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The Creativity Handbook for CAD Professionals · brained” people and “right-brained” people....

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The Creativity Handbook for CAD Professionals Habits, tools and hacks backed by science to boost your design creativity
Page 1: The Creativity Handbook for CAD Professionals · brained” people and “right-brained” people. Traditionally, we think of “left-brained” folks as adept in the math and sciences.

The Creativity Handbook for CAD ProfessionalsHabits, tools and hacks backed by scienceto boost your design creativity

Page 2: The Creativity Handbook for CAD Professionals · brained” people and “right-brained” people. Traditionally, we think of “left-brained” folks as adept in the math and sciences.

How important is creativity for engineers, architects and design professionals?

Are you ready to get to work? Read on to unleash your inner creative.

Creativity shapes the world we live in—from masterpieces of art to urban planning. Almost everything we do, use and experience in our day-to-day lives can be attributed to some form of creative output.

According to Adobe’s 2012 State of Create report, creativity drives economic growth, adds value to society and sparks business innovation. 3D professionals know this all too well: creativity powers the success of their careers, businesses and clients.

Engineers are tasked with manipulating math and science into innovative and creative solutions. Architects have to create

structurally sound buildings that are also aesthetically pleasing. And 3D artists are valued as much for their creativity as they are for their technical skills.

In an increasingly complex world, few things are more important for 3D professionals than the ability to solve challenges creatively. That’s a lot of pressure riding on a trait you’re born with, right? Not exactly.

Contrary to what you might have been told, creativity is not some magical superpower granted at birth. It is a skill and a discipline that can be practiced and improved through rigorous habits, effective use of tools, and

even biological hacks. This is an important point for 3D professionals: it means that, like your prowess in 3D software, creativity can grow better with effort, not luck.

But what if you don’t “feel” creative all the time—or most of the time?

This ebook is here to help. In it, you’ll find new ways to think about creativity, find out how to form creative habits, learn about tools that enhance creativity, and discover strategies to foster a more creative workplace.

Page 3: The Creativity Handbook for CAD Professionals · brained” people and “right-brained” people. Traditionally, we think of “left-brained” folks as adept in the math and sciences.


Table of Contents

Page 4: The Creativity Handbook for CAD Professionals · brained” people and “right-brained” people. Traditionally, we think of “left-brained” folks as adept in the math and sciences.


We’re Thinking About Creativity All Wrong

Creativity isn’t about color choice, layout or aesthetic appeal. It’s about the ability to break out of a preconceived perception or expectation when approaching a challenge or problem. It’s about the ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns and relationships to create meaningful new ideas and results that deliver value.

But what if you don’t have a new idea or feel particularly creative? Good news: With the right habits, creativity happens more often—whether you feel particularly inspired or not.

According to Professor Teresa M. Amabile at Harvard Business School, creativity can be harnessed by anyone with a“normal capacity.” That means everyone. Not just those “artsy” or “outside the box” thinkers, you know.

It all starts with diving into the process behind creativity.

Deep Dive Into The Creative Process

The creative process has been long studied, but isn’t yet fully understood. However, we can break what we know down into two disciplines: neuroscience and psychology. Both can give us some insight into how we develop our creative muscles.


Page 5: The Creativity Handbook for CAD Professionals · brained” people and “right-brained” people. Traditionally, we think of “left-brained” folks as adept in the math and sciences.


What Does Neuroscience Tell Us About The Creative Process?A group of neuroscientists have found that there is no such thing as “left-brained” people and “right-brained” people. Traditionally, we think of “left-brained” folks as adept in the math and sciences. Conversely, “right-brained” individuals are seen as creative, passionate and often eccentric.

However, brain activity studies tell us that the creative process uses activity from the whole brain, not one side or the other.

This confirms the idea that creativity is not a trait of innately gifted people, but rather a muscle that can be strengthened and flexed.


Page 6: The Creativity Handbook for CAD Professionals · brained” people and “right-brained” people. Traditionally, we think of “left-brained” folks as adept in the math and sciences.


Defining the Creative Process Through PsychologyNeuroscience shows us that creativity can be developed. Psychology offers a way to develop it.

