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The Celebration and Blessing of the Marriage of Travis Sayer and Leo Sevilla Saturday, April 11, 2015 12 p.m.
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The Celebration and Blessing of the Marriage ofTravis Sayer and Leo Sevilla

Saturday, April 11, 201512 p.m.

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The people are invited to say together the text that is in boldface.

We Gather in God’s Name



Processional Music Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring Johann Schop,

Closing chorus, Cantata 147 arr. Johann Sebastian Bach

The people may stand.

Welcome and Introduction

The Celebrant, facing the people and the persons to bemarried, addresses the congregation and says

Dearly beloved: We have come together in

the presence of God to witness and bless

the joining together of this couple in Holy

Matrimony. The bond and covenant of

marriage was established by God in

creation, and Jesus the Christ adorned this

manner of life by his presence and first

miracle at a wedding in Cana of Galilee. It

signifies to us the mystery of the union

between Christ and his Church, and Holy

Scripture commends it to be honored

among all people.

The union of two individuals in heart,

body, and mind is intended by God for

their mutual joy; for the help and comfort

given one another in prosperity and

adversity; and, when it is God's will, for

the procreation of children and their

nurture in the knowledge and love of God.

Therefore marriage is not to be entered

Muy amados: Nos hemos reunido en la

presencia de Dios para bendecir y ser

testigos de la unión entre de esta pareja en

Santo Matrimonio. Dios estableció en la

creación el vínculo y pacto matrimonial, y

nuestro Señor Jesucristo honró esta forma

de vida con su presencia y su primer

milagro en las bodas de Caná de Galilea. El

matrimonio significa para nosotros el

misterio de la unión entre Cristo y su

Iglesia, y las Sagradas Escrituras

recomiendan que sea honrado entre todos

los pueblos.

Es la voluntad de Dios que la unión de dos

individuos en corazón, cuerpo y mente sea

para gozo mutuo; para la ayuda y el

consuelo que cada uno se dé, tanto en la

prosperidad como en la adversidad; y,

cuando Dios lo disponga, para la

procreación de los hijos y su formación en

el conocimiento y amor del Señor. Por

tanto, el matrimonio no debe emprenderse

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into unadvisedly or lightly, but reverently,

deliberately, and in accordance with the

purposes for which it was instituted by


Into this holy union Leonardo Lizarraga

Sevilla and Travis Justin Sayer now come

to be joined. If any of you can show just

cause why they may not lawfully be

married in the state of Arizona, speak now;

or else for ever hold your peace.

Then the Celebrant says to the persons to be married:

Leo and Travis, I require and charge you

both, here in the presence of God, that if

either of you know any reason why you

may not be united in marriage lawfully in

the state of Arizona, and in accordance

with God's Word, you do now confess it.

inconsiderada o ligeramente, sino con

reverencia, deliberación y de acuerdo con

los propósitos para los cuales Dios lo


Leonardo Lizarraga Sevilla y Travis Justin

Sayer vienen ahora para enlazar sus vidas

en esta santa unión. Si alguno de ustedes

puede mostrar causa justa por la cual no

puedan casarse lícitamente, dígalo ahora, o

de aquí en adelante, guarde silencio.

A continuación el Celebrante dice a los contrayentes:

Leo y Travis aquí, en la presencia de Dios,

yo les requiero y encargo que si uno de

ustedes conoce alguna razón por la cual no

pueden unirse en matrimonio lícitamente,

y de acuerdo con la Palabra de Dios, lo

confiese ahora.

The Declaration of Consent

The Celebrant says to Travis

Travis, will you have this man to be your

husband; to live together in the covenant

of marriage? Will you love him, comfort

him, honor and keep him, in sickness and

in health; and, forsaking all others, be

faithful to him as long as you both shall


Travis answers

I will.

The Celebrant says to Leo

Leo, will you have this man to be your

husband; to live together in the covenant

of marriage? Will you love him, comfort

Declaración de Consentimiento

El Celebrante dice a Travis:

Travis, ¿quieres tomar a este hombre como

tu esposo, para vivir juntos en el pacto del

matrimonio; para amarlo, confortarlo,

honrarlo y cuidarlo, tanto en tiempo de

enfermedad como de salud; y, renunciando

a todos los demás, quieres ser fiel mientras

los dos vivan?

Travis responde:

Sí, quiero.

