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THE DAILY WM PH(KN A. - Library of...

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THE DAILY WM P H (KN 1 A. Daily Paper 88 a Year «Let our Just Censure ^^S^BgjÉSS^NÉs Attend the True Event." Tri-Weekly $5 a Year BY JULIAN A. SELBY. COLUMBIA, S. C., FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 14. 1866. VOLUME II-NO. 15J^ JTXHJliJ^ IA., PCBWK^BD tMO Till-WEE KI, V. rm GiMANm, EVERY WEDNESDAY KOAKBCG BY JULIAN A. SELBY STATE AND CITY PRINTER. ' TERMS-IN ADVANCE. ., «OBSCBIMtON. .is weekly, . - » ;;: ;;;;;;; J g! ' '" AT/VLsnSBlCENTS Inserted »t 75 centaper square for Uie first &*0?£02t*od 50 cea" tor Bubseq uen t. Weekly 75 cents each insertion. A liberal discount made mt thc at^ce r,tíc3 te/tea advertí.temenit* are interim, bu Hie BMatt or year. A^" Specjal notices IO couts a Uno. AClî;XTS. S. P. Kin&rd, Newberry. «aaiaej. DrooUiitt, GnsonviRt C. H. Tm. Moore, Abbeville C. H. Julius Poppe, Anderson C. H. Tl»ey Don't Forgri Kim. In too Memphis Appeal appears the following; touching memorial to Pre¬ sident Johnson, in behan nf "Prison¬ er Davis." It -was written by Misa Josephine Eaton, of Mn rfreesboro- to whom it does infinite honor-is rogued by thousands of the good ami fair women of Tennossoe, and bas been forwarded to Washington: To His Excellency President JOHNSON: We, Indies of your adopted State, come to you to. add our names to tho long hst of Southern women who bAvo ougvpMMfbed yon for mercy to¬ ward Jefferson Davis. ('rushed and broken by tho trials and sorrows of tho four terrible years thrcmglr which we have passed, we come entreating you to tako from our lips the last and bitterest drop in th» .cup of onr humiliation and an¬ guish. We «orno to you with a feel¬ ing of confidence and assurance that no other« can have; for we remember that you are our own Tennasseean, and that through long years we have looked to you to guide the bark of oar loved native State safely through the dangers that environed her. We nee and feel the sublimity of your Îwsition, standing as you fearlessly do > o tween tho liberties of the people and that destructive fanaticism whieh would ray waa te the fairest portion of God's heritage. We ap¬ preciate your noble olïbrts to roxtore Constitutional liberty, and make this Government auch that the people of all sections can sincerely lovo it and earnestly desire its perpetuation. When yo« havo accomplished this mora than Herculean labor, you will have earned for your name an envi¬ able place in tho pages of history, a«d- Tennessee will be as proud of lier Andrew Johnson as Virginia is of her George Washington. To us, it seems that the release of Jefferson Davis would be an important stox> in this direction. We beg you to forget his faults, however great they may appear to you, and remember him only as a gray-haired, sorrowing and heart¬ broken man. Wo beg you, as you desire peace and concord between the sections, to "let the prisoner go free." In prison Jefferson Davis is still the representative cf our dead cause, suffering for our sins, and standing in our stoad before the tribunal of the world; and our hearts cling to him in his sorrow, and we share his sufferings as we shared the acts for which he was punished. Release him, and ho sinks from the great representative of a loved cause to a single citizen of the United States. Sinoe it hath pleased high Heaven tliat- the cause of which ho was the chosen leader should perish, wo bow in humblo submission to the Divine* Will, and would fain bury our dead oat of our sight. And now, wo pray you to help us forgot; to teach us&o love again the whole country, that we may no longer bc strangers and ; dieus in the land of our birth. But while Jefferson Davis looks out from his dungeon bars with sad eyes over the land for which he has suffered so mach, he stands between our hearts " and the Union, keeping ever alivo the remembrance of the pangs we liave endured. We do not attempt to justify his eourse to you, as that would ill bo- neem us, nor do wo even plead his conviction that duty pointed to the path he trod, nor refer to those great qualities which have rendered his name conspicuous for all fature time; bat we imploro you, by the memory of oar sufferings and tears, by our desolated homo* and ruined hearth¬ stones, to grant the liberty of thia man to the women of Tennessee. Then will no spectre of a pale, sad prisoner, rise before us when we bow to supplicate Heaven's blessings upon you; and no shadow will dim the h right nose of your fame as you stand forth, Jackson-Uko, saying to the enemies of our loved South, "Thus far shall ye go, and no farther.'' HO more Cotton. It is a favorite theory of a few of our people, that the truo policy of the South consists in stopping tho culturo of cotton. It is maintained that this policy will so effect the pockets of tho manfacttiring classes, who exert a controlling influence at thc North, that they will cease their intolerance towards us, and inaugurate, instead of civil rights bills, odious tax bills «nd universal suffrage-a policy of justice and conciliation. It is certainly very unwise to pursue »policy of self-impoverishment for tho questionable purpose of in¬ juring those who seek to degrada and debase us. It is a species of cutting oft' the uoso to spite the face, which lias always beou regarded as folly. Tho war for several years deprived the North her usual supply of Southern cotton, Lut the history of that period, shows no abatement of thy war spirit, and nono ol' the pocket philanthropy for which the calculating people of the East have had credit. Tho truth is, fanaticism does not stop to reason. It sweeps on in a resistless tide of passion, until tho obstacles which impede its progress arc removed, or until it linds some new object on which its fury is broken, lt' the growth of cotton were prohibited in each of the States now seeking reconstruction, tho pro¬ duction would be increased in the border States, where it is found it can bo grown successfully. A now impetus would be given to its growth in South America, and the imperial staple of the South would lose all in¬ fluence in tho commercial ns well ns political world. To us the cry of ''Jùùsc. no more Cotton," appears utterly without the support of argument or excuse. We aro deeply in debt; the erv of widows and orphans comes up to us on every hand for relief; our schools and col¬ leges languish for support; the weather-boards oil our very houses rattle in every breeze for want of re¬ pairs, and public.and private means are wanting to relieve the necessities. What agency so available for relief os the golden fleece <d' our eotton fields? While it is true that our facilities for it production are much impaired, and are likely to diminish year by year, it is also fortunato that the enhanced value of the staple in the markets of the world premises to render the profit of its culture undiminished, and to yield a rovenr.e sufficient to restore us speedily to a condition oil comfort and prosperity. If, instead of stopping the culture of cotton, we invite capitalists to come to our borders and engage in its manu¬ facture, we strike an effective blow at the intolerant spirit of those section- al agitators who load us with onerous and unjust burdens und disabilities. We thereby not only increase the demand for thc staple, but we secure for it the convenience of a home market, and the diffusion of the pro¬ fits of its manufacture as well as growth among our people. [A ugiisttt Chronicle. OUTHAGES ON NEOKOES.