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NBER WORKING PAPER SERIES THE CONSEQUENCES OF SPATIALLY DIFFERENTIATED WATER POLLUTION REGULATION IN CHINA Zhao Chen Matthew E. Kahn Yu Liu Zhi Wang Working Paper 22507 http://www.nber.org/papers/w22507 NATIONAL BUREAU OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH 1050 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02138 August 2016 We would like to thank seminar participants at Xiamen University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Fudan-UC Young Scholars Conference 2015, Urban Economic Association 2015 Annual Meeting in Portland. We thank Matthew Norris for useful comments. Any remaining errors are our own. The views expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Bureau of Economic Research. NBER working papers are circulated for discussion and comment purposes. They have not been peer-reviewed or been subject to the review by the NBER Board of Directors that accompanies official NBER publications. © 2016 by Zhao Chen, Matthew E. Kahn, Yu Liu, and Zhi Wang. All rights reserved. Short sections of text, not to exceed two paragraphs, may be quoted without explicit permission provided that full credit, including © notice, is given to the source.
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Zhao ChenMatthew E. Kahn

Yu LiuZhi Wang

Working Paper 22507http://www.nber.org/papers/w22507


Cambridge, MA 02138August 2016

We would like to thank seminar participants at Xiamen University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Fudan-UC Young Scholars Conference 2015, Urban Economic Association 2015 Annual Meeting in Portland. We thank Matthew Norris for useful comments. Any remaining errors are our own. The views expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Bureau of Economic Research.

NBER working papers are circulated for discussion and comment purposes. They have not been peer-reviewed or been subject to the review by the NBER Board of Directors that accompanies official NBER publications.

© 2016 by Zhao Chen, Matthew E. Kahn, Yu Liu, and Zhi Wang. All rights reserved. Short sections of text, not to exceed two paragraphs, may be quoted without explicit permission provided that full credit, including © notice, is given to the source.

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The Consequences of Spatially Differentiated Water Pollution Regulation in ChinaZhao Chen, Matthew E. Kahn, Yu Liu, and Zhi WangNBER Working Paper No. 22507August 2016JEL No. Q25,Q52


China’s environmental regulators have sought to reduce the Yangtze River’s water pollution. We document that this regulatory effort has had two unintended consequences. First, the regulation’s spatial differential stringency has displaced economic activity upstream. As polluting activity agglomerates upstream, more Pigouvian damage is caused downstream. Second, the regulation has focused on reducing one dimension of water pollution called chemical oxygen demand (COD). Thus, local officials face weak incentives to engage in costly effort to reduce other non-targeted but more harmful water pollutants such as petroleum, lead, mercury, and phenol.

Zhao ChenChina Center for Economic Studies Fudan UniversityShanghai, [email protected]

Matthew E. KahnDepartment of Economics University of Southern California KAPLos Angeles, CA 90089and [email protected]

Yu LiuChina Center for Economic Studies Fudan UniversityShanghai, [email protected]

Zhi WangSchool of EconomicsFudan UniversityRM125, BLDG 11220 Handan Rd.Yangpu District, Shanghai 200433 [email protected]

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1. Introduction

Since 1980, many regions in China have experienced severe water-quality

degradation that threatens to undermine the nation’s quality of life progress associated

with thirty years of sharp economic growth. In 2005, China’s national government

explicitly addressed the water pollution challenge by specifying in the 11th (2006-2010)

Five-Year Plan (FYP) quantitative emission-reduction targets for chemical oxygen

demand (COD), a major water pollutant. The government also tied compliance with these

targets to local officials’ chances of promotion. This provided a strong incentive for

career-concerned local officials to invest effort to meet this target goal (Kahn, Li, and

Zhao 2015).

In 2011, the National Development and Reform Committee of China published a

report stating that the pollution-reduction goals in the 11th FYP had been fulfilled.

According to an official report, all eleven provinces located in the Yangtze River Basin

achieved the COD-reduction target.1 However, other metrics suggests that the Yangtze

River’s water pollution continues to be a major challenge. The Yangtze River Basin

contains a major share of the nation’s water-polluting industrial activity.

According to data from the Ministry of Water Resources, the percentage of the

Yangtze River water that does not meet the drinking quality standard increased from 20%

in the early 2000s to over 30% in 2010. (Figure A1 illustrates water quality trends for the

Yangtze River.) This water pollution matters because the Yangtze River now provides

drinking water for about 4 million people in this country. Upon the completion of the

1 The actual reduction rates of COD from 2005 to 2010 are 27.71% in Shanghai (14.8%), 18.44% in Jiangsu (15.1%), 18.15% in Zhejiang (15.1%), 7.36% in Anhui (6.5%), 5.73% in Jiangxi (5%), 7.08% in Hubei (5%), 10.68% in Hunan (10.1%), 12.82% in Chongqing (11.2%), 5.43% in Sichuan (5%), 7.89% in Guizhou (7.1%), and 5.76% in Yunnan (4.9%). The reduction targets are reported in parentheses.

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South-to-North Water Transfer Project, this number will increase to around 800 million.2

Water quality in the upper and middle sections of the river has significantly

deteriorated. In the Jinsha River section, in the upper end of the river, the percentage

of water that is unacceptable for drinking use increased from 24.6% in 2005 to 51.3% in

2010 (see Appendix Figure A2). The improvement in water quality in the downstream

sections was surprisingly small given the huge reduction in COD emissions in the

downstream provinces.

Why did the water quality of the Yangtze River deteriorate over time despite a major

regulatory effort that significantly reduced total COD emissions? In this paper, we offer

two explanations for resolving this puzzle. Both represent unintended consequences of

the recent environmental policy in China. The first is that the differential stringency of

environmental regulation across localities along the Yangtze River caused the spatial

transfer of water pollution from the lower end to the upper end of the river. By moving

polluting activity upstream, a greater share of cities along the river is exposed to higher

levels of pollution.

