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THE CONSTITUTIONALIST VOL. XLII PLAINFIELD. N. J., THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 1910. NO. 31. Vivian M- L.«wi» Accept* Ei doraemant of Paaeaic Se- publicana at Dinner. TMK BOOM. JUPITER PLUVIUS ^ JOVE RUNYON WILL SPEAK I iil IT nrnnmu nr rigo U Tliis Combination Help. HI OlOOlUI, Ul [LM _ B -..,,..•1- »f nankin* and I The merchant, of East *"ron -ic-i claim that they e&n beat tin Wat Front mruet *tore-keel>ers baseball and a. game hu been »r ranged between these Dine* for to I be In i)n- nature o[ a celebra, 6t the Thuradsy half-boliday Tbi. Combination Help. Farmer, and Market Gard- eners and Does Damage. I-KiHTMXi PLAYS PRANKS. A summer session, which promise* lie a big social suWess, and which will be featured by a tulfc by Judge f William N. Ku y . of this city, wh R [or blood—that's why the game i be played near the hospital. I to be charged, tbe _._, being only for the sport and Vivian M Lewis, statn commii-1 j o r t j, e decision of the championship I ™«" tne po«si •ioner of banker and tn.urance. \ t FroBt , twt - , commercial mem- «KU»III« •»<! ' was formally Indorsed for Governor ^ The Baroe t l t o be called it W n W tn » thu *< at a dinner given tn bis honor b y [2 ., n -h day. the tarm«r Ihe members of the Pasaale County A c |^ nman l s I h e ra| ,, a | n or Metiers got what Republican Committee at Patersoo. )|)e EMt Vrim\ street contingent. lonEi(1K f< Ilarn HI (iiweubrook m-ir..j..l, Tivr* sirurk aad Gnw Ignll- —Kin- T h m l e M Build- ing In MarUswrlllei. L 111 probably be tbe Republicai dldate for Congress from the Fifth district, will be held 1 a Elk club night. Elizabeth tomorrow There will be no Initiations. AtoUer feature of tbe will be tbe report of the grand {lodge representatives. Augustus W. •hwartz. on tbe Elkn' convenUon at D an Interesting report the business session tc it loan on been obtained. Fine entertali tbe effect that Board of Health Gives Dealer. Until August 8 to Make Changes*. F00D8IUFFS OUIIHG OF EMPLOYEES T M i r rnnnr i nn WILL THEN 111*.IN (RlSADE. Some Opposition Met WIUi Among City Store* and Specious .' MratK Heard—Must Obejr I«w. Tbe Inspectors of the B Health wbo have been busy the past week watching t being made in some of tbe i which fruit and other t aale are to be » Tomorrow toe employe* ot A. K Force * Co., following their usual Custom, will r-njov the wHole day In •n out ins;. By way of a change from the usual trip to the mountains they will this time tali.- in the beauties and pleaaures of the seashore at As- bury Park. Tbe employes will gather at the •tore tomorrow morning at B o'clock and march In a body to the station where they will tak« tbe special car ftrovided for them which will be *t- tacbed to the train on which Trinity Arranprementa About Com- pleted for State Convention on Saturday. I.OOO DKLKUATKH V*rm,U- »n.l 1U in-'t Fro*hle«] for—Commit- ti-.- of .», ranxmenl- tngs-ments for tie State con- n ot Haymakers, which Is to 1 In this city on Saturday, w«r* ompleted by the supervising com- the Plainfleld Hayloft, at light. 111 they ueara rrom Mr. l^ewis. wneniij. or ^j,,,, lie aro*« to sjiealt tbpre were more J, - ront »t -rle( nod fhe^rfDK. Mr. l^wls went >ua m^u Washlngt Is Bald the full force of the as felt. Here the wind resem- hurricane In strength and did not blow down it bent lo the ground and created a K of uneasiness, t.tsbtnlng got In som* prettr work he law, Mr. O'Brien has day In right lDto Hi.- matter of his randl- dary. on<] after reviewing the politi- cal past he placid himself ton record an being In favor ot the establishing of a reservoir for the conservation of the waters for the people of northern New Jersey. He referred to the water bills pawed by tbe la* iii.nt of the public utilities bill. - County Chairman George W. Pol- lift presided. The gp.theribg w u an informal one. Present were State Senator John I>. Prince. Assembly- men Mi-Cran. Layden. Moore, Plk- Slirt and Radrl!ffe. County Clerk Jbhn J. Sinter, Sheriff John Flancler, HornuT :•' i- -•• '•• Wood McKee. State ^'ater Commlsiiio-ier George W. ty officials. MANY IMOURHERS Vii J-WIH and professor Prince i la rrlTitii they vent lo the Co where thertlnercw*M ^nt-ranrn of Mr. 1-ewl blind ! ]t;inn,- up (he "Sta The d. >m his borne \e arrived on in. Arter a nllt on Club Restaurant, raltlnR. The was the sie- ae. All stood] ind bli Spangled ickly ' ' H | ^ 1 ' ' I L. . . J J I • T , h* . . - L. F I ' . . . ' . . V* liril irninillV 1 a * enSan e '""her coMlder the rerlsed build- nLiL raunniui jproprtv. o « i. jummnn. « . . itb , c c „ ^ Ml , Funeral services for Nell A. Mc- Carthy, assistant State factory In- spector, who died very suddenly at • hU home. 867 Martjn street, Eliza- Tne beth, Saturday night, were held yei •nini the chit; of ihe." Joly Rosary. In Elizabeth. p The church was thronged with re~! whictl in atlves and Mends. A delegation of e»ugh'. bi Metal Polisher, and Mr. Van t nd others ck by the bolts of Jove. 4 tbe premises of Jobn P. Van struck and began to burn. e bolt tet fire to the under- <i Brass nearby and com- d io tbe fence. Tbe lire tbuildings. JI:M Buffei In the ensuing rair <t In subduing the y ],;.il-">n« half ar ie's a Jolly Good Fellow," present Joining in the chorus. Senator Prince was the f speaker, responding to a toast "Or gaolratlon." The speak' of tha lines. 1 Of -inlalnl them eit; the I ntlonal. posed a toast to Mr. Lewis. "I ask you all to drink wl to a man whose life has alwayi a life of results: a record that has always been a credit to his part' one who has served bis state faith- fully, quietly and capably: an Ideal Public servant—Vivian M. osr next Governor." Hardly had ttie speaker >it down when there were lagfitent cries of "Lewi*, t*«i*. our neit Govern. After the din the voice of a tall. Miooth-Khaven young man In th r*»r could be heard: "Hear. hear. He was recognized. He was Fred v\ Moore, county rommitteeraan Hie Second district of the Elevet Ward. Mr Lewis's own ward. 1 Moore read thp following resn WM; la SeplPi i party noml- the office or i candi Op*eraor of New Jerscv, [Whereas. Passaic Count.v Is the Mine of » mBn_ born and rear ed In *h « J of P»t#rson. who In efery B as held has exhibited a ca- bis work In a manner and fi 1, •.-.!!<••• he waa employed up toj'n dlametei aU years ago when be received the bu * "« 'ar as can be ssr as assistant factory m- '"• particular damaKe. spector. attended tbe services. The mored this morhli J. Revnoids. of the Holy Rosary church, of which Mr. McCar- thy was a communicant officiated it ihe high mass of requiem. The floral tributes were beautiful. I lightn \M>iiii ai story w Ktt Fall. Many changes hav made in tbe rode, bringing It date so that It will meet pres- ly requirements In building, and the members will probably set : ••]. one whole meeting for its con- sideration. During the time that the code has naTe jbeen under revision representative* 'M** ! from tbe various trades have met with the committee, making sugges- tions which were Invited by the com- mittee as a guidance in framing the *» ™- j been a great help to the committee. ,n bad 'There is no idea of compiling a code he vi- t h a t is going to te a hardship, but * last :tt Is proposed to have one that wil erlDed fu]1v protect ihe city as well as thi lullderm. ch indivldui rovides tha staffs exposed for -a!-- m red wltb a protecting scr flies nd du ay up fro fines all tbe cording Tbe notice requiring the changes and oth- ed during tbe we?k • July Z3, and the Board «f th believes ample time has been given to all the dealers in towi be made to pro ST BRING BACK WHEEL E STOLEN ON MAY 12 makers fro be In this c'ty. AD the State at. will : be present as many Im- nt matters pertaining to thn lodge are to be discussed. Be»- al Polishers and Buffers' Unlo: large pillow from the Get Toge Hunch, ot this city, Inscribed. "O. T n.," a wreath from tbe William 1 mann Association marked Friend." and a wreath from the Ber- gen Association. ' Ik Schlachter, Daniel Dillon. Hei Young and Thomas Y. Bye. Int ment was made in Mt. Olivet Cei tery, Ellubetb. . HOISKKKKPKRS TO 111 i.i- IV KARLV ( | i w \ < ; , rs are reminded th; ifternoons during AUK- !..• nt . will close tbeli their clerks may hav. i and evetilng off. am eovern themselves ac ly. and it is believed that all will co-operate to make the hange a success The local stores will clone at noon •ged to plan so that thl mptlv at 12 •Meh ire of A. E. Force A Co. will be glren the iy. and they will go to As- k with the Trinity Re- church excursion. Tepper Brothers have decided to close goods store all day Thnrt- g AURust. Forfeita BU Ball. Walter Kvanyxlpsy. a Polack llv- g on Pearl street, who was arrest- I In the borough for dlsorde-iy conduct on July 39 and released on S12.S0 bail, forfeited bis bail this morning hy failing to appear ugh ocurt for a hearing carding to his frijf disappeared from her deserted. A barn belonging to Mrs. Eliza-1 beth Harris, of Creen brook road ! Dunellen was struck by lightning, ™«'TED FROM BKD last evening during the height of -.he I « Y fW-'KL JOKER hay. Fortunately th with tbe harness BE were rescued ing. The lot 1 tons of! I*' n| K bt about '1 o'clock Mr of horses I Bertram C. Firstbrook, of PlalnfieL wagons who - *" u h n e r s'ster. Mis Clai ine build- Guv er. is stopping at tbe N'ewl lmated at >5D0. oung People's Societies of Presbyterian churches at Pocono Pines Assembly. Moi county, Pennsylvania, opens ton address by Karl Lehman. In- secretary of the United So- terstate ot Chrlstan Endeavor. Wal- ter Ftrstbrook, the delegate to the rence from: tee Hope chapel :y. writes that from all lndlca- this conference will greatly el- the last one in size and Influ- Mci.--ate* are presnt fi New Jersey. N«w York. DeJaw; Pennsylvania. Oblo. Wamhington, (*.. Maryland siu-J West Virginia. hrough a suggestion made ly Ftratbrook last wl: nee will bold; a Christian Cltlxen- shlp and Tempejran< J.. the i-hairnian if tbe State Cbris- when tbe clerk a telepfai on her husband. ould be d. early this i ewburgh si (fltlber he hotel received ibly he tbe theater train the bed >reh brooks clambered out dressed nnd sat on the fr- ready to greet Mrs. Fii hubby wben be arrived, but they waited tn vain. Flrstbrook came no*. It Was. no doubt the work of some practical joker wbo would bettei umber himself iat. Trlnflj l-:\uir~ii.n Tomorrow. dlermal, stormy da/, the Trinity R< -:in,-.l Sunday school will sn on it nnual excursion to Asbury Park or the N«tberwood Reformed church the Mareonnier chapel, with ; lal car for the employees of A 'orce Ic Co. Tbe train will leav« A. E. Force. *ho returned yeater- ay from Stoddardsvtlle. Pa., where; e spent a couplf of weeks, ssid thts orninE that <>n Monday last the «-een WIIkes-Bairre and Pocono. I -in.- "f * l" I '.'ii'1. Charles Hill, tfie trolley car rowdy bo was semenried to pay a fine of flO by City Judge William S, Run- 4terday. had his fine paid by , .... ^rs of his family this morning and was released from the custody >r the i tltce. At the Board Mr. Apaw Afsar. of East Front „. %m"i k " "'f"' *atcbnian at tbej beginning at last orum p. e busine H.>pr I I...|- I Service*. There will be no morning eervIceaJHlffh School bi . __' Hope Chapel on Sunday mornings there was just a q j during the month of August, but tbeiNotbitijc bnt tbe roo'in t.. cventnp devotion will go on u usnal I transacted. b! o"clock. Tbe ser-l 1 ' f Kenneth! Itrtsrard yrom WoddJns Trip. 1 d Mrs. : Charles Towniej ^* lwl » t depot, for the past nine-! vleea will be In charge of Kenneth I Itrtan *tm th >r "* h " M * iBTlod nl " Position 1 Miller, a student at the I'nlon The-J Mr. at •uatfc. t C< " ntr "' Railroad and re-| ological Seminary.' , have ret: i Uth lr * d * ** * h «l*rt|tht and] | wedding trade as wheelwright and] employ of J. Forgerson. of —Rit urday Specials adver- o Plainfleld after :lne two weeks. Tbe <-.•:;:.- toured Con- necticn: and N'w York state. TT RubhMi on the Kinwt. urr, a laborer of Regen strew, was arraigned in the borongt court this morning charged with dumping rubbish in the public streets. After a severe warning by Recorder Dolllver, sentence was BUS pended. P*trhoj[ue. Among automobile tourists arriv- ing this week at tbe Clifton House. Patcbogue. L. I., are Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Wheeler, of Park avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Hagedorn. of Rail- way road." Warning to An(i>nv>biliM->. Ownefa of machine* are hereby 'antfooed to observe danger signals narked "wear and tear" on all tires in cars operated by them, and to re- nemb*r tbat tbe road to tbe Staad- ird Tlre-VnlcaaiiinK Co.. 118 Madi- on avenue. PlainB^ld. N. J.. Is the ray out of all tire dlfflealtles. Tires •i-built by us "In tbe modern way." nark large results at small outlay. Phone No.. 4 19 Plainfleld. 8 1 tr m. w. f. • • • —Us* wheel which was stolen ft l O. Cramer, of Dunellen. May 12 last has been traced to Bray, Jr., of Plainfteld avenue, bought It of Ollte Faines. a colo nan, who In turn obtained the :ycle from William Totten who st V' It and who ls now in Jail at New ne is' Branawlcl( awaiting" the action of *he for those who have not yet j Se S. t _ e ™^ r _.^I"_ d 2?^ >m. Wagons In the street to the same law and It ror the bakers and peddlert t their duty in regard *c ; the goods they deliver oi their wagons, for (hey alsc will be carefully inspected and per- haps will hare to be prosecuted. re ]•' "lr;iS*'i| dress tbe Haymakers during Area. llowed seen fit t X* subjet protect In mitted buying the wheel (re for |4.SO and selling It I Bray, for 12$.5O on tbe instalme atnes seemed to think tb reiving stoli covered and therefore la but this will not alter t ter Monday the crusade earnest, says Mr. O'Brien. ias been raised that tree or vine is not fore la unprotected, he law. Af- be was not guilty c goods and did not : regarding bts position until Jud> Kunyon filled out a complafnt again: him. Then he changed his mind an told the Judge ilint be would H Bray and try to secure the n tf the wheel. Tbe court a him until Friday morning 1 ilisb this result. attached to Mr. Bray HMZAURTH'S BIIMJKT TOTALS SI The Hlliabeth Board of Aldermei Its monthly meeting Monday night ased on its third reading the annu- ipproprlatl. upport of the elty f . The budget thts year Is $603,532.97. Ire Commissioner Charles Chandler was reappolnted by Mayor for a term ot flve years and was confirmed by the board. The Mayor, on the groi uring tl d fall in parks vetoed an ordinance ating »."" for this purpose McGurn asked balance ol tbe clt) .pproprl- t steps be taken by the Railroad Coi irevent the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad from obstructing with Its irs tbe Amboy avenue grade cross- ing. Tbe total valuation of Eliiabetb this year will be, U about t54.OOO.0Oq. ' Pni«e KoperintenalpDt McDowvU. Persons wbohaie occasion to drive. iroughRock avenue between Front .reet and the brook, are sounding le praises of Superintendent Mc- owell. of the City Alms House. He s* cleaned tbe road of all weed ned the ters and other- e th ed tbat thorougfare. Res- nity appreciate Mr. est and work, de- the first time In a e road baa been im- ub-s. . which is to be 1 of the Plain- ed I Front , wil] be Elmer Mllife' treet and Clirton avenu •:••:;• I August 16. The :ub*statlons are located at Deble iad Siahl's candy store on Somerset tivet and J. C. Field's stationery tore on Park avenue. No blai for purchasing the whel as be unaware that tbe bicycle was stc but it Is quite likely tbat both he Faines will get Into serious tro unless the wheel U in court on ATTORXEV-GKSKRAL DECIJSKS TO FURNISH AX OI'IXIOX. In reply to a letter, add him by V. W. Naab, Jr.. on July 27. Edmund Wilson, Attorney Genei this State, declares tn a letter re- ceived by Mr. Naeb this morning thai It Is out of his province to annwi suL i. UM propot It reli >f City Judge. Councllr iii'i Board or Education In tbe letter, which Ii rlrcutar, (he Attorney-Oenei hat "As tbe Attorney-General haa no legal power to give official tralght In m an at Largi printed the leti i to thi intained ' r of Mr. Nash, be begs t tm bus the matter I and everybody w pret the law. as prlc Press on July 27 to wbo Is ho y, , rlough, is tbe guest >t Rev. and Mrs. Daniel Rapalje. Canton avenue. She will retnrn to n in the fall. Mrs. Kip, fs of Rev. Dr. Leonard Kip. who died recently, and for many irs she and her husband were as- sociated with Mr. and Mrs. Rapalje. - hen they were missionaries tn China, and their talk over tbe old tm loubt be pleased with tbe opportun ly to meet her wnlle ihe Is fn town g ween Dunellen and Brook, the ani- mal dropped dead from b rouble. I Imni-li Cbnrch lacorporsgfx. The Beihanls Danish Evangelical hurch to be located at 100 Madison tvenue. thts city,, was incorporated yesterday. Papers of Incorporation were nled In the offlr Clerk James C. Calvi The officers are due to arrive la m tomorrow night, while the otn- Haymakers do not come bera til Saturday. A grand conven- n of officers Is to be held on Satur- day morning in the loral Hayloft from 10 to 12 o'clock. During thli time the other members of the.lodsre are to be entertained in Proctor'a theatre andlshowti about tbe city ly a committee appointed for that pur- pose. At 1 o'clock all the Haymakers In- eluding tbe oulcers, will Une*up In marching order In front of Proctor 1 ! theatre, the greatest parade of Iodg« men ever seen In this citjr. will than begin. Several b&nds have been en- gaged for the occasion- and It la ex- pected that ;; thousand men will b* In line. TUfl parade upon starting, wm march up West Front street to Lib- erty street: down Liberty to Firth street; down Fifth street to Madison iup to Front street; down Front street to 1'ark avenue-; down Par* ' to Wai rth av< le; do' i MM chung avenue to Front street; uu it street to Park avenue; down c avenue. Here the parade wfll and speeches will be made, mong tbe speakers : for tbe occas- ion are: Ex-Mayor Nowry, of Cam- den, the chairman of tbe State ti- •e committee, and Alfred Hayley. State collector of straws. After the speech making, the Hay. lakers will adjourn to the banquet ill In the Sttllmsn building, where .nner Is to be served by a New York iterer, who is a member of tbe aymakers. He Is to be assisted by iveral local members. During tb« inquet. tbe Haymakers are to be itertalned t.y JoM-pb Wood and hla New York talent Many of the nearby Haylofts will make the trip to this city by wi'on. The Pertb Amboy lodge, sixty strong. awn" by four horses. Tbe committee on arrangements oni the Wetumpka Hayloft ta com- posed of: A. E. Wlllard. R. W. Os- ind, F. W. Wagner. Mlcbael Arm- r--.it.-. Mattbew Muracoe and E. P. 1CHRORS < \r.i I;I> i"if .II r; WHKN PAMILV QCARRRLRD. Becaute tbe neighbors butted IQ when Joseph stall, and hts wife, ct it Ttilnl street, ware having % lly Jar last night. tb« police wer« imoned and Stalb brought to dquarters -Where ,he> was locked up pending a hearing. This nsf.rniriK Judge Runyon sua- pended a sentence of sixty days over I'S head In an effort to Insure hla future good behavior. Stalb wit naolent to tbe court and only *-*- ^aped getting off this time becaus* of the fact tbat he Is the father it five children, tbe youngest of whom or montbs old. BK Repaired. Tbe Interior of Grace M. E. church ndergoing thorough repair ana vation, and a new carpet la t.i laii). No aerrlcc WM held last Sunday, but next Sunday the pulpit ill b i d b R porators ar Christian Lundbaeh. I Mr and Mra. Howard Turrill. wi rthet, Frant* Goldman.'their (wo daughters, have gone J A M l l I , ae gone to Otto C. Jensen. Jens A. Muller. and I Frederick. Maryland, for their lum- Soren M. Bovenaon, aU of this city. met racatlon. The Constitutionalist VOI>. XLII PLAINFIELD. N. J„ THURSDAY. AUGUST . 1910. II* CMUH. in !>!» A«U»QrtUf ." M-di-on. NO. 31. JUDUKES CANDIDACY« « Vivian M- U*l> Acc.pt. Bn- dommeot of Puulo Ko- publlcun. at Dionar. I'RWT Ml «m» THE IHIOH. 10 PLAY nil Tfc. iu.rcB.nU Eaal Kroal •tr.-t Halm that tb«, c«n t«at th. Wat Kroal atravt "toia-»»rh* •• hall and a aaai. ba. beaa ar- i*ad bataeea lB—« alnaa lor to- VIUS l JOKE »on win mi m SESSION 01 ms MSI Tbla Combination Halpa Farm am and Markat Oard- anam and Doaa Damage. i.ii.htmm, run riUJiu. Hare at niorr'ja .turnon oa Cntaal bval It v111 ba la th. Batura of a ralebra- tlon 63 lb* Tburudar balf-bolldat. loth t- an., ar* la In. MU. and an. out lor blood—that'. «*•» lb* «*m* la to ba plarad Bear tba boapltal So adtnlaalon '* lo b* chanted, tba rosiest being oaly tor the sport and .... . ... for tbo decision of Ike r h.mplon.hlp ,h * ^ of Kroat .treat , coran.errl.1 *" d -lad -bleb arcoat- ban Tba «.m. I. to b. called a, ! '-*'»•"> >1* 'bund*' alorat ot raater- •barp ! !»>•• mirnywl, Trvrw Strut k mm\ (•runs I(nil* —Mr* ThrmlMi 11.1M in*. Iff M—t— iMi. VIHan M. la-alt. commit •lo.rr of banklnc and In.oranre. ... formally Ihdtrwd for (loreraor _____ . . I a dinner alien la bl. honor by,.., 0 day. the farm. and et.o. ... (ho member. of (ho PM«lf County 1 A C lA>hrxaMn |. , be captain of dwr * «°* * h » l , ,he > w « *T Republican (’ommtuw at Paterson. I |he Eb#i FrttBt street contingent. J*** *••* for Republican CoPDnw w nirmiu. Ih , East From , lretl rostlMnnt. " r " lost night. Ho accepted (bo Inwhile J. Weinberger U the leader of July--agi domoanopt and aald bo ooold bo the otbor leam. Tbe line-up of tb© J ho "* h ,ll# r *'* candida'v More (ban 10d proml- y Ml Froot nlnfa m Harry lnch - •’** floor (ho bcglaaJo« pood heavy rain. Al- nfall wan loaa (ban an opart. It took proportions of del parts sad did amount of good. parts of tbo city aa well post tn**n In tbo party ««t© present - |«,f t n©|d; Ha. 1.1 and shouted their awroral of **»« j r |gbt Arrhpr Xjrvy conior choice of Our VI*." The cries •" .Bold; Benson Meaney. ahorUtop; Wo want >*>»: *•* w » n « >««• '**• . Charles Toot, third base; Robert Tbo next Governor!" were beard I Barnard, second music. Jr.. flnt base. Tbo diners wore not aati.Bed an- | fBlrb , r . BBd A . C Eohrman. pitcher. j •M°rable damage •- —- til they hoard from Mr. Load*. When Kor unllllown rr ason the Want and |,, * n ‘t ,n K Kraln ,n afferent |«rts bo Sf.— to apeak there wore nore I Iroit alreot aRgrcpatiop la krepln? | ° f comnty. In “~ and rhoeriBR. Mr. I^wla wont «i| BI *. U p wcref> » ul B K<HMi %Mmv ,er U A summer sopswhich promts** to be a MR sbclol .uVce«i and which will bo foaturod by afalk by Judpo William N. Hubjod, of this city, who will probably bo the Republican can- didate for Congress from tbe Fifth district, will bo bold Ip tbe Elk club rooms at Elisabeth tomorrow nlcbt. Tbere will bo do Initiation*. Apothor foature of-tbo will be tbe report of the grand lodge repretent.Mlves. Augustus W Schwarts, on the Elka* convention at Detroit. Tbe inane© committee ban an Interesting report to anbmlt at tbe business session to tbe effect thst a permanent loan on the bom# has been obtained Fine entertalnm aided by the house committee, rora- posed of George I*. Hlrtzel. Victor Robor. McKean. The tremeidowe eecoe4 flooc th ® ** ew ha * been tlrely lilted with handsome for- nlture. Visiting Elks now claim that local lodge has tbe finest horn- m ARE MBS __ l^wls went H BH . right into the matter of his can*!-1 \ t " pVorni*-^^"VewlhVltln! dary. and after reviewing the politi- cal past be placed himself .on record being In fa of a reservoir for of tbe water* for tbe people northern New Jersey. Ho referred to the water bills passed by tbe last legislature and nrged tbo amend- ment of the .public utilities bill. County Chairman Georg* W. Pol- lift presided. Tbe gathering was an Informal one. f'reaeot were Stale Henator John D. Prince. Assembly- men MeCran. I^ydc-a. Moor*. Plk- aart and Itadrl'ffe County Clerk John J Slater. Sheriff John Rancler Homier Senator Wood McKee. State Water Commissioner Georg' WrtRht and county officials Vivian l*evr|s and Profeeaor were late In arriving. The doctor motored all Ihe way from bis hoi and met Mr I*ewl* as be arrived the train from Trenton. After abort rest at the Hamilton dob they went to the Colt Reatanrmnt. where the diners were waiting. Tbe entrance of Mr. Lewi* was the sig- nal for a rousing welcome. All stood up as a Mg red. white and blue ban ner wa. unfurled In the rear. The band "truck up tbs “Star Spangled Manner.- and changed qulckl * For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow.” all present Joining In the chorus. Senator Prince was the first speaker responding to a toast •‘Or- ganisation.” The speaker said was In favor of some plan for the education of ths young man on Kanlzatlon line©, explaining to t! the system of government, city, state and national. He then pro- posed a toast to Mr. Lewis I ask you all to drink with me to a man whose life has always bom Ilfs of results: n record that has alwa>s been a credit to hi* party on* who has served bis s'ato faith follv. quietly and capably: an Ides Psbllc servant—Vivian M. Lowia, oar next Governor." Hardly had th* speaker sat down when there were l*sl«tent cries of "Low!*. lowl«. our next Governor: oh. yon d b..c: Frad Hacker ; •* 'be .abdrb. h..v, ball pra- |h . Cbaric > t>ir » ro . [e-dad 'ba d»*nK>"r of rain and can-j _ ~ REVISED BUILDING Cl IS NEARING COMPIITION ashlngton Val- id th© full force of the wind was felt. Here tbe wind resem- bled a hurrlcano In strength and what it did not blow down It beat close to tbo ground and created a feeling of uneasiness. Lightning got In somn pretty work In th* heavens and at the same tl Th* Councnmanlr ire and bulld- g commltle* will meet tonight to j further consider Ihe revised bulld- Kuneral service# for Kell Carthy. assistant State factory in- j tree on tho prem Vie?* After the din the vole* of a tall, nosth-nivm young man In th* rvar rouuj be beard : "Hear, hear." H# was recognised. He was Fred V Moor*, county committeeman of th* fterond district of the Eleventh *'»'«!. Mr Lewis's own ward Mr. Mdor* r*«4 ,he following resolu- tion* ."Wh*-reaa. The Republican party I* September of this year ta to nornl- “Ata a candidate for the oArv of Go.ernor of New Jenwy. and Where**. Passaic County Is the home of * maB . horn and reared In tie city 0 f patemon. who In every °*ce he has held has exhibited a ca- ia hl * morli la * manner •blob h*a tho roopoct. confidence •J* * , f p O*al of the people throngh- ®«t this regardless of party ifelUtkiQ and Whereas. Relieving him fnllr H«‘M>ed to administer the high ©f- •f* of Governor of New Jer*ev: tVr**oro tv. || "Rea,>lved. That we. the Passaic Republican romnilt'ee. re- jmfsllr submit to the vMers of , the name of Vivian M. y* 1 * for , hc ofllre of Governor 't Jersey, and hereby pledge our- T**" ^ the attainment of hla •miaatloa Played havoc wl h womm people*,^ whlcfc wl u, prated property. Over In Martinsville s«v- jth# Common C<MJB <.„ pr0 b.bly early ( cr.l * *ZX%* V* of beta i | B lbe FalL Bny chan|ce . hmTe Me-1 wera struck by tbe bolts of Jove. \ of John P. Van apactor, wbo bird rrrr auddaa'v at J N >*' »aa .truck and brcaa to bam. bU bum-. 8«T MarUa Ur—t. Kiln- Th* nama bolt apt Bra to the ander- b-th. Satordar nlchl. war* I,did hrnah and Krau. naarb r and -on.- lir 0>e . ho for ,,, tardar moraine at th.. ettarrh ot thp. munirotpd to tba tea— Tba «v* judaraHao Holr Roaarr, In El Ira b-th |crap' "P -!»*• "> 'ha oatholldlaita, narlna the Urn* that th* cod* ha. Tba -hur-h «* thronit-d with ra-j which In a marn-at would "*" j b—a under r-vl.loo rapra—atatlva. latlv— and frlrnda. A d-l-ratlon of bat th* an.alnit rain aldad , (roni , n , Tarlou , IridM h ,„ mw . .. S ?' " M "‘« «?• '*>««' ,.IU the commit.-, maklna .urraa- In tbla clt, hailstone, hair aa Inch : Uon , b> the com- been made In tbe code, bringing It up to date so that It will meet pres- ent-day requirements In budding, and the members will probably set member# of tho M*UI Polishers and Buffers' Union and from the Singer plant, where be was employed ap to six years ago when he received the appointment aa assistant factory In- spector. attended tbe services. The Rev. James J. Reynolds, of tbe Holy Rosary church, of which Mr. McCar- thy was a communicant officiated at the high mass of requiem. Tbe floral tributes were beautiful. Among them were a large pillow bearing the word* "My Husband.” a large standing wreath from the Met-" al Polishers and Buffer** Union, a large pillow from the Get Together llunch. or this city. Inscribed. "O. T. H.," a wreath from the William Hall- man n Association marked "Our Friend.’ and a wreath from tbe Ber- gen Association. The pallbearers were Andrew Mc- Cardell. William Tompayne. William Schlarbtcr, Daniel Dillon. Henry Tonng and Thomas Y Bye. Inter- ment was made In Mt. Olive! f tery. Elizabeth. in diameter fell for several minntes. u a guidance i n framing th- but a. (ar a. can b- ^-ertalaed did „„ bu „d»ra have no particular dam.*-. It wa. ra- | b ., p tb , commltt— mored this morula* that a man bad Tb-r- 1. no Id-a of complllna » cod. b-n .truck h, IHtbtalnc la th. , bat c „, ua t . a hardthlp. but claltr of Eanwood at 8 o'clock ln«! lt prol>0 ^, har « ,a.t will alkht. but the .lory wa* not Termed j fuU , protK , t lbe C | tr a . we aa lbe tbl. laorolaa. ' bulld.ra. A barn li-longlnc to Mra. Klin-1 he'll Harrla, of fir—nbrook road. llun.llen. wan atruck by ll|tb!nln( H««TKI> KKOM BPa> laal -v-nlnjt durtn* tb* b-l(bt of tkcj 'Ttt'KI, JOKEK Board of Haalth OItm Daalara Until Aufuit 8 to ICako Change*. tril.1. THKA HEX.IN tHTSAHK. None Opposition M-t With Arno. Oty store* and Hp-etow. Antu- MeoU Heard—Mwt Obey law. oi 11. m i co. Tomorrow the employed of A. * Force A Co., following their usus custom, will enjoy the whole day li an outlag. By way of a change from tbe usual trip to the mountains (bey will this time take In the beauties and pleasures of the seashore at An- bury Park The employes will gather at tbe store tomorrow morning at o'clock and march In a body to the station Where they will take the special car provided for them which will be at- Tb ’TT" LL' 1 ; BO YV ,1 '~bed » on which Trinity Health —bo bn. bw bu.y during , Sunday acbool will travel tb. p..t weak watrhlag lb. chaag*. rtor , Sp la , d“T °.w, ,o, r.?: >-*- o-n n..d. b, ,b. -»b tb. tor'll':- ; a r~";r,r ssezts *!;“T, ' th * -"""of- tb. Jipaneae p*r.or he.lth'alBeer ^r.^not'wUtTtY.i Dear' r >ro,l ded with tb. accompaniment ot health offlewr doe. not wl.h to •pmr rln band funllab , be BuaW . s h " “T d«l- comir.Itteo ha, left aotblag un- h " ""•’ w * n ' ,0 lb ' U * com "i done tb.t -.11 tend to the comfort of piiM -lin I tbe faithful worker. In lb* While Believing l b gt thoge who have not I Slorr . E rr ,„l„ t ot lutcct will yet compiled with the requtwt or tb.lh, rla | t ,d god It goo. without laying hoard -III ultimately gee Ihe reawm-1 lba[ tomorrow will bo a red letter ahlono.. of 1he law. Mr. O'Brien has| day In tb , b |.tory of Iheae annual allowed them until ne«t Monday toloallng.. Retarnlng th. train will minjiiErH ArranjfsmsnU About Com. pletod for 8t«to Convention on Saturday. KirWIKD. ply with tbe provisions of ths act. After that day a systematic In- spection of all tho stores will to made and action taken ss seems to warrant In each Individual case. Tbe law provides (hat all food stuffs exposed for sal., must be cov- ered with a protecting screep or otb- devle* which will prevent contam- ination from file# and dust and fixes fines all (be way up from |50 ac- cording to the offense. Tho notice requiring ih# changes be made to protect fruits and oth- food was Issued during the w*«k ending July 23. and tbe Board of Health believes ample time has been given to all the dealers In town to make the necessary changes In their stores. However, the added time Is allowed for thorn* who hare not yof, n fit to follow the suggestions ade leave the shore at 7.10 and will ar- rive home at about * oarlock MUSI BRING en 1111 STOLEN 01 MAY 12 Housekeepers ar* reminded that on Thursday afternoon* during Aa* the mere turn ta will close their tores so that their rlerks may have afternoon and evesilag off. and they should govern themselves ar- cordlnxlv about their purchases The adoption of the rule to give the clerks a half-day a week during the warm weather has met with popular pproval. not only by tbe rlerks. hut 11liens generally, and It Is believed thst all will co-operate to make the change a success. The local stores will close at noon and customers are urged to plan their trading so that tbe clerk* can get away promptly at 13 o’clock, arrow the clerks st the store of . Force £ Co. will be given the entire day. and they will go to Al- bury Park with the Trinity Re- formed church excursion Tepper Brothers bare decided lo close their dry goods store all day Thurs- day during August. thunder storm and was entirely sumed together with several tons of hay. Fortunately tbe team of hoi with the harness and two wagons were rescued from tho burning bond- ing. The loss I* estimated at |600 The conference of Young I'ooplo’i Societies of Presbyterian churches s Pocono Pines Assembly. Monroe county. Pennsylvania, opens tonight with an address by Karl Lehman. In- terstate secretary of the United So- ciety of Christ an Endeavor. Wal- ter Flrstbrook. the delegate to tho conference from the Hope chapel society, writes that from all Indica- tions this conference will greatly cede tbe last one In stir and Influ- ence. Delegates are preenr from New Jersey. Sew York. Delaware. Pennsylvania. Ohio. Washington. D. C . Maryland and M eet Virginia. Through a suggestion made l*y Mr. Flrstbrook last winter, the con- ference will bold a Christian Citlsen- ahlp and Temperance evening, with Kev. Dr. Johnson, of Washington. N. J.. the chairman of the State Chris- tian Endeavor Christian Cltlxen com- mittee as tbe speaker. Last night about 11 o'clock Mr" Bertram C. Flrstbrook. of Plainfield, who. with her sister. Mi a Clara Guyor. Is stopping at the Newburgh hotel, was roused from sldniber when tho clerk of the hotel received a telephone message, presumably from her husband, s'atlng that he would be down on tbe theater train early this morning Together two ladlea clambered out of bed dresiM-d and aat on tbe front porch ready to greet Mra. Flrstbrook hubby when be arrived, but they wnltqd In vain, Flrstbrook came not. It wa* no doubt ihe work of sodi practical Joker who would bettei have been lost la slumber himself —Asbury Park Journal. Trinity Excursion Tomorrow. Unless tomorrow (urns out to dismal, atormy dm/, the Trinity Re- formed Sunday school will go on Its annual excursion to Asbury Park Ocean Grove. Tho Trinity school will bo accompanied by tbe school’ of the Net her wood Reformed church and tbe Marronuler chapel, with a ipeclal car for the employees of A. ?. Force £ Co. The train will leave Plalafleld at * a. m.. and will tart from Asbury Park at 7:10 Mr. tpgar Resign*. Frost at Htmldarvlav ille. c. Force, who returned yester-. day from Stoddardsvllle. Pa., where! be spent a couple of weeks, said this Doming that On Monday last tho hermometer registered 37 degrees Fahrenheit and that there «ua per- ceptible fros*. Stoddardsvllle D ween Wllkco-Barre and Pocono. KurfriM HI. B.II W.H.V Ktanyzly.y. * Polark 11— **° ''*“>• Pearl atrvwt. who waa amwt t'h.rlo. Hill, 'h- trollvy car rowdy rd la th. horouch for di.ord.-ly i who wa. waivnrwd to My a flu. of dart oa July »”d relvaa^l "n|»IO by City Jad*. William S. Itna- II! 50 ball, rorfoltod bit ball tkla yoa yntrrdir. tad hi. 8or paid by moral.* by fallla* to apiwar la tb. | aivmbvr* of hi. family tbl. morulas borouith ovurt for a haarta*. Ar- and wa. rrlnwd from the cuatody rordln* to hi. wtfv. EvaoyxUy •.[of the police. dlmppmrrt from the boroofrh had [ 1 left her dn.rt.d- lb—d VIMiKllia . At th. resular a-.tln* of th. Hop. tn.p.1 KrwM ! Board of Eduration hold ta th* Th.r» will be ao morula* aervlcvw'llldh School balldla* laat al*ht I lo Hop. Chapel oa Sunday morala*. there wa. Ja.t a eaoram prevent I durln* Ihe month of Annat. hot theiNothtu* bat th. foa'ln. bn.laeu wa. *». a Y" r ' " f r -** 1 FronI at reel..[ evealn* devotion will *o on aa u.unlltranaarted u_,T » "l*hl watrhmaa at the! bedanln* at « o'clock. The Mr-1 lBa '"‘«ht drpot. for the put nln^J vice, will be la .bar*, of K.n T:! ' h r —'yed hi. portion I Miller. . .rud.tit at th. t'alon r?’ l :, r -*' r *‘ Ka'lroad and r^|olo«l b U "* 4 * *hclwrl«hl and I ' 'ft,11,’ of J Koreerwoo. prl okwlcal Seminary. Sa'arday Special. nneth! Ibtarwcl KnMa M'mUln* Trip. 1 Mr and Mr. Charlu Tewaley Jhave retnraed to Plainfield after a j we^dln* trip lartln* two weeh* Th. adver- i a.wly married roople routed Con- ••• |aeeKtrat and New Tork .tat. fhtmprtl Kubtil.li oa th. Street. B.nny Durr, a laborer of Resent ativwt. wa. nrr.l*ned In the boroash roort thli niomln* charted with dumpln* rubblah in th. pablle •irvvia. After a sovor* warning by Rocorder Dolllvcr. asatonce was sus- pended PUiaArMer* at Patrhngae. Among automobile tourists arriv- ing this week at the Clifton House. Patcbogue. L. L. are Mr. and Mrs. T. S. 'Vheeier. of Park avenue, and Mr. and Mrs A G Hagedom. of Rah- way road." Manilas u> Aot«inobiliM>. Owners of machine* are hereby cautioned to observe danger signals marked "wear and tear” on all tires on egr* operated by th«m. and to re- member that tho rood to tho Stand- ard Tire-Vulcan!xlng Co.. Ill Madi- son avenue. Plalafleld. X. J.. U the way out of all tiro difficulties Tires rebuilt by as "la the modem way." mark Urge results at small outlay. Phono No.. 419 Plalafleld. > I If m w. t. ••• —Cso Proms Want ads The wheel which was stolen from William G. Cramer, of Dunellen. May 12 laat has been traced to Bray. Jr., of Plainfield avenue, v bought It of Ollle Paine*, a colored than, who In turn obtained the bi- cycle from William Totten who stole It and who Is now in Jail at Now Brunswick awaiting the action of ’.be September grand Jury. Fa Inc* waa In court this moral tv.ron. tatto .,7^; I “a *am»tv<l buyln* th. wh..l from - aublect to Ih. wm. law and It 11?"“ a*t do for Ihe bakers and peddlers neglect their duly in regard protecting tbe goods they deliver or carry on their wagons, for they also will be carefully Inspected and per- haps will have to be prosecuted. The argument has been raised that fruit while on the tre© or vino Is not covered and therefore Is unprotected, but this will not alter the law. Af- ter Monday the crusade will begin In earnest, says Mr. O’Brien. The Elisabeth Board of Aldermc at Its monthly meeting Monday night passed on Its third reading the annu- al appropriation ordinance for the support of tbe city government. The budget this year Is 9603.&32.97. Fire Commissioner Charles Chandler was reappointed by Mayor for a term of five years was confirmed by the hoard. The Mayor, on the ground that there waa no general demand for free concerts during the balance the summer and fall In the city parks vetoed an ordinance appropri- ating |4S0 for this purpose. Alderman McGurn asked that steps be taken by the Railroad Comm' prevent the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad from obstructing wllh (Is cars the Amboy avenue grade cross- ing. The total valuation of Elizabeth this year will be. It Is estimated, about 154.000.000. I’raise Kopertotesdent McDowell Persons who have occasion to drive, through Rock avenue between Front street and tho brook, are sounding the praises of Superintendent Mc- Dowell. of the City Alms House. He iaa cleaned tbe road of all weeds, straightened the gutter* and other- wise Improved that thorougfare. Rro- dents in this vlctalty appreciate Mr. McDowell's interest and work, de- claring that It Is the first time in a long time that tho road has been im- proved. Sub-tetloa Oprow Auiud I*. Tbe third sub-sfatlon of the Plain- field poatofficc. which la to bo locat- a Elmer Mills’ store at Front street and Cllstoa avenue, will be opened August li The o'her two uh-statlons are located at Dehle and Stahl s candy store on Somerset •treat mad J C. Field s atatloamry store on Park avenue. I—« a Valuable Horse. isc V. Smalley of Dunellen. loat a valuable horse this morning. While driving near Mansion’* Hotel, be- tween Dunellen and Brook, tbe ani- mal dropped dead from heart trouble. Bray, for 12S.50 on the Instalment Plan. Falnes seemed to tblok that he was not guilty of receiving stolen goods and did not show any concern regarding hla position until Judge Runyon filled out a complaint againsi him. Then he changed hla mind and told the Judge that he would see young Bray and try to secure the re- turn of the wheel. The court al lowed him until Friday morning l< accomplish this result. No blame Is attached to Mr. Bray for purchasing tbe whel as bo was unaware that the bicycle was stolen, but It Is quite likely that both he and Falnes will get Into serious trouble unless lbe wheel Is In court on Fri- day mora'ng. In reply to a letter, addressed him by V. W. Nash. Jr., on July 27. Edmund Wilson. Attorney General of this State, declare* In a letter celved by Mr. Nash this morning that It la out of hla province to ani the questions propounded and de- clines to set the matter straight In far as It relates to the nominations of city Judge. Councilman at Large and Board of Education aspirant In the letter, which Is a primed IrruTsr. the Attorney-General says that “As the Attomey-Geaoral has no legal power to give official an swers to th# question* contained !n tho letter of Mr. Nash, he begs to be rased from Indicating any opln- U." Thus the matter remains In sUtu quo and everybody will have to Inter- pret the law, as printed In tho Dally s on July 27 to suit himself. Mra. I.e<»nard Kip Here. rs. I.eonard Kip. of Amoy. China, who Is homo on furlough. Is tbe guest of Rev. and Mrs. Daniel Rapalje. rf Carlton avenue. She will return to her station In the fall. Mrs. Kip. the wife of Rev. Dr. Leonard KIp. who died recently, and for many s she and her husband were as- sociated with Mr. and Mrs. Rapalje. hen they were missionaries In China, and their talk over tba old s la very Interesting. Mrs. KIp bag many friends here, who wUI ao doubt he pleased with the opportun- ity to meet her wnlle oho Is In town. qort Prorkled for—Commit- tee of «% .Tsagmeat* Assnuscrd. Arrangements for the State con- vention of Haymakers, which Is to he held in this city on flaturday. warm completed by the supervising com- mittee from tbe Plainfield Hayloft, at a meeting laat night. "Everything w ready.” said A. K. Willard, the chairman of Ihe committee on ar- rangemnt# to a I»ally Press reporter this morning “for the greatest con- vention of lodge men that bag ever been held In Plainfield. It Is a State convention and delegaitlona will ha here from every Hayloft In New Jer- The Wetnmpha Hayloft Is do- ing everything possible to make tho day an cajoyabfo one for tha aa- bllng brother*." I* In expected that one thousand Haymakers from all over tbo State will be In this c'ty. AO the State jr- fleers will be present as many Im- portant matter* pertaining lo tba Stale lodge are to he discussed. Bev- i oral prominent men have promised to address the Haymakers during their stay here. The officer* ar© duo to arrive la town tomorrow night, while the oth- er Haymakers do not come hero until Saturday. A grand conven- tion of officers is to be held on Ratur- day morning In the loeal Hayloft from 10 to 12 o'clock. During this time the other members of tbo lodge are to be mtertalned In Proetor’a theatre and shown about the city by a commute© appointed for that pur- pose. At 1 o'clock all the Haymakers In- cluding tbe officers, will line up la marching order In front of Proctor's theatre, the greatest parade of lodga men over seen In this city, will thon begin. Several bands have been en- gaged for the occasion- and It is ex- pected that | thousand men will ba In line. Tho parade upon starting, will march up West Front street to Lib- erty street: down Liberty lo Fifth street: down Fifth street to Madison avenue to Front street: down Front street to Park avenue: down Park avenue to North avenue: down North avenue to Watcbung . avenue. up Watrhung avenue to Front street; up Front street to Park avenue; down Park avenue. Here the parade will halt and speeches will be made ng Ihe speakers for tbe ocran- ion are- Ex-Mayor Nowry. of Cam- den. the chairman of the State fi- nance committee, and Alfred Hayloy, Stale collector of straws. After the speech making, the Hay- makers will adjourn ta Che banquet hall In the Stillman building, where U to served by a New York caterer, who Is a member of tbe Haymakers. He Is to assisted by several local members. During tha banquet, the Havmakers are to he entertained by Joeeph Wood sod bis New York talent Many of the nearby Haylofts will make the trip to this city by va'on. The Perth Amboy lodge, sixty strong, will come here In two wagons, each drawn by four horse*. The committee on arrangements from the Wetumpk* Hayloft Is com- posed of A. E Willard. R. W Os- land. F. W. Wagner. Michael Arm- strong. Matthew Mursco© and E. P. Dorman. Baca use the nelghbdra butted In when Joseph Stalb and bis wife, cf WVwt TblwJ street, were baring a family Jar laat night, the police were summoned and Stalb brought to headquarters where .he was locked up pending a hearing. This morning Judge Runyon sus- pended a sentence of sixty days over Htalb’s head In an effort to Insure hla future good behavior. Stalb wvi insolent to Che coart and only es- caped getting off this dm© because of the fact that he Is the father of five children, the youngest of whom Is four months old. Church Bring Repaired. The Interior of Grace M. E. church Iteni-h Church Incorporate*. Is undergoing thorough repair and The Be'banls Danish Evangelical renovation, and a new carpet la t.» church to be located at 10fi Madison be laid. No service was held las a*, this city, was Incorporated Sunday, but aext Sunday th* pulpit yesterday Paper* of Incorporation will be occupied by Rev. Mr, Mac. ere filed In the office of the County I Rorie. of Ml. Horeb. Clerk James C. Calvert. Tbe tncor-1 Porators are: Christian Luadbach. I Mr. and Mrs. Howard Turrtll. with Christian Northet. Frants Goldman. I their two daughters, have goat to Otto C. Jensen. Jeas A. Muller, and I Frederick. Maryland, for their sujb- Boren M. Boren son. all of this city. I mer vacation.
Page 1:  · THE CONSTITUTIONALIST VOL. XLII PLAINFIELD. N. J., THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 1910. NO. 31. Vivian M- L.«wi» Accept* Ei doraemant of Paaeaic Se-publicana at Dinner. TMK ...


Vivian M- L.«wi» Accep t* Ei

doraemant of Paaeaic Se-publicana at Dinner.


JUPITER PLUVIUS ^ JOVE RUNYON WILL SPEAK Ii i l IT nrnnmu nr rigoU Tliis Combination Help. HI OlOOlUI, Ul [LM

_ B-..,,..•1- »f nankin* and I

The merchant, of East *"ron- ic- i claim that they e&n beat tinWat Front mruet *tore-keel>ers •baseball and a. game h u been »rranged between these Dine* for to

I be In i)n- nature o[ a celebra,6t the Thuradsy half-boliday

Tbi. Combination Help.Farmer, and Market Gard-

eners and Does Damage.


A summer session, which promise*lie a big social suWess, and which

will be featured by a tulfc by JudgefWilliam N. Ku

y. of this city, wh


[or blood—that's why the gamei be played near the hospital. I

to be charged, tbe_._, being only for the sport and

Vivian M Lewis, statn commii-1 j o r t j , e decision of the championship I ™«" tne po«si•ioner of banker and tn.urance. \ t F r o B t , t w t - , commercial mem- «KU»I I I« •»<! 'was formally Indorsed for Governor ^ T h e B a r o e t l t o be called i t W n W t n » thu*<at a dinner given tn bis honor b y [ 2 . , n - h day. the tarm«rIhe members of the Pasaale County A c | ^ n m a n l s I h e r a | , , a | n o r Metiers got whatRepublican Committee at Patersoo. ) | ) e E M t Vrim\ street contingent. l o n E i ( 1 K f<

Ilarn HI (iiweubrook m-ir..j. .l ,

Tivr* sirurk aad G n w Ignll-

—Kin- T h m l e M Build-

i ng In MarUswrlllei.


111 probably be tbe Republicaidldate for Congress from the Fifthdistrict, will be held 1 a Elk club

night.Elizabeth tomorrowThere will be no Initiations.

AtoUer feature of • tbewill be tbe report of the grand

{lodge representatives. Augustus W.•hwartz. on tbe Elkn' convenUon at

Dan Interesting reportthe business session tc

it loan onbeen obtained.

Fine entertali

tbe effect that

Board of Health Gives Dealer.Until August 8 to Make




Some Opposition Met WIUi Among

City Store* and Specious .'

MratK Heard—Must

Obejr I«w.

Tbe Inspectors of the BHealth wbo have been busythe past week watching tbeing made in some of tbe iwhich fruit and other t

aale are to be »

Tomorrow toe employe* ot A. KForce * Co., following their usualCustom, will r-njov the wHole day In•n out ins;. By way of a change fromthe usual trip to the mountains theywill this time tali.- in the beautiesand pleaaures of the seashore at As-bury Park.

Tbe employes will gather at the•tore tomorrow morning at B o'clockand march In a body to the stationwhere they will tak« tbe special carftrovided for them which will be *t-tacbed to the train on which Trinity

Arranprementa About Com-pleted for State Convention

on Saturday.


