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THE conPROMISED LAND By : Barry Chamish Published by: www.lulu.com To contact the author, write: [email protected] Cover art by : Zipporah Perlman Graphics by : Steven Henry
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By: Barry Chamish

Published by: www.lulu.com

To contact the author, write: [email protected]

Cover art by: Zipporah Perlman

Graphics by: Steven Henry

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Table of Contents

CHAPTER ONE - ISRAEL LOSES A WAR...................................... 6

THE SHALIT KIDNAPPING ......................................................... 6

SHABAK IN FLORIDA, 9-11 IN NY ............................................ 10

CUTTHROATS........................................................................ 13

ISRAEL DOWN....................................................................... 16

LET THE ARABS WIN FOR ISRAEL ............................................ 18

IT'S SUMMER MADNESS DURING ISRAEL'S LAST DAYS : OR ISRAEL'S CLOSING OUT SALE ............................................................... 23

LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, MEET YOUR NEW DEFENSE MINISTER, ATILLA BARAK....................................................................... 28

SPINNING OUT OF CONTROL .................................................. 31

OF BUNKERS, MORONS AND WALLS ........................................ 36

KILLING ME SOFTLY WITH HIS GUN......................................... 39

GUESS WHO'S COMING FOR DINNER? ..................................... 40

Hello Muddah, Hello Fadduh, Here I am at Camp Auschwitz ........ 42

NETANYAHU AND THE CFR...................................................... 59

I'M DOWN, I'M REALLY DOWN................................................. 60

TIME TO TAKE ISRAEL BACK ................................................... 64

LAST NOTES OF THE CHAPTER ................................................ 66


THEY'RE KILLING THE ORTHODOX OF ISRAEL........................... 68

Rabin Murderama 2007 Continues on its Deadly Way ................. 74

PRESS DOWN TO HELL........................................................... 79

BYE BYE ISRAEL .................................................................... 84

THIS WEEK'S STRAW, LAST WEEK'S CAMEL.............................. 88

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ISRAEL'S HELLOCAUST .......................................................... 96

The Jewish Encyclopedia of Complete Frustration......................103

MY SECRET WEAPON.............................................................108

PART THREE OF THE MERCAZ HARAV TRILOGY ........................115

DOCTORS DEAD FOR RABIN ..................................................118

CHAPTER THREE - BACK TO THE VATICAN ............................ 128

ARISE YE, SAINTS AND KNIGHTS ...........................................128

The Vatican Threatens Olmert with Holocaust...........................132

AND NOW, THE END IS NEAR.................................................137

SO LONG HEBRON, HELLO MY ROMAN HOME ...........................146

BENEDICT 15 .......................................................................149

FRONT LINE, VATICAN, MY CATHOLIC FRIENDS .......................152

MODERN HISTORY'S MOST IMPORTANT MEETING - AND NOBODY KNOWS ABOUT IT - ..............................................................157


The Day Netanyahu Used Murder to Become Prime Minister .......162

ISRAEL TO ELECT SUPER CROOKS..........................................167

OLD NEWS, OLD WRITER.......................................................172

ISRAEL LOSES and How It Could Have Been Different ...............178

HELLO GAZA - WE'RE BACK ...................................................181

OF AMERICAN JEWS .............................................................182

BARAK BORKED....................................................................184

PRESIDENT HILLARY CLINTON OF ISRAEL ...............................192

Why Israel Won’t Attack Gaza Until Gaza Attacks Ashkelon ........199

THE HILARIOUS NOVEMBER 4, RABIN SPECIAL ........................205

Police Chief Says Their Leaders Betrayed Settlers .....................210

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OUR TOP FIVE STORIES OF LAST YEAR ...................................211

SLICHOT .............................................................................214

NOW NEXT YEAR ..................................................................217

ALL ALONE AM I ...................................................................219

Peres and The Vatican...........................................................226

CHAPTER FIVE - FOOLING THE HUMANS............................... 234

YOU'VE GOT TO KEEP THE WORMS WARM ...............................234

INFILTRATING TRUTH ...........................................................235

FUN CHARITY WORK .............................................................237

BUT BUT BUT .......................................................................240

STOP! OR I'M UNDER ARREST ................................................244

THE NAME GAME ..................................................................250

MODERN INSANITY IN ISRAEL ...............................................259

VELCOME TO JERUSALGRAD ..................................................287

NO WATER-PIPES PLAN .........................................................290

FROM YOM KIPPUR 1973 TO PASSOVER 2008 ..........................297

I CAN NEVER GO HOME ANYMORE. BIG DEAL ..........................303

SHLOMO TO THE RESCUE ......................................................307


SIXTY YEARS OF WHAT? OLMERT: The crime that will go away ..312

OLMERT, ATZMON, ABRAHAM AND 9/11..................................327

OLMERT'S 9-11 MAFIA ..........................................................331

ISRAEL DOWN......................................................................333

OLMERT'S CHINESE PUZZLE ..................................................335

POLLARD, PERES, PIPELINE ...................................................340

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THE COSTS OF TWO HOLOCAUSTS .........................................344

Meteor, UFO Over Israel? Nope, a Future Gas Attack.................350

2009 - THE YEAR OF ISRAEL'S COLLAPSE................................353

MYTHS SHATTERED ..............................................................354

EPILOG ~ IT'S ALL BECAUSE OF SHABTAI TZVI ................... 362

SHABTAI TZVI AND THE SHABAK ...........................................362



‘Shabtai Tzvi, Labor Zionism and the Holocaust’ (transcribed speech)..........................................................................................379

Index.................................................................................... 401

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For twelve years I've been shouting and screaming that Israel's "leadership", utterly controlled by the ‘Council on Foreign Relations’ known broadly as "the neo-cons", would contrive a war which they would lose. For that my reputation has been slammed with rumors about my sanity, sobriety and common sense. When that didn't do the trick, a common car "accident" was supposed to take care of me. Every effort was made to shut me up. And you know what, I think that finally "they" did it. Who needs the crap while my nation dissolves before our eyes? Here is the Debka Report from July 11. To those who asked, here is how the New World Order proxy, Israel, started its war with the cooperation of the NWO enemy Iran. It sure beats Americans and Iranians dying. So for this, innocents in Israel and Lebanon are doing the suffering and the dying: DEBKAfile: Maj.-Gen (Ret) Giora Eiland traced the breakdown which allowed a Hamas-led squad to overrun an Israeli army post on the Israeli side of the southern Gaza border, kill two soldiers and snatch Corporal Gilad Shalit on June 25, to an “operational” breakdown. He did not lay it at the door of commanders and their conduct. “None of them lied or failed to perform their duties,” said Gen. Eiland, former national security adviser, in the report on the inquiry the chief of staff entrusted him to carry into the causes of the incident at the Kerem Shalom post. Most damningly, Eilat affirmed that the corporal’s abduction could

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have been aborted. The kidnappers and their hostage were clearly visible on the unit’s electronic screens as they crossed the border into the Gaza Strip, but the tank commander delayed by first asking his superior for permission to open fire and abort their flight. The only action Chief of staff, Lt. Gen. Dan Halutz took on receipt of the report Monday, July 10, was to announce he had raised the matter in conversation with a number of commanders. Halutz made no mention of how he would handle Eiland’s comprehensive denigration of an “operational breakdown - from battalion and brigade level all the way up to the top of the division and general staff. “ Neither was this finding itemized. Eiland himself did not recommend dismissals. His restraint was no doubt motivated by the general disinclination to give the enemy free points at a time when the IDF is engaged in combat in the Gaza Strip, especially when the commanders targeted for criticism are at the front line. According to DEBKAfile’s military sources, the two generals are counting on the Gaza operation, which the IDF launched on June 28, three days after the Hamas assault on the army post, stealing the limelight from the faults found along the entire chain of command. Our sources say that Eiland directs most of his disapproval at three to five officers from the ranks of colonel, brigadier general, major general and lieutenant general. At the same time, General Eiland should also have asked the three searching questions that might have laid bare the root-causes of the fiasco at Kerem Shalom: 1. Was this a one-time slip-up or a part of a long-running string of lapses? 2. Was it the natural, preordained consequence of the operational

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directives coming down from the prime minister, the defense minister via IDF chiefs? On June 23, two days before the attack and kidnap, DEBKAfile exposed the five taboos prime minister Ehud Olmert and defense minister Amir Peretz laid down for military operations to counter the Qassam missile blitz against southern Israel. One banned Israeli forays into the areas of the missile sites in Gaza and ambushes on Palestinian side of the border fence. Eiland refrained from asking whether those strict prohibitions may have handicapped the command levels of the army to the point of rendering them incapable of performing their duties. The officers had due warning of an impending Palestinian cross-border attack through an undiscovered tunnel. What more logical than to put IDF ambushes squads behind enemy lines to trap the assailants when they return to their base in Gaza? Knowing they might be there, the Hamas-led kidnap team would have realized its escape route with Shalit was blocked and might have been deterred from the abduction. 3. The Eiland probe should have examined the strategic concepts guiding Israel’s top commanders before and after the fall of the Kerem Shalom post. Given the far-reaching consequences, the Israeli public is entitled to a lot more enlightenment. The tailored facts released show a prime minister and defense minister still in a state of denial over the root-causes of the present security crisis. Israel’s unconsidered disengagement from the Gaza Strip and its military withdrawal from the Philadelpi border route in September 2005 constitute Israel’s most damaging military and political blunder in a decade. Until this is

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confronted and objectively analyzed, the top IDF brass will be constrained from looking squarely at the escalating terror threat posed by Hamas-in-government and addressing it with all the considerable professionalism at their command. Such cool analysis is the target of Olmert’s primary taboo. With the premiership, he inherited from Ariel Sharon the deadly fallout from this bungle, along with the leadership of the Kadima party, whose only ‘raison d’etre’ after rubber-stamping Sharon’s disengagement from Gaza is to continue the process on the West Bank. The scales have fallen from many Israeli eyes in the wake of the Gilead Shalit disaster. People have begun asking hard questions, such as how did Hamas come to take over Palestinian government in the first place. And why is Hamas being permitted to terrorize southern Israelis with Qassam missiles after the Gaza Strip was handed over lock, stock and barrel to full Palestinian control. And the missile menace is beginning to percolate into the West Bank too. Even some of Kadima’s leading figures appear perplexed. In his report to the chief of staff, Giora Eiland implied that the IDF may be in urgent need to revise some of its outdated concepts and apply a fresh approach to the new realities - even at the cost of standing up to civilian government. Unless this is broached, Israel’s armed forces are in for more command failures and further misfortunes. **

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It's so nice to be appreciated, even by my enemies, but better by my friends. SO much better by friends because here is what the enemies can do in America. They can try and take it over. For the first time in my checkered bookselling history, I was tossed out of an event, and by no less than the Israeli Shabak...in Orlando, Florida. I chose to sell at an event sponsored by one Battalion of Deborah who promised me the "biggest" event to save Israel on American soil. At least 2000 genuine patriots would show. In fact, maybe 120 people showed up and maybe 60 vendors sold to them, including a dozen Israelis... half or more Shabak agents. My mistake was identifying one who I had seen in Israeli. He had made his name short and friendly but I went up to him I asked, "How you doing Amichai?" or something like that. His first name: IT IS ASHER NEUMAN. He looks more German than Israeli. And his cover is selling e-mail messages to the Western Wall by a firm called IPS. Another Shabak firm is Ami Tours of Chicago who kept a pretty good watch on me as well after I pointed to Neuman and asked, "Why is the Shabak here?" It was in getting thrown out that was more than a reminder of the Israel I had run from. Filming this non-event was Nitzan Chen, the broadcaster sought out by Avishai Raviv to give him a poster of Rabin in a Gestapo uniform. To this day Chen's broadcast is used to prove how "fascist" are the settlers. Chen, religious and I thought anyway, married, spent more time chasing the Christian girls than film making.

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He told me, "This is the Golden Land." I suppose it was his first shot at Christians. I can only assume the Land stopped shining at some point. Night one was full of preachers like Hagee. Night two was filled with Knesset members and politicians like Mudie Zemberg, Benny Alon, Elyakim Haetzni, et al. After a conversation with Zemberg, I told a Deborah Battalioner that I initially supported him but he let us all down. She was aghast. "He is better than ever." she insisted. I told her he began in Rafael Eitan's Tsomet Party, which saw defections that gave Rabin a Jewish majority for Oslo, and he ended up in the viciously anti-religious party, Shinui is run by Tommy Lapid. The lady had never heard of Shinui and didn't want to know who Zemberg was. She added, "The Jewish Agency supplied the Israelis for us anyway." The Jewish Agency? THE JEWISH AGENCY???? That explained why the speakers were all turncoats and the vendors agents. ** I will reveal a source. In 1997, a young man named Arye Landesburg revealed to me how he got involved in Avishai Raviv and Yigal Amir's super-radical EYAL organization. "I was at a rally at Orient House in East Jerusalem when Benny Alon approached me and insisted I meet the nicest guy here...Avishai Raviv. He got half his members through Alon. That's how Alon identified him so quickly after the Rabin assassination. They worked together in the Shabak." TURNCOAT.

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Elyakim Haetzni is the only Yesha commentator who knows my work and condemns it. What Are They All Doing Here? ** The auditorium was too empty for Chen's film. It was humiliatingly empty, so they ordered the vendors to shut down sales and sit and watch the Israelis speak. IT'S TORTURE TIME. The speeches were all written for the MKs. They were dreadful. All these so-called right-wing MKs prove Israel must be democratic. "When Israel is attacked we become the best fighters in the world." Which explains why Hizbullah shut down the country for a month. "Next time WE WILL USE OUR STRENGTH TO ATTACK IRAN." ATTACK IRAN. US. Here comes the Holocaust. And out I went. ** I left the auditorium with its quiescent Israelis, and Americans standing and clapping for every militaristic word. THAT WAS ILLEGAL. We had gathered to STAND WITH ISRAEL. And that means ATTACK IRAN. That's why Olmert's sister-in-law was selling tours in the vending room. That's why we're all here.

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BUT NOT YOU. So the Shabak taught an itty-bitty little American girl their words, just the way Israelis, so sadly, have heard them thousands of times before. With Neumann watching the performance, the dumb girl recited the lines while being protected by a dozen black security guards: "I'm going to say this once. If I say it twice a uniformed police officer will..." Blah Blah Blah. She was so thrilled by her phoney power she actually hummed a country song by the end. ** This is how the Shabak set me and thousands of people up in Israel. Now look at the reply former Shabak chief and today's Police Minister Avi Dichter sent me. I asked that Israel police cooperate with my attorney Dov Even Or and supply him with the results of the investigation of my near deadly car "accident." Dear Mr. Chamish, In order to reply to your E-mail to Mr. Dicter, could you please supply with your mailing address? Best Regards, Ruti Koren Bureau Manager


President Moshe Katzav is being investigated for seven charges of sexual crimes, including rape. Is Israel's President a rapist? Or does someone hate him enough to frame him?

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Recall that before the last Presidential election, the President, Ezer Weizmann, was forced to resign because of gift-taking from the Geneva millionaire, Edouard Seroussi. I noted that Shimon Peres was about the only politician who knew European shenanigans. And I added, Peres WOULD run for President. I was right about that. Where I blew it is that Peres would lose the vote to Moshe Katzav. In any SECRET vote, Peres' enemies will express themselves. And thus, Katzav became the secret and sworn enemy of Shimon Peres. He doomed himself. ** Here is why the next Holocaust will succeed in Israel - because the Jewish people are overwhelmed with cutthroats from within. I had to leave Israel after a car crash that almost killed me. But it was the hospital that convinced me I had to get out of the place. I was restrained hand and foot from the first day of my stay to the last over two weeks later when there was no need for it. One major newspaper on its front page noted I was sharing a room with the Labor Party ideologue. I forget his name. But I do know he and his pals called me "the conspirator." That is until the night that he died in front of me. Then came the TV show about me and the Rabin murder. Sick and drugged, my bed was moved in front of the room where I was called "a fantasizer" to the nation. I had to watch as the departing crowd passed by me, mocking me. And that was a better moment than moving back to the ward and being ignored by all the doctors. As the doctors discussed the TV show in front of me, they ignored my calls for help. Meanwhile, I had a witch's brew of anti-stroke drugs pumped into my system. It was only after my stay improved because of two sympathetic doctors who cut the restraints, did I realize I had been, against my will, fed experimental drugs my whole stay.

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** Israel's past Presidents could be protected against all their crimes. The Sabbatean Chaim Weizmann in 1933 promised that only 2 million Jews would survive what he actually called "the Holocaust." After the war he admitted that Hitler had gone too far when only 100,000 Jews in areas he controlled survived. Weizmann allowed the Jews of Europe to be slaughtered and no one said a word. The crook Chaim Herzog ran mafia businesses all the way to China with millionaire Shaul Eisenberg. No one said a thing, even when he pardoned mega-crook Yossi Ginosar. Not only were his crimes forgotten, his son Isaac sits in today's government. So why is Katzav getting picked on? ** All I wanted was a place to stay and either build a business or find a job. Instead, I became Job. House one in Toronto, lasted 2 hours before I ran from the pigsty. Next house, a homosexual trap. Next, a messianic couple wanted me to advocate the lady and her direct conversations with God. Since none of it was true, I was gone. Finally, I move to Canada and guess what? My friend of ten years had no right to invite me. It's his mother's place and SHE didn't invite me. And that was truly insane. I don't give names unless I'm attacked. The first nut from Toronto has falsely accused me of theft and I will take care of him. But no one will take me under any circumstance if I name names. BUT WHAT AM I DOING WRONG? I just wanted a roof over my head until I can earn money. And instead everyone wants to use me...even close friends.

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** Katzav was accused of rape on the first day of the last war. Good timing. Peres, in that war, may have also set up the man who defeated him in the last party elections, Defense Minister Amir Peretz. Who can say if Peres, the number two man in the country, didn't bring down both of his enemies, Katzav AND Peretz. Both are now finished as politicians and human beings. ** Peres has likely broken his enemies, the President and the Defense Minister. Katzav, too frightened to think straight, has accused Bibi Netanyahu of framing him. Even Katzav is smarter than that. We recall that Rabbi Lau was accused of molesting a dozen young women. The establishment fought back by closing down the offending newspaper, Chadshot, and installing Lau as the new Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi. But Lau didn't offend the cutthroats. Katzav is finished, proper punishment for defeating Peres. *


In Israel, another lousy cover-up, now commonly called The Winograd Report was released. One Judge Winograd supposedly examined at great depth, the Oslo War of July 2006 and reached profound conclusions. Missing from this report was the IDF's own investigation of the kidnapping of Cpl. Gilad Shilat prepared by Col. Giora Eiland, which concluded that the kidnapping was watched on surveillance cameras by IDF officers, that a tank commander was refused the right to intervene to save Gilad, and that word of the crime was not made public for another 90

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minutes. The implication being that Shalit was permitted to be kidnapped. The next day, in Saint Augustine, Florida, I was at the local synagogue signing my new bride to conversion classes. Missing from Winograd's report were the very widespread claims that the two soldiers kidnapped by Hizbollah were in Lebanese territory, meaning they were set up to be taken as well. Three months earlier, my future betrothed had written me asking how to become Jewish. She had been attending services off and on for two years, had been learning Hebrew on her own and now wanted to make the move for a permanent conversion. I could only advise her to seek a rabbi, not me. Missing, or at least I couldn't find it, was Olmert's confession that in March of 2006, he ordered the IDF to go to war if any soldier was kidnapped. This item was published widely a month before the Winograd report was issued. My bride-to-be wrote again. In her quest to be Jewish, she met a man on a Jewish computer dating site. She had been on my e-mail list for four years and had just downloaded my book ‘Bye Bye Gaza’ from www.lulu.com/chamish. She had read my reports that what used to be the Jewish Defense League or Kach was now being used by the authorities to train patsies like Tatiana Suskind or Larissa Trimbobler or murderers like Eran Zada. She was dating a member of today's JDL, Bnai Elim and she thought she was being used. She added that her man was a close friend of Mike Gurovsky, a longtime stooge of the Israeli and American secret services. Further, they were all pals with other Kach "activists" like Itamar Ben Gvir and Avigdor Eskin.

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Missing as well from the Winograd report was Chief-Of-Staff Dan Halutz's war strategy of fighting badly but just well enough to bring "international forces" to the region to separate the sides. Then things turned between my bride of the near future and I. She told me that she had been involved in a rally for Jonathan Pollard. She was told it was a legal gathering, yet far away in Jerusalem, Ben Gvir and Gurovsky had made news by outrageous behavior at their demonstrations for Pollard. She asked why Kach and its allies even cared about Pollard if what I wrote about him was true. Then she e-mailed me the question that cemented our love forever: ‘Why did this Bnai Elim give me Kach banners to store at home and why were they going to give me a gun to guard a CIA convention in Florida?’ I told her to phone me immediately, this was now very serious. And now the greatest flaw in the Winograd report; there is no mention of the number two member of the Kadima Party, Shimon Peres. If Olmert falls, Peres becomes the new Prime Minister, which may have been the reason for this war in the first place. Pres. Bush's press secretary, Tony Snow, announced that the Pres. wants Olmert in power because he believes in "a two-state solution." If Olmert falls, well Condoleezza Rice is backing Foreign Minister airhead Tzipi Livni as head of Israel. *

LET THE ARABS WIN FOR ISRAEL A 32 year old woman dies in Sderot from a Hamas missile in Gaza. Israel launches a brief helicopter attack and then nothing. Meanwhile, 78% of the public wants a ground attack to snuff out the rockets. The government forgets to announce, "Why should we? We've got the Arabs in civil wars in Gaza and Lebanon now.

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They'll do the dirty work for us." The 2007 Middle East War has erupted into half-blossom and this time, our soldiers aren't at risk...so far. So now we know why Israel practically guaranteed a Hamas victory by banning them from running in during the last elections and then permitting them to do so. And now we know why "right-wingers" like Avigdor Lieberman recently voted in favor of re-arming the PLO. The PLO was told, "Defeat Hamas and we'll give you a state in all of 'the West Bank.' And on the 40th anniversary of Jerusalem Day, the Knesset passed a law for the future withdrawal from Judea and Samaria by national referendum. Yet so disgusted was G-d by this government's existence that He canceled their anniversary celebrations with an unheard of an ungodly deluge on Jerusalem (which killed 7 people near the city, no less.) For those who know my writing, we know the first open American military association between the US and the PLO began in March1996, when Shimon Peres decided the Palestinians were not killing Jewish "settlers" fast enough. In what was about his last act as Prime Minister, Peres asked two members of the 'Council On Foreign Relations' (CFR), CIA Chief John Deutsch, and his "Middle East expert" George Tenet, to send 40 PLO "policemen" to Virginia for advanced training. After that, the PLO became experts at killing Jews and many hundreds more flew to the US to learn sophisticated techniques in Jew murder. Now those "experts" in Gaza and one Palestinian "camp" in Lebanon are keeping the "militants" from Israel's door, at least

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for now. Why should Israeli soldiers die when the PLO will fight for them? ** And as the political cauldron boils over, its broth spreads over the stove. Read the notes to see what I have tried to teach. We begin with the Israeli police discovery that a "humanitarian" group, ‘Doctors Without Borders’, signed a travel release for a killer named Bashir who journeyed to Israel to murder PM Olmert. Not that we all wouldn't like to get rid of him some way since the Israeli "democracy" provides no way to oust a leader with a 0% popularity rating. But this way leads straight to another murder by Shimon Peres. Bashir was acting for the PFLP, a Damascus-based Christian murder organization founded by George Habash, who died in France, nestled in the arms of Francois Mitterand. Now we recall my reconstruction of the murder of Tourism Minister Rehavam Ze'evi. Read my books ‘Shabtai Tzvi, Labour Zionism and the Holocaust’, and ‘Save Israel’ (found at www.lulu.com/chamish) for the details. Ze'evi, two days before, had threatened Sharon with a huge fall if he didn't release Peres from his cabinet. He would take his party, and those of Benny Elon and Avigdor Lieberman, out of the government and expose Peres in a last Knesset speech if he wasn't ousted in two days. Next door to Zeevi at the Jerusalem Hyatt was the IDF's commander of Judea and Samaria, Yitzhak Eitan. In his most recent atrocity, he had let a Druze soldier bleed to death at Joseph's Tomb, while working hand in hand on surrender with the PLO's "intelligence" chief of Jericho, Jabril Rajoub. He made certain there was no bodyguard on Zeevi's floor, even though

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Gideon Ezra, Deputy Internal Security Minister, slept two doors away from Zeevi. Peres had called France and quickly organized the PLFP hit squad to rub out Zeevi four hours before his departing Knesset speech that would expose him as a traitor. Yasir Arafat announced that Zeevi's murder was a foreign hit but agreed to allow American and British soldiers to guard the killers in Jericho. When Arafat died, the killers threatened to talk. The IDF attacked their Jericho prison, snatched them away and nothing has been heard from them since. Ben Hecht's ‘Perfidy’ is the classic tale of the Labor Zionists sending Rudolf Kastner to Hungary where Adolf Eichmann offered him all 800,000 Jews for 700 non-military trucks to carry his loot away. Sadly for this unfortunate human mass, Kastner and the ‘Jewish Agency of Jerusalem’ led by the butcher Chaim Weizmann, said no. All characters in this tale of genocide were killed by the Labor Zionists including the brave Swede who did his best to save the Jews and learned the hardest way that the Labor Zionists wanted them dead, Raoul Wallenberg. NOTES: http://www.wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=55797 A Fatah convoy of three trucks was stopped by Hamas at a makeshift checkpoint at Dabit Circle, a northern Gaza town, according to Hamas sources. Hamas abducted 18 Fatah gunmen and seized stockpiles of American weapons that were in the vans, the sources said. The U.S. in recent months reportedly transferred large quantities of weapons to Fatah, purportedly to back Abbas' military organizations against Hamas.

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The last confirmed U.S. weapons transfer to the Palestinians took place last May and consisted of 3,000 assault rifles, but WND reported multiple other transfers later were delivered to Fatah, including a cache of 7,000 rifles last January and about 8,000 assault rifles in February. While the weapons were meant to bolster Fatah in Gaza, Hamas has reportedly won most battles against the U.S.-backed militias.

<---><---><---><---><---> Quiet Knesset Vote on Another Unilateral Withdrawal (IsraelNN.com) Knesset members quietly voted 26-18 Wednesday to approve a national referendum on whether to implement another unilateral withdrawal from Israel-controlled territories. Many coalition members absented themselves from the vote, which was carried out on Jerusalem Reunification Day.

<---><---><---><---><---> From cuttingedge.com Jewish author, Barry Chamish, has long maintained that the type of Illuminati Jewish leadership in control of Israel today comes from the Sabbatean or Frankist Jews. Chamish alleges that these Jews in leadership in Israel since 1948 are frustrated because they could not establish the occult, non-Judaic Israel they wanted, and are willing to destroy most of it, in order to be able

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to build a country devoid of traditional Judaism. I have long rejected Chamish's conclusions, but I have since reversed my opinion, and now am open to the idea that Barry might be right: the current Illuminati leadership of Israel may be ready to destroy most of Israel today so that, out of the ashes of a broken, nearly destroyed Israel, they may rebuild the type of occult Israel they have always envisioned. Two major factors have caused me to change my mind. 1) Israeli leadership since the days of the Arafat first Intifada, beginning in 1982, has allowed the Palestinians to arm themselves with heavy and deadly military weaponry. Since the days of Ariel Sharon, Israel has allowed the Palestinians to arm themselves with anti-tank weapons, rockets and guided missiles, to the point now where every Israeli town and city is under the gun of some type of weapon which could level that city…

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It's Israel's closing down sale with thousands of missiles and rockets about to rub out the state. So we're celebrating by offering 800 IDF soldiers for a top secret anthrax vaccine experiment. The soldiers come complete with a wide variety of ailments, all the way to epilepsy. And for only a few days, we'll cover up all the damage to the young men and women who foolishly wanted to defend the state.

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And for this week only, we'll offer a spreading mutiny as the reserve soldiers from Sderot join in the fun and refuse to do their military duty. Hurry, because this mutiny may not last the summer. For the first 5.8 million customers, we'll finally offer a great reason not to make Shimon Peres your President. Besides his super record of serial murder, he turned in Jonathan Pollard. Now where else can you get such a bargain? And before we finally drown in an unforgettable barrage of rockets, let's wipe out the Entebbe myth. Yes, our Mossad used the PFLP to arrange the fantastic Entebbe hijacking and it's yours for the unbelievably low price of our national sovereignty. But let's not forget the homosexuals in your family. For this month only, the Ford Foundation is offering to pay for both sides of a bloody march through Jerusalem. Don't miss it! It's true folks, for a limited time only, Russia will take over a major chunk of your capital and at no personal cost to you. You gotta love those Ruskies, and they really, really work. You remember how Kach set up Shimshon Cytryn to take the low, low rap for the Gush Katif massive sellout sale? And how Judge Edmond Levy offered us the fantabulous Rabin murder cover-up. And how father, Shmuel Cytryn got a once-in-a-lifetime 9 month in the hole deal for identifying the Shabak star Avishai Raviv? Well, now they're all altogether again in one easy-to-reach location, helping you help them destroy your Israel. It won't last much longer now, so read the notes on how you can gather all the savings into your new home, wherever that may be.

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NOTES: http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/863699.html Last update - 01:15 28/05/2007 Secret IDF anthrax vaccine trial on soldiers to be investigated The Israel Defense Forces will provide the ethics bureau of the Israeli Medical Association with all the details of secret experimental anthrax vaccine trials it carried out on over 800 soldiers since 1999.

<---><---><---><---><---> http://web.israelinsider.com/Articles/Security/11458.htm 100 reservists from Sderot have launched a public protest against the government, announcing in a letter to Prime Minister Ehud Olmert that they find it difficult to serve in the reserves as long as the government continues to "abandon Sderot's residents." http://worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=56002 JERUSALEM – Israeli presidential hopeful Shimon Peres lied to the U.S. about his involvement in the Jonathan Pollard spy operation, turned over all the evidence to prosecute Pollard in order to save his own career; and may have testified falsely under oath regarding the affair, Pollard charged in an exclusive communication relayed to WND yesterday. "Twenty-two years ago, Peres chose self-interest and personal power over his legal and moral obligation to rescue an Israel agent in peril. He deliberately, knowingly sold out an Israeli agent who had faithfully served the security needs of the state. That agent was me" said Pollard from his prison cell in Butner, N.C.

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http://www.ynetnews.com/Ext/Comp/ArticleLayout/CdaArticlePrintPreview/1,2506,L-3406576,00.html Daily Telegraph, U.K. Israeli agents 'helped Entebbe hijackers' By Peter Day Last Updated: 12:20am BST 01/06/2007 An extraordinary claim that Israeli intelligence may have had a hand in an airline hijacking before sending in commandos to rescue the hostages at Entebbe was made to the Foreign Office. It came via David Colvin, the first secretary at the British embassy in Paris, according to a newly released National Archives file

<---><---><---><---><---> http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3407333,00.html Israel: BBC Entebbe Story 'Ridiculous' 16 Sivan 5767, 02 June 07 11:09 (IsraelNN.com) Israel termed “ridiculous” on Friday reports that Mossad agents had been responsible for the hijacking of an Air France plane in 1976 that was taken to Entebbe Airport in Uganda.


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Russians Bidding for Control in Downtown Jerusalem (IsraelNN.com) If current negotiations with the Russians succeed, a large complex in central Jerusalem will be handed over to control of the Russian government. The area in question is part or all of what is known as the Russian Compound, so named because it was built and once owned by the Russian government.

<---><---><---><---><---> Car Accident Delays Shimshon Cytryn Verdict 13 Sivan 5767, 30 May 07 03:13 by Hillel Fendel (IsraelNN.com) The verdict in the trial of Shimshon Cytryn, accused of attempted murder for involvement in a rock fight with Gaza Arabs just before the Disengagement, was to be handed down today (Wednesday). It was postponed, however, after Cytryn, on the way to the courthouse, suffered a minor car accident with an Arab driver.

<---><---><---><---><---> Father Under House Arrest as Son's Verdict Decided 17 Sivan 5767, 03 June 07 02:42 (IsraelNN.com) Shmuel Cytryn, a shepherd from Nachliel in the central Binyamin region, will not be present as his son Shimshon's verdict is read aloud today in the Be'er Sheva District courthouse. Instead, Cytryn-the-father is under house arrest for having tried to stop two Arabs who stoned his car and smashed his windshield.

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In November 2005, 4.5 months after Shimshon's arrest, Supreme Court Justice Edmond Levy released him to the care of a rabbi in Shaalvim, with sharp criticism of the lower court judge for not doing it sooner.


ATILLA BARAK Allow me, people, to introduce you to Atilla Barak, mass murderer of religious Jews. And yes, Mr. Baumel, he ordered the murder of your son Zecharia . We are grateful you are slowly reaching the truth. Your announcement to not elect Peres President because he is covering up your son's killing was a grand step forward. In fact, the order to murder religious soldiers in order to sabotage Menachem Begin's then-successful invasion of Lebanon, was not Barak's. Shimon Peres and Yossi Sarid connived with the documents thief Sandy Berger of the ‘Council on Foreign Relations’ (CFR), then President of the American office of Peace Now, to destroy the war in American eyes. It was, in fact, Begin's Defense Minister, Ariel Sharon who destroyed Begin for good. As those who have read my books know, Sharon had founded a left-wing political party called Shlomtzion, in early 1973. He invited Sarid to be his deputy. After emerging as the hero of the Yom Kippur war, in January of 1974, he was invited by Henry Kissinger (CFR) to New York. There a plan was hatched to destroy Begin's Herut Party by joining Shlomtzion with it and wrecking it as the Likud. Sharon

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was promised power later if he would only produce a massacre that would ruin Begin and Herut for good. Sharon allowed the Falangist fighters to enter the PLO towns of Sabra and Shatilla and only removed them three days and 800 corpses later. But let us concentrate on Atilla Barak. He is a coward. Prof. Uri Milstein, as good an Israeli historian as exists, writes that during the Yom Kippur War, Barak refused to enter China Farm and rescue a stranded armor unit. It was just too dangerous. But that's a hidden fact. The events of Tze'elim exposed Ehud the heartless butcher for all of Israel to see. In his last act as Prime Minister Rabin's Chief Of Staff, Barak planned a complicated military exercise at the IDF's Tze'elim military training ground. His planning went awry as 5 soldiers were killed and 13 were wounded when an errant mortar landed in their position. Sensing that he was in real trouble, Ehud hopped the nearest chopper and flew to Tel Aviv to plan a cover-up with Rabin. Yediot Achronot blew his cowardice in his face as soldier after soldier testified to Barak's ‘irresponsibility’ if they were nice, ‘cowardice’ if they spoke from the heart. But Rabin was ordered to give him political power. So he was trained on how to overcome the scandal and made an aggressive ass of himself in a television interview. The masses bought his lies, but a significant minority, many soldiers and their circles, knew he was a lying weasel. And he survived. In preparation for his upcoming political career, Barak announced he was going to America to earn some money. Some money, indeed! He landed at Martin Indyk's Washington Institute For Mid-East Peace where he spent six months getting his marching orders. He returned to Israel and built a new mansion, don't ask where the money came from. But how he rewarded his financiers! Within days of becoming Prime Minister in 2000, he

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pulled the IDF out of Lebanon with its tail between its legs, left tanks and intelligence computers behind and worse, left the Christian, Southern Lebanese Army to be arrested and tortured by the Hizbollah. Which is why no Christian in his right mind will ever trust Israel's leadership again. It is no coincidence that within hours of being named Israel's new Defense Minister that Kiryat Shmoneh was rocketed from Lebanon. This was no random act. It was a reminder that he is in the hands of Israel's worst enemies. And he got the message. And now Mr. Baumel, your son. It was July of 1982, at Sultan Yacob, near the shores of Lake Karoun, Lebanon. Brigade Commander Avigdor Ben Gal left on a Jeep tour with his intelligence officer Mickey Shatz. We owe our information to Shatz who told the magazine Kol Ha'Ir what Atilla did after. Barak, holding a map of Syrian positions, and subsequent reports have future Labor Party leader Amram Mitzneh beside him, ordered a religious tank division into an ambush. Without orders from his commander, in order to ruin Begin's victory, he sent the soldiers to their deaths. On purpose. Anything to stop Begin's success. Twenty three died fighting their way free. Just as many were wounded. And three were taken prisoner including your son, Mr. Baumel, Zecharia. Mr. Baumel. We met. I told you Barak murdered your son. You let his memory die wasted. This time, find Shatz and Ben Gal. Make your son's death worthy. Stop Atilla from murdering again.

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SPINNING OUT OF CONTROL I'm back from a four lecture tour of NYC and environs. I was there during Tisha B'Av, a fast which commemorates the loss of the First and Second Temples. I heard one rabbi lecture on the night of the commemoration and one at its end. The first rabbi, David Rybstein, declared there cannot be two peoples on one land, the second in Woodmere, mourned the sad fact that there aren't twelve people trying to redeem the Holy Temple. Neither rabbi mourned the much sadder fact that this may well be their last Tisha B'Av with Israel. Welcome to America...1938. From my tiny sample, allow me to expand and declare, Americans, Jews and not, don't know that Israel is now spinning out of control. The spin will drift into raw chaos if Olmert is ever indicted by the police for his manifold crimes. Then, the new deputy prime minister, Chaim Ramon will take over the land for its last days. Ramon was installed barely a couple of months after being convicted of the lewd crime of French-kissing an 18 year old soldier, needless to say, against her will. Ramon, as doubtless no one remembers, was given mounds of American advice and money to take over the national union, The Histadrut. So, just a few months off pedophilia charges, he could very well be, the last ugly face holding the PM's post. Next, let's destroy the Jewish National Fund (JNF). This is the backbone of Jewish sovereignty in Israel, owning and guarding the land of Israel for the Jews. It all began in June 2006 when for the first time, an Arab, one Ra'adi Sfori, was made a director of the board by the far-left Meretz faction. This month, former Meretz head Yossi Sarid called for a strike against the JNF

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unless it handed out its real estate to Arabs. Of Sarid's many acts of deadly treachery, I am reminded that it was he, Shimon Peres and US documents thief Sandy Berger, a member of the ‘Council on Foreign Relations’ (CFR), who led the campaign to wreck the Israeli gains of the Lebanon War of 1982. Enter Shimon, feh, phooey, ichseh, Peres, President of the Israel he hates and is conspiring toward its end. To be really prepared, Google a CFR membership list and see that I'm right. His New Jersey pals, CFR members Zuckerman and Tisch, are actively assuring that Arabs get a "fair" share of JNF largesse, much to the deceit of actual JNF contributors. (See notes). And who will oversee the latest and last transfer, none other than Olmert's first backer, the President of the JNF's board, Ronald Lauder of the CFR? But will the non-Frankist Jews make this most obvious connection? Of course not. They want Israel to spin, spin, spin... spin, spin, spin...out of control. Et, voila, le piece de resistance. I am in Liberty, New York at a camp for Jewish idealists run by Stern and Brown. Stern has been forced from Israel by a humiliating, deliberate sexual crime against him. There, I read a Hebrew paper for the first time in a year. Yediot has a long feature on Jewish youth from the old USSR and Ethiopia, mostly Gentile, brought by the head of the Jewish Agency and new anti-semite, Avraham Burg. They have now formed murderous gangs throughout the land and are 60% of the underage prisoners in custody. They threaten the very safety of all Israelis. Burg's strategy worked. Israel is now spinning, spinning, spinning, out of control.

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NOTES: http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=56825 The source said the group of wealthy New Jersey Jews, all of whom are real estate moguls and many of whom invest in projects as a team, are largely also donors to leftist causes associated with Israeli President Shimon Peres, who advocates the division of Jerusalem and an Israeli withdrawal from the West Bank. The Jews include the Wilf, Halpern, Zuckerman and Tisch families, according to the JNF source. The key lands in Jerusalem upon which the JNF has allowed Arabs to illegally construct are part of the areas Peres has advocated handing to the Palestinians. Peres previously served as Israel's minister for the development of the Negev Desert, which the JNF has been leading a massive campaign to populate, with the goal of bringing 250,000 Jewish residents there. Peres' face is prominently featured on JNF advertisements and material. "The wealthy New Jersey Jews are highly politically motivated, support leftist causes and are involved in JNF affair," charged the JNF source. "It is unfair to Jews worldwide who donate to the JNF

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with certain expectations, such as that their donations will be used for Jewish settlement in Jerusalem."


Sarid: Don't Contribute to JNF 12 Av 5767, 27 July 07 12:43 by (IsraelNN.com) In a Friday morning Haaretz article, former Minister and loquacious leftist spokesman Yossi Sarid called upon readers to cease making contributions to the Jewish National Fund. Following the Knesset's recent vote reaffirming that land owned by the JNF is for Jewish settlement only, Sarid told the big contributors : "don't give a shekel" to the JNF "until it begs" the Knesset not to ratify the law in its final readings. Sarid also wrote that there is no need for a national unity government because Israel already has one: "the Judaism of muscle and arbitrariness has a tremendous majority in the Knesset," he explained.

<---><---><---><---><---> www.IsraelNationalNews.com Among the 255 is Abdel Rahim Mallouh, who was Deputy Secretary General of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). Mallouh's PFLP terrorists were behind the assassination of Tourism Minister Rehavam Ze'evi, the suicide bombing in a pizzeria in Karnei Shomron, murdering two

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teenagers, and more. Mallouh, a personal friend of Abbas, was sentenced to seven years in prison, and was scheduled to be released two years from now. In another Olmert gesture to Abu Mazen, 178 wanted Fatah terrorists have been taken off of Israel's wanted list for the coming three months, unless they are found to be actively engaging in terrorism. If they succeed in acting peacefully for the next three months, their names will then be taken off the wanted list permanently.

<---><---><---><---><---> A MAN-CHILD SPEAKS by Emanuel A. Winston, Mid East Analyst & Commentator Haim Ramon - not known for his ability to think - has spoken out from the vacuum of his mind about pacifying Fatah of the PLO by withdrawing from Judea and Samaria as a gesture of friendliness. Naturally, his ramblings were immediately featured in the New York Times. (1) The first time I saw Haim Ramon it was at a session of the Knesset (Israel’s Parliament). He stood out to me as a "man-child" as he giggled and wiggled like a puppy happy to be noticed by other more competent Knesset members. It was bizarre. His behavior was bizarre. Haim Ramon’s record as a Leftist politician was virtually empty of accomplishment. But, leave it to Steve Erlanger of the New York Times to take the babbling of a "man-child" and position it as if an important man had made a wise and visionary statement. Haim Ramon is said to be close to Israel’s Prime Minister Ehud

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Olmert, which is not surprising considering that institutional dimwits find each other excellent company. Besides many of the other Kadima Cabinet members are under investigation for criminal activity.

<---><---><---><---><---> *

OF BUNKERS, MORONS AND WALLS When a man hits your eye With a big pizza pie; That's A Moron - Allan Sherman Climb the hill from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and just before you enter the capital, look left. There is a gouge in the Judean hills and a road that leads to Ben Gurion airport. As I've been reporting for almost a year, that is a secret bunker to house our leaders during the next war...and a road to the airport when they decide to haul ass before the masses descend on the terminal. And it only costs $250 million to build. As for the cost to the environment; who cares? Just so long as the morons escape, no matter the price. Of the people, a correspondent from near Tel Aviv writes; "Some weeks ago, crews of hilloni boys in unmarked or rental moving trucks combed through the Rishon LeZion neighborhood I live in, literally going to every apartment and demanding the masks. People were scrambling until well past midnight to comply with the order. After having our gas masks confiscated (supposedly so that they could be upgraded) we learn that there

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will be no upgrade, and it's obvious that those people about whom you write have decided it's in their interest to make it more likely that there will be mass casualties when the rockets begin falling." The school year may be delayed because teachers are demanding a whole $50 million in increased salaries, but heck, there are more essential expenses, like a security wall for $350 million that doesn't work. It seems the enemy has learned to breach the wall with pulleys and tunnels and after destroying the countryside, the wall is about as good a protection as the Maginot or Bar Lev Lines. So let's build another wall along the Egyptian border. How well we remember the golden days when no Israeli government would build a nuclear bunker lest it sow panic in the people. And with our terrific army, who'd need one? But today the enemy is working together, with American military aid, to win the next war... And the morons will be the first out. NOTES: THE JERUSALEM POST Aug. 26, 2007 Senior IDF officers said on Sunday that terror groups have learned the army's defense systems, Army Radio reported, following an infiltration attempt on Saturday in which Palestinian terrorists climbed over the security fence wearing IDF uniforms.


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http://www.ynetnews.com/Ext/Comp/ArticleLayout/CdaArticlePrintPreview/1,2506,L-3442387,00.html Construction on the new National Command Center, where the country's leaders would be rushed to, should Israel suffer a nuclear attack, is rapidly progressing, Yedioth Ahronoth reported Monday. The $240 million underground bunker is designed to withstand a nuclear bomb and will house the Prime Minister's Office, military commands centers and the necessary civil authorities. "It's like something out of a movie, you walk around it in complete awe, knowing this is the place they'll be running the country from" a government source told Ynet.

<---><---><---><---><---> Israel considers building fence on Egyptian border By Ruth Sinai and Barak Ravid, Haaretz Correspondents Last update - 08:01 29/08/2007 HTTP://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/898704.html Israel is considering the construction of a border fence in cooperation with Egypt to prevent the passage of terrorists, smugglers and asylum-seekers between the two countries, Prime Minister's Office Director General Ra'anan Dinur told the Knesset Committee on Foreign Workers on Tuesday. A government official said Vice Premier Haim Ramon pitched the idea of the fence to the head yeof Egyptian Intelligence Omar Suleiman in Cairo a few weeks ago. Following Ramon's visit,

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Prime Minister Ehud Olmert was considering opening official negotiations with Egypt on the fence.

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Once there were three primary protest groups in Israel. There was The Yesha Council, which was nothing more than a tool of the government. Those who know my writing will recall Council head Benzi Liberman testifying at the trial of Avigdor Lieberman that he worked with the police to keep protesters far from Gush Katif. And who will ever forget his partner Pinchas Wallerstein ordering protesters to sap their energy by sleeping outside the Knesset in tents in the midst of Jerusalem's January snowstorms? Then there was Zo Artzeinu, which gathered tens of thousands of protesters to block roads in the late '90s. Then magically, its leader woke up one morning and told his adherents to stop the actions and join the thoroughly corrupt Likud Party. Of course, maybe 1,500 actually took his advice and Feiglin himself was prevented from ever actually sitting in the Knesset. The big boys, Binyamin Netanyahu included, had enough dirt on him to get him to betray his followers. And that left just one, The Women In Green, which had only enough appeal to, at its best gather, perhaps, a couple of hundred activists to its events. But it was NOT a tool of the rotten governing forces deliberately destroying the country. And today, they are the only protest group left in the land. For years I have written its leader, Nadia Matar, and begged her

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to quit wasting her time demonstrating against Israel's crooked leaders and instead, make any representative of the ‘Council on Foreign Relations’ afraid for their lives to come to Jerusalem and further corrupt Israel's mafia rulers. On Wednesday, Sept. 19, she finally cooked up a march against the CFR's Condeleeza Rice, who showed up at Ehud Olmert's Sugar Shack for Din-Din. *


Nadia had a nasty message that simply ruined Condi's meal: "The Prime Minister and Condoleezza Rice are planning, in a secret manner, to give away Judea, Samaria and the Temple Mount and the establishment a Palestinian Nazi State there," Matar told Israel National TV. "The public has learned that we were much too delicate last time. We will not allow it this time. We will not obey and we will not stand down in the face of this treachery." Now nobody interferes with the culinary etiquette of Condoleezza. Her digestive juices are much too delicate for that. So after the meal, and following a mild, peaceable protest with barely 100 participants, the enraged Ehud sent in his police dogs and arrested Nadia. And brutally at that. The photographer for my book, ‘Bye Bye Gaza’, Gemma Blech, photographed the atrocity. Nadia still doesn't know the brutal facts even after the near massacre at Amona, the two dozen suspicious deaths of Yesha rabbis and political leaders, the testimonies against the mad dog police by the likes of Yedidya Weinberg and many others. In fact, she doesn't even recognize my story of exposing Sharon's "stroke" after drinking tea with Shimon, Ugh, Feh, Peres and being taken to the hospital by the bodyguard, Yoram Rubin – the same Rubin who murdered Yitzhak Rabin. After convincing over

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half of Israel's Jews of the facts of the Rabin coup, someone didn't want me inspecting Sharon's demise too closely. Right after Sharon's stroke, I had mine. I survived, so one night I was invited to a party in a remote location where a rent-a-car almost killed me. And the police wouldn't release my file to me, my lawyer or my insurance company. It has had devastating effects on my family, but I ran from Israel to save my life. I was on a hit list and wouldn't survive much longer in Israel. And now, so is Nadia Matar. She ruined Condi's meal. And Condi's organization has plans for the Middle East and they kill anyone who gets in their way. The same CFR waging war on Judaism is destroying Iraq and Afghanistan and are now eyeing Iran. And if anybody dares to see too much and start talking...kaboom. The Arizona Cardinals lost their lineman Pat Tillman. He was placed on the permanent injury list after being fragged by US officers afraid he would lead an anti-war campaign. Three shots to the head from ten feet away! He was executed once while standing, while the two coup de grace shots took place while he was on the ground, already dead. Seven soldiers serving in Iraq wrote and signed a NY Times op-ed against the war they were fighting. That was in August. By September, two were dead in a truck accident, while a third suffered a nasty wound to the head. The CFR is mad, mad, mad. And Nadia ruined Condi's dinner in Jerusalem. Her followers must guard her against car crashes, diseases, sudden suicides, opportune terrorism, whatever will look like an accident. For her courage, she is now on the list. Welcome aboard!

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Hello Muddah, Hello Fadduh, Here I am at Camp Auschwitz

As November approaches, the annual Israeli media hunt for the Rabin truth begins. Already Maariv asked how many Israeli Jews believe Rabin was murdered in a conspiracy, and bo and lehold, with a 4.4 percentage plus/minus margin of error, 46% of the religious or maybe half the population, believe Rabin was knocked off by a conspiracy led by their President, Shimon Feh, Yech, Peres, aided by former Shabak head honcho Carmi Gillon and his underling, bodyguard Yoram Rubin. Thank you, people; yes I have persuaded a nation that their leader was rubbed out in a coup. It was my bestseller ‘Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin’, and my 400 Hebrew lectures that were primarily responsible for the truth emerging, yet try to find my name in any report about the phenomena. ** Click here: Questions Remain; 28% of Israelis Say Amir Poll carried out last week by Teleseker of a representative sample of 500 Adult Israeli Jews for Maariv the week of 5 October 2007 and published in Maariv on 8 October 2007. Statistical error 4.4 percentage points. Percentage believing Yigal Amir's claim that he was not behind the murder: General population 28% Religious 46% **

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If you so desire, comment on this report mentioning my lonely contribution and the horrible price I paid making it. Or write [email protected] and for $20 I'll send you my book and DVD, both called ‘Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin’. But they won't stop the impending Holocaust of Israeli Jews. And how I have tried to wake them with the bigger and just as real conspiracy against a whole people. What is the world's leading nation for Nazi outrages? Of course it's Israel, where else? In the past month, more Nazis have done their deeds in the "Jewish" homeland than anywhere else, Germany included. And what was the government's response? It cut funds to the sole organization working to nip the Nazis in their buds. Now you may ask, WHY IS THE GOVERNMENT OF ISRAEL PROMOTING NAZIISM? Because they got the Nazis there in the first place. In the early 1990s, one Avraham Burg was head of the Jewish Agency, responsible for immigration to Israel. Today he lives in France and just wrote a book encouraging Israelis to get foreign passports and stop being Jewish. When he ran immigration, he changed the rules and permitted some 400,000 gentiles from the former Soviet Union to flood Israel. As anyone who cared at the time knew, many were actual Jew haters determined to murder Israelis. Burg's father, Yossi, was Interior Minister in the 1950s and directed an operation to radiate and kidnap an entire generation of Sephardic children. I have long written about the horrors the Labor Zionists have inflicted on the Jewish people, and now a very staid magazine called Mishpacha has finally confirmed them. Read the Notes. Avraham Burg was raised by a butcher daddy and he became a butcher son. And in Israel's final days, he brought Naziism to the Jews. As for Daddy Burg, get the film,

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The Ringworm Children: http://www.filmbaby.com/films/964 How long have I written that without a groundswell of protest, Israel is a goner? Or that the "leaders" of the opposition, Avigdor Leiberman and Binyamin Netanyahu have been long compromised by the Frankists running the country? Or that Manhigut exists only to vent "radical" protest spleen. Without a peep of survival left in Israel, the government, led by a Deputy Prime Minister named Ramon, just out of court on sexual molestation charges, will come to Annapolis, Maryland in November and give up the nation's capital and sovereignty. Are we reminded of the song verse: You remember, the Jews of Israel They're about to organize a searching party ** NOTES: Hello Barry and Moadim Lesimcha, I don't often correspond with you, but I saw an item in a charedi weekly, "Mishpacha", which ought to interest you. They ran a 3-part series (of which I have seen nos 1 and 2) in issues 174-176 about the Yemenite children travesty, written by Zecharya Nissim Tsanami. In issue 175, from 9/10/07, he writes on page69: "Meshulam was also the first to make a number of macabre claims concerning the fate of the missing children. He claimed that while hundreds of children were adopted by childless families in Israel and abroad, most of them were used for

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experimentation purposes in the US in exchange for assisting Israel to develop a nuclear weapons program.” The person fingered for striking the deal with the US was Shimon Peres, Ben Gurion's right-hand man, and the one behind the building of the Dimona nuclear reactor. Meshulam's disciples said he possessed records of Zim cruise lines from fifty years ago showing that each ship transported 200 infants traveling on forged passports. He reputedly had records, which he had carefully hidden away, incriminating many hight-ranking government officials." Mishpacha is a respectable paper, not at all a "rag". In the US you could order the back issues at 718-6869339. I have no recollection of any respectable publication accusing Peres of this abomination in such a direct manner.

<---><---><---><---><---> http://www.israeltoday.co.il/default.aspx?tabid=178&nid=14178 Anti-Semitic attacks are continuing throughout the country despite efforts by law enforcement officials to track down and eliminate neo-Nazi cells that are behind the incidents. Arsonists over the Sabbath attacked a synagogue in Haifa, torching its sukkah (holiday booth) and burning it to the ground. The attackers defaced at least one of the synagogueís Torah scrolls, scrawling swastikas on it. Several of the synagogue's Torah scrolls were recovered not far from the site. Police are investigating.

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Less than 24 hours later, residents of Ramat Hasharon discovered two swastikas spray-painted on the wall of a garbage chute on Bereishit Street. The Sunday morning vandalism has been added to the list of anti-Semitic incidents being tracked in the center of the country. Neo-Nazis have attacked a number of Jewish religious sites over the past two and a half weeks, since the beginning of the Hebrew holiday-laden month of Tishrei, which fell on the evening of September 12 of the Gregorian calendar. B'nei Brak residents awoke last week to find to swastikas and pro-Hitler graffiti on the walls of a local synagogue. The building is located on Kahanoman Street in the almost exclusively hareidi religious city in the Tel Aviv region. Also last week, residents of an Allenby Street apartment building in Haifa reported finding anti-Semitic graffiti on the walls of their stairwell. The graffiti included anti-Semitic slogans and at least one swastika. Among the first Nazi spray-painting in this wave of attacks were two swastikas found on the walls of a Dimona synagogue on the second day of Rosh Hashanah. The swastikas were found on the building's wall and on the fence surrounding it.

<---><---><---><---><---> www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/123746 September 22, 2007 (IsraelNN.com) Barely a week after police revealed the arrest of a neo-Nazi cell comprised of immigrant teens from the former Soviet Union (FSU), the government has decided to end its support for an organization that reaches out to "at risk" Russian

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teens. The Immigration and Absorption Ministry informed the organization last week that it would slice NIS 141,000 from the NIS 380,000 granted annually to the One Plus One non-profit organization. A recent survey by the Israel Anti-Drug Abuse Foundation released figures indicated that only a third of youths from FSU immigrant families, ages 12-18, identify themselves as Israelis. One Plus One, said spokesperson and resource development director Tal Frankfurt, reaches out to Russian-speaking teens who might otherwise be sucked into the neo-Nazi movement in Israel. In an interview with the Jerusalem Post, Frankfurt pointed out that the move is self-destructive. "The entire country is talking about this problem and the government cuts the budget of programs that are trying to help improve the situation," said Frankfurt, adding, "We help those who are seconds away from falling into this [neo-Nazi] trap."

<---><---><---><---><---> http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20071008/ap_on_re_mi_ea/israel_jerusalem&printer=1;_ylt=AvCAOV2j2yQwpMDlkg_PHJcUewgF A confidant of Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said Monday that his government would support a division of Jerusalem, which is reportedly a key component of an Israeli-Palestinian declaration to be made at a U.S.-sponsored Mideast peace conference next month.


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www.israelnationalnews.com Minister for Strategic Affairs Avigdor Lieberman came under heavy fire Sunday from right-wing movements and at least one Knesset member for statements he reportedly made during the weekly cabinet meeting. Lieberman was quoted as saying that Israel should transfer some of the neighborhoods and "refugee camps" in the Jerusalem to Arab hands, while adding that "the Old City and Mount Scopus are an inseparable part of Jerusalem." The "Headquarters for Saving Israel" said that Lieberman has been exposed as a "fifth column" within Israel and a double agent, who goes around "making extreme-sounding but irrelevant statements while at the same time helping [ultra-leftist] Peace Now and the Palestinians achieve their aspirations."

<---><---><---><---><---> A longtime source with an intelligence background has asked that I print the following background piece which he wrote: Israel’s ‘A’chilles heel (or why Israel does not have a nuclear option and why Iran will be attacked) After the WWII Jewish holocaust opinion in Israel has been united in one underlying, unifying stance, famously expressed by the former prime minister Menachem Begin – the last of whose leaders Israel can still be proud - of "Never Again". Among other hints addressed mainly, but not exclusively, to Israel 's regional enemies, the Begin’s slogan also indicated that Jews will never again walk "like a herd to butchery" and no Jewish holocaust will ever happen again.

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By the turn of the millennium, most intelligence sources in the world agreed that Israel had amassed a considerable nuclear arsenal. The numbers of estimated warheads vary, but anything between 200-500 is cited. These sources, aided by Israel 's own ambiguous policy regarding its nuclear capability, assume that Israel 's ultimate survival rely on the deterrence which such weapons are supposed to provide. The assumption is based – wrongly - on recent world experience of the two super-powers, the former Soviet Union and the USA, each maintaining a MAD (Mutual Assured Destruction) ability. The Middle East however, conducts itself on a somewhat different logical - if logic is the word - guidelines and not everything applicable to the super-powers conflict also applies to that region. The willingness of Arab martyrs to carry suicide missions, an element totally absent from the former super-powers conflict, brings further incertitude to (at least) the Middle East and raises questions as to the kind of deterrence that might work there. Apart from its nuclear power Israel had always relied, and still does, on its conventional power. This deterrence did not always achieve its intended purpose and Israel was actively involved in seven armed conflicts since 1948 (excluding the 1991 Iraq war when Israel was ‘peppered’ with Iraqi missiles without retaliation). The nuclear mega deterrence is supposed to ensure that in the event of a conventional military collapse, Israel 's existence will be guaranteed by the 'weapon of doom'. Simply put, if Israel ever finds itself facing a military defeat, it will turn to its “Samson Option” and inflict mass destruction on its enemy to stop the hostilities. Only once in its history is Israel alleged to have resorted to its 'weapon of doom', in the early stages of the Yom Kippur War. When Egypt’s and Syria’s armies were advancing and the then defense minister Moshe Dayan was pessimistic about the war’s outcome (“The Third Temple is about to collapse” a cadaver-faced Dayan returning from the front told

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Golda), several Tel Nof-based IAF Phantoms were reportedly armed with nuclear bombs and put on alert with fuses decoupled to zero alert. The arming of the aircraft was deliberately done in an 'elint-transparent' fashion, allowing both super powers to pick up the signals and to realize that Israel meant business. The rest is well-known: the US went on global nuclear alert as the Soviet Union threatened to fly 12 paratrooper divisions to Egypt ’s aid. A massive US airlift began to re-arm Israel and the nuclear Phantoms were stood down. Thirty-five years on Israel is believed to have largely solved its nuclear delivery systems which are now said to include land, air and sea capabilities. Special IAF designated squadron(s) with at least two US-made type of aircrafts can deliver nuclear weapons anywhere in the Middle East and beyond. Declassified satellite images have unveiled ground-based missiles in Israel around the Bet Shemesh hills, armed with various warheads and ranges covering the entire theatre of conflict. Lastly, the relatively recent additions to the Israeli Navy of three German-built best-of-class submarines are reported to have submerged 24in cruise missiles armed with nuclear warheads. Like Britain for example, the submarines form the last means of retaliation in worst-case scenarios. Israel's submarine flotilla is reported to operate on a standard rotational basis, with two of the three at sea at all times and a third undergoing maintenance or on stand-by. And as Yediot recently reported, a giant super nuclear bunker is being built in the Jerusalem hills at the initial cost of US$250 to become operational by 2011, for the Israeli leadership and central command and control in case of a nuclear attack. It will be as sophisticated and much the envy of other nuclear states, as it will be futile. Assuming a worst-case scenario, Iran will become nuclear within a few years (as of 2007). Whether by chance or design, a MAD situation will descent on the Middle East and unless it follows the

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logic then to super-powers, it may well end up in disaster. As reports indicate, Israel is building its nuclear arsenal in order to be able to deter and, failing that, to strike back if attacked. Yet Israel's survival, as stated in its "Never Again" policy, cannot accommodate such a risk. When it comes to vast territories, Israel is no match for the US nor the Soviet Union and not even Iran, and its ability to soak even a minor nuclear attack is non-existent. With that in mind, a further line of defense was developed to counter such a possibility in the form of the "Arrow" intercept system of high flying ballistic missiles (conventional or nuclear). Although at this time it is the only operational system of its kind in the world, it cannot provide an absolute shield and it is acknowledged that some incoming missiles will escape the system. Given Israel's size, it is not difficult to envisage that even a minimal number of evading missiles would send the country back to the stone age. Tactically, overwhelming the Arrow or any other system is relatively simple: a staggered attack of thousands of missiles from, say, Syria would almost certainly “soak and choke” the Green Pine electronic system and exhaust the missiles arsenal in Israel. Thus exposed, the long range nuclear missiles will then have an almost ‘free ride’ into Israel. This is where the submarine force is supposed to come into its own. It ensures that even in the worst case scenario, Israel can still strike back from the sea and inflict similar damage on its enemy. Except that this worst case scenario is non-existent for Israel. The state's reason d'etre cannot, and does not, include the Samson Option as Simon Hirsch calls it, of "dying with the Philistines" - pulling down the metaphorical roof over everyone's head, including Israel This is not why Israel, the home of the "butchered Jews" was created - to wait for another extermination, albeit with a retaliation option at hand. The Jewish psyche with its still fresh collective memory of the last holocaust,

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cannot entertain nor accommodate such an option. Consider the following scenario: a nuclear Iran launches missiles toward Israel. Israeli satellites pick up the launch and relay the event in real time back home. The Arrow system intercepts some (perhaps most) of them in flight; a second-tier missile defense, possibly Patriots, s to destroy the remaining ones; some nevertheless, manage to penetrate and hit Tel Aviv, Haifa, Jerusalem, The Galilee, the Dimona nuclear plant, etc.; Israeli nuclear missile bases are either destroyed or disabled. Casualties in Israel run into the hundreds of thousands; communication, radio and TV are paralyzed. The government loses a large measure of, if not total, control over what is left of the armed forces and all other emergency services. IAF bases have been hit with possibly only a few runways remaining operational. Perhaps some planes have managed to scramble and take off on their way to Iran on ‘autonomic response mission’. The command structure falls apart, the pilots are on their own. The nuclear fallout makes life impossible over larger areas, possibly over the entire land. The West Bank and Gaza are not spared and large numbers of casualties are also registered there. The entire area likely becomes inhabitable for many years to come. At this point communication between the Israeli submarines and their base may be lost. The command chain relying on fixed, sequenced communication between submarines’ weapon systems and base, collapses. When the sequence is cut, emergency codes kick in and subs commanders put crews on “autonomic nuclear response alert”. Similar operational procedures are in place in all navies of the world which operate nuclear-armed vessels. The sequence of retaliation is initiated and missiles from the submarines are fired back. By this time, perhaps some IAF strike planes also make it to Iran and release their lethal load. Mission accomplished.