To study the effects of regulation, we construct a new measure of regulatory

stringency based on word counts in official policy documents. We show that regulatory

stringency increased more in the downstream cities than in the cities located midstream

or upstream, inducing water-polluting industries to migrate toward the upper end of the

river. Previous studies on the spatial transfer of water pollution in China focus on

economic activity agglomerating on different sides of provincial borders (Cai, Chen, and

2 The South-to-North Water Transfer Project aims to channel 44.8 billion cubic meters of fresh water annually from the Yangtze River to the north through three canal systems. This project was started in the early 1950s. By 2014, more than $79 billion had been spent, making this project one of the most expensive engineering projects in the world.

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Gong, 2016; Kahn, Li, and Zhao, 2015).

The second unintended consequence induced by the water pollution regulation

relates to the incentives of local officials charged with implementing the environmental

goals of the central government. Since local officials only had promotion incentives to

meet the COD reduction targets, they made little effort to reduce other non-targeted but

more harmful water pollutants such as petroleum, lead, mercury, and phenol. This finding

echoes the results of Kahn, Li, and Zhao (2015) who find that China’s recent target-based

environmental responsibility scheme only pushed local politicians to focus on COD

progress while only providing weak incentives for them to target more harmful


Most studies of environmental regulation’s unintended consequences have focused

on the U.S. Clean Air Act (see Henderson 1996, Becker and Henderson 2000, Greenstone

2002, Kahn and Mansur 2013). The Clean Air Act’s county level focus provides spatial

variation in regulatory intensity and the Environmental Protection Agency’s classification

system of counties as “attainment” and “non-attainment” offers a straightforward way to

classify an area’s regulatory intensity at a point in time. In the case of water regulation,

a different approach must be introduced to study its consequences. This paper

contributes to the environmental regulation impacts literature by studying water pollution

regulation in a leading developing nation. We develop an index based on official planning

documents to quantify the government’s desire to reduce water pollution.

Section 2 of this paper describes the features of China’s recent environmental policy.

Section 3 presents the regression specification for testing for local regulation’s impact on

industrial concentration. Section 4 introduces the data. Section 5 presents the evidence on

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the spatial transfer of water pollution. Section 6 studies the implementation choices of

local officials. Section 7 concludes.

2. An Overview of Water Pollution Control Policy in China

Since 1978, China has established a decentralized system to control and prevent

pollution. The central government sets the general environmental targets, while local

governments are responsible for setting and enforcing the detailed environmental

regulations (Van Rooij and Lo, 2010; Zheng and Kahn, 2013). Before the year 2005, local

officials had weak incentives to actually fulfill the environmental targets set by the

central government. Such officials with career concerns recognized that their promotion

chances within the Chinese Communist Party hinged primarily on achieving economic

growth (Li and Zhou, 2005; Jia, 2012; Kahn, Li, and Zhao, 2015). As a result, while

China’s central leaders increasingly focused on environmental protection, as shown by

the content of the ninth FYP in 1995 and its successor in 2000, the environmental

degradation continued (Vennemo et. al. 2009).

To ensure local governments’ compliance with the environmental targets written in

the 11th FYP in 2005, the central government revised the evaluation criteria by tying the

pollution targets to local officials’ chances of promotion (Kahn, Li, and Zhao, 2015). To

encourage localities to comply with the national policy, the central government

announced that local officials’ performance with respect to COD (water) and sulfur

dioxide (air) reductions would outweigh all other achievements. In some extreme cases,

local governors who failed to satisfy the pollution targets would be removed from the


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In the 11th FYP, the central government’s water-pollution criteria targeted only COD

emissions. In March 2006, the central government announced a binding target, namely,

that national COD emissions must be reduced 10% by the end of 2010. In August 2006,

the reduction targets were further defined at subnational levels for implementation

purposes. The targets varied greatly across localities, with more polluted areas being

assigned higher COD-reduction targets.3 To achieve the targets, local officials adopted a

set of environmental regulations, including pollution levies and industrial-development

guidance, to reduce COD emission within their jurisdictions. Industrial plants were

required to meet tougher emission standards, install higher-capacity (more expensive)

pollution control equipment, and perform more frequent maintenance. Besides the

mandated adoption of clean technology, the most common strategy of local governments

was to directly shut down or relocate the dirty industry by using their power over local

land use.4 From the perspective of a polluting plant, they faced extremely high costs for

land acquisition. By raising the production costs for water polluting plants, the local

government created an incentive for them to migrate away.

3. A Framework for Testing for Local Regulation’s Impact on Industrial


We study the relationship between local industrial activity dynamics and changes in

local regulation. Using a city/year panel data set, we will estimate regressions in which

the dependent variable is , , 1i c ty +∆ which represents the change in city c’s share of

national output produced by industry i between 2006 and year (t+1). 3 See http://www.gov.cn/gongbao/content/2006/content_394866.htm. 4 For example, in 2007, Nanjing, Jiangsu province, and Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, shut down a total of 136 and 57 polluting plants, respectively.

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, , 1 , , , , , 1i

i c t i c t c t i c t p i c ty D R R D xλ θ φ α δ ε+ +∆ = + ∆ + ∆ + ∆ + + ∆ , (1)

In equation (1), ,c tR∆ represents the change in the regulation stringency in city c

between the base year and year t. The base year is 2005, and t=2006, 2007, and 2008. We

also include local attributes, such as proxies for local input costs and agglomeration

forces, as city/year controls (Shadbegian and Volverton, 2010; Zeng and Zhao, 2009).

The vector ,c tx∆ includes a city’s GDP, population size, the average wage rate, FDI, and

the specialization of industry i in city c.5 iD is a dummy variable that equals one if

industry i is a dirty industry (zero means clean). As we will discuss in Section 4.3, the

two “dirty industries” are paper and paper products (hereafter referred to as “paper”), and

chemical materials and chemical products (hereafter referred to as “chemical”). The

two clean industries are general-purpose machinery (hereafter referred to as “machinery”),

and electrical machinery and equipment (hereafter referred to as “electrical machinery”).

, , 1i c tε +∆ is the error term.

