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The Danbury Reporter (Danbury, N.C.) 1907-02-28 [p...

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Briefs Adrift. The county commissioners will be in session Monday. Mr. Luther McKinney, of Vade Mecum, spent Tuesday night here. Supt. of Schools J. T. Smith is suffering with au attack of grippe. The spring term of Stokes court will oonvene on May 6th this year. Mr. J. W. Pitzer, of Red Shoals, was here a short while on business Tuesday. Mr. D. S. Watkins, of Walnut Core, was here a short while Tuesday. Mr. Wiley Mabe, of Campbell Route 2, was were a short while yesterday. The Walnut Cove FJotel will open fur the reception of guests tomorrow, Maroh Ist. Mr. N. R. Martin left Tuesday for Witoston where he will probab- ly accept a position. Mr. P. G. Southern, who was here Tuesday, expects to more his fanily to High Point soon. It is learned that the Bank of Madison did not lose anything on T. W. Hylton as was reported. The publio school here will give a spelling match one night this week. Everybody invited. Messrs. Joseph Martin and Wm. of Dellar, were here look- ing after some business yesterday. Mr. J. D. Humphreys and Drs. W. V. and W. L. McCanless, all of whom have had grippe, are up again. Messrs. Jno. R. Smith, Enoch James, Wiley Mabe, Speedwell Mabe and Robt Mabe were Dan- bury visitors Tuesday. " Mr. J. T. Moore Will Probably Lease His Hotel this Summer?Fell On the Ice and Sustained Painful In- juries. . Mr. J. T. Moore, proprietor of Moore's Spring*, called on the Re- porter Monday. Mr. Moore says he will probably lease bis hotel to some one for this season, and de- Tote his attention to making some improvements his place. Mr. Moore fell on the ioe about Christmas, sustaining very painful though it is hoped not serious in- juries. He has been oonfined most of the time since. J. S. Taylor to Run Pied- mont Hotel Next Season. Piedmont Springs hotel will be run nest reason by Mr. J. S. Tay- lor, of Danbury. Mr. Taylor is expecting a big crowd. The hotel at Danbury owned by Mr. Taylor, and managed by Mr. J. A. Fagg, is also making preparations to en- tertain a orowd of guests through the summer months. Gone to Raleigh to Fight the Magistrate Bill. Republican County Chairman N. O. Petree, Shtf. R. J. Petree and Register of Deeds C. M. Jones left yesterday for Raleigh to tight the bili now pending before the legislature for the appointment of (Stokes county magistrates with power to elect oertain oounty offi- cers. Phone Line From Dan- bury to Stuart to Be Built. Mr. E. C. Sheppard was here Friday. Mr. Sheppard it promo- ting a phone liue to run from Dan- bury to Stuart. He reports nearly all the stock subscribed. The capital stock of this company will be SBOO 00, and it is figured that it will pay 25 per ceot. ' _vZSF A VALUABLE LESSON. "Six years ago J learned a val- uable lesson," writes John Pleas- ant, of Magnolia, Ind. "I then be- gan taking Dr. Ring's New Life Pills, and the longer I take them the better I find them." They please everybody. Guaranteed at ill druggiats, 25c. SOME STONEVILLE NEWS. Mr. Galloway Thomas Has Pneu- monia?Two Marriages? Other News. Revenue officers, on Sunday night, cut up a blockade distillery about three mileß from this place. They also destroyed a large quan- tity of beer. The owners of the property are unknown. Married on Thursday, February 14th at the home of the bride's parents near this place', Rev. T. J. Glenn officiating, Mr. Terry Price, of Hondley, W. Va., to Miss Daisy Smith, the beautiful and accom- plished daughter of Mr. A. J. Smith. Married on Sunday, Fobruary 17, at the home of the bride's par- ents, near Stoneville, Rev. T. J. Glenn performing the oeremony, Mr. W. G. Teudor, of Hondley, W. Va., and Miss IdaGrogan. Mr. P. B. Neal, member of the I Board of Directors of the North Carolina Farmers' Protective As- sociation, was in town Friday and gave us a pleasant call. Mr. Neal is very much encouraged with the progress made with the organiza- tion and feels certain that it will be a success. It is a necessity and the farmers are fast finding it out. Mr. Thomas, son of Mr. J. A. Thomas, is seriously ill with pneumonia. We hope ere this that his condition is much improved. ?Farmer and Co-Oper- ator. Tuttle School Ran When Rosebud School Came to Spell Against It. Rosebud, Feb. 25.?Wi1l you allow-me space in your paper as it has been some time since I have seen anything from here. lam sorry to hear that. Rose Bud school went to spell against Tuttle's school Friday and run the whole school away all but the teacher and he was scared so bad he could not run and by the way Mr. Heath went to Walrwit Cove yesterday and got some rope to tie his scholars. I suppose he is ooming to Rose Bud next Friday to spell against us bat don't think th6y will-run from him. GUESS WHO. Sale Of Personal Property. As administratrix of P. O. Ben- nett, deed., I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the late residence of the said