-Outrages on negroes aro pretty .-.ure to form one of tho staple items ol' the tele¬ graphic column in the newspapers from this time forth until the fall elections ure over. The telegraph is a radical institution, as at present con¬ ducted, lt lies most unscrupulously in the interest of radicalism, and the truth is not in it. lu a late despatch wo are treated to an account of au at¬ tack on a negro camp meeting near Baltimore. The account is incohe¬ rent and sensational on tho very face of it. It was evidently designed to fire tho radical heart for vile elec¬ tioneering p irposes. Those negro outrages will Lt as plentiful as black¬ berries this fall. They arc fabri¬ cated to order, in quantities to suit. A negro camp meoe ting, where the colored brethren were armed with such carnal weapons ns pistols, must have been a dark affair. The satyr was as likely to be upp rmost as the saint.-Boston Evening rmmercial. RELIGIOUS TESTS TN RUSSIA. -It is announced iu a letter from St. Pe- torsburg. that au imperial ukase has just been issued, abolishing all pun¬ ishments heretofore inflicted upon persons for renouncing the Greek Church, the State religion of Russia. This reform is regarded as a great step in advanced civilization. DENTISTRY. HAVING opened my office permanently in Columbia, I may bo found at all hours at _' tlie residence of Mr. M. H. Berry, (opposite tho Catholic Church.) on Assembly «S«et. 1». P- GBEGG. June ia _ Pistols! Pistols! Pistols! M Ute Sign of thc Golden Pad~/jOc.k. JCST received, it large assortment of PISTOLS, embracing thc most desira¬ ble made in this country. ALSO, A full assortment of Powder. Hhol, Cays, Cartridges, Ac and for sale cheap by Aug 80 JOHN C. HAL I SPECIAL NOTICES. TUE LAMP OF LUT»-The glow of health and beauty ia nowhere moro perceptible and beautifully attractive than in the roddy, healthful, glowing, boautiful com- plcxion of a healthy person. Tho com- plcxion is radiant, and the lamp of life burna brightly, so long as it is supplied with pure blood. The Queen's Delight and Sarsaparilla, the great blood purifier, is a cleaning and searching medicine-giving strength to the feeble, invigorating and restoring the old; cleansing and purifying thc young. Tho Queen'a Delight and Sar¬ saparilla is tor salo by Fisher A: Heinitsh, pharm aciats. TAKE TDÍE nv TUE FORELOCK.-Thc miasma which generates epidemic fevers is now rising in clouds under thc blazing beams of tho dog day sun. Every living body, as well as refuse aeinaal and vegeta¬ ble matter, emits unwholesome vapore, and in crowded cities and the dense assem¬ blages which business and pleasure call together, the elements of disease are evolved. The pressure upon every vital organ ia never so great as in the second and third months of summer, and common sense teaches us that these organs require to bo reinforced to meet it. We hold our lives, so to speak, on a. repairing lease, and this is the neason when the process of dilapidation is most rapid and repairs are most required. Therefore, build iq), prop and sustainüie potrera of iia- tare with that mighty vegetable récupé¬ rant, HosTETTEn's BITTERS. He who takes it may bc said to clothe himself in sanitary mail, against which epidemic disease will hurl its poisoned shafts in vain. This is no gratuitous, assertion, bu; a great medi¬ cal fact, attested by twelve year»' expe¬ rience in ( very climate of the habitable globe. Extremes of temperature alway? disturb the functions of thc stomach, th< bowels, the liver and the akin, lt isthrougL these that the most dangerous maladies assail us. Tone them in advance with HOSTETTEB'S BITTERS, and defy heat an*.1 malaria. Sop'. 7 lt'. MVURIAOK AXn CELIBACY-Ar Essay of Warning and Instruction foi Young Men. Also, Diseases aud Abuse; which prostrate the vital powers, with sun means of relief. Sent free of charge- ii sealed letter envelopes. Address Dr. J SKILLLN HOUGHTON, Howard Assooia ti;¡u, Philadelphia, Pa. Aug 3nio COLGATE'S HONET SOAP. This celebrated Toilet Soap, in sud universal demand, is made from tin cboicest materials, ii mild and «.mol lient in its nature, fragrantly sic ieeil and extremely Tbeacflcl«! in its actio] upon the skin. For sale by all Druggist u::d Fancy Goods Dealer.. March ly BATCHELOR** HAIR DYK. The Original and Best tn the Work Thc only true and perfect HAI ll DÎT Harmless, fcVliablc und bistaiitaueout Produces immediately a splendid Black c iMtuxal Brown, without injuring thc ha: or stan. Remedies the ill effects of ba dyes. Sold by ali Druggists. Thc genuin is signed William A. Batchelor. Also, Bl GENERATING EXTRACT OF MILLI FLEURS, for Restoring and Beautifyin the Hair. CHARLES BATCHELOR. Oct 23 ly New York. A NEW AXD GRANU EPOCH IN MEDICINI:.- Dr. Maggiol is the founder of a now med cal system! The quantitarians, whose vai internal doses enfeeble tue stomach ac paralyse the bowels, must give precedent to the man who restores health ami appi tito, with from one to two of his oxtraord nary Fills, and cures tho munt virulei sores with a box or so of his wonderful ar all-healing Salve. Theso-two groat spec tics of tho Doctor are f*st supcrsediug a thc stereotyped nostrums of thc day. E traordinary cures by Maggiel's Pills ¡n Salve have opened thc eye» cf the public the inefficiency of the (so-called) renn d. of others, and upon which people haw long blindly depended. Maggie's Tills a not of the class that are swallowed by tl dozen, and of which every box Juli tah« creates an absolute necessity for .nutht Ono or two of Maggiol's Pills suLVcs placo tho bowels in perfect order, ton* tl stomach, create an appetite and render tl spirits light and buoyant. There is griping and no reaction in the form of co stipation. If the liver is affected, its fur tiona arc restored; and if tho nervous sj tem is feeble, it is invigorated. This ls quality makes the medicine-) very dcsiral for the wants of delicate females. Ulcero and eruptivo diseases are literally exti g tushed by tho disinfectant power of Ma giel's Salve. In fact, it is here announc that .Vaggiers Bilious, Dyspeptic and DU rhaea Pule euro where all others fail. Wh for btrus. scalds, chilblains, cuts and abrasions of the skin MaggieVs Salve is i fallible. Sold by J. Maggicl, ll Pine st rd New York, and all druggists, at 25 cor per box. July 2g Iv City Hale Free School. TH S above SCHOOL will be re-open os tho 19th inst., in Medium street, 1 tween Gatos and Lincoln streets. T seho'i will bo under tho management Mr. 