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Thanks so much for your interest in this book!

My name is Christine Springer, and I help women move confidently into higher levels of success by building a Leadership Mindset.

What is a Leadership Mindset?

A Leadership Mindset is the collection of thoughts and beliefs that inspire you to take action to create what you most want.

Becoming the leader of your life requires you to let go of your limiting beliefs, which are the thoughts that constrain your action; releasing your limiting beliefs allows you to move forward with freedom and confidence.

My intention in writing this book is to help you identify the mindset blocks — patterns of learned behavior based on your limiting beliefs — that keep you from feeling confident and acting as the leader of your life

I’ve identified the most common limiting beliefs that keep smart, motivated women from building a Leadership Mindset and taking action to create their own success.

Building a Leadership Mindset does NOT mean you have to change who you are. Rather, the secret lies in releasing all the beliefs and self-defeating thoughts that keep you from taking action.

To begin, I’ll help you figure out how your mindset block is affecting your life. Then you’ll do an exercise to start piecing together where the block came from.

Next, I’ll share the most common fears that trigger mindset blocks and share a story that illustrates how these blocks show up in real life.

Then, I’ll guide you through the process that I use to help my private-coaching clients (and myself!) get over the mindset blocks that keep them from creating higher levels of success.

Let’s get started, shall we?

With love and support,



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A friend of mine helped me carry several items out to my car recently. When she picked up my workbag, she said, “Wow, this thing is heavy! What’s in there? Rocks?!?”

I grabbed the bag and opened it, intent on proving that all of the things in my bag were necessities. I pulled out my computer, my wallet, and a series of worksheets for a client (all necessities).

With those items out of the bag, I noticed there was one thing left in the bottom. It was a drill.


That wasn’t a necessity.


I had used the drill to hang some pictures at my office the previous week, and I was still carrying it around because I forgot it was there.

I had gotten so used to the heaviness in my bag that didn’t realize I was carrying around something I no longer needed.

My hunch is that you are carrying around some heavy things, too.

But, it’s not a bag of heavy, physical objects; what you’re carrying are the mental burdens that are weighing you down and preventing you from moving forward in your life.

You stuff them deep inside of you and try to pretend they aren’t there. You tell yourself that if you don’t pay attention to them, that they will eventually go away.

But whether you pay attention to them or not, they still weigh you down.

These mental burdens are the limiting beliefs that act like an anchor and keep you stuck as you go through your day.

When mental burdens prevent you from taking action to move forward in life, you have what is called a mindset block.

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Your mindset is made up of your thoughts and beliefs about yourself and how the world works.

Thoughts + Beliefs = Mindset

Your mindset influences the actions you take. Together, your mindset and actions create the results you experience in life.

Thoughts + Beliefs + Actions = Results

When your thoughts and beliefs help you to take confident, intentional action toward your goals, you have a Leadership Mindset.

Leadership Mindset -> Empowered Action -> Success

The phrase “empowered action” is a key component of a Leadership Mindset. When you have a Leadership Mindset, you recognize that as the leader of your life, you create the results in your life by the specific actions you take.


When you lack a Leadership Mindset, you will feel as if your efforts don’t really matter. You may feel like things just “happen” to you, or that you are constantly reacting to circumstances in your life.

This mindset state is created by a lack of congruence between your thoughts, beliefs and actions.

The lack of congruence creates a mindset block.

A few symptoms of a mindset block that shows up in your work are:

• Frequent frustration at getting passed over for promotions or losing clients to your competitors. • Constant fear that all you have worked for will be taken away from you. • Persistent doubts about your own worthiness and expertise. • Feeling like people don’t respect your expertise or value what you say. • Frequent fatigue, burnout, or general listlessness.

I’ve worked with more than 150 professional women and entrepreneurs, and I have seen a consistent pattern in the mindset blocks that prevent them from developing a Leadership Mindset and creating the results they so desperately want.

The next sections will help you recognize and breakthrough the mindset blocks that are keeping you from feeling confident and taking action to achieve more success in your career.

