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The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.). (The ... · COL. BttK BK'g FAMOUS EUMV-- It Wu...

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COL. Btt K BK'g FAMOUS EUMV- - It Wu Delivered Over The Vlrtimof Jaifte Terry's Cruel skill. The following iaoeral oration pro- nounced by Colonel E. D. Baker, on the . occasion of the burial of Senator David C. Boderiik, who was shot by the late Judge Terry, has passed into history as one of the finest eulogies ever delivered. . The Senator was killed by Judge Terry in a duel in California on September 13, 1859: A senator lies dead in our midst I He is wrapt in a bloody shroud, and we, to whom his toils and cares were given, are about to bear him to the place appointed for all the living. It is not fit that such a man should pass to the tomb un- heralded ; it is not fit that such a death should call forth no rebuke, or be fol- lowed by no public lamentation. It is this conviction which impels the gather- ing of this assemblage. We are here of every nation and pursuit, of every creed and character, each in bis capacity of citizen, to swell the mournful tribute wbicb the majesty cf the people offers to the unreplying dead. He lies to-- day surrounded by little of funeral pomp. No banners droop over the bier, no melancholy music floats upon the reluctant air. The hopes of high hearted friends droop like fading flowers upon his breast, and the strug- gling sigh compels the tear in the eye that seldom weeps. Around him are those who had known him best and loved him longest; who have shared the triumph and endured the defeat. Near him are the gravest and noblest of the state, pos--- sessed by a gnet at once earnest and sincere; while beyond, the masses of tbe people whom be loved, and for whom his life was given, gather like a thuDdei cloud of swelling and indignant grief. In such a presence, fellow citizens, let ushnger for a moment at tbe portals of the tomb, whose shadowy arches vibrate to tbe public heart, to speak a few brief words of tbe man, and of his death. Up to tbe time of his arrival in California, his life bad been passed among events incident to such a character. Fearless, in his enmities, warm in bis friendships, wedded to bis opinions, and marching directly to his purpose through and over all opposition, bis career was checkered with success and defeat ; but even in defeat bis energies were strengbtened and his career devel- oped. When be reached these shores, his keen observations taught bim at once tbat be trod a broad field, and that a higher career was before bim. He bad no false pride; sprang from a people and a race ' whose vocation was labor, be - -- toiled with bis own hinds, and sprang at a bound from the workshop to the legis lative ball. From tbat time there con gregated around bim and against bim tbe elements of success and defeat . strong friendship, bitter enmities, high ' praise, malignant calumnies but be trod with a free and proud step tbat on ward path which has led him to glory and tbe crave. Fellow citizens! tbe man whose body lies before you was your senator. From the moment ot his election bis character has been maligned, bis motives attack- ed, bis courage impeached, his patriotism assailed. It has been a evstem tending to one end. What was his crime? Re- view his history consider bis public acts, weigh bis private character and before ' the grave encloses forever judge be- tween bim and bis enemies? - As a man to be judged in bis private y- - relations who was bis snpeiior? It was bis boast, and amid the general license of a new country it was a proud one, that bis most scrutinizing enemy could fix no single act of immorality upon him ! Temperate, decorous, d, he passed through all the excitement of California unstained. No man could charge him with broken faith nr violated trust. Of habits sample and inexpensive, be had no lust of gain. He overreached no man's weakness in a bnrgaia, and withheld from no man h':, just dues. ' Never in the history of the state, has there L'een a citizen who has borne public relations more stainless in all respects than he. One year ago to-da- y I performed a duty such as I perform to-d- ay, over the remains of Senator Fergnsson, who died as Broderick died, tangled in tbe meshes of tbe code of honor. To-d- ay there is a more eminent sacrifice. To day I renew my protest; to-da-y I utter yours. The code of honor is a delusion and a snare; it palters with the hope of true courage and .binds it to the feet of crafty and cruel skill. It surrounds its victim with the pomp and - grace of the procession, but leaves bim bleeding on the a' tar. It is a shield, blazoned with tbe name of chivalry, to cover the malignity of mur- der. It substitues cold and deliberate prep-arati- on for courrgeons and manly impulse, and arms the one to disarm tbe other; it may prevent fraud between practiced duel- ists, who should be forever without its pale, . but it makes tbe mere "trick of the weapon" superior to the noblest cause and truest courage. Its pretense of equality is a lie it is equal in all tbe form, it id unjust in all tbe substance the habitude of arms, the early training, the frontier life, the border war, tbe sectional custom, the life of leisure, a 1 these are advantages which no negotia- tion can neutralize and which no courage can overcome. And now, as the shadow turns toward the east, and we prepare to bear these poor remains to their last resting place, let us not seek to repress the generous " pride wbich prompts the recital of noble deeds and manly virtues. He rose un aided and alone; be began without family or fortune, in the face of difficulties ; be inherited poverty and obscunty; he died - a senator in. congress, having written' nis name in Tbe history of the great struggle for the rights of tbe people against the despostism of organization and the cor- ruption of power. He leaves in the hearts of his friends the f enderest and proudest recollections. He was honest, faithful, earnest, sincere, generous and brave; be felt in all the great crisis of his life that be was a lead- er in tte ranks, tbat it was his high duty to uphold the.interest of the masses; that be could not falter. When he returned from the fatal field, while the dark wing of the archangel of death was casting its shadow upon bis brow, his greatest anx iety was for the performance of bis duty. - He felt that all his strength and his life belonged to tbe cause to wbich be had devoied them. "Baker," said he and to me they were hia last words "Baker, when I was struck I bad to stand firm, but tbe blow blinded me aud I could not." I trust that it U no shame to my manhood tbat tears blinded me as he said it. Of his list hour I have no heart to speak. He was the last of his race; there was no kindred hand to smooth bis couch or wipe the death damp from bis brow; but round tbat dying bed strong men, tbe friends of bis early manhood, the devoted adherents of later life, bowed in irrepres- -' sible grief, "and lifted up their voices - and wept." ' But fellow citizens the voice of lamen- tation is not uttered by private friendship alone tbe blow tbat struck his manly breast has touched the heart of a people, and as tbe sad tidings spiead a gen eral gloom prevails. Who now shall speak for California? who win be the isterpreter of the wants of the Pacific coast? "Ah who that gallant spirit shall resume. Leap from Eutoras1 bank, and call us from the tomb!" But the last words must be spoken, and the imperious mandate of death must he fulfilled. Tens, v brave Heart I we bear thee to tby rest. Thus surrounded by tens of thousands, we leave thee to the equal grave. ; Irs. C. L. Phillips, Fashionable Milliner, COURT STREET. (Next door to office.) THE LATEST STYLES Bonnets, Trimmingsetc. Miscellaneous. Spring Disorders Shattered nerves, tired brain. Impure blood, debilitated system, all are the natural out- come In the Spring. A medicine must be used, and nothing equals Palne's Celery Com- pound. We let others praise us you cannot help believing a disin- terested party. Brigadier-Gener- al W. L. Greenleaf, Burling- ton, Vt., writes: "I have used Palne's Celery Compound on several occasions, and always with benefit. Last spring, being very much run down and debilitated, I commenced taking bottles made me feel like a new man. As a general tonic and spring medicine 1 do not know ol Its equal." ulldSi'M. IT IS EASY TO 1 D8l.eiooiB.ieul iftUsA rjNt' M&?