'rf. H. WIGO. Persons desirous of < terina their bovs will register their nam with w. T WALTER Sept ll Spades, Shovels and Manure Forks, j (TA DOZ AMES' SPADES and SEO- Ovi VELo. 25 doz. Rowland's and Thomas' Spades and Shovel«. 25 doz. Manure Pork.0. as?ortod qualities. Just received and for Hale low bv Sept fi .T. A T. H. AGNEW. Paints, Oils, Window Glass, &c. FOUR THOUSAND H.s. puro WHITE LEAD. 200 gallon« Raw and Boiled Linseed Oil. 100 gallons Spirits Turpentine. With a fall assortment of Dry and Ground Paints, consisting in part of Chrome Green, Paris Green, Chrome Yellow, Drop- black, Lampblack, Litharge, Venetian Red, Spanish Drown, Yellow Ochre, Umber, Sienna, Vandyke Brown, Prussian Blue, VermilUon, Black Lead, Pumice Stone, Pa¬ tent Dyes. Ac. .VLSÙ, A full assortment of Carriage and Furni¬ ture Varnishes. .lapan Window Glass. Paint Brushes, &c. For sale low bv Sept^G_ _J. A T. R. AGNEW. Mackerel! Mackerel! 20 kits Ko. 1 new Mackerel. .lust re¬ ceived and for sale low bv Sept 5 .T. A: T. R. AGNEW. Butter, Lard and Fulton Market Beef. (CHOICE MOUNTAIN BUTTER. J Primo Leaf Lard. First quality Fulton Market Beel. Large Pickled Ox Tongues. Jus! received and for sale by J. .v T. 1!. AGNEW. Soap! Soap! Soap! ONE HUNDRED boxes firs! quality FAMILY SOAP, just reeeiv« il and foi sah' low bv the 1><>\ and at retail bv Sept 5 J. A T. R. AGNEW. Flavoring Extracts. REAL FLAVORING EXTRACTS nf Le- mon, Pino Apple, Vanilla, Strawberry, Almond, AT. Just received and for »ale a; fair prices by T. A T. ll. AGNEW. July 22 Sugar and Coffee. ONE HUNDRED bbls. REFINED SI (¡Alts, consisting ¡' Crushed, Pow h red, Granulatedaud Extra ( 'aiton Sugars 50 bbl.-,. Muscovado Sugars. loO bags bio, Maracaibo and Java Coi fees. On hand and for sale at low prices b- Sept 5 .LA T. R. AGNEW. * FLOUE, FLOUR, \f\1 mJ-- CHOICE NEW FLOUR JV f l_ from now wheat, just received an« ¡or sale low by J. A f. iï. AGNEW. dash S7otice. Î^OR tin' information of all concerned wo state that <mr tonus arcC \sii BE FORE DELIVERY OF GOODS. Order sent u- fruin country and elsewhere wij receive no attention muletut ncfontpoufa irilii (i> ¡".fi lUi .'.(". Aug 12 J. A-. T. lt. AGNEW. Segars, Tobacco, &c ~(\ f\C\{\ SEGARS, assorted he, t)U»v/v/vJ common t.> choie». Together with a good assortment < Chewing and Smoking TOBACCO, embra« ingthe celebrated Durham Smoking, Jenn Lind and Solace Chewing. For "sale wholesale :.ù r- tail at low prices bv July 27 r. A T. R. AG NE Vb. REAL CANTON GINGER. iy CASES eenuin. <'ANTON GINGEI ,M Just rec« ced and for sale at fair prici l>v T. A T. j;. AGNEW. "July 22 üle and Porter. ONE HUN DEED dozen London PORTE and Kilinburg ALE. Just received ai lor sale by J. AT. R. AGNEW. Jellies, Pine Apple, &c. fi EN IT NE RASPBERRY, real PEA1 VIT m.ian Banana, real Orange, gem ino Pine Apple, real Plum and gen nil Apple JELLIES; also, genuine Tine Apo aaa real Peaches, in hermetically-sealc cans. Jus received and for sale at fa prices bv J. & T. E. AGNEW. July 21 Cream Tartar, Soda, &c. REAL CHEAM TARTAR, genuine SOP and real SALERAT US. Just recei rt and for sale by J. A T. R. AGNEW. Hubs, Spokes, Felloes. JUST RECEIVED, a full assortment Hubs, Spokes and Felloes, suitable fi Carriage and Wagon-makers, which will 1 sold ai a small advance on cost. July ll J. A T. lt. AGNEW. Mustard! Mustard!! 1CASE FRENCH MUSTARD, and a fu assortment of London Mustard, in bo ties, cans ami in bulk, just received p. steamer, and for sale low by July ll J. A T Ii. AGNEW. Circular Saws. A FULL assortment of best quail .TL. Cast Steel CIRCULAR SAWS, from IA 52 inches in diameter, just received ar foi salo low bv J. A f. R. AGNEW. July 21 FIRE &BURGLAR PROOF SAFE! TUE undersigned have been appoint« agents for those superior SAFE l'tieso Salus aro made, with three flanges ill other safes have but two. They na' Powder Proof Locks, and tho locks at jolts aro protected with plates of harden« iteel, which is the only protection again he burglars drill and the insertion of po< 1er. Also, warranted fr %e from dampuee While these Sates have no suj>erior piality, tlwy are furnished at modera >ric«>s- at least 2.r> to 83j per cent, less tin lerring's und «ither makers, while tl piality cannot bo surpassed. A samplo Safe can De seen at our stor ind orders will bc taken at Now Yo: ».ices, with expenses of transportât» dded, and no charge for forwarding .'harloston. J. St T. R. AGNEW. General Insurance Agents, St OOIiUMB REPRESENT, arnon« other*, the following QUEEN'S INSURANCE COMPANY of ized capital £2,000,(HX). or nearly. UNDERWRITERS' AGENCY, New York-ca INTERNATIONAL, Now York capital and a SECURITY, Now York-capital and assets HOME, New Haven-capital and assets. MANHATTAN, New York-capital and assen NORTH AMERICAN, New York-capital an HOME, Savannah, Ga.-capital and assets.. SOUTHERN INSURANCE AND TRUST, St Risks taken on BUILDINGS, MERCHAND lions-Household Furniture, Routs, Leases, perty liable to loss or damage by fire, on the able in gold or eurrencv. and losses prompt! .-ETNA LIFF. INSURANCE COMPANY,Ha This liberal and generous company presents life is uncertain, and who desire !?> make a <. who otherwise ja;^ht Buffer when they are g< SELL EXCHANGE ON NEW YORK, in su Internal Revenue Stamps, all denomina titV Office, for tho present, corner of Wash /ETNA LIFE 1> ft* «wm Assets, June, 136G.. Incomo for year ending Jane, 18CG, ov< 1QQK POLICIES issued in June, 18WÎ. .OO*) Fifty per cent, dividend declare TEN PAYMENT LIFE AND Al .V O A FOR F ?20,uu0 will be insured «..n a single I.ile, whei THIS IS TH E ONI A" NORTHERN < SOUTHERN POIilCIE The ojiiv certain prevision tor your fan: Do not delay lo place those near and d chance. Call on Julv 22 3mo Curlier of Assembly an ii lim Hil. THE UNDERSIGNED having leased the above- named POPCLAU HOTEL, begs 1. ave to inform her former pattons and the trav- ling oublie generally that she will be prepared for the RECEPTION OF VISITO tts on and alter September :!, 18fiß. Tho table will be supplied with the bes! ! the markets alford, and no effort spared tomakeit A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE. Mus. 1>. C. SPECK, Proprio! ress. Columbia, S. t'., September 1. 