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This is the point in the book where I say, “I know this product works because I’m not just the president of Hair Club For Men, I’m a customer, too!” (A little 90s infomercial humor for those of you old enough to remember.)

I know a lot about mindset blocks because I’ve had to work through every single one of the blocks I discuss in this book.

When I made a transition a few years ago from my job as director of a physical therapy clinic to owning my own coaching practice, I had big, huge, hairy fears come up around my own ability to succeed.

I played a constant loop of thoughts like, “What if I fail? Am I really good enough to do this? What if people think I’m a fraud?”

I knew I needed to have a more positive mindset, but I initially believed that my actions mattered more.

I believed that if I “did all the right things” my business would thrive and I would stop feeling scared and start feeling more confident. I told myself that my mindset blocks would just disappear on their own once I had “proof” of my success.

I didn’t understand that the thoughts and limiting beliefs I had about my own abilities were working against me, making my actions less effective.

This lack of effectiveness fueled my fears about not being good enough to do this work.

I worked so hard and put so much pressure on myself that I ended up having a breakdown in Starbucks (I was doing what Oprah calls “the ugly cry”) while talking with a friend about my frustrations.

As my friend patiently listened and asked a few questions, I realized I had gotten the order of things mixed up.

I needed my mindset to change in order to achieve the success I wanted to badly.

I started to work through the fears and beliefs I had, and in a strange way it felt good to just admit they were there and to stop hiding from them.

As my mindset shifted, I started seeing results. I was more confident and more engaged with my clients. My business flourished. I was able to enjoy my life more because I wasn’t worried about work all the time.

Mindset work is a lifetime practice. Just like you need to weed a garden more than once, you will need to continue “weeding your mindset” to address fears and limiting beliefs that pop up as you become more successful.

Maintaining a Leadership Mindset is a daily practice for me. I still have to work through self-doubt and limiting beliefs.

The most important thing is to keep practicing because when you work through your mindset blocks, you become more effective at work and happier outside of work.

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Right now you may be thinking, “How do I know if I have a Leadership Mindset?” or “I think I have a mindset block but how do I know for sure?”

The first step to addressing any issue with your mindset is to recognize what beliefs influence your mindset now.

Sometimes, mindset blocks can be hidden behind thoughts like, “I’m just being practical,” or, “That’s just the way I am.”

Like me with the drill in my bag, you have to take a look at what’s in your mindset to figure out if there are any thoughts or beliefs that are weighing you down and holding you back.

I’ve put together a series of statements that reflect a Leadership Mindset. As you read these over, notice your reaction to each statement and rate yourself on whether these are usually true, sometimes true, or never true for you.


I am comfortable taking risks.

Mistakes and setbacks don’t diminish my value as a person.

I can be assertive without being mean.

I feel confident sharing my knowledge and opinions.

I am happy to be known and recognized for the work I do.

Other people’s judgments don’t diminish the value of what I offer.

I don’t need the approval of others to pursue my goals.

I give myself permission to go after what I want.

The actions I take create success in my life.

I trust my ability to continue being successful.

Usually Sometimes Never

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Scoring: Give yourself 3 points for every “Usually” answer, 2 points for “Sometimes”, and 1 point for “Never”.

21 - 30 You have a mostly healthy mindset with mild blocks in a few areas. This book can help you get over your fears more quickly and give you some practical suggestions about how to continue to achieve higher levels of success.

20-29 There are some areas where your mindset is healthy and other areas where it’s holding you back. You have likely achieved some success, but you worry you can’t really make it to the next level. This book will help you to focus on the areas that most need improvement and give you practical strategies to shift your mindset to support your professional and personal goals.

10-19 You have significant mindset blocks that are likely making you feel trapped and hopeless. Most areas of your life feel hard. You are likely so drained that you can’t imagine having the energy to change. This book can help you to begin to see how small changes and shifts can have a big impact on your mindset and allow you to see possibilities for success as you move forward.


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Painful experiences from your past will often lead to the development of mindset blocks. These experiences are usually from childhood or early adulthood.

