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1 THE CYCLIC UNIVERSE “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” Nikola Tesla Author: Stjepan Spanicek – Independent Researcher Version 1.0 – March 26, 2019. Split, Croatia https://www.scribd.com/document/403204623/THE-CYCLIC-UNIVERSE-Version-1-0 https://deconstructingtheillusion.com/ This essay does not have any commercial use. Author of the essay does not have any claim on copyrights, so the essay itself can be used freely, partially or entirely, for further researches and for education purpose. The author retains right on changes, modifications, improvements and making some appendices, because of material affluence and complexity, the entire research is just like … never- ending story. Therefore, always check if you have the latest version of that text.
Page 1: THE CYCLIC UNIVERSE - DECONSTRUCTING THE ILLUSION...1 THE CYCLIC UNIVERSE “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”



“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

Nikola Tesla

Author: Stjepan Spanicek – Independent Researcher Version 1.0 – March 26, 2019.

Split, Croatia

https://www.scribd.com/document/403204623/THE-CYCLIC-UNIVERSE-Version-1-0 https://deconstructingtheillusion.com/

This essay does not have any commercial use. Author of the essay does not have any claim on copyrights, so the essay itself can be used freely, partially or entirely, for further researches and for education purpose. The author retains right on changes, modifications, improvements and making some appendices, because of material affluence and complexity, the entire research is just like … never- ending story. Therefore, always check if you have the latest version of that text.

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Whenever we start to talk about ancient history, and especially when we open some topics from the so-called prehistory and belonging knowledge systems, immediately some huge prejudices are popping up. For the modern scientific establishment, as it seems, it is not possible to accept any idea that ancient knowledge systems were possibly higher and more advanced compared to what we have today. “This is not possible!” Such kind of mantra they are permanently repeating on and on. Just as I said, within the scientific community, the exposed opinion is still predominant. Initially, all that was on the level of the gentle whispering only, however, today this is going on more on the level of shouting loudly. Of course, just as that everything is synchronized nicely, all the media is screaming this message as well. This is how the paradigm was born. It became just as the general and public opinion so that even on the subconscious level, whenever we mention some events of few thousand years ago, well, most of us are prone to recall this picture of caveman and hunter-gatherers. Such a picture was imposed and imprinted in our minds on a very deep level. Then, when we see some monumental construction works as remnants from the ancient past, like pyramids for instance, by the use of this little knowledge what we have, we immediately connect them with tombs. It does not matter if we cannot explain even today how pyramids were being built up. This is completely irrelevant. We have this picture of pyramids as tombs, and everything else, well, everything else is simply not important. It is absolutely astonishing how the general paradigm can deviate from reality. In many cases actually, we are not even aware of how wrong we are. Well, perhaps with this picture in mind, we could have lived and have functioned for some time in the era of ignorance prior to our present one. However, such kind of paradigm is reaching the wall. The problem lays in the fact that with this picture in mind, with the old paradigm full of ignorance, we cannot go very far. Then, what else can we do … except … to change the old paradigm itself. We need to set up a new paradigm, the one that will be based on holistic values and fullness of knowledge. I think it would be best to start with one very critical point; we can start with the linear concept of time and the corresponding theory of evolution. Indeed, one of the main culprits for such kind of deviated understanding of the world around us is the linear theory of evolution. It presumes that everything started once upon a time, deep in the ocean, some prehistoric one-cell organisms occurred out of nowhere, and then they did gradually evolve into the modern Humans. Of course, everything was going on, on a linear way, as that time is linear. Therefore, for them, the evolution process was just a linear function of time, and this is how the linear history was born after all. By the way, I am not against evolution and am far from stating that it does not exist. It does exist. I am also not in tune with these old-fashioned creationists who stated that the world was created some four to five thousand years before Christ. This kind of dilemma, evolution or creation, well, this is a false dilemma. Both forces do exist and they are running the nature and the Creation itself. However, if we want to be consistent, then we need to mention the third one as well, the destructive force. Well, such a destructing principle is also very important and irreplaceable. In order that something new is being created, the old structure should be dissolved firstly. This is so very simple. Creation, evolution, and destruction, they are all three going hand in hand, and any of them is not possible without the other two. This is the holy trinity. However, when considering the linear time and linear evolution story, nothing is further from the truth. The thing is that nothing in nature goes linear way. At the contrary, we have cycles everywhere. The cycle is that natural pattern that Nature itself is leaning on. Because, everything goes on, developing and evolving further on … in cycles, spiraling cycles. Well, cycles, fine, more about will be exposed later on. Now just to conclude with the point that little knowledge is very dangerous. For establishing the full frame of life and for activating our full inner potential, we need much more of knowledge; we need a pure knowledge itself, we need the concentrate of knowledge actually. Therefore, let us try to comprehend this problem from another but very different angle. We immediately attach to some sources that contain more knowledge. This is Veda. Veda is that concentrate of pure knowledge. Veda means all knowledge for all times. Well, this is true, due to reasons intended to be discussed in this essay, Veda and Vedic Knowledge, they can fade out for some time as well, but never entirely. There is always the seed of knowledge from where the new tree of knowledge and the fullness of life will rise up again.

