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Oakdale By MRS. DONALD MAHNKEN ..„.__ ^_ LT 9-0378 Craig and David Covic were the guests of honor at a birth- day party held last Saturday at their Bartley Lane home. Those present included the Rev. and Mrs. Howard Olive and their children , Paul and Pam; Joseph and Michael Bonkoski , Wan en Crew, Kevin Hanck , David All- bee, Dwight Devlin , Chester Pierce , Mark Palumbo and Cindy Covic. Mr. and Mrs. George Hlavaty, Mr. and Mrs . Frank Korinek , Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Britt , Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beakes, IV, r. and Mrs. Alfred Covic , Mrs. i- M. Nelson , Joseph Mullins and Joseph Bonkoski were present at the appreciation dinner for den mothers of Cub Scout Pack 139 held last Thursday evening at Bronco Charlie ' s restaurant. For free pick up and delivery of all prescriptions call your Liggett-Rexall Drug Store, Oak- dale-Sayville Shopping Plaza at LT 9-2544. 98tf Louis Bodanyi Jr. a member of the Connetquot School Board , will be the guest speaker at next Monday evening ' s meeting of the Oakdale-West Sayville Republican Club which will be held at the West Sayville Fire House at 8:30 o' clock. Mr. Bo- danyi will speak about budget problems in the Connetquot dis- trict , and the general problems facing schools on Long Island. The following names were omitted last week in the list of Cubs who won awards at the May pack meeting of Pack 139: David Covic , Arthur Wilzman , Michael Redding Michael Pow- ers, Thomas Britt , Joseph Mul- lins, Thomas Shedlick, Leslie Nelson and Richard Lamanno. Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Cisek ot 18 Colony Drive drove lo Brockport University over the weekend and returned with theii son , David , who has com- pleted his freshman year at the university. Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mahnken and their six children of Washington Avenue attended a family reunion at the Rich- mond Hill home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gundel. Limited openings are now available for new memberships in Land's End Beach and Tennis Club. Please contact John Burke , LT 9-1888. tf Flowers on tbe altar of St. John ' s Episcopal Church Sun- day were a gift Of the Altar Guild in honor of members of the armed forces for Memorial Day. A pool party was held Mon- day afternoon at the Shore Drive home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kalloneck. Guests in- cluded Mr. and Mrs. Vincent O'Connell , Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kalmbach , Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fernandez, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Caldwell , Mr. and Mrs. Robert Becker and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Iocca. Personal loans for all worth while purposes at bank rates are just one of the many hank- ing services at your "One Stop Bank" Oystermen' s. tf May 23rd Daniel Kelly Pro- vost , infant son of Mr. and Mrs. James J. Provost nf 131 Locust Avenue , was christened at St. John Nepomucene ' s R.C. Church in Bohemia by the Rev. Daniel J. Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Provost were the godparents. Miss Lucille Abate of 550 Ocean Avenue was a bridesmaid Sunday at the wedding of her cousin , Miss Marie Abate and Ralph Mannetta at St. Francis of Paola Church in Brooklyn. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Abate and Angelo Basilic&to of Hempstead also attended the wedding and the reception which was held at the Huntington Town House. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Radico of Philadelphia , Pa. and Mrs. Marco Miele of Havertown , Pa., were guests over the weekend at'"tht Ocean Avenue home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Abate. Miss Carolyn Kenney of 139 Brook Street 'has spent all bev spare time during the past week collecting for the Cancer Cru- sade in the northern section of Oakdale. Miss Kenney was hop- ing to find some volunteers to help her but when she could not she did the entire job by her- self. Some 5% million American homes now have some form of air-conditioning—an increase of 211 of a million during the past year. To sell this growing mark- et , manufacturers invested near- ly $2 million in newspaper ad- vertising in 1858. _____________ r_i r- -^ / ^^ ] ' ' "*I SK. Husa"* Trovtl-AbHIty rY& ' / Y i \\-1\ SpM-ltr Stl-Up yY& aYts 77 "¦ i I—Jt - VJL __SV Supremt Comfort m ^MA D~ w STh KING-SIZE! ^JK^I I F pP E-Z KAMPER ^i.\^^ iX^&^ esc ^ en '' BB TTI^-M 1^ ; *^S> FAMIIY CAMPER Bafl- -J«jj^k Tenl lizei 8 x 12 II. SUapi 6 odulli Fold-down . n^MPV ^l tcrttn top door Excellent ventilation— 6 largi Wi\ j^ll windowi 2tpp«r«d florin fla|pi Entranet slop. E-Z (Camper' s most popular (amily-ilio camper. Rugged, easy-traveling, super-comfortable and weatherproof. Two- tone pearl gray and fore it green army duck top. r Also available- E-M' s Soortv "Jet Stream " modeK KING SIZE and sparkling new for '65. Gleaming red and white striped tent with aluminum body; fold- down screened aluminum door with FIber-glas* top; fold-away step. Sleeps 6 aaulrs , off-the-ground. Your I castle away from bomel Select YOUR Camper Today... GO Tomorrow/ Tom O'Connor " s Montauk Hi ghway TD A ¦ I ____ ¦ B .1? We5t Sayville, New York NAILERS LT 9 J W17 Sales Rental - Equipment Day - Night Oakdale Date Book Board of Education—-Monday! at eight p. m., in the adminis- tration building on Sycamore Avenue in Bohemia. Oakdale Civic Association- Second Thursday of the month at 8:30 p. m. at the Montauk Highway SchooL Connetquot Civic Association —Second Wednesday, 8:30 p. m.. Sycamore Avenue School. Girl Scout Neighborhood- Second Wednesdays at 8:15 p. m. at the Oakdale Fire House. Oakdale Lions Club, second and fourth Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. at Broncho Charlie' s. Good Samaritan Hospital Guild Every third Thursday of the month, 8:15 p. m., Com- munity House, Gillette Avenue, Sayville. Oakdale Southside Hospital Auxiliary every second Monday, at the Oakdale Fire House at noon. Great South Bay Democratic Club Third Wednesday of month at Oakdale Plaza Room at 8:30 p. m. John F. Kennedy Democratic Club Last Wednesdays ol each month at 8:30 p. m. at Oakdale- ~ West Sayville Fire- house on Montauk Highway in Oakdale. Boy Scout Troop 268 of Oak- dale—Every Friday, 7-9 p. m., Montauk Highway School Audi- torium. Little League Second Mon- day of every month , in the Sy- camore Avenue School in Bo- hemia at 8:30 p. m. Alcoholics Anonymous Monday, 8:30 p. m. Sunday School rooms, St. Ann' s Church , Sayville. Mother ' s Club of St John Wednesday following the third Sunday of each month at 8:30 p. m. St. John ' s School auditor- ium. , , Oakdale-B oliemia Parent- Teacher ' s Organization—Fourth Thursday of every month at Sycamore Avenue School in Bo- hemia at 8:15 p. m. Sportsmen' s Club First Thursday, 8:30 p. m. , . Snapper Inn. Id' ) Hour Taxpayer ' s Asso- ciation First Wednesday of each month, 8:30 p. m. at the clubhouse. Exchange Club of West Say- ville-Oakdale-Bohemia