-Pi- J X- -ft COW BRAND m WW mnJsodaoisaleratus. STOVE TINWARE AND FISH & BAEBON'S, 113 WASHINGTON STREET, BET. SECOND AND THIRD. Em I fa neis SECOND STREET BETWEEN UNION AND COURT. F. LEMKE, PROP'R, Brewery Beer,:-- : ALL KINDS OF BOTTLED BEER. very best Imported Wines, Liquors aM Cigars. The One Price COR. SECOND AND Etc Conntrv Order Prmnptlv E. P. FITZ p' Wagon-Maker- s' the IMPROVED Port 81, Sherry 81. Muscat 83, 83, Mountain 83 have used two bottles of tout Palne's 1 A jour Grocer for M 1 AND JTOR rtVLIi: Also, tlie tended co and Agent for The Best Liquors and T L - - - a Celery Compound, and It has given entire sat- isfaction as an appetizer and blood purifier.' ' , - T. L. Bebheb, Watertown, Dakota. Paine's Celery Compound Is prescribed by physicians, recommended by druggists, endorsed by ministers, praised by users, and guaranteed by the manufacturers, as a spring medicine which will do aU that Is claimed for It. Use it this spring, and see how quickly it tones you up. Purifies the Blood. Full accounts of wonderful cures made by Palne's Celery Compound after other medicines and the best physicians had failed, sent free. There's nothing like it. $1.00. Six for $3.00. Druggists. Wills, KicnARDSON & Co., Burlington, Vt. DYE WITH DIAMOND DYES iFJZh. HARDWARE Cash House, COURT STS., TKEMY, 11 IN- - estie Dry Goods, bts and .Shoes, &c. p for the Hall Bazaar Dress Forms, WE MIC HELL. fill -- AND- Dii'ector. o nis Business a mil line or Black, White, French wood Gaskets, of all descriptions ai the Lowest Prices east of the mountains with all tbe 'Vement-i- . XLLXNG ORDERS. east of Gibooa, Uacallister & Co's agricultural ware Washington. Can be sen at all hours of the day fM. MICHELL. Successors toLD, Fbank, deceased. Wholesale and Betall Dealers anpaaMiery, Leather & Shoe Findings, marM-t- d GERALD, ' AGBinJlTDBAL MACHINERY, HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL. Blacksmiths9 Stock. MONARCH Washta Machine.- - Burgundy 83, Zinfardel 84, Eiesling 83, Hock 83, Table Claret. Cigars Always on Sale. Tents, Wagon Covers. Carriage Trimmings, A.T THE OLD STAND. Gi-rooeri- e THE 0R0 FIN0 WINE ROOMS jJT. KELLER, Proprietor. Angelica an Gregorio Vineyard Co Agency. All Wines and Brandies Guaranteed Strictly Pure. Wines, Try the best remedy for Dyspepsia, 'Dandelion Tonic." I;e gal Notices - Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given that the undersicned has been by the county court of the state of Oregon for the county of Wasco appointed administrator of the estate of Kuthiuda Wallace, deceased. All persons havinar claims against said estate are hereby notified and required to present the same to me with proper vouchers at the law office of Bennett & Wilson in Dalles Cily in said county within six months from the date of this notice. Dated this 24th day of July, 1SS9. O. F. PAXTON. Administrator of the estate of Ruthinda Wallace, deceased. Administratrix' Notice. Notice is hereby civen that the undersigned has been duly appointed by the county court of Wasco county, Oregon, administratrix of the estate of N. H. Gates, deceased. Therefore all personsholding claims against said estate are hereby requested to present the sime together with the proper vouchers tnereir to me unutTMK'-c- ai vtiv mw umro vi a?wij & Bradshaw at Dalles City, Oregon, within six mouths from the date ol to is notice. MARY E. GATES, Administratrix of stid estate. Story & Bradshiw, attorneys for said estate. Julv6 1W. wat Notice of Final Settlement. Noice is hereby given that the undersigned, the adm of the partnership estate of Pratt & Silvertooth (S. B. Pratt dece ived), has filed his final account in said estate, and that by order duly mnde, Tuesday. September 3, 18a9, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. ni. of said day, in the county court room of the county court house at Dalles City, Oregon, has been appointed as the time and place for the hearing of such final account and the settlement of said es- tate, and al?o the objections, if any there be, to such final acci un and the settlement of said estate. By oner ii the Count v Judge dated this 23d day of July, 1S9. F. W. SILVERTOOTH, Administrator of the estate of Pratt & Silvertooth. Notice of Final Settlement. The undersigned hereby gives notice that he has filed in the office of the County Clerk of Wasco Coun- ty, Oregon, his final account in the matter of the Estate of Rudolph Luther, deceased, and that the County Judge ot said county has entered th.it said final account and the settlement of said estate, and any objections that may be trade thereto, shall bt; heard at 10 o'clock A. M. on Tuesday the 3d d iv ot September. lfe&9, that being the second day of the UCAl regular icim ui bu wui. oaiu iiwi mi; mu be in the County Court room in the Court House of said County at Dalles City, Oregon. The above notice is given by an order of said Coun- ty Judge, dated at Dailes City, Oregon, July 2d, lSSi. A. Al. JUACLE.UL). Executor cf the estate of Rudolph Lusher, deceased. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that I have been duly ap pointed administrator ot the estate of the late John T. Storrs, deceased, by the honorable the county court of the state of Oregon for the county of Wasco in matters ol nrooate, uuiy maae, rendered and en- tered on the 7th day of August, 1S?9. All persons having c"ai ins vraiust said estate are hereby required to present them to me at the office of Duftir & Wat kins at The Dalles in saii county and state with the proper vouchers, within six months from the date oi this notice. FRANK MENEFEE, Administrator. The Dalles, Aug. 10, 1&&. NOTICE. Proposals will be received at the office of the county clerk, at The Dalles. Wasco county, Oregon, until 12 o'clock 51. of Wednesday, September 4th, 16b9, for the keeping and care of the indigent, tick and poor persons of the county of Wasco for the year commencing on the 11th day of September, A. D. 1889, and ending on tbe 11th day of September, A. D. 1890. Said proposals shall be for the board, lodging. care, medicine, medical attendance, clothiug, nurs- ing, washing, and in case of death, burial in a deceut manner, with tlie expense thereof, together with the expense of conveying the said poor persons to the place provided for their care. Proposals will be received at so much per head for each person so cared for, or for the care of all of the county poor for one year. The court reserves the right to reject any or all bids. By order of the county court. GEORGE H. THOMPSON, County Clerk. By J. M. HUNTINGTON, Deputy, The Dalles, Cr Aug. 10, 18S9. aol2d&wtsep3 Land Notices NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles, Okkgo, July Iff, 1889. Notice is hereby siven that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make fiual proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on September 12, 1889, viz: Patrick Ahern, Hd 1984, for the W 1 of NE S U of NW 1, Sec 34, T1N.R 14 E, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his con- tinuous residence upou and cultivation of said land, viz: Albert Allen, Andy Allen, William Hanna. and John Kuirk, aU of The Dalles Or. Any person who desires to protest against the al lowance of such proof, or who knows of any sub- stantial reason, under the law and the regulations of the interior department, why such proof Bhould not be allowed, will be given an opportunity at the above mentioned time and place to e the wit nesses or saiu claimant, ani to oner evidence in re- buttal of that submitted by claimant. n .A. aicdoaalu. