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The Chapel Hill weekly (Chapel Hill, N.C.) 1961-11-09 [p ...TOUR CAMPUS Sixty-four allied officers...

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Extracurricular Current movies, radio ami TV' tare, krai sports activities, and otaer rhittc-ed liMie carrywifs-e* ¦cUdaied tar Chapel Hill during tar week of November 9-li. MOVIES Carolina Theater— Today: "Blood and Roses " a Rober Vadim production of the old vampire curse tale in a mo- dern Italian setting with pretty women and color; a heady littie show Friday through Tuesday "Town Without Pity." Kirk Doug- las Christine Kaufmann f r <>m the hook hy Manfred Gregor- who wrote “The Bridge", four G! s assault a German girl arid a court martial ensues. Douglas plays the major who defend- the GI s and rru :h electric drama results Wednesday Ingmar Bergman's "Dreams' one of his earlier film- made in 1955 while he was early in the upswing of hi- ca- reer a thoughtful but no' nower- fui movie about two models' love live- which end in shattered il- lu-'on- and reconciliation; Thursday "Rosemarie.” Nadja Tiller. Peter Van Eyck all about Rosemarie Nitribitt the Frank furt prostitute who made a for- tune and then was found strangl- ed whose murder has never been conclusively solved: The New Yorker commended it to people's Church of Chi’ist meeting at 305 Alumni Bldg. Sundays 10:00 and 11:00 a. m. 6:00 p. m. I THE PORTHOLE \ I \ ft Is now open on | MONDAY % also Tuesday. Wednes- g \r y> % day. Thursday. Friday p (1 yj ft Saturday, and Sunday, y, ft Eat anytime Between 'ft ft ' y / 11:30 a.i... and {f y) - \ ft FREE PARKING AVAILABLE' ft )/ .N X v'X *V vCTx. w* VOOCN < < Like Oid Books? You never saw such treasure as is displayed this week at THE INTIMATE BOOKSHOP 119 East Franklin -Street OPEN Til. 10 PM attention and called it bitingly satiric, and the New York Times called it a "rueful reflection on the fleshpots”: definitely not for children * * Varsity Theater—- -1 k.u> io. two weeks: 'Sparta cu " Kirk Douglas, Laurence Ol.vier, Jean S.mmons, Tony Cur. tis. Peter Ustinov. Charles Laugh- ton. John Gavin, anti a few of the few who are left; Time Mag- azine called it “a new kind of movie with spiritual vitality and moral force ' and the producers did it in color, embellishing the sets with 27 tans of statuary. 5.- 000 uniforms and seven ton- of armor to create a genuine B< Roman atmosphere; the struggle for human freedom exemplified in the fight by gladiator Spartac in the fight by gladi-tor S - cus to win his freedom and the novel of the same name by How. ard Fast. TELEVISION WCNC-TV. Channel Four— Another week of televisual brain-stirring a program on modern American advertising techniques on Saturday: a church service, football highlights, cham- ber music and an opera on Sun day a documentary, including ai; interview with the late Dr Tom Dooley, on the S. S. Hope on Monday another program in the Alaska series on Tuesday 'he first of four programs on leading American composers on Wednes- day The week's "What’s New top- ics - "What's New” is for chil- dren broadcast daily at b 45 p m Monday how to have good wrist, action in all sports -ur. prises of the animal world how to draw Japanese lady. Tuesday Swimming and diving animal particularly suited to particular environments the de- ments of landscape painting Wednesday: Coordination and it- importance, animals that eat fish and how to draw baby chicks Thur sday The need for agility and alertness in sports, all about the stump tailed lizard, the tawny frag mouth the kangaroo an d the rabbit, and how to paint flow- ers. RADIO Wt HI., dial 1360 A new announcer ha >pi ting from under a stone, named Gary Bianehatd the announcer not the stone . Irom Florida, a I NC grad student, cunentiy writing for tlv DTH arid poking into Chapel Hill’s crannies for news—- cnning up with it. too from all rejKii'ts SHORTS INC— Saturday Varsity vs LSC, football. Kenan Stadium Chapel Hill High- All extra football game on the schedule Friday night. CIIHS vs. Thornasville at Thoinasville. MISCELLANEOUS NC Quartet Tuesday evening. 