Graham Wallas, an English social psycho-logist and London School of Economics co-founder, was one of the first to theorize the process behind being more creative. This model of the creative process was outlined in his book, The Art of Thought.

Though the book sells for a king’s ransom online (due to it being out of print), this blog post has an in-depth summary of its contents.

Wallas’ model defines the path we take when trying to be creative:

1. Preparation We define the problem, need or desire.

2. Incubation We let it simmer, and contemplate possibilities.

3. Illumination Ideas form, whether we actively generate them or they develop over time.

4. Verification Ideas are great, but they need to be fleshed out. This phase deals with verifying and developing the idea into a fully-formed conclusion.

Any interruption to this process is what we would call a “creative block.”

Why does this matter? Because now that we know the science and process, we can adopt habits, tools and lifestyle modifications to overcome creative blocks and enhance each step along the creative path outlined above.

The first step starts with developing effective creative habits.


Page 7: The Creativity Handbook for CAD Professionals · brained” people and “right-brained” people. Traditionally, we think of “left-brained” folks as adept in the math and sciences.


The Habits of Highly Creative People

Good creative habits rely on changing how you think about creativity. Society tells us that people are creative, as if they woke up one day and found themselves that way. But in reality, those people were the sum of their habits.

Try on the following habits for size. They’re routines used by highly creative people. Don’t give away the secret: they just might have made these “highly creative” people highly creative in the first place.


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Habit One: Carve Out Time for CreativityCreativity requires time and focus. You must make time for it the same as you would for professional, personal and social obligations. As the saying goes, you must “do what you have to do, so you can do what you want to do.” If you want to be creative, you must do whatever’s necessary to make time for it.

Good time management enhances creativity. One of the biggest mistakes professionals make is continuing on with their daily tasks, hoping that creativity will magically start happening. Nothing could be further from the truth.

As part of the “preparation” stage outlined by psychologist Wallas, you must ruthlessly make time to devote to idea generation, developing ideas more fully, and brainstorming.

The result is creativity that not only happens consciously, but happens far more often.

For specific ways to carve out time for creativity, see Section Three: Tools to Enhance Creativity.


Page 9: The Creativity Handbook for CAD Professionals · brained” people and “right-brained” people. Traditionally, we think of “left-brained” folks as adept in the math and sciences.


Habit Two: Streamline Processes and Leverage TechnologyTo adopt habit one, habit two is important. Make room in your schedule by cutting down the time it takes to complete tasks. When you streamline processes and leverage technology, you’re able to create the mental and physical bandwidth needed for creative work.

Focus on your most timely task. For most CAD, CAM and 3D professionals, this is creating and assembling parts and models. So, how do you make this type of work faster and more creative?

By leveraging “divergent thinking.” Divergent thinking is when both hemispheres of the brain are used to solve problems and complete tasks. Divergent thinkers are proven to be more creative: Musicians

use two hands independently to play their instrument, and some scientists say this enhances divergent thinking.

It’s strikingly similar to how CAD users who employ a two-handed work style operate.

A 3D mouse is one example of technology that enables divergent thinking. Its two-handed workflow and precision navigation can yield great benefits for designers. 3D mice save you time and reduce design fatigue, so you can design comfortably for longer.

Here’s how it works. With a 3D Mouse you have the extraordinary ability to simultaneously pan, zoom and rotate models

while the regular mouse stays in its regular place. The 3D Mouse smoothly positions your object or view, while the regular mouse (ideally a CadMouse) selects and creates with ease. It’s a natural and comfortable work style that can’t be matched.

Learn more about two-handed work styles here »


Page 10: The Creativity Handbook for CAD Professionals · brained” people and “right-brained” people. Traditionally, we think of “left-brained” folks as adept in the math and sciences.


Habit Three: Collect Ideas ConstantlyYou’ll find that many of the people you consider to be “creative individuals” carry a form of notepad on them at all times. They log every snippet of idea that comes to mind, as well as every inspired thing they see and experience throughout the day.

These ideas aren’t usually flashes of original inspiration; they’re ideas that already exist.

They come from experiencing the world, borrowing others’ ideas and building upon them with our own. Like Albert Einstein said:

“Creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.”

