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The Connection - Easter

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In the Encyclopedia Britannica, there is an account of a notable experiment at Wolverhampton, England. One grain of wheat was planted and produced several distinct stalks with ears of wheat. Each grain was transplanted. The grains produced by each were again separated and transplanted. In two years 32,500 grains of wheat were produced from one single grain of wheat.

Jesus said, “Very truly, I tell you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains just a single grain; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. Those who love their life lose it, and those who hate their life in this world will keep it for eternal life.” When we come to Holy Week and experience our Palm Sunday and Maundy Thursday services, it is hard to fathom that by week’s end, on Good Friday, Jesus was crucified and placed in a tomb. How true are His words! His one sacrifice has made salvation available for all humanity. As we approach the yearly celebration of Christ’s passion, death and resurrection, let us ask ourselves if we, too, are willing to follow Christ’s example and give our lives completely to God and His service. When we die to self and rise with Christ to new life, we, too, will bear much fruit.


Christ United Methodist Churchwww.cumcsl.org




people helping people find fullness in Christ




worship • connect • grow • serve

Christ United Methodist Churchwww.cumcsl.org



On this day, Christ, their Host, gathered with them in an upper room. On this day, Christ, their Master, took a towel and washed their feet,

and told them they should do to others as He had done to them. On this day, Christ, their Lord, gave them a holy feast,

that they might eat the bread and drink the cup, and from then on proclaim His holy sacrifice,

and anticipate the day they would reign with Him in heaven. On this day, Christ, the Lamb of God,

gave Himself into the hands of those who would slay Him. On this day, Christ, the Suffering Servant,

began to suffer for them . . . and for us.

Christians everywhere meet together on Thursday evening of Holy Week to remember that Christ gathered His disciples in an upper room for a special meal before His betrayal and arrest. They celebrate that He took the bread and wine and identified them with Himself as a means for remembering Him always. They recall His commandment to love one another and consider their own devotion to Him and to all God’s children. These are the three eternal and spirit-filled gifts Christ gave us on that day that constitute His abiding and redemptive presence in His Body, the Church.

Maundy Thursday worship highlights the fellowship that took place in that upper room where the shadows of betrayal, denial, desertion, and death had already begun to gather. As we experience the same kind of fellowship around the Lord’s Table in our Sanctuary, and accept Christ’s gifts of servant leadership, the Lord’s Supper, and the commandment to love, we step into those same shadows. They fall over us and pierce our hearts and bring us under conviction for our own betrayals of His trust in us, our own denials of His presence in our lives, and our own failings to love as He commanded. Without the perspective of servant leaders, without the nurture of holy food for our souls, and without the sustaining support of mutual love, none of us would ever be able to overcome the shadows of the world.

You are invited to attend Maundy Thursday worship at 7 o’clock in the evening on March 28. Jesus Christ will be present as our Host, our Master, our Lord, the Lamb of God and the One who became a Suffering Servant on our behalf. In His presence, we will be made ready to serve, to share, and to love as He commanded us. For He will be there to humble our hearts and to strengthen and shape them for the ministry of serving in His name.


people helping people find fullness in Christworship • connect • grow • serve




Christ United Methodist Churchwww.cumcsl.org



people helping people find fullness in Christworship • connect • grow • serve



On this day, Christ, the King of Kings, is crowned with thorns,

and wears the purple robe of mockery. On this day, Christ, the Messiah, is taunted and rebuked,

and invited to think only of Himself. On this day, Christ, the son of Mary,

looks upon His mother’s pain and makes it His own. On this day, Christ, the Sinless One,

is cut off from God and handed over to the world. On this day, Christ, the Atoning Sacrifice,

gives up His life and commends His spirit to God. On this day, Christ, the Savior of the world,

endures the cross and completes the work He came to do, so we might be reconciled with God . . . forever.

Good Friday is where our Easter journey must take us. It marks the death of Jesus Christ which made possible the redemption of the whole world. The reconciliation of our relationship with God and the restoration of our eternal hope is what makes this day “good.” Its goodness invites us to renewed dedication and prayer as we recall our Savior’s perfect, self-giving love and anticipate His divine glory. Good Friday calls us to profound wonder and gratitude as we rejoice, for in the death of Jesus Christ, God willed for His children to be redeemed, reconciled, restored, and renewed.