P. O. Bennett, deed., in Yad- kin township, Stokes county, N. C., on Thursday Maroh 21st, 1907, the pereonal property belonging ty said estate, consisting of the fol- lowing artioles, to-wit: One mule, one horse, two milk cows, two yearliugs, one buggy, three wag- ons and harness, one reaper and binder, one mowing machine and rake nearly new, one grain drill one cutaway barrow nearly new, plows, hoes, eto.; a lot of whea, and bay , a lot of household and kitoben furniture, one organ and a great many other articles of er- sonal property too numerous to, mention. Sale will be continued from day until all property is sold. This Feb. 26, 1907. JENNIE BENNETT, Admx. of P. O. Bennett,deed. Mr. Thos. Thornborough, of Meadows, was here Monday. Mr. Thornborough is making prepar- ations to leave for Missouri, RHODES-TAYLOR. A Beautiful Wedding at Campbell on Wednes- day, February 20. v Campbell, Feb. 25. ?A beauti- ful wedding at the home of the bride's parents on February 20th was that of Mr. Zeb Rhodes and Miss Gracie Taylor, Mr. E. C. Sheppard, J. P., officiating. The bride is the beautiful and accom- plished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fl. H. Taylor, while the groom is the son of Mr. A. O. Rhodes, and one of Stekes county's most pros- perous young men. The bride was beautifully attired in white silk. After congratulations were ex- tended by all present the happy couple and the wedding party re- paired to the dining room where a bountiful feast was spread to the delight of all present. Among the guests present were Misses Mary and Ella Taylor, Maggie Corn, Minnie and Lula Rhodes, Alice Martin, of Smith; Hattie Shelton, of Stuart, Va.; and Mrs. E. C. Sheppard, of Dellar; MiTand Mrs. Jack Taylor and Dell Taylor, of Stoneville; Messrs. Necoda Taylor, of Charleston, W. Va? brother of the bride; Very Smith, Jesse Corn, Charley Hyl- ton, Tom Spencer and others. A GUEST. GERMANTON ROUTE 1. Germanton Route 1, Feb. 25. Most everybody in this vicinity has lagrippe. I guess Misses Nannie, Lessie aud Ellen Fowler are feeling very sad this week as their fellows did not call Sunday. Miss Cora Bowman is looking very sad this week as Mr. Nelson didn't call Sunday. Miss Mildred Tuttle is all smiles this week as her fellow called last Sunday. The public school at German- ton, taught by Miss Lula Tuttle, will close on the Ist dpy of March with a spelling that night. BLUE EYED GIRL. LADIES HATS?Just received a beautiful line of ladies' hats. At the lowest prices. W. L. NELSON, Danbury Route 1. Messrs. W. H. and R. K. Wil- son, of Hartman, visited Danbury yesterday. They reported Mr. Ed Wilson, who has been confined several weeks with pneumonia, as better. The Winston papers say that rumors are current there that a movement is on foot to petition Forsyth's representatives in the Legislature to pass a bill author- izing the establishment of a dis- pensary in Winston, NEIGHBORS GOT FOOLED. "I was literally coughing my- self to death, and had become too weak to leave my bed; and neigh- bors predicted that I would never leave it alive; but they got fooled, for thanks be to God, I was in- duced to try Dr. King's New Dis- covery. It took just four one dol- lar bottles to completely cure the cough and to restore me to good sound health," writes Mrs. Eva Uncapher, of Grovertown, Stark Co., Ind. This King of cough and oold cures, and healer of throat and lungs, is guaranteed by all druggists. 50c and SI.OO. Trial bottle free. ' # Lumber and Labor are High Buy the WORLD-RENOWNED, latest improved, 1907 Model Deloach Saw Mill, Planer Edger, Shingle Mill,etc., from W. H. Clark and thus save money on first and last cost. most reasonable. He has also lowest prices on Steam and Gasoline Engines. The Case All-Steel Separator, full lirte of Farm Ma- chinery and Buggies. Highest market prices paid for lumber. Address W. h. CLARK, Stuart, Va. Private Phone, "Glenwood." Speaker Cannon Invited. Greensboro, Feb. 25.?Speaker Cannon has been invited to be present at the commencement ex- ercises at Guilford College this year and it is more thaft likely that he will accept. Mr. Thos. Martin, of Campbell, was here yesterday. Messrs, Jno. M. Redding and Jas, H. Baker, of Gerinanton Route 1, were here yesterday. lam still at my old place of business and have a larger stock of goods than ever before. I wish to thank my many customers all over the county for their past liberal patronage. I shall buy goods in larger quantities than ever this year, and shall use every effort to give my friends the advantage of the lowest prices possible. Don't fail to come and see me when in Walnut Cove, and I will assure you that you will get your money's worth every time you trade with me. Yours for business, J. B WOODRUFF. "A word to the wise is suffi- cient.' Don't notice what you hear, but come and see for your- self if J. B. Woodruff doesn't sell you goods cheaper than any man in the county.' How does Woodruff sell goods so cheap ? He buys in large quan- tities for cash and sells for