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However, whenever we start to talk about Veda, the best is to start with the very beginning of the Veda itself. Usually, when people start to talk about Veda, they take some channel, or branch, or topic … and they start to narrate their story … Veda is this …. Veda is that … and so on … and so on … To make it shorter, very less are prone to start from the very beginning. All right, but where is the very beginning of the Veda. Well, interestingly, if we are considering Vedic literature, it lays in the very few first verses of the very first chapter of the first mandala of the Rig Veda.

“richo akshare parame vyoman yasmin deva adhi vishve nisheduh” “yastanna veda kimricha karishyati ya ittadvidusta ime samasate”

Rig Veda I .164.39

Here is the translation … “The verses of the Veda exist in the collapse of fullness (the kshara of “A”) in the Transcendental Field, in which reside all the impulses of creative intelligence (devas), the laws of nature responsible for the whole manifest universe”. “He whose awareness is not open to this field, what can the verses accomplish for him? He who knows it (pure consciousness) is established in evenness, wholeness of life”.

The verses and the translation, they are taken from the following link … http://www.jadrankomiklec.com/en/science-and-traditional-knowledge-of-life/vedic-science/maharishi%E2%80%99s-vedic-science-veda-and-vedic-literature.html Interestingly, these few verses discover the very essence of the true reality of ours, the reality of the entire manifested world, and that its own true origin we find in the unmanifested transcendental field of pure consciousness. We see that this final reality is of transcendental nature. Transcendental … means … it is beyond the reaching of our senses. Transcendental … also means, this final reality is of non-manifested nature even though it is the source of all manifestations. Unmanifested, non-doing, featureless pure consciousness, this is how the Vedic Knowledge would describe it. This is being called … the Absolute …, or the absolute phase of life, while the manifested world with all its derivations and perturbations, is being called … the relative phase of life. That ultimate absolute reality is actually beyond the descriptive nature; however, we need to use some words so that we can understand at least to some extent what is all that about. Therefore, the first verse exposes the final reality and the origin of everything, while the second verse is also very impressive. It tells us that all those who are opened to this field, to the Veda, they are established in the wholeness of life, and they are embedded in pure knowledge. However, the verse says, for all those who are not opened to it, to the Veda itself, well, what can Veda do for them!? Nothing! This is a very far-reaching idea actually, and it is telling that in some stage, some would go Vedic way, but some would go against it. Well, it sounds very familiar, doesn’t it? Just in these very first verses, we already have seen the seed of dualism. In addition, as it is taught by Vedic Science, this absolute pure field of unmanifested transcendental consciousness what is all that was, that is all that is and will ever be, that pure consciousness due to the basic impulse of desire, started to manifest itself. The Creation was created, but it is not about to exist forever; in some stage, it is supposed to withdraw back to the absolute transcendental field of pure consciousness. Then again, after some time of resting and not doing anything, the new impulse for the relative world of manifestations will come, and the process will repeat. Moreover, in this way, it is going repeatedly to eternity probably. Of course, I condensed it into few lines only, but only the one process of creation and dissolution, activity and rest, is going on for eons. Eons and eons, this is much better to say. However, it is already there at the very source that we can notice some … cycles. It goes on the cyclic way. The relative manifested world is cyclically repeating. This is about the Creation itself because for some time it does exist, but for some time it does not. Then, if we look at the very Creation itself, it says that it contains many worlds actually, perhaps parallel worlds, many parallel worlds, perhaps some other worlds as well. Then, each world very probably can contain one or many universes. The story of creation is the endless story actually. There is no end to this story. Nevertheless, but how all these universes are coming to existence?