8 pm., the Tuesday Evcmn Senes presents the North Carolina string Quar- tet in a concert in Hill Hall; pub- lic invited and requested not to cough WALKER’S FUNERAL HOME The Home of Service J. M. Walker, Manager Ambulance Service Day or Night 120 W. Franklin St, Chapel HiU —Telephone 942-386] FALLOUT SHELTER CONSTRUCTION | & FINANCING Strictest supervision using U.S. Gov- ernment specifications to insure absolute structural safety and immunity from gamma radiation during crucial use pe- riod. All shelters designed by nuclear en- gineers and approved by the Office of CMI and Defense Mobilization. I TEL. CS2-50M Incorporated «7 RAMSEUR StT ~ DURHAM, N. C, THE CHAPEL HILL WEEKLY l ud * mSi&S&mWMMtc . «M'H / * h : J 9& g,mm W JR SB # j WSIBHHKBk f « ¦lfTjWg jKKKt?* ' '^**& *-* " Atgets Photograph Os A Paris Trolley Ackland Show ing Paris Photographs An exhibition of 100 photographs if Paris by Engene Atget, Iroin.. itK>o to 1025, i>. now being .show, it the Ackiand Art (filter The e hibition. entitled “Atget in Pans will lie at the ee.itei u.nii <uu-, her 28. Eugene Atget ranks among th» great photugi a;>fie, s AoirnreJ B- ,iany paintei.-,. lie ha. been calle . forci unn r o ' laj .- oo< i ary carnet uirte.i The photographs aie of detai.: it Paris shop H oata, gnils, sn;a.. 1 .radesmen and worketcarnage street ,scenes, interiors street tails and do/.cns oi otfteis u*,ci pn« graphed such contrasting we .e 0 a. | .he nclinev. oi Versailles and the j I clutter of rag pickers hut.-, or j i architectural rnoi.ument.- ami r>t« ; y-go rounds lie knew Pans w> and .-.elected his .subject malt t i .ensitivc.y The photographs ggi * a poetic and profound unprc.vM«c |o( Pairs at. the beginning of tin j centuiy Fir.il a sailor ami then an g.eto. ) Eugem Atget did not become i.; photogiapiiei un’ii he was ove jiorty lor tlnry years, until hr- i death in 1927, he photographed j j every side ot die Parisian sci-n. The picVuies in die exhibition a I the Ackiand Art ( i nter have bet , I printed Iroin the original plate.-: by the noted photographer, Bert- j nice Abixitt who selected them’ I iroin tile thousands she rescued at j the time of Atget death. The ex | | hibition is eireulated by the Airier j dean Federation ot Arts. The Ackiand Art < enter is open Assistance Liven Welfare Families j The Chapel Hill unit ol the Unit- j ed Church Women has announced that its program for this year will i include community service offered ' ¦ by two active committees, the | Jloiih- Hospitility Committee for; Foreign Students and the Commit-! tee on Community Needs, The latter committee has begun a new plan in which it is cooperat- ing with the Orange County Wel- fare Department in providing trans- portation for Chapel Hill families wlkj have to go to Hillsboro to re- ceive their monthly allotment of surplus foods Members of tamilies certified for such foods, and who wish to be taken to Hillsboro and back, may avail themselves of this service by telephoning as follows: If their call day is Tuesday, tele- phone Monday between 8 30 am. and noon or between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. to Mrs H M. Kendall at 968-6815 or Mrs Rolf Johannesen at 942-1115. If their call day is Thurs- day. telephone Wednesday between 8:30 a m. and noon to Mrs. C. E. Mclntosh at 942-3955 or Mrs. W. It Foushce at 942-1885 or between 4 p.m and 6 p.m. to Mrs. Lloyd | Thompson at 942-1867 or Mrs. W. R Foushee at 942-1885. These coordinators will telephone the drivers, who will pick up their passengers at an appointed place and time the following day. Trans- portation will be provided in the morning and afternoons of Tuesdays ! and Thursdays. There is urgent need for more j volunteer drivers. Those willing to 1 help are asked to call Mrs. Arthur Ringwalt, chairman of the Com- mittee on Community Needs, at 942-1665. Tuesday through Fridays 2:30 to 5 p.m. and 8 to 10 p m Saturdays 10 am to 5 p.m. Sundays 2 to 5 -r rinsed Monday- TOUR CAMPUS Sixty-four allied officers from ap- proximately 20 countries visited the University on Nov 4 for a tour ot the campus Since early October, these officers have been attending courses at the Special Warfare Sch«*>l at Ft Bragg The classes, which they are attending along with U S. Army. Air Force. Manne Navy, and State Department for eign service officers, are on uncon- entional warfare and counter-ir.