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The Climate Bureau identifies emerging employment · The Climate Bureau identifies emerging...

Date post: 06-Jun-2020
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The Climate Bureau identifies emerging employment trends, lifestyle choices and business opportunities in the Republic of Ireland for a future with weather that is warmer, wetter and weirder. Our trained professionals provide personalised consultations and advice to help you choose from a package of skills, jobs and lifestyles that may be more suitable and advantageous in a very different future. Look through this catalog of profiles and then talk to one of our Climate Bureau counselors today, and begin your journey towards a brighter tomorrow, together. INTRODUCTION
Page 1: The Climate Bureau identifies emerging employment · The Climate Bureau identifies emerging employment trends, lifestyle choices and business opportunities in the Republic of Ireland

The Climate Bureau identifies emerging employment trends, lifestyle choices and business opportunities in the Republic of Ireland for a future with weather that is warmer, wetter and weirder.

Our trained professionals provide personalised consultations and advice to help you choose from a package of skills, jobs and lifestyles that may be more suitable and advantageous in a very different future.

Look through this catalog of profiles and then talk to one of our Climate Bureau counselors today, and begin your journey towards a brighter tomorrow, together.


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Page 3: The Climate Bureau identifies emerging employment · The Climate Bureau identifies emerging employment trends, lifestyle choices and business opportunities in the Republic of Ireland


As the fossil-fuel-era transitions into an era of carbon management there will be more jobs throughout the world to actively manage environmental resources and maintain carbon sequestration sites. Examples include preventing the spread of deserts through human-planted forests or observing and managing ocean plankton blooms.

The kind of people who are attracted to work on oil derricks or deep sea fishing vessels may find the field of carbon sinking draws on a similar set of skills and experiences. You have to be willing to spend enormous amounts of time alone without standard human comforts like warm showers. Your days may be quiet and contemplative most of the time, but expect occasional bursts of activity when an emergency hits.

“Just like pastures on land where there

is little grass, few livestock can survive,

within ocean pastures where there is little

plankton few fish can survive. We’re not

alone in this work, decades of academic

research with a quarter of a billion

dollars in public funds has shown that

replenishing and restoring those ocean

pastures is possible.”

Ocean Pastures Corporation

“Giant fly-swats and freight containers

may help prevent catastrophic climate

change, say engineers. The Institution of

Mechanical Engineers has come up with

some ideas for what “artificial forests” -

technologies that absorb CO2, in a similar

way to trees - could look like in the future.

These structures would use chemical

processes or natural carbon sponges such

as algae to take in carbon and store it, or

even turn it into useful products.”

The Artificial Forests of the Future

Fiona Harvey, The Guardian (2011)


You enjoy a challenge, living in

the wilderness and traveling to

new places.

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Governments, individuals and industries are putting drones to work and you could be in the pilot seat! We foresee a need for drone operators with the ability to work in agriculture, environmental monitoring and even local weather modification.

In this emerging field you can purchase your own drone, or rent time on fleets of drones in various locations all over the world. Clients may request that you fly in and assess their desert-based solar arrays for damage or check in and make sure their piece of the rainforest is not being illegally logged. You can set your own flexible schedule and work right from your computer at home.

“Drones are now being used to monitor

power lines, inspect oil and gas pipelines,

check wind turbines for defects and

pinpoint malfunctioning solar panels.”

Drones Are Becoming Energy’s

New Roustabouts, Todd Woody, NYTimes (2014)

“The plan is known as the Green Great

Wall - a 2,800-mile network of forest belts

designed to stop the sands. A $1.2 billion

oversight system, consisting of mapping

and land-surveillance databases, will be

implemented. The government has also

hammered out a dust-monitoring network

with Japan and Korea.”

The Green Wall Of China

Evan Ratliff, WIRED (2003)


The cost of owning a drone

is decreasingly rapidly.

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You are passionate about preserving organisms and ecosystems for future generations to enjoy. It’s just that...things have gotten a little complicated recently. There are all kinds of new technologies to conserve old resources.

