levers, along with a small

    broken glass screen like a Gameboy. It reminded him of a picture hed seen of astronauts in a

    little car on the moon; this thing was more E.T. than John Deere.

    He looked all around it. There wasnt enough dirt collected on it for mushrooms to grow

    anyway. He turned to tell Eric and Harry to look through the reedy plants for any sign. But after

    five minutes of searching all around the bog, there was nothing. Jeremy kicked the side of the

    rusty hulk in defeat, and climbed back onto the deer trail, grumbling of sore toes as well as soggy


    Eric asked, You dont think someones already been here some time and taken it, do


    No. No way, no one could have known it was here.

    He was about to ask Eric if there might be another place in the forest matching Jeremys

    description when a voice said, Im afraid youre wrong about that, kid.

    Eric shrieked, instantly loosing a slug from his slingshot at the apparition which had

    materialized sitting upon the rusted machine. The slug went wild into the trees. Harry had his

    staff in hand like a sword, menacing the figure.

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    Nobody moved. The mans expression shifted to resentful acceptance as he nodded his

    head, narrowing his eyes at the boys and pulling his hand back under his cloak. Jeremy heard

    Harry let out a long, sighing breath, relaxing.

    Fine, the shadow man said. Fine, be that way, but dont say I didnt warn you. The

    creature Croscar will have you, be sure of it.

    You dont want to help us anyway, Jeremy said. He had just barely interrupted Harry.

    The man leapt into the air with a snarl, somersaulting over their heads to land on the path

    behind them. He swirled to face the boys, his veil of a smile torn and fury smeared upon his

    face. Its never about what I want, insolent brat! I merely keep to the code, I do what is

    needed, and if it was in my powerId crush every last one of you!

    Eric nearly fainted, taking a step backward into the reed filled water. Harry, however,

    stood firm, glaring.

    The shadow man went on. You dont get it, of course; youre below the powers ofmy

    telacy, or any other manner of nevermind! That creature will be the death of a thousand

    worlds, and theres nothing anyone can do to stop him, and yet Im accused of such

    insolence you The mans hands had appeared again, grasping at thin air as if imagining

    wringing Jeremys throat. He lowered them again, and brought out the last of the gold gems, this

    one shining brighter than the other two combined. Jeremy felt them, cold in his pocket,

    somehow soothing. This is mine by right, you wouldnt understand such things. That thing,

    trapped in its prison, can never have access to it again; it mustnt!

    What do you want me to do then, huh? Jeremy yelled back. He was dimly aware that

    he was getting tired of being called insolent, and petulant, and sacrifice. Go back there and get

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    Or me, said Harry. We need a plan. We need to figure out how we can fight the thing

    in the cave.

    Didnt you say that hes watching us right now?

    Jeremy nodded, looking grim. Hell know what happened, probably, with the man and

    the last gem. Hell kill us right off the bat.

    Maybe Harry took the bag from Jeremy and plucked out one of the green gems.

    Maybe theres something we can do with these. We just gotta think.

    Jeremy walked over to the muddy slope, staring at the track his boot had made when he

    had slid down. He ran his hand over the bandanna Nash had wrapped around his palm. The cut

    was itchy now. He wished hed done what Nash had said and went home to clean it up, he could

    have avoided this mess and just had a snack, even though his mom would have made a fuss

    about his hand, and probably would have forbidden him to go into the woods again, so that hed

    never get to hunt for mushrooms ever again


    Jeremy whirled to Harry. Did you save any of those mushrooms?

    Harry shrugged. Not me. Eric might have, I thought that he did.

    Eric was examining one of the green rocks. Yeah, I have em in my pocket. Theyre a

    little mashed up though He brought out two spongy morels from his other pocket, the one

    that didnt have his ammo, and held them out to Jeremy. What do you want with them, a last

    meal or something?

    Not for me, for you two. He explained how his first taste had led him to discover the

    box with the gem. Maybe theyll give you guys ideas. And I dont know, I just feel like you


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    Harry smiled. Its like a pact. If we eat them, were in this to the end.

    Jeremy shrugged, taking the bag of rocks to let the other two eat. They gulped them

    down with some difficulty. Eric looked like he wanted to gag his back up. Harry laughed at

    him, reminding them of Erics dare for Harry to eat some poison berries. They were nearly

    rolling in the mud with laughter.

    Serves you right, idiot! I puked all over my desk, now you know how I felt! And

    Jeremy, put a rock on your cut hand.