- su rgentry operations Revival of novelty songs of the twenties is making new selections for a hungry record market. They're so old to some people they're brand new For instance. Last Night cn the Back Porch" and "Dees the Spearmint Lose Its Flavor on the Bedpost Over- night?" I can’t wait till they record one 1 used to do: "M a m a s Grown Young and Papa's Grown Old " It’s said that as people get old- er their bodies In-gin to shrink. That doesn't hold true with me The I get the bigger shoes and skivvies 1 require " * * * And what’s sn n n '< ibe new dance called "The Twist"" I’ve been doing it without music for years. * * * Several people 1 know read too much Every letter I get from them begins the same way "On going through my books . . * * * At mealtime the other day. our Annis Lillian wanted to know what Corinthian columns looked like 1 told her I didn't know, but we'd look it up Then Billy Jr. asked if all oil would burn I said I didn’t know for sure Then Annis Lillian wanted to known if ancient Greece was a democracy or what?" 1 told her 1 didn't know that either. Daddy, daddy,” asked our Bil- ly Jr, "are we asking too many questions?” And I said, “No, son. that's the only way you can learn ,* * * One of our youngsters couidn t figure an arithmetic problem It went like this: "If a brickmason gets $1 50 a day. how much does he make in 3 days?” 1 told him that wasn't arith met it that was ancient history Then he was assigned so m e «SSSS3S3S3SSt3SS3S!S^^ I Like Chapel Hill By BILLY ARTHUR homework to write Roman num- erals through 30. Not that I can't write the num- erals up to that point and maybe a little farther, but 1 think learn- ing Roman numerals above 12 is a waste of time for everybody. And the curriculum study com- mission should take it up. 1 can think of only one prac- tical use of Roman numerals and that's on a clock And a clock uses them only to 12. And when they're on a clock, they're hard to read I realize lots of movies, tele, vision programs, books and other things are dated by Roman num- erals So what does it accom- plish? Regular numerals would take up less space and ink and be more readily readable. I know some people will say an- cient buildings in the old coun- tries are dated by Roman num- erals. But I maintain that each and all of those buildings with any history of import has a guide that'll read the date for you. And if it doesn’t, you ought to stay out of such joints in the first place. * * * While I’m on a gripe today. I've got another, and that's the park- ing limitations at N. C. Memorial Hospital Seems to me all patients, staff members and visitors should have unlimited parking privileg- es I can't understand why every hour or so you got to move your car I'll confess there may be problems I know nothing about, and 1 don t know the answer. But as it is right now they might as well have parking met- ers. Better still, under the present conditions, let’s have Blue Cross coverage for overtime parking. NEEDLECRAFT WORKSHOP The Community Club's Needle craft Workshop will meet at b am. Tuesday, Nov 14 with M - S c Phillips at 127 Mallette St COOKING WORKSHOP The Community Club's Variety Cooking Workshop will meet at 10 'am. Tuesday. Nov 28, at the |home of Mrs. H S. McGinty on~ 1 Roosevelt Avenue. - ! M> / - AST* k | ¦ci BaP : v AHEAD I FBI up your fuel tank now with Gulf Solar Heat ¦ the cleanest- burning heating oil you can buy. ¦ Now selling at low, ¦ low sum- t mer price. . A i Order from M*to> AjUi, r ©. For CLEAN HEAT QQQQj Service heetiei^eTT BENNETT and BLOGKSIDGE * 105 E. Franklin St. Ph. 942-5141 ' ¦ 9 NEW...FIRST-CLASS and DAYCOACH SERVICE NON-STOP TO . 9 Nfwyork , ¦¦¦ I viiii s. > . \ : >j;< fir EAgrraw LINES . * P * < "-¦¦¦¦ ¦ : ' ? Fly Eastern’s world-famous DC-7B ...enjoy finest quality first-class Golden Falcon service or economical Deluxe Daycoach service. CONVENIENT EARLY-EVENING DEPARTURE. DINNER IN FLIGHT. ARRIVE IN NEW YORK IN LESS THAN 2 HOURS. Leove Raleigh-Durham 6:55 PM, arrive New York (N) 8:48 PM ¦ (N) - Newark Airport In addition, 6 other flights daily to New York. 4$ Alio —Commuter Service to CHICAGO , WASHINGTON , ATLANTA, CHARLOTTE and RICHMOND EASTERN FIRST IN 'ON-TIME' DEPENDABILITY E.sUfb s on-time reeort to the Scot among maim airlines, acceding ta latest sis am lilei with the CMI JU/e«»trtics lari / Phono 942-4182 or your TRAVEL ACENT -{EASTERN AIR LINES { DEPENDABILITY... FROM THE GROUND UP / Thursday, November 9, 1961 Page 6-B
Page 1: The Chapel Hill weekly (Chapel Hill, N.C.) 1961-11-09 [p ...TOUR CAMPUS Sixty-four allied officers from ap-proximately 20 countries visited the University on Nov 4 for a tour ot the

