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"The Chosen" Episode 102 "Pilot Part 2"

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  • 8/9/2019 "The Chosen" Episode 102 "Pilot Part 2"


    *Best if read along with casting sheet for Episode 2. This is the second part (hour) of a 2 part double episode.


    |PILOT PART 2}

    Written by Jeremy Hudack

    29) Ext. Street. New York City. Morning.

    The camera opens on a man walking down the street past Rockefeller Center on 5th

    Avenue in New York

    City. He passes a man sitting on a bench reading a newspaper (which is nothing more than a white

    plastic piece of paper that is computer oriented and loads the news on the paper in real time. This is said

    to be a real thing by 2020). Across the street is the infamous St. Patricks Cathedral. The camera pans

    around to reveal that it is Nick Tesla who is walking down the street. He looks at the church, hesitates,

    then crosses the street and walks in. Once in there he looks around and finds a pew and then sits down in

    it. This is where we see Matthew Tagalog (the Asian military man who walked out of the meeting two

    days before). He is kneeling at a pew across from Nick. Nick notices and says:


    Psssst. Hey.

    Matthew notices him and then looks back to the front. Nick realizes that Matthew doesnt want to talk

    and turns back to the front. The scene cuts to outside of the church a few moments later and we see

    Matthew walking out and down the steps. Right after him, Nick comes out and says:


    Hey, youre the guy from the meeting with Jan Hanussen


    Yeah what do you want?


    Cant a guy just give a friendly hello? So, you come here often?

    Matthew doesnt stop, he continues to walk and Nick keeps up with him. Matthew answers without

    looking at Nick:


    No, Im from Portland.


    I meant more like. to the house of God.

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    Yeah, I guess.

    Nick looks at him as Matthew is obviously not interested in conversation as he continues to walk to a

    cross walk and is forced to stop because the Dont Walk sign is flashing.


    Why did you walk out?


    Theres just something not right about that old man or why he asked us there. Youre a smart man, a

    scientist, right?

    Nick nods.


    Then you should have enough sense to realize that.


    Hes offering us 500 thousand dollars, man.


    Is that where your morals end?With money?


    Hey, Im a highly ethical guy Im a scientist you know?We live by a high code of ethics.

    Matthew snidely laughs. He looks at Nick, who appears to be serious, and then decides to blow him off

    and walk across the street in the opposite direction to get away from him. Nick doesnt seem to like that

    Matthew doesnt believe him and he goes after him as he says:


    What? You think thats funny?

    Matthew:What, Im supposed to think youre ethical because you were just in a church?


    No, of course not.

    They reach the other side of the street and Nick grabs Matthew and spins him around.

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    I wasnt in church because of my diluted belief of some higher being that controls my fate.


    Then why were you there?


    Its quiet. If you havent noticed, there isnt a single quiet place in this city.


    Funny you bring up fate, isnt it?


    Whys that?


    Of all the churches in Manhattan you happen into the one where I am into a pew across from where I

    am praying.


    Thats a matter of chance not fate.


    Youre right

    Matthew hails a cab and gets in as he says:


    Well, have a great life with your money, ethics and your chance

    Nick, looking a bit defeated and not like he is done with the conversation quickly says:


    Hey, look, I think we got off on the wrong foot here let me buy you a cup of coffee and maybe you

    can persuade me to reconsider my involvement with the Benefactor.

    Matthew turns around and then closes the door of the cab. He and Nick walk down the street past the

    man with the plastic newspaper as the camera stays on the paper. We see the headline, Reconstruction

    of the Empire State Building to Resume 8 Years After the 2012 Incidents. The camera cuts to:

    30) Interior. Office. FBI 2012 Division. Washington D.C. Morning.

    Subtitled: Washington, DC

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    The camera opens on Adrian as he walks through the doors of the 2012 Division office. He looks as if he

    had gotten no sleep and he walks to his office and closes the door. He sits down at his desk and he sees a

    note sitting there that reads, Director General Snider wishes to see you in his office ASAP.Adrian

    picks up the note and puts it aside. Just then, Agent Foster knocks on the door. Adrian motions for him to

    come in and he does. Agent Foster is holding a folder and has a grin on his face. He sits down across from



    What you got for me?

    Agent Foster:

    How long have we been partners?


    um 7 years now. Since the start of this division, basically.

    Agent Foster:

    Exactly. Ive known every case that youve worked on, right?



    Agent Foster:

    Then what is this?Who are these people that you had me look into?


    I told you it was a personal matter.

    Agent Foster:

    Personal? Youre my partner your business is my business. Now what is this?

    Adrian looks around his office at the lamp and the phone. He then gets up and motions for Agent Foster

    to follow him. They leave the office and the camera cuts to the outside of the FBI building. Adrian walks

    across the street to a hotdog stand and says:


    What can I get you?

    Agent Foster:

    Answers, you know this cloak and dagger stuff gets me off whats up?

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    Adrian grabs his hotdog and sits down on a bench. Agent Foster follows.


    I cant talk about it in the office I think Snider knows Im up to something.

    Agent Foster:

    Which is?


    Im doing some off the grid work for someone who well, whose intentions are unclear.

    Agent Foster:

    Who is he?


    Lets keep that off the table for now. Point is he has me working with these people to look into some

    information regarding JFK.

    Agent Foster:



    Thats what Im trying to figure out. In all truth, there is something up with the JFK files some of the

    originals are blacked out and I really cant figure out why.

    Agent Foster holds up the folder and says:

    Agent Foster:

    And these are the people youre working with?



    Agent Foster:

    I dont get it they range from scientists to translators.


    Its odd to say the least.

    Agent Foster:

    So thats why you had me do background checks got it. I mean, I dont really got it, but


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    Yeah, so?

    Agent Foster:

    Well, they all check out in terms of criminal and background checks. Except for one.

    Agent Foster holds up the folder and shows it to Adrian. Adrian opens it and looks at the first page. He

    looks at it intently as he reads and he looks back at Agent Foster to explain.

    Agent Foster:

    He was on trial shortly after 2012 for murder.



    Agent Foster:

    Apparently he was cleared of all charges; however, he was stripped of his clearance levels. He has some

    sort of desk job now.


    Who was the victim?

    Agent Foster:

    Get this, it was his commanding officer.

    Adrian looks back down at the sheet. The camera cuts to the folder and we see that the person in

    question is the military man, Matthew Tagalog.

    Agent Foster:

    There wasnt enough evidence to convict or discharge him but according to the files, its almost

    without question that he killed the guy Dude, the murder weapon was his military issued handgun and

    they found traces of his commanders blood on his uniform. Your guy killed him, no question.

    Adrian looks back at the sheet and the camera focuses on the photo of Matthew Tagalog. Quick cut to:


    31) Interior. Abbys Home. Silicon Valley, California. Morning.

    Subtitled: Silicon Valley, California

    The camera opens on Velma walking out of the back hallway into the main room with all the computers

    monitors and technical equipment. Sitting at the main computation center is Abby. She spots Velma, who

    is in her nightgown, and says:

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    Good morning, Ms. Logan! How did you sleep?


    Honestly, not that well

    Velma looks at Abby with a little contempt. Abby gets up and walks towards the kitchen.


    You want some coffee?



