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~ chilling. Within limits, the greater the chilling, the greater will be the later production of flowering shoots. Also to some extent, the deeper the cold, the shorter will be the required length of exposure time to the cold. People in the bentgrass stolon produc- tion business might use vernalization knowledge to reduce production costs. By locating stolon production fields in areas of mild winters, the labor of seed stalk removal to prevent variety con- tamination might be greatly reduced, since fewer inflorescences will be pro- duced. Sunlight Factor Sunlight is another feature of environ- ment which we accept with very little thought even though it is absolutely necessary for the existence of any form of life. Two aspects of light in relation to plant growth and development will be discussed here. These are light inten- sity or the quantity of light at any given .• time, and duration or the length of the light period. A measure of light intensity common- ly used is the foot-candle. In these terms, full sunlight will range from 10,000 to 12,000 foot candles. Light is the source of energy for photosynthesis, the chemical process by which plants produce carbo- hydrates from water and air. Most plants have evolved leaf arrangements which can efficiently catch the available sun- light. Individual leaves may use only about 25 per cent of available sunlight but because one leaf will shade another, quite high light intensities may be re- quired for maximum photosynthesis by the whole plant. Need High Intensity Light Grasses in general require high in- tensity light for maximum growth. Some of our turfgrasses, such as the so-called shade grasses, will produce satisfactory turf at lower light intensities than others. From many observations we can esti- mate the minimum light requirements for satisfactory, if not good, turf as follows: Zoysia, red fescue and St. Augustine, 1500 f.c.; Bentgrasses and tall fescue, 2000 f.c; Kentucky bluegrass, 2000-2500 f.c. and Bermuda, 2500 or more f.c. These intensities will be adequate only at optimum growing temperatures. At higher temperatures the light require- ment will be correspondingly higher. These grasses will grow at much lower CYCLONE MODEL 5-3 POWER SEEDER (left, above). Does a fast, accurate job, whether used for seeding or applying fertilizers. Spreads up to a 30-foot swath, depending on material being spread. Operates from heavy duty, flexible drive shaft which fits tractor PTO. Double agitator, easy set- ting rate gauge, and positive shut-off. I, 2V2, 3 and 5 bushel sizes. CYCLONE ELECTRIC MODEL M-I (shown on garden tractor at right, above). Mounts on garden tractor or front or rear of large tractor, truck or jeep. Powered by • lelf- contained electric motor which operates from the electric system of the vehicle upon which It Is mounted. Doel a fast, accurate job of seeding or applying nitrogen and other pel- leted and granular fertilizers. Resistor available for control of spread width. I, 2V2, 3 and 5 bushel slzea. THERE'S A~ ~ FOR ALMOST EVERY SPREADING AND SEEDING JOB ON THE GOLF COURSE CYCLONE HAN D SEED SOWER. Ac- curately and Quickly distributes g r ass seed . • . also pel- leted fertilizer. Ex- clusive double-oscil- lating feed. Instant shut-off. 7- to 28-foot spread. CYCLONE LAWN SPREADER. Famous for speed, freedom from streaks, accuracy. Covers a 6- to 8-foot swath. Ideal for fast, precision spreading of pelleted and granular fertilizers, herbicides, in- secticides, seed, ice melters, etc. See your distributor or write for information THE CYCLONE SEEDER CO., INC. URBANA 60, INDIANA April, 1963 151

~ chilling. Within limits, the greater thechilling, the greater will be the laterproduction of flowering shoots. Also tosome extent, the deeper the cold, theshorter will be the required length ofexposure time to the cold.

People in the bentgrass stolon produc-tion business might use vernalizationknowledge to reduce production costs.By locating stolon production fields inareas of mild winters, the labor of seedstalk removal to prevent variety con-tamination might be greatly reduced,since fewer inflorescences will be pro-duced.