ExtracurricularCurrent movies, radio ami TV'

tare, krai sports activities, andotaer rhittc-ed liMie carrywifs-e*

¦cUdaied tar Chapel Hill during

tar week of November 9-li.


Carolina Theater—Today: "Blood and Roses


aRober Vadim production of the

old vampire curse tale in a mo-dern Italian setting with pretty

women and color; a heady littieshow

Friday through Tuesday"Town Without Pity." Kirk Doug-

las Christine Kaufmann fr <>m

the hook hy Manfred Gregor- whowrote “The Bridge", four G! sassault a German girl arid a court

martial ensues. Douglas playsthe major who defend- the GI sand rru :h electric drama results

Wednesday Ingmar Bergman's"Dreams' one of his earlierfilm- made in 1955 while he wasearly in the upswing of hi- ca-reer a thoughtful but no' nower-fui movie about two models' lovelive- which end in shattered il-lu-'on- and reconciliation;

Thursday "Rosemarie.” NadjaTiller. Peter Van Eyck all aboutRosemarie Nitribitt the Frankfurt prostitute who made a for-tune and then was found strangl-ed whose murder has never beenconclusively solved: The NewYorker commended it to people's

Church of Chi’ist

meeting at 305 Alumni Bldg.

Sundays 10:00 and 11:00 a. m.

6:00 p. m.

I THE PORTHOLE \I \ft Is now open on

| MONDAY% also Tuesday. Wednes- g\r y>% day. Thursday. Friday p(1 yjft Saturday, and Sunday, y,

ft Eat anytime Between 'ftft


y/ 11:30 a.i... and 7»{f y)

- \ft FREE PARKING AVAILABLE'ft)/ .N X v'X *VvCTx. w* VOOCN < <

Like OidBooks?