El Celebrante dice Leo:

Leo, ¿quieres tomar a este hombre como tu

esposo, para vivir juntos en el pacto del

matrimonio; para amarlo, confortarlo,

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him, honor and keep him, in sickness and

in health; and, forsaking all others, be

faithful to him as long as you both shall


Leo answers

I will.

The Celebrant then addresses the congregation, saying

Will all of you witnessing these promises

do all in your power to uphold these two

persons in their marriage?

People: We will.

Celebrant: Who presents Travis to be

married to Leo?

The mother of Travis, Laura McGoun, responds

I do.

Celebrant: Who presents Leo to be

married to Travis?

The mother of Leo, Cruz L. Sevilla, responds

I do. (Lo quiero.)

honrarlo y cuidarlo, tanto en tiempo de

enfermedad como de salud; y, renunciando

a todos los demás, quieres ser fiel mientras

los dos vivan?

Leo responde:

Sí, quiero.

A continuación el Celebrante dice a la congregación:

Ustedes, testigos de este consentimiento,

¿harán cuanto puedan para sostener a estas

dos personas en su matrimonio?

Pueblo: Sí, lo haremos.

Celebrante: ¿Quien presenta a Travis para

casarse con Leo?

La madre de Travis, Laura McGoun, responde

Yo lo presento.

Celebrante: ¿Quien presenta a Leo para

casarse con Travis?

La madre de Leo, Cruz L. Sevilla, responde

Yo lo presento.

The Collect of the Day

Celebrant: May God be with you.

People: And also with you.

Celebrant: Let us pray.


O gracious and everliving God, you have

created humanity in your image: Look

compassionately upon this couple who

come to you seeking your blessing, and

assist them with your grace, that with true

fidelity and steadfast love they may honor

and keep the promises and vows they

Colecta del Día

Celebrante: El Señor esté con ustedes.

Pueblo: Y con tu espíritu.

Celebrante: Oremos.


Dios bondadoso y eterno, tú nos has creado

humanidad a tu propia imagen: Mira con

misericordia a esta pareja que viene a ti

pidiendo tu bendición; ayúdales con tu

gracia, para que con fidelidad verdadera y

amor constante honren y guarden las

promesas y votos que hacen; por Jesucristo

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make; through Jesus the Christ, who lives

and reigns with you in the unity of the

Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.


nuestro Salvador, que vive y reina contigo,

en la unidad del Espíritu Santo, un solo

Dios, por los siglos de los siglos. Amén.

We Proclaim and Respond to the Word

The Lessons

A Reading from William Shakespeare [Sonnet 116] The people may be seated.

Let me not to the marriage of true minds

Admit impediments. Love is not love

Which alters when it alteration finds,

Or bends with the remover to remove:

O no! it is an ever-fixed mark

That looks on tempests and is never shaken;

It is the star to every wandering bark,

Whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken

Love's not Time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks

Within his bending sickle's compass come:

Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks,

But bears it out even to the edge of doom.

If this be error and upon me proved,

I never writ, nor no man ever loved.

Una Lectura de 1 Juan [4:7-16]

Queridos, amémonos unos a otros, ya

que el amor es de Dios, y todo el

que ama ha nacido de Dios y

conoce a Dios. Quien no ama no ha

conocido a Dios, porque Dios es Amor. En

esto se manifestó el amor que Dios nos

tiene; en que Dios envió al mundo a su

Hijo único para que vivamos por medio de

A Reading from 1 John [4:7-16]

Beloved, let us love one another,

because love is from God; everyone

who loves is born of God and knows

God. Whoever does not love does not

know God, for God is love. God's love was

revealed among us in this way: God sent

his only Son into the world so that we

might live through him. In this is love, not

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él. En esto consiste el amor: no en que

nosotros hayamos amado a Dios, sino en

que él nos amó y nos envió a su Hijo como

propiciación por nuestros pecados.

Queridos, si Dios nos amó de esta manera,

también nosotros debemos amarnos unos a

otros. A Dios nadie le ha visto nunca. Si

nos amamos unos a otros, Dios permanece

en nosotros y su amor ha llegado en

nosotros a su plenitud. En esto conocemos

que permanecemos en él y él en nosotros:

en que nos ha dado de su Espíritu. Y

nosotros hemos visto y damos testimonio

de que el Padre envió a su Hijo, como

Salvador del mundo. Quien confiese que

Jesús es el Hijo de Dios, Dios permanece

en él y él en Dios. Y nosotros hemos

conocido el amor que Dios nos tiene, y

hemos creído en él. Dios es Amor y quien

permanece en el amor permanece en Dios

y Dios en él.