Sunlight FactorSunlight is another feature of environ-

ment which we accept with very littlethought even though it is absolutelynecessary for the existence of any formof life. Two aspects of light in relationto plant growth and development willbe discussed here. These are light inten-sity or the quantity of light at any given

.• time, and duration or the length of thelight period.

A measure of light intensity common-ly used is the foot-candle. In these terms,full sunlight will range from 10,000 to12,000 foot candles. Light is the source

of energy for photosynthesis, the chemicalprocess by which plants produce carbo-hydrates from water and air. Most plantshave evolved leaf arrangements whichcan efficiently catch the available sun-light. Individual leaves may use onlyabout 25 per cent of available sunlightbut because one leaf will shade another,quite high light intensities may be re-quired for maximum photosynthesis bythe whole plant.

Need High Intensity LightGrasses in general require high in-

tensity light for maximum growth. Someof our turfgrasses, such as the so-calledshade grasses, will produce satisfactoryturf at lower light intensities than others.

From many observations we can esti-mate the minimum light requirements forsatisfactory, if not good, turf as follows:Zoysia, red fescue and St. Augustine,1500 f.c.; Bentgrasses and tall fescue,2000 f.c; Kentucky bluegrass, 2000-2500f.c. and Bermuda, 2500 or more f.c.These intensities will be adequate onlyat optimum growing temperatures. Athigher temperatures the light require-ment will be correspondingly higher.These grasses will grow at much lower

CYCLONE MODEL 5-3 POWER SEEDER (left, above).Does a fast, accurate job, whether used for seeding or applyingfertilizers. Spreads up to a 30-foot swath, depending onmaterial being spread. Operates from heavy duty, flexibledrive shaft which fits tractor PTO. Double agitator, easy set-ting rate gauge, and positive shut-off. I, 2V2, 3 and 5 bushelsizes.CYCLONE ELECTRIC MODEL M-I (shown on gardentractor at right, above). Mounts on garden tractor or frontor rear of large tractor, truck or jeep. Powered by • lelf-contained electric motor which operates from the electricsystem of the vehicle upon which It Is mounted. Doel a fast,accurate job of seeding or applying nitrogen and other pel-leted and granular fertilizers. Resistor available for controlof spread width. I, 2V2, 3 and 5 bushel slzea.



CYCLONE HAN DSEED SOWER. Ac-curately and Quicklydistributes g r assseed . • . also pel-leted fertilizer. Ex-clusive double-oscil-lating feed. Instantshut-off. 7- to 28-footspread.

CYCLONE LAWN SPREADER.Famous for speed, freedom fromstreaks, accuracy. Covers a 6-to 8-foot swath. Ideal for fast,precision spreading of pelleted andgranular fertilizers, herbicides, in-secticides, seed, ice melters, etc.

See your distributor or write for information


April, 1963 151

Make Top-SoilOut of Sub-Soilby working in


The Organic Soil Improver

You can have velvet greensin spite of soil handicaps.Let us show you how rawsub-soil can be transformedinto fertile top-soil for lessthan the cost of hauled-intop-soil.

Write us for Special Bulle-tin - "Make Top-Soil Outof Sub-Soil"

Ask your supply dealer for HYPER-HUMUSr!ijJ4;8:IIJt['ileNt id~ ~_ Box G Newton, New Jersey _


Our stolons are shreddedin the field, packed twobushel per bag as shown inpicture and are shippedimmediately.


True to Name,Weed and Seed Free!

• Washington (C-50) • Cohansey (C-7)• Congressional (C-19)

• Arlington (C-l) • Toronto (C-15)WE SHIP ANYWHERE IN THE UNITED STATES

(24 hour Air Freight Is Available)

Phone: Area Code 313 531-0361HIRAM F. GODWIN & SON22366 Grand River Ave., Detroit 19, Mich.

A Reliable Source of Supply Since 1920


light intensities but won't have the densityrequired for turf.

