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DRAFT The Denver Plan Last Updated: 11/16/05 **DRAFT**DRAFT**DRAFT**
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The Denver PlanLast Updated: 11/16/05


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Relentless Pursuit of Student Achievement 2


We believe that over the next decade Denver can lead the nation’s cities in studentachievement, high school graduation, college preparation, and college matriculation. We will not consignour children to a second rate education. We have a lot of work to do. The pages that follow are Denver’splan for educating her children.

The Denver Plan is a living document. As such, it is incomplete; it is purposefully unbound andunburdened by clever pictures or graphics. In these pages, we begin to address the education of ourchildren from pre-kindergarten through high school. We welcome Denver’s thoughts about earlychildhood education and college access, and we challenge the city to consider the education of her childrenfrom birth through college. The Denver Public Schools belongs to the people of Denver, and we need thepeople of Denver to lend their ambition to our schools.

The foundation of the Denver Plan is to ensure that all our children can read and write in English.But we want much more than that. We want to create composers and engineers; artists and scientists;multilingual citizens and leaders of our democracy.

Within limits, we do not believe in programs or the latest fads. We believe in the professionaldevelopment and support of our teachers and our principals and the use of data to determine the progressour students are making. We insist on the highest expectations for all our students.

In the end, this generation of Americans will be judged by how well we prepare the next generation,without regard to skin color, language, or socioeconomic status. In Denver, we prefer that this preparationnot be left to chance. We want to build on our strengths as a great American city to ensure that every oneof our students reaches his or her full potential. We believe that our democracy depends on nothing less,and we are committed to preparing Denver’s next generation of students to assume leadership in this world.

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Relentless Pursuit of Student Achievement 3

Denver Goals for Student Achievement

Denver Goals: I) Our children will learn from a highly-skilled faculty in every school that is empowered by robust professional developmentand real-time assessment data.

II) Highly-trained principals and assistant principals will serve as instructional leaders of the faculty in DPS schools.

III) Collaboration among the Denver community and all DPS stakeholders will support our children in a safe, orderly, andenriching environment in every school and classroom.

The Denver Plan



Safe, Orderly,Enriching


Highly-Skilled &Empowered



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Relentless Pursuit of Student Achievement 4

Denver Goal I: Our children will learn from a highly-skilled faculty in every school that is empowered by robust professional developmentand real-time assessment data.

Components: A) A coherent Instructional Reform Plan will set high academic expectations for all students and align curriculum, instruction,assessment, and professional development to Colorado’s defined state standards.

B) Differentiated professional development opportunities for faculty members will support the Instructional Reform Plan andenhance teaching practices in all DPS classrooms.

C) A comprehensive assessment strategy will provide teachers with real-time information regarding the growth of each studentand allow teachers to differentiate instruction.

D) A best-in-class organization will recruit, hire, develop, and retain highly qualified teachers, principals, and support staff.

A Highly-Skilled &







Recruiting/ Retention


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Relentless Pursuit of Student Achievement 5

Denver Goal I: Our children will learn from a highly-skilled faculty in every school that is empowered by robust professional developmentand real-time assessment data.

Component A: A coherent Instructional Reform Plan will set high academic expectations for all students and align curriculum,instruction, assessment, and professional development to Colorado’s defined state standards.

Objectives: 1) All students (including English Language Learners, Special Education and Gifted & Talented) who complete a rigoroustwelve-year course of study in the Denver Public Schools will exceed state performance standards in four core subjectareas – literacy, math, science and social studies – and be prepared to succeed in college.

2) Students will select from compelling curricular choices that complement core subjects.

3) All students will complete a rigorous course of secondary school instruction in grades six through twelve.

4) All students and teachers will have access to appropriate and complete classroom materials and supplies.

5) All DPS families will have equal access to and make informed choices among schools – including neighborhood schools –that are aligned in their core instructional program, but unique in their ability to meet community needs and interests.