The mindset block is your ego’s way of trying to protect you from getting hurt again. (Your ego is the part of your persona that is in charge of keeping you safe.)

Sometimes, it’s easy to remember the experience that led to your current feeling of stuck-ness.


But often, these experiences hap-pened so long ago that they either don’t seem relevant to your current situation or they were so painful that you have protected yourself by trying to forget them.Identifying your current thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations can help you connect with a past experience that is related to your mindset block.

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JOURNALING EXERCISEIdentifying the origin of your mindset block.

In a notebook or on a blank piece of paper, write out the following questions and answer them as quickly as you can. The first answer that pops into your head when you read the question is normally the one that is the “truest” for you. Don’t over think this.

(You can do this on your computer if you prefer, although most studies show that writing in your own handwriting connects you to deeper levels of your emotions.)

1- What circumstance is creating a feeling of frustration, unhappiness or hopelessness?

2- When you think about this circumstance, what are the thoughts and emotions that come up for you?

Here are some common examples of thoughts and emotions my clients have expressed around an area where they feel blocked:

Thoughts:• “I keep doing all of these things and nothing changes.” • “I feel like nothing I do matters.” • “I can’t have the job I want. They don’t hire people like me without more experience.”• “It’s too late for me to change careers. It would be financial suicide.”

Emotions:• Mad• Frustrated• Hopeless• Scared

3- What are the physical sensations that are present in your body as you think about this circumstance?

Look for sensations in your head, chest, throat, and belly. Write down the specific sensation like “chest tightness,” rather than “I feel stressed.”

4- Have you felt this combination of thoughts, emotions and physical sensations before? Is there a past experience that reminds you of this combination of feelings and sensations?

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In this next section, I’ll list the 3 limiting beliefs that lead to the most common mindset blocks for women, and a story to illustrate how these blocks show up in real life. Then I’ll share the Leadership Mindset belief that fosters success instead of blocking it.

Next, I’ll suggest a few exercises you can do to dissolve your block and start owning the Leadership Mindset beliefs that will help you create higher levels of success and fulfillment.



SARAH’S STORYSarah is a dynamic, high-energy wellness practitioner who started working with me when she decided to leave her group practice and start her own wellness center.

During our second session, Sara confessed:

“I am so worried about failing that I feel paralyzed. I can’t make decisions — even simple ones like which Internet service I should use. I agonize over the options for hours and nothing seems right.

“I know I’m wasting energy on this and I can’t make myself stop. I’ve spent so much time obsessing about this that now I’m too worn out to do the things I really need to do,” Sarah said.

“What is it about making a decision that feels dangerous?” I asked.

Sarah quickly replied, “I don’t want to make a mistake. I don’t want to be careless. I was too careless when I was younger and it cost me.”

I asked her to say more about her past experience.

She said, “I decided to run for class vice president in 9th grade. I made posters asking people to vote for me and I misspelled ‘president’ on one of them.

“I ended up losing and my dad told me it was because I was careless and people probably thought I was stupid because of the misspelling.

“After that, he checked all of my homework for spelling mistakes and if he found one, he’d say, ‘If you keep being so thoughtless, you aren’t going to amount to anything in life.’”

After she shared that memory, Sarah teared up and whispered, “I’m trying really hard not to be careless. I want to prove my dad wrong. Making decisions, even small ones, just feels like an opportunity to fail.”

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Sarah believed that making a wrong decision or mistake would make her a failure. Every decision felt like it was going to make or break her long-term success.

When viewed from the perspective of being a permanent failure, it’s easy to understand why small decisions like picking an Internet provider would create such significant stress.


In connecting the misspelled word on the poster and her failed bid to become class vice president, Sarah’s dad linked making a mistake with failing and being worthless in life. It was the labels of “failure” and “you are worthless” that were creating moresuffering for Sarah than the actual outcome of the election.

I asked Sarah what had happened after she lost the election. She said, “I decided to volunteer for the school newspaper. I discovered that I loved photography, which is still a

favorite hobby of mine. I think I enjoyed my work with the school newspaper way more than I would have liked being class vice president.”