Daylength or photoperiod, the dura-tion of the light period, produces a num-ber of highly important responses in manyplants. One of the most important andintensively studied is that of flowering.Some species of plants flower only whenthe length of day is greater than acertain number of hours. These are calledlong-day plants. Others will flower onlywhen the length of day is less than acertain critical number of hours. Theseare the short-day plants. Chrysanthemumsand poinsettias are well known short-day plants. Petunias, clovers and pota-toes are long-day plants. Some plants areday neutral. They will flower at anyday length. The tomato is a good exampleof this group.

While we refer to this as a responseto length of day, it has been shown ex-perimentally that it is actually the lengthof night, the dark period, that triggersthe flowering response. But this is notimportant and the term day length isin common use.

Most of our common turfgrasses arelong-day plants - bluegrasses, fescues,bentgrasses and ryegrass, for example.At least one group, the zoysias, are short-day plants.

How Ruffner MakesTwo-Way Sales Bid

(Continued from page 62)"Each year, more and more, famous

name and quality brands are becomingavailable to pro shops. I can rememberwhen you could buy only two or threebrands. Now more and more companys arewilling to sell to the pro. Several shoemanufacturers are trying to get into proshops. One famous brand has turned overone complete line to pro shops on anexclusive basis."

Narrows Brand ChoiceRuffner has decided you can't have all

the brands available, so it's advantageousfor the pro to make up his mind on twoor three of the best brands for the price,stick with them and forget the rest.

Another Ruffner belief, which has beenprofitable, is sticking close to the clubin the winter.

"A pro who is around his club" he says,"only has to work an extra two months topay for a three-month vacation.

"December has been my biggest month,merchandise-wise, every year since I've


been in Decatur," says Ruffner. "Profes-sionals who pass up Christmas businesswith their membership have, in my opin-ion, good size holes in their heads. Theyget a good volume of business and don'tcome back in the spring and look at alot of golf bags, clubs and clothes boughtelsewhere during the winter."

Ruffner had a shop in downtown De-catur for four years but last winter re-mained at the club in his new shop. Itturned out to be his best year. He figuresthe downtown walk-in business he lost wasmore than compensated for by not havingto move all his merchandise twice andhaving stock available that memberswanted.

Concentrates on Women"Holiday selling is personal contact by

telephone almost exclusively," says Ruf-fner, "plus mailing out Golfdom's 'Christ-mas Shopping' catalog. I try to call everymember and am somewhat inclined to callmore women than men. I don't want tobother the men. Anyway, soft goods sellbest at Christmas and women do most ofthe Christmas buying."

One other item enters into Ruffner'shighly successful pro shop operation. "It'sorganization," he says. "And, in that I'mlucky in the personnel I have. As a matterof fact, I'm probably the only golf pro inthe world who has three teachers with

, master's degrees working for him in thesummer."

The assistant pro is Ken Darner, whohas a master's degree in languages andshares the golf teaching duties with Ruff-ner. He teaches school in Blue Island,Ill.

Employes School TeachersHugh Phipps, Decatur MacArthur High

instructor who has a master's in English,also is a master in draping models andsetting up wearing apparel displays. Heknows clothes and how to show them offand is indispensable in the pro shop.

The caddiemaster is Harold Petty. aDecatur Lakeview High teacher with amaster's in mathematics. He teaches manyof the students who caddie at the CC ofDecatur in the summer and his knowledgeof their background and his skill in hand-ling them make Ruffner's job a littleeasier.

Petty has taken over the old pro shop'in lieu of a new building for the caddies.It is hooked in on an intra-club telephonesystem, so it's a simple matter for the proshop to ring up the caddie shop and orderthe number of caddies needed.


WHOLE SEASON CONTROLWITH ONE SPRAYINGOne part of Solexto in 400 parts of water sprayedon two to four acres gives season-long controlof beetle grubs, ants, crickets, chinchbugs, cutworms, rose chafers, chiggers, fleas, ticks,mosquitoes and many other pests.

