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This article are presented to :

1. Our beloved teacher, Miss. Dione Arisusanti

2. Our parents for the loves

3. And our big family that we can’t mentioned one by one.

4. Our each beloved, thanks for your supports, so we have some inspiration to

finishing our articles.

5. Everybody who helped our article, thank you very much.



- The action dependent in your plan and everybody will be getting your plan.

(H.R. muslim)

- After the darkness are appear the light (R.A.Kartini)

- Be brain, beauty, behavior, and brave ! (Miss Indonesia Pagean)



Thanks to God’s unity because without the permission of God our article

with title “The Dayak’s Amazing Ethnic In Indonesia” never finish of good. We are

making this article for get the mark in conversation lesson.

We are working this article since Tuesday, February 6th 2006. For us, Dayak

are having interesting something so we are deciding to make Dayak become

essence our article.

We made our article with doing observation on Cyberlink. In collecting

information of Dayak, we’re not realizing much problem. But we have much problem

in translating information to English, but we aren’t make above became a big huge


We’re feeling that our knowledge are not get much and this report not yet

perfect because of then we hope critics and suggestions. We also hope this article

can be useful for Indonesian Knowledge.



Indonesia has many ethnic from Sabang till Merauke. The ethnic in Indonesia

are making any culture. The culture are such as good culture that can guard

Indonesian Nature and Broken Culture that can break The Indonesian Natures.

Why Dayaks? Because Dayaks has good culture that can guard Indonesian

Nature. The Dayaks is very respect to that culture so Indonesian Nature always

guarded that good cultures is “Pamais” to cutting down trees because they think the

tree is GOD.

Finally, the Dayak’s Ethnic began a special problem that we take an article.

We hope this article can make all of young generation to respect for Indonesian




Dayak come to Kalimantan Island in 3000 – 1500 BC. They are Proto -

Melayu group from Yunnan, South China. They are going to Semenanjung Malaya

thought Indo-China. After that go to Indonesia accused Kalimantan. This migration

happened in Granal (Ice Period). In this period the water tea are drying so the little

boat are can used, this boat are bercadik boat. Lives in this period are lives in

Megaliticum period there are Forefather homepage. The Artefak in in this period are

dolmen that discovery in Sedahan Sukadana, Ketapang. The first Dayak are staying

in the beside Kapuas river and other beach in Kalimantan. Out coming on Melayu’s

People from Sumatera and Malaya became Dayak immigration to mountain.



1. The Gantar Dance

This dance is telling about people who move to plant rice. Stick telling wood

whereas bamboo and seeds in depth telling seed rice and it basin. This dance

famous enough and often also is known by Dayak Benua. This dance can dined

in 3 kind, there are Gantar Regain, Gantar Busai, Gantar Senak / Gantar Kusak.

2. The Perang Dance

This dances telling about Dayak Kenyah heroes warring to oppose enemy.

This dance movement very lively, handy, full spirit and sometimes followed by

scream dancer. In dance Kancet Pepatay, dancer use traditional clothes Dayak

Kenyah to complete with war Utensils such as mandau, perisai and war clothes.

This dance to convoy with song Sak Paku and just use instrument called Sampe.

3. The Gong Dance

If Kancet Pepatay telling male and brave man, Dayak Kenyah, on the

contrary that Kancet ledo telling about soft weak female like a trunk rice that to

bend soft to blow by wind. This dance to bring by women with use traditional

clothes Dayak Kenyah and at her second hand to hold bunch wools engage bird

tail. Usually this dance to bring above ‘Gong’, so kancet Ledo also mean Gong


4. The Kancet Lasan Dance

This dance telling about daily lives, engage bird, bird that to noble by Dayak

Kenyah women, Dayak Kenyah that motion same and her position like as Kancet

Ledo Dance but dancer didn’t use “gong” and engage wools bird and also dancer

a lot of use position lowed and to squat or to sit with knee touched floor. This

dance more to press at engage bird motion when to fly to float in the air and to

perch in tree branches.

5. The Lelang Dance

This dance telling about the girl with named Utan Along will to married way

to force by her parents with young man who dislike. The finish Utan Along to

break intu a run to forest. This girl dance Dayak Kenyah to brings with to convoy

Lelang song.