first and fourth Wednesday, seven p. m., Bronco Charlie' s Restaurant. Men ' s Garden Club of Long Island , second Thursday of each month , in club room of-Bayard Cutting Arboretum in Oakdale, at eight p. m. Cub Scout Pack 139 meets third Wednesday of the month at the Montauk Highway School at 7:15 p. m. Committee meet- ing the second Monday of the month at the Oakdale Fire House at eight p. m. Charlotte Guild of St John ' s Episcopal Church First Thurs- day of the month at St. John ' s Parish House at eight p. m. The Ronkonkomas By MBS. EDWARD HAZARD JUnlper 8-6221 Linda Ann McDonald , daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mc- Donald of Easion Street , was baptized Sunday afternoon of last week by the Rev. John A. Heffernan in St. Joseph' s R , C. Church. Miss Rosemary McDon- ald of Ronkonkoma , an aunt of the baby, is godmother and John McDonald of Ronkonkoma , an uncle was proxy for another uncle, Richard Boeke of Fort Worth , Tex., the godfather , who was unable to be present. Lin- da Ann has a brother Frank and a sister, April. After the baptismal ceremony Mr. and Mrs.McDonald entertained about 40 guests. Mr. and Mrs. James Bryant and daughters Barbara ' Lynn and Pamela Ann , of Patchogue Road , spent the holiday weekend in Maine. The first Annual Communion Supper sponsored by the Catho- lic Daughters of America, Court St. Joseph, held on May 24, was a success. Sister O'Brien and Sister Nesser from the Cenacle Convent were guest speakers. Mrs. Alice Roeckel was chair- man of the Supper. On Sunday the afternoon group with the Rosary-Altar Society will hold a reception for the Rev. James C. Bowman in the school audi- torium. He will celebrate his first mass in St. Joseph's Church on Sunday. Donald E M^urer , son of Mr . and Mrs. Frank J. Maurer of Ronald Court , has been accept- ed as a member of "the Class of 1969 at Clarkson College of Technology, Potsdam. He will graduate from Sachem High School this month and in Sep- tember enter the freshman class at Clarkson where he plans to major in chemical engineering. Miss Marilyn Phulhdes , a sec- ond grade teacher in the Lyn- wood Avenue School , left the Sachem school distrirt last week to return to her home in Massa- chusetts where she will be mar- ried June 12. The future bride- groom is serving with the arm- ed forces and will be sent to Germany at the end of his fur- lough. He will be accompanied by his bride and they will live abroad. Mrs. Elfrieda Engert of Bell- more was a guest last week of Mrs. Charles L. Davis Sr. o{ Carroll Avenue. Mrs. Engert and her husband , the la, te Arthur Engert, lived on Cherry Street here for many years and were instrumental in the found- ing of Holy Cross Lutheran Church. Mrs. Engert celebrated her 81st birthday June first. Mr. and Mrs. Frank DcSimonc of New York spent the holiday weekend with their daughter in- law, Mrs. Frank DeSimone Jr. and her sons, of Peter Road. Philip J. Linquiti Sr. of Ack- erly Lane received national ac- claim when his photograph "Gioelli De Mamma " was select- ed for the May cover of The Pro- fessional Photographers of AmerHoa. The photograph , showing a mother and twins , was reproduced in the original blue- tone of the print which received top honors in the 1965 annual exhibition of professional photo- graphy sponsored by the Profes- sional Photographers of Ameri- ca. The print has become part of their Loan Collection and .till be exhibited throughout lm. United States on request . The recent car wash sponsor- ed by the Boy Scouts of St. Joseph' s R. C. Church was a success. The "boys were supervis- ed by Scout officials , Edward Seltman, Joseph Ruggeri o, Robert Rottmann and Harold DeRienzo. On Tuesday night , Parents Night was observed by their meeting. Next Tuesday evening it will be Father and Son night. Alan Johnson Atzberger , son of Mr. and Mrs. John Atzberger of Audubon Street: Keith Steven Briggs , son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Briggs of Maple Street and Colleen Gay Foltmann , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Foltmann of Smith Street were baptized in Holy Cross Lutheran Chureh in May by the Rev. William F. Gotwald. Eleven-year-old Deborah O!- fenng was chosen "Miss Person- ality of 1965" Sunday afternoon of last week by the members of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Little League of the Ronkon- kouas. Runners up were Beverly Whitmore. Debra De- Muth , and Cattnete Walters. She rode with the Little League in the. annual Memorial Day parade held here Monday. Judges were Louis Polak , Ellis Marvin and Frank Rubenbauer. Pet er J. Lucas, son of Mr. and Mrs Laurin S. Lucas of Virginia Avenue , has been named as a charter member of tlie Massa- chusetts Alpha Chapter of Alpha Epsilon Delta , international pre- medical honor society at College of the Holy Cross, Worcester , Mass. Mr. and Mrs. Frtd Mohring of Portion Road arove to Orient Point Friday for several days. Personal loans for all worth while purposes at bank rates are just on£ of the many bank- ing services at your "One Stop Bank" Oystermen' s. ti The flowers on the altar Sun- day in the Methodist Church were given by Mr. and Mrs. Gustave Stegemann. Last week Lakeland firemen extinguished two brush fires and two automobile fires . On Mon- day of last week Joseph Corne- lius of Rosevale Avenue was tak- en to Smithtown General Hospi- tal in the Lakeland ambulance and the following day on a mu- tual aid to Ronkonkoma , Rose- mary Murphy of Brentwood was taken from the Lakehurst Beach where she had sustained leg cuts to Smithtown General Hos- pital. The two new trucks or- dered by the Lakeland Fire De- partment have arrived and were in the Memorial Day parade in Lake Ronkonkoma with mem- bers of the department . Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. De- Martino of Cheryl Drive had their infant daughter Louise baptized Sunday of last week by the Rev. John A. Heffernan. Mrs. Connie SanJuan of San Juan , Puerto Rico and Col. George Viaranga of Naples , Italy are her godparents. Mrs. SanJuan is the baby ' s aunt and Colonel Viaranga is a cousin. 