Ecosystem Archivists are willing to learn from innovations in business, technology and science, and apply them to natural systems. In order to build bridges between the environmental movement and the labs that are churning out novel environmental technologies, you will launch an NGO, a business, or even a new department in the government. But one thing is sure, we will need new institutions to deal with the new interface between conservation biology and biotechnology, and you should lead one.

“Conservation biologists, intent in recent

years on restoring the health of whole

ecosystems, have been focusing ever less

on individual species and ever more

on ecological function. In studying the

prospect of reviving certain extinct species

they get to do both.”

The Conservation Perspective on

‘De-extinction’, Stewart Brand in The Huffington Post (2013)

“Let’s not make this a story all about CO2

and Carbon… it’s really about whether the

ocean pastures come back to the abundance

of life that they and we enjoyed 100 years

ago. My hypothesis is that if we can help

replenish and restore the ocean pastures

we will see the results in the one thing that

mankind is most connected to the ocean

by, its FISH!”

Did Russ George’s Geoengineering

experiment actually work?

John Laumer (2013)


You are a leader.

People listen to you and

you know how to manage

large organizations.

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Have you always wanted a fast moving career in the field of marketing and communication, but were afraid you’d be stuck indoors all day, selling products that don’t really make a difference?

Ecosystem Service Design is a field where you employ strategies from marketing to encourage people to pay attention to and pay for the ecosystem services that keep us alive. Many people vaguely understand the natural processes of water purification, pollination and climate control, but have no idea who pays for these services. That is because up until the 21st century, no one has!

Using the latest trends in social media and micropayment systems you will create environmental interface designs that allow human users to witness, communicate and pay for ecosystem services.

Ecosystem Services: Humankind

benefits in a multitude of ways from

ecosystems. Collectively, these benefits are

known as ecosystem services. Ecosystem

services are regularly involved in the

provisioning of clean drinking water and

the decomposition of wastes. Ecosystem

services are sometimes grouped into

four broad categories: provisioning, such

as the production of food and water;

regulating, such as the control of climate

and disease; supporting, such as nutrient

cycles and crop pollination; and cultural,

such as spiritual and recreational benefits.


Service design is the activity of planning

and organizing people, infrastructure,

communication and material components

of a service in order to improve its quality

and the interaction between service

provider and customers. The purpose of

service design methodologies is to design

according to the needs of customers or

participants, so that the service is user-

friendly, competitive and relevant to

the customers. Service designers draw

on the methodologies of fields such as

ethnography and journalism to gather

customer insights through interviews and

by shadowing service users.



Do you like talking

to people AND plants?

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Each year new geohacking technologies are developed that make it easier for individuals to manipulate the environment. What society needs is organized and dedicated people like you to drive debates about these technologies. Whether you are an advocate or a watchdog, as a Geohacktivist, you will coordinate direct actions or communicate your message through the media.

For a few million dollars, a university, company or government anywhere in the world can currently deploy untested but powerful geohacking techniques such as:

- Ocean nourishment through iron fertilisation

- Spraying sea water into the troposphere to

increase cloud reflectivity

- Releasing aerosols into the atmosphere

Should these technologies be tested or deployed? Who gets to decide and regulate this process? It could be YOU that leads this conversation.

“Only a couple of years ago,

geoengineering seemed like science fiction.

Some scientists talked about cooling the

planet using massive shields to reflect

sunlight back into space or by loading

the atmosphere with aerosols, but few

thought of these planetary-scale projects

as real contenders for averting climate

catastrophe. But — perhaps because the

challenge of mitigation is now fully

recognized — geoengineering has gone


The Geoengineering Genie

Mason Inman in Nature (2010)

“You don’t need a Ph.D. in physics to

understand the basic insanity of this

undertaking,” [Jeff] Goodell writes, while

emphasizing that the outlook for the

planet is so bad that we have to think

about these options anyway.”

The Geoengineering Genie

Mason Inman in Nature (2010)


If you believe strongly in a

cause, can you get others to

join in and get things done?