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Accomplished what? There are now perhaps two hundred Israeli sailors submerged deep under sea and a dozen or so airmen stranded in their airborne planes who had fulfilled their mission. Where do the subs go now, where do the pilots return to? Back to Eilat or Ashdod ports? Eilat and Asdod have been wiped out. Back to their air bases at Tel Nof or Nevatim? If those have not been destroyed already, the nuclear fallout makes it impossible to approach the runways. Where to, then? Oman? Iraq? Perhaps eastward to India? Without mid-air refueling, some planes cannot return to Israel, at best they can land in a US airbase in Iraq or Kuwait. Some two hundred survivors of a country which has been literally obliterated, with no home to go to, aiming nowhere in the air and on the seas... Were these soldiers sent on a one way mission? So far Israel is not known to have sent its fighters on suicide missions (although some Sayeret Matkal commandos, the Israeli equivalent of SAS, may dispute this). No, this is not an option. Israel cannot rely on a second strike nor on MAD. It cannot afford to. It may of course threaten a nuclear response if its very existence is ever jeopardized in a conventional conflict. Note though, that such a scenario would also imply the collapse of the nuclear deterrence concept itself, while the second-strike option simply doesn’t exist from Israel ’s point of view. This makes it mandatory for Israel to ensure that such a scenario never comes to pass, thus it has to ensure that all her enemies remain non-nuclear. This means that Israel will bring about a destruction of the Iranian nuclear facilities before that country reaches the point of no return. However it achieves that – either by a US-only preemptive strike, or by a joint US-Israeli or a larger coalition effort, or go it alone - Israel will ensure that Iran does not become nuclear because, paradoxically, despite all the talk and despite all its might and nuclear arsenal, Israel itself does not and cannot entertain a nuclear option. The 6 September air strike this year on

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Syria's/North Korean nuclear depot signals that the 'macabre dance' in the Middle East had started and that Israel indeed will not allow its neighbors to acquires the A option. The more tragic consequence of this conclusion which is, and has been all along, well-known to the Israeli leadership, is that its politicians will milk Israel’s nuclear weakness to maximum effect, for political and personal gains. Since they know they will have to face the Iranians and destroy their nuclear arsenal, Israeli leaders will choose the timing to best serve their purposes. Currently, the timing is controlled and imposed by an all-time record bovine US president whose CFR policies has brought his own country to its knees, his Iraq failure brought the dollar to its lowest rate and oil to its highest price in living memory. Of all his junta only Donald Rumsfeld, the pyromaniac who played with fuses, had paid the price. On the domestic scene, a moronic Russian-émigré, Avigdor Liberman, a former Netanyahu protégé who’s busy doing business on the Russian black market, was appointed to supposedly deal with the Iranian threat. But under CFR command, Ehud Olmert’s agenda also includes the evacuation of some 200,000 Jewish settlers from the West Bank. As any low-life politician knows, a shock event such as this must be camouflaged by an even more shocking event. Recall for example when a British home office official secretly insisted the government publishes ‘black’ economic figures precisely the minute the 9/11 event broke into the news. Unfortunately for her, the internal memos she wrote were exposed by the media and she was sacked. Do not be surprised then that when a strike on Iran begins, a massive parallel evacuation of Jews from Judea and Samaria will also take place probably, and mostly, by force. The whole event will be ‘drowned’ by the sensational news of the Iranian strike. If the US carries the strike, the payoff will be demanded of Israel almost instantly. If the US and Israel carry the attack, the IDF

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will move in to evacuate the Jews simultaneously. This is how “bad news” are buried by politicians amidst other sensational news that capture headlines. As we recall, the Entebbe raid did no harm to Rabin in the 70s; the Iraqi Osirak strike in 1982 did no harm to Begin’s re-election campaign. The Iranian strike will almost certainly ring the bells for the end of Israel ’s presence in its biblical West Bank homeland. This is the price the US and the CFR will extract from Israel for her misguided, misleading, four decades-old non-existent nuclear deterrence policy. The cracks in the “invincible Israel” have already started to show in the last Lebanon war. Those who were there, already knew this from the Yom Kippur war. Our CFR friends will ensure that no conventional war, nor a nuclear one will be necessary to bring about the destruction of Israel. All signs are that the ‘glorious triumph over evil' Iran must be accomplished by a lame duck president Bush before he leaves office and by Olmert before Vinograd’s final report. And with the country’s biggest ever enemy in the form of the ‘fifth column’ president Shimon Peres, Israel ’s fate is sealed. How ironical that it was the same Peres who five decades earlier had set the foundation for Israel/s nuclear power, only to be corrupted and entrapped in a life-long net of French handlers and Vatican manipulators. Wined, dined and bribed to the brim for over forty years, supplied with an endless stream of glamorous whores Paris had to offer, the young and old Peres fell prey to the French charms and Channel perfumes. And when Rabin made a last-ditch attempt to try and halt the snowball, Peres had him eliminated. Israel’s “friends” and its own leaders are now toying with the Armageddon fuse. Do not be surprised. The nuclear genie is out of the bag and it may well cost Israel its very existence due to its leaders' stupidity.

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Bush - NOTES:

Jerusalem Being Refreshed For Bush Visit (IsraelNN.com) The City of Jerusalem is undergoing a NIS 9 million overhaul for US President George W. Bush's visit next month. Jerusalem's central streets, particularly King David where Bush and his entourage will be headquartered, will be scrubbed, with potholes being repaired, garbage cans removed, and flowerpots embedded. US and Israeli flags will also be affixed along the way. The face lift will focus primarily on the streets on which the president's entourage will drive, including the road to the Knesset from the King David Hotel, and the road to the Old City. Major traffic jams are expected in the area, with security tightened in an area from the David Citadel Hotel to the Inbal Hotel. Route 1 will also be closed on both sides January 9, as Bush travels from Ben Gurion International Airport to Jerusalem. He will be accompanied by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and President Shimon Peres.

<---><---><---><---><---> Rabin Bodyguard to Protect US President Next Month 12 Tevet 5768, 21 December 07 12:05 (IsraelNN.com) Amnon Ben-Ami, a bodyguard who was with the late Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin on the night he was assassinated, will direct operations for U.S. President George W. Bush's protection when he visits Israel next month, according to a report Thursday in the Israeli newspaper Yediot Achronot.

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Ben-Ami met this week at the Prime Minister's Office with a plethora of agency heads and other relevant officials to discuss the upcoming visit, slated for January 9. He said 8,000 police officers will be providing security during the visit along with American secret service members.

<---><---><---><---><---> 27-November-2007 -- Catholic World News Brief Blair Delaying Conversion at Cardinal's Suggestion? London, Nov. 26, 2007 (CWNews.com) - Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair intended to enter the Catholic Church before leaving office, but was persuaded not to do so by the country's leading Catholic prelate, according to a report in the London Sunday Telegraph. Blair met with Pope Benedict in June, just prior to stepping down as prime minister. The Telegraph reports that the British leader intended to announce his conversion at that time, but Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor persuaded him that it would be indiscreet to mention private religious matter during a meeting that he held in his official capacity. The Telegraph report goes on to say that Blair has decided to delay his conversion still further since leaving office, "because of fears that it could jeopardize his work as an envoy in the Middle East."

<---><---><---><---><---> www.ynetnews.com Catholic leader rejects Israel's Jewish identity

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Top Roman Catholic clergyman in Jerusalem slams definition of Israel as Jewish nation, says land must be shared by all religions. Latin Patriarch says Israeli-Palestinian conflict has unleashed 'forces of evil' across Middle East, conflict perpetuates because of Israel's 'unwillingness' to make peace

<---><---><---><---><---> http://www.imra.org.il PA Police Spokesman doesn't know if murderer of Zoldan, Fadi Jama, put on trial Makor Rishon correspondent Asaf Gabor reported in the 10 December edition that PA police spokesman, Col. Adnan Dameree, assured him that Fadi Jama, one of the three PA police responsible for the November 19th murder of Israeli Ido Zoldan, will be put on trial in the coming days. Dameree told Gabor that "he is in a Palestinian prison, where a trial against him is underway for murder. The court hasn't yet charged him but in the meantime his detention has been extended for 15 days."

<---><---><---><---><---> Dennis Kucinich's 52-year-old brother found dead December 19, 2007 12:57PM Categories: Breaking News Perry Kucinich, 52, was found dead in his home in the 4100 block of East 71st Street.

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His brother Larry found him about 9 a.m. There were no signs of violence, officials said. The Cuyahoga County Coroner is performing an autopsy this hour. Their brother, Dennis Kucinich, is a U.S. Representative from Ohio's 10th District. He is running for president.

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For details see: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-7088685722391870150&q=chamish&total=58&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=7 Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu was spotted at MIT in 1973 and the grooming began there when he was in his early twenties. After graduating, he received a high paying job at Boston Consulting. His boss was Ira Magaziner (CFR). But he quit the job in 1979, returned to Israel, staring selling furniture at the Rim company, then organized an anti-terror convention. Inexplicably, the CFR sent a team of their biggest guns including George Bush Sr., Richard Perle and George Shultz to this unknown 27 year old's get-together. Once the convention was over, Netanyahu returned to work selling home furniture for three years until 1982, when Washington Ambassador Moshe Arens invited him to be his deputy. He claimed the choice was indirectly made by those who came to his convention and "were impressed with his performance." That means Bush and Shultz pressed Arens to bring Bibi to Washington. From there, they pushed his career higher. In 1985, Shultz chaired another anti-terror convention in Washington supposedly organized by Netanyahu. By the time Bibi was UN Ambassador Schultz visited him every time he was

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in New York, and that was often. Having groomed and financed Netanyahu into office, the CFR made certain his tenure as head of the opposition did not endanger the Oslo process. Though Netanyahu had the goods and scandals to fell Labor, he was a remarkably restrained opposition leader. In September 1995, PM Rabin told what he thought was a funny story on Israel Television One. It seems his CFR handler, Henry Kissinger phoned him to relate that Netanyahu called to ask him to declare that American troops would not be placed on the Golan Heights as part of a peace deal with Syria. Who Kissinger was supposed to make this declaration to was not revealed. Kissinger, according to Rabin, laughed at Bibi and told him to quit bothering him. The next day Netanyahu confirmed his phone call but denied Rabin's mocking version of it. The moral of the story is that both the leader of the government and opposition got their commands from their CFR officer. *


Try to see it my way Only time will tell if I am right or I am wrong. - Kadima Party Jingle How can you laugh, when you know Israel's down? What is so amusing about the Winograd Commission whitewash?

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Admittedly, it could be construed as humorous, a whole commission on the last war in Lebanon without a word about the eight dead soldiers and three kidnappings that started it. Not a whisper of Maj.-Gen. Giora Eiland's IDF inquiry into the kidnapping of Gideon Shalit and his shocking conclusion that, "Most damningly, Eilat affirmed that the corporal’s abduction could have been aborted. The kidnappers and their hostage were clearly visible on the unit’s electronic screens as they crossed the border into the Gaza Strip, but the tank commander delayed by first asking his superior for permission to open fire and abort their flight." Not half of half a word of widespread international reports that Regev and Goldwasser were not taken in Israel but were inside Lebanon when they were captured. Not a hint about why the war was initially fought using only the air force. I'm really down, down on the ground. And the Druse know it. Which is why they started a pogrom to rid the town of Peki'in of its Jews and did so with impunity. "12.03.07 Last Jewish family leaves Peki'in - De Jung family, who emigrated from Holland four months ago, flee Druze village after locals torch their car. All nine Jewish families who used to live in Peki'in leave due to repeated harassment." The Druse flow with the winning side and it's not Israel anymore. Now even Christan Arabs have joined the winning team: (IsraelNN.com) "Jewish residents of Haifa's German Colony neighborhood have stood aghast over the past few nights as local Arabs, ostensibly protesting Israel's closure of the Gaza Strip, wave PLO flags and curse the State and Jews as Jewish passerby helplessly look on. Local journalists have accused the municipality of encouraging the Arabs, by supporting a community center where the organization for the protests takes place. Jewish residents have complained that the Arabs, from the adjacent neighborhood of Chalifa, have been bothering them for months, stealing everything that is not nailed down. Last Rosh

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Hashana, the residents told a reporter, local Christian Arabs conducted an "Easter parade" led by torches – which they used to light and burn flammable items in the front yards of Jewish residents as they marched down the street, causing much damage." Don't you know I'm down, I'm really down? So with Jews banned from living in any Arab town, Druse, Muslim or Christian, let's invite them to live peacefully in our neighborhoods. JERUSALEM (JTA) -- "At Cafe Malcha in this city's French Hill neighborhood, Hebrew and Arabic newspapers sit on the counter and both languages are spoken amid the din of espresso machines and customers' laughter. The number of Arabs moving into French Hill, as well as other Jewish neighborhoods of Jerusalem, is rising." You don't cry ‘cause you're laughing at me. Since Hamas breached the wall to Egypt, so many suicide squads are running around the new 125 mile war border, even the terrorists weren't sure who blew up in Dimona. So to make sure the next attack in the south is even more deadly, let's repress the Jews fighting for their land. Over 600 Gush Katif expellees still face court for protesting their forced removal from their homes, two Tel Aviv protesters, Mordechai and Elitsur Harel just got 30 and 40 months in the can for fighting the insane rulers and seven girls, all minors, were arrested, held for two weeks and forcibly strip searched. You want to see the how that indignity works, watch the American cops at work: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Qvip6Sanp4 And those poor, blind Israelis who think we're all alone and there's nobody else. They are trying to press the Shas Party to leave the government and bring it down. They don't know that

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Shas from its inception was blackmailed by the Peres gang to secure the Moroccan vote, or that Deputy Prime Minister Chaim Ramon initially bribed Shas leader Arye Deri with $50,000 to utilize his 23 year old skills to negotiate the sale of the Carmel Bank, or that in 1996 PM Netanyahu appointed today's Finance Minister Ronnie Bar-On as Attorney General so he could get Deri a jail saving plea bargain in return for Shas agreeing to the Hebron withdrawal. The deluded mad folks running Israel insist that we can work it out and get it straight. If not, they warn, or say good night. Have these mental cases done anything to objectively prove to the confused Jews that they should be locked in a padded cell for good? Indeed they have. In honor of Israel's 60th anniversary, the government of Israel has invited The Beatles to play for the nation. What the heck, no matter that they haven't performed publicly in 29 years or that half the band is dead: Israel to Beatles: We Can Work It Out 21 Shevat 5768, 28 January 08 07:09 (IsraelNN.com) The Israeli government has sent a letter to the sister of the late Beatles member John Lennon, apologizing for banning the group from appearing in Israel in 1965. Government officials at that time feared that such a concert would corrupt the morals of Israeli youth. The government now is trying to make amends and has invited the Beatles to appear at the 60th anniversary celebrations of the re-establishment of the Jewish state. "We should like to take this opportunity to correct the historic omission which to our great regret occurred."


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NOTES: 'Fifth Beatle' died after fight with Lennon, sister claims http://www.independent.co.uk/news/media/fifth-beatle-died-after-fight-with-lennon-sister-claims-586684.html The sister of Stuart Sutcliffe, the fifth Beatle, is to make public startling new evidence that strengthens her claim that his death was caused by a kick to the head from John Lennon.

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“The city of Netivot, in the western Negev, as well as the southern Jerusalem neighborhood of Gilo came under fire Saturday night after midnight... “Terrorists opened fire toward IDF soldiers near the Jewish town of Psagot in the Binyamin region on Saturday night. “At least 20 missiles were fired by Gaza terrorists at the coastal city of Ashkelon between midnight and 8:00 a.m.” - INN news from Israel yesterday Israel is in the beginning stages of complete chaos. Defense Minister Ehud Barak warned the enemy that Ashkelon cannot be attacked. Oh sure, Sderot, that's okay, it's full of Moroccans and you can do what you want there. But Ashkelon...real people need the place. Then came the live fire attacks on Jerusalem, not by Hamas but by our "peace" partner Fatah. What gall, and just when we had begun handing half the town to them. Yes, actually

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physically started divvying up the town! After Ashkelon, the port of Ashdod will be enflamed by Katyusha missiles. Step by step, little by little, Hizbullah and Syria will make sure Tel Aviv is flaming rubble. Look at the destruction of Ashkelon by a mere 20 missiles. All the firetrucks in all the stations, in all the land, won't put Tel Aviv back together when it's hit by 10,000 rockets in a day. But let's look at this chaos as an opportunity. From out of the ashes Israel will renew itself by purging the nation of its highest betrayers. When the nation burns, while tohu vebohu rules every corner, we will have our moment to seize and interrogate the criminals who brought the nation to its bloody knees. I await the magical moment when the mob that is us will storm the President's House and imprison Shimon Yech Peres. There are guards there and a few may not abandon their posts. The rest will be overcome. We shall not have the same resistance to the capture and arrest of Yossi Beilin and Carmi Gillon. They will immediately be charged with the cruel casualties they brought us with their Oslo "peace" accord. The crime; the murder and maiming of 10,000 good Jews, military and civilian. The punishment; whatever befits the machinations of the felons. To learn the facts finally, the interrogations will be long and merciless. But Peres and Gillon will tell us the truth about their murder of Rabin, the frameup of Goldstein, the systematic elimination of political opponents from straight shootings, to "accidents," and unexplained sickness. And Peres will finally say who he was working for and detail all the corruption of his cronies. If not...if not.

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From Beilin, who unlike Peres, was the real father of Oslo, we will extract what the real purpose of Oslo was. After a few hours he will speak of an Israel without borders, as he bragged to his cohorts. We will offer him the opportunity to tell us who funneled their money to him from Europe for his initiatives to mass-murder the Jews of Israel. If he is reluctant in any way to confess... He won't be...this coward will do anything to save his sniveling life. In a few days we'll know who murdered Sharon, Ben Elissar, Arlosoroff, Raful, Gur, Judge Azar, Wayne Owens et al. We'll finally know who kidnapped the Yemenite infants of the '50s and why, at the same time, 108,000 Sephardic children were irradiated in their brains to "treat" ringworm. We'll know all about the Gush Katif atrocity and all the agents and spies in our midst. And we will learn at last, the truth of Weizmann, Kastner and the Holocaust. And that is only after a few days. By then Israel's military will have overcome or not. Either way, finally, as Israel burns to cinders or doesn't, we will have our own sweet victory over the worst curse ever to have plagued us, Labor Zionism.


LAST NOTES OF THE CHAPTER http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/Flash.aspx/142319 Part of Jerusalem Officially Labeled PA Territory

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(IsraelNN.com) Israeli authorities have placed several signs near the Atarot area in northern Jerusalem recently warning travelers, “You are entering territory under the control of the Palestinian Authority. Israelis are absolutely forbidden to enter!” Approximately 25,000 residents of Jerusalem, some of them Israeli citizens, live in the areas now designated as PA territory. Jerusalem Forum chairman Aryeh King said Wednesday that approximately 1,200 dunams of property owned by Jews were located beyond the signs. “The government violated laws regarding Jerusalem by putting up the signs”, King said. “The signs prove the government is acting to make its policy of splitting Jerusalem a reality”, he said.

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Another sad call from Israel. The lady lets me know that Rina Kushland was stabbed in the liver. After three operations she was going to pull through. But because Rina is a hareidi lady there was no publicity and the police aren't seeking her assailants. Rina was my brave partner in protest. She stood by me at Rabin's 10th anniversary rally, passing out those explosive flyers. A few days later, I drove her from the Netanya rally to her home in Kiryat Sefer. Unfortunately there were two flat tires arranged for me and she got home in a tow truck. But war has been declared on the religious and especially those fighting for their homes. Rina was just a lovely victim. Look what happened to the religious from Jan.19 - Jan. 29: Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburg was the first to suffer from an errant car. It veered off the road and killed his grandson. Rav Ginsburg is a Chabad firebrand, arrested falsely after the Rabin murder as an indirect conspirator. Lately he put up a highly unpopular yeshivah in the Frankist capital of Ramat Aviv Gimel. The last accident was to the son of Rabbi Moti Elon. His family includes the hapless Margalit Har Shefi, set up to be a conspirator in the Rabin murder. She has not returned to full humanity since her 9 month prison term. Strange that both asterisks in the Rabin murder fiasco suffered such similar losses. But they were the start of the strange political revenge taking place against their people. Ami Popper killed seven Arabs. He is married to the sister of the

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Kahane Chai thinker Lenny Goldberg and fathered three children on his furloughs. We can only guess that he was hypnotized to drive a car without a license and swerve it into traffic north of Eilat, killing his wife and two sons. The Arabs had long wanted their vengeance against Popper, and the Prison Services, we surmise, decided to pitch in. The Eilat killing ground worked out so well because just six days earlier, a truck driver for reasons unfathomable to his interrogators, switched lanes at the last second and smashed into a van full of prominent Chabad youth. Two of the three dead were the sons of learning institute directors. Now me, for a passing moment. I ran from Israel last May when a car appeared from nowhere and smacked into my door full speed. I was invited to an Independence Day party outside Modiin by a lady who later sent me this insane letter from Hadassah Hospital: "why didnt you take me seriously, barry i am carrying on your legacy not the way you did of course i dont have your qualifactions i have a tambourine" My friend Baruch called from Israel. He spoke to my lawyer and my insurance company. Both insisted they can't go on because the police won't release my accident report. But today, all is different. Every victim is orthodox. On Jan.27, in Ramat Bet Shemesh, a Hareidi woman was found dead in a field. She was snatched and buried before we knew what killed her.

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There is murder in the Knesset! We know Ariel Sharon shared tea with Shimon Peres in the Knesset on Dec.18/05 and then suffered a stroke. This time orthodox politician Nisim Zeev took a sip of water from the table of the Knesset Foreign Affairs Committee. He immediately vomited and then passed out. At Hadassah Hospital, poison was found in goodly amounts throughout his body. "I was poisoned," he exclaimed... “In Israel's final solution to the religious problem”, I add. NOTES: ** 18:40 Jan-28-07 / 9 Shevat 5767 IsraelNN.com) An external physical examination carried out on a haredi-religious woman in Hadassah Ein Karem Hospital has ruled out foul play. The body has been taken to burial. The woman's body had been found Saturday in a field near her home in Ramat Beit Shemesh, not far from Jerusalem. Members of the haredi-religious community whisked her body away and hid it from police, for fear an autopsy would be carried out. Post-mortem surgery is contrary to Jewish orthodox law. The external examination of the body was the product of a compromise reached between haredi-religious rabbis and the police. **


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The son of R. Moti Elon was seriously injured in a car accident a number of hrs. ago. In the light of his difficult situation he has had a name added and the Rav requests to inform people

<---><---><---><---><---> MK Ze'ev: Someone Poisoned Me 16:40 Jan 24, '07 / 5 Shevat 5767 (IsraelNN.com) MK Nisim Ze'ev (Shas) felt ill Wednesday after drinking water during a parliamentary committee session, and suspects he was poisoned. Ze'ev drank several sips of water from a thermos placed on the table during a meeting of the Foreign Affairs and Security Committee, when he felt ill and dizzy and began vomiting. "I immediately told the committee chairman that there had been an attempt to poison me and that someone needs to investigate if there was an attempt to poison the committee members," Ze'ev told Ynet. Ze'ev was whisked away from the Knesset by an ambulance. He says the initial tests showed a high level of poisonous materials in his body...

<---><---><---><---><---> Thu, 25 Jan 2007 15:45:29 +0200 Yediot Ahronot, in its third editorial, refers to a recent case in which a mass murderer, who was out of prison on furlough, caused a deadly traffic accident en route to a holiday in Eilat with his family, and criticizes the fact that he was allowed out of prison at all.


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* 19/12/06 R-L) Hatomim Yonatan Biton A“H, Hatomim Moshe Golan A”H and the Tomim Levi Hendel A"H. The tidings of the tragic event in Eilat has shocked and bewildered Chabad communities in Israel, shocked at the results of the fatal accident claiming the lives of three Chabad bochrim on their way to mivtzaim in Eilat. Additionally, four other bochrim were hurt at the Tsichor - Eilat intersection. One of the injured bochrim was flown to the Soroka Hospital in Beer Sheva and had managed to speak to his parents before he was operated on.


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<---><---><---><---><---> *** Nadia Matar is Israel's last protest leader. She sent me a lovely letter. But her spirit is flagging. Tell her about who she's actually fighting, then join her: Barry, I agree with what you wrote below, but it seems you are more optimistic than me - you wrote: "within an hour 250,000 Jews would come to support the coup"- you are dreaming my friend- After Gush katif I have come to the realization as to how sick and pathologic the national religious camp and its "leaders" are- and how the religious "mamlachti" education has turned most of our camp into puppets that bow down to the State and its symbols - even if the State is trying to destroy the Torah, the Land and the People. So exactly where would the 250,000 people you are talking about come from- I do not know? What gives me hope and strength to continue is: a) working with those youth who have not been corrupted by the system- those so-called "hilltop youth" . What can I tell you. They are so pure. So real. So honest. They are our future. I just hope the country lasts till they will be a little older to take over.

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b) the thought that Calev Ben Yefune and Yehoshua Bin Nun were in a worst position that we are now. They were only two spies in the desert against the entire national & religious leadership. I always think about that: mamash only 2 people who have the guts to say: the Land of Israel is good, let's go and take over. How must they have felt when the people almost stoned them to death. What strength they must have had not to bow down to the "ambiance' of weeping in the camp? And years later, we remember davka those two and not the 10 other weak leaders. So what gives me strength is to know that in our times we DO have more than 2 Calev Ben Yefuneh and Yehoshua Bin Nun. We are hundreds...maybe thousands. But certainly not 250,000. Not yet...unfortunately. koltuv nadia

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Rabin Murderama 2007 Continues on its Deadly Way First, recall what I wrote a week ago in ‘They Are Killing The Orthodox Of Israel’: "Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburg was the first to suffer from an errant car. The car veered off the road and "accidentally" killed his grandson. Rabbi Ginsburg is a Chabad firebrand, arrested after the 1995 Rabin assassination and falsely accused of being an indirect co-conspirator in the assassination. Lately, he established a yeshivah, highly unpopular with some "secular" locals, in Ramat Aviv Gimel.

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The last 'accident' was to the son of Rabbi Mordechai Elon, Refael Yechiel ben Hana, who was seriously injured in a car crash on Monday, January 29. Rabbi Elon's family includes the hapless Margalit Har Shefi, set up to be a 'conspirator' in the Rabin assassination. Margalit never recovered from her nine month prison sentence. Strange that both asterisks in the Rabin assassination fiasco, Rabbis Ginsburgh and Elon, suffered such similar losses. The 'accidents' were the start of a campaign of political revenge taking place against their people. The second week of February, 2007 brought us two more deaths; the suicide on February 8 of Dan Har-Shefi and the professional hit, which cut down Dr. David Niv, head of the Pain Dept. of Ichilov Hospital. Let us begin with Dr. Niv. Inside that dreaded hospital, Yitzhak Rabin was shot to death; the third shot which shattered the spine took place in the emergency ward of Ichilov. During the 1980s, the head of that ward was Dr. Dahlia Eyal, who was murdered in her home on January 12, 2002. The government's conclusion; the doctor, her husband and son, who arrived well after their murders, all succumbed to carbon monoxide poisoning. How did that happen? It seems a bird had overnight nested on the chimney and caused fumes from the dryer to kill them all. Except birds don't nest in January. Please purchase my book ‘Shabtai Tzvi, Labor Zionism, and the Holocaust’ from www.lulu.com/chamish. Within, you will find the announcement from PazGaz, the energy company which privately investigated the massacre. The Eyal Family died of cyanide poisoning. Doctors Kluger and Guttman, who operated on Rabin, almost died within three years of a mysterious weight-loss disease suspected as AIDS. This item appeared in the Haredi paper, Kol

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Hashavuah, and was confirmed on numerous occasions by Ichilov staff. Dr. Niv's death fits the ‘MO’ of a hospital haunted by one assassination more than it could handle. The Elon/Har-Shefi entanglement began even before the Rabin murder when Benny Elon, who I believe was tricked, sent young religious men into the arms of Yigal Amir's "buddy" Avishai Raviv. After the murder, it was Elon who first exposed Raviv as a Shabak agent codenamed 'Champagnia.' Once the 'murderer' was guided by the prime minister's 'protectors,' we have a conspiracy. And Elon broke the conspiracy and they broke Elon. Last week his nephew was ravished in a car crash. This week another nephew, Dan Har-Shefi 'commited suicide.' His sister was Margalit Har-Shefi, who Benny let wallow in prison after being framed for being Yigal Amir's conspirator in Rabin's murder. The real hero of the Elon/Har-shefi clan is Benny's wife Emunah. She, wisely, clipped every clipping about Raviv and created the first Rabin conspiracy book. And she saved her husband's good name. Benny Elon knows about the murders of honorable Israelis. He was a few hours from leaving the government with the assassinated Tourism Minister, Rehavam Zeevi and returned to the fold immediately after the murder. He knew it was an inside job. Benny Elon was a decent man torn between the truth and saving himself to fight in a better day. Which brings me to the greatest hero of Israel, Adir Zik. Adir would not budge an ant if it meant reporting a lie. He believed my work and he sold it. One word on his radio show meant hundreds of videos and books sold that day. I boasted a respected member of the HEBREW media who thought I was right. The moment he died, I lost the credibility of having him in

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my camp. He contracted a vicious throat cancer. He told me that the Mossad tried to kill the head of Jordanian Hamas with an instant throat disease, so why not him? Why not indeed? All this to let you know, for all the anguish of the Elon-Har-Shefi clan, Benny Elon has still another slow ailment, the same throat cancer that killed Adir Zik. I'm glad, if it's even possible, that Adir died, for only one reason: the destruction of Gush Katif would have saddened him too much. I recall his last words in a speech; "If Gush Katif goes, so does Israel." The Niv/Har-Shefi deaths saw the Rabin murder hushed, even over a decade down the line. The madmen who run Israel, and the chief madman, Shimon Peres, don't care about justice. If murdering a son or grandchild makes the pain last longer, then it's an apt punishment. But even the survivor of my last article might well be involved. A Rabin activist who has abused my name for his peculiar schemes, has told anyone who will listen that Nissim Zeev was the only Knesset member who permitted his office to be used by him to disseminate the Rabin murder truth. And that'll get you killed in Israel. You are reading one who miraculously survived my death warrant. And it just pains me so much that no one in my former land will fight to stop the murders. If I had died, I would have been good for a few public jokes. And then I'd disappear for good... The same direction as Israel is being taken. A few good jokes and bye-bye.

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NOTES: Daily headline news and updates from israel today magazine. Tuesday, February 06, 2007 Doctor shot dead in Ramat Gan Senior physician and Professor David Niv, 57, director of the pain clinic at Tel Aviv's Ichilov Hospital, was shot dead early Tuesday morning while driving in Ramat Gan. < http://www.israeltoday.co.il/default.aspx?tabid=178&nid=11448 >

<---><---><---><---><---> "It was announced on bulletin boards of Beit El today that Dan Har-Shefi, who was the brother of Margalit Har Shefi, passed away. No other information."

<---><---><---><---><---> Ben-Yosef's firm once represented Yigal Amir. His son was murdered by the IDF in its only missile accident against Jews. Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2007 9:01 PM Subject: [DanielPinner] BARUCH BEN-YOSEF Shalom, after trying for days to contact Baruch Ben-Yosef, the lawyer for Daniel Pinner and Jeff Seath, I was informed by his secretary that he was involved in a car accident Sunday evening, was hospitalized, and is home resting (as of this morning, anyway).

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The secretary did not know any more details than what I stated above, so if anyone out there has any more information on what exactly happened, and especially Baruch's condition (and his mother's Hebrew name - helps for people davening for him), please let the list know asap!

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PRESS DOWN TO HELL Once again we return to the wacky world of deranged Israel. In our last episode, Shas Party Knessset Member, Nisim Ze'ev, has escaped a bout of poisoning in the Knesset. Happily, he recovers and returns to the craziest gang in the whole building, the Moroccan religious happy fellows... To do this little story, I had to phone a contractor who has installed elevators. He assured me that elevators cannot freefall because an emergency braking system will stop the cabin. So I ask, did you ever hear of an elevator freefalling TWICE in one journey? As you read the notes below, please note that the elevator fell two storeys and came to a halt. It then released itself and fell another storey. "Well then," my expert answered, "the elevator was rigged by a technician." We cast our thoughts to 1984. Shimon Peres had lost another election because the Moroccans wouldn't vote for him. This time there was a way to win from now on. Who needs those pesky Moroccans when all you need to do is corrupt the brand new kid on the block, their Shas Party? Peres concentrated on the party's rabbi Ovadia Yosef and observed his young secretary Arie Deri. Peres sent his suitors, Yossi Beilin and Moshe Shachal

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to woo and corrupt Deri. They taught him to steal. Within 2 years, at age 25, Deri was the Minister of the Interior. There, he put all the crime lessons to work. Shas now had to do Peres' bidding or Deri would fall into prison from all his thefts. And your author, being me, covered the real Shas scandal accurately from day one. But the mainstream papers did not do so, preferring to believe the natural crime tendencies of the Moroccans were behind the endless crimes of the Shas politicians. Once again we return to the wacky world of deranged Israel. The four Shas Knesset members enter the Tel Aviv elevator. Hilariously, Trade Minister Eli Yishai enters last. He is the minister responsible for inspecting the country's elevators. Nisim Ze'ev pushes the button and the elevator ride is on high. "No," insisted Yishai. "I said up. Nisim, when we stop, you must switch to up." "AAAAAAAAHHHHHH," replied Ze'ev. Quickly realizing the urgency of the situation, MKs David Azoulay and Ya'akov Margi started jumping, hoping they would be in the air when the elevator stopped. They never realized how bad their plan was. They struck like drunken honeybees against a brick prison wall two floors down. "Is everyone okay?" asked Yishai. Everyone was not. Ze'ev had fainted and was unaware that the elevator was about to liberate itself from its backup brakes and fall still another floor. And here I am, the author. Eli Yishai was a major source of mine. In my English and Hebrew book, ‘The Last Days Of Israel’,

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I tell the tale of Shimon Peres being blackmailed to lose the '96 elections over documents tying him to the Rabin murder. Yishai and his spokesman Isaac Sudri were two of my sources for the scoop. Write [email protected] for the book. Now here he is, in a tangled mass of humanity, after his elevator freefell 3 floors. So in wackyville, where Jews all dwell, what does Yishai and his gang do? They lift a mighty prayer of thanks to the heaven for all the unique adventures someone keeps supplying Shas politicians with. Ehud Olmert is the jocular King of the Knesset where the Shas gang is trying to play. Last year, Ehud the Jocular used two incidents of soldier kidnappings to launch a war against Hizbullah and Hamas. In the end, the war emptied 1/3 of Israelis to more central locations for at least 34 days and because she did not use her supposed nuclear option, the enemy now had the perfect means to destroy Israel; a REAL missile war. Me, the writer, was outraged by the war and I claimed the kidnappings were arranged and the war a test for an American attack on Iran. Now Ehud has gone and proved me right. He said a war based on kidnappings was approved in March 2006, 4 months before the real things took place. So, Ehud is trying to be the toughest kid on the block, or he's doing somebody else's dirty work. But as nice as ideas are in wackofunland, getting them to work is the real joy. In wackedyann, goodtime freddie fiesta land, everything is a ball because the Jews believe it's all an accident. It couldn't be easier.

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NOTES: Shas MKs Trapped in Falling Elevator 18 Adar 5767, 08 March 07 06:16 by (IsraelNN.com) Minister of Trade, Industry, and Labor Eli Yishai was trapped in an elevator on Thursday afternoon along with fellow Members of Knesset Yaakov Margi, Avraham Michaeli, David Azoulai, and Nissim Zeev, all members of Shas. The MKs were leaving a meeting on the ninth floor of the Tel Aviv Center for Local Government building when the elevator they were in began plummeting downwards. The elevator stopped briefly at one of the levels in the parking lot, four stories below the ground, and then fell two more stories. The MKs were rescued by firemen forty minutes after the ordeal began. They were treated by paramedics for injuries and for symptoms related to oxygen loss.

<---><---><---><---><---> http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/834907.html Last update - 17:09 08/03/2007 Eli Yishai removed from T.A. elevator after stuck for 45 minutes By Ruth Sinai, Haaretz Correspondent Trade Minister Eli Yishai and three Shas MKs were stuck Thursday for 45 minutes in an elevator that fell three stories in a Tel Aviv office building. Yishai, whose office is responsible, among other things, for security and inspection of elevators in Israel, ordered a probe of the malfunction. He is expected to receive the preliminary findings as early as Thursday night.

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The building where Yishai and MKs Nissim Ze'ev, David Azoulay and Ya'akov Margi were stuck houses the Tel Aviv branches of Trade Ministry offices. The lawmakers were in the building meeting with authority heads.

While they were stuck in the elevator, MK Ze'ev fell ill and fainted.

<---><---><---><---><---> MK Ze'ev: Someone Poisoned Me 16:40 Jan 24, '07 / 5 Shevat 5767 (IsraelNN.com) MK Nisim Ze'ev (Shas) felt ill Wednesday after drinking water during a parliamentary committee session, and suspects he was poisoned. Ze'ev drank several sips of water from a thermos placed on the table during a meeting of the Foreign Affairs and Security Committee, when he felt ill and dizzy and began vomiting. "I immediately told the committee chairman that there had been an attempt to poison me and that someone needs to investigate if there was an attempt to poison the committee members," Ze'ev told Ynet. Ze'ev was whisked away from the Knesset by an ambulance. He says the initial tests showed a high level of poisonous materials in his body...

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On March 17, Rabbi Avi Cohen-Or, and his wife and daughter, died in their van on an icy road near Hebron. As soon as I saw his photo, I was shaken. This rabbi was the founder of a yeshivah that invited me to lecture on the Rabin assassination. He was my advocate. Then I looked at the accident. (see notes) The rabbi had to have been going 80 MPH on a dangerous ice-covered road to cause that crash. This wasn't an accident, I first thought, it had to be suicide. In fact, there was no accident or suicide. Rabbi Cohen-Or was murdered in the undeclared, but very real, war against the religious. I know how it was done, because it was done to me. In the year 2000 I was driving to a lecture in Bet Shemesh when my back left wheel collapsed. I managed to gain control of the car and pressed on my brakes. I had no brakes. I lifted the emergency brakes. I had no emergency brakes. This was a miracle, maybe a divine miracle, but I managed, on a busy highway, without brakes or full steering, to coast the car to a stop. Later, after an inspired lecture, I brought a car full of my audience to see the damage. Lecture organizer David Morris photographed the wheel from all angles. All the while, a government van circled us. The following people were prepared to testify that my car was sabotaged: two Bet Shemesh policemen, my garage owner, my insurance adjuster. In the end, the insurance company called my disaster, "a mechanical failure." Rabbi Cohen-Or's death was of a similar "failure." A good mechanic could have fixed his gas, steering or brakes. A radio

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signal would speed the car, turn it or brake it into death. Those who read me know that Israel's most prominent religious leaders are being killed. The leaders of the left wing of Israel don't suffer from accidents or suicides. The pro-settler community is being decimated by the non-stop loss of its most influential personalities and their families. Hardest hit appears to be the Lubavitch community which lost two more last week when a car, stopped at a light, was crushed by a "wayward" truck. The dead included an influential Rebbetzin whose name happened to be Schneerson, the same name as THE Lubavitch rabbi who was committed to stopping the "peace" in its tracks. And here is where that peace is now inevitably leading. BYE BYE ISRAEL 2 The lessons of the 2006 war were well learned in the war councils of Teheran, Damascus and Cairo. Egypt and Iran entered a missile race to see who could supply more rockets to Israel's enemies. Within barely a year of the war, over 20,000 new short and medium range missiles were aimed at Israel. When Syria entered the war on the third day, Israel was buried alive. Day One - In a massive coordinated attack, some 6,000 missiles hit the Tel Aviv area, knocking out much of the military's operating and intelligence networks. Hundreds die in the rubble. The survivors are in panic. The Israeli government has left the country before the airport is overwhelmed first by terrified civilians, then by the enemy. Day Two - Another 6,000 missiles are shot throughout the country, knocking out electricity and isolating army units into pockets, defeatable by anti-tank missiles. They are first attacked by the Palestinians and their missiles, then Israeli Arabs, then Arabs from everywhere.

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Day Three - Syria enters the war and fires 10,000 rockets on its first day. Israel is now in sheer chaos; it has all broken down. In East Jerusalem, 140,000 Arabs march to the Jewish West. They have burned the Jewish Quarter of the Old City and are now streaming out from every gate. Many Jews run to the forests, but they'll die of thirst if they manage to evade capture and fatal abuse. The Western Wall is destroyed with its rabbis and worshipers forced to watch. They are led away in tears. None is ever seen again. With the enemy coordinated and Israel without a chain of command, the nation has already disappeared. The enemy first takes over isolated settlements, breaking their defenses and their wills. The men are hunted down. They are gathered together to watch their wives and children raped. Anyone who dares turn his eyes away is shot, if he's lucky, fatally. Those who survive will soon dangle from the nearest meat hooks or other useful slow death apparati. Day Four - Word is out in Damascus, Cairo, Amman, and throughout the Middle East, that Israel is for the taking. The Zionist leaders were ready for flight and were gone. The people were left behind to be slaughtered. Syrian soldiers were now flushing "proud" Jewish soldiers out of the isolated IDF camps. Many of these soldiers were not going to fight to the end. They left the camps with their hands in the air, totally defeated. In the cities and towns, Israelis walked down shattered streets, looking for safety. There was none. It was better to be old and ugly and maybe get shot. For the attractive ladies dressed in top brands, death never came quickly enough. The lovely ladies of Judaism were mass raped, left to consider their fate in the ruins of their homes and then, maybe, shot only once through the head. Day Five - America calls for a UN ceasefire, but it is too late. The men in their Peugeots are rushing to Israel for the treasure or the scraps; maybe they'll have to settle for a feeble old man.

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If nothing else, he would know the humiliation of being sodomized. The Jews had sat back, ignored reality and let their government sell out the nation's resources and defenses. They couldn't see that the Jews had been infiltrated and their leaders were betraying them to death. And they won't see it next time, when the third Holocaust begins. NOTES: http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/121861 (IsraelNN.com) Snow storms swept across Israel Thursday, sprinkling Jerusalem and the western Negev and blanketing Gush Etzion, the Golan Heights and Hevron with snow and hail. The snow closed roads around the capital Thursday morning and led to a fatal car accident near Hevron in which Rabbi Avi Cohen-Or, 42, and his wife, Simcha, 38, were killed. The accident took place at the Beit Anoun junction. The family's van skid on ice and collided with a bus on the slippery highway, killing the couple and injuring their daughter Gitit (bat Simcha) critically.

<---><---><---><---><---> 22 Adar 5767, 12 March 07 12:34 (IsraelNN.com) Yocheved Chein, wife of Chabad emmissary Rabbi Aharon Chein, will be buried Sunday night in Jerusalem. Chein, 44, was killed along with her mother Raisa Tzedek Schneerson, 62, in a fatal traffic accident Friday at the Yad Binyamin junction. Chein, an Israeli member of Georgian community, was sent with her husband by the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel

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Schneerson, to work with the community of Georgian immigrants in Forest Hills, NY. The Rebbetzin and her mother, along with her husband, were on their way to the cemetery to visit the grave of the Rebbitzin's father, on his yahrtzeit.

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‘The War Against Religion’ carries on this week and howdoyoudo, my devoted readers who have sent my reports far and wide, have made their mark. This week's victims, Tviki and Hadassah Stiskin, were the son and daughter-in-law of the rabbi of the Jewish community of Maon, near Hebron. They were the straw that broke the camel's back. I will say no more; just read the first reactions to the murder in my NOTES, then go to the site and add your own comment to it. And yes, I am Bary Comesh. And while the murder of Israel's religious leaders and their families continues apace, congratulations go to those sleeping under the stars at Homesh, hoping to take back their town stolen by the Labor Zionists. Things are being planned against you. So far, the War kills secretly. But the worst of the IDF are salivating to hurt you. What makes Homesh unique is that the Yesha Council is not involved in infiltrating the operation. Instead, and this is great, the government-run front is leading a national safe driving campaign guided by their lovable settler youth. But even this

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hilarious campaign won't stop the serial murder of the religious opponents of Labor Zionism. In 1977, Menachem Begin became Prime Minister and the cuckoo mafia running Israel sabotaged him. The worst of the lot was Ariel Sharon, who permitted the 3.5 day slaughter at Sabra and Shatilla. Just as rotten, the sabotage saw Ehud Barak and Amram Mitzne, wait until Division Commander Ben-Gal left the camp, then they picked up his radio and ordered a religious tank convoy into a clearly marked Syrian ambush. The incident cost Israel 26 dead and three captured soldiers, probably tortured out of this world. The details were published in ‘Kol Ha'ir’ and republished in my book ‘Save Israel’. This sabotage also cost Begin a Christian-Jewish alliance in Lebanon. Then once Barak was prime minister, he immediately destroyed all of Begin's dream. In July of 2006, the Hizbullah attacked Israel with 4,000 missiles from Barak's lost Lebanon. But there was no escaping reality for him or any other establishment criminal; the religious were reproducing too quickly and would soon be the absolute majority in the land. So Avraham Burg was named head of the Jewish Agency, and he was ordered to change the rules and flood the land with gentiles, hundreds of thousands of Russian gentiles. But the religious community in Yesha still kept gaining strength. The removal of Gush Katif and the deliberate torture of the Gush Katif refugees, kept a hundred thousand from Homesh this week. But something has changed this time around, just a bit. For once, we are no longer absolutely alone. Israel is about to face a united Arab missile attack. Egypt is allowing Hamas to get its missiles. It is at war with Israel, Camp David Agreement nonsense or not. This week we learned that Jordan maintains close ties with Hamas and is allowing missiles to flood into Palestinian hands in the West Bank. Iran and Syria

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are flooding Hizbullah with many thousands of rockets. Israel is about to face an instantaneous missile attack from three directions. Its air force can knock down hundreds of missiles shot simultaneously, but it cannot knock out thousands. And with this war about to turn Israel into rubble, the Israeli establishment is devoted to destroying first, Judaism, and then Israel. Their experiment failed. Israel is now unraveling before our eyes. end Letters from http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/121954#replies 1. a lot of cars are swerving into oncoming traffic - car check time so many vehicles are doing inexplicable swerving into oncoming trucks. it started with the Chabad boys north of Eilat (who swerved away from an oncoming car and rolled an inexplicable distance) and then Popper in the same general location and the Rabbi of Telem and today's accident is in that same general locations. i think that the cars should be examined. maybe they all use the same mechanic who is selling used parts and lifts them from his customers. but i definitely think the cars in the accidents should be checked for tampering and i also think that since all of the above are authentic right will personalities (the fathers of the Chabad boys in their case), that all authentic right wing personalities should learn how to fix their own engines. aliza, (26/03/07) *

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2. are cars inspected in israel? these are such tragedies... lo, nyc (26/03/07) * 3. "Accident"??? Another "accident"? 2weeks ago a couple well known for their ideas,Cohen {God venge their blood}, today same place,a couple from Kyriat 4 hevron ex Goush Katif....Can’t blame the weather this time...All this is when "they" start to kill the people of influence {ex: Rav Biyamin Kahana and wife in "car accident provoked by terrorists"} in order to frighten the Am, because "they" are afraid of the possibility of those murdered would cheer up Am Israel...Remember when King Shaul started to kill the influent people [the cohanim].. when is was looking for King David. Here all the "mitnahalim" are King David...No coincidence..."They" cannot lie anymore, we know, it's quite obvious that the right people are "their" target..."I'HYE MELE'H DAVID LE OLAM !"... * 4. No car check problem, I agree with 'no accident' theory of #3 It seems to me that someone or some group are doing something to surprise the driver and cause these 'inexplicable' events of swerving into a large vehicle. Chaya, Gush Etzion (26/03/07) * 5. it is amazing..... what negligent drivers religious people are--they just seem to swerve into on-coming traffic for "no apparent reasons." Bary

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Comesh is making more and more sense to me! shoshana, pdx (26/03/07) * 7. Are those accidents being "arranged"? I get very suspicious. It cannot be just an accident AGAIN. We better find out what is being done to kill our best people and how it is being done. Lea de Lange, Jerusalem (26/03/07) * 11. Question? WHY IS IT THAT DRIVERS THAT ARE OF THE LEFTIST, POST-JEWISH PERSUASION NEVER SEEM TO HAVE UNEXPLAINED accidents? Paul, Los Angeles (26/03/07) * 12. they are killing the religious elite of course it was another arranged "accident", like so many before. and not by arabs, but by the israeli establishment. , (26/03/07) * 14. Was he driving his father's car? (N"C) Menachem, (26/03/07) Notes:

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(IsraelNN.com) A newly married young couple was laid to rest in the Susya cemetery Monday afternoon after losing their lives in a tragic car crash near Kiryat Arba earlier in the day. The accident came just ten days after parents of eight were killed in a similar accident nearby. More than a thousand people attended the double funeral of Tzviki (22) and Hadassah (nee Cohen) Stiskin, residents of the Maon community. The couple was married just two months ago. Tzviki's father, Rabbi Donnie Stiskin, is the rabbi of the community of Maon, from where the joint funeral set out after heartbreaking eulogies that evoked the cries of hundreds of mourners. Rabbi Stiskin is a veteran of a similar bitter experience with his good friend, the late Rabbi Yosef Dickstein; the latter was murdered, together with his wife and son, by terrorists on a Friday afternoon in 2002, and Rabbi Stitskin spent the Sabbath together with the nine remaining orphans. The mourning also envelopes the Gush Katif refugee communities throughout the south, as Hadassah lived in N'vei Dekalim, from where her family was thrown out during the expulsion of 2005. Her father, Rabbi Meir Cohen, was the unofficial rabbi of the secular community of Pe'at Sadeh, near N'vei Dekalim; the family is now living with other former N'vei Dekalim residents in Ein Tzurim.

<---><---><---><---><---> * By Lise Rubin: Folks, these are not accidents. They are murder.

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Someone did something to the vehicle. ============ Kiryas Arba, Israel - MVA Kills a Just Married Couple Kiryas Arba, Israel - Just ten day after parents of eight were killed in a car crash near Kiryas Arba, a newly married couple was killed similarly nearby. Tzviki (22) and Hadassah Stiskin were just killed in a motor vehicle accident this morning when the couple's car swerved inexplicably into an oncoming truck. The couple was married just two months ago. For more go to www.vosizneias.com ============ Posted By Shlomah Shamos to VOS IZ NEIAS: (Yiddish: &quot;What's News&quot;) : < http://www.vosizneias.com/2007/03/kiryas-arba-israel-mva-kills-just.html > at 3/26/2007 06:59:00 AM http://www.vosizneias.com/2007/03/kiryas-arba-israel-mva-kills-just.html Monday, March 26, 2007 Kiryas Arba, Israel - MVA Kills a Just Married Couple Kiryas Arba, Israel - Just ten day after parents of eight were killed in a car crash near Kiryas Arba, a newly married couple was killed similarly nearby. Tzviki (22) and Hadassah Stitskin were just killed in a motor vehicle accident this morning when the couple's car swerved inexplicably into an oncoming truck. The couple was married just

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two months ago. Tzviki is the son of Rabbi Donnie Stiskin, the rabbi of the community of Maon. Medics who arrived on the scene first found Tzviki's body, and then realized that two people had been killed when they found that of his young wife. Just ten days ago, during a brief but heavy snowstorm, the rabbi of the town of Telem and his wife - parents of eight - were killed when the car swerved into an oncoming bus as was reported first, here on Vos Iz Neias. Maon and Telem are several kilometers southeast and northwest of Kiryat Arba-Hevron, respectively.

<---><---><---><---><---> * 'Orange' Youth to Combat Road Deaths 6 Nisan 5767, 25 March 07 10:16 by Ezra HaLevi (IsraelNN.com) Anti-expulsion activists have widened the scope of their activities to include combating road deaths due to car accidents, embarking on a campaign funded by the Yesha Council. Hundreds of national-religious yeshiva and seminary students will hand out literature and bumper stickers about motor-safety at intersections across the country in the coming weeks. In an article in the Yesha Shelanu weekly newsletter placed in synagogues throughout the country, it was noted that "In 2006,

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terrorists killed 23 citizens and members of the security forces, as opposed to 466 people killed on the roads. The main enemy is car accidents." The newsletter is published by the Yesha Council of Judea, Samaria and Gaza Communities. The campaign was launched following a particularly severe accident in the Har Hevron region over a week ago, in which Rabbi Avraham and Simcha Cohen-Or were killed and their 15-year-old daughter Gitit seriously injured. Gitit's condition declined in the past week and her family is asking the public to pray on her behalf. "Preventing road accidents is a national mission and we must be drafted to the cause with all the energy reserves possessed by our camp," the Yesha Council article continued. In addition to distributing literature, activists plan on setting up booths at which citizens will be asked to make a personal commitment to abide by traffic laws. They will also hold classes in religious schools on the matter, in addition to Torah classes at local synagogues on the Jewish legal obligations inherent to road safety.

<---><---><---><---><---> *


November 11, 2007, 03:26:24 PM

I regret to inform you that two sons of Rabbi Kreuser, the Rav of Mitzpe Yericho and the Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivat HaRa'ayon HaYehudi in Jerusalem, were killed in a fiery car accident on the main highway just outside of Mitzpe Yericho. They will be buried

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tonight at 12:30 in Har HaMenuchot. ** (IsraelNN.com) Four residents of one Negev town were killed in a car crash on Sunday. One of those killed was a soldier; three were children. The accident took place when the truck in which the group was traveling went out of control due to the rain and hit an oncoming bus. Eitan Orenbach, 12, Ahiya Huri, 12, Yishai Kreuser, 13, and Shlomo Kreuser were killed in the accident. Another four passengers were wounded. Shlomo Kreuser served as a captain in the IDF's elite Duchifat unit. He and Yishai Kreuser were both sons of Mitzpe Yericho's rabbi, Rabbi Yehuda Kreuser. ** It was no accident. It was murder. Permit me to remind you of a few recent "accidents" killing the families of Israel's religious opposition: On March 17, Rabbi Avi Cohen-Or, and his wife and daughter, died in their van on an icy road near Hebron...Hardest hit appears to be the Lubavitch community which lost two more last week when a car, stopped at a light, was crushed by a "wayward" truck. The dead included an influential Rebbetzin whose name happened to be Schneerson, the same name as THE Lubavitch rabbi who was committed to stopping the "peace" in its tracks...This week's victims, Tviki and Hadassah Stiskin, were the son and daughter-in-law of the rabbi of the Jewish community of Maon, near Hebron...Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburg was the first to suffer from an errant car. The car veered off the road and "accidentally" killed his grandson. Rabbi Ginsburg is a Chabad firebrand, arrested after the 1995 Rabin assassination and falsely accused of being an indirect co-conspirator in the

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assassination. Lately, he established a yeshivah, highly unpopular with some "secular" locals, in Ramat Aviv Gimel...The last 'accident' was to the son of Rabbi Mordechai Elon, Refael Yechiel ben Hana, who was seriously injured in a car crash on Monday, January 29. Rabbi Elon's family includes the hapless Margalit Har Shefi, set up to be a 'conspirator' in the Rabin assassination...The Eilat killing ground worked out so well because just six days earlier, a truck driver for reasons unfathomable to his interrogators, switched lanes at the last second and smashed into a van full of prominent Chabad youth. Two of the three dead were the sons of learning institute directors. And it's not as if the spate of "accidents" has gone totally unnoticed. Here is the first of many letters expressing suspicion of the deadly trend. Go the archive section of my website for a more complete list: ** www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/121954#replies "a lot of cars are swerving into oncoming traffic - car check time so many vehicles are doing inexplicable swerving into oncoming trucks. It started with the Chabad boys north of Eilat (who swerved away from an oncoming car and rolled an inexplicable distance) and then Popper in the same general location and the Rabbi of Telem and today's accident is in that same general locations. I think that the cars should be examined. maybe they all use the same mechanic who is selling used parts and lifts them from his customers. but I definitely think the cars in the accidents should be checked for tampering and I also think that since all of the above are authentic right will personalities (the fathers of the Chabad boys in their case), that all authentic right wing personalities should learn how to fix their own engines."

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Once again a car carrying the children of a religious notable swerved into a large vehicle turning it into a fiery grave. The hapless victims most likely witnessed themselves immolating before their agonized eyes. Their father was the leading Rabbi espousing the thoughts of the thinker Rabbi Meir Kahane, also assassinated. As was his son Binyamin, assassinated in his car with his wife, not coincidentally, on the morning of Israel's first alternative Rabin murder conference. Sixty two bullets were shot at his car, not a one hitting the back seat where his children sat. This was an execution. In July, 1995 I interviewed Binyamin Kahane. He told me of his father's murder; of the postman who happened to be on the spot to kill the assassin Nosair, how Nosair killed the postman, how he wasn't tried for his father's murder, how his group tried to bring down the World Trade Center in 1993. However, best of all, he had a written affidavit from a snitch inside the group testifying that he informed Shamir's government of the impending hit and how that government ignored him. He concluded with the reason he left his father's organization, Kach to found Kahane Chai. He said, "I could no longer tell the agents from the members." Now two adolescent members died, engulfed in fire. And that was no coincidence, according to Rabbi Marvin Antelman, author of two volumes of To Eliminate The Opiate. Within both, he proves that the Labor Zionists were extreme believers in two false messiahs, Shabtai Tzvi and Jacob Frank. They believed the opposite of the Torah was ‘divine’ and any Jew who rejected Shabtai Tzvi was subject to their commandment, ‘Thou Shalt Murder’. Of the Holocaust, his chapter is called ‘Burnt Offerings’. Jews who dismissed Shabtai Tzvi must not merely die, they must feel the flames of Hell as they perish. The subject is long, and includes the complicity of the Labor Zionists in the Holocaust. I

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can only suggest you go to www.lulu.com/chamish and order my ‘Shabtai Tzvi, Labor Zionism and the Holocaust’. Today, anyone who opposes their peace is a target for flaming engulfment. If that means all of Israel is burnt by missiles, so be it for rejecting their ‘messiahs’. They'll be well taken care of even if the country turns to ashes. Nothing would please them more than the climactic joy of witnessing the Jews who wouldn't accept their "truth" sizzling in the rubble of their homes. At the 1936 World Zionist Conference, Jewish Agency head Chaim Weizmann told the assembled: "Perhaps only 2 million will survive the upcoming Holocaust, but they will be ready for life in Palestine." What he forget to mention is the coming immolation of a people. Just as the current Jews will believe the string of car "accidents" is nothing more than that, the post-Holocaust Jews concocted a fable that the Nazis were somehow civilized butchers. Once in the gas chambers, you died in a minute or two. Then on to the ovens. But even a cursory view of respected eye-witness reports attests to something far more ghastly than that. Taking the most extreme report and hoping the truth is less gruesome, the gas doesn't kill, it stupefies. You are shoveled into the oven where you await the ultimate punishment for being a Jew. You are awakened by the soaring heat, you are conscious long enough to know where you are, you screech then watch the skin of your face dissolve. You live just long enough to watch your body char in the searing flames. That is what the Kreuser children felt before they died. And unless there is a nationwide partisan uprising, that is what all

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Israel is about to feel. NOTES: Rutka Laskier: "The little faith I used to have has been completely shattered. If God existed, he would have certainly not permitted that human beings be thrown alive into furnaces, and the heads of little toddlers be smashed with the butt of guns or be shoved into sacks and gassed to death." Eric Phelps: “Of the single greatest crime against humanity in the history of all humanity: (1939-1945) That Pope Pius XII with the full knowledge and tacit support of Jesuit Superor-General Wlodimir Ledochowski did hand to the Hitler and Himmler a complete blueprint for the systematic elimination of key non-Catholic minorities across Europe as well as the establishment of death camps for their murder. Furthermore, the Pope did instruct that ethnic Jews and other heretics were not simply to be murdered, but ritually sacrificed by being burnt alive, consistent with church law on the penalty of heresy. That this plan was to commence immediately and be overseen by the full Jesuit ordained priests of the SS. This plan was called the Final Solution. As a result of the specific orders by Pope Pius XII, the German command devised an ingenious method of rendering Jews and other heretics unconscious through gas chambers within a matter of a couple of minutes using Zyklon-B produced by Catholic Pharmaceutical company Bayer. Victims were then restrained unconscious on stretchers and carted to massive furnaces in which they were placed fully alive, whereupon they would awaken screaming as they were burnt alive in the furnace.” Almost every day, when one picks up a newspaper, one reads survivors' accounts of the Holocaust which include such Talmudic symbolism. In the University of Tulsa Collegian dated 11

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February 1982 we read of a lecture by Jack Glocer, yet another survivor of Auschwitz, who says: "'I had a cousin who had a 3-month-old daughter on the train we took to Auschwitz,' Glocer remembers 'When we arrived at Auschwitz the child was grabbed by a Nazi soldier and thrown on top of a pile of burning babies.' "

<---><---><---><---><---> From School Library Journal Readers are told that children under five who were difficult to kill with gas were shoved into the crematorium furnaces and burned alive. http://library.thinkquest.org/12307/resistance.html Armed resistance in the camps was paramount to suicide, but many sacrificed their lives to weaken the Nazis. One Jewish woman, Mala Zimetbaum, stole an SS uniform and secret documents telling of the Nazi slaughter, then escaped from Auschwitz. She was recaptured and sent back to the camp, where she was paraded in front of the prisoners. In front of the whole camp, she suddenly began to slash her wrists with a razor. "Don't be afraid, girls," she screamed, "their end is near. I am certain of this, I know. I was free." The Nazis beat her, then burned her alive. http://bookcloset.blogspot.com/2007_01_01_archive.html Elie Weisel: “It was excruciatingly painful to read about how Jews were shot like dogs, starved and beaten to death, burnt alive in furnaces and poisoned in gas chambers. The stench from the burning flesh that ever lingered in the camp gave me a gut-wrenching feel.” http://www.ushmm.org/museum/exhibit/online/szyk/action/94612.htm In March 1943 my beloved seventy-year-old mother, EUGENIA

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SZYK, was taken from the ghetto of Lodz to the Nazi furnaces of Maidanek. With her, voluntarily went her faithful servant, the good Christian, JOSEFA, a Polish peasant. Together, hand in hand, they were burned alive.