Historically Christians have been encouraged to fast on Good Friday and to begin a twenty-four-hour prayer vigil on behalf of the needs of the Church, the community, and the world. The church is bare of all adornments except those that represent the cross and Christ’s suffering and death.

Our observance of Good Friday will include what the Church has historically referred to as the “reproaches.” Reproaches are statements that dramatize the accusations God brings against His people in light of the necessity for the passion and death of His Son. They ask questions that reveal our own rebellion and complicity in Christ’s suffering and in the sufferings of the world. Scriptural images recall God’s hand in history as the Israelites failed over and over again to keep their end of the covenant relationship. Through them we are reminded God’s hand is still raised against faithlessness. They will call us to repent.

You are encouraged to attend Good Friday worship at 7 o’clock in the evening on March 29. Jesus Christ will be present as our King, our Messiah, and our Savior. In His presence, we will be able to look upon His suffering and remember how He suffered for our sakes, no matter how averse we are to looking at His pain. In His presence, we will confront our need for a Savior and our hand in His suffering. When we go with Him through His suffering, He will forgive us so that His divine glory might shine even brighter in our lives on Easter morning.


Christ United Methodist Churchwww.cumcsl.org



PALM SUNDAY, MARCH 248:15, 9:45 & 11:05 AM • SANCTUARY 11 AM • the hub



EASTER SUNDAY, MARCH 318:00, 9:30, AND 11:00 AM • SANCTUARY 9:00 AND 11:00 AM • the hub


people helping people find fullness in Christ




worship • connect • grow • serve

Christ United Methodist Churchwww.cumcsl.org



“Why did Jesus have to die?” This is a question that the holy season of Lent almost always brings to mind. United Methodists recognize that Christ’s death on the cross made it possible for us to be reconciled with God. We believe His suffering and death made things right between God and all of humankind. We proclaim that He died so that we might be saved!

When Methodists raise this question, we remind ourselves to acknowledge what Jesus Himself said in John 10:17-18: “For this reason the Father loves me, because I lay down my life in order to take it up again. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it up again. I have received this command from my Father.” The point is Jesus was not forced to lay down His life; He chose to do so. And He chose to do so for us and for our salvation.

We also look at what has traditionally been taught us. Article II of our Methodist Articles of Religion states in part (in 18th century language): “. . . Christ, very God and very Man, who truly suffered, was crucified, dead and buried, to reconcile his Father to us, and to be a sacrifice, not only for original guilt, but also for actual sins of men.” Words such as sacrifice, original guilt, and actual sins may be difficult for us to understand completely without significant prayer and an understanding of the teachings of the Church. However, the essential meaning for Christians and for Methodists is that Christ’s suffering, death, and resurrection were in God’s plan all along. Since the days in the Garden, God has wanted nothing more than to be one with His creation. Our Methodist understanding is that what Christ did for us made this at-one-ment possible, finally bringing back together what had once been broken apart by human sinfulness.

There are several theories of atonement in Christianity, and United Methodist congregations vary in the emphasis they put on each. The ransom theory, not so widespread, is that humans were held hostage by evil/devil and had to be ransomed in order to be returned to God (see 1 Timothy 2:1-6). Somewhat contrary to this theory is the interpretation that while Jesus’ death demonstrated the influence and power of evil in the world, His resurrection proclaimed the ultimate defeat of evil and death. Without His death there would be no victory in His resurrection (see Colossians 2:8-15). Another understanding of atonement is that in anger over human sinfulness, God required a sacrifice. Since humans were too sinful to offer a sacrifice that would be pleasing to God, Christ made Himself the offering on our behalf. Saint Paul seemed to prefer this understanding in Romans 5:15-21. Finally there is an understanding of atonement that stresses the moral influence of God’s love in Christ for us – and on us. Christ gave Himself out of love for His disciples and for us, and so we are moved by that same love to accept the salvation He offers (see 1 Peter 2:18-25). By His wounds, we are loved and healed.