cash, and does his work himself. "A penny saved is a penny made" is an old saying that proves true every time you trade at Woodruff's. Don't fail to call and get his price before you buy any- where else. J. B. Woodruff has just receiv- ed a carload of Daisy Middlings, Corn and Oats. Will sell Daisy Middlings at $2.15 per 140 pounds bags. Where can you buy a number one White Corn in 2 bushel sacks at 75 cents per bushel and 5 cents apiece for the sack return- ed ? At J. B. WOODRUFF'S, Walnut Cove. J. B. Woodruff will sell Seed Oats at 58 cents per bushel. J. B. Woodruff sells a good Pat- ent Flour at $1.90 per hundred. Every sack guaranteed goed. Where can you buy the best grade of Kerosene Oil at 15 cents per gallon ? At J. B. WOODRUFF'S, Walnut Cove, Woodruff sells an extra grade of green Coffee for 10 cents a pound. It's fine. fIKLF iS OFFERED TO -VOnTHY YOUNG PEOPLE \u25a0Vo c-r* t»3llyrequest all younar persons, no matter .low limit*.«i their moans or education, who wish to Vain a thorough business training: and good posi- ion, t.» write by first mail for our great half-rate Tor. Fuocess, independence and probable fortune e gv.uranUeO. Don't delay. Write today. 1 ?^.-.'-3a. Easiness College, Macon, Ga. KILLtm cough the LUNGS *Dr. King's iHew Discovery i ___ /Consumption Price l Fun I OUGHS and 60c & SI.OO Free Trial. 3 Surest and Quickest Cure for all j THROAT and LUNG TROUB- ; liES, or MONEY BACK, i .a.???? TheBESTof everything H and the greatest qimntltlesofevory || growing tliiug can readily bo pro- H dured with the liberal useof Virginia- M Carolina Fertilizers, togotbor with 9 earuful cultivation. The matcriulsof 53 whichtheyaromade.caaietberatocp- B rich tho land, and the plants to come 9 up rapidly and more prolific. Use 1 Virginia-Carolina Fertiliser* w _ \u25a0 on your fruita and fruit-trees ) a of all kinds, corn, wheat and I nil trucks. For, at harvest in ilmo. you will have the largest V H (for thoae will "increase your B yield per acre") and finest 3 crops you ever raised in all \u25a0\u25a0 B your farm life. Don't buy tho Q Inferior substitute that any \u25a0 fertillzeragentmay try to per- \u25a0 riade you to put on your land. I VIRGINIA-CAROLINA CHEMICALCO., U)1 a Richmond, Ti- iorfolk, ft., Dorh»m. I.fl_ U] \u25a0 Ciirltiloi, S. 0., Baltimore, Hd., Atlanta, E ut. t Sirtniuh, Ga., Montgomery, Ala.. «? El Hajnnhli, T»im? ghrtttporl, U. ""iStT** AsK for the Genuine niiil \mmmr And see that you get what you asK for The largely increased demand for Sun Cured tobacco, created and sustained by the distinctive quality of the original Reynolds' Sun Cured tobacco, has encouraged other manufacturers to place on the market imitation brands and tags which are made to look so near like the genuine Reynolds' Sun Cured that \msuspecting chewers and dealers receive the imitations under the belief that they are getting the genuine Reynolds' Sun Cured tobacco. Look close and see that the letters on the tag spell R-e-y-n-o-l-d-s' Sun Cured, and you cannot be deceived in getting what you ask for and want y ?the bests value for your money that can be produced from the genuine Sun Cured tobacco, grown where the best sun-cured tobacco grows. ASK FOR "REYNOLDS'" and see that you get the original and genuine Sun Cured tobacco. It's like you formerly got, before Reynolds' Sun Cured was offered to the trade, costing from COc to SI.OO per pound, and is sold at 50c per pound in 5c cuts, strictly 10 and 15 cent plugs. R.J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Winston-Salem, N.C. NAWHorfolliiDlesleniß.il SCHEDULE IN EFFECT JAN. f), 1907 Dally Dally Ex. Sun. Daily Ex. Sun. P. M. A. M. I>. M. P. M. 2:50 7:rto Lv. Winston Ar 2.00 10.00 3:2S 8:13 " Wal. Cove " 1:21 9:20 5.00 9:50 " Martins. " 11:45 7:49 7:25 12:30 Ar Roanoke Lv 9:20 5:15 P. M. P. M. A. M. I». M. WKSrtJOUND-LKAVE KOANOKK DAILY. 5.(H1 a m?For F.ast Radford, Blutltel.l, Taze- well and Norton, Pullman Sleeper to Columbus, Ohio, cafe car. 8.00 a in ( Washington and Chattanooga Limited) for Pulaski, principal stations, Bristol aud the South. Pullman Sleepers to New Or- leans and Memphis. Care car 4:3.1 p m?The St. Louis Express, for Bluetield, Pocahontas, Kenova, Clnci- linattl. Indianopolis, St. Louis. Kansas City, Columbus and Chicago. Pullman Bullet Sleepers fioanoke to Columbus and Bluetield to Clnclnantl. Cafe car 4:45 p m? For Bluetieldand Intermediate sta- tions. 4:85 p m?Daily. For Bristol and Intermediate stations, Knoxville, Chattanooga and points Aith. Pullman Sleeper to Knoxville. 9:3t0 m?For Bristol aud Intermediate stations, Bluetield, Norton, Pocahontas and Welch. Pullman Sleeper to Welch. NORTH AND EASTBOUND. 1:30 n m?For Petersburg, Richmond aud Nor- folk. Pullman Buffet Parler Car to Norfolk. 1:40 p m?For Washington, Hagerstown, Phila- delphia and New York via Hagerstown and Harrlsburg. Pullman Sleeper to New York. 7:45 p m?For Hagerstown. Pullman Sleeper to Philadelphia. v 12:80 a m?For Richmond and Norfolk. Pullman Sleeper Lynchburg to Norfolk and Richmond. 