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The Cecil Whig (Elkton, Md.) 1904-07-02 [p...

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—A schooner loaded with bananas from Baltimore is lylnj* at Turner’s wharf, Construction work is expected to begin shortly on the Oxford-Parkesburg trolley. —The lied Men’s festival held recently at Oakwood was well attended and successful. —The Delaware Railroad's estimate of the Peninsula peach crop is for 1,788,395 baskets. —A lodge of American Woodmen was in- stituted at Newark on Monday night with ‘25 members. —The festival held on the church lawn at Kemblevllle was well attended. The net profits were *35. —Twelve churches in Dover district of the Wilmington M. E. (’onference have Increased pastors* salaries. —The profits from the recent festival held by the ladies of St. John's Church, Lewis- ville, reached *7O. —The postponed Children’s Day services at Jones Chapel, will be held tomorrow evening at 7 o’clock. —Surveyors are at work around Conowln- go and it Is thought the electric power scheme may soon take shape. —Thirty dollars for missionary purposes were realized from the festival held recently on the Oxford M. E. Church lawn. —The Oxford Press reports a 20-acre Cecil county wheat field so badly damaged by the fly that it will not yield five bushels to the acre. —The Children’s day services at Hickory Hill on Sunday were pleasing and well at- tended. Rev. J. E. Gallagher, of Lewisville, made an able address. —Rev. J. Gibson Gantt will preach at St. Mark’s Chapel at 10.30 a. m., at Parish House. Perryvllle, at 3 p. ra., and St. Mary’s Church, North East, at 8 p, m. tomorrow. —John Hopkins and Barclay Hannam, farmers near Newark, quarreled seriously on Monday, and the former was held In *SOO bail, charged with assault with intent to kill. —Surveyors are expected soon on the pro- posed Lancaster, Georgetown and Oxford trolley line. It Is reported that several thousand dollars have been subscribed to- ward the enterprise. —The York Bridge Company Is erecting two new Iron spans for the Conowingo bridge to take place of the woodea ones washed away In the flood lost winter. The new ap- proach is nearly finished. —Roy J. Little, of the New York Bicycle Club, stopped at Elkton on Wednesday even- ing on his wheel traveling on a wager of *SOO from New York to St. Louis, to make the entire trip on his wheel within 20 days. —Sacramental service at Elkton M. E. Church to morrow at 10 30 a. m. Sunday School session at 12 m. Joint twilight ser- vice of congregation and Epworth League at 30 which will probably be of a patriotic character. —Among this year’s graduates from the West Chester State Normal School are Misses Lillie L. and Tlllie L. flicking, of Oxford ; Anna H. Eves, of New Loudon ; Ethel V. Mason, of Chrome, and Letltla Smith, of Kemblevllle. —At the meeting of National Lodge, No, 37, I. O. O. F., of Elkton, held last evening the newly elected officers were installed os follows : Past Grand. William Warmkessel ; Noble Grand. H. W. Lewis ; Vice-Grand, C. C. Strickland ; Secretary. P. M Groves. —A well merited compliment was paid to Mr. C. C. Strickland, the well-known and popular teller of the National Bank of Elk- ton, by his election on Tuesday by the Board of Directors as Assistant Cashier. Mr. Strick- land’s service with the bank covers 30 years. —Anbury M. E. Sunday School, of Craig- town, will run an excursion to Tolchester from Port Deposit next Friday, July 8. Adult’s tickets 50 cents, Children 25 cents, i Tickets may be secured at James F. Rutter’s store, Battle Swamp, or at the store of Clar- ence Hitchcock, Craig town. The boat will leave Port Deposit fur Tolchester at 7 a. m. —Charles A. Andrew, president, and Jas. T. Jones, secretary and treasurer, have or- ganized the Glencove Power Company, of Harford county, which was given broad powers by the Legislature to generate and supply electric current and operate steam or electric railways in Harford county. —Mrs. Nettie England, wife of Clifford C. ' England, of near Zion, was severely scalded on the face on Tuesday. .She was making yeast holding a can filled with boiling water when upon removing the cover the steam burst out In her face. Dr. I). L. Gifford was called and rendered medical attention. Mrs. England Is a daughter of W. J. (’lurk, , Judge of the Orphans’ Court, of near North East. , —An enthuastlc meeting was held at the office of J. H. Bteele, of Gbefwpatke City oa Tuesday evening to re-orgnnlze the base bull club. Hugh Caldwell was retained as cap- i tain, I). P. Boulden as treasurer. An execu- tive committee was appointed, composed of the following gentlemen—H. W. Caldwed, D. I P. Boulden. John Banks, Jas. 8. Hopper, J. ¦ Qropme Steele, Henry G. Hager and Dr. T. t J. Oonrey. The following were appointed 1 Collectors—J. G. Steele, H. G. Hager, Byron Bouchelle Jr., Clark Barwick, John Hudson. Board of Directors—Messrs. H. H. Brady, J. , P. Steele, Dr. W. C. Karsner, Dr. J. V. Wal- lace, Wm. Borem, Harry Bouchelle, Byron Bouchelle, J. A. Boulden, Charles 8. Ellison. Harry Howard, Dr. Delraar Sraithers, Ben- net Steele, G. W. Bennett, Waltraan Smlthers ; and T. J. Cleaver. Shake-Up Of Railroad Officials. George A. Wentz, for several years past station agent for the P., B. .V W. U, R. at Elkton, will on July 1 be transferred to Per- ryvllle, where he will succeed W. C. Culley, who will retire on that date after thirty years' service. M. 11. Gilpin, the popular freight agent at Elkton, will become station agent here, and Harry H. Purnell, clerk In the freight office, will become chief clerk or freight agent. OABTOHIA. Bean th yf The Kind You Have Always Bought s nr (Z&0&ZL1 Cecil &3Saft Whig SATURDAY, JULY 2, 1904. TELEPHONES: Business Department 45. Editohiad Department 67. Real Estate, TRANSFERS OF PROPERTY. William Ritchie ami wife, of Philadelphia, to Mary E. Scott and William H. Price, 7 acres near Cowentown, S6OO. William Itltehle and wife, of Philadelphia, to Mary E. Scott, 10 acres near Cowentown, In the Fourth district. George A. Blake, attorney, to Peter H. Cleaver, Wells property on Collins avenue, Elkton, $1125. George A. Blake, attorney, to Peter H. Cleaver. Wells property on Clinton street, Elkton, $1285. George W. Berry and wile to William J. Buddy, 60 acre farm in Eighth district, S7OO George C. Biddle, Sheriff, to John Gilpin and Charles M. Ellis, Interest of John 8. Boulden in 101 acres of woodland in Elk Neck, SIOO. John Banks and wife to Edward Stapp, lot on Biddle street, Chesapeake City, $450. George A. Blake, attorney, to the National Bank of Elkton, lot on Main street, Elkton. $l5O. Amos F. Wilson and wife to Frank Foote, 2 acre property in Cecil county, $250. