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THE CHAKRAS Clearing & Charging Your Energy Centers for ...

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THE CHAKRAS Excerpted from The Radical Self-Love Workbook Revised and Expanded for Higher Consciousness Training Levels I & II By Rev. Sage Taylor Kingsley-Goddard, CHT, RM 2008-2013 For your personal use only. Do not share without permission. The chakras are energy centers located along the spine and emanating outward in all directions. Each "chakra," which means "wheel" in Sanskrit, vibrates at a different energy level and correspondingly influences different areas of one's life. Sacred Indian texts actually mention 88,000 chakras! The vast majority, however, are tiny and have minor energetic effects on the body and the rest of the being. Major chakras include the seven along the spine, as well as the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. Some intuitives, including myself, can see the chakras, and Kirlian photography is used to photograph the aura (overall energy field), which may reveal the current condition of the charkas. They can be visualized as funnels, spheres or lotus blossoms, the aperture of a camera, or whatever other image works well for you. They both receive and send out energy and operate in all directions and dimensions, not just facing forward and outward. Through exercises and meditations, you can intentionally cleanse, heal and energize your chakras, resulting in greater vitality and health, prosperity, passion, personal power, love, happiness, creativity and expression, intuition, and oneness with the divine. The major spinal chakras are the 1st at the coccyx, the 2nd between pubic bone and navel, the 3rd just above the navel, the fourth between the breasts, the 5th in the throat, the 6th in the 3rd eye (center of forehead), and the 7th at the crown of the head. The lower chakras relate more to the material world, and the upper chakras govern spirituality and enlightenment.


Excerpted from

The Radical Self-Love Workbook

Revised and Expanded for Higher Consciousness Training Levels I & II

By Rev. Sage Taylor Kingsley-Goddard, CHT, RM 2008-2013 For your personal use only. Do not share without permission.

The chakras are energy centers located along the spine and emanating outward in all directions. Each "chakra," which means "wheel" in Sanskrit, vibrates at a different energy level and correspondingly influences different areas of one's life. Sacred Indian texts actually mention 88,000 chakras! The vast majority, however, are tiny and have minor energetic effects on the body and the rest of the being. Major chakras include the seven along the spine, as well as the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. Some intuitives, including myself, can see the chakras, and Kirlian photography is used to photograph the aura (overall energy field), which may reveal the current condition of the charkas. They can be visualized as funnels, spheres or lotus blossoms, the aperture of a camera, or whatever other image works well for you. They both receive and send out energy and operate in all directions and dimensions, not just facing forward and outward. Through exercises and meditations, you can intentionally cleanse, heal and energize your chakras, resulting in greater vitality and health, prosperity, passion, personal power, love, happiness, creativity and expression, intuition, and oneness with the divine. The major spinal chakras are the 1st at the coccyx, the 2nd between pubic bone and navel, the 3rd just above the navel, the fourth between the breasts, the 5th in the throat, the 6th in the 3rd eye (center of forehead), and the 7th at the crown of the head. The lower chakras relate more to the material world, and the upper chakras govern spirituality and enlightenment.

THE SEVEN+ MAJOR CHAKRAS red 1. survival (includes safety, money and home) PHYSICAL orange 2. sexuality (creativity, sensuality, playfulness) yellow 3. power (success in outer world, abundance) EMOTIONAL green 4. love (also balance, healing and happiness) blue 5. communication (creativity and expression) MENTAL indigo 6. intuition (visioning, imagination) violet 7. spirituality (spirituality, peace) SPIRITUAL white/gold 8. Infinity, one with heaven, beyond form, ChristLight

Other important chakras include: HANDS/PALM CHAKRAS (9 & 10) The palms of the hands are acknowledged as important energy centers in all spiritual and healing traditions. For example, in Reiki, the palms are one of the chakras where the student gets attuned with the Reiki symbols and energy by the Master. It is a transmission of energy that activates the student’s ability to access infinite healing energy to a much greater degree. When one’s capacity as a healer is activated, divine energy flows into you, fills and heals you even as it flows out from your palm chakras, healing your client or loved one. The palms of the hand also relate to giving and receiving. When I read a client’s aura during a PsyCAM (Psychic Chakra Aura Map) reading, for example, I often see blockages in the palms of one or both hands. This could interfere with prosperity, with life balance (working/playing/being), and with giving and receiving loving energy in relationships as well, therefore it is crucial to clear those chakras. The palm chakras are associated with the 3rd chakra (power center) and 5th chakra (communication) in that the energy to fulfill your purpose and be prosperous with your soulwork needs to flow upward from the 1st and 2nd where the initial life/creative energy awakens the kundalini, it needs to flow up into the 3rd chakra and focus with your strong intention, confidence and will, flow up to the heart and align with the intention of love, to be of divine service.

