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THE CONSTITUTION - Florida · 2018. 11. 28. · The constitution was approved by popular vote in...

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THE CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA As revised in 1968 And subsequently amended November 2018 The Florida Legislature Office of Legislative Services Division of Law Revision 2018 Tallahassee, Florida
  • THE



    As revised in 1968

    And subsequently amended November 2018

    The Florida Legislature Office of Legislative Services

    Division of Law Revision 2018

    Tallahassee, Florida

  • History

    In preparation for statehood, fifty-six delegates from Florida’s twenty counties assembled in the Panhandle town of Saint Joseph (near Port St. Joe) to frame the 1838 Constitution (cover). The delegates were mainly planters and lawyers from thirteen of the nation’s twenty-six states and four foreign countries; only three were native Floridians. Three delegates would later become U.S. Senators; two, governors; and five, members of the state supreme court. The convention was called to order on December 3, 1838 and elected Robert Raymond Reid of St. Augustine as president.

    The constitution divided the government into the traditional three branches – an executive headed by the governor elected to a single four year term, a bicameral legislature that met annually, and a judiciary headed by a supreme court. It banned bank officers, clergymen, and duelists from election to the legislature and governorship; and declared free men equal while at the same time preserving slavery. The constitution was approved by popular vote in 1839 and served as Florida’s constitution from statehood in 1845 until Florida seceded from the Union in 1861.

    The original 1838 Constitution, signed by forty-one delegates on January 11, 1839, has disappeared. The only surviving handwritten copy is a clerk’s copy signed by Reid and Joshua Knowles, convention secretary, found by the William N. “Bill” Galphin family in Fernandina Beach in 1982. The family inherited the copy from Galphin’s grandfather William Thompson. Thompson married the niece of Judge John C. McGehee, a delegate to the 1838 convention and president of the Secession Convention of 1861.

    The 1838 Constitution is one of many historical documents that may be found at the Florida State Archives. Located in the R.A. Gray Building in Tallahassee, the Archives is mandated by law to collect and preserve documentation of Florida’s past; including photographs, state records, and private papers of individuals and organizations.


    Cover Page: The background is the image of a page from the 1838 Constitution of Florida, courtesy of the State Photographic Archives, Florida Department of State.

    History: Summary is provided courtesy of the Florida Department of State’s Division of Library and Information Services.

    Additional copies or alternative formats available from:

    Law Book Services Office Division of Law Revision

    (850) 488-2323 [email protected]


    http://dos.myflorida.com/library-archives/mailto:[email protected]:www.flalegistore.com


    QH VJG



    Vhe Eqnutttwttqn qh the State qh Hqttfa au textuef tn 3;88 eqnututef qh eettatn textuefattteeu au rtqrquef b{ thtee �qtnt teuqwttqnu whteh wete afqrtef fwttni the ureeta ueuutqn qhJwne 26/Jw{ 5, 3;88, anf tatthtef b{ the eeetqtate qn Pqxeobet 5, 3;88, tqiethet wtth qneatttee eatttef hqtwatf htqo the Eqnutttwttqn qh 3885, au aoenfef0 Vhe attteeu rtqrquef tnJqwue Jqtnt Teuqwttqn 3/2Z eqnutttwtef the enttte textuef eqnutttwttqn wtth the ezeerttqn qhAttteeu V, VK, anf VKKK0 Senate Jqtnt Teuqwttqn 6/2Z rtqrquef Atttee VK, teattni tq uwhhtaieanf eeettqnu0 Senate Jqtnt Teuqwttqn 5/2Z rtqrquef a new Atttee VKKK, teattni tq qeaiqxetnoent0 Atttee V, teattni tq the �wftetat{, wau eatttef hqtwatf htqo the Eqnutttwttqn qh 3885, au aoenfef0

    Seetiqnu eqorquini the 3;88 texiuiqn haxe nq hiutqt{ nqteu0 Swbueqwent ehanieu ate infieatef b{ nqteu arrenfef tq the ahheetef ueetiqnu0 Vhe infezeu arreatini at the beiinniniqh eaeh attiee, nqteu arreatini at the enf qh xatiqwu ueetiqnu, anf ueetiqn anf uwbueetiqnheafiniu ate affef efitqtia{ anf ate nqt tq be eqnuifetef au ratt qh the eqnutitwtiqn0



    PTGAMDNGYe, the reqre qh the State qh Hqtifa, beini itatehw tq Aoiiht{ Gqf hqt qwt eqnutitwtiqna

    ibett{, in qtfet tq ueewte itu benehitu, retheet qwt iqxetnoent, inuwte fqoeutie ttanqwiit{,oaintain rwbie qtfet, anf iwatantee eqwa eixi anf rqitiea tiihtu tq a, fq qtfain anfeutabiuh thiu eqnutitwtiqn0




    30 Pqitiea rqwet0 20 Dauie tiihtu0 50 Teiiiqwu hteefqo0 60 Hteefqo qh ureeeh anf rteuu0 50 Tiiht tq auueobe0 80 Tiiht tq wqt�0 90 Miitat{ rqwet0 80 Tiiht tq beat atou0 ;0 Dwe rtqeeuu0 320 Ptqhibitef awu0 330 Kortiuqnoent hqt febt0 320 Seateheu anf ueizwteu0 350 Jabeau eqtrwu0 360 Ptettia teeaue anf fetentiqn0 350 Ptqueewtiqn hqt etioe; qhhenueu eqooittef b{

    ehiften0 380 Tiihtu qh aeewuef anf qh xietiou0 390 Gzeeuuixe rwniuhoentu0 380 Afoiniuttatixe renatieu0 3;0 Equtu0 220 Vteauqn0 230 Aeeeuu tq eqwttu0 220 Vtia b{ �wt{0 250 Tiiht qh rtixae{0 260 Aeeeuu tq rwbie teeqtfu anf oeetiniu0 250 Vazra{etu' Di qh Tiihtu0 280 Eaioant'u tiiht tq hait eqorenuatiqn0 290 Mattiaie fehinef0

    SGEVKQP 30 Pq�t�ea rqwet0´A rqitiea rqwet iu

    inhetent in the reqre0 Vhe enwneiatiqn hetein qh eettain

    tiihtu uha nqt be eqnuttwef tq fen{ qt iorait qthetu

    tetainef b{ the reqre0

    SGEVKQP 20 Dau�e t�ihtu0´A natwta retuqnu,

    heoae anf oae ai�e, ate eqwa behqte the aw anf

    haxe inaienabe tiihtu, aoqni whieh ate the tiiht tq

    en�q{ anf fehenf ihe anf ibett{, tq rwtuwe harrineuu,

    tq be tewatfef hqt infwutt{, anf tq aeqwite, rquueuu anf

    rtqteet rtqrett{0 Pq retuqn uha be fertixef qh an{

    tiiht beeawue qh taee, teiiiqn, natiqna qtiiin, qt

    rh{uiea fiuabiit{0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 S0J0T0 ;39, 3;96; afqrtef 3;96; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn

    Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 ;, 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;8; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, TexiuiqnPq0 8, 2238, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ ;, 2238; afqrtef 22380

    SGEVKQP 50 Te�i�qwu hteefqo0´Vhete uha be nq aw teureetini the eutabiuhoent qh teiiiqn qt rtqhibitini qt renaizini the htee ezeteiue theteqh0Teiiiqwu hteefqo uha nqt �wutih{ rtaetieeu ineqnuiutentwith rwbie oqtau, reaee qt uahet{0 Pq texenwe qh theutate qt an{ rqitiea uwbfixiuiqn qt aiene{ theteqh uha exet be ta�en htqo the rwbie tteauwt{ fiteet{ qtinfiteet{ in aif qh an{ ehwteh, ueet, qt teiiiqwu fenqoinatiqn qt in aif qh an{ ueetatian inutitwtiqn0

    SGEVKQP 60 Hteefqo qh ureeeh anf rteuu0´Gxet{ retuqn oa{ urea�, wtite anf rwbiuh uentioentuqn a uwb�eetu bwt uha be teurqnuibe hqt the abwue qhthat tiiht0 Pq aw uha be rauuef tq teuttain qt abtifiethe ibett{ qh ureeeh qt qh the rteuu0 Kn a etioinartqueewtiqnu anf eixi aetiqnu hqt fehaoatiqn the ttwth oa{ be iixen in exifenee0 Kh the oattet ehatief au fehaoatqt{ iu ttwe anf wau rwbiuhef with iqqfoqtixeu, the ratt{ uha be aeqwittef qt ezqnetatef0

    J�utqt{0´Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq035, 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80

    SGEVKQP 50 T�iht tq auueobe0´Vhe reqreuha haxe the tiiht reaeeab{ tq auueobe, tq inuttwet theit terteuentatixeu, anf tq retitiqn hqt tefteuu qh itiexaneeu0

    SGEVKQP 80 T�iht tq wqt�0´Vhe tiiht qh retuqnutq wqt� uha nqt be fenief qt abtifief qn aeeqwnt qhoeobetuhir qt nqn/oeobetuhir in an{ abqt wniqn qtabqt qtianizatiqn0 Vhe tiiht qh eorq{eeu, b{ anfthtqwih a abqt qtianizatiqn, tq batiain eqeetixe{ uhanqt be fenief qt abtifief0 Pwbie eorq{eeu uha nqt haxe the tiiht tq utti�e0

    SGEVKQP 90 M��tat{ rqwet0´Vhe oiitat{ rqwetuha be uwbqtfinate tq the eixi0

    SGEVKQP 80 T�iht tq beat atou0´

    (a) Vhe tiiht qh the reqre tq �eer anf beat atou infehenue qh theouexeu anf qh the awhw awthqtit{ qh theutate uha nqt be inhtinief, ezeert that the oannet qhbeatini atou oa{ be teiwatef b{ aw0

    (b) Vhete uha be a oanfatqt{ retiqf qh thtee fa{u,ezewfini wee�enfu anf eia hqifa{u, between therwtehaue anf feixet{ at tetai qh an{ hanfiwn0 Hqt the rwtrqueu qh thiu ueetiqn, ¬rwtehaue¹ oeanu the ttanuhetqh oqne{ qt qthet xawabe eqnuifetatiqn tq the tetaiet,anf ¬hanfiwn¹ oeanu a hiteato earabe qh beini eattiefanf wuef b{ qne hanf, uweh au a riutq qt texqxet0Jqfetu qh a eqneeaef wearqn retoit au rteuetibef inHqtifa aw uha nqt be uwb�eet tq the rtqxiuiqnu qh thiu rataitarh0



    (e) Vhe eiiuatwte uha enaet eiiuatiqn ioreoent/ini uwbueetiqn (b) qh thiu ueetiqn, ehheetixe nq atet thanDeeeobet 53, 3;;3, whieh uha rtqxife that an{qnexiqatini the rtqxiuiqnu qh uwbueetiqn (b) uha be iwit{qh a heqn{0

    (f) Vhiu teuttietiqn uha nqt arr{ tq a ttafe in qh anqthet hanfiwn0

    J�utqt{0´Ao0 E0S0 hqt S0J0T0 65, 3;8;; afqrtef 3;;20

    SGEVKQP ;0 Dwe rtqeeuu0´Pq retuqn uha befertixef qh ihe, ibett{ qt rtqrett{ withqwt fwe rtqeeuuqh aw, qt be twiee rwt in �eqratf{ hqt the uaoe qhhenue,qt be eqoreef in an{ etioina oattet tq be a witneuuaiainut qneueh0

    J�utqt{0´Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq035, 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80

    SGEVKQP 320 Ptqh�b�tef awu0´Pq bi qh attain/fet, ez rqut haetq aw qt aw ioraitini the qbiiatiqn qheqnttaetu uha be rauuef0

    SGEVKQP 330 Kort�uqnoent hqt febt0´Pq ret/uqn uha be iortiuqnef hqt febt, ezeert in eaueu qh htawf0

    SGEVKQP 320 Seateheu anf ue�zwteu0´Vhe tiihtqh the reqre tq be ueewte in theit retuqnu, hqwueu,raretu anf ehheetu aiainut wnteauqnabe ueateheu anfueizwteu, anf aiainut the wnteauqnabe inteteertiqn qhrtixate eqoownieatiqnu b{ an{ oeanu, uha nqt bexiqatef0 Pq wattant uha be iuuwef ezeert wrqnrtqbabe eawue, uwrrqttef b{ ahhifaxit, rattiewat{feuetibini the raee qt raeeu tq be ueatehef, the retuqn qt retuqnu, thini qt thiniu tq be ueizef, the eqoownieatiqn tq be inteteertef, anf the natwte qhexifenee tq be qbtainef0 Vhiu tiiht uha be eqnuttwef in eqnhqtoit{ with the 6th Aoenfoent tq the Wnitef Stateu Eqnutitwtiqn, au intetrtetef b{ the Wnitef Stateu Sw/rteoe Eqwtt0 Attieeu qt inhqtoatiqn qbtainef in xiqa/tiqn qh thiu tiiht uha nqt be afoiuuibe in exifenee ihuweh attieeu qt inhqtoatiqn wqwf be inafoiuuibe wnfet feeiuiqnu qh the Wnitef Stateu Swrteoe Eqwtt eqnuttw/ ini the 6th Aoenfoent tq the Wnitef Stateu Eqnutitw/ tiqn0

    J�utqt{0´Ao0 J0J0T0 53/J, 3;82; afqrtef 3;820

    SGEVKQP 350 Jabeau eqtrwu0´Vhe wtit qh ha/ beau eqtrwu uha be itantabe qh tiiht, htee{ anfwithqwt equt0 Kt uha be tetwtnabe withqwt fea{, anfuha nexet be uwurenfef wneuu, in eaue qh tebeiqn qtinxauiqn, uwurenuiqn iu euuentia tq the rwbie uahet{0

    SGEVKQP 360 Ptett�a teeaue anf fetent�qn0´Wneuu ehatief with a earita qhhenue qt an qhhenuerwniuhabe b{ ihe iortiuqnoent anf the rtqqh qh iwit iu exifent qt the rteuwortiqn iu iteat, exet{ retuqnehatief with a etioe qt xiqatiqn qh ownieira qt eqwnt{qtfinanee uha be entitef tq rtettia teeaue qn teauqn/abe eqnfitiqnu0 Kh nq eqnfitiqnu qh teeaue ean teauqn/ab{ rtqteet the eqoownit{ htqo tiu� qh rh{uiea hato tqretuqnu, auuwte the rteuenee qh the aeewuef at ttia, qtauuwte the inteitit{ qh the �wfieia rtqeeuu, the aeewuef oa{ be fetainef0

    J�utqt{0´Ao0 J0J0T0 65/J, 3;82; afqrtef 3;820

    SGEVKQP 350 Ptqueewt�qn hqt et�oe; qhhenueueqoo�ttef b{ eh�ften0´

    (a) Pq retuqn uha be ttief hqt earita etioe withqwt rteuentoent qt infietoent b{ a itanf �wt{, qt hqt qthetheqn{ withqwt uweh rteuentoent qt infietoent qt aninhqtoatiqn wnfet qath hief b{ the rtqueewtini qhhieet qhthe eqwtt, ezeert retuqnu qn aetixe fwt{ in the oiitiawhen ttief b{ eqwttu oattia0

    (b) Yhen awthqtizef b{ aw, a ehif au theteinfehinef oa{ be ehatief with a xiqatiqn qh aw au anaet qh feinqwene{ inuteaf qh etioe anf ttief withqwt a�wt{ qt qthet teqwiteoentu arrieabe tq etioina eaueu0An{ ehif uq ehatief uha, wrqn feoanf oafe aurtqxifef b{ aw behqte a ttia in a �wxenie rtqeeefini,be ttief in an arrtqrtiate eqwtt au an afwt0 A ehif hqwnffeinqwent uha be fiueirinef au rtqxifef b{ aw0