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EqualSchool Choice

Access &Information

CoherentInstructional Reform


CompleteMaterials &




Align withStandards

inCore Subjects

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Relentless Pursuit of Student Achievement 7

Goal I: Our children will learn from a highly-skilled faculty in every school that is empowered by robust professional development and real-timeassessment data.Component A: A coherent Instructional Reform Plan will set high academic expectations for all students and align curriculum, instruction,assessment, and professional development to Colorado’s defined state standards.Objective 1: All students (including English Language Learners, Special Education and Gifted & Talented) who complete a rigorous twelve-yearcourse of study in the Denver Public Schools will exceed state performance standards in four core subject areas – literacy, math, science and socialstudies – and be prepared to succeed in college.

Activity: Timeframe: Outcome/Measurement:a) Reorganize area offices with anInstructional Support Network Team thatcan support the Instructional Reform Planmore effectively**.

New organizational areas of support mightinclude, but will not be limited to thefollowing:

1) High Schools2) Middle Schools/K-8s3) Low performing schools4) English Language Learners (ELL)

**Any reorganization will result in similaror decreased cost to the district.

o Finalize organizational structure by12/2005.

o Outline job descriptions and postvacancies for new team positions by2/2006.

o Complete hiring by 3/2006.o Identify school networks that will

correspond with organizational supportby 3/2006.

o Provide training to team by 5/2006.

o New instructional team will be in place consistentwith the proposed timeline.

o The district will meet or exceed growth targets andmetrics as defined by the Denver Public SchoolsBalanced Scorecard (included as Appendix B to TheDenver Plan).

o District personnel will be organized in accordancewith district priorities.

b) Restructure existing literacy and mathcoaches to provide humanities andmath/science coaching in every school,based on enrollment and specific studentneeds.**

**To the extent financially feasible.

o Assess need for coaching support inindividual schools by 7/2006.

o Provide professional development by7/2006.

o Complete coaching assignments by8/2006.

o Humanities and math/science coaches will be assignedand in place consistent with the proposed timeline.

c) Hire Intervention Specialists to supportstudents struggling in literacy andmathematics.**

**To the extent financially feasible.

o Hire in conjunction with the staffingcalendar for the 2006-2007 schoolyear.

o Hiring will occur consistent with the proposedtimeline.

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Relentless Pursuit of Student Achievement 8

d) Reorganize the English LanguageAcquisition (ELA) Department to ensurethat the focus is on both instructional andcompliance issues.**

**Any reorganization will result in similaror decreased cost to the district.

o Complete reorganization by 5/2006. o Reorganization will be completed and made publicconsistent with the proposed timeline.

o Instructional vs. compliance responsibilities will beclearly denoted.

e) Hire/Identify ELA InstructionalSpecialists to serve as part of theInstructional Support Network Team andto assist teachers with best practice in allclassrooms.

o Hire and train ELA InstructionalSpecialists by 8/2006.

o Vacancies will be filled consistent with the proposedtimeline.

o Specialists will be deployed in conjunction with the2006-2007 school year.

f) Receive external audit of existingDistrict academic initiatives by theCouncil for Great City Schools.

o Receive report by 1/2006.o Incorporate recommendations into

strategic plan as appropriate.

o The District will receive the report consistent with theproposed timeline.

g) Leverage the instructional team toreview the core literacy and mathprograms and implement curricularmodifications as needed. Program scopewill include common curricular materials,supplemental materials and interventions.

The following will occur within theexisting instructional day:

Literacy:1) 135 minutes of reading and writing

each day in kindergarten through5th grade.

2) 45 additional minutes each day ofsystematic skills development inkindergarten through 5th grade asneeded in individual schools.

3) 120 minutes of reading and writingeach day in grades 6-8, includingsystematic skills development asneeded in individual schools.

o Convene an advisory work group by12/2005.

o Receive recommendations by 3/2006 toensure adequate time for ordering newcurricular materials as needed.

o Refine existing literacy and mathprograms to include all elements by8/2006.

o Conduct professional developmentaround literacy and math programelements by 8/2006.

o Implement literacy and math programsfrom 8/2006 and moving forward.

o Work group will complete review and presentrecommendations consistent with the proposedtimeline.

o Core subject programming will be implemented asdefined.

o The District will meet or exceed growth targets andmetrics as defined by the Denver Public SchoolsBalanced Scorecard (included as Appendix B to TheDenver Plan).

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Relentless Pursuit of Student Achievement 9

systematic skills development asneeded in individual schools.