1:01 a m?(Washington and Chattanooga Lim- ited). For Washington, Phlladelphlaand New York via Lynchburg. Pullman Sleepers to Washington, Baltimore. Philadelphia and New York. 6:45 a ni?For Lynchburg, Petersburg. Richmond and Norfolk- -7:45 p ni--Daily. For Lynchburg. Pull- man Sleeper for .Richmond. DURHAM DIVISION. /yeave Lynchburg (Union Station) dailv except Sunday 3:00 a. in, and daily 4:15 p m for Xoutli Boston and Durham and intermediate stations. For all additional information apply to ticket officer, or to W. B. BEVILL, M. F. BRAGG, Geu'l Pass. Agent. Trav. Pass. Agent. ROANOKE, VA. The kiln Winston=Salem To the well informed It is now a fact that there are no remedies HO effective as the X-ray. Flnson light and Ml linen's violet light inthetreat- mentof cancer, eczema, lupus, acne, liulolentulcers and all other forms of skin diseases. For rheumatism, gout, sprains, kitlne.v and blood diseases In general no treatment Is HO effective UH that where elimination Ih produced through the nkin (sweating). This IN accomplished liy means of the hot air and electric light baths. As Ja blcod builder, a flesh producer, a cure for bronchitis, chronic coughs, catarrh of the nose and throat, ana general tonic, the Inhalation of ozone from a modern apparatus has effected moth cures than any other method. Fop the cure of neurasthenia, nervous ex- haust ion, refleq disorders, paralysis, neu- ralgia, etc., the vibratory massage aud statio curpent of electricity are the best. By means of other modern electrical ap- pliances, we cure all form of gastric and in- testinal indigestion, constipation, dilation and atony of the stomach and bow?ela. functional disturbances of the liver, va- ricocele, cydsoceie, strictuie, hemorrhoids (piles), etc., remove superfluous hairs, moles, wart*, birthmarks, etc. We cordially invite you to visit the San- itatiiuu or write for discriptive booklet. DR. T. M.COPPLE (Suocessor to Rierson & Oopple) WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. JVOTICE. Having duly qualified is admin- istratrix of the estate of P. O. Bennett, deed., notice is hereby given to all persons holding olaims against the said estate to present them to me, duly authenticated, for payment, on or before the Ist day of March, 1908, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re- covery, and all persons indebted to said estate are hereby requested to make immediate payment. This Feb. 26, 1907. JENNIE BENNETT, Admx. of P. O. Bennett, deed. N. O. Petree, Atty. for admx. State of North Car., Jin the Superior Stokes County.} Court, Spring term 1907. Order and notice to non-resident de- fendant. Jacob Bullln, plaintiff, vs. Cornelia A. Bullln, defendant. In the above entitled nation It ap- pearing to the court upon affidavit filed herein that the defendant Corne- lia A. Bullln Is a non-resident of the state of North Carolina and after due diligence cannot be found therein and cannot be personally served with process and is a necessary party* to this action the same being an action for divorce from the bonds of mat- rimony. It is therefore ordered by the court that publication of notice be made for 4 successive weeks in the Dftnbury Reporter, a newspaper published in the town of Danbury,* Stokes county, N. C., notifying the defendant, Cornelia A. Bullln, that an action as above entitled has been Instituted against her In the Supe- rior Court of Stokes County, North Carolina, for the purpose of the plain- tiff securing an absolute divorce from the defendant rtiul a eomplete disso- lution of the bonds of matrimony heretofore existing between the plain- tiff and the defendant, Cornelia A. Bullln, and requiring her to appear before the Judge of our superior Court, at a court to be held for the county of Stokes at the court lioiihc in Danbury, on the ninth Monday after the first Monday In March, 1907, and answer or demur to the com- plnint which will l>e deposited In the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county within the first three days of the term, and let the said defendant take notice that If she fall to answer or demur to said complaint within that term the plaintiff will apply to the Court for relief demanded In the complaint and the costs of thin action to Ik> taxed by the Clerk. Glveuunder my hand and senl of said County ou this the 18th day of Dec., 1906. M. T. CHILTON, Clerk of the Superior Court. J. I). Humphreys, Atty. for plff. HOLLISTER'S Rocky Mountain Toa Nuggets A Buy Medicine for Bui, Peo»4«. Bring* Golden Health and Renew* View. Aspeolflo lor Constipation, Indigestion, L,ITOT and Kidney troubles. Pimples, Eczema, Impure "lood. Bad Breath, Slunish Bowels, Headacho and Backache. Its Rock? Mountain Tea In tab- let form, 85 cents a box. Genuine made by Hollistxb Druo COMPACT. Mad'son. Wis. [ GOLDEN NU6OETS FOR MUjOW fSOPUE
Page 1: The Danbury Reporter (Danbury, N.C.) 1907-02-28 [p ]newspapers.digitalnc.org/lccn/sn91068291/1907-02-28/ed-1/... · 2014-02-06 · ton, Tom Spencer and others. A GUEST. GERMANTON