<---><---><---><---><---> *

The Jewish Encyclopedia of Complete Frustration

In Annapolis, non-entities Olmert and Abbas, agreed to solve all their problems within a year. The "problems" of course, are Israel's. Israel will agree to divide its capital, remove its heartland and its residents from the map, take in the enemy "refugees," and crush all opposition violently. If not, and even so, it'll take an all out war to put an end to Hamas and Hizbullah. A war which Maj. Gen. Yaacov Amidror warns, Israel may lose because its armed forces, even in rear bases, will be bombarded with thousands of missiles. Even its air force won't get off the ground if its runways are pockmarked with craters. In Dec. 1993, I interviewed Oslo author Ron Pundak, with my then partner Joel Bainerman. He told us something that I've been repeating ever since. He said, "My boss (Yossi Beilin) doesn't believe in borders. Borders cause wars. When Oslo is completed, Israel won't have borders." Instead Israel will blend into a new Middle East trade bloc. This week Beilin wrote a will. He decreed that he would be cremated and his ashes blown to the four winds, or far from Israel where they would be desecrated. He knew that the end was near. Barring news that I can actually influence, I'm taking a

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vacation for a while. In short, I'm tired of banging my head against the Kotel. Just look at my last two articles. First, I wrote that the traffic "mishap" that claimed the lives of two of Rabbi Kreuser's young children was no accident. I'm temporarily in exile, so away from the action. But I know that my car was sabotaged and I know that Rabbi Kreuser was an activist fighting "peace." They have been dying in traffic incidents all year long. Only the activists and their families die this way. I have shown the pattern a half dozen times. Nonetheless, my "expert" readers assured me it really was an accident...until another "accident" kills still another activist, Ido Zoltan. Here are the basic details: WWW.ISRAELBEHINDTHENEWS.COM A terrorist cell was waiting in ambush near Kedumim, in Samaria, for Israeli vehicles. When Ido, who was riding alone, came into range, the enemy attackers sprayed the vehicle with gunfire. http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/124310 The terror victim's father, Nachman Zoldan, is among the leading building contractors in Judea and Samaria. Ido had joined his father in the Kedumim 3000 Company, which has been responsible for construction projects throughout Judea, Samaria and Gaza. According to a relative of the family, Amatzia Haeitan, the Zoldan family "builds for the sake of ideology and in order to build up the Land of Israel." Haeitan said that the younger Zoldan had introduced the idea of seeking out Jewish labor for work on the company's construction sites.

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A friend of the family, Gadi, said Ido was among the "guideposts" of Homesh and of the Homesh renewal movement. So the story goes, the Fatah gunmen waited in ambush until Zoldan's car passed. And the blind and ignorant blame Olmert for lifting roadblocks. That's as far as they go. Why mention that Fatah is the government's "peace" partner and that it provided the intelligence about Zoldan's whereabouts? And why note the conference he missed a few days later? PLOTS SALE IN CHOMESH OPENING SESSION, on THURSDAY, Kislev 19 (November 29) in B’nei-Dan Hostel, 36 B’nei-Dan Str, Tel-Aviv Program: * “HITNA’ARI” Film bu Menorah Chazani and discussion with Menorah * Registration to purchase plots. Entry Fee to cover costs: 20 NIS * When the Mercaz Harav attack ended with 8 dead, questions should have been asked. This was an assault on the religious capital of national Zionism and many people wrote me that the Israeli secret government clearly was in on the murder. Let's use Joel Bainerman's observations as an example: this yeshiva attack stinks. The guy came from a wealthy family. The "reprisals from the far right" story has been all over the media for the past week. The gov't didn't close down the Arab mourners tent- and said they destroyed the house but I don't think they did. The police reaction is very hard to believe- that the first ones on the scene are one rookie- and one "volunteer". How could they have been the first ones on the scene? this wasn't typical hamas terrorist attack at all. This was set up by the branch of the gov't that is trying to stir things up- for all sorts

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of horrible reasons. If I was investigating the incident, I'd start with the peculiar reaction of the police to the massacre: Rebecca Anna Stoil and Jpost staff , THE JERUSALEM POST Mar. 12, 2008 The police officers who were the first to arrive on the scene of last week's terror attack at the Merkaz Harav Yeshiva left two flak jackets and an automatic weapon in their patrol car and were completely exposed when they approached the building on foot, Army Radio reported on Thursday. One of the two police officers who arrived on the scene minutes after the attack began said she had noticed a bus approaching and had run down the street to keep the bus from coming near the building. The second, a patrolman who had recently finished training school, decided to "seal off" the area by standing at the entrance to prevent unwitting civilians from entering. It is this decision that has faced the greatest criticism, from both within and outside the police force. Officers said Wednesday that they would expect any armed officer who had completed even basic police training to respond with an attempt to neutralize the terrorist. Other critics have pointed out that the decision seemed strange, given that no civilian would have "accidentally" entered the building when the gunshots from within were clearly heard in the streets outside. A second question threatening to undermine the police narrative originally proposed is the question of the "identification" cap that IDF Paratrooper Capt. David Shapira borrowed from a policeman at the scene before entering the building to pursue the terrorist. Although it was initially assumed that Shapira took the cap from

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the policeman standing at the entrance, the cap was later identified as a detective's cap, not the type of headgear the patrolman would have been wearing. The government's reactions to the bloodshed were pro-terrorist; allowing the butcher's mourning tent to stay open to the public, while falsely blaming the "Right-Wing Jews" for fomenting vengeance actions. And of course, after years of successful home-demolishing precedents, the mass murderer's family celebrated his "victory" in their untouched abode. This irritated enough Jews who gathered to personally demolish the house and the celebrants within, but were met by masses of cops, who this time, were ready to use violence to stop the protest. The protesters were organized by the good guys, the Women in Green, and were interrupted by the uninvited appearance of the police informants, or one for certain, led by Itamar Ben Gvir. The Women In Green noted: For those who do not know, the terrorist comes from a very wealthy family who owns a company of vans in Jabbel Mukhaber called "Hapenina". With those vans they drive Jewish children of Jerusalem to school every morning. At the protest, a Jewish woman from Armon Hanataziv (the neighborhood next to Jabbel Mukhaber) came towards us and thanked us for protesting. She told us that just a few days before, the Arabs of Jabbel Mukhaber held a picnic on a hill in Armon Hanatziv celebrating the massacre of the yeshiva boys. "We, Jews of Armon Hanatziv, felt so angry and helpless" said this woman. The real frustration from the dying nationalists was their complete blindness to blame. A bad old Arab did it. Let's break his house. When the rabbi of Marcaz HaRav visited the families of the dead and wrote self-serving eulogies to the boys, he conveniently forgot to answer a central question; Where was the

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school bodyguard to protect his students? Who ever heard of a school in Israel without an armed guard at the entrance. Just try to get into any institution from nursery school to university without passing a security inspection. So where was Mercaz HaRav's security? We can only guess there was a budget meeting one day when a guard was viewed as too garish. And WHY aren't the families of the dead suing this wretched yeshiva's socks off for losing their sons? *


My previous piece on the very tragic yet suspicious massacre at Mercaz HaRav Yeshiva, concluding with how the Israeli shadow government framed Baruch Goldstein for the Hebron massacre in a similar way 14 years before, brought my secret weapon out of hiding. Of course, I write of my brilliant readers. Let us begin with Rachelle who is immensely confused about the circumstances of the murderer's killing. We begin with the ynet.co.il interview of David Shapira: Shapira currently serves as assistant chief of staff for operations in the 890 Paratrooper Battalion. Shapira recounted the dreadful moments at the yeshiva. Shapira told the mayor that he was sitting at home when he heard gunshots. He immediately grabbed his gun and headed towards the seminary. A police officer stopped him from entering the place, so Shapira entered the building through a side door and advanced towards the library, from where he heard the gunshots.

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Shapira moved into the room, shot the terrorist in the back, and kicked his weapon aside. He then scanned the basement to see whether another terrorist was hiding there. In the meantime, Yitzhak Dadon also arrived at the library, and seeing that the terrorist was wounded but not dead, shot him twice in the head and killed him. Shapira continued canvassing the place and attending to the injured. Now compare Shapira's version with that of Yitzhak Dadon in israelnationalnews.com: The part-time yeshiva student who first shot the terrorist, 40-year-old Yitzchak Dadon, said he was in the Yeshiva's study hall when he heard the shots. "Everyone left through a side door," he said, "and I left through a window, and lied down on a roof overlooking the library... When he came out, I shot him in the head twice. I saw him start to stagger, and then David Shapira [a yeshiva graduate and paratroopers officer] arrived on the scene, shot him with his M-16 rifle, and then we emptied our magazines into him." Now, even assuming that one of the journalists was guilty of a misquote, neither Dadon nor Shapira has said this is the case. If not the case, then according to Shapira, HE shot the murderer in the back, Dadon then arrived in the library and shot him twice more in the head. Meanwhile, Dadon claims he was on a roof overlooking the library where HE shot the murderer twice in the head and then Shapira arrived to apply the coup de grace. Because Dadon told the media that Shimon Peres was guilty of the murder by supplying the weapon, which led to a near riot when Peres spoke in France, Shapira's version is getting

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all the play in the mainstream media, while Dadon's story is receiving full exposure in the religious media. Rachelle is leaning towards Shapira's version. She is most uncomfortable with, "which window, how to get to the roof, line of sight." I, on the other hand, smell a rotten fish with Shapira saying he entered through a side door because the police blocked his entrance. How then was he wearing a police cap?: THE JERUSALEM POST Mar. 12, 2008 A second question threatening to undermine the police narrative originally proposed is the question of the "identification" cap that IDF Paratrooper Capt. David Shapira borrowed from a policeman at the scene before entering the building to pursue the terrorist. Although it was initially assumed that Shapira took the cap from the policeman standing at the entrance, the cap was later identified as a detective's cap, not the type of headgear the patrolman would have been wearing. There is something very wrong with the Shapira-Dadon testimonies. They are such polar opposites that even the Yeshiva believes it has been infiltrated by the secret services: http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/Flash.aspx/143620 Merkaz HaRav Yeshiva: 'Shabak Agent Among Us' 13 Adar Bet/20 March (IsraelNN.com) Notices that have been put up in Jerusalem's Merkaz HaRav yeshiva warn students of the presence of a Shabak (General Security Service) agent. The agent is pretending to be a friend of one of the victims of the massacre two weeks ago and is trying to get information from the students, the notices said.

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"Keep your eyes and ears open and avoid unnecessary conversations," they added. The notices explained that a parent of one of the students spoke to the man and understood that he was trying to encourage the boys to give him information that could interest the security forces. ** Then, there is the public police report that in Jerusalem's tight security situation, the murderer carried a gun and 600 bullets into the Yeshiva with no outside help. Not only is the question of who gave the murderer his weapon unanswered, equally unanswered is how he got to the Yeshiva with 20 full bullet clips and a rifle. Do we believe he took a bus to the massacre, or maybe he walked eight miles from his home, or did someone drive him there? In any of the cases, the murderer, could not have worked alone. Two readers reached the same conclusion: Barry, The terrorist carried 500-600 bullets, in a box, into the yeshivah?? How much does that weigh? How big a box? No one suspected his package? Didn't he have to reload several times? Thank G-d, "only" 8 were murdered by 500 bullets (what a marksman). ** I asked that same question. 600 bullets? And nobody noticed? And how many times did he have to reload for that? People initially suspected there was a second shooter, but then the story was forgotten about. It's impossible to believe that he went on

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shooting 600 bullets for twenty minutes in a building on a busy street without police intervention. At the very least the police delayed doing anything about it deliberately in order to create a civil chaos scheme later. And at worst Peres and friends planned it--not surprising given the zealotry with which the government has been trying to give away Jerusalem since he became President. David We have a long piece of true investigation of the Hebron massacre of 1994 by my astute reader, Yehuda. I read your findings about Purim 1994. Interesting. I would like to remind you about my findings in the Ma'ara. 1/ The bullet holes still visible in those days enabled me to trace Dr. Goldstein's last moments from the minute he entered through the northern side entrance till his death not far from the main entrance to Ulam Yitschak. 2/ Question 1 is, of course, why would the man choose to open a closed (or perhaps locked side entrance whereas the main entrance was open. Because of the lone soldier standing there? Of course not, because why would a sleepy soldier ask questions to a reserve duty officer ! Because this unexpected entrance would enable to kill more and easier? nonsense. 2/ Question 2 is who shot when and where. Most of the bullets but not all exited from Goldstein's rifle. Who was the other shooter? Where did he come from, and where did he go to? 3/Question 3 is how come scores of bullets hit the ceiling, walls and floor.

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4/ Question 4 is at what time did it all happen, Dr.Watson? Let's start with question 4. Judge Shamgar got two groups of three soldiers. One group said 5:15 and the other 5:45. Sherlock Holmes would have know who lied and who spoke the truth by checking the morning prayers in the Mosque on a day to day basis. Because we know at what point during the prayer it all started, all we have to know is at what time morning prayer starts on 25th of February (time is fixed by daybreak and sunrise). We will find that the inaccuracy is up to several minutes, not half an hour. One group of soldiers can be dismissed as liars. And Judge Shamgar did a very poor job. Standard procedure in Zahal is that a person is only allowed to use his weapon in case of immediate personal danger. And even then first he should shoot in the air at an angle of 60 degrees, then if the danger remains, the attacked person should shoot at the lower limbs in order to neutralize the attackers. Only if nothing else helps, the attacked person must shoot in order to kill. Dr. Goldstein knew those orders and executed them by the book. After entering the Northern Aisle he detected serious hostility and shot in the ceiling. At least One bullet missed the ceiling and hit one of the main pillars holding the Main Aisle on the opposite side at about 10 meters elevation. Dr. Goldstein tried to reach the main entrance (in the Main Aisle), but could not because of the people in his way. These were men trying to get on their feet (from kneeling) and flee the place, and others who attacked Dr. Goldstein. So Goldstein started shooting towards the floor and the lower limbs of his attackers. The stone flooring in the area where the Northern Aisle is connected to the Main Aisle showed signs of damage in the form of slivers of stone that disappeared. Finally in his desperation to get out of Ulam Yitschak (alive), Dr.

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Goldstein shot at his attackers, but those outnumbered him, clubbed him down and murdered him. Now we know why bullets hit the very high ceilings and the flooring. We also understand the explanations of the Alia Hospital in Hebron in an interview with an Arab Jerusalem paper. the hospital doctor spoke only about injuries in the lower limbs caused by shrapnel or bullets. He did not say that among the dead were several elderly man who had been trampled on by the fleeing. They could not get on their old feet fast enough. Other elderly man had been killed by bullets fired by Dr. Goldstein aiming at the floor (and not at old man unable to rise). Note only old men died! And who shot actually? Gun bullets (Shamgar report) were found in the Ma'ara besides the bullets fired by Dr. Goldstein Did "settler nr. 2" described by the Arabs shoot these bullets? Why and where ? And why did the sentry at the main entrance shoot (and kill) the fleeing Imam outside the Ulam Yitschak? Last question: did Dr. Goldstein carry any luggage? If so what was in there? There are several contradictions in the official story telling if, why and where Dr. Goldstein was enlisted that night. No doubt rumours were going around about an imminent attack on the praying Jews and Arabs) in the Ma'ara. Some say the source of these rumours was the Shabaq interested in stirring up troubles, that would enable the forced evacuation of the Jews from Chevron. The Arabs prepared themsleves and placed a cupboard full of metal rods inside the Ma'ara.The Imam was supposed to bang the microphone in case of immediate danger. Dr. Goldstein was called up that night to be on stand-by. A Jeep took him to the Ma'ara. He and another soldier(?) entered from

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the side (Northern Aisle). Did the doctor carry his medical equipment ? Did they enter just in order to have a look what was going on or because someone reported that they needed a doctor in Ulam Yitschak ? I believe the doctor was called as a professional. That was his creed, to give medical assistance no matter Jew or Arab. He had no reason to enter the Ulam Yitschak but as a doctor. If the call was false and originated in the Shabaq trying to compromise the Jews in general and this doctor in particular, the Shabaq murdered both Dr. Goldstein and 29 innocent elderly Arabs. I hope and pray the Shabaq was not involved. The Imam saw the two armed men, banged his microphone and a group of "guards" took the metal rods and attacked the intruders. "settler nr 1 in army uniform fired a few shots and fled through the northern entrance bolting the door behind him. Dr. Goldstein heard the bolting and tried to shoot his way to reach the main entrance, shooting according to the rules (air, floor,in order to kill). He did not make it. The sentry at the main entrance did not come to his aide,and shot the fleeing Imam instead. The other soldiers were nowhere.Three of them cannot tell even at what time it all happened. They were absent. The bullet holes have been plastered, the floor does not show the damage anymore, One day the truth will come out. The truth is coming out, it's just not being believed. **


The mysteries of the Mercaz HaRav massacre have been partly solved but the main ones remain ever mysteries with but one conclusion: the shadow Israeli government had its hand

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in the atrocity. If you missed parts one and two of the trilogy, read them at my website. For all others, the issue of who killed the Arab mass murderer is now solved to our satisfaction. Yitzhak Dadon got him first and David Shapira added a late coup de grace. However, Dadon told his first interviewer that Shimon Peres ultimately ordered the killings and was punished by the mainstream media for unknowingly telling the truth. It embellished Shapira and Dadon became persona non grata. Numerous readers all agreed on that point but none was so moving as my friend Chaim who called me from Jerusalem, Chaim was in the Yeshiva above the library. He saw many things including Dadon getting position on an outside roof and shooting the murderer. After his shots, the killing ended. Unknown at the time to Dadon and Shapira, there were no more terrorists in the building. Chaim recalls surviving the terror: "We barricaded the room as best as we could and shut the lights. We didn't move. One guy used his cellphone to call the police and we whispered to him to shut it off. If it rang the terrorist would know we were in there. We lay motionless for 40 minutes before the cops arrived." (C – Chamish) "Forty? Officially, the cops were there in twenty minutes." "I know that time is warped when every second is an eternity. But the police didn't arrive for at least half an hour. That's the minimum estimate. No less. I still think forty minutes is the better estimate." (C) "What took them so long?" "We asked the same question. Where was help? We heard the screams from the library and the shooting went on and on but no one stopped it. I don't want to describe the horror. I'm just recovering from that part of things. The terrorist found his roost in the library and didn't leave the room. He thought he would be shot if he left. That probably saved us. There were other miracles. He was a terrible shot and missed one guy after

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firing ten shots at him. He escaped. Another pushed the rifle barrel away from him and got away. He was a huge monster. Instead of roaming the Yeshiva and killing more, he pumped bullets into the dead or dying where he was." (C) "Did you ask if the massacre would have happened if you had a security apparatus in place at the entrance to the Yeshiva?" (C) "Don't blame the Yeshiva. A year ago, all of Jerusalem lifted guards from buildings and bus stops. There was a lull in terror and everyone's guard was down. We used to have a guard at the entrance but he left when everyone else let their guards go. I don't understand why this was done so publicly but we weren't the only ones who thought a guard wasn't needed anymore." (C) "If you had a guard, an Arab holding a carton with a rifle and 600 bullets would have been stopped at the entrance." (C) "This is a myth that the rifle and bullets were in a box. He wore the bullets under his vest. The cops thought he was rigged with a bomb because he was so laden with clips. There are other myths too, like how he got there. We had guys who saw him pull up in a car with two other Arabs who drove away. He walked into the Yeshiva ready to kill and maybe a guard couldn't have stopped him. But he was not a lone killer. He had help. Why aren't the police taking our eye-witness testimony seriously? Why aren't they even asking who gave him the rifle and all the ammo. You think that can he done alone? Instead of pursuing the murderers, the cops let his family organize a memorial tent. Truthfully, I don't understand why that tent wasn't ripped down and anyone in it, arrested." (C) "Maybe Mercaz HaRav was chosen for the brutality and a thorough investigation would reveal too much about certain Israeli elements working behind the scenes to push their "peace" through murder?" "The massacre could have taken place anywhere." (C) "But it didn't. It happened at the spiritual

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headquarters of religious Zionism and I don't believe that was done accidentally." "Then why did they do it?" (C) "To break your morale. Mercaz HaRav is viewed by certain well-placed Israelis as the capital of the real enemy, religious Judaism. It's not the first massacre by the "peacemakers." "If they think they can break our morale by killing our kids, they don't know us very well." (C) "They think that everyone has a breaking point." "Not us." **


On 18-Feb-07, Dr. David Niv, head of the Pain Dept. of Ichilov Hospital, was shot dead in his car in Ramat Gan, we assume by the Israeli secret service, the Shabak, to keep his mouth shut about the Rabin assassination. We make this assumption because of the long list of dead and nearly dead department heads at Rabin's last stop...Ichilov Hospital. Whether you were there that night or just heard the gossip in the cafeteria, you knew too much. http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/1025924.html T.A. court orders release of suspects in murder of prominent physician The Tel Aviv Magistrates Court on Thursday released the four suspects in the murder of Tel Aviv physician David Niv, though they are to remain under house arrest. The four - Sami Mughrabi, Imad Mughrabi, Meni Ben-David and Salim al-Baz - were brought for a fourth remand hearing on

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Thursday morning following criticism by the court of the investigation into Niv's shooting death in February 2007. "The evidence at hand, to which nothing has been added in recent days, does not justify lengthening the remand of the suspects," wrote Judge Rachel Greenberg, who ordered the suspects' release. On Sunday, police asked Greenberg to remand the four suspects for 15 days. However, on Monday she ordered a four-day remand only, citing insufficient progress on collecting evidence. Imad Mughrabi's attorney, Giora Zilberstein, told Haaretz "to save face, the police should let them go this morning rather than let the court do it." After a police representative informed the court that no progress has been made in the investigation, Greenberg ordered the release. Following Thursday's hearing, the suspects' lawyers - Zilberstein, Moshe Sharman, David Yiftah, and Eli Cohen - praised the judge's decision as courageous and reiterated the claim that their clients have no tie whatsoever to the murder. The police said on Thursday that they intend to appeal Greenberg's ruling. The suspects will remain in jail until the appeal is heard. We congratulate attorney David Yiftah, who previously lost a deadly suit against the Shabak, for saving the current patsies from jail. (see notes). Needless to say, I covered Dr. Niv's murder and included the murder of Dahlia Eyal, former head of Ichilov's Emergency Dept., her husband and son (see notes), as well as the attempts on two

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Rabin murder coverup witnesses, Drs. Kluger and Guttman: ...the professional hit, which cut down Dr. David Niv, head of the Pain Dept. of Ichilov Hospital. Let us begin with Dr. Niv. Inside that dreaded hospital, Yitzhak Rabin was shot to death; the third shot which shattered the spine took place in the emergency ward of Ichilov. During the 1980s, the head of that ward was Dr. Dahlia Eyal, who was murdered in her home on January 12, 2002. The government's conclusion; the doctor, her husband and son, who arrived well after their murders, all succumbed to carbon monoxide poisoning. How did that happen? It seems a bird had overnight nested on the chimney and caused fumes from the dryer to kill them all. Except birds don't nest in January. Within, you will find the announcement from PazGaz, the energy company which privately investigated the massacre. The Eyal Family died of cyanide poisoning. Doctors Kluger, the director of the trauma unit at Ichilov, and Guttman, deputy director of Surgery 2, who both operated on Rabin, almost died within three years of a mysterious weight-loss disease suspected as AIDS. This item appeared in the Haredi paper, Kol Hashavuah, and was confirmed on numerous occasions by Ichilov staff, one of whom, a nurse at Ichilov told me after a lecture in Petach Tikeh, "How did you know? We sent their biopsies to hospitals worldwide. None of them identified what we thought was killing Drs. Kluger and Guttman." Dr. Niv's death fits the MO of a hospital haunted by one assassination more than it could handle. The motive for Niv's murder was Rabin honesty. The patsies chosen had expensive legal representation and the Shabak's plot fell apart. The witness who knew why Niv was rubbed out has been abusing my work, but I believe his testimony. Still, I won't publicize the man. So google Dr. David Niv, his testimony is

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currently listed second and his name is also David. Dr. David Niv had telephoned me 5-6 weeks previous and told me that he is the head of his department at Ichilov, a professor, and most important wants to be a good person. Dr. David Niv knows about the facts of the Rabin murder fraud via my web sites and Rotter.net and he is really embarrassed that he is somewhat involved in the coverup by way of him being in a leadership position at Ichilov. Dr David Niv is telling me that in a not too infrequent basis people are joking with him that his hospital was the place that Rabin got 2 bullets pumped into his back. The official government fairy tale is that 2 bullets were pumped in to the back as Yitzhak Rabin was walking towards his limousine, but we know that Rabin got two bullets to the back after he was already dead at Ichilov hospital. It is not so hard to figure out. Apparently, everyone knows... and it is just a big joke... Dr David Niv calls me up and also tells me the situation and I listen. I tell David Niv that he is not the first person who is calling me, and it is not news that everyone knows ...David confirms that there is really no doubt that Rabin was killed on the way to the hospital and had 2 bullets pumped in his back when he was already dead. David Niv tells me about the infamous chest ex rays that are still hidden from the public. David Explains to me that he had approached Dr Gabi Barabash, the head of the hospital, with his outrage of the Rabin fraud continuing to this day. Especially since everyone knows that everyone else knows. Which is really weird. David Niv approached Dr Barabash with the proposal to do public things and acts to end the whole fraud ASAP. Dr Gabi Barabash disagreed and threatened or promised that Dr David Niv may be making a mistake that would probably be ending his life.

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One of the big Rabin controversies was how much blood was pumped into him. Drs. Sneh and Kluger reported 21 units. Dr Guttman insisted on 8. I was given the infusion notices of Hematology Dept. head, Dr Amiram Eldor. They showed that Rabin received 8 units initially, then he was shot again through the chest, and 13 more were added. Luckily for the Shabak, he is no longer with us to explain the unusual addition of massive blood infusions because: www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=1122534 Professors Yaacov Matzner and Amiram Eldor were on their way back to Israel via Switzerland when their plane came down in dense forest three kilometres short of the landing field. They had been lecturing at an international haematology conference in Berlin and had booked the flight to Zurich so that they could return to their patients early on Sunday morning instead of taking a later flight back with their colleagues. Professor Eldor worked for years at Hadassah-University Hospital's haematology department but left for his native Tel Aviv in 1993 to head the haematology institute at Ichilov Hospital. NOTES: THREE MORE DEAD IN RABIN RAMPAGE The latest Rabin hushup murders were Dr. Dalia Eyal, her husband Nimrod Eyal and son Assaf. Dalia Eyal had been employed at Ichilov Hospital since the early 1980s. Currently, she was director of a health fund located there but shift-worked in the trauma department throughout her career at Ichilov. So far, she has not been positively located in the trauma center on the night Yitzhak Rabin died there but let's not rule out the possibility. What is certain is that she knew the doctors and

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nurses who attended Rabin and was privy to the truth. Let us repeat the murder motive: Dr. Eyal undoubtedly knew how Rabin was really murdered. Who conducted the autopsy on the Eyal family? Dr. Death himself, Yehuda Hiss, the head of the police pathological institute, which was raided last week for hoarding the internal organs of 81 corpses without informing the families of the dead. And as we all know, it was Dr. Death Hiss who changed Rabin's wounds in his infamous pathologist's report. Let us repeat the motive for the coverup: Dr. Eyal knew Hiss lied about Rabin's real wounds. Now let's look at another really sloppy mass murder. The Chronology Of A Slaughter Thursday night, Jan. 10 - Dalia and Nimrod Eyal die embracing in their bed. Friday morning - Jan. 11 - Assaf, 22, dies sitting upright in a salon chair. According to the Jerusalem Post (15/1/2002): "Police theorize that Assaf came home and found his family dead. Failing to detect the presence of the odorless, colorless gas, he too, passed out and died." Saturday, Jan. 12 - Yona Eliad, Nimrod's brother-in-law, discovers the bodies, as well as the family cats, very much alive.. Police announce that it was an apparent family suicide. Friends and relatives of the Eyals vigorously deny the possibility.

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Sunday, Jan. 13 - Police reinvestigate and come up with the answer within a day. From the Jerusalem Post: "They died as a result of inhaling carbon monoxide fumes leaked from the water heater in their closed luxury apartment, after a bird's nest blocked the exhaust pipe." The Post reports that about 100 victims a winter, "are overcome by gas from home heaters," though only one hospital in the country is equipped to revive carbon monoxide poisoning victims. Now let's start thinking clearly: The Bird's Nest - Birds do not nest in Israel in January. They do not put up a nest overnight anywhere in any season. They do not put up a nest on a pipe venting carbon monoxide. If they tried, they would not finish the nest. The weather - It has been cold and rainy for most of the winter. The water heater was not turned on for the first time that night. If a summer nest had blocked the exhaust vent, the Eyals would have discovered it or suffocated by the cold November past. The cats - The bodies were discovered 48 hours after they had succumbed. The apartment was sealed. The cats should have died as well by then. The water heater - According to one service dealer :"About 100 Israelis a winter are overcome by kerosene heaters. These are people who live in cramped, primitive conditions and use obsolete oil stoves. The wick goes out and burns, spreading CO. A gas heated boiler would use natural gas which emits methane. It is deadly but it is detected by smell. I'm not aware of a natural gas-run boiler that would emit a CO gas without an odor. If the pilot ring blew out, the police and son would have smelled the methane."

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The son - Assaf comes home, discovers his dead parents and instead of immediately calling an ambulance, sits down on a comfy chair and dies. Ichilov Hospital - Every doctor and nurse who tended Rabin on Nov. 4/1995 has received written and verbal death threats. Two of the doctors, Kluger and Gutman, suffered unexplainable and almost fatal disorders. They learned to be silent afterward. Dr. Eyal, it seems, had not properly learned the lesson. ** Thursday, Dec. 30/04, I gave a lecture in Jerusalem about the murders of Raful Eitan and Judge Adi Azar. The next night, the attorney for the government's chief suspect in the Azar murder, David Weiner, is shot in the head in his home. A note was found by the body stating that Weiner wanted to prove he was being honest in his handling of the Azar case. So he killed himself. Yeah, sure he did. He joins the long list of suicides and accidents of Israelis who endangered the "peace" process. Here is how Azar was really murdered. Quotes are from the government's indictment. January, Feb. 03 - Judge Azar rules against Yasir Arafat in two suits brought against him to compensate victims of his terror. He orders Arafat to pay 160 million shekels in compensation and court costs. Further, he forces the Palestinian Authority to reveal its assets in court so the plaintiffs may collect on his rulings. This is not the kind of judge that Arafat or the Israeli peacemakers want around, so the hit squad of the peacemakers is called into action. April ' 03 - A plan to murder Azar along the exact lines of the

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Rabin assassination is hatched. The Yigal Amir patsy is Rafi Nekhmani, serving life in prison for murder. He is released on an illegal furlough and escapes. No manhunt is ordered for his return. Instead Nekhmani stays, "in numerous hotels while he staked out nine judges," in six different cities until Azar was chosen as his target.Further, Nekhmani was not located by the police for two years. July, 04. Enter Avinoam Hajbi, the Margalit Har Shefi of the Azar murder. He is drawn into the plot against his understanding. Nekhmani hires him to drive him to Azar's house three times for ten minutes each. On July 19, Nekhmani took twenty minutes, returned to the car and gave him a gun. He ordered Hajbi to drive to a nearby beach and bury the weapon. Nekhmani explained that, "The plan was to injure the judge so he could negotiate better conditions for Yitzhak Tzeziashvilli." Hajbi told Nekhmani that, "The plan was out of a science fiction movie," and "I didn't know that Judge Azar was actually killed until I saw it on the news later that night." But witnesses to the shooting swore the killer escaped on a motorcycle, not in a car. ENTER David Weiner. He is Yitzhak Tzeziashvilli's attorney. He believes his client was wrongfully imprisoned for murder and has succeeded once in having an appeal heard. He is approached with an attractive offer by, possibly, Nekhmani. Whoever made the offer said he had knowledge of the Azar murder and would reveal the whereabouts of the murder weapon if Yitzhak Tzeziashvilli's prison conditions and sentence were lightened within 48 hours. Weiner informed attorney-general Menachem Mazuz, and later State Prosecutor Eran Shendar, of the offer, which was rejected. Yitzhak Tzeziashvilli has now been set up to be the Hagai Amir of the Azar murder, that is, the weapons supplier. He,

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along with Hajbi, is now indicted as masterminds of the assassination. Neither, knew a thing about it. Meanwhile, Nekhmani got two years on the lam in tourist hotels for his cooperation, and once back in the slammer, you can be certain conditions will be good...so long as he keeps his mouth shut. Like Yigal Amir, he was made to look like the shooter, while the real hit man escaped on a motorcycle. Yitzhak Tzeziashvilli called the charges against him "fabricated and a load of nonsense." His current lawyer, David Yiftah observes, "All he did was inform the prosecution that he received information on the location of the murder weapon. If he was behind the murder, why would he set himself up and turn himself in? The only plausible explanation is that Azar was murdered over a personal motive and that the charges against my client are meant to cover up the truth." You can be well certain that David Weiner came to the same conclusion and was about to serve the truth. So one more honest Israeli had to be murdered for peace. **

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On Yom Kippur, the former Nazi, Pope Benedict XVI, announced that he would approve Pope Pius XII as a saint. Pius, the Holocaust Holy See, could have done much to stop the slaughter of the Jews if at one Sunday sermon, he had warned the murderers that they would face an eternity in Hell. But he would no more do that than the popes would have warned their monasteries that enslaving and working to death millions of American Indians was a crime against his God. His apologists insist that a fascist gun was put to his head during the war, so somehow, he was innocent of the charges of aiding genocide. These same apologists have no answer to the post-war Vatican ratlines, which saved the lives of hundreds of thousands of Nazis by hiding them in Vatican monasteries, providing them with fake passports, and liberating them worldwide. Yes, Pius knew and approved. Everyone, but one in Israel, objected to Benedict's plans to raise the butcher pope to sainthood. Unfortunately, the one who did not object was Pres. Shimon Peres. He was too busy planning the pope's visit to Israel for that. And then, on Nov.4, the anniversary of the Peres' murder of Yitzhak Rabin, the Vatican will be mending its ties to the Moslems in Rome: ROME 4-6 November 2008 Catholic and Muslim scholars initiate

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formal talks http://www.newsahead.com/preview/2008/11/04/rome-4-6-november-2008-catholic-muslim-scholars-open-talks/index.php www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1848707,00.html On Thursday, Benedict put his moral weight (though not yet his signature) behind the cause for sainthood for Pope Pius XII. At a special Mass on Thursday marking 50 years since Pius' death, Benedict praised his wartime predecessor's actions to save Jews and called on Catholics to "pray that the cause of his beatification goes forward smoothly." http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/1029650.html Peres on Sunday told reporters the issue should not be a barrier. "The visit to the holy country is nothing to do with anger or disputes," Peres said. "It's holy all the time, it's holy for all of us." Benedict has repeatedly defended Pius, saying he worked "secretly and silently" during World War Two to "avoid the worst and save the greatest number of Jews possible…" At an Oct. 9 commemoration of the 50th anniversary of Pius' death, Benedict said he prayed the process which could lead to Pius' beatification "can proceed happily." Pope Benedict made Peres very jealous when he named his plotter buddy, 'Rabbi' David Rosen, a Papal Knight. Not to be undone by his pipsqueak co-conspirator, Peres is pushing hard to be made a knight himself, this time by Queen Elizabeth II of the British Commonwealth. Now, forgetting Sir Assassin's career of murder, let us just concentrate on Rabin. For that story, visit this link:

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http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=E9A044AE24067CBA&playnext=1 And do tune in to the related videos as well. The Queen should know, as if her intelligence services hadn't already told her, the Israeli public is well aware that Peres knocked off Rabin. November 4th is fast approaching and two phone calls from Israel this week tells the public's story. Caller one had just watched Israel's most popular reality show, Big Brother. A favored contestant spelled out Rabin's murder in great detail down to the one bullet too many and the murder of Rabin's bodyguard in his limousine. Another contestant broke down in tears hearing it. "It was your book exactly," the caller excitedly said. The next caller was just as thrilled by a two page report in Makor Rishon 17/10/08. The paper interviewed Ami Meshulum, whose father Rabbi Uzi Meshulum worked to bring Peres to trial for his role in kidnapping 4500 Yemenite babies and toddlers to America, to die in ghastly atomic experiments in the 1950s when Sir Shimon was head of the Israeli Atomic Energy Commission. Ami, who I had met at age 11, ran to Canada recently because of threats to his life by the secret services, the Shabak. "They showed me a film of them with Adir Zik, warning him to stop the Rabin research. Then they showed him getting injected with cancer because he wouldn't shut up. That was my message to escape Israel or I'd be next." "You were right about Zik all along," exclaimed the caller. Like I didn't know. And no one is telling my story about being in America against my will because I'd be dead any other way. http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3611965,00.html Peres to be knighted

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Israeli president to be awarded United Kingdom's highest honor, hailed as one of Queen Elizabeth's knights. Official presidential tour of kingdom to include meeting with British premier, address at Oxford University, Queen Elizabeth II is expected to bestow an unusual honor on President Shimon Peres in a few weeks, and name him a knight in her order. Peres is to be awarded the title, regarded as the United Kingdom's highest honor, for his contribution to world peace and the relationship between Israel and the UK. Peres is expected to leave for an official presidential visit in Britain on November 18. When in London, he is slated to meet with British Prime Minister Gordon Brown and Foreign Secretary David Miliband. The highlight of Peres' visit will be a speech before both houses of the British Parliament – the House of Lords and the House of Commons. http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1222017613200&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull Oct 24, 2008 0:34 | Updated Oct 24, 2008 8:14 Arise, Shimon Peres, knight commander? By HERB KEINON AND JONNY PAUL Efforts to have President Shimon Peres "knighted" during a visit to London next month may have been set back by premature publication of the move, Foreign Ministry sources said Thursday. Yediot Aharonot, under a headline "Sir Peres," reported Wednesday that Peres was expected to be appointed an honorary knight by Queen Elizabeth II in appreciation of his contribution to peace efforts in the Middle East and to furthering Israeli-British ties. While admitting that the embassy in London was working on

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the issue, the sources said that revealing these efforts prematurely could lead anti-Israeli forces in Britain to try to scuttle the idea. Queen: For thy boundless energy in assassinating cruel enemies like Rabin, Sharon and Zeevi, for working tirelessly to divide Jerusalem, and for subjecting a generation of your Sephardic subjects to humanistic atomic experiments, I do proclaim thee, Sir Shimon, Knight of the Royal Bounds. Sir Shimon: Watch that sword. It's going to hit my shoulder. Don't hurt me with that sword. I don't know why, but as I researched this essay, the words of the formidable Allan Sherman, in his Sir Greenbaum's Madrigal, kept haunting me: Said he, forsooth, 'tis a sorry plight That engendered my attitude bluish' Said he, 'I don't want to be a knight, That's no job for a boy who is Jewish.' *

The Vatican Threatens Olmert with Holocaust How could such a palpable hint of mass murder be so ignored? Please read the following: http://www.thebulletin.us/site/news.cfm? newsid=17596728&BRD=2737&PAG=461&dept_id=585832&rfi=6 Italian Guards Leave Posts At Jewish, Israeli Institutions In Rome "Italian police guards have been withdrawn, without warning,

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from Israeli and Jewish institutions in Rome. About 10 days ago, without warning or explanation, the police cars that had been permanently stationed for over 10 years outside the El Al office in Rome, at Jewish community offices, the Jewish school and the synagogues throughout the city, suddenly disappeared - at all times on the eve of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's visit to the city, a visit that ended Wednesday night. The surprising step aroused apprehension among Jews in Rome, who have not forgotten the terrorist attack at the synagogue in 1982, when a 2-year-old boy, Stefano Tasha, was killed and 40 people were injured. Since then, the leaders and institutions of the Jewish community have had total protection - until this week. The city's Jews, who prayed last Saturday at 10 synagogues without security guards, fear that history will repeat itself and the next terrorist attack is drawing near. The Jewish school is also a priority target for terrorism. At least that is how it was described in the Italian media only about two months ago, and after angry protests from the Jewish community, it was agreed that the guards would be restored - temporarily. The police headquarters stated that it was intended that the police guards would be returned - perhaps even Thursday morning - to all the places which they had been guarding, but parents told Ma'ariv that they were "angry and concerned" about the new security instructions. A police car was first stationed outside the El Al office in Rome after the terrorist attack at Fiumicino Airport in 1985, when 16 people were killed and 70 wounded. For the most part, the police car prevented suspicious vehicles from parking there, and the police were instructed to keep a close watch. Now, however,

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there is no police car there, and it is feared that the El Al office, which is a palpable Israeli symbol, would be an easy target. At present, the Israeli embassy in Rome does not intend to approach the Italian Foreign Ministry and turn the issue into a diplomatic confrontation between the two countries, especially in light of the cordial atmosphere Wednesday at the joint news conference of the two prime ministers. On the other hand, the security officer at El Al is expected to have a meeting with his Italian counterparts in an attempt to reach an agreement. Asked for a reaction, the Israeli embassy in Rome said it does not discuss security matters with the media. The Italian police also refused to comment on why, in the wake of re-evaluations of the security situation by the Italian security establishment, a decision had been made to withdraw the security guards from a list of diplomatic missions, airline offices and other institutions that had been protected for decades." In my previous article now at www.thebarrychamishwebsite.com, I summarized that Olmert was ordered by the Pope to appear in the Vatican. There he was to agree to give the Vatican sovereignty over parts of Mount Zion and to accept "the Spanish initiative," replacing the Israeli army in Gaza with soldiers from Catholic Europe. Hoping not to repeat the fiasco of Pres. Katzav's refusal the year before, this year the Vatican promised Olmert a Holocaust. With no police guarding Jewish institutions, it was just a matter of informing the Muslims to get the Jewish blood aflowing. The Bulletin reporter, the reliable David Bedein, completely missed the significance of his scoop. We finally see the power of the Vatican. Life in Rome's little Jewish community

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would disappear into the blood within a day. The true slaughter would be in France where 7 million angry Muslims would swoop down on the 700,000 Jews without fear of the police. Have we forgotten ‘Protestant’ Britain? Of course, Britain could repeat its long forgotten Palestine policy of keeping the police away from a massacre of Jews. There may be some outrage, a few delays, but the Jews will lose their security when the police appear halfheartedly, if at all. The mood is 1938. There are more than enough rabid anti-Semites to burst the slaughter into reality. So how does the Israeli reporter react to this threat to the last Jews of Europe? According to the Israeli Embassy, the prime ministers of Italy and Israel got along so well, why disturb the fun and ask who ordered the police removed. Now does the reporter ask how Olmert reacted to the Vatican threat? No such luck. Well, in fact, Olmert returned to Israel and during a Kassam storm, had a meeting with, we think, leader of the opposition Mahmud Abbas, and gave him $100 million and a promise to release lots of prisoners whether we get our ONE returned or not. But, best of all, he upped the war on Judaism by closing religious schools: 3. Religious-Zionist Schools on Strike www.israelnationalnews.com "A total of some 100,000 students are on strike”, Glatt told Arutz-7's Hebrew newsmagazine. "We have traditionally tried not to take the students away from their Torah and other studies," Glatt said, "but there is simply no other choice. The budget for

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2007 is about to be voted on this coming Thursday, and the astronomical sum of 130 million shekels is being cut. We simply will not be able to open the school year if this is the case." At stake are more than 250 educational institutions, Glatt said, asking, "Could it be that there is someone who wants to specifically harm the religious-Zionist education?" MK Orlev, participating at the sit-in today, said, "The government is holding the budget and our children as political hostages just because we're in the opposition. The parents already pay astronomical sums, and cannot pay more." "This political persecution is liable to destroy our schools," Orlev said, "even though our graduates are the backbone of Israeli society. The government had better wake up before it cuts off the branch on which the State sits." “Their principals are not resting, however. They are holding a protest sit-in outside the Prime Minister's Office in Jerusalem, warning that some of their schools will be forced to close if the funding is not at least partially restored." Can you imagine all these principals sitting outside the prime minister's office and not a one understanding that Olmert has already promised the real world leaders, meeting in the Vatican, that he would drown the pesky religious community once and for all? Without funds to run their own schools, the children will enter public schools and fuel a religious/secular gang war. All to divide the Jews before the end! My readers know I've proven Israel's leaders are run by our worst enemies. The Vatican's highest ranking agent in Israel is

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Shimon Peres. The details of how he and Olmert rid themselves of Sharon is found in my new book, ‘Bye Bye Gaza’ (details below). Olmert supposedly became number one in Israel, and Peres, two after the last election. Once the results were tallied, Peres flew to the Vatican for instructions. He would drop out of the scene and let Olmert do the public dirty work. We can only surmise that Olmert felt guilty about destroying Israel or there would have been no need for the police show in Rome. Whatever the display taught Olmert, it should have taught the Jews of Israel to think coup as the only way to save themselves from utter and horrid destruction. *


This Week On Columbo: The Case Of The Disappearing Israel ** You see, sir. It doesn't make sense. Why would Israel's leaders destroy their country? You see the problem I have? Then I discover they're all felons. Defense Minister Barak ran from Tzeelim Bet and left five of his soldiers dead on the ground. And he gave the order at Sultan Yakob in Lebanon in 1982, which left at least 26 of his countrymen dead. He's a killer and is now a leader of his country. Deputy Prime Minister Chaim Ramon was almost imprisoned on pedophilia charges not three months ago. He French-kissed a soldier barely past her 18th birthday. And then he's made a minister just two steps from taking over the whole country. You see my problem, don't you? How do these crooks get on top? In any law abiding place they'd be selling junk on the phone. So why are they giving the commands to wreck their nation?

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I'm trying to figure out the same thing with this Prime Minister, Olmert. He's been investigated five times by the State Comptroller for embezzling public money. You see sir, what bothers me? How did he rise so high? It's very confusing. He's giving all your strategic territory to your worst enemies. Why would he do it? I hope I'm not disturbing you, sir, but the answer is in your president, one Shimon P.F.Y. Peres. (Phooey, Feh, Yech). He went to the Vatican on September 6 and promised to solve all your problems this year. But sir, who is he solving problems for? We have a long file on this Peres. He has his fingers in serious murders like those of Rabin, Sharon and Zeevi. Worse, he has been working for the Vatican to get the Jews out of Jerusalem. Yes sir, it's been proved. Now here is what's interesting. Before PFY Peres arrives in the Vatican, a Vatican agent, an actual king of Spain, named Juan Carlos, secretly meets with a Saudi prince named Salman. You see, a Saudi "peace" plan is being pushed by the pope. But it's exactly the "peace" plans of a New York group called the ‘Council on Foreign Relations’, called Barcelona, Oslo or the Roadmap. Israel withdraws to indefensible positions and is destroyed. And that's what bothers me. Why this meeting before Peres arrives in Rome? I know the King of Spain can have a secret meeting, but another thing bothers me. Why, on September 4, would the Italian Foreign Minister arrive in Israel to meet with, not only Israel's "leaders," but with this Tony Blair, a British citizen all tied up with one President Bush. And why would he fly back to Italy to meet with this Peres just as he's sitting with the pope? If that was all, I'd finish up my report and make it to my nephew's wedding. But something very strange bothers me. Why

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did this pope meet with the Saudi Foreign Minister right after his Peres meeting and just after his visit with the Syrian vice-President? I know who is killing Israel, but the victims don't want to know. The residents of Judea and Samaria are thoroughly deluded, sir. They look for any sign to live another day. A new group of immigrants excites them, sir. They don't count everyone leaving, or the mortal risk the newcomers will face. Not many will make it, I'm afraid. They are thrilled that half the army's officers are religious and don't understand why these officers, from Elazar or Takoah, are leading the operations to remove them from their homes. They could fight their end by organizing a strike against the army. But what works for garbagemen is too good for them. They think the Arab threat is worse than the one from within. They are infiltrated, have no control over their future, and won't fight back. And worse, sir, much worse, they have been twisted into thinking some sort of messiah will save them. And gentiles are drooling to take their minds away. Or the survivors, anyway. I guess that explains most of it, but there is one more fact the resistors won't fight. This has been going on for more than a generation. This ‘Council on Foreign Relations’ has been after Israel since, at least, 1975 when executive Henry Kissinger has promised to reduce Israel to nothing. Just prior to Peres' recent papal visit, this President Bush, whose grandfather founded the ‘Council’, promised the PLO that he will force Israel back to its 1949 borders. The end will begin this November in America. Sir. Notes: http://www.wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=44552 Bush's 3 little words, 1 big betrayal

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June 2, 2005 1:00 a.m. Eastern The Israelis are reeling from the body blow delivered them by President Bush following his meeting with Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas. In one pronouncement, Bush totally scuttled all the hard-fought, blood-bought gains Israel has made in the three wars forced upon her. All peace negotiations and concessions by Israel in the pursuit of peace with the Muslim Nations and Palestinians since 1949 have been rendered null and void. President Bush's astonishing and unexpected statement reversed long standing American policy. In his joint statement with Abbas, he declared that any final status changes in the peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians must be mutually agreed to on the basis of the 1949 armistice lines.

<---><---><---><---><---> http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/123549 Olmert Offers Judea, Samaria, Divides J'lem in Draft Accord

<---><---><---><---><---> http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=57146 JAFFA, Israel – Newly installed Israeli President Shimon Peres hopes to achieve the outline of a final status deal with the

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Palestinians before an international conference in November, the veteran politician said. When Peres assumed the role of president last month, political analysts and pundits here widely expected him to defy the limits of his office and take a hands-on role in Israeli diplomacy and policy making. According to Knesset sources, Peres is contemplating even asking lawmakers to officially expand the role of the president to include conducting foreign policy. http://www.mfa.gov.il/MFA/About+the...04-Sep-2007.htm

<---><---><---><---><---> Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs to visit Israel 4 Sep 2007 Italian FM Massimo D'Alema is due to arrive in Israel for discussions with senior Israeli officials. During his visit, FM D'Alema will meet with Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Tzipi Livni and with Minster of Defense Ehud Barak. FM D'Alema will also meet with Quartet Middle East envoy Tony Blair, who is currently in Jerusalem, and with the families of the abducted soldiers. Upon his return, FM D'Alema will meet with President Shimon Peres, who is currently in Italy. Prior to his visit to Israel, FM D'Alema visited the Palestinian Authority and Egypt, where he held discussions with the Foreign Ministers of several countries that are members of the Arab

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<---><---><---><---><---> http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2007/...ican-Peres.php ROME: Pope Benedict XVI and Israeli President Shimon Peres discussed peace efforts in the Middle East during a meeting Thursday, and Peres renewed an invitation to the pontiff to visit Israel and the Holy Land. The 35-minute meeting between Benedict and Peres was the first since the veteran statesman and Nobel Peace Prize laureate became president in July. It came amid an international push for peace in the Middle East. Lombardi said the pontiff is willing to travel to the Middle East, but the spokesman refused to be pinned down about any possible date. Benedict, who has been invited by Israeli officials before, has said he would like to go, but hopes to visit at a time of peace. Also discussed during the talks were peace efforts in the region, especially in the Holy Land, before a U.S.-sponsored conference in November, the Vatican spokesman said. Peres presented the pontiff with a small transparent installation where the symbols of the three monotheistic religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, could be seen.

<---><---><---><---><---> http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070907/ap_on_re_eu/vatican_pe

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res Pope meets Israel's Peres By ALESSANDRA RIZZO, Associated Press Writer Thu Sep 6, 9:12 PM ET ROME - Pope Benedict XVI and Israeli President Shimon Peres discussed Middle East peace efforts on Thursday, with both sides saying the atmosphere was favorable for Israelis and Palestinians to work to end decades of conflict. Shortly after the meeting, Benedict held talks on the Middle East situation with the Saudi foreign minister, Prince Saud al-Faisal...Benedict raised a similar issue in his talks Wednesday with the Syrian vice president, Farouk al-Sharaa, the Vatican said.

<---><---><---><---><---> http://www.asianews.it/index.php?l=en&art=10233&size=A Shimon Peres: Within a year the most important Israel-Holy See problems resolved Rome (AsiaNews) – The Israeli President Shimon Peres is “quite optimistic” regarding negotiations between Israel and the Holy See and has declared that “within the years end the most important problems will be resolved”. In order to study “common initiatives in favour of peace”, the pontiff also met today with Saudi Foreign Minister, Prince Saud Al Faisal. Saudi Arabia and the Arab League have long put forward a peace programme for the Middle East.


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http://www.infolive.tv/en/infolive.t...-vice-presiden It appears that the majority of the Middle East leaders are meeting in Rome appears to be proof of Italy's intentions and that of Pope Benedictus XI to become more involved in the Middle East peace process. Europe's diplomatic efforts to become more involved in the Middle East appear to be intensifying. French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner is due to visit the Middle East next week and the EU envoy Xavier Solana has just completed a visit to the region. ~ 09/05/07

<---><---><---><---><---> www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=57338 JERUSALEM – Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak told the Egyptian government the Jewish state is willing to forfeit control over the Temple Mount – Judaism's holiest site – to the management of Egypt, Jordan and the Palestinian Authority, according to an Arab media report.

<---><---><---><---><---> By The Associated Press Last update - 12:12 07/09/2007 http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/902018.html A confidant of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has offered a broad ‘West Bank’ pullout in talks with Palestinian leaders on a final-status peace deal, an Israeli newspaper reported Friday. Vice Premier Haim Ramon met with Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayad and other officials in an effort to put together a

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joint Israeli-Palestinian declaration of principles that will be presented in November at a Mideast peace conference slated to be held in the U.S., Israel's Yediot Ahronot newspaper reported.

<---><---><---><---><---> http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1188197175713&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull Among the proposals made by the Israeli team was an offer to share control of the Temple Mount between the three major religions (Judaism, Islam and Christianity) and to cede control of the Arab neighborhoods of east Jerusalem to the PA. The policing of major West Bank towns Ramallah, Jenin and Nablus would also be given to the Palestinians.

<---><---><---><---><---> http://www.surinenglish.com/noticias.php?Noticia=11257 Great secrecy surrounds King Juan Carlos' visit with Saudis/great security King Juan Carlos interrupted his holidays in Mallorca for a few hours on Sunday to pay a visit to Prince Salman bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia, governor of Riyadh, at his Marbella retreat. The courtesy call was strictly private and lasted for at least four hours, according to different sources close to the royal family. Very little is known about the meeting which took place in the Al Riyadh palace, next to El Rocío, the replica of the White House built by the late King Fahd. Discreet but tight security surrounding the prince’s residence, with several National Police

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patrols on guard, was the only sign of the presence of the Spanish monarch, who had travelled to the Costa del Sol for the second year running to greet the brother of the late Saudi monarch, with whom King Juan Carlos enjoyed a close friendship.

<---><---><---><---><---> http://www.zionism-israel.com/hdoc/kissinger_iraq_israel_1975.htm In 1975, US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger told the Iraqi foreign minister, in a secret meeting: We can't negotiate about the existence of Israel, but we can reduce its size to historical proportions. I don't agree that Israel is a permanent threat. How can a nation of three million be a permanent threat? They have a technical advantage now. But it is inconceivable that peoples with wealth and skill and the tradition of the Arabs won't develop the capacity that is needed. So I think in ten to fifteen years, Israel will be like Lebanon-- struggling for existence, with no influence in the Arab world.

<---><---><---><---><---> *


Shimon Peres loves a trip to Rome to visit The Colosseum, The Forum, the great cafes but most of all, he loves to visit his boss, the Pope. After he poisoned Ariel Sharon into a comatose zombie, he took over the Number Two spot in his party, Kadima. And just six days after Kadima took over the Israeli government, he flew to Rome to visit the holy padre, or as he calls him, papa.

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Now, as the new Presidente of Israel, his first diplomatic trip abroad will be to Rome to get his last marching orders from the big don, Papa. So long Israel, hello our Vatican home. Give up already. The foreign forces want Hebron busted for good and the "settlers" are handing it to them on a papal platter with barely a whimper. I can't look at the slow end of Israel anymore. If the "settlers" want to give up their homes, well what's it our business anymore? Give them their wish. If 100,000 so-called settlers had faced 3,000 IDF soldiers, the apes would have been forced to turn tail. Continue to my notes and read radio announcer Tamar Yonah's letter to me. How can little old us beat the army that "defeated 5 arab armies?" Wrong Tamar. This is a despised army that a ragtag bunch of 1000 Hizbollah "fighters" fought to a standstill last summer. Anyone can beat them if they wanted to. And that statement will be proven correct when the Arabs bombard Israel with tens of thousands of missiles next week or next year. But no one rushed to Hebron to save their religion, homes and lives. The settlers let still another of their last remaining homes fall like Gush Katif and Northern Samaria. So, let them fall. Hello, my Roman adobe. NOTES: You saw the police, - full battle gear, unlimited manpower, unlimited weaponry, - an army that beat 5 arab armies... What can we little folk really do? All we can do is have more

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babies, settle more land, and keep faith in Torah and Hashem's promises. In the meantime, we will do what we can. In the end, we'll win, with Hashem's help. best, tamar

<---><---><---><---><---> http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satelli...cle%2FShowFull Do all roads lead Peres to Rome? Beit Hanassi would neither confirm nor deny on Sunday a Maariv report that President Shimon Peres plans to make his first trip abroad as president in September and visit Rome. The report said that Peres planned to spend four days in Italy, during which he would hold talks with President Giorgio Napolitano and Prime Minister Romano Prodi, as well as with Pope Benedict XVI. If Peres were to go to Rome, he would likely participate in an international conference that Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and Arab League Secretary General Amr Moussa are also expected to attend.


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http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1186557439130&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull[/url ] Despite a heavily crowded calendar, President Shimon Peres will travel to Rome on September 5, Beit Hanassi confirmed on Monday. Peres, who used to travel abroad as often as two or three times in a single week, has not left the country since assuming the presidency. Peres will remain in Italy till September 9, during which time he will meet with the Pope, the Italian prime minister, and Italian Jewish leaders. In the course of his visit Peres will address a mega-meeting of the Jewish community in the Great Synagogue of Rome. According to Beit Hanassi, the event will be a celebration of Italian Jewry's good wishes on the eve of Rosh Hashana for the State of Israel. *

BENEDICT 15 Benedict 15 was installed as Pope in Aug. 1914 to oversee the Vatican's slaughter of the Great War. The current pope did not call himself Benedict the 16th by accident. He will oversee the next great mass murder as the new war pope. How often have I said that Shimon Peres despises Jews and is nothing more than the Vatican's spy in Israel? Well, pop down to the notes and read the pope's note to the new, ugh, ichseh, feh, President of Israel, Shimon blaugh, fooya, Peres. This is the selfsame monster who, as Chairman of the Israeli Atomic Energy Commission, conducted the self-same atomic experiments on the hapless Sephardi children.

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Did you know that the ceremonial position of Israeli President is now "the highest ranking position in your country?" And who can forget the e-mail from a French hospital worker to me, stating that Yasir Arafat was actually dying of AIDS and his hospital was ordered not to say a word? I said it first but now I'm vindicated by "Ahmad Jibril, Secretary-General of the PFLP General Command, on Hizballah's Al-Manar TV, publicly admitting the truth about Yasser Arafat's death for the first time." Pope urges Peres to advance peace Pope Benedict XVI urges Peres to work towards peace between Israel, Palestinians as president Ronny Sofer Pope Benedict XVI urged Shimon Peres to advance peace between Israel and the Palestinians in his new capacity as the President of the Jewish State. Peres will be sworn in as president at a special ceremony at the Knesset on Sunday evening. "On the eve of your appointment as the President of the State of Israel I would like to express my deepest wishes and congratulate you for your appointment to the highest ranking position in your country," the Pope wrote in a letter sent to Peres. "Many people around the world, as well as Israel's citizens expect you to push the government and other relevant bodies to do everything to advance peace," the Pope added. "Mr. President," the Pope added, "Your reputation and achievements are exceptional, clear and absolute in the field of peace and the pursuit of justice. I am sure you will continue to influence and incite courage in other leaders to deal with the

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challenges of the future in the clear hope to advance the good a peace." "This will be the best way to defeat the deadly terror and violence that are condemned by the whole world. The terrorists are betraying humanity," he said. Israel's Ambassador to Italy Oded Ben-Horin said the Pope's letter was personal, warm and unusual. Peres was congratulated by a string of world leaders that included the presidents of Egypt, Jordan, Russia and China. Notes: http://memritv.org Ahmad Jibril: When Abu Mazen came to Damascus with his team, I asked them: "What happened to the investigation into the death of Abu Ammar [Arafat]? The Israelis killed him. He was my colleague ever since 1965 and used to sleep at my home. He and I followed the same path." Is it conceivable that when Rafiq Al-Hariri was killed, all hell broke loose, even though he was just a merchant in Saudi Arabia, who later entered politics, whereas the death of Yasser Arafat, who for 40 years had been carrying his gun from one place to another, is not investigate? Is this conceivable? They were silent, and then one of them said to me: "To be honest, the French gave us the medical report, that stated that the cause of Abu Ammar's death was AIDS." I am not saying this, they did. Now they pretend that they miss Yasser Arafat, and complain that [Hamas] entered his house in [Gaza] and so on... I say to every honorable member of the Fatah movement

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that he should be happy that we got rid of the plague, which had been imposed upon them and upon the Palestinian people. The Fatah movement now has an opportunity to renew itself. *


I point out that Israel's leaders are deliberately wiping out the nation, and the Jews boycott me. I prove the Vatican's fingers are in Israel's upcoming ruin and two top-notch Catholic writers rush to my side. I knew Francisco Gil-White was a terrific writer years ago and so we've remained corresponding writer buddies. Since being fired from his professor's post for defending Jews, he has entered the heights of living legend status in a few circles. Before putting out his latest piece, he awaited my approval: "Finally getting better. Thanks! My article on ‘Perfidy’ is finished. I will put it up today on a blind link so that you can see it and give me last minute comments. I want to publish it tonight. Francisco Gil-White" Naturally, I replied that he wrote a triumph. It's time for a parade. Look how he concludes his essay: http://www.hirhome.com/israel/leaders4.htm From Francisco Gil-White: "This is the most important lesson: just as the Nazis needed Rudolf Kastner to distract and reassure the Hungarian Jews, so do the forces that would now destroy the Israeli Jews need Ehud Olmert or any of the main current pretenders to the Israeli prime

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minister-ship to distract and dupe the Israelis -- and to repress any protest, too -- while the next slaughter, due very soon, is being prepared. "This is a very difficult lesson for Jews to learn because they don’t know the above history, educated as they have been by the leaders of Labor Zionism, who to this day control most of the major Jewish organizations in the Diaspora, as well as the Israeli government, the Israeli education system, and the Israeli media. And it is difficult to learn because they would rather cling to their illusions than to their very lives. As George Santayana correctly said “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” The Jews are about to repeat their own tragic past. "Is this inevitable? Well no. But without a revolution, it is a certain outcome. If the Israeli Jews simply trust that their so-called leaders will defend them, or that their Diaspora brethren will come in a white horse to rescue them, their fate will be identical to that of the Hungarian Jews in WWII. "The Hungarian Jews trusted. And they died." Why, he sounds just like me. So maybe someone will listen to him. After all, he's not...well, me. And look at the week enjoyed by King Juan Carlos. Yes, the same one I exposed in my book, ‘Save Israel’. Go to www.lulu.com/chamish and look. I claim that every diplomatic move in the Middle East must first pass by his grimy talons. I show that he believes he is the rightful "Guardian Of Jerusalem's Holy Places." But did you know that the Jesuit-educated monarch is also Council of Arab House in Madrid. And betcha you didn't know that he gathered a group of the Middle East's hottest foreign ministers to discuss Israel's removal from the Golan and

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Palestine. That's what the Vatican does on its day off: http://www.sana.org/eng/22/2007/02/22/104209.htm MADRID,(SANA)_ King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia of Spain opened Thursday in Madrid the Arab House and Spanish Political Conference with the participation of Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem and Foreign Ministers of Saudi Arabia, UAE, Tunisia, Yemen, Iraq and Jordan. King Carlos, who heads council of Secretaries in the Arab house, hoped this conference would be the starting point for an Arab-Spanish ministerial forum and a framework for political interaction for reaching joint stances in future. Al-Moallem, in a speech he delivered, underlined importance of reviving the Arab-Europe dialogue, touching upon the important role that Spain is playing as " a bridge between the Arab and Europe in understanding the region's causes." He called for reviving the Middle East peace process with the aim of reaching a just and comprehensive settlement that ends the Israeli occupation of the occupied Arab territories in the Golan and Palestine. He underlined necessity of Europe to shoulder a more dynamic role towards a number of causes on top of which is the Middle East peace process and offering the necessary aid to the Palestinian government. The Ministerial declaration of the conference stressed the dire need for finding a solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict.