1906. SHIVER HOUSE. HAYING DISPOSED of wv HOUSE for a term of years t » Mrs. )\ c. Sï-ECS, who is weil known in tba city, and to the ¡iii! lie at large, as a popular Hoti l-keeper and a worthy lady, I take great pleasure in recommending her to mv friends an-l tho public generally, and feel no hesitation in saying, ono visit to hir House will induce another. Call and give her a trial. Intaking leave of my fri. nd.* í¿nd pa¬ tron«, for Mrs. Shiver, I return -;rate!"ul thanks, and recommend Mrs. Speck ag her successor. VY. SHIVER. S-.-nt 2 warn "Mit PASSENGERS arriving in Columbia OM the different] Railroad- will ibid Omni¬ buses. Carriages anti Baggage Wagons in readiness io con¬ vey them to and from his Hotel, FREE OF CHARGE Responsible persons in at¬ tendance to receive Checks and Baggage. T. S. NICKERSON. Proprietor. Aug 15 Imo : National Hotel, Near the Greenville and Charleston Railroad Depots, COLUMBIA, S. c. ^ THE public is informud that ihe í ínT above hotel has just been finished, -jiiii contains new furniture through- ont, for tho accommodation ofTRANSIENT and REGULAR BOARDERS. The very biot that thu markets afford will be lound on his table, prepared in excellent style. Charges moderato. Passengers will be c mveved to sud Hom either of the depots FREE OF CHARGE. Also, VEHICLES fnrnishod to carry pas- Bengora to anv part of the town or country. Fino WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, TO- BACCO, etc., can be obtained i:i the Sam- pl« Room connected with the hotcL Ansr_7_ lt. JOINER, Proprietor._ "C0XGAREË RESTAURANT !" Next door West of the Post Office. TREVET & BEBÂG-HI WOULD respectfully inform their friends and tho publio in general hat they have opened a RESTAURANT at he above place, where tho very best of sverything in tho way of eating and drink- ng can be obtained at short notice. CREAM ALE on draught. LUNCH every dav from lt to 1 o'clock. July If» _ J_. Grain Cradles, Grain Fans, &c. At the Sign of the (Johlen Pad-Lock. A FULL supply of GRAIN CRADLES, (\. Grain Fans, Scythe Blades, Scythe (tones, Fan Wire, Riddles, Ac, in store .nd for sale low for cash. May 2G JOHN U. DIAL. J ;ock and Exchange Brokers, C well-known FIRST-CLASS COMPANIES: Liverpool and London-author- . _ .HO.OOO.CCO pital and assets over. 3,000,000 IMI'U nearly. 2,000,000 . 1,500,000 . 1,500,000 s. 1,100,1)00 d assets. 760,000 . 500,000 ivan uah-capital and ascots.. öOQ.OOw TZE, COTTON-in store and on planta- Mortgages and everv description of pro- LOWEST TERMS. "Policies issued pay- y paid. rtford-capital and assets nearly $4,060,000. great inducements to thoso wuc feel that EUTAI N provision for these near and dear, me. ms to suit, at the usual rates, tione, for sale. ington a.n-1 Assembly streets. SoptttCmo ÏSU RANCE CO. «ft« .?8,000,000 . 2,800,000 13WIDENDS declared and pRid annually . d January 1, 18Stî. X ENDOWMENT POLICIES. El TA ll L E. ??? thephysical condition is unexceptionable COMPANY THAT RENEWED TTS IS AFTER THE WAR. lily is a policy of LIFE INSURANCE. car above thc contingencies of accident ..i II. E. NICHOLS «v CO., AgtnU, id Washington streets, Columbia, S. C. STRAW. WOOL AHD PUR HATS ! ! CLOTHING, (MERES AND TWEEDS ! AT HEDUCED PBtCES! 1 M WrE oft'. r the balance of eur stock ol SPRING and SUMMER GOODS AT COST. Wo have recently made a large addition to our stock of CASSIMERES, TWEEDS and HATS, and will receive, in a few day-, a large addition to our stock of CLOTH¬ ING. We have tl: J largest assortment ofUAl S to he found in this city, embracing all 11 ;;;;o\\ a y ¡, «, (hir Ready-made Goods Are mostly of our own manufacture; ano those desiring to puu-omzu home produc¬ tions aro invited to call. Our stock of FRENCH aud ENGLISH CASSIMERES is Urge, and we will MAKE TO ORDER st CORRESPONDING RE¬ DUCED PRICES. R. & U. 0. SWAÜIELD, June 2 BEDELL'S ROW. Tile Lamp of Life and Way to Health. pumn THEBLOOD. VS F XH£ limn mm Ear the cure of all those Diseases hav¬ ing their origin in a vitiated condi¬ tion of thc human system, and those, arising from any departure from thc lairs of health, ii/iprudcnce in living, over-taxing nature, from too great L>- ihdgence ofevery kind-eating, drink¬ ing, working-tcliereby nähere suf¬ fers exhaustion. THIS chemical extract will bc fount* au invaluable restorative cordial for all liseases arising from an impure oíaí* ut the blood. Cutaneous eruptions, such ass Uoils, Pimples, Carbuncles. Pustules. Blotches, Roughness of the Skin, Sealy Appearance of the Cuticle, Tetter, Ring¬ worms and Itching Humors of ti\e Skin, his purifier will remove, and impart îealth and a life-glow to the complexion. For Erysipelas, Scrofula or Ring's Evil, liheumatism, Pains in the Bones, St Lünes» n tho Joints, Old Ulcers, Want of Blood n the Parts, Syphilitic Sores and Ulcers, ind Impaired Constitutions arising from hose diseases, and from th« too free uso if mercury. For General Debility, spring- ng from Dyspepsia or Lndigestion, Weak- u ss and Pains in tho Stomach, Liver Com- daint, or want of action in that organ iroducing pains in the sido or back, affeet- UK the kidneys and bladder. Females, at the period of change, will Ind it the best restorative to health and itrength, from all those weaknesses and Impressions of mind and body which fol- ew at this time of life. Persons traveling South or living in warm limâtes, and all uuacclirnatcd, will find th* {neen's Delight a great protection from il those diseases which onginato in a hange of climate, diet and life.. Its properties as a remedy were first in- roduccd to the notice of the profession by >r. Thoa. Young Simons, of South Carolina, s early as 1828, as a valuable alterativere- îedy in syphilitic affections, and others re turing use of mercury. Dr. Simons' state- îenta nave been endorsed and extended y Dr. A. Lopez, of Mobile, and D. H. It- rost, of Charleston. From the reports in s favor, there seems no reassn to doubt ie efficacy of this medicine in fcVcondari vphilis. Scrofula, Cutaneous Diseases, bi onic Hepatic Affections and other com- taints benefited by alterative medicina», or salo by FISHER A HELNITSH, Jun« 29 " Pharmacist«, Columbia. 8.
Page 1: THE DAILY WM PH(KN A. - Library of Congresschroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84027008/1866-09-14/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · malaria. Sop'.7 lt'. MVURIAOK AXn CELIBACY-Ar Essay of Warning and