GRUB·PROOFSFOR TEN YEARSOne application of Solexto, two gallons to theacre (1·to-200 solution), grub-proofs the turffor at least ten years. Thus moles are also keptout by eliminating their food source.

ECONOMICAL COVERAGEBecause such high dilutions are possible, exten-sive coverage is very economical. Labor can alsobe saved by using EWTWeed Killer* in the samesolution for general spraying of the grounds.

.• Widely used selective weed killermanufactured by Doige.

Write to the C. B. Doige Company, Westport,Connecticut for information about other insectl-cldes, also inquire about weed killers, golf ball

. cleaners, mole and gopher killers.

April, 196' 153


A Proven Golf Ball Washer for ..

HENRY GOLF BALL WASHERUsed On Leading Golf Courses Throughout The WorldYou get more ball washer for the money with TheHenry. It costs less initially. Course Supts. will find itrequires minimum upkeep. Golfers throughout theworld have found that The Henry, with its rubbersqueegee and gasket, cleans their balls faster andmore efficiently.


A. C. Schendel,Distributor

N16 W22419Hwy. 5.S. Rte. 3

Waukesha, Wis.


Golf Rubberlock isa new interlockingspike-resistant rub-ber flooring withresilient built-inbody. Tough -Dur-able. Withstandssharp pressures ofgolf spikes - re-covers original sur-face without cut-ting.


MITCHELL RUBBER PRODUCTS, INC.2114 San Fernando Road, Dept. G-Ap

Los Angeles 65, California

Wittek Washer Saves onBall Wear and Tear

The new, improved 1963 model of the WittekGolf Ball Washer features all-aluminum con-truction for long wearand easy maintenance. f

Patented live moldedrubber washing surfacesdo a thorough cleaningjob while saving wearand tear on ball coversand paint. The manu- 1fI.~~facturer says the unitwill clean approximate-ly 30,000 balls perhour, automatically, re-quiring only a standard110 volt electrical out-let. The washing drum holds 30 gals. of washwater which is changed only when necessary.The drum cover is hinged for easy access. Thewasher is made by Wittek Golf Range SupplyCompany, 5122 W. North Avenue, Chicago, Ill.

Joe Wasson, formerly the supt. at Santa Rosa( Calif.) G & CC, is now with the Leslie-Agri-form Corp., PO Box 275, Newark, Calif. Wassonis coordinating sales and shipments for the fer-tilizer supply firm.------------------

Vern Cashman has been named marketing ,manager of Goodwin Manufacturing Co., Man-teca, Calif. This firm makes the Rake-o-Vacsweeper and is setting up national distribution.




CHOIC£ OF $1500 1007 COLORS per," ••• 1oIIH w;,to H...-I Plel •• ·os•• H ••••'lAD CH"INS $1.SO "f 100 IJ(TU.LUTHla STUn $$.00 _ 100 IJ(TU.

154 Golfdom

U. S. Royal Adds Carry-Allto Golf Equipment L"ine

A new addition to the U. S. Royal golfequipment line is the carry-all shown in thephoto. Made of U. S. Premier Naughahyde, it

looks like leather. According to the manufac-turer, however, it has advantages that leatherdoesn't offer in that it is washable, and scuffsand stains don't mar its finish. Th carry-allis 10 x 18 inches and has an inner base ofspecially compressed hardwood covered withfabric. There is a zipper (waterproof) pocketon the side. The carry-all comes in black, sad-dle tan and oxblood and is sold only in proshops.

Par Golf Catalog"1963 Golf Supplies", 36-page catalog of

Par Golf Manufacturing ce., Milan, Ill., featuresa wide assortment of equipment and supplies forranges, miniatures, Par 3 and standard coursesin addition to resale items. The firm's construc-tion services also are described. The catalog canbe obtained from Par Golf.