Start hiding yours. Carry around a notepad at all times and collect every inspiration you encounter. Not only does this habit

enable you to archive ideas, it also keeps you organized and promotes productive brainstorm sessions.

Too technologically savvy for the old pen and paper thing? Try these online note-taking tools:

Evernote Evernote is a set of digital notebooks that syncs across devices. Its handy web extension clips articles, pictures and digital material right to your notebooks from your browser.

Pocket Less permanent than Evernote, Pocket clips web links to a common online repository. View your clipped content, tag it, archive it or check it off when you’re done for a constant stream of creative juice.

Trello Described as a “whiteboard with superpowers,” Trello organizes your thoughts and ideas in one place and encourages your projects to cross-pollinate.


Page 11: The Creativity Handbook for CAD Professionals · brained” people and “right-brained” people. Traditionally, we think of “left-brained” folks as adept in the math and sciences.

© Vincent van Gogh, 1888 © Gardner, 1865 © The Beatles, 1964


Habit Four: Embrace FailureCreativity is born from the ashes of failure. Failure, for many, is the driving force and motivation behind great creative works. Few renowned creative thinkers and artists became the idols they are today without a few bumps in the road.

Van Gogh only sold one painting while alive. American President Abraham Lincoln lost numerous races before winning public office. And Decca Records said, “no” to The Beatles, claiming the guitar sound was dead.

But they all eventually succeeded because they weren’t afraid to fail. In fact, you can argue that such setbacks gave these great thinkers and artists the room to persevere and grow.

By embracing failure, 3D professionals can be more creative, generate more creative ideas and explore exciting new ideas they hadn’t previously considered. So go on, don’t be afraid of failure. In fact, make it a habit.

Habits like these lead to long-term growth. On their own, they will take you far. But you can go even further when you combine them with the right creativity tools.

So, let’s arm you with the tools to turn you into an unstoppable creativity machine.


Page 12: The Creativity Handbook for CAD Professionals · brained” people and “right-brained” people. Traditionally, we think of “left-brained” folks as adept in the math and sciences.


Tools to Enhance Your Creativity

Environment, inspiration, time management, exposure and appropriate planning all play a pivotal role in the overall creative process. Luckily, developers and creativity enthusiasts have set out to design tools for these specific areas.

Equip yourself with a few of them to beat your next creative block and enhance your creativity—starting right now.


Page 13: The Creativity Handbook for CAD Professionals · brained” people and “right-brained” people. Traditionally, we think of “left-brained” folks as adept in the math and sciences.


Tools for a More Creative Environment

Your surroundings impact your creativity. The most optimal environment for creativity will vary from person to person, but researchers have found that people exposed to moderate levels of ambient noise have a greater capacity to be creative.

The following tools enhance the creativity of any environment by producing their own background buzz:

Coffitivity Coffitivity plays the background noise of a coffee shop on your computer for enhanced focus and creativity. It plays in your browser or through a desktop app. Espresso served separately...

Noisli Noisli takes a different approach: the site plays combinations of natural sounds like rain, wind, leaves, fire and water, allowing you to tailor nature’s sounds to your ear’s pleasure.


Page 14: The Creativity Handbook for CAD Professionals · brained” people and “right-brained” people. Traditionally, we think of “left-brained” folks as adept in the math and sciences.


Tools to Inspire You

Inspiration is crucial to creativity. It fuels out-of-the-box thinking, generates new ideas and sparks great works. So, where do you find inspiration?

These web resources highlight some of the most creative designs and ideas from around the world. They’re sure to get your creative juices flowing!

Inspiration, just like creativity, does not strike from out of the blue. You have to go out and find it.

Inspiration Grid This website provides inspiration via stories and photos from creatives in every industry.

SketchFab SketchFab allows you to view inspiring models, and upload, embed and share your own.

Behance Showcase your creative work and discover the work of others using this engaged online community.

Design Snack Design Snack takes online inspiration to a whole new, customizable level. This tool gives you the power to create your own inspirational portfolio. Simply curate your favorite images and most inspiring work—the perfect way to jumpstart creativity when it flags.