    Abby disappears into the kitchen as Velma looks around. She spots a photo of Abbys family on the wall.

    It is her mother, father, younger sister, older sister and older brother. Velma looks at it then away as she

    loudly says:


    Lovely looking family must be nice to have such a large clan.

    There is silence. Abby doesnt answer. Velma continues looking at the wall where she sees the license for

    Mercertech, Abbys company. Pretending to have no idea about the business, Velma asks:


    What kind of business do you run, exactly?

    From the kitchen we hear Abby say:


    Its an information technology based business more or less I design computer software.


    Seems lucrative.


    Oh it is.

    Abby comes out of the kitchen with 2 cups of coffee and hands one to Velma as she says:


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    But its not enough.

    Velma, now looking perturbed about the statement says:


    What do you mean not enough?


    After all the bills I barely scrape by. Come on, Ms. Logan, were both standing in the same falling down

    house obviously Im not rolling in it.


    What kind of bills?


    Mainly legal but now that I have Ms. Millerick on my side I may actually profit but then I still have the

    medical bills


    Ms. Millerick shes on your side?

    Velma says this almost as if Cassandra Millerick betrayed her from Velmas previous flash.


    Of course, thats why I agreed to help out with this endeavor.

    Abby sits down across from Velma and motions for her to sit. Velma complies as Abby begins to look

    sincere and says:


    I know who you are, Ms. Logan and I know the contempt you must feel for me. I made your job



    How do


    I checked into all of you when I found out who was involved. I know you worked for the UN and my

    translating software took your job from you. You can find out anything about anyone on the internet


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    I dont think you understand how many lives you ruined how many people lost their financial

    wellbeing some their families

    Abby looks down, ashamed as the red toned quick cut flash cuts to:

    32) FLASHBACK. Supermarket. Silicon Valley, California. Day.

    We see Abby standing at a checkout line and the cashier is looking at Abby with an annoyed expression

    on her face. There are about 20 people in line behind her as Abby looks through the already bagged

    groceries. She pulls out a box of cereal and a bag of chips.


    Without these, I should have enough

    Abby looks embarrassed as the cashier scans the products and puts them behind the counter.


    Youre still 4 dollars and 34 cents over

    Abby, in dismay, goes back to the bags to remove something else when we see someone scan their credit

    card past the automatic checkout panel on the register. The cashier takes the receipt and puts it in

    Abbys bag and says:


    Have a nice day Next!

    Abby looks up and we see that it was the Benefactor who scanned his credit card. Abby looks up at him

    unsure of why he just did that. The Benefactor just smiles at her and grabs her bags.


    Youre the blue hatchback, right?

    Abby blankly looks at Erik Jan Hanussen and the camera cuts to:

    33) FLASHBACK CONTINUED. Interior. Abbys House. Silicon Valley, California. Day.

    Eric is sitting on a chair next to the computer station chair where Abby is sitting. Eric is looking at the

    framed photo of Abbys family. Abby watches him sincerely look at the photo and says:


    You bought every share of stock in my company that makes you my boss, right?

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    Not exactly, however, I have a great interest in your company.


    What does that mean?


    It means that I want to see you succeed if you succeed, I succeed. The real question here is how can

    you succeed when you have no capital left over to invest into new equipment to help you better your



    Thats what Ive been trying to figure out no matter what I sell, the money goes to each of the parties

    in the class action law suit.


    Yes, you still owe millions of dollars, dont you?


    It was an accident Mr. Jan Hanussen they arent the only ones who lost something that day

    When Abby suggests she lost something, she looks at the photo of her family.


    I know and what has happened to you is a real shame, Abby. You are a very sweet girl.

    Abby forces a smile and Eric hands the photo back to Abby.


    I will probably get killed by Cassandra shes my lawyer by making this deal with you without talking

    to her first, but shes in London conducting some business for me. However, I dont give a damn.

    Eric smiles at Abby and she returns a smile.


    The translation software you showed me it has potential to save a certain organization a lot of money

    if they were to implement it. Im speaking of the United Nations, Ms. Mercer.

    Abby thinks about it and looks away for a moment. She then looks back at Eric and says:


    Lots of people would lose their jobs though, wouldnt they?

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    They would lose them anyway once another company develops this, Abby. Its the way of business. Im

    not where I am today without taking such actions. Just think, what you make from a sale like that it

    would be enough to pay off a majority of your settlement. You would even have enough left over to put

    your sister into a better facility.

    The camera focuses on Abby who is looking at the photo. The camera focuses on her one older sister in

    the photo. Abby looks back up at the Benefactor and she nods slightly as the camera red tone quick cuts:

    34) END OF FLASHBACK. Interior Abbys Home. Silicon Valley, California. Morning.

    Abby looks back up at Velma and says:


    You dont understand I had no choice. My family needed me. Surely, Ms. Logan, you can understand


    Velma looks down. Just then, Casey walks into the living room in a good mood.


    Morning, ladies!

    Abby and Velma:

    Good morning.


    Is Cynthia up yet?


    Shes on her phone sounded like she was talking to her daughter even though I find it hard to

    imagine who would want to breed with her.


    Oh, I thought she was kinda nice.


    We are talking about the same woman here, right?

    Abby shrugs and walks back to her computer after giving Velma a warm smile. Velma looks away as if

    she didnt acknowledge it. Casey notices the tension and moves the conversation along:


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    So what do we know about this Black Dahlia?

    Abby pulls a lot of information up on the various monitors around the room.


    Well, I was up all night researching and I came across the original police reports.

    Abby enlarges the police report on the main monitor. It reads that the Black Dahlias real name is

    Elizabeth Short born July 24th, 1924 in Boston. Her body was found on January 15th, 1947 in a park in Los

    Angeles. She was 22 years old at her death.


    They found her body mutilated. She was severed from the waist down with her cheeks cut open from

    the corner of her mouth on both sides up to her ears. The top part of her body was posed with her arms

    behind her back and. she was bled out, completely.


    People are sick.Why would someone do that to her? She was just an aspiring actress, right?


    Apparently, however, some rumors were that she was a call-girl. She was missing for a week before they

    found her body.


    I suppose were here because her murderer was never caught.


    Right. Hundreds of people were suspects, thousands of people were interviewed and 60 people came to

    the police stating they had actually killed her.


    And none of them panned out?


    There were so many suspects and false accusations that the FBI and the LAPD were overloaded with


    Cynthia walks in without announcing herself and directly says:


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    The way they cut her mouth open is called a Glasgow Smile. In Scotland, they would simply begin the

    cuts in the corners of the mouth and then proceed to somehow torture the victim in some way so that

    when they screamed their faces would be torn to their ears.

    Velma, looking sickened, sarcastically says:


    Lovely you could make it, Cynthia


    Why is the Benefactor making us research this case? After 80 years of this being unsolved, what does he

    expect us to find?


    You could ask the same about the JFK files.


    None of us are police what are we supposed to come up with?


    I think thats why he had Casey come its statistically accurate that private investigators, including

    journalists, aide in solving over 50% of unsolved cases.


    But what does this have to do with anything?


    Were not here to ask questions.Were here to solve them So Abby, who were the main suspects?

    Abby pulls it up on her computer and there is a list of 24 people. Cynthias head drops.


    Youre kidding me, right?


