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THE DANBURY REPORTER VOLUME XXXIX. DANBURY, N. C. f DECEMBER 14, 1910. No. 2,018 SANDY RIDGE NEWS SPLENDID SCHOOL AT DELTA <firer One Hundred On Roll ?Party At the Home of Miss Hattie Vernon?Other News. Sandy Ridge, Dec. 9. Dear Editors : As I haven't seen any thing from this section in quite a while I thought I would write a few words. The farmers of this section are very busy getting their tobacco ready for market. Among those who attended the singing given by Miss Hattie Vernon Saturday night, were Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Boyles, Misses Edna, Ada, Ida, and Lottie Hawkins, Quincy and Myrtle Shelton, Delia and Lula Carter, Mary and Nina Steele, Ella Wall, and Janie Dillion. Messrs. Moir Hawkins J. M. Smith, Zeb and Isaac Terrell, R. V. Wood, J. W. Wilson, Tray Shelton, Cleve and Frank Mor- ton, Herbert and Richard Car- ter, and many others. All re- E>ort a pleasant time. Miss Ada Fleming visited Miss Carrie Miller Sunday. We are having a real goodj school at Delta, taught by Miss | Ada Fleming and Mrs. Lilla i Boyles. They have 100 enrolled.! Mr. Rufus Wood calied on; Miss Ada Hawkins last Sunday, i Wonder what has crossed Mr. Moore's path, as he didn't call to see Miss Ella Sunday. F Missses Mary Steele and Hat- tie Hawkins spent Saturday night with Miss Hattie Vernon. MJ. J. W. Wilson called on her Sunday. ? Also Mr. Moir Hawkins called on Miss Carrie j Miller Sunday. , THREE CHUMS, j From Willie Wilkias. Sandy Ridge. Dec. 11. Dear Reporter: lam a little boy 9 years old. Ido not go to school. Mama teaches me at home, my studies are fourth reader, geography, arithmetic, spelling and writing. I like geography the best of all. I think I would like to live in Boston. How many of you are looking for Santa Claus ? I for one. I is loading up to take Ins long trip with his warn fur clothes on, and his reindeer sled. I believe I would like to ride with him. ? I know he would give me all the sugar plums I could eat. I know he is kind and good, for is it that don't know him. Is it not kind of Santa Claufi to think of dPar little boys and girls when the winter nights are long and dreary because Christ- mas doesn't come but once a year. Your little friend, WILLIE WILKINS. BANKS ON SURE THfNG NOW fct 'Til never be without Dr. King's New Life Pills again," writes A. Schingeck, 647 Elm St.. Buffalo, N. Y. "They cured me of chronic constipation when all others fail- ed." Unequaled for Billiousness Jaundice. Indigestion, Headache, Chills, Malari and Debility. 25c »t all Druggists. |i, " Stack of Goods, Mill, Engiiw, Etc Far Sal*. After Nov. 21, 1910, I will of- fer my entire stock of goods at f cost Also my store house, gas- olene'engine and corn mill. I I have about $5,000 worth of goods. They must go regardless of cost, 1 as I aim to move jay business to f Greensboro. Everybody that [' funs an account with me must eomeand settle their accounts at | once. , . Your friend,. , J. fi. HUTCHENS, [, «*4ec2l '' Peter's Creek, Va. Death of Mr. Will Spencer ?Other News of Stella. Stella, ' Va., Dec. 4.- The health of this community is very good at present, with the ex- ception of a few. We are having lots of snow and ice now. Guess it will help the wheat crop. We are sorry to note the death of Mr. Brack Adkerson, who passed away Dec. 2. He died with pneumonia. He leaves a wife and several children to mourn their loss. There were several young people at the home of Mr. D. F. Rhodes last Sunday, and ' all seemed to enjoy themselves very much. Mr. Will Spencer, of Spencer, Va., was carried by Dr. Perkin to Battle Creek, Mich., for treatment of cancer, some three weeks ago, but died the Bth of this month. Mr. Spencer is a man of great wealth. He runs a large business at Spencer. He was never married. His re- mains were brought home for burial. Miss Lula Rhodes returned home last Wednesday, after spending several days with her brother. Mr. Taylor Roger ac- ! companied her home. The school here is progressing I nicely under the management of jMiss Annette Penn. Misses Lula and Vera Rhodes | have returned home after spend- ing a week with relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Zeb Rhodes, of Roan- oke, Va. Xmas will soon be here. Guess everybody is expecting a nice time. Wishing the Editors and the many readers a merry Xmas | and a happy New Year. TWO CHUMS. From Ersie Simmons. j i f Hartman, Dec. 11. i I Dear Santa Claus: I will write you a few lines j and tell you what I want you to i , bring me. I want you to bring j me some oranges, apples and candy. My little sister said bring her a doll that can open and shut its eyes, and some oranges, apples and candy. Good by Santa, | ERSIE SIMMONS. | Notice. King, Nov. 2. i All utudents above the 7th , grade, of Stokes County, who are thinking of entering school for . this year, should give special attention to the unexcelled oppor- ( tunities offered by the State L High School at King. The enrollment at present is [ 148 in all departments. High School 80. Board offered by the best families at $8 per month. \u25a0 For particulars address prin- .' cipal High School. I J. R. CAUDLE, Sec't. State High School. The quicker a cold is gotten , | rid of the less the danger from pneumonia and other serious 'disease. Mr. B. W. L. Hall, of Waverly, Va., says : "I firmly believe Chaipberlain's Cough ' Remedy to be absolutely the I best preparation orf the market | for colds. I have recommended lit to my friends and they all agree with me." For sale by '! all dealers. ! Boys' suits $1.50 to $5. | Boyles Mercantile Co. i Bed springs. Boyles Mercan- ; tile Co. Matting 16c yard. Boylee Mercantile Co. Bring us your produce. Boyles Mercantile Ca feO WALNUT COVE LAND MARKET VERY BRISK Much Dealing In Town Lots?Vir- ginia Company To Build Furni ture Factory?Other Items- Walnut Cove, Dec. 13. Mr. Cabell Hairston and family left, today for Florida, where they will spend the winter. Mr. Will East has sold his home in the upper end of town to Mr. Walter Boyles, one of the Route men. and has moved back in town. He will build a nice hom>. here in the spring. The brick work on the dry prizery has been completed and the roofing is being put on. Mr. Wesley Dodson has com- menced to move into his new store in the hotel building. Several land deals are on here now. Hope we can tell more later. There is one ten-year-old boy in town who says that if he gets a Bible for a Christmas present he willbe satisfied. Mr. John H. Fagg stopped in town Sunday on his way home from Greensboro. He said he expected to go to see his best girl just as soon as he got home. Mr. Will Stephens will move herewith his family in a few days. We welcome them to our town. The brick yard will close down' Saturday until after the holidays. They will begin again first of the year. It is their intention to make considerable improvement on their plant the coming year, enlarging the plant and building new kilns. There is a company from Virginia, going to bulid a fur- niture factory here soon. Mr. Harry Davis will build a nice house on Summit avenue I early in the spring. Mr. Robert Martin, from | Campbell, is in town with the I nicest load of vine apples that jhave been offered here this I winter. Buying, selling and trading lots and land seem to be the craze here. Hardly a day but what a trade is made. All seem to be greatly inter- ested in the big lot sale here tomorrow and next day. Uncle Jacob has been very low. but is better. Marriage. Pilot Mtn. Route 2, Dec. 12. Dear Reporter: Will you allow us a little space in your valuable paper. Mr. Dock Bennett and Miss Ada Beck wree hapily married last Saturday. Those who were present were Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Bennett, Misses Daisy, Nannie and Sallie Collins, Messrs. Arthur and Lee Coin, Joel Jes- sup, Jada Collins, Henry Pell, James Morefield, G. W. Collins, and R. A. Hunter. TWO BIG OWLS. j When you have a cold get a i bottle of Chamberlain's Cough | Remedy. It will soon fix you ]up all right and will ward off I any tendency toward pneumonia, i This remedy contains no opium or other narcotic and may be given as confidently to a baby as to an adult Sold by all dealers. Notice ! ! The person who recently sent the Reporter an order for pott cards and failed to sign any name to the letter can get money or cards by furnishing us hk or her name. DANBURY REPOimpL KICKED BY HORSE LITTLE BUNK TUTTLE HURT His Jaw Is Broken In Two Places Mrs. Susan Hicks Seriously 111 ?Other Meadows Items. Meadows, Dec. 14. Mrs. Dicie Wall is very sick with lagrippe this week. Mrs. Susan Hicks had a stroke of paralysis last week and is in a critical condition now, but is improving. A