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Tools to Flex Your Creative Muscles

Your creativity is just like any muscle— if you don’t use it, you lose it. Challenge it with new projects outside your ordinary design scope using these resources. (You can even get paid in the process!)

It is important to take a break from your normal design projects so your mind can refresh. Mix it up and let’s see that creative muscle flex.

99 Designs This online marketplace offers design contests from real businesses. If your design wins, you get paid and your work gets used.

3docean Want a little more creative freedom? 3docean doesn’t give you a creative brief. You design whatever your heart desires, upload your work and others can buy it.

TraceParts Looking to try a new process, idea or technique but don’t want to mess around with your exist-ing models? TraceParts provides millions of free 3D CAD models for you to experiment with.


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Tools to Plan Out Creative Projects

Without proper preproduction and design plans, creativity stalls. These tools simplify project brainstorming and management so that pre-production is seamless, efficient and painless.

A regimented approach allows you to focus your attention on actually coming up with stellar ideas.

XMind Mind mapping tools help you brainstorm, communicate and capture creative ideas. XMind is available in three different versions: a free version, a plus version and a pro version.

Lucidchart This tool makes it dead easy to develop mind maps and organizational charts that keep your creative ideas flowing.


Page 17: The Creativity Handbook for CAD Professionals · brained” people and “right-brained” people. Traditionally, we think of “left-brained” folks as adept in the math and sciences.


Tools to Make Time for Creativity

Creative ideas take time to develop and plan. In order to dedicate the appropriate amount of time needed to nurture the creative process, you need to be productive.

These tools make tedious tasks easier, so you spend less time on busywork and distractions, and more on creativity.

So, how about it? Ready to start making more time for creativity today?

GE.TT, WeTransfer and Dropbox These cloud file-sharing tools make collaborating on 3D files quick and easy. They offer numerous storage plans for larger files, and will save you a ton of time.

RescueTime Maybe you spend too much time on distractions, and not enough on jumpstarting creativity. RescueTime can help. It compiles a summary of your daily computer activity. See trends in how much time you actually spend on a project versus other activities. This insight will show you the best ways to adjust your habits for maximum creativity.

GrabCAD Similiar to GE.TT, WeTransfer and Dropbox, GrabCAD allows 3D professionals to collaborate with coworkers through an easy-to-use CAD file manager. This tool enables you to sync local files and collaborate on projects, revision rounds and brainstorming sessions.


Page 18: The Creativity Handbook for CAD Professionals · brained” people and “right-brained” people. Traditionally, we think of “left-brained” folks as adept in the math and sciences.


Hack Your Biology and Program It for Creativity

Creative blocks tend to strike at the most inconvenient times—like when hard deadlines or big projects loom. So, what do you do when you’re under pressure to be more creative this very moment? Simple. You hack your brain into being more creative. It’s easier than you think.

Here are hacks backed by science that you can use right now to spark creativity.


Page 19: The Creativity Handbook for CAD Professionals · brained” people and “right-brained” people. Traditionally, we think of “left-brained” folks as adept in the math and sciences.


01: Get Your Blood Flowing

03: Play a Video Game

Exercising can improve your ability to harness your creative powers.

Psychology Today touches upon the correlation between exercising and creativity, saying: “Sweat is like WD-40 for your mind—it lubricates the rusty hinges of your brain and makes your thinking more fluid.”

However, if you need a quick fix for your creative block, you probably don’t have time to hit the gym.

Good news. There are a ton of exercises you can do right from your desk at work. Take 10 minutes to get your body moving. It’ll translate to heightened brain function and an increased capacity for creativity.

According to researchers at Michigan State University’s Children and Technology Project, most computer games appear to boost creativity. Playing games also helps distract the mind from the task at hand, helping it to refresh.

So, turn your mind off and enjoy your favorite game to coax your creative brain into coming out to play.

A study conducted by the University of British Columbia found that when exposed to or surrounded by the color blue, test participants were able to think more creatively.

The color blue boosts brain performance and activity, resulting in better creativity. You might not be able to repaint your office on the fly, but you can change your desktop background!

02: Give Yourself the Blues04

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04: Get Messy! 06: Deprive Yourself of One of Your Senses to Boost Another

Ever wonder why creative people can be such slobs? Turns out it’s just a brain hack to think more creatively!