In estimating equation (1), our key hypothesis is that φ is negative. This coefficient

represents the differential effect of regulation on dirty versus clean industries. The key

explanatory variable in equation (1) is the change in a city’s regulatory intensity. We now

discuss how we construct this variable.

4. Data

4.1 Measuring the stringency of local environmental regulations

Environmental regulations are multidimensional and are often difficult to quantify

5 Our measure of specialization of an industry in a city is the fraction of the city’s employment that this industry represents in that city, relative to the share of the whole industry in national employment.

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(Shadbegian and Volverton, 2010). Recognizing this challenge, environmental

economists have relied on discrete regulatory categories such as whether a U.S county is

in non-attainment with the Clean Air Act’s standards (Henderson 1996, Greenstone


Data on environmental regulations in developing or transition economies are

especially hard to obtain (Dean, Lovely, and Wang, 2009). In this paper, we measure local

environmental regulation stringency by creating a new metric based on a city

government’s annual work report.

In China’s political system, government work reports are some of the most important

official documents prepared by each level of government to summarize their jurisdictions’

social and economic achievements in the past year (e.g., GDP growth, fiscal revenue

growth, industrial development, average resident’s income, unemployment, FDI, export,

fixed asset investment, environment protection, etc.) and to layout the work plan and

detailed targets for the coming year. In the first quarter every year, city governments will

report details of their work reports to the National People’s Congress and the Chinese

People’s Political Consultative Conference.

Generally, the content of the work reports reflects the efforts of the city governments.

The achievements are all based on hard statistics. The work plan is the guideline for the

lower-level governments, and the detailed targets are expected to be strictly fulfilled by

the lower-level government officials. The city government also faces pressure from the

local public who demand that the promises written in the work report be fulfilled.

Local officials who were assigned a higher reduction target would exert a greater

effort in abating the targeted pollution, and use more space in the government work report

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to summarize their efforts.6 From the work-report text, we first select all sentences that

contain the following keywords: environment (huanjing), energy consumption (nenghao),

pollution (wuran), emission reduction (jianpai), and environmental protection (huanbao)

as environment-related sentences. We then calculate a proxy for regulation stringency for

city c in year t as:

,total words in environment-related sentences in city year 's work report

total words in city year 's work reportc tc tR

c t= . (2)

In the Yangtze River area, there are a total of 85 major cities, which are located in 11

provinces (Figure 1).7 Of the 85 cities in the sample, we were able to find the 2005 work

reports for 81 cities, the 2006 work reports for 83 cities, the 2007 work reports for 83

cities, and the 2008 work reports for 84 cities.89 Most of the cities post their government

work reports to the Internet and this allows for easy download capability. Nonetheless,

we obtained about 20% of the reports in the sample either by filing official applications to

individual city governments or through personal connections with local officials.

<Figure 1>

Our index of regulation stringency is positively correlated with other

provincial-level measures of regulation stringency used in the literature, such as levy fees

6 In fact, in China, the share of text contents related to a specific policy in a city’s government annual work report is commonly used by the public to measure the amount of actual effort that local officials have put into fulfilling the targets. For example, see: http://www.langya.cn/lyzt/2012lh/bgjd/201203/t20120301_104063.html http://www.dzwww.com/shandong/sdnews/201301/t20130126_7952322.htm http://news.xinhuanet.com/politics/2011-03/11/c_121176376.htm. 7 Among the 85 cities in our sample, 83 area prefecture-level cities, and 2 are provincial-level cities (i.e., Shanghai and Chongqing). 8 The following reports are missing: the year 2005 reports for Bazhong, Yicheng, Zhangjiajie, and Ziyang; the year 2006 reports for Huaihua, Neijiang, and Yueyang; the year 2007 reports for Loudi and Yicheng; and the year 2008 report for Zhengjiang. 9 The firm data (i.e., Annual Survey of Industrial Firms) are available from 1998 to 2009, therefore our regulatory sample ends in 2008.

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per facility (Dean, Lovely, and Wang, 2009; Duvivier and Xiong, 2013), spending on

pollution abatement per unit of industrial-output value (Zhang, Lu, Guo, and Yu, 2011),

and the pollution reduction mandates (Wu, Guo, Zhang, and Bu, 2015).

The 2005 work reports were written in January 2006. In March 2006 the central

government announced the national reduction target for COD, and in August 2006, the

COD reduction targets were defined at the subnational levels for implementation

purposes. Therefore, we use the 2005 work reports to proxy for the local regulation

stringency in the pre-treatment time period. As shown in Figure 3, in the year 2006

there is a sharp reversal in the spatial concentration of the two dirty industries (paper and


Table 1 reports the statistics for regulation stringency by year from 2005 to 2008.

Starting in 2006, many cities in the sample used more space in their government work

reports to elaborate on the implementation and enforcement of local environmental


<Table 1>

Table 2 investigates the relationship between the change of the stringency index

between 2005 and 2007 and several related city characteristics (Table 1 shows that the

average stringency index peaks in 2007). The results in column 1 show that cities with a

larger GDP and a greater share of college graduates in the local labor force experienced a

greater increase in their stringency index between 2005 and 2007. This finding is

consistent with the environmental regulatory J curve hypothesis (Seldon and Song 1995).

<Table 2>

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We use a city’s output value of paper and chemical industry in 2005 to proxy for the

city’s initial pollution stock. Since the initial GDP and pollution levels are highly

correlated as shown in Figure A3, we only include one of the two in each regression.

Column 2 of Table 2 suggests that a city’s stringency index increases with the level of

initial pollution stock in the city. The findings in Table 2 echo the results of Wang and

Wheeler (2005) who find that the stringency of environmental regulation is greater in the

areas with a higher incidence of local pollution complaints, which in turn reflect local

levels of education.