20 members of the family were _*. e- sent at a reception held in the DcMartino home following the eeremonv. The altar flowers in Holy Cross Lutheran Church Sunday were given by Mrs. George Palmstrom , and the Sunday wor- ship bulletins were given by Mr. and Mrs . Charles P. Ripel . The Lutheran Church Women met at eight o' clock Tuesday evening in the church. From June sev- enth until the tenth , the Rev. William F. Gotwald and lay_dele- gates will attend the Synod Convention at Wagner College, Staten Island. New members re- ceived into membership in Holy Cross Church during May were Mrs. Earl Adams , Mr. and Mrs . Edward Fevang, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Floyd Jr. and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Aune. Third grade students at the Hiawatha Elementary School , accompanied by their teachers and class mothers went on a field trip to Long Island Airport Wednesday of last week. The Rev . James C. Bowman , son of Mr. and Mrs. James C. Bowman of North Ocean Ave- nue , was ordained to the priest- hood Saturday. He will offer his first solemn mass at ona p m. on Sunday in St. Joseph' s R. C. Church. The pastor , the Rev . John G. Carew, will be the arch- priest . The Rev Jnl'ii "" " arm, SMM, of the Montfort Fathers , will be deacon and the Rev. Mr. Eamon J. Spollen , a deacon of the Brooklyn Diocese studying at Immaculate Comception Sem n- ary, will be subdeacon 'Ihe Rev. James P. Carmody of Jt. Rosalie ' s parish Hampton Bays , will be the preacher. The Rev Bowman was educated at St. Rose of Lima and Our Lady Help ot Christians Brooklyn .r a •' . nar schools and Our 1 nclv «i > or- etto School in Hempstead He graduated from St Agnes r th- cdral ' High School , Rockville Centre and Montfort Pren .ra- tory Seminary in Bay Shore , where he also attended colbge before entering Immaculate Conception Seminary After his ordination a reception will be held in New Hyde Park Inn. The annual Memorial Day parade began at the American Legion clubhouse on Church Street Monday mornu __ . Partici- pating were the William Mer- rill Hallock Post of the Ameri- can Legion , the American Le- gion Auxiliary, Knights of Columbus , Lakeland Fire De- partment , Ronkonkoma Fire De- partment , St . Joseph' s Drum and Bugle Corps , St Joseph's Catho- lic Youth Organizations , local Brownie , Girl Scout , Cub Scout and Boy Scout troops , and mem- bers of the Little League of the Ronkonkomas. During the parade a 105-piece band under the direction of Edwin Fell and John Martindale played in the A&P parking area for the par- ticipants in the parade as t h °v nassed . The members of the band represented Hiawatha, No- komis, Gatelot Avenue , Lvnwond Avenue and Grundy Avenue Schools. They are preparing for a concert to be held Tuesday evening at Hiawatha Elemen- tary School on Patchogue Road. Noreen Smyth , daughter df Mr. and Mrs. Francis Smyth of Peter Road , was baptized Sun- day afternoon of last week in St. Joseph's R.C. Church by the Rev. John A. Heffernan. Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Smyth of Lin- colndale . N. Y. are her ' godpar- ents. After the ceremony a large family gathering was held in the Smyth home. Robert Palmer , son of Mr. and Mrs. William Palme:- of Pat- chogue Road , celebrated his third birthday Saturday with a party for five of his playmates On Sunday a number of relatives were present to help him cele- batc. Marine S/Sgt. Gerald W. Ho- dum , son of Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thur H. Hodum of 348 Wood- lawn Ronkonkoma, was con- gratulated by his battalion com- mander during a meritorious mast recently while serving with the 2nd Tank Battalion , Force Troops , Fleet Marine Force , at Camp Lejeune , N. C. By PAULA EHRMAN An information meeting on the school budget will be held al the First Street School on Tuesday evening at 8:15 o' clock. Miss Barbara Carter , physical education instructor at Conht't- quot High School , will accom- pany five girls whose interest and ability ih this field have won them a week's stay at the Sokol in Barryville, where they will learn to work on the bal- ance beam and the uneven par- allel bars , and participate in free exercising, tumbling and ballet. The girls , Katherine Ol- sen and Diane Heinlein of the seventh grade, Joyce Swanda and Margaret Murer, eighth grade, and Virginia HOchheiser of the 10th grade , and Miss Carter will initiate the new gymnastic techniques into the existing physical education pro- gram at the high school in the fall . The three organizations which provided the furtds for the girls' trip are thc Thunder- bird Booster Club, the Coordi- nating Council of Junior-Senior High School Parents, and the Girls' Leaders Club, a student organization. Ronald Saunders, a member of the Connetquot golf team, won second place, individually, with a 79 in the county tourna- ment at Bethpage State Park last Wednesday. Ho has qualifi- ed to play in the state tourna- ment in White Plains on Mon- day. During July and August , two writing teams will be at work modernizing the elementary sci- ence and mathematics pro- grams. William Keck , coordina- tor of the mathematics depart- ment , and George Martin and John Randazzo , will continue last year 's work of producing a curriculum for grade one to six , with supplemental material for grades one to five. When finish- ed , it wil l be a complete re- source course of study. Also working will be the science team of Henry Aygadlo , team leader . Robert Smith and Ro- bert Koch , who will write a resource booklet on "Living Things." Last Thursday evening thc final meeting of the Oakdale- Bohemia P. T. 0. took place at the Sycamore Avenue School. New officers were installed. They are Mrs. James Hill , presi- dent; Mrs. Pat Alster, vice-pre- sident; Mrs. Irmajane Krecker , corresponding secretary; Mrs. David Shybunko secretary ; Mrs. Herbert Jautze, treasurer; Mrs. Burton Carpenter, building re- presentative for the John Pearl School; Mrs. Herbert Martin and Mrs. George Chrissos for the Sycamore Avenue School; Mrs. Robert Jones for the Montauk Highway School; and coordinat- ing council representative , Mrs. Rosslyn Jeschke. Also featured at the meeting was a fashion show narrated by Mrs. Charles Gudelis. An orientation meeting is to be held Monday evening at eight o'clock in the high school cafe- , teria , for the purpose of famili- arizing parents of children en- tering grade nine in September with the philosophy of the high school , course offerings , gradua- tion requirements , etc. This meeting replaces the one pre- viously scheduled for last Thursday. An orientation meeting is to be held Monday evening for all parents of students entering grade nine at Connetquot High School in the fall. This meeting v'U "enlace the one previously s-^-dui e-J for May 27th. It is planned to familiarize parents with the philosophy of the high school , course offerings and graduation requirements. Tt will be held in the high school cafeteria at eight o' clock. Connetquot School District News Bohemia By MRS. MARTIN EHRMAN LT 9-6078 On Saturday, Mr. and Mrs Charles Kreinsen of Windwood Road held a reception at their home for Mrs. Kreinsen ' s cou- sin , the Rev . John J McDon- ough who was ordained that day in Rockville Centre. Among the 50 guests at the buffet dinner were his parents , Mr. and Mrs. John McDonough and his sister , Miss Mary McDonough , of Dor- chester . Mass. On Sunday, the newly-ordained priest celebrat- ed his first mass at St. John Nepomucene ' s R. C. Church. Miss Patricia A. Carlson of Richmond Hill was guest of hon- or at a surprise bridal shower given Saturday by Miss Marie Albrecht of Hempstead at the home of Mrs. A. Krcpela of John Street. The guest list in- cluded Mrs E Carlson and Miss Joan Carlson-of Richmond Hill , Mrs. D. Bloomer of Brentwood , Mrs. C. Hnis of Elmhurst , Mrs. R. Chaloupka and Miss Emily Albrecht of Woodside , Mrs. A. Veprovsky and Vicki Vcprov- sky of Ronkonkoma ,nd Mrs. L. Veprovsky of Lake Ronkonko- ma , Mrs. G. Albrecht