4) Double blocks of reading each dayfor students who still struggle withreading in grades 9-12.

5) An additional 45 minutes each dayof direct skills instruction forstruggling readers in middle andhigh schools.

Math:1) One hour of math each day for

students in elementary school.2) Double block of math each day for

secondary students who are not ongrade level.

h) Identify students in grades 3 through 10who are hovering between proficiencylevels in literacy and math – “cut-point”students – and provide immediateintervention services.

o Identify students by 11/2005.o Provide intervention services in

literacy and math from 1/2006 to5/2006.

o Students will be identified consistent with theproposed timeline.

i) Provide a variety of enhancedintervention services to strugglingstudents.

o Determine a comprehensive range ofintervention plans by 8/2006.

o Assign Intervention Specialists toschools by 8/2006.

o Begin enhanced classroominterventions in conjunction with the2006-2007 school year.

o Intervention plans will be completed consistent withthe proposed timeline.

o 100% of students performing below grade levelproficiency in any core subject will receiveintervention services.

j) Inventory extended day offerings forliteracy and math; assess their ability tomeet the instructional needs of students;supplement/pare programming as needed.

Extended day offerings will address:1) Instructional needs of struggling

students.2) Instructional needs of “cut-point”


o Complete inventory by 12/2005.o Identify programming needs by

12/2005.o Develop new after school

programming by 1/2006.o Begin implementation for students in

conjunction with second semester andmaintain offerings on an ongoing basis.

o Beginning in 1/2006, after-school programming willhave been made available to:1) Students below the “proficient” level in reading,

writing and math.2) “Cut-point” students.3) First-time test takers or those uncomfortable with

standardized testing.

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Relentless Pursuit of Student Achievement 10

students.3) CSAP practice for students

uncomfortable with test-taking.k) Provide summer school opportunities inliteracy and math for DPS students.**

First priority and mandatory sessionswould be organized for low performingstudents in transition years (2nd and 5th

grade); 8th graders will be accommodatedin 9th Grade Academies (see below).

**To the extent financially feasible.

o Develop summer school curriculum by5/2006.

o Identify/hire summer school staff by5/2006.

o Conduct professional development forsummer school teachers by 5/2006.

o Conduct a four- to five-week summerschool session during the summerbreak (June-August).

o Summer school programming will be implementedconsistent with the proposed timeline.

o Students with the highest need for additionalacademic services, based on assessment results, willparticipate in summer school offerings.

o Students will improve their academic performance insummer school as measured in the BalancedScorecard (included as Appendix B to The DenverPlan).

l) Establish Denver Public Schools as abest-in-class District for the provision ofservices to English Language Learners(ELLs).

o Focus on ELA programming will beongoing.

o English Language Learners will demonstrate growthon the Colorado Language Assessment as measured inthe Balanced Scorecard (included as Appendix B toThe Denver Plan).

m) Convene an advisory work group toreview current ELA programming anddevelop recommendations. Scope of workwill include the following:

1) Aligning all ELA programs andservices with core curricula. Thecore curricula will be offered to allELLs, along with materials toscaffold their learning in bothEnglish and their native language.

2) Setting forth guidelines to ensurethat ELLs benefit from stronginstruction in English language anda rigorous core curriculum.

3) Researching/developing a rigorousprofessional development programfor administrators and teachers ofELA programs and teachers ingeneral education classes servingELLs.

o Convene advisory work group by11/2005.

o Advisory work group will presentrecommendations in 4/2006 to districtleadership and the community.

o District implementation ofrecommendations will occur inconjunction with the 2006-2007 schoolyear.

o Advisory work group will complete review andpresent recommendations consistent with theproposed timeline.

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Relentless Pursuit of Student Achievement 11

ELLs.4) Developing system-wide language

guidelines that direct the amount ofinstruction in English and inSpanish.

5) Developing exit criteria for allELA programs.

6) Developing an effectivemonitoring and assessmentprogram for ELLs, includingbenchmark assessments in Englishlanguage development.

7) Researching/developing a programof services for serving studentswith interrupted formal education.

8) Developing a plan to improve thecommunication with parents andfamilies of ELLs.