In a study published in the journal Psychological Science, researchers found that clean workspaces promote healthy habits, generosity and conformity, while messy workspaces boost creativity.

So go on, get messy!

Sensory deprivation involves taking away one of your senses to boost another.

For example, if you wear earplugs, your sense of sight, smell, taste and touch heighten. Depriving yourself of a sense helps you see new perspectives and explore uncharted possibilities.

Cover your eyes or plug your ears for a minute or two. The change in perspective might just get you over that creative hump.

Explore a new neighborhood. Try a new food. Talk to a stranger when in line for lunch. Anything to take yourself out of your comfort zone will work. Your mind needs new experiences to draw from in order to spark new creative ideas.

A post published by Scientific American suggests that even just thinking about a far away place can help.

05: Place Yourself in Uncharted Waters04

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07: Play a Mind Game 09: Be Childish!

Break out the crayons, Play-Doh or Legos. In research on Creativity as Flexible Cognitive Control, Darya Zabelina and Michael Robinson state that “a playful, childlike mindset among adults facilitates creative originality.”

To view your project in a new light, employ Janusian thinking. It’s the ability to “imagine two opposites or contradictory ideas, concepts, or images existing simultaneously.”

The tactic was used by Einstein, Mozart, Edison and Van Gogh when they needed a creative jolt.

08: Think Like Mozart

Mental challenges are a great way to get the creative juices flowing. Your brain is a muscle that needs to be stretched and flexed. Playing sudoku, Scrabble and disambiguation games all promote creative thinking.

Here’s a favorite of ours: Pick two random words and try to connect them in exactly 10 steps.

When you need creativity on demand, brain hacks are the way to go. Quick, simple fixes can funnel your thought processes and open your mind.

Mind games are a great example of how training your brain over time can enhance your capacity for creativity.


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Practice Makes Perfect— Especially When It Comes To CreativityImproved creativity that happens more frequently is just a little practice and hard work away.

It’s a mind-over-matter game. Habits, coupled with tools, brain hacks and work environments that foster creativity, are together the formula for creative success.

So, isn’t today the perfect time to start improving your creativity? Commit to creative success right now using the resources in this ebook.

The world needs more creative ideas. Let’s get started.


Page 23: The Creativity Handbook for CAD Professionals · brained” people and “right-brained” people. Traditionally, we think of “left-brained” folks as adept in the math and sciences.


Enhance Your Creativity with 3Dconnexion

When it comes to 3D design work, 3Dconnexion has the power to make you more creative by enabling a natural and intuitive two-handed workflow. A 3D mouse allows you to navigate your 3D content more fluidly, so you feel more connected and better able to express your design intent.

Your productivity and comfort also receive a welcome boost, thanks to the natural and efficient two-handed work-style.


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+ Switch Time

Bandwidth Increase

+ Switch Time

+ Switch Time


The Ultimate Creativity Boost: The Two-Handed WorkflowThe most obvious addition when adopting a two-handed workflow is the use of a dedicated 3D input device, most commonly referred to as a 3D mouse or SpaceMouse®. The 3D mouse complements the ordinary mouse and is used in your “other” hand to simultaneously pan, zoom and rotate your 3D content. This means the ordinary mouse is freed from navigation tasks to concentrate on what it does best – moving the cursor to select, create and edit.

On average, 84% OF CAD engineers report a noticeable or significant improvement in their product designs and their ability to detect design problems as a result of using a 3D mouse1 thanks to the balanced and co-operative two-handed work-style.

3Dconnexion pioneered this two-handed workflow, and then perfected it with the release of the CadMouse – the first mouse used in your regular mouse hand built specifically for CAD professionals.

3Dconnexion offers a variety of 3D mice as well as the CadMouse – the world’s first “regular” mouse, designed specifically for CAD professionals. Which is the right solution for you?

Continue on to read more about the 3Dconnexion family »


Source: The Economic Payback of 3D Mice for CAD Design Engineers, Technology Assessment Group


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SpaceMouse Enterprise

CadMouse Pad

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The 3Dconnexion Family

SpaceNavigatorThe 3D Mouse for Everyone

Perfect for you if you want a more natural way to interact with your CAD content at an affordable cost.