    Harry looked surprised that hed said this. Jeremy stopped laughing, staring at him. Eric

    looked up, glancing at the pouch. He had begun to empty his pocket of the mundane rocks that

    had been his ammo.

    Jeremy pulled back the bandanna. The cut was scabbing over, but still looked bad. He

    did as Harry said, though, making slow, cautious movements. He first handed the bag to Eric,

    and then took a stone and pressed it into his wound.

    Instantly the rock melted in his fingers to something like jelly, and then to liquid, soaking

    into his skin with a hissing noise like opening a bottle of coke. There was some fizzing noise,

    some green smoke, and a smell like cooking eggs. But soon enough, the gash was gone, as well

    as the green rock, leaving Jeremy without a trace of injury on his skin. He stared at it, amazed,

    and then looked at the other two, showing them his hand.

    They looked at each other. Eric had stuffed the pouch in his pocket. Even the

    mosquitoes were still.

    Harry was about to speak up when Eric interrupted. My brother once played this video

    game, with skeletons and zombies and stuff you had to fight with magic. It was kinda dumb,

    but He shrugged. When you used a healing spell on a skeleton, it actually hurt it instead.

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    Contemplative silence pressed upon them.

    So, said Harry, If the monster in the cave is a skeleton, stuff that heals us will hurt it.

    You think?

    It was only a video game. But Eric didnt sound so sure of himself. He looked out at

    the bamboo plants in the swamp.

    What else do we have, though? said Jeremy. That guy was a creep, but he still gave

    us these rocks, and they fixed my hand. Or did he? He rubbed his palm, wondering if there

    was now poison within his blood. What else do we have?

    The boys nodded to themselves. Harry said, Well try. Well try to fight him.

    I cant leave the forest, Jeremy said dejectedly. I have to go back.

    You know were coming with you, said Eric. He turned to Jeremy with a grin,

    stretching the bands of his slingshot.

    Where is he, Jeremy? said Harry.

    Yeah Jer take us to the cave. Eric was clutching his slingshot as if it might fly off

    without him. Well show him up now. Well teach him not to mess with us. I dont know if

    that guy was evil or notI think he probably wasbut he gave us a way to fight back. Lets go

    use it, guys. Kick some monster butt, huh?

    Jeremy nodded. Lets go.

    Harry ran up the embankment, using his staff to climb up the mud. Eric and Jeremy

    hurried after him. When they made it to the top, Jeremy led them into the forest, not taking them

    on any particular pathway, but instead leaping over thorny entanglements and blowing their way

    past skinny poison berry bushes, following a completely straight path that Jeremy knew would

    take them to the cave. He wondered if Croscar was watching him, knowing that he didnt have

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    the last stone, that they were coming to fight, probably to the death. The thought chilled him,

    and yet spurned him onward.

    They arrived at the pit; the blue stone was still glowing on the entrance to the cave,

    beckoning to them. They stood in a circle, looking down at the hole. Eric was shivering, pale,

    but he took the first step down into the mat of dead leaves, aiming into the crevice.

    Whats the plan, Jeremy? said Harry.

    Well I think Erics going to have to shoot it. Not just once, though, probably a couple

    of times. Maybe a lot

    Eric nodded. Would be too easy if it was just one.

    I dunno. It might be really hard to hit him which is why Harry and me are going to

    distract him.

    Howre you gonna do that?

    Jeremy shrugged. Gotta be some way. Maybe something to do with the gems I found

    theyre supposed to be really powerful, if the monster wants them. If I can figure out how to use

    them, then we can hold him off until you can get a shot. Here, Harry, take one. You and me will

    have one, and Eric will shoot.

    Harry took one of the gleaming golden stones. Its cold.


    Harry looked at the gem, and then at the other two boys. This might not work.

    We have to give it a try, said Jeremy.

    I wont let you down, said Eric. Ive been waiting for this for a long time. He was

    compulsively stretching the bands of his slingshot, staring grimly down into the hole.

    I know. You were made for this.

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    Eric simply nodded.

    We better go, guys, said Harry.

    Jeremy stepped into the pit. Ill lead, you guys follow me. Be ready. He said no more,

    and began the final descent.

    The light from the blue stones pulsed madly as they crawled through the dirt, flickering

    rapidly almost to dark and then to blinding intensity. Jeremy realized he felt very, very sick as

    he made it halfway. He paused, breathing the stale air wafting up from the cave below. He tried

    to look over his shoulder at his friends behind him. He wondered if he should call them off, tell

    them to go back out and go back home. This was his death, not theirs; they shouldnt be with

    him, Croscar knew that they were coming for sure

    Okay, Jeremy? Harry asked.