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Omen at Tub Dalle?, Oregon, August I, 1889. Notice is hereby given that the following-name-d settlei has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on September 17, 18&9, viz: Calvin I. Brown, Hd. 1637, for the NWJ4, Sec 8, Tp 1 N, R 15 E, W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon aud cultivation of, said land, viz: William Floyd, Gen. H. Rid dell. C. E. Dunham Patrick Brown, all of The Dalles, Or. augata . A. mclOi alu, Kegister. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Tub Dali.es, Ob., Augut 14, 1839. Notice is hereby firiven that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of bis claim, and that said proof will b made before the register and receiver at Tbe Dalles, Oregon, on September 28, 1889, viz: Kobert Jl. Darmelle, Hd. 1663, for the SW 1 Sec 12. T-- R. S. 13, E, W M. lie names the following wittnesses to prove his continuous residence upou and cultivation of said land, viz: w. 11. Williams, Oscar Au;ell. John Southwell. and W. . Campbell, all of The Dalles. Or. F. A. McDONALD, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Omcs at Tub Dalles, Oil, August 13, 1889. Notice is hereby given that the following-name-d settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of bis claim, and that said proof will be made before Register and Receiver at Tbe Dalles, Or., on September 23, 1869. viz: Joseph Haynes, Hd. 1725. for the W a, NE X,E, NW J. Sec 18, T 2. 8. R. 15 E. W M. lie names the following witnesses to prove his contiuuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land viz: Jacob Craft, Edward Craft, Fitz Clausen, Geo. S. W illard, all of Nanscne, Oregon. uul7 F. A. McDONALD. Register. Notice to Contractors. Sealed bid9 will be receive 1 np till 12 o'clock noon, on the 5!b day of August, 1!:89, for building a house on Eight Mile creek, in District r'o. 6, of Wasco county, Oregon. Plans and specifications can be seen by calling at the County Clerk's office. All bids to be left with the County Clerk. David Patterson, Chairman of Board of Director. Fight Mile, July 22, 1889. NOTICE. The owner of a buckskin horse with black stripe on back, not branded, will please come and take charge of his property, as he is a continued annoy- ance to me, jumping fences and destroying- crops. H. J. M AH EAR. Eight Mile, July 23, 188!). Teachers' Examination. Notice is hereby (riven that for the purpose of making an examination of all persons who may offer themselves as candidates for teachers of the schools of this county, the county school superintendent thereof will hold a public examination at Tbe Dalles in tne county court room, on Wednesday, August zg, isou, commencing at iz o ciock ju. Dated this August 7, 3889. A. C. CONNELLY, Co. School Supt. CITY TAXES. City taxes for the year 13891 are now due, and payable at my office within thirty days from date of tins notice, alter wnirn tne same wiu be delinquent and turned over to the marshal for collection witD costs added. LOUIS ROKDEN, August 7, 1889,-l- Treas. Dalles City, Or STUAYED. From the premises of the subscriber in The Dalles. about the 10th of My, one dark bay filly, three years old, branded with ''LS" reverted on left shoul- der. A reward of $15 will be given for the delivery of the animal at my place. Was last seen at She- - Tar s oriage on tne uescnutes. t. r. iaiwk. Change of School Books. Notice to Whom it May Concern: Tbe new series of school books adopted by the last legislature are now received. They can be found at 1, C. ftiickelsen a book store, ana wut be exenanged gratis for the old books, except the arithmetics, on which a little discount is charged. aulutd A. C UUHAELLI, Supt. of Common Schools for Wasco County. St. Mary's Academy, Conducted by the Sisters of the Holy Karnes. This Institution offers every advantage forborne and social comfort. The course of study comr rises all tha branches of a thorough English education. Special attention paid to the arts and foreign lan- guages. Studies resumed August 26. For further particulars apply to the Superioress. au3 ONE BAND O-F- Stock Sheep ! Toung and in good condition; also 100 Graded Bucks. Fnnulre at the First National Bank, at A. M. Wil liams Co.'s store, or at the stock yards of Larsen k Saltmarabe. jlylSwtl a. r, HUBKKIB s BUB. Crandall Snrset, DEALERS IX Fine Upholstered Goods Furniture, Carpets, Mattings, Parlor Ornaments, Window Shades, Etc. crzicierta,lsng: a, Specialty. Coffins, Caskets, Burial Robes, Etc. an be found at all hours of the day or night at their plac of bminenn, Washington street tiro doors north from Second. Siyn of lied Light. mi s DEALERS IS Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Har, Grain and Mill Feed. ZLSTotlons, To"ba,cco a,n,d. Cigars, Etc. Nos. 40-4- 4 Main, and 61-6- 9 Washington Sts. Agent for the DAVIS Sewing Machine. C. E. DUNHAM, S01E AGEKT FOR ?JSc??f5G vwe?tC . " iiii i i r Razors, Knives, Scissors, Slionldcr Braces, pat? july 1879. Every Pair Purchased Gnarantacd. Clicst Protficlors STATIONERY AND CIGARS. Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal uses. Prescriptions com- pounded at, all hours. CALL AN1 SEE EOOSIER FENCE MACHINE, that gives a continuous twist to the wire. operation at THE PACIFIC FENCE WORKS, Strong, Durable, Neat, and the H. B. EEED, THE DALLES, EDWARD WJJSGATE 1870 300 to 304 Still at Head of to to in oi xne us to at in A of bent each 75 ct Cane 2 00 Ash 3 60 3 50 12 00 C4T in stock a full line of PATENT ! - SPRING GOODS JUST ARRINING! SPRING GOODS JUST ARRIVING! Dry Goods Department, Fancy Goods Department, Clothing Department, Boot and Shoe Department, Ladies' Cloak Department, Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods Dept. AU Complete in Every Detail- - E. WINGATE & CO., PRINZ & WHOLESALE Are happy announce the public that they have succeeded procuring the special jobbing raies ceieuraieu which enables sell Furni - tue and Carpets prices hith- - erto unknown Oregon. Few Our Quotations will Hardwood Cha!rs, Kockera Bedsteads Woven-wir- e Mattresses Lounges CvLiL. AND The desirable Warehouse 1 in & Keeps MEDICINES. In SPONGES, GOODS, OXLY MACHINE Cheapest in the World. Proprietor. OREGON. MRS, E. WINGATE, 1888. Of old firm of E. Wingate & Co Second St. Procession ! THE NITSCHKE, AX It ETA I L WzzP & sd ' Convince the Most SJreptical: 15 00 Asli lied room bets 25 00 Brussels Carpets, per yard 7b Imrrain Carpetg, do 21 SEE ju29 in town for the storage and Forwarfa Merchant for Wheat, Etc. j Furniture & Carpet Dealers. Wasco WarehouseCo. C. G. ROBERTS, Manager, Tlio Talles, Oregon. most exhibition to buyers. WOOL! WOOL! Forwarding, Consignments, Grading and Baling PROSIPTLjY attended to. Cash advanced for freights and on consignments. Highest Cash Price paid for Wool, Pelts and Furs. 7h. W. MKOXOIW, Gener Gunon and 391, 393 and 395 SECOND STP.EET, (Adjoining Railroad Depot.) Consignments Solicited ! ! Prompt Attention to those who favor me with their patronage. Tiie Highest Price paid Cash RUBBER Fence DALLES, OREGON iBPLls' USII'l Barley, Etc., 1,500 SPANISH MERINO RAMS. From the Rimrcck Sheep Ranch. llE HAVE FOI". THIS SEASON'S TISAIK, o! limKl L'GIIBKKl M uu illvJH GRADE Y Uams, all of which are in flue condition, and free frnm diccese. Wa I'oiiiiiler our rams fur thit season's trade, tlie best loi we have ever offered to rlie public, ai d only aik an insertion to prove what Those wishing rams would do well to call early, select, brand, and