Futurus, Inc. MarketsSpike-Resistant Carpet Tile

Long-wearing, spike-resistant Futurus "Car-pet Tile" is made from nylon corded bus andtruck tires by a specialpatented process whichgives it a chenille-likefinish in 'wood-tone'colors for use in lock-errooms and other lo-cations where durabil-ity and safe traction arerequired. Made and dis-tributed by Futurus,Inc., 1076 W. NinthSt., Upland, Calif., Carpet Til comes in I-footsquares for easy installation and spot replace-

• ment if necessary. According to the manufac-turer, Carpet Tile isn't affected by alt or freshwater and is easily cleaned with hose, broom orvacuum cleaner.

April, 1963

Range owners CAN get goodservice from rebuilt balls.We can rebuild your culls so theywill give the same performance as anew, good, range ball, when in properrange compressions. Here is an ex-clusive, unusual service! -

* Cores rewound as much asnecessary for uniform size, andgood cover foundation.* The same quality proven coveris applied as that used on ourdurable new range balls.* The same careful vulcanization.* The same chemical paint prep-aration.* The same, best grade, urethaneenamel, chemically bonded tothe cover.* The same urethane stripe.* After striping and branding thesame finishing clear coat of ure-thane.

Never before has a rebuilding jobof this quality been offered torange owners. S-T-R-E-T-C-H YOURRANGE BALL DOLLARS.

Price $2.90 per dozenand your cut balls.

If desired, we can compression test theballs into grades.

Cut balls taken in trade.

We also make the best all new con-struction driving range balls in threecompressions.

HUGH J. McLAUGHLIN & SON, Inc.614 N. Indiana Avenue

Crown Point, Indiana



We furnish you all you need on rental sharebasis. No investment for you! We deliverand service carts regularly and keep themin good repair - FREE.Clubs not held re-sponsible for damages, theft or breakage.


RainmasterCuts Costs

SpecializedAutomaticSprinkling for Golf.



MOODY SPRINKLER COMPANY, INC.P.o. Box 240, Arcadia, California


LADIES - 70% Wool, 30% NylonStretch Peds #2850T Retail .... $1.25MENS - Same as above (solid whiteonly) #2855 Retail $1.25

Soil Moisture DetectorThe Model KS soil moisture detector, market-

ed by Delmhorst Instrument Co., Boonton, N.J.,measures available mois-ture from wilting point tofield capacity. Measure-ments can be made at ten-sions as low as .2 of abar. Cylindrical soil gyp-sum blocks are used inthe operation. Lead wiresfrom the block are insert-ed into holes in the instru-ment and the reading ismade by simply pushing abutton.

Spray Deodorizer for ShoesLien Chemical Co., 9229 W. Grand ave.,

Franklin Park, Ill., markets a spray that in- ~stantly deodorizes golf shoe odors and sanitizesto protect against athlete's foot and ringworminfection. The deodorizer comes in a handy8·ounce aerosol which can he slipped into ashoe for storage.

Jim Bryson is a new addition to the salesstaff of Leslie-Agriform Corp., PO Box 275, ,.Newark, Calif. lIe operates out of Danvi1le,Calif. and covers the Bay area.

156 Gol/dom

First Flight Signs ProductionAgreement with Irish Firm

Professional Golf Co. and First Flight Co.,Chattanooga, Tenn., recently reached an agree-ment with First Flight International, Ltd., Cork,Ireland to introduce English-size steel-centergolf balls and clubs to European and worldtrade. The Chattanooga firms will receive royal-ties for use of their trade marks and patents.The International company uses only iron andwood clubheads made by Professional Golf andFirst Flight, and manufactures balls accordingto specifications of the latter two. The ballsmeet R & A standards. First Flight has had aforeign sales staff for several years but neverhas sold golf balls outside the U.S.

Jacobsen Turf Tractor CombinesPower and Safety

The Worthington Model G tractor, producedby Jacobsen Manufacturing Co., Racine, Wis., isequipped with a powerful, 4·cylinder engine that

can pull up to 9 gang mowers over the mostrugged terrain. An extermely short wheel baseand 5~~-ft. turning radius make the tractor highlymaneuverable. What is claimed to be the lowestcenter of gravity of any turf tractor, enables theModel G to operate on slopes as steep as 38degrees without endangering the operator. Hy-draulic or mechanical sickle bars, Ram liftrangers, flail cutters and other maintenance unitscan be used with the Model G.