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This is where all of sudden we find ourselves deep within the field of cosmology and cosmogony. This is a very elusive field indeed, where there are much more theories then scientifically proved facts. It is full of speculations. Modern science is doing great things, this is true, but the field of cosmology is still somehow wrapped in uncertainties and covered by veils of not-knowingness. For instance, we take a look at our universe; we do not need to think about others. Do we know how our dear universe came to existence? Well, the Big Bang Theory all of sudden comes to our minds. There is a big discussion about, but there are many theories involved and absolutely nothing is certain. Fine, it did explode, something did explode, this is what they say, and that very same moment we count as the beginning of time. Thus, something had exploded, and all things within the universe itself, within that primordial universe, started to unfold but on a way that they are running away from each other. Astrophysicists noticed that the universe is expanding. This is also called … inflation. Fine, but for how long it will be expanding? Forever? This is where theories start to branch. Some said that it would expand forever. Others say it would not expand forever, because it will slow down gradually, and in some moment, it will start with the retrograde motion in order to contact and finally to collapse. They assume that it will finish in the crunch finally. This is to say that we possibly have Big Bang, but a Big Crunch as well. However, not long ago, scientists discovered that the spreading of the universe, the so-called inflation of the universe, is speeding up, and not slowing down as it was previously expected. As it seems, this is not as if we throw the stone, and then gradually it will decelerate, and finally, it will fall down on earth again. No, this is not like this. This is something entirely different. Furthermore, Dark Energy was exposed as the main reason for the speeding of inflation. Well, then, if it is not slowing down, how then can it finish in a Big Crunch? Alternatively, perhaps it will inflate and expand to a certain moment and frame, and it will then finish in some kind of explosion just to annihilate everything? Indeed, questions, theories, hypotheses, they are endless. This is my favorite field actually. Astronomy and cosmology especially, this is what I have been following for a long time. Actually, this is the point where many disciplines are meeting together. Astronomy, astrophysics, and cosmology, they are being touched intimately with philosophy, religion, and spirituality. Indeed, this is one meeting point of all these disciplines and many others in addition, for which I even do not know how to pronounce them and to spell them. However, since I entered deeply into the spiritual field, closely connected to Vedic Knowledge just to be precise, was trying to follow only such theories that can fit into already described Vedic way of interpreting the Genesis. I am not interested so very much in science fiction. Then, then you can imagine my thrill and excitement when just a few years ago the news broke out about the scientific confirmation of the cyclic theory of the universe. I’ve just said to myself … Finally! However, things are not as simple as it seems they are, or, as they possibly could be. It was on May 31, 2017, that in … Physical Review D (PRD) …

“the leading journal in elementary particle physics, field theory, gravitation, and cosmology and is one of the top-cited journals in high-energy physics”,

… the work of Dr. Petar Pavlovic and Marko Soccich was introduced and published. Petar comes from the University Of Hamburg, The Institute for theoretic physics, Germany. Marko Sossicch is from the University in Zagreb, Croatia, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Department of Physics. The title of the work is … Cyclic cosmology in modified gravity.1 https://journals.aps.org/prd/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevD.95.103519 Here is the abstract …

In this work we propose a new general model of the eternal cyclic Universe. We start from the assumption that quantum gravity corrections can be effectively accounted by the addition of higher order curvature terms in the Lagrangian density for gravity. It is also taken into account that coefficients associated with these curvature corrections will in general be dependent on a curvature

1) There is a nice and very informative interview of Dr. Petar Pavlovic, one of two authors of the cyclic universe discovery, in Croatian language given to some magazine, where it was explained in details all the circumstances and ideas behind their work. An interview is available at … https://www.krizevci.info/2017/10/01/mladi-kozmolog-petar-pavlovic-o-svojoj-teoriji-ciklickoga-svemira/

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regime. We therefore assume no new ingredients, such as extra dimensions, new scalar fields, phantom energy or special space-time geometries. Evolution of the Universe in this framework is studied and general properties of each phase of the cycle—cosmological bounce, low curvature (ΛCDM) phase, destruction of bounded systems and contracting phase—are analyzed in detail. Focusing on some simple special cases, we obtain analytical and numerical solutions for each phase confirming our analysis.