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Walters. Morris, of Wilmlntgon, and Mat- tie May Walton, of Havre de Grace. llulle B. House and Wllhelmina Kramer, both of Chester, Pa. LOCALJNEWS. —The “Jim Crow’’law took effect yester- day. —Chester county is enjoying a bountiful cherry crop. —Monday, July 4, the several National banks and public offices will be closed. —Joseph Thomas, of Newark, has a fine automobile and may take a trip to St. Lonls. —W. 8. Evans, Esq., lost his fine Gordon setter, “Mont,’’early this week, it Is thought from poison. —Presiding Elder Mowbray preached In Elkton M. E. Church on Sunday morning to a large congregation. —Uev. Dr. T. E. Martindale will preach at 2.16 p. m. tomorrow at Crouch Chapel. The public is cordially invited to attend. —Thomas P. Kennedy, of Oxford, Pa., has bought the West Grove Inn from the Bowers estate. —Four head of cattle owned by Lewis Spear and two of George Spear’s, of Earle- ville, were kilted by lightning on Sunday. —The Ushers’ Union of the North East M. E. Church will hold a (air and festival this evening and Monday evening. —The stockholders of the Baltimore and Belair trolley line have authorized a bond issue of $500,000 for its construction. —The barn on the Chalmers place, near Newark, was burned one night last week. A quantity of hay was lost, and a horse was saved with difficulty. —The Cecil County School Board will meet on Monday. July 11 instead of Tues- day July 12. owing to the State Teacher's Convention at Ocean City. —Rev. John Wlnteh, of Philadelphia, is ex- pected to preach in the Free Methodist Church at Pleasant Hill tomorrow. There will be morning and evening services. —The Steamer Susquehanna was, unluck- ily, put out of service at a busy time by the breaking of her propeller at Havre de Grace on Tuesday. —Wheat harvest Is on in many parts of the county and reports do not bear out the hopes held of the outcome. Still the Anal story may rend better than the earlier chapters. —A caveat against the will of the late H. C. DeVallnger, of Middletown, has been filed by bis daughter, Mrs. Charlotte It. White, of Wilmington, who Is dissatisfied with some of its provisions. —At a special session of the Orphans' Court on Tuesday the report of the sale of real estate of Marla Sophia Bayard to the Chesapeake City Basket Company was con- llrmed. , —A colored man and a dog sitting under a tree near Galena were killed by lightning on Sunday. Another colored farm hand near Sassafras was severely stunned about the same hour. —Rev. F. T. Little, D. D., President of the Maryland Methodist Protestant Confer- ence, will preach at Moore’s Chapel tomor- row afternoon at 3 o’clock. He will conduct Christian Endeavor exercises at Leeds Church at 8 o’clock. —lt was stated on Monday that the full and final installment of sls per share on the $75,000 000 of new stock of the Pennsylvania Railroad authorized on March 25, 1903 had been paid in full. —The following officers were elected by Elkton Council, Jr. O. U. A. M., on Tuesday evening: Junior Past Councilor, George W. Boulden; Councilor, Joseph D. Walters ; Vice Councilor, William T. Clark ; Assistant Recording Secretary, Walter Blackson : Con- ductor, Frank Kemether; Warden. John Moore. U -a WHY do tho Johns Hopkins Hospital, .Maryland General Hospital, City Hospital and Maryland University Hospital, in Baltimore, use FI NO LA The Antiseptic Cleaner Because It eleam amt prevents disease. 5 cold 10 cent package* CECIL WHIG. ELKTON. SATURDAY. JULY 2,19 CK BASE BALL CHAMPIONSHIP RECORD. Won. Lost. Per Cent. Elkton 11 2 .818 N ort h East 8 2 -800 Rising Sun 8 8 .727 Perryvllle 5 fl .456 Chesapeake City.. 5 6 .455 Colora 4 7 .804 Port Deposit 2 8 . 200 Baldwin ! 0 .182 TO-DAY’S GAMES. North East at Elkton. Chesapeake City at Baldwins. Perryvllle at Rising Sun, Colora at Port Deposit. GAMES FOR THE FOURTH. Perryvllle at Elkton. Port Deposit at Chesapeake City. Rising Sun at North East. Baldwins at Colora. SATURDAY’S RESULTS. North East 10, Elkton 8. Chesapeake City 4, Baldwin 2. Rising Sun 9, Perryvllle 6. Colora 3. Port Deposit 2, ELKTON-NORTH EAST. Elkton’s run of luck was halted on Satur- day when the team met defeat at North East by score of 10 to 8. It was a batting game from the start and four runs made oft of Tip Finnan In the first Inning gave the home team a lead which the visitors could not overcome. A heavy shower In the third In- ning suspended the game but It was quickly resumed. In the fifth Inning Finnan gave way to Scott who (Hied the place well and held the home team down to one additional run while Elkton made six. Brown’s work behind the bat for Elkton was first-class. The errors on both sides were about equally balanced owing largely to the wet grounds. Following is the score by innings : North East 4 1 2 2 0 10 0 x—lo Elkton 0 0 2 11 4 0 0 0-9 Earned runs—North East, 5; Elkton, 3. Two base hits—White, Rose, Boyer. Jackeon (2). Three base hits—White. Stolen bases —Elkton, 2. Left on bases—Elkton, 11 ; North East, 7. Double play—Johnson, Steele and Mlnner. Struck out—Finnan, 5; Scott, 2; Wilson, 5. Bass on balls—By Finnan, 2; Scott, 1 : Wilson, 5. Wild pitches—Finnan, 1. Hit by ball—Mlnner and Scott. Passed ball- Brown. Umpires—Hitchens, Campbell and Worrall. Time of game—2.2o. RISING SUN—PERRYVILLE. 1 It was something of a walkover that Rising Sun bad at Perryvllle last Saturday, Perry- vllle being shut out until the last Inning, at which time Rising Sun had 9 rune, when Reynolds let up and Perryvllle made 3 runs. Reynolds pitched a fine game and Hall made two fine catchee In center. Devon played well. Rlale led at the hat. Score by in- nings : 1 Rising Sun 000 0 71 00 1-9 Perryvllle 00000000 3—3 Earned runs—Rising Sun, 5; Perryvllle, 1. Two base hits—Keen, Rlale First on balls— Off Richardson. 1; Macklnson, 5. Struck out—By Reynolds, 9; Richardson, 3; Mack- luson, 2. Lelt on bases—Rising Sun, 14 ; Perryvllle, 9. Hit by bull—Devon, Richards and Cantwell (2). CHESAPEAKE CITY—BALDWIN. ¦ Baldwin put up a good game at Cbesa- -1 peako City on Saturday but the home team ; was in a little better ehopo and won out by a score of 4to 2. The contest was well played and interesting throughout, and the errors were nearly even. The following Is the score by Innings : Chesapeake City 1 00 1 0 0 2 0 x—4 | Baldwin 0 0 1 00 00 1 0-2 Two base hits—Cooling, C. Hoover, Stew- art Stolen b ises-Ba dwiu, 3; Chesapeake Cltv, 2 Struck 01:1 —B. siewart, 10; Wat- son. 14 lta-e u Iml s—By stewart, 4; Wat- so .3. Umpires—Hu neaud Barwick. Time r of game—l.6o. POUT DEPOSIT—COLORA. , The contest between Port Depo-lt and Colora on the West Nottingham grounds I was an exciting one and Interesting and re- sulted In a victory for Colora by a score of 3 to 2. A TUG OF WAR TODAY. The Elkton-North East game to bo played 1 here today Is expected to be a lively one, 1 and 11 big crowd Is looked for. Harry Jobes, of Havre do Grace, who umpired the extra game between Elkton and Chesapeake City some weeks ago, will act In the like oapaolty 1 today, and (air play will be aesurred. The ; grand stands will be covered with canvas so r that ladies, who will iadmi'ted free today , and hereafter, may watch the contest with 1 comfort. W. AMATEURS—PLEASANT GROVE. ' The Washington Amateurs added another victory to their list on Juno 18 by defeating tho Pleasant Grove team by 11 score of 11 to 6. Following Is the score by Innings : 1 W. Amateurs 04140003 x—II 1 Pleasant Grove 300100001—5 f SCHEDULE OF GAMES. July 10— Elkton at Chesapeake City. Port Deposit at North East. Rising Sun at Colora. 