An event that seems like a failure may end up creating an opportunity for a something better, like what happened for Sarah.

One of my favorite examples of a “failure” that led to something better — WAY better — is a story about Oscar winner Hilary Swank.

Before she was an Academy Award winner, Swank was an actress on the 8th season of TV show “Beverly Hills 90210.” Midway into her first year on the show, she got fired.

In Swank’s words, she was “devastated … I got fired off a show no one watched anymore.” But two months later, she got the lead in the movie “Boys Don’t Cry,” for which she won her first Oscar.

If Swank had allowed a fear of failure to prevent her from trying again, she would have missed out on one of the biggest opportunities of her career.

Looking at failure as feedback along the lines of, “This isn’t the right thing for you now,” rather than a value judgment about your worth as a person can help you sidestep the fear of failing again and encourage you continue pursuing new opportunities.

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1. Identify an experience in your life where you have labeled yourself or the outcome as a failure.

2. If you look at the experience as feedback rather than a failure, what did you learn?

3. Is there a possibility that this experience helped you in some way, or led you to something better?

4. When you look at the experience as feedback, how does that change your view of yourself? How do you feel inside when you let go of the label of failure?

5. Are you more likely or less likely to take confident action without the label of failure?


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Amy is a tall, thin, quiet woman with eyes that sparkle and a dry sense of humor that often catches me off guard, making me snort with laughter. She reached out for help after being passed over for a promotion at her marketing job.

On our first call she summed up her situation like this: “On my past two performance reviews, my supervisor commended me on the quality of my work and noted that I am the ‘go-to person’ if there is ever an issue with a project. He said I’m the best worker in the office.”

Amy continued politely, her calm words belying her frustration, “But just like last year, my boss told me that he thinks I’m too soft-spoken and that my demeanor doesn’t project authority. He thinks I’m too nice to make tough decisions. So, he’s promoting Bob ahead of me. I’m tired of being discounted as too nice.”

I paused for a moment, then I asked, “Amy, are you qualified for this promotion?”

She responded quickly, “Yes, I am. I think I’m more qualified than Bob.”

I replied, “OK, then pretend I’m your boss and make the case for why I should promote you.”

Amy took a deep breath and in a quiet voice said, “I am upset that you passed me over for a promotion. I think I’m a valuable asset to the office and I would appreciate it if you would reconsider.”

I sat in silence for a bit then asked, “Is this really important to you? Because I didn’t get the vibe that you were upset or that you really cared about this. Your tone of voice just now would be more consistent with getting the wrong meal at a restaurant, rather than getting passed over for a $10,000 promotion.”

Amy sighed and said, “I don’t like to get angry. I don’t want to rock the boat or be viewed as a bitch. As a kid, if I ever tried to stick up for myself my parents told me I was being difficult and sent me to my room. They told me it wasn’t appropriate for me to talk back and that I should just be grateful for whatever I was given.”


Amy’s mindset block was related to a fear of standing in her own power. Specifically, she was afraid to use the power of her voice and logic to make the case to her boss about why she deserved this promotion.

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Her early conditioning was to wait for things to be given to her, rather than to be proactive and advocate for herself.

Amy needed to let go of the idea that advocating for herself would earn her the label of “troublemaker” rather than “smart, savvy business woman.”


Recently, I heard the director of a church preschool making a plea for the congregation to spread the word about their program. “Our parents tell me all the time that we are the best kept secret in town,” she said. “And while I love hearing that, it’s not a good business model.”

It’s not a good career model to hide or downplay the skills you have. Making the case for your talents and leadership skills is a service to others. Being assertive doesn’t make you a braggart or a bitch.

Because of her upbringing, Amy had confused being assertive with being a trouble-maker. She had difficulty highlighting her own skills and making the case for her promotion because she thought she wouldn’t be “nice” anymore.

“I’ve been this way for so long that this habit of being self-effacing just seems like who I am,” Amy said. “I worry I will stop being nice or stop being ‘me’ without it.”