You never sawsuch treasure asis displayed this

week at


BOOKSHOP119 East Franklin -Street

OPEN Til. 10 PM

attention and called it bitinglysatiric, and the New York Timescalled it a "rueful reflection onthe fleshpots”: definitely not forchildren

• * *

Varsity Theater—--1 k.u> io. two weeks: 'Sparta


Kirk Douglas, LaurenceOl.vier, Jean S.mmons, Tony Cur.tis. Peter Ustinov. Charles Laugh-ton. John Gavin, anti a few ofthe few who are left; Time Mag-

azine called it “a new kind ofmovie with spiritual vitality andmoral force ' and the producersdid it in color, embellishing thesets with 27 tans of statuary. 5.-000 uniforms and seven ton- ofarmor to create a genuine B<Roman atmosphere; the strugglefor human freedom exemplifiedin the fight by gladiator Spartacin the fight by gladi-tor S -

cus to win his freedom and thenovel of the same name by How.ard Fast.


WCNC-TV. Channel Four—Another week of televisual

brain-stirring a program onmodern American advertising

techniques on Saturday: a churchservice, football highlights, cham-ber music and an opera on Sunday a documentary, includingai; interview with the late Dr

Tom Dooley, on the S. S. Hope on

Monday another program in theAlaska series on Tuesday 'he

first of four programs on leading

American composers on Wednes-day

The week's "What’s New top-

ics - "What's New” is for chil-

dren broadcast daily at b45p m

Monday how to have goodwrist, action in all sports -ur.prises of the animal world howto draw Japanese lady.

Tuesday Swimming and diving

animal particularly suited to

particular environments the de-ments of landscape painting

Wednesday: Coordination andit- importance, animals that eatfish and how to draw babychicks

Thur sday The need for agilityand alertness in sports, all aboutthe stump tailed lizard, the tawnyfrag mouth the kangaroo an d

the rabbit, and how to paint flow-ers.


Wt HI., dial 1360A new announcer ha >piting

from under a stone, named GaryBianehatd the announcer notthe stone . Irom Florida, a I NCgrad student, cunentiy writing

for tlv DTH arid poking intoChapel Hill’s crannies for news—-cnning up with it. too from allrejKii'ts


INC—Saturday Varsity vs LSC,

football. Kenan Stadium

Chapel Hill High-All extra football game on the

schedule Friday night. CIIHS vs.Thornasville at Thoinasville.


NC Quartet —

Tuesday evening. 8 pm., theTuesday Evcmn Senes presentsthe North Carolina string Quar-tet in a concert in Hill Hall; pub-lic invited and requested not tocough

WALKER’S FUNERAL HOMEThe Home of Service J. M. Walker, Manager

Ambulance Service Day or Night120 W. Franklin St, Chapel HiU —Telephone 942-386]



Strictest supervision using U.S. Gov-ernment specifications to insure absolutestructural safety and immunity fromgamma radiation during crucial use pe-

riod. Allshelters designed by nuclear en-gineers and approved by the Office ofCMI and Defense Mobilization.






• lud * mSi&S&mWMMtc


«M'H / *h

: J9& g,mm W JR


« ¦lfTjWgjKKKt?* ' '^**&*-*


Atgets Photograph Os A Paris Trolley

Ackland Show ingParis PhotographsAn exhibition of 100 photographs

if Paris by Engene Atget, Iroin..itK>o to 1025, i>. now being .show,

it the Ackiand Art (filter The e

hibition. entitled “Atget in Panswill lie at the ee.itei u.nii <uu-,

her 28.