Briefs Adrift.The county commissioners will

be in session Monday.

Mr. Luther McKinney, of VadeMecum, spent Tuesday night here.

Supt. of Schools J. T. Smith issuffering with au attack of grippe.

The spring term of Stokes court

willoonvene on May 6th this year.

Mr. J. W. Pitzer, of Red Shoals,was here a short while on businessTuesday.

Mr. D. S. Watkins, of WalnutCore, was here a short whileTuesday.

Mr. Wiley Mabe, of CampbellRoute 2, was were a short whileyesterday.

The Walnut Cove FJotel willopen fur the reception of gueststomorrow, Maroh Ist.

Mr. N. R. Martin left Tuesdayfor Witoston where he willprobab-ly accept a position.

Mr. P. G. Southern, who washere Tuesday, expects to more hisfanily to High Point soon.

It is learned that the Bank ofMadison did not lose anything onT. W. Hylton as was reported.

The publio school here willgive a spelling match one nightthis week. Everybody invited.

Messrs. Joseph Martin and Wm.of Dellar, were here look-

ing after some business yesterday.Mr. J. D. Humphreys and Drs.

W. V. and W. L. McCanless, all ofwhom have had grippe, are upagain.

Messrs. Jno. R. Smith, EnochJames, Wiley Mabe, SpeedwellMabe and Robt Mabe were Dan-bury visitors Tuesday.


Mr. J. T. Moore Will Probably LeaseHis Hotel this Summer?Fell Onthe Ice and Sustained Painful In-juries.


Mr. J. T. Moore, proprietor ofMoore's Spring*, called on the Re-porter Monday. Mr. Moore sayshe will probably lease bis hotel tosome one for this season, and de-Tote his attention to making someimprovements his place.

Mr. Moore fell on the ioe aboutChristmas, sustaining very painfulthough it is hoped not serious in-juries. He has been oonfined mostof the time since.

J. S. Taylor to Run Pied-mont Hotel Next Season.

Piedmont Springs hotel will berun nest reason by Mr. J. S. Tay-lor, of Danbury. Mr. Taylor isexpecting a big crowd. The hotelat Danbury owned by Mr. Taylor,and managed by Mr. J. A. Fagg,is also making preparations to en-tertain a orowd of guests throughthe summer months.

Gone to Raleigh to Fightthe Magistrate Bill.

Republican County ChairmanN. O. Petree, Shtf. R. J. Petreeand Register of Deeds C. M. Jonesleft yesterday for Raleigh to tightthe bili now pending before thelegislature for the appointment of(Stokes county magistrates withpower to elect oertain oounty offi-cers.

Phone Line From Dan-bury to Stuart to Be


Mr. E. C. Sheppard was hereFriday. Mr. Sheppard it promo-ting a phone liue to run from Dan-bury to Stuart. He reports nearlyall the stock subscribed. Thecapital stock of this company willbe SBOO 00, and it is figured that itwillpay 25 per ceot.


"Six years ago J learned a val-uable lesson," writes John Pleas-ant, of Magnolia, Ind. "I then be-gan taking Dr. Ring's New LifePills, and the longer I take themthe better I find them." Theyplease everybody. Guaranteed at

ill druggiats, 25c.


Mr. Galloway Thomas Has Pneu-monia?Two Marriages? OtherNews.Revenue officers, on Sunday

night, cut up a blockade distilleryabout three mileß from this place.They also destroyed a large quan-tity of beer. The owners of theproperty are unknown.

Married on Thursday, February14th at the home of the bride'sparents near this place', Rev. T. J.Glenn officiating, Mr. Terry Price,of Hondley, W. Va., to Miss DaisySmith, the beautiful and accom-plished daughter of Mr. A. J.Smith.

Married on Sunday, Fobruary17, at the home of the bride's par-ents, near Stoneville, Rev. T. J.Glenn performing the oeremony,Mr. W. G. Teudor, of Hondley,W. Va., and Miss IdaGrogan.

Mr. P. B. Neal, member of the IBoard of Directors of the NorthCarolina Farmers' Protective As-sociation, was in town Friday andgave us a pleasant call. Mr. Nealis very much encouraged with theprogress made with the organiza-tion and feels certain that it willbe a success. Itis a necessity andthe farmers are fast finding it out.

Mr. Thomas, son ofMr. J. A. Thomas, is seriously illwith pneumonia. We hope erethis that his condition is muchimproved. ?Farmer and Co-Oper-ator.

Tuttle School Ran WhenRosebud School Cameto Spell Against It.Rosebud, Feb. 25.?Wi1l you

allow-me space in your paper as ithas been some time since I haveseen anything from here.

lam sorry to hear that. RoseBud school went to spell againstTuttle's school Friday and run thewhole school away all but theteacher and he was scared so badhe could not run and by the wayMr. Heath went to Walrwit Coveyesterday and got some rope totie his scholars. I suppose he isooming to Rose Bud next Fridayto spell against us bat don't thinkth6y will-run from him.


Sale Of Personal Property.As administratrix of P. O. Ben-

nett, deed., I will sell at publicauction to the highest bidder forcash at the late residence of thesaid P. O. Bennett, deed., in Yad-kin township, Stokes county, N.C., on Thursday Maroh 21st, 1907,the pereonal property belonging tysaid estate, consisting of the fol-lowing artioles, to-wit: One mule,one horse, two milk cows, twoyearliugs, one buggy, three wag-ons and harness, one reaper andbinder, one mowing machine andrake nearly new, one grain drillone cutaway barrow nearly new,plows, hoes, eto.; a lot of whea,and bay , a lot of household andkitoben furniture, one organ and agreat many other articles of er-sonal property too numerous to,mention.