    Not going to stop not, are you? said Eric. Not going to chicken out now?

    No! I was just catching my breath.

    His heart pounded, trying to relay the truth to them. He was sure that they could hear it,

    or feel it. He pressed on, snakelike, thinking of Nash. Would they be able to save him?

    The tunnel finally opened up. Jeremy crawled out and stood up, staring not at a cave, but

    at complete darkness. There was a sound of something shifting across the stone, but all the blue

    stones in the cave were dead.

    Returned, the sacrifice has returned

    Jeremy sidestepped away from the opening of the tunnel as the shapes of Harry and Eric

    clambered out.

    Where is he, Jer? said Eric.

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    Im everywhere, boy.

    The lights flashed on. Croscar stood before them, the tatters of its violet robes flowing as

    some dark force whirled around it, creating a ringing, screaming sound. Eric screamed and fired

    one of the green stones. The force surrounding Croscar rose up and snatched it out of the air,

    dissolving it instantly.

    Youve brought me my first meal after my resurrection is complete, you have, sacrifice?

    Im afraid it wont be sufficient, no. I need your blood, deary, I need it all! Arrrgghhh, you evil


    Gold light had suddenly pierced the shroud of darkness. Harry was holding the gem

    outward in his fist, and a beam of the radience flew from his knuckles to strike the creature.

    Lotor malcrath! Evil, treacherous youth! You are nothing, this is nothing! Croscar

    raised a skeletal hand, and the dark force flew at Harry, surrounding him.

    Now, Eric! Jeremy shouted. He brought out his gem, the one he found by the Big

    White Tree, and clutching it in his fist he reached out into the darkness around Harry. The swirls

    of shadow parted as the gem came near.

    Well, boy? Croscar had stepped forward, directly in front of Eric.

    Trembling, Eric had pulled back a stone in the slingshots cup. His wide eyes looked up

    at the figure of death looming over him.

    He released.

    Croscar snarled and the dark force just barely came away from Harry and protected the

    monster from the slug. Panting heavily, Harry fell to his knees. Jeremy then saw Nash, still

    laying where hed been struck by the red energy.

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    Eric was strafing around the walls of the cave, firing his slingshot still, weeping and

    screaming as Croscar laughed down at him. One of the rocks went wild and struck the far wall,

    landing next to Jeremy. Harry had stood up again and staggered at Croscar, but the dark magic

    was doing double time now, blocking Eric and swirling malevolently all around Harry. Jeremy

    realized it was over; he picked up the green rock and laid i t on Nashs forehead. It melted


    Nash sat up, blinking. Wherem I? Jermy?

    Right here.

    Nash looked at him, and then the battle before them. Eric had dropped his slingshot and

    crouched, cowering, as Harry swung his fist wildly at the dark matter.

    I tried to come back to save you, said Jeremy, his head hanging.

    Yeah, na good job so far yer doin. Nash stood up.

    He took a step toward Croscar.

    Wait! Nash, you didnt really bring me here to kill me, did you?

    Naw, kid. But I knew thisdbe here, th cave, n plentyf stuff tmake me happy,

    yknow, money and whatever. Thought it was all a dream, till I saw the holen the ground

    yalmos fell in. Then I knew, it was a vision. Like somethin out of th Bible.

    Croscar had turned away from Eric and loomed above Harry, waving its bony arms with

    malice. Both combatants shrieked and yelled in the melee.

    Think you guys need some help, Nash said, and before Jeremy could call out to him he

    leaped into the black energy, reaching out for Croscar.

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    Croscar suddenly took notice of the man, and the dark tentacles flailed at him. Eric

    grabbed his slingshot and dashed to Jeremy, tears streaming down his face, yet his jaw was firm,

    his eyes resolute, as he prepared another of the green rocks.

    As the dark energy encompassed Nash, Harry took his chance to swing at Croscar,

    striking its exposed side. A dry cracksounded as one of the creatures ribs snapped. Its mouth

    opened, and it howled in pain. One of the tentacles of darkness swung out and knocked Harry

    off his feet. Jeremy and Eric rushed to lift him up.