You see, immediately after I had read the abstract, it was noticed that even though the title is so nice, beautiful, and attractive, and very promising by the way, this is still a very limited theory which does not take into account string theory and extra dimensions. As well, it is not counting on scalar fields, but on the so-called “phantom energy” too. This is what they explicitly said. I’ve noticed something else as well. Along with the few very first words within the introduction, the Authors bow down to Einstein’s general relativity theory (GR). Words are chosen very carefully just to price and uplift the mentioned theory of general relativity. As it seems, this theory is on the throne, and all scientists have to bow down before starting of any discussion or work. Just as in the past times all were bowing down to the kings and pharaohs. However, just a few passages afterward, the Authors try to find appropriate words to exclude that very same relative theory of Einstein. Or, they try to find some restrictions and niches where it is not valid, because it does not suite the topic where they need to find the cyclic pattern of our universe, but probably of all others as well. This is a paradoxical situation. Well, these are just some very first objections. Must say, I am not going to be very critical. After all, such a deep understanding of the laws of physics and applied math, this is far beyond my personal imagination. I want to be very clear about that. However, I could not resist not making mentioned objections. In fact, I would kindly greet all such efforts to find and decipher the cyclic universe. The news about this discovery was traveling around the world, and it attracted significant attention. Just to be clear, this is not the first mentioning of the cyclic universe in the cosmology. Scientists are talking about it for a very long time actually. Nevertheless, all was just on the level of theoretical and rhetorical debating, but as they say, this is the first attempt that somebody tried to make something very concretely and to use some math in order to put everything together. From that point of view, we definitely need to welcome cordially such a great attempt and undertaking. Scientists are invoking the model of the cyclic universe for a long actually. Many would think that the Big Bang theory is not enough. Well, the cyclic model does not necessarily exclude the Big Bang theory. Only thing, we should find the model where the universe is contracting and expanding. Or, it is expanding and contracting, depending on how you want to look at it, and based on what you supposedly consider to be the first stroke. We should find a model where such a scenario is repeating multiple times, but definitely not forever. Because, in the relative field, in the world of manifestations, nothing is forever. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyclic_model For instance, I was fascinated with the book published for the first time in 2007, with the title, … Endless Universe – beyond the Big Bang …, written by … Paul J. Steinhardt and Neil Turok. These two names you will find very often together, working on the same topic … the cyclic universe. The mentioned book is still actual, it is still very interesting and attractive. Well, ten or even twenty years is not a lot in cosmology. While other branches could face total reformation and revolutionary changes within the period of twenty years, in cosmology this is a little bit different. Due to complexity, the progress is going in a very slow way. Thus, by simple words and very clear analogies and graphics, they are about to narrate the very complex story of super high sophisticated and very exotic physics. Nevertheless, writing books about is not the same as to find scientific proofs. We need to make a distinction between the two. However, I will never forget the first meeting with their writings. It was in 2002, I was traveling a lot right at that time, and did find myself in the train station of Dusseldorf in Germany - the Hauptbahnhof. Dusseldorf has a beautiful central train station, which I always enjoyed to explore while having some gaps or similar. There are many shops, bakeries, restaurants, stands of fast food providers offering delicious multiculti specialties, and along with countless passengers going and moving around in all directions, you have a feeling the entire world is there. Among others, there is a beautiful bookshop there, even few better to say. Bookshops are my week point indeed. Just leave me in any bookshop, and you can forget on me. It is the same with libraries. One was exceptionally big with having the word … international … in the neon title above the entrance, it had many departments, and there was a department with international books and press, of course.

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Dusseldorf Central Train Station … The Hauptbahnhof. The photo is taken from Pixaby

It is there in this bookshop that I’ve noticed the just-published special edition of Scientific American Magazine, with the main theme … astronomy and cosmology. The full title was … The once and future Cosmos … It is there that I also did find the article with the title … The Quintessential Universe ..., the very exceptional article indeed, written by previously mentioned author Paul. J. Steinhardt and J.P. Ostriker. The article itself can be found on the internet just with some small search effort. It discusses exactly the mentioned topic of speeding inflation in the cosmology. About that time, this discovery was still very fresh, along with newly introduced Dark Energy, which is supposedly causing the speeding of inflation. The title itself is very allusive by driving attention toward the ancient concept of five elements, well known in Greek science and philosophy system, but along with the unknown fact that it is actually taken from the Vedic Science.

The photo is taken from … https://www.scientificamerican.com/magazine/special-editions/2002/the-once-and-future-cosmos/