At the same time that the average level of regulation was increasing starting in 2006,

there was also an increase in the cross-city variance in the stringency index. One

explanation for this fact is the sharp differences in per-capita income across Chinese

cities. The dip in the stringency index in 2008 was due to increasing efforts to enable the

local economy to recover from the 2008 financial crisis. In cities whose local GDP more

heavily relied on the secondary sector, the local governments faced a sharper trade-off

between environmental protection and industrial development. We explored the

relationships between the size of the dip in stringency index between 2007 and 2008 and

the related city characteristics. Panel B of Table 2 shows that, after controlling for city’s

GDP size, cities with a larger share of GDP in the secondary sector experienced a greater

decrease in the stringency index between 2007 and 2008. For instance, the stringency

index dropped by 3.49 percentage points in Nanjing, the capital city of Jiangsu Province,

whose secondary-sector GDP share is nearly 50%.10 However, this relationship becomes

10 The 2007 government’s work report of Nanjing elaborated a fairly strict environment-related entry/exit policy for industrial plants. However, this city’s 2008 government’s work report mentioned little about

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smaller for cities with higher GDP levels. For example, the stringency index increased by

1.04 percentage points between 2007 and 2008 in Shanghai (its secondary-sector GDP

share is about 40%) and its GDP size is almost four times larger than Nanjing.

4.2 Water Pollution Data

The Yangtze River serves as the source of drinking water for one third of the

Chinese population, and its water quality has already drawn increasing attention from

both the authorities and the public. The 85 cities located along the river contain a stable

40% share of water-polluting industries in the country, generating nearly half of the total

COD emissions. The local governments have spent a great deal of money on reducing

water pollution.

The environmental yearbooks report the concentrations at water-station level of

COD, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), hydro-nitrogen (NH), mercury, lead, phenol,

and petroleum, which are crucial to evaluating the water quality. Panel B of Table 1

reports the summary statistics by year. A total of 103 water stations along the Yangtze

River are located within the boundaries of the 57 cities in the sample. Since the National

Bureau of Statistics and the Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP) compile the

environmental yearbooks, it is difficult for local governments to manipulate the pollution

data (Ghanem and Zhang, 2014).

Based on our conversations with local MEP officials, the CCP has focused on COD

for two reasons. The first reason is that the central government has viewed COD as one of

the major water pollutants. The Chinese government is also more experienced in

monitoring the entry or forcing the exit of polluting plants. Instead, maintaining local economic growth by promoting consumption and investment became a main focus.

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monitoring and reducing COD emissions than other major pollutants.

4.3 Industrial Location Data

The Annual Survey of Industrial Firms conducted by China’s National Bureau of

Statistics reports individual plant information such as the plant’s city, total annual output

value, and ISIC industry classification.11 From this plant-level dataset, we measure

industrial relocation by calculating the city share of national output value and of total

plants, using the two-digit industry code and year. Thus, we focus on net changes in

industrial activity at the city-year level.12

We investigate the relocation patterns of two water-polluting manufacturing

industries: paper and paper products (hereafter referred to as “paper”), and chemical

materials and chemical products (hereafter referred to as “chemical”). We select these

two industries as the “dirty” industries because the paper and chemical industries are the

major targets of local regulators as they together account for 44% in total industrial COD

discharges (Table 3). In addition, the production of paper and chemical require a large

volume of water. Thus, instead of relocating to a location further away from the river,

these two industries tend to move along a river in response to changing local regulation

environment. Our data show that production in these two industries is spatially

widespread across cities along the Yangtze River. Because stricter environmental

regulations have a smaller effect on the production cost of the less-polluted industries, we

use two “clean” industries as the control group: general-purpose machinery (hereafter 11 The survey covered all state-owned enterprises and those non-state-owned enterprises with annual sales of five million yuan or more in mining, manufacturing, and the production and distribution of electricity, gas and water. 12 Previous research that investigates the effects of environmental regulation in China has often used provincial-level data.

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referred to as “machinery”), and electrical machinery and equipment (hereafter referred

to as “electrical machinery”). Table 3 shows that machinery and electrical machinery

plants caused only a tiny proportion of COD emissions. Similar to the paper and chemical

industries, production in these two clean industries takes place in each city in our sample.

<Table 3>

5. Does Polluting Industrial Activity Respond to Water Regulation Severity?

In this section, we report estimates of equation (1) to test for whether increases in

the water regulation index have differential effects on the clustering of clean versus dirty

industry. At any point in time, there is cross-sectional variation in the regulatory index

with downstream locations featuring rising regulation relative to upstream locations.

While city governments in downstream locations moved dirty plants out of their cities,

the city governments in upstream locations welcomed these firms for economic growth

and employment opportunities. The officials of upstream cities have the incentives to

tolerate polluting plants in return for generating local fiscal revenues, creating jobs, and

promoting GDP growth (Jiang, Lin, and Lin, 2014). In addition, the pollution reduction

targets imposed on the upstream locations are much lower as these locations are much

cleaner to begin with.

In each of our regressions, we include the following set of control variables; the

city’s GDP, population size, wage rate, FDI, and the industry’s specialization index. The

base year is 2005, and t = 2006, 2007, and 2008. It takes time for industrial plants to

relocate in response to the changing stringency of local environmental regulations.

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Therefore, we choose the specification of investigating a one-year lag effect on industrial

relocation. We also include province fixed effects in each regression. By running

regressions based on equation (1) for three separate time periods, we allow the regression

coefficients to vary across different time intervals. Standard errors are clustered by city.

The cities with a greater ,c tR∆ may have certain attributes that affect the location

decisions of all industries (e.g., input costs, fiscal policies, quality of workforce, natural

advantages like climate, proximity to important natural sources, etc.). To identify the

pollution-haven effect, we compare the change in economic activity for dirty versus clean

industries with respect to the effects of changing regulation stringency on industrial

relocation. In equation (1), φ is the coefficient of interest and it is expected to be


Main Results

Table 4 reports our main results based on estimates of equation (1). The

pollution-haven effect becomes statistically significant starting in 2008. While the clean

industries were moving into the high-stringency cities, the dirty industries were fleeing

from them. For example, an increase of one percentage point in a city’s regulation

stringency is associated with a decrease in the city’s share of national output value in the

dirty industries by 0.031 and 0.032 percentage points for the periods 2006-2008 and

2006-2009, respectively. This effect is relatively large, considering that the average

increase in regulation stringency is around 1.3 percentage points, and the average city’s

share of output value in paper and chemical is about 0.3% to 0.4% (Table 1). In Table 5,

we change the dependent variable. In this table, we focus on explaining the city’s share of

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each industry’s total national plant count. The results are reported in the first three

columns of Table 5, which show similar patterns.13



We recognize that there may be unobserved factors correlated with our

environmental regulation stringency measure. For example, the city government may be

making strategic investments in research and innovation or developing the service sector.