Reclaims Range SallsGreatly extended use of driving range ball

'culls' at moderate cost is offered by Hugh J.McLaughlin & Son, Box 317, Crown Point, Ind.,through a new, exclusive ball rebuilding servicefor range operators. After 2~~ years of research,the manufacturer states that range culls cannow be rebuilt using the same top grade cover,enamel and processes featured in McLaughlin'snew ball construction.

Chemagro Publishes ReportA report on Dyrene, a fungicide manufactured

by Chemagro Corp., PO Box 4913, Kansas City,Mo., has recently been published. In brochureform, it tells how supts. in N. Y., Mass, andMich. have controlled fading-out, melting-outand dollar- and copperspot through use of thechemical. Copies are available from Chemagro.

April, 196J



World's largest seller - the only light-weight bag with the patented balancingfeature that makes it easy to carry andprevents clubs from falling out. Ideal forthe player who objects to excess weight... for caddy-less days ... for beginnersand juniors. Generous size - holds 14clubs. Made of top quality green canvas... has heavy-duty rubber bottom.Packed 5 to the carton - permits ship-ment to be made via parcel post. Mini-mum shipment - 5 bags. Suggestedretail, $7.50 each.Balancing feature covered by U.s. Patent 2364223.Balanced Golf Bag - a division of C. M. Hill Co.

Peoria, Ill. Sold only throughdistributors of PRO·GRIPGolf Gloves and Head Covers.




Complete Goll Course ConstructionMOORE GOLF, INC.



Roads, Lakes, Playing Fields, Irrigation SystemsBox 606, Orange, Va. Tel. 7357

GRASSSEEDCHEMICALS & FERTILIZERSFor the care of tees,greens and fairways


96 Forrest St. • Jersey City 4, N. J.201 HE. 5-5295

Perkins Combines Slicerand Grass Sprigger

The "Per-Man-Ent" turf slicer and grasssprigger that requires only a wrench and afew minutes' work to be converted from one

tool to the other is the product of Perkins Manu-facturing Enterprises, Inc., PO Box 1361,Winterhaven, Fla. Tractor drawn, the unit hasa movable, adjustable weight and self-clean-ing sprigging blades are adjustable. A rollerthat holds up to 80 lbs. of water is attached ..The Per-Man-Ent, operated at 5 mph, can cover2}2acres in an hour. Full details can be obtainedfrom the manufacturer.

Classified Ads • P. 173

LAKE LINDA PEAT MOSS AND HUMUS CO.R. D. # 1, Dalton, Pennsylvania

For healthier, longer-lasting green, tees, and fairways usescientifically prepared

LAKE LINDA PEAT AND HUMUScall us belore you buy - and save

TELEPHONE: area code 717, LOcust 3-6771, Dalton, Pa.

158 Goljdom

Burgett Markets Parhood CoverA new, popular priced contour golf club cov-

er, the 35W Parhood, is being marketed by K.L. Burgett Co., Pe-oria, Ill. Of soft,durable vinyl, thecover is available inblack and white,light blue and whiteor wheat and white.All models have anattractive welt. Bur-gett manufactures acomplete line of headcovers, golf gloves and ac-cessories, all of which are available in pro shops.

Victor Acquires 54-Year OldDes Moines Glove Firm

Victor Comptometer Corp., Chicago, has pur-chased all the outstanding stock of Des MoinesGlove & Mfg. Co., producer of golf bags andleather golf accessories. The 54-year old firmwas bought from R. E. Thompson, president, andhis family for an undisclosed sum. It will beoperated as a wholly owned subsidiary of Victor'sGolf Equipment div. Included in the acquisi-tion was a four-story plant and warehouse in DesMoines. About 100 persons have been employedby Des Moines Glove in producing the "Tuf-Horse" brand and no personnel changes arecontemplated, according to Victor officials.