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Ireland has rich agricultural land and offers relative environmental stability compared to the European continent and the rest of the world. The global elite who are currently purchasing multi-million dollar apartments in New York, Hong Kong and London will transform into the Green Elite, investing their wealth in Irish businesses and property.

If you are looking to pick up part time work, there will be many members of the Green Elite who will need help cleaning, nannying, cooking, and organizing their lives. Familiarise yourself with the needs and obsessions of the super wealthy to ensure that you will stay in their good graces, and hopefully, receive substantial holiday bonuses.

“My £1m buy: “For pure lifestyle, stick to

prime traditional locations but consider

markets where values have fallen the most

and prices may take longer to recover –

Mallorca in Spain, southwest France or


Liam Bailey, Knight Frank head of global research (2014)

“It’s tangible, it’s solid, it’s beautiful. It’s

artistic, from my standpoint, and I just

love real estate.”

Donald Trump



Ireland is well positioned to

profit from Climate Chaos.

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Many of us will be disgusted by the squalid conditions in the climate refugee camps that are predicted to sprout up all along the Irish coast... But only some of us will be ready to do something about it.

Our country and economy will adapt to climate change better than most in the world. Is it any surprise that people desperate for stability and opportunity will begin arriving by the boatload over the next decade?

As a social worker for environmental migrants, you will help recently-arrived immigrants get situated and apply for refugee status. While migrants wait months for their cases to be heard and it can take years to clear the courts, many of them will want to do productive work. But the precarious economic position of many refugees means that they are easily exploited by unscrupulous employers. This position requires a large amount of empathy for cultural difference, but also a willingness to firmly enforce the rules and maintain order.

‘Amid predictions that by 2010 the world

will need to cope with as many as 50

million people escaping the effects of

creeping environmental deterioration,

United Nations University experts say the

international community urgently needs

to define, recognize and extend support

to this new category of “refugee.”’

United Nations University (2005)

“The phenomenon of ‘climate refugees’ will

grow, and – with our temperate climate

– Ireland is likely to be viewed as a safe

haven. So, in addition to the impact on

our economy of climate change disruption

in other parts of the world, we could

also be looking at unprecedented levels

of migration, and at supporting a larger

population here.”

What does the climate change report

mean for Ireland? John Sweeney, TheJournal.ie (2013)


You’re the kind of person

who thinks of others and

makes service a central

aspect of your life.

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Our research shows an emerging trend in the agricultural sector of informal squatting or legal rehabilitation of abandoned structures built during the Celtic Tiger years. Urban farming is a wise career path whether boom or bust.

You are certain to have customers if the Irish economy continues to prosper as an international hub of technology and innovation. Wealthy consumers and foodies are willing to pay a premium for locally grown fruits and vegetables. Alternatively, if the global economy falls into a tailspin and Ireland can not afford food imports, urban farming will act as an additional layer of food security. Ghost estates and empty buildings are calling for people who want to downshift from a white collar office job and get their hands dirty.

“Nobody seems to have started growing

food on ghost estates or Nama property

yet. But plenty of groups have proposed

it, including the South Dublin Allotments

Association, which suggested the idea in

a submission to Nama.

“We did a submission on the idea of using

the land on an interim basis as allotments

on smaller sites, and where there are

larger sites we figured they could be used

for… commercial growers, for people who

are market gardeners,” says the SDAA’s

Michael Fox.”

Growing Food on Ghost Estates,

Lenny Antonelli, Organic Matters magazine (2010)

“The Trees on the Quays project, proposes

to radically transform the shell of the

abandoned Anglo Irish Bank Head

Quarters into an innovative Public

Park. Central to the project will be a

Vertical Park, where nature, rather than

commerce, will colonise the concrete

structure creating a new landmark on the

Liffey Quays. The existing floor plates

of the concrete shell will be punched out

to create a honeycombed lattice. The

resulting voids will be filled with banks

of earth to create a stepped landscape,

forming terraces in which trees and other

plants will grow.”

Trees on The Quays. North Wall

Quay, Dublin, Mahoney Architecture


Do you like to work with

your hands and nature?

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