    There was a noise like a thunderclap, and Nash was in the air, his head right next to the

    big blue glowing stone on the ceiling. As the boys watched in horror, the mans body began to

    fade to nearly transparent, his face contorted in pain. Croscars hands weaved in concentration,

    the dark force swirling in a spiral around its feet. Nash screamed in rage, as his body began to

    revolve, faster and faster until his form blurred. Jeremy stood petrified. The darkness snapped

    and leaped like living fire; they were helpless. And then, Croscar threw his hands out with a

    terrible shriek, and the form that was Nash flung at the far wall, crashing into it and dissolving

    into a million drops of liquid, filling the cracks in the rock and disappearing.

    No! Jeremy cried out, watching in disbelief.

    Silence, sacrifice. Croscars voice was low and cold. It turned toward them. If you

    two boys wish to avoid the same fate, youll kill your friend, the sacrifice.

    You killed that guy Eric stammered. You turned him into water.

    Nothing, compared to what will become of you, small one. Heed me!

    Jeremy said, Nash wasnt faithful to you after all. You knew it all along. You were

    lying to me like youre lying to them!

    The truth, sacrifice, is that if your blood is not spilled soon, your friends will die.

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    Youll kill us anyway, wont you? said Harry.

    Croscar did not answer. The cold glow in Jeremys hand suddenly felt alive. Whatever

    magic that was in the jewel was far more powerful than that which surrounded Croscar now;

    whether it was the mushroom telling him this or the gem itself he didnt know.

    The monster turned its dead gaze at Eric. You should have listened to your brother, boy.

    Now you shall never get the chance to heed him again, you wont.

    I aint afraid of you, Eric said. I heard your ribs crack when Harry punched you. If

    yours breaks that easy, then youre not strong at all. I know Harry, he cant punch anybody hard

    at all. Youre just a bunch of bones!

    So be it. The difficult path you have chosen for yourselves. Have at me, then!

    Croscar raised its hands and the dark energy tore to them in two roaring lines. Harry and

    Jeremy went one way and Eric sidestepped, firing a green stone at the skeleton. A swath of

    shadow rose to block it.

    Get him, guys! Eric shouted, aiming another stone.

    Harry and Jeremy raised their golden gems at the creature. Croscar turned upon them,

    raising a curtain of blackness to shield it from the beams. Eric fired his second shot; the dark

    energy knocked it out of the air, but this time did not dissolve it. Jeremy saw this, thinking its


    Theyre not strong enough! Harry shouted over the thundering energy.

    He was right. Jeremy didnt know what to do. How could they pierce the shroud and let

    Eric hit him? He thought of the Big White Tree, the morels, the strange rusted wreck in the

    swampy part of the woods. He thought of Nash, who had died for no reason, who had really

    wanted to protect him, who had attacked the monster before them.

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    He mustered all the willpower he could, and took another step forward. For Nash, he

    thought. Croscar howled as Jeremy bore down on the shield, his knuckles almost touching the

    inky matter. Harry saw him and likewise took another step forward. Croscars roar shook the

    cave, and the big blue stone on the ceiling cracked, putting out its light, plunging them all into

    murky dimness.

    You will rue this, rue this! I am not to be destroyed by you, I am eternal misery and all

    powerful! Oh, you terrible boys, you insolent fools!

    The black matter blew outward with all of Croscars strength, sweeping Jeremy and

    Harry backward against the wall.

    Croscar staggered to them. Give me my gems. Return my circlet to power and I shall

    end you easily.

    Not so fast! Eric fired a rock at the skeletal head. The dark force had diffused with the

    last attack, and it found its mark, dissolving on impact.

    Croscar clutched its head, screaming in agony. There was a smoky scent, like burning

    gasoline. Jeremy jumped to his feet and swung his fist into the robes, feeling more ribs splinter

    and crack. The creature stepped back.

    Give them to me! You will give them to me now, please! I will let you live, I beseech


    Harry stood up. Would if we could, but weve only got two.

    Croscars opaque, inhuman eyes bore down at Harry. No its impossible

    Eric let loose another stone. It flew at the skull, striking with a thwockand cracking the

    bone before dissolving.

    Noooo! Croscar fell to its knees, arms outstretched.

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    Jeremy pulled back his fist, golden beams shining from between his fingers. Harry did

    likewise. This is for Nash, and for everyone else youve killed. And for calling me sacrifice!

    They swung their fists at either temple of the creatures skull, further cracking the ancient bone

    and knocking the silver crown from its brow. It clanged to the stone floor and shattered to dust.