West Point's New Uti/afierA completely new aerifier, the U-2 Utilafier,

is designed for economical operation on coursesand other large turf areas, according to West

Point (Pa.) Products Corp., the manufacturerof the unit. It has 80 spoons, ten to an 18-inchdisc. All discs are independently mounted onthe straight-line shaft for free wheel turning.Additional discs may be added to increase thespoon count to 140. When the machine is inoperation, the Utilafier's transport wheels areon top of the machine. Overall cultivating widthof the unit is 6 inches.

Skil Tool CatalogThe 1963 catalog of Skil Power Tools, 5033

Elston avc., Chicago 30, Ill., features over 100models that are operated by electricity or air.Also listed are numerous accessories that fitmost makes of power tools. Included in the cata-log is application information to help the userselect the proper model for a specific job.

April, 1963

How Did WinterAffect your Turf?

.. in bentgrass .. in bermudagrass


From the standpoint of fine turf grasses,this past winter was probably the mostdevastating in many years. Rain, snow,desication and ice will have taken theirtoll on your bentgrasses. Now is thetime to turn to AERO-THATCHto repairthe damage, because it does 5 import-ant turf care jobs at once: While aerat-ing, Aerothatch displaces thatch, relievescompaction and cultivates a fine seedbed for introduction of new seed wheredesired and necessary. It may also serveas a power spiker. Get full detailscontact your dealer or write to:

Aero ThatchNew Brunswick Ave., Rahway, N. J.


JA YFRO 100% NYLON GOLF CAGESIndoors and Outdoors

• 4 Models to Choose From •Also Custom Built Units to Your Specs:

Acclaimed the Finest Golf Cages by the Greatest Pros

JAYFRO ATHLETIC SUPPLY CO., 85 Union St., New London, Conn.Tele - Code 203-442-8555

Davis Grass Seed will help you establish and main-tain a better wear resistant turf. We offer only seed ofthe highest purity and germination. Our prices are right.Immediate shipment from large stocks.



Golf Course Design

Construction by Contract


TEL. TE •••••017

Buyer' ervice. P. 175


Coster Gives Reclaimed CarsThorough Overhauling

H. Coster Electric Car Sales & Service, POBox 40083, Indianapolis 40, Ind., which claimsto be America's largest dealer in re-manufactured

Indianapolis warehouse of H. Coster ElectricCar Sales & Service.

golf cars, puts reclaimed vehicles through anextensive re-conditioning process before they arere-sold. Here are some of the things that aredone: Cars are steam cleaned and frames andrunning gears are painted with Rustoleum. Bear-ings are repacked, forks aligned, brakes re-lined and any parts showing wear and tear arereplaced. Motors are dismantled and tested andelectrical systems and cables are replaced as re-quired. There is no rebuilding of parts. In thebody shop, new assemblies are installed whereneeded and the cars are refinished with threecoats of Dupont Dulux. Seats are rebuilt andnew mats, etc. installed. Finally, the rebuilt carsare tested on Coster's "Torture Hill" and mustgive practically new car performance beforethey are marketed.

Hudson Power SprayersAll Hudson "Peerless" power sprayers with

10 gpm output now feature the new "Ten-O-Matic" pump, which operates without the useof packings, cups, sliding pistons or similarwearing parts. The manufacturer says the pumpwill maintain constant volume, up to 10 gpm atpressures up to 400 lbs., without noticeabledropoff from slippage or leakage. Daily lubri-cation of pump has been eliminated by enclosingthe drive in an oil-filled transmission chamber.Sprayers come in 100, 150 and 300 gallonmodels. All are available equipped with skids,wheels or front end casters. The sprayers aremanufactured by H. D. Hudson Co., 589 E.Illinois St., Chicago 11.