little grandson of Mrs. R A. Tuttle got horse-kicked on his chin Sunday, breaking his jaw bone in two places. It was set in place by Dr. Neal, who thinks he will soon be all right. Mr. C. E. Neal has gone to Winston to accept a position with Rosenbacher until after Xmas. Mrs. Ruamer Neal is still very low. Miss Ruth Glidewell is on the sick list with tonsilitis. Miss Minnie Glidewell is helping teach the schoo. Hartman. Items and Hi sonata From Pinnacle. Pinnacle, Dec. 13.?Rev. W. H. Wilson*filled his regular ap- pointment at Shiloh Baptist church Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Culler left Wednesday for Abilene, Texas, where they will spend a year with their son Mr. W. L. Culler. Mr. Ike Wall, of Rural Hall, has recently moved to this place. Mr. E. L. Smoak's nephew and his bride have been spend- ing a few days with him. Mr. E. L. Smoak and family started for S. C. Monday where they will spend Xmas. Miss Emma Boyles spent Sun- day with Miss Margaret Joyce. Miss Argie Cook spent Sun- day with Martha Slate. Misses Dell and Lillie Davis, I Flomie Cook and Mattie King, j Mr. Mablen Joyce and Barger I Spainhour visited at Mr. R. L. jHunter's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Watson spent Sunday at Mr. Coleman Davis'g Miss Nina Culler went to Winston Wednesday shopping. Mr. Nute Watson went to Mt. AiryFriday, Messrs. Edwin' Carroll and Gorrell Slate spent Saturday and Sunday at their homes at King. Miss Curtis Crouse spent a few days in Mt Airy last week. "THE MONKEY." ENDS WINTER'S TROUBLES. To many, winter is a season of trouble. The frost bitten toes and fingers, chapped hands and lips, chilblains, cold sores, red and rough skins, prove this. \ But such troubles fly before Bncklen's Arnica Salve. A trial convinces. Greatest healer of Burns. Boils. Piles, Cuts, Sores, Eczema and Sprains. Only 25c at all Druggists NOTICE! j To Whom It May Concern : Notice is hereby given to all persons concerned, that applica- tion willbe made to the next ses- sion of the General Assembly of North Carolina, for the passage of an act amending the Charter of the town of Walnut Cove, Stokes County, N. C., by extend- ing the corporate limits thereof, and also amending said Charter in other respects. This the 7th day of Dec., 1910, J. WILL EAST. A ~-*? J Dr. R. A Fry. dentist, will be located at Pilot Nov. 22 to De- cember 22. R L. Cuttew t)ie jafotor. ssrsrr- " 4 *ai ite i.f-ti.-'tJ PASSEDLAST SUNDAY j . . | REV. SOLOMON HELSABECK | Deceased Was 89 Years Of Age ? Left a Will Ip Which He Gives ! Greensboro Female College SI2OO. i Rev. H. S. Helsabeck, Method- ' ist minister of Rural Hall, who had been sick for the past three 1 weeks from a complication of 1 diseases, died early Sunday I' morning. ' The reverend gentleman was : 1 89 years of age last March, and ' was much beloved by everyone i in his community. He has aj' number of nephews and nieces ( in the Rural Hall district, but , has no near relatives. Mr. H#sabeck leff a will and 1 named Mr. J. S. D. Pulliam, of King, as executor. 1 His estate is worth $3,000 or ' more and in the will he gives Greensboro Female ' College $1,200, dividing the remain-! 1 der between hi&niece, Miss V. S. ( Anderson, and the M. E. church, South. The frill directs that the latter be used in 'the missionary ( cause. Obitieary. Died at the residence of Dr. D. C. Dicks, near Gideon, Stokes county, N.C., Dec. 8, 1910, Miss Oliva Blackburn, aged 75 years. She had lived with Dr. Dicks' family since the death of her half brother, W. H Flynt, many years ago, and helped to care for his children and grand-children, to whom she was greatly devoted. I The deceased was raised and ed- ucated tg her uncle, the late Col. J. M. Covington and his mother, but had resided with Dr. Dicks since his marriage to her niece to whom she was very much at- tached. She had been in declin- ing health a year or two. but not past going around only a short i time before she died of a heart | \u25a0 trouble. Her death was sudden and unexpected and was there- fore a great shock to the family, i by whom she is greatly missed, i The surviving brothers are Columbus Blackburn of Walnut > Cove ; Capt. Thos. J. Black- bum, of Mt. Airy, N. C.; Dr. J. C. Blackburn, late of Giles county, Va. and James M. Black- t burn, of Henry county, Mo. She I leaves also a large circle of rela- tives hare . and elsewhere to i mourn her death. We hope she has entered into j j rest. Respectfully, J. G. H. MITCHELL. ? j The Mt. Airy News and Wins- ijton Sentinel are requested toi II copy. ______ _ : j There is more Catarrh in this 1 1 section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was sup- I posed to be incurable. For a! 1 great many years doctors pro- nounced it a local disease and rcribed local remedies, and 1 constantly failing to cure! with local treatment, pronounced j in incurable. Science has pro-i I ven catarrh to be a constitution- j . al disease and therefore requires > constitutional treatment. Hall's j ? Catarrh Cure, manufactured by i F. J. Chene;- & Co., Toledo, Ohio, j is the only constitutional cure ' on the market. It is taken inter- nally in doses from 10 drops to a: . teaspoon ful. It acts directly on the blood and rpucous surfaces of; the system. They offer one hun-j dred dollars for any case it fails j to cure. Send for circulars and , testimonials. Address: F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists. 75e. i > Take Hall's Family Pills for; > constipation. ? I Christmas presents. Boyles . Mercantile Cs. .Horn* made shoe#. Boylse j'ViSS.A* : ? NEWS OF BRIM GROVE. Preparations for Christmas-People j Busy Killing Hogs and Getting i] in Wood Personals Brim Grove, Dec. 12. ?The j i farmers of this section are mak- i ing preparations for Xmas by j 1 killinjfhogs and getting in wood.: Re'\ Sam F. Martin, of Wins- ton, filled his regular appoint- t ment at Brim Saturday and Sun- i day. There was a large attend- j ence, on Sunday especially. He jj preached a fine sermon, and all enjoyed it fine. j Mr. J. P. Covington was the j last in the neighborhood to shuck j corn; he made about 35 barrels. Mr. J. A. Covington went to Winston last week on a business ( trip. Messrs. Dock and Sam Boyles t spent Sundav at Mr. J. H. Bui- £ lington's. Misses Daisy and Maggie Bui- liogton, of Pilot Mt., Route 1, j attended church at Brim Sun- day. i Messrs. Chas. Boyles and £ Malon Gordon spent Sunday ev- j ening at T. M. Lawson. Mr. Elija Sams spent Sunday , at Mr. A. J. Hall's. j Mr. Roy McDaniel spent Sun- day at Mr. R. A. Boaze's. Mr. N. I. Boyles left Sunday for King, Route, 2 to spend j Xmas with his parents. Mr. Dallas Gordon is preparing; to build himself a house: he is I hauling lumber. i < Mr. Lee Essick spent Sunday j r at Mr. John McMellon's. ', The school at Brim is progress- J ing nicely under the manage- ( ment of Misses Daisy Dearmin and Isabel Joyce. The school i will close for Xmas Dec. 23. BAD BOY. j GANN'S NEWS. ] Sunday School Organized At Old j Mt. Hermon T. J. Gann It Co.'s ( New Grist Mill Starts. Gann's, December 12 *As it j stays cold and tobacco stays dry,' it is bidding for a dull Xmas. Mr. J. R. Johnson killed two! fine porkers a few days ago - 500 and 466 pounds respectively. Mr. J. R. Johnfon's daughter, who was married about two months ago and lives at Bassett's Va., is visiting at her father's at present. \u25a0, . Mrs. A. H. Martin is visit- ing her daughter, Mrs. Luke Hawkins, of Galax. I There was a Sunday School or- i j ganized at Old Mt. Hermon yes- jterday, with the following offi- cers. etc.: T. J. Gann, Supt.; ; Jesse Powers, Secretary-Treas.; | Allie Gann, Assistant Secretary- iTreas.; T. J. Gann, teacher Class ! No. 1, with E. C. and R. L. Gann, H. F. Vernon, Peter Hen- nis and J. A. Wall. Mrs. A. Martin, teacher of Class No. 2, I with Byron, Allie, Mabel and ' Clement Gann and Edgar Dug- gins. Miss Lizzie Sharp, teacher 1 Class No. 3, with Cy and Byron ! Vernon, Willie Hennis, Lottie jand Loyd Wall. Maude and Helen I Gann. T. J. Gann & Co. will start I ! their new grist mill in a few [days. i Gann public school is progress- ing nicely under the manage- : ment of Miss Lizzie Sharp, j Messrs. J. T. Vernon and G. | W. Shaffer have swapped horses | lately, and each have nice young 1 horses . CITIZEN. \ Blanks For Sale. j Blank Land Deeds 25c. dozen, ; Deeds in Trust 25c. dozen. Chat- tel Mortgages oc. dozen, Land Pesters oc. dozen. Postage paid by us. Addrees DANBUEY REPORTER. 1 DANBUEY. N. C. <?' v ?: ??-'?4 ? '
Page 1: THE DANBURY REPORTERnewspapers.digitalnc.org/lccn/sn91068291/1910-12-14/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · and fingers, chapped hands and lips, chilblains, cold sores, red and rough skins, prove this.