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Those who know my writing have long concluded that any Israeli who does not treat the Vatican their way, will become mighty sullied. Yitzhak Rabin was murdered, and his wife, at the first legal opportunity, flies to the pope. Why? Oh, just to hear herself threatened not to open her mouth and get Shimon in trouble. Ex- Pres. Katsav wouldn't give the Vatican the Last Supper Room on Mount Zion. He faces 6 charges of rape a year later. Now my Catholic friend has sent me her new book, ‘Vatican Ratline’ by Mauri, www.reflectionsinthenight.com And now I learn, she knows of what she speaks. That is a secret between me and book buyers. Of the Vatican's burning desire for the Last Supper Room, she writes: "The first celebration of the new Church was of the Last Supper of Christ. This later developed into the Catholic mass. While I can understand the emotion of the crucifixion, it is still a celebration of death." I am proud to say, I receive proper referrals in the volume as I have in such books as ‘Gideon's Spies’, Gordon Thomas; ‘Lies’, Dr. David Morrison, ‘A Cup Of Tea’, Tim White, ‘David's Uncle’ (Hebrew) this 900 page volume is now mostly credited to Dr. Hillel Weiss, etc. Now here is a fine modern writer, Mauri, who believes in my research. Refreshing, no? pp 59 - "By the Vatican's own definition of a Crusade, the Catholic Church Crusade continues in secret down to the present day. It's goal is the creation of 'A New World Order' under the Church Of Rome." pp 60 - "Combine an obsession with death and the need for a

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scapegoat to spread passion to the flock, and The Passion Play is given birth." pp 102 – “The goal of a one world religion is to come out on top and then consume all the competing religions into your flock. The biggest player is the Roman Catholic Church, whose goal is to give Jerusalem to the 'infallible' pope so that he may rule the world from Solomon's rebuilt Temple and be worshiped as a living god. The Jews would prove important in their plans by the use of both sympathy and by creating global anti-Jewish fury. The Muslims have a role to play, mostly terrorist." pp 103 - "The false messiah, Shabtai Tzvi, founded the Donmeh sect in the 1600s. His followers founded the Sabbataian cult. The movement spread through Europe in the 18th Century by Jacob Frank and his followers, the Frankists. Add Jesuit influence and the automatic result is the deterioration of the cult into mind-controlled criminal activity and Satanism. Could such a group work with the Nazis in the killing of millions of fellow Jews?" pp 108 - "The principles of Zionism, the creation of a Jewish State in Palestine, seem a benevolent answer to worldwide anti-Semitism. But one must always question the random acts of kindness by the global elite. Zionism may have led to the Holocaust of the remaining Jews in Europe.” pp 111 - "The Vatican's goal of control of Jerusalem, moves ever closer to reality, through the help of corruption at the highest levels of the Zionist movement in Israel. That extra element of War, was added by pushing the Muslims around in the area, so that there could be no peace. Jimmy Carter of the ‘Council on Foreign Relations’ ordered a covert war against the Soviets in Afghanistan and the CIA funded the Taliban. The secret training and funding of Muslim groups for war continued alongside the training and funding of Israel. The end result of this intentional

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setting of one group against another was a guaranteed holocaust in the Middle East." pp 120 - "The Vatican had gone to a lot of trouble to get the Jews where they wanted them, which was in Israel. And they didn't want them prematurely wiped out. The Jews were the scapegoat for the war in Europe, and the Vatican was positioning them to be the scapegoat for the coming war in the Middle East." pp 121 - "No one in this Game is operating with free will. It is the intent of the Game, world domination, which needs to be destroyed. It is time for Rome to disappear into history." *


During the 8th Century, Charlemagne united much of Western Europe into a powerful new army fighting for the pope. He called his land, ‘The Holy Roman Empire Of The Germanic Nation’. The Muslim nations, across the board, declared that Charlemagne was the new King Of Jerusalem. That is what the Vatican demanded, and got. In celebration, Charlemagne built his first cathedral at Aachen But it wasn't victory enough, so around 300 years later, Crusades manned by the peasants of Charlemagne's domain, took Jerusalem and named the German, Frederick Barboosa, the actual King of Jerusalem, that is, where he and the throne were situated. The Vatican won the prize finally, but not for long. The Crusaders got the boot from Jerusalem and the Vatican lost its Capital.

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Jerusalem would have to be recovered no matter how long it took. After centuries of yearning, in the late 19th century, recovering Jerusalem became a better option because suddenly, a new movement called Zionism, wanted the city possibly more than the Holy See, and had unstuck traditional diplomacy. The Zionists couldn't give a fig for Jerusalem of the Torah, because they despised the Torah. But that's another lecture covering the fact that Zionism at the highest levels, believes that a phoney Jewish Messiah of the 17th century, Shabtai Tzvi was the real thing. Now on we go to Jerusalem, 1898. By all accounts, this was the worst tourist destination of the times. You took a tramp steamer to Yaffo and hired a donkey train to Jerusalem. The more armed guards, the better the chance of actually arriving. Once in the city, your chances for livable accommodations increased greatly if you owned a church or monastery in town. And that is what the Kaiser was in Jerusalem to do: to consecrate churches, three all together but only one was worth the leader of Western Europe's biggest country taking such a hazardous and foolhardy journey. The Turks gave Germany the right to build a tall church on the most valuable real estate in town: Mount Zion. One of the Vatican's wishes came true. In 1898 Kaiser Wilhelm initiated the building of the Dormition Abbey, a replica of Charlemagne's Cathedral at Aachen. Now, we have a look at Aachen Cathedral: http://whc.unesco.org/pg.cfm?cid=31&id_site=3

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Next, we look at the Dormition Abbey on Mount Zion: http://www.atlastours.net/holyland/mount_zion_and_dormition_abbey.html Surprise! It's a near exact replica of the first church built by Charlemagne, founder of the Holy Roman Empire. ‘The Holy Roman Empire Of The Germanic Nation’ was back. The Vatican now had the high ground and a monument announcing that Charlemagne was home at last. The Germans may not have taken Jerusalem from the Turks by force, but something made the Turks very giving to the Vatican. The Sultan of Turkey was highly anxious and I know why, but I can only hint. It was the Sultan Of Turkey who forced Shabtai Tzvi to convert to Islam, costing him his mass popularity. More lost history. More than half of world Jewry accepted Shabtai Tzvi as their ‘messiah’. Of the many hints that the Vatican promoted his act was the date when he announced he was the chosen one of the Jews; June 18, 1666. One group of his followers in Turkey, the Donmeh, made the logical connection between Shabtai Tzvi's conversion and the divine plan. They too would convert and pretend to be Moslem. But on the weekends, they celebrated their Sabbateanism, their true belief, faith and religion. The Donmeh had reportedly grown into the millions and had not yet flexed its muscles. The Turkish Sultan was worried and how right he was. You see folks, Kaiser Wilhelm and his entourage were not the only famous diplomats in town. Not by a longshot. It so happened that the father of Zionism, Theodore Herzl, had also caught a tramp steamer and braved the bandits to meet Kaiser Wilhelm in Jerusalem. There had to be one very good reason to make the trip:

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http://www.jafi.org.il/education/100/act/14zion.html When Herzl met the Duke of Baden, the Kaiser's uncle, he tried to persuade him of the importance of a meeting with Kaiser Wilhelm for the Zionist cause. After more than one and a half years of fruitless contacts with influential German figures, Herzl was called to the German consul during a stay in Amsterdam and informed that the German Kaiser was prepared to meet him on his journey to Jerusalem. Kaiser Wilhelm II's first stop on his journey to the land of Israel was at Kushta. In October 1898, Herzl traveled to Kushta, where he met with the Kaiser for the first time and received a promise of a subsequent meeting in Jerusalem. Herzl and his companions went up to Jerusalem in an optimistic frame of mind to wait the second meeting, which took place on November 2. His frosty reception by the Kaiser and the lack of protocol led Herzl to realize that the German monarch had withdrawn his initial offer of support for Jewish settlement in the land of Israel. Herzl and his entourage were in a buoyant mood before meeting Wilhelm. There could have been only one reason, Wilhelm had to have promised a war with Turkey to liberate Palestine. If not that, how else could Wilhelm have given Herzl Israel? Instead, Wilhelm cut a deal with the Turks. They would now be strategic partners in the never ending war: Vatican vs. the Anglo Protestants. A rebuffed Herzl became contrite, so he was killed. Within a few years he told his British masters that fighting a German-Turkish alliance was hopeless. He suggested building a state in Africa. By

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1905, aged 44, Herzl was dead. History has it that his heart stopped from hard work. Even in 1905, that excuse doesn't fly. He entered a Paris sanatorium for an undisclosed ailment and was never seen again. In 1906 the Dormition Abbey was completed.. That year a terrified Sultan gave Britain the Sinai. No, it was never Egyptian. Yes, it's all the same history. In 1910, the Turkish followers of Shabtai Tzvi, led by Atartuk, overthrew the Sultan. This time you type Atartuk Jew Mason Sabbataian into Google. Get ready for days of reading. His movement, the Young Turks, practiced for the real thing by slaughtering 1.5 million Armenians. Then Britain went to work emasculating Germany, Lawrencing the end of the Ottoman Empire, diverting hundreds of thousands of troops to the Middle East, taking Jerusalem in 1917. Also in 1917, the Balfour Proclamation, a letter to Lord Rothschild of London, looking with favor on the establishment of a Jewish home in the newly liberated land, was made British policy. And on and on. Twenty million dead in WW1, 60 million in the next round. Who knows how many in the coming salvo? All this misery because in 1898 Kaiser Wilhelm rebuffed Theodore Herzl in Jerusalem. And I'll bet you never heard of this meeting. *

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The Day Netanyahu Used Murder to Become Prime Minister

I asked you not to vote. But only a third agreed. So here is what is being connived for you wasting your time: The "nationalist" camp won 65 seats, while the "moderate" camp won 55 seats, including 11 Arab parties. The Jews swamped the "peace" camp. But that camp had one party that got the most votes, Kadima, and the nation's president, Shimon "the Pieman" Peres, comes from Kadima. So, although the nationalist leader Binyamin Netanyahu could put together a government in a matter of days, the "moderate" leader Tzipi Livni will get the first shot at government-building by Peres. It's going to take a pile of bribery and blackmail but she's going to cobble together a coalition including Yisrael Beitenu, Shas, Labor, and get ready, if the fight becomes deadly enough, even their true ideological partner, the Likud. Sounds bizarre, the loser becomes the winner? It's nothing. I was on court, front and center, for the rigging of the 1996 Israeli elections by Netanyahu. Now follow closely, I rarely have the opportunity to be nostalgic. On April 3, 1997, I was supposed to lecture at Hebrew University on Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin, organized by my still formidable friend, Brian Bunn. As it turned out, the Labor Party led by Knesset member Eitan Cabel, and the secret service, Shabak, organized a violent rally against me that turned me into front page news. The intent was to humiliate me, the result was

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to start my new career as a political crimes writer. Not that I'm thanking them. They didn't mean to and it's an insecure life. Not that there aren't rewards, like you reading this. The morning after the riot, I received a phone call from Yaacov Mor. He introduced himself as, "The economist for the Minister of Welfare And Social Affairs, Eli Yishai." Today Yishai is the leader of the Shas Party. Mor continued, "But I previously worked for the Shabak. What I want to know is what you have that made the Shabak try to bury you." So I invited Mor to my home to see my evidence. Back then I had some 80 documents, not the 2500 I ended up with, but they were devastating in proving Yigal Amir did not shoot Rabin. I had the police ballistics results showing that Rabin was shot at point blank, something Amir could not have physically done, and I had the hospital reports declaring that Rabin was shot 3 times, and once from the front, neither of which Amir was responsible for. Yaacov was a naturally sympathetic fellow, and without hesitation I handed him my evidence collection, which he read in silence over the next half hour. When he finished, he put his right index finger vertically over his lips and used his left hand to guide me outside. When we reached the street, he said, "I'm not talking in your house. You have to be thoroughly bugged. Do you know those documents are authentic?" I said I did. "Then why didn't you get a job in Nepal or have an 'accident?' Do you know how high up this murder had to go?" I answered that I did know how high up it had to go.

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"I'll tell my Minister what I saw and I'm sure he'll contact you." The next morning Eli Yishai's secretary called me. "Minister Yishai would like to have your documents and in return, will give you the most important story of the Rabin assassination. Do you agree?" Indeed I did. In fact, I would have given the documents anyway, that's how much I still believed in the inherent honesty of the political system. That would change for good in the next two days. Bright and chipper, Yaacov picked me up for the cheery ride to building Kirya 3, opposite the Knesset, and home to Eli Yishai's office. I made a little error, giving my documents to the secretary before I closed the deal. She guided me into a small office, closed the door, and I heard a vigorous conversation in the hall outside. Finally, the Shas Spokesman, Yisrael Sudri, then 24 or so, and today I believe he holds the same job, came in, shut the door behind him and sat down. "The Minister could not attend the meeting," he announced, "But he wants you to know that he backs every claim I will make." A bit of a comedown but I accepted the arrangement, like I really had a choice. "It's about the 1996 elections...Netanyahu didn't win. Peres won by 3% just like all the polls had it. But the Likud had documents, and we think you've collected some of them. We're sure of it, actually. In February of '96, the leaders of the Likud met the leaders of Labor for a frank discussion of the elections. The Likud presented the documents, then someone, we think

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Netanyahu, held a few in his hand and said, 'If you bring up the name of Yitzhak Rabin even once in your campaign, we'll release these to the media." Netanyahu lifted another bundle of documents and said, “If Peres wins our TV debate, we'll release these." Finally, he takes all the documents and says, "And if Peres wins the elections, we'll release them all." "Now, I don't have to remind you that Rabin's name was not mentioned once in Labor's campaign and that Peres looked like a scary monster on the TV debate. But how could the election results be faked? We are going to leave you the name and phone number of a Tel Aviv law school PhD candidate. His thesis is on the '96 elections. He'll tell you." I arranged to meet the PhD lawyer-to-be at a very empty and remote Tel Aviv restaurant. We sat in the remotest table and he made his voice inaudible at a range of five meters, in fact he almost whispered the whole meeting. It turns out, it didn't help. "This Labor-Likud partnership destroyed over 160,000 votes for Peres, and replaced them with spoiled ballots." Back to the present. That's almost 5% of the vote spoiled. In the 2001 elections, there was a highly publicized campaign to deliberately spoil votes as a protest, and 'only' 61,000 were spoiled. "Think back to the election night. Peres is declared the winner by all the polls but refused to address and thank his crowd in Tel Aviv. But at midnight, a smiling Netanyahu addressed a half empty rally in Jerusalem promising them that by morning he will be Prime Minister. Then at 2 AM, the revolution in vote change appears out of nowhere. By the morning, Netanyahu wins. He knew the results were fixed."

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I added an obvious thought. "So the Likud's documents proved Peres murdered Rabin?" He gazed at the table and answered, "Is there another possibility?" The lawyer-to-be added, "I trust you. I have strong proof that the vote destruction was organized by Interior Minister Chaim Ramon. Contact me tomorrow and we'll meet again to see my thesis." The next day, he called me. "I got a phone call. We can't meet." I asked, "Do you mean today?" He replied, "I mean ever." He banged down for good and I don't recall his name. But I told his story to audiences whenever I felt it was appropriate. The usual reaction was, "So why didn't Netanyahu use the documents to get rid of Peres and Labor for good?" The answer is Labor and Peres have enough information on Netanyahu to have made this a one election deal. That'll do until and if the whole story is ever told by someone who was there. Then, in Bet Shemesh in 2001, I told the story to a crowd of over 80 and one response hit the jackpot. The man added, "I was an election poll supervisor and when the polls closed, we took votes for Peres out of the boxes and burnt them out back. We replaced them with spoiled votes and resealed the boxes. I never understood who allowed this to happen, but I didn't want Peres elected so I played ball." As for story back-up, my Bet Shemesh organizer was David Morris. Another 80 people heard the truth about this man's polling station at the lecture. As for Sudri, I chose to expose him after he appeared at Peres' 80th birthday bash. I was protesting outside when he appeared. I told him, "How could you celebrate

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Peres? I know what you told me." He walked by, then turned around and shouted, "You're ruining the country." So when I suggest that voting props up a political system run by murderers and their aiders and abetters, recall that as Shimon Peres gives Tzipi Livni the nod to form a coalition including Eli Yishai's Shas Party. But if Netanyahu is somehow given the first shot, recall that he still holds the big cards on Peres. *

ISRAEL TO ELECT SUPER CROOKS According to all polls, Israelis will elect the Likud to power with number two party and coalition partner about to be Israel Beitenu, led by super crook Avigdor Liebeman. He was intimately tied to international money laundering at the defunct Jericho Casino through his intimate ties to owner Martin Schlaff. Without rehashing the ugly affair, those who remember will recall: Tonight, in Vienna, some of the heroes of this affair, and of the next one, will meet at the huge bat-mitzvah celebration of Martin Schlaff’s granddaughter. Dov Weisglass, Schlaff’s old friend and lawyer will be there. Haim Ramon, another close friend, will also attend. There will be many others. Some of them from amongst the political, social, and economic elite of Israel. Avigdor Lieberman, for example. No one is embarrassed by it. Some are even proud of it. In another time, another place, one could consider it collusion, coordinating testimonies. After all, Schlaff’s name has recently been tied in to that other affair: “the Cyril Kern affair”. Schlaff, in case you’ve forgotten, is one of the owners of the casino in Jericho. Those who do actually recall, well remember that Yasir

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Arafat's cut in the gambling joint was handled by his financier, Muhammad Rachid, the same crook who planted $300m of money stolen from the Palestinian Authority by Arafat in a secret Swiss bank account. And with the encouragement of mega-thief Rachid, look what "right-winger" Lieberman promised the enemy of Israel: Lieberman Backed Full Withdrawal by Baruch Gordon In a new book, former US Ambassador to Israel Martin Indyk has dropped a potential political bombshell, revealing that Avigdor Lieberman, head of the Yisrael Beitenu party, once held secret talks on territorial concessions to the Palestinian Authority (PA) with one of Yasser Arafat's key advisers. In addition, Indyk asserts that Lieberman told his PA interlocutor, Muhammad Rachid, that he was prepared to accept the wide-ranging concessions which then-Prime Minister Ehud Barak had offered to Arafat at the 2000 Camp David Summit. These included the division of Jerusalem, an Israeli withdrawal from over 95 percent of Judea and Samaria, and a dilution of Israeli sovereignty over the Temple Mount, Judaism's holiest site. The disclosures are contained in a memoir penned by Indyk, who served two stints as America's envoy to Jerusalem during the Clinton administration. Page 375 of Indyk's book: "Lieberman had indicated that the broad outlines of Barak's territorial offer [at Camp would be acceptable...]" The 500-page book, entitled, "Innocent Abroad: An Intimate Account of American Peace Diplomacy," provides an insider's

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view of the workings of the peace process, including a look at the failed Camp David talks which were convened in the waning days of Bill Clinton's presidency. On page 375 of the book, Indyk writes that, "After Camp David, with Arafat's approval, Rachid had initiated a dialogue with Avigdor Lieberman, the leader of Yisrael Beitenu, the right-wing Russian immigrant party." He notes that, "According to Rachid's account, Lieberman had indicated that the broad outlines of Barak's territorial offer would be acceptable to the national (right-wing) bloc." Indyk's revelations could prove damaging to Lieberman, whose party is soaring in the polls in advance of Israel's February 10 elections, thanks in large part to his nationalist image among the public. Irene Etinger, Avigdor Lieberman's spokeswoman, commented on Indyk's claim, "The facts quoted in the book are not true." Political observers suggest that Lieberman and his party are now likely to come under increased scrutiny in the wake of Indyk's book, particularly in light of Lieberman's past statements on the issue of Jerusalem. As Israel National News reported previously, in October 2007 Lieberman came under fire for suggesting at a cabinet meeting that Israel should divide Jerusalemand transfer various neighborhoods within the city to PA control. ** Now look who Lieberman has as an "ally", Avigdor Eskin:

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** http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/1061172.html Ultra-nationalist activist Avigdor Eskin, meanwhile, remembers meeting Lieberman at Kahane's office on Ussishkin Street in Jerusalem. "I remember this very well, because I arrived there one day after I immigrated to Israel in 1979," he said. Eskin came to public attention for having boasted of holding a pulsa dinura ceremony prior to 1995 assassination of prime minister Yitzhak Rabin. The ceremony, believed to be of kabbalistic origin, is aimed at conferring a death curse on the subject. "Kahane saw him as a good guy. I also thought back then that he was not a Kach man ideologically, unless the only measure of this is the question of whether you like Arabs. According to what I remember, he handed out the movements' publications among its small student group in the Hebrew University," Eskin said. ** So, once again Israelis will go to the polls and give Lieberman the second most votes, with the ideological backing of this felon: http://www.washingtonmonthly.com/books/1998/9812.brook.death.html From the Washington Monthly: In October 1995, on the eve of Yom Kippur, the Jewish day of atonement, a group of Israelis led by Avigdor Eskin gathered outside the home of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. Wrapped in prayer shawls, they intoned the ancient Aramaic chant Pulsa da-

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Nura ("Lashes of Fire"), a Kabbalistic curse: "I deliver to you, the angels of wrath and ire, Yitzhak, the son of Rosa Rabin, that you may smother him and the specter of him, and cast him into bed, and dry up his wealth, and plague his thoughts, and scatter his mind that he may be steadily diminished until he reaches his death. Put to death the cursed Yitzhak. May be damned, damned, damned!" After Rabin's assassination one month later - as Israel and the world mourned a great statesman - Eskin boasted of his prowess on Israeli television. The curse worked. Look what Yitzhak Rabin's own daughter had to say: NOVEMBER, 1999, HA'OLAM HA'ISHAH ("WOMAN'S WORLD") MAGAZINE INTERVIEW WITH M.K. DALIA RABIN-PELOSOFF, DAUGHTER OF YITZHAK RABIN by Sarit Yishai-Levi And when I hear that a person like Avigdor Eskin, whom I have been closely following ever since the assassination, was run by the G.S.S. (General Security Services), this arouses in me thoughts and wonderings, and things arise. Such things arouse the doubt in me again and again. ** It doesn't have to be Lieberman. Israelis think by supporting any nationalist party, new or old, that they will get a change of government. It doesn't matter how many disappointments they've suffered in the past, they forget the quick corruption that these parties automatically undergo once elected, and they keep voting for hopeless hope. If you vote, you support corruption, crime, more contraction of the land, the division of the capital, and the eventual and deadly end of Israel. But the suckers will line up to vote once again.

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No responsible Israeli who cares about his nation should vote. It supports a political system run on criminal rot. But watch the suckers as they vote for the party of their delusions, believing they were good citizens. Needless to say, they will get what they deserve. *


This writer must be getting old. The energy is fast dissipating. My hair is fading from red to gray. I can barely chew a peach. And the news is all old. I found the right perspective at the peak of my intellectual powers, and nothing has changed other than my desire to search for any new truth that may still be out there. Israel ended its latest mini-war in Gaza, and the war of attrition continues. And out of Gaza's rubble, great news. Syria wants peace. PM Ehud Olmert said that the Israeli offensive in Gaza may help reaching an accord with Syria. ''The negotiations with Syria will lead to an accord in the end,'' he said. (Guysen.International.News) Meir Shetreet: Lease Golan for 25 years and then buy it from Syria "And with regard to the Golan - I am for real peace. There will be Syrian sovereignty in the Golan. Real peace means that they lease the Golan to us for 25 years and after 25 years we will see that there is peace - we will purchase the Golan from them. The Americans purchased Alaska. The area of the Golan is half of one

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percent of the area of Syria." Minister Meir Shetreet (Kadima) at meeting sponsored by the Council for Peace and Security on 22 January 2009 as reported in a summary written by Uri Reychav. Now, may I ask: what connection does Gaza have with peace on the Golan? What is Olmert mumbling about? Worse, Pres. B. Assad of Syria responded within two days of his mumbles, telling a Lebanese newspaper that he is ready to negotiate peace, "even with Netanyahu." Meaning, more great news for Israel in the next government. And as for Israel; it's prepared to buy the Golan from Syria. The old writer's memory kicks in and he's back to the mid-90s when he earned most of his income writing for trade magazines. I was glancing through the real estate pages of the Hebrew newspaper, Globes, when I saw a small item about a little deed Israel owns. It seems that the French Rothschild family, in the late nineteenth century, purchased 20,000 acres in the Golan Heights and in nearby Syria. The deed was later transferred to the real estate arm of Israel, the Jewish National Fund. I immediately saw the historic diplomatic significance of the item and called my PR source at the JNF. Back then I wrote for a few of the world's biggest water industry journals and the JNF were very pleased with my prominent articles. So I took the liberty of asking my source to photocopy this Syrian land deed for my next story. She promised to call me back and when she did, it was with a request to meet with the spokesman for the JNF. One can only imagine the extravagant office the head of an agency collecting hundreds of millions of dollars annually must be; the Georgian furniture, tasteful 18th century Flemish art, rare Middle Eastern carpets. Well, forget it, this was Israel. The

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only art were hoaky JNF redeem the land posters and the furniture was an old desk and the same chairs as in the reception area. The impression of the office has withstood the ravages of the writer's memory. As did what the spokesman told me. "We can't give you a photocopy of the deed. The government sequestered it. And, off the record, I'm asking you not to remind your readers about the matter." "Is that your idea?" I asked. "Between us, no. My superiors consider this a very sensitive subject." "Then you realize that the JNF owns proof that Israel owns a good chunk of Syria and we could negotiate with the Syrians with a pat hand?" "Owned. The proof was removed. And don't ask me the ways of diplomacy. This is the one JNF issue that we are banned from publicizing." ** The old writer has had it trying to convince the under-thinking public that a little 4200 member think tank in New York called the ‘Council on Foreign Relations’ (CFR) is determining the future or lack thereof of Israel. And he is under-exuberant about the tragically farcical state of Jewish political writing, full of complaints and a paucity of deep analysis. I will add CFR to the following characters of this tragic farce. You can Google, CFR membership list, yourself and see if the old man was always right:

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Column One: History's tragic farce Jan. 23, 2009 Caroline Glick, THE JERUSALEM POST It is a fundamental truth that while history always repeats itself, it almost never repeats itself precisely. There is always a measure of newness to events that allows otherwise intelligent people to repeat the mistakes of their forebears without looking completely ridiculous. In December 2000, outgoing president Bill Clinton (CFR) appointed Mitchell (CFR) to advise him on how to reignite the "peace process" after the Palestinians rejected statehood and launched their terror war against Israel in September 2000. Given this, it is hard to believe that with the advent of the Obama administration, we are seeing history repeat itself with nearly unheard of exactness. US President Barack Obama's reported intention of appointing former Sen. George Mitchell (CFR) as his envoy for the so-called Palestinian-Israeli peace process will provide us with a spectacle of an unvarnished repeat of history... ** The likes of Madeleine Albright (CFR), Powell (CFR) and Condoleezza Rice (CFR) claimed that Fatah's collusion with Hamas and Islamic Jihad and its leading role in terror was a consequence of insufficient Israeli support for Arafat. ** Now here is something to tickle the dying sense of humor of any old bard. It's so much harder to get a good laugh these days. The dictator of Libya, Muamar Qaddafi, was ordered to assume

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credit for a NY Times Op-Ed. Within, the real authors note that there "definitely" was a Holocaust, so the Jews have an equal claim to Israel as the Arabs. Qaddafi's thoughts alright! The old grey matter kicks in again. In the late 80s sometime (you look it up - I'm too overworked) Yasir Arafat's plane crashed in Libya, and Qaddafi allowed the US Air Force to go looking for him. I told you. Don't ask why. You think I know everything? Or even anything? They just did, okay? The Americans rescued Arafat alive and he was transferred to a military hospital where he, "underwent extensive neurological care." Afterward he was unleashed on the world. I told you, I'm not making this up. It really happened. ** The New York Times January 22, 2009 Op-Ed Contributor The One-State Solution By MUAMMAR QADDAFI Tripoli, Libya http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/22/opinion/22qaddafi.html?_r=1&em=&page ** Disappointment haunted all his dreams. The writer (me) spent years researching his book, ‘Save Israel’, which proved that the top man on the Middle Eastern diplomatic food chain is King Juan Carlos of Spain, the Vatican's point man… Oh forget it. It takes too much time to explain. Sure you can eat anything you want, but how come Juan Carlos visited Qaddafi at the same time as the op-ed appeared. You think that was a coincidence?

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** http://www.gulfbreezenews.com/news/2009/0122/island_news/059.html Just interesting! King Juan Carlos is off to Libya tomorrow… ** The movement to liberate Jonathan Pollard was as hilarious as ever this month. They actually petitioned outgoing Pres. Bush to pardon him. They claimed to have clogged the White House switchboard. When it was over, the ancient scribe received this note circulating in the free Pollard world. I have been trying for years to get to the bottom of this...maybe Barry Chamish is right? Whoopee. The closest, any doddering old man longs for, is reluctant vindication. In a last act of defiance before his motor conks out, the cryptic scribe wrote each of the e-mails requesting that I phone the White House for Jonathan; "PM Peres abused Pollard's data and created Iran Contra which almost destroyed the Bush dynasty, and you expect him to even consider pardoning him. Go waste someone else's time." Crank to the past. Six summers ago, a group of Pollard supporters, confused and some, disgusted, with the leadership of his "wife" gave me 3000 shekels to find out why Pollard is still sitting in prison. I had a head start and the energy to run with it. A friend, who won't allow me to name him, had written a book about the Bush family. A sizable chunk was about Pollard. He also gave me people to call. Fast off the marker, within a month I had the real story of Jonathan Pollard. It became a chapter of my book “Shabtai Tzvi, Labor Zionism and the Holocaust.” You go

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buy it at www.lulu.com/chamish. No more freebies from me. Just know that Pollard is now quoting me word for word. And tell your friends too. I'm worn out. The Case of Jonathan Pollard Raises Troubling Questions Richard Cummings - WorldNetDaily - [Original date of publication: December 21, 2008] Pollard learned as well that Bechtel - the American construction giant for which Weinberger had served as general counsel and for which then-Secretary of State George Shultz had served as CEO - was facilitating the construction of the plant through a number of different companies. The firms were camouflaging it as a "dual-use facility that could be explained away as a fertilizer plant..." When Pollard's handlers asked him to provide them with the information to confirm that what Weinberger had told them was true, he produced the "irrefutable evidence" - there was, in fact, a large chemical weapons facility... "Bill Casey wanted me out of the country," he asserts. "To understand my case," Pollard sums up, "it has everything to do with Iran-Contra." *

ISRAEL LOSES and How It Could Have Been Different

Such a waste of lives, property and dignity, just to pave the way for the next and bigger waste of lives, property and dignity over Gaza.

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Condeleeza Rice forced a ceasefire down Israel's throat, co-signed by Germany, Italy, Spain, France, Britain and the EU...the usual gang of warmongers. This, as the IDF was poised to rid the world of Hamas and bring in Fatah to rule Gaza. It's heads or tails anyway you look at it. But for this fight, Israel had the quiet, jubilant backing of Egypt, Fatah and the ruling establishment of much of the Arab world. It won't ever be this good diplomatically again. Knowing that the government was about to betray the south of the country, and its bravest soldiers who saw comrades fall for nothing, as usual, an atrocity was launched to immediately change public opinion. In the spirit of the shadow government's slaughter of Arabs in 1994 to push along the withdrawal from Hebron, another Arab was chosen as the object of the Israeli people's instinctive pity. A Gazan surgeon who works in Israel, Dr.Izzeldin Abublaish, had his home targeted by an Israeli tank, losing three daughters, and the hideous scene was reported seconds later by the grieving, shocked doctor by cellphone to TV Channel Ten's reporter Shlomi Eldar. And if you think this ghastly massacre wasn't planned, then you don't know the psychological warfare the Israeli government and media play with the people. Now with Israel pulling out, Hamas will tell its people they won. And God save anyone who disagrees. The little bully Hamas will shout that Israel cheated. They played dirty. And the mean old Americans backed them up, thus, we stood up to the greatest fighters on earth. Therefore, we are the bravest of them all. (He said we were hiding all through the fighting. That's slander. Behead him.)

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But bigmouth Hamas knows he was overpowered and he's already preparing to bring bigger kids with him next time. But first, a little body-building course is called for. And someday the pipsqueak boaster is going to grow up and he's going to be bigger than Israel. And Israel will regret not finishing him off when they had their chance. But Israel chickened out and it will eventually pay for it. For now, Israel is going to learn that mass destruction isn't winning. That 1400 enemy bodies isn't winning. Only victory is winning. This is in stark contrast to the war I fought in, the Lebanon War of 1982. Then, the government stated the war's goal was to remove the PLO from the region. To do so, at great cost, it entered Beirut and surrounded the PLO's neighborhoods. It took almost two months but the PLO were forced onto ships out of Lebanon. To prevent loss of life, the IDF showered a targeted neighborhood with leaflets offering a choice; the PLO surrenders within 24 hours and comes out with its arms in the air, or your neighborhood will be destroyed, including, if need be, by carpet bombing. Innocents were told where to gather safely. It was up to the PLO to save the neighborhood by complying with Israel's terms. There was no room for negotiation. It was unconditional surrender or continuing war. It was a nasty strategy interspersed with utilities cutoffs and the like, but this was a war of survival and Israel won it. And if Israelis with a different agenda hadn't shoved the Oslo war accord down the country's throat a decade later, this latest bloodbath would never have occurred.

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In this invasion Israel should have offered as a first condition; bring us Gilad Shalit, or more likely, his remains, to our lines within 24 hours or face our wrath. That is war with a purpose. The only purpose of the latest invasion was to prepare for the next one. And I have a fair idea when it will come. Few bothered to notice, but in the twenty days of the Gazan operation, it only rained once, and barely. By joining Jordan and the PA with Israel's water grid in the name of peace, the Kinneret and the artesian wells which served Israel well for 60+ years, in drought and plenty, are all but used up. Come summer, the next fight will be over a glass of water. *


America's Jews are doing nothing to stand up for Israel in its war in Gaza. While Hamas can gather crowds in the thousands worldwide to protest the invasion, American Jews do nothing to publicly stand with Israel. I mean nothing. Nada. Kloom. Gournischt. And I think I have a clue why. If anyone with power had ever been affected by the book, Israel would have nipped the Gazan killing machine in the bud years ago, Jews wouldn't have been removed from Gush Katif, Israelis could sleep at night without worrying that their family could be annihilated by missiles, and the Israeli army wouldn't have to kill by the bushel to legitimately secure their nation. And as this war continues and as hundreds of thousands of Israelis cower before rockets, without credit, my thoughts about this war, in two cases my writing word for word, are being published by the mainstream Israeli media ~ i.e. : Who but me has been harping for years about Defense Minister Ehud Barak's

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deliberate murder of religious Jews during the Lebanon War of 1982? Now, with wartime journalism letting the anger of Israelis actually reveal itself, my oft-reviled thinking is rearing its accurate head: Tzvi ben Gedalyahu writes at Arutz Sheva On the way up, Barak was in command of soldiers fighting in Lebanon a quarter century ago. One group of soldiers he commanded was a unit of religiously observant Jews. He had them advance into the pass near Sultan Yukub, where Arab forces were waiting to ambush them, and where 23 of our kids died as a result. It is widely believed that he knew of the presence of the Arab soldiers and was willing to see religious Jews die - that way they could not father kids who would vote against someone like Barak - or vote against Barak themselves. *


One night a few weeks ago, I watched a TV game show called ‘Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader’. That night, a kippa-wearing rabbi was a contestant, so I paid special attention to the game. I had previously seen numerous Christian clergy and lay people play for their causes and now it was the Jews' turn to play for our charities. But when the host asked Rabbi Rick Brody what he would do with his winnings, he answered, "I'm going to buy a hybrid car." The host was not expecting such a selfish wish, so he asked the same question again. This time the rabbi answered, "I'm going to take my family to Israel." The host did NOT like this egocentric answer and again asked, "What else will you do with your winnings?" Finally the rabbi replied that, with presumably the remaining cash, he'd use it for his synagogue.

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I cringed in shame, literally, really, cringed. Did all of America have to witness this display of rabbinic greed? I wondered how many people saw this rabbi putting personal material gain over his theological obligations and thought, Bernard Madoff. As the game progressed, things only deteriorated. The rabbi's egomania was so obvious, that he entered his answers before the host could explain the rules to him, and more important still, to his viewers. It all caught up with the rabbi when he lost $150,000 by pressing the answer button just before the host was going to explain that he had the option of taking the money if he didn't answer. The humiliated rabbi left the show with not enough after taxes to get his hybrid. Ah, the impoverished rabbis of America! I switched channels assuming I'd never think about the show again. But my existence is never so straight forward. The next day a reader named Batya called me from West Covina, CA, and talked about her rabbi embarrassing himself on a game show. Her take was divine revenge for arrogance. On Yom Kippur, she walked out of his services when Rabbi Brody used the holiest day of the Jewish calendar to boast that he was going to conduct a homosexual marriage in his synagogue. To Batya, using Yom Kippur to brag about disobeying a Torah commandment all caught up with him on the game show. Whether this was a case of God putting a stop to an immoral hybrid sale or not, I had the website of the rabbi's synagogue and I wrote the board expressing my belief that their rabbi was a symptom of all that is wrong with Conservative Judaism, why it no longer attracts the children of the members to their synagogues, and why American Jews have lost their moral ways to materialism. I received two replies, but the one from board member Sol Pavlovsky was vicious, ending with, my thinking will

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cause another Holocaust. I have tried to stimulate the Jews of America to think differently about Israel, but only the Orthodox have invited me to their synagogues to lecture. The other 5/6 of American Jewry will fight to their last breath for their lifestyle choices. And ultimately, forgetting their silly fundraisers, they will defend only themselves. Israel, in the terrifying criminal mess it's in, be damned. *

BARAK BORKED In 1997, an attorney visited me twice hoping to convince me that the president of Israel's Supreme Court, Aharon Barak, was involved in the Rabin assassination. He insisted that Barak is, "the most dangerous man in Israel. He's taken over the state. In my circles, Peres may be the chief suspect but he couldn't have done it without Barak's approval." He added, "Why do you think Meir Shamgar ran the commission of inquiry? He was the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and that means the Supreme Court has taken full responsibility for controlling the crime." My problem is the Supreme Court certainly turned down every appeal to it to re-investigate the murder, so it abetted the murderers of Rabin, but I could find nothing on Barak himself. And I just didn't have enough legalize in me to understand how powerful Barak really is. Then, in December 2008, I gave a speech in Omaha and my sponsor was a rabbi, Jonathan Gross, far wiser than I, who had delved in depth into Israel's current decay. He recommended a book he possessed to understand the quick and unstoppable decay in Israel's core values. The book is ‘Coercing Virtue’ by

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Robert Bork. Admittedly, I was reluctant to even look at the book because Bork gained judicial power after Pres. Nixon ordered his attorney general, Archbald Cox, to fire the special prosecutor investigating Watergate. Cox refused, his deputy refused, but Bork, by process of elimination, rose to the office of attorney general by signing the order. That said, my prejudices were overcome by Bork's later integrity, and the good rabbi gave me the book to study at home. Bork was the inspiration to my finally understanding Barak. He explains how Barak took over the state, substituted justice for oligarchy, and has, indeed, gone to great lengths to protect Peres. ‘Coercing Virtue’ explains how the Knesset was taken over by the Supreme Court. As the new Prime Minister, Rabin, took office in 1992, a law was passed that was, in essence, Israel's unknown constitution. Without even reading the clauses of the law, without debating its provisions, with fewer than half of Knesset members in attendance, the Knesset passed a law giving executive powers to the Supreme Court. From this point on, anyone could get an instant hearing on their petition to indict any member of the government. The petitioner need not have been personally injured by the Respondent, and no long lower court process was required to get a hearing from the nation's highest court. The real change of regime occurred when PM Rabin opposed a Supreme Court ruling that his coalition partner, Rafael Pinchasi, could be stripped of his Knesset immunity and tried for corruption. Without Pinchasi and his Shas Party, Rabin couldn't form a governing coalition. Rabin ordered the government's attorney general to present its arguments to the Court and he refused to defend Rabin. The only party legally authorized to

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defend the government is the attorney general and when he said no to Rabin, he and the Supreme Court took over Israel, including its military forces. We cite Bork's ‘Coercing Virtue’: pp. 111 - Pride of place in the international judicial deformation of democratic government goes not to the United States, nor Canada, but to the State of Israel. The Israeli Supreme Court is making itself the dominant institution in the nation, an authority no other court in the world has achieved. Imagine, if you can, a supreme court that has gained the power to choose its own members, wrested control of the attorney general from the executive branch, set aside legislative and executive action when there were disagreements about policy, altered the meaning of enacted law, forbidden government action at certain times, ordered government action at other times, and claimed and exercised the authority to override national defense measures. No act of imagination is required. Israel's Supreme Court has done them all. pp. 112 - The extraordinary events cannot be understood without reference to one man, Aharon Barak. From the beginning of his tenure on the Supreme Court in 1978 to his assumption of the court's presidency in 1995, Barak has been the dominant figure in Israeli law...and the single most influential person in Israeli public life. pp. 114 - Barak has reshaped the law so that practically any subject, no matter how political, may be decided by the court. ** http://www.thebulletin.us/articles/2008/12/09/middle%20east:%20david%20bedein%20%20/20216619.txt

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Israeli Legal Advice: Fire On Gaza Only In Open Areas Israel Defense Minister Ehud Barak requested advice from the security establishment's legal adviser to enable the Israeli army to fire into Gaza, due to the escalation in Gaza rocket fire in the past month. The Legal adviser to the Israel Ministry of Defense, Mr. Ahaz Ben-Ari stated in his opinion that according to international law, fire can only be aimed at open areas, yet not at built-up areas. "There is no blanket prohibition in international law on artillery fire towards military targets in the Gaza Strip," wrote Attorney Ben-Ari. "However, in light of the fact that artillery fire has a very low level of accuracy, and causes a relatively high degree of damage, artillery fire can only be carried out towards relatively open areas, if it is believed that the rocket cells will be hit as a result and that the launches from these areas will be stopped or reduced, and this fire will not cause excessive damage to civilians who may be in the area." Despite these restrictions, the legal adviser clarified that if repeated fire is identified from a built-up area, "the response can be increased by giving the residents of this area warning of the intention to respond with fire, with a recommendation to evacuate the area within a reasonable period of time." Mr. Ben-Ari made it clear that in any case, "carpet bombing" was not authorized, even if the population had abandoned the area, in order to prevent complete destruction of civilian property. What Mr. Ben-Ari did not consider was that any warning delivered by the Israeli army of imminent attack on an Arab village would generate a counter response, with the likelihood being that terrorists would invite TV crews and various levels of the civilian population to act as human shields against any planned Israeli attack.

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* pp. 114 - Even an activity, bearing the greatest political character, such as the making of war and peace, is examinable by judicial criteria...The extremes to which Barak's judicial philosophy can carry him are shown by his statement that the deployment of troops in wartime is a justiciable issue. pp. 123 - Considering the dangers continually confronting Israel, its responses to terrorist attacks and the threat of invasion have been quite moderate, sometimes arguably too moderate. pp. 125 - An important means of preserving national security was taken away by the court...Universalistic principles were deployed to harm Israel's security, without adequately weighing Israel's particular circumstance and needs. pp. 132 - The Knesset is loath to pass laws that it fears a Barak-led court would likely overturn. ** Having been victimized by Israeli kangaroo courts, and reporting on endless judicial outrages, I had to find one event as a metaphor for the hideous coordination between the Supreme Court and the government it controls. One incident, found in my book ‘Bye Bye Gaza’, stood out as an example of how the court victimizes the people. In late July 2005, over 50,000 people had gathered in Sderot for a protest organized by the Yesha Council, supposedly to march to Gaza and save Gush Katif. We got in our cars for the mission but the police, predictably if you're me, had blockaded our passage. Thousands of cars pulled over to the side and word

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was spreading quickly to march half a mile to the blockade to confront the police. In my car were my friends Jerry and Iris. I said, "It's going to happen at last. Let's meet the police and push them out of the way." Iris felt like me, nervous about police reaction, but knowing that if Gush Katif was to be saved, we had to defeat the authorities. Jerry joined us, but was worried how injury or arrest would be viewed at work. Half way to the police lines, worried Yesha Council workers ran up and down the lines, warning everyone to get back in their cars because, "The Bagatz, (the Supreme Court), is hearing our petition to continue right now." As I watched the mob return to their cars, I said to Jerry and Iris, "Let's go home. Gush Katif is gone." http://www.jewishindy.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=8855 Twice as Many Indictments, Half as Many Convictions Another statistic shows that while the rate of indictments per criminal case averages 14% across the country, in the Judea and Samaria District it was no less than 38% - more than twice the national average. Even more significant, however, is the rate of convictions: While across the country, 97% of those indicted on criminal files are convicted, in Judea and Samaria it is only 54%. The report therefore concludes that the judicial system ends up doing the “filtering out” work that the police are supposed to do, “and this is a grave blow at the basic civil rights of suspects in Judea and Samaria, who, because of the selective law enforcement policies, find themselves in the status of ‘accused’ who are forced to

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defend themselves in court, with all that that implies, in order to regain their status of presumed innocence.” ** pp. 115 - The court's values implement a socialist impulse to cultural and social affairs. They are universalistic in scope, and to the exclusion of competing values, stress such concerns as dignity, freedom, and equality of individuals. As rhetoric, those words are highly persuasive, as operational concepts, they have often proved highly deleterious. pp. 120 - There would seem to be less and less reason for the Israeli people to bother electing a legislature and executive; the attorney general, with the backing of the Supreme Court, can decide almost everything for them... Democracy is slowly being replaced by oligarchy. pp. 127 - Concern for Muslim sensibilities was reasonable, but concern for ultra-Orthodox sensibilities was not. The court's rejection of specifically Jewish values was also evident in its decisions that the importation of non-kosher meat cannot be banned, new communities sited for defensive purposes may not be limited to Jews, and Hareidi youth groups may not be funded by the government as other youth groups are. pp. 130 - Barak and his court are redefining Israel's values so that, in area after area of Israeli life, the Jewishness of the state matters less and less...According to Barak, when the values of Israel as a Jewish state cannot be reconciled with its values as a democratic state, the decision must be made according to 'the views of the enlightened community in Israel.' pp. 131 - In cases where the general public would prefer a value –a value specific to Judaism, that public is left without a voice in

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the ability to govern...realization of the degree to which the public has been disenfranchised and the executive branch emasculated in Israel comes as a shock to most outside observers. The more friendly to Israel such observers are, the greater the dismay. pp. 132 - The more such cases are adjudicated by a Barak-inspired court, the less Jewish Israel is likely to become. ** And as the public's trust in Barak and his court is whittled away, it still protects Pres. Peres with all its contrived might. http://www.ynet.co.il/english/articles/0,7340,L-3410609,00.html The Supreme Court is viewed by the public as the institute which best preserves democracy, as 39 percent of the respondents agreed. and faith in the Supreme Court declined from 68 percent to 61 percent. **

<---><---><---><---><---> Supreme Court Panel: Only the President May Pardon http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/Flash.aspx/157940 (IsraelNN.com) In a split decision, a three-judge tribunal of the Supreme Court ruled in principle on Tuesday that the justice minister does not have the option of not signing a pardon signed by the president, according to Maariv/nrg. The ruling requires the government to provide the president with the fullest information possible about any prisoner in question.

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The decision was born of disagreement between then-President Moshe Katzav and then-Justice Minister Tzipi Livni about the reduction of a sentence for a convicted murderer, when Katzav overruled Livni's recommendation, based on the convict's behavior in prison. It could be relevant in the release of security prisoners for abducted Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit. In his minority opinion, Justice Elyakim Haetzni said the justice minister's option of not signing was part of the system of checks and balances. ** pp. 132 - Israel has set a standard for judicial imperialism that can probably never be surpassed, and, one devoutly hopes, will never be equaled elsewhere. The sad irony is that the Supreme Court, operating with a Basic Law that specifies that Israel's values are both Jewish and democratic, is gradually producing an Israel that is neither Jewish nor democratic. ** *


Just a typical week in Israel. A Hamas rocket wounds eight Israeli soldiers, PM Olmert and Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni lie that they will order retaliation and instead, pardon 230 convicted "Palestinian" prisoners. What they forgot to announce was that a think tank in New York called the ‘Council on Foreign Relations’ (CFR) has banned all real military measures against the "Palestinian" leadership, and they obey the CFR.

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Then a legitimately bought building in Hebron is evacuated in less than an hour using the same tactics previously employed against Gush Katif. Provocateur Itamar Ben Gvir brings in his hoodlums, and they scare and disgust the minions of good Hebron residents away from the building. Those remaining wear no protection against the police and will offer no serious opposition. While Defense Minister Ehud Barak pretends to negotiate with the Yesha Council, he is awaiting a message from inside the building that everyone has sat down to lunch. Then the order to evacuate is given and Peace House falls like a piece of halvah in an hour. And the Jews don't blame the real enemy, the CFR, which has banned all Jewish expansion in Judea and Samaria. And Barak obeys the CFR. This is just the beginning of the end, as PM Olmert promises that ‘Peace House’ is the first step in a mass uprooting of Jews from Judea and Samaria, as dictated by the CFR. Olmert alludes to looming 'West Bank' evacuations PM says an unstoppable process has started that will ultimately uproot 'tens of thousands' of Jews. http://www.israeltoday.co.il/default.aspx?tabid=178&nid=17688 Someone put a knife under the throat of Presidential Regent Obama warning him that he may have won the election but Hillary Clinton is the real President of Israel (if not, the US). The Clinton gang is back in power, taking over from Condi Rice (CFR) et al with their plans to castrate Israel into extinction and set the Middle East ablaze for sport. Shall we begin with the Australian rat Martin Indyk who put together a new CFR program for Pres.-to-be Obama, that, my goodness, is precisely the Oslo, Saudi, Quartet recipe for the end of Israel?:

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** Dear Colleague, Because of your interest in issues affecting the Middle East, I wanted to share with you a major series of Middle East policy recommendations for the Obama transition team. "Restoring the Balance: A Middle East Strategy for the Next President" advocates a new approach to pursuing U.S. interests in the region, one that refocuses attention from the war in Iraq and the war on terror, to the challenges of Arab-Israeli peacemaking and Iran's nuclear program. The report addresses the six most pressing Middle East challenges facing president-elect Obama: Iran, Iraq, the Arab-Israeli conflict, proliferation, terrorism, and political and economic development. You can find summaries of the recommendations here: http://www.brookings.edu/projects/saban-cfr.aspx http://www.cfr.org/thinktank/tanusmes/index.html This report is the culmination of an eighteen-month long project in which Middle East experts from the ‘Council on Foreign Relations’ and the Saban Center at Brookings worked together in small teams, travelled to the region, interviewed its leaders, and reviewed their ideas with a prominent Board of Advisors. The project was co-directed by Martin Indyk, Director of the Saban Center at Brookings and Gary Samore, Director of Studies at the ‘Council on Foreign Relations’. I hope you find this report useful. The recommendations are also available in book form from the Brookings Institution Press: http://www.brookings.edu/press/Books/2008/restoringthebalanc

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e.aspx Best regards, Martin Indyk ** Thank you, Marty. That was beautiful. Would you mind if the guys at the CFR appointed some really loyal members to make your visionary scheme work? ** http://www.cfr.org/publication/4610/unbelievable_evil.html Samantha Powers - She called for an invasion of Israel to impose a solution to the Palestinian Issue. She has also complained about the undue influence of the "Jews" in American Foreign Policy. ** http://www.israeltoday.co.il/default.aspx?tabid=178&nid=17653 Obama rehires advisor who wants to invade Israel ** http://www.cfr.org/publication/15979/kurtzer.html http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/1042698.html President-elect Barack Obama is considering the appointment of Daniel Kurtzer, former American Ambassador to Egypt (1997-2001) and Israel (2001-2005), to become his administration's presidential envoy to the Middle East, a senior Israeli diplomatic

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source said this week. Kurtzer, 59, joined Obama's primary and presidential campaigns as a senior member of the president-elect's foreign advisers. ** The author of the next news item is Baruch Gordon, who has been reading me for 12 years. Our bar mitzvah is coming up soon. That's a long time to catch on to one of my key messages, but I think he's coming around. Note a big change in the article:

Blair Urges ‘Council on Foreign Relations’ to Pressure Israel 05 December 08 03:38 by Baruch Gordon (IsraelNN.com) Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair called for United States President-elect Barack Obama to press hard for Israel to make further territorial concessions to the Palestinian Authority. Blair, speaking at the ‘Council on Foreign Relations’ in New York on Wednesday, also praised Obama’s selections to lead his national security team, most notably former NATO commander General James L. Jones as National Security Advisor for the incoming administration. Jones was until recently the US special envoy for Middle East security and in that role has advocated sending a NATO force to impose a solution in Judea and Samaria. Blair is currently the international envoy to the Middle East for the Quartet, which is made up of the US, European Union, United Nations and Russia and has been pushing President George W. Bush’s Road Map for a Palestinian state to be created in parts of Israel. Blair told a meeting of the ‘Council on Foreign Relations’ that the time is now right for renewed pressure on the Jewish state and that much will be riding on what course of action

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Obama decides to take. According to the Associated Press, Blair said, “What the president-elect has put together is a very, very strong team; not just with Hillary Clinton as secretary of state,” but also retired General James L. Jones as Obama’s national security adviser. Noting that he has worked with Jones in the retired NATO commander’s role as US special envoy for Middle East security, Blair said Jones is “someone who understands the situation very well.” “I think there is a consensus now among the international community – not just America, but everyone – on how to deal with this,” Blair said. “The question is now, what people will watch for: Is it taken forward with the requisite urgency and determination? I have every confidence that it will be.” President-elect Obama, himself a member of the CFR, has pledged to make progress on the Middle East conflict a key diplomatic priority from his first day in office. He has called for a sustained push to achieve the goal of two states, one Jewish and one Arab, both in the small territory between the Mediterranean Sea and Jordan River. Yehuda HaKohen of the Zionist Freedom Alliance told Israel National News that Tony Blair is "one of the biggest obstacles to regional stability" and that so long as the Quartet and CFR interfere in the Middle East, there will never be peace between Arabs and Jews. “Tony Blair and other foreign leaders are responsible for fanning the flames of conflict in the Middle East,” HaKohen said. He continued:

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“In fact, it was the British who originally turned local Arabs and Jews against one another in order to further their own colonialist agenda for our region. And now Western governments arm both sides and then attempt to impose artificial diplomatic solutions. The Israeli government and PA leaderships today both behave as puppets to foreign regimes and both the local Jewish and Arab populations are suffering. The way to achieve real peace between peoples here is to work from the bottom up and not the top down. The Jewish and Arab peoples are both native to the Middle East. We have a great deal in common. But for efforts at genuine peace to succeed, Western governments and multinational corporations need to leave our region alone and let the indigenous Jews and Arabs settle things between ourselves.” ** I have no idea what the Zionist Freedom Alliance is, but finally, its spokesman Yehuda HaKohen, condemned the CFR for fueling conflict in the Middle East. I've been waiting to read that in an Israeli news item for a decade and a half. Mine is but an impoverished existence. I seek the most humble satisfaction that occurs when one other Israeli forms an organization and condemns the real enemy. It sure beats reading the half-cocked "analyses" by Israeli writers blaming their troubles on anything from "post-Zionism," mentally ill leaders, self-hatred, corruption, lefties...anything but the truth. The mayor of Metulla honored me with a response to my previous article claiming that his town was saved from rocket attacks by Rabin's 1987 deal with Hizbullah, the same gang of hoodlums promoted and funded by the Labor Party, to wreck Menachem Begin's justified Lebanon War. The good mayor's claim that arc saved his town, rather than an agreement to sacrifice Kiryat Shmoneh, is up for debate. Nonetheless, we respect him for writing so sincerely:

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"As long as the rockets were landing, life did not improve anywhere. Taking into account that Katyushas cannot be shot at a specific target and can only be aimed in a certain direction, one never knows where it will land. There are various Katyushas and the distance travelled varies. Due to the arc in which the long-range Katyushas were shot, more landed in Kiryat Shmonah and Nahariya, than did in Metulla and Rosh Ha'Nikra, but this did not make the 2 settlements." Amichai Ma'oz ** *

Why Israel Won’t Attack Gaza Until Gaza Attacks Ashkelon

In the late '90s, my work on the Rabin murder was a serious discussion topic in certain circles in Israel. One night I was at a very sabra party in Jerusalem when a man in his thirties, well ‘wined’ up, started a conversation with me. He claimed he worked for Intelligence and began with the execution of Adolph Eichmann. I will now quote him, though years have passed and I'm really paraphrasing our conversation as best as memory permits. "The older guys tell me the Eichmann execution was staged. They released ashes over the sea but they weren't his. His trial was a show and they kept him in a soundproof cage in case he said the wrong thing. The deal with him was to say the right things and they'd let him live." There was enough logic in this that I published it as a rumor and I said so. The item was well rebutted, especially by a man

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famously known as Rabbi Pruz, of New Jersey, who hosted Eichmann's executioner at his synagogue. However, the gentleman continued with a story he claimed to have partially witnessed that made perfect sense. It concerned Defense Minister Rabin in the late '80s: "Rabin wanted Israel out of Lebanon but the Lebanese government was too unstable to cut an agreement with. The Shiites under Hizbullah were forcing Israel out with a very demoralizing murder campaign against the army and he had to deal with them to make any agreement stick. He insisted on a thin security zone along the border to prevent armed attacks on Israeli territory, but he was willing to pull out of the rest of the country. But his zone was no good against Katyusha rockets or artillery shells flying over it. "He ended up with a secret deal with Hizbullah and pulled out of Lebanon in stages to test whether they'd keep it. Rabin realized he couldn't demand a full cessation of rocket or artillery attacks against Israel. But he could make them more acceptable if there was only one target, that being Kiryat Shmoneh." To guide the unacquainted. You drive north from Tiberius, which is below sea level and climb a steep road. You look back and see the ‘The Puddle Of Galilee’ and imagine the day you can finally walk across the whole lake, perhaps in five or six years. You now have reached the top of the climb and you turn right. You pass the lovely Bohemian-style town of Rosh Pina, the famous archeological site of Tel Khatzor, until you finally arrive at a town of 15,000, resting on a mountain, Kiryat Shmoneh. "Kiryat Shmoneh is 90% Sephardi and 85% of them are Moroccan. To the establishment, that made the town expendable. As Defense Minister, Rabin's first duty was to protect the

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Ashkenazi Labor/left kibbutzim around Kiryat Shmoneh, and the Ashkenazi towns along the border. If you want to know the safest places to live in the country they are Metulla, Rosh Ha’Nikra, or Naharia. Rabin's deal means Hizbullah won't touch them." Call it a one, albeit likely, source, or call it rumor mongering, but this item spread throughout the country. I met the most unlikely people espousing it back to me. It caught on because it fits reality so perfectly. In fact, Hezbullah kept its word for almost 20 years until the second Lebanon War broke out in 2006. That said, another rumor has arrived, from a likely source. Temporarily gone are the days when I could meet Israelis at parties or they could meet me anywhere with information. For the time being, I rely mostly on electricity for anyone to communicate with me. I quote: "...Sharon thought the PA would keep the peace in Gaza after he evacuated the Jews from there. Hamas taking over ruined his plan. When they started pounding Israel with crude rockets, the defense establishment wanted to go back into Gaza and stop the attacks. But the Bush administration went ape. That would stop their hopeless peace plans. They ordered Sharon and his Defense Ministry never to threaten the Hamas government militarily. The Pentagon gave Israel tiny border areas where the military could operate and outright banned any operation that could change the status quo and stop the rockets. "Sharon was forced to enter into secret negotiations with Hamas to hammer out the rules of engagement. His number one concern was Ashkelon. It is Israel's fourth largest city and nearly impossible for rockets to miss from Gaza. And more frightening, the city has a broad political and national population. Something had to be sacrificed to save Ashkelon, and that something was

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Sderot, a mostly Moroccan town. "The way I've been hearing it, Israel agreed not to fight a war in Gaza that would end in a regime change. Hamas could shoot as many rockets as it wanted, on condition that they miss their targets. In short, the deal was don't mass kill Jews and we'll keep you in power. Most rockets would be aimed at Sderot, or the desert. It was permitted to do damage there. But Ashkelon, and especially its power station, were to remain no-hit zones. In return, Israel offered an insurance policy. It will not prepare its people for a war against Gaza by refitting public or school bomb shelters, distribute gas masks and the like. Israel is being held captive by Hamas and the Americans. "Hamas broke the deal once last May when Bush was in Jerusalem. They slammed a Katyusha into a shopping mall, maiming over a dozen. But otherwise, in a city as large as Ashkelon, the rockets always find 'open areas' to land in. If Hamas wanted to, it could aim at crowded football games, fairs, gatherings, just name wherever people gather. And if Israel wanted to, it could pound Gaza militarily and oust Hamas. But the way I've been told, there's a deal floating out there and neither side will break it." ** More news but I can name the sources: The fiesty Jerusalemite, Tova Rubin met with a sales rep from the Steimatzky book chain and convinced her to sell a selection of my books in Hebrew and English. She called to tell me that the rep informed her that all the books had been sold in a week. Tova added, "The buyer said he was your publisher." Thank you, Tova. There is no such publisher and why would he

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need to buy the books he published? It's nice to be remembered by the Shabak for my good work. The next day, my Jerusalem buddy of twenty years, Gemma Blech came to visit me. We had a fine visit and I arranged to have her interviewed on the Stan Monteith and Bill Deagle radio shows. Gemma is the photographer for the Women in Green and for my book ‘Bye Bye Gaza’. http://www.lulu.com/content/575116. She was deeply upset by the provocateurs who had all but wrecked the protest movement and added, "The protest leaders are now getting old, and some sick. They don't appeal to people under 30. And the next generation is not producing future leaders. Our time is limited and when we go, I'm afraid, there will be no one to take over." She named the leaders she knew, the provocateurs that everyone knows, but one name stood out for me, Yonah Baumel. "He's doing poorly these days," she noted. His son was one of three soldiers captured by Syria in the July, 82, ‘Battle Of Sultan Yaacob’ in central Lebanon. Around the year 2000, the Commander of the soldiers' axis, Gen. Avigdor Ben Gal and his Intelligence Officer Mickey Shatz gave a small but profoundly important piece of information about the incident in the newspaper Kol Ha'ir. It seems that when Ben Gal and Shatz left camp, Ehud Barak, today's Defense Minister, and Amram Mitzneh, former Labor Party head, got on the radio and ordered a religious army brigade to enter a Syrian ambush. Twenty three Israelis died in the Sultan Yacob mess.

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Barry Chamish

Not said was that Labor officers like Barak and Mitzneh were sabotaging Menachem Begin's winning war. And this fact was ignored by Yonah Baumel when I told him what had to be done to save his son. He was a tall, healthy man when I met him. I told him to hunt down Ben Gal and Shatz, verify their facts, call a press conference, and expose then Prime Minister Barak as a murderer of Jews. Sadly, he didn't do what had to be done and I didn't find out why until Barak's most recent appointment as Defense Minister. Yonah, almost, bravely announced that Barak was unfit for the office because he was involved in his son's kidnapping. I reported on the incident and a priest wrote me from England protesting my piece. I assured him that every fact about Barak was accurate. He replied that I was right about Barak but wrong to write the soldiers had been killed. The priest was working with Yonah to have his son released, almost a quarter of a century after he was taken prisoner. I wrote back saying that I hoped I was wrong and he was alive. Few men lived as painful a life as Yonah Baumel, and few men could have remained so faithful to his son, and to the political system that took him away. Yonah believes the Israeli government can retrieve his son. So he remains true to an old ideal. But the truth is it can't because its Defense Minister was the one who stole his son from him. I'm sorry to hear you're not well, Yonah. We need you to fully recover. You have one more vital task to complete. *

News A7 Radio's "The Tamar Yonah Show" with Tamar Yonah Listen Now!