THE DAILY WM PH (KN 1 A.Daily Paper 88 a Year«Let our Just Censure ^^S^BgjÉSS^NÉs Attend the True Event."Tri-Weekly $5 a Year







- » ;;: ;;;;;;; J g!' '" AT/VLsnSBlCENTSInserted »t 75 centaper square for Uie first&*0?£02t*od 50 cea" tor Bubsequen t.Weekly 75 cents each insertion.A liberal discount made mt thc at^cer,tíc3 te/tea advertí.temenit* are interim, buHie BMatt or year.A^" Specjal notices IO couts a Uno.

AClî;XTS.S. P. Kin&rd, Newberry.«aaiaej. DrooUiitt, GnsonviRt C. H.Tm. Moore, Abbeville C. H.Julius Poppe, Anderson C. H.

Tl»ey Don't Forgri Kim.In too Memphis Appeal appears the

following; touching memorial to Pre¬sident Johnson, in behan nf "Prison¬er Davis." It -was written by MisaJosephine Eaton, of Mn rfreesboro-to whom it does infinite honor-isrogued by thousands of the good amifair women of Tennossoe, and basbeen forwarded to Washington:To His Excellency President JOHNSON:We, Indies of your adopted State,

come to you to. add our names to tholong hst of Southern women whobAvo ougvpMMfbed yon for mercy to¬ward Jefferson Davis.

('rushed and broken by tho trialsand sorrows of tho four terribleyears thrcmglr which we have passed,we come entreating you to tako fromour lips the last and bitterest drop inth» .cup of onr humiliation and an¬guish. We «orno to you with a feel¬ing of confidence and assurance thatno other« can have; for we rememberthat you are our own Tennasseean,and that through long years we havelooked to you to guide the bark ofoar loved native State safely throughthe dangers that environed her. Wenee and feel the sublimity of your

Îwsition, standing as you fearlessly do> otween tho liberties of the peopleand that destructive fanaticismwhieh would ray waate the fairestportion of God's heritage. We ap¬preciate your noble olïbrts to roxtoreConstitutional liberty, and make thisGovernment auch that the people ofall sections can sincerely lovo it andearnestly desire its perpetuation.When yo« havo accomplished thismora than Herculean labor, you willhave earned for your name an envi¬able place in tho pages of history,a«d- Tennessee will be as proud oflier Andrew Johnson as Virginia is ofher George Washington. To us, itseems that the release of JeffersonDavis would be an important stox> inthis direction.We beg you to forget his faults,

however great they may appear toyou, and remember him only as a

gray-haired, sorrowing and heart¬broken man. Wo beg you, as youdesire peace and concord between thesections, to "let the prisoner go free."In prison Jefferson Davis is still therepresentative cf our dead cause,suffering for our sins, and standingin our stoad before the tribunal ofthe world; and our hearts cling tohim in his sorrow, and we share hissufferings as we shared the acts forwhich he was punished. Releasehim, and ho sinks from the greatrepresentative of a loved cause to a

single citizen of the United States.Sinoe it hath pleased high Heaven

tliat- the cause of which ho was thechosen leader should perish, wo bowin humblo submission to the Divine*Will, and would fain bury our deadoat of our sight. And now, wo prayyou to help us forgot; to teach us&olove again the whole country, that wemay no longer bc strangers and;dieus in the land of our birth. Butwhile Jefferson Davis looks out fromhis dungeon bars with sad eyes overthe land for which he has suffered so

mach, he stands between our hearts" and the Union, keeping ever alivo theremembrance of the pangs we liaveendured.We do not attempt to justify his

eourse to you, as that would ill bo-neem us, nor do wo even plead hisconviction that duty pointed to thepath he trod, nor refer to those greatqualities which have rendered hisname conspicuous for all fature time;bat we imploro you, by the memoryof oar sufferings and tears, by ourdesolated homo* and ruined hearth¬stones, to grant the liberty of thiaman to the women of Tennessee.Then will no spectre of a pale, sadprisoner, rise before us when we bowto supplicate Heaven's blessings uponyou; and no shadow will dim thehrightnose of your fame as you standforth, Jackson-Uko, saying to theenemies of our loved South, "Thusfar shall ye go, and no farther.''

HO more Cotton.It is a favorite theory of a few of

our people, that the truo policy of theSouth consists in stopping tho culturoof cotton. It is maintained that thispolicy will so effect the pockets of thomanfacttiring classes, who exert acontrolling influence at thc North,that they will cease their intolerancetowards us, and inaugurate, insteadof civil rights bills, odious tax bills«nd universal suffrage-a policy ofjustice and conciliation.

It is certainly very unwise topursue »policy of self-impoverishmentfor tho questionable purpose of in¬juring those who seek to degrada anddebase us. It is a species of cuttingoft' the uoso to spite the face, whichlias always beou regarded as folly.Tho war for several years deprivedthe North oí her usual supply ofSouthern cotton, Lut the history ofthat period, shows no abatement ofthy war spirit, and nono ol' thepocket philanthropy for which thecalculating people of the East havehad credit. Tho truth is, fanaticismdoes not stop to reason. It sweeps onin a resistless tide of passion, until thoobstacles which impede its progressarc removed, or until it linds somenew object on which its fury isbroken, lt' the growth of cottonwere prohibited in each of the Statesnow seeking reconstruction, tho pro¬duction would be increased in theborder States, where it is found itcan bo grown successfully. A nowimpetus would be given to its growthin South America, and the imperialstaple of the South would lose all in¬fluence in tho commercial ns well nspolitical world.To us the cry of ''Jùùsc. no more

Cotton," appears utterly without thesupport of argument or excuse. Wearo deeply in debt; the erv of widowsand orphans comes up to us on everyhand for relief; our schools and col¬leges languish for support; theweather-boards oil our very housesrattle in every breeze for want of re¬pairs, and public.and private meansare wanting to relieve the necessities.What agency so available for relief osthe golden fleece <d' our eotton fields?While it is true that our facilities forit production are much impaired, andare likely to diminish year by year,it is also fortunato that the enhancedvalue of the staple in the markets ofthe world premises to render theprofit of its culture undiminished,and to yield a rovenr.e sufficient torestore us speedily to a condition oilcomfort and prosperity.

If, instead of stopping the cultureof cotton, we invite capitalists to cometo our borders and engage in its manu¬facture, we strike an effective blow atthe intolerant spirit of those section-al agitators who load us with onerousand unjust burdens und disabilities.We thereby not only increase thedemand for thc staple, but we securefor it the convenience of a homemarket, and the diffusion of the pro¬fits of its manufacture as well asgrowth among our people.