    The two boys held their fists at Croscars head. Harry opened his palm and pressed the

    gleaming gem against it. He looked at Eric. Get it in the head, one more time!

    Jeremy pressed his gem against Croscars skull as well as Eric walked forward, aiming a

    green rock. Its the last one. Lets hope it does it.

    Jeremy smiled at him. It will.

    Eric stood above the evil being, and released.

    There was an explosion. They were blinded by hot, white light and felt their bodies fly

    farther than the reaches of the cave. The dying screams of Croscar were all around them.

    Jeremy and Harry felt the gems dissolve in their hands. Eric clutched his slingshot tightly,


    Jeremy opened his eyes to find himself lying in the woods. He smelled something like

    garlic, and saw that he was in a patch of the stalk plants with white flowers. He must have fallen

    asleep while looking for mushrooms, it must have all been a dream

    He heard groaning behind him. He spun around as Harry rose up from the leaf litter,

    rubbing his forehead. Eric was sitting with his back against a tree, staring blankly, clutching his

    slingshot. He followed Erics gaze, and gasped. A huge crater had been blown in the middle of

    the woods. A few trees had fallen into it and were smoldering.

    Harry stumbled over to them. They all stared at the ruins silently.

    We won, said Jeremy.

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    Yeah, Harry replied quietly.

    Eric stood up. I broke my slingshot. It was my brothers. Hes gonna be mad.

    It was worth it, though.

    Yeah. Im not saying it wasnt.

    They heard shouts coming from somewhere in the woods, coming towards them.

    Im sorry about your friend, said Harry.

    Yeah its not fair. He didnt have to die. Jeremy dug his hands into his pockets,

    hanging his head and turning away from the crater.

    The monstersaid that it was impossible that we couldnt have the big gem, remember?

    said Eric. The one that weird guy took. Wasnt he the one that told you where to look?

    I dont know. Yeah, he showed me, like, a vision of where theyd be. Maybe he didnt

    know what he was showing me?

    Guess well never know, said Harry. A police officer had appeared out of the woods

    on the far side of the crater, followed by some residents of the town. They were rushing towards

    them. More people were appearing to witness the great gray crater which had once contained a

    great gray cave.

    Guess not, replied Jeremy. He turned away from the mess and looked into the woods.

    His eyes caught a patch of morels poking up from the leaf litter. He smiled and while the police

    officers were asking them what had happened, he picked them up one by one, carrying them in

    the handkerchief Nash had given him.


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    Officer Keeple shook his head, setting down his cup of coffee and staring out the

    window, brooding. Dont make sense, Bob. Those kids wouldve had to have a quarter ton of

    dynamite to blow a hole that big.

    Detective Bagwins smile showed the corners of his teeth. He leaned back in his own

    chair, rubbing his beard. You telling me you believe their story, Marty? Monsters and vagrants

    and mushrooms? They were in his office. The sun was getting ready to retire for the day.

    No, dont be stupid, Bob. Im just trying to decide what really happened. I mean, the

    kids probably just happened to be in the woods, and they then happened to be the first people to

    find it like that. But how did it happen? Something to do with a coal shaft, maybe there was a

    fire burning an old coal vein, and it finally built up enough pressure and let go? I heard about

    something like that in some old West Virginia town, except without any explosions. Yet,

    anyway. There could be one if there was enough pressure. Right?

    I understand youre under some pressure yourself to figure this out, Marty. So Ill let

    you get away with calling me stupid this once. But we checked, and there was no evidence of

    any coal mines going through there. Theres no evidence of anything, really. No traces of any

    known explosive material. Just some charred trees, and rocks. Chunks of rock, like there was a

    cave there He flashed his smile again, his dark eyes twinkling. He had achieved the

    nickname of Crocodile for this very expression.

    Alright, fine. Officer Keeple stood up and sighed. I can see Im not getting anywhere

    here. Im gonna head home.

    Keep me posted if you find anything out, Marty. But if I can give you a word of


    Fine, sure.

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    Drop it. He pointed at Marty. Ive seen cases like this before. They all get plenty of

    attention, attract a lot of sensation, see? But each and every one of them never gets farther than a

    file in a cabinet somewhere, and good police manpower gets wasted. Youre a good cop, Marty.

    Plenty of better things you can be doing.

    Well, thanks, Crocodile. But I can only do what they tell me to do, Im afraid.

    I understand. Just remember what I said. Take it easy, Marty. And ah, could you open

    up the window? Air conditioning makes it way too cold in here.