Sale will be continued from dayuntil all property is sold.

This Feb. 26, 1907.JENNIE BENNETT,

Admx. of P. O. Bennett,deed.

Mr. Thos. Thornborough, ofMeadows, was here Monday. Mr.Thornborough is making prepar-ations to leave for Missouri,


A Beautiful Wedding atCampbell on Wednes-day, February 20.

v Campbell, Feb. 25. ?A beauti-ful wedding at the home of thebride's parents on February 20thwas that of Mr. Zeb Rhodes andMiss Gracie Taylor, Mr. E. C.Sheppard, J. P., officiating. Thebride is the beautiful and accom-plished daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Fl. H. Taylor, while the groom isthe son of Mr. A. O. Rhodes, andone of Stekes county's most pros-

perous young men. The bridewas beautifully attired in whitesilk.

After congratulations were ex-tended by all present the happycouple and the wedding party re-paired to the dining room where abountiful feast was spread to thedelight of all present.

Among the guests present wereMisses Mary and Ella Taylor,Maggie Corn, Minnie and LulaRhodes, Alice Martin, of Smith;Hattie Shelton, of Stuart, Va.; andMrs. E. C. Sheppard, of Dellar;MiTand Mrs. Jack Taylor andDell Taylor, of Stoneville; Messrs.Necoda Taylor, of Charleston, W.Va? brother of the bride; VerySmith, Jesse Corn, Charley Hyl-ton, Tom Spencer and others.



Germanton Route 1, Feb. 25.Most everybody in this vicinityhas lagrippe.

I guess Misses Nannie, Lessieaud Ellen Fowler are feeling verysad this week as their fellows didnot call Sunday.

Miss Cora Bowman is lookingvery sad this week as Mr. Nelsondidn't call Sunday.

Miss Mildred Tuttle is all smilesthis week as her fellow called lastSunday.

The public school at German-ton, taught by Miss Lula Tuttle,will close on the Ist dpy of Marchwith a spelling that night.


LADIES HATS?Just receiveda beautiful line of ladies' hats.

At the lowest prices.W. L. NELSON,Danbury Route 1.

Messrs. W. H. and R. K. Wil-son, of Hartman, visited Danburyyesterday. They reported Mr. EdWilson, who has been confinedseveral weeks with pneumonia, asbetter.

The Winston papers say thatrumors are current there that amovement is on foot to petitionForsyth's representatives in theLegislature to pass a bill author-izing the establishment of a dis-pensary in Winston,

NEIGHBORS GOT FOOLED."Iwas literally coughing my-

self to death, and had become tooweak to leave my bed; and neigh-bors predicted that I would neverleave it alive; but they got fooled,for thanks be to God, I was in-duced to try Dr. King's New Dis-covery. It took just four one dol-lar bottles to completely cure thecough and to restore me to goodsound health," writes Mrs. EvaUncapher, of Grovertown, StarkCo., Ind. This King of cough andoold cures, and healer of throatand lungs, is guaranteed by alldruggists. 50c and SI.OO. Trialbottle free.



Lumber and Labor are High

Buy the WORLD-RENOWNED, latest improved,

1907 Model Deloach Saw Mill, Planer Edger, Shingle

Mill,etc., from W. H. Clark and thus save money on

first and last cost. most reasonable. He has

also lowest prices on Steam and Gasoline Engines.

The Case All-Steel Separator, full lirte of Farm Ma-

chinery and Buggies. Highest market prices paid for

lumber. Address

W. h. CLARK, Stuart, Va.

Private Phone, "Glenwood."

Speaker Cannon Invited.

Greensboro, Feb. 25.?SpeakerCannon has been invited to bepresent at the commencement ex-ercises at Guilford College thisyear and it is more thaft likelythat he will accept.

Mr. Thos. Martin, of Campbell,was here yesterday.

Messrs, Jno. M. Redding andJas, H. Baker, of GerinantonRoute 1, were here yesterday.

lam still at my old place ofbusiness and have a larger stock ofgoods than ever before. I wish tothank my many customers all overthe county for their past liberalpatronage. I shall buy goods inlarger quantities than ever thisyear, and shall use every effort togive my friends the advantage ofthe lowest prices possible. Don'tfail to come and see me when inWalnut Cove, and I will assureyou that you will get your money'sworth every time you trade withme.

Yours for business,J. B WOODRUFF.

"A word to the wise is suffi-cient.' Don't notice what youhear, but come and see for your-self if J. B. Woodruff doesn't sellyou goods cheaper than any manin the county.'

How does Woodruff sell goodsso cheap ? He buys in large quan-tities for cash and sells for cash,and does his work himself.

"A penny saved is a pennymade" is an old saying that provestrue every time you trade atWoodruff's. Don't fail to call andget his price before you buy any-where else.

J. B. Woodruff has just receiv-ed a carload of Daisy Middlings,Corn and Oats. Will sell DaisyMiddlings at $2.15 per 140 poundsbags.