Obviously there is scriptural support for each of these understandings of atonement. Though Methodists may discuss the fine points of each of the theories, leading some among us to resonate more closely with one understanding/interpretation than another, we are all in agreement that Jesus had to die so we might be saved.

You’re invited to pray about these things, meditate upon these Scriptures, and attend our Holy Week worship services so that God’s Holy Spirit might bear witness to your spirit how it is you have been saved and what that salvation means in your life as you encounter a Risen Christ on Easter morning.

We will be publishing periodic articles on our United Methodist heritage and beliefs. If you have a topic you would like addressed, please send your requests

to Karen LaMotta at [email protected].



What Methodists Believe about Easter

people helping people find fullness in Christworship • connect • grow • serve



My world being turned upside down all began at Foundation Camp, a Christian camp for incoming freshmen and transfer students. It is supposed to give you a solid group of people you can turn to when things get rough during your first year, and also to show you that you don’t have to party and go crazy in college. Although I didn’t even really want to go, and I had completely different intentions for my college career, God rocked my world. He showed me what it was like to be an 18-year-old and completely devoting my life to Christ. There I learned more about Raider Sisters for Christ, a sorority centered around the Gospel that teaches girls how to become true women of God. The September informational meeting came along, and I felt really called to rush. I would have never guessed that would be the beginning of such a great adventure. I was blessed with 34 wonderful pledge sisters, 45 active sisters, and one amazing mentor who pushed me in ways I had never been pushed before. With Sunday night pledge meetings, Monday night chapter, and 6 AM Bible studies, my life was transformed and I couldn’t be more blessed or thankful. I have never seen God work so much in my life before.

As the semester went on, I began to feel a disconnect with my sisters, so I started doing my own thing. I soon became very close to 7 of the girls in my hallway. Before I knew it, I was a part of their friend group, and I realized why I had felt that disconnect. God was placing me in these girls’ lives to set an example and push them toward Christ. After a few weeks of hanging out all the time, and a bit of drama sprouting up, I decided to approach them about starting a Bible study. Now, every Sunday night, we sit down and I lead a study for all of us. My goal is to make us closer on a Christ-centered level, and to work on becoming a leader in preparation for my internship with the church this summer. Although my semester has just begun, I can tell it is going to be all about growth, friendship, and opportunity. I cannot wait to see what the Lord has in store for me.

LIVING MY FAITHBY ALI JARED Welcome Our Newest Members!

















Christ United Methodist Churchwww.cumcsl.org





CELEBRATING HOLY COMMUNION • All services, every first Sunday • Every Sunday in the Chapel, 8 to 8:15 am • Every Sunday in the hub, 11:15 to 11:30 am

PALM SUNDAY PARADESUNDAY, MARCH 24 • ALL MORNING WORSHIP SERVICES SANCTUARY & the hubPalm Sunday, also known as Passion Sunday, begins one of the most important weeks in the worship life of the church. We remember Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem as we wave palm branches and sing those songs that re-tell the story of how most of the people shouted “Hosanna” while others were setting in motion those things that would lead to His crucifixion. The sermon for the day will be based on Luke 19:28-40, and will be entitled “Over the Rocks.” All the children of the church will be invited to join in a processional parade, and there will be special music in the services. Please check with the Children’s Choir ministry for coordination details on the children’s parade. You’re invited to bring others with you to worship (always), to take a palm branch and join in singing “Hosanna,” to consider what was about to happen in Jesus’ life, and to thank Him for the love, grace, and forgiveness which makes every one of our celebrations of worship an Easter celebration. We are God’s Easter People! Come, join in the parade!

MARCH HEALING PRAYER WORSHIP SERVICETUESDAY, MARCH 12 • 7 PM • SANCTUARYSometimes the burdens of life weigh heavy on our hearts. Grief can overwhelm us and chronic pain can sap our spiritual strength. Yet God has promised we will not be given more than we can bear. Our regular monthly Healing Prayer worship services provide an opportunity to be assured of God’s promises and to encounter the healing power of Jesus Christ’s own presence. We meet at the Lord’s Table, share in His holy meal, then kneel for prayer. God welcomes all needs, all suffering, all pain. This service is open to the entire community.