    Well, this was the original main list, but in the 1990s they managed to narrow it down to these 14.

    Abby hits a button and 14 names go away leaving 10.


    I ruled out these 5 due to improbability.

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    Abby hits another button leaving 5 names. The women all look at the list kind of lost. Abby hits the

    button one more time and it leaves 3 names.


    The 2 I just removed have no kin or base in the area anymore. Finding anything on them would be near

    impossible. It doesnt rule them out, but for our sake of getting anything accomplished I think its best

    to start here.

    The women examine the three remaining names which are George Hodel, Mark Hanson and Robert



    Well, what do you have on them?


    George Hodels son is a retired LAPD detective who published a book claiming his father committed the

    murders back in 1999. Mark Hanson has family in the San Diego area who claims he left letters

    confessing to her murder. As for Robert Manley, he was committed to the. (Abby pauses) Patton

    State Mental Hospital and died in 1986, but his daughter lives nearby. She claims she has documentation

    that clears Manley of the murder, but knows who did it.

    The woman all think. Cynthia finally comes to a conclusion.


    Its about 5 hours to LA from here so well hit those first. Well visit Hodels son and visit the Patton State

    Hospital and see what documentation they have on Manley when he was committed. Something about

    him going insane after this ordeal it sticks out in my head like Velmas chest in that nightgown.

    Velma looks down and quickly covers herself up.


    Casey and Velma can visit the LAPD guy and Abby and I will head to Patton State.

    Very quickly, without hesitation, Abby abruptly says:


    No! . I will, uh, Ill stay here in case you guys need me to research something. You guys can manage

    without me, Im sure.

    Velma gives her a once over and then says:


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    Ill stay behind as well; long car rides dont work well for me.


    Suit yourselves, lets go Casey. Ill hit the officer and you hit the nuthouse.

    Cynthia walks back down the hall. Casey turns to the other two and says:


    After 5 hours in a car alone with her, I may need to be committed to Patton State myself.

    Casey goes to get her things as Velma stays and looks at Abby, who hasnt looked right since the mention

    of her going along. Shes in a daze. Velma continues to look at her with suspicion as the camera cuts to:


    35) Interior. Office. Washington, DC. Morning.

    We see someone holding a door open for Adrian. He walks through and into a rather posh office.


    I see youve upgraded since last time I was in one of your offices.

    The camera cuts to Arthur Kensington sitting at his desk. He smiles and waves Adrian in to sit down.

    Adrian complies.


    Well, when running for president, you need to maintain a certain image. (He flashes a grin)


    I take it you already have something for me, then?


    First you need to tell me why Director General Snider contacted me first thing this morning.


    Oh, he did, did he?


    Yeah, Adrian who are you doing this for that you have the director of the FBI knocking down my door

    before Ive taken my morning dump?


    That doesnt matter.

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    It does, Adrian. I have an image to keep as a candidate I cant go pissing off the FBI. Im sorry, but Ive

    got nothing for you.

    Adrian looks rather disappointed. He sits back in his chair and puts his hand on his chin. There is silence

    until Adrian looks up at Kensington and crosses his legs.


    I noticed on the news that youre out of funding.


    Yeah, things arent so great right now


    What if I told you that Im only one phone call away from making it so that theres no need for you to

    sell your private jet you know, so you can make all those small-town rallies that you desperately need

    for votes?

    Kensington sits back in his chair and looks at Adrian knowing he is offering a deal.


    Id say that you want this information more than I originally thought.


    One call. Thats all it will take me I will get you the biggest anonymous donation that youve ever seen

    in your life.

    There is silence as Kensington gives Adrian a once over. He reaches into his desk and pulls out a file and

    throws it across the desk to Adrian. Adrian smiles and picks it up. He thumbs through it and looks at

    Kensington a bit confused.


    What am I supposed to do with this?


    If you read it, youll see that SenatorWilliams was chair of the commission that released the documents.

    Needless to say, the man cant pass up an aged scotch let alone a bottle of rubbing alcohol I have it

    under good authority that the information regarding the second and third shooters had something to do

    with Soviet spies. It doesnt negate the fact that the trajectory of the bullet that did JFK in was still

    positioned from the library where Oswald was. However. The third bullet that hit him in the head

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    was never found and initial reports that were blacked out on that page suggested a different bullet

    took his head off.


    I figured as much, but these other two suspects were Russian?


    Just one, the woman who they called Agent Zero. They have no idea her real name, but she was

    someone that the government watched very closely. There were reports that she was actually there the

    day of the shooting and get this she was spotted on the grassy knoll by the Secret Service, but when

    they went to apprehend her, she was long gone.




    None of that was ever documented, but word of mouth. Still, it doesnt explain the bullet. Unless she

    had a remote controlled bullet, Oswald was your shooter. I mean, the Soviets had some advanced guns

    but come on.

    Adrian thinks deeply. Very deeply. Kensington laughs and looks at him as he says:


    Adrian, seriously you cant fight ballistics. What are you thinking?


    Advanced artillery. Its true, they did


    Even so theyve proved time and again that the bullet could not have come from the grassy knoll.


    Not with a conventional weapon, no or a conventional sniper for that matter.

    Adrian gets up and begins to walk out of the room like he is on a mission.


    What do you know about Russian weaponry in the 1960s or snipers for that matter. You work in

    collecting intelligence.


    I dont, but I know someone who does.

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    Adrian stops at the door and turns back to Kensington.


    Youll be getting your money this afternoon. Thanks again, Arty.

    Adrian closes the door and Kensington is left sitting at his desk somewhat dumbfounded as he lets out a

    sigh and smiles delightfully.

    36) Interior. Coffee Shop. New York City. Morning.

    Subtitle: New York City

    Matthew and Nick are sitting in a coffee shop. It seems they have already been in conversation as Nick



    I was while I was growing up. My mother found it to be of extreme importance I guess once my father

    died and I was in graduate school I just stopped believing.


    Thats when most people stop, in times of great crisis. Those are the times when you need it more than

    anything. Im not a religious fanatic or anything, but everyone needs something to believe in.


    Well, I guess I believe in science.


    Before 2012 I never really thought about it but after I needed God.


    So what happened to you that day? You know, THE day.

    Matthew looks away quickly. Nick notices this and after a moment of no response, Nick asks:


    Why did you walk out of the room yesterday?


    I thought I made that rather clear Im not going to be involved in something that compromises my

    belief system for money.


    How do you know youd have to compromise anything?

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    Because, I made a deal with the devil.

    Nick looks at Matthew strangely because Matthew seemed sincere in his statement. The camera focuses

    on Matthews seriousness as the camera red tone quick cuts to:

    37) FLASHBACK. Interior. Courtroom. Day.

    Matthew is standing in front of a judges bench wearing his military uniform. The judge looks down at

    Matthew and says:


    According to the documentation, Captain Tagalog, I have no choice but to initiate deportation

    proceedings. The boy has no legal guardian or reason to remain in the United States of America and

    seeing that he is a minor, he has no recourse to obtain the proper paperwork until you can prove to the

    court that you are his only remaining family. He is going back to the Philippines and will remain in the

    custody of his mother.

    Matthew looks defeated as he says:


    You dont understand shes not fit to


    Thats not my problem, Captain Tagalog. This session is adjourned.