9) Researching best practiceinterventions for middle and highschool students.

n) Establish an advisory work group todevelop literacy connections to scienceand social studies during reading andwriting workshops.

o Convene advisory work group by12/2005.

o Align instructional strategy andidentify support materials by 3/2006.

o Design a professional developmentplan by 5/2006.

o Implement integration in conjunctionwith the 2006-2007 school year.

o Teachers will reinforce literacy skills development,while teaching other core subject content.

o Students will demonstrate literacy skills developmentactivities during science and social studies instruction.

o) Field test a new, inquiry-basedelementary school science program (BSCSScience Tracks).

Extend to:1) 20 elementary schools, 70 teachers

in year one.

o Conduct field test during the 2005-2006 and 2006-2007 school years.

o Provide professional development asneeded for field test teachers in 2005-2006 and 2006-2007.

o Identify and implement an elementary scienceprogram that prepares DPS students for assessment onrigorous state science standards.

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2) Expand in year two.

Field test will involve:1) Development of implementation

tools (embedded assessments,pacing guidelines, literacystrategies).

2) Development of CSAP-likeassessments for each module.

3) Development of a district-widematerials refurbishment androtation system.

4) Collection of student work for useas exemplars.

p) Implement BSCS Science Tracks in allelementary schools.

Note: Science instruction will involvethree 45-minute periods per week,beginning in the 2006-2007 school year.

o Conduct professional development forremaining teachers consistent with aphase-in implementation, beginning in2007-2008.

o The District will meet or exceed growth targets andmetrics as defined by the Denver Public SchoolsBalanced Scorecard (included as Appendix B to TheDenver Plan).

q) Field Test new inquiry-based MiddleSchool science programs in Earth, Life,and Physical Sciences (6th grade:Investigating Earth System; 7th grade:Science and Life Issue; 8th grade:Interactions in Physical Science).

Extend to:1) 10 Middle Schools, 16 K-8

Schools, 90 teachers.

Field test will involve:1) Development of implementation

tools (embedded assessments,pacing guidelines).

o Conduct field test during the 2005-2006 school year.

o Provide professional development asneeded for field test teachers in 2005-2006.

o Identify and implement a middle school scienceprogram that prepares DPS students for assessment onrigorous state science standards.

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Relentless Pursuit of Student Achievement 13

2) Development of CSAP-likeassessments for each module.

3) Development of a district-widematerials refurbishment androtation system.

4) Collection of student work for useas exemplars.

r) Implement new inquiry-based MiddleSchool Science programs.

o Conduct professional developmentaround the new science program by8/2006 for implementation in 2006-2007.

o The District will meet or exceed growth targets andmetrics as defined by the Denver Public SchoolsBalanced Scorecard (included as Appendix B to TheDenver Plan).

s) Design new inquiry-based High SchoolScience courses for each of the following:

1) Earth/Physical Science2) Chemistry3) Physics

Note: Biology has already been developed.

o Convene an advisory work group by1/2006 to design the Earth/PhysicalScience course during the 2005-2006school year.

o Convene an advisory work group by1/2007 to design the Chemistry courseduring the 2006-2007 school year.

o Convene an advisory work group by1/2008 to design the Physics courseduring the 2007-2008 school year.

o Develop and implement a high school science programthat prepares DPS students for assessment on rigorousstate science standards.

t) Field test new Earth/Physical Science,Chemistry, and Physics courses withteachers in each High School.

Field test will involve:1) Development of implementation

tools (embedded assessments,pacing guidelines).

2) Development of district CSAP-likeassessments for each new course.

3) Development of a district-widematerials refurbishment androtation system.

4) Collection of student work for useas exemplars.

o Conduct Earth/Physical Science fieldtest during the 2006-2007 school year.

o Conduct Chemistry field test during the2007-2008 school year.

o Conduct Physics field test during the2008-2009 school year.

o Provide professional development asneeded for field test teachers from2006-2009.

o Develop and implement a high school science programthat prepares DPS students for assessment on rigorousstate science standards.

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u) Implement High School inquiry-basedscience programs district-wide.

o Conduct professional developmentaround the new science programs forimplementation per the followingschedule:1) Implement Biology in 2005-2006.

(Note: Biology was field tested in2004-2005).

2) Implement Earth/Physical Sciencein 2007-2008.