These efforts could affect the cost of local industrial production. We address this issue by

further controlling for changes in the shares of text content related to each of these

margins and their interactions with the dirty-industry dummy ( iD ). The last three

columns in Table 4 and Table 5 report the results. Our estimates of 𝜙1 are robust to

including these additional controls.

Another concern is that the change in regulation stringency after 2005 may have

summarized in part the efforts that local governments had made prior to 2005, and that

industrial relocation between 2006 and 2009 was really caused by a pre-existing trend.

We address this concern by conducting several placebo tests to examine the relationship

between industrial relocation prior to 2005 and the change in regulation stringency

between 2005 and 2008. The results in Table 6 show that there exists no correlation

between the change in regulation stringency after 2005 and the trends of industrial

relocation before 2005. These two sets of robustness tests provide valuable evidence

that the results we report in Table 4 are consistent with the hypothesis that differential

13 We have also collected data on each city’s annual discharge of industrial wastewater from the city statistical yearbooks, and studied this variable’s association with our city environmental regulation stringency index. We find that the reduction in the discharge of industrial wastewater was larger in cities with a greater increase in their local regulation stringency.

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regulatory intensity is pushing out dirty economic activity relative to its impact on the

clustering of clean industries.

<Table 6>

We have tested for heterogeneous treatment effects associated with increases in our

city level regulation stringency index. As shown in Table A1 in Appendix A, both the

private-owned firms and small firms are less likely to relocate when facing stricter

regulations. The private-owned firms may have a greater ability to adapt new clean

technology (Jiang, Lin, and Lin, 2014). Although some small firms may lack the ability to

adopt cutting edge technology, it is also more costly for local regulators to monitor and

regulate them than bigger firms.

This heterogeneity may suggest that the polluting firms that were more likely to

relocate are relatively large and have technological disadvantages. As polluting activity of

these firms agglomerate upstream, more Pigouvian damage would be caused


The Geography of Regulatory Displacement Effects

Research in environmental engineering has shown that water pollutants emitted in

the upper end of a river are more likely to accumulate in the river over time than those

emitted in the lower end (Wei et al., 2009; Chen et al., 2000). In addition, the river’s

discharge from upstream regions can be easily carried into downstream areas (Cai, Chen,

and Gong, 2016; Kahn, Li, and Zhao, 2015). As a result, the relocation of water-polluting

production along the Yangtze River may have substantially dampened the effect of the

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Chinese government’s efforts to cure pollution. This means that unlike the U.S Clean Air

Act, whose differentiated regulation has pushed polluting economic activity away from

major population centers (Henderson 1996, Greenstone 2002, Kahn and Mansur 2013),

the Chinese water regulation’s differentiated regulatory intensity has unintentionally

exacerbated the pollution problem downstream. Since the pollution costs are borne by

others this problem resembles the cross-nation water pollution issue documented by

Sigman (2002).

We categorize the 85 cities into three segments, based on the river’s length

between the city and the estuary of the Yangtze River (i.e., Shanghai): the downstream

cities (0–704.02km), the midstream cities (704.02km–1750km), and upstream cities

(1750km and above). Figure 2 plots the trends of average regulation stringency for each

segment. The dashed line represents the 20 downstream cities, the dotted line represents

the 39 midstream cities, and the solid line represents the 26 upstream cities. The increase

in regulation stringency in upstream and midstream cities is much smaller than that in the

downstream cities. Therefore, the pollution-haven effect implies that the production of

water-polluting industries should have moved upward along the Yangtze River between

2006 and 2009.


To further explore the spatial relocation of water-polluting production along the

Yangtze River, we construct the cumulative distribution function for two dirty industries

in each year between 2003 and 2009. If regulation is moving economic activity up river,

then we should observe a shift in the probability distribution such that more dirty

economic activity clusters further from Shanghai (thus upstream).

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In Panel A-D of Figure 3, the horizontal axis measures river length in kilometers

between each city and Shanghai, where the river meets the sea, while the vertical axis

measures the fraction of the Yangtze River’s total output value produced in the cities

whose river distances to Shanghai are equal to or smaller than the corresponding

distance on the horizontal axis. During 2003-2006, the cumulative distribution functions

of paper and chemical industries remained unchanged. However, starting in 2006, the

dirty industry cumulative distribution function shifts right over time indicating that the

production of water-polluting industries has been moved upstream. As the nation’s

total production in the water-polluting industries and the Yangtze River’s share both

remained quite stable over the study period, we conclude that there was an absolute

increase of production in the water-polluting industries at the upper end of the river.


6. COD Progress versus Trends in Non-Targeted Water Pollutants

To study the effects of regulation on various water pollutants, we run the following


s c c p sz R x uβ γ η∆ = ∆ + ∆ + + ∆ . (3)

where cR∆ represents the change in the regulation stringency in city c which contains

station s between 2005 and 2008, and sz∆ represents the change in the concentration of

each pollutant (i.e., COD, BOD, mercury, lead, NH, phenol, petroleum) in station s

between 2006 and 2009. In (3), cx∆ controls for the growth rates of other city

characteristic during 2005-2008, such as GDP, population size, wage rate, FDI, pη are

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provincial dummies that control for the province-specific year trends in the concentration

of each water pollutant shared by the water stations located in the same provinces, and

su∆ is an error term.

Table 7 shows that COD significantly declined in cities where the regulation index

increased. However, there was no evidence of a significant reduction in any of the

non-targeted pollutants in these cities. The concentration of petroleum even increased in

cities where the regulation index increased. The results here suggest that China’s recent

target-based environmental responsibility scheme only pushed local politicians to seek

improvement in COD. Given that some of the non-targeted water pollutants are more

harmful to human health and the ecosystem than COD (Kahn, Li, and Zhao, 2015), the

environmental efforts made by local officials may not support eventual improvement in

the water quality. In this situation, the water regulators need to carefully design an

incentive scheme for different tasks with local government as indicated by Holmstrom,

and Milgrom (1991).