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It's 13 years after that dramatic evening, following a rally in Tel Aviv, when PM Yitzhak Rabin walked to his waiting car and was shot. But by whom? Barry Chamish, investigative reporter and author of the book, WHO MURDERED YITZHAK RABIN? says that Yigal Amir, the man convicted of the assassination, could not have killed Rabin. He goes through the reasons why. If so, then who, why and how was he killed? Hear this program where Chamish walks us through the murder, step by step, and shows us how the official story just doesn't add up. Watch the video of the shooting.



How dare they put an American election on the anniversary of Yitzhak Rabin's murder! Where is the respect? Now since it makes no difference if you vote for the anti-Israel team of Barack and Six Pack Joe or the CFR's ‘Son of Cain’ and his flake of a VP, let's concentrate on the rollicking fun of Rabin's death commemoration.

Picture moments before the Rabin assassination

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No article from me today, just good times. And a reminder that even this author has to pay his rent, so if you liked the youtube, invite me to do the lecture in person. Write [email protected]. And for the greatest holiday gift ever, order your 3 set Atlanta tour - DVDs one and two, ‘Shabtai Tzvi, Labor Zionism and the Holocaust’, and the updated ‘The Vatican's New Crusade for Jerusalem’. And let's finish off with the great audio CD of Shabtai Tzvi, recorded in Denver. Just $25 for all three, postage to anywhere for free. And another perfect holiday surprise, the hugely updated, ‘Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin’ book: ‘Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin’ http://www.lulu.com/content/640899 ‘Quien Mato A Yitzhak Rabin’ http://www.lulu.com/content/1732028 http://www.lulu.com/content/1731845 ** For five years, I trusted my buddy Aryeh Gallin to organize the annual Rabin conference, finding reliable venues, acquiring police permission, screening all speakers. We leave for just a few years and look what's become of the event. Hebrew speakers, click on the link to watch the organizers hold their conference outside in the cold: HOT NEWS: on the last minute, possibly under pressure from 'above', the owners of the hall (in “Raziel Youth Village”) canceled the event, for which we have fully paid! TODAY, we demand that the court will force them to comply with the contract and, simultaneously, are seeking for another venue.

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* If the latter is imposed upon us, the alternative hall will be nearby, and we shall all quickly move there, TO FULFILL OUR MISSION: we are determined TO EXPOSE THE ASSASSIN(S)! The conference “THE TRUTH ABOUT YITZHAK RABIN’S LIFE AND DEATH” was partially held last night in Hertzeliyah’s Park HaYovel, off Yehudah HaNasi Str, about 200m from the original venue. The police (YaSa”M Yarkon) confiscated our computer and projector, for “illegal gathering” but left us alone “gathering” until our lecture (without pps) was finished. Both Arutz2 & Arutz7 TV crews were on site, but only the latter broadcasted (live) parts of the event * Here is the link (H) http://www.inn.co.il/News/News.aspx/181140 ** And that knee-slapping, elbow in the ribs funster: Yigal Amir does it again. As Nov. 4 arrives, why he, without anybody's help - no-siree, not Yigal the mischievous imp, decides to grant two phone interviews, to confess to Israel TV: JERUSALEM (AFP) - Israelis from across the political spectrum on Friday slammed a decision to air the first-ever television interview with the extremist Jew who assassinated prime minister Yitzhak Rabin. Amir told Channel 10 his act was influenced by the rhetoric of right-wing politicians and generals, including former prime minister Ariel Sharon, Former Tourism Minister Rehavam Ze'evi, and former army chief of staff Rafael Eitan, whom he said made it clear the 1993 Oslo agreement "would lead to disaster."

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** Of course, Yigal has his own between the lines code, which we all study in depth. Why his inspirers were all murdered by Shimon the Poet and Song Composer Peres. Sharon drank tea with songwriter Shimon and had a stroke within half an hour. He was driven to hospital by the dour shooter of Rabin, bodyguard Yoram Rubin, now the Shabak's Director Of Personal Security. Zeevi was gunned down just hours before he was to leave the government because Shimon was in it, with a rousing speech exposing Shimon the songwriting demon. Eitan was drowned in a tsunami but heck, even Shimon can't stop the waves. http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1225036828129&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull Goffin and King, Leiber and Stoller, Lennon and McCartney, Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore [they forgot the greatest rock 'n' rollers of all time Doc Pomus & Bert Berns] - the list of classic songwriting partners is long as it is varied. But nothing's prepared the listening public for this combination: Shimon Peres and Liel Kolet. The octogenarian president of Israel and the 19-year-old international pop success story from Kibbutz Kinneret have collaborated on a song called "Ray of Hope" - lyrics by Peres, music by Kolet - which debuted Monday night at "Believe," a gala concert in Tel Aviv marking the 10th anniversary of the Peres Center for Peace. ** And did Yigal the Prankster's unexpected TV shows get top reviews! Critics from the Defense Minister to the head of the

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Shabak lavished high praise for his unique talent. Even the leader of the religious party loved his performance: http://www.voanews.com/english/2008-11-02-voa8.cfm Israeli Security Chief Warns of Possible Assassination Attempt An Israeli security chief has warned that politicians could again be targeted by Jewish militants. Robert Berger reports from the VOA bureau in Jerusalem. Head of the Shin Bet, Israel's Security Agency, Yuval Diskin (file) The head of Israel's Shin Bet security service has warned that Jewish extremists could try to assassinate an Israeli leader. ** Associated Press/ October 31, 2008 "Yigal Amir ought to wither in prison for the rest of his life and he should under no condition be part of the media-tised public debate," Defense Minister Ehud Barak, who today heads Rabin's center-left Labor party, said in a statement. The chairman of the right-wing National Religious Party Zevulun Orlev also slammed the decision. "I think that the interviews with the despicable murderer have broken the boycott and ostracizing that exists, and ought to exist, on Yigal Amir... I regret that the race for the golden calf of ratings between the private news channels has distorted this principle," Orlev told public radio. **

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But you just got to love those leaders of the religious and the Right. Without them, Gush Katif could never have been evacuated. **

Police Chief Says Their Leaders Betrayed Settlers

He said that he could not have expelled the Jews from Gaza and northern Samaria in six days without the secret connivance [cooperation] of settler leaders. The police allowed certain protests, he said, so the leaders would not seem like betrayers. (IMRA, 1017). I don't know about you, but my absolute favorite leader just has to be Yesha head Pichas Wallerstein. What magnetism, what panache, what wit! Fresh after removing those pesky Gaza Jews from their unwanted homes, he's back with a moving paean to our beloved Yigal: http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3616727,00.html The YESHA council's director-general, Pinchas Wallerstein, said the wave of polemic arises every year as Israel marks the anniversary of late Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin's murder at the hands of Yigal Amir. "Every November there is a fresh campaign of incitement against settlers. The man who murdered the prime minister came from Herzliya, and yet I still don't think that all residents of Herzliya are potential murderers of prime ministers." But for blow it out the tuches chortles, some tear-rending guffaws, a wry smirk, and an eery cackle of glee, can you beat the next MK who says he won't join the next government unless,

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now get ready for this, unless, - it's too hot to be cold - unless, yes, you heard it first, unless the Rabin murder is reinvestigated. Stop it, you're killing us. Rub those tears from our cheeks. This was just the most hilarious Rabin anniversary EVER. How can they EVER top this next year? ** MK Eldad: We'll Demand New Rabin Murder Investigation (IsraelNN.com) MK Aryeh Eldad (NU-NRP) said that his party would demand an official government panel to investigate the murder of Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin as a condition for entering the coalition to be established after the upcoming election. "There is a national need to renew the investigation into Rabin's murder, to reexamine the evidence and for once and for all set aside the various arguments," he said, referring to theories that Rabin's killer Yigal Amir was not operating alone or independently. *

OUR TOP FIVE STORIES OF LAST YEAR My patient readers get the scoops just by reading me. And some of the scoops reluctantly turn into news, naturally, without acknowledging the source, which you all know, was me. Here are my five significant and exclusive stories of the past year: 1. Mercaz HaRav - After the massacre in May at this yeshiva, I

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went on the Tamar Yonah Show and proved, with the help of one eye-witness, that the police deliberately avoided shooting the killer. She dismissed the evidence. Not two months later, a terrorist drove a front-end loader through downtown Jerusalem past over a dozen armed cops, and was killed by a civilian. The public is still asking, "Why didn't the police shoot?" 2. Red-Dead Canal - I wrote that Israel Bonds nixed an ecological disaster called the Red-Dead Canal. Mere days later, Shimon Peres invited Spanish King Juan Carlos to Israel to help build the disaster in the name of borderless "peace." And look at the PR film selling the "project." It makes you want to hop in your Jetsons' air car to visit the place: http://www.viewpoint.co.il/movies_valley_of_peace.shtml 3. Got You, Shimon - How many years have I written that Peres wants to rid Israel of its pesky borders? This year, I found the proof from his speech to the Bakersfield Business Conference: Shimon Peres Former Prime Minister of Israel. Nobel Peace Prizewinner. I believe that this man was mostly motivated by fear and a resignation to a state of affair in the world, which from the perspective of a coming world government, dictates the impossibility for Israel (or any country for that matter) to ever be independent. Here are some of his comments: · "Protecting our lands is not as necessary as in the past." · "The world has no borders." · "How can you conduct foreign policy if you don't have an enemy? Enemies stem from nations; dangers are global. It is

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the same with security; you need security only if there are nations, not if you do not have any." · "Business is now internationally minded." 4. No Masks For The War - Well before we discovered that Syria and Hizbollah had armed its missiles aimed at Israel with gas warheads, I reported that the Israeli government was taking away the only protection the public had, with no intention of returning it. My readers surmised why. Of the people, a correspondent from near Tel Aviv writes: "Some weeks ago, crews of hilloni boys in unmarked or rental moving trucks combed through the Rishon LeZion neighborhood I live in, literally going to every apartment and demanding the masks. People were scrambling until well past midnight to comply with the order. After having our gas masks confiscated (supposedly so that they could be upgraded) we learn that there will be no upgrade, and it's obvious that those people about whom you write have decided it's in their interest to make it more likely that there will be mass casualties when the rockets begin falling." 5. Media - Considering the distance from home, I had a good media year with steady reports, for instance, on ‘The Stan Monteith Show’ http://www.radioliberty.com/ and ‘The Bill Deagle Show’ www.NutriMedical.com. But I was not forgotten by Israel. This week, Maariv asked me to write my Slichot for Yom Kippur: Yes, the Maariv which published the poll of the year, proving at last, that my Rabin work had not been in vain: Poll carried out last week by Teleseker of a representative sample of 500 Adult Israeli Jews for Maariv the week of 5 October 2007 and published in Maariv on 8 October 2007. Statistical error 4.4 percentage points.

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Percentage believing Yigal Amir's claim that he was not behind the murder: General population - 28% Religious - 46% I could have bluffed my response, with phoney atonement and regrets, but that wouldn't have been me. Here is what I wrote. Let's see if it makes the paper next year. SLICHOT In the late 1930's, associates of Zeev Jabotinsky went to Eastern Europe to warn the Jews to get armed or get out. They were admonished by the Jews wherever they went, calling them extremists and fear mongers. And when they were exterminated by the millions, do you think those who warned the Jews asked for their forgiveness? Today, the six million Jews of Israel face another Holocaust. These Jews include my children, family and closest friends. They didn't heed my warnings and I hope I never have to say to them from this world or the next, you should have listened. But I don't want anyone's forgiveness and I don't wish to give it out. Taking it would be an insult, and I don't respect the others enough to give anything, forgiveness or not, to them. I left Israel until the Jews wake up, because a series of near fatal "accidents," put me in jeopardy. I reported on Ariel Sharon's stroke, half an hour after he drank tea in a private meeting with Shimon Peres. He was taken to Hadassah Hospital by the man I proved murdered Yitzhak Rabin, bodyguard Yoram Rubin. The same assassination squad was back at work. There, Sharon was found to have weak blood vessels in the brain, so naturally, he

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was injected with blood thinners to finish off the murder. And just when I was putting the puzzle together, at age 52, I had a stroke. Ever since the Rabin murder and the emergence of Kach leader Avishai Raviv, I had been warning the victims of Israel's secret war against religion, that Kach was infiltrated by the Shabak. So while battling the stroke, Kach's Itamar Ben Gvir sued me for reporting his role in the final destruction of Gush Katif. But he is not the only force I exposed while the Jews of Gaza were left to their abandonment. Shall we begin with the government-controlled Yesha Council who organized "protest" rallies in Kfar Maimon and Ofakim and Tel Aviv, anywhere but Gaza, the only place where a protest had to take place? Now if I was forced to hear forgiveness from anyone, it would be from those who carried out the roles of the criminals we call our government. Yediot Ahronot defamed the members of the ‘Committee To Reinvestigate The Rabin Murder’. So we sued. The attorney representing us, one Nitzana Darshan-Leitner, prepared a deliberately hopeless suit, guaranteed to hush up our fight for justice. Her "success" assured the end of Sharon. Then, there are the rabbis of Yesha, led by one Shlomo Aviner, who used enough religious gobbledly-gook to win the trust of the youth of Yesha, all the while he was working with the government to throw their relatives out of Gaza. Do we dare mention the IDF who threw the Jews out of their Gazan homes and beat them without mercy at Atzmona? And what of the Shin Bet working with the PLO to murder the higher ups like Rehavam Zeevi to the lower downs, the dozens of proud Israelis who wouldn't work with the authorities, who offered a proud Jewish voice of morality and survival, and who were

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hushed up for not joining the establishment mafia? I don't forgive the active participants of the IDF or Shin Bet, and I don't anticipate they'll even ask me for forgiveness. If there is divine justice, someday they'll need to beg forgiveness from a Higher Force, and He will never grant it. Ever. So now I'm in the United States and my 31 years of reporting from Israel are in demand on numerous radio shows; and my website receives hundreds of thousands of visitors on all its pages. This is my life in the past year. I tell my new audience of my interview with Ron Pundak just after he authored the Oslo Accord, how he admitted the Americans were behind the agreement and how his boss, Yossi Beilin doesn't believe in borders. That Oslo will end with a borderless Israel melded into a regional bloc. I tell my listeners of my interview with the water negotiator of the Jordanian peace accord, and how he predicted the Kinneret would die in 20 years from all the water we are giving to Jordan. I relate my work with Israel Bonds and how they decided that a Red-Dead canal would make the Dead Sea literally boil and permanently pollute the Negev Aquifer. I let them know that back in 1994, Israel had promised the Russians sovereignty over much of downtown Jerusalem. Or how Peres had promised the Vatican control of ALL the city's holy sites. And this all became news in the past year. And I tell the audience that Israel's leaders like Peres and Beilin take orders from the Vatican, while the others march to the dance of America's diplomatic headquarters, a think tank called The ‘Council on Foreign Relations’ (CFR). And it's all true. But my audience is largely gentile because the Jews have been persuaded to believe that Israel is all good, therefore, by

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implication, I must be all bad. And while the Israeli people are mostly good, their leaders, all of them, are thoroughly corrupt or have been corrupted thoroughly. The moral leaders have been forced out by severe threats or are unnaturally dead. And to defend the living crooks of Israel, the likes of Daniel Pipes of the CFR, have been wasting their lives spreading lying rumors about me on the internet, to the point, and this is no exaggeration, that I'm a Holocaust denier. However, those who know me are aware that I'm using my writing/talking talents to prevent a new Holocaust. And it may be too late. Israel is surrounded by 100,000 missiles. A mere 4,000 rockets spread over 34 days emptied northern Israel of people two summers ago. Imagine 10,000 missiles hitting Tel Aviv in the first day of the next war. Then imagine Israel knocked out right after. Then imagine the Arabs taking towns and separating the men and women. They rape the women in front of their husbands and then shoot the men in front of their wives. That is called a Holocaust. I have much to be sorry for. I'm far from Israel and feel safe. But I terribly miss my family and the goodness of Israel's people. Still, if my talents can somehow wake enough Jews to stop the deluge, I'll be thanked by some people some day, but never forgiven by anyone. That is how I'd want it to be. **


Olmert resigned this week and now Tzipi Livni sits on the throne. It'll be nothing but fun with this monster at the helm of

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the Good Ship Israel-pop. The Gush Katif refugees have written nothing but fruitless complaints, getting them nowhere. But one, Rachel Saperstein, finally struck gold: In my book ‘Eviction’ (Pavilion Press, 2005), a compilation of my blogs, I included a chapter titled "Imagery of the Holocaust". In this chapter, I described the plans being developed by the Kadima party to harass the people of Gush Katif. Livni was quoted from the Jerusalem Post of that period. These are excerpts of quotes attributed to Justice Minister Livni: "Internment camps are being made ready for those who refuse to leave willingly." "The Jews will be relocated." "All possessions of those who oppose the expulsion will become state property." "Children of demonstrators will be removed from their parents homes and sent to be re-educated." "Parents will be indicted for putting their children into danger." The internment camps for families were built deep in the Negev area. Activists who fought for Gush Katif were imprisoned there without trial. Today, the camps are used for African refugees who have entered illegally from Egypt. These primitive camps, in a sweltering climate, are a testament to the perversity of Tzipi Livni. *

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Who failed to notice that the President and Vice-President missed the Republican National Convention? So where did they go? George oversaw Hurricane Gustav and Dick was in Rome taking care of Israel. ** http://www.imemc.org/article/56839 Palestinian president to meet with his Israeli counterpart Thursday evening - Thursday September 04, 2008 15:49 by Rami Almeghari - IMEMC & Agencies Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas will be meeting his Israeli counterpart, Shimon Peres on Thursday evening in Italy. Israeli sources said that both leaders will be discussing outstanding political issues, security and economic concerns. The meeting comes ahead of a special conference in Rome on Friday, over relations between Israel and the Arab World, where Peres is suppose to meet with the vice-President of the United States, Dick Cheney, as well as the representative of the European Union, Manuel Brosu, the sources revealed. ** Bet you thought Cheney was away from the convention just so McCain wouldn't be tarred with the reputation of the current administration. But no, meeting Peres and Abbas in the capital of Roman Christendom was far more important. And perhaps you'd like to know what they were discussing. Here is the real Shimon Peres, from the Bakersfield Business Conference, October 10, 1998:

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Shimon Peres Former Prime Minister of Israel. Nobel Peace Prizewinner. I believe that this man was mostly motivated by fear and a resignation to a state of affair in the world, which from the perspective of a coming world government, dictates the impossibility for Israel (or any country for that matter) to ever be independent. Here are some of his comments: · "Protecting our lands is not as necessary as in the past." · "The world has no borders." · "How can you conduct foreign policy if you don't have an enemy? Enemies stem from nations; dangers are global. It is the same with security; you need security only if there are nations, not if you do not have any." · "Business is now internationally minded." ** How often have I said that Peres' true goal is the end of Israel? That his Israel would soon be borderless, followed by the end of ALL NATIONS. But it turns out, it's just me and the beat of my heart. I'll bet you you've never heard about the Italian, Forum Villa d'Est. This central and secretive affair invites the leaders of the world to discuss the business of the planet. Forget, for now, that all the Americans are or were members of the CFR, just look who Peres meets with in Italy besides the pope; Candidates John McCain and Joseph Biden:

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http://www.ambrosetti.eu/english/forum_villa_d_este.php?iExpandP=49 Forum Villa d'Este In early September, at Villa d'Este in Cernobbio (Como), The European House-Ambrosetti organizes the forum entitled "INTELLIGENCE ON THE WORLD, EUROPE AND ITALY", which has come to be acknowledged as one of the most important annual meetings worldwide. Heads of state, top representatives of European institutions, cabinet ministers, Nobel laureates, businessmen, managers and experts from around the world have come together each year since 1975 to discuss current issues of great importance for the world economy and society as a whole. The FORUM presents forecasts of the economic and geo-political outlooks for the world, Europe and Italy, and analyzes the main scientific and technological developments and their impacts on the future of public and private institutions, business and society in general. This is accomplished through meetings, debates and presentations of special, ad hoc studies. Among those who have taken part in recent years: H.S.H. Albert II Prince of Monaco, José María Aznar, Silvio Berlusconi, Joe Biden, Luca Cordero di Montezemolo, Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, José Manuel Durão Barroso, Renato Dulbecco, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Valéry Giscard D'Estaing, Christine Lagarde, Vaclav Klaus,[B] John McCain, [B]Giorgio Napolitano, Alain Juppé, Rita Levi Montalcini, Henry Kissinger, Mario Monti, Shimon Peres, Romano Prodi, Jean-Pierre Raffarin, Michel Rocard, H.M. Rania Al-Adullah Queen of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Card. Joseph Ratzinger, Helmut Schmidt, George Shultz, Jean-Claude Trichet, Umberto Veronesi and James Wolfensohn.

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MY, my, what a fine coincidence that two of the candidates for the next American administration meet in Italy to plot the fate of the borderless world. That it doesn't make a damn bit of difference who you vote for, you get the same agenda. So let's forget the incredibly tarnished Presidential candidates and look at the VPs to be. Plagiarist Joe Biden terrifies Israelis in the know for his legislative kowtowing to Iran and his real hatred for Israel. But to point this out is alright: http://yidwithlid.blogspot.com/2008/08/biden-threatened-to-cut-off-aid-to.html Biden Threatened to Cut off Aid to Israel This may give some insight into Joe Biden's approach to Israel. Back in March 1992 Moshe Zak recounted that the Senator made the mistake of Confronting Prime Minister Menachem Begin (June 22 1982) during his Senate foreign relations committee testimony. After Biden threatened to cut off aid to Israel. Begin just let him have it. Read this report of their confrontation, that was published by Soccer Dad almost two years ago (way to think ahead Dave) and another recount of the issue from Time Magazine 7/5/1982: ** It's one Sarah Palin that is off limits to, especially, Christians. And I paid dearly this week for pointing out the game she is being used for. When she was first introduced, I had no idea she claimed to be Christian. Her children's names Track, Trig et al are not Christian names. In fact, get ready for real trivia, Track and Trig were the sled dogs of Dudley Doright of the Mounties. We recall the cartoons with him mushing his sled with a whip and shouting,

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"On Track, On Trig." But that's okay. We'll say she discovered Christianity when it was good for her governmental ambitions. What was not okay was McCain claiming she was a "reformer" who stood up to "big oil." Meaning Bush, we assume. In fact, Palin wants to open Alaska's nature reserves to drilling, is pushing to build a natural gas pipeline with state money and has taken illegal donations from incriminated oil lobbyists. She is not fighting the oil corporations, she was chosen because she fights for the oil corporations. Even if it means hunting down all the wildlife blocking her desires. I have not changed my position one bit. No responsible citizen should vote. It's the only out. The system has been hijacked. And in my circle, no other voice can say the words: Obama or McCain, the dismembering of Israel carries on as usual. End Part One ** The hijacking of Israeli protest continues unabated while Peres, Abbas and Cheney plot to remove the borders of the nation. Here is one morning of correspondence, with Israeli errors in English untouched. Why do these fine people think I can help them when I'm so alone?: At 05:58 PM 9/2/2008, you wrote: Barry,

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I think you are a little bit wrong. Everybody in Israel is afraid of the Shabak. Look at yourself. You ran away from Israel to save your life. Everybody knows that Shabak is dangerous. You cannot expect this silly lawyer to tell you the truth that she has been contacted and most probably threatened by Shabak. Especially when the Shabak threatened her to cooperate with them against you and not tell anybody about it. As you said yourself, the whole system in the country is rigged. You cannot expect an honest treatment from anybody, be it private or official person. I fled from the country and know that I cannot expect anything from anybody there. A typical example is what you told me about the "treatment" of the police regarding your "accident". Such an evil treatment list applied to everybody in Israel, not only to you. This is why I am pessimistic as to the survival chances of this country. A healthy state has to exhibit a minimum of decency and justice in order to exist. I am sure this is not the case with Israel. Sorry to disappoint you. ** At 11:59 AM 9/2/2008, you wrote: Barry, When I got on the wrong side of Ben Ami, I left my home, family and life in Israel...... otherwise, I would have ended up as one more "freak accident". Sadly, there will not be any revolution. Chaim and Oded Ben Ami's families have established comfortable "retirement" residences in New Jersey............. Olmert can choose between European countries, and the rest of the Nation will face a terrible end. ** At 02:02 PM 9/2/2008, you wrote:

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THE BEST! As I got close to Reut, there were tons of police - they stopped me b/c i had an orange ribbon on the car - and they told me it was forbidden for me to enter. They told me to go straight back to J'lem, but I went into Reut anyway and there was massive police presence - stopping anyone who looked religious.......... they arrested a few people for coming to an illegal demonstration.... nothing new. ** At 06:39 AM 9/3/2008, you wrote: Dear Friends, Baruch Hashem, a success last night. Not only did tens of citizens succeed in reaching the house of Central Command Officer Gad Shamni and hold a vigil there in protest against the eviction orders, but we managed to remind everyone that the Olmert-Livni regime is a totalitarian and Bolshevik regime that persecutes loyal Jews instead of fighting against Israel's enemies, the Arabs and the international anarchists. The tens of citizens who were arrested around 6:45pm while driving on the 443 highway and in other roads, were accused of "wanting to participate in an illegal gathering". They were all brought by the Israeli "thought police" to the police stations of Modiin and Ramle. Placards, flags and megaphones were confiscated and not returned. On different occasions the police

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used brutal violence, inside and outside the police compound, against innocent bystanders, among them elderly women, children and journalists. … Shmuel Medad, head of the Honenu legal rights organization which helps nationalist-camp members who are arrested during the course of their activities, told IsraelNationalNews.com at around 5 PM, "The last of the 15, Itamar Ben-Gvir, is having his hour in court right now. He is demanding to know why he was arrested in the first place." Ben-Gvir is a veteran of legal struggles in these matters, and is said to know his way around the court system better than many lawyers… ** Barry, There were hundreds at the rally and a couple of dozen arrested. Naturally, the squealer Itamar Ben Gvir was one of them and naturally, he was the last to face a hearing, after he gathered enough dirt on us for the cops. **

Peres and The Vatican King Juan Carlos, ‘The Vatican's King Of Jerusalem and its Holy Places’, is invited by Peres to build the ecologically disastrous Red-Dead Canal. More: Peres invites King Juan Carlos to Israel http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1220353264344&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull

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Solar energy, electric cars and water management were among the numerous subjects that came up for discussion in the president's meeting with Spanish Ambassador Gutierrez, who told him that Spain wants to make a contribution to peace in the Middle East and also wants to be part of the Red/Med canal project. Peres invited King Juan Carlos to visit Israel, and Gutierrez passed on a joint invitation from the king and Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero for Peres to visit Spain. “The king and the prime minister wanted the visit to take place as soon as possible”, said Gutierrez, “because they wanted to show Spaniards a side of Israel besides the conflict”. * Barely a fortnight before, the Israeli establishment was shocked by the poll which revealed that: Poll carried out last week by Teleseker of a representative sample of 500 Adult Israeli Jews for Maariv the week of 5 October 2007 and published in Maariv on 8 October 2007. Statistical error 4.4 percentage points. Percentage believing Yigal Amir's claim that he was not behind the murder: General population - 28% Religious 46% ** And how did the murdering mafia react? In the midst of an electronic barrage which attacked cable, TV, and the airport, the spin doctors wasted the dying nation's last resources by going into high gear to cover the truth. And it's not working. The latest poll of ‘Israel's Right’ show is that 71% believe in MY conspiracy

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thesis and only 15% still believe the government. (see Notes). Still they try. Oh how they try! First, Maariv's Weekend magazine, put patsy Yigal Amir on its cover with a satirical jab at the poll results. All that did was prove, through the back door, that Israel did not believe its mafia governors. So the same paper was utilized to publish "an expose" that the police found explosives at the Amir home on the night of Rabin's murder. And it only took 12 years to publish the "findings." Hebrew readers and listeners, enjoy the coverup. Actually, even those ignorant of the holy tongue will enjoy photos of the event. The text proves the snitching cop was employed by the Secret Service (Shabak) from the night of the murder to whitewash it, but, unless you plan to learn Hebrew to read the site, you're stuck believing me. URL two is the government's TV station rehashing the big lie: http://rotter.net/cgi-bin/forum/dcboard.cgi?az=show_thread&forum=gil&om=5856&omm=36&viewmode = http://media.iba.org.il/?type=TVRecorded&site_code=0 Then, the Shabak called out its usual guns. Even if no one believes them anymore. It seems an unnamed American millionaire is backing a new movement, called, most originally, ‘The Committee For Democracy’, to rush to Amir's aid. Now, this committee believes Amir knocked off Rabin, but that's good as far as it's concerned. For years, I have been called a radical "Right Winger" by the Israeli media, even though many of my views actually reflect a leftist or centrist view. The reason is Shabak manipulation of the Rabin murder into a Right Wing

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cause. In fact, to understand Rabin's demise, one has to believe in the objective truth cause. The new committee is composed of three "activists." We will skip Noam Federman who may be a minor patsy. But the other two committee members are dangerous operators. For an in-depth investigation of their activities, buy my book ‘Bye Bye Gaza’. If you keep reading, you'll get the details. (Committee activist number 1) Avigdor Eskin organized a highly publicized reading of a death curse, The Pulsa Dinara, outside Rabin's house a month before the murder. On Amir's 30th birthday, he brought a birthday cake to Beersheva Prison where, somehow, most fortunately, media film men were there to record him pummeling a cab driver who objected to his birthday celebration. But most frightening, Eskin was the matchmaker between Amir and his lovely screwball bride, Larissa Trimbobler. Amir never married Larissa. There was never a rabbi, a witness, nor a ring in prison. There is no license at City Hall... Just like Jonathan Pollard's "marriage" to Esther. But because some Rabbi somewhere found a loophole, he decided he was married. But that does not give him any legal right to conjugal visits. He is watched 24 hours on camera, so HOW did he get Larissa knocked up? Yes, we now learn, he did so because he wants to be at his son's brit (circumcision.) Someway, he impregnated his lovely "bride." Leave it be said, without high level cooperation, this pregnancy would not have happened. And it certainly stops unsightly gossip of how he agreed to betray his "friends" as a Shabak stoolie. The story of Larissa is weird. She left her hubby and 4 kiddies

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with his blessing to "marry" Yigal. But at last report, she lives in the same home as her "real" family. Such is domestic bliss in Israel. Committee "activist" number two is Itamar Ben Gvir. He was used to deflate any resistance to the pullout of Jews from Gaza. In doing so, he left some 400 people incriminated by the police. Two of the victims, Daniel Pinner and Shimshon Cytryn, who faced serious assault charges, are still too dumb to understand that they were had by him. Others now know it. As Jonathan S., a former Hebron "radical" tells me, "I'm really not surprised. I always suspected he was. His actions are just too provoking and counterproductive to be for real. He's never actually done any serious actions that have accomplished anything, just got his picture taken in the newspaper enough times." After his role in defeating the Jews of Gaza was exposed, numerous sources named Ben Gvir as a Shabak agent, including the newspapers ‘Hatsofe’, ‘Makor Rishon’, activist Nadia Matar, Knesset Member Arieh Eldad, and me. He threatened to sue ‘Hatsofe’ but satisfied himself with Eldad and me. Eldad issued a public and humiliating apology, but I refused. So in preparation for my trial, I contacted a close associate of Eldad's, who lives in Efat. He agreed to tell me: "Arye was a sitting member of the Knesset Committee on Security And Foreign Affairs. So was, then, Shabak head Avi Dichter. He stood up and told Dichter, 'How dare you plant a lowlife agent like Ben Gvir in the National Camp.’” Dichter rose and answered, "I swear he's not one of ours. He works for Police Intelligence.' And out they rolled, after ‘Maariv’ revealed that almost a third of secular Israelis and half the religious, told pollsters they believe Rabin was rubbed out in a conspiracy, by inference, of Shabak head Carmi Gillon, bodyguard Yoram Rubin and led by President Shimon, Feh, Ich, Peres.

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With me temporarily out of the picture, the Rabin murder truth is run in Israel by egotistical hacks, each hoping to gain a little notoriety with wrongheaded ideas about what happened. But I'll be in New York on the evening of Nov. 3 with the facts on paper and videotape. Join me. NOTES: 28 Tishrei 5768, Oct 10, '07 IsraelNationalNews.com Total Votes: 780 Do you believe the official story of PM Rabin's murder?

71.5% NO 15.1% YES 13.3% NOT SURE http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/911946.html

<---><---><---><---><---> Extreme right to launch campaign for Yigal Amir's release Rightist organization Committee for Democracy to produce film about Rabin killer's life, launches nationwide campaign for his parole from prison Efrat Weiss Published: 10.11.07, 22:26 / Israel News The extreme right organization The Committee for Democracy is producing a film starring Yigal Amir, as part of its campaign calling for his parole from prison.

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Ynet has learned that the film is to depict Amir's life starting in his childhood and leading up to his assassination of former Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. The film is said to feature Rabin's character as potentially destructive and hazardous to Israel's existence, should he have lived on. **

The Committee for Democracy's postcard ‘The Committee for Democracy’ is funded by an American millionaire and its members, including right-wing extremists Itamar Ben-Gvir, Noam Federman and Avigdor Eskin, have decided to actively call for Amir's release. Their action, they said, was prompted by the government's apparent willingness to release Palestinian prisoners with blood on their hands.

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The Committee for Democracy intends to send out hundreds of thousands of postcards in the next few days, featuring an image of Amir and a caption reading "A time for peace, a time for reconciliation. A time to free him." "We don’t need the sanctimonious leftist leaders to preach us morality," Ben-Gvir told Ynet. "Those who are going to release Marwan Barguti should just shut up. We are making a perfectly logical demand... If they are going to free thousands of terrorists next year, then there's no reason he (Amir) can't be home for Passover."

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I received a note from an Israeli correspondent. Here it is with mistakes untouched: Berry, First thanks for the info. second, the system in the country of which you write so much about is corrupt beyond belief. I am now connected with some of them and if I could I would give you an earfull. examples like; the cost of fuel being 30% less if you are a company using the "dalkan" or similar. large companies recieve big price breaks, why? A system that knows how the national building plan will be implimented, for the next 20 years and aligns itself for maximum return on investment, all due to insider knowledge. extended family has its benifits. also extended friends with allot to say. the use of blackmale is standard fare, keep your mouth shut until you can kill someone then "just do it" seems to be the moto. Keep you head down, the action is about to get more intense. **

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Over the years, I've received countless similar claims meaning, the system is rigged. It doesn't matter if the complaint is from ‘The Institute For The Blind’ to the IDF, the charges are the same: corrupt, thieving, bigoted, run by outsiders, dirty, or just plain murderously rigged. We have all faced the institutional corruption and some of us tried to fix it, only to be met by threats, firings, and positively un-Jewish crimes of vandalism up to murder. Here are a few of my experiences. Let's start with the Rabin murder:


My book, ‘Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin’, made me the Israel's leading spokesman for the movement to have the crime reinvestigated, and Arye Gallin's annual Rabin truth conferences turned him into a respected Israeli patriot and truthseeker. We are both now in the US awaiting the revolution in Israel or the final demise in war. I left when my health and longevity were at stake. Arye left more recently out of frustration and disappointment. In the year 2001, Arye's conference finally made national news as a result of his roster of distinguished academics and one prominent doctor who spoke out proving Rabin, physically, could not have been murdered by the patsy Yigal Amir. Life has not been good for all of those involved. Arye and I are hiding from Israel in America, the great journalist Adir Zik caught sudden throat cancer and died in 2004, while the brilliant historian Dr. Hillel Weiss, now faces sedition and slander charges in court.

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In the wake of the conference, the country's biggest circulation magazine, Yediot Ahronot, printed a 7 page cover piece in its weekend edition, actually accusing the speakers of dancing on Rabin's grave and sucking his blood. A meeting was held, and a committee was formed to sue Yediot. At last the Rabin murder would become a national issue. I suggested a lawyer named Nitzana Darshan-Leitner to represent us. The suit died after that, because as Arye and I knew, she was working for the murderers of Rabin, the secret service agency called the Shabak or Shin Bet. If I was smarter, I would have known. She was my attorney in a suit against Knesset member Ophir Pines, who, bless his heart, from the podium of the Knesset, ordered all bookstores not to sell my Rabin book. The book became a national bestseller after that. If you want your book to sell, get a Knesset member to ban it. It was during this trial, that Nitzana was likely turned. She called me one morning and told me to get to the courthouse. Judge Boaz Okun had a change of heart and was going to shut down my suit. I rushed to the courthouse, argued that Pines had abused all slander laws to ban my book and was ordered to pay $8000 for the right to have my suit heard. I gave up. Who had $8000 to throw away on a rigged suit? Who had $8000 at all? Nitzana compromised and arranged that I pay 1000 shekels to any charity to leave the suit unscathed. Too much later, journalist Shahar Pilovitch read the trial records and turned furious. "Your lawyer didn't represent you. You were the plaintiff, why were you fined by the court?" And he concluded, "She was working with the state to hush you. Deliberately!" Dr. David Chen, a department head at Kaplan Hospital, developed a magic bullet theory, complete with near 360 degree

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turns inside the body, that defied all five of the books on the murder, which concluded that Rabin was shot with three bullets, one more than Amir shot at him, and a filmed documentary aired on the country's most popular TV station which actually found the third bullet hole in the front Rabin's shirt and jacket. Nitzana ignored my work and built a pro-government suit based on Dr. Chen's cockamamie speculations. Naturally, by doing so, she spread division in the committee, I quit, then Arye quit, the suit died, Judge Okun was named registrar of the Supreme Court, what remains of the committee sell uninspired and divisive murder scenarios, and Nitzana: well, she proudly announces that she is working with the Shin Bet: www.israellawcenter.org Join with doctors, attorneys, accountants, programmers and other professionals from around the world on an unparalleled and unprecedented Israeli reality-check: Briefings by Mossad officials and commanders of the Shin Bet. *

FUN CHARITY WORK When I first began writing for charities, my United Jewish Appeal (today Federations) boss Hesh Kestin warned me, "Don't bank on this being your career. Most people don't last six months. If you have extreme tolerance, count on a year." The problem all us writers faced was extreme deceit. We came to Israel expecting work in real writing and discovered that only one depressing outlet existed in English, The Jerusalem Post. So we took our talents to the only game in town, the well-paying but well-rigged charities.

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The issue ruining the organizations was that none of the leaders were elected and they were not liked by the fast assimilating and just as fast, disappearing, Jews of the diaspora. So since the public they led were viewed as "pledge givers," the struggling masses yearning for inspired leadership but struggling with bills, were of zero interest to those supposedly working for their interests. The result was the leaders threw dinners to "honor" their "friends", at least as long as they could afford to pony up pledges, and after a few goddawful speeches, they handed them cheap prizes purchased at the local trophy store. And to keep their powers, the federations used pledge money to run, literally, all the world's Jewish newspapers which were propaganda aimed at keeping the leaders in perpetual power. Those writers who lacked all integrity were rewarded with articles in Hadassah Magazine and editorial posts for charity scams in Israel. I will not name the next writer because she is in my (our) newsgroup and occasionally still gets freelance charity assignments. Anyway, she disputes the following version but I recall it clear as a bell. She interviewed poor Israeli children for a typical shlock piece and one young boy said he wanted to be a bus driver when he grew up. She submitted her piece to an editor named Wendy, who pencilled out "bus driver" and wrote in "doctor." The writer was aghast. "A bus driver is not a doctor," she exclaimed. To which her editor replied, "It doesn't matter what he said, what's important is what he should have said." The writer was stunned by the reply and said this was dishonest journalism, to which the editor answered, "Who will know? He certainly can't read it." Not that there wasn't some fun in all this. I was assigned to the Israel Bonds Hollywood Mission and got to interview the likes of Monty Hall, Walter Matthau and Jack Lemon. That

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evening, Matthau and Lemon did something genuine and appeared on TV before a large audience of real non-pledge-giving Israeli soldiers at an air force base. For the only time in his trip, Lemon was not confronted with handpicked political hacks, third rate security officers or articulate new immigrants...and he was genuinely moved. He gave a heartfelt monologue to these brave non-givers. I spent the next day with Sidney Lassik, recall, he was electro-shocked before Nicholson in ‘One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest’. By the way, it was type-casting. We saw Jack Lemon outside Jerusalem’s walls, I told him his TV appearance was very moving and my Israeli friends were still talking about it. He became choked up and I received a genuine, not Israel Bonds interview from the man. Okay, for those who will inevitably ask, he was shorter than I imagined. Then there was the time I stole the floor from Shelley Berman at the JNF (Jewish National Fund) Fishin' Mission. I pride myself on my gifted sense of humor, but try as I did, I couldn't get Shelly to laugh. At the final banquet, he gave a funny enough summation, then I was asked to say a few words. "You're not going to tell a joke, are you?" he asked. "No," I promised. "Just a little fishing anecdote." "Alright, then," he rejoindered. "You know," I began, "Fishing was slow on the trip. It's not my only slow trip. I grew up in Canada and used to like ice-fishing. It was a pretty cold Sunday and I augered a hole on my side of a bay. I was going after splake, a hybrid lake and speckled trout. I froze for maybe two hours without a bite, while across the bay, an angler was catching fish every time he put his line in the water. I decided to ask him what he was doing right. So I trudged across the bay and said, "Excuse me sir, how are you catching so many fish?"

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He answered, "MMM-MMM-MMM.MM" I'm sorry, "I didn't catch that." "He continued, "MMMMMMM- MM- MMMM." "I'm sorry. I missed that." He spit into his hand. "Ptui," and said, "You've got to keep the worms warm." A sudden roar of laughter from the assembled. Shelley Berman wiped a funny tear from his eye and said, "Alright. You caught me." *


But Hesh was right. The deceit got to me after a year and a half. I had outlasted his prediction by six months. The UJA had arranged for me to write an article for the Jerusalem Post. And it was published. The subject was the opening of a new and very significant community center in the impoverished town of Gan Yavne. I had done so many of these things, I could have written it without showing up. First, a tour of the slums, two interviews with slum residents, two with mission leaders, ending with the grateful town sending a children's choir to serenade the donors. I arrived in what I thought was Gan Yavne Heights. All the houses were large and sported manicured lawns. The kids were not snot-nosed nor in rags. I must have been in the wrong town. I stopped the car and asked a pedestrian, "Excuse me, where are your slums?" "Slums? We don't have slums?"

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"I'm looking for a new community center to raise your people out of poverty." "It's down the block, two streets on your right." At the center, the donors and mayor enjoyed a wine and cheese party, and I mean expensive wine and cheese. Then I started snooping until a town leader told me, "We are a suburb with only a few new immigrants in an ulpan (language school). They'll move when the course is over. They're our poor people. The mayor is old buddies with Shimon Peres and he arranged to have this center built." With that statement all the missing and stolen funds came rushing out of my memories, followed by the co-opting of local bigmouths, the fiberglass sidings fronting as home improvement, the do-gooders from America shipped over to do no good, the perpetuation of Israeli poverty while the American leaders get richer by the mission, the isolation of American Jews from their heritage, and the chicken soup I was writing in their papers to keep the corruption flowing. One down, only the Bonds to go. Israel's biggest engineering projects are largely funded by the sale of Israel Bonds at less than prime interest rates. The Bonds' last big project when I began working for them was Ashdod Port, a multi-billion dollar task that was deemed a success. I was hired to write about the new winner, The Med-Dead Canal project. The goal was to raise half a billion dollars for it in the first year. So off I rode to the Tel Aviv Hilton to use my writing talent to raise some of the funds during its inaugural, kickoff convention.

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The Dead Sea was drying up and fast. Dangerous sinkholes were appearing on the exposed shore. The Southern end had already been desiccated and water had to be pumped ten miles to keep the hotels relevant. The new scheme would use gravity to pump Mediterranean water 1300 ft below sea level to refill the Dead Sea. After the canal was built, a Red-Dead Canal would be built from Eilat to the Dead Sea for the same purpose. I was coached to write about the beautiful water parks, fishing holes and beaches along the routes of both canals. So, on night one, I took all the literature and reports up to my room and prepared for my assignment. It was the section on environmental effects that ruined my night. The chemical compositions of both Med and Red water were so vastly different than the Dead Sea's potassium, potash and magnesium mix, that the sea water wouldn't mix with the Dead Sea. The sea water would float on top of the Dead Sea creating a greenhouse effect that would boil the Dead Sea to Death. Before then, some Med chemicals would mix and create a witch's brew of "snowballs." The greenhouse effect was so pronounced that one Ben Gurion University professor named Branover was actually running electric turbines on Dead Sea water covered with a layer of common seawater. A Red-Dead Canal would be even worse. Not only would the same chemical effects take place, but leaks would eventually turn the saline Negev aquifer salty, ruining Israel's natural desert water reserve supply. In the morning I turned to my boss with all the environmental objections. He said, "Don't worry. The canal is not going to ever be built. But we sunk too much into the project to stop selling it."

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"So I'm here to fool these delegates?" I asked. "We'll invest the money in better bonds and everyone will get their dividends. No one will complain." * And if you underestimate the damage the Zionist organizations are doing to the Jews, here's the latest news. It concerns the World Zionist Congress, formerly headed by Edgar Bronfman of the ‘Council On Foreign Relations’ (CFR). After being caught approving massive embezzlement, he reluctantly gave the reins of power to Ronald Lauder (CFR). Venezuela's Chavez Meets with President of World Jewish Congress - AUG. 23 President Hugo Chavez met with Jewish leaders on Wednesday, pledging to work together against anti-Semitism and open up channels of communication despite strong differences on Mideast politics. Both Chavez and leaders of the World Jewish Congress called the meeting a success."There may be some differences of opinion on some issues - on major issues such as Iran and also the Middle East," Michael Schneider, the organization's secretary-general. "We mentioned our concerns about anti-Semitism and asked him what his position was," Schneider said. "And he said he was certainly not an anti-Semite." ** Aug. 28, 2008 JPost.com Staff , THE JERUSALEM POST Agents of Hizbullah and Iran's Revolutionary Guard have deployed special forces in Venezuela intended to kidnap Jewish

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businessmen and smuggle them to Lebanon, Israel Radio reported Thursday. Hizbullah has strengthened its grasp of Venezuela following the warm relationship that grew between Venezuela and Iran. *


Here is the sad story of the Halamish brothers, rotting in Israeli prison. The crime: they were security officers defending themselves. http://www.israeljustice.com:80/news2.asp?key=141 The Halamish brothers, as part of their reserve military service, were members of a security response team organized, equipped and trained by the Israeli Army to help protect their community and surrounding region from Arab attack. On Feb. 21, 2004, the brothers were summoned by another security officer, Feldbaum, to help expel Bedouins who trespassed into the Jewish community of Sdei Bar and were encamped near a student dormitory. Bedouin tribes in the area had been deemed responsible for the killing of several Jews in the area in previous years. Under the direction of Feldbaum, the Halamish brothers ordered the bedouin squatters to leave. The Bedouins refused, and about 20 of them approached the Jewish security officers with sticks and rocks. Feldbaum shot toward the ground when the Bedouins continued to move closer. The response team later said that it shot in self-defense. An army medic who arrived at the scene determined that nobody was struck by the gunfire, an assertion disputed by the Bedouins. At that point, the military abandoned its own security team and allowed a police investigation. Although police refused to conduct ballistic tests or even a lineup of suspects, the brothers were convicted of

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shooting toward the Bedouins. Dan was sentenced to seven months in prison; Yitzhak, to eight months. An Israeli appeals court said ballistic tests or a lineup weren't necessary. The word of the Bedouins -- who refused to show up to police headquarters to identify their purported assailants -- was enough. The court also rejected a recommendation by the probation officer for community service. The three-judge panel said it wanted the Halamish brothers to go to jail to serve as a lesson to others. ** Now why would the police and courts bend over backwards to side with the Beduin trespassers? And where is the last place the Halamish brothers could expect justice? You got it. From the office of "President" Shimon, Mad Dog, Peres. ** http://www.IsraelNationalNews.com Sunday, Aug. 17 '08, 16 Av 5768 PERES REFUSES TO PARDON HALAMISH BROTHERS by Hillel Fendel President Shimon Peres has refused a request to pardon Itzik and Danny Halamish, two brothers who were convicted earlier this year of attacking Arab marauders who attacked them. ** And who better to submit the worthless petition to Peres than attorney Dov Even Or... my

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attorney. ** http://groups.google.com/group/StandingwithIsrael/browse_thread/thread/d2e2d01a0f1494fb Over two months ago, the Justice Ministry approved the pardon request for Dan and Yitzhak Halamish, two brothers sentenced to seven and eight months respectively and sent the request to the office of President Shimon Peres. On June 1, the president's office sent a letter to attorney Dov Even-Or confirming that the pardon request had reached an advanced stage. "Your clients' request is being dealt with in the advanced stages," presidential aide on pardons, Ms. Talia Sukari-Lina, said. Even-Or said his petition includes a request that the president be forced to answer all pardon requests within 30 days. "50 days have passed since this letter [from the president]," Even-Or said, "and still the president hasn't announced his decision." Attorney Even Or was my legal advocate in two cases against government provocateurs of the infiltrated Kach movement, Avigdor Eskin and Itamar Ben Gvir. In the Eskin case, the plaintiff, him, was caught admitting to an Israeli court that he had worked for the secret services. Even Or prepared an appeal that was rejected before I even submitted it. See details in my book ‘Bye Bye Gaza’: http://www.lulu.com/content/575116. As for Ben Gvir, one suspicious stroke, 2 law suits and one nearly deadly car "accident" later, I took a break from Israel and Even Or managed to lose an unloseable case without me. In short, the fix was in

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and Even Or was no Fixer. Better than anyone, Even Or knew that Peres ran the secret services from its early days: How Israel Lost Its Soul, Maxim Ghilan, Penguin Books, 1974, pp 120 The times were seething with conspiracy, intrigue, power-seeking. It was the era when the Shin Bet's use of political plotting and provocation was at its apogee, under the inspiration of a power-elite known to its enemies as "The Black Hand Group" and to its admirers as "Ben Gurion's Young Men." Among others they were Moshe Dayan, then Commander in Chief of the army, Teddy Kollek, mayor of a united Jerusalem, Issar Harel, head of the Shin Bet, and Shimon Peres, Deputy Minister of Defense. ** Attorney Even Or sends out a steady stream of "Right Wing" missives which occasionally show that he knows another of The Black Hand Group a bit too well: ‘Haaretz’ of January 10, 2008 published an article of Israel Harel in which he says that Bush should not be called bitter enemy of Israel like the evil Haman. This analogy only indicates the mental state of those who say so, and if they are leaders of public opinion, they should be removed! And why, according to Harel, are those people ‘insane’ (my own terminology)? Since not Bush but the Israeli government had conceived of the idea of ‘two states for two peoples’; and in the eyes of a suppressed statesman, the idea seems logical and worthy of support. I find it hard to believe that an illustrious journalist like Harel does not remember the political history of the United States; maybe Israel has no foreign policy, only home policy (to paraphrase the famous speech made by Henry Kissinger), but in the US it is even worse: only economical interests exist camouflaged by

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slogans and rhetoric called ‘bringing Democracy to the nations of the world’. ** But during the fight to save Gush Katif, attorney Even Or showed me his other hand. In loud and long monologues, he defended the government's inhumane and injustice policy of using the army to expel 10,000 honest Jews from their homes. The country will be safer, he insisted. There will be no more reserve duty in Gaza, he argued. And while the entire Right fought the "evacuation," Even Or favored it, vigorously. Now, there is a way to save the Halamish brothers but the "Right Wing" of Israel and their lawyers are too stupefied to actually pursue an opportunity when it comes along. Why, by doing so, their bucolic vision of Israel may finally be shattered. It looks very likely that the Beduin who camped outside a school, did so deliberately and with Israeli police protection to back them up. Because, the police are working with the enemies of the state against the Jews of Yesha. The Halamish brothers just fell into a trap: http://www.israeljustice.com:80/news2.asp?key=141 JERUSALEM -- Israeli police, in what appears to be a new tactic to quell Jewish nationalists, have begun to use Arab provocateurs in the West Bank. Police have acknowledged that they used Arab stone throwers to stop young Jews from hiking through the West Bank on July 29. Police detective Aharon Yair told a Jerusalem magistrate that Israeli security forces colluded with Arab provocateurs as part of an ambush to arrest the hikers. Yair, when questioned by defense attorney Naftali Wurtzburger, admitted that special police forces, disguised in civilian clothes but wearing police hats, hid in an ambush together with

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Palestinian Bedouin waiting for the Jewish hikers to arrive. W."I am telling you that most of these hikes end quietly." Y. "The fact is that were police forces there. We understood that like last week, when there was a violent incident when they [the hikers] came to them [the Bedouin] with weapons, we were ready because we knew that this was a place of confrontation. They [Bedouin] set up cameras and therefore the police were there." W. "If the police were there and watched the confrontation, what was the problem of the police to stand openly and prevent them [the hikers] from passing and if it was not permitted, to stop them. The situation, as I see it, looks like an ambush. Somebody hides out like thieves in the night." Y. "I'm not the one who decides. There are officers above me who decide what is overt and what is concealed." W. "You agree that special police forces were in the area at that time?” Y. "That's what I said." ** Now why would the Israeli police form an alliance with the Beduin? It's an American trick used against two border guards who shot a threatening illegal trespasser from Mexico. You send the guards to prison. That is enough of a message to stop all border police from ever actually using their weapons in any situation with illegal aliens, no matter how threatening.

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The Halamish brothers were framed in a fix aimed at teaching all Jewish security forces that it's better to surrender than sit in prison for defending themselves, and most importantly, their land. *


Poor Shirley Ellis. She had a top five song in 1964 called ‘The Name Game’. The game was played by replacing the first name of the player with another consonant. Sadly, the songwriter foolishly made F one of the consonants, so Shirley gave up performing the song with crowds when every player's name was magically Chuck or Bart. But such is not the fate of the phoney Jews bringing down Israel. We can trace the names and ultimately prove their association with the ‘Council on Foreign Relations’, the Vatican and the Sabbatains. But we are jumping way ahead. I do not use the DEBKAfile as a source, since I was burned by them years ago with false information. However, if the following report IS true, then Israel trained the Georgian forces at war with Russia: http://debka.com/article.php?aid=1358 DEBKAfile discloses Israel's interest in the conflict from its exclusive military sources, Aug.8: Last year, the Georgian president commissioned from private Israeli security firms several hundred military advisers, estimated at up to 1,000, to train the Georgian armed forces in commando, air, sea, armored and artillery combat tactics. They also offer instruction on military intelligence and security for the central

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regime. Tbilisi also purchased weapons, intelligence and electronic warfare systems from Israel. These advisers were undoubtedly deeply involved in the Georgian army's preparations to conquer the South Ossetian capital Friday. In recent weeks, Moscow has repeatedly demanded that Jerusalem halt its military assistance to Georgia, finally threatening a crisis in bilateral relations. Israel responded by saying that the only assistance rendered Tbilisi was "defensive." This has not gone down well in the Kremlin. Therefore, as the military crisis intensifies in South Ossetia, Moscow may be expected to punish Israel for its intervention. ** This is not the first time I have claimed that fake Jews have interfered in Russian affairs, to the ultimate near ruination of real Jews. Recently I reported that Stalin had three Jewish wives and that all his progeny were legally, Jews: Stalin had three wives, all of them Jewesses. The first was Ekaterina Svanidze who bore him one son, Jacob. His second wife was Kadya Allevijah. She bore him a son Vassili, and a daughter Svetlana. His second wife died in mysterious circumstances, either by committing suicide, or murdered by Stalin. His third wife was Rosa Kaganovich, the sister of Lazar Kaganovich, who was the head of Soviet industry. Stalin's daughter (who in 1967 fled to the USA) then married Lazar's son Mihail i.e. her step-mother's nephew. Svetlana Stalin had a total of four husbands, three of them Jewish. Stalin's vice-president Molotov was also married to a Jewess, whose brother, Sam Karp, runs an export business in

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Connecticut. Just to complicate things even more, the Molotov's (half-Jewish) daughter also called Svetlana was engaged to be married to Stalin's son Vassili. More information on Stalin, Trotsky, Lenin, and others is available on-line the Hoover Institution Library and Archives at http://www.hoover.org/hila/russiaandcis.htm. ** Georgia, sadly, is not the only place on earth targeted for ruin by the Sabbataians. Now we enter the realms of the real ‘Name Game’. Let's begin, naturally enough, with George. The man who hates the Israeli settlers and the Right, so puts his money into causing an uprising in the former Burma. And the game is on with lots of dead. George, George bo Beorge Banana Fanna Fo Feorge, Fee Fi Fo Meorge Soros Now Daniel: Shimon Peres' financial partner and co-defendant in the murder of Utah Congressman Wayne Owens, is spreading harmony and death in the Middle East. Daniel, Daniel bo Babaniel Banana Fanna Fo Faniel, Fee Fi Fo Maniel Abraham Now Mark. From the folks who brought a Nazi pope into a synagogue, a big hand for Mark who spreads Ethic Understanding. Everybody, Mark: Mark, Mark bo Bark

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Banana Fanna Fo Fark, Fee Fi Fo Mark Schneier And for the finale, a tough one, Madeleine: Who forgot that her whole family is Jewish and is now making up for it by setting up bloody puppet governments. Madeleine, Madeleine bo Badeleine Banana Fanna Fo Fadeleine, Fee Fi Fo Madeleine Albright Read the names below, not a kippa-wearer in the lot. All undermining Israel fatally by destroying the "settlers," all ultimately working for the CFR, and all engaged in undermining nations by supporting unwanted movements which kill en-masse to effect their changes in the existing order. ** http://jewishtribalreview.org/coopt.htm Open Society Institute, Founder/Billionaire Moneybags: George Soros (CFR) U.S. Committee for a Free Lebanon, "Golden Circle" members include: Elliot Abrams (CFR), Salo Aizenberg, Eleana Benador, David Chazen, Alain Gabriel Courtines, Rachel Ehrenfeld, Michael Eisenstadt, Eliot Engel, Philip Epstein, Gil Feiler, Douglas Feith (CFR), Leonard Getz, Richard Greenfield, Richard Hellmann (CFR), Irwin Hochberg, Michael Ledeen, Matthew Levitt, Daniel Lubetzky, Richard Perle (CFR), Daniel Pipes (CFR), Scott Rosenblum, Nina Rosenwald (CFR), Michael Rubin, Eric

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Silverman, David Steinmann, Jonathan Usher, Stanley Weiss (CFR), David Wurmser (CFR). ** Committee for the Liberation of Iraq, Chairman of the Board: Maurice R. Greenberg (article: 2001) (CFR) Chairman of the Executive Committee: Richard C. Holbrooke (CFR) "To meet the increasing demand for greater awareness and understanding of Asia and its dynamic relationship with America, the Asia Society extensively renovated and expanded its world headquarters in New York City. The $30 million initiative substantially enhanced the Asia Society's museum galleries, as well as its public facilities and programs, and strengthened the Society's role as the only institution in North America addressing the intersection of the arts, economics, politics, and society throughout the Asia-Pacific region." This building is called The Maurice R. and Corinne P. Greenberg Building. ** President: Randy Scheunemann (?) "The president of the Committee is Randy Scheunemann, Trent Lott's former chief national-security adviser. Last year Scheunemann worked for Donald Rumsfeld as a consultant on Iraq policy ... The Committee is little more than an extension of the ‘Project for a New American Century’ (PNAC), an 'educational' organization packed with neocons such as William Kristol (CFR) and Robert Kagan." ** World Medical. Association, Chairman of the WMA council: Y. Blachar "Physicians for Human Rights (Israel) have lambasted the Israeli

Medical Association (IMA) for its silence in the face of these

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systematic violations of the Fourth Geneva Convention against the Palestinian people], which guarantees the right to health care and the protection of health professionals as they do their duty. Remarkably, IMA president Dr Y Blachar is currently chairperson of the council of the World Medical Association (WMA), the official international watchdog on medical ethics. A supine BMA appears in collusion with this farce at the WMA." -- D. Summerfield, British Medical Journal, October 2004 ** " BKSH is the name of leading-edge government relations consultancy for the 21st century. Created by the world's largest communications agency, Burson-Marsteller, it enables clients to mount US, pan-European and transatlantic campaigns." Managing Director: K. Riva Levinson "Ms. Levinson has been the U.S. representative for the Iraqi National Congress (INC) since 1999. This group, funded by the United States State Department, will form the nucleus of the new democratic Iraqi Government. For four years, Ms. Levinson managed the INC’s communications initiatives as the voice of the Iraqi people in exile. Since the country’s liberation, Ms. Levinson has worked with the INC at its headquarters in Baghdad to conduct programs to support democracy and the building of civil society. Beyond Iraq, Ms. Levinson runs a number of projects to build democracy around the world, including managing the ‘Coalition for Democracy in Iran’ and supporting the Liberian opposition parties." ** Foundation for the People of Burma, President and CEO: Harold C. Nathan Washington Kurdish Institute,

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Executive Director: Mike Amitay -- the son of former head of AIPAC (the massive Jewish American lobbying organization for Israel), Morris Amitay ** Foundation for Ethnic Understanding, Founder and President: Rabbi Mark Schneier ** Coalition for Democracy in Iran, "Supporter": Michael Ledeen The Burma Project, a division of the billionaire George Soros (CFR) empire ** American Himalayan Foundation, Chairman: Richard Blum (CFR), husband of Senator Dianne Feinstein Member of Board of Directors: Leon J. Weil, Ambassador to Nepal ** Maltese-Czech Society, President: Lawrence Attard Bezzina ** Central Asia Institute, President: Julia Bergman Public Relations Director: Susan Neubauer ** Center for Islamic Pluralism, Executive director: Stephen Schwartz ** Center for Middle East Peace and Economic Cooperation,

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Chairman: S. Daniel Abraham (CFR) ** ‘Council on Foreign Relations’, President: Leslie Gelb (CFR) (Succeeded by Richard N. Haass (CFR), also Jewish) Vice President: Abraham Lowenthal (CFR) ** 9-11 Commission (National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States), Executive Director: Philip Zelikow (CFR) (see also above) "January 27, 2003: Philip Zelikow, White Burkett Miller Professor of History and Director of the Miller Center of Public Affairs at the University of Virginia, has been appointed as the Executive Director of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, also known as the '9/11 Commission.'" ** National Democratic Institute For International Affairs, Chairman: Madeleine K. Albright (CFR) Vice Chairman: Rachelle Horowitz President: Kenneth D. Wollack (CFR) [Contributor's note: This organization "specializes in setting up puppet governments."] *** Debka - Aug. 8 The Jewish state had also bought two new Dolphin submarines from Germany capable of firing nuclear-armed warheads, in addition to the three already in service with its navy. Crash of Small Plane Leaves Three Dead - Aug. 8

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A light plane crashed during landing on Thursday afternoon, in an airfield near Haifa. Three passengers were killed, among them Doron Amir, a Lt. Col. in the reserve services who commanded the navy's submarine fleet and later served as the army's attaché to Holland and Scandinavia. Reuben Zigler, who was a naval construction expert, was also killed and the third victim was identified as 58-year-old Uri Levy of Kfar Shariyahu. ** See, you figured the last one out without help. Another reader, who insists on remaining unnamed, but has written long and well on shadow politics, has joined the suspect Kach "leaders" movement: ** Look what the "far right wing" is up to these days. What do you make of what Federman did? Just to draw attention to a "radical, crazy right winger"? Every three or four years they bring him out of the closet so that he can "make an appearance" and then the rest of the time he is "under house arrest". http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3579388,00.html ** Now you tell me, this article came out around 2PM. http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3579400,00.html Already, by 7:43PM, these two far-right “Jewish National Front"

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right wing fanatics- Gvir and Marzel- sit down at their computer and write a letter to the State Prosecutor and Attorney General (as Mazuz and Lador would act on it immediately after seeing from who it was sent!) urging them to spend gov’t resources to open an investigation (on what exactly- they don't say) just because "it might constitute discrimination-and thus be "unlawful". This country has no other threats to worry about- but these two yo-yos- let alone the issue of whether this is really the best Israel's far right wing activists can come up with to stand up for the national-religious camp? Who exactly is the "Jewish National Front" other than these two guys? Do they truly believe the issue of a private store wanted to bring Arabs as new customers- and thus favored one sector of Israel's population over the other- was the biggest threat facing this country? Is it just me- or is this not the strangest story you have seen in a long time? Of the people behind these jerks- what are they trying to accomplish? *


The Israeli people are being turned mad, in the modern sense of insanity, not ancient Freudian theory. The concept of modern madness seems remote from dry politics, but it is not. Israeli writers know their leaders are acting insanely and the best they can do is describe flawed, if not suicidal, political decisions, and no more. They are incapable of delving into the core reasons for national insanity. For the wrong reasons, I interviewed two experts, a therapeutic nurse and a former high-school and city counselor.