3) Implement Chemistry in 2008-2009.

4) Implement Physics in 2009-2010.

o The District will meet or exceed growth targets andmetrics as defined by the Denver Public SchoolsBalanced Scorecard (included as Appendix B to TheDenver Plan).

v) Establish a Science InstructionalMaterials Center** that enables thefollowing:

1) Storage, distribution, andrefurbishment of science materialsthat support district-wide programsin grades K-12.

2) Affordable cost basis for allscience materials.

3) Professional development forteachers to learn how to useinquiry-based K-12 scienceinstructional programs.

**To the extent financially feasible.

o School Year 2005-2006:1) Form an advisory committee to

initiate planning for new center.2) Develop a process for provision of

materials to all field test schoolsand High School Biology teachers.

o School Year 2006-2007:1) Work with community partners to

design and implement the center.o School year 2007-2008:

1) Initiate full operation of the ScienceInstructional Materials Center.

o Science Refurbishment Center will be establishedconsistent with the proposed timeline.

o DPS students will have the tools they need to masterscience concepts consistent with Colorado statescience standards.

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w) Field test new elementary social studiescurriculum and assessments per thefollowing schedule:

2006-2007: 12 classes district-wide perelementary grade level

2007-2008: One third of elementaryschools

Field test will involve:1) Analysis and evaluation of

materials and assessments.2) Use of proven practices to support

strong program implementation.

o Convene advisory work group by1/2006 to review current practice,identify state standards, define provenpractices and selectcurriculum/assessments.

o Receive advisory work grouprecommendations by 5/2006.

o Provide professional development tofield test teachers by 8/2006.

o Conduct field test during the 2006-2007 and 2007-2008 school years.

o Develop an elementary school social studies programthat enables DPS students to master rigorous statesocial studies standards.

x) Implement the new elementary socialstudies program at all elementary schools,at all grade levels.

Note: social studies instruction willinvolve three 45-minute periods per week,beginning in the 2006-2007 school year.

o Provide professional development toall elementary teachers by 8/2008.

o Implement elementary social studiesprogram in the 2008-2009 school year.

o Analyze and evaluate materials andassessments on an ongoing basis.

o The District will meet or exceed growth targets andmetrics as defined by the Denver Public SchoolsBalanced Scorecard (included as Appendix B to TheDenver Plan).

y) Field test new middle school socialstudies curriculum for U.S. History per thefollowing schedule:

2006-2007: 12 U.S. History classes; six6th grade classes; six 7th gradeclasses.

2007-2008: One third of middle schools

Field test will involve:1) Analysis and evaluation of

materials and assessments.2) Use of proven practices to support

strong program implementation.

o Convene advisory work group by 1/2006to review current practice, identify statestandards, define proven practices andselect curriculum/assessments.

o Receive advisory work grouprecommendations by 5/2006.

o Provide professional development tofield test teachers by 8/2006.

o Conduct field test during the 2006-2007and 2007-2008 school years.

o Develop a middle school social studies program thatenables DPS students to master rigorous state socialstudies standards.

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z) Implement the new middle school socialstudies curriculum in U.S. History in all 6-8 programs, at all grade levels.

o Provide professional development toall middle school social studiesteachers by 8/2008.

o Implement middle school social studiesprogram in the 2008-2009 school year.

o Analyze and evaluate materials andassessments on an ongoing basis.

o The District will meet or exceed growth targets andmetrics as defined by the Denver Public SchoolsBalanced Scorecard (included as Appendix B to TheDenver Plan).

aa) Continue with district-wide highschool U.S. History implementation.

1) Provide Professional Developmentfor U.S. History teachers.

2) Continue to revise unit assessmentsand rubrics.

o Implement as planned for the 2005-2006 school year.

o Revise as needed on an ongoing basis.

o The District will meet or exceed growth targets andmetrics as defined by the Denver Public SchoolsBalanced Scorecard (included as Appendix B to TheDenver Plan).

bb) Field test new high school socialstudies curriculum in Civics andGeography per the following schedule:

2006-2007: Ten Civics classes; tenGeography classes.