    The judge bangs her gavel and Matthew just stands there with a blank look on his face as the judge

    leaves the room. He turns back and looks at a young boy (played by Jordan Nagai) sitting in the first row

    of the courtroom. He stares at him as if hes heartbroken then looks down. The camera cuts to:

    38) FLASHBACK CONTINUED. Interior. Church. Day.

    The camera opens on Matthew sitting in a confessional. The camera view is from that of the priests

    point of view through the grate between them that is supposed to leave the person confessing some

    form of anonymity. Matthew meekly says:


    Why would he let this happen? Why would he send Eduardo back there to that hell?


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    My son, the boy doesnt belong to you. Maybe its the Lords divine will to have the boy be with his



    She cant sustain herself, let alone this child shes just a child herself


    Protest the courts further


    Ive taken it as far as it can go hes to leave in a month.


    He works in mysterious ways everything happens for a reason

    There is a silence and Matthew turns towards the divider and through the grate. His expression turns

    from sorrow to anger as he says through his teeth:


    Thats all you got?? Mysterious ways?! Look, God can punish me for what I did punish me, not that

    innocent boy who has no chance back in the Philippines!


    (Calmly) Please, quiet your voice, theres no need for anger


    The hell theres not! Ive devoted myself to God! Ive repented for my sins repeatedly since 2012What

    do I need to do for his forgiveness?! Eduardo shouldnt be punished for my sins!




    Im not your son, damn it! Damn him! Im done with him!

    With that, Matthew slams the confessional door open and rips his rosary beads from his neck and throws

    them across the church. He storms towards the exit and outside. He stomps down the sidewalk where he

    proceeds to punch the stone archway that leads to the street. He pulls back in pain as he looks at his

    hand which is now bleeding. Suddenly, someone hands him a handkerchief. He looks up and standing

    there is Cassandra in a fire-red dress, red heels and red scarf around her head with sunglasses on.


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    Who are you?


    Im going to help you keep your nephew in the country.

    Matthew just looks at her as she removes her sunglasses and smiles at him.


    Im going to need that handkerchief back, by the way.

    She pushes her sunglasses back on. The camera focuses on his face as it red tone quick cuts back to:

    39) END OF FLASH. Interior. Coffee Shop. New York City. Morning.

    The camera is focused on Nick as he says:


    Well, Id go with calling Ms. Millerick a bitch, but devil works too.

    Matthew doesnt smile. Nick says in a hypothetical way, which you can tell he doesnt believe it himself:


    Well, to be honest with you, maybe this is fate just intervening. Maybe God presented you with the

    offer of her help to keep your nephew with you maybe you just passed up a direct offer from God.


    Somehow, I doubt that besides, its too late now. I walked out

    Right then, Matthews cell phone rings. He looks down at it and all we see is Video Mail Message. He

    calls it and we see who it is via the video chat. Its Adrian and his message says:


    Captain Tagalog, Adrian Rezek here we met yesterday. I need you to get on the first flight to Dallas.

    Tickets are already bought; it leaves at 10 a.m. from JFK. Flight 316.

    The message ends and Matthew looks up at Nick who has a smirk on his face.


    Hows that for fate?

    The camera cuts back to Matthew as he just sits there, then cuts to:

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    40) Interior. Patton State Hospital. Patton, California. Noon.

    Subtitled: Patton, California

    The scene opens with Casey sitting in an office. The office is very drab and seemingly cold. The camera

    turns to the door where we see an older woman walk in. Casey stands to shake her hand and the woman

    complies then takes a seat behind her desk.


    Its been a while since Ive had anyone come in poking around about Red.


    Sorry, Red?


    Robert Manley he had the nickname Red. Anyway, what brings you here today? Ive told journalists

    over the years that there is nothing out of the ordinary about his case. He was brought here in 1954 and

    died here in 1986. He suffered paranoia and psychotic delusions.


    He heard voices, then?


    And on occasion, he saw people too. His delusional behavior warranted some experimental drug testing

    in the late 60s, but they seemed to only make his condition worse, so he was removed from the trials.


    Has he ever said anything about Elizabeth Short


    If you are referring to the Black Dahlia, Im not at liberty to say. He still has family and they wish to keep

    his documentation under confidentiality. Youd need some sort of court order to get that information.

    Who exactly do you work for, Ms. Christina?


    I work for a private investigative firm that has vast resources.

    Casey says vast resources in a suggestive way to imply money. The doctor looks at her and scolds

    Casey with her eyes as she closes the file and stands up.


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    I think were done here, Ms. Christina. I will have someone escort you out.

    Casey stands as the doctor opens the door and walks Casey out. There is a security guard down the hall

    and the doctor motions for him to come here. The doctor looks at Casey and says:


    Have a good day, Ms. Christina

    The doctor turns and walks down the hall. The security guard reaches Casey and she looks around at

    what to do.

    Security Guard:

    This way, maam.

    Casey grabs at her pocket and pretends to search for something. She then looks up at the guard and



    Silly me, I forgot my cell phone on the doctors desk Ill just go grab that.


    Ill get it for you.

    He unlocks the door and enters the office. Casey follows him in and she notices him looking around the

    desk for the phone, which she hasnt forgotten. Quickly, she takes the phone out of her pocket, sits it on

    the floor then slides it across the floor with her foot so that its on the other side of the doctors desk.


    Oh! There it is! On the floor, over there.

    The guard looks and sees the phone on the floor and as he bends over to pick it up, Casey smoothly grabs

    the folder containing Reds information and slides it inside of her jacket. The guard retrieves the phone

    and hands it to Casey. She smiles as the camera cuts to:

    41) Exterior. Inside of car. Patton State Hospital. Patton, California. Noon.

    Casey opens the file and she sees photos of Red and she looks through the files. We see over and over

    highlighted words. The words that are noted are: Black Dahlia, Conspiracy, Boston, Cloverleaf,

    Rainbow, Norfolkand the names, Elizabeth, Sampson, Raymond, Yvette, Orson, JoCot, Nicholas and

    Ernest.Each instance of those names, places and things are highlighted over and over. At the bottom of

    the page we see a photo (on casting sheet) of a strange symbol carved into the walls of Reds room.

    Casey looks at it all and then she notices a DVD-like disc in the back of the folder. She takes it out and

    then pops it into her cars DVD player and it opens with a man sitting in a chair. Its Red. The DVD camera

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    does a once-over of Reds body and we see the same symbol from above and its carved into his arms,

    chest and legs over and over (you can find the symbol on the casting sheet). Casey watches intently as

    we hear a loud tap, tap, tap.Casey jumps and she looks out her window and we see the security guard

    standing there with the doctor from earlier. Through the glass we hear the doctor say:


    I believe you have something that belongs to me

    Casey stares out the window at the pissed off doctor as the camera cuts to:

    42) Exterior. Dealey Plaza. Dallas, Texas. Afternoon.

    Subtitled: Dallas, Texas

    We see Adrian standing alongside the street looking at the spot where JFK was assassinated. He has his

    arms crossed as if hes thinking. He then looks up at the Dallas Country Administration Building which

    used to be the Texas School Book Depository from where Oswald shot the president. Just then, behind

    him we see Matthew Tagalog walk up. Adrian turns around and extends his hand. They shake as Adrian



    Im glad to see you changed your mind.