Lector: Oigan lo que el espiritu está

diciendo al pueblo de Dios.

Pueblo: Demos gracias a Dios.

that we loved God but that he loved us and

sent his Son to be the atoning sacrifice for

our sins. Beloved, since God loved us so

much, we also ought to love one another.

No one has ever seen God; if we love one

another, God lives in us, and his love is

perfected in us. By this we know that we

abide in him and he in us, because he has

given us of his Spirit. And we have seen

and do testify that the Father has sent his

Son as the Saviour of the world. God abides

in those who confess that Jesus is the Son

of God, and they abide in God. So we have

known and believe the love that God has

for us. God is love, and those who abide in

love abide in God, and God abides in


Reader: Hear what the Spirit is saying to

God’s People.

People: Thanks be to God.

A Reading from Song of the Open Road—Walt Whitman

Ido not offer the old smooth prizes,

But offer rough new prizes,

These are the days that must happen to you:

You shall not heap up what is called riches,

You shall scatter with lavish hand all that you earn or achieve.

However sweet the laid-up stores,

However convenient the dwellings,

You shall not remain there.

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However sheltered the port,

And however calm the waters,

You shall not anchor there.

However welcome the hospitality that welcomes you

You are permitted to receive it but a little while

Afoot and lighthearted, take to the open road,

Healthy, free, the world before you,

The long brown path before you,

leading wherever you choose.

Say only to one another:

Camerado, I give you my hand!

I give you my love, more precious than money,

I give you myself before preaching or law:

Will you give me yourself?

Sequence Hymn Love divine, all loves excelling The people may stand.

No. 657, The Hymnal 1982

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A Reading from the Holy Gospel[Luke 6:32-38]

Deacon: The Holy Gospel of our Savior

Jesus Christ according to Luke.

People: Glory to you, O Christ.

Jesus said, “If you love those who love

you, what credit is that to you? For

even sinners love those who love them.

If you do good to those who do good to

you, what credit is that to you? For even

sinners do the same. If you lend to those

from whom you hope to receive, what

credit is that to you? Even sinners lend to

sinners, to receive as much again. But love

your enemies, do good, and lend, expecting

nothing in return. Your reward will be

great, and you will be children of the Most

High; for he is kind to the ungrateful and

the wicked. Be merciful, just as your Father

is merciful. Do not judge, and you will not

be judged; do not condemn, and you will

not be condemned. Forgive, and you will

be forgiven; give, and it will be given to

you. A good measure, pressed down,

shaken together, running over, will be put

into your lap; for the measure you give will

be the measure you get back.”

Deacon: The Gospel of Jesus Christ.

People: Praise to you, O Christ.

Una Lectura de Santo Evangelio[Lucas 6:32-38]

Diácono: Santo Evangelio de nuestro

Salvador Jesucristo, segun Lucas.

Pueblo: ¡Gloria a ti, O Cristo!

»Si ustedes aman solamente a quienes los

aman a ustedes, ¿qué hacen de

extraordinario? Hasta los pecadores se

portan así. Y si hacen bien solamente a

quienes les hacen bien a ustedes, ¿qué tiene

eso de extraordinario? También los

pecadores se portan así. Y si dan prestado

sólo a aquellos de quienes piensan recibir

algo, ¿qué hacen de extraordinario?

También los pecadores se prestan unos a

otros, esperando recibir unos de otros.

Ustedes deben amar a sus enemigos, y

hacer bien, y dar prestado sin esperar nada

a cambio. Así será grande su recompensa,

y ustedes serán hijos del Dios altísimo, que

es también bondadoso con los

desagradecidos y los malos. Sean ustedes

compasivos, como también su Padre es

compasivo. No juzguen a otros, y Dios no

los juzgará a ustedes. No condenen a otros,

y Dios no los condenará a ustedes.

Perdonen, y Dios los perdonará. Den a

otros, y Dios les dará a ustedes. Les dará en

su bolsa una medida buena, apretada,

sacudida y repleta. Con la misma medida

con que ustedes den a otros, Dios les

devolverá a ustedes.»

Diácono: El Evangelio de Jesucristo.

Pueblo: Te alabamos, Cristo!

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Homily The people may be seated.