Where can you buy a numberone White Corn in 2 bushel sacksat 75 cents per bushel and 5cents apiece for the sack return-ed ? At

J. B. WOODRUFF'S,Walnut Cove.

J. B. Woodruff will sell SeedOats at 58 cents per bushel.

J. B. Woodruff sells a good Pat-ent Flour at $1.90 per hundred.Every sack guaranteed goed.

Where can you buy the bestgrade of Kerosene Oil at 15 centsper gallon ? At

J. B. WOODRUFF'S,Walnut Cove,

Woodruff sells an extra grade ofgreen Coffee for 10 cents a pound.It's fine.


\u25a0Vo c-r* t»3llyrequest all younar persons, no matter.low limit*.«i their moans or education, who wish toVain a thorough business training: and good posi-ion, t.» write by first mail for our great half-rateTor. Fuocess, independence and probable fortunee gv.uranUeO. Don't delay. Write today.

1 ?^.-.'-3a. Easiness College, Macon, Ga.

KILLtm coughthe LUNGS

*Dr.King'siHew Discovery

i ___ /Consumption Pricel Fun I OUGHS and 60c & SI.OO

Free Trial.

3 Surest and Quickest Cure for allj THROAT and LUNG TROUB-; liES, or MONEY BACK,i .a.????

TheBESTof everything

H and the greatest qimntltlesofevory|| growing tliiug can readily bo pro-H dured with the liberal useof Virginia-M Carolina Fertilizers, togotbor with9 earuful cultivation. The matcriulsof53 whichtheyaromade.caaietberatocp-B rich tho land, and the plants to come9 up rapidly and more prolific. Use1 Virginia-Carolina Fertiliser* w_

\u25a0 on your fruita and fruit-trees )a of all kinds, corn, wheat andInil trucks. For, at harvestin ilmo. you willhave the largest VH (for thoae will"increase yourB yield per acre") and finest3 crops you ever raised in all \u25a0\u25a0B your farm life. Don't buy thoQ Inferior substitute that any\u25a0 fertillzeragentmay try to per-\u25a0 riade you to put on your land.IVIRGINIA-CAROLINA CHEMICALCO., U)1a Richmond, Ti- iorfolk, ft., Dorh»m. I.fl_ U]\u25a0 Ciirltiloi, S. 0., Baltimore, Hd., Atlanta,E ut.t Sirtniuh, Ga., Montgomery, Ala.. «?

El Hajnnhli, T»im? ghrtttporl, U. ""iStT**

AsK for the Genuine

niiil\mmmrAnd see that you get what

you asK for

The largely increased demand for Sun Curedtobacco, created and sustained by the distinctivequality of the original Reynolds' Sun Cured tobacco,has encouraged other manufacturers to place on themarket imitation brands and tags which are made tolook so near like the genuine Reynolds' Sun Curedthat \msuspecting chewers and dealers receive theimitations under the belief that they are getting thegenuine Reynolds' Sun Cured tobacco.

Look close and see that the letters on the tagspell R-e-y-n-o-l-d-s' Sun Cured, and you cannotbe deceived in getting what you ask for and want y

?the bests valuefor your money that can be producedfrom the genuine Sun Cured tobacco, grown wherethe best sun-cured tobacco grows.

ASK FOR "REYNOLDS'"and see that you get the original and genuine SunCured tobacco.

It's like you formerly got, before Reynolds'Sun Cured was offered to the trade, costing fromCOc to SI.OO per pound, and is sold at 50c perpound in 5c cuts, strictly 10 and 15 cent plugs.R.J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Winston-Salem, N.C.

NAWHorfolliiDlesleniß.ilSCHEDULE IN EFFECT JAN. f), 1907

DallyDally Ex. Sun. Daily Ex. Sun.P. M. A. M. I>. M. P. M.2:50 7:rto Lv. Winston Ar 2.00 10.003:2S 8:13 " Wal. Cove " 1:21 9:205.00 9:50 " Martins. " 11:45 7:497:25 12:30 Ar Roanoke Lv 9:20 5:15P. M. P. M. A. M. I». M.WKSrtJOUND-LKAVE KOANOKK DAILY.5.(H1 a m?For F.ast Radford, Blutltel.l, Taze-

well and Norton, Pullman Sleeper toColumbus, Ohio, cafe car.

8.00 a in ( Washington and Chattanooga Limited)for Pulaski, principal stations, Bristol aud theSouth. Pullman Sleepers to New Or-leans and Memphis. Care car

4:3.1 p m?The St. Louis Express, forBluetield, Pocahontas, Kenova, Clnci-linattl. Indianopolis, St. Louis. Kansas City,Columbus and Chicago. Pullman BulletSleepers fioanoke to Columbus and Bluetieldto Clnclnantl. Cafe car

4:45 p m? For Bluetieldand Intermediate sta-tions.

4:85 p m?Daily. For Bristol and Intermediatestations, Knoxville, Chattanooga and pointsAith. Pullman Sleeper to Knoxville.

9:3t0 m?For Bristol aud Intermediate stations,Bluetield, Norton, Pocahontas and Welch.Pullman Sleeper to Welch.

NORTH AND EASTBOUND.1:30 n m?For Petersburg, Richmond aud Nor-folk. Pullman Buffet Parler Car to Norfolk.