of Hemp- stead , Mrs. F. Krcpela , Mrs. F. R. Mottl , Mrs. Edward MottI and Miss Patricia Mottl of West Say- ville , Mrs. L. Veprovsky, Mrs. Frank Krcpela , Miss Lois Krc- pela , Mrs. Joseph Hosek , Mr.s. Edward Albrecht, Mrs. Edward Albrecht , Jr., Mrs. Paul Win- ans, Mrs. John Reiphel , Mrs. Charles Gross , Mrs. Edward Krc- pela , Mrs. Edwird Krcpela Jr., Mrs. Stanley Albrecht and Miss Marcia Krcpela , all of Bohemia. Miss Carlson will be married to Allen Krepcla on June 26th. For free pick uo and delivery of all prescriptions call your Liggett-Rexall Drug Store , Oak- dale-Sayville Shopping Plaza at LT 9-2544. ^ 98tt The annual picnic held by the Bohemia Fire Department on Memorial Day was successful with approximately 250 firemen and their families and friends attending.. Starting at two o' - clock and ending during the evening, the picnic was held on the grounds ad acent to thc firehouse. File Chief Alfred Clifton kept the adults moving with a treasure hunt , field games, etc. and Mr. and Mrs. John Krog- stea d entertained the children as the clown and supervisor of their games. A pony was also provided to delight the children with rides . Appropriate music was provided by the Humel bro- thers. Fire Chief William Mews of Islip won a mink hat. The Joseph Kovarik American Legion Post elected riew officers at its Friday meeting and they were installed on Saturday evening at the Legion Hall by Suffolk County Commander Ro- bert Foster. Arthur Rowland was re-elected commander: Ro- bert Potter , first vice-command- er; Albert Salvatore , second vice-commander; Joseph Salaba , third vice-commander; Hilmer Johnson, financial officer; Win- fred Meier , historian; Edward Coffey, service officer; Clifford Bailey, chaplain; and Kenneth Adams , sergeant-at-arms. Com- mander Rowland was also ap- pointed sergeant-at-a rms by Commander John Steinsmen of the Second Division. Corsages and bouquets were given to Mrs. Arthur Ro\v ' ind , Mrs. Nicholas Salvatore , piesident of the La- dies' Auxiliary, Mrs. Joseph Ko- varik , Mrs. Stasie Kriklava , and Mrs Alice Johnson , Mrs. Jose- phine Hindla and Mrs. Mary Smihrada , who are gold star mothers. The Ladies ' Auxiliary was complimented on the food they had prepared for the in- stallation dinner. The baptism of Gary, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Philie of Louis Kossuth Avenue , was performed at St. John Nepo- mucene's R C. Church by the Rev. Daniel Nelson on Sunday. On Thursday an excursion to Shea Stadium at Flushing Mea- dow was taken by 43 altar boy s of St. John Nepomucenc ' s R. C. Church, accompanied by thc Rev. Thomas Donohoe. Miss Antonia Bartunck , form- erly of Smithtown Avenue , and for the past two years staying at the Ursuline Nursing Home in Oakdale , is celebrating her 91st birthday today. A number of friends and relatives are planning to visit her. Personal loans for all worth while purposes at bank rates are just one of the many bank- ing services at your "One Stop Bank" Oystermen ' s. tf Seaman Ttonald C. Morey, son of Mr and Mrs. Leon M. Morcy of Lakeland Avenue is undergo- ing basic training at the Naval Training Center , Great Lakes , 111. . The Women ' s Bible study groups of. Peace Lutheran Church will have a combined meeting on Monday ai eight p.m. in the church. The Rev. T. Ro- bert Isaacson from St. Peter ' s Lutheran Church , Bronx , will be tbc speaker who will tell the women of the problems of an intcr-city church. Registration for the Peace Church Vacation Bible School will be open until June 15th. On Friday the Rev. Emil Wcela , son of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Wcela of Ocean Avenue , arrived home from Rome where he has completed his studies at the Biblical Institute , which includ- ed five months ' work in Jeru- selem. He will teach at Immacu- late Conception Seminary in Huntington. Mrs. Max Perry and sons, Joseph and Max , of Union Street and Mrs. Julia Potucek of Smith- town Avenue , went to Dix Hills to visit Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Walcott and family Tuesday evening. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Choura , and daugh- ter Carol of Astoria , visited Mrs. Potucek. Mrs . George Ruzicka , president of the Theodore Roosevelt Re- publican Club Ladies' Auxiliary, reports that a proposed bus trip to the "Mardi Gras " at Jones Beach on July 13th, was dis- cussed at the last meeting of this organization. The public is invited to take advantage of this excursion and may make arran- gements with Mrs . Jerry Muel- ler of Bohemia. It was also an- nounced that a joint meeting will be held on June 10th , when Councilman Caesar Trunzo, Sup- erintendent of Highways Clyde Pearsall , and olher guests will speak. The public is invite d and members arc u rged to attend the meeting which will take place at Mazanek' s Hotel at eighty m. The Ladies ' Auxiliary of the Bohemia Fire Department held ifs regular meeting on Friday evening when there were 26 members present. Nomination and election of officers took place and thc following women will be installed at the June meeting: Mrs. John Laffey, pre- sident , Mrs . Thomas Blawn , vice president , Mrs. Lawrence Com- odo , secretary, Mrs. Robert Aguis , treasurer , Mrs. Frank Satava , Jr , financial secretary, Mrs Frank Hromadka , chaplain and Mrs . Allan Behounek , ser- gear.t-af-arms . Mrs. Hrcmadka won the dark horse prize . The Most Talked About Spot in Town! S quire 5 Cromer TAP ROOM AND STEAK HOUSE By B. H. GILLESPIE Former First Mate at th« Seascape Inn We Will Miss You If You' re Not Here 561 Montauk Hwy. Oakdale, N. Y. 589-5208 or 589-9892 THE CBBBnuyjBgrci: Iwninw ^ ^-Ma- tSiU- l -M-JIISr, SS&. _g;-$l fi g?**"*' t4 " SrrrO. It* K^^.^?^. . i ^?SS^gl£^li_^|g^-l_ world news in f©cus the Christian Science Monitor One Norway St., Boston, Mass. 02115 Please enter my subscription to the Monitor for the period checked be- low. I enclose $ tll_S. Funds) U I YEAR ?2* , ? 6 month* J12 Q i months ?S NenML-, ¦ " * ' " * ¦ ¦ <~"y St ott ..BP ffrlk- ,,,.,,. 24 HOUR SERVICE * GAS OIL TIRES REPAIRS BATTERIES MacArthur SINCLAIR Service Center Vef 1 Memoi ' al Hwy. At Smithtown Ave. JU 8-0918 MMMAnnn iVVn nfirni_nn-— \ : | West Sayville Pharmacy | 75 Main Street, West Sayvlllo ! We are as close ! at your phone I Compounding of [ PRESCRIPTIONS j j Our Prime Function -j I -•- i 3 | FOR SERVICE ! PROMPT FREE i PICK-UP & DELIVERY I ; For All Health AND i BEAUTY NEEDS I " # " | CALL I fcT 9-00*3 j THE CONNETQUO T COMMUNIT Y Harry Wellinghaus, Assistant Executive Director of the Industrial' Home for the Blind , presents volun- teer awards to Mrs. Ray Lindsey of Bohemia , while Mrs. Shirley Siffert of Patchogue, supervisor of the Patchogue , Day Center , looks on. Mrs . Lindsey has been unstinting in giving of her time as a driver and shopping guide to blind neighbors who attend the center.
Page 1: THE CONNETQUO T COMMUNIT Y Connetquot Schoolnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031477/1965-06-03/ed-1/seq-10.pdf · Oakdale By MRS. DONALD MAHNKEN ..„.__ ^_ LT 9-0378 Craig and