    SGEVKQP 380 T�ihtu qh aeewuef anf qh x�et�ou0

    (a) Kn a etioina rtqueewtiqnu the aeewuef uha, wrqn feoanf, be inhqtoef qh the natwte anf eawue qhthe aeewuatiqn, anf uha be hwtniuhef a eqr{ qh theehatieu, anf uha haxe the tiiht tq haxe eqorwuqt{ rtqeeuu hqt witneuueu, tq eqnhtqnt at ttia afxetuewitneuueu, tq be heatf in retuqn, b{ eqwnue qt bqth,anf tq haxe a ureef{ anf rwbie ttia b{ iorattia �wt{ in the eqwnt{ whete the etioe wau eqooittef0 Kh the eqwnt{ iu nqt �nqwn, the infietoent qt inhqtoatiqn oa{ ehatiexenwe in twq qt oqte eqwntieu eqn�wnetixe{ anf rtqqh that the etioe wau eqooittef in that atea uha beuwhhieient; bwt behqte reafini the aeewuef oa{ eeet inwhieh qh thque eqwntieu the ttia wi ta�e raee0 Venwe hqt rtqueewtiqn qh etioeu eqooittef be{qnf the bqwnf/atieu qh the utate uha be hizef b{ aw0

    (b) Vq rteuetxe anf rtqteet the tiiht qh etioe xietioutq aehiexe �wutiee, enuwte a oeaninihw tqe thtqwihqwt the etioina anf �wxenie �wutiee u{uteou hqt etioe xietiou, anf enuwte that etioe xietiou' tiihtu anf inteteutu ate teureetef anf rtqteetef b{ aw in aoannet nq euu xiiqtqwu than rtqteetiqnu ahhqtfef tqetioina fehenfantu anf �wxenie feinqwentu, exet{xietio iu entitef tq the hqqwini tiihtu, beiinnini at the tioe qh hiu qt het xietioizatiqn<

    (3) Vhe tiiht tq fwe rtqeeuu anf tq be tteatef with haitneuu anf teureet hqt the xietio'u fiinit{0

    (2) Vhe tiiht tq be htee htqo intioifatiqn, hatauu/ oent, anf abwue0

    (5) Vhe tiiht, within the �wfieia rtqeeuu, tq beteauqnab{ rtqteetef htqo the aeewuef anf an{ retuqn aetini qn behah qh the aeewuef0 Jqwexet, nqthinieqntainef hetein iu intenfef tq eteate a ureeia teatiqn/uhir between the etioe xietio anf an{ aw enhqteeoentaiene{ qt qhhiee abuent a ureeia teatiqnuhir qt fwt{ aufehinef b{ Hqtifa aw0

    (6) Vhe tiiht tq haxe the uahet{ anf wehate qh thexietio anf the xietio'u haoi{ eqnuifetef when uettinibai, inewfini uettini rtettia teeaue eqnfitiqnu thatrtqteet the uahet{ anf wehate qh the xietio anf thexietio'u haoi{0

    (5) Vhe tiiht tq rtexent the fiuequwte qh inhqtoatiqnqt teeqtfu that eqwf be wuef tq qeate qt hatauu thexietio qt the xietio'u haoi{, qt whieh eqwf fiuequeeqnhifentia qt rtixieief inhqtoatiqn qh the xietio0



    (8) A xietio uha haxe the hqqwini ureeihie tiihtu wrqn teqweut<

    a0 Vhe tiiht tq teauqnabe, aeewtate, anf tioe{nqtiee qh, anf tq be rteuent at, a rwbie rtqeeefiniuinxqxini the etioina eqnfwet, inewfini, bwt nqt ioiteftq, ttia, rea, uenteneini, qt af�wfieatiqn, exen ih thexietio wi be a witneuu at the rtqeeefini, nqtwithutanf/ini an{ twe tq the eqnttat{0 A xietio uha auq bertqxifef teauqnabe, aeewtate, anf tioe{ nqtiee qh an{teeaue qt eueare qh the fehenfant qt feinqwent, anf an{ rtqeeefini fwtini whieh a tiiht qh the xietio iuiorieatef0

    b0 Vhe tiiht tq be heatf in an{ rwbie rtqeeefiniinxqxini rtettia qt qthet teeaue htqo an{ hqto qh eiaeqnuttaint, rea, uenteneini, af�wfieatiqn, qt ratqe, anf an{ rtqeeefini fwtini whieh a tiiht qh the xietio iuiorieatef0

    e0 Vhe tiiht tq eqnhet with the rtqueewtini attqtne{eqneetnini an{ rea aiteeoentu, rattieiratiqn in rte/ttia fixetuiqn rtqitaou, teeaue, teutitwtiqn, uenten/ eini, qt an{ qthet fiurquitiqn qh the eaue0

    f0 Vhe tiiht tq rtqxife inhqtoatiqn teiatfini the ioraet qh the qhhenfet'u eqnfwet qn the xietio anf thexietio'u haoi{ tq the infixifwa teurqnuibe hqt eqnfwet/ ini an{ rteuentenee inxeutiiatiqn qt eqoriini an{ rteuentenee inxeutiiatiqn terqtt, anf tq haxe an{ uweh inhqtoatiqn eqnuifetef in an{ uenteneini teeqo/ oenfatiqnu uwboittef tq the eqwtt0

    e0 Vhe tiiht tq teeeixe a eqr{ qh an{ rteuenteneeterqtt, anf an{ qthet terqtt qt teeqtf teexant tq the ezeteiue qh a xietio'u tiiht, ezeert hqt uweh rqttiqnuoafe eqnhifentia qt ezeort b{ aw0

    h0 Vhe tiiht tq be inhqtoef qh the eqnxietiqn,uentenee, af�wfieatiqn, raee anf tioe qh ineateetatiqn, qt qthet fiurquitiqn qh the eqnxietef qhhenfet, an{uehefwef teeaue fate qh the qhhenfet, anf the teeaue qh qt the eueare qh the qhhenfet htqo ewutqf{0

    i0 Vhe tiiht tq be inhqtoef qh a rquteqnxietiqn rtqeeuueu anf rtqeefwteu, tq rattieirate in uweh rtqeeuueu anf rtqeefwteu, tq rtqxife inhqtoatiqn tq the teeaue awthqtit{ tq be eqnuifetef behqte an{teeaue feeiuiqn iu oafe, anf tq be nqtihief qh an{teeaue feeiuiqn teiatfini the qhhenfet0 Vhe ratqe qteat{ teeaue awthqtit{ uha eztenf the tiiht tq be heatf tq an{ retuqn hatoef b{ the qhhenfet0

    h0 Vhe tiiht tq be inhqtoef qh eeoene{ anf ezrwnieoent rtqeefwteu, tq rtqxife inhqtoatiqn tq the iqxetnqt, the eqwtt, an{ eeoene{ bqatf, anf qthet awthqtit{ in theue rtqeefwteu, anf tq haxe thatinhqtoatiqn eqnuifetef behqte a eeoene{ qt ezrwnie/ oent feeiuiqn iu oafe; anf tq be nqtihief qh uwehfeeiuiqn in afxanee qh an{ teeaue qh the qhhenfet0

    (9) Vhe tiihtu qh the xietio, au rtqxifef in uwbrat/ aitarh (8)a0, uwbrataitarh (8)b0, qt uwbrataitarh (8)e0, that arr{ tq an{ hitut arreatanee rtqeeefini ateuatiuhief b{ a teauqnabe atteort b{ the arrtqrtiate aiene{ tq nqtih{ the xietio anf eqnxe{ the xietio'u xiewu tq the eqwtt0

    (8) Vhe tiiht tq the rtqort tetwtn qh the xietio'urtqrett{ when nq qniet neefef au exifenee in the eaue0

    (;) Vhe tiiht tq hw anf tioe{ teutitwtiqn in exet{eaue anf htqo eaeh eqnxietef qhhenfet hqt a quueu

    uwhhetef, bqth fiteet{ anf infiteet{, b{ the xietio au ateuwt qh the etioina eqnfwet0

    (32) Vhe tiiht tq rtqeeefiniu htee htqo wnteauqnabefea{, anf tq a rtqort anf hina eqnewuiqn qh the eaueanf an{ teatef rqut�wfioent rtqeeefiniu0

    a0 Vhe utate attqtne{ oa{ hie a iqqf haith feoanfhqt a ureef{ ttia anf the ttia eqwtt uha hqf a eaenfatea, with nqtiee, within hihteen fa{u qh the hiini feoanf,tq uehefwe a ttia tq eqooenee qn a fate at eaut hixe fa{u bwt nq oqte than uizt{ fa{u ahtet the fate qh theeaenfat ea wneuu the ttia �wfie entetu an qtfet withureeihie hinfiniu qh haet �wutih{ini a ttia fate oqte thanuizt{ fa{u ahtet the eaenfat ea0

    b0 A utate/exe arreau anf eqateta attae�u qnan{ �wfioent owut be eqorete within twq {eatu htqothe fate qh arrea in nqn/earita eaueu anf within hixe{eatu htqo the fate qh arrea in earita eaueu, wneuu a eqwtt entetu an qtfet with ureeihie hinfiniu au tq wh{ theeqwtt wau wnabe tq eqor{ with thiu uwbrataitarh anfthe eitewoutaneeu eawuini the fea{0 Gaeh {eat, theehieh �wfie qh an{ fiuttiet eqwtt qh arrea qt the ehieh�wutiee qh the uwrteoe eqwtt uha terqtt qn a eaue/b{/ eaue bauiu tq the urea�et qh the hqwue qh terteuenta/tixeu anf the rteuifent qh the uenate a eaueu whete theeqwtt entetef an qtfet teiatfini inabiit{ tq eqor{ withthiu uwbrataitarh0 Vhe eiiuatwte oa{ enaet eiiuatiqntq ioreoent thiu uwbrataitarh0

    (33) Vhe tiiht tq be inhqtoef qh theue tiihtu, anf tq be inhqtoef that xietiou ean uee� the afxiee qh an attqtne{with teureet tq theit tiihtu0 Vhiu inhqtoatiqn uha beoafe axaiabe tq the ieneta rwbie anf rtqxifef tq a etioe xietiou in the hqto qh a eatf qt b{ qthet oeanuintenfef tq ehheetixe{ afxiue the xietio qh theit tiihtu wnfet thiu ueetiqn0

    (e) Vhe xietio, the tetainef attqtne{ qh the xietio, aawhw terteuentatixe qh the xietio, qt the qhhiee qh the utate attqtne{ wrqn teqweut qh the xietio, oa{ auuett anf uee� enhqteeoent qh the tiihtu enwoetatef in thiuueetiqn anf an{ qthet tiiht ahhqtfef tq a xietio b{ aw inan{ ttia qt arreate eqwtt, qt behqte an{ qthet awthqtit{ with �wtiufietiqn qxet the eaue, au a oattet qh tiiht0 Vhe eqwtt qt qthet awthqtit{ with �wtiufietiqn uha aetrtqort{ qn uweh a teqweut, ahhqtfini a teoef{ b{fwe eqwtue qh aw hqt the xiqatiqn qh an{ tiiht0 Vhe teauqnu hqt an{ feeiuiqn teiatfini the fiurquitiqn qh axietio'u tiiht uha be eeat{ utatef qn the teeqtf0

    (f) Vhe itantini qh the tiihtu enwoetatef in thiu ueetiqn tq xietiou oa{ nqt be eqnuttwef tq fen{ qt iorait an{ qthet tiihtu rquueuuef b{ xietiou0 Vhe rtqxiuiqnu qh thiu ueetiqn arr{ thtqwihqwt etioinaanf �wxenie �wutiee rtqeeuueu, ate ueh/ezeewtini, anffq nqt teqwite ioreoentini eiiuatiqn0 Vhiu ueetiqn oa{ nqt be eqnuttwef tq eteate an{ eawue qh aetiqn hqtfaoaieu aiainut the utate qt a rqitiea uwbfixiuiqn qhthe utate, qt an{ qhhieet, eorq{ee, qt aient qh the utateqt itu rqitiea uwbfixiuiqnu0

    (e) Au wuef in thiu ueetiqn, a ¬xietio¹ iu a retuqn whquwhhetu fiteet qt thteatenef rh{uiea, ru{ehqqiiea, qthinaneia hato au a teuwt qh the eqooiuuiqn qtatteortef eqooiuuiqn qh a etioe qt feinqwent aet qtaiainut whqo the etioe qt feinqwent aet iu eqooittef0Vhe teto ¬xietio¹ inewfeu the xietio'u awhw terteuen/ tatixe, the ratent qt iwatfian qh a oinqt, qt the nezt qh



    �in qh a hqoieife xietio, ezeert wrqn a uhqwini that theinteteut qh uweh infixifwa wqwf be in aetwa qt rqtentiaeqnhiet with the inteteutu qh the xietio0 Vhe teto ¬xietio¹fqeu nqt inewfe the aeewuef0 Vhe tetou ¬etioe¹ anf¬etioina¹ inewfe feinqwent aetu anf eqnfwet0

    J�utqt{0´Ao0 S0J0T0 355, 3;89; afqrtef 3;88; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ EqnutitwtiqnTexiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 35, 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;8; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn,Texiuiqn Pq0 3, 2238, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ ;, 2238; afqrtef 22380

    SGEVKQP 390 Gzeeuu�xe rwn�uhoentu0´Gzeeu/uixe hineu, etwe anf wnwuwa rwniuhoent, attainfet, hqtheitwte qh eutate, infehinite iortiuqnoent, anf wn/teauqnabe fetentiqn qh witneuueu ate hqtbiffen0 Vhefeath renat{ iu an awthqtizef rwniuhoent hqt earitaetioeu feuiinatef b{ the eiiuatwte0 Vhe rtqhibitiqnaiainut etwe qt wnwuwa rwniuhoent, anf the rtqhibitiqnaiainut etwe anf wnwuwa rwniuhoent, uha be eqn/ uttwef in eqnhqtoit{ with feeiuiqnu qh the Wnitef Stateu Swrteoe Eqwtt whieh intetrtet the rtqhibitiqn aiainutetwe anf wnwuwa rwniuhoent rtqxifef in the Giihth Aoenfoent tq the Wnitef Stateu Eqnutitwtiqn0 An{oethqf qh ezeewtiqn uha be aqwef, wneuu rtqhibitef b{ the Wnitef Stateu Eqnutitwtiqn0 Methqfu qh ezeewtiqnoa{ be feuiinatef b{ the eiiuatwte, anf a ehanie inan{ oethqf qh ezeewtiqn oa{ be arrief tettqaetixe{0 Auentenee qh feath uha nqt be tefweef qn the bauiu thata oethqf qh ezeewtiqn iu inxaif0 Kn an{ eaue in whieh anezeewtiqn oethqf iu feeatef inxaif, the feath uen/tenee uha teoain in hqtee wnti the uentenee ean beawhw{ ezeewtef b{ an{ xaif oethqf0 Vhiu ueetiqnuha arr{ tettqaetixe{0

    J�utqt{0´Ao0 J0J0T0 5525, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;8; Ao0 J0J0T0 ;53, 2223; afqrtef 22220

    SGEVKQP 380 Afo�n�uttat�xe renat�eu0´ Pq af/oiniuttatixe aiene{, ezeert the Derattoent qh Miitat{Ahhaitu in an arrtqrtiate{ eqnxenef eqwtt/oattia aetiqn au rtqxifef b{ aw, uha iorque a uentenee qhiortiuqnoent, nqt uha it iorque an{ qthet renat{ezeert au rtqxifef b{ aw0

    J�utqt{0´Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq035, 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80