<firer One Hundred On Roll?Party

At the Home of Miss HattieVernon?Other News.

Sandy Ridge, Dec. 9.Dear Editors :

As I haven't seen any thingfrom this section in quite a whileI thought I would write a fewwords.

The farmers of this sectionare very busy getting theirtobacco ready for market.

Among those who attended thesinging given by Miss HattieVernon Saturday night, wereMr. and Mrs. C. F. Boyles,Misses Edna, Ada, Ida, andLottie Hawkins, Quincy andMyrtle Shelton, Delia and LulaCarter, Mary and Nina Steele,Ella Wall, and Janie Dillion.

Messrs. Moir Hawkins J. M.Smith, Zeb and Isaac Terrell,R. V. Wood, J. W. Wilson, TrayShelton, Cleve and Frank Mor-ton, Herbert and Richard Car-ter, and many others. All re-E>ort a pleasant time.

Miss Ada Fleming visitedMiss Carrie Miller Sunday.

We are having a real goodjschool at Delta, taught by Miss |Ada Fleming and Mrs. LillaiBoyles. They have 100 enrolled.!

Mr. Rufus Wood calied on;Miss Ada Hawkins last Sunday, i

Wonder what has crossed Mr.Moore's path, as he didn't callto see Miss Ella Sunday.

F Missses Mary Steele and Hat-tie Hawkins spent Saturdaynight with Miss Hattie Vernon.

MJ. J. W. Wilson called onher Sunday. ? Also Mr. MoirHawkins called on Miss Carrie jMiller Sunday. ,


From Willie Wilkias.Sandy Ridge. Dec. 11.

Dear Reporter:lam a little boy 9 years old.

Ido not go to school. Mamateaches me at home, my studiesare fourth reader, geography,arithmetic, spelling and writing.I like geography the best of all.I think I would like to live inBoston.

How many of you are lookingfor Santa Claus ? I for one. I

is loading up to takeIns long trip with his warn furclothes on, and his reindeer sled.I believe I would like to ride withhim. ? I know he would give meall the sugar plums I could eat.I know he is kind and good, for

is it that don't know him.Is itnot kind of Santa Claufi tothink of dPar little boys andgirls when the winter nights arelong and dreary because Christ-mas doesn't come but once a year.

Your littlefriend,WILLIE WILKINS.


fct 'Til never be without Dr. King'sNew Life Pills again," writes A.Schingeck, 647 Elm St.. Buffalo,N. Y. "They cured me of chronicconstipation when all others fail-ed." Unequaled for BilliousnessJaundice. Indigestion, Headache,Chills, Malari and Debility. 25c»t all Druggists.

|i, "

Stack of Goods, Mill, Engiiw, EtcFar Sal*.

After Nov. 21, 1910, I will of-fer my entire stock of goods at

f cost Also my store house, gas-olene'engine and corn mill. I

I have about $5,000 worthof goods.They must go regardless of cost,

1 as I aim to move jay business to

f Greensboro. Everybody that[' funs an account with me must

eomeand settle their accounts at| once. , . Your friend,. ,

J. fi. HUTCHENS,[, «*4ec2l '' Peter's Creek, Va.

Death of Mr. Will Spencer ?OtherNews of Stella.

Stella, ' Va., Dec. 4.- Thehealth of this community is verygood at present, with the ex-ception of a few.

We are having lots of snowand ice now. Guess it will helpthe wheat crop.

We are sorry to note the deathof Mr. Brack Adkerson, whopassed away Dec. 2. He diedwith pneumonia. He leaves awife and several children tomourn their loss.

There were several youngpeople at the home of Mr. D. F.Rhodes last Sunday, and ' allseemed to enjoy themselves verymuch.

Mr. Will Spencer, of Spencer,Va., was carried by Dr. Perkinto Battle Creek, Mich., fortreatment of cancer, some threeweeks ago, but died the Bth ofthis month. Mr. Spencer is aman of great wealth. He runsa large business at Spencer. Hewas never married. His re-mains were brought home forburial.

Miss Lula Rhodes returnedhome last Wednesday, afterspending several days with herbrother. Mr. Taylor Roger ac-

! companied her home.The school here is progressing

I nicely under the management ofjMiss Annette Penn.

Misses Lula and Vera Rhodes| have returned home after spend-ing a week with relatives, Mr.and Mrs. Zeb Rhodes, of Roan-oke, Va.

Xmas will soon be here. Guesseverybody is expecting a nicetime.