MAUNDY THURSDAY WORSHIP SERVICETHURSDAY, MARCH 28 • 7 PM • SANCTUARYThis special remembrance of Jesus’ last supper with His disciples will help us recall His commandment to love. At this service we’ll be strengthened to love and serve in His name.

GOOD FRIDAY WORSHIP SERVICEFRIDAY, MARCH 29 • 7 PM • SANCTUARY & the hubGood Friday calls us to profound wonder and gratitude as we rejoice in the redemption made possible in Christ’s death. This special service will prepare us for a glorious Easter celebration.EASTER LILY SALES NOW THROUGH MARCH 17

MINISTRY CENTER TABLEForms may be found in the pew pockets. Please complete form, attach it to your payment ($10) and drop both in the box at the Ministry Center table. You may also bring orders to Sandy in the front office.





A SERVICE OF PSALMSMARCH 3 • 5 PM • SANCTUARYMarch 3 at 5 pm Festival Choir and Orchestra will present “A Service of Psalms” featuring Leonard Bernstein’s, Chichester Psalms and a variety of other anthems. Our special guest soloist will be the fabulous Barbara Tucker. This concert was planned in conjuction with our journey through the Bible in 90 days. Please join us for the beautiful program. This is a free concert and will conclude with a light reception.

people helping people find fullness in Christworship • connect • grow • serve





For a full listing of activities and ways you can get involved at Christ Church, please visit



SENIOR RINGERS MONDAYS • 6 PM • CHOIR ROOMThis musical opportunity is available to all interested persons, especially Older Adults. It offers a place to learn, serve and fellowship through the art of ringing chimes or handbells under the direction of Molly Ness. No experience is necessary. The group is still accepting new members, and requests for ringers to perform in the community during the day have already been coming in. To join this ensemble, contact Molly Ness at 281.344.8343.

FAMILY PROMISELooking for a place to serve in 2013? Consider Family Promise, a program that reaches out to families displaced from their homes by providing them with a temporary place to stay, right here at Christ Church. Rotations occur one week each quarter. Over 300 volunteer hours are logged in during each rotation, so your help is needed! Serve behind the scenes by providing supplies, setting up and breaking down the rooms, doing laundry, and providing meals. Allow some families in need to experience Christian love in the new year by extending to them some Christ Church hospitality! Contact Kira Halcarz at 832.654.9356 or [email protected].

ONE DOLLARDid you know that all the single dollar bills that you put in the offering plate will go to help those in need? We call them “Mission Dollars.” Throughout the year, the Christ Church Mission Committee receives hundreds of requests for assistance and they prayerfully consider where each and every dollar should go. Sunday is an opportunity to gather all your one dollar bills and compassionately reach out to people and also teach our children about Christ’s directive to help the poor. So save your dollars and live out Matthew 25:40.

ONE GREAT HOUR OF SHARING MARCH 10 • ONE SUNDAY TO COLLECT FOR UNITED METHODIST COMMITTEE ON RELIEF (UMCOR)Sunday, March 10 has been designated by the United Methodist Church as the Sunday to lift up and support the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) which aids in ministries of food, shelter, health and peace in the United States and throughout the world. Gifts on this one Sunday will underwrite UMCOR’s “costs of doing business.” That helps them keep their promise that 100 percent of every other gift you make to a specific UMCOR project can be spent on that project instead of administrative costs. Mission Dollars collected on March 10 will also be designated for this One Great Hour of Sharing for UMCOR. If you would like to contribute by check, please write “One Great Hour” in the memo line and/or you can put all your single $1 bills in the offering plate on the 10th.

TAKE THE FEINSTEIN CHALLENGE!For the 16th year, philanthropist Alan Shawn Feinstein will divide $1 million proportionately among hunger-fighting agencies throughout the country who accept his challenge. All donations (cash, checks and food items) made to the East Fort Bend Human Needs Ministry during March and April will be counted as part of this great Challenge. The more donations made to EFBHNM, the more of the Feinstein $1 million the ministry will get. Please help us lessen hunger in East Fort Bend County by making a donation during the months of March and April. Checks can be made out to CUMC; note EFBHNM in the memo line. Place non-perishable food item donations in the EFBHNM bin downstairs at the Collection Corner. Food items will be valued at $1.00 per item.