OakdaleBy MRS. DONALD MAHNKEN ..„.__ _ LT 9-0378

Craig and David Covic werethe guests of honor at a birth-day party held last Saturday attheir Bartley Lane home. Thosepresent included the Rev. andMrs. Howard Olive and theirchildren , Paul and Pam; Josephand Michael Bonkoski , Wan enCrew, Kevin Hanck , David All-bee, Dwight Devlin , ChesterPierce, Mark Palumbo andCindy Covic.

Mr. and Mrs. George Hlavaty,Mr. and Mrs. Frank Korinek ,Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Britt , Mr.and Mrs. Robert Beakes, IV, r. andMrs. Alfred Covic, Mrs. i- M.Nelson, Joseph Mullins andJoseph Bonkoski were presentat the appreciation dinner forden mothers of Cub Scout Pack139 held last Thursday eveningat Bronco Charlie 's restaurant.

For free pick up and deliveryof all prescriptions call yourLiggett-Rexall Drug Store, Oak-dale-Sayville Shopping Plaza atLT 9-2544. 98tf

Louis Bodanyi Jr. a memberof the Connetquot School Board ,will be the guest speaker atnext Monday evening's meetingof the Oakdale-West SayvilleRepublican Club which will beheld at the West Sayville FireHouse at 8:30 o'clock. Mr. Bo-danyi will speak about budgetproblems in the Connetquot dis-trict, and the general problemsfacing schools on Long Island.

The following names wereomitted last week in the list ofCubs who won awards at theMay pack meeting of Pack 139:David Covic, Arthur Wilzman ,Michael Redding Michael Pow-ers, Thomas Britt , Joseph Mul-

lins, Thomas Shedlick, LeslieNelson and Richard Lamanno.

Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Cisekot 18 Colony Drive drove loBrockport University over theweekend and returned withtheii son, David , who has com-pleted his freshman year at theuniversity.

Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. DonaldMahnken and their six childrenof Washington Avenue attendeda family reunion at the Rich-mond Hill home of Mr. and Mrs.Norman Gundel.

Limited openings are nowavailable for new membershipsin Land's End Beach and TennisClub. Please contact J o h nBurke, LT 9-1888. tf

Flowers on tbe altar of St.John's Episcopal Church Sun-day were a gift Of the AltarGuild in honor of members ofthe armed forces for MemorialDay.

A pool party was held Mon-day afternoon at the ShoreDrive home of Mr. and Mrs.Harry Kalloneck. Guests in-cluded Mr. and Mrs. VincentO'Connell, Mr. and Mrs. WalterKalmbach, Mr. and Mrs. JosephFernandez, Mr. and Mrs. Wil-liam Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs.Robert Becker and Mr. and Mrs.Charles Iocca.

Personal loans for all worthwhile purposes at bank ratesare just one of the many hank-ing services at your "One StopBank" — Oystermen's. tf

May 23rd Daniel Kelly Pro-vost, infant son of Mr. and Mrs.James J. Provost nf 131 LocustAvenue, was christened at St.John Nepomucene's R.C. Churchin Bohemia by the Rev. DanielJ. Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. StephenProvost were the godparents.

Miss Lucille Abate of 550Ocean Avenue was a bridesmaidSunday at the wedding of hercousin , Miss Marie Abate andRalph Mannetta at St. Francisof Paola Church in Brooklyn.Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Abate andAngelo Basilic&to of Hempsteadalso attended the wedding andthe reception which was heldat the Huntington Town House.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Radicoof Philadelphia , Pa. and Mrs.Marco Miele of Havertown , Pa.,were guests over the weekendat'"tht Ocean Avenue home ofMr. and Mrs. Andrew Abate.

Miss Carolyn Kenney of 139Brook Street 'has spent all bevspare time during the past weekcollecting for the Cancer Cru-sade in the northern section ofOakdale. Miss Kenney was hop-ing to find some volunteers tohelp her but when she could notshe did the entire job by her-self.

Some 5% million Americanhomes now have some form ofair-conditioning—an increase of211 of a million during the pastyear. To sell this growing mark-et , manufacturers invested near-ly $2 million in newspaper ad-vertising in 1858.


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OakdaleDate Book

Board of Education—-Monday!at eight p. m., in the adminis-tration building on SycamoreAvenue in Bohemia.

Oakdale Civic Association-Second Thursday of the monthat 8:30 p. m. at the MontaukHighway SchooL

Connetquot Civic Association—Second Wednesday, 8:30 p.m.. Sycamore Avenue School.

Girl Scout Neighborhood-Second Wednesdays at 8:15 p.m. at the Oakdale Fire House.

Oakdale Lions Club, secondand fourth Wednesday at 7:30p. m. at Broncho Charlie's.

G o o d Samaritan HospitalGuild — Every third Thursdayof the month, 8:15 p. m., Com-munity House, Gillette Avenue,Sayville.

Oakdale Southside HospitalAuxiliary every second Monday,at the Oakdale Fire House atnoon.

Great South Bay DemocraticClub — Third Wednesday ofmonth at Oakdale Plaza Roomat 8:30 p. m.

John F. Kennedy DemocraticClub — Last Wednesdays oleach month at 8:30 p. m. atOakdale-~West S ay v i l l e Fire-house on Montauk Highway inOakdale.

Boy Scout Troop 268 of Oak-dale—Every Friday, 7-9 p. m.,Montauk Highway School Audi-torium.

Little League — Second Mon-day of every month, in the Sy-camore Avenue School in Bo-hemia at 8:30 p. m.

Alcoholics A n o n y m o u s —Monday, 8:30 p. m. SundaySchool rooms, St. Ann's Church,Sayville.

Mother's Club of St JohnWednesday following the thirdSunday of each month at 8:30p. m. St. John's School auditor-ium. , ,

Oakdale-B o l i e m i a Parent-Teacher's Organization—FourthThursday of every month atSycamore Avenue School in Bo-hemia at 8:15 p. m.

Sportsmen's Club — FirstThursday, 8:30 p. m., .SnapperInn.

Id' ) Hour Taxpayer's Asso-ciation — First Wednesday ofeach month, 8:30 p. m. at theclubhouse.