<Table 7>

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7. Conclusion

China’s water regulations have induced unintended consequences. To quantify

this, we have introduced a new empirical measure of water pollution regulation and

studied how it varies over time and space. Similar to the U.S literature on the

unintended consequences of the Clean Air Act, we have documented that China’s

regulation led to a decline in pollution intensive activity in highly regulated areas as

such activity migrated to less regulated areas. Larger firms and state owned

enterprises were more responsive to city level regulations than smaller firms and

privately owned firms.

Unlike the U.S Clean Air Act case, the spatial deflection of dirty industrial

activity does not reduce population exposure. In the U.S case, fewer people are

exposed to air polluting sources as big cities increase their regulations relative to less

populated areas. In the case of Chinese water pollution, the regulation has played a

role pushing dirty activity upriver and hence increasing overall exposure to the water


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Table 1: Summary statistics Panel A: City-level characteristics

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Regulation stringency 1.577 2.071 2.802 2.130

(%) (0.671) (1.012) (1.313) (1.135)

<81> <83> <83> <84>

City share of output value in paper 0.354 0.345 0.346 0.359 0.338 (%) (0.884) (0.872) (0.866) (0.870) (0.794)

<85> <85> <85> <85> <85>

City share of output value in chemical 0.452 0.443 0.441 0.419 0.424 (%) (1.010) (1.006) (0.951) (0.845) (0.803)

<85> <85> <85> <85> <85>

City share of plants in paper 0.376 0.372 0.375 0.396 0.368 (%) (0.926) (0.879) (0.870) (0.850) (0.873)

<85> <85> <85> <85> <85>

City share of plants in chemical 0.436 0.434 0.438 0.432 0.435 (%) (0.785) (0.736) (0.718) (0.760) (0.695)

<85> <85> <85> <85> <85>

City share of output value in machinery 0.451 0.448 0.439 0.430 0.379 (%) (1.416) (1.365) (1.274) (1.171) (0.889)

<85> <85> <85> <85> <85>

City share of output value in electric machinery 0.369 0.378 0.391 0.422 0.4 (%) (1.016) (1.017) (0.995) (1.004) (0.911)

<85> <85> <85> <85> <85>

City share of plants in machinery 0.407 0.395 0.392 0.436 0.391 (%) (1.042) (0.939) (0.901) (1.024) (0.863)

<85> <85> <85> <85> <85>

City share of plants in electric machinery 0.373 0.364 0.365 0.401 0.369 (%) (0.990) (0.910) (0.880) (0.958) (0.880)

<85> <85> <85> <85> <85>

Wastewater discharged by industrial plants 7.207 7.842 7.585 5.484 3.796 (tons) (8.717) (23.182) (22.768) (13.763) (5.853)

<83> <83> <83> <82> <83>

GDP 72.606 83.906 100.322 119.536 134.019 (billion yuan) (121.505) (139.933) (165.890) (191.552) (208.622)

<85> <85> <85> <85> <85>

Population 4774.882 4824.927 4872.832 4919.960 4959.627 (thousand persons) (3661.957) (3715.768) (3778.931) (3842.375) (3902.577) <85> <85> <85> <85> <85>

Notes: Standard deviations are in parentheses. Numbers of observations are in angle brackets.

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Table 1: Summary statistics (cont’d) Panel B: Water station level characteristics

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

COD 3.000 2.836 2.849 2.788 2.671 (mg/L) (1.532) (1.439) (1.450) (1.396) (1.261)

<98> <99> <99> <99> <98>

BOD 1.785 1.887 1.929 1.886 1.861 (mg/L) (1.412) (1.499) (1.547) (1.241) (1.179)

<98> <99> <99> <99> <98>

NH 0.805 0.814 0.786 0.594 0.616 (mg/L) (1.745) (1.878) (1.900) (1.078) (1.482)

<98> <99> <99> <99> <98>

Petroleum 0.048 0.040 0.033 0.033 0.030 (mg/L) (0.092) (0.048) (0.035) (0.030) (0.027)

<97> <98> <98> <99> <98>

Phenol 0.002 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.001 (mg/L) (0.004) (0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.001)

<98> <99> <99> <99> <98>

Mercury 0.034 0.056 0.049 0.025 0.033 (μg/L) (0.061) (0.311) (0.246) (0.034) (0.097)

<98> <97> <77> <96> <93>

Lead 0.006 0.006 0.005 0.004 0.004 (mg/L) (0.005) (0.008) (0.004) (0.003) (0.004)

<98> <97> <95> <95> <92>

Notes: Standard deviations are in parentheses. Numbers of observations are in angle brackets.

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Table 2: The Correlates of Changes in City Level Water Pollution Regulation

Panel A Dept. Variable.: regulation stringency in 2007 - regulation stringency in 2005

(1) (2)

Log GDP in 2005 1.2105**


College grads share in LF in 2005 (Census 2005) 37.3543* 12.0379

(19.1622) (63.4399)

Log GDP in 2005 * college grads share in LF in 2005 -8.9464


Log output value of paper & chemical in 2005



Log output value of paper & chemical in 2005 * college grads share in LF in 2005



Observations 80 80 R-squared 0.1869 0.1459

Notes: *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1 Standard errors clustered by province are in parentheses.

Panel B Dept. Variable: regulation stringency in 2008 - regulation stringency in 2007


Secondary sector GDP share, 2007 -6.2075**


Secondary sector GDP share in 2007 * log GDP in 2007 1.4471*


Log GDP in 2007 -0.8508*


College grads share in LF (Census 2005) -19.9951


Log GDP in 2007 * college grads share in LF (Census 2005) 3.1028


Observations 84 R-squared 0.0967

Notes: *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1 Standard errors clustered by province are in parentheses.