leave them with us FREE ol CIIAKGE until nrecdine season this fall. Prieos liower liian Ever, mid or x Ml2asy. Thanking our many patrons for their veiy liberal iatiMaj accorded us in the past, we rcepecttull.t solicit an inspection of our stock this teaso. Our ranch is located on The Dalles and Pnncville &taso Road at HA CRREK, Crook County, Oregon For furthjr particulars, cali on or adHrcs. BALDWIN SHEEP AND LAND CO., to van HfirTKX r.lrns. CO.. ht rim, Or SUCCESSORS IE. Ac CO. and A COMPLETE LINE OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Dry Goods, WAGONS. The WILL. Alfiu WINGATE ngal Uerehaadlse! Groceries, Hardware, STUDE6AKER E3- - 3L37-:e- l cSs Co., HAVE OjI HA.'I AX1 FOR S H." HARNESS AND SADDLERY! AT 179 SECOND STREET, THE DALLES, OR. BITS, LASHES, COLLARS, SPURS, LEATHER, SADDLE TREES. FANCY GOODS, ETC., ETC. BEST EVERY SOLD ?TJob Work Of the Latest and lares and General NEW nnd of the TO RE AS PROMPTLY, paid to EXTRA uu n Inn. th&n and call and elsewnere. New . TO Most Annroved and of the Best with of all in our Line. EVERYTHING MATERIAL, and ARTICLE REPRESENTED. and Rbpalrins FULLY, AMsortment and HONESTLY DONK.TK1 Particular attention FINE that may be specially ordered. We can Pnrtl&nd with Freieht. so Dleae remember the THE DALLES, UKEUUH HANBLEY & SINNOTT. Proprietors LARGEST AND FINEST HOTEL IN OREGON. Frp.p. flmnitus tn and from the Firs-Pro- of Goods Prices, Tkket'and Baggage Office of the Oregon Kailway fe Naviqation Company, and Office oj the TRAIN'S DEPART FROM THIS HOUSE AT 12:10 P Jr R WALLA WALLA 2:40 P. M. PORTLAND C. STUBLING, PROPRIETOR GERMANIA BEER HALL. FINEST Wines, Liquors and Cigars Always ALL KINDS OF Has Corner of Second In connection with the Grocery all Oils, Glass, Wall al! LATE FIRM AND WHIPS, Styles Make, CARE p'ace, WORK examine our Goods before purchasing; at Portland or iuug Umatilla ouse, Hotel. Safg for the Safety of all On BOTTLED BEER. opened a and Union Sts will supply Bread and Pastry of kinds. IN- - Papers, Decorations, and Steel and of tbe Seasom. A. L. NEWMAN GROCERIES, PROVISIONS. ETC. The will be new and fresh, and such as are demanded in this market. ZD- - TXT". Ed-ward- s, 54 Second St., near Cor. Union. -- IEALER Paints, MATERIALS, Mouldings and Picture Frames, Cor Poles, 3?AI?ErS TITIIVI IVIED FnEE.i Oil Paintings, Cliromos -- FIRST ARRIVAL OF- - lew Spring Goods DIRECT FROM EASTERN Cofflprising the New Styles Iron Steel. HACKS BUGGIES THE Valuators. Band. Engravings. Fates CANNED GOODS, groceries ARTISTS nice Etc. MANUFACTURERS, A TV INSPECTION SOLICIFKD. W. H. MOODY & CO. N Two trains daily, leaving; tlie L'matilla House at 12:10 p. m. ami i a. m. The 12:10 train run. through to Walla Walla, cnt.nectini; at Wallula Junction vita the Northern Pariflc train for Helena, St. Haul an4 the Ea?t. The 3 train runs through to Faruiins;-to- n via. I', dleton and Walla alia, anil to I'nion, La Cran . llakor City, connectinit at lluntinirton wit'i Or bhort Line for Ucnvcr, Council bluffs Kansas it and thi But. Trains goinif west leave The Dal cs'u, 12:40 P. SI. and 2 A il. TIP If TO 10 and 'r"'n noi iail points In ths 11 Ul IO United States, Canada and Europe. ELEGANT PULLMAN PALACE CARS EMIGRANT SLEEPING CARS ma through on KxpruM trains to OMAHA, COUNCIL BLUFFS, and ST. PAUL, ol Charge and Without Change, Close Connection at Portland for San Pmnciico ant Putfet bound points. To San Francisco Leaving Steamship Wharf PorW land, at 12 Midnight, as follows: Oregon . . ..Saturday, Attjrust State .Wednesday, " Columbia Sunday, Oietron ..Thurwlay, " State of California. Monday, " Columbia Friday, " Oregon Tuesday, State of California ....Saturdar, To Portland Leaving SpcarSt'Wharf, San Francisco, at 10 A. al. as follows: State of California Friday, Autruat t Columbia., Tuesday, Oreiron bttturuay, 10 State of California. Wednesday, 14 Columbia Sunday, It Oregon Tburttda, W State Monday, 1 Columbia .. .. t riuay, KATES OF PASSAGE, (including meals and b.rtfes uainn, viu uu Merugo, w Hound Trip Unlimited, UU 00 For further particulars inquire ot any Airent of ths Company, or A. U Maxwell, A. G. P. A '. A., Fort. land, Oregon. A.L. MAXWELL, TO SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. By Way of the SouthernPacificCompany's The ML SHASTA ROUTE. Quiolcer In Time t lin n A07 Otlior Houto between Portland and San Francisco. Leave I'ovtlaud 4 P. 31. Daily. Throush Time, 39 Hours. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. TOURIST SLEEPING-CAR- S, for accomodation of Second-Olas- a Passengers, attached to Express Trains. Faro from Portland to Sacramento ana San Francisco:! Unlimited , 26 First Class. Limited 20 f Second Class, Limited i 16 Ot THROUGH tTICKETH TO ALL POINTS, South and X2as1; Vlu. California. K. KOEIILEB, E. P. HOOKRS. Manager Asst. O. F. and Pi. Agi If any dealer gays tie lias the W. I DonriM Slios without name and pries stumped oa Uu bottom, put lilni dowu M a fraud. I. X r W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE CENTLEMEN. Rest In iho world. Kxamlnn hl .t.OO WGMIINK HASl-SKVK- n MIOE. 4.C)0 HANH-KEIVK- O WKI.T BHDK. ft:l.nO l'Ol.ICK AM) FAKMK1IS' SHOE. Uta.BO KXTItA VAI.U15 CAI-- MIOli. SjiU.ijn WOliKlNCMAN's KHOK. fc.UO ami V1.7;1 IHVH' NCHOOI, RHOES Ail made iu Confrreaa, Button and Lace. . L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE ladTes. Best Material. Best Btyli. Beat Fitting. ' U iMSSScmow. MASS Examine W, L. Douglas $2.00 for Gentleman and Ladies. J. Frelman, Afft.,The Dallcs,0r. tiff fcf.ehln'PnTlTI klo il cue .trad im mil Vvimeinm oar . Uad poodi wbtr tfe pxil ran g mu aeou i rev loasj nda im he world, with all th iirirhnrni. mm w will muo Mnd free compirt llMofovr costlj' aod valaabl art amolm. In ralorn w aak that to .how what ra aend. to Ltaaaa who t mjy eali at your bom.aod aftar M imoniniaiianau noponta jenr owi rproprrlT. ibla frrand marniaa m up, n madanr lot Winffrr , hieh hava run out . iWora palvnts run on l It aokd for wti b ib mpm.r r at. BMi.atroofMt,inatafa sKEI'l t I" Ail marbtna in tta wori'l. All ! r llnUlnrfrM. Ko capiial L Plain, brief Inatiuctiona rivao. I bota wbo writa lo m at one can a, mra tfrce tba bal In tba world, and lb (InrM lineofworkiof b'ah artavrr abown tocflht-- r in America, Tit UK fc CO., Box 14rO, AubuiIh, Jlalna I Blf G bu el Ten unlver- - uUsfactlon In tbe Ssal iTI TO 6 DATS. V; of Oooorrbceft and f yS'Jf 4Ooamntaa4 BlrtMnra. net to 1 I Uleet. I prescribe II and feel safe In recommend fej Mrdooly bylb lug it to all sufferers. -- AW. 6T0XER, B.D V Olnclnnstlga Deealur. HI. PBICE,Sl.Ca. Bold by DrugreULs. Snipes & Kinersly The Dalles, Or. PAUL KREFT. Artistic Painter and House Decorator, The Iallea, Oresron. House Painting and Decorating a Spoclaltr No inferior and cheap work done; but good, lasting work at the lowest prices. Shop adjoining postoulce on Second Street. K TO HILL Sc. CO.'S SAMPLE ROOMS Keeps constantly on hand thojehoicost Wines, Liquors, Cigars. Corner of Colon rndScoond Sts. The Dalles. Orecoc. Ifew Grocery Store! AT TIIE OHRISMAN OLD STAND, It 4 Third St-- , The Dallec, Or. Will keep on hand a general assortment of Groceries, Canned Goods, Feed and Provisions, And desire a share of the public patronaire, as we ex? pect to sell at Prices to Suit tiii Uakb Tm as. JtfAU Goods Fresh and Warrranted First-clas- WELCH & S3IITH. -- t ii id-- Farmers' and Butchers EXCHANGE, Fiont St., OppoHlte l'matilla llonse, TUE DALLES, ORKGON. Wolfgang Schraeder.Frop'r. Always on sale the best, of Imported and Domestic Winies, Liquors, and Cig-ars- , liottled Bett of all kind, a Specialty BUCnLEB'B BEEU ON TAP, FREE LUNCn FOB CUSTOMERS. Woltgang Schraeder.
Page 1: The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.). (The ... · COL. BttK BK'g FAMOUS EUMV-- It Wu Delivered Over The Vlrtimof Jaifte Terry's Cruel skill. The following iaoeral oration