[A ugiisttt Chronicle.

OUTHAGES ON NEOKOES.-Outrageson negroes aro pretty .-.ure to formone of tho staple items ol' the tele¬graphic column in the newspapersfrom this time forth until the fallelections ure over. The telegraph isa radical institution, as at present con¬ducted, lt lies most unscrupulouslyin the interest of radicalism, and thetruth is not in it. lu a late despatchwo are treated to an account of au at¬tack on a negro camp meeting nearBaltimore. The account is incohe¬rent and sensational on tho very faceof it. It was evidently designed tofire tho radical heart for vile elec¬tioneering p irposes. Those negrooutrages will Lt as plentiful as black¬berries this fall. They arc fabri¬cated to order, in quantities to suit.A negro camp meoeting, where thecolored brethren were armed withsuch carnal weapons ns pistols, musthave been a dark affair. The satyrwas as likely to be upp rmost as thesaint.-Boston Evening rmmercial.

RELIGIOUS TESTS TN RUSSIA. -It isannounced iu a letter from St. Pe-torsburg. that au imperial ukase hasjust been issued, abolishing all pun¬ishments heretofore inflicted uponpersons for renouncing the GreekChurch, the State religion of Russia.This reform is regarded as a greatstep in advanced civilization.

DENTISTRY.HAVING opened my office

permanently in Columbia, Imay bo found at all hours at

_' tlie residence of Mr. M. H.Berry, (opposite tho Catholic Church.) onAssembly «S«et. 1». P- GBEGG.June ia


Pistols! Pistols! Pistols!M Ute Sign of thc Golden Pad~/jOc.k.

JCST received, it large assortment ofPISTOLS, embracing thc most desira¬

ble made in this country.ALSO,

A full assortment of Powder. Hhol, Cays,Cartridges, Ac and for sale cheap byAug 80 JOHN C. HAL


and beauty ia nowhere moro perceptibleand beautifully attractive than in theroddy, healthful, glowing, boautiful com-plcxion of a healthy person. Tho com-plcxion is radiant, and the lamp of lifeburna brightly, so long as it is suppliedwith pure blood. The Queen's Delight andSarsaparilla, the great blood purifier, is a

cleaning and searching medicine-givingstrength to the feeble, invigorating andrestoring the old; cleansing and purifyingthc young. Tho Queen'a Delight and Sar¬saparilla is tor salo by Fisher A: Heinitsh,pharmaciats.

TAKE TDÍE nv TUE FORELOCK.-Thcmiasma which generates epidemic feversis now rising in clouds under thc blazingbeams of tho dog day sun. Every livingbody, as well as refuse aeinaal and vegeta¬ble matter, emits unwholesome vapore,and in crowded cities and the dense assem¬blages which business and pleasure calltogether, the elements of disease areevolved. The pressure upon every vitalorgan ia never so great as in the secondand third months of summer, and commonsense teaches us that these organs requireto bo reinforced to meet it.We hold our lives, so to speak, on a.

repairing lease, and this is the neason whenthe process of dilapidation is most rapidand repairs are most required. Therefore,build iq), prop and sustainüie potrera of iia-tare with that mighty vegetable récupé¬rant, HosTETTEn's BITTERS. He who takesit may bc said to clothe himself in sanitarymail, against which epidemic disease willhurl its poisoned shafts in vain. This isno gratuitous, assertion, bu; a great medi¬cal fact, attested by twelve year»' expe¬rience in ( very climate of the habitableglobe. Extremes of temperature alway?disturb the functions of thc stomach, th<bowels, the liverandthe akin, lt isthrougLthese that the most dangerous maladiesassail us. Tone them in advance withHOSTETTEB'S BITTERS, and defy heat an*.1malaria. Sop'. 7 lt'.

MVURIAOK AXn CELIBACY-ArEssay of Warning and Instruction foiYoung Men. Also, Diseases aud Abuse;which prostrate the vital powers, with sunmeans of relief. Sent free of charge- iisealed letter envelopes. Address Dr. JSKILLLN HOUGHTON, Howard Assooiati;¡u, Philadelphia, Pa. Aug lô 3nio

COLGATE'S HONET SOAP.This celebrated Toilet Soap, in sud

universal demand, is made from tincboicest materials, ii mild and «.mollient in its nature, fragrantly sic ieeiland extremely Tbeacflcl«! in its actio]upon the skin. For sale by all Druggistu::d Fancy Goods Dealer.. March ly

BATCHELOR** HAIR DYK.The Original and Best tn the Work

Thc only true and perfect HAIll DÎTHarmless, fcVliablc und bistaiitaueoutProduces immediately a splendid Black ciMtuxal Brown, without injuring thc ha:or stan. Remedies the ill effects of badyes. Sold by ali Druggists. Thc genuinis signed William A. Batchelor. Also, BlGENERATING EXTRACT OF MILLIFLEURS, for Restoring and Beautifyinthe Hair. CHARLES BATCHELOR.Oct 23ly New York.A NEW AXD GRANU EPOCH IN MEDICINI:.-

Dr. Maggiol is the founder of a now medcalsystem! The quantitarians, whose vaiinternal doses enfeeble tue stomach acparalyse the bowels, must give precedentto the man who restores health ami appitito, with from one to two of his oxtraordnary Fills, and cures tho munt viruleisores with a box or so of his wonderful ar

all-healing Salve. Theso-two groat spectics of tho Doctor are f*st supcrsediug athc stereotyped nostrums of thc day. Etraordinary cures by Maggiel's Pills ¡n

Salve have opened thc eye» cf the publicthe inefficiency of the (so-called) renn d.of others, and upon which people hawlong blindly depended. Maggie's Tills anot of the class that are swallowed by tldozen, and of which every box Juli tah«creates an absolute necessity for .nuthtOno or two of Maggiol's Pills suLVcsplaco tho bowels in perfect order, ton* tlstomach, create an appetite and render tlspirits light and buoyant. There isgriping and no reaction in the form of co

stipation. If the liver is affected, its furtiona arc restored; and if tho nervous sjtem is feeble, it is invigorated. This lsquality makes the medicine-) very dcsiralfor the wants of delicate females. Ulceroand eruptivo diseases are literally extigtushed by tho disinfectant power of Magiel's Salve. In fact, it is here announcthat .Vaggiers Bilious, Dyspeptic and DUrhaea Pule euro where all others fail. Whfor btrus. scalds, chilblains, cuts andabrasions of the skin MaggieVs Salve is ifallible. Sold by J. Maggicl, ll Pine strdNew York, and all druggists, at 25 corper box. July 2g Iv

City Hale Free School.TH S above SCHOOL will be re-open

os tho 19th inst., in Medium street, 1tween Gatos and Lincoln streets. Tseho'i will bo under tho managementMr. 'rf. H. WIGO. Persons desirous of <terina their bovs will register their namwith w. T WALTERSept ll

Spades, Shovels and Manure Forks, j(TA DOZ AMES' SPADES and SEO-Ovi VELo.25 doz. Rowland's and Thomas' Spadesand Shovel«.25 doz. Manure Pork.0. as?ortod qualities.Just received and for Hale low bvSept fi .T. A T. H. AGNEW.Paints, Oils, Window Glass, &c.