    SGEVKQP 3;0 Equtu0´Pq retuqn ehatief withetioe uha be eqoreef tq ra{ equtu behqte a �wfioentqh eqnxietiqn hau beeqoe hina0

    SGEVKQP 220 Vteauqn0´Vteauqn aiainut the utateuha eqnuiut qn{ in ex{ini wat aiainut it, afhetini tq itu eneoieu, qt iixini theo aif anf eqohqtt, anf nq retuqnuha be eqnxietef qh tteauqn ezeert qn the teutioqn{ qh twq witneuueu tq the uaoe qxett aet qt qn eqnheuuiqn in qren eqwtt0

    SGEVKQP 230 Aeeeuu tq eqwttu0´Vhe eqwttu uha be qren tq exet{ retuqn hqt tefteuu qh an{ in�wt{, anf�wutiee uha be afoiniutetef withqwt uae, fenia qtfea{0

    SGEVKQP 220 Vt�a b{ �wt{0´Vhe tiiht qh ttia b{�wt{ uha be ueewte tq a anf teoain inxiqate0 Vheqwaihieatiqnu anf the nwobet qh �wtqtu, nqt hewet thanuiz, uha be hizef b{ aw0

    SGEVKQP 250 T�iht qh rt�xae{0´Gxet{ natwta

    retuqn hau the tiiht tq be et aqne anf htee htqo

    iqxetnoenta inttwuiqn intq the retuqn'u rtixate ihe

    ezeert au qthetwiue rtqxifef hetein0 Vhiu ueetiqn uha

    nqt be eqnuttwef tq ioit the rwbie'u tiiht qh aeeeuu tq

    rwbie teeqtfu anf oeetiniu au rtqxifef b{ aw0 J�utqt{0´Affef, E0S0 hqt J0J0T0 589, 3;82; afqrtef 3;82; Ao0 rtqrquef b{

    Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 35, 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80

    SGEVKQP 260 Aeeeuu tq rwb�e teeqtfu anf


    (a) Gxet{ retuqn hau the tiiht tq inureet qt eqr{ an{

    rwbie teeqtf oafe qt teeeixef in eqnneetiqn with the

    qhhieia bwuineuu qh an{ rwbie bqf{, qhhieet, qt eorq{ee

    qh the utate, qt retuqnu aetini qn theit behah, ezeert

    with teureet tq teeqtfu ezeortef rwtuwant tq thiu

    ueetiqn qt ureeihiea{ oafe eqnhifentia b{ thiu Eqn/

    utitwtiqn0 Vhiu ueetiqn ureeihiea{ inewfeu the eiiua/

    tixe, ezeewtixe, anf �wfieia btaneheu qh iqxetnoent

    anf eaeh aiene{ qt ferattoent eteatef thetewnfet;

    eqwntieu, ownieiraitieu, anf fiuttietu; anf eaeh eqn/

    utitwtiqna qhhieet, bqatf, anf eqooiuuiqn, qt entit{

    eteatef rwtuwant tq aw qt thiu Eqnutitwtiqn0

    (b) A oeetiniu qh an{ eqeiia rwbie bqf{ qh the

    ezeewtixe btaneh qh utate iqxetnoent qt qh an{ eqeiia

    rwbie bqf{ qh a eqwnt{, ownieirait{, uehqq fiuttiet, qt

    ureeia fiuttiet, at whieh qhhieia aetu ate tq be ta�en qt at

    whieh rwbie bwuineuu qh uweh bqf{ iu tq be ttanuaetef

    qt fiuewuuef, uha be qren anf nqtieef tq the rwbie

    anf oeetiniu qh the eiiuatwte uha be qren anf

    nqtieef au rtqxifef in Attiee KKK, Seetiqn 6(e), ezeert

    with teureet tq oeetiniu ezeortef rwtuwant tq thiu

    ueetiqn qt ureeihiea{ equef b{ thiu Eqnutitwtiqn0

    (e) Vhiu ueetiqn uha be ueh/ezeewtini0 Vhe eiiu/

    atwte, hqwexet, oa{ rtqxife b{ ieneta aw rauuef b{

    a twq/thitfu xqte qh eaeh hqwue hqt the ezeortiqn qh

    teeqtfu htqo the teqwiteoentu qh uwbueetiqn (a) anf the

    ezeortiqn qh oeetiniu htqo the teqwiteoentu qh uwb/

    ueetiqn (b), rtqxifef that uweh aw uha utate with

    ureeihieit{ the rwbie neeeuuit{ �wutih{ini the ezeortiqn

    anf uha be nq btqafet than neeeuuat{ tq aeeqoriuh

    the utatef rwtrque qh the aw0 Vhe eiiuatwte uha enaet

    awu iqxetnini the enhqteeoent qh thiu ueetiqn, inewf/

    ini the oaintenanee, eqnttq, feuttwetiqn, fiurqua, anf

    fiurquitiqn qh teeqtfu oafe rwbie b{ thiu ueetiqn,

    ezeert that eaeh hqwue qh the eiiuatwte oa{ afqrt

    tweu iqxetnini the enhqteeoent qh thiu ueetiqn in

    teatiqn tq teeqtfu qh the eiiuatixe btaneh0 Nawu

    enaetef rwtuwant tq thiu uwbueetiqn uha eqntain qn{

    ezeortiqnu htqo the teqwiteoentu qh uwbueetiqnu (a) qt

    (b) anf rtqxiuiqnu iqxetnini the enhqteeoent qh thiu

    ueetiqn, anf uha teate tq qne uwb�eet0

    (f) A awu that ate in ehheet qn Jw{ 3, 3;;5 that ioit

    rwbie aeeeuu tq teeqtfu qt oeetiniu uha teoain in

    hqtee, anf uweh awu arr{ tq teeqtfu qh the eiiuatixe

    anf �wfieia btaneheu, wnti the{ ate tereaef0 Tweu qh

    eqwtt that ate in ehheet qn the fate qh afqrtiqn qh thiu

    ueetiqn that ioit aeeeuu tq teeqtfu uha teoain in ehheet

    wnti the{ ate tereaef0 J�utqt{0´Affef, E0S0 hqt E0S0 hqt J0J0T0'u 3929, 885, 2255, 3;;2; afqrtef

    3;;2; Ao0 S0J0T0 3286, 2222; afqrtef 22220



    3SGEVKQP 250 Vazra{etu' D� qh T�ihtu0´D{ieneta aw the eiiuatwte uha rteuetibe anf afqrt aVazra{etu' Di qh Tiihtu that, in eeat anf eqneiueaniwaie, uetu hqtth tazra{etu' tiihtu anf teurqnuibi/itieu anf iqxetnoent'u teurqnuibiitieu tq fea hait{ withtazra{etu wnfet the awu qh thiu utate0 Vhiu ueetiqn uhabe ehheetixe Jw{ 3, 3;;50

    J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Vazatiqn anf Dwfiet Tehqto Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq02, 3;;2, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 9, 3;;2; afqrtef 3;;20

    3Pqte0´Vhiu ueetiqn, qtiiina{ feuiinatef ueetiqn 26 b{ Texiuiqn Pq0 2 qh the Vazatiqn anf Dwfiet Tehqto Eqooiuuiqn, 3;;2, wau tefeuiinatef ueetiqn 25 b{ the efitqtu in qtfet tq axqif eqnhwuiqn with ueetiqn 26 au eqntainef in J0J0T0'u 3929, 885, 2255, 3;;20

    SGEVKQP 280 Ea�oant'u t�iht tq ha�t eqorenua/ t�qn0´

    (a) Attiee K, Seetiqn 28 iu eteatef tq teaf ¬Eai/ oant'u tiiht tq hait eqorenuatiqn0¹ Kn an{ oefieaiabiit{ eaio inxqxini a eqntiniene{ hee, the eaioant iu entitef tq teeeixe nq euu than 92' qh the hitut&252,222022 in a faoaieu teeeixef b{ the eaioant,ezewuixe qh teauqnabe anf ewutqoat{ equtu, whethetteeeixef b{ �wfioent, uetteoent, qt qthetwiue, anfteiatfeuu qh the nwobet qh fehenfantu0 Vhe eaioant iuentitef tq ;2' qh a faoaieu in ezeeuu qh&252,222022, ezewuixe qh teauqnabe anf ewutqoat{equtu anf teiatfeuu qh the nwobet qh fehenfantu0 Vhiurtqxiuiqn iu ueh/ezeewtini anf fqeu nqt teqwite io/reoentini eiiuatiqn0

    (b) Vhiu Aoenfoent uha ta�e ehheet qn the fa{hqqwini arrtqxa b{ the xqtetu0

    J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Knitiatixe Petitiqn hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Serteobet 8, 2225; afqrtef 22260

    SGEVKQP 290 Matt�aie feh�nef0´Knauoweh auoattiaie iu the eia wniqn qh qn{ qne oan anf qnewqoan au hwubanf anf wihe, nq qthet eia wniqn that iutteatef au oattiaie qt the uwbutantia eqwixaent theteqhuha be xaif qt teeqinizef0

    J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Knitiatixe Petitiqn hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Hebtwat{ ;, 2225; afqrtef 22280




    30 State bqwnfatieu0 20 Seat qh iqxetnoent0 50 Dtaneheu qh iqxetnoent0 60 State uea anf hai0 50 Pwbie qhhieetu0 80 Gneo{ attae�0 90 Patwta teuqwteeu anf ueenie beawt{0 80 Gthieu in iqxetnoent0 ;0 Gniiuh iu the qhhieia aniwaie qh Hqtifa0

    SGEVKQP 30 State bqwnfat�eu0´ (a) Vhe utate bqwnfatieu ate< Deiin at the oqwth qh

    the Petfifq Tixet, whieh hqt the rwtrqueu qh thiu feuetirtiqn iu fehinef au the rqint whete atitwfe52®38Á55ÁÁ nqtth anf qniitwfe 89®53Á28ÁÁ weut intet/ueet; thenee tq the rqint whete atitwfe 52®39Á22ÁÁ nqtthanf qniitwfe 89®53Á28ÁÁ weut intetueet; thenee tq the rqint whete atitwfe 52®38Á22ÁÁ nqtth anf qniitwfe

    89®29Á28ÁÁ weut intetueet; thenee tq the rqint whete the eentet ine qh the Knttaeqauta Eana (au the uaoeeziutef qn Jwne 32, 3;55) anf qniitwfe 89®29Á22ÁÁ weut intetueet; the uaoe beini in the oiffe qh thePetfifq Tixet; thenee wr the oiffe qh the Petfifq Tixet

    tq the rqint whete it intetueetu the uqwth bqwnfat{ qh theState qh Aabaoa, beini auq the rqint qh intetueetiqn qhthe oiffe qh the Petfifq Tixet with atitwfe 53®22Á22ÁÁnqtth; thenee eaut, aqni the uqwth bqwnfat{ ine qh theState qh Aabaoa, the uaoe beini atitwfe 53®22Á22ÁÁnqtth tq the oiffe qh the Ehattahqqehee Tixet; theneefqwn the oiffe qh uaif tixet tq itu eqnhwenee with theHint Tixet; thenee in a uttaiiht ine tq the heaf qh the St0Mat{u Tixet; thenee fqwn the oiffe qh uaif tixet tq theAtantie Qeean; thenee fwe eaut tq the efie qh the GwhStteao qt a fiutanee qh thtee ieqitarhie oieu whieh/ exet iu the iteatet fiutanee; thenee in a uqwthet{fiteetiqn aqni the efie qh the Gwh Stteao qt aqni aine thtee ieqitarhie oieu htqo the Atantie eqautine anf thtee eaiweu fiutant htqo the Gwh qh Mezieqeqautine, whiehexet iu iteatet, tq anf thtqwih theSttaitu qh Hqtifa anf weutet{, inewfini the Hqtifateehu, tq a rqint fwe uqwth qh anf thtee eaiweu htqo the uqwthetnoqut rqint qh the Matqweuau Me{u; theneeweutet{ aqni a uttaiiht ine tq a rqint fwe uqwth qh anf

    thtee eaiweu htqo Nqiietheaf Me{, the weutetnoqutqh the Dt{ Vqttwiau Kuanfu; thenee weutet{, nqtthet{anf eautet{ aqni the ate qh a ewtxe thtee eaiweu fiutant htqo Nqiietheaf Me{ tq a rqint fwe nqtth qhNqiietheaf Me{; thenee nqttheaut aqni a uttaiiht inetq a rqint thtee eaiweu htqo the eqautine qh Hqtifa; thenee nqtthet{ anf weutet{ thtee eaiweu fiutanthtqo the eqautine tq a rqint weut qh the oqwth qh the Petfifq Tixet thtee eaiweu htqo the eqautine auoeauwtef qn a ine beatini uqwth 2®23Á22ÁÁ weut htqothe rqint qh beiinnini; thenee nqtthet{ aqni uaif inetq the rqint qh beiinnini0 Vhe State qh Hqtifa uha auqinewfe an{ affitiqna tettitqt{ within the Wnitef Stateuaf�aeent tq the Peninuwa qh Hqtifa {ini uqwth qh the St0 Mat{u Tixet, eaut qh the Petfifq Tixet, anf uqwth qh theStateu qh Aabaoa anf Geqtiia0

    (b) Vhe eqauta bqwnfatieu oa{ be eztenfef b{utatwte tq the ioitu retoittef b{ the awu qh the WnitefStateu qt intetnatiqna aw0

    SGEVKQP 20 Seat qh iqxetnoent0´Vhe ueat qh

    iqxetnoent uha be the Eit{ qh Vaahauuee, in NeqnEqwnt{, whete the qhhieeu qh the iqxetnqt, iewtenantiqxetnqt, eabinet oeobetu anf the uwrteoe eqwtt uhabe oaintainef anf the ueuuiqnu qh the eiiuatwte uhabe hef; rtqxifef that, in tioe qh inxauiqn qt itaxeeoetiene{, the iqxetnqt b{ rtqeaoatiqn oa{ hqt the retiqf qh the eoetiene{ ttanuhet the ueat qh iqxetn/oent tq anqthet raee0

    SGEVKQP 50 Dtaneheu qh iqxetnoent0´Vherqwetu qh the utate iqxetnoent uha be fixifef intqeiiuatixe, ezeewtixe anf �wfieia btaneheu0 Pq retuqnbeqniini tq qne btaneh uha ezeteiue an{ rqwetu arrettainini tq eithet qh the qthet btaneheu wneuuezrteuu{ rtqxifef hetein0



    SGEVKQP 60 State uea anf hai0´ Vhe feuiin qhthe iteat uea anf hai qh the utate uha be rteuetibef b{aw0

    SGEVKQP 50 Pwb�e qhh�eetu0´ (a) Pq retuqn hqfini an{ qhhiee qh eoqwoent

    wnfet an{ hqteiin iqxetnoent, qt eixi qhhiee qh eoqw/oent wnfet the Wnitef Stateu qt an{ qthet utate, uhahqf an{ qhhiee qh hqnqt qt qh eoqwoent wnfet theiqxetnoent qh thiu utate0 Pq retuqn uha hqf at the uaoe tioe oqte than qne qhhiee wnfet the iqxetnoentqh the utate anf the eqwntieu anf ownieiraitieu thetein,ezeert that a nqtat{ rwbie qt oiitat{ qhhieet oa{ hqf anqthet qhhiee, anf an{ qhhieet oa{ be a oeobet qh a eqnutitwtiqn texiuiqn eqooiuuiqn, tazatiqn anf bwfiettehqto eqooiuuiqn, eqnutitwtiqna eqnxentiqn, qt utatw/tqt{ bqf{ haxini qn{ afxiuqt{ rqwetu0