You don’t have to choose between being nice and being assertive. The following exercise will show you how you can be both.

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JOURNALING EXERCISE 1. Think of a situation where you have been hesitant to stand up for yourself. Is there a rule that you have made that doesn’t allow you to be assertive? Amy’s rule, “Only good girls get ahead” prevented her from asserting herself at work.

2. What meaning have you attached to breaking the rule? Amy believed she would be seen as mean or not herself if she broke her rule.

3. Does your rule originate from a place of fear or a place of leadership? 4. If your rule originates from fear, what new rule would you like to make that is rooted in leadership?

5. When you think of implementing this new rule, what is the first action-step you want to take to stand up and ask for what you want?



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Julie is a gregarious, warm woman in her late 40s who got straight to the point at the begin-ning of our Discovery Call.

“I know I have a fear of being seen,” she said. “What I don’t know is how to get rid of it. I’m a psychotherapist with 21 years of experience, and I’ve been very successful. What built my business initially was getting referrals through insurance. Now I’m ready to close my prac-tice and start a coaching business, where I won’t take insurance anymore. I need to get out in the community and market myself.

“The only problem is that I’m SCARED TO DEATH of putting myself out there. I wake up at night — heart racing and sweating all over— after nightmares where I imagine meeting with possible referral sources and they hand back my business cards and say, ‘You can keep these because I’ll never pass them on.’”

Julie almost yelled as she said, “I help other people get over fears like this. Why can’t I get over these myself? Clearly there’s something I’m missing and I need your help.”

I suggested Julie first take a deep breath to release some of her frustration. Then I asked her, “Can you remember a time when you put yourself out there and got judged or criticized for it?”

Julie was silent then said, “Nothing is coming to mind.”

“Okay, take a moment and pay attention to how you feel in your body when you imagine going out to market your new business. What are the feelings you notice in your body?”

“Tightness in my throat, a heaviness in my chest, and a queasy feeling in my stomach,” she said.

“Great job. Now, take a ‘snapshot’ of this collection of feelings. Is there any time in the past that matches this snapshot of feelings?” I asked.

More silence.

I was about to ask if she was still there when Julie broke in and said, “Junior year in high school. I turned in a science project that I had worked on for 6 weeks. I thought I did an awesome job and several friends told me they thought I had the best project in the class.

“My teacher asked me to come up to the front of the room and I thought she was going to praise my project. Instead, she ripped it to shreds and labeled it a ‘sham experiment.’ I wanted to die.”

Julie’s voice got quieter as she noted, “Right now my hands are shaking and I’m starting to feel hot and sweaty.”



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Julie knew she had a fear of being seen. But she wasn’t able to let go of the fear because she hadn’t identified the root cause of her fear.

Painful episodes from the past will continue to bleed fear like a deep cut that needs stitches until you address what happened and close up the wound.

An experience like Julie’s is an emotional ambush. You get attacked when you least expect it, and the pain of the attack is intensified by the fact you are totally defenseless.

After an attack like this, your subconscious brain will decide that the only way to protect yourself is to avoid the circumstance that created the pain. Julie’s brain had associated her negative experience at the front of the class with marketing to others in the community.


The first step in shifting away from a fear of being seen is to identify the circumstances from the painful experience that don’t have anything to do with you.

As I asked Julie more about her teacher, she recalled that the teacher frequently singled out other class members for criticism. This realization helped Julie to de-personalize her teacher’s attack, and see it the attack as a symptom of her teacher’s behavior, rather than a reflection of the quality of her work.

When Julie was able to see the attack was not really about her work, she was able to shift out of self-protective mode and start considering positive possibilities with marketing her new business.

“Julie, have you mentioned your new business to anyone outside of your friends?” I asked. “If so, what was the response?”

“Now that you mention it, I have,” she said. “And two contacts I know through the chamber of commerce have said they would be like me to develop a training program to help facilitate communication on the team and promote a more positive culture in their workplace.”

After a pause, Julie remarked, “I’ve been so worried about people saying no to me that I forgot about who has said yes.”