V*rm,U- »n.l 1U

in-'t Fro*hle«] for—Commit-

ti-.- of .», ranxmenl-

tngs-ments for t ie State con-n ot Haymakers, which Is to1 In this city on Saturday, w«r*

ompleted by the supervising com-the Plainfleld Hayloft, at


111 they ueara rrom Mr. l^ewis. wneniij .o r ^ j , , , ,lie aro*« to sjiealt tbpre were more J,-ront »t-rle( nod fhe^rfDK. Mr. l^wls went >ua m^u

WashlngtIs Bald the full force of theas felt. Here the wind resem-

hurricane In strength anddid not blow down it bent

lo the ground and created aK of uneasiness,

t.tsbtnlng got In som* prettr work

he law, Mr. O'Brien has day Inright lDto Hi.- matter of his randl-dary. on<] after reviewing the politi-cal past he placid himself ton recordan being In favor ot the establishingof a reservoir for the conservationof the waters for the people ofnorthern New Jersey. He referredto the water bills pawed by tbe la*

iii.nt of the public utilities bill.- County Chairman George W. Pol-lift presided. The gp.theribg wu aninformal one. Present were StateSenator John I>. Prince. Assembly-men Mi-Cran. Layden. Moore, Plk-Slirt and Radrl!ffe. County ClerkJbhn J. Sinter, Sheriff John Flancler,HornuT :•' i- -•• '•• Wood McKee. State^'ater Commlsiiio-ier George W.

ty officials.


Vii J-WIH and professor Princei la rrlTitii

they vent lo the Cowhere the rtlnerc w*M^nt-ranrn of Mr. 1-ewl

blind !]t;inn,-

up (he "Sta

The d.>m his borne\e arrived onin. Arter anllt on Club

Restaurant,raltlnR. Thewas the sie-ae. All stood]ind bli


' ' H | ^ 1 ' ' I L. . . J J I • T , h* . . - L r r . F h I L ' . . . ' . . • V *

liril irninillV1 a* e n S a n ™e '""her coMlder the rerlsed build-nLiL raunniui jproprtv. o « i. jummnn. « . . i t b , c c „ ^ M l ,

Funeral services for Nell A. Mc-Carthy, assistant State factory In-spector, who died very suddenly at •hU home. 867 Martjn street, Eliza- T n e

beth, Saturday night, were held yei•nini the chit; of ihe ."

Joly Rosary. In Elizabeth. pThe church was thronged with re~!w h i c t l in

atlves and Mends. A delegation of e»ugh'. biMetal Polisher, and Mr. Van t

nd othersck by the bolts of Jove. 4

tbe premises of Jobn P. Vanstruck and began to burn.

e bolt tet fire to the under-<i Brass nearby and com-d io tbe fence. Tbe lire


Buffei In

the ensuing rair<t In subduing they ],;.il-">n« half ar

ie's a Jolly Good Fellow,"present Joining in the chorus.

Senator Prince was the fspeaker, responding to a toast "Orgaolratlon." The speak'

of thalines.

1 Of-inlalnl them

eit;the Intlonal.

posed a toast to Mr. Lewis."I ask you all to drink wl

to a man whose life has alwayia life of results: a record that hasalways been a credit to his part'one who has served bis state faith-fully, quietly and capably: an IdealPublic servant—Vivian M.osr next Governor." Hardly hadttie speaker >it down when therewere lagfitent cries of "Lewi*,t*«i*. our neit Govern.

After the din the voice of a tall.Miooth-Khaven young man In thr*»r could be heard: "Hear. hear.He was recognized. He was Fredv\ Moore, county rommitteeraanHie Second district of the ElevetWard. Mr Lewis's own ward. 1Moore read thp following resnWM;

la SeplPii


the office ori candiOp*eraor of New Jerscv,[Whereas. Passaic Count.v Is the

Mine of » mBn_ bo r n a n d r e a r ed In*h « J of P»t#rson. who In eferyB as held has exhibited a ca-

bis work In a manner

and fi1, •.-.!!<••• he waa employed up toj 'n dlametei

aU years ago when be received the bu* "« 'ar as can be ssras assistant factory m- '"• particular damaKe.

spector. attended tbe services. The mored this morhliJ. Revnoids. of the Holy

Rosary church, of which Mr. McCar-thy was a communicant officiated i tihe high mass of requiem.

The floral tributes were beautiful.I

lightn\M>iiii a istory w Ktt

Fall. Many changes havmade in tbe rode, bringing Itdate so that It will meet pres-ly requirements In building,

and the members will probably set: ••]. one whole meeting for its con-sideration.

During the time that the code hasn a T e jbeen under revision representative*'M** ! from tbe various trades have met

with the committee, making sugges-tions which were Invited by the com-mittee as a guidance in framing the

*» ™- j been a great help to the committee.,n bad 'There is no idea of compiling a codehe vi- t h a t is going to te a hardship, but* l a s t : t t Is proposed to have one that wilerlDed fu]1v protect ihe city as well as thi


ch indivlduirovides tha

staffs exposed for -a!-- mred wltb a protecting scr

flies nd duay up frofines all tbe

cordingTbe notice requiring the changes

and oth-ed during tbe we?k

• July Z3, and the Board «fth believes ample time has been

given to all the dealers in towi

be made to pro


makers frobe In this c'ty. AD the State at.

will: be present as many Im-nt matters pertaining to thnlodge are to be discussed. Be»-

al Polishers and Buffers' Unlo:large pillow from the Get TogeHunch, ot this city, Inscribed. "O. Tn.," a wreath from tbe William 1mann Association markedFriend." and a wreath from the Ber-gen Association.

' Ik

Schlachter, Daniel Dillon. HeiYoung and Thomas Y. Bye. Intment was made in Mt. Olivet Ceitery, Ellubetb. .

HOISKKKKPKRS T O111 i.i- IV KARLV ( | i w \ < ; ,

rs are reminded th;ifternoons during AUK-!..• nt . will close tbelitheir clerks may hav.

i and evetilng off. ameovern themselves ac

ly. and it is believedthat all will co-operate to make thehange a success

The local stores will clone at noon•ged to plan

so that thlmptlv at 12 •Meh

ire ofA. E. Force A Co. will be glren the

iy. and they will go to As-k with the Trinity Re-church excursion. Tepper

Brothers have decided to closegoods store all day Thnrt-g AURust.

Forfeita BU Ball.Walter Kvanyxlpsy. a Polack llv-g on Pearl street, who was arrest-I In the borough for dlsorde-iy

conduct on July 39 and released onS12.S0 bail, forfeited bis bail thismorning hy failing to appear

ugh ocurt for a hearingcarding to his frijfdisappeared from

her deserted.

A barn belonging to Mrs. Eliza-1beth Harris, of Creen brook road !Dunellen was struck by lightning, ™«'TED FROM BKDlast evening during the height of -.he I « Y fW-'KL JOKER

hay. Fortunately thwith tbe harness BEwere rescueding. The lot

1 tons of! I * ' n |Kb t a b o u t ' 1 o'clock Mrof horses I Bertram C. Firstbrook, of PlalnfieL

wagons w h o - *"uh n e r s'ster. Mis Claiine build- G u ver . is stopping at tbe N'ewl

lmated at >5D0.

oung People'sSocieties of Presbyterian churches atPocono Pines Assembly. Moicounty, Pennsylvania, opens ton

address by Karl Lehman. In-secretary of the United So-terstate

ot Chrlstan Endeavor. Wal-ter Ftrstbrook, the delegate to the

rence from: tee Hope chapel:y. writes that from all lndlca-this conference will greatly el-the last one in size and Influ-

Mci.--ate* are presnt fiNew Jersey. N«w York. DeJaw;Pennsylvania. Oblo. Wamhington,(*.. Maryland siu-J West Virginia.

hrough a suggestion made lyFtratbrook last wl:nee will bold; a Christian Cltlxen-

shlp and Tempejran<

J.. the i-hairnian if tbe State Cbris-

when tbe clerka telepfai

o n her husband.ould be d.

early this i

ewburghsi (fltlberhe hotel received


tbe theater trainthebed>reh


clambered outdressed nnd sat on the fr-ready to greet Mrs. Fiihubby wben be arrived, but theywaited tn vain. Flrstbrook came no*.It Was. no doubt the work of somepractical joker wbo would bettei

umber himselfiat.

Trlnflj l-:\uir~ii.n Tomorrow.

dlermal, stormy da/, the Trinity R<-:in,-.l Sunday school will sn on itnnual excursion to Asbury Park

or the N«tberwood Reformed churchthe Mareonnier chapel, with ;

lal car for the employees of A'orce Ic Co. Tbe train will leav«

A. E. Force. *ho returned yeater-ay from Stoddardsvtlle. Pa., where;e spent a couplf of weeks, ssid thtsorninE that <>n Monday last the

«-een WIIkes-Bairre and Pocono.

I -in.- "f * l" I '.'ii'1.Charles Hill, tfie trolley car rowdy

bo was semenried to pay a fine offlO by City Judge William S, Run-

4terday. had his fine paid by,....^rs of his family this morning

and was released from the custody>r the i tltce.

At theBoard

Mr. ApawAfsar. of East Front „ .

% m " i k " "'f"' *atcbnian at tbej beginning at

lastorum p.e busine

H.>pr I I...|- I Service*.There will be no morning eervIceaJHlffh School b i

. __' Hope Chapel on Sunday mornings there was just a qj during the month of August, but tbeiNotbitijc bnt tbe roo'in

t.. cventnp devotion will go on u usnal I transacted.b! o"clock. Tbe ser-l 1 '

f Kenneth! Itrtsrard yrom WoddJns Trip.1 d Mrs. : Charles Towniej

^ * l w l » t depot, for the past nine-! vleea will be In charge of Kenneth I I t r tan*tm th>r"* h " M* iBTlod n l " Position 1 Miller, a student at the I'nlon The-J Mr. at•uatfc. t C<"ntr"' Railroad and re-| ological Seminary.' , have ret:

i Uth l r*d* ** * h «l*r t | th t and] | weddingtrade as wheelwright and]employ of J. Forgerson. of —Rit urday Specials adver-

o Plainfleld after:lne two weeks. Tbe<-.•:;:.- toured Con-

necticn: and N'w York state.


RubhMi on the Kinwt.urr, a laborer of Regen

strew, was arraigned in the borongtcourt this morning charged withdumping rubbish in the publicstreets. After a severe warning byRecorder Dolllver, sentence was BUSpended.

P*trhoj[ue.Among automobile tourists arriv-

ing this week at tbe Clifton House.Patcbogue. L. I., are Mr. and Mrs. T.S. Wheeler, of Park avenue, and Mr.and Mrs. A. G. Hagedorn. of Rail-way road."

Warning to An(i>nv>biliM->.Ownefa of machine* are hereby

'antfooed to observe danger signalsnarked "wear and tear" on all tiresin cars operated by them, and to re-nemb*r tbat tbe road to tbe Staad-ird Tlre-VnlcaaiiinK Co.. 118 Madi-on avenue. PlainB^ld. N. J.. Is theray out of all tire dlfflealtles. Tires•i-built by us "In tbe modern way."nark large results at small outlay.Phone No.. 4 19 Plainfleld.

8 1 tr m. w. f. • • •


wheel which was stolen ftl O. Cramer, of Dunellen.

May 12 last has been traced toBray, Jr., of Plainfteld avenue, •bought It of Ollte Faines. a colonan, who In turn obtained the:ycle from William Totten who st

V' It and who ls now in Jail at Newne is ' B r a n a w l c l ( awaiting" the action of *he

for those who have not yet j SeS.t_e™^r_.^I"_d 2 ? ^

>m. Wagons In the streetto the same law and It

ror the bakers and peddlertt their duty in regard *c; the goods they deliver oitheir wagons, for (hey alsc

will be carefully inspected and per-haps will hare to be prosecuted.

r e ] • ' " l r ; i S * ' i |

dress tbe Haymakers during


seen fit t

X* subjet

protect In

mitted buying the wheel (refor |4.SO and selling It

I Bray, for 12$.5O on tbe instalmeatnes seemed to think tb

reiving stoli

covered and therefore labut this will not alter tter Monday the crusadeearnest, says Mr. O'Brien.

ias been raised thattree or vine is not

fore la unprotected,he law. Af-

be was not guilty cgoods and did not :regarding bts position until Jud>Kunyon filled out a complafnt again:him. Then he changed his mind antold the Judge ilint be would H

Bray and try to secure the ntf the wheel. Tbe court ahim until Friday morning 1ilisb this result.

attached to Mr. Bray


The Hlliabeth Board of AldermeiIts monthly meeting Monday nightased on its third reading the annu-

ipproprlatl.upport of the elty f . The

budget thts year Is $603,532.97.Ire Commissioner Charles

Chandler was reappolnted byMayor for a term ot flve years andwas confirmed by the board.

The Mayor, on the groi

uring tld fall in

parks vetoed an ordinanceating »."" for this purpose

McGurn asked

balance oltbe clt).pproprl-

t stepsbe taken by the Railroad Coi

irevent the Baltimore and OhioRailroad from obstructing with Its

irs tbe Amboy avenue grade cross-ing.

Tbe total valuation of Eliiabetbthis year will be, Uabout t54.OOO.0Oq. '

Pni«e KoperintenalpDt McDowvU.Persons wbo haie occasion to drive.iroughRock avenue between Front.reet and the brook, are soundingle praises of Superintendent Mc-owell. of the City Alms House. Hes* cleaned tbe road of all weed

ned the ters and other-

e th

ed tbat thorougfare. Res-nity appreciate Mr.est and work, de-the first time In a

e road baa been im-

ub-s .. which is to be 1

of the Plain-

ed I Front, wil] be

Elmer Mllife'treet and Clirton avenu•:••:;• I August 16. The:ub*statlons are located at Debleiad Siahl's candy store on Somersettivet and J. C. Field's stationerytore on Park avenue.

No blaifor purchasing the whel as beunaware that tbe bicycle was stcbut it Is quite likely tbat both heFaines will get Into serious trounless the wheel U in court on


In reply to a letter, addhim by V. W. Naab, Jr.. on July 27.Edmund Wilson, Attorney Geneithis State, declares tn a letter re-ceived by Mr. Naeb this morning thaiIt Is out of his province to annwi

suL i. UMpropot

It reli>f City Judge. Councllriii'i Board or Education

In tbe letter, which Iirlrcutar, (he Attorney-Oeneihat "As tbe Attorney-General haa

no legal power to give official

tralght In m

an at Largi


the letii to thi intained '

r of Mr. Nash, be begs t tm

bus the matter Iand everybody w

pret the law. as prlcPress on July 27 to

wbo Is hoy, ,

rlough, is tbe guest>t Rev. and Mrs. Daniel Rapalje.Canton avenue. She will retnrn to

n in the fall. Mrs. Kip, fsof Rev. Dr. Leonard Kip.

who died recently, and for manyirs she and her husband were as-

sociated with Mr. and Mrs. Rapalje.-hen they were missionaries tn

China, and their talk over tbe oldtm

loubt be pleased with tbe opportunly to meet her wnlle ihe Is fn town

gween Dunellen and Brook, the ani-mal dropped dead from brouble.


Imni-li Cbnrch lacorporsgfx.The Beihanls Danish Evangelical

hurch to be located at 100 Madisontvenue. thts city,, was incorporated

yesterday. Papers of Incorporationwere nled In the offlrClerk James C. Calvi

The officers are due to arrive lam tomorrow night, while the otn-

Haymakers do not come beratil Saturday. A grand conven-n of officers Is to be held on Satur-

day morning in the loral Hayloftfrom 10 to 12 o'clock. During thlitime the other members of the.lodsreare to be entertained in Proctor'atheatre andlshowti about tbe city l ya committee appointed for that pur-pose.

At 1 o'clock all the Haymakers In-eluding tbe oulcers, will Une*up Inmarching order In front of Proctor1!theatre, the greatest parade of Iodg«men ever seen In this citjr. will thanbegin. Several b&nds have been en-gaged for the occasion- and It la ex-pected that ;; thousand men will b*In line.

TUfl parade upon starting, wmmarch up West Front street to Lib-erty street: down Liberty to Firthstreet; down Fifth street to Madison

iup to Front street; down Frontstreet to 1'ark avenue-; down Par*

' to Wairth av< le; do' i MM

chung avenue to Front street; uuit street to Park avenue; downc avenue. Here the parade wflland speeches will be made,

mong tbe speakers :for tbe occas-ion are: Ex-Mayor Nowry, of Cam-den, the chairman of tbe State ti-

•e committee, and Alfred Hayley.State collector of straws.

After the speech making, the Hay.lakers will adjourn to the banquetill In the Sttllmsn building, where.nner Is to be served by a New Yorkiterer, who is a member of tbeaymakers. He Is to be assisted byiveral local members. During tb«inquet. tbe Haymakers are to beitertalned t.y JoM-pb Wood and hla

New York talentMany of the nearby Haylofts will

make the trip to this city by wi'on.The Pertb Amboy lodge, sixty strong.

awn" by four horses.Tbe committee on arrangementsoni the Wetumpka Hayloft ta com-

posed of: A. E. Wlllard. R. W. Os-ind, F. W. Wagner. Mlcbael Arm-r--.it.-. Mattbew Muracoe and E. P.


Becaute tbe neighbors butted IQwhen Joseph stall, and hts wife, ct

it Ttilnl street, ware having %lly Jar last night. tb« police wer«imoned and Stalb brought todquarters -Where ,he> was locked

up pending a hearing.This nsf.rniriK Judge Runyon sua-

pended a sentence of sixty days overI'S head In an effort to Insure

hla future good behavior. Stalb witnaolent to tbe court and only *-*-^aped getting off this time becaus*

of the fact tbat he Is the father i tfive children, tbe youngest of whom

or montbs old.

BK Repaired.Tbe Interior of Grace M. E. church

ndergoing thorough repair anavation, and a new carpet la t.i

laii). No aerrlcc WM held lastSunday, but next Sunday the pulpit

ill b i d b R

porators ar Christian Lundbaeh. I Mr and Mra. Howard Turrill. wirthet, Frant* Goldman.'their (wo daughters, have gone

J A M l l I, a e gone to

Otto C. Jensen. Jens A. Muller. and I Frederick. Maryland, for their lum-Soren M. Bovenaon, aU of this city. m e t racatlon.

The Constitutionalist

VOI>. XLII PLAINFIELD. N. J„ THURSDAY. AUGUST ♦. 1910. II* CMUH. — in ■ K» ■!>!» A«U»QrtUf ." M-di-on.

NO. 31.

JUDUKES CANDIDACY« «■“ Vivian M- U*l> Acc.pt. Bn-

dommeot of Puulo Ko- publlcun. at Dionar.


10 PLAY nil Tfc. iu.rcB.nU Eaal Kroal •tr.-t Halm that tb«, c«n t«at th. Wat Kroal atravt "toia-»»rh*™ •• hall and a aaai. ba. beaa ar- i*ad bataeea lB—« alnaa lor to-

VIUS l JOKE »on win mi m SESSION 01 ms

MSI Tbla Combination Halpa Farm am and Markat Oard-

anam and Doaa Damage. i.ii.htmm, run riUJiu. Hare at niorr'ja .turnon oa Cntaal bval It v111 ba la th. Batura of a ralebra- tlon 63 lb* Tburudar balf-bolldat. ■loth t- an., ar* la In. MU. and an. out lor blood—that'. «*•» lb* «*m* la to ba plarad Bear tba boapltal So adtnlaalon '* lo b* chanted, tba rosiest being oaly tor the sport and .... . ... for tbo decision of Ike r h.mplon.hlp ,h* ^ of Kroat .treat , coran.errl.1 *"d -lad -bleb arcoat- ban Tba «.m. I. to b. called a, ! '-*'»•"> >1* 'bund*' alorat ot raater- •barp !■!»>••

mirnywl, Trvrw Strut k mm\ (•runs I(nil*

—Mr* ThrmlMi 11.1M in*. Iff M—t— iMi.

VIHan M. la-alt. commit •lo.rr of banklnc and In.oranre. ... formally Ihdtrwd for (loreraor _____ . . ■I a dinner alien la bl. honor by,..,0 day. the farm.™ and et.o. ... (ho member. of (ho PM«lf County 1 A C lA>hrxaMn |. ,be captain of dwr* «°* * h»l ,,he> w « *T Republican (’ommtuw at Paterson. I |he Eb#i FrttBt street contingent. J***■*••* for Republican CoPDnw w nirmiu. Ih, East From ,lretl rostlMnnt. " r" lost night. Ho accepted (bo Inwhile J. Weinberger U the leader of July--agi domoanopt and aald bo ooold bo ■the otbor leam. Tbe line-up of tb© Jho"*h ,ll# r*'* candida'v More (ban 10d proml- yMl Froot nlnfa „m Harry lnch- •’** *°

floor (ho bcglaaJo« pood heavy rain. Al- nfall wan loaa (ban an opart. It took proportions of del ■parts sad did amount of good. parts of tbo city aa well post tn**n In tbo party ««t© present - |«,ft n©|d; Ha. 1.1 and shouted their awroral of **»« j r|gbt Arrhpr Xjrvy conior choice of Our VI*." The cries •" .Bold; Benson Meaney. ahorUtop; • Wo want >*>»: *•* w»n« >««• '**• . Charles Toot, third base; Robert • Tbo next Governor!" were beard I Barnard, second music. Jr.. flnt base. Tbo diners wore not aati.Bed an- | fBlrb,r. BBd A. C Eohrman. pitcher. j •M°rable damage •- —- til they hoard from Mr. Load*. When Kor unllllown rrason the Want and |,,*n‘t,nK Kraln ,n afferent |«rts bo Sf.— to apeak there wore nore I Iroit alreot aRgrcpatiop la krepln? | °f comnty. In “~ and rhoeriBR. Mr. I^wla wont «i|BI*.Up wcref> »ul B K<HMi %Mmv

,er U

A summer sopswhich promts** to be a MR sbclol .uVce«i and which will bo foaturod by afalk by Judpo William N. Hubjod, of this city, who will probably bo the Republican can- didate for Congress from tbe Fifth district, will bo bold Ip tbe Elk club rooms at Elisabeth tomorrow nlcbt. Tbere will bo do Initiation*. Apothor foature of-tbo will be tbe report of the grand lodge repretent.Mlves. Augustus W Schwarts, on the Elka* convention at Detroit. Tbe inane© committee ban an Interesting report to anbmlt at tbe business session to tbe effect thst a permanent loan on the bom# has been obtained Fine entertalnm aided by the house committee, rora- • posed of George I*. Hlrtzel. Victor “ Robor. McKean. The

tremeidowe •eecoe4 flooc th® **ew ha* been tlrely lilted with handsome for- nlture. Visiting Elks now claim that local lodge has tbe finest horn-


__ l^wls went H BH . right into the matter of his can*!-1 \t" pVorni*-^^"VewlhVltln! dary. and after reviewing the politi- cal past be placed himself .on record a» being In fa of a reservoir for of tbe water* for tbe people northern New Jersey. Ho referred to the water bills passed by tbe last legislature and nrged tbo amend- ment of the .public utilities bill. County Chairman Georg* W. Pol- lift presided. Tbe gathering was an Informal one. f'reaeot were Stale Henator John D. Prince. Assembly- men MeCran. I^ydc-a. Moor*. Plk- aart and Itadrl'ffe County Clerk John J Slater. Sheriff John Rancler Homier Senator Wood McKee. State Water Commissioner Georg' WrtRht and county officials Vivian l*evr|s and Profeeaor were late In arriving. The doctor motored all Ihe way from bis hoi and met Mr I*ewl* as be arrived the train from Trenton. After abort rest at the Hamilton dob they went to the Colt Reatanrmnt. where the diners were waiting. Tbe entrance of Mr. Lewi* was the sig- nal for a rousing welcome. All stood up as a Mg red. white and blue ban ner wa. unfurled In the rear. The band "truck up tbs “Star Spangled Manner.- and changed qulckl * For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow.” all present Joining In the chorus. Senator Prince was the first speaker responding to a toast •‘Or- ganisation.” The speaker said was In favor of some plan for the education of ths young man on Kanlzatlon line©, explaining to t! the system of government, city, state and national. He then pro- posed a toast to Mr. Lewis ‘ I ask you all to drink with me to a man whose life has always bom ■ Ilfs of results: n record that has alwa>s been a credit to hi* party on* who has served bis s'ato faith follv. quietly and capably: an Ides Psbllc servant—Vivian M. Lowia, oar next Governor." Hardly had th* speaker sat down when there were l*sl«tent cries of "Low!*. lowl«. our next Governor: oh. yon

d b..c: Frad Hacker ; “ •* 'be .abdrb. h..v, ball pra- |h . Cbaric > t>ir»ro. [e-dad 'ba d»*nK>"r of rain and can-j _


ashlngton Val- id th© full force of the wind was felt. Here tbe wind resem- bled a hurrlcano In strength and what it did not blow down It beat close to tbo ground and created a feeling of uneasiness. Lightning got In somn pretty work In th* heavens and at the same tl Th* Councnmanlr ire and bulld- g commltle* will meet tonight to j further consider Ihe revised bulld-

Kuneral service# for Kell Carthy. assistant State factory in- j tree on tho prem

Vie?* After the din the vole* of a tall, ■nosth-nivm young man In th* rvar rouuj be beard : "Hear, hear." H# was recognised. He was Fred V Moor*, county committeeman of th* fterond district of the Eleventh *'»'«!. Mr Lewis's own ward Mr. Mdor* r*«4 ,he following resolu- tion* ."Wh*-reaa. The Republican party I* September of this year ta to nornl- “Ata a candidate for the oArv of Go.ernor of New Jenwy. and Where**. Passaic County Is the home of * maB. horn and reared In tie city 0f patemon. who In every °*ce he has held has exhibited a ca- ia hl* morli la * manner •blob h*a tho roopoct. confidence •J* ■*,fpO*al of the people throngh- ®«t this regardless of party ifelUtkiQ and Whereas. Relieving him fnllr H«‘M>ed to administer the high ©f- •f* of Governor of New Jer*ev: tVr**oro tv. || "Rea,>lved. That we. the Passaic Republican romnilt'ee. re- jmfsllr submit to the vMers of , the name of Vivian M. y*1* for ,hc ofllre of Governor 't Jersey, and hereby pledge our- T**" ^ the attainment of hla •miaatloa ”

Played havoc wl h womm people*,^ whlcfc wl„ u, prated property. Over In Martinsville s«v- jth# Common C<MJB<.„ pr0b.bly early (cr.l *™™*ZX%* V* of beta i |B lbe FalL „Bny chan|ce. hmTe Me-1 wera struck by tbe bolts of Jove. \ of John P. Van apactor, wbo bird rrrr auddaa'v at J N>*' »aa .truck and brcaa to bam. bU bum-. 8«T MarUa Ur—t. Kiln- Th* nama bolt apt Bra to the ander- b-th. Satordar nlchl. war* I,did hrnah and Krau. naarbr and -on.- „lir 0>e .ho„ for ,,, tardar moraine at th.. ettarrh ot thp. munirotpd to tba tea— Tba «v* judaraHao Holr Roaarr, In El Ira b-th |crap' "P -!»*• "> 'ha oatholldlaita, narlna the Urn* that th* cod* ha. Tba -hur-h «*■ thronit-d with ra-j which In a marn-at would "*" j b—a under r-vl.loo rapra—atatlva. latlv— and frlrnda. A d-l-ratlon of bat th* an.alnit rain aldad , (roni ,n, Tarlou, IridM h,„ mw

. .. S?' “ "M"‘« «?• '*>««'■• ,.IU the commit.-, maklna .urraa- In tbla clt, hailstone, hair aa Inch : Uon, b> the com-

been made In tbe code, bringing It up to date so that It will meet pres- ent-day requirements In budding, and the members will probably set

member# of tho M*UI Polishers and Buffers' Union and from the Singer plant, where be was employed ap to six years ago when he received the appointment aa assistant factory In- spector. attended tbe services. The Rev. James J. Reynolds, of tbe Holy Rosary church, of which Mr. McCar- thy was a communicant officiated at the high mass of requiem. Tbe floral tributes were beautiful. Among them were a large pillow bearing the word* "My Husband.” a large standing wreath from the Met-" al Polishers and Buffer** Union, a large pillow from the Get Together llunch. or this city. Inscribed. "O. T. H.," a wreath from the William Hall- man n Association marked "Our Friend.’ and a wreath from tbe Ber- gen Association. The pallbearers were Andrew Mc- Cardell. William Tompayne. William Schlarbtcr, Daniel Dillon. Henry Tonng and Thomas Y Bye. Inter- ment was made In Mt. Olive! f tery. Elizabeth.

in diameter fell for several minntes. u a guidance in framing th- but a. (ar a. can b- ^-ertalaed did „„ bu„d»ra have no particular dam.*-. It wa. ra- | b.,p tb, commltt— mored this morula* that a man bad ■ Tb-r- 1. no Id-a of complllna » cod. b-n .truck h, IHtbtalnc la th. ,bat „ c„,ua t. a hardthlp. but claltr of Eanwood at 8 o'clock ln«!lt „ prol>0^, „ har« ,a.t will alkht. but the .lory wa* not Termed j fuU, protK,t lbe C|tr a. we„ aa lbe tbl. laorolaa. ' bulld.ra. A barn li-longlnc to Mra. Klin-1 he'll Harrla, of fir—nbrook road. ■ llun.llen. wan atruck by ll|tb!nln( H««TKI> KKOM BPa> laal -v-nlnjt durtn* tb* b-l(bt of tkcj 'Ttt'KI, JOKEK

Board of Haalth OItm Daalara Until Aufuit 8 to ICako

Change*. tril.1. THKA HEX.IN tHTSAHK. None Opposition M-t With Arno.

Oty store* and Hp-etow. Antu- MeoU Heard—Mwt

Obey law.

oi 11. m i co. Tomorrow the employed of A. * Force A Co., following their usus custom, will enjoy the whole day li an outlag. By way of a change from tbe usual trip to the mountains (bey will this time take In the beauties and pleasures of the seashore at An- bury Park The employes will gather at tbe store tomorrow morning at • o'clock and march In a body to the station Where they will take the special car provided for them which will be at-

„ Tb ’TT" LL'1; BOYV,1'~bed » on which Trinity Health —bo bn. bw bu.y during , Sunday acbool will travel tb. p..t weak watrhlag lb. chaag*. rtor, Sp„la, d“T °.w, •,o,r.?: >-*- o-n n..d. b, ,b. -»b tb. tor'll':- ; ar~";r,r ssezts

*!;“T, 'th* -"""of- tb. Jipaneae p*r.or

he.lth'alBeer ^r.^not'wUtTtY.i Dear' r>ro,lded with tb. accompaniment ot health offlewr doe. not wl.h to •pmr • „rln band „ funllab ,be BuaW. s h " “T d«l- comir.Itteo ha, left aotblag un- h" ""•’ w*n' ,0 lb' U* com"i done tb.t -.11 tend to the comfort of piiM -lin I tbe faithful worker. In lb* While Believing lbgt thoge who have not I Slorr. E„rr ,„l„t ot lutcct will yet compiled with the requtwt or tb.lh, rla|t,d god It goo. without laying hoard -III ultimately gee Ihe reawm-1 lba[ tomorrow will bo a red letter ahlono.. of 1he law. Mr. O'Brien has|day In tb, b|.tory of Iheae annual allowed them until ne«t Monday toloallng.. Retarnlng th. train will

minjiiErH ArranjfsmsnU About Com. pletod for 8t«to Convention

on Saturday. KirWIKD.

ply with tbe provisions of ths act. After that day a systematic In- spection of all tho stores will to made and action taken ss seems to warrant In each Individual case. Tbe law provides (hat all food stuffs exposed for sal., must be cov- ered with a protecting screep or otb- devle* which will prevent contam- ination from file# and dust and fixes fines all (be way up from |50 ac- cording to the offense. Tho notice requiring ih# changes be made to protect fruits and oth- food was Issued during the w*«k ending July 23. and tbe Board of Health believes ample time has been given to all the dealers In town to make the necessary changes In their stores. However, the added time Is allowed for thorn* who hare not yof, ♦n fit to follow the suggestions ade

leave the shore at 7.10 and will ar- rive home at about * oarlock

MUSI BRING en 1111


Housekeepers ar* reminded that on Thursday afternoon* during Aa* the mere turn ta will close their ■tores so that their rlerks may have afternoon and evesilag off. and they should govern themselves ar- cordlnxlv about their purchases The adoption of the rule to give the clerks a half-day a week during the warm weather has met with popular pproval. not only by tbe rlerks. hut 11liens generally, and It Is believed thst all will co-operate to make the change a success. The local stores will close at noon and customers are urged to plan their trading so that tbe clerk* can get away promptly at 13 o’clock, arrow the clerks st the store of . Force £ Co. will be given the entire day. and they will go to Al- bury Park with the Trinity Re- formed church excursion Tepper Brothers bare decided lo close their dry goods store all day Thurs- day during August.

thunder storm and was entirely sumed together with several tons of hay. Fortunately tbe team of hoi with the harness and two wagons were rescued from tho burning bond- ing. The loss I* estimated at |600

The conference of Young I'ooplo’i Societies of Presbyterian churches s Pocono Pines Assembly. Monroe county. Pennsylvania, opens tonight with an address by Karl Lehman. In- terstate secretary of the United So- ciety of Christ an Endeavor. Wal- ter Flrstbrook. the delegate to tho conference from the Hope chapel society, writes that from all Indica- tions this conference will greatly cede tbe last one In stir and Influ- ence. Delegates are preenr from New Jersey. Sew York. Delaware. Pennsylvania. Ohio. Washington. D. C . Maryland and M eet Virginia. Through a suggestion made l*y Mr. Flrstbrook last winter, the con- ference will bold a Christian Citlsen- ahlp and Temperance evening, with Kev. Dr. Johnson, of Washington. N. J.. the chairman of the State Chris- tian Endeavor Christian Cltlxen com- mittee as tbe speaker.

Last night about 11 o'clock Mr" Bertram C. Flrstbrook. of Plainfield, who. with her sister. Mi a Clara Guyor. Is stopping at the Newburgh hotel, was roused from sldniber when tho clerk of the hotel received a telephone message, presumably from her husband, s'atlng that he would be down on tbe theater train early this morning Together two ladlea clambered out of bed dresiM-d and aat on tbe front porch ready to greet Mra. Flrstbrook hubby when be arrived, but they wnltqd In vain, Flrstbrook came not. It wa* no doubt ihe work of sodi practical Joker who would bettei have been lost la slumber himself —Asbury Park Journal. Trinity Excursion Tomorrow. Unless tomorrow (urns out to dismal, atormy dm/, the Trinity Re- formed Sunday school will go on Its annual excursion to Asbury Park Ocean Grove. Tho Trinity school will bo accompanied by tbe school’ of the Net her wood Reformed church and tbe Marronuler chapel, with a ipeclal car for the employees of A. ?. Force £ Co. The train will leave Plalafleld at * a. m.. and will ■tart from Asbury Park at 7:10

Mr. tpgar Resign*.

Frost at Htmldarvlav ille. c. Force, who returned yester-. day from Stoddardsvllle. Pa., where! be spent a couple of weeks, said this Doming that On Monday last tho hermometer registered 37 degrees Fahrenheit and that there «ua per- ceptible fros*. Stoddardsvllle D ween Wllkco-Barre and Pocono. KurfriM HI. B.II W.H.V Ktanyzly.y. * Polark 11— -» **° ''*“>• Pearl atrvwt. who waa amwt t'h.rlo. Hill, 'h- trollvy car rowdy rd la th. horouch for di.ord.-ly i who wa. waivnrwd to My a flu. of dart oa July J» »”d relvaa^l "n|»IO by City Jad*. William S. Itna- II! 50 ball, rorfoltod bit ball tkla yoa yntrrdir. tad hi. 8or paid by moral.* by fallla* to apiwar la tb. | aivmbvr* of hi. family tbl. morulas borouith ovurt for a haarta*. Ar- and wa. rrlnwd from the cuatody rordln* to hi. wtfv. EvaoyxUy ’■•.[of the police. dlmppmrrt from the boroofrh had [ 1 left her dn.rt.d- lb—d VIMiKllia . At th. resular a-.tln* of th. Hop. tn.p.1 KrwM ! Board of Eduration hold ta th* Th.r» will be ao morula* aervlcvw'llldh School balldla* laat al*ht I lo Hop. Chapel oa Sunday morala*. there wa. Ja.t a eaoram prevent I durln* Ihe month of Annat. hot theiNothtu* bat th. foa'ln. bn.laeu wa. *». a Y"r' "f r-**1 FronI at reel..[ evealn* devotion will *o on aa u.unlltranaarted u_,T » "l*hl watrhmaa at the! bedanln* at « o'clock. The Mr-1 — lBa '"‘«ht drpot. for the put nln^J vice, will be la .bar*, of K.n

T:!™' h“ r—'yed hi. portion I Miller. . .rud.tit at th. t'alon r?’l:,r-*'r*‘ Ka'lroad and r^|olo«l b U "*4* “ *hclwrl«hl and I ' 'ft,11,’ of J Koreerwoo. prl — okwlcal Seminary.

Sa'arday Special.

nneth! Ibtarwcl KnMa M'mUln* Trip. 1 Mr and Mr. Charlu Tewaley Jhave retnraed to Plainfield after a j we^dln* trip lartln* two weeh* Th. adver- i a.wly married roople routed Con- ••• |aeeKtrat and New Tork .tat.

fhtmprtl Kubtil.li oa th. Street. B.nny Durr, a laborer of Resent ativwt. wa. nrr.l*ned In the boroash roort thli niomln* charted with dumpln* rubblah in th. pablle •irvvia. After a sovor* warning by Rocorder Dolllvcr. asatonce was sus- pended PUiaArMer* at Patrhngae. Among automobile tourists arriv- ing this week at the Clifton House. Patcbogue. L. L. are Mr. and Mrs. T. S. 'Vheeier. of Park avenue, and Mr. and Mrs A G Hagedom. of Rah- way road." Manilas u> Aot«inobiliM>. Owners of machine* are hereby cautioned to observe danger signals marked "wear and tear” on all tires on egr* operated by th«m. and to re- member that tho rood to tho Stand- ard Tire-Vulcan!xlng Co.. Ill Madi- son avenue. Plalafleld. X. J.. U the way out of all tiro difficulties Tires rebuilt by as "la the modem way." mark Urge results at small outlay. Phono No.. 419 Plalafleld. > I If m w. t. •••

—Cso Proms Want ads

The wheel which was stolen from William G. Cramer, of Dunellen. May 12 laat has been traced to Bray. Jr., of Plainfield avenue, v bought It of Ollle Paine*, a colored than, who In turn obtained the bi- cycle from William Totten who stole It and who Is now in Jail at Now Brunswick awaiting the action of ’.be September grand Jury. Fa Inc* waa In court this moral tv.ron. tatto .,7^; I “a *am»tv<l buyln* th. wh..l from - aublect to Ih. wm. law and It 11?"“ a*t do for Ihe bakers and peddlers neglect their duly in regard protecting tbe goods they deliver or carry on their wagons, for they also will be carefully Inspected and per- haps will have to be prosecuted.

The argument has been raised that fruit while on the tre© or vino Is not covered and therefore Is unprotected, but this will not alter the law. Af- ter Monday the crusade will begin In earnest, says Mr. O’Brien.

The Elisabeth Board of Aldermc at Its monthly meeting Monday night passed on Its third reading the annu- al appropriation ordinance for the support of tbe city government. The budget this year Is 9603.&32.97. Fire Commissioner Charles Chandler was reappointed by Mayor for a term of five years was confirmed by the hoard. The Mayor, on the ground that there waa no general demand for free concerts during the balance the summer and fall In the city parks vetoed an ordinance appropri- ating |4S0 for this purpose. Alderman McGurn asked that steps be taken by the Railroad Comm' prevent the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad from obstructing wllh (Is cars the Amboy avenue grade cross- ing. The total valuation of Elizabeth this year will be. It Is estimated, about 154.000.000. I’raise Kopertotesdent McDowell Persons who have occasion to drive, through Rock avenue between Front street and tho brook, are sounding the praises of Superintendent Mc- Dowell. of the City Alms House. He iaa cleaned tbe road of all weeds, straightened the gutter* and other- wise Improved that thorougfare. Rro- dents in this vlctalty appreciate Mr. McDowell's interest and work, de- claring that It Is the first time in a long time that tho road has been im- proved. Sub-tetloa Oprow Auiud I*. Tbe third sub-sfatlon of the Plain- field poatofficc. which la to bo locat- a Elmer Mills’ store at Front street and Cllstoa avenue, will be opened August li The o'her two ■uh-statlons are located at Dehle and Stahl s candy store on Somerset •treat mad J C. Field s atatloamry store on Park avenue.

I—« a Valuable Horse. isc V. Smalley of Dunellen. loat a valuable horse this morning. While driving near Mansion’* Hotel, be- tween Dunellen and Brook, tbe ani- mal dropped dead from heart trouble.

Bray, for 12S.50 on the Instalment Plan. Falnes seemed to tblok that he was not guilty of receiving stolen goods and did not show any concern regarding hla position until Judge Runyon filled out a complaint againsi him. Then he changed hla mind and told the Judge that he would see young Bray and try to secure the re- turn of the wheel. The court al lowed him until Friday morning l< accomplish this result. No blame Is attached to Mr. Bray for purchasing tbe whel as bo was unaware that the bicycle was stolen, but It Is quite likely that both he and Falnes will get Into serious trouble unless lbe wheel Is In court on Fri- day mora'ng.

In reply to a letter, addressed him by V. W. Nash. Jr., on July 27. Edmund Wilson. Attorney General of this State, declare* In a letter celved by Mr. Nash this morning that It la out of hla province to ani the questions propounded and de- clines to set the matter straight In far as It relates to the nominations of city Judge. Councilman at Large and Board of Education aspirant In the letter, which Is a primed IrruTsr. the Attorney-General says that “As the Attomey-Geaoral has no legal power to give official an swers to th# question* contained !n tho letter of Mr. Nash, he begs to be rased from Indicating any opln- U." Thus the matter remains In sUtu quo and everybody will have to Inter- pret the law, as printed In tho Dally s on July 27 to suit himself. Mra. I.e<»nard Kip Here. rs. I.eonard Kip. of Amoy. China, who Is homo on furlough. Is tbe guest of Rev. and Mrs. Daniel Rapalje. rf Carlton avenue. She will return to her station In the fall. Mrs. Kip. the wife of Rev. Dr. Leonard KIp. who died recently, and for many s she and her husband were as- sociated with Mr. and Mrs. Rapalje. hen they were missionaries In China, and their talk over tba old s la very Interesting. Mrs. KIp bag many friends here, who wUI ao doubt he pleased with the opportun- ity to meet her wnlle oho Is In town.

qort Prorkled for—Commit- tee of «% .Tsagmeat*

Assnuscrd. Arrangements for the State con- vention of Haymakers, which Is to he held in this city on flaturday. warm completed by the supervising com- mittee from tbe Plainfield Hayloft, at a meeting laat night. "Everything w ready.” said A. K. Willard, the chairman of Ihe committee on ar- rangemnt# to a I»ally Press reporter this morning “for the greatest con- vention of lodge men that bag ever been held In Plainfield. It Is a State convention and delegaitlona will ha here from every Hayloft In New Jer- The Wetnmpha Hayloft Is do- ing everything possible to make tho day an cajoyabfo one for tha aa- bllng brother*." I* In expected that one thousand Haymakers from all over tbo State will be In this c'ty. AO the State jr- fleers will be present as many Im- portant matter* pertaining lo tba Stale lodge are to he discussed. Bev- i oral prominent men have promised to address the Haymakers during their stay here. The officer* ar© duo to arrive la town tomorrow night, while the oth- er Haymakers do not come hero until Saturday. A grand conven- tion of officers is to be held on Ratur- day morning In the loeal Hayloft from 10 to 12 o'clock. During this time the other members of tbo lodge are to be mtertalned In Proetor’a theatre and shown about the city by a commute© appointed for that pur- pose. At 1 o'clock all the Haymakers In- cluding tbe officers, will line up la marching order In front of Proctor's theatre, the greatest parade of lodga men over seen In this city, will thon begin. Several bands have been en- gaged for the occasion- and It is ex- pected that | thousand men will ba In line. Tho parade upon starting, will march up West Front street to Lib- erty street: down Liberty lo Fifth street: down Fifth street to Madison avenue to Front street: down Front street to Park avenue: down Park avenue to North avenue: down North avenue to Watcbung . avenue. up Watrhung avenue to Front street; up Front street to Park avenue; down Park avenue. Here the parade will halt and speeches will be made ng Ihe speakers for tbe ocran- ion are- Ex-Mayor Nowry. of Cam- den. the chairman of the State fi- nance committee, and Alfred Hayloy, Stale collector of straws. After the speech making, the Hay- makers will adjourn ta Che banquet hall In the Stillman building, where U to served by a New York caterer, who Is a member of tbe Haymakers. He Is to b© assisted by several local members. During tha banquet, the Havmakers are to he entertained by Joeeph Wood sod bis New York talent Many of the nearby Haylofts will make the trip to this city by va'on. The Perth Amboy lodge, sixty strong, will come here In two wagons, each drawn by four horse*. The committee on arrangements from the Wetumpk* Hayloft Is com- posed of A. E Willard. R. W Os- land. F. W. Wagner. Michael Arm- strong. Matthew Mursco© and E. P. Dorman.

Baca use the nelghbdra butted In when Joseph Stalb and bis wife, cf WVwt TblwJ street, were baring a family Jar laat night, the police were summoned and Stalb brought to headquarters where .he was locked up pending a hearing. This morning Judge Runyon sus- pended a sentence of sixty days over Htalb’s head In an effort to Insure hla future good behavior. Stalb wvi insolent to Che coart and only es- caped getting off this dm© because of the fact that he Is the father of five children, the youngest of whom Is four months old. Church Bring Repaired. The Interior of Grace M. E. church Iteni-h Church Incorporate*. Is undergoing thorough repair and The Be'banls Danish Evangelical renovation, and a new carpet la t.» church to be located at 10fi Madison be laid. No service was held last a*, this city, was Incorporated Sunday, but aext Sunday th* pulpit yesterday Paper* of Incorporation will be occupied by Rev. Mr, Mac. • ere filed In the office of the County I Rorie. of Ml. Horeb. Clerk James C. Calvert. Tbe tncor-1 Porators are: Christian Luadbach. I Mr. and Mrs. Howard Turrtll. with Christian Northet. Frants Goldman. I their two daughters, have goat to Otto C. Jensen. Jeas A. Muller, and I Frederick. Maryland, for their sujb- Boren M. Boren son. all of this city. I mer vacation.

Page 2:  · THE CONSTITUTIONALIST VOL. XLII PLAINFIELD. N. J., THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 1910. NO. 31. Vivian M- L.«wi» Accept* Ei doraemant of Paaeaic Se-publicana at Dinner. TMK ...

aniii •Inveatigation Made in Import-ant Dairy Section PlscloftM

Marked Depletion.


Italry Du-n Deaj That The* Are O*rr-

. i n K and Th*t The* F «

t b e state-Patting asideUeliM, con flirting and contrsdlcthat have own made' regardingtallsf situation, one flact hasclearly established—that therescarcity in the supply. Why thts Isj•o seems to be less c«rUto. apparently, a number of factors] ^ , situation. The PalrymOf almost equal Importance con- League., formed several yearstributlnK to It. B M SO.COO Cows subscribed

Af representative of the New Jer-| „ tantil£ a oermanent organizai

u contrasted with the *U1» to thecontrary. *be eort of production )•

. Labor, ' « * . Wnothing ©t the D r l c e o f c* t U e

higher, and. It « u added Ini f bquarter*. Oie requiremen

f health are Item* which If

of boardi

Cattle o f the be*Ing breeds, wblcbyears ago at from

Ler milk produc-iold five and six»48 to *68. are

ty dollar-to pay toIs held onot tbe n tIng Impormerly.

Tbe prmilk is th

Is not aa goodgood au

ted aa ex

i excessive pricemilch, cow. Thisbority to be one

tenslvely as for

•sent exchange price forree and One-hair cents per

This Is, as stated, a record for July

nllk Is nbe. but t

ot an hlgley are I

h as it ought laot in control o

BIG fflllU MEETrut $30,000 m

The greatest aviation meet In tl'•if (1 States will be held at Aabuiark from August 10 to August 2

auspices of tbe Asbm

iggregatlng 130.000 will be competed for by the miost famous aviatorsat this country and Europe, while a

>pular feature will be contests and:hlbittots by well-knowa atnateum.Some of tbe daring bird mea who

will enter tbe Hats are Walter Brook-e protegee of the Wright

T;., who has developed Into aprodigy; hi* driving partner, Coffyn;Honey. Johnslone and La Chappie.in addition, ft Is eipected that GlennII. Curtlss will i Attempt to establishi new high -:•"•'• record In a racewenty-five mll*s to sea and return'or a 110,000 prize. A similar prize•rill be awarded to the aviator who

-Id's altitude record of

era part of tfor an l stlga

i Industry, the north-ie Stale was selected

>f the situation,f The Press staff wasand a

Knl there earlypurpose. It took him only a shorttime to If-arn tbat neither an over-production of rmik Dor anything elsela leaning farmers to Teed good milkto their hogs, as bad been stated Incertain "quarters. jlbala:

claim any share in circulating t h e | l a wreport that farmers of the sectionwere getting more milk than theycould dispose of and were, therefore.

" feeding It to their hogs. N'everthe-

ml * peculiar proiay be characterl]ion in restraint[he orifiinal plan .

o be able lo atice of powi

> no

ihe i

ilk IB concerned, an<l said to be engage

•ganizatlon BO th;ml) let

re: Were the men wboowned tbe dairies displeasedthe prevailing price for the coiity and rather than Buffer a loss In:shipment or to force a shortage, putIht fluid tO the best use at home?At first glance, the second proposi-tion seomed to have some reasonabl

§ ! « j. coin

isldeiprice of po



rter re



1 of Tai





ed a gene:ral

rs that they share ofid markcta

d to tbe


binw h i







ereitlyIlk.e n

b*tt wl

| ing <*.

[seen aWedneaudien

' bett In

luded by which J

•sday evening, August 10. th.see the iirst appearage of James J. Cor

and Mot t Club. Prizes


day exce


ind on Aug

and at such

will be atn

:et-n Leo Sirk, and Frank Wilsati, will lake place,ee aviation fl.-ld, dellKh

boundary of this city

encei while aatinj; capacitycted^ Parkins

i will also be a

ins and ^Ide shobat are booked fo

Fair at Trenton.

legs, was not getting milk as an art!-1 good ot.l days. Mcle of diet. It was said, was that to black up Just Ithere was not enough milk to spare and "Tambo." 1for such purposes. i performance he

\i in :i It came to the second ques- famous monologtlon there was also a general nega- present a model ilive answer. It was tempered occa- and In white faci•tonally t>y Ibe plaint that the farm- about the recentITH were not getting the price they The engapemeshould receive, all things consider- bett with the Hoed. At the same time the eschange without a questquotation at present Is the highest tract for an itIn forty years for July, It was s« t - ' world's h'storyed- (salary being suffl

No farmer could 1>e located In the tire expense ot eterritory vUtted who would admit Ebows in the g<tbat be was holding back milk from bett has an unhis dairy because nc was suffering talk prepared oi

Tjhoee ' questioned.

T. Frank

Of A

bVsameaa "Bones", dent J. Si. Jialsio:» U T on during the National Bank, antill be seen In his Appleby, arid mile in which ho will prominent Citizensf sartorial elegance afld Ocean (trove otell his hearers all active In fWerln

it of James J Cor- popular subscription. "- Incid.,ey Hoy Minstrels Is It has been decided to make tlan tbe record con- era! admission to the field Hft•erlocutor In tbe and to the, grand-stand sectiof minsirelsy. his dollar. S|«j cial transnortatio-tent to par the en- " ( " a will Be pro*lded by th,me of the minstrel roads from all points in tbe East.

LITERABT - resembling Dr.•oposed Municipal GOVERNMENT PLANS FOR

POSIW ras;;:light, happy variety with. InInstances, the atmosphere oftion days charmingly depicted. '

"""I portraits which will followI- 'September Issua. have been s

Myatlc." a mi dm in romedy by •Anna Steese Richardson, will donbt-

be acted In many gardens dur-g tbe suuimer. and a remarkably (

timely article on the Ontdoor flay,by Walter Prtchard Eaton, will helpin a large measure to make al fresco

ing the summer. .