1 Perryvllle at Baldwins. July 23 - Chesapeake City at Elkton. North East at Port Deposit. 1 Colora at Rising Sun. Baldwins at Perryvllle. . July 30- 4 Elkton at Baldwins. Perryvllle at Chesapeake City. North East at Colora. Rising Sun at Port Deposit. S We I*k e best to call | - j SCOTT'S EMULSION J J a food because it stands so em- \ r 4 phatically for perfect nutrition. [ d And yet*n the matter of restor- d , ing appetite, of giving new 0 r W strength to the tissues, especially 0 W to the nerves, its action is that 5 of a medicine. J X Send for free sample. \ 0 SCOTT & BOWaNK, Chemists, 0 jk 409*415 Pearl Street, New York- M . 00; all druggists. T The Eminent Kidney and Bladder Specialist. The Discoverer of Swamp-Root at Work In < His Laboratory. There is a disease prevailing in this country most dangerous because so decep- tive. Many sudden deaths are caused by , it—heart disease, pneumonia, heart failure or apoplexy are often the result of kidney disease. If kidney trouble is allowed to ad- 1 vance the kidney-poisoned blood will attack 1 the vital organs, or the kidneys themselves 1 break down and waste away cell by cell. Then the richness of the blood—the albumen —leaks out and the sufferer has Bright's Disease, the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer s Swamp-Root the new dis- covery is the true specific for kidney, bladder i and urinary troubles. It has cured thousands i of apparently hopeless cases, after all other efforts have failed. At druggists in fifty-cent i and dollar sizes. A sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling about Swamp- i Root and its wonderful cures. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Binghamton, N. Y. and mention this paper. August 6 Baldwins at Elkton. Colora at North East. Chesapeake City at Perryville. Port Deposit at Rising Sun. August 13— Elkton at Colora. Rising Sun at Chesapeake City. Perryville at Port Deposit. North East at Baldwins. August 20— Colora at Elkton. Chesapeake City at Rising Sun. Port Deposit at Perryville. Baldwins at Ncrtb East. August 27 Elkton at Port Deposit. Rising Sun at Baldwins. North East at Chesapeake City. Colora at Perryvllle. September 3 Port Deposit at Elkton. Perryvllle at Colora, Chesapeake City at North East. Baldwins at Rising Bun. September 5 Elkton at Rising Sun. Port Deposit at Baldwins. Colora at Chesapeake City. North East at Perryvllle. September 10— Rising Sun at Elkton. Perryvllle at North East. Chesapeake City at Colora. Baldwins at Port Deposit. September 17— Elkton at North East. Baldwins at Chesapeake City. Rising Bun at Perryvllle. Port Deposit at Colora. September 24- North East at Elkton. Chesapeake City at Baldwins. Perryville at Rising Bun. Colora at Port Deposit October 1— Perryvllle at Elkton. Port Deposit at Chesapeake City. Rising Sun at North East. Bal twins at Colora. October 8 Elkton at Perryville Chesapeake City at Port Deposit. North East at Rising Sun. Colora t Baldwins. Hurt In A Runaway. The team of Lawrence McCommons, a young farmer of the Fourth district, collided with a telephone pole near Providence on Saturday night. Bn was thrown out and badly bruised. The horse ran as far as Kite’s Mill. The carriage was badly damaged. The Glorious 4th. Are you ready for it? A Serge Suit, $5 to sls. An Outing Coat and Trousers, $5 to sl2. Straw Hats 50 cents up. Genu- ine Panamas $4 to $lO. Tan .Shoes $2.50 to SL. Negligee or Summer Shirts 50 cents to $3.50. Neckwear, Fancy Half Hose and everything for neat Boys to wear. The latest and best in Boys’ and Little Boys’ Serge Suits, Homespuns, Serge Coats and Trousers. All kinds of Summer Coats and Trousers for Men and Boys at low prices Because MULLIN S Sat's 11,8 Best. Wilmington. Shoes MORTGAGE SALE OF Real Estate I'mler and by virtue of power contained Ina mortgage from George W. Berry and wife to A. Lincoln Lyon. Trustee, dated on the tenth day of February, in the year 1902, and recorded among the land record books of Cecil County, In the state of Maryland. In LlberJ.fi. W. No. 10, Folio 818 Ac. and which has been assigned to William J. Hoddy, the undersigned, t lie attorney named therein to sell in the event of default, will sell at public auction at the Court House door, In the town of Flkton, In said county on— Thursday, July 7th. 190k. at 11 o'clock A. M. all of the following real estate, viz;— 1—All of that farm or tract of land, sllual ed In the Bth. Election District ol said County, whereof William Boddy late of said County died seised, containing 60 acres of land, more or less.lt being the same farm which was conveyed unto the said George W. Berry by George A. Blake, trustee, by his deed dated on the 10th day of February, In the year 1902 and recorded among the ’and records aforesaid. The soil is of good natural quality and well adapted for the usual farm crops. About 40 acres are under tillage. The Improvements consists of a Frame Dwelling House stable, and other outbuildings. The pro- perty Is convenient to school, church, stores, post office and rail road and Is distant about two miles from Conowlngo aforesaid. It adjoins lands of Howland Berry and others. 2 All of that lot of land, situated In the Bth. Flection district aforesaid, about two miles from Conowlngo, containing one half acre of land more or less, adjoining laud of Howland Berry and others and being the same lot of land which was conveyed unto the said George W. Berry by Howland Berry and wife by their deed dated July 27th. 1898 and recorded among the land records of said Cecil County Id Liber J. T. O. No. n Folio 919 Ac. It Is Improved by a Frame Dwelling House, nearly new, ami other outbuildings. Terms of Sale All of the purchase money to be paid on the day of sale but these terms will be made easier for a satisfactory purchaser If deemed advisable by the undersigned. Cost of deed to be paid by the purchaser. GEORGE A. BLAKE, Attorney. WILLIAM .1. SMITH. Auctioneer. June 11 Is No 1136. REPORT OP THe CONDITION’ OF THK. National Bank of Elkton AT EI.KTON, IN THK STATE OK MARYLAND, AT THK CI-OSK OF BUSINESS, June 9th. IHM. HESOCRCES: Loans and Discounts . . . . SHUD.4OD 4. r > overdrafts, secured and unsecured. 218 17 L. s. Bonds to secure circulation. 81JKXI0U Bonds, securities, etc 97,15000 Banking house, furniture, fixtures 10,00000 Due from National Banks mol re- serve agents 8,247 14 Due from approved reserve agents. 