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Both were on my e-mail list and were deeply concerned about Israel. I shared these concerns and had others. The long discourses led to, at least, a partial understanding of the psychological forces destroying Israel. The leaders of Israel are habitual liars. They work behind their public's (children's) back and, at least since the so-called Oslo "peace" of 1993, seldom tell the truth. They lie with reckless abandon, to the point that Israel's police force no longer shoots at terrorists. The cops are too afraid of the consequences to do their job. Israel is 60 years old, meaning it is in its second generation. The children of the first generation Labor Party founders produced children who are dragging the nation into ruin, while their children, who were once supposed to defend the land, are mostly too busy with drugs and strange sex to get up in the morning and bother. My interview subjects conclude that Israel is, first, a nation ruled by female sexual addiction. In short, compulsion rules, thought is gone. Here are the behaviors to look for: http://www.nacronline.com/dox/library/marnie.shtml The neurochemical changes that happen in your brain when you engage in sexual activity are closely related to the changes that take place in your brain when you take crack cocaine. So there is a physiological, biological base to this addiction. There is also an emotional component to this addiction. The shame that the addicted person feels is overwhelming... There are four components that make any addiction an addiction. First, there has to be a compulsion... A second key component of any addiction is obsession... The third main hallmark of an addiction is continuing in spite of negative consequences... The last main characteristic of addiction is tolerance; the disease progresses

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either to more and more of the same behavior or to higher risk behaviors. For women who are sex addicts there is a big power component at work. The wounds of sexual abuse are profound. It is my conviction that until we face clearly the wounds of childhood abuse, we will not be helpful to sexual addicts whose struggles are rooted in abuse. We know that eighty-one percent of sexual addicts, both men and women, are adult sexual trauma survivors untreated trauma survivors. It is critical to understand this link between sexually abusive experiences and sexual addiction. Sex addicts believe this: If you really knew me, you would leave me. There is this front that I present to the world, and maybe it looks really good on the outside, but it's not what is on my inside. If you knew me, you would leave. These core beliefs, often impacting us on an unconscious level. ** Interview subject number one adds: "The second generation was abused by and hates their parents, mostly their fathers. They know their allegiance was to foreign beliefs that somehow forged a nation. A whole generation was personally abused, neglected and traumatized by this and is getting even by destroying their abusive fathers' country. They learned to lie and believe they can out-lie daddy and mommy. It's all justified in their heads by the results. They've lost contact with what is honest and not. Just so long as they get their way, anything goes. Whatever opposes their "reality" is simply walked away from. This is total denial, and this is what this generation and the next suffer from. It is not easily curable." Subject two: "They never talk openly about the abuse they suffered. They are too overwhelmed by guilt for that. And no matter how many people they should love get hurt, maimed or murdered, they bear no personal responsibility. Their other "fathers" told them the victims were somehow guilty and

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objective truth will not get in their way. Like the addict who believes sex is power, their passing pleasure is the only milestone which guides them. You agree with their every perverse thought or you pay. If not, you'll be lucky if they leave with little damage. Better odds are they take off in a flurry of, what they believe, is vengeance." ** Let us now look at the real "fathers" of Israel. We begin with why an entrepreneur cannot make a living in Israel and we learn that of a mere 12 people who run the county's economy, three take their orders from the force that is destroying the land, The ‘Council on Foreign Relations’. Needless to say, this group controls every Israeli government including Olmert's. Then we carry on from there: Forbes Reinforces Claim That Kadima Tool of Oligarchs Monday, April 3, 2006 / 5 Nisan 5766 Forbes Israel reported Sunday that twelve business groups control Israel's economy - making it among the most concentrated on the globe. The report echoes warnings by journalist Ari Shavit. According to the report, the business groups are controlled by the following families: Sami Ofer, Nochi Dankner, Shari Arison, the Cerberus-Gabriel consortium, Charles Bronfman, Yitzchak Tshuva, the Saban group, Lev Leviev, Matthew Bronfman, Tzadik Bino, the Borovich family, and Eliezer Fishman. The 12 families own 60 percent of the aggregate market value of all Israeli public companies (excluding the even larger Teva Pharmaceutical Industries), Forbes reported. The report goes on to say that the families have constructed their empires, which consist of Israel's largest companies, using organizational structures that have long ago been done away

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with in the Western world. http://www.mega.nu:8080/ampp/roundtable/CFRA-Elist.html ** 452. BRONFMAN EDGAR MILES,CFR '85, http://www.cfr.org/publication/15505/council_on_foreign_relations_partners_with_the_saban_center_at_brookings_on_middle_east_strategy_for_the_next_president.html The ‘Council on Foreign Relations’ and the Saban Center at Brookings are undertaking an ambitious initiative to develop a nonpartisan blueprint for the next U.S. president, one which can be used as the foundation for the new administration’s Middle East policy. ** 6 Nissan 5768, 11 April 08 10:52 (IsraelNN.com) The London Economist stated that the deteriorating education system threatened Israel's long-term prosperity. The widely respected journal noted that Israel has achieved remarkable success since the re-establishment of the Jewish state 60 years ago but that much of it is becoming a mirage. "Beneath its gleaming high-tech skin, the body of Israel's economy is slightly worn," the magazine stated. "Much of the country's traditional industry, such as machinery, chemicals, clothing and food, which accounts for more than half of its jobs, is lackluster. Average industrial productivity is around half that in America."

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It cited lack of research and development outside of high-tech industries as threatening economic growth. It also expressed concern over the concentration of most of Israeli wealth in the hands of a few families while the rate of poverty grows. ** General Norton A. Schwartz, USAF is Commander, United States Transportation Command, Scott Air Force Base, Illinois. He is nominated to be the next Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force. If confirmed he will be succeeded by General Duncan J. McNabb (USAF).Factually he represents two important firsts, he rose through the USAF as a transport pilot not fighter nor bomber pilot; and he is documented as being the first Jewish USAF leader. General Schwartz attended the United States Air Force Academy and graduated in 1973. He is an alumnus of the National War College, a member of the ‘Council on Foreign Relations’. ** Freemason Israel Prime Ministers, 1948-2008 Prime Minister of Israel http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prime_Minister_of_Israel The Prime Minister of Israel is the head of the Israeli government and is the most powerful political officer in Israel (the President of Israel being a titular figurehead). He or she wields executive power in the country, and has an official residence in Israel's capital, Jerusalem. A total of thirteen different people have served as Prime Minister of Israel, [including "acting" PM's]. Four of those people have served on two non-consecutive occasions.

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Of these 13 people, documentation and/or references found thus far indicate at least eight (8) of these people are (were) Masons: David Ben-Gurion - Freemason Moshe Sharett Levi Eshkol Yigal Allon Golda Meir - Co-Mason Yitzhak Rabin - Freemason Shimon Peres* - Freemason and Jesuit (Roman Catholic) trained Menachem Begin Yitzhak Shamir Benjamin Netanyahu - Freemason Ehud Barak - Freemason Ariel Sharon - Freemason Ehud Olmert** - Freemason ____________________________________________________


* Shimon Peres is presently the President of Israel ** Ehud Olmert is presently the Prime Minister of Israel ____________________________________________________

__ ** Now even the sex addict seeks a partner, and in modern terms, she finds comfort in a slightly more devastated creature known as the crack addict. This is what's running Israel into the ground: http://cocamuseum.com/htm/addiction.htm Nevertheless, that association to the "sexually-prohibited",

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appears to remain as just that, because in the majority of the cases of high doses of pasta, contrary to the cocaine crystal effect, difficulties for erections and inclusively a manifested rejection to sexual activity occur...Slowly, as the consumption of pasta continues, anxiety, hyper-vigilance, fear of being discovered, guilt suspicion and mistrust dominate the individual's psychic until it completely separates him from reality... It is the weak "guardian angel" that wears himself out in promises, despair, reproaches and guilt. And there, at the bottom, behind the scenes, in the darkness of the unconscious, is the other automatic mechanism: a true mischievous little devil that "casually" steers the car's wheel to the corner where pitillos are sold. The pitillero suffers a progressive disorganization of his life, abandons his routine obligations, work, social contact and especially personal cleanliness. There is a noticeable rejection to bathe. The atmosphere around him is dirty, from the handling of the drug, which must be previously mixed with tobacco, to the countless burned matches. The long hours of night vigil, added to the expression of fear and seriousness, give the face a cadaverous and wan aspect. There also exists a sulfuric and penetrating pasta smell, and excessive transpiration and unkemptness, to the point that they are confused with beggars… All of this added to paranoia, perfectly conform a diabolical picture. ** Interviewee number two: "The next stage is just as awful as the first. The sex addict abandons any hints of order and takes up with an even more incurable felon, the crack addict. Under crack, you steal from the people you should be caring for. So, since Prime Minister Shamir, all other prime ministers have been thieves on a major scale. And, needless to say, they never apologize for their crimes. Crack addicts don't know right from wrong, they only know who is persecuting them, in Israel's case,

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the religious public heads the list. When the female sex addict joins with a male crack addict, she loses every time. But her self-esteem is so low, she prefers to be robbed and abused because it's something she knows and believes she deserves." Interviewee number one: "At this point, the sex addict becomes just like Israel, friendless. Even her old friends, who once admired her pluckiness, are gone. She joins her husband in his paranoid attacks against law, order and morality. They now express support for the enemies of their people and hope they can be strengthened enough to put them out of their nightmare. Their abject misery is aimed at the still ethical religious community but it's all a defense against anyone who can expose them. After she takes up with the crack addict, the sex addict will say she is impure, or has sinned against God, but that front will disappear fast enough. Something much worse is about to happen to her." ** www.ngo-monitor.org/article.php?viewall=yes&id=1972 ] Summary Funded by the ‘New Israel Fund’, the Ford Foundation, and a number of European governments, Adalah: The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel claims to be an "independent" organization that promotes "civil and political rights" for the Arab minority in Israel. However NGO Monitor's detailed analysis shows that Adalah is active in promoting the Durban strategy of demonizing Israel using the rhetoric of human rights, "apartheid" and "war crimes". Adalah's campaign for a "Democratic Constitution" is based on "a one-state solution", meaning the elimination of Israel as a Jewish state. **

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Violence In The YeSh"A Council Wed., 2 Iyyar 5768 (5/7/08), 6:19 PM Pinhas Vallerstein of the Yesh"a [Judea, Samaria, & Gaza] Council leaders violently attacked three minors who were putting up posters near Ofra. The posters attacked the YeSh"A Council and its agreement regarding [the removal of some of] its strongholds. Vallerstein ripped up the posters, and with the aid of three security personnel from Ofra, struck the minors, broke into their vehicle, and stole about 2,000 posters. The minors demanded that he identify himself, but he refused, and was identified by the residents of Ofra who were also there. They are currently checking into the filing of a complaint with the police regarding the attack and the theft. ** Caroline Glick , THE JERUSALEM POST Jun. 19, 2008 http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1213794285097&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull The Olmert-Livni-Barak-Yishai government's liquidation sale of Israel's strategic assets opened officially this week. Iran's proxies have pounced on the merchandise. The first asset sold was the security of southern Israel. The Olmert-Livni-Barak-Yishai government's "cease-fire" with Hamas transferred all power to determine the fate of the residents of southern Israel to Iran's Palestinian proxy.

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** Xinhua [China] June 15, 2008 http://english.people.com.cn/90001/90777/6430253.html A group of Hamas-controlled policemen appeared to be very interested while listening to a weapon expert who spent most of the time responding to their curious questions on explosives. During the whole one-hour lesson, the officers, who were of various ages and many of whom bearded, kept on asking questions and the trainer, captain Fares al-Ashi who once received training in South Carolina of the United States, took the time answering. ** IsraelNN.com) Prime Minister Ehud Olmert received a vote of confidence Tuesday from an unlikely source: Israel's muslim Arab legislators, who're supporting muslim Arab/Palestinian terrorism against Israel. The Muslim Arab Knesset factions decided to vote together to block the dissolution of the Knesset, hoping to avoid the rise of pro-Land of Israel parties. ** http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/971913.html About three weeks ago, the Palestinian interior minister, General Abdel Razak al-Yahya, arrived in the Jordanian village of Giftlik to visit the training camp of the "special second battalion" of the Palestinian National Security force. Yahya gathered all 620 soldiers and officers belonging to the first PNS battalion to

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undergo training under an American program and Jordanian guidance - the first supposedly elite unit of what used to be viewed as the Palestinian Authority's army. "Your duty is not to any organization or party, but only to the Palestinian Authority," Yahya told them. ** 2. LIVNI GIVES AWAY NORTHERN JERUSALEM Negotiations for Jerusalem continue apace, with a local Jerusalem paper reporting that Foreign Minister Livni has agreed to give away Atarot Airport. Shas says it's still not leaving the government. The Kol HaZman (All the Time) paper reports that in ongoing secret talks with top Palestinian Authority negotiator Abu Ala, Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni has agreed, in the name of Israel, to transfer the Atarot airfield in northern Jerusalem to PA control. ** (IsraelNN.com) Israel will transfer to the Palestinian Authority 25 armored vehicles from Russia for use in PA controlled areas of Judea and Samaria. Permission for the transfer was granted by the Olmert government during a high-level meeting Thursday night. An additional 25 will be supplied if the first shipment is "properly used," Israeli officials said. Russia has been attempting to transfer the vehicles to the PA for several months, but until Thursday's meeting Israel had refused to permit the transfer. Israel's permission for such transfers is required by the Oslo agreements.

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** RESEARCHERS INVESTIGATE PRE-DISENGAGEMENT MENTAL TRAINING by Maayana Miskin The Jabotinsky Heritage House in Tel Aviv recently completed a study on the psychological training given to IDF soldiers before the 2005 'Disengagement' and its effect on subsequent IDF operations. The psychological training given to soldiers had a serious impact on soldiers' performance in later conflicts, researchers found. Dr. Gadi Eshel said the research team managed to collect a vast amount of material on the mental preparation for the eviction and the eviction itself. The material showed that the army put a great deal of effort into creating terms that would help soldiers to feel that they were doing the right thing, said researcher Ruthie Isakovich. Isakovich labeled the training given to soldiers to mentally prepare them to evict Jews 'brainwashing.' ** Rechovot: Hate of Frum Jews Prompts Vicious Friday Night Attack A 15-year-old and a 16-year-old are facing criminal indictments for an attack that occurred on Friday night when other youths were making their way to a shul for Shabbos services. The children, ages 7, 9 and 11 were on their way into a shul when the accused shouted "dirty frum Jews" and then attacked them. The attackers floored the smaller children, using their fists and a metallic object to beat them, all while their two American Staffordshire Terriers stood by, awaiting the order to attack.

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One of the victims managed to break away and run for help, calling his older brothers. When the attackers realized the victim's two older brothers were coming to assist, they ordered the dogs to attack. The older brothers were bitten on their legs while the attackers continued beating the younger victims with metal pipes. One of the attackers then brandished a knife, stabbing one of the older brothers in his chest. The injured were transported to Kaplan Hospital in Rechovot. Indictments were filed against the attackers on Saturday, both of whom deny the charges. They are being represented by attorney Michael Bouskila. (Yechiel Spira - YWN Israel) ** Police: Prayer books used as toilet paper Police investigating loud partying in Haifa, Israel, said Sunday they found an anti-Semitic nest in which pages of a prayer book were used as toilet paper. Six suspects between the ages of 18 and 20, described as recent immigrants from Russia, were arrested and brought to court for questioning Sunday. Police said they were discovered in an apartment containing the defiled prayer books as well as swastikas and hate slogans, the Israeli Web site Ynetnews.com reported. ** Police Searching for Bnei Brak Shul Arsonist Bnei Brak police have assigned a special task force to investigate what they believe are connected attacks against shuls in the city. Over the past two days, three shuls were set ablaze, resulting in significant damage.

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A fire marshal inspecting last night's fire stated there are definite signs of arson, adding the attackers intended to set the Aron Kodesh ablaze. ** (IsraelNN.com) If current negotiations with the Russians succeed, a large complex in central Jerusalem will be handed over to control of the Russian government. The Foreign Ministry wishes to emphasize that the area is not being sold, but rather being "returned" to its former owners. ** Putin to visit to sign Sergei Courtyard agreement By Gil Zohar Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin is coming to Jerusalem in June or July to sign an agreement with the Israeli government for the handover of the Sergei Courtyard on Heleni ha-Malka Street to Moscow’s control, according to reports in the Russian media. Putin is adamant about regaining the Sergei Courtyard, which currently houses the Ministry of Agriculture, the Nature Authority and the Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel. He reportedly has allocated 10 million rubles ($430,000) to renovate the historic building. The work will be done by the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society, a Russian-Palestinian group. ** THE JERUSALEM POST Nov. 3, 2005 Rabbi David Rosen, the American Jewish Committee's international director of interreligious affairs on Thursday became

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the first Israeli citizen, the first Orthodox rabbi and the fifth living Jew to be invested with a papal knighthood. Rosen received the decoration and citation attesting to his new status as a Knight Commander of the Pontifical Order of St Gregory the Great at a ceremony hosted at the Notre Dame of Jerusalem Center by the Apostolic Delegate in Jerusalem and Palestine and the Apostolic Nuncio in Israel Archbishop Pietro Sambi. Rabbi David Rosen, president of the International Jewish Committee for Interreligious Consultations, is seen in Davos, Switzerland. Rosen will attend an interfaith conference in Madrid at the invitation of Saudi Arabia in July 2008. It's the first invitation of its kind. Saudi Arabia has invited an Israeli rabbi to an interfaith conference in Spain, potentially the first step in wider contacts between the kingdom and Israel, the rabbi told ‘The Associated Press’ on Thursday. The Jerusalem Post discusses the relatively lenient attitude of the Eda Haredit - the ultra-Orthodox umbrella group - towards the Gay Parade to be held in Jerusalem this Thursday, and while it has been suggested that the Gay community might want to rethink its insistence on exercising its right to freedom of speech in this particular venue in this particular way, the editor feels that there is a larger issue at stake here. While Jerusalem may be sacred to all three major monotheistic religions, it is also the capital of a pluralistic democracy that prides itself on its freedom of expression - and woe to a society that curtails its freedom of expression. **

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Same day: ** Knesset Committee Approves Chareidi Education Legislation The Knesset Ministerial Legislative Committee on Sunday afternoon approved legislation authored by Shas MK Meshulam Nahari, addressing chareidi education needs. Two weeks ago, the Knesset Education Committee passed it for presenting it in the Knesset plenum. The law is intended to circumvent a Supreme Court ruling, compelling yeshiva ketanos to comply with a Ministry of Education curriculum to remain eligible for state aid. The court has stated the arrangements must be made by the start of the next school year. ** Paul Eidelbaerg The Bogeyman of Theocracy Israel’s Guardians of Secularism are fond of using the bogeyman of “theocracy” to frighten the public on issues involving the relationship between religion and state. They have conditioned Israelis to believe that “theocracy” means the “rule of priests,” and hardly anything can be more undemocratic, right? Israel’s Secular Priesthood associate theocracy with the Dark Ages, the Catholic Church, Ayatollah Khomeini, Inquisitions, auto-de-fés, tyranny - something utterly contrary to the Enlightenment embodied in “the only democracy in the Middle East.”

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The Illuminati are ever vigilant about “religious coercion.” They fulminate against Sabbath restrictions on commercial activities in a reputedly Jewish state, yet they applaud the secular coercion of a government that expelled 8,000 Jews from their homes in Gush Katif, leveled theirs schools and synagogues, destroyed their farms and factories, and traumatized women and children as well as the elderly while pulverizing their flourishing communities. The hypocrisy of Israel’s Secular Guardians betrays their hatred of Judaism. All the talk about theocracy is obscurantism: there never has been a theocracy – thank God! What the Guardians of Secularism regard as a theocracy or theocratic state is in fact a “clerical” state, where a small minority uses the aura of religion to rule ignorant masses. Today, a small minority in Israel uses the aura of democracy to rule the masses. This ruling minority employs the myth of theocracy to obscure the fact that Israeli democracy is also a myth. ** Interviewee number one: … That ‘something’ is children. And the guilt is enough to destroy both addicts and their existence. All because the sex addict repeats her past and lets her husband have his way with her children. ** http://groups.msn.com/narcissisticpersonalitydisorder/leedom.msnw "When addicts and those with antisocial personality disorder have children, their families face special challenges. Emotional scars inevitably result from a union with an individual with antisocial personality disorder or addiction. A spouse can end up sharing

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life with an addict when addiction develops over the course of a marriage. In other cases, conning and trickery are involved. For some, the union results from rape, perhaps a date rape. Most of us would not knowingly or willingly have a child with such a person, thus the reality is some children are born after physical (or what feels like psychological) rape...a genetically at risk child develops a chemical as well as spiritual imbalance. The nature of this chemical imbalance and brain dysfunction in addiction is not yet fully understood and may be different for different addicts. The important point is that parenting affects the structure, function and chemistry of the child’s brain. ** Interviewee One: "If there is crack in the house and a baby or child, it will be altered for life. The woman doesn't need to smoke it to affect the baby. If she's at work and he lights up, the child will get the smoke in him/her. If the child isn't home, ashes and powder will be on the floor. It will get in him/her and change him for good. He will lose a lifetime of seratonin and dopamine. That means his thinking will never be the same. His concept of day and night will leave with the loss of his melatonin. He may never sleep soundly for a whole night again. Or her father will abuse her through irrationality, violence or sexually." Interviewee Two: "The effect on the mother will be endless guilt. When it comes to her child she will suffer from a personality disorder, giving her any freedom she desires. The child reacts by hating her mother and concluding that she let her be violated, thus she is "on her own." The mother will try to placate the child until she runs out of money. And Lord save anyone who tries to interfere. This phenomena ran the Oslo process and will continue in the next generation. She may try to run from the crack addict but will always return. The chances for cure are negligible. Together they will run Israel on complete

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insanity." ** My friend met the guy who "negotiated" the water part of the "Peace Treaty" at his farm in the Jordan valley and also in his office in Amman. He is a relative of the royal family and was Jordanian water commissioner at the time of the agreement. He keeps a copy of the "Peace Treaty" on his desk to show his Israeli "visitors" how much of a rush the Israeli negotiators were in to complete the agreement. He said that the Jordanians presented an opening gambit that they knew would be argued down, considerably -- but guess what -- the Israelis accepted the whole thing without really reading it! - Regards, Menachem ** Hi Barry, I suspect that the death of Uzi Cohen, the vice to the Major of Raanana, about a couple of months ago, was one of those "heart attacks". He served for at least a couple of decades as a superb maintenance prefect in town, resulting with part of its fame in the country for a (relatively) high standard of living even in the public places and spaces. He was also a most realistic politician who realized exactly what was going on and how to handle the situation, lest for clandestine murder squads. He was framed by Doris Beinicht and then the state media launched a filthy dirt campaign against him.

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In a matter of a day or two, the man that used to be as healthy as an Ox, was reported to have been departed due to a sudden heart attack. ** AGENT PROVOCATEUR & THE ABUSE OF POWER By Emanuel A. Winston, Planting "Agents Provocateurs" among the people has continued, mostly because of the Israeli government’s need to provoke the people into believing it is the political and religious Right, not the Arab Muslim Palestinians who are the problem. Unfortunately, the once admired Shabak has allowed itself to become a political instrument for successive Leftist governments. If that were not bad enough, the current Minister of Education, Yuli Tamir (a rabid Leftist in Shalom Achshav - Peace Now) insisted on coming to the ‘Mercaz HaRav Yeshiva’ after the massacre. The Yeshiva heads told her to stay away. This woman hates the religious of Israel and has cut their education budgets drastically - especially compared to the budgets for the secular schools of higher education. But, Yuli Tamir came anyway as a "Provocateur", while knowing she would be shouted at and called "traitor" which is exactly what she wanted. She deliberately provoked a scene to demonstrate "how these religious students are dangerous to this government". Unconfirmed reports indicated that a student, still in mourning and enraged for his dead friends, kicked her leg or her behind. **

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Rebecca Anna Stoil and Jpost staff , THE JERUSALEM POST Mar. 12, 2008 The police officers who were the first to arrive on the scene of last week's terror attack at the Merkaz Harav Yeshiva left two flak jackets and an automatic weapon in their patrol car and were completely exposed when they approached the building on foot, Army Radio reported on Thursday. According to the report, which quotes a police investigation of the incident, standard operating procedure requires all police officers on patrol to carry automatic weapons and flak jackets so as to be prepared in the event of an exceptional situation - such as a terrorist attack. The investigation found that the two police officers who arrived at the scene did possess the required equipment. ** Israelis question account of soldier's death at Sarkozy farewell Official version of sequence of events during which young Israeli Arab soldier killed during French leader's send-off called cover-up. http://www.israeltoday.co.il/default.aspx?tabid=178&nid=16454 ** Ehud Zion Waldoks , THE JERUSALEM POST May. 1, 2008 http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1209626990507&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull Gaza's water authority has dumped 60 million liters of partially treated and untreated sewage into the Mediterranean Sea since January 24, the UN's Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs said in a report released on Wednesday.

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"The sewage discharge is contaminating Gaza seawater and posing health risks for bathers and consumers of seafood. The sewage flows northward to Israeli coasts, including near the Ashkelon desalination plant. Urgent studies are needed to examine the extent of the impact. ** *

Three More Reasons Why: The Whole World’s Going Crazy

REASON ONE: THE NEXT INQUISITION AGAINST THE JEWS AND THEY DIDN'T EVEN SHOW UP It is Black Friday, June 13, and two of the world's most hideous monsters meet in Rome. They are Wermacht volunteer, pope Benedict XVI, and George Bush Jr., grandson of Adolph Hitler's number one American financier, Prescott Bush. The irony was not lost on the war pope. He had already chosen his name in emulation of Benedict XV, the pope of World War One. Instead of meeting in the papal office, the holy see had a new location for the secretive tete a tete, '’The Tower Of St. John’. There, they spoke of peace in the Holy Land, without forgetting globalization and world starvation. Benedict loved the Tower. It was his office from 1995-02 when he was ‘Secretary For The Doctrine Of Faith’, or in actual fact for a millennia he would be called, ‘Chief Torturer Of The Inquisition’. Nothing about this meeting was accidental: not the date, not the new location. Only one thing was missing; in a meeting

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between a Nazi pope and the progeny of the Nazis' most enthusiastic American supporter, there to discuss "peace" in Israel, in the office of the ‘Chief Of The Inquisition’, who in America or Israel even knew the meeting took place? Mucho loco! ** http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20080613/ts_nm/bush_europe_dc VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Benedict gave George W. Bush an unprecedented welcome in the tranquility of the Vatican Gardens on Friday before the U.S. president resumed his campaign to rally European support for sanctions against Iran. Under tight security, Bush was driven from the bustle of Rome into the idyllic setting. As birds chirped, the two entered a restored medieval tower and held 30 minutes of private talks. "Such an honor, such an honor," Bush said to the pope. A Vatican statement said the two discussed the "defense of fundamental moral values" as well as the Middle East and a commitment to peace in the Holy Land, globalization, and the world food crisis. ** The office of Cardinal Bertone -- The secretary of state to the Vatican -- is located in Torre di San Giovanni - The Tower of St. John - - where Pope Benedict meets President Bush.

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Cardinal Bertone served from 1995 to 2002 as secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, where he was deputy to then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger.... now Pope Benedict ** http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/eu...ism-846953.html But yesterday the Vatican was seething at rumours that there was much more to it than protocol: George Bush, lifelong Methodist, was about to convert. Cardinal Pio Laghi, the papal envoy to the White House, said: "Bush believes in the values of the Church and his brother is a convert." ** REASON TWO: THE MURDERER RETURNS TO HIS ALMA MATER In 1995, Bar Ilan University was used by the Shabak to gather anti-Oslo agitators and ultimately, to murder Yitzhak Rabin. The head agitator was law student Yigal Amir. He directed numerous students to the phoney seminars led by his handler Avishai Raviv. Once Rabin was knocked off, Amir framed Bar Ilan law student Margalit Har Shefi into prison, and Bar Ilan student Yitzhak Newman died mysteriously in a murder the Shabak called suicide. If you want the whole litany of crimes against Bar Ilan U, order my book ‘Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin’ from me. By November 1995, Bar Ilan U. was known as the assassination capital of Israeli academia. Except, as is now well known in Israel, President Shimon Peres and Shabak chief Carmi Gillion, set up Bar Ilan U. to take the rap for Rabin's murder. A recent poll shows that only 47% of the

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Israeli public respects their President. Much of the rest knows he rubbed out Rabin. So what does Bar Ilan U. do? It gives Peres, its attempted executioner, a ‘Lifetime Achievement’ award. Bar Ilan U. is crazy. Crazy, Crazy, Crazy, Crazy, crazy. ** Gary Rosenblatt - Editor And Publisher Jerusalem – The symbolic significance of Israeli President Shimon Peres receiving a Lifetime Achievement award this past week from Bar-Ilan University was not lost on the hundreds of attendees at the elegant ceremony. Here was Shimon Peres, who epitomizes the secular, dovish element of society, being honored by – and in turn praising – the only university in the country that requires both Jewish and secular studies for all of its students and that is still perceived by many as right-wing Orthodox in orientation, perhaps because it is the alma mater of Yigal Amir, the assassin of Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin. ** REASON THREE: THE MAN ON THE RIGHT IS FROM THE LEFT It was in July 1994 that the late assassinated rabbi Binyamin Kahane, son of the late assassinated rabbi Meir Kahane, told me why he quit his father's organization, Kach. He said, "It got to the point that I couldn't tell the agents from the members." In November,1995 Kach agent Avishai Raviv set up his stoolie Yigal Amir to be the patsy for the Rabin murder. Among Raviv's helper-agents was Itamar Ben Gvir, who organized phoney media

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events for Amir's phoney radical organization, Eyal. Go to the articles section of my web site for a complete list of Kach/Shabak operations headed by Ben Gvir, including the wrecking of any opposition to the Gush Katif forced evacuation. Other Kach/Shabak operations made victims of innocent members like Baruch Goldstein, for his frameup of the Feb. '94 Hebron massacre, and Natan Zada, who, as I accurately predicted in Gush Katif a week before it happened, slaughtered Arab innocents in Shfaram just prior to the inevitable pullout of 10,000 Jews from their homes. Zada spent 2 months in an IDF prison before he suddenly decided to spend 3 weeks AWOL from the army in a "pro-Kahane" compound before he was mesmerized enough to go through with his murders. Just as worrisome is Kach member Avigdor Eskin's choosing of women suffering from multiple personality disorder to further brainwashing and fooling into fulfilling Shabak operations against religious Jews. Two of his "successes" include Tatiana Suskin, who sat in prison for two years after distributing pictures of Mohamed as a pig one Shabbat in Hebron, and Larissa Trimbobler, who left her family and four children, though residing in the same house, to "marry" Yigal Amir. The prison services agreed with the operation and allowed or missed, Amir impregnating Trimbobler. And in America, an organization called Bnai Elim plasters its web site with pictures of Meir Kahane, but on the last page of its blog, is an ad to join the secret services. These guys aren't crazy...we are. ** “…

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http://bnaielim.org/ http://bnaielim.blogspot.com/ The Blogmaster of this Blog is retired from B’nai Elim and was their former International Chairman and Chief of Intelligence and Security. Do You Qualify??? Click this link for a Career as an Intelligence Officer for the United States Intelligence Agency Careers...Click Here If You Have What It Takes http://www.intelligence.gov/index.shtml ” ** Links to Related Information Civilians Working for National Defense - Careers in US Defense Job Vacancies in the Intelligence Community This page contains links to sites at which various Intelligence Community members post their job vacancy announcements. These are announcements of positions that need to be filled immediately. In addition, many of the IC members hire people on an ongoing basis to ensure that future personnel needs are met expeditiously. In these cases, there may not be specific job vacancies advertised. Visitors interested in pursuing careers in the IC are encouraged to browse through the Place for You section on this site to find out about employment opportunities and how to become

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involved. If you would like to review current job openings within specific IC member organizations, follow the pertinent links below. *


In mid-1995 I wrote in my newsletter, which later became page 112 of my book, ‘Traitors and Carpetbaggers in the Promised Land’; Beilin announced that negotiations with the Russian Orthodox Church over land claims in Jerusalem had been settled and ownership of prime real estate in Jerusalem would revert to the church. Among the lands now owned by the church are a large percentage of the property housing the Jerusalem Court building and Police headquarters. The deal is now done, but try to find anything in English about it. This is the best I could find and it's not very good. ** http://www.israeltoday.co.il/default.aspx?tabid=178&nid=12910 Russia wants control of downtown Jerusalem Moscow is in negotiations to purchase a large section of downtown Jerusalem once controlled by the Russian government prior to Israel's rebirth in 1948. The 17-acre Russian Compound is today home to a large police facility and detention center, numerous pubs and restaurants and

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a large Russian Orthodox church. The Russian government built up the area in the 1860s to accommodate the large number of Russian pilgrims who were visiting Jerusalem every year, particularly around the time of Easter. Negotiations over the land have been ongoing since the premiership of Ehud Barak some seven years ago. The Russians are reportedly prepared to pay $100 million for the prime real estate. Speaking to Israel National News, an Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman stressed that Israel is not "selling" the land to Russia, but rather "returning" the area to its former owners - a very dangerous way of putting things considering the Arab claim to all of what is today the Jewish state. ** In Hebrew, however, the reversion of a large chunk of downtown Jerusalem to the Russians is hidden but detailed news. Allow me to translate: http://rotter.net/news/newsdata.php?prm=http://www.haaretz.co.il/hasite/pages/ShArtPE.jhtml?itemNo=983592&contrassID=2&subContrassID=6&sbSubContrassID=0 After it was agreed to transfer the Russian Compound of Jerusalem to them, the Russians now are going after Sergei Square on Heleni HaMalka Street, and Prophets Lane, where residents have already received eviction notices. The Israeli government has agreed to hand over the properties to Russia this July.

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Israel ambassador to Russia, Anna Ezri was quoted by the websites Interfax and Commercenet, "We did some serious negotiating and now have no other demands or claims. Sergei Square will be transferred to Russia with 2 months..." ** Residents of the neighborhoods tried to intervene with the Russian negotiators using attorneys but to no avail. etc. http://rotter.net/news/newsdata.php?prm=http://www.haaretz.co.il/hasite/pages/ShArtPE.jhtml?itemNo=983387&contrassID=2&subContrassID=6&sbSubContrassID=0 The Russian church has gone to war to evict the residents of Jerusalem's Russian Compound. "We are fighting Putin," they say. Suddenly a resident awakes to discover he is evicted from his home of forty years. The Russian church is not even offering compensation. ** And so on. Find a Hebrew reader for all the ugly details. Israel is now for sale. Sell your property before it's expropriated. The Russians have come and own the best parts of downtown Jerusalem and they want more. The government will give it to them. Then of course, there are the Arabs. Don't wait for the next bargain basement sell-off of your property. Just leave while there is time. Unless you are prepared to fight for your...No, the Jews won't fight.

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In late July, Israel will stop receiving water from Lake Kinneret (Sea Of Galilee) which supplies 70% of the national supply and the country will fall into deep thirst. The ignorant pundits think this is because of weather: ISRAEL FACING "UNPRECEDENTED" DROUGHT http://www.jnewswire.com/article/2428 ** KINNERET DROPS BY 6 C.M. OVER PESSAH by JPost Staff, April 27, 2008 http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1208870499312&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull The water level in the Sea of Galilee, Israel’s largest reservoir and freshwater source, has dropped by six centimeters (2.36 inches) over the Passover holiday, the Water Authority announced. In July the level is expected to drop below the “Black Line,” the absolute lower limit below which no more water can be pumped from the lake. Experts predict Israel to experience a drought of potentially unprecedented proportions because of a relatively dry winter that follows on the heels of several dry years. The Black Line is met

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when water levels drop to a point so low that the openings of the pumps are exposed and further pumping becomes simply impossible. ** The truth is that the Kinneret is drying up from the activities of the "peacemakers." I should know. In 1994, I interviewed the chief Israeli negotiator of the Water Treaty between Jordan and Israel. Back then I was the Israeli correspondent for a London company called the Gemini News Service. Thanks to them, my work was published widely throughout Third World newspapers. I noticed a newspaper quote about the water negotiations from Yaacov Tsemach of the national water company, Tahal. It caught my eye because a Yaacov Tsemach was my really good, longtime army buddy. I admired his sharp wit and, a rarity among Israelis, great sense of humor. So I called Tahal and to my total delight, it was my buddy on the line. We arranged to meet and got along like old times. He was the assistant to the chief negotiator of the water sections of the then-building, Israeli-Jordanian Peace Treaty. I asked if I could interview the negotiator and he said he'd put in a good word for me. Well, a good word from Yaacov did the trick. If I agreed to keep the negotiator's name anonymous, he would meet with me within the week. We met at a Tel Aviv restaurant and he began, like all good bureaucrats, handing me graphs and surveys. In retrospect, I've wondered why I brought out so many sources, but the truth must be, the rest of the media were selling "peace" and I was looking where they chose not to enter. The bar graphs showed a lot of blue above the "red" line of the lake over 30 odd years before the Treaty, then it sunk after the proposed "peace" agreement. I,

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naturally, asked what happened. The negotiator ordered a drink, then shortly after, another. And he became teary. "I sure hope our leaders know what they're doing," he said. "Because if they're wrong, the Kinneret will disappear in a generation. Within twenty years, it will be nearly useless for our water needs." I asked what he meant. He then gave me the title of my Gemini article, "Giving Away Dream Water." "The government is going to give away 50 million cubic meters of lake water a year and they ordered me to find it. I'm giving away dream water." The negotiator told me where he went looking for the water. "There are brackish streams on the west of the lake. We'll give that away. We'll dam the Yarmuk and give that water away. But it was supposed to flow into the system anyway. There is no water to give away. Not even 5 million cubic meters. The government is so anxious to sign the Treaty with Jordan that it's accepting all their arguments. The truth is the Kinneret is our lake. They have no claim on it." The seriousness of the man's dilemma became more obvious as I walked him to his car. "You think 50 million cubic meters is nothing? And it is in one year, provided it's replenished the following year. But 50 million compounded year after year will suck the lake dry in one generation, after staying stable for millennia. Just don't write that I killed our lake." And still, the writers from Israel report on dry winters and hot springs as the cause of the upcoming disaster. One of the

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real killers of the lake is currently ‘President of the State’. Remember him with deep emotion when your tap runs dry. *** And now the Disengagement of Judea and Samaria is on. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) will be abandoning 40 villages, leaving in its place, rent-a-cops. And ten villages won't even get private guards. They are on their own. Don't ask why the residents pay taxes for protection. It's gone. And for this we can thank the Pipes Plan of '05. Why use the army to pull the Jews out of Gaza when all the army has to do is leave? http://www.danielpipes.org/blog/287 Should the [Israeli] government go ahead with the forcible removal of Jewish residents of Gaza, intra-Israeli violence appears to be a distinct possibility. Which in turn, makes me wonder why the Israeli authorities do not take quite a different track and merely stop providing security for them. Faced with the withdrawal of the Israel Defense Forces, Israeli residents of Gaza can make up their own minds about what to do. Presumably, they will peacefully leave their houses. This should be done with much advance notice: "On some date in 2005, the IDF will be withdrawn from Gaza. Make your decisions accordingly." ** The author of the ghastly plan is Daniel Pipes, a neo-con member of the ‘Council on Foreign Relations’, who got his money and influence not through any talent, he has little enough of that, but because his daddy Richard was head of the CIA's Soviet

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Office. http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/125978 In the latest in a series of decisions making Jewish life in Judea and Samaria more difficult, the army is leaving 40 towns. The IDF is transferring the responsibility for protecting 40 Jewish towns in Judea and Samaria (Yesha) to private firms, and withdrawing protection altogether from ten others. The Yesha Council's Security Officer, Shlomo Vaknin, says, "The government is privatizing our security." ** Recent decisions affecting the personal and communal safety in Yesha towns include the following: � Cancellation of Mivtzar program, in which a local emergency response team is trained by the army, to be utilized in case of a terrorist infiltration or other such crisis. "Mivtzar was the ideal response to the threat on our towns," Vaknin explains. "The fighters know the area, are well-trained, and their presence here was permanent and binding. The towns near Gaza and in the north want to copy this program - yet here the army is cancelling it..." � Collection of weapons from the communities. The army explains that weapons had been stolen from residents, and that any trained resident who wishes to obtain a gun can do so. � Cancellation of subsidies for enforcing private cars' windows from rock attacks.

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� Withdrawal of National Service girls from security headquarters in the towns. � Cancellation of budgeted funding for protecting school buses for special-education and handicapped children against shooting attacks. "We will not be able to open the school year next year if a solution is not found," Vaknin warns. � Cancellation of budgeted funding for running security vehicles. "Some towns simply cannot use their security vehicles anymore," Vaknin says. ** Of the neo-con agenda, Israelis were given a one evening course of their deranged thinking by one John Loftus in '03. Loftus was a member of the board of the ‘Root and Branch Association’, and I add, my favorite lecturing ground in Jerusalem. And when he was scheduled to speak, chairman Arye Gallin invited me to watch his speech and present Loftus with my books. I did this, but I wouldn't sign the books. I used to be a top drawer, getting up to 100 for my speeches. One DVD I sell, ‘The Vatican's New Campaign for Jerusalem’, was recorded at ‘Root and Branch’. But for Loftus, the crowds were around the block outside the building. Close to 300 were there for him. And did he disappoint! He began well, giving an overview of the oil cabal he described in the book co-written with Mark Aarons, ‘The Secret War Against The Jews’. The villains were the likes of J.D. Rockefeller, Prescott Bush, the Dulles brothers, John Foster and Allen, etc. When I asked him why he just didn't say that ALL his secret warriors

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were initial members of the CFR, he turned flush with anger and said, "Anyone who associates the CFR with the oil cartel is nuts. The President is his own man and takes no advice from his father." And then he added, "The Oslo Accord was good for you and you should not retaliate for attacks against it." Finally, the audience awoke. "Not retaliate?" one asked. "We've suffered 2,000 casualties since Oslo." I add, it's past 10,000 now. "Don't worry," he added. "WE have everything in control. Saddam Hussein snuck out his weapons of mass destruction at night by truck when our satellites couldn't see them, into the Bekaa Valley of Syria. After Iraq, we'll take them from Syria." Stunned crowd! Sitting next to me is Gemma Blech, the photographer of my book ‘Bye Bye Gaza’. She observes, "He's giving away the New World Order plan." And then, continued Loftus, "We'll sweep into Iran and polish them off." Loftus returned to America and to his commentator job at Fox-News. Twelve of the audience met at a Kosher Italian restaurant down the street to digest the insanity we had heard. We agreed, this was the Bush, neo-con battle plan. And whatever you may think of the Iraqi resistance, without it, the Pipes-Loftus-Cheney-Rumsfield et al gang would have had their way with ease. But back in Israel today, the water will be a trickle by late July and the IDF is taking Pipes at his word.

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FROM YOM KIPPUR 1973 TO PASSOVER 2008 With nearly all lines to Israel cut for five days due to the Sabbath followed by the Passover holiday, the only news received in America was that a Holocaust-surviving rabbi named Arthur Schneier, had invited a former Hitler Youth and Wermacht soldier now called Benedict XVI to address his synagogue: Pope Benedict XVI made interfaith history yesterday by being the first pope to visit an American synagogue a 125-year-old New York landmark where congregants gave him a standing ovation and Jewish children sang a joyous greeting song. Rabbi Arthur Schneier, the spiritual leader of Park East Synagogue on Manhattan's Upper East Side, appeared overwhelmed, calling the visit "a historic occasion that will be recorded in history forever." ** I was blissfully ignorant of the background of this atrocity when I appeared on the Tamar Yonah radio show. http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/125840 ** Fortunately, a caller named Dan from Herzlia was far more attuned than I and added the ugly details. Rabbi Schneier sits on the ‘Council on Foreign Relations' (CFR) ‘Religion And Foreign Policy Committee’ with Madeleine Albright and double sits on the UN's ‘Alliance Of Civilization Initiative’ founded by Edgar

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Bronfman of the CFR, whose children are reportedly Catholic. The circle is now unbroken from Yom Kippur 1973 to Passover 2008. Israelis still believe the war was a giant intelligence failure. Nonsense. The Mossad saw a million Egyptian soldiers and most of the Syrian army on its borders and they warned the government of an impending war. What it didn't know was that Defense Minister Moshe Dayan had cut a murderous deal with US Secretary Of State Henry Kissinger, of the highest executive branch of the CFR, not to mobilize the Israeli army. Worse, Dayan thinned troops on the Suez Canal to 600. Had there been a mere 6000 soldiers waiting, not an Egyptian would have crossed the canal and a million would have potentially been wiped out. On the Golan, Dayan had a last minute change of heart and added 50 tanks. Israelis have been told that, under the brave leadership of Col. Kahalane, these fifty just barely saved the nation. More Nonsense. The Syrians swept to a bridge on the Jordan River within a day and stopped. They stopped because the deal was no Israeli call-up for no capture of pre-67 land and the Syrians abided by the terms. Had they cheated, the road to Tiberius and the Galilee was all theirs, unimpeded. At best, Israel would have surrendered and traded the Galilee for the Golan. I was motivated to properly interpret the Yom Kippur War for you by a recent History Channel program on the Bildebergers. Interviewed was a man with many Jewish problems, and I warned him they would get him in trouble, David Icke. He claimed that in May of 1973, the decision to raise the price of oil in quantum leaps was made at the annual Bildeberg meeting. The means chosen was the Yom Kippur War.

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He was right about that but was not quoted how the Arabs played ball with the CFR. The US and Holland were embargoed by OPEC right after the war broke out. Then the days of cheap oil ended for good. From 30 cents a barrel, by the year's end the figure had almost reached two dollars. Soon, the largest ever West to East money transfer was under way and suddenly, the Arabs had trillions of dollars in their vaults. This cash was invested mostly in American banks with Chase Manhattan of the Rockefellers, founders of the CFR, getting a lion's share. This permitted the banks to invest in any half-cocked scheme hatched by any dictator and soon most of South America and parts of Africa couldn't even repay the interest. Then whole nations, like Argentina and Mexico went belly up. They found themselves bankrupted by American financial institutions. Back in Israel, times were getting tough too. JP Morgan was a founder of the CFR and his London branch affiliate, Morgan Grenfell, gave the Russians $3 billion to rearm Syria. “Prominent among the Round Table group is the London affiliate of the Morgan banking interests in New York, known as Morgan, Grenfell & Co. It was shortly after the Yom Kippur War that Morgan, Grenfell & Co. had arranged for a $3 billion financial transaction to resupply Syria and Egypt with armaments.” Rabbi Marvin Antelman – ‘To Eliminate The Opiate’, Part II, pp 113 With Tupelovs landing in Damascus hourly, Syria had the arms to keep up the war until Israel ran out of equipment. On the eighth day of the war, that moment was close. There is an apocryphal story that has become myth in certain Christian circles. Unfortunately, it didn't happen the way they'd wish it did. True, Kissinger, the good Jew that he is, publicly stated that his goal was to give Israel a bloody nose, so it would be less stubborn in his negotiations. And also true, Nixon was up to his

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eyeballs in Watergate and Falkland War diversions. With the background right, the myth has Golda Meir phoning Tricky at 3 AM on the eighth day of war, telling him, "You, Mr. President, are the only man in the world who can save the Jews." Nixon recalls his saintly mother telling him, "Someday son, you'll be the only man in the world who can save the Jews." And so he resupplied Israel. The much uglier truth is that Kissinger got his Israeli bloody nose and added conditions to the resupply. The worst one that we KNOW of was a demand that once the war ends, Mrs. Meir would resign as prime minister and her successor would be Kissinger's puppy, Yitzhak Rabin. Rabin was the Ambassador to Washington, a post he resigned the year before, to campaign for Nixon. Just prior to the war, he wrote a highly influential article assuring his readers that the Arabs won't attack Israel for another generation. Getting him to be Meir's successor was no easy task. Rabin had never been a politician, did not sit in the Knesset, and was probably about 90th in the Labor Party hierarchy. But Golda quickly made him Minister of Labor, Knesset seat or not, she resigned and Rabin was in the PM's office just as Kissinger began his shuttle diplomacy to separate Syrian and Israeli troops. He may have made a hundred trips between Damascus and Jerusalem before having his epiphany. The Syrians wanted the Golan and Rabin was in no position to offer it to them. Then again, thought Henry the K, Syria also wants Lebanon to create its dream of a newly rehatched Greater Syria. Well, we can hand it to them. All we need to do is blow up a Christian school bus in Beirut, kill 32 children and get a renewed civil war going. Then Syria could come in as "peacemakers."

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Everyone was so delighted with the plan! Why, in a secret cable, even King Hussein of Jordan approved of it. (Israel Radio Bet, on one news bulletin in 1999). So the CIA blew up the kids in 1975, stirred up ethnic tension and the war was on. By 1976 the Syrian army entered to quell the bloodshed, Rabin announced phoney Lebanese 'red lines" and the troops were separated on the Golan. The man who told me the story was ex-Science Minister Benny Begin. I visited him for over 90 minutes in the Knesset. He told this story and said he got it straight from Rabin. He added that Rabin was chuckling when he related how the Lebanese Civil War really got started and Begin asked him, "Why are you laughing? There were 300,000 dead in that war." Rabin smirked and assured him, "Don't worry. It was a great deal for us." The next "peacemaker" to rise from the ashes of Yom Kippur was Ariel Sharon. Benny Begin told me, "You don't know who Sharon really is. Nobody does. He's a far leftist hiding in the Right. He destroyed my father and he'll destroy many other lives." And it was Sharon's own spokesman, Raanan Gissen who gave me the first solid tip. In 1997, Sharon had been spotted at an Israeli economic fair entering a private room with Kissinger and I was told this by a delegate to the event. I called Gissen right after and will only give the relevant quote. I asked, "Why did Sharon have a private meeting with Kissinger?" He answered, "The Minister has met with Mr. Kissinger on every trip to the US since January, '74.” Why?, I asked. "The Minister is good friends with Mr. Kissinger." Now, knowing Gissen's huge ego and the fact that he believed his spokesman's career would lead to Hollywood movies, I blurted, "What do you know about the ‘Council on Foreign Relations’?" A daring stroke but it got an odd answer. "The Minister has instructed me not to discuss that issue until he

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completes his memoirs." That, of course, will wait until he gets a new brain. Over time, a broader story was poked out of a discussion here, a loose tongue there. Sharon was chosen by Kissinger because he was the hero of the Yom Kippur War and the only unsullied general other than the protected Rabin. Before the war he created a far left wing party called ShlomZion and invited other lefties like Amnon Lipkin-Shahak and Yossi Sarid to join him. Kissinger told him to take his party, join it with Menachem Begin's Herut and wreck the Right politically from within. Sharon created the Likud from his party, the Liberals and Herut. He would soon destroy Begin and bulldoze the Sinai city of Yamit. Which brings us back to our first "peacemaker," - Moshe Dayan. The man who told me what happened was Yossi Orr, a co-inventor of the Uzi and a political insider. It was 1979, Sadat had made his historic trip to Jerusalem, I suspect but cannot prove, with the approval of the big boys, and Begin was at Camp David with now-proven Jew hater, Jimmy Carter, and his CFR, Trilateral Commission gang of Mondale, Vance and Brzezinski. What Begin didn't know was that Moshe Dayan, the unpopular – yes – traitorous Foreign Minister Carter had forced on him, was working with the CFR. Alongside him was Ezer Weizmann, outside the scope of this discussion. According to Orr, Begin gave up his lifetime ideology due to deep psychological brainwashing. His coffee was drugged and his aides backed Carter's on every point and issue. Begin collapsed mentally and gave up every inch of the Sinai. In time, Rabin brought us the CFR's Oslo "Peace" and Sharon permanently destroyed Gaza as demanded by the State Department and its CFR Secretary. The Vatican joined the plot openly with Rabin's "peace" and in Passover 2008, sent their Nazi

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pope into a synagogue run by a CFR "rabbi" crook. And the Jews applauded. And they will continue to applaud until the upcoming war, this time using the CFR's Condeleeza Rice to coerce and corrupt Israel's leadership into disaster. But worst of all, the Jews won't get who caused the Holocaust of Israel. *

I CAN NEVER GO HOME ANYMORE. BIG DEAL Well, my fine readers, I made the headlines in Israel again. I lost the following "legal" action: Is calling rightist a ‘Shin Bet agent’ libelous? Website owner Barry Chamish ordered by court to pay Itamar Ben-Gvir NIS 36,000 in damages Aviram Zino Published: 03.06.08, 11:25 / Israel News Barry Chamish, owner of several internet websites, was ordered Thursday by the Magistrates’ Court to pay extreme right-wing activist Itamar Ben-Gvir NIS 36,000 (about $10,000) for referring to the latter as a Shin Bet agent on one of his sites. Magistrates’ Court Judge Oded Shaham ruled that this statement is libelous in nature, and ordered Chamish to pay Ben-Gvir the aforementioned sum in damages. According to the court’s verdict, on April 15, 2005, Chamish published an article on his website entitled “Eskins Folly”. In the aforementioned article, Hamish stated that “Ben Gvir is clearly… a Shin Bet agent, a provocateur. He had committed

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criminal offenses so many times over…. He is on trial every other month but is always acquitted on some technicality…” Several additional articles in this vane are furthermore quoted in the verdict. Judge Shaham noted that “these publications portrayed Ben-Gvir as a dishonest and dangerous man. Ben-Gvir was deemed a traitor to his right-wing cause in these articles, and was even accused of committing fraud.” "Some of these articles indicate that Ben-Gvir, while apparently opposed to the Gaza, worked actively to thwart all opposition to the disengagement, and others even stated that he convinced a man to stone an innocent bystander to death. All of these assertions undoubtedly constitute libel.” In reaction to the verdict Ben-Gvir stated, “ I have no doubt that some of the malicious rumors circulating about me originated from Shin Bet, and were designed to cause rifts and arguments.” "I never, however, stopped working on behalf of the Jewish people and the ;and of Israel, irrespective of how hard the Left has tried to stop me.” ** What should be known is I didn't even fight this case. I knew it was lost in the rigged world of the Israeli court system. I found out how crooked the courts are while fighting Avigdor Eskin. After losing the case, as is my right, I submitted an appeal based on another trial where Eskin told the court that, "I have worked for the Shabak." Two witnesses, attorney Dov Even-Or and my lovely girlfriend at the time, Zippora, watched me take the court files to be notarized and submit the appeal to the judge. And they watched the judge flaunt Israeli law by refusing

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to accept my right to appeal. I knew then that I was supposed to lose and all legal avenues would be employed to defend a state agent. In my last months in Israel, I reported that Sharon was poisoned just before his stroke and then, I had a stroke. This was followed by time-wasting and expensive law suits and concluded with a car "accident" that almost killed me. I ran for my life and if police-snitch Ben Gvir expects to see even a dime from me, it won't ever be in Israel. I don't accept the Israeli courts as legitimate houses of justice, nor do I accept the Israeli government as the rightful rulers of the Jews. In that cuckoo land, calling someone an agent of the secret services is libelous and writers can't present objective facts lest they feel the wrath of the Mafia's courts. (see those facts at the end of the article). Israel wanted to shut me down, so I join the ranks of Jonathan Pollard or Tzaviya Sariel who have been bitterly punished by exposing how rotten the rulers of the place truly are. So, I can never go home anymore. Big deal! Read an attorney's summation of my trial: Dear Barry. I wanted to share some thoughts about your case involving Itamar G'vira. No one will ever know who is truly Shabak. Shabak is not compelled to openly identify themselves as the accusers in cases against Jews. Facetiously, a person never arrested is sure to be Shabak (G'vir?) but then a person frequently arrested may also be Shabak (to be jail shtinker). So then who is really Shabak?

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Now since truth is a complete defense (in civilized courts) to libel and slander, if G'vir is Shabak and you could prove it, you should be exempt from damages. But it is "legally" impossible to prove this in an Israeli court given the secrecy of the secret service. This defense was never available to you. More puzzling, since Shabak is "godlike" in Israel (their allegations in court are infallible) how can it be actionable to call someone "Shabak?" Wouldn't such an identification be praiseworthy? Shouldn't you then be entitled to a reward or bonus? To add to the confusion , the Courts of Israel traditionally don't give damages for the loss of the reputation of a "right wing extremist" nor extract them from a left wing Bolshevik. Rabbi Meir Kahane was called a "Nazi" (contrary to law). His cause of action for damages was dismissed. Kastner, the capo, was judged "defamed" and paid a perutah in damages. How could it happen that Barry Chamish was compelled to pay damages to Itamar G'vir reputed to be a "right wing extremist" for labeling G'vir "Shabak"? This conclusion comes to mind. The government of Israel wanted to discredit Barry Chamish,. The government of Israel wanted to make Barry Chamish appear to be unworthy of belief. The government of Israel wanted to punish Barry Chamish for revealing uncomfortable truths. The government of Israel wanted to make it expensive for Barry Chamish, or any others to speak freely and critically. To do this, the Issurreal government used the power of its corrupt courts to intimidate and silence individual freedom.

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Herb Sunshine Attorney at Law (US) ** One other letter is worthy of being read: Barry, Shavua Tov--Remember me one of your supporters, even if I missed your event in Crown Heights? Barry, the judgment against you is good publicity no one trusts the Israeli court no way, it’s all considered part of the cabal. Meanwhile you got Ben Gvir right between the eyes and no one will ever trust him. Keep pulling their pants down. They cannot enforce Judgment in America and B.G. does not need further embarrassment By the way where does B.G. get his Money from, what is his reported source of income? *

SHLOMO TO THE RESCUE If I forget thee Oh Jerusalem May my right hand Cling to the roof of my mouth -Rabbi Shlomo Aviner Who can forget that evening in July, 2005 when 70,000 people gathered in the then-lovely town of Sderot to march for three days to save Gush Katif? Marching in the July heat didn't quite wreck the chances of success, so the secret service

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(Shabak) rabbi, Shlomo Aviner stepped to the podium and told his youthful followers to always remember that the police were, "Your brothers in flesh and blood. We will never confront them." And how the youth of Yesha cheered their own holy naysayer of doom! After all, he had already prevented any real protest by guiding the idealistic young protesters to hand out worthless orange rags at junctions, or to hold hands in a line from Gush Katif to the Western Wall. He had altered his followers from angry protesters to flaked-out hippies. All for the government. He was an easy agent, already well publicized for molesting young women who sought his advice and for changing the laws of menstruation to make lots of babies illegitimate by Halachic law. And who can forget his appearance at the Gush Katif attack by the IDF, when he wrestled rabbis objecting to the atrocity to the ground? But heck, the ‘World Bank’ and the ‘International Monetary Fund’ had vowed to buy Gush Katif's hothouses and make the residents very wealthy in whatever new homes they were to purchase. So what if he fooled tens of thousands of idealistic morons for the Shabak? They'd be better off for it. If you think that Aviner's work was done after betraying Gush Katif, then you don't know the Shabak. It seems that those youthful Yesha hotheaded youths are causing troubles for the "peacemakers" and "Rav" Shlomo is needed again. Just look at the aggravation they are causing with their stubborn "outpost" building:

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http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/la-fg-outpost18feb18,0,4 576425.story From the Los Angeles Times Israel's 'hilltop youth' are settling in Their illegal outposts in the West Bank are muddling peace efforts. By Richard Boudreaux Los Angeles ** Well fear not, Shlomo Aviner is back to the Shabak's rescue. He must divert the idealists and get them to stop their silly nation building. Instead, they must, "Talk Torah everywhere, in Tel Aviv and in Sderot." Before we begin with his latest operation, there is a movement to end Aviner's deceit, peacefully. http://aviner.net/choveret.php ** Now look at the pitiful but in blind Israel's eyes, effective, ploy to separate himself from the Shabak while in its employ: The following terrifying article was written by Rabbi Shlomo Aviner, and appeared in a leaflet printed and distributed by “Yeshiva Machon Meir,” on Parshat Trumah –3rd of Adar Alef 5768. Rabbi Shlomo Aviner is Chief Rabbi of Beit El, and Rosh Yeshiva of Ateret Hakohanim in the Old City. **

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Secret Information from the Shabak Following is information from the Shabak [Israel’s General Security Service, sort of like the FBI]. While numerous details are missing, and some of it has been summarized and edited, the general tenor is clear enough: “Topic: We have received orders from above to prepare the next evacuation. There is still no date and no decision, but an option is being debated; the Gaza evacuation exacted an emotional and economic price, and took a toll of the army as well. Therefore, the program under debate is not an evacuation but the question of leaving the settlers in place, inside the Palestinian Authority, without Israeli sovereignty and without the protection of the I.D.F. According to the information we possess, on that day, the armed forces of the Hamas will carry out murderous terror attacks, and then the settlers will flee into Israel. An irrevocable condition for the plan to succeed is public support. Towards that end, the settlers have to be presented as weird, violent, quarrelsome people, disturbers of the peace, who through their own efforts have brought ruin on themselves. They wanted things to be this way, and they mustn’t be pitied. Therefore, at this stage we have been asked to weigh the possibility of planting provocateurs amongst the settlers in order for them to incite the youth and raise the level of verbal and physical violence. “Survey: The settlers in Judea and Samaria have no support or admiration amongst the general population. During the Disengagement from Gaza, there was no public storm of protest. Business went on as usual. On the day of the Disengagement, itself, news coverage of the evacuation had low ratings. This population continues to be viewed as eccentric and extremist. The Amona evacuation contributed greatly to this. Likewise, those who go up to live in outposts are perceived as

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hotheads who all their lives look for ways to make trouble for the country. True, the extremist portion of the population is insignificant and doesn’t reach even one percent of the settlers, yet it is very vocal and every aggressive pronouncement they make merits wide media coverage. In the meantime, there is no physical violence among them, but just constant verbal violence. They say: More evacuations will occur “over our dead bodies”. If they are evacuated, “there will be a war that will make Amona pale by comparison”. They say, “We will fight against the traitorous army”, etc., etc. Yet we have to suppose that many youths will advance from words to deeds and will commit acts against the security forces or even against the moderate leaders. As far as those leaders, no one listens to them, and they don’t get media coverage either. They also keep quiet lest their pronouncements against violent expressions weaken the struggle for Eretz Yisrael. “Conclusion: At this point, there is no need for provocations. The extremist portion of the settler population is serving our interests. Our agents who are planted everywhere continue to reinforce and to encourage an ongoing stream of violent expressions. “We shouldn’t prevent people from going up to the outposts. They stir things up without leaving any results, and they serve us. They are not understood by the broader public that reacts to them apathetically and disparagingly.” Yesiree. Protesters, keep on building outposts because no one supports you and in the end, we'll leave you to be slaughtered by the Arabs. That is how frightened the rulers are of this fast growing survival movement, and why Aviner is back at the forefront of the lying game. end

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SIXTY YEARS OF WHAT? OLMERT: The crime that will go away

There is a gag order on details of Olmert's bribery crimes. The accuser, Morris Talansky, wants it lifted. He fears that, "Olmert will try to get me." Yet the order will only be partially lifted at best, because full disclosure could ruin Israel's 60th birthday celebrations at best, or it could ruin Israel altogether, at worst. So inane speculations that minor crimes like Talansky covering hotel bills become news, while the full force of the real crime remains buried. And we are not speaking of the ugly truth that Olmert was the last appointment of Ariel Sharon before he suffered his debilitating cerebral hemorrhage on Jan 3, '05. Or that during the meeting, Sharon signed the papers making Olmert Prime Minister in the event of Sharon's demise. No need to ask the really embarrassing questions when the crooked business leading up to Olmert's current crimes is so obvious and so hidden. Up until 2000, two government companies, Israel Aircraft Industries and Elbit, raised capital in New York for its company, ImageSat, selling intelligence space on Israeli satellites. One of the investors was Morris Talansky, but all investors were promised a near carte blanche on recruiting customers. In 2002, the investors had sold Venezuela $18 million in satellite space and were working hard on Russia and Angola. Since the US dislikes Venezuela with a flaming passion, the Israelis backed out of the sales recruitment clauses of the contract and threatened the backers with huge losses. So they sued the Israelis.