Eugene Atget ranks among th»great photugi a;>fie, s AoirnreJ B-,iany paintei.-,. lie ha. been calle. forci unn r o ' laj .- oo< i •ary carnet uirte.i

The photographs aie of detai.:it Paris shop Hoata, gnils, sn;a.. 1

.radesmen and worketcarnage

street ,scenes, interiors street tailsand do/.cns oi otfteis u*,ci pn«graphed such contrasting we .e 0 a.

| .he nclinev. oi Versailles and the jI clutter of rag pickers hut.-, or ji architectural rnoi.ument.- ami r>t«

; y-go rounds lie knew Pans w>

and .-.elected his .subject malt t

i .ensitivc.y The photographs ggi *

a poetic and profound unprc.vM«c

|o( Pairs at. the beginning of tinj centuiy

Fir.il a sailor ami then an g.eto.

) Eugem Atget did not become i.;photogiapiiei un’ii he was ovejiorty lor tlnry years, until hr-

i death in 1927, he photographed jj every side ot die Parisian sci-n.

The picVuies in die exhibition a

I the Ackiand Art ( i nter have bet ,

I printed Iroin the original plate.-:by the noted photographer, Bert-

j nice Abixitt who selected them’

I iroin tile thousands she rescued at

j the time of Atget death. The ex || hibition is eireulated by the Airier jdean Federation ot Arts.

The Ackiand Art < enter is open

Assistance Liven

Welfare Familiesj The Chapel Hill unit ol the Unit-j ed Church Women has announcedthat its program for this year williinclude community service offered '

¦ by two active committees, the |Jloiih- Hospitility Committee for;Foreign Students and the Commit-!tee on Community Needs,

The latter committee has beguna new plan in which it is cooperat-ing with the Orange County Wel-fare Department in providing trans-portation for Chapel Hill familieswlkj have to go to Hillsboro to re-ceive their monthly allotment ofsurplus foods

Members of tamilies certified forsuch foods, and who wish to betaken to Hillsboro and back, mayavail themselves of this service bytelephoning as follows:

If their call day is Tuesday, tele-phone Monday between 8 30 am.and noon or between 4 p.m. and6 p.m. to Mrs H M. Kendall at968-6815 or Mrs Rolf Johannesen at942-1115. If their call day is Thurs-day. telephone Wednesday between8:30 a m. and noon to Mrs. C. E.Mclntosh at 942-3955 or Mrs. W. ItFoushce at 942-1885 or between 4p.m and 6 p.m. to Mrs. Lloyd |Thompson at 942-1867 or Mrs. W.R Foushee at 942-1885.

These coordinators will telephonethe drivers, who will pick up theirpassengers at an appointed placeand time the following day. Trans-portation will be provided in themorning and afternoons of Tuesdays !and Thursdays.

There is urgent need for more jvolunteer drivers. Those willing to 1help are asked to call Mrs. ArthurRingwalt, chairman of the Com-mittee on Community Needs, at


Tuesday through Fridays 2:30 to5 p.m. and 8 to 10 p m Saturdays10 am to 5 p.m. Sundays 2 to 5

-r rinsed Monday-

TOUR CAMPUSSixty-four allied officers from ap-

proximately 20 countries visited theUniversity on Nov 4 for a tour otthe campus Since early October,these officers have been attendingcourses at the Special WarfareSch«*>l at Ft Bragg The classes,

which they are attending along withU S. Army. Air Force. ManneNavy, and State Department foreign service officers, are on uncon-entional warfare and counter-ir.-

su rgentry operations

Revival of novelty songs of thetwenties is making new selectionsfor a hungry record market.They're so old to some peoplethey're brand new For instance.

Last Night cn the Back Porch"and "Dees the Spearmint Lose ItsFlavor on the Bedpost Over-night?"

I can’t wait till they record one1 used to do: "M a m a s GrownYoung and Papa's Grown Old


It’s said that as people get old-er their bodies In-gin to shrink.That doesn't hold true with meThe I get the bigger shoesand skivvies 1 require

" * * *

And what’s sn n n '< ibenew dance called "The Twist""I’ve been doing it without musicfor years.