The FictiMagazine has oguished llsu of c

ber of Scrlbner's.r the most dlsttn-:ributors that has

appeared in a single number,ugh the record of previous Fic-

tion Numbers for twenty years haslarkable. The great Victor-

tly died.

erslal career of theie should read "Then Trial." which begent number of the'herein, during thuonths, each member nft tbe two houses of 0

Brlstow,Messrs. P:C'ark thisBenevolenby Llndsf



with> Me: •din leads the I mber

Dry of the» Order of Elks

la Interesting.;ople" Frederic

Mr.probably to be seen InFrohmai'B theatres in this country.The brightness of the dialogue and

e air- of polite comedy, with the

a real piece of literature by theaster of the Comic Spirit. The lastene is In blank Terse. Mr. Roose-Its article describes two of bisost picturesque experiences. He

trt describe the kl'linr of a lion byNandl tribesmen, armed only with

,lelds and spears. It Is a thrillingirratfve. He then picti

etchings by Waller Haleur Morris, Stephen Freneand Jacques Fittrelle har

e of thpir best work in prc

The Augut

liglilful sum:

, Everybody's/ Macazin

ler flct|on,wlth anidc

of Lake 'sixty •al prs

jria Nyanza to

The leading 1

most absorbing•Molly Make-Believe."Hallowell Abbott. It is

Fred Bates Johnson, in his article"The Homesteader in Western Can-ada," gives an honest exposition ofwhat the chances are for tbe settlerin that remote region of North Amer-ica. "Tariff Making by Barter andSale" by Arthur I.les: "Uncle San

with Senators wining part tn the miand also shows th.iff was made. Ina I'otatu" William

.y looking toward

•i iNyanza. Povi-er Applied." by Frederick Matb-

e of the August nilo republic where the youths wra

5tte called chance to redeem themselves—and>y Eleanor do it. "The Question "How?" " !sBtory of un- one of Dr. William Hanna. Thorn-fascination, son's oSsavs in fine philosophy, al—

ft, in bisBlunderla


nd Whltlock ot Toledo



Park f.nthuslastlcally ]he enterprise.ed largely by 'S Incidentally. I


|ost profitable steark f

The Preacher and a Cincinna

teresting way bis Mr. Roosevthe pulpli to the the Amerlr i people.


npbal I igb Eui


the affalnt at tbe Ampi

willing to accept as tenable the sup- \Inslc Hall Hoof in Kov ^'orkht b« Isolai-1 packed it,, capacity for the past t•rs keeping j week*. 1'laiiifield will be a.>con

ices, or ln the1 hope otj — —ittons. They could :

old days. Cor-ially interesting "11V pi111 ijiHK DDO IT?j T , , , „ .

B the many excellent and in-? articles wblcb appear In theWide World, those on "Un- such a receptio\rabla" and "The Mysterious 8S Mr. ItooBev«Cities of Yucatan1' are per- picture all manI most Interesting. Both are of flunkies, anby travelers wbo are appar- ture of Mr. llointltnately acquainted with by side with htbjects. The "Pumpkin Fes- ly a more bracing one and a fart Nice" and "Witchcraft In admirable. At least it Is so in .

king •




position that thed f

r i c e s o f • •.'.-•• !.<• y o u t h , e s p e c i a l l y


GOES 10 QUIT J Ispecific case- tUTM'T(l nltmTlinffl (If lift . dn-adful

A creamiery man. wbo naya <change prices, was asked If be kmof any surd conditions existing, as]bad been jlalely reported. He r«M•ponded by declaring that be would jlike to inm-l any farmer who was1

throwing *way, or feeding his hogs,I Failing to secure a bondsman. l*e-•ny inf.-Bt milk. ' ' I ter Baker, the alleged embezzler f>I

We* re beluw mir usual receipts Tor tton. H'MB tak^n to the county Jailtbe month; now." he said, and estl-'at Kllzabeth. Sal

hU plant Iwas concerned was

It. BQ. only i

•11 ih i ld

tin; thaiproduct iextent i


u i i ' i . '

T h e i•t a; • ,i.«auno »supply,

which uttons m




i h n

w h i

- J - —

Illllilll. BO fM m tht-

•y any cans.

I n l•r •

r<- was a sborTo show ho

feww K

iigbt tbat ItIe the iK-lieT * as .iimiber Quarter t

ied for the dperapparpntlr. U the li

BlE atretchMn<i<>r normal wpa

T h


y aver*.» ronlds. merles

rial an

itlnikte;;ht besls» ad-hat the

.•"-I.- In

tck of•f field.1 *»bdi-(

t h i

p *Hi wark office, who

o t thos^«ssom whon

^positions put to



I he ha

: their

fund ihe amount fo

b n

even, pr

bis slip

eighteen nwbo lives with its parentsthsn a nillfe from East Front street' ^ ^

cently on the bottom step of the'front porch yesterday afternoon at Z I fptoio'clock whicn another child of the publish,same sex holding the discarded stick h l s es[ l<

'whipped the weapon around and in-' furtherflirted a npeoundinK smack on the' method

little known facts. W. r>acey believes In that tvpe of Bummer holl—writes of "The Town tbat was day, rather more than in that spentLucky"—Medicine Hat, which about the Newport Casino.—-Promiated over an Immense area of "Roosevelt tne Husbandman." by

i articles are 'A Tragedy ln the Kntire Wheat Bread.Stream," "The Lure of Gold,", T w o c u p 8 = c a i o e d milk, »ne-rourt!iQueen-Mothers Plot." 'Jeff c SUFar, one loaspoonful salt, one

Kent, Outlaw." and 'The Execution t k dissolved in oi--fouri.hB Wo. T b e ilhii •KtfOI

i pbotographs, «i they are Interesting.

L cup suga

' third ps wheat ir. Coi

s with the fasting cr the

Investigations Into (hli( „ „ of health-building.

penetratinKJ DQn«an. who. with his famll

let 1again beat.


turn intord full, lei

bake; making


a n d

beat.Its b

sed b

M. C. A. Boys Return fromOuting at Lake

Wawayanda.adopts a' suggestion soon to be mby the Postmaster-General, Repre-

lotted lo them. The Postmaster Gen-Ieral Is going to urge that all post' Joneph H«tlt-IU, Jr.. Win- Qoulioffices of the second and third class, Iwith aalaries ranging from *l,000 to! Championship—Bays I ' M * BB.

claasifled service. At the tame time,however, It will be pointed out toPresident Taft tbat the experiment

By an order Issued by President C-

tett the White House, the civil ser- lm,*n-

As l ife

>f theuraed home frlday

Ith C. E. Binga-nan and Charles.

vice commission was empowered toappoint fourth-class postmasters Inthe New England and Middle Atlan-tic states, and In Ohio. Indiana, Illi-nois, Michigan and Wisconsin. Mr.Roosevelt had long believed In theclass in cat Ion of postmasters, 'andyielding to suggestions made by sev-

torialy, and postal officials are con-

postofficeB will lie at least partly re-moved from the control of the civil

It U


xplained by tbe

iot prt itisfa< ory oig lisu

a few dollars to a figure Just belowJ 1,000 a year. The communities

small. Their population Is never

Boctation. from the Y. M. C. A. state

This is the largest delegation thathas represented Pladnfield at the 'camp in many years. In alt contestsand meets with the associations from

boys showed up nobly, not only re-flecting credit upon themselves butalso upholding the name of thePlaintleld T. M. C. A. The nuccessof the boys from tbla city Is largelydue to their efficient coaching, train-ing and organization at the ! ;n.'.--of Mr. Itlngaman. the boys' nork sec-retary of the city association. Ks.cnmember of the local delegal Ion en-tered into the camp spirit *-' j'ii un-uBnal energy and) this was largelj:

rap thia


indred, and th

the poslai business hipered.

Doubt ia exijresgedthorities (bat the ra

ing a good time. A ten footan dug and built by the localn the main land to supply thewith

direction of Mr."f"ri»"'ia Blngaman. The camp hae named the

' spot, "Plainfield Well." In addition•**to "take t o th,ia- t n r e e ru»*'c benches were111 SUC" and the corner, in which they are

, , placed, is known as the "Plalnfield•en ham Corner." A fund was also started

by the boys themselves to purchaseostal au- B o m e raapl article for the camp ne«principle yf

tthletlc eventare "con- p ' a i n f i e ! d fo(>k several

ehouliJ be s b I p o f t n e a<"cond seelwith Frinklln .Newell

at the cpostmaste


by the ^ 0 8 ^ - ™ ^ ^ l 4 e w l B q , i a H f y l n f E ,„ t h B n n a l B .ipple wrltt

their buslm

i in fair sized

'ostal officials

could be filledcation of them. While they

at tbe reform will be for->d at no distant date. In-y inaugurated by Postmas-

this rule may be defeated

wph Sattella will mpete

' cmpionshlp of 1

•nt authorities to

Chicago, !K>IitlC

ind third class of-

present they will devote their enei;les to removing second, third ah

f politics, trusting to public sentlly to, force the class

Franklin NewetfJ Ctaig Blair andGeorge Lcighs and .Ray Manley pass-ed the Volunteer Ufe Savins exani-nation. Newell's percentage was

record, considering the difficult *Jt-

Charles Moraller were given buttonsfor having learned1 to swim at leasttwenty-five yards. Joseph Sattellt,Jr . , Benjamin Cooiey, Robert Duuy.and Hoyt Tompklnpon received but-tons for having learned to dive. Gil-bert Lewis and Jamea McN'amee were

Ing one fellow to sv im.During tbe whole encampment in©

boys enjoyed tbe best of health andthe average Increase In weight »ssfive pounds. Every member of theparty has a heavy coat of Un bywhich to rpmt?m\iQT the experience.

Those'who camped for four weeksare : Benjamin Cooley, Robert Duuy.Hoyt Tompklnson, Russell Lee andJoseph Sattella. Jr. In the two weeksparty were: (_'raig Blair, Russell Ber-rien. Irving Manley. Raymond Man-ley. Richard Pennock. Franklin New-ell. Collls Case, nilbert Lewii.

and Ceorge Lelghs.

'I tlcal ot nrs

of the :

jany. ma." The one who bad loot'

laid the house iknd pretended notpany that anythln unusual had falures and In fact It IB doubtful if th

?d to her l i t t le ifine was weeping,in If Who l s | going to fatboio

Iated tlon of the older child.own of the parsing womei

'd to "wh«t a p h a u e ! " and ane didn' t B t o r j ,> re- know tha« a repor ter of The Daily' nayteftl- Press »uf le twi l the incident. I A Comedy," ForB a j — — • — •—- .watching with inter'•**n \ i .r i . i> of U r n . (of Che chitrch It tilwas The sktjllful dressmaker does not man affaim. a&d w

e gown, even It it is of an Impending rtiii-frtitn- to applique one variety j tinn's rellfMous life.

I with anoiiler to get an unusual ettoit. j ingion Gladden'e pa]

I'mrboUing BtCaJck.To parboil a sle&k ta about

;ood as to cook over the coale.in iron frying pan If possible.

Governor'* Day at Meet.

Mosquitoea do not disturbfumbers of Jobu T. Lyman. 1

t i a ' i t H

Physical Culture '

I W P l l I

ory byie Let-

10k slowly. All meat should have svery high temperature at Brat t<isear the outside; then it must cot,';more slowly. Meat Is ruined If it la

ery quickly.

meet, to be held at Asbury Park. Au-gust 10 to 29, will be August IS.Governor J. Franklin Fort. Governor

and Governor Edward S. Stuart, of,

attend with their staffs and the mem-bers of both houses of the State Leg-'

itists, and will be known

or lace 04all. I made purely on behalf of

Since the rlose of spring, which wife and child, but the or.brought an abundance of water, • r«*tv«! hy Mr. Chandler <there ba* iwi-n *o little rain that i!i.' think It Over."berbaicr U literally burned off. In Thf« action by th* ,ccoimor* farored location!, whfre larjte »•• alienkted the sympathy which:atreams have not entirely d r w up.1**" •« Fr«t fell '<"" a'ni and the lawthe low-lying meadows adord some.will now have to lake ICa course. I __«ra*lnK. but !n general the cows are j Much •T°>pathy ha* be^n ripressed^ black Cbabtilly 7acea are ised

•*Pbe Creators^ dish. Butter a shallow pudding &'-.-'ose who ar« P"t In a layer of toast cut Into nar-

-elation to hu- o l hard-boil eggs sliced, then ^nothe:

. be the SSKHS! yolks of tne eggs, "rlced" by pass

•"The M't- seasoned, and place In the OT*>n until

• Raker's • ife.

In various ways play one at th* J "U irial Cburch." In tbe August Cen- • 'Important roles on the gownsi ~.rf. will be rich In suKBestlveneas. I:J-*un:t!icr. It mtT be a baoii>'ur. Gladden delv«> down lo some or, Tbe Outer tuae.

some laoa polonaise, and here the *he- bastic tratna ot Christianity, and "I see you employ a nizmberili^is

i Day. Ifai :elebrl;iflc world will be

asked to attend the meet. Amongthem will be Thoror.s A. ICdlson, theWizard of Llewellyn. A "speech-

that night, at which the men of sclence will be guests. Speeches wil

uiil be allowed to address the dinen



a 1the fido'

b yof



ire many

a*n this sit that ou

are careful

arlng the a

by toe eta

of the little

immerter dtly scr

, and,•on aeened

[>OD3S Of the

•trie 0


despitend win-to pre-

3ay. Mr.

m. Ac-

t h e of tbe

daUy milkingOther facto

b»vc. the farmer* say.to the decrease ln tbe

! cell ent advantage, or a mor- cener-JT| al form U the deep flounce of lace.jtlilot whlcb itwo and i-wn three sre'-.-:

ell the'sometime*! used. Again the mi

t h s nd their bearingf bnflda a

ioa the realizatends, wo

their! So* Worth Whih*,I "1 noUce tbat you usually , _»_^

whlcbqtruth." j 1*1 may be draped to display an, Ine many of the problei—IT. contributed! "Yes: i found that telling.lies geu underaklrt rippling with ruffle*. Ithropy. while at the same milk supply, yon into almost as much trouble."—[ f 'tronld strenEthen church u

n IdealChrlirgaa

•I flo.""How old are they?"

Ing or mandolins, or racehorses, orgirls, or tennis. That makes 'em finefor work."—Louisville Courler-Jonr-

Moderolzed.mntle—BackIe? I suppose __iy quilt for poor old lady Jones'

Gwendolyn—Not much. Each girl [ nbrought a piece of. a busted auto, and' itwe are going to nave them put to- s*Reiner Into a new machine for-poor'divorced Mrs. Uppish.

cleaner to the socket. Just beforeretiring. Mr. Lyman says, he runsthe cleaner over the walls of thesleeping rooms, not allowing It totouch the wall, but keeping a dis-tance or several Inches away. Tberesult, la, he aascrts. that every mos-quito, fly, moth or other insect thathas secured entcance Into tbe bouse

, Is sudketi Into Ihe dust has at ibe

are making a] work iI to 1

mlly r



t pests mtfl 1

m, Mr. Lyman and:o their beds, whereundisturbed by ln-


Thiit Rosy Man.Nat Goodwin ge's divorced ne;

He's looking in his notebook tIdentify the neit.

Tbe Victim*."Here's some poker dice. Bet yo"

can't stick me tor the drlnka.""No: I don't suppose I can. It *

probably your wife and children w3»


UHIY OF MILK NOW Inwoatign tlon Mad a la Import- ant Dairy Sactlon Dlacloaea

Marked Depletion. HOT FHKDI.SG IT TO THK ■<><•« IUr)M BrBj Tt>al IVl *» Owrr-

r^.lu. ,n« aad Thai They Feed (wad Milk N>

Halae. Putting aalda meats. coafllctlng and roolradl-tory. that b*ve been niad. regarding Iha milk .lluatloa, one tart kaa Ma dearly egtabllsbed- that there la gcarrltr la lha supply. Why thla la ao mai to ba laaa certain. for there p-. bul they la, apparently. a number of factor* ,h. altaalloa. Importance

tb* horde. . In aoolkar <

aa eontraated with tba atom la the contrary. Tba foot of production la ona of then. Labor, feed. to aa, noth Ink of tba prlaa of cattle, are all hlaker, and. It «aa added In acme quartern. Ike requirement* of board* of health are Item# which Increaaed of the farmer and reault r lean milk—leaa Cattle of the better milk produc- ing breed*, ehlcb Mid H»e and al* rear* ago at from III to Ida. are now brlnalnic 11' and over. Nine- ty dollar* 1* not an eireaalve price to pay for a good milch cow. Thla la held oa good authority of the reanon* why atoch I* not be- ing imported aa attentively aa for- merly. The preaent esrbange price for milk la three and oattbslt centa pet quart, or 11.40 per forty-quart can. Thla la. aa atated. a record for July, The farmere bold that at thla price hlah aa It ought ty •e not In control of The Dairymen of ilrnnet equal Importance con-lLHrUfi formed several years ago. trlbQtlnK to It- j now S 0,000 com »uWrll^d and Aa representative or the New Jer- forming a permanent organization a**r dairy r*rm Industry, the nortb-j^,, ]***„«. takes in dairymen in the ern part of tbe State waa selected Sortbf.rn territory and in Or- for an Investigation of the alluatlon U|,e county. N. V. and a member of Tba Press stuff waa' Members of the league say It la up sent there early thla week for the! bEainot r peculiar proportion in that purpose. It took him only a short u n„y ^ characterized as a coin- time to learn that aelther an over-l tlnatlon In restraint of trade. It production of milk nor anything *!•**,* th^ ortKinal plan of the leaguers la load In jr farmers to feed good milk : lo ^ure a sufficient number of cat- to their boas, as had been stated In t,„ to abIp lo », Wmat hold the certain quarters. | balance of power so far aa regulating Dairymen of North Jeraep dl»- lb* supply of mUk la concerned, and

statute lawyers are now said to be engaged In framing the organization U will not conflict with an> prohibitions.

MS J. Mil!

claim any share in circulating the report that farmers of the Section were getting more milk than they could dispose of and were, therefore, feeding It to their bogs. Necerthe- leaa. the statement went forth with an alternative: Were the meg who owned the dairies displeased with the prevailing price Tor the commod- ity and rather than suffer a losa ln:| shipment or to force a shortage, put they Quid to the best use at home? ( At first glance, the second propost-1 lion seemed to have some reasonable) Arrangements have been definite- grounds, considering the present |y concluded by which Janie* J. Cor- prlre of pork. I bett will become a member of George To the first statement The I Teas Evans' Honey floy Minstrels the coin- reporter received a general denial. I ing season. Contracts have


fur mm 1PRIIES The greatest aviation meet In the Uoltrd States will be held at Asbury Park from August 10 to August 20- under the auspices of the Asbsry Park Aero mod Motor Clab. Prizes aggregating (30.000 will be compet- ed for by the most famoas aviators of thla country and Europe, while a popular feature will be contests sad exhibitions by well-known amateurs. Some of toe daring bird men who will enter the Hits are Walter Brook- Ina. the protegee of the Wright Brothers, who has developed Into a prodigy; hla driving partner. Coffyn; lloxsey. Johnstone and La Chappie. In addition. It I* expected that Glenn H. Curtiss will attempt to establish high speed record In a race tweat>-five miles to sea and return 110.000 prize. A similar prize will be awarded to the aviator who heats the world's altitude record of 8.1“feet, recently Biff* by llrook* Atlantic City Clifford B. Harmon has *'*n N-n invited to demons! rhtIona *. chine. Flights are scheduled for every day except Sunday, the 1«? 4 to 8 p. m.. and at such otb as weather renditions will permit. August 20th will be amateur day. and no August 13 a hot air balloon contest between l*eo Stevens, c New York, and Frank Wilson, o Cincinnati. w$I take place. A huge aviation field, dellghtfull situated at Interlaken, on the norit) western boundary of this city, and now being pushed to completion will be the soene of the meet. The field will be enclosed by a 13 foot


fens* arly mile

s as emphatically declared by a signed aud when th* Honey Boys are score of farmers that the plga were'seen at the Plainfield theatre on not get'lug any share of the dally I Wednesday evening. August in. the product of good marketable milk.; audlenr-* will seo tho llrst appvar- Thla applied to the men who were ance on any stage of James J. Cor- aelllng through moat of the several ' belt In black face, agencies, or companies, having sia-* |«e will act as the Interlocutor tlons In the upper part of the State, the show and In lb., scenic bower The principal reason why the pork- “The Crimson Trellis” first part, era. or any other animal on four where all is biack fare as In the legs, was not getting milk as an artl- good old days. Mr. Corbett will fa cle of diet. It was said, was that to black up just the u

circumference, while a grand-stand with a seating rapacity of 12,000 ' being erected. Parking spares cap- able of accommodating a thousand automobiles and twice i rinses will also be provided. Tim frc«- field, or concourse, will permit 30.000 more persona to witness t events. There will also be a "mldwa laid out on ojne of the broad avenues leading lo the grounds, most of the ait ract Ions and side shows being those that Are booked for the In- terstaie Fair at Trenton. The di- of vector-general of the tnret will be of Mahlon K. Margerum. who for sot* rml years ha* so sucreesfully man- ged the In vrntalf Fair. The execu- tive rnmtnifte Is headed by Pres!-

tbe Outdoor Play, n. will help In a large measure to make al fresco theatricals the popular thing dur- ing the summer.

UTIBIST read, aomethlcs reaembllng Dr. OMta't propottd Municipal Th. Augutt H.. of <>. Woman a •“'*«' C°,“‘n' HD. CompMUoa la called Tba ■>"*• °b,°- S'?STs= oSrsrzsL-rx-ji

o? SZS^vsm:

^J^,nm.n7garden. due ld**Utod '•» •“**• >"* th* Bummer, and a remarkably „ 0l •|„rBin, Umel, article on '“ OaUloor FUj. J ,h. „,tro.

raralal career of Ihr AdmlaHlraUon. he *hoilId read "The Admlolatrafloa on Trial." which bealoa In the cur- ' rent number of the Metropolitan.

althouah the record ot prerlou. Klc- (h" Th. „or, the Uoo Number* for !*'°'’ ,'*'*„h** llene.olenl Prorcrtlre Order of Elk* mTnmSm'uId ^t^recently died' b> ,Jnd'ai O'®'"" >» lotoreatlnn. *“ Novell*!, who b»« rewntlj died. |q ..Am„,,cc tfc. p.„r|c" Frederic ' '**;■ b*. nn""'r Thompson Rirca .he p*rchoioa,- of " , ? -he summer »mu..me»t- Fifth edr which had auch a rharain* per- A .. retro,pec, h, Jamc* ,°rT*r.'*.^^ London rrren.l, »"d la „ IIIMrlN „>me prohahlr to be area In one ol »r. ,pIeniW etching by Waller llale Krohrnan a theatre. In thla eountry. G,|n„rn.ur Morr|,. Stephen Freneh ■n.e briahtoeaa ot Ihe dlnloaue and Wh,„n.n ,oJ j Fntrcll. hart th. air of Po lte romcdr. with the donc Mn<. ,„r|r hM, ,ork ever-preaent Ueredlthean wl. ma*. , Bc,|on ,„c ,b# Au„,., Me.r0- It a real piece of literature by the ., matter of the Comic Spirit. Tbo laat ^ ‘ “ ' I arene la In blank T«»- *>r. K“°"- Thc A„e„„ Fvcrybody *, M.citric relt. article deKribe. ,»o ot hi. ,orlu„„„ eomblnallon of do- mett Plclureaqu. experience. He „,h,|u| .umm..r scuon.wlth arlcle. ™ ?'*,£ Tv n< wl‘1' lutere.l and true Importance and dettribe the kllllna of a Ion by A> ,ho ronl,nc cam. 'rtheamtt,. armed only with Ftrtr„c r rontrlbuP*. ahlelda and .pear*. It la a thrilling MBd„ lho ..A,k Your Conkrea* ntt-r.tl.e- He then pirture. a unlqae of real prac-l Journey ot one hundred and Bitty CAbllUy i„oWla|. l0.,rd the belter-

mnot of national conditions. •'Boy- Power Applied.” by Frederick Mnth- * er Caldwell, la th® story of a Juve- ThO loading feature of the August nlle republic where the youths number of ' Success Magazine'* Is a call “delinquent” are gfveB a fair moat absorbing novelette called chance to redeem Themselves—and •Molly Make-Believe." by Eleanor do It. "The Question ‘How?*" !s Hallowell Abbott. It la a story of un- one of Dr. William Hanna Thom- usual originality and fascination, son s efuays In fine philosophy, al- Fred Bates Johnson. In his article ways uplifting and suggestive. ”In- "The Homesteader in Western Can- stead of un Article” is an Inside ada.M gives an honest exposition of story of magazine editing, with what the chances are for the settler sorao correspondence about Pitts In that remote region of North Amer* burg between the editor and Mayor lea. -Tariff Making by Barter and Brand Whitlock of Toledo ns Sale” by Arthur I. Street, in bis ser- text. I les: "Uncle Sam In Blundvrland" • - - contains extracts from Interviews To work two afternoons In with Senators who have had a lead* hayfield under a baking sun, side by Ing part In the making or our tariff, side with bis own farm laborers, sad also shows the real way the far- scarcely sounds like sn attempt at Iff was trade. In “The Treacher and a CIndnnatus pose. Facts like this Potato" William Justin Harsha de- have had much to do In endearing

miles from the shores of Lake Vic- toria Nyanza to Albert Nyanza.

Bones" dent J. M. llalston. of the Seacoast there was not enongh milk to spare *n<1 "Tarabo." Later on during the National Bank, and Mayor T. Prank I scribes In a very Interesting way his Mr Roosevelt to the great niaaaei for such purpose*. performance he will he seen In his Appleby, and many of the most ( profitable step from the pulpll to the the American people. When We When It came to the second quee- famous monologue In which he will prominent citizens of Asbury Park farm. fleet how a European potentate tlon there was also a general nega- present a model of sartorial elegance *nd Ocean Grove qre enthusiastically { rreat man. as the phrase goes, would tlve answer. It was tempered occa- and In white face tell bis hearers all fevering the enterprise. Among the many excellent and in- return to hts estate after such a trl- slonall) by the plaint that the farm- about the recent quarrel In Reno. | which la being financed largely by structlve articles which appear In the umpbal tour through Europe, after era were not getting the price they The engagement of James J. Cor- popular subscription. Incidental!'. August Wide World, those on "L*n- such a reception in his own country should receive, all things consider- bett with the Honey Hoy Minstrels Is It been decided to make the gen- known Arabia” and The Mysterious as Mr. Roosevelt had. we Inevitably ed. At the same time the exchangr without a question the record con- *r“l •dmlsslon to the field fifty cents j Ruined Cities of Yucatan" are per- picture all manner of luxury, a trail quotation at present is the highest tract for an Interlocutor In the *n** **>«• grand stand section one hap# the most interesting. Both are of flunkies, and the like. The plc- ln forty years for July. It was stal- world s h'atory of mlaatrrlay. his dollar. Bjwt rial transportation facll- written by travelers who arc appar- ture of Mr. Roosevelt's working side ed. • salary being suffleb.-nt to pay the eu- Itle* will be provided by the rail- ently ‘ntltnately acquainted with by side with his farm bands is sure- No farmer could be located In the tire expanse of some of the minstrel roads from all points In the East. | ,bcir subjects. The "Pumpkin Fes- ly a more bracing one and a far more territory vtktfed who would admit shows in th* good old days. Cor- | tlval at Nice” and "Witchcraft In admirable. At least It Is to in Amer- tbat he was holding back milk from bett has an unusually Interesting "Mk l»ll» MIF. DO IT? | Wales” are also full of remarkable Ira. where the majority happily still his dairy because «»e was suffering talk prepared on the affair at Reno *T HUIT MOKK THAN OAK and little known facts. \V. Lacey believes In that type of summer holl- a loss Those questioned, while and Us engagement at the American i • Amy writes of "The Town that was day. rather more than In that spent There is ho accounting for the esp- Lucky"—Medicine Hat. which about the Newport Casino.—Froi •00 of estreme youth, especially ,g ,|luaf,.,j OTrr ,n immense area of ‘ Roosevelt the Husbandman.” t ural dry gas which supplies all Henry James Forman. In the Amerl-

wlillng to decent as tenable the sup- Music Hall Roof in New York has position that there might be Uolat- packed Its capacity for the past three ed coses of stock owners keeping ( week*. Plain neld will be second to away from the market In part he- Now York In hearing Mr Corbett cause of prices, or In th# hope ofj ■ — better quotations. They could not name, however, any specific ca A creamery man. who paym change prices, was asked If he knew. ^rL«sar&d GOES 10 COUNT a ponded by declaring that he would] UUIU BMJUUIH like to meet any farmer who waa' throw 'ns away, or feeding h is hogs./ Failing to aecurr a hoods, way excess milk. * | take tt and be glad lo get It.


IS 10 C0UN1Y Jill

the vagaries of the absolute bal>l*-a. But as on ipaaton exclaimed

ale mind In oman lbe beal and pow^r necessary to run can Review of Reviews for August. an<1 the city. Among the purely adven- .tresdful •• * * 11 tmrom* ankles are "A Tragedy In the Entire Wheat Dread. H ... all o« the latter A rh.le ‘'"T.fi Ta. cup. .-CM** n,tl«. enefourth tinlf Stream." “The Lure of Gold.", A rhlld. —The Uaeeo-Mother’. Plot." "Jell on. tcnoonful .alt one « rttli from EL pron, !i‘”' Wo " T6' Uluatratlo... cup ,uk. „„er, ,oor .ad ooc .d Hereford area up .at 1 ”"*U’ '"IO, photoqraph., are a. nu- ,Mrd cpp, rn,|r. wheat flour. Com ,a HardfOrd *"»«.. .at rompltt] b)ne ,hrM ,nkIrdl„nu ,„.j

when cool add dissolved yeast cako tba;

rixo to double Its bulk, again beat, turn into greased bread pans one-third full, let rise not quite

illy on the bottom step ■». >•-’ >->'"* *«>rrday afferpoou at S i VfUm Slncl^^0 „o “T’fiour- It.her. the allrked tmkml. r of o rloeh a hen another rhlld of 'hr ,, il)ll.hcd ion. atartllne detail* o( f.*!. ,bST , f fi“ ’ 5“' food, ot .hr Public H-rv.rr Corpora-' «g, tt, holdlo. ,h. dltt.rdrd ttlrh | Eu „^rirnT.aUh,h.L,L,--- “*“■ *Jd »°“r' »—'• wa’fe below our u.ual rerelpi. for\ tlon. ... lake to thr rouaty Jail of an umbrella In her hand ttealfhlly ba. wrllleo for Ihe rurrent law the month now." he Mid. and call- *' Elisabeth, Saturday morning ' approached and without warning phyttr.l Culture a recital of mated that the .hort.se tt, far a.1 Friday afternoon Hahrc ... whipped ,h. wewpon .round and In-' larettlgaUoaa Into this norel JUblTbata^ hiking'anTiSlag'to hi. plan, waa rouoerned ... ahouf alert, a rio.l eh.nee lo make an ef- dieted a rett.un.lins .mack on the method of health-building. Thl, J on. h.t^n^^ ‘ flee per .en, below the July aw- tort in hi* own beb.lt. but ,t ttemed upturned thee of tbe younaer child. m,g,,|„, bn. alttt nrranaed to pub- br 6 d halt Bur.. Bar In no loatanee. tt, far u eo.ld thaf he did not rare to do It. siu- Only a talracle prevented the tteel n ttrle, of article* hr Raymond be learned. Were Ihe rn-aturtle. perintendeM \V. II. Chandler, ot the ferrule of the .tick from p-netratlna |,ho wUh hi. family, ha. Parboiling Huaka. turnln* away any can. Newark ofTLee. who rtDie here jett the eye ol the jounger child aud ot late crented quite a furore In To 1'*rb<’11 * •“»* '» about The dairymen were a unit In lay- trfdav. oSered lndu.eu.eut. lo llakur with n ttteam she fell on Ihe Mep fAK,r„ jiUee b_ rererllng fo the 110011 “ 10 cook °,cr tho to*l»- ' tt: lag that their wa. a .hottaae In the to divulge Ihe amount, and nntu,. holding o*e llule hand to the In- cottame and manner of living of the *n lro“ fr'lD8 P*n ** posalble. Heat produelloa. To ehow how grrwt an ot IhoaeWnm whom he hnd aeeured Juted f.re nod cnlllnc for "Man- anelenf Greek. That Duncan la far VorT l0,t bot do not “*° a drop of eatent . pinion, differed, the more payment, of bill, of the cotnbaay. ma. Thw ono who had Indleted the froB being n sc-tier-tmfned erank *rea*e. When the pan la amoklna eotitt-rvalive believed thal Dve per but Itaher replied mdlffc-renlly to Ihe cruel blow! .neaked down the side of writings amply alteit and Ihe P”1 ,Bo ,,0*k *ni1 turn rapidly rent -n. n reasonable eatimate propoaltlona put to him and laid , he house hnd pretended not 10 know introductory porUons of thi material rrom *><>0 to Thla will help lo that It might he blame upon oRleitt. of the rotnpwnr that naythln unu.ual had happened he baa prepared for Physical Culture kwp ln tbo Julc*a- Then hrywn - are uncommonly readable

mim plus for IHOIE FROM SM CIMP

POSH RfFORMS 7. X. 0. A. Boy• Baturn from Oatis^ fit Lake

Wawayanda. If tbe Federal administration adopts a suggestion soon to be made by the Postmaster-General. Repre-

oTnUett” tt, C,hTr^” “-i —E Hf.VPAOtbT L ,N HIU.KTw. lotted io them. The Postmaster Gen-1 erml Is going to urge that all post- HatiHI*. Jr.. Wins Qu.q, offices of tbe second and third class. J with salaries ranging from (1.000 to (2.(00 a year, be covered by the classified service. At tb* same time, I however. It will be pointed out to! President Taft that tb# experiment of applying the merit principle lo tho1 Aru'r “ P1'***"' ’*r*'lon *“d -Ith appointment of fourth-cl... jKHttmntt, » '0o,ll1>' addition of avoldupol. o. tor. ha. prorad a failure. I ,ho"‘- llo,‘ ,,f '™-*' T « By an order tuned by Pre.ld.nt C * burned homo Friday niter- HoOK.rll m lew month, before he "0'’" company with C. E. fling*, left the White Houtt, the rl.II tt-r-'™,""' ''™rK* U ‘-“'Wan and Chariu Lin*, directors in the Plainfield sx- soclatlon. from the Y. M. C. A. state

I'Lampionship—Boys I'm (U- ■mlrui ion As Life


vice commission was empowered appoint fourth-class postmasters ... . . the New England .nd Middle Atltttti Uc alatea. aud In Ohio. Indiana, 1111-' Tb'* ta ,le ' TJ* ° —t. ... ... haa represented Plainfield at the mp in many years. In all contests d meets with Ihe associations from nols. Michigan and Wisconsin, Rnosevolt had long believed In tbe classl fleat ton of postmasters, and ... yield! ..notion, mad. by #*v- other rltWIi th. State, tholoeal , lu>n ■nnwgael un rnKlv nnl nnl» e«w- eral reformers, consented lie an expe.lment In the states i ed. It has not worked

author-' ho*** ah©wad up nobly, not only *es Dim- fleeting credit ui»on !henisr.'lv«*s bat ‘ fiBf *1 *1*0 upholding the name of the Plainfield Y. M. C. A. The success of the hoy* from this city Is largely due to tUcLr efficient coaching, train- moved*Vrotn"t'he'controT'ofTho'clVll '«* “J. or**n',l,'!l\ *> .,bo b*»^

torlaiy, and postal officials are cos vlnced that in time all fourth-cla postoffices will be at least partly service commiaelon. of Mr. Blngaman. the boys' work sec.

It I. explained by the otnrttt, tha, r0,kr; of lho «“>' k**0^*"0"- E*eh the appll a,ion ot the rlvll ttrvlcu of tho local delegal or, ,a. commlsaloD rule, to fourth tins, of- 10,0 ,h° c,!n» •P|rl< «■- dee. haa not proved aatlsf.rtor, o«- ,hl* *" ,kr*''» log to Ihe dlfllculty of aeeurl-R ll,U /or_ l_k»_aocceu of the of cllglbles. The compensation of fourth class postmasU i ranges fron . few dollars lo a Ogore Just brlow °"0,“1 *bo“V'hr ra,"P "* SI.U0D a year. The communities “ ,?*Tln* * *00'1. J1”'- A

supporting fouth cl.u office, .re *«* "“* and hull, by the local .mail. Their population I. aerer h0*1* 00 >b0 main land to .upply ,he over n tew thousand*, nnd sometime. «D,I> ,l,b ”«cr- Tb0 *nrk , **■ only a few hundred, and the number do“° hnder the .direction of Mr. of available candidate*, therefore. l> T"' h“ n»n,'d lhE

limited. Tbo authorities bsvo found It difficult to Induce people to take civil service examinations in such communities, with the result that In many instances the administration of tbe posisl business bos been ham- pered. Doubt is expressed by postal

spot. "Plainfield Well.” In addition to this, three rustic benches were made by the Plainfield delegation and the corner, in which they are placed, is known as the "Plainfield Corner.” A fund was also started by the boys themselves to purchsse some useful article for tbe camp next tboride* that the merit principle will be abandoned entirely, so far as fourth class postmasters arc con- cerned. but It is being suggested now that these appointments should be made direct by the postmaster-gen- eral. tbe applicants to be subjected to a simple written examination de- signed merely to test their business ability.

In the athletic events at the camp. Plainfield took several honors. Jo- seph Sattells. Jr.. Won the champion- ship or tho second section at quoits, with Frinklln Newell and Gilbert Lewis qualifying la the finals. Jo- seph ftattella will rompete In the state tournament Id a few w*»k* for tho quoit championship of the state ... .M second and third class post-.ca™p- Office, they are located If, fair alsedL N«*CTata Blair bm town., aud Ole compensation. If 1. G<,or«° '•ol«b* V»»W !>»**- Mid. I. large enough lo aliracf de- lh» Volunteer Life Saving cam al ruble candidate.. 1’o.t.l official.,nk,lon- Nowel,*1 Porcem.gc -m believe Ih.t appolnlmcot. .o tt-cond I »'n't»-a«,or>. -hlell la an e.«ll,at and ll,ltd CIM. office, could be Blled, "*°rA- con.ldcrlng .hc difficult »>- aucceMfully by certillcatlon of the ""“““of; **°« 'bompklnson hnd ciril service con,While they) ™ilr. 51'!” xpret tbe admlnlstratio adopt the idea at once, they hopeful that tb* reform will be for- mally urged at no distant date, len- der a policy inaugurated by Postmas- ter-General forte! you. postmasters generally are retained la office now as long as their records arc satisfac- tory. but this rule may he defeated on occasion by senators and repre- sentatives. Every effort is to be made by de- partment authorities to Induce the administration to favor the classifi- cation of second and third class of- fices. Postal officials believe that for a great many yearn to come offices of the first class, such as New York, Chicago, and St. Louis, will Ik> used to renard political service. For tile present they will devote their ener- gies to removing second, third and fourth class office from the realm or politics, trusting to public senti- ment eventually to, force the classi- fication of first class offices.

others t ■vaster, while the belief was also ad vaaced in another quarter that th« situation was becoming shout aor-

for having learned to swim at least twenty-five yards. Joseph Sattells. Jr.. Benjamin Cooley, Robert Duoy. and Hoyt Tompklaron received but- tons for having learned to dive. Gil- bert Lewis anil James Me Name# were given gold buttons for each teach- ing ono fellow to aorlm. During the whole encampment th* boys enjoyed the best of health and th* average Increase in weight was five pounds. Evdry member of the party haa a heavy coat of tan by which to remember the experience Those* who camped for four weeks are: net.jamin Cooley. Robert Busy. Hoyt Tompklnson. Ruaaeji Lee and Joseph Sattells. Jr In the two weeks party were: Craig Blair. Russell Ber- rien. Irving Manley. Raymond Man- ley. Richard Pennoek. Franklin New- ell. Collls Case. Gilbert Ia-wJs. Charles Moraller, James Me.Vatnee and Goo'ge Leighs. AVw I *m* For Varauoi ( leaner. Mosquitoes d* pot disturb the slumbers of John T. Lyman. 1»1 Cooper avenue. Upper Montclair. There are many of the little winged

Governor** Day at Meet. Governor's Day at the avlatlo meet, to bo held i gust 10 To HdiritrA,'‘r“;?' P-“ •" «h*t aectloil of th© inoon- , *-!.„! ;\, r ?"• '•'» '°»n thl. a.mmer, and. dx.lt. J. Franklin Fort. Governor ,h„ .... * * and Governor Edvard S. Stuart, of Pennsylvania, have been Invited - ''n' tb'lr *B,r“ attend with their staffs and the

instead accepting their overtures and In fscl It Is doubtful If the moth-' are nncommonly resdshle cook slowly. All mei for mitigating the alleged crime. er of the smaller ehlld knew why very high temperature Mr t'handler. It la aatd. offered ro her little One Me weep tag. | A n„f»bie ron»rlbutlon to the fie- •**r OOtalde; then it nr. _ __ ma! s**«ure ball fqr the accused man if Who is going to fathom the Un- ,,on of |b^ month will be found In mor® Meat is ruined If it I The reasons for the scarcity, as he would only tell where and when pulse that will account for the ac-‘!hf. flr,t paff nf a serial story by Pookcd very quickly. Haie.1. were numerous. The ckief he had received and appropriated tlon of th* older child. Bat. •» one E(1JA Whar'on • entitled “The Let- .Mlgaed for the dr.-re.tt In money* of Ihe romn.nl to bla own of tbe pacing .omen esclttmed,' ,rn - xh»r, arr ,our ,hor, Rgg Toaat. propottd to -Vhal a ahame"' and ahe didn't „ort„ „ ,, inKilment ot Thl* I* a popular Southern auppe- a"o« Baker to re- know ,h*l a reporter of The >>allJ1 Wai- Slnrlalr . „^,.il "The fro*,or. dl»h. Bntter a shallow podding d!*:> Comedy.” For those who ar^ 1“ » layer of toast cut into nsr- .watJbinr with Interest the evolution row ■trip*, then a layer of the wht'es Variety of leers j of the church In Its relation to ho- of hard-boll eggs sliced, then-nother The skillful dressmaker does no* man affairs, and vrho hare no'ed l»T*r of toast. But on top of all tho

a a*.,- „ . mwny believe to be the slim. »olkt of tne eggs, “rlced” by pass- sinee the floss of spring, which, *,f‘* •■d ohlld. bat the only reply of u<-e oa one gown, even It It is of sn imj^ndlng chan*. 'n the nn-. In* through a vegetable press. Four

iX mosqui- toes get into the house each day. Mr. Lyman has found au effective way

aapply. apparently, is the lack of use Mr. Chandler . pasturase Big streichea of field, secure ball and alU w-htrh under normal weather rrndi-, fund the amount fo his alleged steal- Pres* witnessed the incident. Ikons might supply food far niany‘4hg» at the rate of two dollar* a cattle, were pointed out to the re-. month If he would make a eiesn Porter. There was no pasture at breast of the affair. This offer was •» I made purvly oa tJ-h.lt of Dakar * h-ttui- f„ .-omhlue ttv-ral TarWUa'vba Slu™ tb. rlott of apring which, »"d child, but lb. only r-ply ol Uc- on on. gown, ma II It la of a brought au abundance of ..t-r, h* "r ''"•“dl.r »*< 111 n-c-wttryto applique one variety I tlon* rellrlouD life, the Rev Wash there lu hert, *e Utile rain that the think It over. I with another to get an unuaual affect. Ington Gladden • paper on "The M„ herbage I* Htarally burned off lu Thl* action by the accu.cd an La-. w.jw ,|*r one of the -[ leal f-hurrh ,„ ,he Aueu.r r. n more favored location., where large b“ aHenatttl the Mmp.thy whlch| no., I ,per.au, role, on the gown*! »m be rich In .ungeallvene*. ' otr-.ni. h.ve not entirely grted up.1 »»• •' ''•> •'>« '°f »>"> ■»* for tnld.«ummcr. It mar be a band. ur. Gladden delve, down to aome ol -lying meadow, afford »n>e.*>'l no* have to take ,ta courae. *ome l*co polohalae, and here the >he battle truth, of ChrUtlanlty. and' "I evpr.Med( black Chantilly lace, ara uaed to os-' from a careful aoalynla ot these men. client advantage, or a more genec- ,ruth* and their beertnr on Chrltt "Ido." al form u the deep ffouara of la«-.[tl.a living builds up an idMl orgnn- jot which two and even thro* are, nation the realisation of which, he

Then brown and tH,r. both house of the StateTj. '•'""“■t >■** found an effective ».r at *bo“>d b.v. *1 ula,„reTtteh.ltt bj^aaked to a, cle*rll,k ,b•• "oom* of ,b*'m *c‘ ure a, am to Ausu., h.TTT ttt .p* , !°;d."k ,o Mr Lvm.u'. „„rj. h- h*. " “ lor -he aclentlsta. and will be known T. cn bTTeTl^rtTcu'rtTTobt.m as ntur'g t „ , . , ■■ run t>y tne eioctric current opt a in tlta in the scleutlBc world "'il'l b- ' r*mo'1'l'! *° electric Bght bulb s.Ws.,4 ... .0^4 am. . I ,Dd connecting the motor of tbe “ w'n, ttTtjLT. jt,s: ! ~ ju,,b

XiTt “tti. o'f TS tba, SS,:., rtJffSrs•• - once Will he guests. Speeches v be printed on the menus, but no a

over s(i a rich cream sauce, bight Seasoned. and place In the oven unti it Is well browned.

Baker's wife afford snmevwtI1 h,Vr *° *«ke ffrmslns. but In general the cows are .Much sympathy has suffering for the lack of natural! food, and in consequence art short-1 •ulag up la th# quantity of their Ao« Worth While, dally milkings. Other factors were told of. have, the farmers say lo tbe decrease In tke milk supply. ’ you

o rut-times used. Again the mater- root rod*, would go frr ward aolv- I I notice tba: }x»u usually tell the'ooi d of. whioVjtru'ta.** |U! may be draped to dlspUy ^llng maor of the problems of pbilaa- cootHboted • Yes: I foood that telling.lieu gets underaklrt Tippling with ruffiea Ithropv. while at the same time |C aUk supply.'yon into almost as much trouble"—' would streagrhen church uBifv. AI-

touch the wall, but keeping a dis- tance of several Inches away. The - Ilf b, aiiowod „■ addrcM.bc diniro ££ n*,.6'oToT'ot'S" T^t TTi

. ~ | haa aocur-d entrance Into tbe house , . Modcrtilscfl. „ ,uckc< lBto d„„ b*e at tke Auntie Back from th* sewing lower end of the machine. Thla circle? I .uppoM yon are making u ’ work nccompUaked after two min- ."•cwe,„doi™r^?r °Mnl*di Jo»«' ««■ lo each room. Mr. Lyman U1 Gwcad°!j-o Not much. Each gin hu family retire lo their bed., where I broush, a piece of a bu.Ied auto, and they can remain undl.turbed by u- — — going to hare them pot to- ttrt pe.t. until morning. qr mschfoe for poor

“How old are they?” "Too old to be interested ln canoe- ing or mandolins, or racehoraes. or girls, or tennis. That makes 'em fine for work.*'—Louisville Courier-Jour- nal.

Kher Info < divorced Mrs. Uppish. That Hasy Man. Na*. Goodwin ge*a divorced again. And now In raioovr vexed He'a looking la his notebook to Identify the aut.

The Vie (ins*. “Here’s some poker dice. Bet yoe can t stick tne for tbe drinks.” ".No; I don't suppose I can. It * probably your wife and children who would get stock."—Loolavi.'e C-ogf ler-Journal.

Page 3:  · THE CONSTITUTIONALIST VOL. XLII PLAINFIELD. N. J., THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 1910. NO. 31. Vivian M- L.«wi» Accept* Ei doraemant of Paaeaic Se-publicana at Dinner. TMK ...


Ifa: Lib* th* »h»p«

T*4dy Wo>s In Egypt.

AUTO TIREStepajrei* Guaranteed


Trautman's29 North Ave., Plsinf iel

Branch of31 Sixth A»e, BTdyo, N. Y

Could niivthlnu tie twttiT mlspl^J toL., j. off <be ray* >if tu«- ««n and at theMi i»Hni ( - |T - i i . « i—i.ii.ine fmn,^ r-.r. prwtj Mini f»r-* " h " the " H O T bat

It I- r«IM Ibut and j

»r Jtij

cni-r !of r n i u i i ' i millinery a l t e rlocking «r (he hat •-,>ur T e d d r " w o r e

wulle In H T P * . The ner«*»arT femi-nine n)>Ml|»<-iiiJnn* wrre made. >s»l tbebat »Inn-tot a i - - . • . • in 11,. Kir) w h o

ajoes- out jmarh in the Btruna; rag or

'•I in s|i-k of thin imuy style nf beau-ty." a malt wan bi-ard to remark a fewdays ago.! "Tbts walking skeleton, bl

ture that tbe modern woman baa madeh-is.-if Inlo ,1... -. not suit me. 1 like Itwhen I at)e a I,1UIIH>. comfortable, roundfaced. Innt'liluB eyed woman with awnint wfiiK'b dues not suggest tortureand Indigestion.-; f

wr.,((,.•( ••'.,:- In a ',:s:]i of a "Tetunito naturef' ID the body of woman ooe

,<-annot MB, This may be but "tbe one

It 1H set| down as a possible strawwlil'-h limy Indicate a change In tbewind. i

A wealthy Xew Tork woman wetltto her f ' n- • : . ii! recently. She watt

* "fei'llnj. Nid" in a good ninny differ-ent ways. He nsked her all sorts ofijuesiioiin iind discovered that she wan

d In (he same mad bunt (Bar

WALKSWe Construct Them

Trap Rock, Cement


R. G. BUSHTel. Coo 743-55»ulh Am

To Whom It MayConcern.

sst Hotti


alee a Look in our Windownd yon will tie ronrlBH-rti tlMI tatv

Woolston & BucklePunters and Decorators




t)29 South Avenue

Rich'd Par roll, JrDealer in Fust Quality


686 South Second SLTeVphon* Number 1S69


«M T t M «L TM.

TenEyck & Kelley


Ing on for xleiidi'rnens and the ltivl

"Muilum." lie wild sternly, "you Deedno uiedVim1. AH you need are tbisiuure tni-uls i-ncb day. with perhapsttin-e or (our bourn of good bard house-work anfl ..li-nly of fresh air."

You rim Imagine how mad ahe was.

Pii-ion a Moi.back on SuffrageThere's a detVXUMS la England wb

r,.',[ li.- sajH t>o frankly and T O *tbat if Women a i m eel ibem he willleave the country. l i e la the Itev. A. J.Waldro*. vicar of Brlxton. "Womenwant ttieir rights." i s ld be. "Whenthey Kit thfm 1 will1 emigrate."does not see why women should wishto enter politics or even want to iIlls • i>ntciii]'i:i la tbat women shouldremain iat home, should Dot work for:i living unless absolutely compelledand should Rive up women's clubs. Desays women are destined for tbe hocand HhoUld uot be permitted lo Tote.

Wh.n Ganiua Burns.When she is writing. MM. Wilson

Woodrow says, she want* to bit*•onieihing hard. So ahe keeps Dearher a Ifex of brittle candy. One day• in- fnuiid tbat she bad eaten a wholepound uf It during her work upon aslnglr chapter of "Tbe Beauty." An-other time- she was working with aKIBM [ien<)olitfr and bit It clear In two.

* Coelina Drink..Tea to-lie Irad Mhnull be made raih-

! , • , . ' When It bas stood. seventalDui<>a iHiur It frtim tbe leaves, iwtrt-eo It to taste and stand ii In a refrig-erator for seven hours. Serre In dain-ty „ . - . - , wiib a spoonful ot vanillafc-e i-tvtktu on tin- top.