Shifting her mindset away from fears around what happened in the past allowed Julie to explore positive possibilities that exist for her as she makes herself more visible in the community with her marketing.

Physiologically, fear creates a narrow focus where your only purpose is surviving, rather than thriving.

As you let go of your fears of being seen, you will be able to refocus on the positive possibilities that will help you grow and thrive in your career.

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1. When you imagine putting your work out in a highly visible way (i.e.,- a big presentation for potential clients, starting a consulting business, etc.), are there any negative thoughts that come up? What are the physical sensations associated with those thoughts?

2. Can you identify a time in the past when you have felt that same combination of thoughts and physical sensations?

3. Is there something about this past experience that made you feel unsafe to “put yourself out there”?

4. As in Julie’s case, is there anything about your negative past experience that might be related to something other than the quality of your work?

5. What evidence can you find that your work is valued by others and that it could be safe and rewarding to allow your work to be highly visible?


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Let’s examine the impact of your mindset block(s) on your life in terms of some significant resources in your life: Money, Time, and Health.

Go back and look at your journal entries. For each mindset block that is affecting your life, answer the following questions, then enter your answers in the table that follows:

1. Have you lost money by not pursuing opportunities like a promotion, new clients, new product line, etc., because of this fear? List the missed opportunities and approximate cost over the past year in your journal.

2. How much time per month do you lose because of this fear?

3. Has the stress around this fear affected your health? Does it show up physically in the form of headaches, neck or back pain, stomach issues, etc.? What are the time and monetary costs associated with these issues?


Fear of Failure

Fear of Standing in Your Power

Fear of Being Seen


The total cost is the “stuck tax” of your mindset block.

Before I did this exercise, I was vaguely aware of the monetary cost of my mindset blocks. But seeing it on paper — $20,000 — was sobering.

I was also struck by how much time I lost due to illness — 12 work days — because I allowed my mindset blocks to drive me to burnout, both physically and emotionally.

Looking at my stuck tax inspired me to make some significant changes in my life. I hope this exercise does the same for you.


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Addressing mindset blocks can be challenging for two reasons.

First, it’s hard to be objective about your own situation. Or as I like to tell my clients: it’s hard to read the label on the bottle when you are in the bottle.

Second, facing down the fear that is causing your mindset block feels unnatural, even dangerous, because it seems like it’s the only thing that has been keeping you safe.

Without knowing how to heal the wounds from the past and create new beliefs to keep you safe AND help you move forward, you will continue to stay right were you are.


Over the past 4 years, I have worked with a several different coaches and I have seen first hand how the focused insights, accountability, and support that they provided have accelerated my growth and helped me achieve my goals more quickly than I ever could have on my own.

I know for sure that I wouldn’t be here now without the help of my coaches.

I would like to offer you the same help to create change now.

If you have recognized how much your mindset blocks are holding you back, and you want accountability and support to create change in your life, let’s schedule a Discovery Call.

A Discovery Call is a complimentary, 45-minute call where we discuss your current situation and goals, as well as specific action steps for you to achieve those goals.

I will make 3 personalized suggestions for you, and we can explore whether coaching would be a good fit for you.

Click here to schedule your Discovery Call today. You’ll answer a few questions, then you’ll be directed to my online calendar to make an appointment immediately.

I know it can be scary to stand at the threshold, uncertain of what’s next.

That’s why I’m here to help. Together, we will discover what’s holding you back and how to break out of the patterns you’ve been living in once and for all.

Today is the day you make a choice: Stay stuck where you are or take action to change your life.

The choice is up to you.

I’d be honored to work with you.

Let’s get started!

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Christine Springer is a mindset coach and speaker who helps women build a Leadership Mindset to create higher levels of success and fulfillment in their lives. Her clients include entrepreneurs, corporate managers, artists, and health professionals.

She also conducts workshops for corporate teams, small businesses, and professional organizations to help create higher levels of productivity, enthusiasm, and engagement in the workplace by using the principles of a Leadership Mindset.