Preacher: The Rev. Steve Keplinger

The Marriage

Leo takes Travis' right hand in his and says

Travis, I take you to be my husband,

to be with you

whatever happens to us.

In prosperity and in hardship,

in health and in sickness,

in sorrow and in joy,

I will love, protect and serve you

as long as we live.

This I vow before God.

They loose hands.

Then Travis takes Leo's right hand in his and says

Leo, I take you to be my husband,

to be with you

whatever happens to us.

In prosperity and in hardship,

in health and in sickness,

in sorrow and in joy,

I will love, protect and serve you

as long as we live.

This I vow before God.

Travis, te llevo a ser mi esposo,

a estar contigo

pase lo que pase con nosotros.

En prosperidad y en dificultades,

en salud y en la enfermedad,

en la tristeza y alegria,

te amaré, protegeré y serviré mientras vivimos.

Esto lo juro ante Dios.

Leo, te llevo a ser mi esposo,

a estar contigo

pase lo que pase con nosotros.

En prosperidad y en dificultades,

en salud y en la enfermedad,

en la tristeza y alegria,

te amaré, protegeré y serviré mientras vivimos.

Esto lo juro ante Dios.

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The Blessing of the Rings

The Celebrant, receiving the rings, says

Eternal God, bless these rings as symbols

of the love and trust between Travis and


The giver places the ring on the other's finger whilesaying

This ring is a token of my faithfulness and


and a symbol that all I have I share with


El Celebrante, recibiendo los anillos, dice

Eterno Dios, bendice estos anillos como

símbolo de amor y confianza entre Travis y


El dador coloca el anillo en el dedo del otro mientras dice

Este anillo es un símbolo de mi fidelidad y


y un símbolo de todo lo que tengo lo

comparto contigo.

The Pronouncement

Then the Celebrant joins the right hands of the coupleand says

Now that Leo and Travis have given

themselves to each other by solemn vows,

with the joining of hands and the giving

and receiving of rings, I pronounce that

they are united in marriage, in the Name

of the Father, and of the Son, and of the

Holy Spirit.

Those whom God has joined together let

no one put asunder.

People: Amen.

Entonces el Celebrante junta la mano derecha de lapareja y dice

Ahora que Leo y Travis han dado el uno al

otro por votos solemnes, con la unión de

las manos y el dar y recepción de anillos, lo

pronuncio que están unidos en

matrimonio, en el Nombre del Padre, y del

Hijo, y del Espíritu Santo.

Aquellos a quienes Dios ha unido no lo

separe el hombre.

Gente: Amén.

The Lasso Ritual

The ceremony has its roots in 7th-century Spain. The early Lasso was a cord that bound the wedding couple. It wasin the shape of a figure-eight, which is a symbol of infinity/eternity. The Lasso symbolizes the union of the couple, theirvows to protect and support each other, and their mutual trust and confidence. In the Spanish-American culture, thetradition is usually expressed utilizing a Lasso made of two conjoined rosaries.

The rosary is placed around Travis’ and Leo’s shoulders.

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Leader: Travis and Leo, since your lives have crossed in this life, you have formed eternal

and sacred bonds. As you enter this state of matrimony, you should strive to make real the

ideals that to you, give meaning to this ceremony and to the institution of marriage.

With full awareness, know that within this Lasso, you are not only declaring your intent

to be bound together before your friends and family, but you speak that intent also to

God. The promises made today and the ties that are bound here greatly strengthen your

union and will cross the years and lives of each soul’s growth.

Celebrant: Will you honor and respect one another, and seek to never break that


Travis and Leo: We will.

Celebrant: Will you share each other’s pain and seek to ease it?

Travis and Leo: We will.

Celebrant: Will you share the burdens of each so that your spirits may grow in this


Travis and Leo: We will.

The rosary is removed the shoulders of the couple and presented to them.

The Prayers

Celebrant: Leo and Travis, we welcome you now as a married couple.

Pray, and we will pray with you.

May God enrich the life you have chosen,

and fulfill your hopes.

Celebrant: Blessed are you, heavenly Creator,

People: you give joy to Travis and Leo.

Celebrant: Blessed are you, Jesus our Liberator,

People: you have brought new life to us all.

Celebrant: Blessed are you, Holy Spirit of God,

People: you bring us together in love.

Celebrant: Blessed are you Creator, Savior, and Giver of Life,

People: one God to be praised for ever. Amen.

