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The Consucracy for 2013

Date post: 12-Jul-2015
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China: The consucracy 2013 Where the market laws are dictated by consumers
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China: The consucracy 2013 Where the market laws are dictated by consumers

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What does « Consucracy » mean?

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Consucracy is the combination of two words,

from Consumere (Latin) as to "to consume”

and Kratos (Ancient Greek), "the power"

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In other words, “Consucracy” is the concept where

power belongs to those who consume.

As a result, when sufficiently organized, consumers are

able to dictate market laws.

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Who are these consumers and the next ones ?

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Live with them to better understand their lives Chapter 1

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In China, seniors (+60) have increased over 30% in

the past decade, and are more interested in safe

savings or consumption for the well-being of their


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Most woman gained emancipation from the

“Chinese miracle”, and today are an important

prescriber, planner and decision maker

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The “Little Emperor” is predestined to become a major

consumer for the next decades and will interact mostly

through mobile and digital channels

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The “Generation Y” or “the BaLingHou” (八零后) represents mostly the « early

adopters ». Fans of new technologies and latest products, this generation aspires to

have personal and professional success. Perceived as the biggest segment in China,

representing 50% of the total population, most of the multinational firms are

targeting this generation

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The entire family lives in the

same home and functions as a

cluster of: prescribers, decision

makers, consumers…

… and so …

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… all their needs are

closely related

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But should we consider them as “Consumers with

needs” or “Humans with values” ?

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Place the Human in the center of the core strategy

Chapter 2

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China represents a strong united country

and people are considered as a unique mass

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…today the term “unique” has more

value to Chinese individuals

than anywhere else…

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…and thus “meism” ideology was born, the “one to

me”, the “me consumption” based on

individualism and placing the consumer in the

center of the decision process.

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With the Consucracy, the consumer is aware to be part of the brand that

he/she loves and decides when and how he/she will interact with it.








Design Price


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Should we find customers for our products or find “The Product” for our customers ?

“Apple store syndrome”

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Should we find customers for our products

or find “The Product” for our customers ? “Apple store syndrome”

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Chapter 3 Fish where the fish are

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“It is not the strongest of the species that

survive, nor the most intelligent, but rather the

one most adaptable to change”

Charles Darwin

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Today, most of the marketers

are asking…

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…how is the consumer evolving ? and how to adapt our offer?

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…which channel & media should we use to reach our core target ?

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How is it working ?

What does it looks like ?


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It can sometimes appear very complex

but you just need to…

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eep t imple



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eep t imple



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eep t inostrat



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At your side for 2013…

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Who is Sinostrat Solutions ?

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« The best way to predict the

future is to invent it together »

Julien Charre, CEO

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Founded in 2010 in Shanghai

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Our mission consists of…

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… strategic intelligence & monitoring …

Visible information

invisible information

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…to collect and analyze information in

order to listen the heart of people, and

understand the consumer and competitive


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… thus providing insights for decision

makers and model an adaptable strategy.

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Smart marketing … The creative workshop

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… to create clever brands

and creative strategies …

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… and conceive the “one to me”

because everyone is unique …

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… where everyone is marketing.

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Customer Relationship Management …

But also …

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In order to find an equilibrium between …

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The customer driven strategy

that attracts and engage…

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… and the supply driven strategy

to reinforce loyalty

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So how to adapt our business unit web with the Consucracy ?

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It is a 360° client driven vision

TV Digital Displays


Online Video Media & Games

Social Networks

Corporate Websites

& E-commerce



Street & PR


Blogs &


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And …

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The customer life cycle management




& Culture


Social Professional


Marital Status

Consumer Behavior



& devises



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Sinostrat creates tailor made business model because everyone is unique

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Create value one to me Today everyone has too many choices of channels used to find information. The objective is to create a unique strategy for each and cohesive for all media: SNS, microblogs, video sharing, blogs, websites and traditional media

Sinostrat creates tailor made business model because everyone is unique

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Our core expertise Chapter 4

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Collect information from your competitors, law regulation, technologies, product launch, environment

Intelligence, monitoring, benchmark

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Collect information from your competitors, law regulation, technologies, product launch, environment

Intelligence, monitoring, benchmark

Business analysis, internal database, brand image, statistics, new projects, management changes, innovations Strategic input

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Collect information from your competitors, law regulation, technologies, product launch, envronnement

Intelligence ,monitoring, benchmark

Business analysis, internal data base, brand image, statistic, new project, change management, innovation Strategic input

Collect information from your competitors, law regulation, technologies, product launch, environment

Intelligence, monitoring, benchmark

Business analysis, internal database, brand image, statistics, new projects, management changes, innovations Strategic input

Create innovating projects, brainstorming, problem solving, professional opinions, external consultants Creative workshop

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Collect information from your competitors, law regulation, technologies, product launch, environment

Intelligence, monitoring, benchmark

Business analysis, internal database, brand image, statistics, new projects, management changes, innovations Strategic input

Create innovating projects, brainstorming, problem solving, professional opinions, external consultants Creative workshop

Validate Ideas, create models, samples, define objectives and KPI, define benefits for users, user interface Conceptualization

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Collect information from your competitors, law regulation, technologies, product launch, environment

Intelligence, monitoring, benchmark

Business analysis, internal database, brand image, statistics, new projects, management changes, innovations Strategic input

Create innovating projects, brainstorming, problem solving, professional opinions, external consultants Creative workshop

Validate Ideas, create models, samples, define objectives and KPI, define benefits for users, user interface Conceptualization

Compose focus groups of target customers and improve the concept through simulations , filmed and supported by

professional Test Focus group

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Collect information from your competitors, law regulation, technologies, product launch, environment

Intelligence, monitoring, benchmark

Business analysis, internal database, brand image, statistics, new projects, management changes, innovations Strategic input

Create innovating projects, brainstorming, problem solving, professional opinions, external consultants Creative workshop

Validate Ideas, create models, samples, define objectives and KPI, define benefits for users, user interface Conceptualization

Compose focus groups of target customers and improve the concept through simulations , filmed and supported by

professional Test Focus group

Analyze the test focus group results, concept improvement, specifications establishment Debriefing

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Story telling

Community management

Social listening

Web & Mobile Apps



Viral videos

Street Marketing / Events


TV /Show


Affiliation and Partnership Management

Online advertising display

Intelligence & Monitoring

Web Development


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Which benefits ? Chapter 5

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Meet & reach the right audience…

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Understand your competitive environment…

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Be on track with up to date technologies

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Control & Protect your brand: Protect brand equity and customer loyalty from

counterfeiting, grey markets, negative buzz and more…

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Engage consumers & grow the community

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Return efforts into cash

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Remodel future strategies with the

closed loop feedback and datamining

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The leader team Chapter 6

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Aurelien Schlumberger

Co-founder & CEO



History, Geopolitics,

Technology & Gaming

Project Director



Rock Climbing, Tennis,

Wines, Travel

Co-Founder & CTO



Fine Arts, Web

programming, Cooking

Co-Founder & COO



Fashion, Cosmetics, Fine


The Executive Team

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Aurelien Schlumberger

Co-founder & CEO



History, Geopolitics,

Technology & Gaming

Project Director



Rock Climbing, Tennis,

Wines, Travel

Co-Founder & CTO



Fine Arts, Web

programming, Cooking

Co-Founder & COO



Fashion, Cosmetics, Fine


So…Are you ready to work with us …?

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…and face consucracy ?

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Some partners already trusted


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Contact us

[email protected]

Tel:(+86) 62152751