    You got it. He did as he was bid. Have a good evening.

    You as well. He watched Officer Keeple leave and close the door behind him. You

    as well

    Detective Bagwin picked up a report lying on his desk and started to skim over it. He

    was waiting for his appointment to arrive.

    A robin flew up to the open window and perched on the sill. Bagwin didnt look up. The

    bird hopped onto the floor and began to grow. Its shape changed to a human child with sandy

    blond hair and dirty clothes.

    Evening, Harrison, said Bagwin calmly. He replaced the file hed been pretending to


    Wurra, wurra, Robert. Greetings. Harry took the seat that Marty Keeple had just left.

    I suppose you want to know what happened today, right?

    It piqued my interest, yes.

    Then Im guessing you already know.

    Bagwin nodded. Hes finally escaped, then?

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    It couldnt be avoided. The magic wards of the cave were dying, his power had been

    biding for far too long, and then there was the element of that homeless man.

    Told the truth to a tee, then, did you? Bagwins smile was widening, becoming

    steadily more reptilian. His eyes changed to a green-gold shade, his fingernails turned into


    Of course. I told the two boys to try to keep quiet about it. I mean, no ones gonna

    believe the story anyway, right? Harrys skin was starting to turn to lavender scales. A pair of

    yellow horns rose from his head, and his hair turned into a ridge which ran all along his back.

    I suppose not. But Im not so worried about them. Their part in the tale is over.

    Thats up to the Scribner.

    Regardless. Bagwin waved his clawed hand. His face extended into a long snout, his

    skin became deep red. This meeting is about Croscar. What became of him?

    The blow which, ah, killed him, released his spirit from the corporeal form. As we

    predicted. No telling where he was sent. Presumably hes still on this plane, but there was a

    great explosion, as youre aware. This we didnt predict. If youd ask me, this was caused by

    dimension transfer. I cant think of any other explanation. His presence is gone, completely

    gone. A pair of yellow wings sprouted from his back. Man, it gets cramped being in that


    Quite. You may be right, but Ill have to talk to some of my familiars. And theres the

    matter of the rogue Dreamweaver

    Sawyer? Yes, I dont think he knew what I was. But I was still surprised to find him

    here. I thought Dreamweavers were supposed to be

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    They are. He got through. And he has one of those confounded gems now. No telling

    what kind of trouble hell get into, but thats for Dreamweavers to figure out, and the Scribner.

    And what about the other man? The vagrant?

    Harry, now fully a dragon, shook his head. Croscar got him. I dont think he really

    killed him, though. My guess is that he was transferred to a parallel dimension. Croscars power

    was more than I had anticipated if the man hadnt tried to attack him, and force Croscar to us e

    up whatever power he had, well, it may not have turned out like it had.

    Bagwin laughed, reverting back to his human self. You were never in danger. You

    should know that at least. And dont fear for the man. I have a feeling that his part in the tale

    isnt quite over.

    I guess well find out, huh?

    No guesses about it, young one.

    Right. Though, one thing still bugs me there was something about those mushrooms.

    I knew they were out of place, but actual telacyproperties? He looked expectantly at Bagwin.

    I mean, it was weird they were serving Croscar by leading Jeremy to the gems wed hidden,

    but at the same time they helped the mortals beat him.

    You dont think it was Sawyer?

    Not really. He offered Jeremy the biggest of the gems, you know. Luckily Jeremy

    thought it was a trick, I guess. If hed gotten hold of it, he might have beaten Croscar, or maybe

    hed have become a new Croscar, if you know what I mean.

    Would have been a debacle either way, yes. Well, as far as those mushrooms go, as I

    was just telling my mortal friend before you arrived, some mysteries are never solved, and its

    best to leave the matter be and find something else to put your energy to.

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    I guess youre right on that. But if I had a guess, Id say another Dreamweaver was in

    the realm. Harry glanced back at the window as the sky began to grow orange, like the rusted

    landcraft in the woods. He scraped his claw on the side of Bagwins desk and yawned. What

    are we going to do about Croscar, then?

    My familiars will know what to do about Croscar whenever he appears, so dont worry

    yourself about that either. Now, you should get back home. No sense blowing your cover.

    Harry nodded. Right. Have a good evening, Robert. He morphed to a robin again, and

    hopped up onto the windowsill.

    You as well, Harrison. You as well. The robin flew into the dusk as Bagwin picked

    the report up again and began to read it in earnest.