The SpaceNavigator is the entry-level 3D mouse, but it still packs a punch thanks to the patented six-degrees-of-freedom (6DoF) controller cap, the central feature of all 3Dconnexion 3D mice.

SpaceNavigator for NotebooksThe Traveler’s Best Friend

Perfect for you if you use 3D applications in lots of different places.

The SpaceNavigator for Notebooks offers the same 6DoF navigation and two buttons of the SpaceNavigator, but in a travel-sized package that’s half the weight of its cousin and two-thirds the size.

SpaceMouse WirelessFor Fans of Clean Lines and Clutter-Free Desktops

Perfect for you if you’re looking for a sleek, stylish and intuitive way to interact with digital 3D content.

The SpaceMouse Wireless is the world’s first wireless 3D mouse. Its 2.4 GHz wireless technology, cord-free design, one-month battery life and two buttons make this mouse a 3D designer’s best friend


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The 3Dconnexion Family (cont.)

SpaceMouse ProThe 3D Mouse for the Professional

Perfect for you if you’re a busy professional who spends more than a few hours per day working with 3D content.

The SpaceMouse Pro offers 15 completely customizable buttons including four intelligent function keys and QuickView navigation keys so you’re always in control of your designs.

SpaceMouse Pro WirelessThe Wireless 3D Mouse for the Professional

Perfect for you if you’re a busy professional who spends much of the day working with 3D content and appreciates the finer things in life (like a cord-free desktop).

The SpaceMouse Pro Wireless offers the same professional features as its wired sibling with the added convenience of a cord-free workspace. Its 2.4 GHz wireless technology and two-month battery life offer a real-time, reliable and precise connection between you and your design.

SpaceMouse EnterpriseBuilt for Top Engineering Performance

Perfect for you if you want to get your job done as easily as possible.

At the top, there is no room for second best. The world’s premier firms demand the highest level of performance from their engineering teams. Enter the 3Dconnexion SpaceMouse Enterprise.

Recognize your true creative ability with the right tools at your fingertips.

Equip yourself with a 3D mouse »


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3Dconnexion Product Comparison Chart

Professional Series Personal Series

SpaceMouse® Enterprise

SpaceMouse® Pro Wireless

SpaceMouse® Pro SpaceMouse® Wireless

SpaceNavigator® SpaceNavigator® for Notebooks

Navigation3Dconnexion® 6DoF Technology • • • • • •

Standard QuickViews Top, Bottom, Left, Right, Front, Back, ISO1, ISO2, 90° Rotation Clockwise /

Counter Clockwise

Top, Right, Front, 90° Rotation Clockwise

Top, Right, Front, 90° Rotation Clockwise

Custom QuickViews Save / View 3 custom views

Rotation Lock • • •

PerformanceIntelligent Function Keys Access to 12

application commandsAccess to 4

application commandsAccess to 4

application commands

Color LCD Intuitive icon and text visualization of

commands assigned to Function Keys

Total Programmable Keys 31 15 15 2 2 2

ComfortAdvanced Hand Rest • • •

Keyboard Modifiers Complete Set of Keyboard Modifiers:

Enter, Delete, Esc, Tab, Shift, Ctrl, Alt, Space

Esc, Shift, Ctrl, Alt Esc, Shift, Ctrl, Alt

3Dconnexion Wireless Technology • •

Dimensions (LxWxH) 249 x 154 x 58 mm 9.8 x 6.1 x 2.3 ”

204 x 142 x 58 mm 8 x 5.6 x 2.3 ”

204 x 142 x 58 mm 8 x 5.6 x 2.3 ”

78 x 78 x 54 mm 3.1 x 3.1 x 2.1 ”

78 x 78 x 53 mm 3.1 x 3.1 x 2.1 ”

68 x 68 x 46 mm 2.7 x 2.7 x 1.8 ”

Weight 800g / 1.76 lbs 563g / 1.24 lbs 665g / 1.47 lbs 424g / 0.93 lbs 479g / 1.06 lbs 250g / 0.58 lbs

Warranty 3+1* years 3 years 3 years 2 years 2 years 2 years

* Additional one year warranty requires product registration within 90 days of purchase date.