71.084 48 Checks and other cash Hems l7l 00 Notes of other National Banks 800 00 Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents 79 82 Lawful Money reserve in bank viz: Specie *85.298 75 Legal-tender notes 5.91900 41.21575 Hedemptlan fund with F. s. Treas- urer 5 per cent of circulation. 1,550 0 Total... ¦ *805.92158 LI AHI I ITIES. Capital stock paid In $50,000 00 surplus fund .. . . . 80,000 00 Fmilvlded j roflts, less expenses and taxes paid . .. 88,718 88 National Bank notes outstanding. 80,80000 Due to other National Bonks 18,51895 Individual deposits subject to check 199,045 92 Demand certificates of deposit 454,848 80 Total $885,921 68 stale of Maryland. County of Cecil, ss : I, Chas. B. Finley, cashier of the above- named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. ( MAS. B. FINLEY, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15th day of June. 15*04. WM. I). CAWLEY, Notary Public. Correct—Attest : H. 11. BRA BY. H EC BEN HAINES, FRANK H. SCOTT, June 18,15*04. Directors. Have You Looked over your Suit Case or Trunk prepa- ratory to going away on your vacation? Probably you will need a new Case or Trunk. We are in a position where we can furnish either one of them at once, and they will stand the hard knocks better than the ordi- nary kind. Let ns show them to you. LIPPINCOTT 0 CO. Wilmington, Del. 306-31 k Market Street 9 East Third Street Notice To Taxpayers OF THE Town Of Elkton The Town Treasurer of Elkton will sit at the office of Win. S. Kvans on Nort h Street, every evening In the week during the months of July and August to receive taxes for the year 1904. A discount of 5 per cent, will he allowed on all pavnients of taxes made during the month of July, and a ills count of3 per cent, will be allowed on all taxes paid during the month of August. No discount after August 31st. All taxes not raid hy January 1, HHM, will hear Interest from September I, 1095. W. STERLING KVAN'S Town Treasurer. June 25, Ot koad Notice Notice Is hereby given that the Count* Commissioners of Cecil county will close u* public road known as the Port Deposit road In the Fifth Flection district of Cecil countv. at a point where the Haltimore & Ohio Km..- road crosses said road. This road will or v he closed during the time that the Railroad Company Is constructing a new bridge this point. LEVI K. PATTERSON. GEORGE H. SPKNCF. W. B. DAVIS, DecUtttf Commissioner*' notice to creditors. This Is to give notice that the subscriber of Cecil county has obtained from the Orphans' Court of said county letters of administra- tion on the personal estate of MARY JANE COOLING, late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the said deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof authenticated, on or before the 16th day of November, 1904 they may otherwise be excluded from any benefit of said estate. All persons indebted to said estate arc requested to make Imme- diate payment to the subscriber. Given under my hand this Kith day of May, 1904. L. MARSHALLHAINES, may 28-6 t Administrator. FOR SALE. Seed Oats. J ust arrived. A car of Seed Oats at Provi- dence. GEORGE W. BILES, ap. 16. tf FOR SALE. A good Spring Market Wagon, nearly new, with tongue and shafts. Address, JOHN M. CLARK, June 4*3w. North East, K. F. D., No. 2. FOR SALE. Dun mare, sound and quit. Fine roadster. ( all or address— MANLY G. MILLER, Union, Md., mar 6-tf North East, P. (). R. F. D. No. 7. FOR RENT. Farm of MO acres, situated at Childs Stattoi*- B. A O. 11. H. or two and hall miles Iron Flkton on Blue Bull Road. Addresser apply In person to— WILLIAM 11 ARVKY, Fen 20, tf Childs,Maryland. FARMS FOR SALE. The Commodore Tones farm one mile East of Cecllton, containing 480 acres. This Is one of the best in Cecil County, go d build- ings and fine Soil. 20.000. Also the John Hnsfelt Farm 220 acres, good buildings, SMJUM Address GEORGE W. INGRAM Heal Estate Agent June 25 lino Middletown, Del FOR* RENT. The Store Room, Bakery and Dwelling com blued,located on East Main street In Hus town recently occupied bv Mr. Roller. The bakery Is fully equipped for currying on business, and the dwelling contains eight i rooms. The location Is central fora Bakerr i and Confectionery Store and possession i can he given at once. Address ALFRED W Fill FRILL. : apr2-tf Elkton. Md. For Sale or Pent. The Pul ridge lin I property In Elkton. One of the most beautifully located properties Id. the heart of any town In Maryland. Twr and one-halt acres o* ground, elevated above . the adjacent streets, \'itl> natural terrace*, on three sides. I.urgi Colonial brick Lotov In excellent repair, with modern conveuler* . ces. Apply to the owner, 1 JOHN (411.P1N, , 25seplf Elkton, Maryland i MONEY To LOAN. t Money to Loan on First Mortgage Rea, Estate Security, In sums to suit from 860 C to . may 7tf HENRY M. McCULLOUGH, Opposite onn House. Atty at-Law, Main street, Elkton, Md. WO*IAN WANTED Wanted a good reliable woman to clean, up and Keep stock in order. 11. 11. OWENS A BRO. Perry vine. Md. ¦ June 25 2t s. Woodlawn Camp. In order to accommodate those who may want to tent; early application will have la he made for tents; as tne supply may not lx equal to the demand. Camp .Meeting com- mences August I and doses August 17. Rent of Tents as follows: 12x16 Canvas Tent with floor $7. GO Hx2o " $ 9.00 Extra Fly for Kitchen $2.50 For any Information concerning the Camp address C. S. ABRA H AMS Secy. Port Deposit, Md. may 2KKwks R. F. D. No. 1 TQlchester Ge. 1 Schedule In died June 181 h. 1904. Sassafras Riv;r Line. Leave Frederlcktowi. week days, except Saturday, at 7.00 a. m. Betterton, 8.15 a. m., Buck Neck.'.ClO a. m. Returning, leave Bal- timore week days, except Friday and Satur- day, at 2.45 p. m . Saturday at 10.30 a. in. (Does not stoi at Cali-< and Buck Neck on Monday’s ami Wednesday strips from Hal- il more.) PORT DEPOSIT LINE. Leave Port Deposit week days except Wed- nesday at 7.00a. m Havre do Grace 7.30a. m., Betterton, 8.45 a. m., stops a( Tolchestor on Fridays. Returning, leave Baltimore Monday at 2.00. Wedncsda.N ami Sundays at 0.00 a. m. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 1.00 p. m. Friday, atB.3U p. m. stopping at Tolchos- ier Fridays. TOLCHESTOR DAILY SCHEDULE steamer Louis leaves Tolchester at 10.30 a in. and 7 p. m. Leave Baltimore 8.80 a. in and 2.30 p. m. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays leave Batlmore 8. 30 a. in., 2 p. ra. and 0.30 p. m.: Leave Tolchester 10.30 a. m., 4.20 p. m. and 8.30 p. in. For further Information apply to agents at the different wharves, or TOLCHEHTER COMPANY, Pier 16 Light street. Baltimore, Md, 5
Page 1: The Cecil Whig (Elkton, Md.) 1904-07-02 [p 5]chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83016348/1904-07-02/ed-1/seq-5.… · School session at 12 m. Joint twilightser-vice of congregation