Wishing the Editors and themany readers a merry Xmas

| and a happy New Year.TWO CHUMS.

From Ersie Simmons.ji fHartman, Dec. 11. i

I Dear Santa Claus:I will write you a few lines j

and tell you what I want you to i, bring me. I want you to bring jme some oranges, apples andcandy. My little sister said bringher a doll that can open andshut its eyes, and some oranges,apples and candy.

Good by Santa,


Notice.King, Nov. 2.

i All utudents above the 7th, grade, of Stokes County, who are

thinking of entering school for. this year, should give special

attention to the unexcelled oppor-

( tunities offered by the State

L High School at King.The enrollment at present is

[ 148 in all departments. HighSchool 80.

Board offered by the bestfamilies at $8 per month.

\u25a0 For particulars address prin-.' cipal High School.I J. R. CAUDLE,

Sec't. State High School.

The quicker a cold is gotten, | rid of the less the danger from

pneumonia and other serious'disease. Mr. B. W. L. Hall, ofWaverly, Va., says : "I firmlybelieve Chaipberlain's Cough

' Remedy to be absolutely theI best preparation orf the market| for colds. I have recommendedlit to my friends and they allagree with me." For sale by

'! all dealers.

! Boys' suits $1.50 to $5.| Boyles Mercantile Co.

i Bed springs. Boyles Mercan-; tile Co.

Matting 16c yard. BoyleeMercantile Co.

Bring us your produce.Boyles Mercantile Ca


Much Dealing In Town Lots?Vir-ginia Company To Build Furniture Factory?Other Items-Walnut Cove, Dec. 13. Mr.

Cabell Hairston and family left,today for Florida, where theywill spend the winter.

Mr. Will East has sold hishome in the upper end of townto Mr. Walter Boyles, one of theRoute men. and has moved backin town. He will build a nicehom>. here in the spring.

The brick work on the dryprizery has been completed andthe roofing is being put on.

Mr. Wesley Dodson has com-menced to move into his newstore in the hotel building.

Several land deals are on herenow. Hope we can tell morelater.

There is one ten-year-old boyin town who says that if he getsa Bible for a Christmas presenthe willbe satisfied.

Mr. John H. Fagg stopped intown Sunday on his way homefrom Greensboro. He said heexpected to go to see his bestgirl just as soon as he got home.

Mr. Will Stephens will moveherewith his family in a fewdays. We welcome them to ourtown.

The brick yard willclose down'Saturday until after the holidays.They willbegin again first of theyear. It is their intention tomake considerable improvementon their plant the coming year,enlarging the plant and buildingnew kilns.

There is a company fromVirginia, going to bulid a fur-niture factory here soon.

Mr. Harry Davis will builda nice house on Summit avenue

I early in the spring.Mr. Robert Martin, from

| Campbell, is in town with theI nicest load of vine apples thatjhave been offered here this

I winter.Buying, selling and trading

lots and land seem to be thecraze here. Hardly a day butwhat a trade is made.

All seem to be greatly inter-ested in the big lot sale heretomorrow and next day.

Uncle Jacob has been verylow. but is better.


Pilot Mtn. Route 2, Dec. 12.Dear Reporter:

Will you allow us a little spacein your valuable paper.

Mr. Dock Bennett and MissAda Beck wree hapily marriedlast Saturday. Those who werepresent were Mr. and Mrs. C.H. Bennett, Misses Daisy, Nannieand Sallie Collins, Messrs.Arthur and Lee Coin, Joel Jes-sup, Jada Collins, Henry Pell,James Morefield, G. W. Collins,and R. A. Hunter.


j When you have a cold get ai bottle of Chamberlain's Cough| Remedy. It will soon fix you]up all right and will ward offI any tendency toward pneumonia,i This remedy contains no opiumor other narcotic and may begiven as confidently to a babyas to an adult Sold by alldealers.

Notice !

! The person who recently sentthe Reporter an order for pott

cards and failed to sign anyname to the letter can get moneyor cards by furnishing us hk orher name.



His Jaw Is Broken In Two PlacesMrs. Susan Hicks Seriously 111

?Other Meadows Items.Meadows, Dec. 14. Mrs.

Dicie Wall is very sick withlagrippe this week.

Mrs. Susan Hicks had a strokeof paralysis last week and is ina critical condition now, but isimproving.

A little grandson of Mrs. R A.Tuttle got horse-kicked on hischin Sunday, breaking his jawbone in two places. It was setin place by Dr. Neal, who thinkshe willsoon be all right.

Mr. C. E. Neal has gone toWinston to accept a position withRosenbacher until after Xmas.