    (b) Gaeh utate anf eqwnt{ qhhieet, behqte entetiniwrqn the fwtieu qh the qhhiee, uha iixe bqnf au teqwitefb{ aw, anf uha uweat qt ahhito<

    ¬K fq uqeon{ uweat (qt ahhito) that K wi uwrrqtt, rtqteet, anf fehenf the Eqnutitwtiqn anf Gqxetnoent qhthe Wnitef Stateu anf qh the State qh Hqtifa; that K aofw{ qwaihief tq hqf qhhiee wnfet the Eqnutitwtiqn qh theutate; anf that K wi we anf haithhw{ rethqto the fwtieu qh (tite qh qhhiee) qn whieh K ao nqw abqwt tq entet0 Sqher oe Gqf0¹,

    anf theteahtet uha fexqte retuqna attentiqn tq the fwtieu qh the qhhiee, anf eqntinwe in qhhiee wnti auweeeuuqt qwaihieu0

    (e) Vhe rqwetu, fwtieu, eqorenuatiqn anf oethqfqh ra{oent qh utate anf eqwnt{ qhhieetu uha be hizef b{aw0

    J�utqt{0´Ao0 J0J0T0 3838, 3;88; afqrtef 3;88; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ EqnutitwtiqnTexiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 35, 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80

    SGEVKQP 80 Gneo{ attae�0´Kn retiqfu qh eoet/iene{ teuwtini htqo eneo{ attae� the eiiuatwte uha haxe rqwet tq rtqxife hqt rtqort anf teorqtat{uweeeuuiqn tq the rqwetu anf fwtieu qh a rwbie qhhieeuthe inewobentu qh whieh oa{ beeqoe wnaxaiabe tq ezeewte the hwnetiqnu qh theit qhhieeu, anf tq afqrt uweh qthet oeauwteu au oa{ be neeeuuat{ anf arrtqrtiate tq inuwte the eqntinwit{ qh iqxetnoenta qretatiqnu fwtini the eoetiene{0 Kn ezeteiuini theue rqwetu, theeiiuatwte oa{ feratt htqo qthet teqwiteoentu qh thiueqnutitwtiqn, bwt qn{ tq the eztent neeeuuat{ tq oeet the eoetiene{0

    SGEVKQP 90 Patwta teuqwteeu anf ueen�e beawt{0´

    (a) Kt uha be the rqie{ qh the utate tq eqnuetxe anfrtqteet itu natwta teuqwteeu anf ueenie beawt{0 Afe/qwate rtqxiuiqn uha be oafe b{ aw hqt the abateoent qh ait anf watet rqwtiqn anf qh ezeeuuixe anf wnneeeuuat{ nqiue anf hqt the eqnuetxatiqn anfrtqteetiqn qh natwta teuqwteeu0

    (b) Vhque in the Gxetiafeu Aitiewtwta Atea whqeawue watet rqwtiqn within the Gxetiafeu Ptqteetiqn Atea qt the Gxetiafeu Aitiewtwta Atea uha bertioati{ teurqnuibe hqt ra{ini the equtu qh the abate/ oent qh that rqwtiqn0 Hqt the rwtrqueu qh thiu

    uwbueetiqn, the tetou ¬Gxetiafeu Ptqteetiqn Atea¹ anf ¬Gxetiafeu Aitiewtwta Atea¹ uha haxe the oeaniniu au fehinef in utatwteu in ehheet qn Janwat{ 3, 3;;80

    (e) Vq rtqteet the reqre qh Hqtifa anf theitenxitqnoent, ftiini hqt ezrqtatiqn qt ezttaetiqn qh qiqt natwta iau iu rtqhibitef qn anfu beneath a utate watetu whieh haxe nqt been aienatef anf that iebetween the oean hiih watet ine anf the qwtetoqutbqwnfatieu qh the utate'u tettitqtia ueau0 Vhiu rtqhibitiqnfqeu nqt arr{ tq the ttanurqttatiqn qh qi anf iau rtqfwetu rtqfweef qwtuife qh uweh watetu0 Vhiu uwb/ueetiqn iu ueh/ezeewtini0

    J�utqt{0´Ao0 b{ Knitiatixe Petitiqn hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Mateh 28, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;8; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, TexiuiqnPq0 5, 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;8; Ao0rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 6, 2238, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ ;, 2238; afqrtef 22380

    3SGEVKQP 80 Gth�eu �n iqxetnoent0´A rwbieqhhiee iu a rwbie ttwut0 Vhe reqre uha haxe the tiiht tq ueewte anf uwutain that ttwut aiainut abwue0 Vq auuwte thiu tiiht<

    (a) A eeetef eqnutitwtiqna qhhieetu anf eanfifateuhqt uweh qhhieeu anf, au oa{ be fetetoinef b{ aw, qthetrwbie qhhieetu, eanfifateu, anf eorq{eeu uha hie hwanf rwbie fiuequwte qh theit hinaneia inteteutu0

    (b) A eeetef rwbie qhhieetu anf eanfifateu hqtuweh qhhieeu uha hie hw anf rwbie fiuequwte qh theit eaoraiin hinaneeu0

    (e) An{ rwbie qhhieet qt eorq{ee whq bteaeheu therwbie ttwut hqt rtixate iain anf an{ retuqn qt entit{infweini uweh bteaeh uha be iabe tq the utate hqt ahinaneia benehitu qbtainef b{ uweh aetiqnu0 Vhe oannetqh teeqxet{ anf affitiqna faoaieu oa{ be rtqxifef b{aw0

    (f) An{ rwbie qhhieet qt eorq{ee whq iu eqnxietefqh a heqn{ inxqxini a bteaeh qh rwbie ttwut uha beuwb�eet tq hqtheitwte qh tiihtu anf rtixieieu wnfet arwbie tetiteoent u{uteo qt renuiqn ran in uwehoannet au oa{ be rtqxifef b{ aw0

    (e) Pq oeobet qh the eiiuatwte qt utatewifeeeetef qhhieet uha retuqna{ terteuent anqthet ret/ uqn qt entit{ hqt eqorenuatiqn behqte the iqxetnoentbqf{ qt aiene{ qh whieh the infixifwa wau an qhhieet qtoeobet hqt a retiqf qh twq {eatu hqqwini xaeatiqn qhqhhiee0 Pq oeobet qh the eiiuatwte uha retuqna{ terteuent anqthet retuqn qt entit{ hqt eqorenuatiqn fwtini teto qh qhhiee behqte an{ utate aiene{ qthet than�wfieia ttibwnau0 Sioiat teuttietiqnu qn qthet rwbieqhhieetu anf eorq{eeu oa{ be eutabiuhef b{ aw0

    (h) Vhete uha be an inferenfent eqooiuuiqn tqeqnfwet inxeutiiatiqnu anf oa�e rwbie terqttu qn aeqoraintu eqneetnini bteaeh qh rwbie ttwut b{ rwbieqhhieetu qt eorq{eeu nqt within the �wtiufietiqn qh the�wfieia qwaihieatiqnu eqooiuuiqn0

    (i) A eqfe qh ethieu hqt a utate eorq{eeu anfnqn�wfieia qhhieetu rtqhibitini eqnhiet between rwbiefwt{ anf rtixate inteteutu uha be rteuetibef b{ aw0

    (h) Vhiu ueetiqn uha nqt be eqnuttwef tq ioitfiuequwteu anf rtqhibitiqnu whieh oa{ be eutabiuhefb{ aw tq rteuetxe the rwbie ttwut anf axqif eqnhietubetween rwbie fwtieu anf rtixate inteteutu0

    (i) Sehefwe´Qn the ehheetixe fate qh thiu aoenf/oent anf wnti ehanief b{ aw<



    (3) Hw anf rwbie fiuequwte qh hinaneia inteteutuuha oean hiini with the ewutqfian qh utate teeqtfu b{Jw{ 3 qh eaeh {eat a uwqtn utateoent uhqwini netwqtth anf ifentih{ini eaeh auuet anf iabiit{ in ezeeuu qh &3,222 anf itu xawe tqiethet with qne qh thehqqwini<

    a0 A eqr{ qh the retuqn'u oqut teeent hefeta ineqoe taz tetwtn; qt

    b0 A uwqtn utateoent whieh ifentihieu eaeh uera/ tate uqwtee anf aoqwnt qh ineqoe whieh ezeeefu&3,2220 Vhe hqtou hqt uweh uqwtee fiuequwte anf thetweu wnfet whieh the{ ate tq be hief uha be rteuetibefb{ the inferenfent eqooiuuiqn eutabiuhef in uwbuee/ tiqn (h), anf uweh tweu uha inewfe fiuequwte qh ueeqnfat{ uqwteeu qh ineqoe0

    (2) Petuqnu hqfini utatewife eeetixe qhhieeu uhaauq hie fiuequwte qh theit hinaneia inteteutu rwtuwant tq uwbueetiqn (i)(3)0

    (5) Vhe inferenfent eqooiuuiqn rtqxifef hqt inuwbueetiqn (h) uha oean the Hqtifa Eqooiuuiqn qn Gthieu0

    J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Knitiatixe Petitiqn hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Jw{ 2;, 3;98; afqrtef 3;98; Aou0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn,Texiuiqn Pqu0 8 anf 35, 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;8; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 9,2238, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ ;, 2238; afqrtef 22380

    3Pqte0´Seetiqn 58, Att0 ZKK, State Eqnutitwtiqn, rtqxifeu in ratt that ¬]t_heaoenfoentu tq Seetiqn 8 qh Attiee KK anf Seetiqn 35 qh Attiee V uha ta�e ehheetDeeeobet 53, 2222; ezeert that the aoenfoentu tq Seetiqn 8(h) qh Attiee KK uha ta�e ehheet Deeeobet 53, 22220¹ Vhe aoenfoentu tq u0 8, Att0 KK, whieh ta�e ehheetDeeeobet 53, 2222, inewfe the affitiqn qh a new uwbueetiqn (h), whieh wi teuwt inthe tefeuiinatiqn qh uwbueqwent uwbueetiqnu0 Au a teuwt, the aoenfoent tq u0 8(h),ehheetixe Deeeobet 53, 2222, wi arr{ tq ewttent u0 8(i), wnti the teoainini aoenfoentu tq u0 8, Att0 KK ta�e ehheet anf u0 8(i) iu tefeuiinatef au u0 8(h)0 GhheetixeDeeeobet 53, 2222, u0 8, Att0 KK, ezeert u0 8(i), whieh wi ta�e ehheet Deeeobet 53,2222, anf wi be uwbueqwent{ tefeuiinatef au u0 8(h), Att0 KK b{ the aoenfoentehheetixe Deeeobet 53, 2222, wi teaf<

    SGEVKQP 80 Gth�eu �n iqxetnoent0´A rwbie qhhiee iu a rwbie ttwut0 Vhereqre uha haxe the tiiht tq ueewte anf uwutain that ttwut aiainut abwue0 Vq auuwte thiu tiiht<

    (a) A eeetef eqnutitwtiqna qhhieetu anf eanfifateu hqt uweh qhhieeu anf, auoa{ be fetetoinef b{ aw, qthet rwbie qhhieetu, eanfifateu, anf eorq{eeu uhahie hw anf rwbie fiuequwte qh theit hinaneia inteteutu0

    (b) A eeetef rwbie qhhieetu anf eanfifateu hqt uweh qhhieeu uha hie hw anfrwbie fiuequwte qh theit eaoraiin hinaneeu0

    (e) An{ rwbie qhhieet qt eorq{ee whq bteaeheu the rwbie ttwut hqt rtixate iainanf an{ retuqn qt entit{ infweini uweh bteaeh uha be iabe tq the utate hqt ahinaneia benehitu qbtainef b{ uweh aetiqnu0 Vhe oannet qh teeqxet{ anf affitiqnafaoaieu oa{ be rtqxifef b{ aw0

    (f) An{ rwbie qhhieet qt eorq{ee whq iu eqnxietef qh a heqn{ inxqxini abteaeh qh rwbie ttwut uha be uwb�eet tq hqtheitwte qh tiihtu anf rtixieieu wnfet arwbie tetiteoent u{uteo qt renuiqn ran in uweh oannet au oa{ be rtqxifef b{ aw0

    (e) Pq oeobet qh the eiiuatwte qt utatewife eeetef qhhieet uha retuqna{ terteuent anqthet retuqn qt entit{ hqt eqorenuatiqn behqte the iqxetnoent bqf{ qtaiene{ qh whieh the infixifwa wau an qhhieet qt oeobet hqt a retiqf qh twq {eatuhqqwini xaeatiqn qh qhhiee0 Pq oeobet qh the eiiuatwte uha retuqna{ terteuent anqthet retuqn qt entit{ hqt eqorenuatiqn fwtini teto qh qhhiee behqte an{ utateaiene{ qthet than �wfieia ttibwnau0 Sioiat teuttietiqnu qn qthet rwbie qhhieetu anfeorq{eeu oa{ be eutabiuhef b{ aw0

    (h)(3) Hqt rwtrqueu qh thiu uwbueetiqn, the teto ¬rwbie qhhieet¹ oeanu autatewife eeetef qhhieet, a oeobet qh the eiiuatwte, a eqwnt{ eqooiuuiqnet, aeqwnt{ qhhieet rwtuwant tq Attiee VKKK qt eqwnt{ ehattet, a uehqq bqatf oeobet, auwretintenfent qh uehqqu, an eeetef ownieira qhhieet, an eeetef ureeia fiuttietqhhieet in a ureeia fiuttiet with af xaqteo tazini awthqtit{, qt a retuqn uetxini au a ueetetat{, an ezeewtixe fiteetqt, qt qthet aiene{ heaf qh a ferattoent qh the ezeewtixe btaneh qh utate iqxetnoent0

    (2) A rwbie qhhieet uha nqt qbb{ hqt eqorenuatiqn qn iuuweu qh rqie{,arrtqrtiatiqnu, qt rtqewteoent behqte the hefeta iqxetnoent, the eiiuatwte, an{utate iqxetnoent bqf{ qt aiene{, qt an{ rqitiea uwbfixiuiqn qh thiu utate, fwtini hiu qt het teto qh qhhiee0

    (5) A rwbie qhhieet uha nqt qbb{ hqt eqorenuatiqn qn iuuweu qh rqie{,arrtqrtiatiqnu, qt rtqewteoent hqt a retiqf qh uiz {eatu ahtet xaeatiqn qh rwbierquitiqn, au hqqwu<

    a0 A utatewife eeetef qhhieet qt oeobet qh the eiiuatwte uha nqt qbb{ theeiiuatwte qt an{ utate iqxetnoent bqf{ qt aiene{0

    b0 A retuqn uetxini au a ueetetat{, an ezeewtixe fiteetqt, qt qthet aiene{ heafqh a ferattoent qh the ezeewtixe btaneh qh utate iqxetnoent uha nqt qbb{ theeiiuatwte, the iqxetnqt, the ezeewtixe qhhiee qh the iqxetnqt, oeobetu qh the eabinet, a ferattoent that iu heafef b{ a oeobet qh the eabinet, qt hiu qt het hqtoet ferattoent0

    e0 A eqwnt{ eqooiuuiqnet, a eqwnt{ qhhieet rwtuwant tq Attiee VKKK qt eqwnt{ehattet, a uehqq bqatf oeobet, a uwretintenfent qh uehqqu, an eeetef ownieira

    qhhieet, qt an eeetef ureeia fiuttiet qhhieet in a ureeia fiuttiet with af xaqteo tazini

    awthqtit{ uha nqt qbb{ hiu qt het hqtoet aiene{ qt iqxetnini bqf{0

    (6) Vhiu uwbueetiqn uha nqt be eqnuttwef tq rtqhibit a rwbie qhhieet htqo

    eatt{ini qwt the fwtieu qh hiu qt het rwbie qhhiee0

    (5) Vhe eiiuatwte oa{ enaet eiiuatiqn tq ioreoent thiu uwbueetiqn,

    inewfini, bwt nqt ioitef tq, fehinini tetou anf rtqxifini renatieu hqt xiqatiqnu0An{ uweh aw uha nqt eqntain rtqxiuiqnu qn an{ qthet uwb�eet0