FOUR THOUSAND H.s. puro WHITELEAD.200 gallon« Raw and Boiled Linseed Oil.100 gallons Spirits Turpentine.With a fall assortment of Dry and Ground

Paints, consisting in part of ChromeGreen, Paris Green, Chrome Yellow, Drop-black, Lampblack, Litharge, Venetian Red,Spanish Drown, Yellow Ochre, Umber,Sienna, Vandyke Brown, Prussian Blue,VermilUon, Black Lead, Pumice Stone, Pa¬tent Dyes. Ac.

.VLSÙ,A full assortment of Carriage and Furni¬ture Varnishes. .lapan Window Glass. PaintBrushes, &c. For sale low bvSept^G_ _J. A T. R. AGNEW.Mackerel! Mackerel!

20 kits Ko. 1 new Mackerel. .lust re¬ceived and for sale low bvSept 5 .T. A: T. R. AGNEW.Butter, Lard and Fulton


J Primo Leaf Lard.First quality Fulton Market Beel.Large Pickled Ox Tongues. Jus! receivedand for sale by J. .v T. 1!. AGNEW.

Soap! Soap! Soap!ONE HUNDRED boxes firs! qualityFAMILY SOAP, just reeeiv« il and foisah' low bv the 1><>\ and at retail bvSept 5 J. A T. R. AGNEW.

Flavoring Extracts.REAL FLAVORING EXTRACTS nf Le-

mon, Pino Apple, Vanilla, Strawberry,Almond, AT. Just received and for »ale a;fair prices by T. A T. ll. AGNEW.July 22

Sugar and Coffee.ONE HUNDRED bbls. REFINED SI

(¡Alts, consisting ¡' Crushed, Powh red, Granulatedaud Extra ( 'aiton Sugars50 bbl.-,. Muscovado Sugars.loO bags bio, Maracaibo and Java Coifees. On hand and for sale at low prices b-Sept 5 .LA T. R. AGNEW.


FLOUE, FLOUR,\f\1 mJ-- CHOICE NEW FLOUR.»JV f l_ from now wheat, just received an«¡or sale low by J. A f. iï. AGNEW.

dash S7otice.Î^OR tin' information of all concerned

wo state that <mr tonus arcC \sii BEFORE DELIVERY OF GOODS. Ordersent u- fruin country and elsewhere wijreceive no attention muletut ncfontpoufairilii (i> ¡".fi lUi .'.(".Aug 12 J. A-. T. lt. AGNEW.

Segars, Tobacco, &c~(\ f\C\{\ SEGARS, assorted he,t)U»v/v/vJ common t.> choie».Together with a good assortment <

Chewing and Smoking TOBACCO, embra«ingthe celebrated Durham Smoking, JennLind and Solace Chewing. For "salewholesale :.ù r- tail at low prices bvJuly 27 r. A T. R. AGNE Vb.

REAL CANTON GINGER.iy CASES eenuin. <'ANTON GINGEI,M Just rec« ced and for sale at fair pricil>v T. A T. j;. AGNEW."July 22

üle and Porter.ONE HUN DEED dozen London PORTE

and Kilinburg ALE. Just received ailor sale by J. AT. R. AGNEW.

Jellies, Pine Apple, &c.fi EN ITNE RASPBERRY, real PEA1VIT m.ian Banana, real Orange, gemino Pine Apple, real Plum and gennilApple JELLIES; also, genuine Tine Apoaaa real Peaches, in hermetically-sealccans. Jus received and for sale at faprices bv J. & T. E. AGNEW.July 21

Cream Tartar, Soda, &c.REAL CHEAM TARTAR, genuineSOPand real SALERATUS. Just recei rtand for sale by J. A T. R. AGNEW.

Hubs, Spokes, Felloes.JUST RECEIVED, a full assortment

Hubs, Spokes and Felloes, suitable fiCarriage and Wagon-makers, which will 1sold ai a small advance on cost.July ll J. A T. lt. AGNEW.

Mustard! Mustard!!1CASE FRENCH MUSTARD, and a fu

assortment of London Mustard, in boties, cans ami in bulk, just received p.steamer, and for sale low byJuly ll J. A T Ii. AGNEW.

Circular Saws.A FULL assortment of best quail.TL. Cast Steel CIRCULAR SAWS, from

IA 52 inches in diameter, just received arfoi salo low bv J. A f. R. AGNEW.July 21

FIRE &BURGLAR PROOF SAFE!TUE undersigned have been appoint«agents for those superior SAFEl'tieso Salus aro made, with three flangesill other safes have but two. They na'Powder Proof Locks, and tho locks atjolts aro protected with plates of harden«iteel, which is the only protection againhe burglars drill and the insertion of po<1er. Also, warranted fr %e from dampueeWhile these Sates have no suj>eriorpiality, tlwy are furnished at modera>ric«>s-at least 2.r> to 83j per cent, less tinlerring's und «ither makers, while tlpiality cannot bo surpassed.A samplo Safe can De seen at our storind orders will bc taken at Now Yo:».ices, with expenses of transportât»dded, and no charge for forwarding.'harloston. J. St T. R. AGNEW.

General Insurance Agents, StOOIiUMB

REPRESENT, arnon« other*, the followingQUEEN'S INSURANCE COMPANY ofized capital £2,000,(HX). or nearly.UNDERWRITERS' AGENCY, New York-caINTERNATIONAL, Now York capital and aSECURITY, Now York-capital and assetsHOME, New Haven-capital and assets.MANHATTAN, New York-capital and assenNORTH AMERICAN, New York-capital anHOME, Savannah, Ga.-capital and assets..SOUTHERN INSURANCE AND TRUST, StRisks taken on BUILDINGS, MERCHANDlions-Household Furniture, Routs, Leases,perty liable to loss or damage by fire, on theable in gold or eurrencv. and losses prompt!.-ETNA LIFF. INSURANCE COMPANY,HaThis liberal and generous company presentslife is uncertain, and who desire !?> make a <.who otherwise ja;^ht Buffer when they are g<SELL EXCHANGE ON NEW YORK, in suInternal Revenue Stamps, oí all denomina

titV Office, for tho present, corner of Wash

/ETNA LIFE 1>ft* «wm

Assets, June, 136G..Incomo for year ending Jane, 18CG, ov<

1QQK POLICIES issued in June, 18WÎ..OO*) Fifty per cent, dividend declareTEN PAYMENT LIFE AND Al

.V O A FORF?20,uu0 will be insured «..n a single I.ile, wheiTHIS IS TH E ONI A" NORTHERN <

SOUTHERN POIilCIEThe ojiiv certain prevision tor your fan:

Do not delay lo place those near and dchance. Call onJulv 22 3mo Curlier of Assembly an


having leased the above-named POPCLAU HOTEL,begs 1. ave to inform her

former pattons and the trav- ling oubliegenerally that she will be prepared for theRECEPTION OF VISITO tts on and alterSeptember :!, 18fiß.Tho table will be supplied with the bes! !the markets alford, and no effort sparedtomakeit A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE.