* * *

Several people 1 know read too

much Every letter I get fromthem begins the same way "Ongoing through my books . .

* * *

At mealtime the other day. ourAnnis Lillian wanted to knowwhat Corinthian columns lookedlike

1 told her I didn't know, butwe'd look it up

Then Billy Jr. asked if all oilwould burn

I said I didn’t know for sureThen Annis Lillian wanted to

known if ancient Greece was a

democracy or what?"1 told her 1 didn't know that

either.Daddy, daddy,” asked our Bil-

ly Jr, "are we asking too manyquestions?”

And I said, “No, son. that's theonly way you can learn ”

,* * *

One of our youngsters couidn tfigure an arithmetic problem Itwent like this: "If a brickmasongets $1 50 a day. how much doeshe make in 3 days?”

1 told him that wasn't arithmet it that was ancient history

Then he was assigned s o m e


ILike Chapel HillBy BILLY ARTHUR

homework to write Roman num-erals through 30.

Not that I can't write the num-erals up to that point and maybea little farther, but 1 think learn-ing Roman numerals above 12 isa waste of time for everybody.

And the curriculum study com-mission should take it up.

1 can think of only one prac-tical use of Roman numerals andthat's on a clock And a clockuses them only to 12.

And when they're on a clock,they're hard to read

I realize lots of movies, tele,vision programs, books and otherthings are dated by Roman num-erals So what does it accom-plish? Regular numerals wouldtake up less space and ink and bemore readily readable.

I know some people will say an-cient buildings in the old coun-tries are dated by Roman num-erals.

But I maintain that each andall of those buildings with anyhistory of import has a guidethat'll read the date for you. Andif it doesn’t, you ought to stay outof such joints in the first place.

* * *

While I’m on a gripe today. I'vegot another, and that's the park-ing limitations at N. C. MemorialHospital

Seems to me all patients, staffmembers and visitors shouldhave unlimited parking privileg-es I can't understand why everyhour or so you got to move yourcar I'll confess there may beproblems I know nothing about,and 1 don t know the answer.

But as it is right now theymight as well have parking met-ers.

Better still, under the presentconditions, let’s have Blue Crosscoverage for overtime parking.

NEEDLECRAFT WORKSHOPThe Community Club's Needle

craft Workshop will meet at bam. Tuesday, Nov 14 with M -

S c Phillips at 127 Mallette St

COOKING WORKSHOPThe Community Club's Variety

Cooking Workshop will meet at 10'am. Tuesday. Nov 28, at the|home of Mrs. H S. McGinty on~

1 Roosevelt Avenue.


! M>/ -

AST* k


¦ciBaP: v

AHEADI FBI up your fuel tank now with

Gulf Solar Heat ¦ the cleanest-burning heating oil you can buy.¦ Now selling atlow, ¦ low sum- t

mer price. . A i

Order from M*to> AjUi,r ©.For CLEAN HEAT QQQQjService heetiei^eTT



105 E. Franklin St.

Ph. 942-5141

' ¦ ’ 9


. 9


¦¦¦ Iviiii• s. >

. • \ •:>j;<

fir EAgrraw LINES . *



"-¦¦¦¦ ¦ : '


Fly Eastern’s world-famous DC-7B...enjoy finest quality first-class Golden Falcon service or economical Deluxe Daycoach service.


Leove Raleigh-Durham 6:55 PM, arrive New York (N) 8:48 PM¦— (N) - Newark Airport

In addition, 6 other flights daily to New York. 4$


EASTERN FIRST IN 'ON-TIME' DEPENDABILITYE.sUfb s on-time reeort to the Scot among maim airlines, acceding ta latest sis am lilei with the CMI JU/e«»trtics lari

/ Phono 942-4182 or your TRAVEL ACENT



Thursday, November 9, 1961Page 6-B