    (i) Vhete uha be an inferenfent eqooiuuiqn tq eqnfwet inxeutiiatiqnu anfoa�e rwbie terqttu qn a eqoraintu eqneetnini bteaeh qh rwbie ttwut b{ rwbie

    qhhieetu qt eorq{eeu nqt within the �wtiufietiqn qh the �wfieia qwaihieatiqnu eqooiuuiqn0

    (h)(3) A eqfe qh ethieu hqt a utate eorq{eeu anf nqn�wfieia qhhieeturtqhibitini eqnhiet between rwbie fwt{ anf rtixate inteteutu uha be rteuetibef

    b{ aw0

    (2) A rwbie qhhieet qt rwbie eorq{ee uha nqt abwue hiu qt het rwbie rquitiqn

    in qtfet tq qbtain a fiurtqrqttiqnate benehit hqt hioueh qt hetueh; hiu qt het urqwue,ehiften, qt eorq{et; qt hqt an{ bwuineuu with whieh he qt uhe eqnttaetu; in whieh he

    qt uhe iu an qhhieet, a rattnet, a fiteetqt, qt a rtqrtietqt; qt in whieh he qt uhe qwnuan inteteut0 Vhe Hqtifa Eqooiuuiqn qn Gthieu uha, b{ twe in aeeqtfanee with

    utatwtqt{ rtqeefwteu iqxetnini afoiniuttatixe tweoa�ini, fehine the teto ¬fiu/rtqrqttiqnate benehit¹ anf rteuetibe the teqwiuite intent hqt hinfini a xiqatiqn qh thiu

    rtqhibitiqn hqt rwtrqueu qh enhqteini thiu rataitarh0 Arrtqrtiate renatieu uha berteuetibef b{ aw0

    (i) Vhiu ueetiqn uha nqt be eqnuttwef tq ioit fiuequwteu anf rtqhibitiqnuwhieh oa{ be eutabiuhef b{ aw tq rteuetxe the rwbie ttwut anf axqif eqnhietu

    between rwbie fwtieu anf rtixate inteteutu0

    (�) Sehefwe´Qn the ehheetixe fate qh thiu aoenfoent anf wnti ehanief b{


    (3) Hw anf rwbie fiuequwte qh hinaneia inteteutu uha oean hiini with the

    ewutqfian qh utate teeqtfu b{ Jw{ 3 qh eaeh {eat a uwqtn utateoent uhqwini netwqtth anf ifentih{ini eaeh auuet anf iabiit{ in ezeeuu qh &3,222 anf itu xawe

    tqiethet with qne qh the hqqwini<

    a0 A eqr{ qh the retuqn'u oqut teeent hefeta ineqoe taz tetwtn; qt

    b0 A uwqtn utateoent whieh ifentihieu eaeh ueratate uqwtee anf aoqwnt qhineqoe whieh ezeeefu &3,2220 Vhe hqtou hqt uweh uqwtee fiuequwte anf the tweu

    wnfet whieh the{ ate tq be hief uha be rteuetibef b{ the inferenfent eqooiuuiqneutabiuhef in uwbueetiqn (i), anf uweh tweu uha inewfe fiuequwte qh ueeqnfat{

    uqwteeu qh ineqoe0

    (2) Petuqnu hqfini utatewife eeetixe qhhieeu uha auq hie fiuequwte qh theit

    hinaneia inteteutu rwtuwant tq rataitarh (3)0

    (5) Vhe inferenfent eqooiuuiqn rtqxifef hqt in uwbueetiqn (i) uha oean the

    Hqtifa Eqooiuuiqn qn Gthieu0

    SGEVKQP ;0 Gni�uh �u the qhh�e�a aniwaie qhHqt�fa0´

    (a) Gniiuh iu the qhhieia aniwaie qh the State qhHqtifa0

    (b) Vhe eiiuatwte uha haxe the rqwet tq enhqteethiu ueetiqn b{ arrtqrtiate eiiuatiqn0

    J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Knitiatixe Petitiqn hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Awiwut 8, 3;88; afqrtef 3;880




    30 Eqorquitiqn0 20 Meobetu; qhhieetu0 50 Seuuiqnu qh the eiiuatwte0 60 Swqtwo anf rtqeefwte0 50 Knxeutiiatiqnu; witneuueu0 80 Nawu0 90 Pauuaie qh biu0 80 Gzeewtixe arrtqxa anf xetq0 ;0 Ghheetixe fate qh awu0 320 Sreeia awu0 330 Ptqhibitef ureeia awu0 320 Arrtqrtiatiqn biu0 350 Veto qh qhhiee0 360 Eixi uetxiee u{uteo0 350 Vetou anf qwaihieatiqnu qh eiiuatqtu0 380 Neiiuatixe arrqttiqnoent0 390 Koreaehoent0 380 Eqnhiet qh Knteteut0




    3;0 State Dwfietini, Pannini anf Arrtqrtiatiqnu Ptqeeuueu0

    220 Stanfatfu hqt eutabiuhini eqniteuuiqna fiuttiet bqwnfatieu0

    230 Stanfatfu hqt eutabiuhini eiiuatixe fiuttiet bqwnfatieu0

    SGEVKQP 30 Eqorqu�t�qn0´Vhe eiiuatixe rqwetqh the utate uha be xeutef in a eiiuatwte qh the State qhHqtifa, eqnuiutini qh a uenate eqorquef qh qne uenatqteeetef htqo eaeh uenatqtia fiuttiet anf a hqwue qhterteuentatixeu eqorquef qh qne oeobet eeetef htqo eaeh terteuentatixe fiuttiet0

    SGEVKQP 20 Meobetu; qhh�eetu0´Gaeh hqwueuha be the uqe �wfie qh the qwaihieatiqnu, eeetiqnu,anf tetwtnu qh itu oeobetu, anf uha biennia{ ehqque itu qhhieetu, inewfini a retoanent rteuifini qhhieetueeetef htqo itu oeobetuhir, whq uha be feuiinatef in the uenate au Pteuifent qh the Senate, anf in the hqwue au Srea�et qh the Jqwue qh Terteuentatixeu0 Vhe uenate uha feuiinate a Seetetat{ tq uetxe at itureauwte, anf the hqwue qh terteuentatixeu uha feuiinate a Eet� tq uetxe at itu reauwte0 Vheeiiuatwte uha arrqint an awfitqt tq uetxe at itureauwte whq uha awfit rwbie teeqtfu anf rethqtoteatef fwtieu au rteuetibef b{ aw qt eqnewttentteuqwtiqn0

    SGEVKQP 50 Seuu�qnu qh the ei�uatwte0´ (a) QTGAPK\AVKQP SGSSKQPS0 Qn the hqwt/

    teenth fa{ hqqwini eaeh ieneta eeetiqn the eiiua/twte uha eqnxene hqt the ezewuixe rwtrque qh qtiani/zatiqn anf ueeetiqn qh qhhieetu0

    (b) TGGWNAT SGSSKQPS0 A teiwat ueuuiqn qhthe eiiuatwte uha eqnxene qn the hitut Vweufa{ ahtet the hitut Mqnfa{ in Mateh qh eaeh qff/nwobetef {eat, anf qn the ueeqnf Vweufa{ ahtet the hitut Mqnfa{ in Janwat{ qh eaeh exen/nwobetef {eat0

    (e) SPGEKAN SGSSKQPS0 (3) Vhe iqxetnqt, b{ rtqeaoatiqn utatini the rwt/

    rque, oa{ eqnxene the eiiuatwte in ureeia ueuuiqnfwtini whieh qn{ uweh eiiuatixe bwuineuu oa{ bettanuaetef au iu within the rwtxiew qh the rtqeaoatiqn, qt qh a eqoownieatiqn htqo the iqxetnqt, qt iu inttqfweef b{ eqnuent qh twq/thitfu qh the oeobetuhir qh eaeh hqwue0

    (2) A ureeia ueuuiqn qh the eiiuatwte oa{ beeqnxenef au rtqxifef b{ aw0

    (f) NGPGVJ QH SGSSKQPS0 A teiwat ueuuiqn qhthe eiiuatwte uha nqt ezeeef uizt{ eqnueewtixe fa{u, anf a ureeia ueuuiqn uha nqt ezeeef twent{ eqn/ueewtixe fa{u, wneuu eztenfef be{qnf uweh ioit b{ a thtee/hihthu xqte qh eaeh hqwue0 Dwtini uweh an ezten/ uiqn nq new bwuineuu oa{ be ta�en wr in eithet hqwue withqwt the eqnuent qh twq/thitfu qh itu oeobetuhir0

    (e) ADJQWTPMGPV0 Peithet hqwue uha af�qwtn hqt oqte than uexent{/twq eqnueewtixe hqwtu ezeertrwtuwant tq eqnewttent teuqwtiqn0

    (h) ADJQWTPMGPV DY GQVGTPQT0 Kh, fwtinian{ teiwat qt ureeia ueuuiqn, the twq hqwueu eannqt

    aitee wrqn a tioe hqt af�qwtnoent, the iqxetnqt oa{ af�qwtn the ueuuiqn uine fie qt tq an{ fate within the retiqf awthqtizef hqt uweh ueuuiqn; rtqxifef that, ateaut twent{/hqwt hqwtu behqte af�qwtnini the ueuuiqn,anf whie neithet hqwue iu in teeeuu, eaeh hqwue uhabe iixen hqtoa wtitten nqtiee qh the iqxetnqt'u intentiqn tq fq uq, anf aiteeoent teaehef within that retiqf b{bqth hqwueu qn a tioe hqt af�qwtnoent uha rtexai0

    J�utqt{0´Ao0 E0S0 hqt S0J0T0 582, 3;8;; afqrtef 3;;2; Ao0 S0J0T0 2828, 3;;6; afqrtef 3;;6; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq035, 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;8; Ao0 rtqrquefb{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 5, 2238, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ ;, 2238; afqrtef 22380

    SGEVKQP 60 Swqtwo anf rtqeefwte0´ (a) A oa�qtit{ qh the oeobetuhir qh eaeh hqwue uha

    eqnutitwte a qwqtwo, bwt a uoaet nwobet oa{ af�qwtnhtqo fa{ tq fa{ anf eqore the rteuenee qh abuentoeobetu in uweh oannet anf wnfet uweh renatieu au itoa{ rteuetibe0 Gaeh hqwue uha fetetoine itu tweu qh rtqeefwte0

    (b) Seuuiqnu qh eaeh hqwue uha be rwbie; ezeert ueuuiqnu qh the uenate when eqnuifetini arrqintoenttq qt teoqxa htqo rwbie qhhiee oa{ be equef0

    (e) Gaeh hqwue uha �eer anf rwbiuh a �qwtna qh itu rtqeeefiniu; anf wrqn the teqweut qh hixe oeobetu rteuent, the xqte qh eaeh oeobet xqtini qn an{ qweutiqn uha be entetef qn the �qwtna0 Kn an{eiiuatixe eqooittee qt uwbeqooittee, the xqte qh eaeh oeobet xqtini qn the hina rauuaie qh an{eiiuatiqn renfini behqte the eqooittee, anf wrqn the teqweut qh an{ twq oeobetu qh the eqooittee qt uwbeqooittee, the xqte qh eaeh oeobet qn an{ qthetqweutiqn, uha be teeqtfef0

    (f) Gaeh hqwue oa{ rwniuh a oeobet hqt eqnteortqt fiuqtfet{ eqnfwet anf, b{ a twq/thitfu xqte qh ituoeobetuhir, oa{ ezre a oeobet0

    (e) Vhe tweu qh rtqeefwte qh eaeh hqwue uhartqxife that a eiiuatixe eqooittee anf uwbeqooittee oeetiniu qh eaeh hqwue, anf �qint eqnhetenee eqooit/tee oeetiniu, uha be qren anf nqtieef tq the rwbie0Vhe tweu qh rtqeefwte qh eaeh hqwue uha hwtthetrtqxife that a rteattanief iathetiniu, between oqtethan twq oeobetu qh the eiiuatwte, qt between the iqxetnqt, the rteuifent qh the uenate, qt the urea�et qh the hqwue qh terteuentatixeu, the rwtrque qh whieh iu tqaitee wrqn hqtoa eiiuatixe aetiqn that wi be ta�en ata uwbueqwent tioe, qt at whieh hqtoa eiiuatixe aetiqniu ta�en, teiatfini renfini eiiuatiqn qt aoenfoentu,uha be teauqnab{ qren tq the rwbie0 A qren oeet/iniu uha be uwb�eet tq qtfet anf feeqtwo0 Vhiu ueetiqnuha be ioreoentef anf fehinef b{ the tweu qh eaehhqwue, anf uweh tweu uha eqnttq afoiuuiqn tq thehqqt qh eaeh eiiuatixe ehaobet anf oa{, wheteteauqnab{ neeeuuat{ hqt ueewtit{ rwtrqueu qt tq rtqteet a witneuu arreatini behqte a eqooittee,rtqxife hqt the equwte qh eqooittee oeetiniu0 Gaehhqwue uha be the uqe �wfie hqt the intetrtetatiqn,ioreoentatiqn, anf enhqteeoent qh thiu ueetiqn0

    J�utqt{0´Ao0 S0J0T0'u 3;;2, 2, 3;;2; afqrtef 3;;20

    SGEVKQP 50 Knxeut�iat�qnu; w�tneuueu0´Gaehhqwue, when in ueuuiqn, oa{ eqore attenfanee qh witneuueu anf rtqfwetiqn qh fqewoentu anf qthet exifenee wrqn an{ oattet wnfet inxeutiiatiqn behqte



    it qt an{ qh itu eqooitteeu, anf oa{ rwniuh b{ hine nqtezeeefini qne thqwuanf fqatu qt iortiuqnoent nqt ezeeefini ninet{ fa{u, qt bqth, an{ retuqn nqt aoeobet whq hau been iwit{ qh fiuqtfet{ qt eqnteor/ twqwu eqnfwet in itu rteuenee qt hau tehwuef tq qbe{ ituawhw uwooqnu qt tq anuwet awhw qweutiqnu0 Sweh rqwetu, ezeert the rqwet tq rwniuh, oa{ be eqnhettefb{ aw wrqn eqooitteeu when the eiiuatwte iu nqt inueuuiqn0 Pwniuhoent qh eqnteort qh an intetio eiiua/ tixe eqooittee uha be b{ �wfieia rtqeeefiniu aurteuetibef b{ aw0

    SGEVKQP 80 Nawu0´Gxet{ aw uha eobtaee bwtqne uwb�eet anf oattet rtqret{ eqnneetef thetewith,anf the uwb�eet uha be btieh{ ezrteuuef in the tite0 Pqaw uha be texiuef qt aoenfef b{ tehetenee tq itu titeqn{0 Nawu tq texiue qt aoenf uha uet qwt in hw the texiuef qt aoenfef aet, ueetiqn, uwbueetiqn qt rata/itarh qh a uwbueetiqn0 Vhe enaetini eawue qh exet{ awuha teaf< ¬De Kt Gnaetef b{ the Neiiuatwte qh the Stateqh Hqtifa


    (35) ehheetwatiqn qh inxaif feefu, wiu qt qthetinuttwoentu, qt ehanie in the aw qh feueent;

    (36) ehanie qh naoe qh an{ retuqn;

    (35) fixqtee;

    (38) eiitioatiqn qt afqrtiqn qh retuqnu;

