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The Cloudburst Legacy - Chapter 1

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The Foxglove Legacy Chapter 1 For your own entertainment, welcome to The Foxglove legacy!
Page 1: The Cloudburst Legacy - Chapter 1

The F


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For your own entertainment, welcome to The Foxglove legacy!

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Evangeline Foxglove found herself laying on a patch of grass.

Confused, she got up and looked around.

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On the patch of grass there was a small house.

Evangeline couldn‟t remember where she had been before now. “Is this some kind of joke?” she

wondered aloud.

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And then the answer hit her. Evangeline gasped as she realized

this was exactly like a.... Legacy.

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She went into the house, and was relieved to find some items of

furniture that would help her survive.

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There was a small separate room with a bath, and Evangeline was

pleased to find that there was hot, running water.

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She went outside to find someone waiting for her.

“Erm... Hi.” “I‟m Amy.” “Evangeline... Where am I?”

“You‟re in Cloudburst Cove, and I know exactly why. It‟s those stupid TV people! They make legacies for

entertainment, and I don‟t find it funny AT ALL that they make normal people like you suffer for

their own fun.”

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“Oh, er...” “I‟m sorry. I just hate it. There are

probably secret cameras all over the place now. You might want to be careful...”

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“Erm, thanks Amy...” “It‟s ok. Here‟s your newspaper. If

you ever want to some privacy, you can always stop by my place. .. Oh boy, Toby‟s here. I‟m not a fan of

him... Gotta run!”

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“Hey there sweetheart, I‟m Toby Bruening...” said a man with

glasses, who reached forwards to touch Evangeline on the shoulder. Evangeline pushed him away and

said, “Toby, I don‟t even know you.”

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“Ok, baby, see you round...” said Toby as he left.

“Or not,” whispered Evangeline.

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Elise Todd worked for The Sims Broadcasting Network, and just

happened to be walking past their new founder‟s house. No, she was here to get a better look at

Evangeline and find out some other information.

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There were two people who lived in Cloudburst Cove who actually

did just happen to be walking by Evangeline‟s house, which, for Elise, was very convenient. Jordan

Jones would make a very nice friend for Evangeline, and Dominic Dalton would make a

good husband...

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“Hello, my name‟s Elise. You are...?”

“Dominic, pleased to meet you!” “Pleasure. Dominic, please may I talk to you in private,” Elise said,

glancing and Evangeline, who was talking to Jordan.

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“I want you to get Evangeline Foxglove to fall in love with you.”


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“And marry her. But don‟t let her know you‟ve been told to love her,

or trust me, you won‟t have a very nice life. I have my contacts.” “Oh, alright.”

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“Thank you very much, Mr Dalton.”

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“Hi, my name‟s Dominic Dalton.” “I‟m Evangeline Foxglove.”

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“You‟re very pretty, Miss Foxglove.”

“Thank you! You aren‟t bad looking yourself,” Evangeline giggled. “Please though, call me


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“Ok then Evangeline, what brought you to Cloudburst Cove?”

“Well, you probably won‟t believe me... But I didn‟t choose to come here, I sort of just... Appeared

here. You see, I‟m in a legacy.”

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“Oh! Really?” “Yeah... Really. Should we go

inside? It‟s starting to rain.”

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“Well, I like the sound of starting a legacy!”

“You do? I‟ve only been here for a day, so I can‟t really say it‟s that bad, I suppose.”

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“I can help you do it if you want... You know, sell you stuff cheaply,

help you find a husband...”

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“Thanks, Dominic! I can tell you‟re going to be a great friend!”

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“Or we could always be a bit more than just friends...”

“Dominic! I barely know you!”

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“Sorry.” “It‟s ok! How about we go for a

walk in the park together... Tomorrow at two... Is that ok with you?”


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She really is a nice girl... Why should I pretend to love her, when

I could love her properly? thought Dominic as he left.

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Meanwhile, outside Evangeline‟s house, Elise had been getting to

know Jordan. “Oh look, it‟s raining. I must dash.”

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“Oh, but I wanted to have a water fight. Oh, hey „vangeline!” said Jordan. “Hi Jordan.... Who‟s this? I swear I recognise her?” said Evangeline, scratching her head. “She from-” Jordan began. “Really must go, good bye!” said Elise, hurrying off. “Never mind. I should go too, Evangeline. See you round,” Jordan finished her sentence, and also left.