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This is the conceptual consideration of … five mahabutas …, five essential elements that all the Creation is made of. These elements are Earth-Prithivi, Water-Jala, Fire-Agni, Wind-Vayu, and Ether-Akasha. I’ve mentioned them in the opposite order, from the grosser to the subtler. However, when mentioning the sequence of appearance itself, the order should be exactly the opposite. It all started with Ether-Akasha. Ether-Akasha is that primordial essence of the entire Creation itself. This is the media for the game of relative manifested world to be played. In Genesis, it was clearly stated … Let there be Light! … with small additional appendix I’ve introduced … Let there be Ether-Akasha! … Because this is absolutely the same! This is that primordial light which occurred from the Absolute to be the playground of the Creation itself. In the very beginning, it was the uniformed, even, and homogenous light, the Ether-Akasha, and that was only what it did exist. However, that was not the purpose by itself, and then soon, it started to differentiate. Remember, Ether-Akasha is a pressure wave. This is a longitudinal wave, whose main feature is … a pressure. After some time of total equality and uniformity, some portions of Ether-Akasha, this primordial light, they started to differentiate. As soon even the smallest difference had occurred, the difference in pressure was created as well, and that was enough for Cosmic Wind-Vayu to be born. As soon the Cosmic Winds started to blow, the friction was produced as well, and the Fire-Agni came to existence. All three elements then gave birth to Cosmic Waters-Jala. Then, by the combined efforts of all four elements, the fifth element, the Earth-Prithvi was born as well, what gave the firm structure to the entire Creation and the solidity. Therefore, it is this interaction of five basic elements, five primordial essences, that made the stage for the play to be established. Of course, I cannot provide the mathematical proof for this scenario; however, this is exactly how it was going on. That was not mentioned in this article of Steinhardt and Ostriker either, but it was certainly giving some allusions on that fifth element, the longtime missing element, by the way. It was somehow lost and forgotten. Then, by considering this fact, … The Quintessential Universe … is quite a very appropriate title. Interestingly, it seems that this fifth element is now reintroduced again, but even more interestingly, and enigmatically, it is being called … Dark Energy. However, from some sources, we acknowledged that this is just the replacing syntagm for Ether-Akasha. The term Ether-Akasha is forbidden for use in science, including the cosmology itself. Oo yes, we have this situation in almost every branch of science. Even though the Ether-Akasha is omnipresent and all-permeating, and due to that, it is irreplaceable for explaining and describing the true nature and mechanics of life, somehow it happened that this very essence is rejected and some other expressions are being used instead. For that reason, we have Dark Energy in Cosmology and astrophysics, we have electromotive force - emf in electro science, the light in Genesis, the Akasha in Vedic Science, and the Ether in the Victorian scientific era, and all these are synonyms. There are probably even more names for the very same emanation, of course, but mentioning all of them would make this list to be too long definitely. Dark Energy is something very unique indeed. In fact, by counting all the energy of the Universe, including all matter as well because the matter is also energy, scientists noticed that a big portion of energy is actually missing to them. Then gradually they came to the conclusion that about two-thirds of the energy is actually entirely invisible. This is nothing strange actually because in Vedic Science we find absolutely the same statement. They called that energy … Dark Energy … because it is not being seen; it is dark for them. I guess this is the only reason. In reality, in its basic elementary form, it is completely opposite, this is very bright energy, this is the Ether-Akasha. Of course, scientists do not want any connection and parallel to be drawn between the two. They needed some new syntagm, and this is how the Dark Energy was born. Dark Energy has to be distinguished from the Dark Matter because this is not the same.2 Scientists also discovered that what we see as a visible matter of the Universe is only about five percent of total matter of the Universe. Other 95 % of all the matter of the Universe is … invisible. It is invisible for our eyes to be seen, and for all our sophisticated instruments to be detected. Dark Matter is an absolutely invisible matter for all our senses and for all our instruments. It was found only by indirect detection of huge gravitational force that it is creating. Indeed, it is invisible, but it generates a huge amount of gravitation force. In fact, it was found that each galaxy within the Universe has a halo, the aura of invisible Dark Matter around. It is from that invisible

2) There is a beautiful article of Vera Rubin, the pioneer in the exploring of Dark Matter, and it can be found at the following link … https://www2.lbl.gov/Science-Articles/Archive/sabl/2006/Jan/Rubin-Dark-Matter.pdf It was initally ewxpsed in the Scientific American Magazine.