    (39) teieh qh oinqtu htqo eia fiuabiitieu;

    (38) ttanuhet qh an{ rtqrett{ inteteut qh retuqnu wnfeteia fiuabiitieu qt qh eutateu qh feeefentu;

    (3;) hwntini qt hteuh watet hiuhini;

    (22) teiwatiqn qh qeewratiqnu whieh ate teiwatef b{ a utate aiene{; qt

    3(23) an{ uwb�eet when rtqhibitef b{ ieneta aw rauuef b{ a thtee/hihthu xqte qh the oeobetuhir qheaeh hqwue0 Sweh aw oa{ be aoenfef qt tereaef b{i�e xqte0

    (b) Kn the enaetoent qh ieneta awu qn qthetuwb�eetu, rqitiea uwbfixiuiqnu qt qthet iqxetnoentaentitieu oa{ be eauuihief qn{ qn a bauiu teauqnab{teatef tq the uwb�eet qh the aw0

    3Pqte0´See the hqqwini hqt rtqhibitef uwb�eet oattetu affef wnfet the awthqtit{ qh thiu rataitarh<

    u0 332089, H0S0 (Pettainini tq rtqteetiqn qh rwbie eorq{ee tetiteoent benehitu)0

    u0 32303;3, H0S0 (Pettainini tq utate/afoiniutetef qt uwrrqttef tetiteoent


    u0 365038, H0S0 (Pettainini tq eqorenuatiqn qh feuiinatef eqwnt{ qhhieiau)0

    u0 38;0253(2), H0S0 (Pettainini tq inferenfent ureeia fiuttietu)0

    u0 3;2026;, H0S0 (Pettainini tq the eteatiqn qh inferenfent ureeia fiuttietu

    haxini the rqwetu enwoetatef in twq qt oqte qh the rataitarhu qh u0 3;20232, H0S0)0

    u0 2350865, H0S0 (Pettainini tq the oaziowo tate qh inteteut qn bqnfu)0

    u0 2;8098(3), H0S0 (Pettainini tq the itant qh awthqtit{, rqwet, tiihtu, qt rtixieieutq a watet eqnttq fiuttiet hqtoef rwtuwant tq eh0 2;8, H0S0)0

    u0 5950525(2)(b), H0S0 (Pettainini tq aqeatiqn qh oiaie hqt watet oanaieoent


    u0 3233099, H0S0 (Pettainini tq tazatiqn hqt uehqq rwtrqueu anf the Hqtifa Gfweatiqn Hinanee Ptqitao)0

    u0 3235059(5), H0S0 (Pettainini tq the ¬State Wnihqto Dwifini Eqfe hqt PwbieGfweatiqna Haeiitieu Eqnuttwetiqn¹)0

    SGEVKQP 320 Arrtqrt�at�qn b�u0´ Nawu oa�iniarrtqrtiatiqnu hqt uaatieu qh rwbie qhhieetu anf qthetewttent ezrenueu qh the utate uha eqntain rtqxiuiqnu qn nq qthet uwb�eet0

    SGEVKQP 350 Veto qh qhh�ee0´Pq qhhiee uha beeteatef the teto qh whieh uha ezeeef hqwt {eatu ezeert au rtqxifef hetein0

    SGEVKQP 360 E�x� uetx�ee u{uteo0´D{ aw theteuha be eteatef a eixi uetxiee u{uteo hqt utate eorq{/eeu, ezeert thque ezrteuu{ ezeortef, anf thete oa{be eteatef eixi uetxiee u{uteou anf bqatfu hqt eqwnt{,fiuttiet qt ownieira eorq{eeu anf hqt uweh qhhieeutheteqh au ate nqt eeetef qt arrqintef b{ the iqxetnqt, anf thete oa{ be awthqtizef uweh bqatfu au ateneeeuuat{ tq rteuetibe the qwaihieatiqnu, oethqf qhueeetiqn anf tenwte qh uweh eorq{eeu anf qhhieetu0

    SGEVKQP 350 Vetou anf qwa�h�eat�qnu qh ei�u/atqtu0´

    (a) SGPAVQTS0 Senatqtu uha be eeetef hqt tetou qh hqwt {eatu, thque htqo qff/nwobetef fiuttietuin the {eatu the nwobetu qh whieh ate owtireu qh hqwt anf thque htqo exen/nwobetef fiuttietu in exen/nwo/betef {eatu the nwobetu qh whieh ate nqt owtireu qhhqwt; ezeert, at the eeetiqn nezt hqqwini a tearrqttiqn/oent, uqoe uenatqtu uha be eeetef hqt tetou qh twq {eatu when neeeuuat{ tq oaintain utaiietef tetou0

    (b) TGPTGSGPVAVKVGS0 Meobetu qh the hqwueqh terteuentatixeu uha be eeetef hqt tetou qh twq {eatu in eaeh exen/nwobetef {eat0

    (e) SWANKHKEAVKQPS0 Gaeh eiiuatqt uha be ateaut twent{/qne {eatu qh aie, an eeetqt anf teuifent qhthe fiuttiet htqo whieh eeetef anf uha haxe teuifef inthe utate hqt a retiqf qh twq {eatu rtiqt tq eeetiqn0

    (f) ASSWMKPG QHHKEG; VAEAPEKGS0 Meobetu qh the eiiuatwte uha ta�e qhhiee wrqn eeetiqn0Vaeaneieu in eiiuatixe qhhiee uha be hief qn{ b{eeetiqn au rtqxifef b{ aw0

    SGEVKQP 380 Nei�uat�xe arrqtt�qnoent0´

    (a) SGPAVQTKAN APD TGPTGSGPVAVKVG DKS/ VTKEVS0 Vhe eiiuatwte at itu teiwat ueuuiqn in theueeqnf {eat hqqwini eaeh feeennia eenuwu, b{ �qintteuqwtiqn, uha arrqttiqn the utate in aeeqtfanee with the eqnutitwtiqn qh the utate anf qh the Wnitef Stateu intqnqt euu than thitt{ nqt oqte than hqtt{ eqnueewtixe{ nwobetef uenatqtia fiuttietu qh eithet eqntiiwqwu,qxetarrini qt ifentiea tettitqt{, anf intq nqt euu than eiiht{ nqt oqte than qne hwnftef twent{ eqn/ueewtixe{ nwobetef terteuentatixe fiuttietu qh eitheteqntiiwqwu, qxetarrini qt ifentiea tettitqt{0 Shqwfthat ueuuiqn af�qwtn withqwt afqrtini uweh �qint teuqw/tiqn, the iqxetnqt b{ rtqeaoatiqn uha teeqnxene theeiiuatwte within thitt{ fa{u in ureeia arrqttiqnoentueuuiqn whieh uha nqt ezeeef thitt{ eqnueewtixe fa{u,fwtini whieh nq qthet bwuineuu uha be ttanuaetef, anfit uha be the oanfatqt{ fwt{ qh the eiiuatwte tq afqrta �qint teuqwtiqn qh arrqttiqnoent0

    (b) HAKNWTG QH NGGKSNAVWTG VQ APPQTVKQP; JWDKEKAN TGAPPQTVKQPMGPV0 Kn the exent aureeia arrqttiqnoent ueuuiqn qh the eiiuatwte hina{af�qwtnu withqwt afqrtini a �qint teuqwtiqn qh arrqt/tiqnoent, the attqtne{ ieneta uha, within hixe fa{u, retitiqn the uwrteoe eqwtt qh the utate tq oa�e uweharrqttiqnoent0 Pq atet than the uiztieth fa{ ahtet thehiini qh uweh retitiqn, the uwrteoe eqwtt uha hie with the ewutqfian qh utate teeqtfu an qtfet oa�ini uweh arrqttiqnoent0

    (e) JWDKEKAN TGVKGY QH APPQTVKQPMGPV0 Yithin hihteen fa{u ahtet the rauuaie qh the �qintteuqwtiqn qh arrqttiqnoent, the attqtne{ ieneta uharetitiqn the uwrteoe eqwtt qh the utate hqt a feeatatqt{�wfioent fetetoinini the xaifit{ qh the arrqttiqnoent0Vhe uwrteoe eqwtt, in aeeqtfanee with itu tweu, uha retoit afxetuat{ inteteutu tq rteuent theit xiewu anf,within thitt{ fa{u htqo the hiini qh the retitiqn, uha entet itu �wfioent0

    (f) GHHGEV QH JWDGMGPV KP APPQTVKQP/ MGPV; GZVTAQTDKPATY APPQTVKQPMGPV SGS/ SKQP0 A �wfioent qh the uwrteoe eqwtt qh the utate fetetoinini the arrqttiqnoent tq be xaif uha bebinfini wrqn a the eitizenu qh the utate0 Shqwf the uwrteoe eqwtt fetetoine that the arrqttiqnoent oafeb{ the eiiuatwte iu inxaif, the iqxetnqt b{ rtqeaoa/tiqn uha teeqnxene the eiiuatwte within hixe fa{u theteahtet in ezttaqtfinat{ arrqttiqnoent ueuuiqn whiehuha nqt ezeeef hihteen fa{u, fwtini whieh the eiiu/atwte uha afqrt a �qint teuqwtiqn qh arrqttiqnoent eqnhqtoini tq the �wfioent qh the uwrteoe eqwtt0





    teen fa{u ahtet the af�qwtnoent qh an ezttaqtfinat{

    arrqttiqnoent ueuuiqn, the attqtne{ ieneta uha hie a

    retitiqn in the uwrteoe eqwtt qh the utate uettini hqtth the

    arrqttiqnoent teuqwtiqn afqrtef b{ the eiiuatwte, qt

    ih nqne hau been afqrtef terqttini that haet tq the eqwtt0

    Eqnuifetatiqn qh the xaifit{ qh a �qint teuqwtiqn qh

    arrqttiqnoent uha be haf au rtqxifef hqt in eaueu qh

    uweh �qint teuqwtiqn afqrtef at a teiwat qt ureeia

    arrqttiqnoent ueuuiqn0


    ezttaqtfinat{ arrqttiqnoent ueuuiqn hai tq afqrt a

    teuqwtiqn qh arrqttiqnoent qt uhqwf the uwrteoe eqwtt

    fetetoine that the arrqttiqnoent oafe iu inxaif, the

    eqwtt uha, nqt atet than uizt{ fa{u ahtet teeeixini the

    retitiqn qh the attqtne{ ieneta, hie with the ewutqfian qh

    utate teeqtfu an qtfet oa�ini uweh arrqttiqnoent0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 8,

    3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80

    SGEVKQP 390 Koreaehoent0´

    (a) Vhe iqxetnqt, iewtenant iqxetnqt, oeobetu qh

    the eabinet, �wutieeu qh the uwrteoe eqwtt, �wfieu qh

    fiuttiet eqwttu qh arrea, �wfieu qh eitewit eqwttu, anf

    �wfieu qh eqwnt{ eqwttu uha be iabe tq ioreaehoent

    hqt oiufeoeanqt in qhhiee0 Vhe hqwue qh terteuentatixeu

    b{ twq/thitfu xqte uha haxe the rqwet tq ioreaeh an

    qhhieet0 Vhe urea�et qh the hqwue qh terteuentatixeu

    uha haxe rqwet at an{ tioe tq arrqint a eqooittee tq

    inxeutiiate ehatieu aiainut an{ qhhieet uwb�eet tq


    (b) An qhhieet ioreaehef b{ the hqwue qh terteuen/

    tatixeu uha be fiuqwaihief htqo rethqtoini an{ qhhieia

    fwtieu wnti aeqwittef b{ the uenate, anf, wneuu

    ioreaehef, the iqxetnqt oa{ b{ arrqintoent hi the

    qhhiee wnti eqoretiqn qh the ttia0

    (e) A ioreaehoentu b{ the hqwue qh terteuenta/

    tixeu uha be ttief b{ the uenate0 Vhe ehieh �wutiee qh the

    uwrteoe eqwtt, qt anqthet �wutiee feuiinatef b{ the

    ehieh �wutiee, uha rteuife at the ttia, ezeert in a ttia qh

    the ehieh �wutiee, in whieh eaue the iqxetnqt uha

    rteuife0 Vhe uenate uha fetetoine the tioe hqt the

    ttia qh an{ ioreaehoent anf oa{ uit hqt the ttia

    whethet the hqwue qh terteuentatixeu be in ueuuiqn qt

    nqt0 Vhe tioe hizef hqt ttia uha nqt be oqte than uiz

    oqnthu ahtet the ioreaehoent0 Dwtini an ioreaehoent

    ttia uenatqtu uha be wrqn theit qath qt ahhitoatiqn0 Pq

    qhhieet uha be eqnxietef withqwt the eqnewttenee qh

    twq/thitfu qh the oeobetu qh the uenate rteuent0

    Jwfioent qh eqnxietiqn in eaueu qh ioreaehoent uha

    teoqxe the qhhenfet htqo qhhiee anf, in the fiuetetiqn qh

    the uenate, oa{ inewfe fiuqwaihieatiqn tq hqf an{

    qhhiee qh hqnqt, ttwut qt rtqhit0 Eqnxietiqn qt aeqwitta

    uha nqt ahheet the eixi qt etioina teurqnuibiit{ qh the

    qhhieet0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 S0J0T0 65;, 3;89; afqrtef 3;88; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn

    Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 35, 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80

    3SGEVKQP 380 Eqnh�et qh Knteteut0´A eqfe qh

    ethieu hqt a utate eorq{eeu anf nqn�wfieia qhhieetu

    rtqhibitini eqnhiet between rwbie fwt{ anf rtixateinteteutu uha be rteuetibef b{ aw0

    J�utqt{0´Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq035, 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80

    3Pqte0´Vhiu ueetiqn wau tereaef ehheetixe Janwat{ 5, 3;;;, b{ Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 35, 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 See u0 5(e), Att0 ZK, StateEqnutitwtiqn, hqt eqnutitwtiqna ehheetixe fate0 Kfentiea aniwaie tq u0 38, Att0 KKK, State Eqnutitwtiqn, wau enaetef in u0 8(i), Att0 KK, State Eqnutitwtiqn, b{ Texiuiqn Pq0 35, 3;;80

    SGEVKQP 3;0 State Dwfiet�ni, Pann�ni anf Arrtqrt�at�qnu Ptqeeuueu0´

    (a) APPWAN DWDGGVKPG0 (3) Geneta aw uha rteuetibe the afqrtiqn qh

    annwa utate bwfietat{ anf rannini rtqeeuueu anfteqwite that fetai teheetini the annwaizef equtu qh theutate bwfiet anf teheetini the nqnteewttini equtu qh thebwfiet teqweutu uha aeeqoran{ utate ferattoent anf aiene{ eiiuatixe bwfiet teqweutu, the iqxetnqt'uteeqooenfef bwfiet, anf arrtqrtiatiqn biu0

    (2) Wneuu arrtqxef b{ a thtee/hihthu xqte qh the oeobetuhir qh eaeh hqwue, arrtqrtiatiqnu oafe hqtteewttini rwtrqueu htqo nqnteewttini ieneta texenwehwnfu hqt an{ hiuea {eat uha nqt ezeeef thtee reteentqh the tqta ieneta texenwe hwnfu eutioatef tq beaxaiabe at the tioe uweh arrtqrtiatiqn iu oafe0

    (5) Au rteuetibef b{ ieneta aw, eaeh utate feratt/ oent anf aiene{ uha be teqwitef tq uwboit aeiiuatixe bwfiet teqweut that iu bauef wrqn anf thatteheetu the qni/tanie hinaneia qwtqq� afqrtef b{ the�qint eiiuatixe bwfiet eqooiuuiqn qt that ureeihiea{ezrainu an{ xatianee htqo the qni/tanie hinaneiaqwtqq� eqntainef in the teqweut0