Paai Water I c e - f e e l , core and cutluto ii. ii stlii-s I'lcht fi.iNl sized pears.

sauifpMU with half a

sik'fc. Mud uf two teutons and n»k till'be f f-itrf atv inwjlT linuDTf tbe rindand -,hp Hnnauion an.l rub iln..i..-h ••ieve. Mix tu a ilule red n>!o«inE toe'v* it IIM. desired tint, ait.1 oue t-up-**•' o* sirup nuil the strained jutce i»ftwii lemons. Set aside in, onol and***•*». Thla srlil make one quart ot

George Washington

Couldn'tll a DBJ Hhhrr couM I and keep my wlf-cct. Nur would I give any l«s Ihanrrifr-atwni call for. Hf aim la u punt

, , ! •< 1 kni.w how—rv*n brltn ihan I ag

"Jas. C. HansenDealrl tD HALL PAPERS. PAINTS, OILS


141 East Front StreetLSnkATES R KNISHE1)



opposite Sancerbnnd Hall.

J. C FIELD, Jr.TeL 991-W. 411 Park Ave.Fine'Stationery. Sporting Goods ant

™ Photo Supplies.Sub-Postoffice in store.

brnrr rr.ulu than Ifcry h«» fnW-fflti-rf •*—- - ' " • J J > -lo-in.mcrWinoaJoffr-rin*.

(TiEEF Brintuiun. g?r

and we will prtnt ii will JUI



ALEX. LUSARDi.Forelpi and Don«tM rruii* Ck.iN

Confection err. NPU Cls*n. ate

II V . r r n t m. rwt. «-M «

JOHN WIRTH< 8 w — a r to Hi t r? i^rftm <

RARKRY AKD WPfFWrr !«•»*•*

MI-MS WeM rtoM m. Tarn, 7*

rde*a 4«UT*r*ai a»- •*>•-

A. ri. ENANDER,sitari ylamblnaj. Gaa *>u

SteMu and Hot Wate. IHailili

ntnetor Tor Sewer t^anecti

ies wATCHVxa AVE.





-:wt. TeL IM-I.


Ladies' Tailor andFashionable

Suits to order at very Low Pricesfor this month. Fit Guaranteed.

My Workmanship Speaks For Itself


Health Is WealthVarious boards of health, govern-

ment inspiicton} and sanitariumseverywhere urge the use of manu-factured ICE.

BLXAUSE it is pure. Wemanufacture the purest

Ice that can be produced and sell noother. PRICES REASONABLE.


307 Arlington Ave. Phone 1023

You can g»t It at tbe C. R. R. Newa

iln* and Sumlay i'sper*. Lauamat aa-Hiriineni <•( t l . icul i ig . and WwUr Pa-•I m In tn« • <uy. •kack numbers pro-ured- Brooklyn P i ^ n . EnarLiab Putatl-alJons. Datlr >Dd Sunday P»p*r» de-

Hoagland's ExpressRELIABLE

BAGGAGE DELIVERYOfiic 205 Park A». Tel. 833.w

Home TeL 648J-


Storage Warehouse• i l l . I T » M Kti ' -^l M ,

E.b. Maynard's


John LoPrcsli's4OS Watchutc A*«••«,

ome and try oar Home-mad" leaCream, delivered to any part of th*

Fruit and Confectionery.Cigar* and Tobacco.

TboM I t».J.

No me «bn jou IMJ

STO V Easd foa may aj veil buy * gocaI-.OTI at • «ary Low Prle*. W* ar«•vlltnt 8i«»-«—Good IUOTM—«t low

Stone RoadsELIZABETH, N. J.

t1"" N»w ^""^""kOO^ril'"

TurXi-y lt.).id ami exifndln* nonbVrly toWMifl'U Avenue, all in the Townshipo( Sprlnefifld.

Tbe lenctb of the work to b*

I!uin miy b<i prnrnM in the fottow-

"l. Macadam, with uphaitum blnilnI. Macaiia.ru. with A ml mite aurfa

C°l "Macadam, with Warranlte -urface

4- -Macadam, with FUbertlna turfaoa

**?.* *Macada.m. with Healley Good RoadsC'"|^Pfiny a surface c^fttlmf.

A. Macadam. with Tarvia. surface coat'

Plaj.ii. prolllea. nwclBcatlona ajid croasmtl i ini nt tlii> worlt may be n t m l n Hat the offlfe of Jacob L. Bauer courmSUSTSE 1 M B T O a d S t r««<. EHMbeth.

1;MJ.TB must i-nclom with their blda af<rnlned che^k for Jl .wW.fto. mndf pay.

•" ord»r nt John N1. C»dy. D(r«

Cho#^n FY**holdPra. for (he carrying- om.,f Thi. vork.

BMi for the above drarrltwd work wintr* rtf-elved by Ih» County Riwd Commlc « « the Tnfliial ("ouoly Board «t Ctiim. „••"nwiholdon. at th* Court House. Ellm-b-th^New .On.ry^at S M p. m.. on Wed-

"PRarh" b l d ^ l u t l ie enrfoaed In a w ~ . . u•nv^np,, with thr name or th» bidder

™e C omTnltt*^ irifn'fi the . rljrht tot anjr nr nil bid*. a« th»y m»y .l«emfor tbe l i i i . n . i . of th« County ot

iildera munt be rr'rir-.l to .-,ii,frcommltt™ that they haTB had e i -

l r n c - tn doln* the clan of work btdupon, and that 1h»r have the n n w n nW*nf and Tn ri* !•) **.irry out ftt* iForki crnw the u m e should be awarded to

IK) Rn»rf Stnwt. ElliaI&lTnMllMl

New Jersey Central

- • - • . ! n : • i • . . • - . - * . ! • . • . . a ; • » i i v ,

r! • * Of I! - •


AUGUST, A. !>., l t lO,

o'clock tn ths afternoon of aaidiiay. »a thai ceraal* pl«re or pan-el of

l.ind aiiDAEe lo the Ctly of Plaioneld. de-L ' aa followa:

ined. j. il-l .arner Of property bHonclnil, th.-nce running ilonf [

t h e

aoutharly dlrecil iowii,*-" the

'"-hundredltM* flsS-4M t e S to ""pointid comer of lot number 1 aa shown on

— certain map entitled "MaD of Nether-wood Park, owned by A- D. Thompsonand J. C. Manning. City of PUlnfield. ECJ.. October. 1903. F. A. Dunham. C. • . - "

a. maitnetlc eoune or aouth 42 degree* 61mlnulefl eaat a dlnUince of one hundred

Int and corner


lot. add to Wool-alone their lln.

ncii of nlnetT-flr<redth O5.E4) feel



SUNDAY Fran 1230DINNER to 2 P.M

Pavld Hand a/oreaald: thence alon* said

~ di f h d e d and aev-


/oreesii. the place of



ne a/oreesM u

sriTJJ . . . . KI.-SKIRK. 8ol_.EDJ*DP Adv. FeM— *18.».


1? E J-fSJ^STja.* j.»lf-!*

..If. 7.18. 8.27. t.40 p. m. Sunday—7.IS. '

>lj. J.41.' S.24,' 4.29. 6.41. «.<S, S.1J. 9AZ,

For lSa.mon. Btthlehem. Allentown and•Jsuch Chunk—11.23 p. m B.10. 8.1T,

4S. a. ni.. 2.00. 5.23. S.»S. te 17 p. m.Hilton onJyi. Sundays—6.4S a. m., 1.E8.

For Wllkeabarre snO Bcranton—6.IS. '

For Long Branch and Aflbury Park.

U». i.S0 p. m. Sundayn— (*7.2I Lakewi

elphla—7 1J. J 39. 8.4S. 1.1!.12.13. 1142. 1.39. 1.14. 145.

I. 8-60. a.4R p. m.. 1.S0 nl«ht.

i. 8.45. ».6I; 10-M.^ 10.4S,

Por BaltLmnre And Washington. Dally- * . « . 1043 a. m.. 11.42. i.4S. (.44. 7.4*

Probably come from OTers trainee

atglit. Nine-tenths of the head

?s are tbe direct result of sj«

ible. Bring those troubles to uf

and let us prescribe for >on.

All work guaranteed.



*>ta Dlatu


213 Park A T . , TJ. 1S27


Hotel IROQUOISConducted on the Europun Plan

Park Are. and Second SL

Plalnfleld Business College & School of English

Student* may enter at any time.wmor. A. s. u i t a , Ma . • • • - wrap

TBI. TM-W. Woodtanll * Martin Uiuldlu*.• • • a torn •o-jKttT.

UB STairtU riAHO t\».1 -•.;MI. -.. is7 i .

..4acn FKctorj OlBee.CHAti. H. 8UHR, Msr

Hoara 11:1.% a m. to -'• p. ui.

Hodge's Pharmacy,Y. M. C. A/Building.BELLE MEAD SWEETS.

Tel 62

.-i! aod Depauare of Uaiit


For $1.50 jp«r month we will elwu. and pre i f4 aulta and o n « orareoat. Call for'k#m and deliver tke sa.m« Pa,y*bU

• l.ao p«r month.Repairing and altering ae«tly don% ,

Suit* to order ISO aad up.

Howard W. Cobbs

If yon are dissatisfied

with your paper servicecal] on or 'phone

TheHustlerThe best service in the city

Morning. Evening &Sunday Papers

'Phone 668-J

William H. Olmsted331 W.tchung Ave.

to Leal!- U. Cobba.l

Z SC Ph«n* 441-1,


Choice GeorgiaPeaches

««««0iilT taxi, to J&. b« Km (h«tneb julcr !«ch h n w l » mucba,-



JOS. F. BURKEA**. TeL 145-B.

lbs. John Brown

lawnl Contractor and GraderCewpook »nd Vaulta d a u e d

-Id™, (M on^odeH— & « ~ t

Eaunutea cbttrfaOj gtrta.

T. Viil'«.LN lo"h0at^ueV 'PIMMM IM.

Advertisement*- r o ii-

New York Herald,

Wn'''<l, Tlnies. San, IOTIMU,

Telegram, American,

Brooklyn Eagle


N-w.rfc E*eninc News

Received at

The Daily Press

POM« and Be»i> Pt>l«a. Prompt


JOHN MObUSBoi \u\ Tuiephou* iK-f-O



L. Moraller & Son,Watchmakers and Jmrakn.Wifchw. Clorfca man J-— -

ta« Wuek sud Clock R-1..1-. .«

219 Park Ave., Plainfield, N J

KODAKSComplete line of Photo Supplies.

Printing and Developing

Al Doanc's

June IS, 1910.

NEW TORK MAILS.re—C.XO. SOfl, g.40. 11.46 a. pi.. 1.10.

..-O. B.0O, 6.30. J.SO p. m., 12 mldnlghl-C1.WP—S.30. 8.M 9.00. 10.30. 11.50 a. m.,

2.00, 3.60, 6.60. 7.10. T.4S, 9.00 p. m.

,-K—8.40. 10.00 .i in., 12.W, 3 l j find

Clw.r—«.30. 8.00. 11.S0 a. m., IJ.IS, J.M.,-.:..'. 3.;o. 7.45, 8.00 p. m."1IROUGH FAST MAIL FOR EAST.

ie—11.60 a. m., 1.50. 7.10 p. m.ECT THROUGH FAST MAIL. F 3


ose—6,30 a. m. 1.00 and 3.30 p. m.WATCHUMO.

SStfM1 ?» I

a ie.10 a. m.


103 Park Ave.,calls yont sneotion to his

Rimless Glasses.They Look Good and

Von 8 M Qood.


II XtFlnar pUf., « jrtk rilllin^S N. JIt a. HoCClXOCOB. FHv.

«as Blluta. DOOM. M—KHn— —nt


Old Floor* Refuushed

GEO. E. WATT150 North Ave. TeL 333-w


94 Somenet S.? Tele. 781


Heinz1. S*uer Kraut

CHRISTIA;. E;.D£Avon itymf Maatino Tap.: For Ui* Wntt

I B*sinrii7-.9 Aug. 7. tttX,

Krlrtidi.bi|. tutu av.-u tbe ib,>ow> o fllLU h

cboit-v «ui) j«-ts ,.r the < • - ; : , p n l -

plt. Miiri..ii iHu^iut lou , of frU-uJKblph a v e (jeeti i. . . . . . . . . . in nmred aud

Ctuu-mrd w i l l ! t:.,. atoHi-H of Ibnte s;l-

rred t ies tbut buve • . . . • • ! mro to men.Every lniiii.,11 IH'IUK • r i i - - u i i i f inl ,

one wi tb uh.-sn It in "knit t,>Kt>th*r.~one frum * b u m no . oulicl-D. i-s a r ekcjii and no IwlHJIBt ilrcuuiwl of. un*»!i-> I ' H . - H N ttie b*lpiiiK band la t b *

hour .if n,...,) au<l L n BlmMt Ilk*one'H I'lht-r -'I- w i t l m u i « n , . o i Ufa

wnulcl bv a dry mud tirriry w a s t e .

Sucb fn . n.l •!; i - are not unusual e v e nb e t w t v n b r a v e a u d Mlrontt m e n . Ulua-

trate<I 1 ..1 that I * I O T ™ Joantli:in and

D a v i d . Daiimn and I-yili.t.* a n d , a a

I I'l-li r-w-.:i, ,] lu Tbf p a p e n , U o b e r t

K. Lei- aud Sfr-ncnn!! AofeMM.

B u t . buuiuu frloi ids cunnut nlwayft

fulfill the t b m a n d a und needn of t h e

h u m a n heart Tl.t-r.-fnro cm Ii o n e

1 bnvf Hie on.- fHpu.1 w h o to•ly al.lf to db •Meu t!iL-<-Jeaua

Cfa*M "1 he M r a d that Htli-kHli Hoeert hn,th.>r.'

1. (ThHi>t Ix it M i n d 111 tuv<frli-nd In n o i l In • frli'nil lot

Jenut 1IU frli-ml ) I... at

uraix.'<- OK

rU-iulKliii' ptaaHtla l o n t d lu«are by tlj^iiK hff it. "Porm basts in) tun 11 iiisn tnl»—

Ihut a u-u:i Uiy db««i hU life for lilaMenttn." lu tnt» dtrrsnt hi>ur uf (ind'aLuri'jH.'lirist i KMryftl.uniJ In Lt*r dflrtt-•t lujiur Him. rtj nt nil time*. U P baa*POD tlie rtiurcb'a fffpiul. In liullvid-nl IIVI-N rltf •nmc Inn been true Inill][mi* of Imttiinrek T» Mnrj- andlartt.ii tip n i n e in IliHr dark Lour ofn-mrpnipnt nitrt |*.»i»l 11 «ri';it friend

tlipr b m n n (o



<lp]>;irlp.l loviii

infi-rt td 1hi> humaniluni Inn.. ,„ hearts .

2. Cbrtst N 11 <1IVIIIP friend. What :


H adds It-uiiNluucy. Tbe best o f .

•Ifud" "il l oftfu full, l.ut 1'brtnt. be-IK divine, can never 1I0 KU. It would

ii>. H u r a d e r UIHU Christ poeeeMesie pMiwer to meet, everj- want »ndi-ed in our livm. ALirahiitu was the

friend of Dod, mid b o d blenaed blm.o Chriat f-iin anil will blesn us If Wore His friends.3. Tli.- (mill It Ion i-f fi-i l-Ulj. with

CbrLst Is obedience to Hi-- will. "Toire my frlemlH If yi» do what*oeri>r Xiimmnnil you." But why Khlrk such aondilli.n? -Ilin yokP In en»y. and I l l s

burden in light." " 1BIBLE READINGS.

it. Till. «; I Saiii. jTllt. l-r»; PTOT.xril, 17; ivin. » ; sxvii. o, 1»; Zecb.II. 1-7; I.iik.- vll. 31-13: IT. 1-10; Johnli, HI; xl. 1-;:. :»^4: XT, 1-8; Heb. li.

Enthusiast ic Christian Endeavor*!1.The Texan CbrtoUaii Lndeavor union

i.,.!c.i fortunate in obtulninK tin-ITVteH "f Mi«a { M e t Wilkluxou (o r

be difficult frark of (be Delil s e r r e u r y .id Judgment,

:lty 1n e r s j \ nil of iji**<-..uiH-tiinimi ezperlende in 1 'tiri-iinn En-eavur ivi>rk. In iln> ttmt place, aairettldent uf tin- Bell County Chriatlan:ndvuv.ir union sh.- made a brill iantiKvptM. Soon »b:p [beesme WH-reiaryf Ibe State Hsu-Mi «n<I urierwnrd ll»renidi-ul. When t b i |ir>~«<uri> of wtherutl.-M (brc«d her W r.-ilre tor awUllo

ut ofLx> l l

• ' . ' , ! ' ' "

PW HI11 Oil]




f our

We tu

iliJoodU IMT

Kon iIcToiea a

ctetie*. viHitiirr wayH Lull

Why Sign tlMan Knd.uv

lie im[n>rtaii4rd. We knoMdoitm It la w'H have Imr™

:^1EW( Cijulre^

e iiledit-e* in

Why 1




w> crt-iit li

• n utaad.>el Otumtrfaate without f

nod that In a(hat nrc M

ry iii Eod

l " t "


is called to-tin- Okla-

•tate, Mlsa

H lornTiitlonn andInn u

. P I .


* oftbat

goodof t

on—of•en.be mi1 Join


0 ren

or emker.

p 1 hrlstlane of Texs*.

dgaT•bonld need

\\V under-i-itiui- up af H thing la

- 11 promiMunrw. We

n r lawyen.

0 tbU mat-are xien S

color*: IKer able we'iIn Htrldly

Iways be so*e thprt- ar»I^-t ax set

Tn. C. E. Convention In India.In Mpealtlns of tbe.Cbrtstliiii KnilwiT-

• ••!.•.. .•<<•. held Ih Ain-a. tmlis, tbeOutlook N f i : "The wh.ili' u«ij- o t

ui--'! vldethii.-:. l,ur--li. ,iit*rn:,ti.n.:il

.'- r- :• . • !• ,: u i.-r of the Christianivor movement. This O C C M M

f that oobhler rui—i.ninr.i. WlllUttlfy, who fumuw n faooilreil ye«r»tbe time when inUnlonary -latinoslid form a <• ha In from northern in-

la to Ceylon."

Stone Roads AUTO TIRES Repaired & Guaranteed



THE JUNGLE HAT. ‘•"W In On CoorthouM.* In the CHy U »iubHh. S. J.. on WKDNKtfDAT. THE TENTH DAT OF AUOUffT. A. D-. 1«I0. day. -a that c«r««m plera or parrel of land mimic In theCTty of JlaJ afield. dc aorlbe.1 aa foliowa HNl'inlat »t a point In the centre of

Frfcpdafclp ha* **®-u (be ib.fiM* at IthlluMfUct. n.Ml l»*ela UuoUiUout the geuer*Uuca. n Lae I-. o ur of the cbob-o aubjert* of Ibr I lirHllan plU- pl*. Marked UluMiailon* of fri.Mi.Mwp bare l-i-u mtfrdni u.(b In an. red aud •ca-nlar history. ami mm |td»r been charmed with the etortra of i&rM an- « T»d lira that have louml mea lo mm. Every banuD being inin a friend, one with whom II lm "knit together." our from whom uo *uultalet*. ra are kept and no betrayals dreamed of. ona wbo txtroda ihr helping band lo thn hour of need and a-eui- alumtt Ilka our a other aelf. Without w bow Ufa Would bo a dry nod dreary waste. Much frletMlnbll** «N n.« unusual eve* Inarm brave and »tr..ng men. Uloe- traied by that beiwven Jouatbuo aod David. Ixtuoo and 1‘ytblaa and. aa birely revealed lu ibr pa|»-r». Kobrrt K. la*- and JU .n. wall Ja. kn.oi, Hut buuiao friend* .unuot always fulfill the demands and oeeds of tbs biiman heart Tlnfrefncv ra*h "n# nrali to have the one friend who la roinpletely able to do e»eo ILL—Jeeun Chrl-l. “the friend >kat -ticket b fl«WT than a brother" 1. «*hrt*t la a frlm.l In nerd **.V frh-ud In iir.d In a frlond indeed.'* Jraun allow» Ilia friend-hip best at "tab n time When humanity waa la need un the result .rf Ibr euiriMY of •dn Int" the world He luanlfrated tbs greatest foenilelilp in.--.lMe toward lbs human raw by dying f.-r Ii "Fur greater love linlb ud limn Ilian tbl* — that • man lay •!< «« hi- life f.w Ida friend-.*' In rb* danNt hour of ijnd’a « h«in-hi.'hriaf i* j'|*enrod. and lu her dark- rat hour then, it* nt all llmaa. He has* l-n-n the el.urrh'a friend. In Indlvld- oitl live* ilie an me h-ia t-en true la millions .*f In-tanref. To Mary and Martbn lie rime In their dark h.»nr of bereavement and proved a great friend In restoring tl**lr brother I.mania to life again In itrovlng by Ilia own re»«rre*-iinn from the dead that our deported loved ones and ourselves ■hall rl-e again lie hn« alan t.roogbt pr..fiiintil eomfort to the human r*cw and to Individual IniS.an hearts. What a friend w have In Jeaua. All our ain- and frW* to bcai! Wbai a privilege locirt Everything to Cog In prayer' 2. Christ I- a divine friend What fMVS till' adds lo HI- friendship! It teun-t Ita «i<ti*»tau«-y. The I»«il of friend- will often fall, but t'briat. be- ing divine, rau never do ao. It would disprove Ilia «lm racier of l»elty. In this rham.-ter also Christ |>.—e**re the power to meet every waul and need lu our lives. AI-rainin was tbs friend of «|nd. and <;«d tdraard him. K4» t'briar esn and will blew ua If wa are HU friend*. 3. The condition of friendship with Christ H obrdleme to III* will. ”!• are my friend- If yd do whatsoever I command you.” Hut why ahlrk aorb n conditionT “Ills jokP la easy, and Ills burden la light. ** in her reading*. I*euf. sill. «; 1 Kadi irllL 1-5; Prov. sell. it. xrin. -jt. asvii. 0. H». Each. III. I T. Lake vll. 31-43; sv. 110; John III. HI; Sl. 1-3. 35-MI »v, 1-H; llrb II, I.-.-.;... imi.

Trautman’s Plainfield 129 North Avc.,

Branch of 131 Sixth Are.. BTclyn, N. Y.

G. J. WEINMAN Rich’d Parrott, Jr. Dealer in First Quality

LEHICH COAL and WOOD 686 South Second SL


SUNDAY From 1230 Cfl/> DINNER to 2 PM OUC

WALKS We Con.truct Then. Trap Rock, Cement

Experience R. G. BUSH

Tel Coo 743-5|South Are

TenEyck & Harrir, LEHICH VALLEY COAL jtra aaat a dlatance of ona but forty and four-tenth" <!«•.«) f« tint and corner of lot. aold to 1 A Hoe hie; Ihenra along their h «• eaat a dlatanra of nlnet; fifty-four ona hundredth (USfl . point In llna of land tadongta Id Hand aforesaid; them* along d a line north fS degrvee > ml Hotel IROQUOIS

iooducted on the European Plan Park Are. and Second St a a*ilob aaara roa tua armtna arms.

Coold anything hr hotter adapted to krap o« the ray a uf ibr *nn and at tbo aame lime pr.it r a l<e.oailng frame f»f a pretty glrl a fare than lb# aall«r bat seen Ip «be | W iur+' It la ralle.| the Ib-wevelt or JtmgW bat and »■■ augg.«..ed to >n Kng*W* dralgm-r <>t woman * millinery after looking al the ha» Hsr Te.ldy” wore while in Kgypt The neee—ary feml

To Whom It May L A. RHEAUME

YOUR Headaches Plainfield Business Col- lege & School of English

Probably eye aigat. ru* *TArUt P1AJIO -Vcashed If7*. -tenths of

A Helur* to Nature. ■I s sh-k of Ihls la»ny atyle of bean- *y “ a mall waa larard to remark a few day* ac<> "This walking skeleton. M aeelrd. bSII-.w rhrvkrd. meager rrea- furs that I be ui.idero w.imnn baa made her aelf luto dura not ault me. I like It wben I see a i lump, comfortable, round fared, laughing eyed woman with a waUt wtfl. b dura uot auggeat torture aud ludlaralluu.* Whether I Ilia la a algb of a “return to nature’' In tin- body at woman ooe cannot tell Tbl a may be but "the ooe aane wall from rbe one aane man.” but It |* art down aa a poaslbln at raw wbl«*h may Indicate a change In the wind A wealthy Mew York woman werit to her pbyah-lun recently. Kbe wa* ; ' feetlug bad" lu g g»*»d many differ- . ent ways, lie a*ked her all aorta of que-tloiis and discovered tltat a lie waa engaged In the aaute uiad hunt that nine tenths of i»ur women are carry- log on for -lend.-rnras and the Invlal-

tbe direct result of CHAB. M. BUHR. Mgr New Jersey Central Bring tboaa trouble* to a*

ua prescribe for you. rork guaranteed.


COAL 741 SOUTH aVE. T«L Wools ton & Buckle

Painters and Decorators 143 NORTH AVENUE.

PHILADELPHIA KYK SPECIALISTS st 107 East Front Htreet. Every

Thursday. Hours 11:15 n a- to B p. n.

Arrival and Dtpa.inre >f Uni. HIMMELFARB, For Eaaion. Bethlehem, Allentown and M-tich Chunk—II.21 P- m 1 11. AIT.

*undar»—«.'« a. I.M.' For Wllkeahnrre and Acrantoo—i ll.' • A* a m.. LU v. m Sun-txy*—* Ak a.

If you are dissatisfied with your paper service

call on or 'phone The

Hustler The best service in the city Morning. Evening &f

Sunday Papers ’Phone 668-J

William H. Olmsted 331 Watchung Are.

-Madam.” I** said sternly, “you nee. no mcdk-lm-. All you need sra tbre. square n*.nU each day. wllb per bap three or four hours of good hard bouse w«rk aud plenty of fresh sir." Y.hi can Imagine how mad abs was 11 ROUGH FAST ick sn SuHrags. •u In England w linen to get tb frankly sod to

Irate ihe country. He Is the Her. A. J WaldrotL vicar of Hrtston- “Women want tbelr rights’' said be. “When they get them | will emigrate." He dors not see why women should wish to enter politics or even want to vote. Ills contenti<>u Is that women should remain at borne, should not work for ■ living unless atMHilutely competlrd to a ml should give up women’s clubs. He says women are destined for the home stvl Should «**.l be permit tad to vots.

Enthusiastic Christian Endeaveesr- The Texas I’hii-llan Endeavor unk»n Is Indeed fortunate In obtaining the service* «.f Ml-a Tv|.t Wilkinson for tb.- difficult work of the flekl aecr.-tary. Hhe Is well known for sound Jud-menU winsome iH-r-Miualitr and eutbuslaatle energy, all of thra.* hnrked up by A substantial oxi-erlciKV In t’brlstlan Bn- (leu\or work lu the rtrst place, aa president of the licll fonoty ChrlatUO Endeavor union *h- made a brilliant aurtfwa. ,v.n.|, she l"-came *.-. reury Of the State tin ion and afterward Its prraldeul. When the pressure of other dull.-* f..rre«l her M reilre fur awhile she was not nlloaifl to remain loog out of the wnlT, l-lll was called UF be iImi tied -uvretary «.f t*ae Okla* buiun stab- • liri-tl.iu Eudeator uulou. doing »pictsMd ertlt as a t'lirUHan Endei.v.-r pioneer lu rtn.t -cate Miss WlIklnMm devote- nil her flute to trav- eling. - orwpomllug nml organlzlog Uew *• a*l<*(lev. vUltltig . onrrntions aud In other way* bulbllng up t'brtstlan

Howard W. Cobbs Whan Csnius Sums. M ben she ks writing. Urx. Wila. Woodrow aaya. aha wants to hi-

something hard. Mo a be keeps ne her a bo* of brittle candy. One di she found that she had eaten a who pound of It during her work upon slagiv . ttapivr of “Tbc BeautyA other time -he waa working with glass pro holder and bit If clear to tw

SUNDAY MAILS. om*-e open from IK to 19.M a. m E- IL BIRD. P. M.

New York Her^d, World, rimes, ‘inn, To^rng], Teiefyam, American, Brooklyn

Choice Georgia * Cwliag Drinks. Tea u» be k-e.1 sb.oil.; be made rath er stronger than for drinking hot. aa lUastrated. When It has stood seven

en It ta taste and stand it In a refrig- erator for arvro hours. Herve lo dain- ty gu-ara with a spoonful of vanilla kw cream on Ibe to|i Why S.fl" tha Pisdgs? « hrl-rLin End.-utbrer* should need no argument for l-ledgra. We under- stand the lm|M»rtance of setting up a standard We know that If a thing la worth doing It I- worth promising lo do. We have b-arrard how a promise strengthen* one in a good --.-arse. We see pledges o-pit red of the -Iruagral irn-n lo all o.-. upatlon* of our judges, of our executive offb er*. our lawyers. We use j.ledgra In the marriage cere-

103 Park Avc^ call* fovti rads to bJa

Rimless Glasses. iCindling «no Grate W^d.

‘-da- Poaia aod Hran Polea Prampi "» AoMKHMKY HTHkM.

JOHN MOBUb * li Box »*0 Telephon* IS-F.4I


McCullough’s STCAM MILL, HENRY W1ERENCA Why not. then, lo regard to thin mat* tec of ao great lm|-»rtam e alga a pledge' Let ua shew onr coIotm; l*« ua take a aland. However able wa may fed ouraHvra to remain atrirtly temi*T»te without a pledge, let ua re- r that we may not always be ao and that In any ease there are that are weaker. !.et o* wt go«d example —Amos K Wells. L. Moraller & Son, PARQUET Sc HARDWOOD FLOORS

Old Floors Refinished GEO. E. WATT

150 North Ave- Tel 333-w

JOS. F. BURKE tbect Tha C. E. Coevant.on lu a|>eaklng of the (*hrta or convention held In Act Outl.Kdi Iiyu “The wh delegates constitut'd an

put them In a sauceiwu with half a r*dbd ..f angiir. one and a i»alf pints uf Water. tw0 Inches of cinnamon MK-k. rind of two lemons aud e*-« tl!l 'W tear* are lender flrmote the rind ■•4 :h» rltmanion and rub through a •Wve Mix In a little red rolorlL* to Sl'e || the drairwl tint, ad.1 one cap •* «n*l the atm I nod juice ,* **° ‘vmuas Met aside to. cool and J^** TV. will make one Quart of

the Inter, bureb. Intarnatlobal and Interracial chnrarter of 1 Froprlv-n^ TeL. 7S1

Lincoln Market KODAKS Complete line of Photo Supplies. Printing nod Developing

[\ Doane’s

S George Wsshinglon Couldn't

Iperllk-auunr*.*?f-lr **'My a"i lT*o m

l-rat advwtranwat Jas. C. Hansen

tWatw la W/ LL^FAPOB^ FAINTS. OILS 141 East Front Street TEL. 3d LSTlkATTN Ft HRBMED

Faahionable Dreaamaker Suits to order at very Low Prices for this month. Fit Guaranteed My Workmanship Speaks For Itself

309-311 NEW ST. TELEPHONE 903-J.


Various boards of health, govern- u hohkmit bt,

Oppoalta Sangarbned Hall. everywhere urge the use at manu- factured ICE Wh v? BLCAUSE it is pure. We

J. C. FIELD, Jr. *'“J • manufacture the purest Ice that can be produced and sell no other. PRICES REASONABLE.

Fine;Stationery. SponinS Goode and ” Photo Supplies Sut>-Postoflice in store. CRYSTAL ICE Co. MacDONALD A IVAMT. Kacinolve Handlers. 307 Arlington Ave, ’Phone 1023

m Ttw yrar» at raamra* sed "■■■■« urafc* sHldi ra*Mr« sa •» gl«a as* rswraaefa rsr=Sir,«b,oTc;’s

Central IL K. Hews Ktands. You can get It at tha C. R- R. News H-.-nd*. both •>-!->»« 1'U.U.BpWI Dolly Urraa and aisabath Journal, on aalo at jK!fiaval'shr — •ortmetu nt Haaaata— and Wrakty Pa- j.c:pope&co., cured BrookJya Patera. English PubJI r«ilonx rrally aod Sunday Fapwi da U vereL <-r*er« Mfl at stand raoalv* prompt attaaf- Opra Sunday*

AGENT'S L Tram* BL r%rn»m*rnm n. J Hoag land’s Express


Offka 205 Park A. TaL 833-w H«m T«L S4&4.


ALEX. LUSARDi. ror.l|. a.4 D.DMMU rralt* CM. Coaraetloaer,. Mata Cl«ara. m>

tit w. rr«.i m. *“’ • JOHN WIRTH (Bietsur to Hoary x-eft* »

BAUKT BHD «X>Wnni«»J»fc*V Storage Warehome

MSUgfw »l«rt FKOVT M. Tir7"

Ordora daltvorad •» ah**- E.B. Maynard’s


A ri. ENANDER, Saalta-^ ^lomhln*. Oaa •"lllaa B'.ewiw and Hot Wat*. Hexuua.

■S3 W1KWM AVM. John Lo Presd’s IF YOY WANT ANY


Phone 559-J

4M Tstdiui Aveawo, Coma and try our Home-mad- lea Cream, delivered lo any part of tha city. Fruit and Confectionery. Cigars and Tobacco. 440-J. PLAINFIELD WINDOW

CLEANING CO. 0. MKHMTKU H. Pv-ra MSortw. (MtWra, Pvivwto Hrahierara

Now U tha time when yon nrad a S TO V E and yon may aa wall bny n good stove at a very Low Price. We ore rainag Btevee—Oood Bcoree—as low

and Oiled. Odw. •*» ^ Scraea. Tel. M4-J. unm a i.«vism.

Page 4:  · THE CONSTITUTIONALIST VOL. XLII PLAINFIELD. N. J., THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 1910. NO. 31. Vivian M- L.«wi» Accept* Ei doraemant of Paaeaic Se-publicana at Dinner. TMK ...

The Constitutionalist.AN .NDEPENDEXT WEEKLY.

A. L. Fultt'E, Editor and


PUlnAcM. N. J.. Aucun I. 1010.


en the construction of the will ofMn- Josephine A. Thomas Swann,who dlea at Priacetos on March 2.190C, leaving a large estate, hinges:be disposition of about (320,000

"It li my desire that my executorsinall be fally ooasulted respectingthe character and location of the

(. which Is de-neTmanem me-

>• my late '

pleft to tn


irla] of Ibe Interest fe'tnusb^od. John K. Thomiaigher literary and scientific educa-!;ion of his countrymen."

The eiecators named are Profes-sor William M. Sioane. Bayard.'

John Consoles Candy Shop Precipitation for the Month

and Pool Parlor on Som-erset St. Destroyed.

Was Lew Than One-thirdof an Inch.


t f l i fnilTIHPCVnV CIIUIl u < 1 ' ' ' l n a l " l e b u i l d l n K •k*11 be school, aubject |to the approval ofrlirf UUnilnUtnUT I ™ tl1^ry .-he

Si^r^'.tOltlme ^ h ^ U e e ^ k T n s th. revesttwo large gifts have been received for the construction of the will were

| Common Council at its, AM- f o r ( h e M n i e p u r p w _ . h , t o f t h e M o e e , T a y l o r P j n e _ 3 l e p h e n 8 . P a U

nj letters testamentary were is- Bud, city and Borough Ik-portnwiil - Loral WeMtlier ITopliet 1'r, il1. They havie agreed to tBe use . _ _he golf linksf for the slle of the Work Hard to Save Prop- n u l l i n g F*rH and Fltf-

Mgtn of Fire

on »2Z.»"0 Tc

•00 last year

t its AUR-mtlmy night, dect<i<

• ibe contingency funyear, as against 113This fund is Intent

>al a mo i

lated bbdg<

! needed fyearn Mpfnse*.

While It cannot be told at this tinwhat the tax rate tbr the coming yeiwill be. members ot tbe CommnCouncil say that it will b* less thathis y.-ar. The members In roaklnup the budget have sought to curtseipensei a» far as possible withTlew to low-Ttoft ibe tax rate

Isaac C. U'juian,Haas., whose be<iuest, it U expected.will total at least «;, .""'-. and

Cincinnati, who has offered 1500.000 |conditional upon the raising of an

md Cornells C.

f tfa.Steph<


destroyed the candy shop andpool parlor of John Consort, whichis loeated at 4 3 Somerset street, at j3 o'clock Tuesday morning. The storewas completely guttered, the loss of

Thei bemr theschool

nand doll; Thii

the b

THi: UTIIKlt S1I1K '

With a look of hi

IF Tilt:

, llarkf-r sat backwindow of t

Hates" Youth Ki waa speeding i

train had given htake In lhe detailBut Hhe did gel apoliceman's

brute If »hi-

sb« would write .test against havingpolice foTi-e and ta

The funeral iservlces of Samuel which Is owned bv Herman 1I Und'com'pri^ng wm;"222"\cr;V Dwtar. - t o die* suddenly on Satur- were slightly damasej .... wat<his trad however was acquired by day at Bradley: Beach, were held smoke.le university subsequent to tbe trom bis late residence, 429 West Tfie fire was aisrovered at 2e»th of Mrs Swann. F r o n ' "feet. Tuesday afternoon at 1 m. by one of the Plalnfleld polltNow the trustees of tbe university, o'clock. Rev. t>r. Isemann. ot New WD(y immediately tuned In an

trough Undabury. Depue & Faulks. York officiated. from box 12. Marshall Kellavc applied to the. Court of Chan- There were a large number of the borough foroe. turnedsry for a ruling whether this land, fiends and relatives of the departed nlarm for the Norrh Plaintielow. but not at the time of Mrs. ftt 'he services; A representation partmtnt from bos HI at thewann's death, owned by them, may f r o r n the N;warlt lodge. No. 69, O. B, timeL and both whistle and

i partly covered as somiholesale liquor regardsstreet, which is been a :led buildlng.and The toi

2.1 Somerset street. [ monthbv Herman Kirli '*, inch, or

HIT. for Quarter

Centurystabllshtd a record for be-meiy dry. In fact never be-

the history of the localbureau has there been a

ie tbe one Just passed. As

other July months, but asreclpitation there has. neveranth when so little rain fell.

3Cipltatio:third ot

0.33,,tjj 18. 1910. The aroo

men ' a period ot 13 days, o

:e; June 2 7

nt was 1.4'e until today,ly 0.33 inclg only 5 disurable.sd. di

tion. 0.89 Inches, normal, 4.01 Inch- A n i | | | M | A Al III All«.; February. 1901. total preciplta- (' | U i i | U f'| Metloo. 0.79 incbe., normal. 4 02 inch- l | l l | l l l l l l | | l I tUUnbILes: March. 1910. total precipitation,i * " * « " " « " UVUUUU.

I0.S8 Inches, normal, 4.36 inches; IMay. 1903, total precipitation, o.s4 Little of Importance Consid-

ered at Session. LastingAbout One Hour.

inches, normal, 4.15 inches:1905. total precipitation, 0.9S Inches.!normal. 4-13 Inches; September,)1895, 0.T9 inches, normal, 5.03 iu.h-.


.nthly•Public Servicedieal issued in Chicago, biereatlng account in the August aura

ber ot the water famine tbxeatencirand Rapids, Mich., whichome of Rev. John Y. Broek, pa-f Trinity Reformed church, anIs now theie visiting his mothe

The water plant at Grand Rapidsintrolled by the municipality. Du'ig July all watering of lawns, parkees and shrubbery and all stret

ikling we"', ^rdhibited by th

; jBent by the


by his field

estatetbe foi

ider tbe red The•villi

e Tuesday after-r Itound Bro

tbe scene of tlte firl

21. a2B. 0.05 inches'. July 4.7, a trace: July 10, a trace; Ju13, a. trace; July 16, 0.03 InclmJuly IT. 0.04 Inches: July 19.

Main ! trance; Julv 23. 0.03 Inches; July 2e a i , h a trace: July 28. a trace; July 3same'016 i "

-ainfal fH

IT ID i ." 1-. tell ot the death H>of Mrs. Swsnn and the probate of amtbe will- This instrument waa datedJuly 30. 1902. with a codicil dated MJuly 24, 1900.

The will was admitted to probatein due course and on April 5. 1907.the executors delivered to the unl- byverslty trustees $192,748.99. beingthe residuary estate of the testatrix.

Ill d<

pall bearefs were: M. Nathan Meyers. Saman AdelberR, Jacob

T h e building atreet which#na lloester

13 &n


qualnted.That n

and «i»natarted d

m tine

Kht she

iwi . lnwi

LO her friend onHer «

park, andahe cawof the beny childra story.Hiss t'yn[he nolleThis , >h<

ly led

as she% policenches.n. to w

and thethiaa'mm ctold he

*ss pe


racb «

naily ac-

r protest.of the next dayto take

he neti roughooked

le wa

it hi'rsj'lf

a publicshead of her


plcturndlgnatitt the 4rself. was


increasedn toward»y before.

w h a t !••••


T h e

of aof whlows;

the r

s to about $320,000parag

:radua<h is

T e r

Bt tWate o

ture, pnd >hbe sitPrlnc*

uate.ton I"r

raphs of the v

te college, conow sought, a

mn ot Request•vise and benIdue and rem

unto the IIversily. In tru

> the

is Ab- BP

•1 Taub. Hitanberg rectly on tbi> dividing

H'-rnian Mqldezky. (wean the city and thej The building is numbered

,IHX<; I'KHMITS 1SSI KD to ifco Plainfleld nystem. yet one cor-n i I t lXJ MtiNTH OP J l l.V. q<r of it lies in North Plainneld. But

both the city and borough depart-rmliti were1 granted during July menl started In to work on tbe fireuildlng Inspector T. t). Doane lo without arguing about county lines

he following pfople for the erection w anything HEP. The fire spreadf frame houses: M. E. Townsend tt spread quickly and li wasn't long be-

- Fourth and Richmond streets; J. A. f°r« the Inside of the building wasS o m l e s at Watson avenue and Earl rompletely wiped out. Tho water j

'- street: William Taggart at Marion, pressure wa• and South Krid avenue; Nathan ' t h e . 0 « w a i

it Fif th 's treet snd l'laintictd l r D l - st w a f

•y 1, 1910, to August 1. 1910,"b v!are: January. 5.8S inches, normal.,J1-j 4-15i February. 3.79 inches, normal,

4.02: Marrh. 0.R8 inches, normal.4.36; April, 5.04 Inches, normal,3.75; May, 3.14 Inches, normal,

3.78: July. 0.T.3 Inches, normal. 6.14.Total, 21.30 Inches: normal, 30.3n.Deficiency. 6.05 for the 7 months.

Below ia a record for the monthin its entirety, both as to tempera-


should be like—big. alr<

fol- avenue: B. A. tlahl HI WoodlandPutnam avenues: C. C. Craves at T h ( 1

1.007 West ThUd street: E. F. Berry, °' l^e

all at 30Ti Leland avenue: Patsy Iteiano, E|n;i9

na- street; Mrs. K. jli. Kroll. at 930lay slngton avenud: B. I>. Morganof Ceorge s i w i land Leland avt

er- K- K. Banks, ajt K«tbarwood aithe and Kaet Secon<l street: Simon Iac- at 856 East Ki(th struet: Kinil,.

I road i

ininated in the i

that, as a mattecord, it may be. preserved fo* comparisons:

For, July. 1910—Highest temperatiire. 9R. date, 24th; lowpjperainre. 50. date. 7th; meapera t tire, 7o.9: normal tem pera ti


city.I C i the i . t . "Pa

"City officials could nci•ized for adopting this ru

These drastitdercd absoluof the baxar

hlsh districts of tbe city l

and propeer stated t^ii July

but hiThere

in himade

If the city areali a grave m<

draw a ]>:whichfrom diseasefrom the board of health. 1the trouble In Grand Rapids *to faulty machinery at the pstation,

large ctt*• diffei

t thrc ghoulat fr<

: x i :t; mperature. IJudt

he Square, a civic cBerkley Hetgts. m

{Satuiday ;;:.:!•' and elected Willla•- Jeffrey as president to succei- F r a n k Shaffer, who resigned. Tl. 'first business transacted by the cli.,; after the election was to indor

William N. Runyon. of thl-i•ity. for Congress. Mr. Jeffrey re-

the Judge as being "tried

t tha. sld


• eve


rvthini;. Chieftime this


^e temperature, ferred•ange t«mpera-rangc tempera- Jeffrey added that the Judge hadclpiiation, 0.33 promised to come out witount preclplta- mont on August 9. when

" a people know wljer-nt feXoi

She drew nearer and the police- U [ m ^pan , h e K r o u n d B o ( ^Ul unl- Andy Cutillo ajt North and Johnsonman looked up at her over the head ¥ e r a U o r a bull.llnB to be known as avenues. Permits w*n- granted :..r nnAT[OT infllUOT Tllfof a curly-haired >ounKst.r perching ^ J o b n R T n o m s o n Graduate Col- alterations to: Dor. M Tetsuka. at VU KS U 0 N,\ Hron hit. knee and playta* Vltb bis ,°ge o f P H n c e t o n inlvcrslty. tbe B88 H,.|vid.re kvenue; F. 1). Tildon. I HUILOI fliJ.llITU I I (ILbrass buttons. It was the same P°- | S B , d uu i |ding to contain sitting and at BJS Richmond street: Zolodenna n r i IlirnU rtf I I

Miss Cynthia Rasped. Them herstep slackened. She hesitated, turn-ed, and approached th.> odlcrT. Herband was tin the letter in her pocket.'

sleeping Idents, with a dining hall, kmn.-and the necf^isary appurtenances. 1:& piirtlon of the huilejinp: entire).

•Oitlr* • said, "n:

•Certainly," said the policeman."Are you the- same man who ar-

rested yesterday somebody down tntbe North F.nd and clubbed him un-mercifully T"

The policeman nodded."I don't know about the 'unmerci-

fully.' ma'am. Hut I did take a chapdawn there y.-sterday. and 1 did usetbe club a bit on him."

•Id Ml

can a man *l.o seems to lovejbachelc

ig and sleepingT l M living r<Hirtl-i* best iiri.ea 1Iba graduate, p



me ilerivpd from

-h buildinK. t-hatl

14 Shalt DC Tf

hey will i-omii

en lor and ftvemlty and th

Huch renta l '



. af-

be devoted to the

1400 each ax the funds will

"These fellowshibv a comniitt.'c

rom time to timeB<


• university and

high character

pa si.nil be awto be design

by tbe trusietnhall be giveof the maleand ability

to be able to



n to

w h o

at the nnlvwaltv.

South Second street;Mrs. J. M. Charles. *t 977 Belvidereavenue: PlainfloW Hoard of Educa-tion at Franklin School: Lake Pig-ment Co.. at R^ck avenue; H. U ue

P e

G.MThe number of rainy days

days dear, 13; partly cloicloudy, 1: dates of thundeiJuly 16. 23, !8 , 30, Prevatflnrecfion of the wind was south

I In 1 hour and on importit precipltatior, j The orp

I John F. Wflhl, of New Frovid' tor-Freeholder, but refused to i


Ordinance* Famed t

Third Ke*dlnft—O«BclaI K.-

IfcMiicll )

Ing of the Com-oight. was one

it Held In alongThe session lasted about one

hour, and a portion of that time wasrecess to allow the audft-ee to complete its work.

Before the regular business was tak->n up. a public hearing v.'.is grantedm tbe ordinance calling for the im->ro|vement of a portion of Lelandivejnue. No one si>oke- for or agatnatheJ ordinance,

fhe Public Servlca Corporation

o [the recent trial of the TungsteBamps Id the buslnesa rection. M-•ldinlnK that they we Be not s.itisfae-

> « ie Egcifferrf

Terrod to that committee.Residents ot West Eighth street,

betjween Grant and Hbbart avenues,-letltloned for lights, and anolhfr pe-ed, [that a fire hydrant be Installel

I West Eighth street, west otant avenue. Both petitions were

ieijts of West Fifth siree*. near Mc-Dowell street, asking that that thcr-jughfare be graded and improved.

The offlfi.il returns of the special•lej-tion. abolishing teo voting ma-•hljnes in the city, were read by lhe•lej-k and filed, as wafl also a Ore In-

i'if used by Chief T. O. Doane.The League of Aniertcan Munld-

iHllties sent tho usual invitation to"he| Common Council to attend the

t St. Paul August 23-26. Thisreferred to the public affairsfee. and later Mr. Mygatt of-i resolution, as a Joke, that thettee on taws and ordinanceit to the convention and thai

sum not to exceed $!> be approprl-eU for that purpose. Needless roWtne resolution wns- not passed,qierk H. G. Aflflms, of the Distrir-tu k reported receipts of 1116.37rltbe pkst moith nnd fJt|>endilurM

f J ' : . ' -7 . leavlan a balance of" Inspector o[ Buildings T. O.

•ported that he had grantedwejnty-seven permltH, snd Street

loner A. J. Gavett reportedting of fifteen permits d-ir-

Inted a committeeoge for a celebration on LaborNine delegates wera also se-

Ui attend the Union, conntylean outing August 13.

ligbt. Augufared a resoldopied. p



treeM as secent ordinances. They will beIved at the adjourned meeting-

nances were passedJhlrd and final reading. Including

Marshal Benson wasndnd by Mr. Gallaeher on tl men is the fact

evident that it seand, therefore,

been! down taoXt. mhM be r e l a t e d by the com- o ( blackening UtA^Indla tak"Iof up tn mlitee. and the fellow* of the Kra.Tu- ratting away the b^i-kKround wl

' ate collepi? ^nal'. j>av the re^i^lir a pair o

children at the college table, unless dhk- be filled ...and hiitiiorous specimens cT pessimism,

uette. ranpins < h e d B Kio°ershadoi

be Installed. The prrely referred the petitionmmittee with power.

atural brightnessevery normal healthy being.There"a an old sayine that mn.

This work is to be fecomits beauty and richness,

be whispered, for the repait cluny and antique lace ithe r.rtaln that has aeea tvlce on the washboard.Hugo colorful blossoms fro

tonne a n1th their raw edg,

The Purist Behind tfce Counter."I've Just happened to remember

that mr wire told me to get a tin panthat will go under the icebox. Havelaa raakinR *uch

a fuss about:' asked the rettftttraatproprietor.

"He fonuil a couple ef halr« In thelood. sir-" replied the waiter

•Oh.1 hi that a l l -

have what yave." Try t

s-j may lie far benealo*. but In the effort

1* there will be developedly, if strength to withstand th

. knocks ol the world.

hat dtrertlyonal studies,

d fellowships shall b# k

jo«d^d rar©

, garden partiestions at wbich nof relebriiv are

presennce and th

their e-'ges with ottonbrald.

When this work U well and firmlydone, therea will be no danger in Itsbeing laundered with the ordinarycare given to any curtains. Tbe ap-plique work should, however, be laid

downward upon a soft flann«1during ironing.

veryBnw-b. person. Me is In a coost

Among recen( arrivals at the Man-! displeasure with everythhattan Beach rfotel. U I., are'It. B.' eral and himself in partCubberly and jH M Cnbberly. of a reputation that few of

- —jr. Also a|t the Brighton Beach.! covet, and one that, it care be notMr. and SCr». C. G. '• used la tbe dally attitude toward

• life, wBl grow upon ua until we arethe slaTes of a disaereeable habit.

,Pr» of Mercer, an"[parts of the

him w* win fire It provided alwt£ him as soos a* all babies u k fu* meats ef iu

I of New Jersey:that the attain- Manhatta

persons arc ful!y Barker. <other applicant--. Tbe Girl—I'm not hungry.

The Boy—No more am I, *liing advantage of It.

The Constitutionalist AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY.

A. L. FuKCE. Editor aad Proprietor.


n PRHSIM 6111

“It la my desire that my executor* •tell be fully Consulted reepectli the character and location of the •aid graduate college, which la de- =’MT MORNING BUZE'JUIY 1 RECORD Htll

Plata* H. X. J.. AuguM *. 1010.

•igncd by me for a permanent me- John Conoolia Candy Shop Pracipltation for the Month orial of the Inu and Pool Parlor on Bom- eruot BC. Daatroycd.

Waa Leaa Than On »-third of an Inch.