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Dark Matter, that all visible matter is being created. Therefore, the Dark Matter is also a matter, and the only thing is that it did not condense yet into the visible matter. It is the matter of density, condensation, or, how firm and solid the matter itself can be. Nevertheless, then, from where is Dark Matter coming from? It is also coming from Ether-Akasha, because, in some stage, some portions of Ether-Akasha started to spin certain ways, what will bring up some, what they call … elementary particles. This was already described before; this is the play of five essences and their mutual interaction. This is the story of five mahabutas. Well, all together, this article, The Quintessential Universe, was quite enlightening for me.3 It was actually the starting point to do more research in connecting Vedic Science and the rest of the science. This connection is very essential indeed. The Vedic Science was so far labeled as eastern point of view, but not only that because it was heavily suppressed and neglected, while the rest is so-called western science with appropriate very specific attitudes as well. For a very long time they were going separate ways, but now is the time to unify them, because, none is complete and holistic if going separate ways. We need a unified and holistic knowledge system where nothing is neglected, and where nothing is taken out. Such kind of knowledge system we need. We need a system that will ensure a higher level of consciousness for every individual because this is our right by birth. Now back to the cyclic universe and to the work of Petar Pavlovic and Marko Sossic. Well, we can consider it as a good starting point, where things need to be developed further on. I am sure this is definitely not the last and the final work of theirs. They will definitely need to introduce the String theory … https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/String_theory … which, by the way, is the main candidate for developing a theory of everything. It enters deep into the quantum mechanics, and after all, it introduces a quantum gravity … https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_gravity Quantum gravity is something radically different from Einstein’s gravity described and postulated within his general theory of relativity. Quantum gravity is something that we need to connect with Tesla’s gravity theory. Tesla was talking a lot about gravity that is entirely different from Einstein’s model. The gravity described by the relativity theory is classical gravity modeled by the so-called classical physics or Newtonian physics. Einstein’s universe is a static universe. Tesla’s gravity is related more to quantum physics, and to the dynamic model of the universe. Tesla explicitly said …

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

Thus, Tesla himself was talking about a lot. He even announced that he would expose out the true formula of gravitation. The most important role in the true formula of gravitation is played … what do you think, by whom? The most important role is played by … Ether-Akasha. In the science of the Victorian era, the Ether-Akasha was involved in the formula of true gravitation.4 Then somehow, it mysteriously and enigmatically vanished from

3) I was really fascinated with this article in Scientific American Magazine, The Quintessential Universe, so that with the help of the friend of mine, in 2004. we translated it to the native language, the Croatian language, and it was later on exposed through the radio broadcasting. In addition, it was taken from the Astronomy observatory in Zagreb and launched to the website where basic astronomical terms are being explained. For all those who can follow it easier on this way, it can still be found at… http://eskola.zvjezdarnica.hr/osnove-astronomije/kozmologija/kvintesencijalni-svemir/ 4) Almost all scientists of Victorian era, as well as their pre-successors during the time of Renaissance and Reformation, they used Hermeticism in order to understand properly the physical world. This knowledge system was labeled as esoteric. Today we know that the true source of this knowledge was Prophet John the Baptist, who along with his disciple Hermes Trismegistus and other disciples on the Academy established in Jerusalem and Alexandria, launched the all-inclusive and comprehensive system of knowledge of the ancient world. The knowledge of the true nature of the Ether-Akasha was part of the Hermetica definitely. Therefore, what we call, the western world, is already using the ancient knowledge of antique, even though this is not well known fact, and despite the fact that somebody wants to make this connection invisible. Even Sir Isaac Newton was deeply involved in Hermetica teaching. I am sure he would be very surprised on a negative way by seeing what was done with his basic ideas. Thus, western world already have incorporated eastern knowledge affluently.

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this formula. However, this is exactly the way that we can explain the phenomenon of levitation and yogic flying, and even some “mysterious” condition of some medieval monks who started to levitate spontaneously. I was trying to find more details about Tesla’s theory of gravitation, but along with all my best efforts, did not find a lot. Some say he never exposed it, albeit he was talking about a lot and he promised to do that. They further claimed that Tesla did not expose it because he had realized that he failed. I do not think it was going exactly this way. About the life of Nikola Tesla after 1904.-1905., and all until his departure in January 1943, we know surprisingly very less, better to say, almost nothing. In the late thirties of the 20th century, he already solved all enigmas, and he was ready to give this knowledge to the world. However, just about that time, some strange things started to happen to him. I mean, such kind of situations he could have found himself very often, and all became just as the benchmark of his. In fact, in 1937, he had earned heavy injuries after being hit by a car in a very mysterious accident. He never went to visit the doctor, and he healed himself by himself as much he could have done that. Nevertheless, he never recovered completely. Well, I do not want to speculate about his departure right now, but there were many different stories coming out as well. Therefore, I would rather say that Tesla … could not … give out the true formula of gravitation. As it seems, there was enormous pressure on him for not doing this. After all, there are some rumors that he was forced to be part of some very controversial projects, which finished on an inglorious way entirely. Nevertheless, this is some other story, and definitely not fitting into this essay.5 The Authors of this very interesting and respectful attempt to define the cyclic universe mathematically, in some future improved versions of theirs, will definitely need to include and to introduce, the scalar fields, even though this is also related to the Ether-Akasha. Furthermore, perhaps even the “phantom energy” will be appreciated different way, because this is just another name of the Dark Energy, and this is just another name of the Ether-Akasha, as I was just explaining in the previous paragraphs. Furthermore, new improved versions of cyclic theory should be in tune with quantum physics and with the supposed theory of everything. Many physicists today are looking at the Unified Field based theories, and they invoke the mentioned theory of everything more than ever before.