    I havent changed anything yet (He looks around) I see youre hot on the trail.


    If the trail has a dead end, then this is it


    What did you call me here for?


    From what I understand, you know your way around a gun.

    Adrian says this with a glimmer of hint in his voice acknowledging that he may know about Matthews

    sorted past in regards to the shooting of his commanding officer. Matthew glares back at Adrian and



    Im not sure what you mean.


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    Your service in the Marines I understand you something of an artillery and ammunition scholar. You

    took classes after your mandatory service at various government affiliated universities as well as

    private government operated institutions that required certain levels of security clearance.


    I did. I dont have that clearance anymore due to my transfer of position within the military.


    Are you aware of the history and technology of ColdWar era handheld firearms?


    Somewhat, there were a few history classes Ive taken.Where are you going with this?


    I have it under good authority that there may have been a second shooter who was female and a

    Soviet Spy. She was here actually, right over there (he points to the grassy knoll) the day it happened.


    I read the files you sent to me on the phone. The bullet came from up there (he points at the book

    depository). Theyve been over this in theWarren reports and everything else what do you possibly

    have that you think could negate the findings?


    Thats what I thought you could help me with. Is there any way that the bullet could have come from the

    grassy knoll?


    No unless the shooter could curve the bullet in a downward spiral so that when it went into Kennedys

    neck and out the front to hit the governor in front of him, then ricochet off the governors rib to hit him

    in the thigh.


    What did you just say?


    It would have to spiral downwards


    No, after that.


    through his neck, into the governor, ricochet

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    Adrian throws his hands up right there and looks up at Matthew as if he has had an epiphany.


    I have no doubt in my mind that Oswald shot the second shot that hit the president and the governor,

    but there are doubts about the third shot the one that took the back of his head off. Ballistic speaking,

    if it were the same caliber of bullet that Oswald fired, the bullet would cause the brain to blow

    backwards out of the presidents head in the same place that it entered. Like they said in the reports,



    Yeah, the sheer power of the caliber would cause his brain to exit where the bullet entered from

    Oswalds gun.


    What if thats not true what if there were a second shooter that fired a different weapon that entered

    the front of the presidents head causing the brain tissue to be blown out the back? A lower caliber

    normal gun.


    I suppose that could happen but


    but It would have to ricochet because from the knoll, the back of his head would have flew to the left,

    not straight back. As a sharpshooter, could you in theory, shoot a gun at a target so that it ricochets and

    hits a secondary target exactly where you would it to impact?

    Matthew pauses. He thinks for a moment. He shakes his head in a disbelieving manner and says:


    In theory, but youd have to be one hell of a sharpshooter.Why would they have to ricochet the bullet?


    To throw off the investigation or because there wasnt an open shot or type of gun There was a shot

    before the one that hit the president in the neck too, you know. They never found that bullet or the

    third one. Maybe this person fired once, missed, Oswald was a backup then this person shot a third time

    not realizing that Oswald had actually hit the president in the neck

    Adrian grabs Tagalog by the arm and drags him to the grassy knoll. He stands in an exact spot, pulls out

    his iPad like-device and calls someone on his cell phone. The person answers and its Abby in California.

    She says:


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    Agent Rezek, so good to see you.


    Hello, Abby I cant talk small talk, but I need you to connect to my handheld and pull up a satellite map

    of the area Im in. Im going to point my handheld in certain directions and what I need you to do is

    access the direction, then make a straight trajectory from my device to a central point of where JFK was

    in his limo as he was shot in the head. Im looking for possible ricochet points so that when the

    trajectory of the bullet hits the ricochet point, it would end up at that spot on the road where Kennedy

    was hit. Can you do that?


    I already loaded it as you were talking, Im linked up go ahead, shoot! (She giggles)

    Adrian begins pointing his device exactly to the point where JFK was in the limo, then he turns and aims

    the device in various other directions. We can see on his handheld the format in which he is doing this

    (turn to the casting sheet for an example).


    Nothing yet.Wait! Stop! There right where youre aiming.

    Adrian looks forward at where he is aiming, but there is nothing there nothing there for the bullet to hit

    off of.


    Theres nothing there. How could it ricochet off of something when there is nothing there?

    Abby looks at her computer and then it dawns on her.


    Im using an exact map of how the plaza was back in 1963. According to my map, there was a stone

    column there in the exact place it would need to be for the bullet to actually ricochet and directly hit

    the president from that angle The column was removed later that year.Wait it was removed only 3

    days after the incident.


    I think I know who did it.

    Abby turns to Velma and Matthew looks at Adrian then the camera cuts to the handheld device with the

    bullet trajectory (again, look at casting sheet). The camera cuts to:

    43) Exterior. Robert Manleys Daughters Home. Burbank, California. Afternoon.

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    The camera is focused on Casey standing outside of her car as Cynthia pulls up behind her. Cynthia gets

    out of her car and walks up to Casey.


    Remind me to never rent a car again


    What did you find out from George Hodels son?


    Nothing except that he told me to buy the book if I wanted to find out anything. Then he offered to

    sell me an autographed copy. (Cynthia hands Casey the book) Happy reading!


    Well, forget about him. I think this Red guy knew something. I got a look at his files from the institution

    and there is some weird stuff in there. Im going to call Conor and have him come out here to LA he

    has more tools than I have when it comes to digging into peoples pasts. I mean, he owns his own

    private investigative firm.


    Ill call him, you go find out what his daughter knows.

    Casey nods and she walks up to the house as Cynthia calls Conor on her video phone. He answers and

    appears to be sitting in the drivers seat of a car.


    We need you in LA.


    Oh, cant the investigative reporter find out what she needs without me?


    Put it back in your pants this isnt a measuring contest. How soon can you get here?


    Lucky for you, Im already here. I had to fly out for business. Send me your location and I can be there

    within an hour.

    This is a lie, in part one, we saw Conor on the same flight as the women to San Francisco following them.


    Rather convenient that you just happened to have business in LA the same day we flew out here.

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    Ms. Brand, I assure you not all men are as bad as your ex-husband or Agent Rezek. There are some of

    us left that you can trust.

    At that point, Cynthia disconnects with Conor and puts her phone in her pocket. She looks frazzled and a

    bit angry. This is the first time weve seen Cynthia so vulnerable. The camera focuses on her face as the

    red toned quick cut:

    44) FLASHBACK. Interior. Cynthias Home. Newport, Rhode Island. Night.

    The camera opens on Cynthia lying in a pool of her own blood as there is a man screaming in the

    background. She looks badly beaten and the amount of blood lost looks substantial. She manages to

    crawl to the phone across the room and dial 9-1-1. An agent answers and Cynthia barely gets out:


    Help, hes hes trying to kill me.

    She drops the phone and the camera cuts to:

    45) FLASHBACK CONTINUED. Interior. Hospital. Providence, Rhode Island. Day.

    Cynthia is hooked up to several machines and appears to be sleeping. She begins to wake up and as she

    does her eyes look heavy, until she sees a man(played by Paul Lieber) sitting next to her bed. Once she

    spots him, her eyes widen and she looks panicked and her heart monitor begins to jump.