—A schooner loaded with bananas fromBaltimore is lylnj*at Turner’s wharf,

Construction work is expected to beginshortly on the Oxford-Parkesburg trolley.

—The lied Men’s festival held recently atOakwood was well attended and successful.

—The Delaware Railroad's estimate ofthe Peninsula peach crop is for 1,788,395baskets.

—A lodge of American Woodmen was in-stituted at Newark on Monday night with ‘25members.

—The festival held on the church lawn atKemblevllle was well attended. The netprofits were *35.

—Twelve churches in Dover district of theWilmington M. E. (’onference have Increasedpastors* salaries.

—The profits from the recent festival heldby the ladies of St. John's Church, Lewis-ville, reached *7O.

—The postponed Children’s Day servicesat Jones Chapel, will be held tomorrowevening at 7 o’clock.

—Surveyors are at work around Conowln-go and it Is thought the electric powerscheme may soon take shape.

—Thirty dollars for missionary purposeswere realized from the festival held recentlyon the Oxford M. E. Church lawn.

—The Oxford Press reports a 20-acre Cecilcounty wheat field so badly damaged by thefly that it will not yield five bushels to theacre.

—The Children’s day services at HickoryHill on Sunday were pleasing and well at-

tended. Rev. J. E. Gallagher, of Lewisville,made an able address.

—Rev. J. Gibson Gantt will preach at St.Mark’s Chapel at 10.30 a. m., at ParishHouse. Perryvllle, at 3 p. ra., and St. Mary’sChurch, North East, at 8 p, m. tomorrow.

—John Hopkins and Barclay Hannam,farmers near Newark, quarreled seriously onMonday, and the former was held In *SOObail, charged with assault with intent to kill.

—Surveyors are expected soon on the pro-posed Lancaster, Georgetown and Oxfordtrolley line. It Is reported that severalthousand dollars have been subscribed to-ward the enterprise.

—The York Bridge Company Is erectingtwo new Iron spans for the Conowingo bridgeto take place of the woodea ones washedaway In the flood lost winter. The new ap-proach is nearly finished.

—Roy J. Little, of the New York BicycleClub, stopped at Elkton on Wednesday even-ing on his wheel traveling on a wager of*SOO from New York to St. Louis, to makethe entire trip on his wheel within 20 days.

—Sacramental service at Elkton M. E.Church to morrow at 10 30 a. m. SundaySchool session at 12 m. Joint twilight ser-vice of congregation and Epworth Leagueat € 30 which will probably be of a patrioticcharacter.

—Among this year’s graduates from theWest Chester State Normal School are MissesLillie L. and Tlllie L. flicking, of Oxford ;Anna H. Eves, of New Loudon ; Ethel V.Mason, of Chrome, and Letltla Smith, ofKemblevllle.

—At the meeting of National Lodge, No,

37, I. O. O. F., of Elkton, held last eveningthe newly elected officers were installed osfollows : Past Grand. William Warmkessel ;Noble Grand. H. W. Lewis ; Vice-Grand, C.C. Strickland ; Secretary. P. M Groves.

—A well merited compliment was paid toMr. C. C. Strickland, the well-known andpopular teller of the National Bank of Elk-ton, by his election on Tuesday by the BoardofDirectors as Assistant Cashier. Mr. Strick-land’s service with the bank covers 30 years.

—Anbury M. E. Sunday School, of Craig-town, will run an excursion to Tolchesterfrom Port Deposit next Friday, July 8.Adult’s tickets 50 cents, Children 25 cents,

i Tickets may be secured at James F. Rutter’sstore, Battle Swamp, or at the store of Clar-ence Hitchcock, Craig town. The boat willleave Port Deposit fur Tolchester at 7 a. m.

—Charles A. Andrew, president, and Jas.T. Jones, secretary and treasurer, have or-ganized the Glencove Power Company, ofHarford county, which was given broadpowers by the Legislature to generate andsupply electric current and operate steam orelectric railways in Harford county.

—Mrs. Nettie England, wife of Clifford C.' England, of near Zion, was severely scalded

on the face on Tuesday. .She was makingyeast holding a can filled with boiling waterwhen upon removing the cover the steamburst out In her face. Dr. I). L. Giffordwas called and rendered medical attention.Mrs. England Is a daughter of W. J. (’lurk,

, Judge of the Orphans’ Court, of near NorthEast.

, —An enthuastlc meeting was held at theoffice of J. H. Bteele, of Gbefwpatke City oaTuesday evening to re-orgnnlze the base bullclub. Hugh Caldwell was retained as cap-

i tain, I). P. Boulden as treasurer. An execu-tive committee was appointed, composed ofthe following gentlemen—H. W. Caldwed, D.

I P. Boulden. John Banks, Jas. 8. Hopper, J.

¦ Qropme Steele, Henry G. Hager and Dr. T.

t J. Oonrey. The following were appointed1 Collectors—J. G. Steele, H. G. Hager, Byron

Bouchelle Jr., Clark Barwick, John Hudson.Board of Directors—Messrs. H. H. Brady, J.

, P. Steele, Dr. W. C. Karsner, Dr. J. V. Wal-lace, Wm. Borem, Harry Bouchelle, ByronBouchelle, J. A. Boulden, Charles 8. Ellison.Harry Howard, Dr. Delraar Sraithers, Ben-net Steele, G. W. Bennett, Waltraan Smlthers

; and T. J. Cleaver.

Shake-Up Of Railroad Officials.George A. Wentz, for several years past

station agent for the P., B. .V W. U, R. atElkton, will on July 1 be transferred to Per-ryvllle, where he will succeed W. C. Culley,who will retire on that date after thirty

years' service. M. 11. Gilpin, the popularfreight agent at Elkton, will become stationagent here, and Harry H. Purnell, clerk Inthe freight office, will become chief clerk orfreight agent.

OABTOHIA.Bean th yfThe Kind You Have Always Boughtsnr (Z&0&ZL1

Cecil &3Saft WhigSATURDAY, JULY 2, 1904.

TELEPHONES:Business Department 45.Editohiad Department 67.

Real Estate,


William Ritchie ami wife, of Philadelphia,to Mary E. Scott and William H. Price, 7acres near Cowentown, S6OO.

William Itltehle and wife, of Philadelphia,to Mary E. Scott, 10 acres near Cowentown,In the Fourth district.

George A. Blake, attorney, to Peter H.Cleaver, Wells property on Collins avenue,Elkton, $1125.

George A. Blake, attorney, to Peter H.Cleaver. Wells property on Clinton street,Elkton, $1285.

George W. Berry and wile to William J.Buddy, 60 acre farm in Eighth district, S7OO

George C. Biddle, Sheriff, to John Gilpinand Charles M. Ellis, Interest of John 8.Boulden in 101 acres of woodland in ElkNeck, SIOO.

John Banks and wife to Edward Stapp, loton Biddle street, Chesapeake City, $450.

George A. Blake, attorney, to the NationalBank of Elkton, lot on Main street, Elkton.$l5O.

Amos F. Wilson and wife to Frank Foote,2 acre property in Cecil county, $250.

MARRIAGE LICENSES.Walters. Morris, of Wilmlntgon, and Mat-

tie May Walton, of Havre de Grace.llulle B. House and Wllhelmina Kramer,

both of Chester, Pa.