The Physics, the fundamental four forces of nature, and their unifying point in the Unified Field of all the laws of Nature. The graphic was taken from … https://www.istpp.org/military_science/Hagelin_military_lecture.html

5) All details about Tesla’s life and his departure are verifiable today because the true Vedic Astrology-Jyotish natal chart of was discovered. The chart, as well as some other vital information about Nikola Tesla, they are all available at the link … https://deconstructingtheillusion.com/a-revival-of-the-ether-akasha/the-life-story-of-nikola-tesla/

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The key point is to understand what is happening there at the bottom line, just at the very beginning of the Creation. This is the place where fundamental four forces of nature are being united. This is being called … the Grand Unification. Four fundamental forces are … electromagnetism, weak force, strong force, and gravitation. It is from there, from the Unified Filed, where they all emerge in the process called spontaneous symmetry breaking. Interestingly, many would find that this Unified Field is just the synonym for the pure transcendental consciousness or the Absolute. Actually, it is at this point that objective western science is meeting with subjective eastern philosophy and spirituality. For now, this is just a meeting point, but soon we can expect merging and mutual permeation. By the way, this is inevitable because only such a unified, holistic, and all-comprehensive system can yield the very necessary knowledge for the total tuning with all the laws of nature. Well, as it seems, it is easier to talk about, then to find a mathematical way to explain all that.

The fundamental four forces of nature, and their relation to the Unified Field Altogether, despite being critical to some extension, I appreciate the work of the Authors on the cyclic universe along with this doctoral dissertation. Perhaps this is just the first step. Somebody said …

Eppur si muove …"Albeit it does move". Indeed, in this case, this is applicable so very much. Something has been moved in the theory of the cyclic universe, and it will never be the same anymore. Furthermore, some wise man used to say … Give the knowledge to the children; they will know how to use it, and what to do with it. I think the time of the children has come to take it over. Young people of today definitely know much more than their parents do. This is very natural actually; we live in the ascending cycle of the short yuga cycle, and every new generation comes with entirely different but higher knowledge standards. Only thing, sometimes we need to protect the young generation from the devastating conservative way of thinking and very inertial elderly generation, which would have a tendency not to allow changes to happen. Interestingly, I did not touch the yuga system in this essay. In fact, I wrote about extensively in previous essays, and I think there is no need to repeat all that again. However, some additional things and comments I need to mention anyhow. In Vedic Science, when talking about world ages and cycles of time, there is a mentioning of … Manvantara … According to my interpretation, Manvantara is exactly the cycle we are talking about. Manvantara is the life span of the Universe. The Universe has its own beginning and its own ending point, along with initial explosion and concluding collision, or whatsoever, and Manvantara is the term defining that life span. However, Vedic Science mentioned 14 Manvantaras to be present in one cycle of the Creation itself. According to the story, we are now in the seventh Manvantara. This is to say that we are about half a way of the life span of the entire Creation. That means, this is the seventh birth of our Universe in the sequence, and there are seven more to come before the Creation will be dissolved. Well, what to say? It is pretty promising, isn’t it? We still have some time to do certain things. However, after the fourteenth Manvantara expires, this is still not the real ending point, because all entities will just withdraw to the transcendental silent state, just to

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resume with the appearing along with the new Creation. Only Shiva and Vishnu are ultimately immortal because the process of creation and dissolution is being governed by them only and personally. With the dance of Shiva, every new Creation will be born, and with the same drums, and with appropriate dance, he will announce the dissolution of the Creation. If we are considering things this way, well, then there is no end … life is eternal, it is consciousness based, where the consciousness itself is primary, while everything else … is just secondary. Then, when considering cycles, we have at least two yuga cycles; shorter and longer. The shorter one is called … the Great Year. It is called this way because it is just coming after the year as a measuring unit of time. It lasts exactly 24.000 years, with two half cycles of 12.000 years. We are now exactly on the threshold point of two half-cycles and this is a very sensitive moment of the global shift of monumental proportions. Some would probably remember that I wrote about extensively in the essay with the title …



The mysterious and enigmatic Planet Nine (Planet X) is discovered. The photo was taken from … http://mediaassets.caltech.edu/documents/44-p9_kbo_orbits_labeled_1_.jpg