It Wu Delivered Over The VlrtimofJaifte Terry's Cruel skill.

The following iaoeral oration pro-nounced by Colonel E. D. Baker, on the

. occasion of the burial of Senator DavidC. Boderiik, who was shot by the lateJudge Terry, has passed into history asone of the finest eulogies ever delivered.

. The Senator was killed by Judge Terryin a duel in California on September 13,1859:

A senator lies dead in our midst I Heis wrapt in a bloody shroud, and we, towhom his toils and cares were given, areabout to bear him to the place appointedfor all the living. It is not fit that sucha man should pass to the tomb un-

heralded ; it is not fit that such a deathshould call forth no rebuke, or be fol-

lowed by no public lamentation. It isthis conviction which impels the gather-ing of this assemblage. We are here ofevery nation and pursuit, of every creedand character, each in bis capacity ofcitizen, to swell the mournful tributewbicb the majesty cf the people offers tothe unreplying dead.

He lies to-- day surrounded by little offuneral pomp. No banners droop overthe bier, no melancholy music floatsupon the reluctant air. The hopes ofhigh hearted friends droop like fadingflowers upon his breast, and the strug-gling sigh compels the tear in the eye thatseldom weeps. Around him are thosewho had known him best and loved himlongest; who have shared the triumphand endured the defeat. Near him arethe gravest and noblest of the state, pos---sessed by a gnet at once earnest andsincere; while beyond, the masses of tbepeople whom be loved, and for whomhis life was given, gather like a thuDdeicloud of swelling and indignant grief.

In such a presence, fellow citizens, letushnger for a moment at tbe portals ofthe tomb, whose shadowy arches vibrateto tbe public heart, to speak a few briefwords of tbe man, and of his death. Upto tbe time of his arrival in California,his life bad been passed among eventsincident to such a character. Fearless,

in his enmities, warm inbis friendships, wedded to bis opinions,and marching directly to his purposethrough and over all opposition, biscareer was checkered with success anddefeat ; but even in defeat bis energieswere strengbtened and his career devel-oped.

When be reached these shores, hiskeen observations taught bim at oncetbat be trod a broad field, and that ahigher career was before bim. He badno false pride; sprang from a people anda race ' whose vocation was labor, be

- -- toiled with bis own hinds, and sprang ata bound from the workshop to the legislative ball. From tbat time there congregated around bim and against bimtbe elements of success and defeat

. strong friendship, bitter enmities, high' praise, malignant calumnies but be

trod with a free and proud step tbat onward path which has led him to gloryand tbe crave.

Fellow citizens! tbe man whose bodylies before you was your senator. Fromthe moment ot his election bis characterhas been maligned, bis motives attack-ed, bis courage impeached, his patriotismassailed. It has been a evstem tendingto one end. What was his crime? Re-

view his history consider bis public acts,weigh bis private character and before

' the grave encloses forever judge be-

tween bim and bis enemies?- As a man to be judged in bis private

y-- relations who was bis snpeiior? It was

bis boast, and amid the general license ofa new country it was a proud one, thatbis most scrutinizing enemy could fix nosingle act of immorality upon him !

Temperate, decorous, d, hepassed through all the excitement ofCalifornia unstained. No man couldcharge him with broken faith nr violatedtrust. Of habits sample and inexpensive,be had no lust of gain. He overreachedno man's weakness in a bnrgaia, andwithheld from no man h':, just dues.

' Never in the history of the state, hasthere L'een a citizen who has borne publicrelations more stainless in all respectsthan he.

One year ago to-da-y I performed aduty such as I perform to-d- ay, over theremains of Senator Fergnsson, who diedas Broderick died, tangled in tbe meshesof tbe code of honor. To-d- ay there is amore eminent sacrifice. To day I renewmy protest; to-da-y I utter yours. Thecode of honor is a delusion and a snare;it palters with the hope of true courageand .binds it to the feet of crafty andcruel skill. It surrounds its victim withthe pomp and - grace of the procession,but leaves bim bleeding on the a' tar. Itis a shield, blazoned with tbe name ofchivalry, to cover the malignity of mur-der.

It substitues cold and deliberate prep-arati- on

for courrgeons and manly impulse,and arms the one to disarm tbe other; itmay prevent fraud between practiced duel-ists, who should be forever without its pale,

. but it makes tbe mere "trick of theweapon" superior to the noblest causeand truest courage. Its pretense ofequality is a lie it is equal in all tbeform, it id unjust in all tbe substancethe habitude of arms, the early training,the frontier life, the border war, tbesectional custom, the life of leisure, a 1

these are advantages which no negotia-tion can neutralize and which no couragecan overcome.

And now, as the shadow turns towardthe east, and we prepare to bear thesepoor remains to their last resting place,let us not seek to repress the generous

" pride wbich prompts the recital of nobledeeds and manly virtues. He rose unaided and alone; be began without familyor fortune, in the face of difficulties ; beinherited poverty and obscunty; he died

- a senator in. congress, having written' nisname in Tbe history of the great strugglefor the rights of tbe people against thedespostism of organization and the cor-ruption of power.

He leaves in the hearts of his friendsthe fenderest and proudest recollections.He was honest, faithful, earnest, sincere,generous and brave; be felt in all thegreat crisis of his life that be was a lead-er in tte ranks, tbat it was his high dutyto uphold the.interest of the masses; thatbe could not falter. When he returnedfrom the fatal field, while the dark wingof the archangel of death was casting itsshadow upon bis brow, his greatest anxiety was for the performance of bis duty.

- He felt that all his strength and his lifebelonged to tbe cause to wbich be haddevoied them.

"Baker," said he and to me they werehia last words "Baker, when I wasstruck I bad to stand firm, but tbe blowblinded me aud I could not." I trustthat it U no shame to my manhood tbattears blinded me as he said it. Of hislist hour I have no heart to speak. Hewas the last of his race; there was nokindred hand to smooth bis couch orwipe the death damp from bis brow; butround tbat dying bed strong men, tbefriends of bis early manhood, the devotedadherents of later life, bowed in irrepres- -'

sible grief, "and lifted up their voices- and wept."

' But fellow citizens the voice of lamen-tation is not uttered by private friendshipalone tbe blow tbat struck his manlybreast has touched the heart of a people,and as tbe sad tidings spiead a general gloom prevails. Who now shallspeak for California? who win be theisterpreter of the wants of the Pacificcoast?"Ah who that gallant spirit shall resume.Leap from Eutoras1 bank, and call us from the

tomb!"But the last words must be spoken,

and the imperious mandate of death musthe fulfilled. Tens, v brave Heart I webear thee to tby rest. Thus surroundedby tens of thousands, we leave thee tothe equal grave.