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At a shareholders meeting, one investor, Morris Talansky must have said, "I have an insider in Israel. I've been funneling him money for eight years. He's on the verge of becoming a major government player and he'll do anything for money." In January 2003, Olmert acquired the two government cabinet posts required to change the errant satellite policies; Minister of Industry, Trade and Labor, and even more direct, Minister of Communications, in charge of the satellite industry. With their man in the right place, the bribes from ImageSat's New York board started flowing to Olmert's bag man, Uri Messer in amounts we can only estimate, but the leaks say hundreds of thousands of dollars. That may be proven bribes. It's probably a mere fraction of Olmert's far flung overseas bank deposits. Now, all Olmert had to do was use his ministerial power to overturn some silly prejudices against Venezuela, Russia and Angola. But two forces were bigger than him; Sharon and the State Department. Sharon was rid of, as described in detail in my book ‘Bye Bye Gaza.’ But even Prime Minister Olmert could not defy the State Dept. or its witch Secretary. They wanted "peace" and they did not want Venezuela, Russia or Angola getting pricey Israeli intelligence from space. Olmert failed and ImageSat's board were mighty ticked off at all the bribes lost to him. So they set Talansky on him to get even. Olmert put into motion the standard Israeli coverup methods, including one that caused me to run from my home, a car "accident," this time against Messer, with further threats against Talansky if he opens his mouth in court. And with any luck, the gag order will outlast the witnesses. If all goes as is usual in Israel, the crime will fade away. In 1990, I wrote a book called ‘The Fall Of Israel’ (Canongate Publishers, Edinburgh). The villain was Olmert and I predicted that if he wasn't permanently removed from politics,

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his personal rot will fell Israel. I'll send the relevant pages to anyone who asks to see them. Meanwhile, I'll say no more. Follow the reports, ending with Olmert's criminal mob which includes the rabbi who invited the Nazi pope to speak at his synagogue. With Olmert, Prime Minister and Peres, President, does anyone wonder why Israelis just don't feel like celebrating their sixtieth anniversary? ** Olmert was elected as a member of the sixteenth Knesset in January 2003. He served as the head of the election campaign for Likud in the elections, and subsequently was the chief negotiator of the coalition agreement. Following the elections he was appointed as Acting Prime Minister and Minister of Industry, Trade and Labor. From 2003-2004, he also served as Minister of Communications. On 7 August 2005, Olmert was appointed as acting Finance Minister, replacing Benjamin Netanyahu, who had resigned in protest against the planned Israeli withdrawal from the Gaza. ** http://dockets.justia.com/docket/court-nysdce/case_no-1:2007cv06176/case_id-309626/ Wilson et al v. ImageSat International N.V. et al Plaintiffs: Stephen M. Wilson, BRW Engineering Ltd., Wis Partners Ltd., Moshe Bar-Lev, Patrick Rosenbaum, Michael Morris, Haim Yifrah, Top Down Partners, LLC, Joel Levine, Morris Talansky, Abraham Moshel, Magma International Services, Ltd., Albert

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Reichmann, Hexagram & Co. and Polybutes Company Defendants: ImageSat International N.V., Israel Aircraft Industries, Ltd., Elbit Systems Ltd., Moshe Keret, Izhak Nissan, Jacob Weiss, Menashe Broder, Shimon Eckhaus, Michael Federman, Estate of Jacob Toren, Joseph Ackerman, Joseph Gasper, Gino Piperno-Beer, James DePalma, David Arzi, Yoav Chelouche and Yehoshua Eldar ** http://muqata.blogspot.com/ Morris Talansky is a founding partner, and a major shareholder, of ImageSat , an Israeli company that rents out access to spy satellites and their high-resolution images -- often to governments, for purposes of military intelligence. ImageSat is enjoined by an agreement with the Israeli Defense Ministry from selling access or data to Arab states at war with Israel, or to the "rogue states" of Iran, Cuba, and North Korea. However, Talansky and his group of fellow shareholders are anxious for a quick return on their investment, and are less than happy with these pesky restrictions. They have attempted to skirt the ban on sales to Iran by negotiating a deal with notorious Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez, a close ally of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad. Chavez is a radical Marxist and anti-American, and like Ahmedinejad, has called for the destruction of Israel. Talansky's associate and fellow ImageSat shareholder Stephen Wilson began negotiating a large-scale deal with Chavez in 1999, and even moved to Venezuela in 2001. By 2002, he secured Chavez's interest in a multi-million dollar deal with ImageSat for spy satellite access. But to the chagrin of Wilson, Talansky, and their fellow investors, ImageSat -- together with its parent companies, Israel Aircraft

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Industries and Elbit Systems -- balked at the deal for obvious security reasons. Enraged, Talansky and friends filed suit against ImageSat, in a bid to force them to provide Chavez with the spy data. In the lawsuit, the investors also charge ImageSat with blocking similar lucrative deals they tried to make with Angola and Russia, also countries closely allied with Israel's enemies. So while Talansky was fighting to circumvent Israel's security restrictions on ImageSat, he was also giving hundreds of thousands of dollars to Israel's Minister of Industry and Trade, Ehud Olmert. It will be interesting to see whether the ImageSat conflict plays any role in the current investigation and expected indictment. ** http://www.moc.gov.il/155-1815-en/MOC.aspx 03/09/2007 Minister of Communications on a visit at the Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI), Space Division, receives an explanation about the operation of IAI's Amos satellites. (Right: Mr. David Pollack, CEO of satellite communications provider Spacecom. Left: Mr. Arie Helsband, Director of IAI's Mabat factory). ** muqata.blogspot.com/2008/05/laundry-man.html

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The Laundry Man Morris Talansky, of course, is the suddenly famous American Jewish businessman who funneled hundreds of thousands of dollars to Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, currently under police investigation. The payments were made during Olmert's tenures as Jerusalem Mayor, and later as Minister of Industry and Trade, and were disguised as contributions made to the "New Jerusalem Foundation", a supposedly charitable organization under Olmert's direct control. Talansky operated as the NJF's main U.S. contact and treasurer. Who, exactly, is Morris Talansky, and whose interests does he represent? Well, among other things, Talansky is an ordained rabbi, with semicha from YU, and he served once in a pulpit position in Portland, Oregon. He later went into business, and became embroiled in many conflicts and lawsuits with his various associates. These conficts are marked by allegations of violent threats and extortion, and a review of the court records paints the picture of a shady loan shark that seems to be a character right out of an episode of The Sopranos. From the New York Times: At least two of the lawsuits involving Mr. Talansky contain allegations that he or people he enlisted made threats in the course of collecting debts or resolving business conflicts. He sued one of his accusers, Richard Penzer, for libel in 1995 in state court on the grounds that the accusations had jeopardized Mr. Talansky's longtime job raising money for Shaare Zedek Hospital in Jerusalem. The case was settled three years later, when Mr. Talansky accepted $60,000 and a one-line apology from Mr. Penzer.

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Initially at odds with Mr. Talansky over a real estate deal, Mr. Penzer had sent donors and officials associated with Shaare Zedek letters in 1994 asserting that Mr. Talansky had threatened him "with the expressed goal of extorting money". Court records include a sworn statement from a police file, dated January 1992, in which a Long Island man said he had met Mr. Talansky one night at Scores, a topless bar in Manhattan, and tried to help him collect a debt from Mr. Penzer. "He began to tell me about how he took a devastating loss of approximately $2.8 million in a real estate deal that went bad," the Long Island man, Michael Sciotto, told the police. "He was swindled and he described it as a setup." The statement continued, "I told him I would talk to Mr. Penzer and see if I could shake him up a little and possibly could get Talansky’s money back." In another lawsuit, Mr. Talansky sued a man who he said promised him "substantial interest at low or no risk" on a $300,000 loan he made in 1998 to the Forgotten Woman, a retail chain that went bankrupt three months after his loan. After much litigation, the defendant, Frederick Schulman, prevailed in court on the fraud counts but also made a counterclaim accusing Mr. Talansky of sending "thugs" to collect money from him. Mr. Talansky replied that he had sold the right to collect part of the debt to a third party and could not be held responsible. The judge rejected Mr. Schulman's request for summary judgment on the extortion charge, but said he could pursue it in a trial. The parties eventually settled, according to a lawyer in the case.

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Using the phony "New Jerusalem Fund" as a front, Talansky has been funneling money to Olmert for nine years. But Olmert isn't the only politician Talansky has helped out: Over the last two decades, he has made generous financial contributions to the campaigns of Mayor Rudy Giuliani (Republican, 2000), President George W. Bush (Republican, 2003), Senator Edward M. Kennedy (Democrat, 1992), House Speaker Thomas S. Foley (Democrat, 1994) President Bill Clinton (Democrat, 1995). An equal-opportunity contributor, indeed. In her written logs of Olmert's payments from Talansky, Shula Zaken, Olmert's personal secretary (recently placed under house arrest), Talansky is referred to as "The Laundry Man". So Talansky is a colorful character indeed: A money-laundering loan-shark Orthodox rabbi who uses thugs to "shake up" his creditors, who meets with his business associates in topless bars, and who took on the role, for nearly a decade, of Ehud Olmert's patron. But there's more to Talansky than this, much more. To call Talansky a hilul Hashem would be a gross understatement. As an orthodox Rabbi who, at best, operates in the gray zone of the law, he is certainly an awful embarrassment. But Talansky is far more than just a loan shark with a yarmulkeh: He is a man who does not hesitate to place his own narrow financial interests over the interests of Israel's security and the survival of his fellow Jews. It's very easy to understand why Olmert chose the patronage of such a like-minded person. ** http://wtcdemolition.com/blog/node/1130 The central issue of this lawsuit, however, is whether or not a

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State owned company (like IAI, and its primary subcontractor in this case, Elbit) should be permitted to seek private capital financing as ImageSat did relentlessly and primarily in New York city between 1994 and 2000 (and as it succeeded in doing in an amount totaling roughly $120 million) to support the commercialization (and in this case the continuation) of its national defense programs and then subsequently renege on commitments to its U.S. based private investors, thus far, with impunity. In fact, Israel's space program is now wildly successful, responsible for billions of dollars in R&D support and new contracts for ongoing technology development and commercialization that were supposed to be the exclusive domain of ImageSat and ALL of its shareholders, rather than, as is the case today, for the sole benefit of the Israeli industrial defense establishment, including in particular IAI and Elbit. ** http://www2.nysun.com/article/58352 Stephen Wilson, an American investor and the lead plaintiff in the case, founded ImageSat in 1994. At the time, Israel and its defense manufacturer were "desperately seeking new sources of financing for the Israeli military space program," so they signed on to the idea and accepted the fact that the company would have to be apolitical, the suit says. From the very beginning, ImageSat's political independence was a "fundamental, indeed essential, element of its business plan," the suit says. The only limit imposed by the Israeli Ministry of Defense was that ImageSat could not sell satellites to any country within 1,550

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miles of Israel, a radius that includes nations that have fought wars against Israel, such as Lebanon and Syria. Israel also forbade ImageSat from selling to "rogue states" as defined by America and Israel, consisting of Cuba, Iran, and North Korea. At first, Israel lived up to its promise to keep its hands off ImageSat, according to the suit. In 1998, to prove that ImageSat would be allowed to function independently, the Israeli Ministry of Defense issued licenses allowing ImageSat to sell to 60 countries, including Venezuela in 1998. The Ministry of Defense even refused a request by the American government to suspend ImageSat's business with India after that country tested a nuclear weapon in 1998, according to the suit. But after 2000, Israel Aerospace Industries deserted its hands-off approach and began steering the company according to Israel's geopolitical interests, the suit says. Venezuela provides the most blatant example of political meddling described in the suit. Mr. Wilson began pitching a deal to the Venezuelan government in 1999 and even moved to the country in 2001. By 2002, he had convinced Caracas to rent spy satellites from ImageSat for a price of $18 million or more a year, the suit says. But while Mr. Wilson was on vacation in 2002, Israel Aerospace Industries halted the deal, the suit alleges. The company convinced Mr. Wilson to delay his return to Caracas so that he wouldn't find out that the deal had been secretly killed, the suit says. Mr. Wilson says he only found out the truth when a Venezuelan Air Force general told him the story. **

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From: "Israeli Uncensored News" Uri Messer handled Morris Talansky donations for Olmert Olmert’s long-time friend and fellow attorney Uri Messer reportedly cooperates with the police investigation against the prime minister regarding the American donations. The money in question were not Moshe Talansky’s but collected by him. It is unknown what part of the money Morris Talansky has pocketed. Thus, Talansky received $90,000 kickbacks as a salary in 2004 for collecting donations for Shaarei Tzedek Hospital. He is not donating his own money for the last decade. Morris Talansky allegedly passed the money either directly to Olmert or to his secretary Shula Zaken. The funds were to be used for Olmert’s mayoral and the Knesset elections. Both Olmert and Shula Zaken passed the funds to Uri Messer to be spent for campaign purposes. Uri Messer is married to Deputy Attorney General Davida Lachman-Messer, hilariously in charge of tax and corporate matters, the very field of Uri Messer’s purportedly illegal activities as an attorney. That makes is easier for Attorney General Mazuz to press Uri Messer to testify against Olmert. We received a yet unconfirmed report of Uri Messer suffering an odd traffic incident. A sensible insurer won’t make a policy on his life now. ** Dear Barry,

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You have forgotten to mention that Schneir's son, the Rabbi Marc Schneier of Hampton, is the head of Ehud Olmert's Kadima organization in the USA. In addition, the treasurer of Kadima USA is Marc Mishan, with quite a criminal background. ** http://theunorthodoxjew.blogspot.com/2007/03/i-wish-i-was-wrong.html It is furthermore alleged that at the urging of WJC officials, Prime Minister Olmert appointed Rabbi Schneier as president and Mark Mishaan as vice president of Kadima in the United States. Mishaan was obliged to resign when it was disclosed that he was a convicted criminal felon, possibly facing a lengthy prison sentence after pleading guilty to grand larceny. Additionally, sections of Kadima USA’s website had to be withdrawn from the internet after the media disclosed that Kadima USA had plagiarized portions of the Texas Democrat Party’s website into its policy program. ** 1. WorldNetDaily: No. 2 for Israeli PM's party in U.S. a convicted criminal www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=51076 Marc Mishaan, who was listed as the vice president of Kadima USA, has been representing Olmert's political party at various public events the past few months. According to criminal conviction documents obtained from the New York state court system and to community leaders and associates of Mishaan speaking to WND, the Kadima representative has a long history of fraud, forgery and financial improprieties. One Jewish leader

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accused Mishaan of embezzling from his charity fund. Kadima USA is the American fundraising and public support branch of Olmert's party. Jewish community leaders said they informed Kadima USA officials of Mishaan's documented criminal past, but they said Mishaan continued to serve in an official capacity even after they delivered their warnings. The Israeli Consulate in New York was still booking Mishaan to represent Kadima at proposed events as of last week. ... According to documents from the latest conviction, Mishaan was accused of taking $100,000 from a New York City woman by allegedly enticing her into a "mortgage loan-underwriting" arrangement - an arrangement the investigating detective wrote "never took place and did not exist." As described in the indictment, when the victim asked Mishaan for paperwork relating to the mortgage deal - after having already delivered the money to him - Mishaan allegedly presented her with fabricated papers including a "mortgage agreement" and "letter of intent" purportedly from an area dentist who wanted to borrow $200,000 from Mishaan at a high rate of interest for the purchase of a building. The indictment stated the dentist never met Mishaan, and contends both the documents and the dentist's "signatures" were forgeries. After noting anomalies in the alleged mortgage documents the accuser tried but failed to have her money returned. Mishaan pleaded guilty to the charges in April after his motion to suppress evidence against him was denied. He is out on bail and is due to be sentenced next month. The New York State Supreme Court has placed conditions on Mishaan's bail. Apparently fearing Mishaan is a flight risk, the file for his latest conviction notes he has family in Israel. The court ordered Mishaan to surrender his passport, rendering him unable to visit the country whose prime minister he has been representing.

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Kadima rep has extensive rap sheet In 2003 court documents show Mishaan pleaded guilty to felony grand larceny and two counts of felony criminal possession of a forged instrument. Though liable to up to 14 years in prison according to court papers, Mishaan's plea deal allowed him to serve two concurrent 5-year terms of probation. He was also ordered to repay $40,000 and $60,000 to two victims. WND obtained copies of numerous judgments against Mishaan in which he was ordered to repay several New York residents tens of thousands of dollars each. Some of the complaints accused Mishaan of trying to fulfill promissory notes by using forged checks and checks drawn on defunct accounts. WND has also learned of one case in which an alleged victim of Mishaan tried to arrange repayment through a mediator without going through legal proceedings. The alleged victim expressed concern that if Mishaan went to prison he would be unable to make restitution. 'I'll pay you back on Monday' A former self-described best friend of Mishaan, who agreed to talk to WND on background, recounted how his relationship with Mishaan changed from friend to victim. "Back in the mid-1970s we were very close friends. Mishaan comes to me on a Friday afternoon and says: 'Look, I really need to borrow some money, I need to borrow 3,000 bucks - but I'm going to pay you back right on Monday.' "I said 'Look, Marc, if you really need it you can borrow the money but you don't need to pay me back on Monday. Take a week or two. Why don't you just pay me back next Monday so it's not so hectic?' "He just insisted 'No, I'm gonna pay it back on Monday.' I said 'OK, Monday then.' It took me over two years to get the money back. He went and did this same thing to at least 20 other people." Several sources close to Mishaan told WND Mishaan soon began a pattern of moving from neighborhood to neighborhood in the New York City area, befriending residents, allegedly extracting money from them, and eventually leaving

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town. A former Mishaan friend told WND, "The lies just became outrageous. He started showing up at places, businesses, parties flashing all types of degrees and papers that said things like 'Dr. Marc Mishaan' and 'Marc Mishaan, Ph.D.' ... “ WND talked with scores of people in the New York Jewish community who claim to have been defrauded by Mishaan. One woman said Mishaan drained her parents of "their entire life savings." A prominent community leader with Jewish national name recognition, who says he has overseen pro bono investigations of Mishaan on behalf of several of his alleged victims, accused Mishaan of exhibiting a "habitual" pattern of untruthfulness. "He has a long history of fraud and deception that goes back 30 years. ...” A senior official of a respected New York City charity told WND his organization has also had dealings with Mishaan, who once served as a vice president of the charity. He accused Mishaan of writing checks to himself without authorization, totaling $8,000 in charity funds. "Everybody was just in shock," the official said. "Nobody in [name of charity] ever dreamed that any board member could do this. Mishaan was fired immediately from the board." ... The community leader said the warnings took place prior to the debate last month in which Mishaan represented Kadima USA. In a series of conversations with WND, Mishaan did not refute his alleged improprieties. He said he approached Kadima USA because he thought he could help with their cause. Mishaan said he had a long history of "positive involvement" in Jewish communal affairs, including with Jewish charities and organizations seeking the return of missing Jewish soldiers. Several Jewish community leaders concurred, although those concurring said they were aware of the criminal charges against Mishaan. Kadima USA President Schneier would not comment directly to

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WND. Instead he authorized Charley Levine, former CEO of a Jerusalem-based public relations firm, to speak on his behalf. "A few months ago [Mishaan] came to Schneier and presented himself as being able to help with Kadima," Levine said. ... "[Mishaan] was asked last month not to continue associating himself in any way with Kadima USA." Schneier's office was called two weeks ago and asked if Mishaan continues to speak for Kadima USA. ... A secretary for Schneier called back the next day and affirmed that Mishaan continues to speak for Kadima in an official capacity. ... Mishaan was recently listed as vice president of Kadima USA on a full-page ad in the New York Times taken by the Israeli party. **


In 1989 the Likud Party was investigated by the state comptroller for massive fraud. The two chief accountants of the party were Menachem Atzmon and Ehud Olmert. Somehow, Atzmon was convicted of fraud and Olmert wasn't. In 2006 Olmert was elected in his way to be prime minister of Israel and Atzmon was forgotten. Well, not by everyone. The enemies of Israel's government remembered him and his once-close ties to Olmert. I was a guest on a Republic Broadcasting Network's program with a true anti-Israel bigot, Christopher Bollyn. I knew him and had not admired him in the case of the murder of Utah Congressman Wayne Owens. He had changed the background of the story, making Yasir Arafat the victim of Israeli chicanery. But we'll get there soon enough.

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He was repeating this process, turning Israel's attack on Gaza as unrelated to Hamas' murder and I was defending Israel, when he caught me off-guard. "Do you know Menachem Atzmon?" he asked. I answered, "He was Likud Treasurer along with Olmert in the late 80s," I answered. Then he playfully announced, "Did you know he was personally responsible for security at Logan and Newark Airports on 9/11?" That I DIDN'T know. Here is Bollyn's report:


Olmert, who has long been tarnished by allegations of financial crimes, was implicated in a financial scandal involving forged receipts for donations to the 1988 Likud campaign, of which he was co-treasurer. This affair culminated in the March 1996 conviction of three other Likudniks, including Menahem Atzmon, the Likud treasurer. Olmert was also later indicted in the Likud affair, but was acquitted. During the 1970s Olmert had worked in the law firm owned by another Atzmon, Uzi Atzmon. Menahem Atzmon, convicted in Israel, went on to become the founder and head of International Consultants on Targeted Security (ICTS), the parent company of Huntleigh USA, the airport security firm that ran passenger screening operations at the airports of Boston and Newark on 9/11. Huntleigh USA is a wholly owned subsidiary of an Israeli company called International Consultants on Targeted Security (ICTS) International N.V., a Netherlands-based aviation and transportation security firm headed by “former [Israeli] military commanding officers and veterans of government intelligence and security agencies.”

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Menachem Atzmon, convicted in Israel in 1996 for campaign finance fraud, and his business partner Ezra Harel, took over management of security at the Boston and Newark airports when their company ICTS bought Huntleigh USA in 1999. UAL Flight 175 and AA 11, which allegedly struck the twin towers, both originated in Boston, while UAL 93, which purportedly crashed in Pennsylvania, departed from the Newark airport. The convicted Israeli criminal Atzmon also controls and operates the German port of Rostock on the Baltic Sea. Some 9/11 victims’ families brought lawsuits against Huntleigh claiming the security firm had been grossly negligent on 9-11. While these relatives have a right to discovery and to know what Huntleigh did or did not do to protect their loved ones on 9-11, Huntleigh, along with the other security companies, was granted complete congressional protection in 2002 and will not be called to account for its actions on 9-11 in any U.S. court. Atzmon, a convicted criminal, political ally and co-defendant of Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert, was directly responsible for passenger and airline security at Boston's Logan Airport, whence the two airliners which struck the World Trade Center originated. ** It was directly lifted from an earlier report by Anton Chaiken: Menachem Atzmon resigned as president of Friedman's IDF following his 1996 conviction for Israeli election campaign finance fraud. But his later U.S. activities would prove to be much more disturbing. Atzmon and his business partner Ezra Harel are the majority owners (57%) of ICTS ‘International Consultants on Targeted

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Security’, run by "former [Israeli] military commanding officers and veterans of government intelligence and security agencies" according its Web site. In 1999, Atzmon's Netherlands-based firm took over management of security at Logan Airport in Boston, Massachusetts, through ICTS' subsidiary Huntleigh USA. This convicted Likud criminal's firm was in charge of security at Logan Airport inspecting the validity of passports and visas, searching cargo, screening passengers when two airliners were hijacked from there on Sept. 11, 2001, and demolished the World Trade Center towers in New York. And now the long forgotten scandal of the elections. Olmert was boosted into power by Daniel Abraham, the Daniel Abraham of the Peres Peace Center and partner of the now deceased Wayne Owens. It was Abraham who purchased Olmert's Jerusalem apartment for twice its value and gave Olmert an extra couple of million bucks to run for PM. Someone thought that trying to knock me out permanently would do the trick for the crooks running Israel. We'll see. On July 15, I will be given a full 3 hours in Salt Lake City to, first expose Rabin and then the murder of local Congressman Wayne Owens. Recall the Ginossar Scandal and the $300 million Ginossar buried for Arafat in a Swiss bank account. Recall that numerous straw companies were set up to hide the money's source, and who was named their CEO? None other than Stephen Cohen, Owens own partner in peace along with Peres, Abraham and the gang of murderers for peace. ** *

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When Ehud Olmert returns from his mysterious trip to China, he will be indicted. The question is: will this be the New World Order trial of the century? http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1167467695933&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull > "The State Attorney's Office has decided to open a full-fledged criminal investigation against Prime Minister Ehud Olmert regarding his alleged intervention in the government tender for the sale of the controlling interest in Bank Leumi, Channel 10 reported Tuesday evening. According to the allegations, Olmert intervened in the tender for the privatization of Bank Leumi on behalf of two personal friends with whom he also had business connections, American businessman Daniel Abraham and Australian businessman Frank Lowy." ** Last September, I spoke at the ‘Alternative 9-11 Conference’ in New York. The evening it ended, I had dinner with two prominent Right Wing leaders, Helen and Charlie of the ‘Americans for a Safe Israel’. I told them that the "peacemakers" destroying Israel, may have played a role in the 9-11 disaster. I used the example of Menachem Atzmon, who in the 1980s was co-Treasurer of the Likud with Ehud Olmert. Below is Atzmon's bio written by a vicious Jew-hater Chris Bollyn: Menachem Atzmon, convicted in Israel, went on to become the founder and head of ‘International Consultants on Targeted Security’ (ICTS), the parent company of Huntleigh USA, the

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airport security firm that ran passenger screening operations at the airports of Boston and Newark on 9/11. Huntleigh USA is a wholly owned subsidiary of an Israeli company called International Consultants on Targeted Security (ICTS) International N.V., a Netherlands-based aviation and transportation security firm headed by “former [Israeli] military commanding officers and veterans of government intelligence and security agencies.” Menachem Atzmon, convicted in Israel in 1996 for campaign finance fraud, and his business partner Ezra Harel, took over management of security at the Boston and Newark airports when their company ICTS bought Huntleigh USA in 1999. UAL Flight 175 and AA 11, which allegedly struck the twin towers, both originated in Boston, while UAL 93, which purportedly crashed in Pennsylvania, departed from the Newark airport. Charlie remarked, "One coincidence is no case." Well, now we have two: On September 12, 2001, The Jerusalem Post reported: “Frank Lowy, who emigrated to Australia from Israel in 1952, owns the 99-year lease for the 425,000 square foot retail portion of the destroyed World Trade Center…Westfield said today that it has insurance cover against terrorist attacks and its earnings will not be materially affected.” We now ask, how could Olmert have such close ties to TWO characters all wrapped up at the highest levels of the 9-11 crime? As I told the crowd at the conference, Olmert was a crook exploited by the top of the Israeli mafia, Shimon Peres. And now on to Olmert's second co-defendant, Daniel Abraham. He is the

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CFR thug and close Peres ally who also was the business manager of Utah Congressman Wayne Owens. Abraham lent Owens his plane to fly to Tel Aviv on Dec.18, 2002. He was murdered shortly after landing. For full details, order ‘Shabtai Tzvi, Labor Zionism and the Holocaust’ from www.lulu.com/chamish Just type my name in search. Also within is Abraham's latest dirty deed, paying for the Foreign Affairs program of Yeshiva University and turning the next generation of orthodox rabbis into advocates of the ‘Council on Foreign Relations’. These are the happiest days for Shimon Peres. The Deputy Prime Minister runs Olmert and the country. And he is having the time of his life, finally bringing Israel to its knees: http://www.israelnationalnews.com "Meanwhile, Shimon Peres continues to reach out to Israel's deadliest enemies. In a speech in Spain last night, the Vice Prime Minister said he believes Hamas is an "important factor" in the Middle East peace process, and that the organization should play a role in it. Israel's official position is to conduct no negotiations with Hamas as long as it continues not to recognize Israel's right to exist and calls for its destruction." ** *


In Israel, another lousy coverup, now commonly called The Winograd Report was released. One Judge Winograd supposedly examined at great depth, the Oslo War of July 2006 and reached profound conclusions. Missing from this report was the IDF's own investigation of the kidnapping of Cpl. Gilad Shilat prepared by

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Col. Giora Eiland, which concluded that the kidnapping was watched on surveillance cameras by IDF officers, that a tank commander was refused the right to intervene to save Gilat, and that word of the crime was not made public for another 90 minutes. The implication being that Shalit was permitted to be kidnapped. The next day, in Saint Augustine, Florida, I was at the local synagogue signing my new bride to conversion classes. Missing from Winograd's report were the very widespread claims that the two soldiers kidnapped by Hizbollah were in Lebanese territory, meaning they were set up to be taken as well. Three months earlier, my future betrothed had written me asking how to become Jewish. She had been attending services off and on for two years, had been learning Hebrew on her own and now wanted to make the move for a permanent conversion. I could only advise her to seek a rabbi, not me. Missing, or at least I couldn't find it, was Olmert's confession that in March of 2006, he ordered the IDF to go to war if any soldier was kidnapped. This item was published widely a month before the Winograd report was issued. Missing as well from the Winograd report was Chief-Of-Staff Dan Halutz's war strategy of fighting badly but just well enough to bring "international forces" to the region to separate the sides. And now the greatest flaw in the Winograd report; there is no mention of the number two member of the Kadima Party, Shimon Peres. If Olmert falls, Peres becomes the new Prime Minister, which may have been the reason for this war in the first place. Pres. Bush's press secretary, Tony Snow, announced that the

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Pres. wants Olmert in power because he believes in "a two-state solution." If Olmert falls, well Condoleezza Rice is backing Foreign Minister airhead Tzipi Livni as head of Israel. *


I just read a long, near-idiotic analyses of what awaits Ehud Olmert in China. He will find a nation buying world resources and will want to get a piece of the largesse for Israel. (The author pulls his hair out). China does not simply invite Israeli prime ministers for live snake dinners. There had to be one serious proposal in the air. We know Olmert returned from the Vatican with the order to bring down all roadblocks in Judea and Samaria. That would effectively open Israelis to a mass pogrom. Condoleezza Rice came to town on a whirlwind of global destruction. Victim one was Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni. They gave her a few simple lines to say and she muffed them. Nonetheless, Condi insisted she was "inspired" by Livni's empty-headedness and learned a lot about "political horizons." Victim numero two is Avigdor Leiberman, political hack. Last week Y-Net released the results of their poll, and what do you know, 80% of Israelis believe ALL of their politicians are corrupt. In short, Israelis have all lost faith in their system. The only thing left to fight for is a few family and friends. Of the politicians whom 20% felt were not corrupt, Lieberman led the political pack with a full 5% believing he's honest. Now, they'd better hope not. After meeting with Rice, we discover that he suggested putting 30,000 NATO troops in Gaza.

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But wait, isn't that the Vatican plan? We see Rice and Rome working hand in hand. So Olmert escapes to China. Now, we saw him milk a cow. But behind closed doors, on January 11, 2007, China changed the world. And all they did was knock down a satellite in space with another satellite 500 miles away. From here on, Space Wars is not science fiction. Twenty good shots could send the world hurtling back to 1700. China is now a first-rate military power. Now you may say, "So what if Olmert just happened to be in China on that day?" But the chief of the KGB is screeching, "Why did Olmert get the show?" And the head of the CIA must be a little put off, anyway, by Olmert. But the head of Iran's secret services got the message. China could get rid of their satellite Sinah-1 and they wouldn't be able to watch Israel get up every morning. Something drove Olmert to China and he was well rewarded... but for what? On the surface, China would lose far more customers than Israel is worth. But Israel is a player and can make offers. And this is what I think may well have happened. Olmert knows Israel is through in the Western alliance. And somehow he wants to save his land. Even if it means teaming up with China and throwing out the Vatican and CFR. One thing is certain; Olmert and China produced an earthquake felt by military planners and their political bosses

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throughout this planet, being primed for war. NOTES: One serious issue which came back big at this time is murders of the leaders of the Right and their families. I had very intelligent people writing of their suspicions in the deaths of Rabbi Ginsburg's grandchild or of Sarah Popper. But the winner was Yuri Shtern, member of the Knesset once of Gush Katif, and head of the ‘Christian Coalition’. His political actions on behalf of the tortured Gush Katif refugees may have been what killed him. His own doctors could not identify the source of his disease. He died at 58 and no one investigated who did it. http://www.spaceref.com/news/viewnews.html?id=1188 ** http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1167467739568&pagename=JPos In Lieberman's words, "Israel's diplomatic and security goal... must be clear: joining NATO and entering the European Union." In his photo-op with Rice, Lieberman expounded on his big idea that NATO and the EU will now take Israel under their wing. Israel, he said, must reoccupy Gaza to end its transformation into a new hub for global jihad. But after Israel invades Gaza, NATO should send 30,000 soldiers into Gaza to take over security from Israel... It is not simply that this statement is garbled to the point of incoherence. It is not simply that Livni uses phrases and watchwords like "some visions" and "political horizons" and "misunderstanding that was in the understanding" in an attempt

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to cover up cognitive foolishness and disconnect from reality. ** ISRAEL RESOURCE NEWS AGENCY - 26 TEVET 5767. Yuri told us that the finest doctors had tried to diagnose the source of his disease and could not find one. Yuri told his doctors that it was the disengagement policy that was killing him. ** (weird guesswork faking expertise but with references) Another major worry for Israeli pilots is Iran's first satellite. Carried into orbit by a Russian booster in October 2005, the Sinah-1 can provide a capability to spot low-flying aircraft long before they intrude Iranian airspace. The Iranian space programme is a matter of deep concern to us, said an Israeli defense source at the time. When we launch an attack on several Iranian targets, the last thing we need is Iranian early warning received by satellite. ** www.israelnationalnews.com Rice Pushes Olmert to Remove Checkpoints Prime Minister Olmert and US State Secretary Rice met this morning in Jerusalem. Rice pushed for more restriction-easings in

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Judea and Samaria. ** http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/814785.html ** This is how the Jerusalem Post commented: The SHABAK, not the prison service, is responsible for approving his furloughs. According to traffic authorities, ONE OF THE VEHICLES, "MOST LIKELY" POPPER'S, MADE A SUDDEN MOVE INTO ONCOMING TRAFFIC. "THE IDENTITIES OF THOSE IN THE SECOND VEHICLE WERE NOT RELEASED TO THE PRESS." "THE SHABAK REFERRED QUESTIONS ABOUT THE ACCIDENT TO THE PRIME MINISTER'S OFFICE." ** http://www.vosizneias.com/2007/01/los-angeles-ca-three-israelis-american.html ** www.israeljustice.com

Earlier in the trial, council head Benzi Lieberman outlined his group's strategy of peaceful protest in coordination with the

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authorities. "You guess or think they [settlement council] said they hoped to prevent the disengagement?" Shalev-Gertal asked Bahat. "The Yesha [council] head said it outright. The entire community knew that they wanted to prevent the Disengagement".

** "It is appropriate, therefore, to give it a special status, guaranteed at the international level," he noted. "Jerusalem must be a permanent site of search for peace and reconciliation between religions, peoples and cultures." *


The Free Pollard people sent me the following editorial, which bemoans the anticipated mass release of over 1000 terrorists to Hamas in exchange for the kidnapped soldier Gilat Shalit. The article concludes that Israel will negotiate with Hamas for one soldier but not its ally, the U.S., to free one soldier in another field, Jonathan Pollard. http://www.ynet.co.il/articles/0,7340,L-3385687,00.html I agree with the sentiment but disagree with the approach. It was because Pollard did a brave thing for the Israeli Mafia that he will never be released.

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When Pollard did his work 1984-85, Shimon Peres was Prime Minister. Bad luck for Jonathan. Please read the last story on: http://www.redmoonrising.com/chamish/June03.htm It is from my book ‘Shabtai Tzvi, Labor Zionism and the Holocaust’ sold at www.lulu.com/chamish. Within I sorted out why Pollard continues to sit. In short though, PM Peres caught the Reagan-Bush regime in a small-time arms-for-hostages deal thanks to Pollard's reading of satellite shipping photos. Instead of approaching Reagan-Bush to demand the stopping of the arming of his country's enemies, Peres had a better thought: Let's get in on the action. By September of '84, he sent the head of Israel's ‘Council on Foreign Relations’, David Kimche, along with two other notables, Al Schwimmer of Israel Aircraft Industries and Yaacov Nimrodi, former Iranian ambassador and publisher of Maariv, to Washington with a type of proposal: We get a piece of the cake or we squeal and you face impeachment. Thus was born Iran-Contra. By 1986, Pollard was national news and the Bush administration was hopping mad at Israel. It first took serious revenge by banning the $1.5 billion Israeli fighter jet, the Lavi. At the same time, Abba Eben conducted an honest government commission of inquiry that pinned 75% of the Pollard Affair on Peres with the two Yitzhaks, Rabin and Shamir, sharing the rest. Peres was so impressed by the findings that he called Eben a liar and threw him out of the Knesset for good. But though it was MEU that caused the first of the so-called Neo-Cons to declare Israel more trouble than it was worth, indirectly caused by Pollard, it was Iraq and Bechtel that led to a distinct program of Israel's final destruction by the "conservatives." Pollard had sent Israel, meaning Peres,

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photographic proof that the Bechtel Corporation was running a poison gas factory in Baghdad. Peres drooled on the picture. What an opportunity to cash in. The Bush regime was filled with Bechtel folks. Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger took his job after resigning as Senior VP of Bechtel. Secretary of State George Shultz was on Bechtel's board. Administration Chief of Staff James Baker was never very far from Bechtel's largesse. And these are the men Peres chose to blackmail. The means of a payment was an added tax on a planned Bechtel pipeline from Baghdad to Aqaba, Jordan. Peres gave a note of extortion to Attorney General Edwin Meese asking that he present it to Bechtel. As generous a guy as was Peres, he promised never to bomb the pipeline, not even in war, and this insurance policy would cost a mere $700 million or $70 million a year by check payable to the Israeli Labor Party. When Meese presented the extortion note he was quickly exposed and forced to resign from government. Peres, of course, was never accused of anything. This is Israel, after all. It was at this point that the Bechtel graduates began planning Israel's end. Before the Yom Kippur War, conservative Republican Henry Kissinger ordered Defense Minister Moshe Dayan not to issue a preemptive strike. Dayan killed 2700 soldiers in the first two days of fighting. That was "the bloody nose" Kissinger foisted on Israel. This time, the Bechtel Boys went about their tasks with renewed vigor. Though Pollard had plea bargained truth for a reduced sentence, Weinberger presented the black judge with a document supposedly proving that Pollard had indirectly armed the whites of South Africa. The judge gave him life. But he was prepared to listen again. He accepted an appeal and died just before he was to hear it.

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Shultz was the good cop and made his friendship to UN Ambassador Binyamin Netanyahu overly known, but James Baker was on the rampage. In a public press conference he gave Shamir the White House phone number. Later he was proud to say; "F... the Jews. They don't vote for us anyway." Then came the Madrid Conference of 1990 when the Baker Boys brought in the Vatican to join a united front against Israel. All the while, at the same time as the neo-cons planned Israel's destruction, Israeli "analysts" could not believe that this behavior came from the American Right. Even as Shamir was forced by Bush to let Iraqi SCUDS fall on its soil, the analysts thought that Bush was doing Israel a real favor by attacking Iraq. This thinking will never end. Israelis thought neo con James Wolfensohn had paid for Gush Katif's lost assets. They never learn. The American Right, now dubbed neo-cons, filled with Jews whose loyalty is to a Frankist anti-Judaism, gave the order to kill off Israel. It mattered not that the Israeli people knew nothing of Pollard, Peres or Iraqi pipelines. The next stage after Madrid was the Oslo Accord. In September 1995, Yitzhak Rabin told NY Times writer William Safire that he never wanted to enter into Oslo. Bush made him and told him, "To prepare the Israeli people for painful sacrifices." One can only imagine Baker telling his Saudi pals in 1993, "The order to wreck Israel is in place. It'll take 15 years to make the country too divided, hateful, stupid and weak to ever win again." *

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We all recall Avraham Burg, don't we? He was Chairman of the Jewish Agency not a decade ago and changed the immigration rules to permit hundreds of thousands of Russian gentiles to become citizens of Israel. And how can we forget when Pres. Clinton of the ‘Council on Foreign Relations’ (CFR) tried to convince him to be the leader of the Labor Party with a huge cavalcade from the airport to the White House? Well now Burg is a French citizen and has written a book urging all Israelis to get a foreign passport and stop being Jews. Israelis think he is just a bad sport. But we know better. He is the son of Yosef Burg, who in his time, was the longest sitting member of the Knesset. He was also the Health Minister who oversaw and permitted the atomic experiments on every Sephardic child who landed in Israel in the 1950s. Plus, he was the Minister who oversaw and permitted the kidnapping of 4,500 Yemenite infants for similar experiments in the same period. Those familiar with my writing know that Rabbi Uzi Meshulum, who fought and paid with his mind for justice for the Yemenite children and parents, asked me to head the PR for his movement. But the Shabak had planted the Shifris family in his campaign and there was no entrance for me. What he told me was that Yosef Burg was the figure at-the-top who let the kidnappings go on. From his son we learn that Yosef Burg was Israel's representative of German Jews at the time. That he was the political leader of what Meshulum called, The Sephardic Holocaust, is now no surprise. From growing up in that nightmare household, Avraham Burg learned too much for his pea-brain to absorb. He now wants Israel gone and no one is delving into the real causes of why. One of those causes is that big money can be made from a

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good Holocaust. Ask Edgar Bronfman of the CFR. On behalf of his ‘World Jewish Congress’ (WJC), just a few years ago he sued and won $6.5 billion dollars of Holocaust victims accounts from the Swiss banking system. Guess how much of that money went to the families of the dead? You guessed right. Not a penny. It's all in the Bronfmans back pocket. Oh, they'll blame the banks for not releasing names and so on, but who cares when you've got $6.5 billion to play with. The heck with the victims, it's time to take the Catholic grandkids to Disneyland, or the next gathering of the Frankists. That's the beauty of taking dead peoples' money. They can't fight back - at least not in this world. So watch out Israel because Edgar's son Matt just bought ‘Israel Discount Bank’. If things go as planned, anyone with an account there will make some Bronfmans very happy in the near future. I'm so proud of my readers. We are all so decent and moral in a world of unending outrage. Take Isi Leibler, a Jerusalem-based executive of the WJC. He has not only sent me respectful comments over the years but he always bought my books as they were released. He exposed deep financial thefts at the WJC and forced Edgar the Bronfman to resign this month. So who did he find to replace him? Why, his son Matt is Chairman of the WJC board and Ronald Lauder of the CFR is the new President. Now that's keeping it all in their Holocaust cult. Lauder, of course was PM Ehud Olmert's original financial backer. And Olmert is now being investigated for using his Lauder-bought influence to help two buddies acquire still another financial institution, Bank Leumi. The buddies were Daniel Abraham of the CFR (Google the membership list if you don't believe me) and Frank Lowy, owner of the WTC's 450,000 sq. ft. shopping arcade on 9-11. Abraham also bought Olmert's

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Jerusalem apartment for 3 times its value, handing him a couple of million hidden but very cool dollars. But that deal fell through and Leumi was SOOOO humiliated it decided to help those Holocaust dead who opened accounts seventy and more years ago. Yessirree, they released a whole $20 million to the families of the gassed. Needless to say, the interest on one good account over 70 years is more than all 3000 dead clients will ever see but, so what? Collecting on a Holocaust is just a great business venture. Who's alive to complain? NOTES: Burg: Defining Israel as a Jewish state is the key to its end By Ari Shavit, Haaretz Correspondent Avraham Burg, former Knesset speaker and former head of the Jewish Agency says "to define the State of Israel as a Jewish state is the key to its end. A Jewish state is explosive. It's dynamite." In an interview in Haaretz Weekend Magazine, he said that he is in favor of abrogating the Law of Return and calls on everyone who can to obtain a foreign passport. Burg, who was interviewed on the occasion of the publication of his book "Defeating Hitler" said "the strategic mistake of Zionism was to annul the alternatives. Israeliness has only body; it doesn't have soul." "Judaism always prepared alternatives," says Burg, who three years after leaving Israeli politics is now a citizen of France and a successful businessman.

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"Just as there was something astonishing about German Jewry, in America, too, they created the potential for something astonishing. They created a situation in which the goy can be my father and my mother and my son and my partner," Burg says. His book ruminates about Israel and Zionism, compares Israel and Germany, harshly criticizes Eichmann's hanging, reflects on Judaism in the age of globalization and remembers his father's house. Burg said he started his book in mourning for the loss of Israel. "During most of the writing the book's title was 'Hitler Won.' But slowly I discovered the layer of not everything being lost. And I discovered my father as a representative of German Jewry that was ahead of its time. These two themes nourished the book from beginning to end." ** WJC Chooses Lauder as New President Billionaire philanthropist Ron Lauder, 63, has been chosen to be the next President of the ailing World Jewish Congress (WJC). He replaces Edgar M. Bronfman, who led the organization since 1979 until his recent resignation following revelations of undocumented money transfers. His son Matthew Bronfman, who has chaired the WJC Budget and Finance Commission, was elected the Chairman of the Governing Board. Lauder, a former US ambassador to Austria and ex-chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, said after his election, "This is such an important organization, so let's do everything we can to turn it into what it was - glorious!"

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The WJC is an international organization dedicated to addressing the interests and needs of Jews and Jewish communities throughout the world. It was founded in Geneva in 1936 to unite the Jewish people and mobilize the world against the Nazi threat. The WJC is headquartered in New York, with a research institute in Jerusalem, and offices in several cities around the world. Together with other organizations, it has helped secure millions of dollars for Holocaust victims and survivors in payments from Germany, Swiss banks, insurance companies and others. ** Bank Leumi to Return NIS 20 Million 25 Sivan 5767, 11 June 07 05:57 by (IsraelNN.com) Officials of Bank Leumi have decided to give NIS 20 million to the survivors of Holocaust victims. The victims deposited money in the bank before the Holocaust, and some survivors have complained that the money was never returned. The bank has previously offered to make payments to survivors on the condition that the bank would be immune to lawsuits. However, the NIS 20 million payment will be made "as a good will gesture," according to bank officials. Groups working for the return of properties belonging to Holocaust victims hailed the decision as an important step, and expressed hope that other organizations would follow in Bank Leumi's footsteps. **

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Survivors' Israeli assets to be outed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Etgar Lefkovits, THE JERUSALEM POST Jun. 19, 2007 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The first list of assets of Holocaust victims found in Israel will be published on Wednesday. The list includes 3,000 bank accounts and 500 real estate properties valued at more than NIS 100 million. The financial assets and property lists - which will be published in Hebrew on the Israel Organization for the Restitution of Assets of Holocaust Victims's Web site - www.hashava.org.il - were compiled by the Custodian General's Office, the ‘Jewish National Fund’ and from a compilation of pre-war bank accounts already published by the Knesset. The list will appear on the group's Web site in English and Russian next week, a spokesman said Tuesday, and will be available by mail upon request for people who do not have Internet access. The organization will also operate a multilingual hot line at: (03) 516-4117. State institutions have held property estimated at hundreds of millions of dollars belonging to Holocaust victims for decades, without transferring them to the victims' heirs. Group spokesman Amir Dan said tens of millions of shekels were believed to have been invested in Bank Leumi, Israel's second largest bank, by Holocaust victims before World War II. Bank Leumi holds most of the 9,000 accounts (3,000 belonging to victims and another 6,000 belonging to survivors) found in Israeli

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banks. "The State of Israel has a moral debt to fix the historic injustice which has been done, and to ensure that the property of Holocaust victims gets to their heirs," said Avraham Roet, 78, head of the restitution organization. The Dutch-born Roet was hidden as a child by Christian families, and so survived the German occupation of the Netherlands. "It is a pity that the State of Israel waited 60 years, but better late than never," he said. The Israel Organization for the Restitution of Assets for Holocaust Victims was established by the Knesset last year. "I am very glad that the intensive work of a parliamentary committee bore fruit [and established] this organization, whose purpose is to... return Holocaust victims' property to their rightful heirs," said Labor MK Colette Avital, who headed the committee. Property and assets left unclaimed will be used to help elderly Holocaust survivors in need, the group said. Nearly one-third of the estimated 250,000 Holocaust survivors in Israel live in poverty, recent welfare reports have found, numbers that have prompted growing calls for additional government assistance. *

Meteor, UFO Over Israel? Nope, a Future Gas Attack On the night of July 9, Israelis saw a flashing orange light in the sky. They were told it was a meteor, though a few experts

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warned them that it couldn't have been. On the night of July 9, Iran launched 9 missiles, most capable of hitting Israel. On TV we saw that they were flashing orange in the nighttime sky. And duuuh! Officially, no one in Israel told the truth, that Iran had launched a warning missile over Israel. Read on. From Ha'aretz: Last update - 21:05 09/07/2008 Meteor sighting sparks UFO panic in Israel An unexpected meteor cut through Israel's skyline from east to west Tuesday evening and disappeared shortly after, causing panic throughout central Israel and bafflement among astronomers who failed to predict it...Rafaeli explained that at one point he could no longer see the light that divided the skies. "As I am a man of exact sciences in my professional life, I don't believe in aliens. It is possible that it was a case of a meteor that entered the atmosphere, but it does not appear that way. In any case, it was a beautiful site." ** http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080709/ap_on_re_mi_ea/iran_missiles Wed Jul 9, 4:06 PM ET TEHRAN, Iran - Iran test-fired nine missiles Wednesday, including ones capable of hitting Israel, making a dramatic show of its readiness to strike back if the United States or Israel attacks it over its nuclear program.

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** http://www.israeltoday.co.il/default.aspx?tabid=178&nid=16560 > Wednesday, July 09, 2008 Israel Today Staff>> Meteor sparks fears of UFO, Iranian missiles in Israel A relatively large and unexpected meteor streaked across the sky over central Israel Tuesday evening, sparking widespread fears that the nation was under attack by Iran, Syria, or perhaps aliens. The large bright ball and flaming tail were visible around 8 PM and were seen by thousands of Israelis from Jerusalem to Tel Aviv. As soon as the meteor had disappeared, burned up in earth's atmosphere, calls to the police began pouring in. Panic-stricken Israelis were certain that one of Israel's many regional enemies was finally making good on threats to destroy the Jewish state. ** And further, duuh, Iran is now distributing gas for the heads of Hizbullah's missiles: ** FADC: Hand out gas masks immediately Jul. 15, 2008 Rebecca Anna Stoil , THE JERUSALEM POST Responding to a report that appeared in the Kuwait-based Al-Siyasa newspaper, which said Hizbullah was being supplied with

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chemicals from North Korea, such as nerve gas or mustard gas, to create rockets with chemical warheads, Steinitz said, "I cannot exclude this possibility..." While the Israeli government had deliberately collected gas masks from the public and refused to distribute new ones: ** Israeli civilians are unprepared for nonconventional attacks, warned prominent members of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee Tuesday afternoon, blasting the defense establishment for ignoring calls to fix the situation. Committee chairman MK Tzahi Hanegbi (Kadima) and MK Yuval Steinitz (Likud), chairman of the Subcomittee for Readiness, held a press conference during which they called on the government to begin immediate distribution of gas masks to the public. They complained that although Steinitz's subcommittee published a report on the subject a year ago, no steps had been taken to fix the problems. ** That's because a real-life Holocaust by gas is being prepared for 6 million Jews of Israel with Israeli government collusion. Duuh!! *

2009 - THE YEAR OF ISRAEL'S COLLAPSE Beginning in July, 2006 and lasting for 34 days, a ragtag band of terrorists called Hizbullah, rained missiles on Northern

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Israel from Lebanon. Those with transportation abandoned their homes and slept on the beaches or, if they could afford it, in the hotels of central and southern Israel. Northern Israel was uninhabitable. And that was a jolly picnic compared to what awaits Israel when the next war begins, very likely in 2008. The Arabs learned the lessons of 2006 well and Israel is now surrounded by 80,000 missiles on all land sides. Even Saudi Arabia will join in the fray, promising Iran and Syria that it will send its deadly rocket salvo to Eilat and the vital airbases north of the city. There were 4000 missiles in 34 days in 2006, that made northern Israel unlivable. Imagine 10,000 missiles on Tel Aviv during the first day of the next war. In 2008, all of Israel might turn into a graveyard. *


Israeli society is almost totally fragmented by the founding and very criminal establishment which built the state, against most of the people. All the unifying myths of the founders are being proven lies, but there is no ridding the country of those who control its education, police, media and the courts. My introduction to the new reality came in December 1993 when a friend of Ron Pundak's arranged an interview with him for me. Joining me for the occasion was Joel Bainerman, my co-editor of the newsletter ‘Inside Israel’ and author of a near classic book on the Bush family called ‘Crimes of a President’. Just a month before, the Oslo "peace" agreement between Israel and the PLO was signed and Pundak was one of the two Israeli authors of the historic accord. We were going to receive inside information, but

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neither of us could have imagined how different and dark it was inside. Pundak thought we were sympathetic admirers and he was bragging to us. Shimon Peres, he said, had nothing to do with Oslo. The negotiations were hidden from him by the real ringleaders, Yossi Beilin and Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. Almost as an afterthought he said, "My boss (Beilin) doesn't believe in borders. Borders cause wars." Joel knew what he meant but I didn't. I said, "Without borders, there is no Israel." Pundak answered, "What replaces the country will be much better. We'll meld into a Middle East bloc of nations." From that moment I shouted my message: You don't know what Olso means. The Israelis behind it are utterly nuts! Sadly, I never acquired the means to get this message into the minds of the people, even after they discovered just what Shimon Peres' role in the mess actually was. There are two international forces out to destroy Israel. Peres was doing the filthy work for one of them, the Vatican. In April, 1993, then-Foreign Minister Peres learned that there were talks being conducted in Norway and that he was left out of them by Rabin. He immediately went to work sabotaging Oslo and we know this because, in February 1994, his friend Marek Halter told the newspaper Shishi that in May1993, he delivered a note from Peres to the pope in Rome. If the Vatican so desired, he would grant its everlasting dream of making Jerusalem its capital. He promised the Holy See hegemony over East Jerusalem and all holy sites. The UN would police the territory and a Palestinian capital would emerge from within this new Vatican enclave.

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If this wasn't enough leaked data, the Italian newsmagazine ‘La Stampa’ soon confirmed the story and added new details like Jerusalem Airport would demand no passports, and all trade would be done without duty. Jerusalem would not just become the first international city, the whole place would be a giant duty free shop. In February of 1995, a "leaker" handed the Arutz Sheva radio station, a cable from the Israeli embassy in Rome to Peres' Foreign Ministry offices in Jerusalem outlining the "handover of East Jerusalem's hegemony to the Vatican." The very next day, the radical "intellectual" newspaper Haaretz printed the cable on the front page of its weekend edition. Peres was caught and the effect was immediate. Every Passover, Peres politics at the holiday tables of the country's most influential rabbis. That year they all cancelled him. Well, why not? He was planning to hand the holy city to the Vatican! So Peres had his spokesman issue an explanation. Yes, the cable was authentic but some prankster had whited out the word "not." In fact, Israel would NOT give the Vatican sovereignty over East Jerusalem. The gullible rabbis bought this transparent lie and Peres was re-invited to their dinners. I knew the leaker because he had already asked me and Joel to meet his representative at the Hilton Hotel of Jerusalem in February 1994 to receive the secret clauses of Oslo, the ones Pundak didn't tell us. The leaker worked in the communications department of a major ministry office and all cables passed through his hands. I read the stacks of paper handed me until I finally uttered, "It can't be." The cables described a campaign against the Jewish residents of Judea and Samaria which included revoking their gun licenses, reducing army presence on the roads to their homes, leading to

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massacres of the hapless citizens, who will turn tail and run. To get the ball rolling, a campaign was launched to turn them, in the eyes the world, into violent killers. All of the clauses were quickly after put into action. But one clause was too much. It read, "Eliminate their political and religious leaders." This I couldn't accept and I left the meeting with the notes but certain they weren't real. That night the leaker called and said, "Buy this Friday's Jerusalem Post. On the front page will be a story based on the report I gave you. Then call the writer Steve Rodan and ask about the source." The headline read: “Oslo Goal To Push Israel To Pre-67 Borders." Peres was so angered that he cancelled all government subscriptions to the paper. But even with a $50,000 loss, the Post would not recant their story. Steve Rodan was their Security Affairs editor and I knew him. I called him. He said, "Before we went with the story we checked our source out from every angle for three months. He is who he says he is and the cables are authentic." To which I rejoindered: "So why didn't you write about the ghastly clauses about getting the settlers out of Judea and Samaria?" Steve paused and answered, "My publisher chickened out." I didn't. I wrote that Oslo was the first salvo in a secret and deadly war against the Jews of Judea and Samaria. In a matter of days the battle began with the first victims being the family of Miriam Lapid, an influential Hebron politician, and head of the National Religious Party, Chaim Drucksman. She lost her husband and a son, he survived his attack but his driver died. The war was in full steam in 2007 with the leaders of Yesha and their rabbis and families being murdered or dying in car "accidents" non-stop. And as the composers of Oslo knew, the families of the victims never suspected that Israel's secret service, the Shabak, was coordinating this deadly war with its

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Fatah counterpart. The Jews won't admit that Jews do kill Jews, even if they don't pull the final trigger. In 1995, Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated and I published a bestseller in 1997, Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin, which rose to the top of the Israeli bestselling lists. It was eventually published in seven languages, including English. Rabin was not murdered by the patsy sitting in prison for the crime. The government claimed that Rabin was shot in the back twice. I received then-secret police and hospital reports proving, beyond doubt, that Rabin was, in fact, shot three times, including once from the front, something the convicted murderer could not and did not do. I concluded that the conspiracy to murder Rabin was led by his actual killer, bodyguard Yoram Rubin, who took his orders ultimately from chief of the Shabak, Carmi Gillon, who planned the murder with Rabin's successor as Prime Minister, Shimon Peres. In 2007, the widely circulated newspaper Maariv conducted a national survey asking Israelis if they believed Rabin was murdered in a conspiracy. Close to a third of secular Israelis and half the religious bought my findings and answered yes. Truth was finally winning, but it's not coming fast enough to save the nation. In the spring of 2004, the government announced that Rabin murderer Yoram Rubin would return from his duties in the Washington embassy to be PM Ariel Sharon's personal bodyguard. I responded by telling my readers that Sharon would be dead by the end of the year. On Dec. 18, Sharon had a private meeting with Peres in the Knesset and within half an hour was taken to Hadassah Hospital by Yoram Rubin. The hit squad was in action, as predicted. Sharon survived until Jan. 3 when his last visitor was Ehud Olmert. Sharon signed a document naming Olmert Prime Minister while he was briefly in the hospital the

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next day. A few hours later, Sharon was taken to Hadassah Hospital with a cerebral hemorrhage. He was murdered or more to the point, lies in a hospital bed awaiting a brain transplant. If you know a good brain, donate it to Ariel. We now arrive at the second organization dedicated to annihilating Israel, a 4200 member New York think tank called, The ‘Council on Foreign Relations’ (CFR). Ron Pundak told Joel and I that, "Warren Christopher (CFR) was very skeptical about our mission when he called us in January but came on board by March." I asked him, "Do you mean to say the Oslo negotiations were known in the U.S?" Without batting an eyelash he replied, "From the very first." Try and recall Washington in August, 1993. President Clinton (CFR) said he was shocked to hear about the Oslo negotiations and would have to decide if they were legitimate. All lies! The Oslo Accord was a CFR deal. Every major American player destroying Israel is from the CFR, ie: Carter, Mondale, Brzezinski, Albright, Powell, Baker, Rice, et al. All members. Even the bit players like Zinni, Mitchell, Kurtzer – et al, are all found on the CFR membership list. It was CFR members George Shultz and Richard Perle who turned Binyamin Netanyahu into a CFR asset in the mid-Seventies. The same with Ariel Sharon. For this information Joel and I can partly thank Binyamin Begin, the honest Science Minister who quit politics after his son Yehuda died in a mysterious "accident." In our long interview with him, he told us, "You don't know Sharon. He is not what people think." Indeed he was not. In 1974 he was a hugely popular general and founder of a left wing political party called Shlomtzion. He was guided by Henry Kissinger CFR) to infiltrate Menachem Begin's right wing Herut Party and destroy it from within.

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In 1999, Joel called me from New York where he was attending an economic conference. "You won't believe what I saw." he excitedly pronounced. "Sharon entered a private room with Kissinger." The next day I called Sharon's spokesman Raanan Gissen and he told me, "The Minister has met with Kissinger on every trip to the US since 1974." My final question to him was, "What do you know about Sharon's ties to the ‘Council on Foreign Relations’?" He paused long and answered, "The Minister has instructed me to answer that he will not discuss that issue until he writes his memoirs." There is no political opposition in Israel. No matter who you vote for, you get the foreigners ruling Israel. The same process is applied within the country where the establishment has infiltrated all anti-government groups. They decide who will lead the protests. They even supply the rabbis giving harmless rulings that, on the surface, sound anti-establishment. The final straw of this infiltration was the atrocity in August 2005, which saw the Jews of Gaza and Northern Samaria cruelly removed from their homes without any intention of ever compensating them for their loss. The day the Israel Defense Forces were used to make Jews refugees in their own land, Israel was lost. And that, by the way, is no embellishment. The IDF is no longer the army of all the Jews and a fast spreading refusal to serve movement now threatens its ability to protect the nation. Israel was never founded to be a shelter for the Jews. The founding Labor Zionists intended Israel to replace Judaism with an especially immoral brand of secularism. To understand Israel, one must reject all the myths and start afresh. The Labor Zionists worked with the Nazis to get German Jews to their new experiment in Palestine and those Europeans they rejected could and did burn in an earthly Hell. Lost in this ungodly goal was the illegal rejection of the genuinely patriotic Revisionist Zionist movement from official Zionism during the Nazi years. A vast

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literature headed by Ben Hecht's ‘Perfidy’ and Edwin Black's ‘The Transfer Agreement’ is changing the way Israelis view their history. I add, my books, like ‘Bye Bye Gaza’, are on the list. Israel's Labor Zionist establishment is disgusted by the highly successful movement towards the true Torah centered in Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria. Its leaders will be well taken care of when their failed experiment, Israel, is piled on to the ash heap of history and this love of Torah burns in a new war, likely in 2008. In 2008, the Arabs will try to take full advantage of an Israel weakened from without and within. Ten thousand missiles will turn Tel Aviv into rubble on the first day of the conflagration. The communications infrastructure, the army, the air force, will disappear in the chaos. And the leaders will not launch even one atomic weapon in retaliation. Surviving Jews will watch as their women are gathered to be raped in front of their fathers, sons and brothers. After suffering long enough, the men will be shot dead, if they are lucky. The not so lucky ones will be tortured then burned alive. That is called a Holocaust. The only hope for Israel is for the people to finally grasp the awful truth and rise up against the leaders of Labor Zionism and oust them from the bloodstream of Judaism wherever they can be found. Maybe then, God will bring back his little bag of miracles.