LOCALJNEWS.—The “Jim Crow’’law took effect yester-

day.—Chester county is enjoying a bountiful

cherry crop.

—Monday, July 4, the several Nationalbanks and public offices will be closed.

—Joseph Thomas, of Newark, has a fineautomobile and may take a trip to St. Lonls.

—W. 8. Evans, Esq., lost his fine Gordonsetter, “Mont,’’early this week, it Is thoughtfrom poison.

—Presiding Elder Mowbray preached InElkton M. E. Church on Sunday morning toa large congregation.

—Uev. Dr. T. E. Martindale will preach at

2.16 p. m. tomorrow at Crouch Chapel. Thepublic is cordially invited to attend.

—Thomas P. Kennedy, of Oxford, Pa., hasbought the West Grove Inn from the Bowersestate.

—Four head of cattle owned by LewisSpear and two of George Spear’s, of Earle-ville, were kilted by lightning on Sunday.

—The Ushers’ Union of the North East M.E. Church will hold a (air and festival thisevening and Monday evening.

—The stockholders of the Baltimore andBelair trolley line have authorized a bondissue of $500,000 for its construction.

—The barn on the Chalmers place, nearNewark, was burned one night last week. Aquantity of hay was lost, and a horse wassaved with difficulty.

—The Cecil County School Board willmeet on Monday. July 11 instead of Tues-day July 12. owing to the State Teacher'sConvention at Ocean City.

—Rev. John Wlnteh, of Philadelphia, is ex-pected to preach in the Free MethodistChurch at Pleasant Hill tomorrow. Therewill be morning and evening services.

—The Steamer Susquehanna was, unluck-ily, put out of service at a busy time by thebreaking of her propeller at Havre de Graceon Tuesday.

—Wheat harvest Is on in many parts of thecounty and reports do not bear out the hopesheld of the outcome. Still the Anal storymay rend better than the earlier chapters.

—A caveat against the will of the late H.C. DeVallnger, of Middletown, has been filedby bis daughter, Mrs. Charlotte It. White, ofWilmington, who Is dissatisfied with some ofits provisions.

—At a special session of the Orphans'

Court on Tuesday the report of the sale ofreal estate of Marla Sophia Bayard to theChesapeake City Basket Company was con-llrmed., —A colored man and a dog sitting under atree near Galena were killed by lightning onSunday. Another colored farm hand nearSassafras was severely stunned about thesame hour.

—Rev. F. T. Little, D. D., President of

the Maryland Methodist Protestant Confer-

ence, will preach at Moore’s Chapel tomor-row afternoon at 3 o’clock. He will conduct

Christian Endeavor exercises at LeedsChurch at 8 o’clock.

—lt was stated on Monday that the fulland final installment of sls per share on the

$75,000 000 of new stock of the Pennsylvania

Railroad authorized on March 25, 1903 had

been paid in full.

—The following officers were elected by

Elkton Council, Jr. O. U. A. M., on Tuesday

evening: Junior Past Councilor, George W.Boulden; Councilor, Joseph D. Walters ;

Vice Councilor, William T. Clark ; AssistantRecording Secretary, Walter Blackson : Con-

ductor, Frank Kemether; Warden. John



do tho Johns Hopkins Hospital,.Maryland General Hospital, City

Hospital and Maryland UniversityHospital, in Baltimore, use

FI NO LAThe Antiseptic Cleaner

Because It eleam amt prevents disease.5 cold 10 cent package*



Won. Lost. Per Cent.Elkton 11 2 .818

Nort h East 8 2 -800

Rising Sun 8 8 .727

Perryvllle 5 fl .456

Chesapeake City.. 5 6 .455Colora 4 7 .804

Port Deposit 2 8 . 200Baldwin ! 0 .182

TO-DAY’S GAMES.North East at Elkton.Chesapeake City at Baldwins.Perryvllle at Rising Sun,Colora at Port Deposit.


Perryvllle at Elkton.Port Deposit at Chesapeake City.Rising Sun at North East.Baldwins at Colora.

SATURDAY’S RESULTS.North East 10, Elkton 8.Chesapeake City 4, Baldwin 2.Rising Sun 9, Perryvllle 6.Colora 3. Port Deposit 2,


Elkton’s run of luck was halted on Satur-day when the team met defeat at North Eastby score of 10 to 8. It was a batting gamefrom the start and four runs made oft of TipFinnan In the first Inning gave the hometeam a lead which the visitors could notovercome. A heavy shower In the third In-ning suspended the game but It was quicklyresumed. In the fifth Inning Finnan gaveway to Scott who (Hied the place well andheld the home team down to one additionalrun while Elkton made six. Brown’s workbehind the bat for Elkton was first-class.The errors on both sides were about equally

balanced owing largely to the wet grounds.Following is the score by innings :North East 4 1 2 2 0 1 0 0 x—loElkton 0 0 2 11 4 0 0 0-9

Earned runs—North East, 5; Elkton, 3.Two base hits—White, Rose, Boyer. Jackeon(2). Three base hits—White. Stolen bases—Elkton, 2. Left on bases—Elkton, 11 ;North East, 7. Double play—Johnson, Steeleand Mlnner. Struck out—Finnan, 5; Scott,2; Wilson, 5. Bass on balls—By Finnan, 2;Scott, 1 : Wilson, 5. Wild pitches—Finnan,1. Hit by ball—Mlnner and Scott. Passedball- Brown. Umpires—Hitchens, Campbelland Worrall. Time of game—2.2o.


1 It was something of a walkover that Rising

Sun bad at Perryvllle last Saturday, Perry-vllle being shut out until the last Inning, atwhich time Rising Sun had 9 rune, whenReynolds let up and Perryvllle made 3 runs.Reynolds pitched a fine game and Hall madetwo fine catchee In center. Devon playedwell. Rlale led at the hat. Score by in-nings :

1 Rising Sun 000 0 71 0 0 1-9Perryvllle 00000000 3—3

Earned runs—Rising Sun, 5; Perryvllle, 1.Two base hits—Keen, Rlale First on balls—Off Richardson. 1; Macklnson, 5. Struckout—By Reynolds, 9; Richardson, 3; Mack-luson, 2. Lelt on bases—Rising Sun, 14 ;

Perryvllle, 9. Hit by bull—Devon, Richardsand Cantwell (2).


¦ Baldwin put up a good game at Cbesa-

-1 peako City on Saturday but the home team

; was in a little better ehopo and won out by ascore of 4to 2. The contest was well playedand interesting throughout, and the errorswere nearly even. The following Is the score

’ by Innings :

Chesapeake City 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 x—4

| Baldwin 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0-2Two base hits—Cooling, C. Hoover, Stew-

’ art Stolen b ises-Ba dwiu, 3; ChesapeakeCltv, 2 Struck 01:1 —B. siewart, 10; Wat-son. 14 lta-e .¦ u Iml s—By stewart, 4; Wat-so .3. Umpires—Hu neaud Barwick. Time

r of game—l.6o.

POUT DEPOSIT—COLORA., The contest between Port Depo-lt and

Colora on the West Nottingham grounds

I was an exciting one and Interesting and re-sulted In a victory for Colora by a score of3 to 2.