TUESDAYS AT 11 AM • FRIDAYS AT 9:30 AM • FLC ROOMS 302/303Put on some comfortable clothes and try out this gentle exercise class. Participants are encouraged to be fit by practicing flexibility, balance, range of motion, strength, and breathing. A Scripture is shared and class ends with a quiet time of prayer. Monthly fee for 1 day a week is $15; 2 days a week is $30.

SAGE WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13 • NOON • ROOMS 11/12Christ Church and Sugar Land Methodist Hospital work together to present monthly seminars where specialists will come with a presentation about their field, preventive medicine recommendations, and the latest news in treatment options.

LOST AND FOUND ARTICLES SUNDAYS IN THE MINISTRY CENTERWe will have items collected in our Lost and Found in the Ministry Center March 3 to March 17. Unclaimed items will be donated to East Fort Bend Human Needs Ministry.

SPRING FORWARD!Don’t forget to spring forward! Move your clocks ahead one hour Saturday night, March 9, so you’ll be on time for the services and classes you want to attend.

PLEASE OBSERVE FIRE LANESFor safety and to avoid a possible ticket, please NO Parking in fire lanes at Christ Church. Additional parking is available on the overflow grass area behind our main lot and across the street.

Christ United Methodist Churchwww.cumcsl.org



ENCORE!WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6 • 11 AM - 1:30 PM SANCTUARY AND GATHERING HALLJoin us for an informative presentation, The Show Me City, by Stacie Walker, public information manager for Missouri City. Worship is at 11 am in the Sanctuary followed by a fellowship meal in the Gathering Hall. The program will be in the Sanctuary after lunch. $7 donation. Pre-registration is required for the meal and closes March 3. Reserve your space by emailing [email protected].


MEN’S LUNCHTHURSDAY, MARCH 14 • 11:30 AM • SPRING CREEK BBQMen of all ages, join the Older Adult Men for lunch and fellowship at Spring Creek BBQ. This is a wonderful cross-generational event as well as a great way to find out what is going on in our community and beyond.GAME DAYWEDNESDAY, MARCH 27 • 10:30 AM - 1 PM • ROOMS 11/12Want to play? Invite a friend, bring a sack lunch and gather with us for some fun. We play a variety of games, including Bridge and Mexican Train. Lunch includes a roundtable discussion of Scripture and faith.

WHEN WE NEED GOD’S LOVE MOSTWhen do we need God’s love most? Of course we need that love every second of our lives. But at times God’s love is especially precious to us; times when: we lose a loved one; life becomes so confusing that we do not know where to turn; we suddenly become a primary caregiver; or life just becomes meaningless and depression sets in. At times like these, it is very important to have someone who cares. Our congregation has trained lay people, called Stephen Ministers, who offer a ministry of confidential Christian caring here at Christ Church. For further information, contact Stephen Ministry Referrals Coordinator Sally McKnight at 713.306.1719. NEW MEMBER CLASS3 CONSECUTIVE SUNDAYS BEGINNING ON APRIL 7 5:30 - 8 PM • GATHERING HALL AND VOLUNTEER CENTEROne of Christ Church’s main values is “Connected Community,” where we nurture relationships with one another and Jesus Christ. If you are ready to learn more about Christ Church and what we believe, please join us for our next New Member Class. During this fun and informative class, you will: Visit with pastors, staff and ministry leaders, make new friends, discover the vision of Christ Church in our community, and learn how you can become involved in the life of the church and its ministries. There is no fee to attend, and childcare is available. Once this class has concluded, we hope you will choose to become a member of our church family. Register online, at the Welcome Center, or by contacting Benita Sebesta at [email protected].