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Why should I write about the devastating impact of Sabbateanism on the Jews when the current "rabbi" of the movement explains his goal of destroying not just the Jewish religion but ALL religions, to a major Israeli newspaper, Maariv? And Maariv's response from the Jews of Israel has been "appreciative." If you want the full truth of this murderous theology, get my book: http://www.lulu.com/content/336970 ~ ‘Shabtai Tzvi, Labor Zionism and the Holocaust’ Or write me at [email protected] for my DVD from Atlanta, or my CD from Denver or both by the same title. So, read on. If the awful interview below disturbs you, skip to a firsthand report after it on who in the Shabak tried to cover up the Rabin murder by wrecking me, and the surprise of what they are doing today. Honest, these are really good surprises. http://sevenfatcow.wordpress.com/2008/06/15/full-yalhak-interview-with-maariv/ The noted Israeli newspaper, Ma’ariv, just published their interview with Reb Yakov Leib HaKohain in its Spirituality section at http://www.nrg.co.il:80/online/43/ART1/746/327.html. An English version of the interview is attached, and a Turkish translation is in now in the process of being done.

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According to Yonatan Levi, editor of Ma’ariv who conducted the interview, “The interview is up and our dialogue received already appreciative feedback. the title is “Kabel Het-Het”, which in military slang means “well done” (het-het as acronym of positive enforcement - “hizuk hiuvi”).” **


MA’ARIV: Why neo-Sabbatianism? What does this approach have that other religious streams, in or outside of Judaism, lack? REB YAKOV LEIB HAKOHAIN: First, we are not a “religion.” Neo-Sabbatianism seeks to destroy religion, not to compete with it. Religions all religions (and most especially the so-called “Abrahamic” religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam) are the Kellipot surrounding and entrapping the Glory of God. Jews worship Judaism; Christians worship Christianity; Muslims worship Islam we Neo-Sabbatians worship God, not as a supernatural being but as an infinite, boundless, undefinable Mind possessing no corporeality or substance, yet having self-awareness, intelligence, emotion, will, and intention. All things that ever were, are and will be are in this “God,” but in potential rather than physical form. This “God” is energy, not entity at first, before creation, Energy in its potential state but, during and after creation, energy in its kinetic state as well. Like energy, and because it is energy, this “God” can neither be created nor destroyed. It corresponds more to the Ayn Sof of Kabbalah than to the Yahweh of Judaism. Strictly speaking, we Neo-Sabbatians don’t “worship” or pray to this “God” but seek to know It, communicate with It and assist It in its return to the wholeness from which It has fallen by the act of creation. We do this not

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“out there” as religions do, but “in here” as the so-called mystic does. We do this not through religious creed and ritual which we consider deterrents rather than aids to knowing “God” but by the direct inner experience of It through the power of Ze’ir Anpin, or what C. G. Jung calls “the One who dwells within [us], whose form has no knowable boundaries, who encompasses [us] on all sides, fathomless as the abysms of the earth and vast as the sky.” MA’ARIV: The last article of yours we published aroused much interest but one topic was ostensibly missing: the practice. What sins do you actually practice, how do you chose them, what are the consequences, the price, the reward? REB YAKOV LEIB HAKOHAIN: We’re not concerned in Neo-Sabbatian Kabbalah with the “practice” of sin, but with the transformation of unholiness into holiness again, not “out there” somewhere but “in here” where it exists without our needing to “choose” it. Furthermore it is on the level of thought not deed that this transformation of the unholy into the holy this “redemption through sin” takes place for us. As the Ba’al Shem Tov said, “The Evil Thoughts come to man even in the midst of prayer. And they come to him as to their redemption. When an evil or alien though arises in a man, it comes to him in order that he may redeem it, and let it ascend.” In other words, for us “sin” is not an outer ritual to be acted out through the body, but an inner encounter with evil in what the Zohar calls the “heart-mind” for the purposes not of enjoying the evil, but of transforming it. To quote the great poet and Sufi master, Rumi:, “To do evil is only reprehensible when it is done for its own sake. But when evil is done for the sake of the good, then it is not reprehensible” which corresponds almost directly to the Ba’al Shem Tov’s statement, “In truth, there is no opposite between good and evil, for evil is the throne of good.”

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MA’ARIV: Could you elaborate on the issue of religious conversion? How has your own religious experience changed as you took on yourself Christianity, Islam and Hinduism? REB YAKOV LEIB HAKOHAIN: To begin with, the point of my multiple conversions like those of Sabbtai Zevi and Jacob Frank before me wasn’t to change me, but to repair God. In fact, the entire emphasis in Neo-Sabbatian Kabbalah isn’t on me not on my salvation or my transformation but on the salvation and transformation of God. Martin Buber put it best, I think, when he said, “No soul has its object in its own salvation True, each person is to know themselves, purify themselves, perfect themselves, but not for their own sake neither for the sake of their temporal happiness nor for that of their eternal bliss but for the sake of the Tikkun which they are destined to perform upon the world.” Therefore, the Holy Apostasies of Sabbatai Zevi, Jacob Frank and myself were not conversions “of-the-flesh,” as it were, but conversions “of-the-heart.” The goal of converting to each religion was to retrieve and liberate the Holy Sparks imprisoned there, rather than to become a practicing member of its religious communion. Actually, in a way, the purpose of such Neo-Sabbatian conversions is to destroy the religion one enters into, much in the way the worm destroys the apple, rather than to become a practicing member of it. MA’ARIV: Could you briefly describe your spiritual biography - how come you found yourself drawn to antinomian religion? Do you find it related to the 60’s counter-culture? REB YAKOV LEIB HAKOHAIN: I’m 73 years old, and for as long as I can remember even as far back as when I was an infant in my crib I was mad for this “God” who relentlessly pursued me in dreams and visions even, as I said, when I was an infant in my crib. To paraphrase our friend, Leonard Cohen, “it’s not I who

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chooses God, but God who chooses me.” I wasn’t “drawn to antinomian religion,” it was God who drew me to it. As for the 60’s, I was what I was long before they were. I studied philosophy and comparative religion in college, at least a decade before the 60’s. In a way (if you’ll excuse my signature immodesty) it was people like me who created the 60’s, not the 60’s that created us. MA’ARIV: And of course - could you tell a bit about the community of Turkish Ma’aminim and your relationship with them. REB YAKOV LEIB HAKOHAIN: My mother’s family was originally from Istanbul, Turkey where their Donmeh surname was “Goldman.” (The photo you see below is of my Turkish great-grandmother, Peli, on the left, taken when she was 101 years old…) My father’s family, although not from Turkey, was from Romania, so both sides came from what was then the Ottoman Empire, cradle of Sabbatianism. Probably for that reason, the hereditary Ma’aminim of Turkey have been supportive of our work almost from its beginning. In fact, many of them are members of Donmeh West, and one of their leaders (some say THE leader, but he denies being such) helped me establish Donmeh West on the internet a decade ago and has been our supporter and friend ever since. MA’ARIV: In what ways do you instruct your students to get in touch with God? What is the practical teaching? Examples would do as well. REB YAKOV LEIB HAKOHAIN: “God speaks first in one way, and then in another, but not one notices. He speaks by dreams, and visions that come in the night.” (Job 33:14) So the “practical teaching” we give is, Shut up and listen! Concerning this use of dreams in Neo-Sabbatian Kabbalah, the noted Bible scholar,

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author and Zurich-Certified Jungian analyst, J. Marvin Spiegelman, wrote: “[Yakov Leib HaKohain] has made an unusual attempt at combining Jungian [dream interpretation] and the Kabbalah, significantly more than has been assayed heretofore. There have been accounts of the impact of Jewish Mysticism and Kabbalah on [modern dream interpretation] e.g. Freud and Jung but [Yakov Leib HaKohain] is the first to our knowledge who explicitly combines archetypal information and Jungian concepts in a back-and-forth relation between dreams, personal history and Kabbalistic imagery.” (J. Marvin Spiegelman, “Modern Jew In Search of a Soul” Falcon Press, 1986, p. 84) MA’ARIV: Would it be possible to give also some examples of the process you described, of committing sins inwardly and then repenting? REB YAKOV LEIB HAKOHAIN: The purpose of “committing the sin inwardly” isn’t actually to “commit” it, but to transform it, so the entire issue has nothing really to do with “repenting” as much as it does with releasing Holiness from the Klippah of Unholiness that imprisons it. To paraphrase Rebbe Nachman, one enters into the sin not to commit it for one’s own personal gratification, but to “transform it into a holy angel, a being of might and destiny.” For example if an “alien thought” , as the Ba’al Shem Tov calls it, comes to one during prayer say, having hot sweaty sex with the young babe davening on the other side of the mechitzah the praying man should not do everything he can to put that thought out of his mind, but he should instead “embrace” it, allow himself to engage in it, through what the Zohar calls the “Gate of Imagination,” and this, not for his own sexual satisfaction, but to release the nitzot of holiness from its klippah of sexual desire. In other words, it is the kavannah behind the imagining that makes it either a holy tikkun or an issue sexual fantasy.

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MA’ARIV: Sabbtai Zevi as described among his followers as the Messiah, not only in the universal sense (as an example of a God-Realized man for instance) but as the historic, unique savior in which one should have faith (in the Pauline sense). What is your view belief of Sabbtai’s importance? REB YAKOV LEIB HAKOHAIN: We do not view Sabbatai Zevi as a “savior”, or even necessarily as the “messiah” in the commonly understood sense of the word. And we certainly do not view him as a God-man in the way Christians view Jesus. (Remember, this is NEO-Sabbatian Kabbalah we’re talking about.) Rather, we view Jesus and Sabbatai, along with the avatars of other spiritual traditions, as stages in an ongoing process extending from Jesus to the present moment a process in which all of us, whether we know it or not, are participating; a process called, “the continuing incarnation of God” about which C. G. Jung wrote, “The indwelling of the Holy Spirit, the third divine person, in man, brings about a christification of many.” In other words, Sabbatai Zevi wasn’t and isn’t God, but a godly man through whom God chose to speak and act. So it’s not Sabbatai the man, but that which God revealed of Itself through that man which has any importance for us. It’s like the Shofar. The Talmud tells us that it’s the sound issuing from the shofar, and not the shofar itself, that’s holy and, in fact, that the shofar itself is so profane that it can be used as a funnel to feed milk to a nursing infant. In that sense, Sabbatai Zevi was only the shofar; but what issued from him was the Sound. We follow the Sound, not the horn of a dead creature that makes it. MA’ARIV: Do you think there is a similarity of the Sabbatean antinominism and the eastern type of Crazy Wisdom (adopted as well by western teachers) as a means of bypassing, challenging or destroying the ego? REB YAKOV LEIB HAKOHAIN: Yes, there is. Not necessarily with

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the “old” Sabbatianism, but certainly very much with our NEO-Sabbatianism. It’s for that reason we call it “syncretic.” Jesus united Jew and Gentile “in his own person;” Amirah added Islam and Judaism; to that, Jacob Frank added Roman Catholicism; and finally, Neo-Sabbatianism embraces and synthesizes all those and the religions of the East as well. “On that day the Lord shall be King over all the earth; on that day, the Lord shall be One and his Name shall be one.” MA’ARIV: How do people usually react when they hear about your revival of Sabbateanism? Is the old resentment towards Sevi still active? REB YAKOV LEIB HAKOHAIN: Let me answer your question first with a quote from Gershom Scholem. In 1971 he wrote, “There is no longer any disagreement: The dramatic events and widespread religious revival that preceded the apostasy of Sabbatai Zevi in 1666 . . . . deserve to be studied objectively, to the exclusion of moralistic condemnations of the historical figures involved ... [But] a true understanding of the rise of Sabbatianism will never be possible as long as scholars continue to appraise it by inappropriate standards, whether these be the conventional beliefs of our own age or the values of traditional Judaism itself.” So to answer your question: modern people whose knowledge of Sabbatianism is limited to what Scholem calls “the baseless assumptions of ‘charlatanry and ‘imposture’ which occupy so prominent a place in earlier historical literature on the subject,” people such as these are predictably less than favorable in their reactions to us. On the other hand, I’ve seen a dramatic rise in the number of Jews and non-Jews who are drawn to this spiritual revival. For example, almost 90 thousand people from every corner of the world come to our website at www.donmeh-west.com to read and listen to our Neo-Sabbatian teachings. In fact, an independent rating service the “Nielsen” of cyberspace, so to speak using sophisticated mathematical

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techniques, consistently ranks Donmeh West among the top-ten of the literally hundreds of thousands of Kabbalah websites on the internet. There are also the so-called “Chulent People,” a movement of young yeshiva-trained, formerly Charedi men and women (about whom the N.Y. Times has had at least one feature article) who are exploring alternative approaches to “Judaism” and spirituality, including, to some degree, our own Neo-Sabbatianism. MA’ARIV: You mentioned your Turkish ancestry. What did your parents and grandparents had to say about your activities? REB YAKOV LEIB HAKOHAIN: There isn’t much to say, really, except that my family came to the United States almost a hundred years ago from Istanbul, where their Donme surname was “Goldman.” They came to America, like so many other Donme families, to escape Sabbatianism and the always-present accusation of the Jews that they were ‘mamzerim’. They never spoke of Turkey or Sabbatai Zevi or anything else related to our background until, shortly before she died, my grandmother told me about our Turkish origins and my great-grandmother, Peli, whose picture she gave me, taken of her in Donme garb when she was 101 years old. I was, I think, 26 at the time. and from then until now I had to learn everything for myself, literally from dreams, visions and my spiritual teachers particularly the great Jungian Kabbalist and direct disciple of C.G. Jung (who was, himself, an admirer of Sabbatai Zevi), the co-founder of the first Jung Institute in the United States, James Kirsch. MA’ARIV: Finally, we understand there is an international movement under way to restore the crumbling 400 year-old birthplace of Sabbatai Zevi in Izmir, Turkey. Could you tell us something about that. REB YAKOV LEIB HAKOHAIN: Yes. This is a project that’s very

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important to me and many other Ma’aminim throughout the world. Sabbatai Sevi came back into the news, in January 2007, when a crumbling three-story house in Izmir was identified as his birthplace just a few days before it was due to be demolished. Now, the house is secure, but its future is uncertain. The question arises. What should be done with it now? Should it be transformed into a museum, a research center, or tourism center or something else? A special support group has been set up on the internet for people who are interested in learning more about this project and/or helping to see it through to completion. Your readers can find it at www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=6669864131. **


MA’ARIV: You have mentioned that the redemption of evil is done only by thought. this was not the case, of course with Sabbtai and even less with Frank, who followed the Jewish understanding that the deed is holy, therefore the mitvah habaa beaverah must be accordingly acted out. could you comment on that? REB YAKOV LEIB HAKOHAIN: I didn’t mean to suggest that the only way to redeem evil is by thought; I’m only suggesting that there is another way of “acting out” the dictum of mitzvah haba b’averah. besides through the body. This is where the “neo” of Neo-Sabbatianism comes in. Let me elaborate on that with a quotation from the Zohar: “For nothing is revealed while the person is still under the spell of the body” thus suggesting that a deed performed physically through the body is somehow less holy than the same deed performed spiritually through the mind because the things of the body lead to the consequences of the body, while the things of the spirit lead to the consequences of

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the spirit, and the consequences of the body are death and decay, while those of the spirit are union with God and life everlasting. So, yes, our understanding, like that of Sabbatai and Frank, is that the deed itself is holy, but where we part company with them and with conventional Jewish wisdom is in our further understanding that there is more than one level on which a deed itself can be performed. What we know now that they did not know then is that a deed can be accomplished just as effectively (and perhaps even more so) on the virtual level of spirit (that is to say, in the mind) as it can be on the literal level of action (that is to say, in the body). For example, quantum-mechanics physics proposes that anything one can imagine in his mind either already exists or literally comes into existence in some parallel universe as a result of his having imagined it. In this regard, the Zohar says, “God is unknowable. No one has ever been able to identify Him. How, then, can you say: ‘Her husband is known in the Gates?’ (Prov. 31:23) when ‘her husband’ is the Blessed Holy One. But, indeed, God is known in the Gates. He is known and grasped to the degree that one opens the Gates of Imagination! The capacity to connect to the Spirit of Wisdom, to imagine in one’s heart-mind, that is how God becomes known.” In conclusion, then, as I’ve already said, a deed performed in the body leads to the consequences of the body, which are decay and death, while a deed performed in the soul leads to the consequences of the soul which are union with God and life everlasting. MA’ARIV: Could you elaborate what kind of spiritual practice - which would be Sabbatical in essence and opposed to creed and ritual - do you teach in order that one can know God? REB YAKOV LEIB HAKOHAIN: Given what I just said about a deed having the same or even higher consequences when acted out on

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the virtual as opposed to literal level, let me answer your question by saying that everything Sabbatai and Frank taught and practiced, we teach and practice also but, unlike them, we teach and practice it through the Gates of Imagination rather than the gates of the body. Again, this is one of the principles that puts the “neo” into Neo-Sabbatian. That being said, let me give you an example. According to Nanthan of Gaza, “the messiah’s soul is engulfed by the qelippah… [and just] as the shell appears before the core of the fruit, even so the messianic qellipah (that is, Jesus) appeared first in this world… [Therefore] he that is the messiah will restore to holiness his qelippah which is Jesus Christ.” (Quoted in Gershom Scholem, “Sabbatai Sevi: The Mystical Messiah”) In other words, just as Sabbatai Zevi entered into the “Maw of Satan” by converting to Islam in order to retrieve the Holy Sparks held prisoners there, so Jesus had entered into the realm of the Sitrah Achra to do the same. But since the soul of Jesus remains trapped in the Side of Darkness, the Yechidah Mashiach, of which Jesus is the qellipah, is also trapped there with him. Now with those Sabbatian teachings in mind, our Neo-Sabbatian practice for restoring the soul of Jesus to holiness.– not to reinstate him as the messiah or as a god-man, but only to release the yechidah mashiach of which he is the qelippah is to fling open the Gates of Imagination and call to him by reciting the words of the Kaddish. That is, we recite the Kaddish to him, not for him. MA’ARIV: I suppose you are asked a lot about the sexual aspects of Sabbateanism and Frankism and if you have partially or fully followed their example? REB YAKOV LEIB HAKOHAIN: I’ve done nothing that Sabbatai

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Zevi and Jacob Frank did not or would not have done, sexually as well as otherwise. Like them, however, although these strange actions of mine may have been what others would consider immoral and sacrilegious, they were never illegal, and I am neither ashamed of nor regret any of them. However, I will say this: it was largely out of those early antinomian sexual experiences that I realized that whatever is done through the body leads to death and corruption, while whatever is done through the soul that is, through the Gates of Imagination leads to union with God and life everlasting. It was out of those literal experiences that I realized the power of the virtual experience in all areas of the transformation of God. Let me elaborate. It’s commonly understood that the first five commandments are “religious” while the second five are “civil.” That is, the first five deal with one’s relationships to God while the second five deal with one’s relationships to others. Given our Neo-Sabbatian view of virtual rather than literal antinomianism, we outwardly violate the religious commandments while inwardly observing them; and we outwardly observe the civil commandments while inwardly violating them. Furthermore, this violation of the civil commandants isn’t a ritual in which we go looking for sins to redeem; rather, it is only when the alien thought, as the Besht calls it, comes to us that we embrace it in order to transform it and then, only through the Gate of Imagination. MA’ARIV: About the conversions - do you encourage your students do the same? REB YAKOV LEIB HAKOHAIN: Because the “neo” in Neo-Sabbatian emphasizes the virtual rather than the literal, because it emphasizes the Gates of Imagination rather than the Gates of the Body, I do not encourage my students to do the same as I did in my multiple conversions, although not for one moment do

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I regret having done it. Instead, as with almost everything else we teach and practice, I encourage them to make such conversions through the Gates of Imagination rather than the Gates of Religion and even then, only for the purpose of redeeming the Holy Sparks, not for the purpose of becoming a practicing member of the religion to which they inwardly “converted.” Those familiar with the 19th century Hindu Avatar, Sri Ramakrishna, will recognize here the virtual way he “converted” to the multiple religions he followed, rather than the literal way followed by Sabbatai Zevi and Jacob Frank. ** On April 3, 1997, I was supposed to lecture on ‘Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin’ the Hebrew University of Jerusalem...but the Shabak pulled out all stops to hush my words. The organizer of the lecture was Brian Bunn, and he just sent me a low-down on the lead Shabakniks and what they are doing today. Let's let him do the talking: He was the one leading the charge w/candles in his hand. and the one who told me that he worried about my safety if i went through w/the event. and the one who told me you were a holocaust denier. and yes, he was one of the 4/6 that I knew and recognized at the hotel meeting with the two handlers (for whatever purpose). i'll say this, it was a meeting of both right and left wing student politics that night in the room. those two sides HATED each other w/a vengeance. oh, and the one i suspected all year long was there to monitor things. so am i surprised he's doing commercial law? not at all. he's Shabaknik #1. ** ADV. IDAN LAMDAN

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In about 2004, Adv. Landan left a thriving legal practice that he had founded in 2001 to join the ranks of KNK’s commercial law department. Adv. Lamdan brought with him rich legal experience in the field of public-administrative and civil law. In addition to handling legal matters, Adv. Lamdan also handles various matters in the public field: First, he serves in a quasi-judicial capacity in the Tel Aviv labor courts and beginning in 2004, as a mediator of disputes in the labor court. Second, from 2002 and onwards, Adv. Lamdan has been serving as a director in the municipal company of the Tel-Aviv-Yaffo municipality – “Ezrah U’Bizaron”, a company dealing with managing building projects, renovations, and preservation in the municipal field. In addition, Adv. Lamdan serves as the head of the control board

for “Ezrah U’Bizaron”. Beginning in 1999 and onwards, Adv. Lamdan has been active in the ‘Movement for Quality Government’ in Israel. Adv. Lamdan has a degree in law from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Adv. Lamdan also holds a license as a private investigator under the Law of Private Investigators. Today, Adv. Lamdan is a military captain in

the Israeli reserves. I don't forget names like that (nor Ilan Yonas, who was the bureau chief for Tzipi Livni). I see he's been a most loyal vermin. he was the one who coaxed you into a rage by escalating the situation in the hotel, only then to ask in a whisper why you were getting all worked up. i recognized that skill as so professional. it was perfectly played. also, he was the one who had tried nicely talking me out of doing the event, and he was two rows in

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front of me when peres came to the university and I asked him about Marek Halter and he turned white as a ghost. i'm sure they took notice of me for that and for what I asked Ezer Weizmann about at his house during an official HUJ visit. i held my own that year :) but yes...this is the guy...who was one of the major players trying to get me to cancel. and he was the guy who was doing the faux-assaults on his Meretz friends in the campus security to give them the pretext to shut the event down. He's Shabaknik number 2. ** Haaretz Correspondent Half of the members of Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni's staff will complete their assignments in coming days. The departing staffers are Livni's bureau chief, Ilan Yonas. That's right loyal readers. The first agent runs a phoney Movement ‘For Quality Government in Israel’, a secret service front. The second was Foreign Minister Livni's bureau chief. How far those who were assigned to shut me up have come! * I have a news service where I send mounds of unedited text to my subscribers. This was going to them. Then I thought, no, it's going to my whole list. You're welcome. As the world inches towards financial collapse and unspeakable war, my correspondence is becoming desperate, filled with lying conspiracies, appeals to believe in this kind of

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Christianity or that, futile attacks on the American president, hopeless petitions to right this wrong or free that victim from prison, badly proven tales of martial law, concentration camps and microchips, the takeover of the planet's banks... But one subject that is not to be scoffed at all, is the spreading anti-semitism, the kind the Nazis invented. The worst of the hate comes now from the Far Right. Using the Left's anti-Israel "occupation" propaganda, but combining it with severe distortions like the supposed Khazarian lineage of Ashkenazi Jews, the Right is putting together an ideology of ignorant hatred that may lead to the kind of lethal violence against all Jews that will make the Jews in the active Left open to extermination. One letter to me was first hand and unhysterical. Read it and worry: You're very correct unfortunately. My daughters are afraid to visit Israel. All they've seen growing up on the news is scary... and they're not exactly feeling the love here either. We were caught in one of the scam countrywide foreclosures and have had to regroup financially and psychologically...but are doing ok. I'm playing Jewish Yemeni music on the side these days. We have a new young Temani guy in the group I also have performed last year several times at an Arabic Music Festival. The Arab hatred radar is so fine tuned...they were politely patronizing. The Arab Morroccans and Yemenis are the exception. They both seem to hate the Palestinians...having had more contact with Jews for thousands of years. A lot of good that does. Our former stalwart allies - Denmark & Holland are also screwed. The future of Iran will be a big factor and create an unpredictable undertow. I predict a future Iranian threat or

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attack on Jordan & Saudia. At least this is my premonition. We may be sacrificed or allowed to sit in the dugout and watch the game unfold with our hands tied...or a combination of both. Hersh ** Understanding where the anti-semitism comes from is too difficult for the haters, Left and Right. Their views are formed by jingles, slogans, and sound bites. LIKE: ‘The Jews Stole Palestinian Land’; ‘Only A Few Jews Died from Hamas Rockets’; ‘The Jews Caused the Financial Meltdown’; ‘All Jews Are Madoff’, etc. and downward. Lately, my radio appearances in America are causing my work to be far better known, though not always understood...CERTAINLY, not by the Jews. **

AND NOW...Thanks to the marvelous Henry Family of Florida, my speech in Denver, ‘Shabtai Tzvi, Labor Zionism and the Holocaust’, is transcribed. Within is the theme of the book:

‘Shabtai Tzvi, Labor Zionism and the Holocaust’ (transcribed speech)


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(Barry speaking) So, he gives him a job at First Boston Group. He's earning $150,000 a year – Netanyahu now. But he quits after only a few months too, to go back to Israel and work selling furniture for a chain called Rim for about $15,000 a year. He's selling sofas instead of working for First Boston. But three months after that 3 or 4 months, he organizes an anti-terror conference. And remember, this guy's a nothing. He's a 27 year-old sofa salesman. But who shows up for his conference? George Bush (then head of the CIA), George Schultz (CFR), and Richard Perle ('Council of Foreign Relations') – they all show up for nobody's anti-terror conference. Conference ends, and Netanyahu is back selling Hassocks and Ottomans and whatever else he was selling. But, a few months – it was almost a year, almost a year.. Moshe Arens, now Ambassador to Washington, and he invites Netanyahu as his deputy. And let me tell you – the Israeli media were furious over that. Whoever appoints a furniture salesman to the second-highest diplomatic post in the world?! And plenty of diplomats were pretty ticked about that too. And Arens explains why he appointed the sofa-salesman. He said: 'Mr. Schultz and Bush were very impressed by the way he organized his conference in Jerusalem.' Netanyahu was brought in by both Schultz and Bush. Afterwards, Netanyahu, of course, becomes UN Ambassador, where George Schultz is his handler. And, eventually – in the '96 elections, he promises in his campaign that he will turn Oslo back, and provide other alternatives. Within two days [of being prime minister], he was hugging Arafat. A year and a half later, he appoints Sharon as his Foreign Minister. And I put this out on the internet? I said, 'Folks, we are going to have a big withdrawal if Sharon is Foreign Minister. We've got something big going on.' That 'big' was the 'Wye Conference' held at the Aspen Institute,

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CFR Institute. Netanyahu gave up more than any... anyone. It was a stage-by-stage. How long did it take for Netanyahu to withdrawal from Hebron? A day? It doesn't matter who you vote for. Sixty-seven percent of Israelis voted for Sharon, thinking that they were getting an alternative to Barak, and they're getting Barak. And they're totally demoralized. They don't understand being lied to so much. They're worn down, and they're in no mood to fight back. They're worn out... Joel Bainerman phoned me up in 1998. He was in New York at an economics conference. And he saw at this economics conference, Sharon enter a conference room with [Henry] Kissinger. And he phoned me up and he said, 'You won't believe who I saw together.' And the next day, I phoned up Raanan Gissin, Sharon's spokesman. I said, 'What was he doing in the room with Kissinger in New York?' And Gissin says to me, 'They were discussing peace in the Middle East.' At the time, Sharon was the Infrastructure Minister... Okay, so, it was before ‘98? Forgive dates. It was before '98 then... He [Sharon] was in charge of building roads, and sewers, and things. So, I said to Raanan Gissin, 'Why would the Infrastructure Minister be talking peace with him. [Kissinger]' He says, 'You're right, they were talking roads.' Just like that - he's like 'you're right. They were talking roads. You got it right.' I said, 'What was he doing with Kissinger? Just a straight answer.' He said, 'The minister has been meeting with him every trip to New York since 1974.' I said, 'Has he.' He said, 'Yeah. Yeah.' Now, I'll tell you what happened. This is a bit... Oh and I asked him, by the way, 'What about... Do you know anything about Kissinger's ties to the Council on Foreign Relations?' And Gissin says, 'The minister has requested that I do not speak about this subject until he writes his memoirs.' Yeah? Gissin knows. Now, here's what happened in the Yom Kippur War leading up finally to Sharon. You see Sharon founded a party called

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'ShlomZion' before the war broke out. And it was a left-wing party. Sharon was raised on a left-wing Kibbutz. His best friends were all left-wing. Peres is his best buddy. And his party was left-wing. He invited Yossi Sarid, the leftist, to be his deputy. Then the war broke out and he was the only one who ended up a hero. The Yom Kippur War we almost lost. I'll explain that shortly. I'll talk about the traitor Moshe Dayan, and who forced Menachem Begin to put Dayan back into the cabinet, against all of Israel's wishes, because he was a plant. [Moshe] Dayan was a Sabbatean. And I will go into that shortly too. Just remember that term [Sabbatean], it means something. And the war broke out. And Sharon was the only general who disobeyed the central command, and he came out a hero. And now he was a political figure. So, he was called in early 1974 to New York to meet with Henry Kissinger. And Kissinger said here's the... I don't know how he persuaded him to do this. But, he said [to Sharon] your function is to enter the right, not the left. Your function is to destroy the Herut movement of Menachem Begin? Destroy it from within. Which he has done. There is not one Herut member of the Knesset. And Sharon was appointed as a spy and he is today, in their midst, nothing but a spy. So, when I say, 'Look out – there's going to be a withdrawal!' I mean business. I know who he is. Now here's what happened in the Yom Kippur War. The war breaks out. Nine days later, Israel is out of ammunitions, supposedly... By the way, I want to add one thing. I interviewed Benny Begin? I'm going to return to this. And Benny Begin just said out-right, 'You don't know who Sharon is. You don't know what he did to my father.' He says: 'You have no idea who Sharon is and I'm not going to tell you.' That's all he said to me. He says, 'He killed my father.' But now, the Yom Kippur War. It breaks out. Nine days later,

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Israel is supposedly out of ammunition. And the Russians are sending Antonovs [large military aircraft] by the dozens a day, resupplying Syria. So, what happens is that Kissinger refuses to resupply Israel. He wants Israel gone. A little pressure later, a deal is cut with Golda Meir. You'll get your weapons, but you're going to resign after this war and you're going to appoint Yitzhak Rabin to Prime Minister. The war ends... Now remember, Rabin never sat in the Knesset. He was a general. He was an Ambassador. He was never a Knesset member. He was… who knows... #80 on the Mapai list. But, Golda Meir makes him a minister, for a few months, of labor and then appoints him, her successor. It's now end of Yom Kippur War. Henry Kissinger comes to the region, conducts shuttle-diplomacy. He must have gone between Jerusalem and Damascus a hundred times. And they could not... they just couldn't budge. The Syrians wanted the Golan [Heights], and would take nothing less. Then they had this brilliant stroke of genius. Rabin couldn't give up the Golan after all that war... This brilliant stroke of genius – Well, the Syrians also want Lebanon, so let's give them Lebanon instead of the Golan. This was agreed to by Kissinger, Rabin [Israel], Assad [Syria] with sanction of King Hussein [Jordan]... later that came out. Now, you can't just walk into Lebanon. Syria just could not have walked into Lebanon. They needed a good excuse. So, they [Kissinger and the Arabs] ignited a civil war, and then the Syrians came in as peace-makers. Yeah.. Now, Benny Begin told me this - Rabin told him the story of the deal. And Benny Begin said [to Rabin] 'What are you smiling about? 300,000 people died in this war.' And Rabin, still smiling said, 'It was a good deal for us.' That's how wars start in the Middle East. That's how the Yom Kippur War started. And these are still our leaders – nothing's changed.

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Now, what I'm going to do... Oh, I should add... After Peres left power, and Netanyahu took over, he [Peres] did 2 last things. He bribed the Norwegian; his name was Terje Larsen, UN Commander... Chief of Gaza. Rabin and Arafat both got Nobel Prize nominations. He [Peres] wanted one too, so he gave Larsen $100,000 to bribe the Nobel committee to give him a peace prize as well. It's been widely report, but this year, a Nobel committee member named Carrie Christensen opened his mouth and said, 'Yeah, I saw the bribes – Larsen bribed to get Peres a Nobel prize...' And then the last thing Peres did in 1996, he and George Tenet, head of the CIA - CFR, George Tenet - agreed that the PLO aren't doing a good enough job, they need advanced training. They sent a contingent of CFR-soldiers, policemen to Virginia for advanced CIA sniper and ambush training. And ever since then, the Jews have been dying? they [PLO - Abbas' Al Fatah party] got good. They got very good at what they were supposed to do. Now, why? Why would our leadership be doing this to us? What kind of leadership is forcing its people to commit suicide? That's what they are doing. They're forcing Israelis to die. On purpose. Sabbatean’s Shabtai Tzvi. Now, here's... This is not going to be easy for you. I made notes last night to try to simplify what is truly a very, very scary thing. Now, Rabbi Marvin Antelman in 1974 wrote a book called 'To Eliminate the Opiate'. On every list of classic conspiracy books you'll ever find, you'll find 'To Eliminate the Opiate'. He was the Rabbi who ex-communicated Kissinger from Judaism in his rabbinical council in 1974, for his ties to the CFR and his attempt to destroy Israel in the Yom Kippur War. He has been doing this

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a while. Now, I've read him before, but never quite understood him. His claim was that the Sabbateans, followers of a false messiah, named Shabtai Tzvi, went underground and have been trying to destroy Israel since the 17th Century. Any Jew who does not accept Shabtai Tzvi as the messiah, has no right to live? it's that serious. Now, Shabtai Tzvi was born in Smyrna, Turkey. And Turkey is important to this... just keep in mind that he was a Turkish Jew. He started a movement that was anti-Jewish. In his movement, 'messianic days were upon us’ - 'redemption was upon us', and in those days, god permitted everything. Everything. This was anti-Judaism. 'Do not kill.' - Kill. 'Do not adulter.' - Adulter. 'Do not lie.' - Lie. It was the opposite of Torah and Talmud, that his movement promulgated. And somehow or another... Oh, by the way. Their chief blessing was: 'Blessed is he who permits the forbidden.' That was the main Sabbatean blessing... More than half of world-Jewry bought into this. This thing spread like wildfire. People all over the world sold their homes... a dollar... a penny on a dollar? it didn't matter. Because 'the day of redemption was coming'. They [the Jewish people] just sat on hilltops. Because Shabtai Tzvi declared his messiah... declared that he was the messiah? however it's said, on June 18, 1666. And I'm certain he planned that date, knowing what he was doing. June – the sixth month, 18 is 6 x 3, and 1666 is obvious enough. He knew what he was doing. And now it was the period of redemption where the Jews just broke every single law in the Torah, all over the world. And this was carrying on and on. Essentially debauchery became theology. That's what this 'messiah' was teaching. But, then in September of 1666, the Sultan of Turkey had him arrested. He had had enough of this guy. And eventually threatened him with a horrible, long, torturous death unless he renounced his Judaism

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and turned to Islam. Which he did. And most of Judaism were crushed, fallen, and gave up any belief in Shabtai Tzvi, and went back to being Jews. But not everyone. There was a cult in Turkey – the Donmeh cult, who saw in Shabtai Tzvi's conversion a message. The message is: 'We infiltrate Islam and other religions, but keep our Sabbatean beliefs with us at all times.' They exist to this day - in numbers. Now, here, it lay dormant, until the 1770s, when Jacob Frank, the Sabbatean leader of Europe? of Poland, gained a lot of power. Rabbi Antelman... And I do have Rabbi Antelman's books. For this lecture, I didn't just bring my books; I brought the secret holocaust books, that you're not supposed to read, written by very proud and wonderful Jews. And I brought Rabbi Antelman? 'To Eliminate the Opiate' for you, just to get a perspective no else is getting... just let me tell you – no one else is getting this perspective.... So, here is Jacob Frank now. And he convinces the bishop of his Polish province that they are not Jews – they were suppressing the Jews at the time. We are anti-Talmudist. And this bishop offered him protection of his diocese. Immediately after offering Frank the protection, all Talmuds were burned in the diocese. And then, the Frankish now had verification... they had a major, major base from which to work and they had some money. And in the little province of Poland, sex orgies now became the purification of the soul. Purim became the annual wife-swapping event of Judaism. Jacob Frank had brought Sabbateanism to Poland in a huge way. And he started baptizing his people into Christianity. In one ceremony, he baptized 5,000 – you can call them 'Frankists' (because that's what they called that at that time), or Sabbateans. And they were used? these converts were used as agents of political intrigue. Clandestined cells, causing incredible

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political turmoils, were set up throughout Europe, and the Balkans, and Turkey. And that's how he was making money, somewhat. But, he ran out of money. This plan didn't work out so well. And in 1786, he moved out of Poland and settled, immediately, in Frankfurt. And, on the spot, he became extremely wealthy – and all the history books can't explain this. All kinds of books have tried to explain this immediate wealth, but I know what happened. In 1786, Frankfurt was the headquarters of one Adam Weishaupt. Adam Weishaupt was a Jesuit who founded the Illuminati. "The raison de etre” of the Illuminati was to roll back the Protestant Reformation and return things to the good old days, where you had one pope overseeing all religions throughout the planet. That is what the Illuminati was all about? getting people to abandon their religion and turning back to Rome – no matter what was in Rome. That was what the Jesuits – the Jesuit movement and the Illuminati were doing. And who else was in Frankfurt, but Mayer Amshel Rothschild. And he was financing the Illuminati at the time. In come the Frankists. You've got 3 branches now. You've got the Illuminati, you have Rothschild funding the Illuminati, but they're getting nowhere. Three years later, they got somewhere – that's when France... all Hell broke out in France. But, at the time, they were missing one important element – the agents, the spies, the cells. That Jacob Frank could provide, all through the known world to these people. And an alliance was founded that has ruined this planet ever since. And that alliance was between the Sabbateans, the Illuminati, funded by Mayer Amshel Rothschild. On one corner: 'eliminate all alternative religions to Rome's'. On the other – the Sabbateans, 'turn Judaism back to its false messiah – it's messiah, Shabtai Tzvi, or eliminate the Judaism that exists – the good Judaism. Eliminate it. Totally - and turn it into Sabbateanism.' But Rothschild, he just wanted money - he just

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wanted the control of the world's finances. And between the Jesuits and the Sabbateans, he had the people who could bring it to him. Now during... It was 1785 or '86, the Illuminati was discovered just before the French Revolution. The story is that a horse, horseman fell and died, and in his satchel were the plans for French Revolution. That's the story we are given... But, they plans of the Illuminati were uncovered – it was banned, first in Bavaria, and then everywhere. The Illuminati was banned throughout Europe. So, they had to come up with a way to keep the movement going. They came up with a great plan: 'We are going to infiltrate British Free-Masonry. They've got the chapters - all of the lodges, everywhere - all over the world. All we have to do is change their tenets and replace them with ours.' Or mix them. And that's what they did. The Illuminati went to London, and it went to Scotland, and infiltrated the lodges of Free-Masonry, and spread world-wide, including to this country the founders of this country came right from that. Now, what happened after... we now have another branch. You see, now you've got London in the picture. The headquarters of all of this was Frankfurt, Germany. But, now London with his Free-Masonry headquarters, is also now in the picture. You've got really a highway between Germany and London, changing the world. Well, for instance, the German apostate Jews: Karl Marx, Frederick Engels - go from Germany to London, write the 'Communist Manifesto' - used brilliantly by the Jesuits in South America where they enslave all the Indians in these, on these communes - the ones they didn't slaughter previously. You now have political movements coming out of London from Sabbatean breeding in Germany - every-which way. The one today, by the way, is Leo Strauss - University of Chicago. The German Jew who inspired the people who are raping and pillaging Iraq right now. It's just another Sabbatean war - the war in Iraq. Young

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Americans dying for Sabbateans - that's all it is. Now, you have one missing element, and that is America. The Rockefellers have no influence in America yet. Then in the 1850s, he sends, John Jacob Astor and Jacob Schiff from Frankfurt [Germany] to America to start controlling things there. Including the Civil War - the Civil War was a Sabbatean war as well. Judah Benjamin, the adviser to the Southern government - the Confederate government, came straight from Frankfurt - came straight over from Germany. He was another Rothschild crony. The next step in the take-over of America financially, on behalf of the Illuminati and the Sabbateans... And that element of the Sabbateans is totally unknown. You look at the internet, you'll find an awful lot about Free-Masonry - all you want. You'll find an awful lot about the Illuminati. You won't find an awful lot about the Sabbateans. They are the best hiders of the lot. And they use, of course, the fronts. What Schiff and Astor did is they financed robber barons - the most corrupt people you had in America: the railroad builders - they were good... The most corrupt business men you had in America were promised immense wealth, control, power - provided they in exchange promoted the Illuminati agenda. And that's where Rockefeller [oil empire] comes in. That's where Carnegie comes in. Morgan - they are all now getting wealthy through Rothschild's agent(s) in America - Schiff, Astor, and later Warburg. So, America now has… I'm going to just jump to 1922 when the CFR was founded by Morgan and Rockefeller, as fronts for this Illuminati. They were founded to overturn the American government and turn your country into an Illuminati country. But, we've got the same thing where we're from. Now, in the 1880s, a decision was made. Up 'till then, the Sabbateans had tried to overturn Judaism, and turn Judaism into Sabbateanism, through humane means. From Germany, came

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the 'Reform Movement'. And later the 'Conservative Movement' - that was also Germany through Britain. They were going to dilute the Judaism and introduce elements completely foreign to Judaism. And the German Jewish apostate Moses Mendelsohn introduced an 'Enlightenment' that was completely anti-religious. But, the Jews just weren't cooperating - they kept staying Jews. They weren't turning into what they wanted them to. So, a new plan was devised. It was called Zionism. Zionism was founded by the Sabbateans. That's what they did in the 1870s - '80s - using British Free-Masonry as the pump for this movement. And the idea was to take over Israel and turn it into a Sabbatean state. Israel was conceived in utter sin. Utter sin. However, just like in Europe, the Jews didn't sin - the Jews just didn't play ball. They kept staying moral. The fight in Israel today - Oslo is between the good and decent vast majority of Israel and these Sabbateans ruling them. Now, to get the Jews to Israel was a little tricky. Why go there? No point. So, they, from the 1880s on, they made life so miserable in Europe - European Jews had to get out of Europe or die. You begin with the pogroms of the 1880s. You can thank the Jesuits - they provided the cossacks, but they Sabbateans provided the Communists. And they made life a living Hell for anyone caught under the Russian influence, and the Jews left - 2,000,000 of them, but they didn't go to 'Palestine'. Most of them went to America. And they [Sabbateans] had to overcome that. And they did later on, incidentally. Colonel House, who is under control of this Illuminati/Sabbatean conspiracy, he got President Wilson to ban large scale immigration to the United States. They cut off the doors to America to get them eventually to 'Palestine'. But, first the Zionist Movement - all German. It starts in Vienna. Natan Birnbaum, Peretz Smoleskin - they write the first doctrines. But these people just.. They're very good writers, but they're not convincing people - they have no charisma. But,

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another Viennese [from Vienna] reporter, Theodore Herzl, was an extremely magnetic personality. He had the charisma - and they [Sabbateans] used him. He became the leader of the Zionist movement. Now, you look at any biography of Herzl - they all say the same thing. He was supposed to have written 'Der Judenstaat' - 'The Jewish State' in Paris one summer after the Dreyfus affair. He wasn't in Paris. He wasn't in Paris that summer [1935]. He couldn't have written the book. And there is no real answer to that, except that it was written for him. Now, I read Herzl's plays before he wrote the 'Judenstaat' - boy was he a bad writer. He got good awfully fast... And Herzl is now replacing these poorly... nice writers, but they can't lead a movement. Herzl's doing an amazing job. Now, I want you to know - Herzl went to Britain in 1901. He was sincere - Herzl. He thought a Jewish state was the answer to the oppression. I don't believe he was Sabbatean. I think he was just a handsome guy who was used. He went to the sultan of Turkey, by the way. And tried to buy 'Palestine' legitimately. The sultan of Turkey turned him down. And I believe that had he said yes, there wouldn't have been a World War I and no need for the British to take 'Palestine' from the Turks. But, in 1901, Herzl showed up in Britain and he was not well received. He said that ' 'Palestine' is not the answer' - 'The sultan turned me down. There's no way we're going to get that land. You have land in East Africa - you have a way to save the Jews. We'll take Uganda. We'll take some empty tracts in Africa.' ~ And this would have ruined the whole Sabbatean plot. They needed to take over Judaism - they needed ancient Israel. Not Uganda... Herzl died shortly afterwards. He was 43 years old. Nobody knows how he died. When I was raised, they told me that he [Herzl] worked so hard, his heart stopped... I was raise with that. In fact, he entered a Paris sanatorium for a condition nobody... Try and find out what for - you won't. And he [Herzl] never came

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out. He died there a couple of weeks later. I have no problem believing that he was murdered in there - no problem at all. This is the pattern of these Sabbateans: they eliminate people they don't like. They eliminate people who threaten them. But, I can't prove that obviously Rabin I can prove - there are some I can prove.... But, he died very young. And even back in 1905, 44 was pretty young to die. But, he was [Herzl] replaced by the German-educated Chaim Weizmann. Words do not describe the damage this man has done to the world. Now, what we were told is that Chaim Weizmann took on the Zionist movement. And during World War I, he developed a way to make acetone from dried paint - peeling paint, and that process 'saved the war.' Now, I want you to know, I checked... There was a little factory built - he was a chemist. Not one bomb in World War I used his method - not a one. And even so, the story we are told is: 'The British were so for this wonderful new way to make explosives, they gave him 'Palestine'.' ... Yeah, sure.... that's the way things work. 'Uh, thanks for the acetone - have a state.' This is the myth... you know. This is the myth that we have been raised with. Poor Turkey. If they had just acquiesced. If they had just acquiesced... But, they didn't. And then the Donmeh. The Sabbateans of Turkey - they formed a little movement called the 'Young Turks'. And the 'Young Turks' got rid of that sultan. But far worse, the 'Young Turks' prepared for our holocaust with the holocaust of the Armenians. The Armenian holocaust was a Sabbatean holocaust. And shortly, I'm going to prove this - this I can prove. And you now have a situation where there is nowhere for the Jews to go except 'Palestine', but they still won't go. Who would want to? It's a miserable place to go - they're still staying in Poland. They're still staying throughout Europe. They [Sabbatean] can't get this movement off the ground. In 1932, do you know how many Jewish agencies represented German

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Jewry? Over 250. In 1934, just 1 ~ Labor Zionism. 'The Jewish agency', run by Chaim Weizmann, cut a deal with the German Nazis - it was called the 'Transfer Agreement'. While all the rest of the world Jewry were fighting to boycott the Nazis, to put an end to this regime, the 'Jewish Agency of Jerusalem was propping them up. The 'Transfer Agreement' worked like this ~ 'We want your Jews to come to 'Palestine'. You have no money - your regime is going to fall. So, you get them to 'Palestine' our way, and we'll make sure they buy all their goods only from you - it will be enough to keep you going. That was the 'Transfer Agreement'. There was a great, great Zionist - Vladimir Jabotinsky... There was another side to Zionism - there was an honest side to it. And, by the way, that is what the Israelis have been choosing year after year, since 1977. That's what the Israelis want - they want the honest side of it. Back then, it was called 'Revisionist Zionism'. In 1933, there was a conference in Basel and the revisionists were fighting this 'Transfer Agreement' and all its immorality, and Chaim Weizmann and Ben-Gurion had Jabotinsky thrown out of the Zionist movement through a phony murder of someone named Chaim Arlozorov. Chaim Arlozorov was the mediator between the Nazis and the Jewish agency for the 'Transfer Agreement'. He was murdered on the beach in Tel Aviv. The revisionists were blamed for it and thrown out of the Zionist movement. Exactly the same thing they did with Rabin. Exactly - no difference. They didn't do the murder - the murder was used against them. The good Zionists fought throughout World War II to save the Jews - those are the books out there. The Sabbateans of America and the world made sure those Jews died. They got the Jews out of Germany - they got 60,000 Jews to 'Palestine' - that was enough, they didn't want anymore. Any

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Jew who got on a boat, on a ship from Germany to anywhere in the world - the word was out diplomatically everywhere: 'If that ship isn't going to 'Palestine', you send these Jews back to their death.' Worldwide. Ship after ship. Every country. They don't escape. They don't like 'Palestine', they die. And in 1939, the British passed their 'White Paper'. Once all the German Jews were in 'Palestine' and the holocaust was about to begin, they closed the doors to 'Palestine'. The Jews were trapped in Europe now, on purpose. Rabbi Antelman's chapter is called: 'Burnt Offerings'. The Sabbateans gained great, great energy from the torturous death of other Jews. Any Jew who does not accept Shabtai Tzvi as the messiah deserves to die in torture - this is how they think. After the war ended, Israel begins a new life as a nation, but they just don't have enough people to defend themselves against the Arabs. So, anti-Semitism is fomented throughout the Middle East. And the Middle Eastern leaders, one after another, send their Jews to 'Palestine'. Now can you imagine: 'Sure, I'll send soldiers to the Jewish army in 'Palestine'. No problem. Here, empty out all of Morocco - send them to 'Palestine' - we like soldiers!'... Their leaders were bribed with the Jewish assets. If they weren't bribed, they were killed. There were coups all over in the early '50s. And once they got there, what they did - these Sephardim were traditional, they were religious. Once they go there, these Sabbateans had to turn them into Sabbateans in a hurry... I'm going to tell you one thing - They took an entire generation of Sephardim children, over 100,000 of them, told them they had scalpel ringworm and dosed them with 35,000 times the amount of X-rays a human being is allowed to take - right through the brain. An entire generation of Sephardim were turned numb, so that they would abandon their traditions and become someone else. We're talking here [about] a form of evil that is just not understood because it isn't Jewish. It's something foreign to Judaism. Had there been no 'Zionism', there would

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have been on holocaust. But, now we're stuck there, and we have to fight for our lives because they are trying to do it again to us. They're trying to do it again to us. Now, just so you know what the CFR [Council on Foreign Relations] is.. Now, let's see the Jews that just 'discovered' that they're Jews... Why there's: Kerry - just 'discovers' his father was Jewish. Wesley Clark - just 'discovers' his father was Jewish. Madeleine Albright - completely 'forgot' that everyone was Jewish in her family. Huh? All these people are following the Sabbatean tradition of infiltrating other religions and denying their Judaism. And they're all running for President - all at once: Wesley Clark and Kerry are running hand in hand... Now, last election, it was really neat. Al Gore... well his daughter is married to the grandson of Jacob Schiff. Gore's Sabbatean too. This is who they run - the CFR runs the whole ship. What have you got now?... Bush is 'Skull and Bones' - I don't even want to do the... Can you imagine an organization - in 280,000,000 people there are 800 members of a secret occultic organization and both ['Skull and Bones' candidates] are running for President. You figure out the statistics. Huh?... Well, if that's what moves you... Even if they were both buying the same car - it's impossible. And no one thinks twice about this. Now, I'm going to do just a few quotes - not from me... It's time you heard from other people. The first is now the holocaust in America. A little background first though. The 'Young Turks'. This is from.. There are very few, but they're brilliant - ant-Sabbatean writers. This is from Avrum Ehrlich. He wrote me - I don't think this has ever been published. This is his own research. 'The evidence is overwhelming that the massacre of the Armenians was a deliberate planned genocide. The 'Young Turks' allied themselves with Germany and used World War I as a cover for their slaughter of Armenians, as did the Nazis in World War

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II. The 'Turks' used their intended victims as slave laborers. It was via these Masonic lodges that made the Donmeh Jews (seculars who were less accepted in mainstream society) were able to meet on equal footing - many of them becoming major instruments of the revolution. The Donmeh thrived in the Masonic environment, allowing them to be both secretive and influential, maintaining their religious ideas in a non-dogmatic atmosphere, bridging the gap between Jews and Muslims. They seemed to represent the happy medium of the 'Young Turk' revolution. It is curious that Israel's first and second prime minister, David Ben-Gurion and Moshe Sharett, and her second President Yitzhak Ben-Zvi, had lived and studied in Istanbul, and had embraced the concept of "lehitatmen", Hebrew for "to become an Ottoman".' Ben-Gurion was Sabbatean, through and through. Ben-Zvi is thought by many to be a descendant of a Sabbatean family - our first President. Sharett, our second Prime Minister served in the Ottoman army in World War I. Ben-Gurion gave up Russian citizenship for Ottoman citizenship. And on and on and on... - Israel's first leaders. 'Most interesting is the movement's choice of messianic terminology when describing the peace process with Israel's Arab neighbours, including 'New World Order' [or Middle Eastern New World Order]... Further, a curious similarity between the Israeli Left and the Sabbatean movement is illustrated in the Left's strong public ties with Arabs and Islam while privately rejecting and even despising their lifestyle, morality and habits. Stark similarities are evident with the Donmeh who showed great public affection with Islam but amongst themselves entirely rejected and even despised Islam. ' I hope you are seeing the pattern. Now, we are getting to the holocaust, and what American Jewry did. The leading figures ... This is from David Morrison's book - it's

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out there, 'Heroes and Anti-Heroes'. 'The leading figures [pre-holocaust] were Judge Mayer Sulzberger, Louis Marshall, Cyrus Adler and Jacob Schiff. Schiff was the towering figure of that group that, to a large degree, represented wealthy American Jews of German background... In 1875 he [Jacob Schiff] won the hand in marriage of the daughter of Solomon Loeb and a full partnership in the firm. His specialty was railroad finance. Working with E.H. Harriman, he acquired the Union Pacific Railroad in 1897.' E.H. Harriman was the funnel to the Nazis. That's where Prescott.. That was the company Prescott Bush worked for to funnel money. Start making the ties - they're real. 'If Bush wasn't elected last time around, Al Gore would have been president. His daughter is married to the grandson of Jacob Schiff, assuredly meaning he is Sabbatean.' That's not me folks, that's someone else. 'Millions of dollars were channeled through the Aid Society of German Jews that included Max Warburg. Brandeis protested to Felix Warburg that the German group supported the ban on immigration of Polish Jews into Germany'... and escape. 'Schiff's brother-in-law, Max Warburg, was a German delegate to the economic talks at Versailles. He had discussions with John Foster Dulles...Dulles - CFR, brother Allen served in Turkey as assistant to the US High Commissioner. From that post he aided the attempt to cover up the Turkish massacre of the Armenians...' ‘US Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter...' - This is from Jerry Rabow's book, '50 Jewish Messiahs'. 'United States Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter...' - note the name Frankfurter. When you see a Frank and a Frankfurt, you know the ties... ' is reported to have received a copy of Eva Frank's

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portrait from his mother, a [prominent] descendent of the Prague Frankist family..." That was your chief Court Justice - Felix Frankfurter during the holocaust. Here is Rabbi Antelman: 'Consider Stephen Wise, head of the Reform movement in the United States during World War II. As the slaughter was going on in Europe, Wise was more interested in his own gratification. Wise was both a Communist and a Sabbatean. That he was a Communist is attested to by Maurice Malkin, a member of the Communist Party who returned to Judaism... Wise was a Sabbatean, as was shown in Helen Rawlinson's book 'Stranger At The Party'. In her chronicle of a sexual encounter with the so-called Rabbi Wise, she describes how Wise had sex with her in his office on his conference table, and quoted the verse from Psalms which Sabbateans did so when engaged in intercourse... After Austria fell, Wise met with representatives of the American Jewish Committee and some non-Jewish groups. The meeting came in the wake of an attempt by New York Congressman Samuel Dickstein, to introduce legislation that would allow refugee quotas to be [raised] to those fleeing Hitler. The gathering agreed unanimously: The organizations represented at the conference will take the position that the proposed legislation is inadvisable... ' Saving Jews . not advisable? ' After the Kristallnacht, Wise's group met and resolved that: 'the present policy of the General Jewish Council, there will be no public parades or protests by Jews...' Steven Wise, an American Jewish Congress stationary, sent out a report 'CONFIDENTIAL - NOT FOR PUBLICATION IN ANY FORM WHATSOEVER:...' - 'no protest of Kristallnacht...' Steven Wise to Senator Wagner of United States at a... Okay. 'In the wake of Kristallnacht, New York Senator Wagner introduced

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legislation to allow 20,000 German Jewish children into the United States. Stephen Wise testified before the legislative committee: "If there is any conflict between our duty to those children and our duty to our country, our country comes first; and if children cannot he helped' - then let them die. Steven Wise to your congress. 'Wise further declared: 'We are Americans first. Nothing else that we are, whether by faith or race, qualifies our Americanism...The [only] way to save Jews is to unite the Jewish people behind the victory program of President Roosevelt.' 'Congressman Gillette recalled a visit to his office by Wise and a few of his colleagues: "None of these gentlemen seemed [very] enthusiastic for...the saving of the remnant of the Jewish people... "' Wise told him - 'The fate of the Jews is not in our hands, it's only in God's.' 'Wise felt strongly that the Gillette legislation did not provide for the "proper type of commission."... Henry Morgenthau's aide Josiah Dubois uncovered the State Department's policy relevant to the issue of Jewish rescue... The title of the Dubois memorandum was: REPORT TO THE SECRETARY ON THE ACQUIESCENCE OF [OUR] GOVERNMENT IN THE MASS MURDER OF JEWS.' They deliberately let the Jews die. The Jews of America, leaders of America - it was on purpose. The holocaust was no accident. They murdered the Jews by proxy, no differently than the SS murdered them with rifles. And the same thing is happening in Israel today. It's the same American Jewish [Sabbatean] Congress, led by the same German Jewish Sabbateans. In this case, it's Henry Seigman that are letting Israel die. And they're gonna let Israel die again, and we are going to have a second holocaust. They're doing it the exact same way they did it in the '40s. They're building a big wall [in Israel] to trap the Jews behind the wall. They're making the wall smaller and smaller. The neighborhoods smaller and smaller, till we're corralled. It's no different. It's the same plan. They're

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planning it again. Now, I've done what I can. I really don't have the power to do anymore. I need lots of help. You look like an intelligent a bunch with ideas... Think of something. I don't have any more ideas. Thank you. That is my presentation.' ~ * END

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‘Council on Foreign Relations’ · 139, 156 CFR - USA · 194, 196, 216, 250, 257, 262, 263, 264, 293, 301, 344,

359, 360


Abu Mazen 'Abbas' · 35, 151

Amir Yigal · 42, 76, 127, 163, 214, 227, 228, 229, 232, 233, 235, 237,

258, 283, 285, 349 assassination · 11, 34, 74, 75, 76, 84, 97, 118, 120, 126, 127, 164,

170, 171, 184, 205, 214, 232, 283


Baker James · 342, 343, 359

Ben Gvir · 17, 107, 193, 215, 226, 230, 246, 284, 303, 305, 307 Benedict

pope · 57, 128, 129, 142, 143, 148, 149, 150, 281, 282, 283, 297


CFR 'Council on Foreign Relations' - USA · 19, 28, 32, 40, 41, 54, 55, 59,

60, 174, 175, 192, 193, 195, 197, 198, 205, 216, 217, 220, 243, 253, 254, 256, 257, 263, 296, 297, 298, 299, 302, 303, 333, 336, 344, 345, 359, 380, 381, 384, 389, 395, 397

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Eskin Avigdor · 17, 169, 170, 171, 229, 232, 246, 285, 304


Gaza · 18, 27, 52, 61, 64, 134, 172, 181, 187, 201, 202, 210, 215, 248, 268, 302, 304, 310, 313, 314, 328, 335, 337, 360, 361, 373, 384

Gush Katif 'Disengagement' · 24, 39, 62, 66, 77, 89, 93, 147, 181, 188, 189,

193, 210, 215, 218, 248, 276, 285, 307, 308, 337, 343


Hamas · 6, 18, 19, 21, 62, 64, 77, 81, 89, 103, 151, 175, 179, 180, 181, 192, 201, 202, 268, 269, 310, 328, 333, 340, 379

Hebron · 63, 84, 88, 97, 108, 112, 114, 147, 179, 193, 230, 285, 357, 381

Henry Kissinger CFR · 28, 60, 139, 146, 221, 247, 298, 342, 359, 382, 383


IDF · 16, 20, 23, 25, 61, 64, 88, 106, 179, 180, 216, 293, 294, 329, 333, 360

Illuminati · 22, 276, 387 Iran · 48, 81, 256, 282, 296, 315, 321, 338, 341, 378 Iran Contra

scandal · 177 Iran-Contra

scandal · 178

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Jerusalem · 11, 19, 20, 22, 27, 41, 48, 56, 58, 64, 107, 132, 156, 159, 168, 169, 206, 248, 270, 287, 295, 307, 330, 355, 356, 361, 375, 380

Joel Bainerman · 103, 105, 314, 354, 355, 356, 359, 360, 381

Jordan · 89, 144, 151, 154, 181, 197, 216, 221, 278, 291, 292, 298, 301, 342, 379, 383

Judea and Samaria · 19, 20, 35, 54, 104, 139, 168, 189, 193, 196, 270, 293, 294, 310, 335, 339, 356, 357, 361


Kahane Meir · 69, 99, 170, 284, 285, 306


Oslo 'Peace agreement' · 11, 60, 65, 103, 138, 180, 193, 207, 260, 277,

343, 357


PA 'Palestinian Authority' · 58, 66, 67, 145, 168, 169, 181, 198, 201,

270 Palestinian · 8, 19, 37, 40, 47, 58, 67, 89, 125, 140, 141, 144, 152,

154, 168, 175, 192, 195, 196, 219, 232, 249, 255, 268, 269, 270, 273, 310, 355, 379

Peres Shimon · 16, 18, 19, 20, 24, 32, 42, 45, 128, 129, 130, 131, 138,

141, 143, 146, 148, 149, 150, 151, 162, 164, 165, 166, 167, 177, 184, 185, 191, 208, 214, 216, 219, 220, 221, 223, 226, 227, 230,

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241, 245, 246, 247, 252, 265, 283, 284, 314, 330, 332, 333, 334, 341, 342, 343, 355, 356, 357, 358, 382, 384

PLO 'Al Fatah' Party · 19, 20, 29, 35, 61, 139, 180, 215, 354, 384


Rabin Yitzhak · 10, 11, 14, 24, 29, 40, 41, 42, 43, 55, 56, 60, 65, 68, 74,

75, 76, 77, 81, 84, 97, 98, 99, 118, 120, 121, 122, 123, 125, 126, 128, 129, 130, 132, 138, 155, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 170, 171, 184, 185, 186, 198, 199, 200, 201, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 213, 214, 215, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 235, 236, 237, 265, 283, 284, 300, 301, 302, 330, 341, 343, 355, 358, 362, 375, 383, 384, 392, 393

Ramon Haim, · 31, 35, 38, 44, 63, 137, 144, 166, 167

Raviv Avishai · 10, 11, 24, 76, 215, 283, 284

Rice Condoleezza · 18, 40, 193, 303, 335, 359

Rome Vatican · 128, 132, 133, 134, 137, 138, 143, 144, 146, 147, 148,

149, 155, 157, 219, 281, 282, 336, 355, 356, 387


Saudi · 138, 143, 145, 151, 154, 193, 274, 343, 354 Shabtai Tzvi

Sabbatean leader · 20, 75, 99, 100, 156, 158, 159, 161, 177, 206, 333, 341, 362, 379, 384, 385, 386, 387, 394

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Transfer Agreement evil Nazi, Sabbatean agreement · 361, 393

Turks · 158, 159, 160, 161, 391


Vatican Catholic · 55, 128, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 142, 143, 147, 149,

152, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 176, 206, 216, 226, 250, 282, 283, 295, 302, 335, 336, 343, 355, 356


West Bank 'West Bank' · 9, 19, 33, 52, 54, 55, 89, 144, 145, 193, 248, 309


Ze'evi Rehavam · 20, 34, 207