108 M1IM M:=&

OB the construction ol the will of husband. John Mr. Josephine A. Those. H.ann. blahe, merer, ee.1 erleeUBc .duca- who died el I’rlereloo on March 2. lino of hie countrymen." 19e«. leeilhi e large mute. hlo(re The executor, named are Profcs- Ihe disposition of ehool 1210.000 *ot William >1 Sloanr. Bayard , left to Ihe university for the eree- Block ton and Francis I Ark In. Jr- to i lion end maintenance of e ureduate whom letter, testamentary were la- n,eh fir, aad Donsagh IHpailmem- Uscal Wrellier Prophet Preeenl. rolleee. eued. The, have agreed to the n«e


The Coatno. roenell. el lie Aug uat ru.-'lng. Monday night. decided on tll.oe* for the cooilhBeecy fund for the tonlBi year, aa anln.l 221.- uvo la.t year. Tbla load la lot end- ed to coyer aey neoeeiary m*o" between Ik* eelltneted budget an I the actual amount needed fo. the year’s Whil. II cannot be told at this Mmc what thm tax rate fbr the coming year will be. member* of »ta# Common Coancll Bay that it will be less than this year. The members in making up the budget have sought to curtail expends •• Tar aa ponibl* with a view to low.-ring the tax rale Tin: tiTHF.it i OF ■ \SFe

With ■ look of horror and Indig- nation on her usually placid feat- sirea. Mis* Cynthia Barker aat back from the window of the elevated train, relate* Youth’s Companion. The train waa speeding above a con- gealed tenement diatrlct. and look- Ing down from the window, she had Been a policeman clubbing a prison- er. *' There bad bo*0 a crowd round him. but the Hashing speed of th*- train had given her no chance to take In the dctatla of the picture. But abe did get a clear view of tbs policeman’s face. Of one thing the vould brute If ahe ever again aaw him. And another thing ahe had determined ahe would write an Indignant pr«»- teat against having aurh men on tb- police force and take It to an ediror with whom she waa perannally ac qualnted. That night ahe wrote her protest, and about noon of the next day started downtown to take It hi to her friend on the newspaper.

Mra. Fwarm's will expressly pro- «f the golf Itnk^ for the site of the vtdld that the building aball be achoo|. subject [to the approval of upon the grounds of tha the Court of Chancery. Iveralty.” Since (hat time The trustees Basking the request two large gifts have been received for the constructflon of the will were for the same purpose, that of the Mose* Taylor P»ne. Stephen S. Pal- late Isaac C. Wyman, of Salem, mer and Cora* Jib* C. Cuyler. Maas . whose bequest. It la expected, will total at least I2.0db.000. and that of William Cooper Procter, of Cincinnati, mho has offered $500,000 conditional upon the raising of an equal amount. These latter beneficences have been arranged to be used for the erection of a great graduate school on the present golf links, a Hne tract The funeral aarvlce* of of land comprising some 222 acres. ****«. *»o died suddenly This tract, however, was acquired by day at Bradley Bearh. w. the university subsequent to the from Ute Residence. 429 West Tae fire death of Mr* Swann. Front street. Tuesday afternoon ai Now tha trustees of tbo university. o'fUxk. Rev. I*r. I roman n. of N

Work Hard to Have Pr«p- erty—origin of Fire

a Mystery. Fire destroyed the randy shop and -

Interest lag Farts and Fig- ures for Quarter

Century. July established


record for bo- pool potior of John Consult. which In, extr.rn.ly dr,. In fact never be- ln totaled at 43 Somerset ttreef. aljforo In the blltory of the local 1 o’clock Tuesday morning. The more weather bureau bar Ibcro been ... romplctely Buttered. Ibo loss of mouth llko tho ono Ju.t passed, tbo mock amountlnK to over a thou- tor tomperntnre. It was not an warm .and dollnri. Thly 1. partly eorered aa MOB olher July monlba, but aa bv l*«ur«ncc. A wholesale liquor retard, precipitation tbero baa never •tore m 23 Soacrwl ■ treat. which I. been a monlb when so llltlo rain fell, next door to the b irncd bulldlng.an.1 The total precipitation for last a Clear atom at 23 Somerset street, month waa less tbar. a third of at Samuel which Is owned by l.erman Kelp-. Inch, or 0.33..to be exact. Sator- were ellBblly damage! .-. wutcr ami! The last heat, min wae on June |. held .moke. I is. 1910. The amount t discovered nl 2.S0 a Inches. From that time until today.


through Uodabury. IVpoe A Faulk.. Tork oBelnled m. by 0.0 of tb. Ftaf.fl.ltt potlceme. « Period of BJ dny. only 0.3S Inehm who Immediately turned In an alarm , of min fell, there bolng only o day. from box 12. Marshall Keller, of that the rain waa measurable. In an I For those Interested, date? and June Imre appUed.olk’fcConrto, Chan- Th. r. -or. a lav*. number of ,he borough force, torned .. ' For .hoso Interred thxte,. eery for a ruling whether tbla land, friend, and relative, of the departed alarm for the North Plainfield d;- nmoun e am here given, via. ju now. but not at tbo lime of Mr*. •< 'be services, A representation partpunl from b,.t 111 at the I • • ' t.‘-, . Swann*, death, o.ned by them, may "<"» -be Newark lodge. No o. B. ,„d both whl.tto end bell , ;«• # J*‘"h“’lv

Ju'j *• '*“a“’ tie considered as being embraced In A. was alro present. The floral I rib- sounded their number; in unison, j ‘ • a *r*r°- Juiy is. » " be considered as being embraced in A "as alro present. The floral trlb- Rounded thel tha terms of her will, so that ad- utes wore many and beautiful. The apparatus from the W- vantage may 1— taken of her be- wreaths being sent by the various

July _ trace; July 10. a trace: July Second (13. a trace; July 16. 0.08 Inch** July 10. Street house and headquarter, quirk-17. 0^01 Inches: July It. 0 Dreler |y responded and the North Plain-! ***•’■ J.Ul/ ”* **0? USUI' In the hill of complaint the uni- »■* * member, and also by hla field combination ho** wagon rearh-,* ^aoo; July *S rer.lt y trustees, after reciting In friends and relative*. ed the seen# of the fire at the same , 0 ^ ,nc_ great detail their rights and powers Interment wag made Tues«lay after- time, aa to the acquisition and control of noon at Gatevllle near Bound Brook. Tie building at real estate under the law conferred The pall bearefa were Morris Ab- set j street which since the founding of the College of rams. Nathan Meyer*. Samuel Taub. Mrs Lena Horsier.

July 30. end normal from o August 1. 1910. January. *-RR Inches, normal,

stands" February. 3.T9 Inches, normal.

Tho rainfall fb,liter-j J.tiuary 1. 1910,

New Jerwiy In 1TB*. tell of the death Hymon AOelberg. J.cob Stknbcrg rectly on (be dividing line be- of Mrs. Swann and the probate of and Herman Mqldcxky. tweqn the city and the borough. the will. This Instrument w*« dated - •- The building Is numbered according July 30. 1902. with a codicil dated IU IUMW PKRMITH IMMI'KD to '6e Plalnflcld system, yet on* cor- July 34. 190^. IM ItIMl MONTH Ol' JI'I.Y. i)-r of it lies In North Plslnfleld But Tho will was admitted to probate both the city and borough depart- In duo courso and on April 6. 1907. lYrmlt* were granted during July ment started In to work on the fire the executors delivered to the uni- by nulldlng Inspector T. O. Hosne to without arguing about county lines malty truntevn J192.I4H.99, bvlng tho following PBoplw for tbo rrrrtlon • Bribing el»v The the rwtitoxry iwIBto of tbo h-xUfrlx. of fr.me >uu.-< .41 K Townarnd »t ‘Pmt fltllekl, an.l It wavn’t Ion* ha- Tlila vutn baa grown by vnrlona Br- Fourth and Rlrtimond atrrrt.; J A. ,or« ln*idr of tho building r rrttona to about J320,000. Sortalr. at Uat Kin avenue and Earl completely wiped out. Tho v The paragraph, of the will devls- .treat. William Taaaart at Marlon preaaure waa alron* fortuuatel) Ing tb* amount named to the uaei ,„d south End avenue; Nnthan «>>• Ire waa soon gotten under of a graduate college, construction filnonj which Is now sought, are as fol- avenue

*2: March, 4.36: April. 3.76; May. June. .04 8 inches, normal, inches, normal, Inches, normal. Inches, normal. 3.78: July. 0.33 Inches, normal. 6.14. Total. 24.30 Inches: normal. 30.3.r>. Deficiency. 6.05 for the 7 months. Below Is a record for the month

spread Iln ,ta «ntlrwty. both as to tempera- and precipitation. Comparlso are also given so that, as a matter J of record. It may be preserved for ,1 {future comparisons:

iOMMONGOUNGIlROUli Uo«. 0 *9 lachea, normal. 4.01 Inch- es: February. 1901. total preelptta- tlon, 0.79 Inches, normal. 4.01 Inch- es; March. 1*10. total precipitation. 0.88 Inches, normal. 4.16 Inches; f j May. 1903. total precipitation. «.*4 Little of Importation Consid- er hcs. normal. 4.15 Inches; May. I 1905. total precipitation. O H inches.1 normal. 4.15 Inches: September.* 1*95. 0.79 Inches, norms!. 5.03 Inch-,


••rubllc Service’", a monthly peri- odical Issued in Chicago, has an In- teresting account In the August num- ber of the water famine threatened at Grand Rapid*. Mich., which the home of Rev. John Y. Uroek. pa tor of Trinity Reformed church, and who la now theie vialtlng his mother. The water plant at Grand Uaplda la controlled by the municipality. Dic- ing July all watering of lawns, parks, tree* and shrubbery and all street sprinkling we-* prohibited by the city. Comment.ng on the suDjc.t, "Pub- lic Service" says: -City official* could cot be criti- cised for adopting this rule and re- stricting the sprinkling of lawn* «o certain *hort portions of the day. Then*- drastic makeshifts were ren- dered absolutely n*ces*ary bccauw of the harrrd to life and property i Are.” It 1* further stated that during certain days In July all the high district* of the city were wlth- water. There was no water In bathrooms .in half the city area, which made such a grave menace from disease as to draw a protest from the board of health. Part of the trouble in Grand Haplds was due to faulty machinery at the pumping station, but In the main the condi- tions arc no different from many large cities throughout the country during the past month.

•red at Seeslon Lasting About On* Hour.


uur, (tai ■■■■■ - — —- ’ *• — | * Fifth street am! Plainfield lr"'. It wan completely extinguished ," A- itahl at Woodland and within war led through a pabllc |ow,. Putnam aveotLa; C C. tirmveH el T3ie blaxe originated It park, and aa «b* looked ahead of kcr Term, of lt.-iwe.t- 1.4)02 «’e.t Third .tree!; E. P Iterr,. «» 'he "lore, hut the eaune ahe saw a policeman .Ittlng on one .., Bl>. <lr>l„. ,„d beq„gaih all at Jo:, Inland avenue: Patar Oelano. B*"> unknown. r„u™li left , of the benehe.. Me waa aurrounded Ih„ ,„d remainder of at Watson avenue near l!.-org,- Ida"® a! 12.30. and as Isr as b, children, to whom be waa telling whatsoever kind or na- street Mra K. I>. Kroll. at 93" Ken- ever,thine «t all right a stov,. and the picture Inermacd |ut, ,nJ ,h,reaoever the same mar slngton avenue. K. I>. Morgan M lh“* ,l""' Fblef Donne spent e, Miss Cynthia's Indignation toward ^ the trustees of tieorge streei and Is-land avenue: >l'lw«bl' time this morning In nn the policeman of the day before.’ |.rt|,Cetou t ntver.ll,. In trust, never- B. E. Hank*, at Netbersuod avenue veaugnelon. hot was unable In , thelesB. to devote "the same, or the and East Second street: Simon Itolh. 1 *ln 'be elew lo the origin of I proceed, thereof, as .non aa pram at 33:, Kart Ft,lb .tree!. Emile Devs ^ B—1 tlcablr. lo the erection and construe- at Laramt road Dear heno North and Job varsity, of S building to be known a* avenues. IVimii* wer.- grauted

Circles on tha Square, a civic ganliatlOQ of Berkley Helgta. met j Satuiday night and elected William For. July. 1910—Highest temper- Jeffrey as president to succeed are. 9*. date, 24th: lowest tem-' Frank Shaffci, who resign*!. The peralur*. 50. date. 7th; moan t*m- Hrst bu*in*M transacted by the club perature. 73.9: normal temperature, after tho election was «o Indorse ort. ;74.5; mean maximum temperature. Judge William N. Runyon, of this the nicsn minimum temperature, city, for Congress. Mr. Jeffrey re- hp 62 9: mean dally range temperature, ferred to tho Judge aa being "tried

Til la. she told herself. wa» what llcrnim should be Ilk* big. strong and ten«!*r-h*arte«l Hhr drew nearer and the poll**- ^“'upon the ground* of said uni- Andy Oatlllo at N looked ap at her over the head veralty, of a building to be known aa avenura. IVrii.lt. urtr haired youngster perching lhf. John R xlloul»on (lraduate Col- alr*r«r on hia km-* and playing with bis |w of pr|nr„on mivrrslty. the •:.« IVIvtdcre ivenue. F. I>. Tildn brass buttons. It was th* same P°-j |,a||d|ng to contain sitting and at fc2'- Richmond stroct: Zniodrn Ilc*msn I sleeping rooms for officers and stu- S*nt*giJj at «2t South Second atreet Mias Cynthia Th«i her d,.nU ,l(h dining ball, kitchen Mrs. j. m. Chari**, at 977 n*lvld*r. th* necessary appurten


step slackened. She hesitated, turn- ■Tenue: I*U1b«*M Board Edura- a portion or ta« nutiamg enr hand waa on the letter In her pocket.-^ s|c |B(J Bpart froni> Bucb aad It gave her courage. •Officer." ahe aald. "may I ask yon a quest lot Certainly." said the policeman "Are you the same man who i rested yesterday somebody do tha North Knd mercifully*” The policeman nodded.

The August nicerfcg ol the Dun- _ ..— RtM"k •venue: H. L. de cllun Common Connell was held in | ting and sleeping rooms Forest, at 953 Hillside avenue; Geo. i»wn hall Monday night. C. E. Rlch- The living-room* shall l*e rented Buss, at 1311 South Second street. artf,( president of the board, mho Is prices thev will command Permit* for brick houses were grant- the acting mayor In the absence of to the graduate, senior and Junior stud- n's of the university and the ln- ;— .come derived from such rental*, af- d rlutib.fi him an-jI<r dr.„,c„nB lh, o( „,„= •uvta bulldtnx. vball be devutrfi to tbe mfilnleuaure of a. roan, fellowship.

C. D. Maoulua at Watchuna M.vor Sanfiford. occupied the ehal Holitloe buelueas wa. fif.po-ed of aud al remonstrances from Michael

"I dout know about the "tiniuercl-jof |l0g rnfh „ lhe funds will pro-; Randolph road.

HILHOt 97TTK l*IIGT<K(RAI*HY. fully.* ma’am. Rut I did take a «"h«pjTld„ down there y.*aterday, and I did use These* fellowships shall be award tka etub a bit • »Ib ;' | M b> a eommltw. to he fie.ltn.tefi bill,.1.^ lmpV^aio.V .... I aaw you. Mid Mia. Ontbta. Um. b, tbe tru.iee. of were lln.t lalrodurefi I, It ... tBVvIhle | the aalMr.lt, and .hall be at... to ,n, , h.„ Mrn ,on, o oeem. to ■ovelbarhr|on of art. of the male aex remarkable lltlle rklldren Ireal • fellow belnt „f hl«h rharacler and abllllr who »roI,pe. In wblrb tile fiture- ar

,'.bt II ever ”°”ld '"h^! *M'r""' 'aBr". probabj, hr mlsebane*. I, ■ tbt It over. 11lime lh.tr .tnfile. at tb. nnl.er.lt, ,„n,,.|r,„ ,bad,la , „„ , .me.! |, .hall be terminable at ibe Th, strand Maca.lne The rhl-f rretlon of *"ld committee The dra.-back to dieture. wblrh bv ‘ fellow., to a number not exreedtn, „r |,cll ,firo„ne« , . - — ,on had. ma,be ,oa thtrt,. .ball have anfnrBbhefi lh. rl phototrapber. are wltnJnmU An expenditure of I25D

appear-ln .tlbonetie. I. th, ' the subjects do not stand out in pe

“Md rou get a good look gt th* rest of the crowd, ma'am?** 'dlscretlo

Gallagher were heard. One of tbe-u- waa again«r the borough for allow- ing llainflf Id liquor wagons to come Into the borough with only a IMaJofleld and not a Dunellen license. Mr. Gallagher also called the coun- cil* attention to the carrying on of Ixislneea by Ooorge Hug In hi* son a name. Marshal Benson was also reprimanded by Mr. Gallagher on th.- ground or being unfit for and neg- lectl of duty. "Tth* report of the sewer committee an received, it Is planned that

create*i dally range tempera- and true, strong and able tnre. 57; monthly range tempera- Jeffrey added that tho Judge had tura. 4S; total precipitation, 0.33 promised to come out with a state- inches; greatest amount preelpltv- moni on Auguat 9. when he would tlon In 24 hours. 0 16. date. July let the people know where be stood 30. This amount fell In 1 hour and on Important U»uc-3. 10 minutes. Normal preclpltatlor. j The organization also indorsed 6.14 inches. 'John F. Wahl, of New Providence. The number of rainy days with for Freeholder, but refused to make 01 inch or more were 4: number of .any other indorsements until after data dear. 13: partly cloudy. 17: ‘ the primaries. cloudy. 1: dates of thunder storms. Mr. Jeffrey announced that be July 16. 21. 28. 30. Prevailing di- would not stand again for mombt- rerrion of the wind was southwest. |of the county committee. The mean temperature for the month I The club appointed a commit! >e was 1.4 above the normal. Tbe pre- |to arrange for a celebration on Labor dpftnifon for the monrh was 5.81 |Ony. Nine delegates were also ne- luchea below th* normal. lerted t/» attend the Union county Tho maximum and minimum tom- j Rbpublloxii outlna Annual J3. July months and I " per gt i yea rs Tear 1889 1890 1891

1897 1898 1899 1900


95 — ■■ ■* ll>*I I n/a Du notion Join with North flalnfi.ln :

| NOME OLD FRIKNDH. Dato; | An inspection of fhe materials for 17-19 spring and summer wear shows that curtain old-time, reliable materials have returned under new names, but our mothers will recognise their friends in the shape of the coar*e linens that resemble “oat meal** cloth, hopsacking and the various 4W • basket weaves. th*' onp !o ***cnd ***• sanitary sew«r Tbo feature tbot commend. I tacit U‘ '"tprov. a Don Km of to man, oomen U the fact that n. l''l‘ni1' * .V?*' th® ,eneral °"'u

weave la *> evident that It serve, f-r , " * 'or pofic. peo.lon., decoration, aija, therefore, requires I V1.0 *0,*r" very Hule other omamaatattnn. Sim * " pie braiding designs or buttons are

»hall “Well. would have noticed that they were room* In said build! .. Just ripe to rescue him. You see. The tgitlon fees of the fello ma'am. I don't really like to club a h* remitted by th* tru-tee* as a con- frct proalr fell.. bvloR. a. ,o« rail him. aa, dlflon of thb, niff. There remain, ho more than you do. w hat I like bet- "The number and situation of th* ,,ian |nr.nmill ... I.r I. to .11 her, 1. the perk and ro^p. efi to ,h, o»r,r. aad shall be Axed by the said consist* In collecting profile •nip- unsel. for IU

TH*: I

t*H yarns to th*e* youngster*. Rot f..u„ the fart l*. ma am. If 1 hadn't used committee, hut In no esse shall th* .ho^ or makTbg'ikem 7o77he’^n ,D f°!

m, rl.b ,c.terfia, t p,„P- r„, ,h„ tMm. .„fi „,,I,,|eV“h.„ ahl, Pc her, remitted The p.»rfi a, the c.,U.„ h, M." „m“,lc fic.ili or cemetvr,. If ,ou d been down „M. .h,|| be r.cul.tcfi b, tbe rotp. blarkealhfi f.hh India Ink end rutting away tbe background wltn n pair of s«l<si>rs A large album th* collector b* Industrious, thi^ war with very fsn- humorous »peclm«-ns

recommended for the prellml- .« - n*T •Br*cy of the proposed sewers . *n I>nnellen Herring and Fuller of another N>w York b*,n,t recommended aa the engineers. The report was referrej o Walter H••-fluid. Jr., the borough proper arrangement

I1HTKR Him:.

Third Heeding—4 NBcial Re- turns of (ho MpcrUI

Kleethm. The August meeting of the Com- mon Council Monday night, waa one of the moat Important held In a long time. The session lasted about one hour, and a portion of that time was taken for a recess fo allow the audit- ing committee to complete Ita work. Before the regular budnesa waa tak- en up. a public bearing waa granted on tbe ordinance calling for the Im- provement of a portion of Iceland avenue. No ono spoke for or against tho ordinance. K» Public Servlcd Corporation the attention :h* m>-inb«rs to I the recent trial of the Tungutea la nips In the buainoag rectlon. *«- plaining that they wetv not aat inf at- lory to the merchants. It suggeMsd In-kalllng cluster lamps, and offered to ivke the matter up with the light conimittae. The quedlcn was re- ferred to that rommlttic*. Residents of West Eighth xtre*?. b«.-twf-en Grant and llobnrt avenue*. •ioned for lights, and another pe- tition from the same section request- ed that a Oro hydrant b* installel ?at Eighth sireet. wet of Grant avenue. Both petitions were referred, as wax also ono from resi- dents of West Fifth street, near M- Dowcll street, asking that that tbor- ughfarc be graded knd improved. The oflrlnl rv-tnrps of the-special election, abolishing tko voting ma- chines In the city, were rend by 1he clerk and filed, as waa also a Are |n- pollcy on tho Brush autotno- blli used by Chief T. O. Doane The league of American Munici- palities sent the usual Invitation to tV.a Common Council lo attend the annual convention to be held fhi* year at St. Paul August 23-26. This was referred to the public affairs eommlt'ee. nod Inter 3fr. Myuatt of- fered n re to! it tion, na a Joke, that tho committee on Inns and ordinances bo *<-ne |o the convention nnd that a sum not to exceed |9 be appropri- ated for that purphee. Needless to sav the resolution waa no! passed. Clerk H. G. Adams, of the IH-trlrf couft. reported receipts of $116 17 for the past mouth and expenditures f 132.87. leaving a balance of $83.50. Inspector of Buildings T. O. Doan* reported that he had grant-d enty-ueven permits, and Street Co mu er A. J. Gavett report**! the granting of fifteen perm I Is dnr- r the month. In accordance with a resolution Offered by Mr. Buxton and adopted, the city ‘rensurer was authorized to borrow $3.0l>n on kcrount of fir* fund and fl.OAO on acrount of iow»r fund. Clonk moved that when Conn- ell adjourn It be to meet on Mon- day night. August 22. and he then offered a resolution, which was adopted, providing for tho ndvertU- ng for bids for doing th* work an-! furnishing materials fur macadamlz- a number of streefei aa specified recent ordinances. They will 1>* received at the adjourned meeting. Several ordinances were passed £hlrd aad final reading. Including

nrding .-ese coarse fabrics form excclleat' . Kackcround, upon trltlch dM,ra. „P"“C *,r^U «» -cn"d vrou-.tllclilna (dope with aoolrn •■r l"* '"/ "rd*’r'd B'"-r"-a

amendment wa* made, howerer. be-

the g-a'lii- there on the street instead of tba eltvatvd ate ruliece ,hai: pav the re Ml— Cynthia nodded, nnd looked vbnrs* thorvfoi.’and they *ha! nanln from the mnn to the rhlldron at tb. roll.,, tnbl., nnlws d,v- b. n'l.-d inpatlrntl, nnltlna 'or blm to re- prna.d therefrom b, th. d-an >f ,a,tlr and ""TtLtak'V^^stS?- present ffraduatefsculty • • • eeirbri le. In i sllbouett.. |f * k ‘ •”" “*•* ****** Fo» fJlersry Howard.. from royalties down to popo tha* the said fcl- ey* «’n the vaudeville stag*

ling I 1888

Psnkilsr I More. "What was that man making suck a fuss about*’ asked the restaurant proprietor "»*• found a couple of hair* |n th* th.lij food. »lr " replied the waiter • oh; u that *n?“

lossb:p« 'hail be bestowed u|>on The quantity of materia! bachelors >f arts who are engaged dl*|x»*al of tip* collector Is enor- la literary and scientific r-*careh mou*. because |a wide range exists bther than that directly connected for hi* scissor* In the numerous plc- Hh professional studies, so^alied; tures uf crowdqd tnc« course enrlos- as the J.xha

•’Ton ,tr. . v.trtarian Sn^,' fellowships shall be known uras. garden p4rtl w- functions making appointments w>h« of celebri.. bachelors of arta n«*t invariably, ipreaent of Princeton University •hall have * preference In the order -named al Ma.hat

One of the eaaleat things In the orld la to form tbe habit of grurab- The occasional discontent stl.J,,- lot aooa d.v.lop, m,0 chronic p^slmtsm. k state or mtod tbkt: . ran nine ,1,ed* *loom Bfoond and compl.t.l,' J”, ormhadav, tb. a.toral bH*bto™ ‘ of every norma! healthy being I is*]. There's an ol tbe matter ln a can’t hnv* what you like, like what you have." Try to aee the good that; j .*«,


and the supplemeat to lb* M ordinance, while tho ordinance mil-

wnerall’i’’sufflclelu^or' tbe'inoratiiginn'' 1903 ••; to 40 to Brm. uhll. th. ao,,,.. m^,. P-ovtalooa In th. future "— 1904 1905 1900 t90T 92 1T-1J 52 5 Iln.n thread,) m., b. addcl. i. ]00 12 no 9-1TI «’b.n th. Individual touch or .m-‘I,"?,.' ' h .^ d -.pr° l! I 1909 9H 30 45 r. j broidery I, add.d th«. mala,tala .1,’1*° ''T? 191" »» 24 50 7 ! arc excellent'or afternoon .car, and'? The procipitat on value, of July b, Bltbou*.-! the dnlgn la more conven-1 ai'1’ 'h P th * W,U n,,, be

a. follow., with 24-boor, tlouat than tb. ,ratlin, vtn.. worked, M r,qu_t pilbUt R,.. vice Corporation, the Common Co an- ell paaacd rcaolu'Irma calllna for four •lactrlc IlKltts on West Front -trod. bHwc.n turnud and Grant avcnorl. Iy«

r tu. iiRiiibx * iuc» workrq reqU^-» | by the weaver, of fifty year, aco tho ,|ee Corpor.Uon, ; effect warrant* tbe time expended In • •• ' . the construction. * Bate 1.25 C HINTZ APPLIQUE.


uylng that puts itj;( nutshell "If you j xjd ay lie far beneath the surface of and military your le*. but ln tb# effort to unearth (

The grumbler is a v*ry unwelcome'


Father—Baby crying fer Mother Tell him «c win gl 16 him na soon as ail babies ask It-“—Harpers Bazaar.

I I Tint rum - he IV - w , Be^h. perm>n. He In In a constant state ofi I’O-. ‘ rwi,~,„; «' *t»o»« nc«5 arrtvau at tb. Man-: dlajlaanirt. with avamklac tn »n-( 190. r ta - d l^v, ^"t’h* "a" ,"**ch '• ' • *«’» >•"*' «« blm-.f In pirtlclal” I5," Z, ,£ "1, , v . r ' “bWrlT *Bd " M Fubbcrtv. of a rcputallon that few „f or j,oi l part, of th. .tale of N.w J.rw.v: this city Alao at ik„ n.i.aio. i,..rk • ro... ..a ... .... ■■ . provided aiwaya. that th. attain- Manhmtta_. B.m, of such pervona ar. fully Bark.r, of tni, cliv •dual to those of other applicant., ;

51*' Alao at th. ftrtfhtoQ n.arh.1 covet, aad oaa that. If and Mra. C. O.'iaB la tb. dally attitude toward ■ life, wMl grow upon ua until »c ar. th. ,1am of a dlaacmabla habit. I

■lank Place. Then. Ilfiku will now b. Installed. Tho provloi, action tncrolr rd. rn-d tho pc It loot to tho commlt'oo with powor The B'url.t IK-liln.) lb. Counter. ■‘Fva Juat happned to rotaamber that my wtf. told me la net a tin pan under the Icebox. Have that will

Apply cut-out cretonne dowers to | course linen lace for bedroom cur- ve t*1“- :: * Th“ “<"k !■ to be recommend.-! {: j,or "• beauty and rlcnneaa. and. let ao I *' be Whispered, for the repatriate of . | *hat cluny and antique lace Inaertlon -bee rrtatn that has seen too hard “-“.■errlce on the washboard. , * ! Huae colorful blossoms from Eot- 1:'!; | "*h chints ,r cretonne aro sowed 3--2B upon tho lace with their raw edae. ” . I ta evidence and then covered alone V‘- their I'M with white or cream cot- I tonbrald. 'Then this work U well and Ormly 3»-30 done, therea will be no dan«er la its VO. 'Bundered with the ordloarv 3®--l care liven to any curtains. Tho ap. 23 , ""'b should, however, be laid I Th. Boy—Let’s ao ll --downward npon a w,f, fi.nnvl ,„Bch. „30.. c^bduHf, tronma. , Tbe G,rl-l’m not h

eloit.- 1 Tha Boy—No more t *lp»a _Ce- Mtutlooaliat s ada. ptv taking advantage of It.

’’No. air: hut we have tome that can be shoved under the Icebox. Won’t that do Juat aa well?" ’’I think not. young man. M, wife la a bit particular about my getting the exmet thing she tells me to get. I presume I can nod It at some other store. Good dav. air.’’—Chicago Tri- bune.

Page 5:  · THE CONSTITUTIONALIST VOL. XLII PLAINFIELD. N. J., THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 1910. NO. 31. Vivian M- L.«wi» Accept* Ei doraemant of Paaeaic Se-publicana at Dinner. TMK ...

Hurry T. Clement and J. 8.Klugman, Who Tried to

Cuh Them, ArrMtad.

I I — I, A i r * . H I .

t> I ! . liifi-l«-.l —

l>iii 1 t i i - X n . ' m r . r

hcoutl of I'uhrr

S75 FOR HIS I f x,In a recent report sent from CheraIts Consel Thoma. H. Norton *a

onriata and Visitor* Throng l n . t |n German .porting circle* tnN«w

The Common Council at Ms Auc-ist meeting, last night, voted !""• toover the expenses of Chief T. O. '>oane to tlM annual convention • ! ] 1 I | 4 1 . (>|Ire chiefs to be held at Byracuse. ji. V. It was originally planned t >)rtT» the chief |100. but sons* of the C«nBp •R*tnnembw* favored the lesser amount. A t u^-tkwtr. MoniEimery. one of those TOI-Jag against the |3S proposition.•d that Chief ii. •• • '• -ii'l not stop,n Syracuse for !<*• than |7 a day.nd that ITS would not be sufficient. | w u h (fa

Ho*ev«-r. the majority ~*

Mountain Resort.

P o n u l a r t e r e B t U e x c l t e d O T e r **« PO**IblIlUe*of a newly derUed form of loromo-iTe for use on water, termed U19hydrocycle."

1 ' It Is of exceedingly simple con-FKIDAT. B t r n r t l o n A couple of parallel,

' pointed water-tight tubes of nlvan-(>mrr if lted iron, ten and one-half feet l:i

I length, are attached to ea:h otherK Notea | t w o M < J bBe_a i]f feet apart. A light

framework supports a seat. Be-nea th tMs !• a pair ot pedals, tbe[motion •»! which Is communicated to! propeliir blades. A handte bar In

BUT! RHGNS 8TPROO. 'o||IirnfllT (I (j Q

PLANS FOR ( Mcidentally, »11fashion, has•


almost jr all occasional

over the worldbrought about and*ated use of blueand a wild riot of abade*. it anythingso calmly satisfactory as blue cancontribute to a riot. Certain it Uthat those viviii. warm and most roy-

thade* are placed in very cloaeJuxtaposition to the greenish seablue* with a (iarine not dreamed ofa.few season* ago; and then, too,their combination with purplea and

Most, useful is tbe well-knoblue serge for traveling and all I

Mayor N. B. Snu'.!<v, B n. * » 'dron and E. P. T. Smuh. ct <• b->rough. attended the meeting of toeSomerset County Republican Coti1-mift... at Sotnervllie. «™iU>

for a clambaki1 be held sometime

were discussed.i month

lalley w «chairman of the out Ing1 and tbls will Insure & goodor those wbo attend. Conald-tlme wag taken up In dlscus*-

I fall campalgi

A pak-r *MM tMU

Hank. | [,,.[vl,[..rinipni. 11 Is .aid. was EH M r «W , » , ! , „ 1>f (!lFease« at her home, en o , T c h a n E P n r u l « and will now| B ..rd.-r to mak.. h i . 1.*..-,, *<.•>*Ji-onven t ftvt.nue, N c w Y ( ( r k r l l v , 3r, . u k e p l k P / F r d a y ttf(enloon, J ™ , , , ,

Saturday Kluemnn

and other imprtamental Idea, icome a popula

.:.!•'. It to br- but I

tin' bank and t descendant c

'in In•• Mr. Arno ld .

•nliiK I t I rc-lirvliiibefore

N. Itunyon the *to'>f tbe rhcrkx WSK i"Ui nin! durlt fia t |Frnc<*nn i 1** in or 11 ''\hoti^ratKliiKinan of wrong. Intent, but In (d<*f lo thresh out the matter! the"iitrhty Judm- Run yon hild bofh mIn ••|ii;U amounts. II. If. Krarii|«-r,

New York TimIn

nd Cle(2*> -anh al l

<T(!ay he promptlyR

s New York addre**Chief Klely yps-

difiednd Sherid

apprehend the! mlHofflre at S^«

ick." owned by Clar-'

owned by i.:••

" ! Camp Ram's Horn, o' j and. conducted by Toi

*T'| visited by a rJarty cf i

i Halm tal-Muir. w M

weit end peo-yed dinner be-and afterwardsride about the

Th? party Included. Mr. and

Mi»n Kditb I,. Jorda,Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Jordi

(b, N. Y-, will become Ihl«-v. K. Vicars Stevenson".race P. E. church. neiti.rnii, Th*> wedding wl

• nt Ihe home of the brld-

. . . *W**.~- | > o n a | i f 4 |^,aBMi (,,,. M d M r 9

, b J nanlel Miller. Jklr. and Mrs. s. J. Rob-

» par-

T>!*- wi'd'lint' will be a quiet on<>ixi*. but tbe immediate relatlvs l>e-IK present. Mr. Stevenson and hi!riile will sail on Saturday for Clan

they »H|

addre Hownd has his oflfee at

eH'cilveailed lo

watch Clement's house and »i 10O'clock last nieht nabbed hts manas he was about to enter his borne.He was locked U» In police head-

In speaking of his arrest ! thismorn in it Klucman declared that tiepersonally had cashed the checks• .I.: ' were banded to him by Clem-ent and that In order to get his mon-ey back had brought them to thisf|(y. and as th.- first check tot $36had been readily" cashed he believedthe larger one would also meet witha ready acc'ptanc* by the bank.:

lulndB of those vitally Interested Inthe matter explain why the two

• f-hi-ifen wore not cashed by snmebank• York, takln:

piiBon's approachin»s as a surprise to manticipated the evenwith him the poodot friends and ; I.IT

I tnson, Mrs. Jatoes Stewart, Mrs. JohiUj.rn. Mies Flora Milter and Miss

| Kdlth Rnhlnson..I this week ara William CoddlnRton

> weejks' stay; Frank Dner

| Brooklyn, and Edward Keim. of Phili adelphia. Roy, Adams and John Virbrock, of Netbjerwood, will arrive athe ramp Thursday for a week'

i Freeholder and Mrs. S. V. T. WilMr. ber. of Wewteryt'lt a venue, who spen

'rlage the nmnih of July in Maine, reachesa had the lake yesterday andi car- ' their cottage,i "Klkwooof a remainder of kbe seasoreca- Mrs. Hlaki


"Does It hurt?" asked t[•moving the buzzer.

"No. bnt I thought yo

entlst. "A tooth hurts worst' able ittl; • surface. Tbe thing In tbejeatece;., which you rail tfw nerve, is warme1

not a nerve at all, but an or-'place c•nds it to he the

{ thei' been at

B. Tatnam.daughter1 and so

cojttaee .for

mntalned that he brc

. house.

teller he did iThen, after assuring himself that thechrrks of rlomnt were all right behad tin hesitation in |>r>-«<-j!iln* tbeserond rheck for the l.irt-r amount.

It is a knotty question which! will1'iiv to be solved by Judgp Hujnyonnext Tuesday. He will be helped byrnunwt for the two accused men.r-rsntln J. ]*latz for Klugmanj and


Andn E. JKei

cost of living?": Tbe rubicund genteit glanced at a check

Second street,[havean address- Oaks" cottage! in i$8.3r,. rep-j with their families

resenting tne cost of his modesmeal, handed the waiter $10. witinstructions to keep 1pulled out a cigar thaiviewer recognized as aand leaned back tn his cl


body sbould save part ot his

"K*actly.""I'mph-umph. Sounds reasonah

Hut what proportion of it do ythinlc be sbould salt down* Sipose, for instance, the man earns $10 a day. and has a wife and ftchildren, and some of the babies filck occasionally, and the older orieed clothe* to go to school, and tandlord want* bis rent Tnail, and a pair of kid'sa month, and the install!sewing machine is BO I

h i s

HaUey Islandreeks. Mr. Wll-he la know

Mrs. Anna Mo

1 man, of West Fourth street, who en-,' Joyed cottage liO near Rasa Rock foij the month of' July returned homeyesterday. [

: Tbe Missestnock. of era

1 Palmer, o ' FsinWood, are guests aijnt on tne Mr. and Mrs. 3. A. Hayne's cotta-e.ihoe* last* "Chotola." in fcreat Cove. Mis* An-

na Wan >ck will probably rem

rife is half a dil-

refunded It of th. flral rbeck.!(»6,!drlnk a

bank t.y KIt

\ i i i M m r o TIK,

The paisley tie has .which mil add rlphneisummer shirt waist, ifsiblon expert peraUta

highe!, and Ret, think he ouKirge proportion


wn after fotrip l i Ne


•till :(•ley

Frank WHOMiss May

afreet, la spendli[ sUte the cane fai:- party of friendsthe man has rice*. 1 tag* in tbe Kitsmokes." . Mr. and Mrsi

got that. Ye*, he payspackage for tobacco and

i*ts ten days." • ' main until Aufci

Russell Moijri*. of West feventitreet, is apenidlng a week at Bairood cottage M the guest of Mr. ai,Urs. F. T. 'Wbodhull. He will r«urn to I'M.:•(,!.: Friday and wll

Hampshire with^nd Kdward Abbott.•: Brady, of W « t Fron

i two weks with iit "Woodland" cotBtyx.

Fred Ivanjy, ol We*t. a:.' guest* at Schafer'i

They will re

«a ties that |w| | j ,[ -H*! Shift If** fellow. And. nf. IS.

with thl. Bklrl. which I* B..I In (i-iM- plainiton. but out of the count. • 1 he eels any

All of ibl« Is a tacit consent to :ha! Philadelphia'••->: shirt waist: bat wear the White1

bl i

-We did." saht the

whll^ iin. Inatead of

kirtever youyoarself.»or.e the ]<•*• efTectlvi>.

Ci'lor. entprs in. llere. tor Oka Writ- " >i « print* romc In all tones indltjfat*, oneand thr palslt-r H , i , o n ly s ( i\k be«; _ h i ]"a you when it 1* chosen i a > bs-*«w»i«* H^nerat lone. ' \.

HI. . ..n.i.ii.....Father —Now, Tommy, promise i

hat you will always count a hundr,•eTore yon hit another boy.

—Yes. I will If there's anad to hold the other bjunt.—Harper"s Bazar.

] Parasols of blue have even a morecooling effect upon the summer coun-"What's it for?"

•It blulds up the tooth. After the'tenance than has the large blueoth is full grown 't really hasn't I The blues of the hat vary, auch of any function. The nerves, those of the parasol, from hat hurt are all through the tooth,1 blue to Mediterranean,pcclally near the surface. Theyj The first is right royal, bufi;e extremely minute." J so cooling In Us effect upon thi"Can you do something so my *erver as is the Bea blue, which Is!

teeth won't be so yellow?" asked the greener..ngring the subject. J flreen ftatin under chiffon'of Med*lat be born again," said iterranean blue is a wonderful com-

"Your teeth are yellow' blnation for the most perfect of even-i are an Anglo-Saxon and. Ing models. Blue la a generally be-

becaU£e of your complexion. lJo you ' coming color, but this pha&e of it hasthat if you had pure white only lately been understood. Time?y wouldn't match your com-j was when, only the most delicate of

A blond mustn't spend time wishing of its becomingness, and its use posl-•unette's whit( j tively stopped with those of blut—Exchange. , eyes.

Borrowing a

The executors of the estatethe la.te Colonel Thomas H. S'

| of Kansas City, are takingH!:d«a« at Flemlngton in the case"„'. of the pxecutors of the said ealn ' against Klmer C. Swope, of Martin*-, {burg. W. Va,. wbo claims \o bee son of tbe late'Colonel Swope.n ' ihough the executors, contended te l l t was a Peter M. Swope thatn[thp father ot tb« claimant.i r | It Is claimed by his attorney tr Peter M. Swope married In the \\t before Klmer Qwopo's mother d(The records here show that the r

J w h o married KUzabeth Carrollarch 7, "-rfiei,- married her iine name of Si-ope and not. SwopiTestimony was taken Here InBee of WllUrd'. C. Parker,aac S. Cramer, of Flemlngton. *act Iced medic! no for more tl

halt a. oratory in. tbe vicinitygergeaotsvllle, testified that be was

sent at the marriage ofroll, which took place a1

le of the bride's parents. H<

NEW IN EVERY DETAILvbarbaribopai


BDWIM B. K m a n

Coun«llor-n I J *

Dommlsidoner Of liOb«QoeT7, Notaryc r or P r k av


Hen and wovenl W t


1 the birth <I 8, 18G2.

- Swope

; Cairoll is said to have bibut few persons In. the vicinity oSergcantsvlIIe, where Miss Cnrrol

U contended by tbe claimwhile buying horses for th<

government In 1R6L the late Oolone,Swope became acquainted with MissCarroll and married her. In the cveiof Elmer Swope establishing his klto the late Colonel Swope he will nreive somewhere In tbe nelghboihood of $4,000,000.


season of the ready-to-w) lOV)Id bli


ating it.

richeye«. Royal blue is 3 becoming

type, but any blue verging oc. . the dull or greener shades is fasclat- nating with dark balr.

I Dark children are positively be•liinc In these dull blues.


duraied. The

rarely jirofita by

ind's hard-earned

•'Today the

Etratlon that fasome lines, art i thi

, Grace Marga:Gould, in Woman's Home Compan-ion for July. "Bathing sulta reflectthe trend ot the prevailing ,'asblonThey are smart in style and decidedly shapely—-occasionally a little totshapely—and they are made of motl-tah fabric* and are trimmed in mo

"And not the smallest accesso:of the bathing-suit Is forgotten—every little detail is considered. Thegir[ who studle* her clothes

especially for appropriatenesshi dress 1* very particular about br?rbathing Costume. She wants It to be•tyllsh, to be sure, but she I* equal!anxious that in no way shall it :conspicuous.

"In deciding upon the color of hisuit she generally selects *ltberdar | ''•"••• ''••>' * brown or black. Sue•hades as red. light tan or #bita •only permissible folittle girl. The grotbe foundation coloring

a well-dressed-up gin keeps

The] bright color note. If *ne itbe.it, 1Q the trimming."

defetare defects.]

of quality, to!I 1 1 1 l

In Frown Po s to ask acame here "

"I ta

Fotcot the Doe.i Mr. Criwsonbeafc—^ saw

e of a boot at the sate,e Mrs. Crimsonbeak—Ye*.

about that. Iff th? who called today. H* was v*"" 'n , Paris."—Louifcvllle^ with the do«.—Yonkers Statesm*u.

Anirri<-»M Inll.-I llrrJil.Take a fresily baked, warm 1<

breail. tear off one end of the <i and pull out i»e crumbs of the bin strips: :-:.m these on a flat gi

1 ed pan and pft In a hot oven i^ browned. Serve hct.

uate is hard toli-plain drem may be re-1 Thai i»ct U very plainand than tbl* advantage Sbe Wearo greater. A little new| Yet luor a personal touch slgni-- own laale dlRerentlates You'd think—with such a nne arc;rrom the other ninety and That she would hardly deign• hundred lot from which To go through graduation d3yed. Look at qualfty, at Without an orchid chain,d next at tbe ease with J

present (ieccraiions can] if daisy chains are good enough,r recovered), and then Why can't she wear a dress

t not before. That's made of inexpensive stuff?She's very hard to gueu.

—Louisvl'.la Canrier-Journai,ll.ir.1-V—Ton s•X. with yo

B.—Tea; theonly three days, and tb

i t get rid of.

bad lui cooks.« pretty

William DrakeEdward SimonEdward McNeeGlfford JonesPercy HaberleW. SouthardRaymond Mantz . . .E. S. BurnsGeorge SimonA. F, MillerD. Jonei . . . .-

There are eight Birun before the final p


agamore Hill P.S Inbis epot in the United States.there Is no question but todayat least as well known as 1>, Hawarden, or Karl

Within tbe last nine years tbeif Sagamore Hill has becon*;reatest figure of the present gener-jtioo and perhaps one of tbe greaist in history. It Is no wondeiherefore. that tbe public manifestti Interest in the little estate t>yiter Bay, in It* owner, and in tb

dally life he leads tbere. And truly,!the life which Theodore Rooserelleads upon bis bill Is in itself so ah

fly wbolesorae and so typical!

It I:,TL that we . but <

iane and a healthy idoor life, tbe kind some of us who

city-pent constantly yearn for.t that life could easily be uponsun-drenched bill, but politics,

that exacting occupation of Mr.Itooaevelt's, pursues him even hereind now fn hi* retirement, andireak* In upon his tranqulllty.—FYom '•Rooserelt the Husbandman '

Henry James ,Rorman, Inlerican Reriew of Reviews


Sanitary PlumbingBrick and Portable Furnac*

Oas FlttiBcTlo Roof inc.

I am prepared

sanitary and wiavlr\g associated

Master Members Association of Newk City, I employ

i dp any. of th*! I Icily flrst-CUM

yself with tb*


>asnes works.

i this clly. July 28,

Wednesday. July 27,, wire ot John Powers.Thursday;. July 28,

rriet E.. widow ifaged 86 years.

POWERS—O1310, Acni

Gl'ION—On1910, HaCharles S. Gui

MALLINSON—On Thurt-day, July26. 1910, Alexander 1>. Malllnson.aged 62 years. ,INGLE—On Tuesday, July 26,1910. Kenneth tl., only child ofMr. and Mrs. Martin P. HIngle,

BOYD—On Thursday, July 28, 1910,

SI MONSON —Suddenly, July 2*.i, Texan, Gornel-i. beloved son of

reuidencaMl'I-LHARF —In this city, July 30,

910, Mrs. Winifred Mullhare.FLANSERY—On Monday, August

l. 1910. Mary E.. widow of JohnFlannery, aged 81 years.

•REIER—At Bradley Beach. Satur-day afternoon, July 30, 1910,SamneJ Dreler, aged 69 years.


it content with Ita sixteen in-game on Saturday, the Plain-Baseball Club went to New

•wick, Sunday and defeated th*of that city by a score of 4-1,

rry" Me Laugh I In ws* on the

Whew!Redd—I see in German cities food

rices are now about as high as Inthe United State*.

.?—Yonkera Statesman.

for New Brunswick.The locals played

game although •player* were inMartin

nly three regularthe line up, Britsecond, Schott In

left field, and McLaughlin ID the box.Score by inning*:

! PUlnfield . . 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 0- 4- nswlck . . O i 0 0 0 0 0

. . 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1Batter|e*—Plafnfield. McLaughllo

Vn Game at lJuri.ll.ii.te Marathon A. C. Baseball Ctub .

of Newark, which was scheduled t>>lay Duoelien Saturday at Dunellen. Iailed to make an appearance. A t>arge crowd was disappointed. i

E f l e R n U M -I yon say that Fre<i wa» Donsbarlie was Fowlet?

Maternal!** adi

Hurry T. Clement and J. ft. K1 airmen. Who Tried to

Ceeh Them. Arreeted.

(•****! <m* (Hi Kmikmmi lUnk 1Be** for |M. l-« TMl

I. lief ui*«lr«l—R« b«H uf IN A rr OMW. "TUl H-»d.


Sib FOR IRS IIIPlTcurt.U >Si VUltorm Throng mat |„ c»rman iponiii drria.’Yn New Popular '"r“ >• onr "■* pomimihw. new <«"/■ ^ of « oe*lr d*Tl~<l lorn. „f loromo-

Moant*ln Rewort. tlw for u«e oo water. ornw in. ‘'hydroercle.'' 1 It !• of exceedingly simple con- struction. A couple of psnllrl, pointed water-tight tabes of gfdvan- lted Iron, ten and one-half feet la I length, are attached to each othe

The Common Council at Hs Aug- ast meeting, last alibi, voted I7J to' cover the expenses of Chief T O. j ’ fioane to the aannal convention of |M>%T Ore chiefs to be held at Syracuse, j K. Y It was originally planned give the Chief %}!>•>, but sc»»e of the Cam* KJ members favored the lesser amount. J AWf-rt

rah: FRIDAY.

of lnim.Us| \«Ke« A boat l*talaOekS«rs at Mr Montgomery log against the f7i proposition, stat- ed that Chief Ooare could not atop la Syracuse for lee. than IT a day.

I.r N.U.....I Hank ..».<• M..,.-1 ,r.lT:s .rpro„.l.-;n,'r »' 1-*k" ••»?*'«»« >■“ rudd.r, „ and Ka.urd.r ..n tt* rh« to.. " ... I com. me *r*at Aoroat Indus of tour-! _ for $36 dat'd Julr I» aad th.