1:40 p m?For Washington, Hagerstown, Phila-delphia and New York via Hagerstown andHarrlsburg. Pullman Sleeper to New York.7:45 p m?For Hagerstown. Pullman Sleeper toPhiladelphia. v

12:80 a m?For Richmond and Norfolk. PullmanSleeper Lynchburg to Norfolkand Richmond.

1:01 a m?(Washington and Chattanooga Lim-ited). For Washington, Phlladelphlaand NewYork via Lynchburg. Pullman Sleepers toWashington, Baltimore. Philadelphia andNew York.6:45 a ni?For Lynchburg, Petersburg.

Richmond and Norfolk--7:45 p ni--Daily. For Lynchburg. Pull-

man Sleeper for .Richmond.DURHAM DIVISION.

/yeave Lynchburg (Union Station) dailvexcept Sunday 3:00 a. in, and daily4:15 p m for Xoutli Boston and Durhamand intermediate stations.

For all additional information apply toticket officer, or toW. B. BEVILL, M. F. BRAGG,

Geu'l Pass. Agent. Trav. Pass. Agent.ROANOKE, VA.

The kilnWinston=Salem

To the well informed It is now afact that there are no remedies HO

effective as the X-ray. Flnson lightand Mllinen's violet light inthetreat-mentof cancer, eczema, lupus, acne,liulolentulcers and all other forms ofskin diseases.

For rheumatism, gout, sprains,kitlne.v and blood diseases In generalno treatment Is HO effective UH thatwhere elimination Ih producedthrough the nkin (sweating). ThisIN accomplished liymeans of the hotair and electric light baths. As Jablcod builder, a flesh producer, acure for bronchitis, chronic coughs,catarrh of the nose and throat, anageneral tonic, the Inhalation ofozone from a modern apparatus haseffected moth cures than any other method.Fop the cure of neurasthenia, nervous ex-

haust ion, refleq disorders, paralysis, neu-ralgia, etc., the vibratory massage audstatio curpent of electricity are the best.

By means of other modern electrical ap-pliances, we cure all form of gastric and in-testinal indigestion, constipation, dilationand atony of the stomach and bow?ela.functional disturbances of the liver, va-ricocele, cydsoceie, strictuie, hemorrhoids(piles), etc., remove superfluous hairs,moles, wart*, birthmarks, etc.

We cordially invite you to visit the San-itatiiuu or write for discriptive booklet.

DR. T. M.COPPLE(Suocessor to Rierson & Oopple)


JVOTICE.Having duly qualified is admin-

istratrix of the estate of P. O.Bennett, deed., notice is herebygiven to all persons holding olaimsagainst the said estate to presentthem to me, duly authenticated,for payment, on or before the Istday of March, 1908, or this noticewill be pleaded in bar of their re-covery, and all persons indebtedto said estate are hereby requestedto make immediate payment. ThisFeb. 26, 1907.

JENNIE BENNETT,Admx. of P. O. Bennett, deed.

N. O. Petree, Atty. for admx.

State of North Car., Jin the SuperiorStokes County.} Court, Spring

term 1907. Orderand notice tonon-resident de-fendant.

Jacob Bullln, plaintiff,vs.

Cornelia A. Bullln, defendant.In the above entitled nation It ap-

pearing to the court upon affidavitfiled herein that the defendant Corne-lia A. Bullln Is a non-resident of thestate of North Carolina and after duediligence cannot be found therein andcannot be personally served withprocess and is a necessary party* tothis action the same being an actionfor divorce from the bonds of mat-rimony. It is therefore ordered bythe court that publication of noticebe made for 4 successive weeks in theDftnbury Reporter, a newspaperpublished in the town of Danbury,*Stokes county, N. C., notifying thedefendant, Cornelia A. Bullln, thatan action as above entitled has beenInstituted against her In the Supe-rior Court of Stokes County, NorthCarolina, for the purpose of the plain-tiff securing an absolute divorce fromthe defendant rtiul a eomplete disso-lution of the bonds of matrimonyheretofore existing between the plain-tiff and the defendant, Cornelia A.Bullln, and requiring her to appearbefore the Judge of our superiorCourt, at a court to be held for thecounty of Stokes at the court lioiihcin Danbury, on the ninth Mondayafter the first Monday In March, 1907,and answer or demur to the com-plnintwhich will l>e deposited In theoffice of the Clerk of the SuperiorCourt of said county within the firstthree days of the term, and let thesaid defendant take notice that Ifshefall to answer or demur to saidcomplaint within that term theplaintiffwill apply to the Court forrelief demanded In the complaint andthe costs of thin action to Ik> taxedby the Clerk. Glveuunder my handand senl of said County ou this the18th day ofDec., 1906.

M. T. CHILTON,Clerk of the Superior Court.

J. I). Humphreys, Atty. for plff.

HOLLISTER'SRocky Mountain Toa Nuggets

A Buy Medicine for Bui, Peo»4«.Bring* Golden Health and Renew* View.

Aspeolflo lor Constipation, Indigestion, L,ITOTand Kidney troubles. Pimples, Eczema, Impure"lood. Bad Breath, Slunish Bowels, Headachoand Backache. Its Rock? Mountain Tea In tab-let form, 85 cents a box. Genuine made byHollistxb Druo COMPACT. Mad'son. Wis.