6. The Hudog Dance

This dance do by wood masker that look like a wild animal and use leaf

banana or leaf coconut to close dancer body. This dance fixed link with religion

ceremonial from group Dayak Bahau and Modang. This Hudog Dance are to

intend for getting power in coped disturbance disease destroyer plants and hope

to give fertility with harvest products that produce a lot.

7. The Hudog “Kita” Dance

Dance from this Dayak Kenyah at principle same with Hudog Dance from

Dayak Bahau and Modang, namely for less ceremony to received gear to plant

for saying thanks to god who give good harvest product. The differences

between Hudog Kita dance and Hudog dance are in costume, mask, her

movement dance and background music. Hudog Kita dancer costume are use

arm long clothes from usually cloth and use sheath cloth, ker mask with form

usually face people who a lot of special carved that made from wood and that is

veil to make from “manik2” with ornament of Dayak Kenyah.

8. The Serumpai Dance

This is Dayak Benuaq dance to doing for against disease and people who

bitten stupid dog. With named Serumpai because dance to convoy instrument


9. The Belian Bawo Dance

Belian bawo ceremony with direction for disagree disease, medicined peple

pay “nazar”, etc. after changed become dance, this dance often on the programs

accepter guest and other art, this dance belongs to Dayak benuaq dance.

10. The Kuyang Dance

Belian dance from Dayak Benuaq far away ghost that keep trees that big

and high in order not to disturbing peoples or people that to feel tree above.

11. The Pecuk Kina Dance

This dance telling about Dayak Kenyah that go out from Apo Kayan area to

long fresh area that earn long time years.

12. The Datun Dance

This dance is dance together girls of Dayak Kenyah with total not certain,

can be 10 to 20 people. This together dance made by leader of Dayak Kenyah in


Apo Kayan named Nyik Selung, as sign thanks and happiness for the birth of

their grandchild. Then this dance developed to all of area in Dayak Kenyah.

13. The Ngerangkau Dance

The Ngerangkau dance there are tradition dance in dead from Dayak

Tunjung and Benuaq. This dance use utensils rice grill that in bumped be regular

position horizontal so appeared.

14. The Baraga Bagautar Dance

Firstly, Baraga Bagauntar is ceremony “belian” to take care of baby, helped

from “Nayun Gantar”. Now, the ceremony has began a dance by the Dayak


Page 10: THE DAYAK


- In ‘Orde Baru’ Government, agricultural product are always exploited.

- History of Dayak in Kalimantan are conflict between them with comer from

Madura, but also with forestry and mining companies. Dayak’s tradition ground is

pronunciations as ‘empty ground’ by company that come with economic

development name.

- In Kalimantan cities, Dayak’s races being become minority citizen. They are

pressed to forests. The thinking of Prof. USOP. MA, the famous Dayak’s people

from Palangkaraya, in government officer in Kalimantan, also DPR’s Leader,

- Follow are Dayak ethnics with mining and forestry companies conflict.

Page 11: THE DAYAK


The problems of Dayak Bahau in Matalibag, East Kalimantan tradition

grounds with PT Limbang Praja and PT Amangga Pundi Nusa (Barito Pacific Timber

Group). Still go on till now.

Matalibag Vilages beside in Pariq Rivers, accused long Connect Zone.

Distance between Samarinda with Matalibag are 430 km or 38 hour with boat till

Lutan Village. From there, for until to Matalibag, we are must entering Parig River

with engined boat till 30 minute.

The Broad of Matalibag base on tradition rule calculation achieve 775.000

hectare. For ten greater part tradition Matalibag zone, consist of dense jungle which

belong of many kind of wood like meranti, kapur, bengkirai, tengkawang, aran, and

so on. Exept that also found many kind of forest product like bird’s nest, resin, and


Total of Matalibag citizen are 153 Family Heads. Ancestor of this ethnic lives

in Parig rivers zone from former, nice 1815. Their works are to process unwiring area

arable land, gardening, and from forest products that doing from tradition. The

product of field, garden and forestry are economic result source.

In 1992, PT. Limbang Praja dan PT. Anangga Pundi Nusa, make HTI Trans

Location in tradition grounds zone Matalibag, they are not discuss with Matalibag

citizen first. HTI trans location for transmigration from NTT, since May 1992. such as

tradition grounds in Bengeh River zone, which have broad 8,400 hectare and

Meriting Rivers with 6,800 hectare. Since that, Matalibag citizen are losing freedom

for get power and procession, in tradition ground zone.