IILIT RK14INA AFPREME. 1 The sudden, certain popularity of blue In Paris and. incidentally, all over the world of fashion, has brought about an almost unprece- dented use of blue for all occasions aad a wild riot of shades. If anything no calmly satisfactory as bine can contribute to a riot. Certain It Is that those vivid, warm aad most roy- al shades are placed la very clone Juxtaposition to the greenish sea blues with a daring not dreamed of a few seasons ago; and then. too. wo and bwe-half feet apart. A Ugh*, their combination with purples and framework supports a seat. Be-1 pinks Is unprecedented In the past , neath tb's Is a pair of pedals, the history of fashion. ; motion -t which Is communicated te| Most useful Is the well-known ! propeller blades. A handh? bar In ( blue serge for traveling aad all seat I- dinected with a dinary wee


PLANS FOR CLAMBAKE Mayor N B. 8»a!**». B *. **l- droa and E. P. T Smi.h, r| oagh. attended the meeting of toe Somerset County Republican Com- mittee at Somerville. Monday, when plans for a clambake and ont- Ing to be held sometime this month were discussed. Mr. 8ma!ley was made chairman of the outing com- mittee and this will Insure a good time for those who attend. Coaald- „ erable time was taken up In dlscuas- thIs has been j log plans for the fall campaign. I exalted to a place above Its usual Charles P. Sebrlng. of North Plain-

other for 11 <>'. dated July 30. Ths complaint luiUM William F ^ f»’"o^d *“°1' "tl°" *l,h ,lr* *ni1 Th. traveler «.», 'hi. novel cn«t. I MAWdard. Althou.h It. anl,h U .till Rob-rt K.», of n.rn.rj..liu, C. '*'* *“•’ *•”>• '"*-tb.-r with , ,„.„ilr.i wlUl ,u„ the tailor’. b.-.t. It. itrmotM »r» »nd Jo«-ph FlUn. of Somrr.llle, tit: lot the ordinary blcicl*. more ...nr mar* eley.nl Collar. am worked candidate for tbrrllj. tort the

nrild, cashier of the bank aad the arrests were mads Monday. J S. Kingman, who claims to be the treas- urer of the Independence Iwi New York, a Hearst organisation aad Ifarry T, Clement, of South nue -ere the R»n accused. Both men were put under **«•*> ball, which was furnluhed. for a hearing on nest Tuesday morning. A poker game seems to have 1-^: the cause of the Issuance of the two rbeefts by Clement who turn an an. J count In the City National Hank.| Bejvldcre av.-nu.-. died

• giving Chief IMane #J«0

mi n

SMALL PBS M Mrs. Mary lla<he Small, wife Frederick I. Small, and sister Mr*. A. Clinton Wllincrdlng. of &

of the ordinary bicycle, moves easily * th©re alrgant over the surface of the water, and *Uh blue embroidery, as arc Jabots) comnxltte© and presented their alters his direction promptly at will, and turoed-back caffs. Various bits Calms for recognition. The opinion Ho ha« an advantage over tho rower «»r cashmere patterned silk or figured (acemod to bo that Mr. Bobrins is at faring forward, as does a cano.> foulard contribute to the general ef- the strongest candidate , The lake shore dotted with hundreds end boats. tin iwciug luiaaiu. “• uuvi ■ c«no • ——» •— ' ' . m , ■ Tho present season at the Hotel; n.dd|^r j feet of the blue costume by color*®* ®*W

Rr-alm b» Kllpw .11 ibow ef tb.j Th, toi.| »,|gct of a onfWMtod v*« plafod on ">'• rover. A .Implo: p«»t. Tbo bolol I. crowd' d to hjdrocjrlo I. pound. T»o blue torn .troot drew, b-ltod «t tlto C1.AI.M* T<> HP. SOA nvontor. an Au.lrian (Horr Fr. » al«tllno. .bow. a poop of chlnta


14a NORTH AVE. .uu. u= t&sZ’Jz ;rsr»

KtoumoioA. Counaallor-al Law

GaarantfeJ $900 Salary yka*ly.

otssiw tor Issw'lsl^J* tuS?ilntUinyUry. Btssions stfeo f>i senses. rsp)4 si- vwncweot^oM^sstwbltsfced house. OrwnS

utmost capacity with summer folks ainBelders. OF (XIUASKL BWOPK. Kaspar). attained a speed of six to ***** »«i*icoat—between fronts deco- 1.200 guests w*rej##vrtl miI## ^r hour Th. n,.w craft rated by bad of tiny gold buttons. offers an agreeable variation from1 All brass, gilt and steel buttons are a

Cliiirnt. It Is said, was the loser . make his losses good j |-OB v.ql *s»" the checks fo t\,’iKman promptly attempted to cash them on Kafiirday Kingman presented the check for *3« to the bank and rhroarh a misunderstanding between the teller and Mr. Arnold the check was cashed. When Klugraan pre. M>nt«-d the other check Monday morning and the preriogs mistake having been «l‘sc*>vered. Klwgman was promptly taken Infrf custody by I’atrolman Saffron who had been /afie.f by Mr Arnnld This morning at a preliminary bearing before City Judge William N. Itunyon the story of the »»f tbr checks was told aad during that process Clement exhonsrated Klugingn of wrong Intent, but In d.-r to thresh out the matter tl nil eh It Ju/len Hun fnn held both nt*-n In equal amounts M L. Rtamper. . reporter for the New York Tim* produced 12*0 In rash as ball U Klueman aad Ck-tnenf wag released by putting Up s Slnillsr amount later. When Clement’s New York addremi was ascertained l»y Chief Klelr ye»- terday he prompfly notified the de- tective firm of Byrnes and Sheridan, of N>w York to apprehend the man. They wont to his office at :.2r. St. James building, buf were unable to locate tho|r man Clement Is a clothing designer and has his oflre nt that address However. Iketcrtlw Hergesnt Overtaugh was detailed to watch Clement’s house snd st 1 o’clock last night nabbed his ms AS he was Shout In enter his horn, lie was locked up In police head- quarters over night as was Klug-

that Include many I last Sunday > served with luncheon, and to bo turned away. [ordinary rowing, for use on inlaod feature The fishing boat race which was waters and along the seashore j Linens More elaborate construction, pro- ness. Tl vision for more than one passenger, coarser h and other Improvements on the fund-.rrash or, amental idea, may enable It to br-

io have been held last week off No- lan’s Point, was postponed because .Ion of <11.0.80. At her bomo. 60 rul„ w||| n„» N>* Y"rlL rll>' ; '*ko O'aoo KrldAX altornoon. J.rm, * j Ills bo r Is In {barge of the arraage- popular feature Saturday. She was thirty-five old. Mr. small -It. • ,rAnd-nlooolm,nU „„„ llu >bolll .hi,,, __ erf Col. Il. nry killer, and a lln-al . tr|H_ Tin' I'lalnllcld boaU to take dvovn.lant of 11-nii.n.ln Franklin | ,r„ • Hardtack.- owned by Clar- MI ST IIK HORN AtltlV Kbo wa» Alary Mncoln dr- Pry.ter »nc„ ml. „f Cr.le IMac. and IVood- lla. bn bn torn bn, m.rrl.«n, Sbn ... ' ., ow„fd Kj„,„ Woodbnll. of .bn darr.b.nr of Andrew J. and Mar. «•„, Front atynnl. j — -- »-•«■* «- bnr husband and h.r oolv .l.tnr I conducted by Tom Muir, waa Mr. A. Clinton tVIlmcdlu.. tbn l.tL 1 V * Cf W*i.“d *1°' of rbla city lb1* Sunday who nnjoyed dlnnnf tm- 7‘ ! nnath the pin* tr*na and afterward. HKV. It. V. HTKTHVHOV | b*d * P'nAunl launch rldn about th. Tt* M KIh MISS R. |. JORDAN. '1*^' Tho Party Included. Mr. and (Mrs. !*»naid Mrlnnes. Mr. and Mrs. Mis. K4M Jordan, daughter of IfcanlH Mr mnd Hrs. fl. J. Rob- Mr. and Mr. J. V Jordan, of Nrw. Inaon. Mra. J.mn. sm.art. Vra. John l.ur,b. N V. will b-come tbn bfM<| Klnr. MMInr .nd MU. of liny. K Vicar, Stevenaon. rector of llrann B. r-burrb. neat Friday m»on The wedding will take place at the home of the bride's par-

marine attractive by some unique decorstloi done In coarse linen floss In some curious contrasting blue, or by eyelet treatment of whole section* IF HE WANTS NEW TEETH, the gown, or even by the touch j blue and white India prln ’ Ouch!’’ sa d the man In the den- neae crepe list’s chair. I Foulard has carried the day by Its ’ iMes U hurt?” ashed the dentist, adhesion to this rule of blue, removing the buxaer. j other plain

The executors of the estate of the late Colonel Thomas 11. Swope be blue aerae aarmcm. I °r K»-“ City, are Ukln« .re r.rl.blna In tbelr blue- »' FI, min BOB lu the • weave la canvaa or rile;"' »»' caeculoru of lb« aald catate paacklnr or .be uneven uaalual Elmer C. Swope, of Marlin*- again. tn«* softer French.j II they are made more

quint .

Edith Robinson. Guests at the camp this week are William roddtngton of drove stress, who arrived Sunday for a two weeks’ stay: Frank Doer, of New York; William Lawrence, of . «.. . Brooklyn, and Edward Helm, of Phil *mmediate"relat 1 vs”be- Koy Adams and John Vie- In* prevent Mr. Slevcnaon and bla bm'k- *' Netberwood. will arrlre bride will nail on Saturday for r.lua- ,hl' c*n’1’ Thureda, for a wee *ow. Scotland, whence ibey w ill lour Europe for two mouths. * Freeholder and Mrs. S. I*. T. Wll- Tb*> announcement of Rev. Mr. her of Westervelt nvenue.who s|*ent Stevenson's approaching marriage **»«■ month of July In Maine, romes as a surprise to many who had »*>e yesterday and wjj] occupy anticipated the event and hfl car- their cottage. “Elkwood.* rles with him the good wishes or a remainder of tho season. Mr. and host of friends and a large congrega- Mrs. Illake B. Tatnam. of Baltimore tlon. i their daughter and son-in-law have been at he cottage for thr past two TWO HlOKS TO THE F1IKSKNT •"*! will remain until the mld- Hlt;H fONT OF LIVING. «Ue of the month I Andrew E. Kenney, of Watcbnng I low do yon account for ibe high avenue, and J. J. Kcnne.v. of East cost of living?” Second street, have leased "Sanford The rubicund gentleman address- Oaks' cottage. In Great Cove and ed glanced at a check for IR.3rep- with their families will orevpy It tor resenting the cost of bis modest ih0 present mbnth meal, handed the waiter 110. with; r.eorgo Wilson, of Madison ave- instructions to keep the change. nue. is tne latest arrlrhl at camp pulled out a cigar that the Inter-( "There-He-Goes." on Halsey JsJsad. viewer recognised as a 0-cente-. j He will remain t«o weeks. Mr. W||* and loaned back In bla chair ) ^»n> or "lusher." as he U known "All rubbish.” he aald. ’’Peop!'? his many friends. Is prominent In live beyond tbelr means and then amateur minstrelsy and has been In- growl about lu 'l«’s their own. vited to take part kn the annual mtn fault.” j strel show or the Lake Hopatrong "I see. You believe that every-, Yacht Club. He will probably be body should save part of his Is- one of the end men. come?" | Mrs. Anna Moore. Miss •’Exactly.” I Moore and Carlton Moore, of West ”1’tnph-umph. Sounds reasonable, p-tftb street, and Miss Evelyn 11111- Hut what proportion of It do yon man. of West Fourth street, who en- fhtnk he should salt down' Sup- Joyrd cottage life near Baas Rock fo pose, for Instance, the man earns fl tbe roonlb of July returned bouv 10 a day. and has a wife and five yesterday. children, and some of the babies g-t The Misses RSe and Anna War- sick occasionally, and tbc older onn nock, of Craig place, and Mias Elsa eed clothes to go to school, and th*’ Palmer, o' Fan wood. are guests at checks of (Temnt were all right he landlord wants bis rent right on the Mr. snd Mrs. J A. Hsyne’s cotta-e. had an hesitation In presenting the nail, pod a pair of kid’s shoes lasts ••Cbotola.” In Great Cove Miss An- acennd ch«rk for the larger amount. | a month, and the Installment on tbe hm Wwrnock will probably It Is a knotty question which will sewing machine Is So rents every summer have to be solved by Judge Runyon two weeks, and be carries enough Russel) Morris, of West Seventh next Tuesday. He will be helped by J InsunTnce to bury him. and court street. Is spending ■ week at Rsr- counsel for the two accused men.| medicine for his wife Is half a do’.- wood cottage aa the guest of Mr. and Krancls j lllati for Klugman and lar a throw, and everything that the Mrs F. T Woodhull. He w! Wlnfledd S. Angicnian for Clement, members of bis household eat an I turn to I'lalnteld Friday and will The amount of the first check. 93g(| drink and wear costs more than It leave soon after for a two weeks’ w»* refunded to the bank by Klu*- used to. and get higher all the time, canoeing trip la New Hampshire with B>aa yesterday. . Ido you think no ought to wa\e a Frank Wilcox And Edward Abbott. very large proportion of bis in- Miss Marine Brady, of West Frou « cola HIED TIE. j come?** street. Is spending two Weks with a party of friends ht ’’Woodland’’ cot-

in speaking of his arrest this morning Klugman d«-cl*rrd that he personally bad cashed the checks which were hsndfd to him by Clem- ent snd that In order to get his mon- ey back had brought them to this c|ty. and as the first check for S36 bad been readily' cashed he believed the larger one would also meet with a ready acceptance by the bank. This does not. however. In the tulnds of those vitally Interested In the matter explain why the taro • heck* were not ranhcd by some bank In New York, taking the regular • ourse through the clearing house. Klugman maintained that he brought the first check merely to ascertain whether Clement had an arrount In the local bank and not neceasarlly to set the money, but as the money was thrust at btra through the paying teller’s w'nod* he did not refuse »!.’ Tbjn. after assuring himself that ths

pretty tou.h The paisley tie has which will add richness to the «nij-jani certain he smokes.’ summer shirt waist, and while tl«c fashion expert persists of tbu separat

btless the man has vires. I (age :


Rltof Styx. and Mrs. Fred Ivatny. of Wei I forgot that .Yes. he pays ’ Hecond street, are guests at Schafer Is a parkago for tobacco aud J hotel. In Breslln tove. They will r*- shlrt she suggest • pa. k«K- lasts ten days ” • main until August 15. more ties that w|||#| "Ha! Shiftless fellow. And. of ■ - print, harmot.w* course, he has the nerve to com- .% Proposal like the with thl. skirt, which Is Dot In $ Boo. but out of the count All of mu la a tacit consent to :b «*«’ shirt wabt but wear the whit. •»er you can. inatead of dlvtdin yourself, and the pretty tie will Prov. hone the less effective. I

Plain, lie'll rut out luxuries before i he gets soy sympathy from me.” — I’hlladrlphla Ledger. Hi* rowIMkrti. Father Now. Tommy, promise me that you will always count a hundred before yon bit another boy. ‘ ","r , »«* kcre. for the Farjs- Tommy—Yes. I will If there’s an* - we bitch up?’f- <oni'‘ ln 1,1 lonr* 'nd mU’ one around to hold tbe other bov journal.

*» TOO *VmlT •* while I count.—Harper s Bsxar. h •® you When It Is chosen la h b>- _ I Aewriesl

be *«e*Wesrt. when e were kids,*’ acid :he man. ’’We did.” *14 the maid. "Blnre then I have been dlvoroeJ Sree time#. And you?” •Twlcs.” ] ’ Well, now hk«f we happen to be nmarrled *ltnultan#ous|y. suppose hitch op?j—Louisville Courlcr-

flgurcd color could It • No. hot I thought you must be'have !•••• ome so popular and at th getting j»retty close to tbe nerve.” x«n»e time have remained so choice. ’’No. that's a common error.” said! The dark-bluo foulard is more dur- tbe dentist. A tooth hurts worst ®ble than are some of the more dell- near the surface The centre, which you call ... ... ... .- — —. — - -- — really not a nerve at all, but an or-'place or the usual pretty wash drew*, gan.” j Parasols of bine have even a more “What’s It for?" J fooling effect upon the summer coun- "H Nulds up the tooth. After the tenance than has the large blue hat. tooth Is full grown 't really hasn’t (The blues of the hat vary, as do much of any function. The nerves those of the parasol, from king’s that hurt are all through the tooth.! blue to Mediterranean, especially near the surface. They) The first Is right royal, but’Is not *- —- —— , the ob- are extremely minute.” , so cooling In Ha effect ’’Can you do something »o my «enrer as Is the sea blue, which Is teeth won’t be so yellow?” asked tbe greener. patient, changing tho subject. | Green satin under chiffon of Med- ”You must be bom again,” aald Iterrancan blt|© Is a wonderful corn- the dentist. ’’Your teeth arc yellow) blnatlon for the most perfect of even- because you are an Anglo-Saxon and «ng models. Blue Is s generally be- berause of your complexion. I>o you coming color, but tbls phase of It has real lie that If you had pure white only lately boon understood. Time teeth they wouldn’t match your com-j was when only the most dcllcato of plexlon. and would spoil your looks? j blondes wore blue with an assurance I mf Bit IKK IF4BK

WWM «>■*« *>ablB« Of Ita beeomia'sew. and ffa m po.i-| ,V,|l BlfVCli: CHAMliIONSHIF.

ho claims to be the ion of tho late'Colonel Swope, al- ii oagh the executors contended that lit was a Peter M. Swope that was the father of tbe claimant. It Is claimed by his attorney that Peter M. fiwope married In the Went Cbi'- * before Elmer Swope’s mother died »The records here show that tbw ml- who marred Elizabeth Carroll oc March 7. 'Wl.- married her under the name of Rrope gnd not Swope Testimony was taken here In the office of Willard C. Parker, fcmae S. Cramer, of Flemingfon. who practiced medlcl half a century In. the vicinity of Sergeantsvllle. testified tbal he was pre#ear at the marrlaea ot Mima Carroll, which look place at the home of the bride’s parents. He wwa • ailed at the birth of Elmer Swope on June J. IffiS. Th* man who married Miss Ci roll Is said to have been known to but few persons In the vicinity of 8ergcjne«vJJl*. where Miss Carroll lived. It l« contended by tbe claim that while baying horses for the government In 1*61 the late Colonel Hwope became acquainted with Miss Carroll and married her. In the event of Elmer Swope establishing his kin to the late Colonel Sw somewhere Jn the neighbor- hood of <4.000,000.

A blond mustn’t for a brunstto’s whlt» negro’s.’ —Exchange. of Its becomingncaa, and Its us© posi- tively stopped with those of blue eyes- Borrowing a color sense from the Japanese, or cultivating it. we have learned to love certain shades of so- called ’’old blue” with dark hair, rich complexion and brown or haxel eyed. Royal blue Is not so becoming to this type, but any blue verging the dull or greener shades Is fasci- nating with dark hair. Dark children are positively b* witching in these dull blues.

HATMING-feEIT FABHIONH. "Today the well-dressed gfrf bathing outfit Is a convincing lilt stratlon that fashions, at least slon some lines, are Improving as the days go by.” says Grace Margaret Gould. In Woman’s Home Compan- ion Tor July. ’’Bathing aults reflect the trend ot tbe prevailing ’ashlon They are smart In style and decided- ly shapely—occasionally a tittle toe shapely—and they are made of mod- ish fabrics and are trimmed In mosi attractive ways. ’’And not the smallest accessory of the bathing-suit Is forgotten — every little detail Is considered. The girl who studies her clothes sod tri o cares especially for appropriateness In dress is very particular about her bathing fostume. Bbe wants It to be sfylfsh. fo he sure, but aha it nqaallr anxious that In no way shall It lie conspicuous. ”In deciding upon the color ot he suit she generally aalfcta fltbnr i dark blue, dirk brown or black. Bucr shades ns red. light tan or s’hlte an only permissible for a wel!-drea*#1 IICCJ# gfrf. Tho grown-up gtrl keeps the foundation coloring ot her bath- ing suit dark, and Introduces reallon Is never good value. The [bright color note. If she must have tnlOKlnaa roadl’loa proclaima rha r, it tho trimming.

(OMR RKAItY-MABRA. season of tbe rrady-to-wear Is at hand, and those who walk one the line of least redstary*- buy whatever la thrust before them. the relief of the overburdened dressmaker, but to the final dlwuit- U fa it Ion of tbe so-easlly satisfied. Now. there are ready-mades and ready-mades, and the d(.criminat- ing eye alone can detect the differ- ed every time It lights on either s. The good shopper Is horn, not educated. The woman who has all her life made ml«takm purchases doubt, contiune to spend the family money (or Uer own! and re- gret it later. She rarely profits by •xperlence. The observant ore rfll cast an eye u all directions, but will turn event- ually to her mental directory for the address of the suceessful dlk buyer tho best man In OOttoa flPOCfcA ir after year the established repu- tation follows the astute shopkeeper ho keep* his goods up to the mark. Oo you. as a buyer, os a spender, of your husband's hnrd-earned mon- ey—do you know where you can best buy the simple frock —the best value for lha least money? .Vo? Then It's •nor shopper >oo are. and one not be trusted w!*h the saving* of the household rhe fqahlon expert help you Good value in a cheap silk frock rests In the softness of the silk The rrlrpy" on--* won’t wear. Good lines Jle within tbe bounds of com- use in an Inexpensive frock. Th<* «-h.*np Iml'ation of an elaborate

^•®lag tener.l tone. stranger. It Isn t l ro“^ iv, .O .»« » a,.

"I A»o» an .boat th»t.

ir«i<*S I'mIIcmI Bread. Forgot the Dog. Take a freshly baked, warm lot of Mr Crimson beak—I saw the heel bread, tear off one end of tbe crus? etiquette of a boot at the gate. i and pull out the crumbs of the bread a why be Mrw. Crlmsonbeak—Yes. IJ oe- in strips: place these on a flat greas- longed to the census enumerator ed pwn and p^t In a hot oven until ho called today He was reckoning browned. ••uie way in Paris.”—Louisville with the dog.—Yonkers Statesman

quality of the silk. When overor- e. there usually are defects. on# main defect of quality, to conceal. The senil-plain dres* may be re- frimmed, and than this advantage thert- Is no greater. A little new' trlmmlax or a personal tobeh signi- fying your own taste differentiate!* rhe dress from the other ninety and nine ©f the hundred lot from which you selected. Look at quality, at 'be fit and next at the ease with which the present deccrationi ran be removed tor recovered I. and then bey. But not before. Hard Isscfc Mrs. A.—You seem to have pretty^ bad luck with your rooks. Mrs. B.—T«s: tbe first stared only three days, and the second. I cant get rid of.

THE GRADE ATE. The graduate la bard to guess. That lset Is very plain. She wears a thousand dollar dress Yet lugs s daisy chain. You'd thlnk-with such a fine array That she would hardly deign To go through graduation day Without so orchid chain. If daisy chains are good enough. Why can’t she wear a dress Tbat’a made of inrxpesslre stuff? She's very hard to guess. —Loutsvt!!* Courier-journal. Oh, whs: a tangled web we weave When first we practise to deceive! But once experience we get. We do It pretty smooth, you bet!

The scores of the Individual testauts In th© Plainfield Cycle Club rases to date are ms follows: Pts. William Drake Edward Simon Edward McNee Gifford Jones Percy Haberle W. Southard Raymond Mantz E. S. Burns George Simon A. F. Miller D. Jones 1 There are eight more race* to b< run before the final prize Is awarded

► rfk ' C oni * ow rr A ^


Sanitary Plumbing Brick and Portable Furnace Has Fitting,Tin Rooting. Etc-. Etc.. Etc.

I am prepared to do any of the above branches la strictly first-cl ass sanitary and workmanship manner. Having associated myself with the Master Members Association of New York City, I employ none but first- class mechanics and non-union men. I believe lo every man running his rn business, st all times snd In all

*D. W. LI1TELL STOP and read and save money, am over storked and for the res! this month will sell monuments, headstone* and •t-meUry work at bottom prices. Main line trolley passes works Tbls is not a bank- nor fire sale, but pure business. Cor. Fourth snd Richmond streets. E. Townsend

imrles it. Onion, aged 86 years. MALL1NSON—On Tborrday. July 26. 1910. Alexander D. Malllnaon. aged 62 years. , HINOI.E—On Tuesday. July 2«. 1910. Kenneth B.. only child of Mr. and Mrs. Marlin P. Illngle. BOYD—On Thursday. July 29. 1910, Amanda, wife of William Boyd, in her 67th year. SIMONSON —Suddenly. July 2i. 1910. at Corsicana. Texas. Cornel- ius EH(s fl/oioqsoo, bsfoved son of Mrs. J. W. Coddlngton Funeral services at tb« residence Mt'I.I.HARF—In this city. July 3t, 10. Mrs. Winifred Mullhare. FLANNERY—On Monday. August 1. 1910. Mary E . widow of John Flannery, aged 94 ytMra. DBCXER At Bradley Beach. Satur- day afternoon. July 30. 1910. Samuel Dreier. aged 69 years.

LIT8RARY Time was when the newapapers believed they were Indulging In good-humored fun If they referred to Sagamore Hill as In any way a notable spot In the United 8wte«. Tet thsre Is no question but today it is at least as well known as Monti* cello, llawarden. or Karlsruhe. Within the last nine years tbe owner of Sagamore Hill has become the greatest figure of the present gener- ation and perhaps one of tbe great- est In history. It is no wonder, therefore, that the public manifests an Interest fn the little estate *.t Oyster Bay. In Its owner, and la the dally life he leads there. And truly, tbe llfo which Theodore Roosevelt leads upon his hill Is fn Itself so ab- <d so typically American that we cannot hut envv It Is a sane and a healthy out- door life, (be kind some of us who are city-pent constantly yearn for. Quiet that life could easily be upon th# sun-drenched hill, but politics, that exacting occupation of Mr. Roosevelt's, pursue* him even here and now in his retirement, snd ks In upon his tranquility.— From "Roosevelt the Husbandman *i by Henry James .Roman. In the j for New Brunswick America Renew ot K,r!e>> for Th. loci. ol.yM .a rrrorto Auguit- game although only three regular — ‘— players were In the line up. Brit Whew: ; Martin being on second, Schott In Redd—I see In German cltle* food left field, and McLaughlin In the box. price* are now about as high as lo I Score by Innings: tbe United State*. Plainfield ..02 1 00001 0—4 But the chee*© over New Brunswick ..0 t o 0 0 0 0 there U a good deal "higher”. Isn't N. Bruns. ..OlOOOooo 0 l ItT—Vonker. Slatwaaa. | ll.Urrlc-Pl.Infl.lit. McLaniklhi .nil Thorp*,; K*» Bnuiairlrk. 911- Xo Cam* .< Iiunrll.i! l*rp »nd Van Varhlrn Th* Marathon A. C. Baaaball Chib ot No«ark. which wu wh-tiilod t J FA* flynalla play Donation Saturday at DunHIrn. DM yon an, that Fr*d .a. !ton. tnllM to make an mppenranr*. A hut Vhnrll* wn» Fowl*,?


■Not content with Ita al>t**n la- log game on Saturday, the Plain- field Baseball Club went to New Brunswick. Sunday and defeated tbe team of that city by a score of 4-1. "Warry” McLaughlin »i* on the slab for tbe loc** and strnck out CT«1 men. Bllterr ™ In th* hoi

Inn* crowd wit dianppolntcd. Co* UK aUaoaltat adl. p.,.

Page 6:  · THE CONSTITUTIONALIST VOL. XLII PLAINFIELD. N. J., THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 1910. NO. 31. Vivian M- L.«wi» Accept* Ei doraemant of Paaeaic Se-publicana at Dinner. TMK ...


j.fTDRin m n | in t in n CLUB m m B N I D I COMPANY 10 BIDwni t wmnniiTtnDR.L D.WARDS SEAT: I I E S I H i l

Althoi of thistith tbe 'otinty clerk 1rtlicit* of Iccorpora-1Met aami'd in the ar- .••farfaM Khooilng with I

arioc; S Ackerman. Kin.•V. »nd Henry E Butler.

and Sam

- i-f\ Or. Leale D. Ward •»" rit>. 1Brst vice [iraKlent of the Prudential, at ElInBtiranc* Company baa not yet been lion. •considered by the directors of that Urlescorporation, li U generally conceded flr<-ariby thoa>r wbo are beat qualified to . are Al•peak about the matter that tbe IilgonipUi-- will yii to Korrsst P. lir) •1-h. •. v. nthe present second vic« president. In additlithat event It la likely that the ot ter are Robert [; . 'two vice prestd<-nta of the company Wwnn Percy H. !will be each advasred a place and uel lluntington.tbat either Richard V Lindabnry.' T l r e -.,-,...•the general counsel, or John K. ' lore. ( „ . , a r e (...>.-.tbe actuary, will tto made the fourth i{ u n t Club, Tor WjJdcA permisiioa hiurice yrosldent b ^ o K r a n | « i . The former ground*

In support of this slate It is point- o l tbt. r l u h n a r p hA4 ln ^ a b l l I l a o i l e ded out" that If baa always been lh« QWlaK ,„ t h H r b e i o s ,lfWd for an-polky of tbe company to not only <>,ber varp<mr. The club will begin

ita oOlcisl family and among It* ,em- ( m .ployea. . As a rule when vacancies ,nave occurred they have been fill.-.!by tbe promotion of thoseline. Tbat bas been made POHIlargely through the Prudenlcourse ip m training Ita officers and

:TlZz:":'J\Z^. \TZ:°. IK n rniotuatudy In tbe person of his Immediatesubordinate*. ' o n St-pti-mlxr 1, Tbuniat. WMt- t t l ;

it Is said that in tbe business of taker. tl»« newly appointed physical *"'the t-orporatlon thla method la fol-

and tbat In putting the theory of the

a system of debiland die recognltfoi

Intr&l Railroad Dispenses International Vending Ma-with Services of Looters • chine Co. to Begin Opera-

of Freight Can. tiona In Short Time.


iMII.ii \ l l . l i IX THKFTS. M A I W M : HAS GOVT

Chief of I h t - ^ t i n "'-< !"•"- 9300.000 Corporation M..j I'Kinwte-

Identity of \II. c«l Thternt Who

IU<1 Enough Siuff to Start

ItciwrttiH-ni 8tor*.

l> liit.it the (.1. at C*ah Regis>

'• r < ..HI i in lii Day-

ton. <>.

j Whether darrt-t Garrelj tar Ihp HarrUon avejnue. Northe Watrbuns fleid ^ j ^ j H e ,n.ta.10. h «


n. ot_ At a meeting of tbe Internationa!Plain- Vending Machine Company held Inr, of the parlors of the Kensington Hotel

igton avenue and Ponrth Wednesday it was decidedwanted 'to or had contemplat- . porate tbe company under tbe lawartinn a l sn lp chandlery or a of Ula State, taking

mala a mystery, but the fact ' porated under tne lawa *t Delawail)at they made a good! Th* new company wli] lasne $300,-

" " " •- itock•riprlatlnr 150.000 will

!. LfUUlUn Thief of Detect

articles from freight be In 7 per cent, cumulative prefer*-hipped to this city lo do both or Ted , n i t r M a n d , 2 5 u . o o oHther1 and therefore they are no M o c | , n B t a n s B o f , 1 0 0 „longer in the employ of tbe Central p^y M d non-aaaeasable TlRailroad of ! New Jersey In the poratlon twpera are being drawn up

i by Judge Isaac P. Runyon and willJ . B. Gray, o t j probably be filed with the Secretary

the Central, reported thin morning of State within tbe next ten days.hese two men had been dl«- T i e International Vending Ma-t from the company B emplov | fhiu^ Company will establish a Tl

r In this city for tbe purposethem waa atealine from ihe | niatiuracturins their stamp, and oth-

cars and depot of the company varl'oiis articles of wearing apparel and i have not yet been chosen, but they

1 other things a,nd that the goods were j will be elected at a meeting to takefound on their premises. Several

l&wlo of MoB. R. Smith, of Ne<

llghway ConnMassachusetts, regard li

availed little, accordingmove ot the Bay StatTbe Massachusetts com

i hands oi. judges aout tbe sti

Vehicles -I.rsey, and the


to the latestauthorities.

•laeipner ha;all superior

id other offi-

K machines, is what tbe Mas-i-

fflw Jei

laced I:liollce olrials thnplaining the mposed on' visltiiNew Jersey. Th!achusetta people say:

"Prom now on all I*torlsts who come Into thiswithout having fa advance aea Massachusetts license will beplaced under arrest, taken Into thtnearest court and lined.

"Visiting machines from any statiin tbe Union except New Jersey ma;be operated here for ten days with

. Theytbe ma

wishes tother polo

write toCommtss

la .


st doIf a

n thethe Maston and s

thatm a n wf a

o Bostonstate



Police and Fire Departments "Caesar, an African** Wat aNext in Estimated



Average Per ('*plt« KVJ«-HH<- att.OT

During IIHIH—Comparison With

Costs In OCber CitiesUS

Hkl fttatea.

1B0S In maintaining and operatingthe city departments of the 191largest cities In the United State:having .in estimated population o:

ln 1908. whose fl-r that year have

been collected by thett Washington and are analytically

presented ln its annualatlstlcs of cities, for the year 1908.The maintenance of schools rep-sents ninety-live per cent, of tbi

total expenses of cities for "edaea' and cost more than any otherilclpal function, while the prot<of life and property by the po-flre and associated departmentsecond in cost. These two func

s of education and protection oand property coat flfty-Bve pc

. of about $405,000,000, whlclwas the total expense of maintain

:hools was 14.70; for police de

$1.72. These per capitjry greatly among the sev

Salt Lake City expendapita schools;«8.18 _

ton, Mas3., | 8 ; and New York,an, Washington, Newark. Den-SprlngfleM Mass.. and Sacra-

mento each expended over $6 for tl


Teamster in the Contin-ental Army.


I 111011 Count j Hoard of Freeholders

U'ill l'l.i.,- at Stone Over Hla

Resting Place—-Urn. Drake

General J. Madison Drake, of VAU-abeth. wbo, last year, by authoriza-tion of tbe Board of Freeholder*,located the grave of every Civil Wtrsoldier and sailor In tbe v;irjouicemeteries of Union county, nearly1,300 In number, has made a dU-covery la tbe Baptist church grave-yard at Scotch Plains that not onlrsurprised but interested him. Gen-eral Drake, for some months put,has benn engaged in the laborlotutask of locailng tbe graves of sol-dfera of th« American Revolution s*well as those who served In the sec-ond war with Great Britain—Islj .1815. He has already found tb«resting- places of more thnn i tsContinental soldiers, very few ofwhich have been rrarked by ihe Sonof the Revolution, and expects thatthe number wfli ue considerably In-creased.

By authority it t i e freeholder*,who imposed dm task upon him,General Drain will make requlai-

beautiful white marble stone, appro-

While In the Scotch Plains ceme-

1 ran across a crum-bling br(

"Cei African.ze 104 yearB."

•Idler in the Continental arerely copied the Inscription in

rlty and the great age ol

MSS. '-al discovered that "Ceasar. anan", was a slave belonging to aInent family in W'eatlield. and

regularly mustered Continen-il Holdle •rved Jui


Captain WII-Brlgade. ac-New Jer«ey


-King It with bis armyrecord, however humble It may b *

trip with safety. Otherwise hexpect arrest and a line.

Tbe maeb'nes which this companyof Chlefj will make have been approved by theof tbe United States postofflce department

ifter tlfliv- . ami already orders have been recelv-ginal pack-[ed ffom vaHous parts of the coun-

ter the product. Tbe device willion uy j nil a want noticeably felt in everydetected ! r U y . a n d town In the country. T h e J c r 9 e y p e o n l e

i object is to supply scamps a t | . - T h e s t a t e

h e | which the people will pay a small | toriOn this groundwoFk of reaaonlngIt la contended Ibat with Mr. Dry-den* a d n lipove tho olhir officers a itep forward. In tbat case Jacob K. Warda brother of Dr. Ward and the present third vice, president, would l>

vli-e." Wilbur SJohnwin, tbe fourth - vice presidenand comptroller, would then, In tbnatural order of things, be madthird viie president. That movwould leave tbe office of fouth vic

alf $1.63;$1.81; Norfolk, $2.15:$2.17; Memphis, $2.19;

ton. each $2,34.

were dis- machine made -nly machine olial feature Is <revents forelgrom working 1

Provisions hafortune.Garret- i-oBtmast

nnicM departments oi

n 147 cities of overn In 1902 it waga, while for tbe

1908 It was $16.81.

ill go to cans of condensed milk, t!o take quantity ot jsalt codfish.re from Mlde? to confessing to thesee he haB Mr. Gray said that both me•al play- fpsucd lo having tapped a haalto ha<l whiKkPv from which xmall

this machine. I The Plainfleld Lodge. Loval Ord

approval has been put upon in the rooms of tbe Knlgbts of Co-prise. Judge Isaac P. Ron-, lumbus. Some fifty candidates were

' new company.. „. Opera-tlons will be There were a large number of the''~ begun Just as soon as a suitable site brothers present and a most enjoy-

i for (he factory can be obtained. R. able evening was passedh l<I>|H. Follock. of Baltimore. Is the in-] Worthy D'ctrtor. Theodore Stirl-

ninda of the slhe firm real do

*be*done.In a way the

to (bat place. 10.22 to $0.30: sanlUKon.|0.9t to I1.S8; highways,$1.72 lo IL.S3; and schoolsf3.59 to $4.70.

The city of over 300,000 itlon with the smallest runal

\Vw York lZill7' i>enses w a a N e w O r J e a n s - •'•!'

after which M- ' ExPro*««<I In Per capita • » > » .eloquent address -o t h f t o l t l e s ot over »00-«*0 P°P«'=-

IliDc of the ideals \tioa w l t n t h * n|Ehe9t expenses wer«-- iRlnof theIx . ,a lOr : i D O R t o n ' * 2 7 - 5 8 - N * w Y o f k - « " • " =The officers Installed *n<« WaSf, ngton. I * T « ; and tho^a

l«Bf nieht .r* M friMnws- Pnaf Die ' w l t h t h e Iow«9t were New Orleans,

JO..P1. H.rrlmii: vl i -JIcutor :'"'" "' "°m " « • • •» M»»<"1

FranrU J Blatz- ircasiirer C H PDi>ulatl(>''- w f th the UsD^st andHohfln: 'pr,l»t., Job» O r « n : ' . « - " " " « • » ' » " • « Wjmeot. tor <•«-rplarv I T Cir tv iniRtiw** H P 1 P e n B e s . were Denver, J24..4. and St.r«.,,. ' ' » . ™ * j ; ^ -jjorob. »5.«5. Of th. .iu,; b.«n8IV Wll,on- KTEeant-aLa™! WI1N ' r ° n ' ''"•"<> " "">-">0 innaWUnU.am Addl.r i n « r *u,rd. Mil,. « • • * nl«l,«.t w u Yonker.. »1».IS.ion- and ouier guard Fred Dunn I a o d t h e ' o w e B t . Sarannah. |7.20. Of

do .he nigh, of A . n t 16. t h . ! " 1 0 " » " I W " » » »•»«• » &0.«00

without in any way reflecting on titothers or bHiiK considered by tbeas a failure lo receive wbat migbe regarded as their due. In Til

i elected 8S his

ifitpd State Orefourth vice presidenteither by tho selection of Mr. Undabury or the election of Mr. Core, o|iosskbiy one of the other officers.

It I* likely that If the higher offithe company

Hals; soni<" ttnron, hnonseil milki rannecous kinds. s|im<» BO]shoe heel; and cutrhocobUe. WDI *C

icas. which he The otbcrl mpn allegede in the local been fmplii-afrd In the loot[fppartment. A frelsht iiark^ees and who halearn 1» being discharged a*-e: Charles i

: likely, hovacancy created in ;..„ ^vU 1^.- J . ... .board of directors by Mr. Ward's ,-.„.„.,death will be tilled fl.'p to tbe present t

street, presidentFulton Hunk. New York, hasrency Association of the City of New «*<away .-J . . lou "50 ,...'. °'f,r ""J* wftispered 1Tork. >iblch was organized under Accuracy . J. . Snn J50 , -the tcrini of the Aldrlch-Vreeland * '•«*« t'Wf* between Sol- a-,, "im K ^

t*rday concrnlnn the retaliatory Uw. dtera" Field and Boston , S«J. l m broke, can ycteKlslation of New York. Petmsylra- \ Twenty-seven national banks of ^tebt and Return $10,000 carfare tonta and other Scale* directed aicalnst, Gr*atPr N.-w York, reprewntlnr FoT I f ie mo»t accurate throwing of n - , - ! - . n m ! . . „motorUU of tbl . State brcaus-of the nearly all th* members of the Clear- "bomb" on ^battleships," $1,000 and mtJL. h - J Z , *1 ?ftemporary t a , levied here on Motor- [ tag Hou»e, Joined tbe new creanlza- « • Harvard; Cnp. . J ^ l S b , , 1 ^ " ' ^ f*jJ,

00 great."

Old Bridge, Mlddlese:he became acquainted wji


derson is onAugust 7. Hev. George C. Wilding. I p

! ship

A Mauler of Language• That new waiter

On the K .'We raid salaries ail right,

Hamlet Fatt. "That wag bec»nMrailroad f a r e s -

"I know that youmarry my daugh

State 10 be named by the goYenoraj M ; thought.of ttiiM- atatcs for the purpose of swered. that I

i h t

lLnfc/ bis wife a&'bad been detainedand wer* « t t m c

"lle'tl ha^e plenty"I don't doubt It.

; C. t Sc«p WIUl a Mrn.y.instead of using a knife ln cattlas

the large bars of c**ille soap ase apiece of string and see bow mucli

legristation•olfe the problem. ld ' "—-President?" {— Louisvi e tbls winter to furnish the flat

ie Courier-Journal.

-Ing this leg-

Died 1S6S,

r bis

op*cam pi


ThirdIsexpriousbeingicm Nannou


boenwt.ii h


™ . in ,cbe ItejFor the coBiins pt

onvention will be firedOf AheldClub.stre

UKUSI 9. at a bigby the Downtown

>ublicaaimarieson the


in German l'arlxb Hiel, tJUzabeth. Bo

ected. wil

thats, principally amocfor JIayor; Judg

tiros. It

K theme WIH-

needa t j , j 11

d i mr . wfl

hid candidacy

1 be the pi

M r .

»ed ChtIneipal 1

He one

fur them ttutirles KspeakerIon has


s iii tands.pen ing address to t _

s of the count)-, given at the recentiting- of rhe Sixth H'ard Republf-n Club, of Kilzabeth, he stated thatI would, v'.thln a few days, IssuoBtatement teUing just how he stoodi the leading questions or the day.

is expected and ha) been au->unced that this statement will I*ade public by him from tbe pla;-rm at Parish HallRepublican clubs from all over the

county will be represented at the

to be a bi« pow-wow.Tbe boom for Assembly candidates

will probably be launched. Justwbat the powers t h « be have 10mind regarding the candidate E'»rMayoralty la not known Jit present,but It la expected that thia office willbe one or the important ones underdlacuaslon at tbe meeting.

Among the men Invited as »peak-ers for the meeting are Robert B.Cissel and School CommissionerWalter B. Tlmm«, of Elizabeth.

at Oak Tree.

Oak Tree on the evenings of AugustM and Z\ for the beneflt of thechaiwl. Besidesthere will be a shooting gallery anda typical country store. There willbe refreshments of aD kinds for Bale

r goodEverybody will be welcome,

'o railroad., t*™m. |ch*ins 1

h-t .h t.i • ^ " ' l C b I « ' Doane has had chains placedt o « \ o to ^ M C h B * - ' o n t n « « * ' *lHell of hi . automobile

«j town. —Lrfjuls- to prevent any slipping or sklddinCon wet pavements.rnal.

Polio* and Fir* Department* Next in Estimated


International Vending Ma- | chin* Co. to Begin Opera-

tion* in Short Tim*.

Central Railroad Die pen a with Berries* of Looter*

of Freight Oars. The recent conference between rommi «lon*r of Motor Vehicle* J. B R Smith, of New Jeney. and the suite Highway Comm i»el©ner of MauachUMtu. regarding «be auto- moblle retaliatory trouble*. has availed little according to the Utost move of the Hay State authorities. The Massachusetts commissioner hat ..laced in the hand* of all euperlor [•ollce officers. Judaea and other offi- clala throuahout the atate letter* ex- plalnlna the new restriction* lm- l>o*ed on visiting mnchlnea from New Jersey. Thla la what the Mosj- achu setts people aay: "From now on all New Jeraey mo- torlau who come Into thla Mato without having In advance secured a Massachusetts license will be Placed under arreut. taken Into the nenreat conrt and fined. “Vlaltlng machine* from any atate In th« Union except New Jersey may be operated here for ten day* with- out registration, but New Jeraey au- tolata arc not even to be given a chance to come Info the state for a license. They must do that by means of the malls. If a man la Newark wishes to motor to Boston or any other point In the atate be mail first write to the Massachusetts Highway Commission and secure ap- plication forma. Then, after fllllne nut the blanks, be must wait until they are returned, properly ap- proved. before he may venture the trip with safety. Otherwise he may expect arrest and a (Ire. “All this la because the authori- ties here feci that the New Jersey lawmaker* were unfair In refualng to grant in their state the privilege to visitors which stc granted hero iand in other states. Consequently {the discrimination against the New Jersey people who come here. | “The State Highway Commission | *«• authorized lo take the retalla- ) tory measures Just Inaugurated bv .the last legislature. The new stat- ute became effective July 10.’*

Although the queattoa as to wbe- The f>»g Cabin Gua Club, of this will aur eed I»r. !<**!> D Ward as city ha* hied with the county clerk tree sice president of the Prudential . at Elizabeth article* of lu-ocpirm- Inaursnre Company baa not yet beea rloa. and the oh Jeer named ia the ar- conaldered by the directors of that tides Is * I-, prae Ire aborning with corporation. It la geoerally conceded firearms '. The Incorporator* named by tbono who are best qualified to. are Mar.on S Ackerman. Elmer E apeak aboat the matter that the lltgoarv. and Henry E Butler The place will go to Forrest F. Uryden. seven trusteei for the Brat \ear. In the present second vjee president. Ia addition to the three nam'd above, that eveat It la likely that the other are Robert Rushmore. David Ci. two vice presidents of the company Worms Percy II. giew*rt and Ram- wlll be each advanced a place and uel Huntington. that either Richard V Llndabury. The ground. for the the general counsel, or John K. QbM, shooing are tke. of ,.ie Watchnng the actuary, will be made the fonrth ||ttBl Club, for s hi* h pera.la.loa has


About 8405.000.000 were spent In 1908 In maintaining and operating the city departments of the 15* largest cities In the United States having an estimated population of 30.000 or more in 1908. whose fi- nancial statistics for that year have boon collected by the Census Bureau at Washington and are analytically presented ta IU annual report on the statistics of cities for the year 1908. The maintenance of schools rep- resents ninety-five per cent, of the total expenses of cities for “educa- tion’ and coat more than any other municipal function, while the protec- tion of Ilf* and property by the po- lice. fire and associated departments was second In cost. These two func- tions of education and protection of llfo and property cost fifty-ave per cent, of about 1405.000.000. which was the total expense of maintain- ing and operating city departments. Fot the whole group of cities the average per -capita expense for schools was 84.70; for police de- partments. *2.25; and for fire dc-

Whether Garret Garretaon. or At a meeting of the International Harrison avenue. North Plain- Vending Machine Company held la field, and W. J. Hetner. of the parlors of the Kensington Hotel Washington avenue and Fourth ( Wednesday tt waa decided to in cor- al reef. wanted to or had cootemplat- j porate the company under the laws ed starting a *hlp chandlery or a of this State, taking over the assets department st©re will, perhaps, for- of the old fomr“'r originally Incor- ever remain a mystery, but the fact porated under toe ia»B it Delaware, will remain that they made a good! The new company wlil Issue 8300.- start by appropriating enough mls-’oob In stock of whlco 150.0©© *ill cel lane© us articles from freight be In 7 per cent- cumulative prefer- shipped to this rlty lo do both or red .hare* and 1250.000 common either' and therefore they are no ,B -hBret of 8100 each, full longer In the emplov of the Central Bnd non-assessable. The Incor- Railroad of New Jersey In the po ration papers are being drawn up

September I, Thomas "bli- the newly appointed physical

found on their premises Several j place probably within two weeks . employees of the company were dls- hence. charged for the same offense some | The macb’ne* which thla company lime an". *nd the revelations of Chief will make have been approved by the , Cray will account for some of the United States pootoflen department mysterious 1<** of goods after dellv- and already orders have been recelv- 1 . ery had been made of original pack-' ed from various part* of the coun- ages to the merchants of this city. | try for the product. The device will , The source of the Information by j fill a want noticeably felt In every which the thieve* were detected J rlty. and town In the country. The , could not be learned, but enough main object Is to supply stamps at I waa told this morning to convince | convenient points in all cities fori Mr. Grfiy that he had caught the which the people will pay a small right wen. J « amount for the conven«ence. The’, | Garretaon and Helner were dls- machine made by this company la the) c harged on July 17 after a search of only machine of Ha kind and Its spo- I their homes revealed *n assortment c|ai feature la a coin detector which of stuff alleged to have Wn stolen prevents foreign or spurious cola I from the local freight hou*e which from working lb© machine. Ii would have started nay ambitious Provisions have been made In the.' person on the road to fortune, estimate for the coming year by. Among the articles found at Garret-. postmaster General Hitchcock, for, sob's home were a pair of button , printing elghty-nlne million stamps shoes, two Quarts of onions. four 0f the one and two cent denomlna-. cans of condensed milk, two hams, a t|OB» In strips for thla machine.' The Plainfield I-odge. I.oral Order quantity of salt codfish, a pair of(whl«b shows that the seaf of gov- of Moose, held a meeting Thursday silk booties, and other things, lb- emrsent approval has been put upon In tha room* of the Knights of Co- side* to confessing to ’hese thefts. J tbe enterprise. Judge Isaac P. Run-. lumbus. Some fifty candidates were Mr. Cray Mild that both men con- y„„ will he the legal adviser of the obligated and oflreri were Installed j Tossed to baking tapped a barrel it new company... Operations will be There were a large number of the whiskey f-otn which !*niall quant!- begun Just as soon as a suitable site brothers present and a most enjoy- !!ew were tak.-n from time to time. f„r th* factory can be obtained. R. able evening was passed. The list <}f stolen stuff to which ( ||. Pollock, of Baltimore. Is tbe In-j Worthy Dictator, Th.H»dore BfirS- lleinrr confesses |« partly n* fol- yen tor of the new device and with Ing resigned on account of other low * Women's underwear, needle Charles Matt has succeeded In form-1 pressing business. Joseph Harrlgyn work. 15 >atd*. two pairs of men’* mg a strong company In this city for wa* elected a* his successor. Recre-. trousers; 1 hair high rubber hoots: purpose of manufacturing thejtary Hush, of the New York Lodge. 1 pair sh.w-4 several luilr of aan- machine*. It Is firmly believed that assisted Htatc Organiser Nichols In dsU. some buc<>n. butter, lime, coo- the hew concern will eventually rival'«he installation, after which Mr.' denied milk J canned goods of varl- the great National Cash Register Co..1 Mush in.vd- ua eloquent address ro ous kind* some sole leather, some 0e Dayton. Ohio, whleh todays en»- rhe order, telling of rhe Ideals.* shoe heeli and rut soles, eakea of ploys upward of 7,000 people 1 founding and origin of the I*oyal Or-1

11 U not likely, however, that the h||th Mr. Whittaker vacancy created la the company s. wl|1 bIm> ,.nd,.»xor !o promote tbe board of directors by Mr Ward• lnlorrpf of .wimmtng and track ath- death will be filled for some months • Wlfc|., ,B lhr ,„rBl hl(th ^.hooto. Thc I p to the present tfme no on© ha. BMorU,loII intending to make a been publicly talked of for this effort toward co-operation ►Ur»* j ! with the city and borough high As for the vacancies created by ^fe^la ,hrftBllh ttm «rw athletic dl- l'*' Ward a death In the board, of r#lctor directors of the Fidelity Trust Com- Mr Whittaker -III nil a long felt pany and the Union National Hank for „anf |hl. r|ty thBf ot Bn aM It I. not likely that anything will be Bround ..hletlc director. d«.ue for some time. Tbe probability „ho rBB or|:BDi^. loach. Bnd dlr«.t U tbs* no action will be tatofn by lh#, athlettea of Plainfield in s bust- eltber t«ank for Several months ! aess-llkc. energetic, nmnner. Lesgue* in those Institutions, a. In other Bre |D ^ nrgBO,^.d among the school farge enterprises, the disposition Is Bnd yBrtoUB clubs In the dltfer- to rut down the number of director.. ent brBnrhe# ot .port. and It would not be surprising If both these banks. Instead ot Ll©ct- ALKI> <;i|j«KRT lu rHOSlN ing a auccsssor to l»r Ward, simply TKKArtl HKll OF NEW tH-X. reduced by one tbe slse of their koarrfs i Alexander Gilbert, of West Eighth ,• street, president of the Market and Igrrnll U« It % 1* HAY*- Fulton Hank. New York, has been AS*EMIII-VMAY KDGK. chosen treasurer of the National Cur- rency Association of the City of New Assemblyman Walter K. Edge, of York, which was organised under Atlantic county. In an Interview yes- the terms of the Aldrlch-Vreeland tents» concerning tbe retaliatory law. WgtsIsUon of New Yovh. I'ennoyWw- Tsenl?-seven national banka o! ala and other tttatr* directed against. Greater New York. representing motorists of this Htate been us- of the nearly all the members of the Clear- temporary tax levied hers on motor- [ ing House, joined the new crganlta- lets from all other Ftates. declares i|. the law. while producing a nominal, revenue only. raV.n# nn annual loss to hot i-Ik re ;>cgs. garages. other tradespeople and m-vtnrfsta of sever- al hundred thousand dollars As a remedy Colonel Edge, who fathered a bUI to repeal the law which provoked tbs retaliatory Icg*.- datw«r. in other states, suggests \j» appointment of a commission ©f two!hi or throe me tubers of the Legislature' from New York. Pennsylvania. Mass-' achusetts. Connecticut .and this ! State to be named by the ro tenors [ of throe states for the purpose of i BWKsrstlbg legislation that might), solve the pro Me i

t»*r The suit ,.n the leading questions of the day. "*ory ground. It la expected and ha. been au- p to find the nounced that this statement will bs «ld to have made public by him trom the pla:- i upper New form at Parish Hall. Republican clubs from all over tbs Tied on 8«pt county will be represented ni tb# while Carur , gathering, and the occasion promise* imptist eburrh to be i Mg pow-wow. **©x county. The boom for Assembly candidates ainted with will probably b« launched. Just an or- what tho powers that b« have is their friend- mind regarding the caodidato for > on charge*. Mayoralty |a not known at preseat. Baptist min- but It ia expected that this offlee will he wax ex- be one of tb© Important ones ander ' - .w discussion at tbe meeting, oard the ro- Among the men Invited as speak- nd s conduct era tor the meeting are Robert B. re them, but, Clssel and School Commissioner ought before: "alter B. Timms, of Elisabeth.