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Table 3: Water Pollution (measured by COD) Produced by Each Industry

Two-digit industries COD share Mining and Washing of Coal 1.16 Extraction of Petroleum and Natural Gas 0.34 Mining and Processing of Ferrous Metal Ores 0.3 Mining and Processing of Non-Ferrous Metal Ores 1.22 Mining and Processing of Nonmetal Ores 0.41 Mining of Other Ores 0.01 Processing of Food from Agricultural Products 13.73 Foods 3.14 Beverages 3.81 Tobacco 0.1 Textile 6.06 Textile Wearing Apparel, Footwear and Caps 0.43 Leather, Fur, Feather and Related Products 1.52 Timber, Wood, Bamboo and Straw Products 0.56 Furniture 0.02 Paper and Paper Products 32.37 Printing, Reproduction of Recording Media 0.1 Articles for Culture, Education and Sport Activities 0.02 Petroleum, Coking, Processing of Nuclear Fuel 1.69 Raw Chemical Materials and Chemical Products 11.54 Medicines 2.69 Chemical Fibers 2.11 Rubber 0.12 Plastics 0.08 Non-metallic Mineral Products 1.07 Smelting and Pressing of Ferrous Metals 3.58 Smelting and Pressing of Non-ferrous Metals 0.69 Metal Products 0.41 General Purpose Machinery 0.39 Special Purpose Machinery 0.28 Transport Equipment 0.77 Electrical Machinery and Equipment 0.19 Communication Equipment and Computers 0.34 Measuring Instruments and Machinery for Office Work 0.19 Artwork and Other Manufacturing 0.09 Recycling and Disposal of Waste 0.01 Production and Supply of Electric Power and Heat Power 2.68 Production and Supply of Gas 0.19 Production and Supply of Water 0.48

Notes: COD share measures each industry’s share of total industrial COD emissions. The data source is the China Environmental Statistical Yearbook.

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Table 4: Regulation’s Impact on Local Industrial Activity

Dependent Variable: Change in city's share of industry's output value,

2006 to (t+1)

t=2006 t=2007 t=2008 t=2006 t=2007 t=2008

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Change in regulation stringency (2005 to t) 0.0053 0.0486** 0.0442** 0.0034 0.0499** 0.0357**

(0.0063) (0.0215) (0.0171) (0.0065) (0.0219) (0.0168)

Change in regulation stringency (2005 to t) * Dummy: Paper or Chemical -0.0087 -0.0797** -0.0765** -0.0064 -0.0813** -0.0784**

(0.0108) (0.0315) (0.0295) (0.0106) (0.0331) (0.0317)

City growth controls Y Y Y Y Y Y City growth controls * Dummy: Paper or Chemical Y Y Y Y Y Y Provincial fixed effects Y Y Y Y Y Y Industrial dummies Y Y Y Y Y Y Changes in the shares of the work report discussing other policy margins N N N Y Y Y Changes in the shares of the work report discussing other policy margins* Dummy: Paper or Chemical


Observations 308 308 304 308 308 304 R-squared 0.5198 0.4159 0.7092 0.5301 0.4226 0.7170

Notes: ***significance at 1%; **significance at 5%; *significance at 10%. Heteroskedasticity-robust standard errors clustered by city are in parentheses. The base industries are machinery and electrical machinery (the clean industries). In columns (4-6), we include additional control variables based on our analysis of the city/year work reports related to the share of words promoting research and innovation, boosting the development of local service sector, improving social services, and promoting the development of rural sector.

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Table 5: Regulation and the Count of Industrial Plants

Dept. Var.: Change in city's count share of industrial plants, 2006 to


t=2006 t=2007 t=2008 t=2006 t=2007 t=2008

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Change in regulation stringency (2005 to t) 0.0008 0.0327 0.0046 0.0004 0.0322 0.0064

(0.0066) (0.0265) (0.0204) (0.0063) (0.0267) (0.0219)

Change in regulation stringency (2005 to t) * Dummy: Paper or Chemical -0.0034 -0.0390 -0.0357** -0.0026 -0.0373 -0.0361**

(0.0056) (0.0276) (0.0175) (0.0051) (0.0283) (0.0180)

City growth controls Y Y Y Y Y Y City growth controls * Dummy: Paper or Chemical Y Y Y Y Y Y Provincial fixed effects Y Y Y Y Y Y Industrial dummies Y Y Y Y Y Y Changes in the shares of the work report discussing other policy margins N N N Y Y Y Changes in the shares of the work report discussing other policy margins* Dummy: Paper or Chemical


Observations 308 308 304 308 308 304 R-squared 0.4331 0.4296 0.5946 0.4472 0.4379 0.6068

Notes: ***significance at 1%; **significance at 5%; *significance at 10%. Heteroskedasticity-robust standard errors clustered by city are in parentheses. The base industries are machinery and electrical machinery (the clean industries). In columns (4-6), we include additional control variables based on our analysis of the city/year work reports related to the share of words promoting research and innovation, boosting the development of local service sector, improving social services, and promoting the development of rural sector.

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Table 6: Testing for Pre-Treatment Trends

Change in city's share of industry output value

Change in city's count share of industrial plants

2003 to 2004

2003 to 2005

2003 to 2006

2003 to 2004

2003 to 2005

2003 to 2006

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Change in regulation stringency (2005 to 2008) 0.0202 -0.0127 -0.0132 0.0505 -0.0215 -0.0047

(0.0201) (0.0211) (0.0226) (0.0322) (0.0181) (0.0230)

Change in regulation stringency (2005 to 2008)* Dummy: Paper or Chemical 0.0094 0.0323* 0.0248 -0.0307 0.0197 0.0150

(0.0100) (0.0190) (0.0173) (0.0237) (0.0132) (0.0173)

City growth controls Y Y Y Y Y Y City growth controls * Dummy: Paper or Chemical Y Y Y Y Y Y Provincial fixed effects Y Y Y Y Y Y Industrial dummies Y Y Y Y Y Y Observations 304 304 304 304 304 304 R-squared 0.2043 0.1130 0.1453 0.4066 0.3384 0.5304

Notes: ***significance at 1%; **significance at 5%; *significance at 10%. Heteroskedasticity-robust standard errors clustered by city are in parentheses. The base industries are machinery and electrical machinery (clean industries).