Mrs. Ruamer Neal is still verylow.

Miss Ruth Glidewell is on thesick list with tonsilitis. MissMinnie Glidewell is helpingteach the schoo. Hartman.

Items and Hisonata From Pinnacle.Pinnacle, Dec. 13.?Rev. W.

H. Wilson*filled his regular ap-pointment at Shiloh Baptistchurch Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Cullerleft Wednesday for Abilene,Texas, where they will spend ayear with their son Mr. W. L.Culler.

Mr. Ike Wall, of Rural Hall,has recently moved to this place.

Mr. E. L. Smoak's nephewand his bride have been spend-ing a few days with him.

Mr. E. L. Smoak and familystarted for S. C. Monday wherethey willspend Xmas.

Miss Emma Boyles spent Sun-day with Miss Margaret Joyce.

Miss Argie Cook spent Sun-day with Martha Slate.

Misses Dell and Lillie Davis,

I Flomie Cook and Mattie King,j Mr. Mablen Joyce and Barger

I Spainhour visited at Mr. R. L.jHunter's Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Watsonspent Sunday at Mr. ColemanDavis'g

Miss Nina Culler went to

Winston Wednesday shopping.Mr. Nute Watson went to Mt.

AiryFriday,Messrs. Edwin' Carroll and

Gorrell Slate spent Saturday andSunday at their homes at King.

Miss Curtis Crouse spent afew days in Mt Airy last week.


ENDS WINTER'S TROUBLES.To many, winter is a season of

trouble. The frost bitten toesand fingers, chapped hands andlips, chilblains, cold sores, redand rough skins, prove this. \ Butsuch troubles fly before Bncklen'sArnica Salve. A trial convinces.Greatest healer of Burns. Boils.Piles, Cuts, Sores, Eczema andSprains. Only 25c at all Druggists


jTo Whom It May Concern :

Notice is hereby given to allpersons concerned, that applica-tion willbe made to the next ses-sion of the General Assembly ofNorth Carolina, for the passageof an act amending the Charterof the town of Walnut Cove,Stokes County, N. C., by extend-ing the corporate limits thereof,and also amending said Charterin other respects.

This the 7th day of Dec., 1910,


A ~-*? J

Dr. R. A Fry. dentist, will belocated at Pilot Nov. 22 to De-cember 22.

R L. Cuttew t)ie jafotor.

ssrsrr- "4 *aiite i.f-ti.-'tJ



Deceased Was 89 Years Of Age ?

Left a Will Ip Which He Gives !Greensboro Female College SI2OO. iRev. H. S. Helsabeck, Method- '

ist minister of Rural Hall, whohad been sick for the past three 1weeks from a complication of 1diseases, died early Sunday I'morning. '

The reverend gentleman was : 189 years of age last March, and 'was much beloved by everyone iin his community. He has aj'number of nephews and nieces (in the Rural Hall district, but ,has no near relatives.

Mr. H#sabeck leff a will and 1named Mr. J. S. D. Pulliam, ofKing, as executor. 1

His estate is worth $3,000 or 'more and in the will he gives

Greensboro Female ' College$1,200, dividing the remain-! 1der between hi&niece, Miss V. S. (Anderson, and the M. E. church,South. The frilldirects that thelatter be used in 'the missionary (cause.


Died at the residence of Dr.D. C. Dicks, near Gideon, Stokescounty, N.C., Dec. 8, 1910, MissOliva Blackburn, aged 75 years.

She had lived with Dr. Dicks'family since the death of herhalf brother, W. H Flynt, manyyears ago, and helped to care forhis children and grand-children,to whom she was greatly devoted.

IThe deceased was raised and ed-ucated tg her uncle, the late Col.J. M. Covington and his mother,but had resided with Dr. Dickssince his marriage to her nieceto whom she was very much at-tached. She had been in declin-ing health a year or two. but notpast going around only a short itime before she died of a heart |

\u25a0 trouble. Her death was suddenand unexpected and was there-fore a great shock to the family,

i by whom she is greatly missed,

i The surviving brothers areColumbus Blackburn of Walnut

> Cove ; Capt. Thos. J. Black-bum, of Mt. Airy, N. C.; Dr.J. C. Blackburn, late of Gilescounty, Va. and James M. Black-

t burn, of Henry county, Mo. SheI leaves also a large circle of rela-

tives hare . and elsewhere toi mourn her death.

We hope she has entered into jjrest.

Respectfully,J. G. H. MITCHELL.