The following preachers will b« at the First Methodist church during the month of August, while Dr An- derson Is on vacation:: August 7. Rev. Georg. C. Wild Inf. I I>. D. or Perth Amboy; (.«. Rer.l, H»rn»n 8. Elliott, of Cleveland. O.; 21. Rev Nathaniel Brooke, of H.y-1 none; IK. Rev, Henry Rldue'y Roh-| lnw>n. D. n . or Bed Bank. All of the ab<Tre are strong preachers and * are well worth hearing by the Plain- Odd people- Hhe was -»«lp- lo Him. ' He vho get* married." sadl* said H H Warner, alias Jimmy Valen- tine" on the stage. gets caught lAtok at my M-st friend who has pair been married a month. A chandelier ■ *1 In the night at his house and In • moraine at breakfast he «ah| to w.fe. with a laugh • VVhat did >ou think, my love »-n job beard the chandelier fall the dead silence of the night?' ‘ '! thought, darling.' hi* wife an- •red. 'Ibat you bad been detained business again and were getting upstair* as quietly u you could.' M— Young s Magaz nc

Thai new waiter of yours de- scribe* the bill of fare In a way lo make anybody hungry/' "H* wasn’t always a waiter. He used to be press agent for n circus • —Louisville Courier-Journal.

«ft him. ■ Tike Carnival at Oak Tree. »n-year-J There will be a carnival on the worked < grounds of tbe Marronnler chapel at *®r. hut Oak Tree on the evenings of Angast w of • --I «nd 24 for the benefit of tb© .chapel. Il»slde> moving picture*, (there will be a shouting gallery and J*v • *>p!cal country store. There wUI salt (!»• refreshments of aff kinds for sai* cause w« on the grounds, and lots of good (music Everybody will be welcome railroad. , «m. , Chain* On \VI.~-U of ChlwCs AaP*. ur showj Chief Doane has bad chains pDrwl «s char-, on the rear wheels of bis automobile Louie- to prevent any sllpifing or sklddla*

I know that young doctor wants to marry my daughter, but I was sucker to forbid him to call at tn home socially " "Why so?" h” Prorw.loull, I M bet hr got enough fees out o me this winter to furnish the flat. —Lou’svtue Courier-Journal

Wayside Ch**- "I»e new- secretary will be .of assistant President.*’ He U have plenty to do." "I don't doubt tt. Uut say. you like to be an assistant Vle«- Prealdent?" — Louisville Courter- Joumal.

sort hrslCh. Strnp with a String. of u»n( • knit. Ia cattlaa bars of castllr soap use * string and see how much

Page 7:  · THE CONSTITUTIONALIST VOL. XLII PLAINFIELD. N. J., THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 1910. NO. 31. Vivian M- L.«wi» Accept* Ei doraemant of Paaeaic Se-publicana at Dinner. TMK ...

Katzenbach, Wittpen and 8U-zer DtocoMad at Demo-

cratic Outing.

Mftle T*lk of Woodm

Aanml .(->u.ti. ..<!....

Mrrrrr O W

K»ta*nb*cb. La»t rottr lliddleaeiwent 1B7» DeiDOeTs>Uc ana we- b»Iteve that this will thU jear be dtt-plicated for tbe If.u.ui r»-i< noml-

Mayor Wit arrived at theouting late In tbe afternoon aftermany of tbe guests bad departed forborne. He made a brief speech froman automobile. He said tbat be ei-pected to come lo the Sate conven-tion with a solid Hudson county del-egation behind himself for tbe gov-ernorship. Later on Mayor Wltt-

beT° of MerceVwunty Democraticleaders In the Trenton House andwas assured tbat there was not U>eslightest possibility of President U «-

, ,on capturing any delegate, f ro -»« Mercer county to the State conven-

[>»HH-lp«ted in 1

ollese preside]f tbe

during tbe ALEXANDER 8. I l le crowd, although there' The,ny there from Princeton,, der II.hlii atubtilon lo sit in lb« mreet,rlsl rhalr. Even tbe letter j rlty, wat his Inability lo attend ( tml.l f, which he •'•ot In ackn<

i.f Ale:

the Democrats of hi:was not read to tb«

r« wbo gathered at tbel.rst-t" Fair grc ii.< -t and

jwnlocratlc aspirants.

ty i rejirirmntstlve on tbe Democrat-ic ( t t t t c.i in mi it ee, who declaredhimself In fsvor of President Wilsonfor governor early I bin week, wasunable to attend the outing on ac-count of being called to Baltimoreto vUIt a sick relative, announcedWore h« left town,in the morn'ngthat now that Prank S. KaUenbach,Jr had said that he would accepttli-' in.!i.:iiiirii.n if it was tendered tohim by the state convention, ho wasfor the latter. Mr. Gallagher wastho only Mercer county Democraticleader who had received the sugges-tion of nominating President WilsonIn a favorable"light.

Wbllo tbe Wilson boom w»s stu-diously Ignored by the Iteraorrats at-

was Hailed a number of times as the

bU : was cheered

i, of West Fo,t drtiKKiMt in thiilast Tuesday, weni f In,::... Tbursda:e o'clock. Tbo ser

*s were largely attended by I hiay friend* am: relatives of thid man. There was also a lar«.renentatWn ~ <.f tuc I'lainflel-

Druggists' A -nofllatlon preRe*, n r . Jonn. A. Chamb

tor of ihe F t m Randst cwhich Mr. Malllnnoo was

. pas


he guber-declared

ntioncd duringthe afternoon. In a carefally pre-pared m^ech Mayor Walter Madden,ot Trenton, proclaimed It to bo afan that Mr. Katzenbach was prac-tically the unaerr county Delnatorlal notnlithat It would afford them "universalpleasure" to again support the latterfor chief executive of Sew'Jersey.

In marked contrast to the atti-tude of the crowd toward the Wil-son boom was the treatment tbe us 1

sembled. Democrat* accorded to Sen-j;ator George S.. SUier, of Middlesex]

Jersey City, who as avowed cand1

dates for the governorship weren-, K.I enthusiastically when theywere Introduced during the speech-making period. In this view it was]apparent that President Wilson was

egarded as

There Is not the slIgbt.Ml indict->in at the present time ,be men are who will belake up tfie democratic AssemblyIcki-t. None <M t he l*-&ders. so fara run be learnjed. are making1 find good tlnibei

main , Its

or th< Mel ntyIVram

eech Mr. Katienbachi declared that he was not seek-Jie nomination for governor. In-itally be made na Indirect ,ref-M (o Mr. Wilson but It arousedntertst among the crowd. Hed his position In the following

>re<'latp what my fellow citl-torUM three years ago. Thisfriends have again kindly

Ight jago tba


ting on


•ar. pr

Q Wed-


c for tbe liliiuet be fliiuy Clerk byilty f.

: po

mbly>cal Dem



sctly Interpreted iwould like to haveIt is not my wish toltutlon. 1 Will Berei My earnest d«slre Is that youwould select some other candidate.I brllevf that I have done my wholeduty to the Democratic party. I wantyou to tak* ray utterances exactlyat 1 have made them. , There Is no ' 'deceiving 110 dissembling- If you'ar* my Irlends you will respect my,wishes, and I know that you are niyj(rlon.in. 1>e IVraocratlc party Isrich In .'au4ld~ate». We have MayorOUo Wittpelnn. of Jersey City, and

date wlm decirra the nomination and i

an gain.icket last year with J

*eph T. Hague and Franklin Hal. 1: * >. John Woodruff, a prom IceDemocratic worker In the First Wain Elizabeth, and Identified with IIIndependent Social Club of tbward, bas also been mentioned as

he downtown wards Indraft ' ;ltll] * speaker of ablli

ElizabethHe Is

if several large fraternalKan liat Ions.

For Congre», County CnalreW. E. Tunic Is the. only Demo<who has been prominently mtloned. He will probably be

Hi!itate EntomoloffUt John B. Society Turn* Out in Large

Smith Telia ofPettDueia May 1911-


..u winTrees In 1






Probabljr D e t w i

iv Connty of Ihe

VIII Disappear

i Jane.

State Entomologist John B. Smithi n Issued a note of warning against

i "SeventeenWear Locusts" whichdue to make tbeir appearan<

:t May and remain througboic. The lodnat is particularly v

'acions in the, eastern part of New•rsey. hence l!e followior circclaior great Intirest to G>4iM countyTbe text of i the warning u:;<>« •"Drood II. Dt the periodical Ci*

ida. or. as It. Is better known, th.eventeen-Tear Locust/ appeared In

S'ew Jersey In; 1894. and Is duippear again iti 1911. Accordlnbe records gathered In 1894.

en county, scattered areas In Pas'

urg and I'apskatlng In Susses couny, practically :all of Slorrls. L'nion;*•-< \ and Iluilson counties, a fewreas In U«n«r county, irregulaireas alt over Middlesex countyot ter ing polnfs In the eastern partif Monniouth founly. small patchi

BurKiitn.il counties,Pensauken and vicinity In Camdei

ity. scatteiilng sections at tbbwestern piart of Gloucester amm connll^i, Irregular areas

•ties, and all the wooded sectioibe Cape Stay Peninsula. The;berefore. no county entirely Ini the Inserts; but they do n.-oacb the 4>elaware River i:Io»jtcepi in Ca|mden county, and. in

a general any, may be aaid to beh l f

If ambers to Witness Ama-teur Performance*.

lli;l |i BL'RLEHQl'K U.\ Idli FIUBT

• • t * %f. . . « t i i l \ t < • ' • • • - • . \ lI r O H I f l l ' I l l . " i r B ma^* « '<• •* i i W9 v i

Hard For Club Building Fuml

—HlK Sum Real-


circus given IClub

mds Wednesday nlgbt.>r the largest gath

people tbat eveithe town. ' Th<Ing grounds had

Duker Bought It for the Com-pany But Later Withdrew

and Left tbe Tags.


Chey Sell Banana-, Bat As to Who

Has Ihe Bight Is a Mystery—

.Newark Firm Split As to

Ownership of Permit.

If George Duker owns the license

DuVer and Company own tbe tin 11-enso tags, who has the right to sellhe bananas?

That la tbe question which willave to be adjudicated by Judge

been transformedConey Island In the midst of which j presentthe revelry and fun continued until i if tu- <••a late1 hour of tbe nlgbt. Scream-1 Severland abd Its attractions will long be in the courtremembered by tbose who attended, tng that Duker

NoifiiiiU funnier has been seen In plain his actlo:Cranford or anywhere else, for that c ard receipts

son-Jeffries fight. It was a four- | |n thl* city, wroundabout Including the moving'n<-r« are hali'd topicture men. referee, etc. s. Wetb-]ing ihe card.frill represented Jack Johnson, while so far as conK'l ••'..i :,\ Wild took the place of the • .. r : rr Dukerstocky] Jeffries. S. M. 1 earn an ref-tht* firm of Dukeiereed tbe bout In true sporting style drew -••>•'• ii we

id tit.- screams of the spectators'aVae Wiaetbef tuld t»- beard for a mile. | partners or not UTbe! museum ot freaks disclosed i hut th.- f m reroal

Mr. Marshall disguised as the beard-| ing with the blued Udy, and Miss Frances Bonnie other four mrml.eas thei midget. J. H. Vldal looked' trying to carry ontbe part of the fat lady, while K.'tin tags.

•1--T1B was HIP much tattooed man. I Of course it Is tand E. A. Crulksbank looked uncoro- dlnance for two v

able as the human pincushion. J. arately with but oink was the Hercules or the show | necessary to deter

and Miss Laura Cocbrane the snake

lf In the City.

f Duker'sirday bop-

would show up and ex-lj In keeping Ihe blueissued with each II-

: It to peddle banana;hite his former part-

ronld bi* learned thin

£ Co., but with-

•nsf. and it

!>!< li will btcharmer. plai l for'

struck ward with his

diving I

nost abundant in th<>r the State. I

duringand will




ning, but Dukcr

be firm, of wn1

the head, coiuntil Duker had

up to thnapt to be i.eriouBly injui

ir Kdward Dabcock had evehis head on the bottom orbathtub In vrhtch he did thistunts u . M l u Annette Killaman, his failed to put lo an npnearane

Instead ol plain statement of facts other memberslike these. He amused tbe crowd Joseph Mass in,Immensely with, his antics. Others -. n ' 'wbo amused and entertained were beeMrs. Charles Harris, as Mme. Light-! made Masslno declares that Duke:foot: Mrs. O. S. Velt, a pretty me-,1s no longer a member of the com

, chanlcal doll; tbe artful dodger, by pany and that the company want thi„ F. C. Irwin; Miss Edith Hilller, as original llcenHo.'afl they have bought Rebekan at the Well. Silas Grace out Duker'i Interests. Th* OrmB Blrdseye bad charge ot the grab ban. which Is o Newark concern, was rei>

^ sold by Mm. A. S. Wrenn and Mifis '- ^_Stratton, while the wheel of "

, was spun by Mrs. C. C. Ven^ Thomas. Wrenn was the artl

jtbe side


1se*tr™g out trees 6ho*-s , were Harvey N. Flsk. presl-J.rubs dorlbs the fall of 1910. «e n t ol ' t lw club: E. G. B. Blley. J . |irlng of 1911. In the Infested H. Frajler, S. M. Yeaman. Charles;„ are warned of the danger of Voorhee., C. C. Ventries and Robert'y from th«w Cicadas If trees C M»ler. Mn. S. Witherlll and Mrs.irubs mustib« set. put out either R- B Wasson attired as Dutch girls(

verelv so as not to offer attractions den.4' One of the best patronl;- —Itb features of tbi


. tbe iij

ts, i r set large ty anches land cut back

July 1, so M to offer the insect*bance to oviposit in wood thaibe spared. Burn all tb.6 cut In


show was the Royal

« e d

r Q nly gefl'.tunsi teller, imperscnateo by Mr

' Frank T. Sloan. A large sum warealized for tbe building fund of tb

who had the circus In charge% established, young orchards i• plantations, do not prune mo

injury that may be caused. C

iy be a serloi

Frank Sloan, chairman; Mrs. C. C.Ventrtes. Mrs. B. C. Vldal. Mra. R.B. Wiw>n. Mrs. S. M. Yeaman, Mrs.S. WeTnerill. Mrs. G. S. Veit, Mrs.Frank Harriott and Mrs. E. H. Mll-

ted. I t theiof the crops 1 mallind branches. There Is no

ray of poisoning the Insects, forhey do practically no feeding, andt Is not In thje least dangei —landle them. AH insectlTorou.feed freely on ^hese Cicadaa,does tbe ordinary farm poull kinds. Spa k a

SoIt fadeth frc

Each hour it gIt pansetb like the

birds Beneath the sunad so I °P« the casket w

- itvrinketh in

wltb one hundred electric lightsJapanese lanterns and decoratedwith numerous large flags and IIng.

A profusion of cut flowers and pot-ted plants were used in the decora*

who revealed the past, present aifuture to many delighted patrons.There were twenty-five handsomawards, after which dancing was er.joyed. Music was furnished by Alen Squires' orchestra.

Rev. Father Bogan was an honored guest and he read the rules

to the spirit of the enjoyable occaslon.

delight them tand little damage need bewhere these b^rds occur




p Is the

•e It lies —trice!i tbat I prize —

""-Tbe'understened will be gratefulfor all Informaklon as to tbe placeswhere the Inserts appear.

•JOHN B. SMITH."Entomologist."

expected. The a!

How the peopl.

I de-

"Why are you so anxious to a.•at n.-.v. to the LegislatureTever was a frtentl of yonrs.

•TkTafs Just It." replied Fan

| Ititf l i on" Found «l GUfl-lonr.d j In the dooryard at the home ot

' • \ l l r s . Rachel Mellck. at Gladstone.is what Is considered a portion or

r | t h e remains o( a prehUtorlc skele-

Matrimonial AmenltW.Wife (reproarhfmiy)—Too fi

my ear and promised that my every rl>een rid ei•*I-1I should be gratified.

Hub.—No, I don ti but I wish nowI'd followed the hygienic rule of


show:! feel toward these votes. Plalnfleld bas no!••• of them, while Pa

hai thrown them out In nln.of the twenty-one dlstrlcthey had been placed. Tb!

to be enough In the way of an

reathtng.—Boston Transcript.

A« to Progress."My girl Is very thoughtful.""As t o howT""Wbeaever she's dressing t

1 she always Issues half-hourlv 1tlns."-l-Plttsburg Post.


T e n ^ e .U.-U,.the pulpit ofhurch ffflf

forbout any "ifs or Thercer county does not Tempio BaptU

s X T •Inma'yatbo"1Srdoncdllfor "im-1 no^nced by I.. W. Randolph chairmodesty in i making the statement man of the tommlttee. The' " » «Ui« Middlesex county will feel proud Ing mlnl-ter» havp been obtainedtoifumlsh io the State a successor'August T. Rev. Charles Fountainto III. prewlt governor. No matter.'August 11. Rev. Theodore 1. fiardho*ev<.r, wliat the result of the com- sW! Angnst 21. Rev. J. A. Cobberlvuifi M m £ , the Democrats of August 2". Rev. G*orKe BowersJ * i r « -an jrely upon thl . fact, that Communion service will be observed

erpreflfllon of opinion to satisfy tStale Legislature tbat the peoi

;wnnt the voting machines wiped on'entirely. The question of honest c. dishonest voting is not involved i

, the desire to put an end to the plaor voting by machinery. The peop

'. have tried the devices faithfully an

lory— Elizabeth Journal.

was In a limestone deport and aboutten or twelve reet below the surrace.Tbe object appears to be the ICK

" a s embedded In the solid rockwhen discovered.

Of Coarse."How Is that hen at b

eggs?""A perfect jewel."- l a that case I'd get her

ting."-pLouisville Courier-Ja

I Needs Most.J xui>i>lir«. : "John " demanded tbe m

Rev. and Mrk C. L. Goodrtch and wlfe_ .*wtU y o u a i w * y 8 love nion, of West (Seventh street. will H| r w t u n M i " was the answ.

to spend the ' .-r.'li of August. They . Louisville Courier-Journal.


More TbeorlzinK-'•Why should the comet arouse (

"I don't know." replied the Art

o look for more proors."—Wash!:on Evening Star.

Part this n nm a mere promise, forj Not more nervous than the poorMiddlesex, which went 1T44 Repub-, Old consumer.Wean in 19«s. wsi carried for Mr. —Lonisrllle CouHer-Journal.

cburcb will be closed artei

September 9.

allltarr air?StellK—Why. yes: n

- of It: I tbink be doesi with him tbe odor of t' —Yon leers Statesman.

I>nnellen Itank Exempt.As tbe system of assessing ban

itock la fixed by law on the ai>[ capital, surplus and uad

' has a Is deducted the taxable property anIts exempt securities In Mlddlei

I speak county, the First National Bank.around Dunellen, win not be taxed for ai

SB hall, thing this year. This is the edicttbe Middlesex County Board of Ta

AT SEA GIRTIADTOMOBILE STRUCK POLEore Than 600 ProminentQ- 0. P. Man Quests ot

Governor fort.


st of Ihe liiit CJnns of the Party

Spent the Day Dlarusalns. the

fliiwssiisi Tmubm Wsi

Xot Therr.

John Qehle and Four Com-panions Hurled Oat of Car

Qehle In j and.

rt 1*1 I \ K ( . \ TO Ml lll.r.MlKIUJ.

Were Trying Ont Itefwiml Caj^-U*.

With Bo«d at H « .

Comer Probable

e of Accident.

I Sea <51rt Thursday n o n e , 8 0 " 1 0 u

lore attention than Judge, J company

for the Republican Con-( Newark,nomination In tbe FKth

;ed Charles N. Fow-

with fo companiR

r Irom

who aaplrf inth

the higher courts. I•gislat'ire. newspape

ifflclals anf" men prominent in

to treasurer Daniel & Viof Morris county, was on h.

s. They freely predicted tan would have a walk

lartes theirpOlllli

certain that there would besitlon or any consequence i? popular I'lainflelder.

"'lalnneld.ere Mayor Charles J. Flak. Statepervisoror Hoads Robert M. Meek-, Factory Inspector Andrew Mr-

Jardell, Oeorgo J. Tobln, Ta:

ollldcd with a telephoneManning's corner Saturday

ornfng about 3 o'clock wltb tbe re-lit tbat Clehle Is In Muhl.:ivl»-rg bos~

. Judges' PUal wtih a fractured leg and cuta'B or the about the bead, and the other menra, State Vi l l" were slightly bruised have re-

in all turned to their homes In Newark,erlnf. j According to storlea told to tn«: VM:... police and facts gathered elsewhere,

the parly or nve were trying out *car which had been in tbe garage or

Company for repairs. The route ledthrough Westneld. crasfont. ttcotchI'lains anil this ctty and they wet*evidently intending to return by way

telephone pole.Immediately after the accident


one ot tbe ii llarru

innlra-» and Mr. Bar-

or thetor William R. Townsend and Dl»- l l e n l »nll tO(>" Weble in bis automo-ct Court Judge William Newcorri. ' ' l l e t° Muhlenberg hospital after Dr.There were some Republican lead- Cl A- G^ssWe'n had been aroused andi who have had their differences of n» r t Riven first aid to the injured. Dr.inton with Governor Fort. Tbe dessweln accompanied the Injured

ougn examination Of tits injuries. Heround tbat Genie had a bad fracture

an was on band eany ne give of the right leg and possibly was in-evtdencs of the least anxiety as ) u r e d internally besidea having been

tbe outcome of his contest for re- severely cut by flying glaaa from tbectlon. Edward C. Stokes, an as- broken wind shield. The other men•ant for the Senatorial toga, was « n ° were only slightly

hand. too. as were .Vivian M

I I'ltney. the Chancellor, aiMI P. Mnniii. the Kseexw Idea exponent.Of th.? Democrats who ha1

nd Wil-


•A hadid departed,

badly damaged,was first supposed tbat the ac-

j t was tbe result of a Joy ride,bnt L. R. Thompson, the superin-tendent of the garage who was Intbe car, said tbat the car had been

ich wbo in t h e "arage for some time beingago by overhauled and that be and his com-

(le to be panlons were giving tbe machine a

' George to Us o^ner. The car will need some.

enaman and aspirant for the Unit- alone recponslbliState Senate, sent his regrets. I At the spot

idge George R. Gray, or the Courtjwith tbe teleif Errors and Appeals, anil Chief there in a sharp

William ,S. Gnmmere were j is thoroughly aprominent representatives of | particular part

ustlc f th

iccident., Che collision

i and unless janeiut.-.i with this

id an accl-

,e Judiciary of the State.Tbe hoard of managers or the

me held a meeting yesterday morn-

['e State Highway Commls-held -a brief meeting, andplans tor spending the

ipproprlated at the last ses-ilon of the legislature.

o the soldier boys the feature ofday was the review of the 1st5th regiments by the Governor.visitors lined up opposite the

imps, while thereglm

Jieli camps.- respective»mor and his staff rodregiments, as the de

i Battery A roared outir's salute, the crowd

Wbei t h e


usly.the two

nd tbei paw

revleiind steadiness of trie m e n "

ranks called forth applause aturn* for their military beas Indeed a great day foiFort, but a greater one f>

,nd :>th regiments.

<;<KHIH X'H Cheaper Ahmad.Women who feel to regret-Ir means will not permit thein the army of travelers now oilantlc highway and headingrla and London, where they expertreplenish their wardrobes, may b(mforted in the fact, well known Ujse who cross often, that the mot

Ings for sale in them are not on!;*t as handsome and as stylish at

those found In sbop« abroad, but theybought for J«ws mo

if American Iion in i foreign c tries tbe prices



art of the road a aable, esi>ecfally at nu-.ru.

the car besides Reble andWere Paul Hoffman, 107treet: Cbailes Warner.h Orange avenue, and M., 318 Broad street, all of

a (Be was tied•day at Richmond and Sec-

ond streets, when one of the four•se trucks, belonging to tbe Handrage Company, broke down. Tbeck w u carrying a sixteen-tonip forge base from the Spicer L'nl-

ipany's plant

Fourth street ; to its plantitb Plalnfleld. In turning- Into

Richmond stret from Becond street,.; the pieces of nagging, wblcb• the gutter at tbU corner,

broke under the weigat and let onetbe truck's wheels drop. Thissed the breaking of tbe springthe truck. The trolley service,

i blocked for half an hour whenbroken wagon was moved out off

tbe way. S iThe mute over Richmond street

had to be taken by tb* truck on ac-count of the weaknesa^of the otherbrldgf-s which span Cedarbrook.

trifle' bfg!

on during the'winter, between Oc-ober and May, wben goods fall toatloaal prices again, It does not pay

rles which cannot be (ound at home.—Leslie's.

"Remember. n>y boy, there areother things worth while in collegebeside athletics.",

"I know. Tbe 'mandolin and gleeclubs aren't half bad."—!»ulsvl!le

Sorry He Spoke.

en. Also where a splendid newe Capitol bs£ been bulk witho

h ii l

"Never mind, old man. I'm sorrythrew out it.-.: insult about theuds."—Chicago Record-Herald.

M.Y.uM gay S o .n-—This paper Hays that Mne.

Marie Krau-Dolte has Just celebrated

eth anniversary In kindergartenwork.

Egbert—It would aeem as though. Marie was old enongb to be out ofI kindergarten work by this time.—

OMNI BOOMS Ketzenbech, Wlttpeo and su-

rer Dlflcuoood at Demo- cratic Outing.

1»J» DraecTSUc nnfl we Do- lleTe that thla will thla year b. de- pllr.red for the Bemecrmt Merer Wlttp.ua arrlr.d at the outing ItU Id (h« afternoon after many of tbe («•(■ had departed for

WARNS AGAINST LOGUSIS GRIMM'SCIII8 State Entomologlet John a Society Tome Out in Lor*#

_ brief epeeeb from u eetomobile. He raid that be I peeled to rome to the Bate roe. THKV MAKE NOME HTATKMKNTr*. I IlolI w|u, a aolld Hedaoh rooolr del- ___ I elation behind hlmeelf for the *ov- . u,l— at eroorahlp Latar Oh Major Wltt- ot Uoodrttw Mil . conferoare with

Meroer roentr Iiemocratlr little Talk

Aaaaal JoUMkatM of the

fro sa tb« State conven

leaders Id tba Trenton Ilooaa and was assured that there was not me slightest possibility of President H11- *on rapi aria* any del«*auw Woodrow Wllaon's boom for the Merc#r county Democratic nomination for governor J ,ion. was conspicuous by Its abseac* at J the annual out In* of the Mercer i County Democrats which was held at Trenton Wednesday afternoon and participated In I* 12t»0 parly mn recruited from hll sections of the county The college president a name was not mentioned once during the public speech making amour mu 8. mum

r,o-« .although them! The faaersl services of Alcxa scro many there from iTIncetoo. der B. Malllaaon. of West Fourth 4 kU ■ in it U Ion to sit In the street, the oldest druggist in this gubernatorial chair. Even tbs latter |clt,. who died laal Tuesday, were of regret

dead the outle*. which he sent In a- hnowl- edyrment of au Invitation to be on hand to meet the Democrat* of his home counCy. was not road to tha Hi re.nr of voters who gathered at the Inti ratato fair grounds to meet and listen to their Dwrrtncratle aspirants. Charh ■ II GsIlugBer. Mertrr coun- ty's reprc*ehts»l*e on the Democrat- ic state cnimltte*-. who declared himself In favor of (’resident Wilson for rovers or early this week unable to attend the outing c count Of being called to Baltimore to visit a sick relative, announced before ho left town. In the tnorn'ng that now that Frank 8. Katienbnch. Jr . had said that he would accept th*< nomination If It was tendered him by the stgte convention, be v for th« latter. Mr. Gsllagher v the only Msrrer county I>emocratlc leader who had received the sugges tlon of nominating President Wilson In a favorable light.

While I he Wilson boom was stu dtoualy Ignored by the Democrats al tending the outing. Mr Kntrenbach was hailed a number of tiroes as the neat governor of New Jersey, si his name waa cheered to the eel every time It was aientloned durli the afternoon pared speech Mayor Walter Madden, of Trenton, proclaimed It to bo a fart that Mr. Katzenbacb was prac- tically the unanimous choice of Mer- cer county DfniocraU for the guber- natorial nomination and declared that It would afford them "universal pleasure" to again support the latter for chief executive of NeWJersey. In marked contrast to tho atti- tude of the crowd toward the W1I- No.,,.. waa ih>< ,ro.tmo.it lb. .-j lo ih» Aaronthl, rare hod the_«* •club led. Dotuoorata accorded to Hen-J who atqr George 8. 8'lser. of Middlesex i ul’°l county, and Mayor Otto Wlttpcnn. of Jersey C ity, who as avowed candi- dates for the governorship were they

ton at three o'clock. Ttis Bur- ners largely attended by the friends iiuc? relative* of nan There was also a large si Ion of tbs Plainfield Druggist*' A -oration present. Rev. Dr. John. A. Chambliss, pan- tor of the First Baptist church, of which Mr. MalUnson was an act| member, officiated Dr. Chambliss read several appropriate passages of 8>-r!p*ure and spoke af length of th uswftfl life of the dead druggist Roayon. The floral tributes were man number, among them being a band- Mime wreath from the Druggist Association. The Interment, which was mads Friday morning In Hillside cemetery was private.



rarefklly pre- the slightest Indira- he present time as to whe the men are who will be chosen c make up Hi* b*mocratlc Assembly ticket. None Of the leaders, sc as cun be learned, are making a to And good timber and the slate will probably remain In lls present nil. d condition1 until the Democratic outing, which will be held on Wed- nesday. August 17. Apparently there are few Demo-


Smith Tall* of Pent Du* in May 1011.

Numbers to Wltne** An tear Performenoed.

htTEXt IIHM* HIRLKH4JIK ON Hit* FK.HT l*c«» rwds WB Probably

Tree* In Etery Coant> of the -Will Disappear

In Jane. 8«a le-

Stale Entomologist John B. Smith has Issued a note of warning against the ''Seventeen-Year Locusts" which are due to make their appearance next May and remain throughout June. The locust la particularly vo- racious In the eaatern part of New Jersey, hence II** following rirrclar Is of great Interest to lYica county. The lest of tbe warning follows: "Brood II. of tbe periodical Cl- rada, or. as It Is better known, the Seventeen-Year Locust.’ appeared la New Jernejr In 1194. and la due to appear again lb 1*11. According to the recorda gathered In 1»94, the brood covers practically all of Ber- gen county, scattered areas In Paa- salc county, small areas near Ifnnta- burg and I’apakatlng In Huaaes coun- ty. practically all of Morris, Union, Essex and Hudson counties, a few areas in M.-rcrr county. Irregular arras all over Mlddlcse* county, scattering points In the eastern part of Monn-outb county, small patches In Ocean and Burlington counties. Fensauken and vicinity In Camden county, scattering sections at southwestern r>srt of Glouceater Salem counilH. Irregular arena throughout Atlantic and Cumberland counties, and all the wooded sectlona on the Capo >fay Peninsula. There Is. therefore, no county entirely f: from the lusect*. but they do not approach the Delaware River ly except In Camden county, and. In a general way, may be aald most abundant In the eastern half of the State. "The insects will appear during, the last days of May. 1911, and will continue Throughout June; dlsap- pearing by the end of the month. The injury Is done by the females In laying eggs In twigs and small branches, making slits that do not These result In the ultimate

Scream land, the clrcua glvei tbe Cranford Coif Club at tbe club- house and grounds Wednesday night brought out one of the largest gath- erings of society people that ever came together In tl bouse and surrounding grounds had been transformed Into a veritable Coney Island In the midst of which the revelry and fun continued

10 OMII® Dakar Bought It for th. Com-

pany Bat Latar Withdraw and Loft tbe Togo.


pftiHiinEfliimiisKii Mora Than 600 Prominant

O. O. P. Man Ouaata of Oorarnor Fort.

JtDGE WM. RINVON I* yaffil* ■». They Hell lianas**. But As to Who

Has the Right la a Mystery— Newark Firm Split As to Ownership of Permit.

If George Duker owns the license card and his partners In the firm of Duker and Company own tbe tin li- cense tag*, who has the right to sell the bananas? That 1* the niieoflon which will have to be adjudicated by Judge William N. Runyon when Mr. Duker presents himself In the City, court. If he ever does. _ late hour of the night. Scream- j Several of Duker's partners weie land and Its attractions will long be* in the court room Saturday hop- remembered by those who attrnded. tng that Duker would show up and ex- Nvthing funnier haa been seen In plain his action' In keeping (he blue Cranford or anywhere else, for that card receipts Isrued with each 11- matter. than the paiody on the John- [een«e and using It to peddle banana* son-Jelfrles fight It was a four- |„ this elty. while his former part- round bout Including tbe moving1 ncrs are haled to court for hot hav- ploture men. referee, etc. 8. Wetb-llng the card. •rill represented Jack Johnson, while so far as could be learned thN F.dwnnl Wild look Ihe place of the morning Duker was stockyj JofTrles 8. M. Teaman ref- ^ the Arm of Dak •reed ihe bout In true sporting style'drew several weeks ago to go It and the screams of the spectators'a'one Whether he sold out to his could be heard for a mile. | partners or not Is a moot question The museum of freaks dlsrlosed .bat the fart remains thn* he I* trad- Mr. Marshall disguised as the heard-] In* with the bine rard while the ed lady, and Miss Frances Bourne other four members of the Arm are as tbai midget. J. H. Vidal looked' trying to carry on business with the the part of th® fat lady, while E.'tln tags. Stevens waa tbd much tattooed man.I Of course It Is contrary to the or- and E. A. Crulkshank looked wncom-1 dlnance for two persons to trade sep- fortabl* as the human pincushion. J. arately with but one license, and It Is Frank was the Hercules of the show-j necessary to determine who has the and Mias Laura Cochrane the snake right to u« the llrensc which will be- eharm«r. ) come plain when Duker cornea for- If Edward Babcock had ever struck ward with his story. All the other his head on the bottom of the tin members of the original Arm were bathtub In which he did the diving in court this morning, but Duker stunts as Mias Annette Klllaman. his failed to put In an appearance, obituary would have to be written) Judge Runyon decided that the Instead of plain statement of facta other members of the Arm. of which Uka these. He amused the crowd Joseph Moasino Is the head, could Immensely with bis antics. Others sell their bananas until Duker had who amused and entertained were been apprehended and explanations Mr*. Charles Harris, as Mme. Light-! made. Massino declares that Duker foot: Mrs. O. 8. Veit, a pretty me- Is no longer a member of the chanlral doll: the artful dodger, by psny and that the company want the jr c Irwin: Miss Edith Hllller. ns original license, a» they have bought heal. These result In the ultimate Rob<,k|lfc th# Well Miss Grace out Duker * late-ests. The Arm. death beyond the point of Injury of B,rd>w bad ch,rRe of 1h„ baK. *h|eb Is a Newark concern, was rep- cry punctured branch leas than ^ ron„ Bnd ^ do„ sold by Mrs. A. 8. Wrenn and Miss St rat tor. while the wheel of fortune was spun by Mrs. C. C. Ventrle* rrnn was thv artist

Most of the Big Uwa* of the Party Spent the Day Dts« wsslnu the

Situation—Fowler Mas

Among the BOO gueuts of Governor j Fort at hts annual reception tod, ... . lunchron .1 S« <ilr> Tburod.j none'»<•«>'' <>ron« neenne. M«A.■ * ...rooted more ...en.lon <h.n J»d«o comp.nr wUh tone ££ WlUiun N. Run,on. of .bu d.j, U.'»* ■ CMUII4.U- lor .he Republlron Con- Ne»»th. eolUdid »llh • telephone itreMlon.l nomlMllon in .he KI..B pol" M.nnin. . con.er A.turd«j dUUIc. .o succeed Chnrle. N. T„w- n,ornln« .bout I o clock with lb. .e- ler. -ho ..plre. to . ninth tern,.1 •»" ">«' <lehle I. In Mahlenherd hoj- There -ere former .orernor., Iud.ro P«*' “d C”“ of .be higher roar!., member, of the *>»«' *»* *■"' *»• LeC.Int-.re. ne*.p.per editor., gl.le «l>“ *ll'htl;r brulroil h.ce r»- offlcl.1. and men prominent In .11 '»r»cd to their bomro In Ne-.rb. ..Ih. n< II.; in Ihe bl. ..Iberln.. Arcordln* lo ..orle. .old lo .ho a,., , . f>nnlcl S Voor- i""'" *"'1 '*"• »io*«kero. 8..L- i rearer Dnnlel 8. voor- trying out n hero, of Morris count,. w». on band ol — I.b . b-« 1el.«.tlon of Morrt. poll- , onld b... . nn-o-ru ,braa(b wcgeld. cronford. Kcoteh

Plains and this city and they were evidently intending to return by way of the n-ouataln roads and Summit when the car took Its Jump for the telephone pole. Immediately after the accident one of tbe men got Into communica- tion with Gua llarfuss gad Mr. Bar- fuss went to the scene of tbe acct- dent and took Get la In hts automo- bile to Muhlenberg hospital after Dr. ('. A Geaswe'n had been aroused and had Riven Arm* aid to the Injured. Dr. The Graswetn accompanied the Injured

half an Inch where Ihere aro many punctures the trunks of small tree* or branches up to three-quarter Inch, these are or killed. "Farmers, fruit-grower* and otb- rs who contemplate setting out tree*

resented by W.

be rorton.l, injured Among the barken

ortune GIVE

__ for the aide shows, were llarvey N. Fisk, presl- U. Riley. J.|

grrotod cntbu.lm.tlroll, »hc wero Introduced during Iht. speech- m.klng iM-rloil In this view It wu appgrrn-. th.t l-rroldcnt IV[Iron not romotel, regarded ■« eccn . ond choice of tbo Mercer count, Democrat.. In bl. .peech Mr. Kalronlmch again declared th.t he nu Dot feel- ing the nomination for gocernor. In- tldenl.ll, he made n. Indirect ,rof- erenre lo Mr. Wilaoa hot 11 arourod Inter..! among the crowd stated bla position In lb# following langaagc -I appreelale what m, fello ten. dM for me three rear. ago. Thla year m, friend, have again kind), ■ought m, Domination. I made alatemenl a few day. aao Ibat act). Interpreted m, feeling., would like lo hare you all read It. It Is uol nr wl.k lo receive Ihe non last Ion I Will serve only If draft ed M, earnest desire I. that you would select some other candidate. I belts'•• that I have done my whole / r

nd who could be to accept are not cote-getters id consequently not the kind of ndldatcs tbe leaders g-mre to run. Th* Democratic Assembly ticket, as In former year*, will probably re- nprepared notll the elerenth hour. The outing In August occur* ae week before the time for Ihe 01- Ing of petition*, which mu«t be OleJ al the ofBcc of the County Clerk by August It Th, nere*alty for get- ting on tho Job g< the curlle*t po.- alhle moment hn» apparently not been reali.ed up lo dale. Abram P. Morris, of Union, who waa an A*aemhly rnndidale last year, prominent local Democrats be- lieve. will run again. Mr. Morris run on the ticket last year with Jo- seph T. Hague und Pranhlln Halil day. John Woodruff, a prominent DemocroTr worker In tbe First In Klliaheth. and Identlh.-d with Ihe Independent Social Club ol that ward, ha* alao been mentioned aa candidate. Woodruff la popular the downtown ward* In Elisabeth, and a speaker of ability lie I member of soreral large Irgternul

,reureorootemPi..-re..,..»e....™ ^ ^ ^ club. E 0 „ ul>y. j. or .hrob. '",r n‘ ,h' II. Frggler. 8 M. Yegtngn. Ch.rle. or aprlng of 1911. ln ,h" Voorhyro. C. C. Venlrlro and Robert* grew, .re warned of «h. 'c Mrs. 8. Wltbrrlll and Mr..

si. urn’s am John Walsh, of 307 Madison avenue, gave a euchre party and injury from th«w«- Cicadas. If trees Jj. T’ DaTcbT RlrU U* n ,e,e ■« h-r hnm* Fr,d*y n,Kb,

■xr.bg be rot. PU. out rimer "Tr.e n^|-n“.“ l^n Lin |'b- bened, ol 8. ry small tree, and cut back ae- . . , j d' 0*1. The grounds were Illuminated •roly, re a. no. lo offer attraction. mV Bo".1! -«■ one hundred electric llghu and with nly genuine lor- Japaoe. a no more OJI»y Queen, the until af.'.igh* (oiler. Imperaonaled by Mrs large . the Insects, or act large ti many branches and cut back than absolutely necessary — i • chance to oviposit In -omi ma« Fbllowlag Is the coonitlw

who had the circus In charge: Mrs. Frank Sloan, chairman; Mrs. C. C. Ventries, Mn. R- C. Vidal. Mr*. H. Wasson. Mrs. S. M. Yea man. Mrs

Burn all the « be spared tested wood. ••In established, young orchards or other plantations, do not prune more man necessary, re a. to distribute „ nny Injury that may be reuaed On «• M™- large tree, no appreciable Injury win he noted, but there may be , rutting of Iho crop, borne , .hoot, and branche. Tbe. .. from - 1OTmng rlew.

^dle" me-rn. - mrectirorore bird. , 7^ - throe CM- o, „ .brtnketh I. a frleei

Mrs. Frank Harriott and Mr. E. H. Mll- n-rlou. Her.

Ho Kphemrreal! i small

lanterns and decorated 1th numerous large flags and bunt- was'lnr A profusion of cut flowers and pot ted plants were used In the decor* live scheme. A feature of the affair was Mme. Toffl. the gypsy wonder who revealed the past, present and future to many delighted patrons There were twenty-Ave handsome awards, after which dancing Joyed Music was furnished by Al len Squires' orchestra. Rev. Father Bogan was an hon ©red guest and he read the rules of tho games and otherwls to the spirit of the enjoyable occa- sion. feed freely « doe, the ordinary »-««* - w^^^.r.Th« , pr.ro- The r, a" h!nd*; SX*r“” “X' ‘■ My «f.y pound, ol lee? Pa.erson

• that daty to tbo Democratic party. I want; »o* to take my utterances exactly; si 1 have made tbem. There Is no deceiving, no dissembling. If you are my friends you will respect *n

Cbu County ... E. Tuttle la the only ivmo. r«t who haa been prominently men- tioned. He will probably be the candidate.

delight In tearing them to piece*, and little damage need be expected where these birds occur In large numbers. .. -The undoralgneJ will be grateful " fur all Information aa to the place. *“« where Ihe Inareta appear. -JOHN D. SMITH. " Entomologist

WeeU. Plainfield and ho voting Issue Tuesday was whs* xpected. The almost unanimous do- eH]on against the machines shows

John Oahla and Four Com- paoions Hurled Oat of Car

—Oahla In J a trod. g.W TAKEN TO Mt'HIfNBKRO. Were Trylea <"*• RepTOred Ckro J,

r.nWItarity WMh Ho«l *t tba- Blag's Comer Probable

t Cause

Run the primaries In their Union county politicians were equal- ly certain that Ihere would be no op- position of any consequence against Ihe popular I’lalnflelder. Among the PlalnAelders present were Mayor Charles J. Fisk. Statu Supervisor or Roads Robert M Meek- er. Factory Inspector Andrew Mc- Cardell, George J. TWbln. Tax Col- lector William R. Tow trlct Court Judge William New corn. There were some Republican Icnd- s who have had their differences • opinion with Governor Fort, most notable Instance waa the pr« R«n ... hand -Hr- «■ evldcncu of the legal anxiety as ■ he nu.com. of hi. centre, for re- ?’ b'h ^ . -.1— r Mff.k.-a n.. as- broken wind shield. The other men .Icctlom ■ «bo only .lightly inlured had O tre ,T »rrc v!v"n M their wound, drre^d and dopaMod. Loala. Rankin, fommlro,oner. M.k- ~ ‘t'LSS'Thl. Ibc re- Ion Ptinoy. Ih. C b.nrellor. .nd WII- «> ™ rtE

*b°, urerbaulwlVnd '"JatTc'•.ndTlare" •bile George pmwntT Woodrow Wllren. of Prince «T.« ton. rent hi. regret., whllo Orergc t® »• ®*»"- T"-J*r

Ere. Newark. ... another Democrat *»■' ’chlnre N* FOwlc'r ^'prreent Ton- but nnf.mlllart.y »Hkia.jrouf.wa, cd~ro“ BcnareP>awat DU 'Vcgrela I ‘ °” tbo col.uion ^udgi crerga R Hroy. of .be court SJETSnSt ‘"Tumm^c “*U tPh th- .wo prominent representatives cfi particular part of the road an accl- sk, inttiriarT of the State. *■ P«*hable. especially at night.

or manager, of ,h* Thoro In th. -nd Morrt. Plain. Hoaplt.l for Ihe In-'Thomnren were Paul Hoffman. 107 aane held a meeting yreterday morn-

akkre. and I know that yon are my frtead*. The Democratic party 1* rich In vandldatre. We have Mayor lluo Wlttponn. of Jeracy City, and •a have In oar own county n candl

-Why are you re anvlous to hat mar. to the Iwglalaturc • lever waa a friend of youre. _ —mat’* Jo*t R." replied Farmer t#e remain, of ho drolrre the nomination and I Porn.oroel. "I enjoy arcin' him on-' Italian laborer, ccuplfl* a high and promlncntM-roapcroua. In the preaent : ting do-oj11*

I tree Kowwd at fdaddsae. ihe dooryard at the home of _... Rachel Mcllck. a- C.lad.tonc, la what i* conaldcred a portion of prehlatorlc akclc- re busy ent- bet wren Glad-

lf.*,*rre'^Mnll7r^TOT torg-t bow the paopU feel low.rd tllroo rot- yon once breathed your love In mg eonlrlv.neos. Plain Sold »*■ ««» ear and pro mired that my orecr been rid entirely »f them — wiah should be gratified. croon ha. thrown them Hub— So, I don't: but I -1.b now toon ol the twonty-oi I'd followed the hygienic rule of whern tl f keeping mv month shut while '*•>«*« *« ‘•nough la the way of an breathing Boston Traascrlpt- expression of opinion to satisfy the State legislature that the peop.e wsot the voting machines wiped out entirely. Tbe question of honeat or dishonest voting Is not Involved In tbe plan

while Pat In nlne- dlatrlcts they had been placed. This

tng. as did also the Riparian Com mission. Governor Fort meeting with both. The State Highway Cammla- alon alao held -a brief meeting, and dlscuaned plan* for .pending Ihe $50,000 appropriated at the laat *ea- aton of the Leglalature. To the soldier boy. the feature of the day VII the review of tho let add 5th regiment, by the Governor. The vial tore lined up oppoalta Ihe two regimental cam pa. while Ihe reglmenla were formed In front of their respective campe. When tbe Governor and bla eteff rode around the regiment., aa the detachment from Rnltery A roared out the Gov- ernor'a ealute. the crowd vlgorowaly. Then the two regiment, paaaed In review, and the aplendld marching and ateadlneaa of tho men In the ranks called forth applanee and en- comiums for tbelr military bearing It waa Indeed a great day for Gov- enor Fort, but a greater one for Ihe 1st and 5th regiment..

Tbompeon were Pa Howard atrret. Chatlea Warner. South Orange avenue, and M. Harbour. 31* Broad atrret. all of Newark.

llliffi HID IIP

Position ami on* who would give f«*Ha* a member of the IdCglslature MoB# Jhto Htatr an excallcut adtnlnlaira-' »ouI«1n’i dare to get rich—Rash- wlnK iscajamlacd Senator HU*« r made fata appear nee as an avowed candidate for th. Lamination without any If* o. "If Mercer county does

lown the nu «*•“* aaywl^re. and I’m -.Ring and Chester In the road which ^ |Mue€ h,If.5our!r bu„ , , .... , '.k Una-'-fritUburg Post, at mis work that the »«•!«- B, found burled la a rock. !t

fuT Trmp>* ita|H. ! -V. in . llmeathne depo.R and about TSrSwulTf^ThJ pnlpR of tbe UR or twelve feet below the surf.^ Tempi* Baptist church for tbe | Tbe obj^ a_PP«*r. be, ^ "A perfect Jewel."

As to Progress. ••Mr girl Is very thoughtful “ "As -to bow?" "Whenever she's dressing to go the desire to j.ut below. «f voting by machinery. The people

lngton Evening Star. have tried the devices falthfally hare found them entirely unsatlafac- lory —Elizabeth Journal

furnish the; candidate." aald Mr., month Allxer. -I nlay be pardoned for Im August been sn- mid by* £' W Randolph, cbalr- J of ih* committee. The folloa- brained:

Rev. Charlew Fountain: vtre.' August If. Rev. Theodore L. Gardl August SI. Rev. J. A. CubDerl—

Oodcaty Ini making the '*tgtomcnt m mat Middleaev county will feel proud log mlnl.ter. have lo furnish lo the State a auocreaor August to Ita present governor however. What the result of tbe com tag convention the ltemocrata of August Z Newer ran r.-lr upon this fact, that Com- Middlesex county the homlnef. and >hey belleT® that —t It th. Domination ahould come from ' Nog a DM. Mktdlrosa county that Mercer will "Market nervous aa to flour. Hkewlao show It loyalty. On our Says a rumor, pan this la not a mere promlae. forj Not more nervooa than tho poo MUdlroea. which went lift Hrpnb- Old consumer. »«an In l»of, -as carried for Mr. —Loolavllle Coorior-Joornal

Oeorce Bower*. .» mi service will be observed u, *oyal"*o m IbeThureh thla Snoday morning

at hatchln The object appears to bo the leg „ , nd foot of a huge animal and It -i„ ,i,at case I'd get her ■aa embedded la tho aolld rock (lng ..—Eoulavllle Coorier-Journal. • hen dlaeovcrod

More Tlieorixing. "Why should the cornel arouse our admiring cariosity and then dash into the unknown depths?" "I don’t know." replied the Arctic explorer ' Maybe It has gone back to look for more proofs."—Washing- ton Evening Star. Needs Most. «-.»agreiuUl»n*l Supplies. 1 "Jofin." demanded the militant Rev and Mrs. 0. L. Goodrich and yon always love me?" ■on. of West Seventh street, will "I reckon so." was the answer. "I l. sve Monday for Watervllle. N H . don't see any way to get out of to spend ih# month of August. They —Louisville Courier-Journal. will be registered at Elliott's Hotel. Rrv. Dr. J. B Clark, of New York, will occupy the pulpit on August 7. and Rev Dr. Jsme* M. Whlton. of military air? New Toik. on August 14 Tbe Stella—Why. yex; no. - w . . . eburrh will be titled after tbe latter of It: I think be dona carry aronnd DunHlen. will not be taxed ior an rice on with him tba odor of tbe mew lull, thing this year. This Is tbe edict of

Dnnrllcti Bonk Exempt. As the system of assessing bank stock la fixed by law on the amount of capital* surplus and undivided profits added together, from which Is deducted the taxable property and Its exempt securities In Middlesex county, the Flr*t National Bank, of

-Tonkerx Statesman the Middlesex County Board of Tax-

Coofts Not Cheaper Abroad. Women who feel to regret their means -Bl not permit them to join the army of traveler* now ot Atlantic highway and heading for Paris and I-ondon. where they expect o replenish their wardrobes, may bo omforted In the fact, well kaox hose who croos often, that the most fascinating shops In the world sre t be found right here at home, and the thing* for salo In them are not only just a« handsome and aa stylish ai those found in atop* abroad, but they to be bought for less money With cverv »«sr of Amorlcan |nv*. Into foreign countries the price* have snared a trifle higher, now. unless one crosses out of son during the'winter, between Oc- tober and May. when good* fall rational price* aratn. It doca not pay to shop rt all except for Ihe few arti- cled which cannot be found nt home. —Leslie's. "Remember, my boy. there aie other things worth while In college bealde athletics." “I know. The 'mandolin and glee dubs aren’t half bad.”— Louisville Courier- Journal.

for i tin Traffic was tied Saturday at Richmond and Sec- ond streets, when one of the four horse trucks, belonging to tbe IUnd Storage Company, broke down. The truck waa carrying a sixteen-ton drop forge base from tbe Spicer Uni- versal Joint Company's plant on Fourth street out lo Its new plant at South Plainfield. In turning Into Richmond ntret from Hecond street, one of the pieces of flagging, which forms tbe gutter at this corner, broke under tbe weight and let one of the truck's wheels drop. Thla caused the breaking of the aprlng oa th* tmrk. The trolley service was blinked for half an hour when the broken wagon waa moved out off tbe way. The route over Richmond street had to be taken by tbe truck on ac- count of tbr weakneo* of tbe other bridges which span Cod Sr brook. Horry He Kpokr. "So you’re from Kentucky, are you? That's where nearly every family ha* »n inherited fend, lan’t It?” "Yes. Also where a splendid new State Capitol bgs been built without exceeding the appropriation or devel- oping a scandal of any kind. Wkst state are you from?' "Never mind, old man. I’m sorry I threw out that Insult about tha feuds.—Chicago Record-Herald. Hf&tld Hay Ho. Baron—This paper nays that Mcie. Marie Krau-Bolte has just celebrated at her Home In New York, her Aftl- i kla'lergartea work. Egbert —It would i Marie was old • kindergarten work by this tin

Page 8:  · THE CONSTITUTIONALIST VOL. XLII PLAINFIELD. N. J., THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 1910. NO. 31. Vivian M- L.«wi» Accept* Ei doraemant of Paaeaic Se-publicana at Dinner. TMK ...