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The people pray for Leo and Travis.

People: May the Blessing of God go before you.

May God's grace and peace abound.

We invoke the Holy Spirit to live within you.

We ask for God's love to wrap you around.

The Blessing of God be with you always.

Walk together, Leo and Travis, on holy ground. Amen.

Blessing of the Couple

As the couple stands or kneels, the Celebrant invokes God’s blessing upon them, saying

Let us pray.

O God, you have so consecrated the covenant of marriage that in it is represented the

spiritual unity between Christ and his Church: Send therefore your blessing upon these

your servants, that they may so love, honor, and cherish each other in faithfulness and

patience, in wisdom and true godliness, that their home may be a haven of blessing and

peace; through Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God,

now and for ever. Amen.

The Peace

Celebrant: The peace of God be always with you.

People: And also with you.

The newly married couple then greet each other, after which greetings may be exchanged throughout the congregation.

The Liturgy of the Table

Offertory Sentence The people may be seated.


This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. [John 15:12]

Offertory Music Ave Maria Franz Schubert

Matt Heinz, soloist

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Table Chant Please stand, as you are able.

The Great ThanksgivingEucharistic Prayer 1 from Enriching Our Worship, Church Publishing Inc.

Celebrant: God is with us.

People: God is present here.

Celebrant: Rejoice! Lift up your hearts.

People: We lift our hearts to the Most High.

Celebrant: Let us give thanks to the Holy One.

People: It is right to offer thanks and praise.


It is truly right, and good and joyful, to give you thanks, all-holy God, source of life and

fountain of mercy. You join couples to each other and the two become one flesh to be a

sign of your steadfast love. Before you stand Leo and Travis. Be present with them in their

new life with one another. Through your Spirit, constantly replenish them and call them

to fullness of life with one another, with you, and with the whole world. Therefore, joining

with Angels and Archangels and with the faithful of every generation, we lift our voices

with all creation as we say:

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Celebrant and People:

Holy, holy, holy God of power and might,

heaven and earth are full of your glory.

Hosanna in the highest.

Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord.

Hosanna in the highest.

The people may stand or kneel.


Blessed are you, gracious God, creator of the universe and giver of life. You formed us in

your own image and called us to dwell in your infinite love. You gave the world into our

care that we might be your faithful stewards and show forth your bountiful grace.

But we failed to honor your image in one another and in ourselves; we would not see your

goodness in the world around us; and so we violated your creation, abused one another,

and rejected your love. Yet you never ceased to care for us, and prepared the way of

salvation for all people.

Through Abraham and Sarah you called us into covenant with you. You delivered us from

slavery, sustained us in the wilderness, and raised up prophets to renew your promise of

salvation. Then, in the fullness of time, you sent your eternal Word, made mortal flesh in

Jesus. Born into the human family, and dwelling among us, he revealed your glory. Giving

himself freely to death on the cross, he triumphed over evil, opening the way of freedom

and life.

At the following words concerning the bread, the Celebrant is to hold it, or lay a hand upon it; and at thewords concerning the cup, to hold or place a hand upon the cup and any other vessel containing wine to beconsecrated.

On the night before he died for us, Our Savior Jesus Christ took bread, and when he had

given thanks to you, he broke it, and gave it to his friends, and said: “Take, eat: This is

my Body which is given for you. Do this for the remembrance of me.”

As supper was ending, Jesus took the cup of wine, and when he had given thanks, he gave

it to them, and said: “Drink this, all of you: This is my Blood of the new Covenant, which

is poured out for you and for all for the forgiveness of sins. Whenever you drink it, do this

for the remembrance of me.”

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Celebrant: Therefore we proclaim the mystery of faith:

Celebrant and People:

Christ has died.

Christ is risen.

Christ will come again.

The Celebrant continues

Remembering his death and resurrection, we now present to you from your creation this

bread and this wine. By your Holy Spirit may they be for us the Body and Blood of our

Savior Jesus Christ. Grant that we who share these gifts may be filled with the Holy Spirit

and live as Christ’s Body in the world. Bring us into the everlasting heritage of your

daughters and sons, that with all your saints, past, present, and yet to come, we may

praise your Name for ever.

Through Christ and with Christ and in Christ, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, to you be

honor, glory, and praise, for ever and ever. AMEN.

The Lord’s Prayer (traditional) The people may stand.