; Irs. C. L. Phillips,

Fashionable Milliner,COURT STREET.

(Next door to office.)


Bonnets, Trimmingsetc.


Spring DisordersShattered nerves, tiredbrain. Impure blood,debilitated system, allare the natural out-

come In the Spring. Amedicine must be used,and nothing equalsPalne's Celery Com-

pound. We let otherspraise us you cannothelp believing a disin-

terested party.Brigadier-Gener- al W. L. Greenleaf, Burling-

ton, Vt., writes: "I have used Palne's CeleryCompound on several occasions, and alwayswith benefit. Last spring, being very much rundown and debilitated, I commenced taking

bottles made me feel like a new man. Asa general tonic and spring medicine 1 do notknow ol Its equal."


1 D8l.eiooiB.ieuliftUsA rjNt' M&?-Pi-J

X- -ft COW BRANDm WW mnJsodaoisaleratus.





F. LEMKE, PROP'R,Brewery Beer,:-- :

ALL KINDS OF BOTTLED BEER.very best Imported Wines, Liquors aM Cigars.



Conntrv Order Prmnptlv



Wagon-Maker- s'


Port 81,

Sherry 81.

Muscat 83,


Mountain 83

have used two bottles of tout Palne's

1A jour Grocer for

M 1


Also, tlie

tended co

andAgent for

The Best Liquors and



- - -


Celery Compound, and It has given entire sat-isfaction as an appetizer and blood purifier.' ',- T. L. Bebheb, Watertown, Dakota.

Paine'sCelery Compound

Is prescribed by physicians, recommended bydruggists, endorsed by ministers, praised byusers, and guaranteed by the manufacturers,as a spring medicine which will do aU that Isclaimed for It. Use it this spring, and see howquickly it tones you up.

Purifies the Blood.Full accounts of wonderful cures made by

Palne's Celery Compound after other medicinesand the best physicians had failed, sent free.There's nothing like it.

$1.00. Six for $3.00. Druggists.Wills, KicnARDSON & Co., Burlington, Vt.



Cash House,COURT STS.,

TKEMY,11 IN- -

estie Dry Goods,bts and .Shoes, &c.

p for the Hall Bazaar Dress Forms,



Dii'ector.o nis Business a mil line orBlack, White, French

wood Gaskets,of all descriptions ai the Lowest Priceseast of the mountains with all tbe'Vement-i- .

XLLXNG ORDERS.east of Gibooa, Uacallister & Co's agricultural ware

Washington. Can be sen at all hours of the day


Successors toLD, Fbank, deceased.

Wholesale and Betall Dealers

anpaaMiery,Leather & Shoe Findings,

marM-t- d




Blacksmiths9 Stock.MONARCH Washta Machine.- -

Burgundy 83,

Zinfardel 84,

Eiesling 83,

Hock 83,

Table Claret.

Cigars Always on Sale.

Tents, Wagon Covers. Carriage Trimmings,A.T THE OLD STAND.

Gi-rooeri- e



an Gregorio Vineyard Co Agency.

All Wines and Brandies Guaranteed Strictly Pure.Wines,

Try the best remedy for Dyspepsia, 'Dandelion Tonic."

I;e gal Notices -

Administrator's Notice.Notice is hereby given that the undersicned has

been by the county court of the state of Oregon forthe county of Wasco appointed administrator of theestate of Kuthiuda Wallace, deceased. All personshavinar claims against said estate are hereby notifiedand required to present the same to me with propervouchers at the law office of Bennett & Wilson inDalles Cily in said county within six months fromthe date of this notice.

Dated this 24th day of July, 1SS9.O. F. PAXTON.

Administrator of the estate of Ruthinda Wallace,deceased.

Administratrix' Notice.Notice is hereby civen that the undersigned has

been duly appointed by the county court of Wascocounty, Oregon, administratrix of the estate of N.H. Gates, deceased. Therefore all personsholdingclaims against said estate are hereby requested topresent the sime together with the proper voucherstnereir to me unutTMK'-c- ai vtiv mw umro vi a?wij& Bradshaw at Dalles City, Oregon, within sixmouths from the date ol to is notice.

MARY E. GATES,Administratrix of stid estate.

Story & Bradshiw, attorneys for said estate.Julv6 1W. wat

Notice of Final Settlement.Noice is hereby given that the undersigned, the

adm of the partnership estate of Pratt &Silvertooth (S. B. Pratt dece ived), has filed his finalaccount in said estate, and that by order duly mnde,Tuesday. September 3, 18a9, at the hour of 2 o'clockp. ni. of said day, in the county court room ofthe county court house at Dalles City, Oregon, hasbeen appointed as the time and place for the hearingof such final account and the settlement of said es-

tate, and al?o the objections, if any there be, to suchfinal acci un and the settlement of said estate.

By oner ii the Count v Judge dated this 23d dayof July, 1S9. F. W. SILVERTOOTH,Administrator of the estate of Pratt & Silvertooth.

Notice of Final Settlement.The undersigned hereby gives notice that he has

filed in the office of the County Clerk of Wasco Coun-ty, Oregon, his final account in the matter of theEstate of Rudolph Luther, deceased, and that theCounty Judge ot said county has entered th.it saidfinal account and the settlement of said estate, andany objections that may be trade thereto, shall bt;heard at 10 o'clock A. M. on Tuesday the 3d d iv otSeptember. lfe&9, that being the second day of theUCAl regular icim ui bu wui. oaiu iiwi mi; mube in the County Court room in the Court House ofsaid County at Dalles City, Oregon.

The above notice is given by an order of said Coun-ty Judge, dated at Dailes City, Oregon, July 2d,lSSi. A. Al. JUACLE.UL).Executor cf the estate of Rudolph Lusher, deceased.

NOTICE.Notice is hereby given that I have been duly ap

pointed administrator ot the estate of the late JohnT. Storrs, deceased, by the honorable the countycourt of the state of Oregon for the county of Wascoin matters ol nrooate, uuiy maae, rendered and en-tered on the 7th day of August, 1S?9.

All persons having c"ai ins vraiust said estate arehereby required to present them to me at the officeof Duftir & Wat kins at The Dalles in saii countyand state with the proper vouchers, within sixmonths from the date oi this notice.

FRANK MENEFEE, Administrator.The Dalles, Aug. 10, 1&&.

NOTICE.Proposals will be received at the office of the

county clerk, at The Dalles. Wasco county, Oregon,until 12 o'clock 51. of Wednesday, September 4th,16b9, for the keeping and care of the indigent, tickand poor persons of the county of Wasco for theyear commencing on the 11th day of September, A.D. 1889, and ending on tbe 11th day of September,A. D. 1890.

Said proposals shall be for the board, lodging.care, medicine, medical attendance, clothiug, nurs-ing, washing, and in case of death, burial in a deceutmanner, with tlie expense thereof, together with theexpense of conveying the said poor persons to theplace provided for their care.

Proposals will be received at so much per head foreach person so cared for, or for the care of all of thecounty poor for one year.

The court reserves the right to reject any or allbids.

By order of the county court.GEORGE H. THOMPSON,

County Clerk.By J. M. HUNTINGTON,

Deputy,The Dalles, Cr Aug. 10, 18S9. aol2d&wtsep3

Land Notices

NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION.Land Office at The Dalles, Okkgo,

July Iff, 1889.Notice is hereby siven that the following named

settler has filed notice of his intention to make fiualproof in support of his claim, and that said proofwill be made before the register and receiver at TheDalles, Oregon, on September 12, 1889, viz:

Patrick Ahern,Hd 1984, for the W 1 of NE S U of NW 1, Sec 34,T1N.R 14 E, W. M.

He names the following witnesses to prove his con-tinuous residence upou and cultivation of said land,viz:

Albert Allen, Andy Allen, William Hanna. andJohn Kuirk, aU of The Dalles Or.