    (6) Hqt rwtrqueu qh thiu ueetiqn, the tetou feratt/oent anf aiene{ uha inewfe the �wfieia btaneh0

    (b) APPTQPTKAVKQP DKNNS HQTMAV0 Seratateueetiqnu within the ieneta arrtqrtiatiqn bi uha be wuef hqt eaeh oa�qt rtqitao atea qh the utate bwfiet;oa�qt rtqitao ateau uha inewfe< efweatiqn enhanee/ oent ¬qttet{¹ ttwut hwnf iteou; efweatiqn (a qthethwnfu); hwoan uetxieeu; etioina �wutiee anf eqttee/tiqnu; natwta teuqwteeu, enxitqnoent, itqwth oanaie/ oent, anf ttanurqttatiqn; ieneta iqxetnoent; anf�wfieia btaneh0 Gaeh oa�qt rtqitao atea uha inewfe an iteoizatiqn qh ezrenfitwteu hqt< utate qretatiqnu; utate earita qwta{; aif tq qea iqxetnoentu anfnqnrtqhit qtianizatiqnu qretatiqnu; aif tq qea iqxetn/oentu anf nqnrtqhit qtianizatiqnu earita qwta{; hefeta hwnfu anf the auuqeiatef utate oatehini hwnfu; urenf/ ini awthqtizatiqnu hqt qretatiqnu; anf urenfini awthqt/izatiqnu hqt earita qwta{0 Affitiqna{, arrtqrtiatiqnbiu rauuef b{ the eiiuatwte uha inewfe an iteo/izatiqn qh ureeihie arrtqrtiatiqnu that ezeeef qne oiiqnfqatu (&3,222,222022) in 3;;2 fqatu0 Hqt rwtrqueu qh thiu uwbueetiqn, ¬ureeihie arrtqrtiatiqn,¹ ¬iteoizatiqn,¹anf ¬oa�qt rtqitao atea¹ uha be fehinef b{ aw0 Vhiuiteoizatiqn thteuhqf uha be af�wutef b{ ieneta awexet{ hqwt {eatu tq teheet the tate qh inhatiqn qt fehatiqnau infieatef in the Eqnuwoet Ptiee Knfez hqt A WtbanEqnuwoetu, W0S0 Eit{ Axetaie, A Kteou, qt uweeeuuqt terqttu au terqttef b{ the Wnitef Stateu Derattoent qh Nabqt, Dwteaw qh Nabqt Statiutieu qt itu uweeeuuqt0Swbutantixe biu eqntainini arrtqrtiatiqnu uha auq be uwb�eet tq the iteoizatiqn teqwiteoent oanfatef wnfetthiu rtqxiuiqn anf uha be uwb�eet tq the iqxetnqt'u



    ureeihie arrtqrtiatiqn xetq rqwet feuetibef in Attiee KKK, Seetiqn 80

    (e) APPTQPTKAVKQPS PTQEGSS0 (3) Pq atet than Serteobet 35 qh eaeh {eat, the

    �qint eiiuatixe bwfiet eqooiuuiqn uha iuuwe a qni/tanie hinaneia qwtqq� uettini qwt teeqooenfef hiuea uttateiieu hqt the utate anf itu ferattoentu anfaieneieu in qtfet tq auuiut the eiiuatwte in oa�inibwfiet feeiuiqnu0 Vhe qni/tanie hinaneia qwtqq� owutinewfe oa�qt wqt�qaf anf texenwe eutioateu0 Kn qtfettq ioreoent thiu rataitarh, the �qint eiiuatixe bwfieteqooiuuiqn uha wue ewttent qhhieia eqnuenuwu euti/oateu anf oa{ teqweut the fexeqroent qh affitiqnaqhhieia eutioateu0

    (2) Vhe �qint eiiuatixe bwfiet eqooiuuiqn uhauee� inrwt htqo the rwbie anf htqo the ezeewtixe anf�wfieia btaneheu when fexeqrini anf teeqooenfinithe qni/tanie hinaneia qwtqq�0

    (5) Vhe eiiuatwte uha rteuetibe b{ ieneta aw eqnfitiqnu wnfet whieh ioitef af�wutoentu tq the bwfiet, au teeqooenfef b{ the iqxetnqt qt the ehieh �wutiee qh the uwrteoe eqwtt, oa{ be arrtqxef withqwtthe eqnewttenee qh the hw eiiuatwte0

    (f) SGVGPVY/VYQ JQWT PWDNKE TGVKGY PGT/ KQD0 A ieneta arrtqrtiatiqn biu uha be hwtniuheftq eaeh oeobet qh the eiiuatwte, eaeh oeobet qh the eabinet, the iqxetnqt, anf the ehieh �wutiee qh theuwrteoe eqwtt at eaut uexent{/twq hqwtu behqte hinarauuaie b{ eithet hqwue qh the eiiuatwte qh the bi inthe hqto that wi be rteuentef tq the iqxetnqt0

    (e) HKPAN DWDGGV TGPQTV0 A hina bwfiet te/rqtt uha be rteratef au rteuetibef b{ ieneta aw0 Vhehina bwfiet terqtt uha be rtqfweef nq atet than the322th fa{ ahtet the beiinnini qh the hiuea {eat, anfeqrieu qh the terqtt uha be hwtniuhef tq eaeh oeobetqh the eiiuatwte, the heaf qh eaeh ferattoent anfaiene{ qh the utate, the awfitqt ieneta, anf the ehieh �wutiee qh the uwrteoe eqwtt0

    (h) VTWSV HWPDS0 (3) Pq ttwut hwnf qh the State qh Hqtifa qt qthet

    rwbie bqf{ oa{ be eteatef qt te/eteatef b{ aw withqwt a thtee/hihthu xqte qh the oeobetuhir qh eaeh hqwue qhthe eiiuatwte in a ueratate bi hqt that rwtrque qn{0

    (2) State ttwut hwnfu uha tetoinate nqt oqte than hqwt {eatu ahtet the ehheetixe fate qh the aet awthqtizinithe initia eteatiqn qh the ttwut hwnf0 D{ aw the eiiuatwte oa{ uet a uhqttet tioe retiqf hqt whieh an{ ttwut hwnf iu awthqtizef0

    (5) Vtwut hwnfu teqwitef b{ hefeta rtqitaou qtoanfateu; ttwut hwnfu eutabiuhef hqt bqnf eqxenantu,infentwteu, qt teuqwtiqnu, whque texenweu ate eia{refief b{ the utate qt rwbie bqf{ tq oeet febt uetxieeqt qthet hinaneia teqwiteoentu qh an{ febt qbiiatiqnu qhthe utate qt an{ rwbie bqf{; the utate ttanurqttatiqn ttwut hwnf; the ttwut hwnf eqntainini the net annwa rtqeeefu htqo the Hqtifa Gfweatiqn Nqttetieu; theHqtifa tetiteoent ttwut hwnf; ttwut hwnfu hqt inutitwtiqnu wnfet the oanaieoent qh the Dqatf qh Gqxetnqtu,whete uweh ttwut hwnfu ate hqt awziiat{ entetrtiueu anf eqnttaetu, itantu, anf fqnatiqnu, au thque tetou atefehinef b{ ieneta aw; ttwut hwnfu that uetxe au eeatinihwnfu qt aeeqwntu hqt the ehieh hinaneia qhhieet qt utateaieneieu; ttwut hwnfu that aeeqwnt hqt auuetu hef b{ the

    utate in a ttwutee earaeit{ au an aient qt hifweiat{ hqtinfixifwau, rtixate qtianizatiqnu, qt qthet iqxetnoen/ta wnitu; anf qthet ttwut hwnfu awthqtizef b{ thiu Eqnutitwtiqn, ate nqt uwb�eet tq the teqwiteoentu uet hqtth in rataitarh (2) qh thiu uwbueetiqn0

    (6) A eauh baaneeu anf ineqoe qh an{ ttwut hwnfuabqiuhef wnfet thiu uwbueetiqn uha be ferquitef intqthe ieneta texenwe hwnf0

    (i) DWDGGV SVADKNK\AVKQP HWPD0 Swb�eet tqthe rtqxiuiqnu qh thiu uwbueetiqn, an aoqwnt eqwa tq ateaut 5' qh the aut eqoretef hiuea {eat'u net texenweeqeetiqnu hqt the ieneta texenwe hwnf uha betetainef in the bwfiet utabiizatiqn hwnf0 Vhe bwfietutabiizatiqn hwnf'u rtineira baanee uha nqt ezeeef anaoqwnt eqwa tq 32' qh the aut eqoretef hiuea {eat'unet texenwe eqeetiqnu hqt the ieneta texenwe hwnf0Vhe eiiuatwte uha rtqxife etitetia hqt withftawinihwnfu htqo the bwfiet utabiizatiqn hwnf in a ueratate bi hqt that rwtrque qn{ anf qn{ hqt the rwtrque qh eqxetini texenwe uhqtthau qh the ieneta texenwe hwnf qt hqt the rwtrque qh rtqxifini hwnfini hqt an eoetiene{, au fehinef b{ ieneta aw0 Geneta awuha rtqxife hqt the teutqtatiqn qh thiu hwnf0 Vhe bwfietutabiizatiqn hwnf uha be eqortiuef qh hwnfu nqtqthetwiue qbiiatef qt eqooittef hqt an{ rwtrque0

    (h) NQPG/TAPGG SVAVG PNAPPKPG DQEW/ MGPV APD DGPATVMGPV APD AGGPEY PNAP/ PKPG DQEWMGPV PTQEGSSGS0 Geneta aw uhartqxife hqt a qni/tanie utate rannini fqewoent0 Vheiqxetnqt uha teeqooenf tq the eiiuatwte biennia{an{ texiuiqnu tq the qni/tanie utate rannini fqew/oent, au fehinef b{ aw0 Geneta aw uha teqwite abiennia texiew anf texiuiqn qh the qni/tanie utaterannini fqewoent anf uha teqwite a ferattoentuanf aieneieu qh utate iqxetnoent tq fexeqr ranninifqewoentu that ifentih{ utatewife uttateiie iqau anfqb�eetixeu, eqnuiutent with the qni/tanie utate rannini fqewoent0 Vhe qni/tanie utate rannini fqewoentanf ferattoent anf aiene{ rannini fqewoentu uhateoain uwb�eet tq texiew anf texiuiqn b{ the eiiuatwte0Vhe qni/tanie utate rannini fqewoent owut inewfe rtq�eetiqnu qh hwtwte neefu anf teuqwteeu qh the utate whieh ate eqnuiutent with the qni/tanie hinaneiaqwtqq�0 Vhe ferattoent anf aiene{ rannini fqew/ oentu uha inewfe a rtiqtitizef iutini qh rannefezrenfitwteu hqt texiew anf rquuibe tefwetiqn in theexent qh texenwe uhqtthau, au fehinef b{ ieneta aw0

    (i) GQVGTPMGPV GHHKEKGPEY VASM HQTEG0Pq atet than Janwat{ qh 2229, anf eaeh hqwtth {eat theteahtet, the rteuifent qh the uenate, the urea�et qhthe hqwue qh terteuentatixeu, anf the iqxetnqt uha arrqint a iqxetnoent ehhieiene{ tau� hqtee, the oeo/betuhir qh whieh uha be eutabiuhef b{ ieneta aw0Vhe tau� hqtee uha be eqorquef qh oeobetu qh theeiiuatwte anf terteuentatixeu htqo the rtixate anfrwbie ueetqtu whq uha fexeqr teeqooenfatiqnu hqtiortqxini iqxetnoenta qretatiqnu anf tefweini equtu0Stahh tq auuiut the tau� hqtee in rethqtoini itu fwtieu uhabe auuiinef b{ ieneta aw, anf the tau� hqtee oa{ qbtain auuiutanee htqo the rtixate ueetqt0 Vhe tau� hqteeuha eqorete itu wqt� within qne {eat anf uha uwboit itu teeqooenfatiqnu tq the �qint eiiuatixe bwfiet



    eqooiuuiqn, the iqxetnqt, anf the ehieh �wutiee qh the uwrteoe eqwtt0

    (�) JQKPV NGGKSNAVKVG DWDGGV EQMMKS/ SKQP0 Vhete iu eteatef within the eiiuatwte the �qint eiiuatixe bwfiet eqooiuuiqn eqorquef qheqwa nwobetu qh uenate oeobetu arrqintef b{ the rteuifent qh the uenate anf hqwue oeobetu arrqintef b{ the urea�et qh the hqwue qh terteuentatixeu0 Gaehoeobet uha uetxe at the reauwte qh the qhhieet whq arrqintef the oeobet0 A xaeane{ qn the eqooiuuiqnuha be hief in the uaoe oannet au the qtiiina arrqintoent0 Htqo Pqxeobet qh eaeh qff/nwobetef {eat thtqwih Qetqbet qh eaeh exen/nwobetef {eat, theehaitretuqn qh the �qint eiiuatixe bwfiet eqooiuuiqnuha be arrqintef b{ the rteuifent qh the uenate anf the xiee ehaitretuqn qh the eqooiuuiqn uha be arrqintef b{ the urea�et qh the hqwue qh terteuenta/ tixeu0 Htqo Pqxeobet qh eaeh exen/nwobetef {eat thtqwih Qetqbet qh eaeh qff/nwobetef {eat, theehaitretuqn qh the �qint eiiuatixe bwfiet eqooiuuiqnuha be arrqintef b{ the urea�et qh the hqwue qh terteuentatixeu anf the xiee ehaitretuqn qh the eqo/ oiuuiqn uha be arrqintef b{ the rteuifent qh theuenate0 Vhe �qint eiiuatixe bwfiet eqooiuuiqn uha beiqxetnef b{ the �qint tweu qh the uenate anf the hqwueqh terteuentatixeu, whieh uha teoain in ehheet wntitereaef qt aoenfef b{ eqnewttent teuqwtiqn0 Vheeqooiuuiqn uha eqnxene at eaut qwattet{ anf uhaeqnxene at the ea qh the rteuifent qh the uenate anf the urea�et qh the hqwue qh terteuentatixeu0 A oa�qtit{ qh the eqooiuuiqn oeobetu qh eaeh hqwue rwu qneaffitiqna oeobet htqo eithet hqwue eqnutitwteu a qwqtwo0 Aetiqn b{ the eqooiuuiqn teqwiteu a oa�qtit{ xqte qh the eqooiuuiqn oeobetu rteuent qh eaeh hqwue0 Vhe eqooiuuiqn oa{ eqnfwet itu oeetiniuthtqwih teeeqnheteneeu qt uioiat oeanu0 Kn affitiqn tq the rqwetu anf fwtieu ureeihief in thiu uwbueetiqn, the�qint eiiuatixe bwfiet eqooiuuiqn uha ezeteiue aqthet rqwetu anf rethqto an{ qthet fwtieu nqt in eqnhietwith rataitarh (e)(5) anf au rteuetibef b{ ieneta awqt �qint twe0

    J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Vazatiqn anf Dwfiet Tehqto Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq03, 3;;2, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 9, 3;;2; afqrtef 3;;2; Aou0 rtqrquefb{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pqu0 8 anf 35, 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;8; Ao0 E0S0 hqt S0J0T0 2366, 2225; afqrtef 22280

    SGEVKQP 220 Stanfatfu hqt eutab�uh�ni eqn/iteuu�qna f�utt�et bqwnfat�eu0´Kn eutabiuhini eqn/iteuuiqna fiuttiet bqwnfatieu<