SECOND ANNUAL FATHER-DAUGHTER DANCE SATURDAY, APRIL 13, FROM 5 TO 8 PMAll fathers (and father-figures) are invited along with their little girls (age 4 through 5th grade). Price is $27 per father/father-figure and $10 per daughter/girl. Price includes dinner, corsage, photograph, and dancing. Online reservations can be made at www.cumcsl.org. Space is limited and reservations are requested by April 5, 2013; please no walk-ins. Sponsored by Children’s Ministry. Contact: Kim Ripley at [email protected] or 281.690.4765.

POWERFUL TOOLS FOR CAREGIVERSPowerful Tools for Caregivers is an educational program designed to equip family caregivers with effective self-care tools. This program focuses on the caregiver, not the care recipient. You will benefit from this class whether you are helping a parent, child, spouse, friend, neighbor, as well as someone who lives at home, in a nursing home or across the country. This six-week course meets once per week at Christ Church starting on March 14. For more information regarding the Powerful Tools for Caregivers class and to register, contact Leah Doyle at 832.380.5535 or [email protected].


PUT IT IN WRITINGTUESDAY, MARCH 12 • 3 PM • CHURCH LIBRARYTHURSDAY, MARCH 28 • 10 AM • CHURCH LIBRARYOur lives are full of stories. One way to secure those memories for ourselves and future generations is to “put it in writing.” Jan Randolph will lead this monthly writers’ workshop designed to instruct, inspire, encourage and support participants in the writing process. Our explorations will include (but not necessarily be limited to) memoirs, journal writing, prayer journals, faith stories, family narratives, and poetry. Just bring paper and pencil and your mind full of stories.

ONE ROOM BOOK CLUBWEDNESDAY, MARCH 20 • 9 AM • VOLUNTEER CENTERThis group meets once a month to discuss a book chosen at the previous meeting. The book to be discussed at the March meeting is An Invisible Thread by Laura Schroff. If you enjoy reading and conversation about books, you are invited to join Book Club.

2013 SUMMER CAMPS FOR KIDSHey, kids … if you’re age 3 through first grade, come join us this summer for camp! This year’s themes are: God’s Wonderful World of Imagination, Biblical Bugs, God Created the Heavens and the Earth, and Exciting Experiments in God’s World. For camp details and online registration, visit www.cumcsl.org/children. Contact Kim Ripley at [email protected] or 281.690.4765.

OFF THE BENCH SPORTS CAMP Children’s Ministries is excited that UW Sports Ministry will be returning to Christ Church this summer! Camp dates are July 8 through July 12. The Ministry team provides quality coaching while sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Football is available for boys currently in 2nd through 5th grades. Soccer is available for boys and girls currently in K through 5th grades. Cheer is available for girls currently in K through 5th grades. Basketball is available for girls and boys currently in 2nd through 5th grades (limited space). A special Team 45 Camp is available for children that will be age 4 or 5 by camp date. Camp time is 5 - 8:15 pm. Cost is $65. For online registration visit the children’s page at www.cumcsl.org/children. Sign up today!! If you are a youth or adult and have an interest in sports and/or children, this is a great SERVE opportunity for you. We need volunteers for the following areas: Coaching, Prayer, Registration, Security, Snack and Team 45. Contact Kim Ripley at [email protected] or 281.690.4765.

CHRIST CHURCH SCHOOL REGISTRATION FEBRUARY 25 • 8:30 AM • CHRIST CHURCH SCHOOL OFFICERegistration for the 2013-2014 school year for Christ Church members will be on Monday, February 25 at 8:30 am in the school office. For further information, contact Beth or Becky at 281.980.2582.