Exchange Club of West Say-ville-Oakdale-Bohemia first andfourth Wednesday, seven p. m.,Bronco Charlie's Restaurant.

Men's Garden Club of LongIsland, second Thursday of eachmonth, in club room of-BayardCutting Arboretum in Oakdale,at eight p. m.

Cub Scout Pack 139 meetsthird Wednesday of the monthat the Montauk Highway Schoolat 7:15 p. m. Committee meet-ing the second Monday of themonth at the Oakdale FireHouse at eight p. m.

Charlotte Guild of St John'sEpiscopal Church — First Thurs-day of the month at St. John'sParish House at eight p. m.

The RonkonkomasBy MBS. EDWARD HAZARD JUnlper 8-6221

Linda Ann McDonald, daugh-ter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mc-Donald of Easion Street, wasbaptized Sunday afternoon oflast week by the Rev. John A.Heffernan in St. Joseph's R, C.Church. Miss Rosemary McDon-ald of Ronkonkoma, an aunt ofthe baby, is godmother andJohn McDonald of Ronkonkoma ,an uncle was proxy for anotheruncle, Richard Boeke of FortWorth , Tex., the godfather, whowas unable to be present. Lin-da Ann has a brother Frankand a sister, April. After thebaptismal ceremony Mr. andMrs.McDonald entertained about40 guests.

Mr. and Mrs. James Bryantand daughters Barbara •' Lynnand Pamela Ann , of PatchogueRoad, spent the holiday weekendin Maine.

The first Annual CommunionSupper sponsored by the Catho-lic Daughters of America, CourtSt. Joseph, held on May 24, wasa success. Sister O'Brien andSister Nesser from the CenacleConvent were guest speakers.Mrs. Alice Roeckel was chair-man of the Supper. On Sundaythe afternoon group with theRosary-Altar Society will holda reception for the Rev. JamesC. Bowman in the school audi-torium. He will celebrate hisfirst mass in St. Joseph's Churchon Sunday.

Donald E M^urer , son of Mr.and Mrs. Frank J. Maurer ofRonald Court , has been accept-ed as a member of "the Class of1969 at Clarkson College ofTechnology, Potsdam. He willgraduate from Sachem HighSchool this month and in Sep-tember enter the freshman classat Clarkson where he plans tomajor in chemical engineering.

Miss Marilyn Phulhdes, a sec-ond grade teacher in the Lyn-wood Avenue School, left theSachem school distrirt last weekto return to her home in Massa-chusetts where she will be mar-ried June 12. The future bride-groom is serving with the arm-ed forces and will be sent toGermany at the end of his fur-lough. He will be accompaniedby his bride and they will liveabroad.

Mrs. Elfrieda Engert of Bell-more was a guest last week ofMrs. Charles L. Davis Sr. o{Carroll Avenue. Mrs. Engertand her husband, the la,teArthur Engert, lived on CherryStreet here for many years andwere instrumental in the found-ing of Holy Cross LutheranChurch. Mrs. Engert celebratedher 81st birthday June first.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank DcSimoncof New York spent the holidayweekend with their daughter in-law, Mrs. Frank DeSimone Jr.and her sons, of Peter Road.

Philip J. Linquiti Sr. of Ack-erly Lane received national ac-claim when his photograph"Gioelli De Mamma" was select-ed for the May cover of The Pro-fessional Photographers ofAmerHoa. The photograph ,showing a mother and twins , wasreproduced in the original blue-tone of the print which receivedtop honors in the 1965 annualexhibition of professional photo-graphy sponsored by the Profes-sional Photographers of Ameri-ca. The print has become partof their Loan Collection and.till be exhibited throughout lm.United States on request.

The recent car wash sponsor-ed by the Boy Scouts of St.Joseph's R. C. Church was asuccess. The "boys were supervis-ed by Scout officials , EdwardSeltman, Joseph Ruggeri o,Robert Rottmann and HaroldDeRienzo. On Tuesday night ,Parents Night was observed bytheir meeting. Next Tuesdayevening it will be Father andSon night.

Alan Johnson Atzberger , sonof Mr. and Mrs. John Atzbergerof Audubon Street: Keith StevenBriggs, son of Mr. and Mrs.Donald Briggs of Maple Streetand Colleen Gay Foltmann ,daughter of Mr. and Mrs.George Foltmann of Smith Streetwere baptized in Holy CrossLutheran Chureh in May by theRev. William F. Gotwald.

Eleven-year-old Deborah O!-fenng was chosen "Miss Person-ality of 1965" Sunday afternoonof last week by the members of

the Ladies' Auxiliary of theLittle League of the Ronkon-kouas. Runners up wereBeverly Whitmore. Debra De-Muth , and Cattnete Walters. Sherode with the Little Leaguein the. annual Memorial Dayparade held here Monday.Judges were Louis Polak , EllisMarvin and Frank Rubenbauer.

Peter J. Lucas, son of Mr. andMrs Laurin S. Lucas of VirginiaAvenue, has been named as acharter member of tlie Massa-chusetts Alpha Chapter of AlphaEpsilon Delta , international pre-medical honor society at Collegeof the Holy Cross, Worcester ,Mass.

Mr. and Mrs. Frtd Mohringof Portion Road arove to OrientPoint Friday for several days.

Personal loans for all worthwhile purposes at bank ratesare just on£ of the many bank-ing services at your "One StopBank" — Oystermen's. ti

The flowers on the altar Sun-day in the Methodist Churchwere given by Mr. and Mrs.Gustave Stegemann.

Last week Lakeland firemenextinguished two brush fires andtwo automobile fires . On Mon-day of last week Joseph Corne-lius of Rosevale Avenue was tak-en to Smithtown General Hospi-tal in the Lakeland ambulanceand the following day on a mu-tual aid to Ronkonkoma , Rose-mary Murphy of Brentwood wastaken from the Lakehurst Beachwhere she had sustained legcuts to Smithtown General Hos-pital. The two new trucks or-dered by the Lakeland Fire De-partment have arrived and werein the Memorial Day parade inLake Ronkonkoma with mem-bers of the department.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. De-Martino of Cheryl Drive hadtheir infant daughter Louisebaptized Sunday of last week bythe Rev. John A. Heffernan.Mrs. Connie SanJuan of SanJuan , Puerto Rico and Col.George Viaranga of Naples,Italy are her godparents. Mrs.SanJuan is the baby 's aunt andColonel Viaranga is a cousin. 20members of the family were •_*. e-sent at a reception held in theDcMartino home following theeeremonv.

The altar flowers in HolyCross Lutheran Church Sundaywere given by Mrs. GeorgePalmstrom, and the Sunday wor-ship bulletins were given by Mr.and Mrs. Charles P. Ripel. TheLutheran Church Women metat eight o'clock Tuesday eveningin the church. From June sev-enth until the tenth , the Rev.William F. Gotwald and lay_dele-gates will attend the SynodConvention at Wagner College,Staten Island. New members re-ceived into membership in HolyCross Church during May wereMrs. Earl Adams, Mr. and Mrs.Edward Fevang, Mr. and Mrs.Norman Floyd Jr. and Mr. andMrs. Harold Aune.