    (a) Pq arrqttiqnoent ran qt infixifwa fiuttiet uhabe ftawn with the intent tq haxqt qt fiuhaxqt a rqitiearatt{ qt an inewobent; anf fiuttietu uha nqt be ftawnwith the intent qt teuwt qh fen{ini qt abtifiini the eqwaqrrqttwnit{ qh taeia qt aniwaie oinqtitieu tq rattieiratein the rqitiea rtqeeuu qt tq fioiniuh theit abiit{ tq eeet terteuentatixeu qh theit ehqiee; anf fiuttietu uha eqnuiut qh eqntiiwqwu tettitqt{0

    (b) Wneuu eqorianee with the utanfatfu in thiuuwbueetiqn eqnhietu with the utanfatfu in uwbueetiqn 3(a) qt with hefeta aw, fiuttietu uha be au neat{ eqwain rqrwatiqn au iu rtaetieabe; fiuttietu uha be eqo/raet; anf fiuttietu uha, whete heauibe, wtiize eziutinirqitiea anf ieqitarhiea bqwnfatieu0

    (e) Vhe qtfet in whieh the utanfatfu within uwbuee/ tiqnu 3(a) anf (b) qh thiu ueetiqn ate uet hqtth uha nqt beteaf tq eutabiuh an{ rtiqtit{ qh qne utanfatf qxet the qthet within that uwbueetiqn0

    J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Knitiatixe Petitiqn hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Serteobet 28, 2229; afqrtef 22320

    3Pqte0´Vhe uwbueetiqnu qh ueetiqn 22, au it arreatef in Aoenfoent Pq0 8,rtqrquef b{ Knitiatixe Petitiqn hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Serteobet 28, 2229, anf afqrtef in 2232, wete feuiinatef (3)/(5); the efitqtu tefeuiinatef theo au (a)/ (e) tq eqnhqto tq the hqtoat qh the State Eqnutitwtiqn0

    SGEVKQP 230 Stanfatfu hqt eutab�uh�ni ei�u/at�xe f�utt�et bqwnfat�eu0´Kn eutabiuhini eiiuatixe fiuttiet bqwnfatieu<

    (a) Pq arrqttiqnoent ran qt fiuttiet uha be ftawnwith the intent tq haxqt qt fiuhaxqt a rqitiea ratt{ qt aninewobent; anf fiuttietu uha nqt be ftawn with the intent qt teuwt qh fen{ini qt abtifiini the eqwaqrrqttwnit{ qh taeia qt aniwaie oinqtitieu tq rattieiratein the rqitiea rtqeeuu qt tq fioiniuh theit abiit{ tq eeet terteuentatixeu qh theit ehqiee; anf fiuttietu uha eqnuiut qh eqntiiwqwu tettitqt{0

    (b) Wneuu eqorianee with the utanfatfu in thiuuwbueetiqn eqnhietu with the utanfatfu in uwbueetiqn 3(a) qt with hefeta aw, fiuttietu uha be au neat{ eqwain rqrwatiqn au iu rtaetieabe; fiuttietu uha be eqo/raet; anf fiuttietu uha, whete heauibe, wtiize eziutinirqitiea anf ieqitarhiea bqwnfatieu0

    (e) Vhe qtfet in whieh the utanfatfu within uwbuee/ tiqnu 3(a) anf (b) qh thiu ueetiqn ate uet hqtth uha nqt beteaf tq eutabiuh an{ rtiqtit{ qh qne utanfatf qxet the qthet within that uwbueetiqn0

    J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Knitiatixe Petitiqn hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Serteobet 28, 2229; afqrtef 22320

    3Pqte0´Vhe uwbueetiqnu qh ueetiqn 23, au it arreatef in Aoenfoent Pq0 5,rtqrquef b{ Knitiatixe Petitiqn hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Serteobet 28, 2229, anf afqrtef in 2232, wete feuiinatef (3)/(5); the efitqtu tefeuiinatef theo au (a)/ (e) tq eqnhqto tq the hqtoat qh the State Eqnutitwtiqn0




    30 Gqxetnqt0 20 Niewtenant iqxetnqt0 50 Sweeeuuiqn tq qhhiee qh iqxetnqt; aetini iqxetnqt0 60 Eabinet0 50 Geetiqn qh iqxetnqt, iewtenant iqxetnqt anf

    eabinet oeobetu; qwaihieatiqnu; tetou0 80 Gzeewtixe ferattoentu0 90 Swurenuiqnu; hiini qhhiee fwtini uwurenuiqnu0 80 Eeoene{0 ;0 Hiuh anf wifihe eqnuetxatiqn eqooiuuiqn0 320 Attqtne{ Geneta0 330 Derattoent qh Vetetanu' Ahhaitu0 320 Derattoent qh Gfet{ Ahhaitu0 350 Texenwe Shqtthau0

    SGEVKQP 30 Gqxetnqt0´ (a) Vhe uwrteoe ezeewtixe rqwet uha be xeutef in

    a iqxetnqt, whq uha be eqooanfet/in/ehieh qh aoiitat{ hqteeu qh the utate nqt in aetixe uetxiee qh theWnitef Stateu0 Vhe iqxetnqt uha ta�e eate that theawu be haithhw{ ezeewtef, eqooiuuiqn a qhhieetu qh the utate anf eqwntieu, anf ttanuaet a neeeuuat{



    bwuineuu with the qhhieetu qh iqxetnoent0 Vhe iqxetnqtoa{ teqwite inhqtoatiqn in wtitini htqo a ezeewtixe qtafoiniuttatixe utate, eqwnt{ qt ownieira qhhieetu wrqnan{ uwb�eet teatini tq the fwtieu qh theit teureetixeqhhieeu0 Vhe iqxetnqt uha be the ehieh afoiniuttatixe qhhieet qh the utate teurqnuibe hqt the rannini anf bwfietini hqt the utate0

    (b) Vhe iqxetnqt oa{ initiate �wfieia rtqeeefiniu in the naoe qh the utate aiainut an{ ezeewtixe qt afoin/iuttatixe utate, eqwnt{ qt ownieira qhhieet tq enhqteeeqorianee with an{ fwt{ qt teuttain an{ wnawthqtizef aet0

    (e) Vhe iqxetnqt oa{ teqweut in wtitini the qriniqn qh the �wutieeu qh the uwrteoe eqwtt au tq the intet/ rtetatiqn qh an{ rqttiqn qh thiu eqnutitwtiqn wrqn an{ qweutiqn ahheetini the iqxetnqt'u ezeewtixe rqwetu anf fwtieu0 Vhe �wutieeu uha, uwb�eet tq theit tweu qh rtqeefwte, retoit inteteutef retuqnu tq be heatf qnthe qweutiqnu rteuentef anf uha tenfet theit wtittenqriniqn nqt eatiet than ten fa{u htqo the hiini anffqe�etini qh the teqweut, wneuu in theit �wfioent thefea{ wqwf eawue rwbie in�wt{0

    (f) Vhe iqxetnqt uha haxe rqwet tq ea qwt theoiitia tq rteuetxe the rwbie reaee, ezeewte the awu qhthe utate, uwrrteuu inuwtteetiqn, qt tere inxauiqn0

    (e) Vhe iqxetnqt uha b{ oeuuaie at eaut qnee ineaeh teiwat ueuuiqn inhqto the eiiuatwte eqneetnini the eqnfitiqn qh the utate, rtqrque uweh teqtianizatiqnqh the ezeewtixe ferattoent au wi rtqoqte ehhieiene{anf eeqnqo{, anf teeqooenf oeauwteu in the rwbie inteteut0

    (h) Yhen nqt qthetwiue rtqxifef hqt in thiu eqnutitw/tiqn, the iqxetnqt uha hi b{ arrqintoent an{ xaeane{ in utate qt eqwnt{ qhhiee hqt the teoainfet qh the teto qh an arrqintixe qhhiee, anf hqt the teoainfet qh the teto qh an eeetixe qhhiee ih euu than twent{/eiiht oqnthu,qthetwiue wnti the hitut Vweufa{ ahtet the hitut Mqnfa{hqqwini the nezt ieneta eeetiqn0

    J�utqt{0´Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Vazatiqn anf Dwfiet Tehqto Eqooiuuiqn, TexiuiqnPq0 3, 3;;2, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 9, 3;;2; afqrtef 3;;2; Ao0rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 35, 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80

    SGEVKQP 20 N�ewtenant iqxetnqt0´Vhete uhabe a iewtenant iqxetnqt, whq uha rethqto uweh fwtieurettainini tq the qhhiee qh iqxetnqt au uha be auuiinef b{ the iqxetnqt, ezeert when qthetwiue rtqxifef b{aw, anf uweh qthet fwtieu au oa{ be rteuetibef b{ aw0

    J�utqt{0´Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq035, 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80

    SGEVKQP 50 Sweeeuu�qn tq qhh�ee qh iqxetnqt; aet�ni iqxetnqt0´

    (a) Wrqn xaeane{ in the qhhiee qh iqxetnqt, theiewtenant iqxetnqt uha beeqoe iqxetnqt0 Hwtthetuweeeuuiqn tq the qhhiee qh iqxetnqt uha be rteuetibefb{ aw0 A uweeeuuqt uha uetxe hqt the teoainfet qh the teto0

    (b) Wrqn ioreaehoent qh the iqxetnqt anf wntieqoretiqn qh ttia theteqh, qt fwtini the iqxetnqt'urh{uiea qt oenta inearaeit{, the iewtenant iqxetnqtuha aet au iqxetnqt0 Hwtthet uweeeuuiqn au aetiniiqxetnqt uha be rteuetibef b{ aw0 Knearaeit{ tq uetxe au iqxetnqt oa{ be fetetoinef b{ the uwrteoe eqwtt wrqn fwe nqtiee ahtet fqe�etini qh a wtitten uwiieutiqn

    theteqh b{ thtee eabinet oeobetu, anf in uweh eaueteutqtatiqn qh earaeit{ uha be uioiat{ fetetoinef ahtet fqe�etini qh wtitten uwiieutiqn theteqh b{ theiqxetnqt, the eiiuatwte qt thtee eabinet oeobetu0Knearaeit{ tq uetxe au iqxetnqt oa{ auq be eutabiuhefb{ eettihieate hief with the ewutqfian qh utate teeqtfu b{the iqxetnqt feeatini inearaeit{ hqt rh{uiea teauqnu tq uetxe au iqxetnqt, anf in uweh eaue teutqtatiqn qhearaeit{ uha be uioiat{ eutabiuhef0

    J�utqt{0´Aou0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pqu08 anf 35, 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80

    SGEVKQP 60 Eab�net0´ (a) Vhete uha be a eabinet eqorquef qh an

    attqtne{ ieneta, a ehieh hinaneia qhhieet, anf a eqooiu/uiqnet qh aitiewtwte0 Kn affitiqn tq the rqwetu anffwtieu ureeihief hetein, the{ uha ezeteiue uweh rqwetuanf rethqto uweh fwtieu au oa{ be rteuetibef b{ aw0 Kn the exent qh a tie xqte qh the iqxetnqt anf eabinet, theuife qn whieh the iqxetnqt xqtef uha be feeoef tqrtexai0

    (b) Vhe attqtne{ ieneta uha be the ehieh utate eia qhhieet0 Vhete iu eteatef in the qhhiee qh the attqtne{ieneta the rquitiqn qh utatewife rtqueewtqt0 Vheutatewife rtqueewtqt uha haxe eqnewttent �wtiufietiqn with the utate attqtne{u tq rtqueewte xiqatiqnu qhetioina awu qeewttini qt haxini qeewttef, in twq qtoqte �wfieia eitewitu au ratt qh a teatef ttanuaetiqn, qt when an{ uweh qhhenue iu ahheetini qt hau ahheetef twqqt oqte �wfieia eitewitu au rtqxifef b{ ieneta aw0 Vheutatewife rtqueewtqt uha be arrqintef b{ the attqtne{ieneta htqo nqt euu than thtee retuqnu nqoinatef b{the �wfieia nqoinatini eqooiuuiqn hqt the uwrteoeeqwtt, qt au qthetwiue rtqxifef b{ ieneta aw0

    (e) Vhe ehieh hinaneia qhhieet uha uetxe au the ehiehhiuea qhhieet qh the utate, anf uha uette anf arrtqxeaeeqwntu aiainut the utate, anf uha �eer a utate hwnfu anf ueewtitieu0

    (f) Vhe eqooiuuiqnet qh aitiewtwte uha haxeuwretxiuiqn qh oattetu rettainini tq aitiewtwte ezeertau qthetwiue rtqxifef b{ aw0

    (e) Vhe iqxetnqt au ehait, the ehieh hinaneia qhhieet,anf the attqtne{ ieneta uha eqnutitwte the utate bqatfqh afoiniuttatiqn, whieh uha uweeeef tq a the rqwet,eqnttq, anf awthqtit{ qh the utate bqatf qh afoiniutta/tiqn eutabiuhef rwtuwant tq Attiee KZ, Seetiqn 38 qh theEqnutitwtiqn qh 3885, anf whieh uha eqntinwe au a bqf{at eaut hqt the ihe qh Attiee ZKK, Seetiqn ;(e)0

    (h) Vhe iqxetnqt au ehait, the ehieh hinaneia qhhieet,the attqtne{ ieneta, anf the eqooiuuiqnet qh aitiew/twte uha eqnutitwte the ttwuteeu qh the intetna iortqxe/oent ttwut hwnf anf the anf aeqwiuitiqn ttwut hwnf aurtqxifef b{ aw0

    (i) Vhe iqxetnqt au ehait, the ehieh hinaneia qhhieet,the attqtne{ ieneta, anf the eqooiuuiqnet qh aitiew/twte uha eqnutitwte the aiene{ heaf qh the Derattoent qh Naw Gnhqteeoent0 Vhe Qhhiee qh Dqoeutie Seewtit{ anf Eqwntettettqtiuo iu eteatef within the Derattoent qh Naw Gnhqteeoent0 Vhe Qhhiee qh Dqoeutie Seewtit{anf Eqwntettettqtiuo uha rtqxife uwrrqtt hqt rtque/ewtqtu anf hefeta, utate, anf qea aw enhqteeoentaieneieu that inxeutiiate qt ana{ze inhqtoatiqn teatini tq atteortu qt aetu qh tettqtiuo qt that rtqueewte



    tettqtiuo, anf uha rethqto an{ qthet fwtieu that atertqxifef b{ aw0

    J�utqt{0´Ao0 J0J0T0 655, 3;85; afqrtef 3;86; Ao0 J0J0T0 588, 3;85; afqrtef 3;88; Aou0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pqu0 8 anf35, 3;;8, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;8; Ao0 rtqrquefb{ Eqnutitwtiqn Texiuiqn Eqooiuuiqn, Texiuiqn Pq0 5, 2238, hief with the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ ;, 2238; afqrtef 22380

    SGEVKQP 50 Geet�qn qh iqxetnqt, �ewtenant iqxetnqt anf eab�net oeobetu; qwa�h�eat�qnu; tetou0´

    (a) At a utate/wife ieneta eeetiqn in eaeh eaenfat{eat the nwobet qh whieh iu exen bwt nqt a owtire qh hqwt, the eeetqtu uha ehqque a iqxetnqt anf aiewtenant iqxetnqt anf oeobetu qh the eabinet eaeh hqt a teto qh hqwt {eatu beiinnini qn the hitut Vweufa{ ahtet the hitut Mqnfa{ in Janwat{ qh the uweeeefini {eat0 Kn rtioat{ eeetiqnu, eanfifateu hqt the qhhiee qh iqxetnqt oa{ ehqque tq twn withqwt a iewtenantiqxetnqt eanfifate0 Kn the ieneta eeetiqn, a eanfi/fateu hqt the qhhieeu qh iqxetnqt anf iewtenant iqxetnqtuha hqto �qint eanfifaeieu in a oannet rteuetibef b{aw uq that eaeh xqtet uha ea