Any person who desires to protest against the allowance of such proof, or who knows of any sub-stantial reason, under the law and the regulations ofthe interior department, why such proof Bhould notbe allowed, will be given an opportunity at the abovementioned time and place to e the witnesses or saiu claimant, ani to oner evidence in re-buttal of that submitted by claimant.

n .A. aicdoaalu. Register.

NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION.Land Omen at Tub Dalle?, Oregon,

August I, 1889.Notice is hereby given that the following-name-d

settlei has filed notice of his intention to make finalproof in support of his claim, and that said proofwill be made before the register and receiver at TheDalles, Oregon, on September 17, 18&9, viz:

Calvin I. Brown,Hd. 1637, for the NWJ4, Sec 8, Tp 1 N, R 15 E, W M.

He names the following witnesses to prove hiscontinuous residence upon aud cultivation of, saidland, viz:

William Floyd, Gen. H. Rid dell. C. E. DunhamPatrick Brown, all of The Dalles, Or.

augata . A. mclOi alu, Kegister.

NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION.Land Office at Tub Dali.es, Ob.,

Augut 14, 1839.Notice is hereby firiven that the following named

settler has filed notice of his intention to make finalproof in support of bis claim, and that said proofwill b made before the register and receiver at TbeDalles, Oregon, on September 28, 1889, viz:

Kobert Jl. Darmelle,Hd. 1663, for the SW 1 Sec 12. T-- R. S. 13, E, W M.

lie names the following wittnesses to prove hiscontinuous residence upou and cultivation of saidland, viz:

w. 11. Williams, Oscar Au;ell. John Southwell.and W. . Campbell, all of The Dalles. Or.

F. A. McDONALD, Register.


Land Omcs at Tub Dalles, Oil,August 13, 1889.

Notice is hereby given that the following-name-d

settler has filed notice of his intention to make finalproof in support of bis claim, and that said proofwill be made before Register and Receiver at TbeDalles, Or., on September 23, 1869. viz:

Joseph Haynes,Hd. 1725. for the W a, NE X,E, NW J. Sec 18,T 2. 8. R. 15 E. W M.

lie names the following witnesses to prove hiscontiuuous residence upon and cultivation of, saidland viz:

Jacob Craft, Edward Craft, Fitz Clausen, Geo. S.W illard, all of Nanscne, Oregon.

uul7 F. A. McDONALD. Register.

Notice to Contractors.Sealed bid9 will be receive 1 np till 12 o'clock noon,

on the 5!b day of August, 1!:89, for building ahouse on Eight Mile creek, in District r'o. 6, ofWasco county, Oregon. Plans and specificationscan be seen by calling at the County Clerk's office.

All bids to be left with the County Clerk.David Patterson,

Chairman of Board of Director.Fight Mile, July 22, 1889.

NOTICE.The owner of a buckskin horse with black stripe

on back, not branded, will please come and takecharge of his property, as he is a continued annoy-ance to me, jumping fences and destroying- crops.

H. J. M AH EAR.Eight Mile, July 23, 188!).

Teachers' Examination.Notice is hereby (riven that for the purpose of

making an examination of all persons who may offerthemselves as candidates for teachers of the schoolsof this county, the county school superintendentthereof will hold a public examination at Tbe Dallesin tne county court room, on Wednesday, August zg,isou, commencing at iz o ciock ju.

Dated this August 7, 3889.A. C. CONNELLY, Co. School Supt.

CITY TAXES.City taxes for the year 13891 are now due, and

payable at my office within thirty days from date oftins notice, alter wnirn tne same wiu be delinquentand turned over to the marshal for collection witDcosts added. LOUIS ROKDEN,

August 7, 1889,-l- Treas. Dalles City, Or

STUAYED.From the premises of the subscriber in The Dalles.

about the 10th of My, one dark bay filly, threeyears old, branded with ''LS" reverted on left shoul-der. A reward of $15 will be given for the deliveryof the animal at my place. Was last seen at She- -

Tar s oriage on tne uescnutes. t. r. iaiwk.Change of School Books.

Notice to Whom it May Concern:Tbe new series of school books adopted by the last

legislature are now received. They can be found at1, C. ftiickelsen a book store, ana wut be exenangedgratis for the old books, except the arithmetics, onwhich a little discount is charged.

aulutd A. C UUHAELLI,Supt. of Common Schools for Wasco County.

St. Mary's Academy,Conducted by the Sisters of the Holy Karnes.

This Institution offers every advantage forborneand social comfort. The course of study comr risesall tha branches of a thorough English education.Special attention paid to the arts and foreign lan-guages. Studies resumed August 26. For furtherparticulars apply to the Superioress. au3


Stock Sheep !

Toung and in good condition; also

100 Graded Bucks.

Fnnulre at the First National Bank, at A. M. Williams Co.'s store, or at the stock yards of Larsenk Saltmarabe.

jlylSwtl a. r, HUBKKIB s BUB.

Crandall Snrset,DEALERS IX

Fine Upholstered GoodsFurniture, Carpets, Mattings, Parlor Ornaments, Window Shades, Etc.

crzicierta,lsng: a, Specialty.Coffins, Caskets, Burial Robes, Etc.

an be found at all hours of the day or night at their plac of bminenn, Washington street tiro doors northfrom Second. Siyn of lied Light.



Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Har, Grainand Mill Feed.

ZLSTotlons, To"ba,cco a,n,d. Cigars, Etc.Nos. 40-4- 4 Main, and 61-6- 9 Washington Sts.

Agent for the DAVIS Sewing Machine.



?JSc??f5Gvwe?tC . "

iiii i i r

Razors, Knives, Scissors,

Slionldcr Braces,pat? july 1879.

Every Pair Purchased Gnarantacd. Clicst ProtficlorsSTATIONERY AND CIGARS.

Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal uses. Prescriptions com-

pounded at, all hours.


that gives a continuous twist to the wire. operation at


Strong, Durable, Neat, and the



300 to 304

Still at Head of

to to

inoi xne

us toat

inA of

bent each 75 ctCane 2 00Ash 3 60

3 5012 00


in stock a full line of





Dry Goods Department,Fancy Goods Department,

Clothing Department,Boot and Shoe Department,

Ladies' Cloak Department,Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods Dept.

AU Complete in Every Detail- -



Are happy announce thepublic that they have succeeded

procuring the special jobbingraies ceieuraieu

which enables sell Furni -

tue and Carpets prices hith--erto unknown Oregon.

Few Our Quotations willHardwood Cha!rs,


Woven-wir- e MattressesLounges


The desirable Warehouse









Cheapest in the World.


MRS, E. WINGATE,1888. Of old firm of E. Wingate & Co

Second St.

Procession !





Convince the Most SJreptical:15 00

Asli lied room bets 25 00Brussels Carpets, per yard 7bImrrain Carpetg, do 21

SEE ju29

in town for the storage and

Forwarfa Merchant

for Wheat, Etc. j

Furniture & Carpet Dealers.

WascoWarehouseCo.C. G. ROBERTS, Manager,

Tlio Talles, Oregon.most

exhibition to buyers.

WOOL! WOOL!Forwarding, Consignments, Grading and Baling

PROSIPTLjY attended to.Cash advanced for freights and on consignments.

Highest Cash Price paid for Wool, Pelts and Furs.

7h. W. MKOXOIW,Gener Gunon and

391, 393 and 395 SECOND STP.EET,(Adjoining Railroad Depot.)

Consignments Solicited ! !

Prompt Attention to those who favor me with their patronage.Tiie Highest Price paid Cash






Barley, Etc.,

1,500 SPANISH MERINO RAMS.From the Rimrcck Sheep Ranch.

llE HAVE FOI". THIS SEASON'S TISAIK, o! limKl L'GIIBKKl M uu illvJH GRADEY Uams, all of which are in flue condition, and free frnm diccese. Wa I'oiiiiiler our rams fur thit

season's trade, tlie best loi we have ever offered to rlie public, ai d only aik an insertion to prove what

Those wishing rams would do well to call early, select, brand, and leave them with us FREE olCIIAKGE until nrecdine season this fall.