In 23 May 1992, there are consultation between 137 citizen with company of

Muspika. This company are giving suggest if citizen make load tradition ground

exhaust for HTI Trans Location.

After that, citizen give 14 loaded. This loaded are failing, but, the last of 1993,

the company agreed with 14 loaded of citizen in Jakarta, but there is no realization.

Citizens are doing protest in 10 June 1995 and 19 October 1996. but it isn’t

successful. Companies are still doing activity in HTI Trans Location.

Page 12: THE DAYAK

Taking over tradition ground is not yet finished. This company are doing theft

of wood in tradition zone in 22 November 1996, Matalibag citizens protest and give

loaded till 5 Milliard rupiah, but this loaded failed.

The both problems is not yet finishing already appear forest fire that begin

from HTI Trans Location of PT. Anangga Pundi Nusa. These on fire are destroying

citizen gardens. Actually, this on fire is cannot happen if the company agree with

“Lembaga Adat Matalibag” question. Tradition Organization ask if PT Anangga Pundi

Nusa can cope with this fire, but, it’s unsuccessful. Citizens are asking money for

949 million rupiah, but it failed.

Taking over tradition not yet finish (May 1992), wood theft in tradition ground

zone (November 1996) and on fire of forest (February 1998), not finished, citizen do

tradition promise for finished this problem in last 1998, Matalibag citizen get a little


Page 13: THE DAYAK


In 1996 PT London Sumatra taking over Dayak Benuaq’s traditional ground

in Kutai, East Kalimantan. PT. Lonsum International do the starting ground operation

for horticulture in this tradition ground. First, starting grounds belong tradition is

protested citizen tradition in Lamin Mancong, Kutai in May 1996. in Mancong Village

will started 18000 kectare garden from tradition’s ground.

Citizens are certain that coconut garden was never change their life. It is that

their studied in Sumatera, West Kalimantan and Pasir Government. Although of that

still not different.

The refusal of people reply to PT Lon sum with gave time for a week and

Mancong people to list become Sawit Member. If there aren’t anybody to list, it

means that Mancong people really disagree with sawit coconut company. Present

company will moved the area to Tanjung Isuy and Bangan. Everything damage

above destruction of plants will be finished at the base of PT. Lonsum. Inc. appear

that there aren’t any damage and that company fixed to manage the area which they

take that company also use police and ABRI to evacuate people.

September 1996 Bulldozer PT. Lonsum to working compulsion area people

tradition in Mancong. The head leg and the valley disagree to surrender the people

area to company, but company fixed people to accomplish close together, try to stop

the company activities in the field.

The resuval not only in Mancong, but also in nine of the other village. In 12

November 1998 people from nine village (Perigia Village, Muara Tae, Muara Nayan,

Pentat and Lembanah in district Jempang, and Tebisaq Village, bayan Mountain,

Belusuh and Moa Foil in district Muara Paku) to bring demand to PT Lonsum

Indonesia. People to sit PT Lonsum office Indonesia waiting arrival the leader of PT

Lonsum from discussion. People to hold in PT Lonsum office since 12 November

until 2 December – 1998.

Page 14: THE DAYAK


Process between people Dayak Kelian versus PT Kelian Equatorial Mining

through to go on until now. PT Kelian, that 90 percent Shareh older belong to Rio

Tinto, is handle contract labors the biggest mining gold in east Kalimantan. Rio Tinto,

to shape biggest company mine that to have central office in London and Melbourne,

to process Shareh older in Freeport Mc. Moran, professor multitude Shareh older PT

Freeport Indonesia.

Presence PT Kelian in east Kalimantan to make many problems the whole

1982 – 1991 PT Kelian to help the police do the firing to city zone house. Break the

field of people and break the passenger village they are willing people that do


This company is also dirtied to Kelian River, the local people that such as

Dayak, Kutai, Banjar, and Bugis ethnic, gave some protest to the company in 1992.

The protest still continue right now. After that, Rio Tinto Indonesia want to consult.

The people indicate 14 people as consult specialists.