Mus. 1>. C. SPECK,Proprio! ress.

Columbia, S. t'., September 1. 1906.


a term of years t » Mrs. )\ c. Sï-ECS,who is weil known in tba city, and to the¡iii! lie at large, as a popular Hoti l-keeperand a worthy lady, I take great pleasure inrecommending her to mv friends an-l thopublic generally, and feel no hesitation insaying, ono visit to hir House will induceanother. Call and give her a trial.Intaking leave of my fri. nd.* í¿nd pa¬tron«, for Mrs. Shiver, I return -;rate!"ulthanks, and recommend Mrs. Speck ag her

successor. VY. SHIVER.S-.-nt 2

warn "MitPASSENGERS arriving in

Columbia OM the different]Railroad- will ibid Omni¬buses. Carriages anti BaggageWagons in readiness io con¬

vey them to and from hisHotel, FREE OF CHARGE

Responsible persons in at¬tendance to receive Checksand Baggage.

T. S. NICKERSON.Proprietor.

Aug 15 Imo :

National Hotel,Near the Greenville and CharlestonRailroad Depots,


^ THE public is informud that iheí ínT above hotel has just been finished,-jiiii contains new furniture through-ont, for tho accommodation ofTRANSIENTand REGULAR BOARDERS. The verybiot that thu markets afford will be loundon his table, prepared in excellent style.Charges moderato.Passengers will be c mveved to sud Hom

either of the depots FREE OF CHARGE.Also, VEHICLES fnrnishod to carry pas-Bengora to anv part of the town or country.Fino WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, TO-BACCO, etc., can be obtained i:i the Sam-pl« Room connected with the hotcLAnsr_7_ lt. JOINER, Proprietor._"C0XGAREË RESTAURANT !"

Next door West of the Post Office.

TREVET & BEBÂG-HIWOULD respectfully inform their

friends and tho publio in generalhat they have opened a RESTAURANT athe above place, where tho very best ofsverything in tho way of eating and drink-ng can be obtained at short notice.CREAM ALE on draught.LUNCH every dav from lt to 1 o'clock.July If»

_ J_.Grain Cradles, Grain Fans, &c.At the Sign of the (Johlen Pad-Lock.

A FULL supply of GRAIN CRADLES,(\. Grain Fans, Scythe Blades, Scythe(tones, Fan Wire, Riddles, Ac, in store.nd for sale low for cash.May 2G JOHN U. DIAL. J

;ock and Exchange Brokers,C well-known FIRST-CLASS COMPANIES:Liverpool and London-author- . _

.HO.OOO.CCOpital and assets over. 3,000,000IMI'U nearly. 2,000,000. 1,500,000. 1,500,000s. 1,100,1)00dassets. 760,000

. 500,000ivan uah-capital and ascots.. öOQ.OOwTZE, COTTON-in store and on planta-Mortgages and everv description of pro-LOWEST TERMS. "Policies issued pay-y paid.rtford-capital and assets nearly $4,060,000.great inducements to thoso wuc feel thatEUTAIN provision for these near and dear,me.ms to suit, at the usual rates,tione, for sale.ington a.n-1 Assembly streets. SoptttCmoÏSURANCE CO.«ft«


. 2,800,00013WIDENDS declared and pRid annually .d January 1, 18Stî.X ENDOWMENT POLICIES.El TA ll L E.??? thephysical condition is unexceptionableCOMPANY THAT RENEWED TTSIS AFTER THE WAR.lily is a policy of LIFE INSURANCE.car above thc contingencies of accident ..iII. E. NICHOLS «v CO., AgtnU,id Washington streets, Columbia, S. C.



1 MWrE oft'. r the balance of eur stock ol

SPRING and SUMMER GOODS ATCOST.Wo have recently made a large addition

to our stock of CASSIMERES, TWEEDSand HATS, and will receive, in a few day-,a large addition to our stock of CLOTH¬ING.We have tl: J largestassortment ofUAl S

to he found in this city, embracing all 11;;;;o\\ a y ¡, «,

(hir Ready-made GoodsAre mostly of our own manufacture; anothose desiring to puu-omzu home produc¬tions aro invited to call.Our stock of FRENCH aud ENGLISHCASSIMERES is Urge, and we will MAKETO ORDER st CORRESPONDING RE¬DUCED PRICES.

R. & U. 0. SWAÜIELD,June 2 BEDELL'S ROW.Tile Lamp of Life andWay to Health.


limn mmEar the cure of all those Diseases hav¬

ing their origin in a vitiated condi¬tion of thc human system, and those,arisingfrom any departurefrom thclairs of health, ii/iprudcnce in living,over-taxing nature,from too great L>-ihdgence ofevery kind-eating, drink¬ing, working-tcliereby nähere suf¬fers exhaustion.

THIS chemical extract will bc fount* auinvaluable restorative cordial for allliseases arising from an impure oíaí* utthe blood. Cutaneous eruptions, such ass

Uoils, Pimples, Carbuncles. Pustules.Blotches, Roughness of the Skin, SealyAppearance of the Cuticle, Tetter, Ring¬worms and Itching Humors of ti\e Skin,his purifier will remove, and impartîealth and a life-glow to the complexion.For Erysipelas, Scrofula or Ring's Evil,liheumatism, Pains in the Bones, St Lünes»n tho Joints, Old Ulcers, Want of Bloodn the Parts, Syphilitic Sores and Ulcers,ind Impaired Constitutions arising fromhose diseases, and from th« too free usoif mercury. For General Debility, spring-ng from Dyspepsia or Lndigestion, Weak-u ss and Pains in tho Stomach, Liver Com-daint, or want of action in that organiroducing pains in the sido or back, affeet-UK the kidneys and bladder.Females, at the period of change, will

Ind it the best restorative to health anditrength, from all those weaknesses andImpressions of mind and body which fol-ew at this time of life.Persons traveling South or living in warmlimâtes, and all uuacclirnatcd, will find th*

{neen's Delight a great protection fromil those diseases which onginato in ahange of climate, diet and life..Its properties as a remedy were first in-roduccd to the notice of the profession by>r. Thoa. Young Simons, of South Carolina,s early as 1828, as a valuable alterativere-îedy in syphilitic affections, and others returing use of mercury. Dr. Simons' state-îenta nave been endorsed and extendedy Dr. A. Lopez, of Mobile, and D. H. It-rost, of Charleston. From the reports ins favor, there seems no reassn to doubtie efficacy of this medicine in fcVcondarivphilis. Scrofula, Cutaneous Diseases,bi onic Hepatic Affections and other com-taints benefited by alterative medicina»,or salo by FISHER A HELNITSH,Jun« 29


Pharmacist«, Columbia. 8.