The Elkton-North East game to bo played1 here today Is expected to be a lively one,1 and 11 bigcrowd Is looked for. Harry Jobes,

of Havre do Grace, who umpired the extragame between Elkton and Chesapeake Citysome weeks ago, will act In the like oapaolty

1 today, and (air play will be aesurred. The; grand stands will be covered with canvas so

r that ladies, who will iadmi'ted free today, and hereafter, may watch the contest with

1 comfort.


' The Washington Amateurs added anothervictory to their list on Juno 18 by defeatingtho Pleasant Grove team by 11 score of 11 to 6.

’ Following Is the score by Innings :1 W. Amateurs 04140003 x—II1 Pleasant Grove 300100001—5


Elkton at Chesapeake City.Port Deposit at North East.

• Rising Sun at Colora.1 Perryvllle at Baldwins.

• July 23 -

Chesapeake City at Elkton.North East at Port Deposit.

1 Colora at Rising Sun.Baldwins at Perryvllle.

. July 30-

4 Elkton at Baldwins.Perryvllle at Chesapeake City.North East at Colora.Rising Sun at Port Deposit.

’ S We I*ke best to call |

- j SCOTT'S EMULSION J• J a food because it stands so em- \

r 4 phatically for perfect nutrition.[ d And yet*n the matter of restor- d, ing appetite, of giving new 0

r W strength to the tissues, especially 0W to the nerves, its action is that5 of a medicine. JX Send for free sample. \

0 SCOTT & BOWaNK, Chemists, 0jk 409*415 Pearl Street, New York- M

.00; all druggists. T

The Eminent Kidneyand Bladder Specialist.

The Discoverer of Swamp-Root at Work In <His Laboratory.

There is a disease prevailing in thiscountry most dangerous because so decep-tive. Many sudden deaths are caused by ,it—heart disease, pneumonia, heart failureor apoplexy are often the result of kidneydisease. If kidney trouble is allowed to ad- 1vance the kidney-poisoned blood will attack 1the vital organs, or the kidneys themselves 1break down and waste away cell by cell.Then the richness of the blood—the albumen—leaks out and the sufferer has Bright'sDisease, the worst form of kidney trouble.

Dr. Kilmer s Swamp-Root the new dis-covery is the true specific for kidney, bladder iand urinary troubles. It has cured thousands iof apparently hopeless cases, after all otherefforts have failed. At druggists in fifty-cent iand dollar sizes. A sample bottle sent freeby mail, also a book telling about Swamp- iRoot and its wonderful cures. AddressDr. Kilmer & Co.. Binghamton, N. Y. andmention this paper.

August 6Baldwins at Elkton.Colora at North East.Chesapeake City at Perryville.Port Deposit at Rising Sun.

August 13—Elkton at Colora.Rising Sun at Chesapeake City.Perryville at Port Deposit.North East at Baldwins.

August 20—Colora at Elkton.Chesapeake City at Rising Sun.Port Deposit at Perryville.Baldwins at Ncrtb East.

August 27Elkton at Port Deposit.Rising Sun at Baldwins.North East at Chesapeake City.Colora at Perryvllle.

September 3Port Deposit at Elkton.Perryvllle at Colora,Chesapeake City at North East.Baldwins at Rising Bun.

September 5Elkton at Rising Sun.Port Deposit at Baldwins.Colora at Chesapeake City.North East at Perryvllle.

September 10—Rising Sun at Elkton.Perryvllle at North East.Chesapeake City at Colora.Baldwins at Port Deposit.

September 17—Elkton at North East.Baldwins at Chesapeake City.Rising Bun at Perryvllle.Port Deposit at Colora.

September 24-North East at Elkton.Chesapeake City at Baldwins.Perryville at Rising Bun.Colora at Port Deposit

October 1—Perryvllle at Elkton.Port Deposit at Chesapeake City.Rising Sun at North East.Bal twins at Colora.

October 8Elkton at PerryvilleChesapeake City at Port Deposit.North East at Rising Sun.Colora t Baldwins.

Hurt In A Runaway.The team of Lawrence McCommons, a

young farmer of the Fourth district, collidedwith a telephone pole near Providence onSaturday night. Bn was thrown out andbadly bruised. The horse ran as far as

Kite’s Mill. The carriage was badly damaged.

TheGlorious 4th.

Are you ready for it? A SergeSuit, $5 to sls. An OutingCoat and Trousers, $5 to sl2.Straw Hats 50 cents up. Genu-ine Panamas $4 to $lO. Tan.Shoes $2.50 to SL. Negligeeor Summer Shirts 50 cents to

$3.50. Neckwear, Fancy HalfHose and everything for neat

Boys to wear. The latest andbest in Boys’ and Little Boys’

Serge Suits, Homespuns, SergeCoats and Trousers. All kindsof Summer Coats and Trousersfor Men and Boys at lowprices

Because MULLINS Sat's 11,8

Best. Wilmington. Shoes


Real EstateI'mler and by virtue of power contained

Ina mortgage from George W. Berry andwife to A. Lincoln Lyon. Trustee, dated on

the tenth day of February, in the year 1902,and recorded among the land record books

ofCecil County, In the state of Maryland. In

LlberJ.fi. W. No. 10, Folio 818 Ac. andwhich has been assigned to William J.Hoddy, the undersigned, t lie attorney namedtherein to sell in the event of default, willsell at public auction at the Court Housedoor, In the town of Flkton, In said county


Thursday, July 7th. 190k.at 11 o'clock A. M.

all of the following real estate, viz;—

1—Allof that farm or tract of land, sllualed In the Bth. Election District ol saidCounty, whereof William Boddy late of saidCounty died seised, containing

60 acres of land,more or less.lt being the same farm whichwas conveyed unto the said George W.Berry by George A. Blake, trustee, by hisdeed dated on the 10th day of February, Inthe year 1902 and recorded among the ’andrecords aforesaid. The soil is of good

natural quality and well adapted for the

usual farm crops. About 40 acres are undertillage. The Improvements consists of a

Frame Dwelling Housestable, and other outbuildings. The pro-perty Is convenient to school, church, stores,post office and rail road and Is distant abouttwo miles from Conowlngo aforesaid. Itadjoins lands of Howland Berry and others.2 Allof that lot of land, situated In the

Bth. Flection district aforesaid, about two

miles from Conowlngo, containing one halfacre of land more or less, adjoining laud ofHowland Berry and others and being thesame lot of land which was conveyed unto

the said George W. Berry by Howland Berryand wife by their deed dated July 27th. 1898and recorded among the land records of saidCecil County Id Liber J. T. O. No. n Folio919 Ac. It Is Improved by a

Frame Dwelling House,nearly new, ami other outbuildings.

Terms of SaleAll of the purchase money to be paid on

the day of sale but these terms will be madeeasier for a satisfactory purchaser Ifdeemedadvisable by the undersigned. Cost of deedto be paid by the purchaser.


Attorney.WILLIAM .1. SMITH. Auctioneer.