    Calm down, Cynthia youre in the hospital.

    Just then, Cassandra walks into the room dressed in a black pant-suit. She walks over to Cynthia and

    stands next to her as she looks at the man and says:


    Mr. Brand have the police had any luck finding the man who broke into your home?

    Mr. Brand:

    Youre from the DAs office, right? No but now that my wife is awake, maybe she can help identify


    Cynthia looks at Mr. Brand like hes full of crap. He turns to Cynthia and says:

    Mr. Brand:

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    Isnt that right honey? Remember, the man who broke in? The one who did this to you? (he winks)

    Cynthia just lays there and then nods reluctantly then darts her eyes to Cassandra. Cassandra grabs

    Cynthias hand and says:


    Dont worry, Ms. Brand, well get the guy who did this to you. (she looks at Mr. Brand) And well make

    sure he fries for what he has done. Can you give us a minute, Mr. Brand?

    Mr. Brand gets up and he nods then kisses Cynthia on the forehead.

    Mr. Brand:

    I wont ever leave your side, you understand that, Cynth.Well get this guy.

    He walks out and Cassandra bluntly says to Cynthia:


    Why are you protecting him?

    As she continues to talk, she grabs a bandage from the table. She proceeds to remove one of Cynthias

    blood soaked bandages and replaces it with the new one. She places the old one in her pocket.


    I know what its like to be an in abusive relationship. There are ways out.


    Who are you?


    I know your secret. I know why you cant leave him Hell rat you out if you do.

    At the mention of the secret, Cynthias heart monitor begins to race again.


    Who are you?!


    What if I told you theres a way to maintain your secret and get rid of him permanently.

    Cynthia swallows hard as Cassandra grins and looks right into Cynthias eyes. The camera focuses on

    Cynthia as it red tone quick cuts to:

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    46) END OF FLASHBACK. Exterior. Robert Manleys Sisters Home. Burbank, California.Afternoon.

    Cynthia snaps out of her daze and turns around walking towards the house. The camera spins around

    and focuses on a car across the street. We see a man pop up from the window and remove his

    sunglasses. Its Conor. Cut to:


    47) Interior. Robert Red Manleys Daughters Home. Afternoon.

    Casey is looking at photographs of Reds daughter on the mantle. She comes across a photo of Red with

    two women and one of them resembles Elizabeth Short (Black Dahlia). Cynthia is sitting on a couch as a

    woman in her mid 60s comes out of the kitchen with a fresh pot of coffee. She sits it down on the table

    in front of the women and says:


    I know what youre thinking.

    Casey and Cynthia just look at each other.


    Its fresh.


    Oh we werent but thank you.


    Yeah, thank you.


    So, as I was saying my father wasnt the killer.


    Why was he committed?


    More importantly, why did he rant and rave about Elizabeth Short while he was in the mental institution

    and what does this symbol mean?

    Cynthia holds up the photo and Casey looks shocked.



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    Whats the point of beating around the bush? So what is it, Tracy?


    How do you


    We visited Patton State and we uncovered some interesting videos and tidbits. What was your fathers

    obsession with Elizabeth Short a.k.a. Black Dahlia?!

    Tracys, who is Reds daughter, expression turns to that of pure anger and suddenly the camera cuts to

    the exterior of Tracys house as she slams the door in the faces of the two women. Casey turns to Cynthia

    and says:


    What the hell was that?!


    She wasnt going to tell us anything. I could tell.


    How the why do you say that?!


    The way she threw us out told us more than anything that would have come out of her mouth. She

    obviously was the one who wanted those documents at the hospital to remain confidential for a

    reason she had photos of her father all over her house and the first thing out of her mouth was how

    her father didnt do it. Shes in love with him, reverse Oedipus complex. Jesus, Casey I thought you

    could read people.

    Just then, Conor comes walking up the sidewalk. He has a smug look on his face as he says:


    I see you charmed the pants off of the woman, Cynthia. I saw you guys walk in when I drove up and by

    the time I found a parking spot you were getting the door slammed in your face.

    Cynthia crosses her arms and begins walking towards her car. Conor turns to Casey and laughs as he



    I got the files you scanned from your phone. The symbol Red had carved on his arms is like nothing Ive

    ever seen. However, the names that you had highlighted were fantastic. One stuck out at me in

    particular. Orson.

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    Why Orson?


    OrsonWelles, the famous writer who broadcastWar of theWorlds on the radio back in 1938 causing

    mass hysteria. After some digging into the Black Dahlia, it came to light that he was actually a suspect.


    How do you know this?


    Im something of a conspiracy theorist. Anyway, there is an OrsonWelles expert here in LA he actually

    has a museum dedicated to him. I think we should go check it out.


    Conspiracy theorist, really?!

    Conor rolls his eyes as Casey is obviously mocking him. He turns to walk to his car as the camera cuts to:

    48) Interior. Airplane. Somewhere over Kentucky. Late Afternoon.

    Adrian is on his laptop device working away as Matthew is staring out the window. Matthew turns to

    Adrian and says:


    Something isnt right about any of this I mean it took you a day to figure all of this out. 60 years of

    investigation on this and you figure it out in one day?


    Im way ahead of you. The Benefactor is rich beyond belief and certainly didnt need us to figure this out

    for him. He could have made three calls and figured it out himself.


    Then why?Why is he using us?What is he really up to?


    Thats what I want to figure out.

    Matthew turns back to looking out the window. Without looking at Adrian he says:


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    I know you know about my trials. That little comment about knowing my way around a gun you

    arent very good at dropping subtle hints.

    Adrian doesnt reply. Matthew continues:


    Its not what you think. I didnt actually kill my commanding officer. I was set up by someone and to

    this day, I dont know who or why. I found his body and tried to revive him, thats why the blood was on

    my clothes.

    Adrian simply turns to Matthew and says:


    You dont have to explain yourself to me man

    Adrian turns back to his computer and Matthew nods then looks back out the window. Cut to:

    49) Interior. Orson Welles Museum. Hollywood, California. Early Evening.

    Conor and Cynthia are sitting across from an older gentleman who is sitting at his desk reading over the

    information that Casey found at Patton State. Casey is in the background looking through some of the

    Orson Welles memorabilia. The man looks completely fascinated as takes his glasses off and looks up at



    This is absolutely extraordinary. In the back of my mind, I always toyed with the idea thatWelles could

    have been involved in the Black Dahlia, but this almost solidifies it.


    How so?


    Red Manley went insane and he spouts out the names of these particular people They were all in the

    circle that Orson ran with. JoCot refers to Joseph Cotton, his long time actor friend. Then you have


    Thats all well and good, but I cant help but notice the date that Orson applied for a passport was the

    same date that the LAPD received a package from the killer. Shortly afterwards he left the country and

    went to Europe for several months.


    Its all true; witnesses actually place Welles at a certain nightclub with the victim on several occasions.

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    Welles also had an obsession with bisection. He used it in one of his films and when he did magic acts

    for the troops during the war, hed often saw a woman in half. Elizabeth Short was found well


    Just then, Casey chimes in.


    Whos Yvette?


    Im sorry?


    Yvette. She was a name on the confidential files. Red ranted about a Yvette.


    She is a woman he frequently slept with, or so they say.