Fined for Assaulting Super-visor George Luhr and



Itunjoi, IVrUrr* Kowdjluni

! I • FJ. W i l l be

Proved in Story 01 Nabal andAbigail Interpreted by

Rev. C. L. Goodrich.

A n n . w M i h MM: I in : Hi SHAM*.

Haw to Amid Dunmtlr I nliappim

—Mutual LndrrstmadlBK • • »

an -r> of U iff of


' It " . .1 Theodore Zeller. of Lelaodavi-nui- Just »»crnj ttw dollars forrefusing to pay . nirkService Rail

i William N. Rnnyon declared"that be would put a stop to rowdlsmin tbe trolley cars If tbe big tin-scould accomplish that object. Zeller

If every married woman in thisT T-UM nave heard th discourse

the Public] delivered by Rev. Charles L. Good-iday whea'ricl

robably not repealOn July 23, according t

i h - t i " - o f I . I ' . i v . • l . u l i r .

Thomas I>ulTy. Mra. LorenHani Ilrown, a machinist.wood and Kdward Creen,

yee ol the Lev-ring

the CongrgatlonalningSunday

bave a n:worth and a deeper pity foihusbands, particularly wbei

theirthe lat-

ter are peevish, uglylonable. In "The Wife of an 111

onductor! Tempered Man." Pastor fioodrlchien. W11-! told a story of domestic unhapplnessof . *',ar-]and of a woman's wisdom and heran era- mission and finally her triumph.

The text for tbe story was ft

WEEKLY C 1 E BKEf'l h — « A

Jones, wbo started fialnute mark, th- time «,1 - 14 mfn•••• and 30 seconds. Tbe race waiun over tfact five-mile course utfountain avenue, the road being !iair eondtlioij. It was extra poinray yesterday) the winner belniredited with six points and the secnd man getting three, wblle thirdind fourth places were each award-

ed one point. 'The time prize was won by

»orge Simon; wbo startedscratch. His Record was 13 mland 29 secondi. Two points are ad-ded to his tally by making the best

The results of yesterday's r a «were: 1st. Gipord Jones. 1 minute2nd. William brake, y% minute: 3dKdward V' \, , . "4 minute: 4tb, Ed-ward Simon, % minute: 5th, Georg*Simon, scratch:- 6th. Russell An-drews, scratch!: Tth. Charles. Baker.1 minute: Sih, Thomas Kelly.

SIXTEEN I N K BATTLEPlain field Baseball Club and

Me Nulty Brot.' Team TJn-able to Reach Decision.

Company. Z.-ller refused to pay bis In First Samuel. 25:32 and hadfare on a main line trolley car whet do with tbe lives of Nabal and Abf-1 " • - " „ T L T ^ . " ^ " : * .It arrived at tfie fare xone at Terrlll gall and 'she was a woman of good ! _ ; „ „ _ , o f „ ! ; . - _ a D u n ( . t lroad on the afternoon of Saturday.Understandlng and of beautiful j ^ offic>»'» ware RefeJuly 13. On being Informed that he countenance, but the man was churl- u - a _, o w - ( 1 l r t™ wintawould either have to pay or get off! Ub and evil In h i . doings." How did £? r * « » t o w . J™lgW. W Illiathe car he rofuw-d to do either. | they ev^r come *—

Following the main line car was, the world d!d hea special witb aomc sunday-sctaoo

"I don't know,may be that people may have askedTbts special was ii

of Terrill roa.

?tlon of ZfUer

paav 1o Zcller and irnlriuiiH In wbirb Inmind to < 'ifi.'t pay or

refuse to Mt eitherdeclared he wnuld ha

Wben Luhr' took hold of Zeller'aarm to enforce his command, it ualleged Ibat z m . r struck htm In tU*face and after R.-tllnit (he supdown attempted to ehOke bindm-tor Hurry then pulled ZelLuhr who gut up and gave the orderfor the car to proceed, the total delayon tin1 line having been eight mlBtM.

Whe i' tuil Lelanil sve -car i *nne. Zeller got off IIng th.t rare to Duffy, but ins t.-llerancy had nut ceased. Here It Is

i Zeller. again offerednght l>ufTy and Ihe lestlm n > sbowet

• made a pass at the cundiand offered to fight either Duffy <.iI,uhr for |T.. •

Then* were m> witnesses to testifyIn ln'h;ilf of '/..i!.- \stii. •• . cit ••• :Judge William Npwrorn. admitted •technical violation of the peace.Judge Newcorii madt* a strong pletfor leniency In behalf or his clieniwblle Clarence L. Case, counsel foithe I'ub'lc Service Company demand-I'll that punishment adequate to tinoffense be administered.


belle •<• thaiiffense

this ane did.• deterrent he would mak<

ing enough to make hitZeller waa guilty of


The Sc-Bound Itand waxU Not aeither 1<-twhen Orbird tiant

tbe bus b

:t came


Hh Plaink. Satu

rimmed b>hmle


until tb droveSloc-um.he Tlal

» a hith,> ,.iKh

received min->rontent •first base




Orb .

over. Onl>A for t l e

*m »y afli

.nlt i n .

core of 8was mififth


i d e




hiwas the firstIbe <rtThre



e men

« « y. w

i i


unabl* to timsli Bound Hr,...k mad'seven of Its eleven bit* in Ibe «eventh Inning Tbe wore by InningsBound Hrook . . U O H I S I O l - !Scotch Plains . , d « » 0 0 0 1 1 8—S

Batterte* Round Hrook. Orand BrtlKg> : Si-ot.-h Plain* Sluaad Mullen.

M t M U S i . KlH)M ONLY IAT M l Hi I I « . H I | I (AMI'

A large attendance ii as on haLr Bev. Dr. Charles «, And.! the Netberwood Fresh J

yesterday afternoon. I»on Intert-sted the little foihe beginning to the end of huf

remarks. Misa Laura .; ,- .•<Visa Jeasle Haynes were the soloist*and tbe Kinging by the children wairemarkably fine.

Tbe meeting . u led by Jam.>s VParker. Tbe letting rapacity ol th<pavilion was (aipd beyond Its limit so

aide and listen without being able toare. It was the largest gathering oftbe season and went far toward en-ciur i i i i re the workers at tbe camp.


good wife. Hut,however, hm

rorst husbands. Inercy of God whoin! ' men noed tben fact, however. Ihotce of young wnrith loo little tho

Ions fai

r.n! ii too

:a. who Idealize

n. but an I

S'aba! «i.s ai Carniel sbeax''•' sheep, w a r where Davi

his followers were staying toSaul. David sent to Nabal I

II army. Tbe request waitally refused by Nabal. It waaKOOd mrsaage for an unprosheep herder to send to abacked up by 600 armed ou

id shortly after the message waacelved by ]>avld. <"" of his men

were hastening on their way to •)••-roy Nabal and all bis bousebold."But Abigail, tbe patient wife, who

knew what suffering must follow anivasion by Darld's men, made h;

save the day for ber i rly hus-band, and became the wife t<ter busnand from the results of his-Mhness. Nabal bad not taken hisrife into Ins confidence, a mistakenany men of today make. It wouldiave been better for him If he had.If* thought to himself. 'I can man agony own affairs ' How often this hasiroved a mistake. Abigail learned>f all that had occurred and had de-ermlned to do all she could to un-

do the wrong. She did not consulttut It. There was no mu-'rstandlng between them,

which is far from an Ideal of do-neatlc happiness. Nabal was calledt son of Belial, with reason. He wasinapproachable, unreasonable. Noronder that Abigail did not want toalk the matter over with him. Ita an unfortunate state of affairsthen a wife does not feel free to telller husband all her plans and hopes.

"But the god wife Is not the per-on to lemaln idle wben the occas-on arises for action. She does ev->rytblng In her power to save !n-:•usband to shield him from any m l

wbicb threatens him. She wards offid bides her own pain. In

Abigail two fine traits at once aredistinguished: quickness or decision,

ther tbe provisions David want-jed and went forth to meet him. She

e and faced an army to!•c her husband from the ..•!•>.-.,

Smith1 and Andrew- Cai


Dowllng, U.Oerfiiler, cf, . . . .McGratb. l bMorris. 2bCarroll, 3bDonley, rf

58 9 48 21

•Milk WAS A TIB—TWO TO T W O p ^ ^ J J ^ ' ^ fl

After fourth Inning

Tuck l- tv.« .-II Pilch.

I " t lona l Fielding a


0 0 0 0 0 0 0—McN. 0 1 1 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0—

aa Xi|» and Buns—Emery, Martin,Carroll. Two base hits—-Ern

| Martin, McLaughllh. Karm dI Plalntleld, 2; McNulty, I .1 o u t ^ B y McLaug B[


Ba«ea on balls—Oft McLaugUn, 4: off Archer, 4. Hit by piball—Boyd and Archer. Balk—MLaughlin. Tmplre—Mr. Payne.

After one of the longestexciting games of baseball ever teenin tbls city, the PlainDeld BaseballClub divided honors with the Mc-Nulry Brothers' nine, ol New

j In a sixteenCrescent oval SalThe game bad to be called••Hint of darkness, the score at tbe•nd being 2 to 2. Both teams were>ut for blood and neither of themcould give In until the last drop was upon the requestbed and so the two hundred loyal Michael Scully. S. S.sins, who had taken the trip to the ' addressed the members of the De:ival with the expectation of teeing c r a t l c County Committee, at Somei ogod game, came far from being viue, Saturday afternoon,

disappointed. . I close of the business seastoiIt looked at the start as If the New s , ,, ; lv i n requesting Mr. Swa

YorkerB were going to take the e r to speak, said that while 1

3 £ E 5 £ : ? L 0 G f l L SELF-GOVERNMENTsi o n PIE

Plalnneld scalps again for they op- I , , - - I^ , Iened the game auspiciously by land- alwaysIng men on second and third with that heonly one down. But McLaughlin was ,,-,,,.,i fthere in the tight bole and easily re-j Mr.tired the next two baUmen. Tben the eonIn tbe second Inning, the visitors Of his friends had even expressed

by Barnes and stole second, coming sot

he had proved himthe side of the people, .uld like to s«e him no

Congress.ackliamer acknowledge^

h i t the skyward dire MOD .,I

Flalnntjld Y. M. C. A. teatkept up Its winning s,treak Saturda

ioon~by taking the scalps of tb<Orange Y. M. C. A.inge by>oya clinched lbnnlng by bunchid a couple of bases

East Orf 7-3. The loca

were added \l the ninth by ban

rederlckson pitched his v1 game, keeping the Orange

Plateir dir

» Single fly going c


rprised himself bybree baf

•ingle. Only one erroi•gainst the [oral team

and thai wasn't costly while two mis-ays were maide by Orange.Tbe score: .


tt'iicoi. cf. . . L . . . *• o o, o €

Marsh. 2b. . . . . .B. Adams, rfFredertckson. p.


Moore, lb. . . . . . .McCall. cf. , . [ . . ,Wbereskle. aa. . .

ny. If. . . . L . . .


7 7 27 13M. C. A.R. H PO A. E.I I Ii |

I 2T

0 0 0 2—•Jramee . . . . 2 o 0 n 0 1 0 O 0—3

Struck out—By Frederickaon.jy Roblcson. 11. Bases on baits—)ff Frederlcksqn. *, alt Roblnaon. 2nir.-t-tm»,. hits—I'. Adams, L.iving-non. Two-ba»e hits—P. Adams.Jenny. Stolen base—Frederick:


the corner of Noi

appeals | W made by woman for b.home.

• all good stories end let the betand heroine marry. What we pn

•udden stoppage of the vehicle thrt-wtUe two occupants. Mr. Widdowsonin-! James Glaser. flvC years old.Kith of Alton, out and tbe little fel-ow r. i • :,:> n-i. I,I- ruts and bruts-

n- W M P«««^ t h egail. One wbo will be . restrain-inc Influence against sin. who will] m p n t o t tbe «°cident Jumsimulate coble desires and »ho will .* t d e o f t L e »»Bon " n d tmake the spiritual seem real For * H j t h t « B l a " I b* "heel

roung women « pr.v ,h.t thev'11 tr™ '•»»•»« «" " P " ' *»d crush(^ B u rh I ' K l*le tllaser boy. (llaser was tak-

idded tc

>alk thu

t h e ill i

giving Morris a free trip Democratic party would stultito the first sack. The Plainneld ulf. and bring down public dlpitcher followed this with a'free pass and icnominouK defeat uponto Carroll and Morris scored on Don- head If It tailed to declare forley's bit. 'right of the people.

Dy this time Plalnfleld fandom wits Mr. Swackhamer restated,getting anxious and the crowd began brief. hU argument recentlyto yell for someone to start the ball fn Saengerbund Hall, and tolda rolling. Well it started In the committee that the eyes offourtb inning. With one down, Em- voter of the state would beery singled and Jack Martin ad- upon the convention to see whvanced li'm a peg In his usual aly the party would take the plainway—anil Jack was safe too. Then "f duty and offer the peopleIlarnes added a bit to tbe collection rights which the Republicanbut Emery had to stop on third. Nel- had denied to them or cringeson .tiled out to short right and It be- cower before the enemies ofgan to look as if another golden op- rule. He expressed the hopeportunlty would be lost by the Plain- the Somefleld team. But "Warry" McLaugh-lin hadn't been counted on when thatfiguring was done, and he was tbe '

man at bat. The husky pitcherselected his favorite stick andstepped to the plate like the Casey j

ut unlike the famous hat-JMudrille nine, Warry was I

equal to the occasion and saved hlslgame by slamming a Blxz11ng|

bagser into deep center, scoringry and Martin.

uld.Us right

and firm and resolute fiit the people and brli

W E E CONTEST> jabilec, the fans In the grand-

boisterous and the stand col-there « . a good fie.d

•veral minutes.Arter the fourth Inning tbe i

.rtb. Plalnfleld really should hareon out in the eighth If there had

only been a little careful base run-. Brit Martin opened the eighth

Iwert made. In Class

T. Glennbeing th

• Goodwin

there wasMrst place between Williamy and E. T. Willson, both* down to par. while E. P.and H. D. Hibbard were

• last chance

ig UUy.Both pitcher•m althoughtat seemed t• argument.

that eitherifbere

t b eo bav.

W i

a tatI'lSillI theirry>«

b a uThfaloamthat


wasb a d


better ofpiU hinK

the openingbanged Archei

while the New Yorkers onlyiged to get nine safe clouts from

McLaughltn's delivery- Six errorse charged »agtDst the locals, two[hem being responsible for a run. [

MrLaughlln and Barnes were lh<

tbe social features were much eiJoyed. Superintendent John Hllto

. was kept very busy serving luncheand dinners at the clubhouse. A

*nth than t h o "* a t h o m e flnd the ^uhhouse a,nd. T h . jo.. <-°°venient place to get their din-

ind the service as welt aare most attractive. Evi

wading forwblle Boyd. Emery and the tw

Supplies at Trinity Chun»T. Kdwin Shaw, of the S

Plalnneld D a y B a P t l B t church, will occu

s preve

ps at Rai

rt Pitt

sterday.j as faifell down

the Xorth ip. Lake Hopacc

Ir and Mrs Donald Mi-Innes. D. R.I Patrolman £tattroniillar. Miss Flora Millar. Miss Edith} Mr Widdowaon 'obinstm. Mrs. James Stewart, of. and after repairs hiits city: jMra. W. Ropo. of Flusb-I i-.-eded rn his: waig. L. r . knd Mrs. ' • • ; ' - • • Engel. C U M F had tuls oi

of Elitabt-ih. Tommy Mulr. who is1 and over the eves.

Martin brothers, carried off the field-

t of sensational. Pfelffer was thewhole abow for the visitors, bis workat short being responsible for thlr-

en put-outs.Tbe scor?:


H. atarta. 2b 7 1 3 t 0Soyd. t

aery. 3b. . .Martin, ss.

5 9

-ning and the foi

McLaugblin. p.

Mutlln. rf

bird Sunday In the month will benade later. On August 28 the church*IU be closed. The prayer-meetings*111 be coaducted by the following.r;.-:.- August 3. Rev. Royal A.

Stout: 10. George L.. Van Emburgh;IT, Rev. Royal A. Stout; 24, GeorgeL. Van Emburgh; 31, F. E. Smith.

"Bf Thing that Went Wrong.ditor. (lOovlus. of the Drearv-

|'"The Pleniiud" j He forgot


Rev. Dr. Herring Tells of the PIainfleld'8 OldestImportance of Com muni- j Resident Passes Away

cation with God. Bradley Beach.1


.«'«>' t'onnreipttioD AtteiMls I ni.ui Kr-i.l.i] Here Forty Year*—Succei

Service at KJrat M. K, Cbarcb— I nil la UusinpsH—I'ruminent

Manic by Trinity Member of Jewish

Choir. Synagogue.Inlon services were held Sunday •1 Dreler. of 429 West Fro*

igbt in the First M. E. church. The street, the oldest Jewish resident ofttendance was tbe largest of any wf this city, died suddenly on Saturday

those at these services, probably on'afternoon at tbe summer home nf>unt or the cool weather. The^bis sonj Garrett Dreier, at BradJtfIces were In charge of the Rev.; Beach. Death wai due to Brlght'i

John Y. Broek, pastor of the Trinity I disease, from whlcb Mr. Dreier hadReformed church and tbe singing was been suffering for the past *e&.by tbe choir of thao church. Three The end came at half-past four, i n

'ins were ably sung by the quar- the body was brought to tbts citybile Miss Raybert and Mr. Cat- yesterday morning. Sir. Dreler had

ter sang the offertory duet in excel- gone on a visit to his son at Brad-voice- Arthur I>. Titswortb, ley Beach, Intending to remain then

rgan'st of Trinity, presided at for about three weeks,organ. Rev. Dr. C. M. An- Mr. Dreler waa slity-nine yean of

thodlstjage and bad lived here for over•ty years. He was engaged In the

Rev, Dr. Charles E. Herring, pas-r of the First Presbyterian Churis the preacher of the evening,

took for his text. Acts 9-11, "Behi" prayeth. He spoke in part

follows:"We often ask ourselves the qum—why do we pray? Tbe reaijust tbls—because Christ did

up bill, ;

fled&or t

t in the case of the lift-

be water Is raised :

3 Is no defiance of a law In thlfor the water is raised by th

And so It is with prayer—-oar obes are overcome by t ft;-1 sllenW for God stands behind all o

ns laws and has ordained It to aner prayer."There are four elements In pra. the first one being adjustmei

and resignation. With this ideaid prayer might be defined as tl

ughts and feelings to the thoughand feelings of God. Christ sal'Let the cup pass from me, Father-

lot my will but tblne be doneshows the application of tt

element of prayer. No matt*her our prayers are answered *

wo would have tbe

l at Madlxo]treet for my ye,

pawnbroker's husineuMr. Dreler had retired

business nearly twentyHe owned considerably

arry Dreler, of this-eier, of New Biuns•eier. of. Brooklyn.

There graicity.

l.hlldr*flving Mr. Dreier', WaitsJoel Dreier, of New Brunswick;

iry Dreler and Augustus Dreler, ofcity; and Nettie and Isadora

'com. also ol this city. Mr.Dreler al-to leaves two brothem: 81-

Dreler. of Buena Vista, Colo-rado, and David Dreier, of Brooklyn,

it N. T.n | Mr. Dreler was an active membere of the Newark lodge, No. 3s, O. B. A.,r and also or the local Synagogue, toB which be was a liberal contributor.

will be held toione o'clock frt his

a or not, God al-l ••

;ace, which pai

'Tbe second ele;at It 1,1 i

t h

d m

, .of pn • la

titnl !We know this becaust repeatedly in the Scriptures. '

"The third element of prayer isat It Is the means of opening theenues of power Into other lives and

eadlng these souls to" salvation. As!d locomotive on the track! ^wer to work without the w ) t


ctlo or Ih

A memormial ucrvlce for the lateHarry Pierce, who died July 7. mheld Hi the Salvation Army tent, laxtSunday, under the direction of Cap-tain Hewitt, and wan or an Impreo-

lature. The services openeda hymn, "When the Hall Is

the meditation which it de-. Pray dally and pray tbought-mtll your life has been trans-1 I n a 1 " - I . • • ' - . . 1 r h f n . i f f h : . . , .


Play f<A- tbes concludedturday,

ad the Scriptures from I Tbesa.,

Many touching tributes were paidto the life of the departed one bjthose wbo knew him, especially bisSunday school (eacher. Mrs. MinnieApgar. who told or his life in th<!Sunday school, also Jiis private lifeand his beautiful Christian charac-ter. Adjutant Mrs. Jackson and herdaughter. Captain Jackson, sans a

ititled "One DayHo:

Ladies' Summert the Park Golf C l u b . | ' J l

Ten Eyck | i n *

by I singim

>d as the winner wltbtal of twelve points. Her plaroughout has been very consistentlas Bens Ten Eyck and Miss Luliller were tie for second place with


J wi i the <of ini

•ekly t: Satnr-

upetitibn foi

L even seven scores were posted andwere close ones, as follows:

U. G. Tingley, 97, 26-71; W. E.>ugh. 99, 24-75; R. V. Carpenter.7. 28-79; W. V. Byard, 102, 21-81;

B. Tiuworth. 104. 22-82; Dr. H.arroll, 100, 16-84. v

"Pr i t i " HardingFrit i" Harding has resigned bistlon as manager at the local of-of the Western Union Company.after a two months vacation in

ver. he will tuke a position intelegraph offlce of the New j * r -

y Central at Jersey City, under the;ement of P. G. Sher:

Is city.


>." said the publisher. "might bave sufficient lmaginatlowrite circus ads., but not bookticea."—Louisville Courier-Jour

1 been t

his kn.

»de pro- !Young 1

•s. head ' s


worked off he hi

ul bunted third

ipened tbat editor!ilenitude"1

of the departed.f My Soul." Meef-unced for Tuesday

Saturday, of thU


Nel A. McCarthy, for the past siiassislant state factory Inspect--nder Andrew McCardell. diednly at his home. 867 Martii

Elizabeth. last Baturdajir ai 7 o'clock. Mr. McCarthyrty years old and Is survivedwife and one son. Eugen",

ears old. besides two slsteri.McCarthy worked all day 01

Saturday with Mr. McCardell antrhen he arrived at his home at S.'clock appeared to be enjoying hisisual robust health. He was takenuddenly 111 at 6:30 and Dr. A. O.luck was hastily summoned. It waioo late, however, and nothing could•e dorie for the sufferer- Tbe doc-or diagnosed the case an hpart dis-



OrtOKtnartan Pntettlrisn.In Joseph Edwin Walker, eigbty-o years old.'ot 401 Chllton street.is believed Elisabeth has the

implon long-dUtaace walker, a '8isldered. Mr. Walker frequenUfIks twenty miles a day. He la ac-

aineBs here. He was born at SewFnoagh. Bedford, Mass.. on the anniversary

"We want a public library and an ' of the battle of Bunker Hill, Junedowment fund." | 17, 1788. He has a son. who live*"And what will yonr town contrlb-1 In Newark. To walk to his son's

B V I office In Newark and bacli is Jost a"The necessary officials to run It." bit of exercise for t&e octogenarian

IIII in 125 KOMraffilD wm MS WINS HUf CYCIE RACE Fined for Assaulting Super-

visor George Luhr and Thomas Duffy.

FIMI. H4 KNK OK HOW IX A'Lf. Jwdge Urn of on Declare* Kowdjlrii

mi Tr«*ll^j * «r» Hu-i €#aa»— | Kart Flae WUI br

HmvW. ^ It nm Theodore Seller, of Inland avenue Jaat tweaty-flvo dollars for refusing »o per a nlckH to tbe Pm bile Hervt re Railway Monday whew judge William V. Runyon declared that be would put a atop to rowdies Id the trolley rara If the big flnee could accomplish that object. Zeller will probably not repeat hla offense On July 23, according to the evi- dence of George Luhr. conductor Tbomaa Duffy. Mr* Lorensen. Wil- liam 11 town, a machinist, of Gar- wood and Edward G ploy.

Proved in Story of Hsbal snd Abigail Interpreted by

Rev. 0. L Goodrich. A BULWARK FOB THK HUSBAND. How to A fold |h.me«tl« laliapplwr**

—Mutual Iwdentaadlag Sec

lUbllrol HlM.ir). If every married wo: thla city 'could have heard th discourse I*** °"® po*Dt-

Tbe regular Sunday morning bi- cycle race of the Plainfield Cycle Club was woii Sunday by Gifford Jones, who started from the minute mark, fells time wa« II utee and 30 seconds The race run over the ffve-mlle course on Mountain avenue, the road being ! fair roodltio4. It wm* extra point day yesterday, the winner being credited with fix points and the ond man retting three, while third and fourth places were each award delivered by Her. Charles L. Good- rich. at the Conrrgatloaal church Sunday morning tbew would today have a more exalted opinion of their worth and a deeper pity for their husbands, particularly when the lat- ter aye peevish, ugly and uncompan- ionable. In "The Wife of an III

The time prlxe was woo by George Simon, who started from scratch. HU record was 13 minutes and 29 seconds Two points are ad d-d to his tally by making the beat time. The results of veeterdsy’s ran lODSblc in The Wire of an llU OIF°rd Jone-' 1 “,nu‘® T—a K.^rJo, oSfirt.fi ISL** 'Kfi»arfi McNrt. 4 minute; 4th.

«--*• d 1 SET; fi« U-.-T1B. ,nd OmrlffiM Th. tut for th. .tor> wm found m, te L. Thoni„ K.„. , to-t-OT. Zrttor r.fuwd to P.T hk O Klrrt >**mu.l. »,» »« hud “.^nm” KfiJlrd « Lie 00 . m.In lln. trolley r»r wb.fi t«° with th. live, of Nfibfil and *hl-| .. . . . .. U .rrlrwd U.. f.r. T.rrii. »d *. -M . •»> ' pn,«. ir.. rowd on th. afternoon of Saturday, und.mt.ndtna aud of beautiful Th. official# wore: Referee. Caa- Jul, >3. On beta. Inform^ that b.! rn.nt.na.ee bat the .... ... rhurWl Jod,„ w<ltuo ..old either k... to pay or art o# tab and e.ll la bta dolnaa How d d|.rd „ glK.pp.rd. E. s Blrd. ,od the car he refused to do either they ever come together? How In - Following the main line car wan(the world d»d be ever get a special with some Sunday-school man for bis wife children bound on n trolley ride around the loop. This special was la charge of Ku per visor of the fifth d»- vUion George l.uhr and when his car arrived at the comer of Terrill road and be noticed that the car ahead was being delayed be went forward to Inquire the mu*-. When l»ulfy Informed him of the action of Zeller, l.uhr entered the car and explained the situation and rules of the com- pany to Zeller god gave him five minutes In which to make up hla mind to eUher pay or get off. At the cud of this time. Zeller continued to refuse to net either way aud Luhr declared he would have to get off. When l.uhr took hold of Zeller's to enforce hla command. It

ch a wc *'l don't know, but do you know it may be that people may have asked the same thing about us* It Is by the merry of C.od and the grace of woman that any man get# good wife. Rut .however, humble, may feel today, this Is not quit true picture of our case, bat It la such an uncommon one. It docs seem at times that the best women bad the worst husbands Perhaps It Is the mercy of God who knows that the worst men need the tV-« In fact, however. It Is the unwise choice of young women who choose with too llttlo thought, who over- look Ido serious faults, who Idealise man too much, and marry not the real man. but an Imaginary alleged that Zeller struck blra la tb#| afod out of (heir own fancies and face and after getting the supcrv’aor to repent their mistake down attempted to choke him Con-| Abigail rndured Is not told, but the durtor Huffy then pulled Zeller l.uhr who got up and gave • proceed, the total delay oa the line having been eight mln- utrn. When the car reached Iceland ave- nue. Zeller got off the car after hand- ing the fare to Huffy, but his beVllw- eranr> had not ceased Here It I* al- leged that Zeller again offered fight Ihiffy and the testimony showed that he made a pass at the conductor and offered to light either Huffy or Luhr for $.V • There were mi witnesses to testify Id behalf of Zeller. Whom- counsel Judge William N«scorn, admitted a technical violation of the peace, Jadge Neweorn mad- a strong plea for leniency it. behalf of hla client while Clarence L fane, counsel foi the Public Service Company demand- ed that punishment adequate to tha offense if administered. Judge Ruayon said that the tostl

ing enough to make him believe that Z#ll#r was guilty of the offei charged and lined him twenty-five dollars, saying that if this fine did not act as a deterrent he would make (he fine for the next offense heavier


DEFEIT IT BOIIDO BROOK Th# Scotch Plains team went »« Bound Brook. Saturday afternoon and was trimmed by a score of » tc 5 Not a hit or a run was made by either team until fifth ini when Ortlelb drove,# liner a third base Slocum, hla opponent In the box for th# Plains, was the flmt on# to make a hit for the visitor*. It cam# la < he eighth Three men received minor Injuries before tha contest was over Only one. Meyer first baseman for the Plaint, was a sable to finish Bound Brook made seven of Its eleven hits In I be eath inning The score by lani Bound Brook OOII 15 10 Scotch mains 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 Batteries -Hound Brook. Ortlleb sad Braggy Scotch Plains Sit sad Mullen

St JT Anders..

L.A large attendance »as on hand Hr Charles M Ander at the Net berwood Fresh All yesterday afternoon I>r Anderson Interested the little folka from (be beginning to the end o remarks Miss Laura Gessweln Miss Jessie Haynes were the soloists and the singing by the children was remarkably Bn*. The meeting was led by Jams F Parker Th# heating capacity of th# pavilion was taxed beyond It# limit so that many persons had to stand out aide and listen without being able If nee. It wai th# Urgent gathering of the season and went far toward en ouragtrg the workers at the camp

"Nabal was at Carmel shearing his 3.000 sheep. n«-ar where Havld and hla followers were staying to avoid Baal. Havld sent (.. Nabal asking for provisions for himself and his small army. The request was bra- tally refused by Nabal. It was not good message for an unprotected sheep herder to send to a mss barked op by C1U armed outlaws and shortly after Ch.- message was received by Imvld. «00 of his met were hastening on their way to de- stroy Nabal and all bU household "But Abigail, the patfrnt wife, who knew what suffering must follow Invasion by David's men. made haste to save the day for her surly bus- band. and became the wife to rescue her husband from the resalta of hla rashness. Nabal bad not taken hie wife Into hla confidence, a mistake many men of today make. It would have been better for him If he had He thought to himself. T ran manage my own affairs ‘ How often this has proved a mistake. Abigail learned of all that had occurred and had de- termined to do all she could to un- do the wrong She did not consult Nabal about It. There was no mu tual understanding between them, which is far from an Ideal of do- mestic happiness Nabal was called a son of netial. with reason II# wis unapproachable, unreasonable No wonder that Abigail did not want to talk the matter over with him. It la an unfortunate state of affairs when a wlf# does not feel free to tell her husband all her plans and hopes "But the god wife Is not the per- son to temala Idle when the occas- ion arisen for action. She docs ev- erything In her poser to save lyr husband to shield him from any evll| which threatens him. She wards off! trouble and hides her own pain In Abigail two fine traits at once arej distinguished; quickness of decision , and readiness of resource She got . together th# provisions Havld want- ed and went forth to meet him. She| went alone and faced an army to save her husband from the conse- quences of his rash arts, and If you will read the atory In the first book of Samuel ><Ms will read one of the most courageous and most eloquent appeals ever made by woman for her

Tony Pcrrett: starter. Jack Thomas Smith bell.

Handlcapprr and

mi WAilOPS ORANGE Till The Plainfield Y. M. C. A. kept up Its winning streak Saturday afternoon by taking the scalps of the Orange Y. M. U. A. nine at Hast Or- ange by the score of 7-3. The local boys clinched the gam# In the second Inning by bunching a couple of bits and a couple of bases on balls, tbui scoring five runs Two more rum were added la the ninth by bard slagging. Frederlckson pitched his usual good game, keeping the Orange hits scattered and striking oat nine The Plainfield fielders had an time of It. not a single fly going ost In their direction. Platt Adams surprised himself by clouting out a three bagger, a bagger and a single. Only one error was charged against the local I and that wasn’t costly while two mla- Plays were made by Orange. The score

PLAINFIELD Y. M. C. A. R. II. PO. A. E. Wilcox, ef. Peacock. If. . Hand, c Frills, as. Taylor. 3b P. Adams, lb. . Marsh. 2b. . . B. Adams, rf. L . Frederlckson. p.

V :



Moore. McGal! W bereskle. sa. Ingstonc, l>enny. If. .. .1. Grover. 2b. . .1. ardner. rf. ... Robinson, p.

8 2’ Score by innings -lainfield .05 0 Orange 2 • 0 Struck out —By Frederlckson. by Robinson, 11. Base# on balls tiff Frederlckson. 1: off Robinson. 2 TOree-baso hits—P. Adams. Living- ston. Two-base hits—P Adams. Denny. Stolen base—Frederlckson. HURT IN RINAWAY

As all good stories end let the hero and heroine marry. What we pray for is that every young man may choose for a wife one such as Abi- gail On# who will be s retrain- ing Influence Against *|n, »b<> will atlmalat# noble desires and ahn will mnhe the spiritual seem real. For|*e|*h* ***!" all vouag women we pray that they may be such.

ON NORTH AYKNUIL The kingbolt of the shafts of a runabout drtrra by Alfred Wlddow- aon broke at the corner of North ave- nue and Park on Saturday afternoon at about « of lock frightening the norse which promptly ran away. The sudden stoppage of the vehicle threw the (wo occupants. Mr Wlddnwann and James ('.laser, flv# years old. both of Alton, out and th.- little fel- low received several cuts and bruls-

m ii mi Plainfield Baseball Club and

He Nulty Bros’ Team Un- able to Reach Decision.

7 l » • • 7 a 4 • o McGrath, lb. 7 Morris. 2b « Carroll. 3b 4 Donley, rf «

53 9 43 21 STORK WAS A TIK—TWO TO TWO pfd 4 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0—2

McN. OlietlOOOOOOOOOO 0—2 Runs- Emery. Martin. Morris. Carroll. Two base hits—Emery. B. i Martin. McLaughlin. Karrird runa— I PUInncU. 1: McNulty. 1. struck i out—By McLaughlin. *: By Archer. } 10. Baaca on balta—Off McLaugh- lln. 4: off Archer. 4. HU by pitched the longest and mod Uall_Boyi >nd Arrker. Balk-Mc- Laughlln. Umpire—Mr. Payne.

After Fowrtli Inning It wan Nip and Tack Between PRcbers—Hem-

■atloaal Fielding a


After « exciting 'game# of baseball ever i la this city, the Plainfield BaaebaU Clab divided honors with the Me-! .Nultr Brothers' nine, of New York1 city la a sixteen Inning baUle at Crescent oral Saturday afternoon.: The game bad to be called on ac-J coant of darkness, the score at the^ end being 2 to 2. Both teams were! out fer blood and neither of them would give in until the laat drop was | t’pon the request of Chairman abed and so the two hundred loyal Michael Scully. S. S. Swackhamer fana. who had taken the trip to tbe .ddressed the members of the Demo- oval with the expectation of seeing Prallc County Committee, at Somer- a ogod game, came far from being T|||e. Saturday afternoon, at the disappointed. I dose of the buxlness session. Mr it laoked at the start sa if tho New Scully. In requesting Mr. Swackham- Yorkera were going U> take the pr to speak, said that while In the Plainfield scalps again for they op- /.eglslafurc he had proved himself #ned the game auaplcloualy by land- always on the Hide of tbe people, and Ing men on second and third with th#t he would like only one down. But McLaughlin was nated for Congress there In the tight hole and eaaily re-j Mr. Rwarkhanw r acknowledged tired the next two batsmen. TLen ib« compliment and -aid that aom. in tbe second Inning, the visitors „f hl» friends had even expressed made their first tally. Carrol, the (he wish (bat he might l»c nomlnat- flrst man up. got to first on an error «j for Governor but that there was by Barnes and stole second, coming something nearer his heart home when: Mullln returned Archer # nomination or nay office. He then bit In th# skyward direction over made a plea for local s#lf-govern- Mullln's head. Another run was mrnl including the license questio: added to th# McNulty score In Uie on an equal fooling with all others, third round, when ‘‘Warry'' made a and stated that In his judgment the balk thus giving Morris a free trip Democratic party would sloltifr tt- to the 0r*t sack. The Plainfield wlf and bring down public distrust pitcher followed this with a'free pass and Ignomlnous defeat upon Its to Carroll snd Morris scored on Don-, head If It failed to declare for this ley’s hlL 1 right of the people. By (his time Plainfield fandom was Mr. Swackhamer restated. In getting anxious and the crowd began brief, his argument recently made yell for someone (o start the hall In Kaongerbunrf Hall, and told the a rolling. Well It started In tbe committee that the eye# of every fourth Inning. With one down. Em- voter of the state would b« fixed •ry singled and Jack Martin ad- upon the convention to se# whether vanred li'm a peg In hla canal sly the party would take the plain |>atli way—and Jack was saf# too. Then of duty and offer the i*ople tbe<r llames added a kit to tbe collection rights which the Republican partv bat Emery had to atop on third. Nel- had denied to them or cringe and •nn filed out to short right and It be- rower before the enemies of home gan to look sa If another golden op- rule. He expressed the hope tbat port unity would be lost by the Plain- th# Somerset county Democrats field team. But "Warry” McLaugh- would stand firm and re*olute for lln hadn't been counted oa when that *hls right of the people and bring figuring was done, and he was th# their undivided influence man at bat. Tbe husky pitcher upon tbe State convention. selected his favorite stick and — stepped to the plate like the Casey I of old. Bat unlike the famous bat of the Mudvlll# nine, Warry equal to the occasion and saved his rn game by slamming a slxxllng o bagger Into deep center, scoring nery and Martin. Of course, the crowd was thrown Into wild delight at this climax but in be Jablle#. the fans In the grand- stand along th# first base line became

I POWER OF PRfiYER SI1MUEIDREIER IS H Rev. Dr. Herring Telle ot the Plain field’a Oldest Jewish

Importance of Com muni- ( Resident Paaaea Away at cation with God. [ Bradley Beach.

HOW OBSTACLE* ARE OVERCOME BltK.HT'S DISEASE THE CAUI Imrge Congregation Attend- Ualbn lteei.lc-1 Heir Forty Year*—Sucre

Nervier at First M. E. Church— , fal la Hu-la.-w.—Prominent Mn»lr by Trinity Member of Jewish

Hj Dreler. of 4 23 West Fra* night in the First M. E. church. The street, tbe oldest Jewish resident * attendance was tbe largeet of any of thla city, died suddenly on Satardar those at these services, probably on' afternoon at the summer home of account of the cool weather. The* his son. Garrett Dreler. at Brxdlej services were In charge of the Rev. | Beach. Death vit due to Bright*! John Y. Brock, pastor of the Trinityjdisease, from which Mr. Dreler h*4 Reformed church and the singing was'been suffering for th# past »ee*. by th# choir of tha* church. Three'The end came at half-past four. *a4 anthem* were ably sung by the quar- the body was brought to this diy tet while Miss Raybert and Mr. Cat-1yesterday morning. Jdr. Dreler h#4 ter sang the offertory duet In excel- gone on a visit to his son at Brad- lent voice. Arthur L. Tltaworth. | ley Beach, Intending to remain tberv the organ'st of Trinity, presided at for about three weeks, the organ. Rev. Dr. C. M. An-| Mr. Dreler was Slxty-nlne >ears sf derson. of tho First klethodlst' ago and had lived hero for ortr Church led In the prayer. forty yearn. He was engaged In tk« Rev. Dr. Charles E. Herring, pas- clothing buslncs< at Madison arenas of the First Presbyterian Church.|and Front street for many years la occupied by his soa, aud also at 110 W'sst was the preacher of ibe evening. He. tho store now took for his text. Acta 9-11. "Behold Harry Dreler. He spoke In part as ho prayeth follows: • Wo often ask ourselves tbe ques- tion—a by do we pray? The reason la Just this—because Christ did and when we pray, we are obeying the command of God. There certain definite laws of nature, for Instance that water will not up hill. But In the case of the lift- ing Dump, thla law Is seemingly de- fied (for the water Is raised against the force of gravity. Yet Ir reality there Is no defiance of a law In this case for the water Is raised by the overcoming of one force by another. And so It is with prayer—our ob- stacles are overcome by that silent power for God stands behind all of his laws and has ordained It to an- swer prayer. "Then* arc four elements In pray- er. the first one being adjustment N- Y- and resignation. With thla idea ini Mr. Ilrol.r ... an arll.ro m.mlior mind prayer might be deilned aa the ot «*e Newark lodge. No. 5». O. B. A, harmonious adjuatment of our "nd «1«" of the loenl Synagogue ’« thought, and feelings to the thought, which ho on* a liberal contributor, and feelings of God. Christ .aid, i The funeral will be held lomorro- "Let the cup pan from me. Father—1 aBamoon at oue afeioek from bit

Front street. Many years ago U conducted a pawnbroker's buftlacM In this city. Mr. Dreler had retired from active hnslnesa nearly twenty yean ago. Ho owned considerably property |n this city and vicinity. Mr. Dreler's wife died seven yean ago. Four children, however, sur- vive the dead man. They ar*: Harry Dreler. of this city: Garrett Dreier. of New Brunswick: David Dreler. or Brooklyn. N. Y.: sod Mr*. Bertha Singer, of this city. There are also six grandchildren surviving Mr. Dreler: Walter Dreler and Joel Dreler. of New Brunswick: Henry Dreler and Augustus Dreler. of this city: and Nettle and laador# Neweorn. also of this city. Mr. Dreler aHo leaves two brother*: 81- Dreler. of Buena Vista. Colo- rado. and David Dreler. of Brooklyn.

Front will h# made It Bound Brook.



boisterous and the stand rol-

Not withstand ing that a majority of tbe members of the Plainfield Country dub arc out of the city, as a good field out Saturday i.p«4. oftr .o,a. i~.-„

par. 70. the players taking three-

forth. -SS jrai'a 5-sk r„Vp.:v,:hZ r;-B

_ 1..?. “ ' Goodwin and If T>. Hibbard .ere four down. In class H. there wa* also a tie for first place between Dr. F. E. Du Hols

Simon So be I. of New York, who was passing th# -corner at the mo- ment of tbe accident jumped to the| aide of the wagon and throwing his wheels prevented lop of and crush- ing the Glaser boy. Glaser wa* tak- ! en to police headquarter* w here Dr. KMT- M,.rm « amp A j Albert Putts dressed bt* wounds. Among the visitors at Ram t Horn'The horse fell down after running Camp, lake llopntrong. yesterday.'a# far as the North avenue station were Mr. and Mr#. A. J Robinson.; and was returned to hi* owner by Mr and Mrs Donald Me In new D. R. I Patrolman Saffron. Millar. Miss Flora Millar. Miss Edith j Mr Wlddowson was not hurt much Robinson Mr# James Stewart, of and after repairs had beeo mad# pro- this city Mr* W. Rogo. of Flush-! reeded <n bis way home. Young! ‘Ofi# Ing. L. I. sr.il Mrs Josephine Enrol.I Glaser had cuts on his knees. head|strlk«. of Elisabeth Tommy Muir, mho Is1 and over th# eyes i McNULTY BROS conducting the camp, gave all a* ■ • AB H. PO. A. hearty wek-ome. I —CoaatttQtlona'.i**.'* ads jay. Pfeiffer, sa 7 15*

only been a little careful nlng. Brit Martin opened the eighth with a beautiful two aacker. but over- ran third In ■((omnllnr to nurloln,","' *M“*v r- ^«*«/«# ^ L.y-.jLp’rs- that was just the aggravating part of It for Boyd, the next batsman, laced ont a clean single. This was 0 0 0 2—7 Ltbe last chanc# that either team had 0 0- 3^>f getting anywhere ne#r that win- ning tally. Both pitchers were In excellent .... form although th# Plainfield .lab vefY

„.m.d lo h.«. th. brtt-r of d'“n'r- “ “• '>ul>bouM. Al- araum.nt Warrr'a pitching “> ">*">' member, aro away, stronger u, the .tateen.b than ,b“» *' 6oo>» "“d ">« tlubhouao a he opening round. The Place to get their ffln- butged Areber for thirteen n'r*' *1"1 ">• -rne- " *■ >*- bit. while the New Torker. only m'nu. nr. aitractlve Every managed to get nine aafe clout, from “l*h,1 club 1. tbe centre of at.rnc- McLaughlin's delivery 81. errors, “on IB '“taJ^-Peet. were charged aaglnst the locals, two . bt them being reaponelble for a run.j „ s«ro>*e« *■ Trinity Church. McLaughlin and llarne. wore the' "'I kdwin Shaw, of the Seventh iradina aluggrra for the rialnlleld B*htl« church, will occupy the nine while Boyd. Emery and th. two!*•*••* “ Trinity Reformed church Martin brothers, carried off th. «eld- “*! Buod*T ■”»">>»* and the fol- tng honor.. Brit and Jack Martin | Sunday morning Rev. J. each pulled off plays that were little short #f sensational. Pfeiffer was the whole show for tbe visitors, hla work at short being responsible for thir- teen put-outs Th* score: PLAINFIELD. AB. H. PO. A. E.

five down to par J. P. Murray was six down. H. 3. Brown and ten down and J. V. Beckman was fourteen down. Besldd-* the events on the course, the social features were Joyed. Superintendent John Hilton

B. Mart*•». 2b. Boyd, f Emery. 3b. J. Mama. ss. Barnes, lb McLaughlin, p. Bchott. If. Mullln. rf

5J 13-S7 2# 6 on foul bunted third

3chock, retired, of this city, will preach. Announcements for the third Sunday In the month will be made later. On August 2 8 the church wlU be closed. The prayer-meetings will be conducted by the following persons August 3. Rev. Royal A. Stout. 10. George L. Van Km burgh. 17. Rev Royal A. Stout; 24. George L. Van Embsrgb: 31. F. E. Smith. «>ae Thing that West Wnwig. Editor. Goovlu*. of the Dreary- hurst Banner, wrote an article on -The Plenitude of Prosperity.” He forgot to read the proof of tbe article. Afw*r the eutlre edition had been worked off he happened to glanr# at the caption of That editorial. The word "plenitude" had not b*-en <hana*-d to ' p'entitude."-— Chicago Tribune

('oniti'u*.loB*ltiia Ad: iv.

hui no( my will hot thine be done.", re.ld.nce, 498 Wee' Thla ehow. Ike application of the first element of prayer. No matter uale»IIIe. near whether onr prayers are answered is( w« would have them or not. God al- ways answers prayer by giving bis peace, which pasaeth all understand- ing. Ml SERVICE

FOR HENRY PIERCE . , • ~ .nemormlitl service for the late lement of Pra.er to Hnrr). „,lo tlri July „u hold *’ «h“ Snlvatlo. Arm. tent, laal r into otner live* ana snndwv niwiar tho .1 ir-eti.... ram.

The aerond element of prayer la that tt brtnga mi in cloae touch with | God. We know thla because we find | It repeatedly In the Scriptures. "The third eleme that it is tbe n avenues of power .nto outer ana Sunday, under the direction of Cap- leading these souls to salvation. As , , .. ... „ . the reiltoad lo^motlve on the track’„,Lrt has no power to work without tho wllh - ao *,’r..,° ■"'■Iter which Adjulaat Mr.. Jacket ar to the meditation which ,, - j 'f^m{52? ntanda. Pray dally and pray lhoughl-|(oarlh chW)I

those who knew hlai. especially hla Sunday school teacher. Mrs. Mlnalc Apgar. who told of his life In the Sunday school, alao Jils private Ilf# and hi* beautiful ChrLtian charac- ter. Adjutant Mrs. Jackson and h*r daugh'er, Captain Jackson, sang x beautiful duet, entitled "One Da/ Nearer Home. ” Th# service wax brought t»* a clo#e by the singing of th# favorite hymn of the departed. "Jesus Lover of My Roul.' Meet- ings were announced for Ta—day Thursday and Saturday, of thU week. .SKI I


’lay tdr tbe Ladies’ Summer cup * concluded at the Park Golf Club.) Saturday, when Miss Grace Ten Eyck announced aa the winner with a total of twelve points. Her play throughout has been very consistent. Mlsa He** Ten Eyck and Mlsa Lulu Fuller were tie for second place with nine point* each. Another event of Interest Satur- day was the weekly competition lot the President's and golf club cups. v«n seven scores were posted and all were close ones, a* follows: G. Tlngley. 97. 23-71; W. E. Lough. 99. 24-75: R. V. Carpenter. 107. 28-79; W. V. Byard. 102, 21-81; n Tltaworth. 104. 22-82; Dr. H. Carroll. 100. 18-84. * "Frits" Harding Itealgiw. ' Frits" Harding has resigned his position as manager at the local of- fice of the Western Union Company, and after a two months vacation la Denver, he will take a position In th# telegraph office of th# New Jer- sey Central at Jersey City, under tbe management of F. O. Sherman, of this city.

"Then my work won't suit.” "No." said th# publisher. "Yon might have sufficient Imagination to

Nell a. McCarthy, for the psst xlx year* assistant stat# factory Inspect- or under Andrew McCardell. died suddenly at his home. 837 Martin utTeet. EHxabelh lust Saturday evening ai 7 o'clock. Mr. McCarthy was forty years old and Is survived by bis wife and on# son. Eugene, four years old. besides two sister*. Mr. McCarthy worked all day ot Saturday with Mr. McCardell an I rhea be arrived at hi* bora# at 4 'clock appeared to be enjoying hfs sual robust health. He was taken suddenly 111 at 3-30 nod Dr A. O. Buck was hastily summoned It was too late, however, and nothing could b# done for the sufferer. Tbe doe- dlagnoeed the case sb heart dls- • hiugrBSTisn |>M|#utr«an. In Joseph Edwin Walker, elgbty- two years ©Id. of 40S Chilton street. It Is believed Elisabeth has the champion long-distance walker, a • considered. Mr. Walker freque writ# circus ads . but not book no-j walks twenty miles a day. H# la ac- **•-"—Louisville Court or-Journal. I lively engaged la the real «rtat# business b#re. He was born at >’*w Fair Eooogh. | Bedford. Mass., on the anniversary “We want a public library and an' of th* battle of Bunker Hill. Jans endowment fund." j 17. 1788. He has a son. who liv#* And what will yonr town contrib- In Newark. To walk to his son'* e?” I office In Newark and back Is Josr ■ * The necessary officials to run It.** bit of exercise for the octogenarian.