Prieos liower liian Ever, mid or x Ml2asy.Thanking our many patrons for their veiy liberal iatiMaj accorded us in the past, we rcepecttull.t

solicit an inspection of our stock this teaso.Our ranch is located on The Dalles and Pnncville &taso Road at HA CRREK, Crook County, OregonFor furthjr particulars, cali on or adHrcs.

BALDWIN SHEEP AND LAND CO.,to van HfirTKX r.lrns. CO.. ht rim, Or


IE. Ac CO.



Dry Goods,



WILL. Alfiu


ngal Uerehaadlse!



E3-- 3L37-:e-l cSs Co.,HAVE OjI HA.'I AX1 FOR S H."





Of the Latest andlares and GeneralNEW nnd of the


paid to EXTRAuu n Inn. th&n

and call andelsewnere.




Most Annroved and of the Best withof all in our Line. EVERYTHING




and HONESTLY DONK.TK1 Particular attentionFINE that may be specially ordered. We can

Pnrtl&nd with Freieht. so Dleae remember the


HANBLEY & SINNOTT. Proprietors


Frp.p. flmnitus tn and from theFirs-Pro-




Tkket'and Baggage Office of the Oregon Kailway fe Naviqation Company, and Office oj the




Wines, Liquors and CigarsAlways



Corner of Second

In connection with the Groceryall

Oils, Glass, Wall





Styles Make,




examine our Goods before purchasing; at Portland oriuug

Umatilla ouse,

Hotel.Safg for the Safety of all



opened a

and Union Sts

will supply Bread and Pastry ofkinds.


Papers, Decorations,

and Steel

and of tbe Seasom.



The will be new and fresh, and such as are demandedin this market.

ZD-- TXT". Ed-ward-s,

54 Second St., near Cor. Union.--IEALER


Mouldings and Picture Frames, CorPoles,

3?AI?ErS TITIIVIIVIED FnEE.iOil Paintings, Cliromos



Cofflprising the New Styles

Iron Steel.










nice Etc.





Two trains daily, leaving; tlie L'matilla House at12:10 p. m. ami i a. m. The 12:10 train run. throughto Walla Walla, cnt.nectini; at Wallula Junction vitathe Northern Pariflc train for Helena, St. Haul an4the Ea?t. The 3 train runs through to Faruiins;-to- n

via. I', dleton and Walla alia, anil to I'nion,La Cran . llakor City, connectinit at lluntinirtonwit'i Or bhort Line for Ucnvcr, Council bluffsKansas it and thi But. Trains goinif west leaveThe Dal cs'u, 12:40 P. SI. and 2 A il.TIP If TO 10 and 'r"'n noi iail points In ths1 1 U l I O United States, Canada and Europe.


KxpruM trains toOMAHA, COUNCIL BLUFFS, and

ST. PAUL,ol Charge and Without Change,

Close Connection at Portland for San Pmnciico antPutfet bound points.

To San Francisco Leaving Steamship Wharf PorWland, at 12 Midnight, as follows:

Oregon . . ..Saturday, AttjrustState .Wednesday, "Columbia Sunday,Oietron ..Thurwlay, "State of California. Monday, "Columbia Friday, "Oregon Tuesday,State of California ....Saturdar,To Portland Leaving SpcarSt'Wharf, San Francisco,

at 10 A. al. as follows:State of California Friday, Autruat tColumbia., Tuesday,Oreiron bttturuay, 10State of California. Wednesday, 14Columbia Sunday, ItOregon Tburttda, WState Monday, 1Columbia .. . . t riuay,KATES OF PASSAGE, (including meals and b.rtfes

uainn, viu uu Merugo, wHound Trip Unlimited, UU 00

For further particulars inquire ot any Airent of thsCompany, or A. U Maxwell, A. G. P. A '. A., Fort.land, Oregon.





Quiolcer In Time t lin n A07Otlior Houto betweenPortland and San Francisco.Leave I'ovtlaud 4 P. 31. Daily.



for accomodation of Second-Olas- a

Passengers, attached toExpress Trains.

Faro from Portland to Sacramento ana SanFrancisco:!

Unlimited , 26First Class. Limited 20 fSecond Class, Limited i 16 Ot


South and X2as1;Vlu. California.

K. KOEIILEB, E. P. HOOKRS.Manager Asst. O. F. and Pi. Agi

Ifany dealer gays tie lias the W. I DonriMSlios without name and pries stumped oaUu bottom, put lilni dowu M a fraud.




Rest In iho world. Kxamlnn hl.t.OO WGMIINK HASl-SKVK- n MIOE.4.C)0 HANH-KEIVK- O WKI.T BHDK.


Ail made iu Confrreaa, Button and Lace.


Best Material. Best Btyli. Beat Fitting. '


Examine W, L. Douglas $2.00for Gentleman and Ladies.

J. Frelman, Afft.,The Dallcs,0r.tiff fcf.ehln'PnTlTI

klo il cue.trad im mil

Vvimeinm oar. Uad poodi wbtr tfe pxil ran g

mu aeou i rev loasj

nda imhe world, with all th iirirhnrni.mm w will muo Mnd free compirtllMofovr costlj' aod valaabl artamolm. In ralorn w aak that to

.how what ra aend. to Ltaaaa whot mjy eali at your bom.aod aftar Mimoniniaiianau noponta jenr owirproprrlT. ibla frrand marniaa mup, n madanr lot Winffrr ,

hieh hava run out . iWora palvntsrun on l It aokd for wti b ib

mpm.r r at. BMi.atroofMt,inatafasKEI'l t I" Ail marbtna in tta wori'l. All !r llnUlnrfrM. Ko capiial L Plain,brief Inatiuctiona rivao. I bota wbo writa lo m at one can a,mra tfrce tba bal In tba world, and lb(InrM lineofworkiof b'ah artavrr abown tocflht--r in America,

Tit UK fc CO., Box 14rO, AubuiIh, JlalnaI Blf G bu el Ten unlver--

uUsfactlon In tbeSsaliTI TO 6 DATS. V; of Oooorrbceft andfyS'Jf4Ooamntaa4

BlrtMnra.net to

1I Uleet. I prescribe II andfeel safe In recommendfej Mrdooly bylb lug it to all sufferers.

-- AW. 6T0XER, B.DV Olnclnnstlga Deealur. HI.PBICE,Sl.Ca.

Bold by DrugreULs.

Snipes & Kinersly The Dalles, Or.

PAUL KREFT.Artistic Painter and

House Decorator,The Iallea, Oresron.

House Painting and Decorating a Spoclaltr Noinferior and cheap work done; but good, lastingwork at the lowest prices.

Shop adjoining postoulce on Second Street.



Keeps constantly on hand thojehoicost

Wines, Liquors, Cigars.Corner of Colon rndScoond Sts.

The Dalles. Orecoc.

Ifew Grocery Store!AT TIIE


It 4 Third St-- , The Dallec, Or.

Will keep on hand a general assortment of

Groceries, Canned Goods,

Feed and Provisions,And desire a share of the public patronaire, as we ex?pect to sell at Prices to Suit tiii Uakb Tm as.

JtfAU Goods Fresh and Warrranted First-clas-

WELCH & S3IITH.--t ii id--

Farmers' and ButchersEXCHANGE,

Fiont St., OppoHlte l'matilla llonse,TUE DALLES, ORKGON.

Wolfgang Schraeder.Frop'r.Always on sale the best, of Imported and


Winies,Liquors,and Cig-ars-,

liottled Bett of all kind, a SpecialtyBUCnLEB'B BEEU ON TAP,


Woltgang Schraeder.