    Casey holds up a photo and looks at it then shows it to the rest of them. It is of Welles and another

    woman. At the bottom its entitled Orson and Yvette, 1947.


    This is the same woman in the photo with Red in his daughters home.

    Conor and Cynthia look at each other as Casey shows the photo off like she struck gold. The camera cuts


    50) Interior. FBI Archives. Washington, D.C. Evening.

    The camera opens on Adrian going through the same detection device that scans his body that weve

    seen before. He walks in and says to the same agent, Victoria:


    JFK archives, Victoria.

    She rolls her eyes as she says:


    Youre privileges have been revoked by Director General Snider.

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    Damn it! (he looks down and pauses for a moment) You mean he didnt call you before his benefit dinner

    at theWhite House tonight?


    Uh, no.


    Well, he and I had an argument earlier you know about how I used that info about his wife last time.

    Well, we kissed and made up and he gave me clearance again I cant believe he didnt leave a memo

    for you.


    Well, he definitely didnt


    Well, its up to you but I strongly dont suggest it you could call him at the benefit and get clearance

    or you could just let it go and check with him tomorrow you know how he hates to be bothered when

    hes hobnobbing and after he snapped at your last time I dont know.

    Victoria thinks for a minute and then the camera cuts to her letting him into the room.


    Youve got 20 minutes.

    Adrian smiles and he walks into the room where he instantly pulls his cell phone out of his sock and walks

    directly over to the framed photo of the motorcade the day of the shooting (as we saw in Part 1). He

    looks at it and says:


    Got you, Babushka Lady

    He scans the photo with his phone as the camera focuses on the infamous woman who was said to be

    filming the motorcade as it happened, but was lost in history. The camera cuts to:

    51) Interior. Orson Welles Museum. Hollywood, California. Evening.

    Casey is on the phone as Cynthia looks at some of the memorabilia. We see Casey say to Abby:


    You and Velma need to get down here, pronto and bring your equipment. I sent you a photo I want

    you to analyze.Were at the OrsonWelles museum in Hollywood.

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    Is that Conor I see in the background?Whats he doing there?


    Right place at the right time, turns out we couldnt have done this without him hes something of a

    conspiracy theorist (She giggles).

    Conor turns towards her and he says under his breath:


    Yeah, laugh it up

    The camera focuses on his rather harsh glare at Casey as the camera red-tone quick cuts to:

    52) FLASHBACK. Interior. Office. New York City. Day.

    We see Conor get off an elevator and walk directly past the receptionist and open a double door leading

    into an office as the secretary gets up and follows him saying:


    Sir! You cant go in there, Sir!

    He doesnt listen and he just continues through the doors and the secretary follows. He stops in front of

    the large oak desk and the secretary says:


    Im so sorry, Ms. Millerick he just rushed past me.

    We see Cassandra spin around in the big leather chair and she says:


    Its all right, Suzie. You may go now.

    The secretary leaves and closes the doors. Conor walks up to the desk and sits on the corner of it.

    Cassandra pushes herself back from the desk and crosses her legs as she smiles and says:


    What can I do for you, Mr. Vith?


    I want in.

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    In on what?

    He gets up off the desk and walks around it to her. He leans over her as he says:


    I know what Eric is up to and I want in on it.


    Well, I guess you cant keep any secrets from the private detective, eh?

    He smiles and coyly whispers in her ear:



    Cassandra smiles back as he leans in and the two of them kiss passionately. He sits back down on the

    desk in front of her and says:


    I dont know what Im more upset about the fact you didnt suggest me to the big man himself or that

    you kept the whole thing a secret from me.


    Well, I did, but I was going to surprise you over dinner tonight. Youre in!

    Conor smiles as Cassandra stands up over him and proceeds to kiss him again, but this time, she bites his

    lip really hard. He pulls back and looks at her as she takes a swab and wipes blood off of it and puts it

    into a glass test tube. He looks at her and says:


    I love you so much....

    The two kiss again as the camera cuts to:


    53) Interior. Orson Welles Museum. Hollywood, California. Night.

    Casey, Conor and Cynthia are standing outside as Velma parks the car and walks up to the three of them.

    She doesnt look too happy.

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    Hey yourself (she pulls at her back like its bothering her). Driving 5 hours here killed my back


    You got it?


    Of course I have it Abby gave it to me and she said this is the best she could do. She even found out

    her last name. This is the best she could do to age her to what shed look like today shed be 95.

    Velma hands over the computer image. We see Yvette digitally aged (played by Angela Lansbury).


    Fantastic speaking of, where is Abby?


    She rushed out, she said she had somewhere to go after you mentioned coming down here today, she

    was acting strange


    Well, what do we do with this now?


    Well we go visit her

    Everyone looks at Velma confused as Velma continues:


    Shes alive Abby found her!

    They all look surprised, but happy as the camera cuts to:

    54) Interior. Patton State Hospital. Patton, California. Night.

    We see a shot of the outside of the Hospital, and then it cuts to the inside where Abby is sitting at a table

    looking very nervous. Suddenly, in the waiting room, a door opens and a male nurse wheels someone in.

    Abbys eyes begin to tear up as the male nurse parks a very frazzled and disoriented girl (played by April

    Matson) across from Abby. Abby chokes back a tear as she says:

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    Hey sis

    The girl looks up and at Abby and cocks her head. She says:

    Abbys Sister:

    Who are you?

    Abby leaves out a defeated cry/sigh as a tear falls down her face. The camera cuts to:

    55) Interior. FBI Office 2012 Division. Washington, D.C. Night.

    Adrian is sitting in front of his computer intently doing something as his phone rings. He picks it up and

    we see that its Casey. He answers:


    Hey, Casey, whats going on?


    Well, we think we may have hit something major.


    Oh yeah?


    We found someone who actually knew Elizabeth Short and shes still alive. Here, Ill send you the mock

    up of what shed look like if she were alive today.


    Alright send away.

    Adrian pushes a button on his phone and he looks at it as the photo loads on his phones screen. His face

    drops as he sees it.


    Youve got to be kidding me

    Adrian holds the photo up to his computer screen. We see an almost identical image on his screen, which

    is a side by side of the babushka lady from the grassy knoll aged to what shed look like today. He just

    sits there staring at the two as the camera cuts to:

    56) Interior. Cassandras Bedroom. New York, New York. Very Late Night.

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    Cassandra is lying in bed as her phone rings. She turns over and switches on the light and grabs her

    phone. Without looking at it she answers. We see a woman in a white lab coat on the other end.

    Cassandra lies back in her bed and very sleepily says:


    What is it?


    Ms. Millerick the results from the blood tests are in and well




    One of the subjects from the blood samples has a very deadly disease.

    Cassandra sits straight up and looks surprised as she says:




    According to the stage theyre in they only have weeks, maybe two months tops.

    Cassandra looks like she just saw a ghost as the camera cuts to:

    57) Interior. Benefactors Living Room. New York, New York. Very Late Night.

    Eric is sitting in the dark grand room in his armchair watching the fire as Adrian busts in the doors and

    right up to the Benefactor.


    What the hell is going on?!


    Agent Rezek, to what do I owe this 4am house-call?


    You know exactly whats going on you knew the whole time! Why are you doing this?


    Ah, I see you found the second shooter, Yvette Nikilov.