people helping people find fullness in Christworship • connect • grow • serve



VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 2013 MONDAY, JUNE 24 - FRIDAY, JUNE 28 • 9:15 AM TO 12:15 PMIt’s about time for your kids to strap on their shields, put on their crowns and let their imaginations go wild! Christ Church will be transforming into “Kingdom Rock” for 5 days, “Where Kids Stand Strong for God.” At Kingdom Rock, your kids and their friends will participate in memorable Bible-learning activities, sing catchy songs, play teamwork-building games, dig into yummy treats, experience epic Bible adventures, test out sciency-fun gizmos, and create crafts all week they’ll be able to bring home and share with the family. Plus, kids will learn to look for evidence of God all around them through something called God Sightings. Our 5th graders will participate in a God-inspired mission, and they’ll foster their gifts of service in these 5 days of VBS. Friday afternoon concludes with Fanfare Finale celebration that gets everyone involved in living out what he or she has learned. Family and friends are encouraged to join in this special time! Kingdom Rock is for kids from 4 years old (as of September, 1, 2012) to 5th grade. If you have children younger than 4, no problem! VBS cannot happen without our faithful volunteers, and your preschoolers will also participate at most every station as the big kids! Youth are absolutely encouraged to volunteer—the kids love seeing your faces every day! So sign up today—you and your kids—at www.cumcsl.org/children. Registration is $25 per child. If you have any questions, please contact Ingred Lathrop at 281.690.4748 or Kim Ripley at 281.690.4765.

We’ll see you and your kids “Stand Strong for God” at Kingdom Rock this summer!

on facebook & twitter412sugarlandyouth



CRUSADERSThis class is composed of singles and couples of all ages with a participatory format and Bible-based studies. Meets in the Bride’s Room.9:45 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSESADVENTURERSThis class consists of couples in their 30’s - 50’s, with children of all ages. This group is a discussion-oriented class studying a variety of Biblical topics. We use study guides, videos, guest speakers and music to enhance our studies. Meets in room 302/303 in the Family Life Center.BARNABASThis class is a friendly community consisting of adults in their 40’s - 60’s united by a shared belief in Christ, seeking and providing encouragement to one another through prayer, Bible study, topical studies and lots of fellowship. Meets in the Chapel.CELEBRATE SINGLES SUNDAY SCHOOLAll singles are invited to join us. Meets in room 309 in the Family Life Center. COUPLES FOR CHRISTThis class consists of married couples in their 20’s - 40’s with or without children. It is a relaxed, yet engaging class that provides Christ-centered fellowship, support, and opportunities for service. Meets in the Bride’s Room (across from Sanctuary).GRACE ABOUNDSAll ages and stages of life are welcome (married, single, single on Sunday). This class has a participatory rather than lecture format. We love a great discussion! Study facilitators rotate among interested class members. Meets in room 301 in the Family Life Center.GRACE NOTESThis class is composed of choir members who love to study God’s word and discuss relevant issues. Meets in the Choir Room.H.O.P.E. 24/7 (HEAR OUR PRAYERS EVERYDAY 24/7)Our name reflects our focus on prayer. Discussion-oriented studies cover a range of topics to encourage spiritual growth. Socials and missions round out our activities for members, ages 40’s - 70’s. Meets in room 311 in the Family Life Center.JUBILEEThis class is made up of mature individuals, ages 50+ who enjoy the fellowship of others and share in the nourishment gained from Bible-based studies. Lively discussions abound under the leadership of Jan Randolph. Meets in rooms 11/12.SEEKERSThis is a class of mixed ages with couples, singles, and single on Sundays that concentrates on Bible study, missions and lively discussion. Meets in room 308 in the Family Life Center.TGIS (THANK GOD IT’S SUNDAY)This class is made up of couples and singles of all ages who enjoy lively discussion and fellowship. Topics range from Bible study to contemporary issues and books. Meets in the Scout Shack.WEAVERSThis class is made up of marrieds and singles, ages 55+, dedicated to Bible study, fellowship and service. This class is very mission-oriented. Meets in the Library (upstairs across from the Sanctuary).WOMEN’S CLASSThis class is made up of women of all ages whether married, single, widowed or divorced. We primarily do Bible-based studies and various service projects. Meets in room 307 in the Family Life Center.YOUNG ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL Primarily for college and career aged, 18-29. Meets in room 310 in the Family Life Center.


SUNDAYS • 5 - 8 PM • GYMAll middle school & high school youth are invited to join us in the Family Life Center Gym every Sunday night from 5 - 8 pm. During that time we will have dinner, games, worship and Bible study. Our youth worship service begins at 6 pm. Bring $2, and enjoy dinner with us.