From the heart, the energy needs to flow upward to the throat and out to the world through your words, and simultaneously down the arms and out the hands, through your physical deeds. We will be working with mastering this flow of energy in our program. J FEET/SOLE CHAKRAS (11 & 12) The soles of the feet relate to groundedness and connection with the Earth. These chakras are associated with the 1st chakra and the ability to make your visions, which you receive from Spirit, above, fully physically manifest into tangible reality. Many people who are very spiritual have a hard time being in their bodies and need to clear and energize their sole chakras. This helps you feel strong, healthy, safe, stable, secure, live in the right home and community and feel and know, deep down, that you are always taken care of. When your 1st chakra and sole chakras are open and vibrant, you will enjoy a greater sense of being supported. Fear is dissolved. You feel present and solidly HERE. Chakra Healing Techniques Below are some techniques for healing the chakras. Experiment to find what works for you, and trust that Spirit may guide you to do other actions. Some of them may surprise you! Follow your own intuition of Body, Mind, Heart and Spirit above all. Color & Visualization Visualize the color from the chart above, the accompanying color chart, or trust your intuition on this. This color is infusing your chakra with beautiful, healing energy. Let this light grow and glow, purifying, pushing out anything you need to release, and just filling you with pure beautiful light and energy. Feel the warmth. Breathe in this color. See it, feel it, know it. Also visualize and feel your chakra opening and glowing with Light.

SOUND HEALING: Toning, Chanting & Singing Tone and chant beginning with the note C, then D, E, F, G, A, B, the following sacred Sanskrit words which resonate with each chakra: LAM (C ) 1st chakra VAM (D) 2nd chakra RAM (E) 3rd chakra YAM (F) 4th chakra HAM (G) 5TH chakra KSHAM (A) 6TH chakra OM (B) 7th chakra (or 6th to 7th, or 7th and 8th, infinity) This makes a complete musical scale, comprising a chakra tune up! You can also tone without the words or – my personal favorite – sing the “DOE A DEER” song from the Sound of Music! J Flowers

For any chakra, you select a fresh flower in a color that resonates for you as a healing color at that time for that chakra. E.g. You may select a red rose for the 1st chakra. Place the flower over the chakra while breathing in and visualizing that color. You can also combine this with toning or other methods. When you are done, give thanks to the flower spirit for helping you and dispose of it in a sacred way such as on your altar for a while (if it wants to be there) or composting, returning it to Mother Earth. Showers While taking a shower, visualize white healing light flowing into your crown chakra as the water pours over your head. You are charging the water with healing white light. Breathe. As you breathe in, breathe in the healing white light of Spirit. As you breathe out, exhale and release into the water anything you need to release. Continue until you feel completely pure and radiant. Give thanks to the water for healing you. Optional if you have a shower massager: You can direct the stream of water at each chakra in turn, beginning with the 7th crown chakra and working your way down.

The strong jet is also very effective for cleansing and charging the soles of the feet and palms of the hand. Remember to do this as an energetic, not just physical, practice. Altars Creating an altar in your home or garden and having lovely sacred objects that represent your chakras is a beautiful and harmonizing practice you will enjoy. I suggest you choose an area such as a table that is out of the main thoroughfare, perhaps a table in a corner, a special nook in the garden, etc. Commemorate and bless your Altar as sacred space. When you are focusing on a particular chakra, in this program or anytime, you can change the look and feel of your altar to represent that chakra. During our focus period for each major spinal chakra in Retreats #2-8 in Higher Consciousness Level I, I will share many ideas with you for what you may wish to feature on your altar, what colors, numbers, natural objects, deity images, power animals, herbs, offerings, and more. Feel free to share your own ideas with us, too. When you are not focusing on one chakra per se, I suggest you have a balanced chakra altar that represents all the chakras, or have a Medicine Wheel altar and/or Angel Altar. (See separate handouts and audios re: Medicine Wheel and Angels) And remember to trust your own intuition on what to include on your altar. This will change over time. “Listen” to the objects on your altar. They will tell you where they want to be and for how long. Your Chakra Altar is an excellent place to meditate, pray, say and post affirmations, and enjoy the visual and energetic beauty. You can also incorporate other themes such as abundance, self-love, nature and so on, as you are guided. Have fun with it! And feel free to share images of your own Altar on our Facebook page! We’d love to share the beauty with you! What a wonderful world we live in.

EXERCISE: Chakra Prosperity Activation Prayer

Beginning with the first (root) chakra at the base of your spine, traveling up each chakra until the seventh (crown) chakra, place one or more hands on the chakra energy point, breathe deeply, visualize the chakra color as pure and radiating and say each phrase aloud. You can also do this Activation Prayer for LOVE or HEALTH. I do all three! Take your time and really see, feel, hear and attune to the radiant energy of the chakra. Be present. Allow yourself to drink in the Light, to be filled and overflowing with the Light, Love and Abundance surrounding you. You are this Light. You are this Love. You ARE this Abundance. It is your birthright, your truth and your reality.

1. RED Let me touch Prosperity. (Breathe) I touch Prosperity. 2. ORANGE Let me create Prosperity. (Breathe) I create Prosperity. 3. YELLOW Let me empower Prosperity. (Breathe) I empower Prosperity. 4. GREEN Let me feel Prosperous. (Breathe) I feel Prosperous. 5. BLUE Let me express Prosperity. (Breathe) I express Prosperity. 6. INDIGO Let me perceive Prosperity. (Breathe) I perceive Prosperity. 7. VIOLET Let me BE Prosperous. (Breathe) I AM Prosperous!

And I know it is so! And so it is.

Amen. Awomen!