Diácono: Oremos como nuestro Salvador Cristo nos enseñó,

Diácono y Pueblo:

Padre nuestro que estás en el cielo,

santificado sea tu Nombre,

venga tu reino,

hágase tu voluntad,

en la tierra como en el cielo.

Danos hoy nuestro pan de cada día.

Perdona nuestras ofensas,

como también nosotros perdonamos

a los que nos ofenden.

No nos dejes caer en tentación

y líbranos del mal.

Porque tuyo es el reino,

tuyo es el poder,

y tuya es la gloria,

ahora y por siempre. Amén.

Deacon and People:

Our Father,

who art in heaven,

hallowed be thy Name,

thy kingdom come,

thy will be done,

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive those

who trespass against us.

And lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom,

and the power, and the glory,

for ever and ever. Amen.

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The Breaking of the Bread

Fraction AnthemCelebrant: We break this bread to share in the Body of Christ.

People: We who are many are one body, for we all share in the one bread.

The Invitation to Communion

Celebrant: The Gifts of God for the People of God

The Communion of the People of God Please be seated.

Travis and Leo cordially invite all of you to join with them in taking part in the sacrament of Eucharist.At Grace St. Paul’s, all those who are seeking God, regardless of your religious affiliation, are invited toreceive the Body and Blood of Christ.

Everyone is invited to receive Holy Communion. Please approach the altar rail from the center aisle and takethe first available space at either side. You may choose to stand or kneel for communion. You may comeforward to receive a blessing if you prefer not to receive communion. Place crossed arms on chest to signal yourdesire for a blessing. You may also do this if you prefer not to receive the wine. You may touch the chalice andthe chalice bearer will say the words of administration.

Communion Music

Postcommunion Prayer Please stand, as you are able.

Celebrant: Let us pray.

Celebrant and People:

O God, the giver of all that is true and lovely and gracious: We give you thanks for

binding us together in these holy mysteries of the Body and Blood of your Son

Jesus Christ. Grant that by your Holy Spirit, Leo and Travis may be one in heart

and soul, live in fidelity and peace, and obtain those eternal joys prepared for all

who love you; for the sake of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Final Blessing


All praise and blessing to you, God of love, creator of the universe, maker of humanity inyour likeness, source of blessing for married life. All praise to you for you have createdcourtship and marriage, joy and gladness, feasting and laughter, pleasure and delight. Mayyour blessing come in full upon Travis and Leo. May they know your presence in their joysand in their sorrows. May they reach old age in the company of friends and come at last

to your eternal kingdom. Amen.

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Congregational Blessing

Recessional Music This Is the Day John Rutter

The wedding party recesses.


Deacon: Let us go forth into the world, rejoicing in the Creator’s love seen through Leo and

Travis, and rejoicing in the power of the Holy Spirit. Alleluia! Alleluia!

People: Thanks be to God! Alleluia! Alleluia!

All are invited to a reception at the Hotel Congress

following the wedding.

Participants in Today’s Celebration


Cynthia Ramirez

Susan Langford

Natalie Campbell

Rebecca Goldberg

Mario Velasquez

Andres Esparza

Matthew Heinz

Greg Moore

Maya Egger, Flower GirlJohan Vallejo, Ring Bearer

Cruz L. Sevilla, Mother of the GroomLaura McGoun, Mother of the Groom

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Grace St. Paul’s Episcopal Church2331 East Adams Street • Tucson, Arizona 85719 • (520) 327-6857

Grace St. Paul’s parish leaders include Roger Pierce, Senior Warden; Bill Moore, Junior Warden; Rob Rauh, Chancellor;Tom Pitello, Treasurer; Lou Ann Bieging, Clerk of the Vestry. The clergy are Kirk S. Smith, Bishop of Arizona; Steve

Keplinger, Rector; Mary Delaney, Joe Fitzgerald, Rosanna Kazanjian, Priest Associates; Chris Ledyard, Nancy Meister

Book, Deacons. Others who serve in our parish are Jane Click, Pianist; Pamela Decker, Organist; Argelia El-Khayat,

Childcare Giver; Rosalind Garcia, Director of Children, Youth & Family Ministries; Christina Jarvis, Music Director; Patti

Morrison, Bookkeeper; Jean Smart, Parish Administrator; James Teal, Facilities Assistant; David Wachter, PublicationsManager, Computer Specialist, & Associate Organist; James White, Sexton.
