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The Church in Cuba Slides

Date post: 30-May-2018
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  • 8/14/2019 The Church in Cuba Slides




    1952 - 19621952 - 1962

  • 8/14/2019 The Church in Cuba Slides


    The Church in Cuba faced uniqueThe Church in Cuba faced unique

    historical challenges from 1952-62.historical challenges from 1952-62.

    expansive modernity,expansive modernity,

    the rise of political ideologiesthe rise of political ideologies

    growing religious pluralismgrowing religious pluralism Dependence on foreign clergyDependence on foreign clergy

    Extreme povertyExtreme poverty

    Political corruption and illegitimacy.Political corruption and illegitimacy.

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    Young Catholic ActionYoung Catholic Action

    key element of the Catholic Churchskey element of the Catholic Churchs

    response to both modern pluralism andresponse to both modern pluralism and

    disestablishment was to create laydisestablishment was to create lay

    organizations of men, women,organizations of men, women,

    professionals, workers and students.professionals, workers and students.

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    Intellectual trends from EuropeIntellectual trends from Europe

    Italian Model: Generalized Catholic Action.Italian Model: Generalized Catholic Action.

    Jacques MaritainJacques Maritain

    neo-Christsendom.neo-Christsendom. Pax RomanaPax Romana

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    Catholic Action Youth in CubaCatholic Action Youth in Cuba

    Hmn. Victorino (1885- 2001) French priest of theHmn. Victorino (1885- 2001) French priest of theBrothers of La Salle.Brothers of La Salle.

    February of 1928, at forty years of age, HermanoFebruary of 1928, at forty years of age, HermanoVictorino launched theVictorino launched the Juventud Catlica Cubana.Juventud Catlica Cubana.

    In 1939, representatives from 75 Grupos from all ofIn 1939, representatives from 75 Grupos from all ofCuba.Cuba. In 1941 the number of youth groups had doubled at theIn 1941 the number of youth groups had doubled at the

    National Conference in Cardenas with 150 Grupos.National Conference in Cardenas with 150 Grupos.

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    Rapid Growth of Youth MovementRapid Growth of Youth Movement

    By 1943, there were over 300 Grupos withBy 1943, there were over 300 Grupos with

    7000 young men and women participating.7000 young men and women participating.

    Catholic youth officially separated into twoCatholic youth officially separated into two

    youth branches of Catholic Action:youth branches of Catholic Action:

    Juventud Catlica Cubana FemininaJuventud Catlica Cubana Feminina

    Juventud Catlica Cubana MasculinaJuventud Catlica Cubana Masculina

    Each with their own constitution and mix ofEach with their own constitution and mix of

    elected and appointed officers.elected and appointed officers.

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    Specialized Catholic Action.Specialized Catholic Action.

    French/Belgian model: SpecializedFrench/Belgian model: Specialized

    Catholic Action.Catholic Action.

    Young Catholic Workers and JosephYoung Catholic Workers and Joseph


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  • 8/14/2019 The Church in Cuba Slides


    Catholic Students in CubaCatholic Students in Cuba

    Cuban University MovementsCuban University Movements

    AUC: Agrupacion Universitaria Catolica.AUC: Agrupacion Universitaria Catolica.

    JEC and JUCJEC and JUC More influenced by Pax Romana thanMore influenced by Pax Romana than


    More reformist than revolutionaryMore reformist than revolutionary

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  • 8/14/2019 The Church in Cuba Slides


    1957, more Catholic activists began1957, more Catholic activists began

    joining Castros insurrection. Fatherjoining Castros insurrection. Father

    Guillermo Sardias joined the guerrillaGuillermo Sardias joined the guerrilla

    along with four other priests.along with four other priests.

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    Influence of Catholic MediaInfluence of Catholic Media

    Diario de la Marina (Conservative and pro-Diario de la Marina (Conservative and pro-

    hispanic Catholic tradition)hispanic Catholic tradition)

    La Quincena: Progressive and influencedLa Quincena: Progressive and influenced

    by French Catholic social thinking.by French Catholic social thinking.

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    La QuincenaLa Quincena,,

    La QuincenaLa Quincena, was clearly anti-capitalist, was clearly anti-capitalistand sympathetic to the Cuban Revolution.and sympathetic to the Cuban Revolution.The January issue ofThe January issue ofLa QuincenaLa Quincena

    celebrated and praised the triumph of thecelebrated and praised the triumph of theRevolution as a decisive andRevolution as a decisive andtranscendental stage for Cuba.transcendental stage for Cuba.Nevertheless, Catholic social doctrine wasNevertheless, Catholic social doctrine was

    positioned as a third way between thepositioned as a third way between theother two ideologies that divided the worldother two ideologies that divided the worldinto two opposing camps.into two opposing camps.

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