? j The Mt. Airy News and Wins-ijton Sentinel are requested toi

II copy.______ _

: j There is more Catarrh in this1 1 section of the country than allother diseases put together, anduntil the last few years was sup-

I posed to be incurable. For a!1 great many years doctors pro-

nounced it a local disease and

rcribed local remedies, and 1constantly failing to cure!with local treatment, pronounced jin incurable. Science has pro-i

I ven catarrh to be a constitution- j. al disease and therefore requires >

constitutional treatment. Hall's j? Catarrh Cure, manufactured by i

F. J. Chene;- & Co., Toledo, Ohio, jis the only constitutional cure

' on the market. It is taken inter-nally in doses from 10 drops to a:

. teaspoon ful. It acts directly onthe blood and rpucous surfaces of;the system. They offer one hun-jdred dollars for any case it fails jto cure. Send for circulars and

, testimonials.Address: F. J. CHENEY & CO.,Toledo, Ohio.

Sold by Druggists. 75e. i> Take Hall's Family Pills for;

> constipation.? I

Christmas presents. Boyles. Mercantile Cs.

.Horn* made shoe#. Boylse

j'ViSS.A* : ?


Preparations for Christmas-People jBusy Killing Hogs and Getting i]in Wood Personals

Brim Grove, Dec. 12. ?The jifarmers of this section are mak- iing preparations for Xmas by j1killinjfhogs and getting in wood.:

Re'\ Sam F. Martin, of Wins-ton, filled his regular appoint- tment at Brim Saturday and Sun- iday. There was a large attend- jence, on Sunday especially. He j jpreached a fine sermon, and allenjoyed it fine. j

Mr. J. P. Covington was the jlast in the neighborhood to shuck jcorn; he made about 35 barrels.

Mr. J. A. Covington went toWinston last week on a business (trip.

Messrs. Dock and Sam Boyles tspent Sundav at Mr. J. H. Bui- £lington's.

Misses Daisy and Maggie Bui-liogton, of Pilot Mt., Route 1, jattended church at Brim Sun-day. i

Messrs. Chas. Boyles and £Malon Gordon spent Sunday ev- jening at T. M. Lawson.

Mr. Elija Sams spent Sunday ,

at Mr. A. J. Hall's. jMr. Roy McDaniel spent Sun-

day at Mr. R. A. Boaze's.Mr. N. I. Boyles left Sunday

for King, Route, 2 to spend jXmas with his parents.

Mr. Dallas Gordon is preparing;to build himself a house: he is Ihauling lumber. i <

Mr. Lee Essick spent Sunday jrat Mr. John McMellon's. ',

The school at Brim is progress- Jing nicely under the manage- (ment of Misses Daisy Dearminand Isabel Joyce. The school iwillclose for Xmas Dec. 23.


Sunday School Organized At Old jMt. Hermon T. J. Gann It Co.'s (New Grist Mill Starts.

Gann's, December 12 *As it jstays cold and tobacco stays dry,'it is bidding for a dull Xmas.

Mr. J. R. Johnson killed two!fine porkers a few days ago -

500 and 466 pounds respectively.Mr. J. R. Johnfon's daughter,

who was married about twomonths ago and lives at Bassett'sVa., is visiting at her father's atpresent. \u25a0, .

Mrs. A. H. Martin is visit-ing her daughter, Mrs. LukeHawkins, of Galax.

I There was a Sunday School or- ijganized at Old Mt. Hermon yes-jterday, with the following offi-cers. etc.: T. J. Gann, Supt.;

; Jesse Powers, Secretary-Treas.;| Allie Gann, Assistant Secretary-iTreas.; T. J. Gann, teacher Class! No. 1, with E. C. and R. L.Gann, H. F. Vernon, Peter Hen-nis and J. A. Wall. Mrs. A.Martin, teacher of Class No. 2,

I with Byron, Allie, Mabel and' Clement Gann and Edgar Dug-gins. Miss Lizzie Sharp, teacher

1 Class No. 3, with Cy and Byron! Vernon, Willie Hennis, Lottiejand Loyd Wall. Maude and Helen

I Gann.T. J. Gann & Co. will start I

! their new grist mill in a few[days.i Gann public school is progress-ing nicely under the manage-

: ment of Miss Lizzie Sharp,j Messrs. J. T. Vernon and G.

| W. Shaffer have swapped horses| lately, and each have nice young

1 horses . CITIZEN.\

Blanks For Sale.

j Blank Land Deeds 25c. dozen,; Deeds in Trust 25c. dozen. Chat-tel Mortgages oc. dozen, LandPesters oc. dozen. Postagepaid by us. Addrees


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