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Table 7: Effects of Regulation on Various Water Pollutants

Dept. Var.: Change in the concentration of each water pollutant in each water station, 2006 to 2009

COD BOD NH Petroleum Phenol Mercury Lead

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

Change in city's regulation stringency (2005 to 2008) -0.1328* -0.0760 -0.0576 0.0069* -0.0002 -0.0700 -0.0015

(0.0678) (0.1009) (0.1111) (0.0036) (0.0002) (0.0520) (0.0011)

City growth controls Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Province fixed effects Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Observations 87 87 87 86 87 80 80 Notes: ***significance at 1%; **significance at 5%; *significance at 10%. Heteroskedasticity-robust standard errors clustered by city are in parentheses. The unit of analysis is water station. The provincial fixed effects capture the province-specific year trends shared by the water stations located in the same province.

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Figure 1: The Yangtze River Basin

Figure 2: Trends in Average Regulatory Intensity by River Segment










2005 2006 2007 2008year

downstream cities midstream cities upstream cities

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Figure 3: 2003-2009 Water-polluting production distribution along the Yangtze River

Panel A

Panel B

Notes: The horizontal axis measures river length in kilometers between each city and Shanghai. The vertical axis measures the fraction of the Yangtze River’s total output value produced in the cities whose river distances to Shanghai are equal to or smaller than the corresponding distance on the horizontal axis.







0 466 805 1,008 1,214 1,424 2,068 2,259 2,520


y2003 y2006







0 466 805 1,008 1,214 1,424 2,068 2,259 2,520


y2006 y2009

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Figure 3: 2003-2009 Water-polluting production distribution along the Yangtze

River (cont’d)

Panel C

Panel D

Notes: The horizontal axis measures river length in kilometers between each city and Shanghai. The vertical axis measures the fraction of the Yangtze River’s total output value produced in the cities whose river distances to Shanghai are equal to or smaller than the corresponding distance on the horizontal axis.







0 466 805 1,008 1,214 1,424 2,068 2,259 2,520


y2003 y2006







0 466 805 1,008 1,214 1,424 2,068 2,259 2,520


y2006 y2009

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Appendix A. Supplemental table Table A1: Heterogeneous regulation effects

Dept. Var.: Change in city’s share of industry’s output value, 2006 to (t+1)

All firms Private-owned firms Small firms

t=2006 t=2007 t=2008 t=2006 t=2007 t=2008 t=2006 t=2007 t=2008

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Change in regulation stringency (2005 to t) 0.0053 0.0486** 0.0442** 0.005 0.0190*** -0.0155 -0.0001 0.0668 -0.0936

(0.0063) (0.0215) (0.0171) (0.0069) (0.007) (0.0152) (0.0303) (0.0632) (0.0645) Change in regulation stringency (2005 to t) * Dummy: dirty industry -0.0087 -0.0797** -0.0765** 0.0082 -0.0223** 0.0157 0.0052 0.0027 0.0837

(0.0108) (0.0315) (0.0295) (0.0056) (0.0111) (0.0136) (0.0501) (0.0818) (0.0723) City growth controls Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y City growth controls * Dummy: dirty industry Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Provincial fixed effects Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Industrial dummies Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Observations 308 308 304 308 308 304 252 251 239

Dept. Var.: Change in city’s count share of industry’s plants, 2006 to (t+1)

All firms Private-owned firms Small firms

t=2006 t=2007 t=2008 t=2006 t=2007 t=2008 t=2006 t=2007 t=2008

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

Change in regulation stringency (2005 to t) 0.0008 0.0327 0.0046 0.0003 0.0315 -0.0402 0.0046 0.0871 -0.127

(0.0066) (0.0265) (0.0204) -0.0028 -0.0246 -0.0352 -0.0158 -0.0718 -0.0924 Change in regulation stringency (2005 to t) * Dummy: dirty industry -0.0034 -0.0390 -0.0357** 0.002 -0.0307 0.0261 -0.0013 -0.018 0.0982

(0.0056) (0.0276) (0.0175) (0.0041) (0.0265) (0.0314) (0.0261) (0.0894) (0.0709) City growth controls Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y City growth controls * Dummy: dirty industry Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Provincial fixed effects Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Industrial dummies Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Observations 308 308 304 308 308 304 252 251 239

Notes: Small firms are those with the total assets ranked bottom 20% in the industry.

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Appendix B. Supplemental figures Figure A1: Time trends of water quality in the Yangtze River

Notes: The left panel plots the percentage of water in the Yangtze River that is inferior to Class III, and so is not acceptable for drinking use. Water of Class IV is acceptable for industrial use, but direct contact with skin should be avoided; water of Class V is acceptable for irrigation only; water that is worse than Class V is unsuitable for all purposes. The right panel plots the percentage of the drinking-water reserves in the Yangtze River that can provide safe water.





2002 2004 2006 2008 2010year

% Water Inferior to Grade III





2006 2007 2008 2009 2010year

% Safe-drinking-water Reserves

The Yangtze River

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Figure A2: The ratio of water not acceptable for drinking use in different

sections of the Yangtze River

Note: The sections that the numbers represent are as follows: 1 Taihu Lake, 2 Below Hukou, 3 Poyang Lake, 4 Hanjiang River, 5 Dongting Lake, 6 Yichang to Hukou, 7 Yibin to Yichang, 8 Wujiang River, 9 Jialing River, 10 Min and Tuo River, 11 Jinsha River. The sections labeled as down are downstream, the sections labeled as mid are midstream, and the sections labeled as up are upstream.

Figure A3: Initial GDP and Output from polluting industries

Notes: Each dot represents a city from the sample of the 85 cities in the Yangtze River Basin.





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11down down mid mid mid mid mid up up up up

2005 2010









P in



10 12 14 16 18log output value of paper & chemical in 2005

Initial GDP and Output from Polluting Industries