Page 29: The Creativity Handbook for CAD Professionals · brained” people and “right-brained” people. Traditionally, we think of “left-brained” folks as adept in the math and sciences.


05The two-handed workflow enabled by a 3D mouse delivers the best results when you use a CadMouse. CadMouse is a high-performance device used in your regular mouse hand to click, select and create, while your 3D mouse in your other hand takes care of 3D navigation.

Take a look at some of the extraordinary features that put CadMouse above and beyond any other mouse on the market. 

» Dedicated, Full-Size Middle Mouse Button: Every CAD user knows how much they rely on the middle mouse button, but ordinary mice bury it under the scroll wheel. The CadMouse has a dedicated, full-size middle mouse button, so it’s no longer necessary to click the uncomfortable scroll wheel thousands of times per day.

» QuickZoom: Effortlessly zoom in and out of your models or drawings with a single click of a thumb button. Combine this feature with the 6-degrees-of-freedom navigation

enabled by a 3Dconnexion 3D mouse for previously unseen levels of Two-Handed Power.

» Smart Scroll Wheel: Automatic scroll wheel performance depending on the active application. Precise “click-to-click” zooming in CAD applications or speedy scrolling in browsers and documents. It’s a seamless experience that ordinary mice just can’t provide.

» Advanced Laser Sensor: With 8200dpi and a poll rate of up to 1000Hz (responsiveness of 1 millisecond) you’ll click exactly where you need to, when you need to. The CadMouse has the level of precision CAD professionals demand—and deserve.

» Optimally Shaped PTFE Feet: Because 3Dconnexion specializes in CAD, we pay acute attention to details like how materials and geometry affect friction. It’s especially important when you consider that serious CAD users can be moving their mouse up to 1km per week. CadMouse has optimally shaped feet made from PTFE, a material with one of the lowest coefficients of friction against any solid, resulting in a near perfect equilibrium. The result? CadMouse moves exactly how you mean it to—every time.

» Radial Menu Button: The CadMouse’s gesture button opens a context sensitive on-screen radial menu. Simply move the cursor left, right, up or down to activate the command.

Learn more about CadMouse here »

Perfect for you if: You want the best possible

experience out of your CAD software.

CadMouse The Perfect Match For Your 3D Mouse

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Page 31: The Creativity Handbook for CAD Professionals · brained” people and “right-brained” people. Traditionally, we think of “left-brained” folks as adept in the math and sciences.


About 3Dconnexion

3Dconnexion designs powerful, ergonomic hardware and smart, easy-to-use software that combine seamlessly to make working in the world’s most popular CAD applications fast, comfortable and fun. From our SpaceMouse 3D mice to the CadMouse, 3Dconnexion products provide a superior way for CAD professionals to interact with and experience the digital world.

The 3Dconnexion SpaceMouse product line delivers natural, precise positioning of digital models or views that just isn’t possible using any other input device. With a SpaceMouse you have the extraordinary ability to simultaneously pan, zoom and rotate models while the regular mouse stays in its regular place. It’s a comfortable and

efficient two-handed workflow that feels good and enables you to achieve more in less time.

We pioneered this two-handed workflow, and then we perfected it with the release of the CadMouse. The CadMouse is the first mouse used in your regular mouse hand that is built specifically for CAD professionals. With a unique dedicated middle mouse button, Smart Scroll wheel and useful set of CAD-specific tools including the incredibly convenient QuickZoom, the CadMouse makes working in (and out) of design and CAD applications more comfortable, efficient and fun.

When you pair a 3Dconnexion CadMouse with a SpaceMouse, the results are extraordinary. The SpaceMouse smoothly positions your object or view, while the CadMouse selects and creates with ease. It’s a natural and comfortable work style that can’t be matched.

3Dconnexion provides peace of mind to 3D professionals who design the buildings, machines and products that power our world. They take their work seriously, and so do we. Technology and build quality combine to deliver the performance that CAD professional demand – and deserve.

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Page 32: The Creativity Handbook for CAD Professionals · brained” people and “right-brained” people. Traditionally, we think of “left-brained” folks as adept in the math and sciences.

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