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    What the hell?! If you knew this whole time, whyd you send us on these missions?!


    You had to find out on your own the magnitude of what is out there.


    Damn it! (he grabs his head as if hes going insane)What the hell are you talking about?


    Adrian, this is more than JFK or the Black Dahlia much more.


    What are you after?

    Eric leans over in his chair and his face grows dark, but then the fire casts an eerie glow on his profile as

    he says very seriously:


    The people who killed my sister on December 21st

    , 2012. The people who caused the darkest day in

    human history you Agent Rezek, of all people, should understand that.


    How does any of this relate to 2012?!


    It has everything to do with it, Mr. Rezek Im afraid you dont understand the gravity of what you

    what all of you are supposed to do I chose all of you for a reason, Agent Rezek and now that youre

    involved youre all in great danger.

    Adrian stares at the Benefactor in complete disbelief as Eric slowly sits back in his chair and shifts his

    attention back to the fire. The camera cuts to:

    58) Exterior. Mustang Sallys Bar. New York, New York. Very Late Night.

    The camera is focused on the outside door of the bar as it busts open and a bouncer pushes Nick and

    Matthew out of the bar and angrily says:


    Closing time is 4oclock, guys! Get out of here!

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    Matthew and Nick look at each other and burst out laughing. They are obviously kind of intoxicated as

    they start to walk/stumble down 6th



    You heard him; Tag-a-long go home!


    Tag-a-long?! (Laughing)


    Thats your last name, isnt it?!


    Tagalog, you tool

    The men continue to laugh as Nick throws his arm around Matthew and he says:


    I think I think this is the beginning of a beauuutiful relationship, Tag-a-long

    Matthew, in a very buddy-buddy way, pats Nick on the back and begins to say:


    Im glad you talked me into

    Then suddenly, Matthews expression turns to shock as Nick looks back at him. Matthew lets go of Nick

    and begins falling towards the ground as Nick begins to laugh and catch him, but then he realizes that

    something is seriously wrong when Matthew falls against the sidewalk. Nick bends down over him and

    lifts up his head as blood starts pouring out of Matthews mouth! Nick looks down and he opens up

    Matthews coat revealing bullet wounds!


    Oh shi Matt! Hey, buddy! Matt!

    The camera cuts to a dark corner where all we see is a gloved hand unscrew the silencer from a gun. On

    the handle of the gun we see a symbol, the very same symbol that Casey found carved on Reds walls and

    all over his body in the DVD from Patton State Hospital. The camera cuts back to Nick as hes holding

    onto Matthews body and the red toned quick cut begins:

    59) FLASHBACK. Nicks Laboratory. Philadelphia,Pennsylvania. Day.

    Subtitled: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

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    The camera opens on Nick, wearing a white lab coat and goggles, as he pours a solution into a beaker.

    The solution turns bright orange as we hear a voice say:


    Whatcha makin, Doc?

    Nick turns around and we see Cassandra standing there in an orange blazer smiling delightfully.


    Well, this is the first trial of a possible drug that could irradiate the HIV virus if caught early enough


    Ah, always making history, arent you Dr. Tesla?

    He looks at her with a questionable look.


    Im sorry; who did you say you were?


    Im Cassandra Millerick, the lawyer for tycoon Eric Jan Hanussen.

    Nick removes his goggles and smiles at her.


    To what do I owe the great pleasure of a visit from the man who runsWall Street?

    Cassandras demeanor goes from delightful to drastic in the matter of a blink of her eye.


    Im afraid this isnt a pleasurable visit, Dr. Tesla.

    Nick begins to look worried as the camera cuts to an office full of lab equipment and Nick closes the

    door. Cassandra takes a seat and he takes one across from her. She opens her briefcase as she says:


    Mr. Jan Hanussen is requesting your services, but we are well aware that you are obligated by your

    contract to work for no other outside entity. We do, on the other hand, still need your services.


    Im afraid thats not possible

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    Oh, its possible, Dr. Tesla. You see, everyone has a price or perhaps a skeleton in their closet.

    With that, Cassandra pulls out a handheld video device and presses play. The image is one that appears

    to be a surveillance camera that overlooks a laboratory with extremely advanced technology and very

    large machines with gages all over them. Then we see Nick walk into the frame and he looks up at the

    clock on the wall. He turns around, and his expression looks like one of nervousness. He says to someone

    off screen:


    Im having second thoughts about this


    Do it.

    Nick hesitates and he walks to a machine that has a large lever on it. He turns back around.


    DO IT!

    Nick turns back towards the machine and walks to the lever. With a single pull, he lowers the lever and

    we hear very loud electronic noises and see a bright flash and the camera goes out. At this point, the

    camera focuses from Cassandras device to Nicks expression as he looks at Cassandra. Its one of

    extreme worry. The camera cuts back to the video device Cassandra is holding and we see that the

    surveillance camera comes back on. We see Nick sitting against the large machine huddled in a ball. He

    looks up and says in a shaky voice to the man off screen:


    I I think I think we made a grave mistake.

    Just then, the surveillance camera cuts out again and in place of the footage we see in bold lettering,

    Surveillance Footage: December 21st, 2012.Cassandra turns off the video and looks back up at Nick

    who has a tear form in the corner of his eye. He looks at her and says:




    Well see you tomorrow morning at Jan Hanussens office 10a.m. sharp.

    With that, Cassandra gets up and she very blatantly pricks Nicks arm with a syringe. She collects a

    sample of his blood and walks out leaving the door slam shut. The camera focuses on the door as we see

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    Nick walk up to the window on the door and look out with a tremendous expression of fear and anguish

    on his face. Quick cut to:



    Adrian Rezek: -----Nestor Carbonell

    Hal Holbrook: -----Eric Jan Hanussen

    Phylicia Rashad: -----Velma Logan

    Melissa George:-----Casey Christina

    Jensen Ackles: -----Conor Vith

    Katey Sagal: -----Cynthia Brand

    Seth Gabel: -----Jeremy Kozlak

    James Scott: -----Simon Draven

    James P. Stuart: -----Nicolas Tesla

    Carey Mulligan: -----Abby Mercer

    Diether Ocampo: ---Matthew Tagalog

    Denise Vasi: -----Cassandra Millerick


    Tate Donovan: -----Senator Arthur Kensington

    Columbus Short: ----Agent David Foster

    Mark Bramhall: -----General Snider

    Chris Gorham: -----Charles Banks Reggie

    April Matson: -----April Mercer

    Paul Lieber: -----Martin Brand

    Jordan Nagai: -----Eduardo TagalogDavid Norona: -----Nino Espinaso

    To Be Casted: ----- Random AsianWoman

    To Be Casted: -----Young Man

    To Be Casted: -----Editor

    To Be Casted: -----Announcer

    To Be Casted: -----Agent Victoria Brighton

    To Be Casted: -----Cashier

    To Be Casted: -----Judge

    To Be Casted: -----Priest

    To Be Casted: -----Patton State Doctor

    To Be Casted: -----Patton State Security GuardTo Be Casted: -----Tracy Manley

    To Be Casted: -----Welles Expert

    To Be Casted: -----Cassandras Secretary

    To Be Casted: -----Cassandras Scientist

    To Be Casted: -----Bouncer