Just to remind briefly that some extraordinary and almost unimaginable Vedic Astrology-Jyotish natal charts were found. I did reveal the natal chart of Vedic sage-king Manu, who was the template for biblical Noah by the way. In addition, the natal chart and Manu’s son Rishabhanatha was discovered, who became the sage Bhrigu, including charts of almost all the family members as well. They all lived exactly 12.000 years before our time. No joke, exactly 12.000 years! We have natal charts of the people who walked on Earth exactly 12.000 years before our present time. All charts are very correct, consistent, and very precise, almost to the level of a minute. Interestingly, they were not cave dwellers and hunter-gatherers! They e were enlightened kings. Actually, that was the peak of the Vedic Civilization, and all people were totally in tune with natural laws. They were very enlightened people. However, how and why it was possible such natal charts to be found? Imagine … 12.000 years ago!? Well, that was all possible only because of the proper understanding of the cycle of yugas was applied. That was just a direct confirmation that the theory of cycles of yugas is very correct. Each corresponding world age is signed and marked by certain divine emanation being incarnated. Therefore, we already have markers on our history timeline. Only thing, it was necessary to remove the problematic linear concept of time,

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and the cyclic model was supposed to be deployed. That is all. Only then such dramatic revelations could have happened. To conclude the essay, well, as it seems, we definitely need changes. The new paradigm is about to be set up based on fullness of knowledge, including better and holistic education. Education is the key word here. If we are teaching the ignorance in the schools, and within all other educational institutions, how on Earth the progress can be done? It is a remarkable coincidence that we are just about the point of Vernal Equinox right now. Some would say, never better timing for such an essay of how our dear Universe and the belonging Creation did occur out of nothingness. Well, it is better to say … out of fullness. Vernal Equinox is the moment when day and night are of equal duration. Indeed, day and night were equally long on March 20, 2019. Interestingly, it was the Full Moon as well. Very rear coincidence indeed. I am happy to announce that this essay is dedicated to the Vernal Equinox itself, and to the just starting spring season. We welcome them sweetly …

The End

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More to read from the same author in the series … https://deconstructingtheillusion.com



1. THE AGE OF LORD KRISHNA – Version 3.1 https://www.scribd.com/document/364997412/The-AGE-of-LORD-KRISHNA-The-True-Story-of-Lord-Krishna-Version-3-1






Version 4.1 https://www.scribd.com/document/372722603/Sage-Manu-Sage-Bhrigu-and-Dasavatharam-Parashurama-Version-4-1

5. LEGENDARY TROY FINALLY DECIPHERED! – Version 9.1 https://www.scribd.com/document/378104827/LEGENDARY-TROY-FINALLY-DECIPHERED-Version-9-1

6. KING SUDAS AND THE BATTLE OF THE TEN KINGS – Version 3.0 https://www.scribd.com/document/382963852/KING-SUDAS-AND-THE-BATTLE-OF-THE-TEN-KINGS-Version-3-0

7. MAHARISHI JAIMINI – Version 1.0




1. THE STAR OF BETHLEHEM AND THE NATAL CHART OF JESUS – Version 2.0 https://www.scribd.com/document/373048637/The-Star-of-Bethlehem-and-the-Natal-Chart-of-Jesus-Version-2-0





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6. JESUS THE CHRIST – WHAT HAPPENED AFTER THE CRUCIFIXION? - Version 7.0 https://www.scribd.com/document/374760575/Jesus-the-Christ-What-Happened-After-the-Crucifixion-Version-7-0



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8. JOSEPH OF ARIMATHEA – Version 7.0 https://www.scribd.com/document/375428668/JOSEPH-OF-ARIMATHEA-Version-7-0






12. THE TRUE STORY OF THE BIBLICAL JOSEPH - Version 1.0 https://www.scribd.com/document/383284589/THE-TRUE-STORY-OF-THE-BIBLICAL-JOSEPH-Version-1-0

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2. BALTIC MAFIA – Version 2.0 https://www.scribd.com/document/363228451/Frozen-Warriors-Version-2-0

3. GRAND DUCHESS ANASTASIA NIKOLAEVNA OF RUSSIA – Version 1.0 https://www.scribd.com/document/399970915/GRAND-DUCHESS-ANASTASIA-NIKOLAEVNA-OF-RUSSIA-Version-1-0





3. THE CYCLIC UNIVERSE – Version 1.0 https://www.scribd.com/document/403204623/THE-CYCLIC-UNIVERSE-Version-1-0