Third grade students at theHiawatha Elementary School ,accompanied by their teachersand class mothers went on afield trip to Long Island AirportWednesday of last week.

The Rev. James C. Bowman,son of Mr. and Mrs. James C.Bowman of North Ocean Ave-nue, was ordained to the priest-hood Saturday. He will offerhis first solemn mass at ona p m.on Sunday in St. Joseph's R. C.Church. The pastor, the Rev.John G. Carew, will be the arch-priest . The Rev Jnl 'ii "" " arm,SMM , of the Montfort Fathers,will be deacon and the Rev. Mr.Eamon J. Spollen, a deacon ofthe Brooklyn Diocese studying atImmaculate Comception Sem n-ary, will be subdeacon 'IheRev. James P. Carmody of Jt.Rosalie's parish Hampton Bays,will be the preacher. The RevBowman was educated at St.Rose of Lima and Our Lady Helpot Christians Brooklyn .ra •'. narschools and Our 1 nclv «i > or-etto School in Hempstead Hegraduated from St Agnes r th-cdral ' High School , RockvilleCentre and Montfort Pren .ra-tory Seminary in Bay Shore,where he also attended colbgebefore entering ImmaculateConception Seminary After hisordination a reception will beheld in New Hyde Park Inn.

The annual Memorial Dayparade began at the AmericanLegion clubhouse on ChurchStreet Monday mornu __ . Partici-pating were the William Mer-rill Hallock Post of the Ameri-can Legion , the American Le-gion Auxiliary, Knights ofColumbus, Lakeland Fire De-partment , Ronkonkoma Fire De-partment , St. Joseph's Drum andBugle Corps, St Joseph's Catho-lic Youth Organizations , localBrownie , Girl Scout , Cub Scoutand Boy Scout troops, and mem-bers of the Little League of

the Ronkonkomas. During theparade a 105-piece band underthe direction of Edwin Fell andJohn Martindale played in the

A & P parking area for the par-ticipants in the parade as th°vnassed. The members of theband represented Hiawatha, No-komis, Gatelot Avenue, LvnwondAvenue and Grundy AvenueSchools. They are preparing fora concert to be held Tuesdayevening at Hiawatha Elemen-tary School on Patchogue Road.

Noreen Smyth, daughter dfMr. and Mrs. Francis Smyth ofPeter Road , was baptized Sun-day afternoon of last week inSt. Joseph's R.C. Church by theRev. John A. Heffernan. Mr.and Mrs. Gerard Smyth of Lin-colndale. N. Y. are her' godpar-ents. After the ceremony alarge family gathering was heldin the Smyth home.

Robert Palmer, son of Mr.and Mrs. William Palme:- of Pat-chogue Road , celebrated histhird birthday Saturday with aparty for five of his playmatesOn Sunday a number of relativeswere present to help him cele-batc.

Marine S/Sgt. Gerald W. Ho-dum, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ar-thur H. Hodum of 348 Wood-lawn Ronkonkoma, was con-gratulated by his battalion com-mander during a meritoriousmast recently while servingwith the 2nd Tank Battalion,Force Troops, Fleet MarineForce, at Camp Lejeune, N. C.

By PAULA EHRMANAn information meeting on

the school budget will be heldal the First Street School onTuesday evening at 8:15 o'clock.

Miss Barbara Carter, physicaleducation instructor at Conht't-quot High School, will accom-pany five girls whose interestand ability ih this field havewon them a week's stay at theSokol in Barryville, where theywill learn to work on the bal-ance beam and the uneven par-allel bars, and participate infree exercising, tumbling andballet. The girls, Katherine Ol-sen and Diane Heinlein of theseventh grade, Joyce Swandaand Margaret Murer, eighthgrade, and Virginia HOchheiserof the 10th grade, and MissCarter will initiate the newgymnastic techniques into theexisting physical education pro-gram at the high school in thefall . The three organizationswhich provided the furtds forthe girls' trip are thc Thunder-bird Booster Club, the Coordi-nating Council of Junior-SeniorHigh School Parents, and theGirls' Leaders Club, a studentorganization.

Ronald Saunders, a memberof the Connetquot golf team,won second place, individually,with a 79 in the county tourna-ment at Bethpage State Parklast Wednesday. Ho has qualifi-ed to play in the state tourna-ment in White Plains on Mon-day.

During July and August, twowriting teams will be at workmodernizing the elementary sci-ence and mathematics pro-grams. William Keck, coordina-tor of the mathematics depart-ment , and George Martin andJohn Randazzo , will continuelast year's work of producing acurriculum for grade one to six ,with supplemental material forgrades one to five. When finish-ed , it will be a complete re-source course of study. Alsoworking will be the scienceteam of Henry Aygadlo, teamleader. Robert Smith and Ro-bert Koch, who will write aresource booklet on "LivingThings."

Last Thursday evening thcfinal meeting of the Oakdale-Bohemia P. T. 0. took place atthe Sycamore Avenue School.New officers were installed.They are Mrs. James Hill , presi-dent; Mrs. Pat Alster, vice-pre-sident; Mrs. Irmajane Krecker,corresponding secretary; Mrs.David Shybunko secretary ; Mrs.Herbert Jautze, treasurer; Mrs.Burton Carpenter, building re-presentative for the John PearlSchool; Mrs. Herbert Martin andMrs. George Chrissos for theSycamore Avenue School; Mrs.Robert Jones for the MontaukHighway School; and coordinat-ing council representative , Mrs.Rosslyn Jeschke. Also featuredat the meeting was a fashionshow narrated by Mrs. CharlesGudelis.

An orientation meeting is tobe held Monday evening at eighto'clock in the high school cafe-,teria , for the purpose of famili-arizing parents of children en-tering grade nine in Septemberwith the philosophy of the highschool, course offerings , gradua-tion requirements, etc. Thismeeting replaces the one pre-viously scheduled for lastThursday.

An orientation meeting is tobe held Monday evening for allparents of students enteringgrade nine at Connetquot HighSchool in the fall. This meetingv'U "enlace the one previouslys-^-dui e-J for May 27th.

It is planned to familiarizeparents with the philosophy ofthe high school, course offeringsand graduation requirements.Tt will be held in the highschool cafeteria at eight o'clock.

Connetquot SchoolDistrict News

BohemiaBy MRS. MARTIN EHRMAN LT 9-6078

On Saturday, Mr. and MrsCharles Kreinsen of WindwoodRoad held a reception at theirhome for Mrs. Kreinsen 's cou-sin , the Rev . John J McDon-ough who was ordained that dayin Rockville Centre. Among the50 guests at the buffet dinnerwere his parents, Mr. and Mrs.John McDonough and his sister,Miss Mary McDonough , of Dor-chester. Mass. On Sunday, thenewly-ordained priest celebrat-ed his first mass at St. JohnNepomucene's R. C. Church.