After thoughts some consultation, on 29 June 1998 build an agreement about

lose substitution for an island, Hora and the build that at the land, but this agreement

never filled by Rio Tinto.

Page 15: THE DAYAK


The people of Marangkayu, Terusan and Rapah Lama in Kutai district, East

Kalimantan province do the protest to Uncoil, the company of soil and earth gas that

have an official centre in California, USA. On 8 October 2000, the people did

blockade the road to company

That is the point in spite of Kutai peoples. On this period Uncoil fought the

land, dirtied the rice field and the sea. The people blocked the road since 25

September 2000, that is did by 300 people of Marangkayu, Terusan and Rapak


In Semangkok that Uncoal difference to Tanjung Santan, choose as location

of process the foil and earth gas.

Semangkok be inhabited of Dayak and Kutainese that due to Marangkayu I

(kutai). Now the people of Bugis merged in this district after opened the jungle. The

position of Marangkayu I is beside of South of Terminal Tanjung Santan. The Dayah

inhabited marangkayu I since 1819. than they are has migration to Mahakam.

After that, in 1940 Kutai began came from Tenggarong because to avoid the

army of Japan. After 10 years the people compulsion to go by Uncoal. This is

happened in 1970.

The people go to the field location, that the location began Kampung apak

Lama that on the East Terminal Tanjung Santan and now began Desa Persiapan


The Build of terminal Tanjung Santan compulsions the Kampung Baru.

Terminal Tanjung Santan take an island 2 km2. but, now terminal Tanjung santan

have wide 12 km2.

Page 16: THE DAYAK


The people of Dayak Siang, Dayak Murung, and Dayak Bekumpai must

stand with army to take their competency that taken by PT. Indo Muro Kencana

(Aurora Gold). This company is ones of company in Australia since 1987.

March 2000, an army from brigade Mobile, with command from leader of Nort

Barito and instruction of president No.3 at 2000 about “Penanggulangan Penambang

Tanpa Izin” (PETI) . to do the action again, North Barito Polres that supported by PT.

Indo Muro Kencana do the compulsions to the Tengkarong and Permata Village,

middle Kali.

The action happened in the morning. The army knocks some house and

commands the people to go out from their house in the yard children and women

united free from the man. They are enemy with the armies will be handcuffed. Then,

someone command them to stand in the trucks. Finally, the armies bring all of

people go out from the village.

Page 17: THE DAYAK


Every year 10 ton acid thrown according to immaterial, to their river and the

land by gold passenger. This passenger worked at big river in middle Kalimantan,

and they are thrown rubbish of acid in the rivers. Now, Bappedalda always

remember that the layer of acid dithered has on limited situation for health life.

The mean, this is has on the dot that could threatening the people’s live and

another living. Right now, not yet any news about now to delete virus that could

threaten people’s live.

The government Central Kalimantan district, not yet make an arrangement till

right now, but many people didn’t know about the acid. The dirtied acid has threaten

living 1.8 million people in Central Kalimantan. The water from Ampalit district steam

to “alur sungai” district (Mentaya and Katingan) since 100 years ago, rivers that cleft

a province wide about 153.560 km2 still as the best well for fulfill the winds, of want

many people everyday.

Page 18: THE DAYAK


These custom activities are working to permanently the forest. This activity

began with tradition meeting. After that make agreement the forest special zone. And

the name is “Letaah Laas Wahea Long Sekung”. Metquen that’s mean last river

between Sekung river zone. In the early morning approximately at 07.00 WIT began

tradition custom activity. Oldest village prepare 2 guard statue from wood. They are

believe that 2 statue are change Boq Teblee and Hong Nah that male and female

who are willing to provide the forest. Boq Teblee and Hong Nah are their forefather.

They are also killing a pig and chicken than next their blood will to cares to the both

of the statue. The last ceremonies are all of people who involved. Finally, they are

dancing together.

Page 19: THE DAYAK


The Dayak is amazing ethnic in Indonesia. They are make Indonesia so rich of

culture. The Dayak’s ethnic can guarded the Nature of Indonesia because they are

homage tree become their God.

We hope that this culture will safe and immortal and every people knowing

about our cultural resources that can make Indonesia known in world society, so the

nature of Indonesia are still kept as well.
