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The current education system can limit your entrepreneurial mindset

Date post: 12-Apr-2017
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The current education system in most countries focuses on learning whatever

The current education system in most countries focuses on learning whatever

is needed to pass an exam.

It doesn't train children to become

adult entrepreneurs, freelance workers, or

small business owners.

As society changes, there is a lag in the education system, which is still following the old model.

This old model involves working for a set period of time doing tasks assigned to you by a boss.

For this work, you receive a check for an agreed-upon amount.

Through obeying your boss, working hard, and producing value to the company, you may then be allowed a better position or higher pay.

This model fundamentally clashes with the entrepreneur mindset.

In this model, workers are rewarded for obedience and their ability to minimize risk.

Accepting risks and taking on challenges, however, are key to success as an entrepreneur.

Other mindset learned from School

inhibiting your Entrepreneurship

You need to obey Authority.

Schools and workplaces are hierarchical.

Instruction and evaluation come from above.

Those in positions of authority have all the answers and know best.

We learn this chain of command from early on.

We also learn that questioning the status quo and challenging authority can land you in a great deal of trouble.

You need to Follow Rules.

This hierarchical system naturally requires rules and discipline.

A great deal of a child's first few years at school involve learning how to sit, line-up, talk, behave, eat, and so on.

There is clearly a need to maintain order for management purposes, but we carry this reliance on rules into adulthood, where it doesn't serve us so well.

You need to Learn and Then Do.

Tasks in school are given to children with instructions, examples, and demonstrations.

We read about concepts before applying them.

Learning starts with theory and ends with practice and actually doing something.

This is the opposite of the entrepreneurial mindset, which sees trying something as the first step, with the learning coming afterward.

As an entrepreneur,

you need to think on your feet.

There are no instructions or demonstrations.

You need to compare yourself with Others

School evaluates and grades your performance so that you can compare it with those of others.

This fosters fixed thinking such as,

"I'm smarter than Amy but not as smart as Jane."

However, comparing yourself to others is toxic.

It produces no positive result, but can lead to fixed, negative thinking that holds you back.

School teaches us to be workers.

In order to nurture the growth mindset, you need to identify these internalized ideas and transform them.

To develop your Success Mindset, go to train your brain at http://jgtips.com/smindset.