412 - THE ENCOUNTER • WEDNESDAYS • 6:30 - 8 PM • CHAPELHigh school students are invited to this weekly Bible study, Wednesday evenings from 6:30 - 8 pm in the Chapel.




people helping people find fullness in Christworship • connect • grow • serve







PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS . . . Erin Meier, Gina Evoritt’s friend, Candy Chowdhury’s friend, Bill Guffey’s niece, Bill & Cindy Finley’s friend, Melodie Irvin’s mother, Lisa Warren’s sister, Andrew Thummel, Riki

Haase’s sister, Richard & Karen West, Shelton Herbert, Herb Krog’s son, Linda Lockwood & her niece, Carl Wright, Carol Ryan’s father, Carol Ryan’s grandchildren, Loreli Anderson’s sister, Susan Brubaker’s best friend, Pat Mathews & Way Mathews’ mother, Gina Evoritt’s friend, Candy Chowdhury’s friend, Cheryl Herrington’s father, Mary Jo Jared’s friend’s daughter, Carla Rozario’s daughter, Denise Zimmer’s granddaughter, Beth & Jim Woodfins’ friend, Michelle Brumley’s aunt & grandmother, Lisa Short’s co-worker, Ron Floyd’s friend, Ellen Millard’s uncle, Dovie Alford, Stacy Howdeshell’s friend, Renee Teel’s friend & friend’s mother, Stacey Adams’ parents, Lisa Short’s co-worker, Gary Taylor, Joyce Cochran, and all those serving in the military.

JOYS . . . Mary Jo Jared’s friend’s daughter; Katherine Williams; Jessica Ferrey’s father; Brenda DeBlance; Paul & Ardel Stimson’s sister-in-law; Tracye Han’s mother; DeWitt Morrow; Vickie Malinowski; Pat Homeyer’s mother;

Chad Mavity’s sister’s step daughter-in-law; Chad Mavity’s aunt; Elaine Racer’s son; Bill & Cindy Finley’s grandson; Bill Finley’s friend; Cindy Finley; Ed Scanlin; Denise Zimmer’s granddaughter; Debbie MacDonald’s mother; Liz

Williams’ mother; Georgia Trudeau; Cheryl Thomas; Jean Kwik CHRIST CHURCH EXTENDS ITS SYMPATHY TO . . . Diane Keller on the death of her friend; Robin Mallett on the death

of her stepfather; Richard Jordan on the death of his uncle; Susan Brubaker on the death of her best friend’s mother; Missy Thompson on the death of her grandfather; Susan Brubaker on the death of her friend; Tom & Gael Bittenbender on the death

of their friend; Lori Matthews and family on the death of her cousin; Catha Ivy on the death of her mother.

SHARE YOUR JOYS AND CONCERNS WITH USYour pastoral staff and leaders of Christ Church’s Member Care Ministries want to share in your joys and concerns. You might not know this, but hospitals do not contact churches

– even when you give them your church name, address, and contact information. Part of this is due to HIPPA laws. So whether you’re about to enter the hospital or you’re celebrating the birth of a baby, please call Sandy White in the church office at 281.980.6888. She will forward your message to the pastors and appropriate member care ministry leaders.

CHRIST CHURCH STAFF Rev. Mike Mayhugh, Senior Pastor Rev. Linda Summers Pierce, Executive Associate Pastor Rev. Jason Nelson, Associate Pastor Karen LaMotta, Executive Director - CONNECT MinistriesRoland Huysman, Executive Director - Operations Lisa Mayhugh, Director - 412 Youth MinistriesIngred Lathrop, Director - Children’s MinistriesJan Randolph, Director - Older Adult MinistriesLahonda Sharp, Director - Music & Fine ArtsRenee Teel, Director - Mission Ministries Tricia Baltazar, Coordinator - GROW MinistriesBeth Carter, Director - Christ Church School

For a complete staff listing, please visit our website at www.cumcsl.org/staff


PALM SUNDAY, MARCH 248:15, 9:45 & 11:05 AM • SANCTUARY 11 AM • the hub



EASTER SUNDAY, MARCH 318:00, 9:30, AND 11:00 AM • SANCTUARY 9:00 AND 11:00 AM • the hub