June 11 Is





HESOCRCES:Loans and Discounts . . . . SHUD.4OD 4.r >overdrafts, secured and unsecured. 218 17L. s. Bonds to secure circulation. 81JKXI0UBonds, securities, etc 97,15000Banking house, furniture, fixtures 10,00000Due from National Banks mol re-

serve agents 8,247 14Due from approved reserve agents. 71.084 48Checks and other cash Hems l7l 00Notes of other National Banks 800 00Fractional paper currency, nickels

and cents 79 82Lawful Money reserve in bank viz:

Specie *85.298 75Legal-tender notes 5.91900 41.21575

Hedemptlan fund with F. s. Treas-urer 5 per cent of circulation. 1,550 0

Total... ¦ *805.92158


Capital stock paid In $50,000 00surplus fund .. . . . 80,000 00Fmilvlded j roflts, less expenses and

taxes paid . .. 88,718 88National Bank notes outstanding. 80,80000Due to other National Bonks 18,51895Individual deposits subject to check 199,045 92Demand certificates of deposit 454,848 80

Total $885,921 68stale of Maryland. County ofCecil, ss :

I, Chas. B. Finley, cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that theabove statement Is true to the best of myknowledge and belief.

( MAS. B. FINLEY, Cashier.Subscribed and sworn to before me this

15th day of June. 15*04.WM. I). CAWLEY, Notary Public.

Correct—Attest :


June 18,15*04. Directors.


Looked over your SuitCase or Trunk prepa-ratory to going awayon your vacation?

Probably you willneed a new Case orTrunk.

We are in a positionwhere we can furnisheither one of them atonce, and they willstand the hard knocksbetter than the ordi-nary kind.

Let ns show themto you.

LIPPINCOTT 0 CO.Wilmington, Del.

306-31 k Market Street9 East Third Street

Notice To TaxpayersOF THE

Town Of Elkton

The Town Treasurer of Elkton will sit atthe office of Win. S. Kvans on Nort h Street,every evening In the week during themonths of July and August to receive taxesfor the year 1904. A discount of 5 per cent,will he allowed on all pavnients of taxesmade during the month of July, and a illscount of3 per cent, will be allowed on alltaxes paid during the month of August. Nodiscount after August 31st.All taxes not raid hy January 1, HHM, willhear Interest from September I, 1095.

W. STERLING KVAN'STown Treasurer.

June 25, Ot

koad NoticeNotice Is hereby given that the Count*

Commissioners of Cecil county will close u*public road known as the Port Deposit roadIn the Fifth Flection district of Cecil countv.at a point where the Haltimore & Ohio Km..-road crosses said road. This road will or v

he closed during the time that the RailroadCompany Is constructing a new bridgethis point. LEVI K. PATTERSON.


DecUtttf Commissioner*'

notice to creditors.

This Is to give notice that the subscriber ofCecil county has obtained from the Orphans'Court of said county letters of administra-tion on the personal estate of

MARY JANE COOLING,late of said county, deceased. All personshaving claims against the said deceased arehereby warned to exhibit the same with thevouchers thereof authenticated,on or before the 16th day of November, 1904

they may otherwise be excluded from anybenefit of said estate. Allpersons indebtedto said estate arc requested to make Imme-diate payment to the subscriber. Givenunder my hand this Kith day of May, 1904.

L. MARSHALLHAINES,may 28-6 t Administrator.

FOR SALE.Seed Oats.

J ust arrived. A car of Seed Oats at Provi-dence. GEORGE W. BILES,ap. 16. tf

FOR SALE.A good Spring Market Wagon, nearly

new, with tongue and shafts.Address, JOHN M. CLARK,

June 4*3w. North East, K. F. D., No. 2.


Dun mare, sound and quit. Fine roadster.( all or address—


mar 6-tf North East, P. (). R. F. D. No. 7.


Farm of MO acres, situated at Childs Stattoi*-B. A O. 11. H. or two and hall miles IronFlkton on Blue Bull Road. Addresser applyIn person to— WILLIAM 11 ARVKY,Fen 20, tf Childs,Maryland.


The Commodore Tones farm one mileEast of Cecllton, containing 480 acres. ThisIs one of the best in Cecil County, go d build-ings and fine Soil. 20.000. Also the JohnHnsfelt Farm 220 acres, good buildings, SMJUM

Address GEORGE W. INGRAMHeal Estate Agent

June 25 lino Middletown, Del


The Store Room, Bakery and Dwellingcom blued,located on East Main street In Hustown recently occupied bv Mr. Roller. Thebakery Is fully equipped for currying onbusiness, and the dwelling contains eight

i rooms. The location Is central fora Bakerri and Confectionery Store and possessioni can he given at once. Address

ALFRED W Fill FRILL.: apr2-tf Elkton. Md.

For Sale or Pent.

The Pul ridge linI property In Elkton. One• of the most beautifully located properties Id.

the heart of any town In Maryland. Twrand one-halt acres o* ground, elevated above

. the adjacent streets, \'itl> natural terrace*,on three sides. I.urgi Colonial brick LotovIn excellent repair, with modern conveuler*

. ces. Apply to the owner,

1 JOHN (411.P1N,, 25seplf Elkton, Maryland


t Money to Loan on First Mortgage Rea,Estate Security, In sums to suit from 860 C to

. may 7tf HENRY M. McCULLOUGH,Opposite ’ onn House. Atty at-Law,

Main street, Elkton, Md.


Wanted a good reliable woman to clean,up and Keep stock in order.

11. 11. OWENS A BRO.Perry vine. Md.¦ June 25 2t s.

Woodlawn Camp.In order to accommodate those who may

want to tent; early application will have lahe made for tents; as tne supply may not lxequal to the demand. Camp .Meeting com-mences August I and doses August 17.

Rent of Tents as follows:12x16 Canvas Tent with floor $7. GOHx2o " $ 9.00Extra Fly for Kitchen $2.50

For any Information concerning the Campaddress

• C. S. ABRA H AMS Secy.

Port Deposit, Md.may 2KKwks R. F. D. No. 1

TQlchester Ge.1

Schedule In died June 181h. 1904.

Sassafras Riv;r Line.Leave Frederlcktowi. week days, except

Saturday, at 7.00 a. m. Betterton, 8.15 a. m.,Buck Neck.'.ClO a. m. Returning, leave Bal-timore week days, except Friday and Satur-day, at 2.45 p. m . Saturday at 10.30 a. in.(Does not stoi at Cali-< and Buck Neck onMonday’s ami Wednesday strips from Hal-ilmore.)

PORT DEPOSIT LINE.Leave Port Deposit week days except Wed-

nesday at 7.00a. m Havre do Grace 7.30a.m., Betterton, 8.45 a. m., stops a( Tolchestoron Fridays.

Returning, leave Baltimore Monday at2.00. Wedncsda.N ami Sundays at 0.00 a. m.Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 1.00 p.m. Friday, atB.3U p. m. stopping at Tolchos-ier Fridays.

TOLCHESTOR DAILY SCHEDULEsteamer Louis leaves Tolchester at 10.30 a

in. and 7 p. m. Leave Baltimore 8.80 a. inand 2.30 p. m. Tuesdays, Thursdays andFridays leave Batlmore 8. 30 a. in., 2 p. ra.and 0.30 p. m.: Leave Tolchester 10.30 a. m.,4.20 p. m. and 8.30 p. in.

For further Information apply to agentsat the different wharves, or

TOLCHEHTER COMPANY,Pier 16 Light street. Baltimore, Md,