Miss Patricia A. Carlson ofRichmond Hill was guest of hon-or at a surprise bridal showergiven Saturday by Miss MarieAlbrecht of Hempstead at thehome of Mrs. A. Krcpela ofJohn Street. The guest list in-cluded Mrs E Carlson and MissJoan Carlson-of Richmond Hill ,Mrs. D. Bloomer of Brentwood ,Mrs. C. Hnis of Elmhurst, Mrs.R. Chaloupka and Miss EmilyAlbrecht of Woodside, Mrs. A.Veprovsky and Vicki Vcprov-sky of Ronkonkoma ,nd Mrs. L.Veprovsky of Lake Ronkonko-ma , Mrs. G. Albrecht of Hemp-stead, Mrs. F. Krcpela , Mrs. F.R. Mottl , Mrs. Edward MottI andMiss Patricia Mottl of West Say-ville, Mrs. L. Veprovsky, Mrs.Frank Krcpela , Miss Lois Krc-pela , Mrs. Joseph Hosek, Mr.s.Edward Albrecht, Mrs. EdwardAlbrecht , Jr., Mrs. Paul Win-ans, Mrs. John Reiphel , Mrs.Charles Gross, Mrs. Edward Krc-pela , Mrs. Edwird Krcpela Jr.,Mrs. Stanley Albrecht and MissMarcia Krcpela , all of Bohemia.Miss Carlson will be married toAllen Krepcla on June 26th.

For free pick uo and deliveryof all prescriptions call yourLiggett-Rexall Drug Store, Oak-dale-Sayville Shopping Plaza atLT 9-2544.

^ 98ttThe annual picnic held by the

Bohemia Fire Department onMemorial Day was successfulwith approximately 250 firemenand their families and friendsattending.. Starting at two o'-clock and ending duringthe evening, the p i c n i cwas held on the groundsad acent to thc firehouse.File Chief Alfred Cliftonkept the adults moving with atreasure hunt, field games, etc.and Mr. and Mrs. John Krog-stead entertained the childrenas the clown and supervisor oftheir games. A pony was alsoprovided to delight the childrenwith rides. Appropriate musicwas provided by the Humel bro-thers. Fire Chief William Mewsof Islip won a mink hat.

The Joseph Kovarik AmericanLegion Post elected riew officersat its Friday meeting and theywere installed on Saturdayevening at the Legion Hall bySuffolk County Commander Ro-bert Foster. Arthur Rowlandwas re-elected commander: Ro-bert Potter, first vice-command-er; Albert Salvatore , secondvice-commander; Joseph Salaba ,third vice-commander; HilmerJohnson, financial officer; Win-fred Meier, historian; EdwardCoffey, service officer; CliffordBailey, chaplain; and KennethAdams, sergeant-at-arms. Com-mander Rowland was also ap-pointed sergeant-at-a r m s byCommander John Steinsmen ofthe Second Division. Corsagesand bouquets were given to Mrs.Arthur Ro\v'ind , Mrs. NicholasSalvatore, piesident of the La-dies' Auxiliary, Mrs. Joseph Ko-varik , Mrs. Stasie Kriklava , andMrs Alice Johnson , Mrs. Jose-phine Hindla and Mrs. MarySmihrada, who are gold starmothers. The Ladies' Auxiliarywas complimented on the foodthey had prepared for the in-stallation dinner.

The baptism of Gary, infantson of Mr. and Mrs. EdwardPhilie of Louis Kossuth Avenue,was performed at St. John Nepo-mucene's R C. Church by theRev. Daniel Nelson on Sunday.

On Thursday an excursion toShea Stadium at Flushing Mea-dow was taken by 43 altar boysof St. John Nepomucenc's R. C.Church, accompanied by thcRev. Thomas Donohoe.

Miss Antonia Bartunck , form-erly of Smithtown Avenue, andfor the past two years stayingat the Ursuline Nursing Homein Oakdale , is celebrating her91st birthd ay today. A numberof friends and relatives areplanning to visit her.

Personal loans for all worthwhile purposes at bank ratesare just one of the many bank-ing services at your "One StopBank" — Oystermen's. tf

Seaman Ttonald C. Morey, sonof Mr and Mrs. Leon M. Morcyof Lakeland Avenue is undergo-ing basic training at the NavalTraining Center, Great Lakes,111. .

The Women's Bible studygroups of. Peace LutheranChurch will have a combinedmeeting on Monday ai eight p.m.in the church. The Rev. T. Ro-bert Isaacson from St. Peter'sLutheran Church , Bronx , will betbc speaker who will tell thewomen of the problems of anintcr-city church.

Registration for the PeaceChurch Vacation Bible Schoolwill be open until June 15th.

On Friday the Rev. EmilWcela, son of Mr. and Mrs. EmilWcela of Ocean Avenue, arrivedhome from Rome where he hascompleted his studies at theBiblical Institute, which includ-ed five months ' work in Jeru-selem. He will teach at Immacu-late Conception Seminary inHuntington.

Mrs. Max Perry and sons,Joseph and Max, of Union Streetand Mrs. Julia Potucek of Smith-town Avenue, went to Dix Hillsto visit Mr. and Mrs. KennethWalcott and family Tuesdayevening. On Sunday, Mr. andMrs. Frank Choura , and daugh-ter Carol of Astoria , visited Mrs.Potucek.

Mrs. George Ruzicka , presidentof the Theodore Roosevelt Re-publican Club Ladies' Auxiliary,reports that a proposed bus tripto the "Mardi Gras" at JonesBeach on July 13th, was dis-cussed at the last meeting ofthis organization. The public isinvited to take advantage of thisexcursion and may make arran-gements with Mrs. Jerry Muel-ler of Bohemia. It was also an-nounced that a joint meetingwill be held on June 10th, whenCouncilman Caesar Trunzo, Sup-erintendent of Highways ClydePearsall , and olher guests willspeak. The public is invite d andmembers arc u rged to attendthe meeting which will takeplace at Mazanek's Hotel ateighty m.

The Ladies' Auxiliary of theBohemia Fire Department heldifs regular meeting on Fridayevening when there were 26members present. Nominati onand election of officers tookplace and thc following womenwill be installed at the Junemeeting: Mrs. John Laffey, pre-sident , Mrs . Thomas Blawn , vicepresident , Mrs. Lawrence Com-odo, secretary, Mrs. RobertAguis , treasurer , Mrs. FrankSatava, Jr , financial secretary,Mrs Frank Hromadka , chaplainand Mrs. Allan Behounek , ser-gear.t-af-arms. Mrs. Hrcmadkawon the dark horse prize.

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Harry Wellinghaus, Assistant Executive Directorof the Industrial' Home for the Blind, presents volun-teer awards to Mrs. Ray Lindsey of Bohemia , whileMrs. Shirley Siffert of Patchogue, supervisor of thePatchogue ,Day Center, looks on. Mrs. Lindsey hasbeen unstinting in giving of her time as a driver andshopping guide to blind neighbors who attend thecenter.