2007-2008: One half of high schools

Field test will involve:1) Analysis and evaluation of

materials and assessments.2) Use of proven practices to support

strong program implementation.

o Convene advisory work group by 1/2006to review current practice, identify statestandards, define proven practices andselect curriculum/assessments.

o Receive advisory work grouprecommendations by 5/2006.

o Provide professional development tofield test teachers by 8/2006.

o Conduct field test during the 2006-2007and 2007-2008 school years.

o Develop a high school social studies program thatenables DPS students to master rigorous state socialstudies standards.

cc) Implement the new high school socialstudies program in Civics and Geographyin all high schools.

o Provide professional development tofield test teachers by 8/2008.

o Implement high school social studiesprogram in the 2008-2009 school year.

o Analyze and evaluate materials andassessments on an ongoing basis.

o The District will meet or exceed growth targets andmetrics as defined by the Denver Public SchoolsBalanced Scorecard (included as Appendix B to TheDenver Plan).

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dd) Ensure that all other special services(e.g., SPED and GTE) are tightlycoordinated with the core subjectcurriculum.

o Coordinate special services with corecurriculum as needed by 8/2006.

o The District will meet or exceed growth targets andmetrics for all student subgroups as defined by theDenver Public Schools Balanced Scorecard (includedas Appendix B to The Denver Plan).

ee) Publish core subject instructionalplanning guides for teachers that arealigned to state standards and the CSAP(where applicable).

Note: instructional planning guides areintended as a resource for teachers inpacing and lesson planning (not a script).

o Establish an advisory work group todevelop the core subject planningguides by 12/2005.

o Publish the guides by 4/2006.o Conduct planning guide orientation for

staff by 5/2006.o Implement usage of the guides by


o Instructional planning guides will be made availableto teachers consistent with the proposed timeline.

ff) Explore teacher looping as a means tostronger student/instructor relationshipsand continuity of instruction.

o Convene an advisory work group by1/2006 to research feasibility.

o Receive recommendations by 3/2006.o Implement as feasible in 2006-2007

and on an ongoing basis.

o The District will meet or exceed academic growthtargets and metrics as defined by the Denver PublicSchools Balanced Scorecard (included as Appendix Bto The Denver Plan).

gg) Develop a District-wide promotionand retention policy for students intransition years (2nd, 5th, and 8th grade).

For example, a policy might considerending social promotion in key transitionyears.

o Convene an advisory committee by3/2006 to make recommendationsregarding the policy.

o Secure Board of Education approval by8/2006 for implementation inconjunction with the 2006-2007 schoolyear.

o The policy will be adopted consistent with theproposed timeline.

hh) Provide full-day kindergarten to allincoming kindergarten students.**

**To the extent financially feasible.

o Coordinate a legislative strategy toprovide full day kindergarten by 2009-2010.

o Make necessary accommodations inthe 2009-2010 budget cycle.

o Implement in conjunction with the2009-2010 school year.

o All students will be able to participate in full-daykindergarten by the 2009-2010 school year, pendinglegislative approval.

o Students transitioning to first grade will be betterprepared as learners moving forward.

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ii) Review district-wide class size data andconsider limiting class sizes based onstudent and instructional needs.**

**To the extent financially feasible.

o Convene an advisory work groupto review school-level classnumbering/naming protocols by4/2006

o Track school-level deployment ofteacher resources by 4/2006

o Determine comparable class sizesin a sample of schools by 6/2006

o Make recommendations for data system revisions andclass size limitation protocols by 7/2006.

jj) Provide continuity of instruction byensuring that classes are covered bysubstitute teachers when regular classroomteachers are absent.

o Establish an advisory work group by3/2006 to develop a process forsubstitute teacher coverage.

o Make recommendations by 6/2006 forthe 2006-2007 school year.

o Classroom instruction will be disrupted minimallywhen regular classroom teachers are absent.

Objective 2: Students will select from compelling curricular choices that complement the core curricular areas.Activity: Timeframe: Outcome/Measurement:

a) Provide curricular choices, beyond thecore requirements, in all DPS schoolsbased on school/community desire. Non-core curriculum may include, but will notbe limited to the following:

1) Visual art, vocal music,instrumental music, dance anddrama.

2) Physical education3) Foreign language4) Technology education

o Convene an advisory work group by1/2006 to identify curriculum in eachof the four curricular areas.

o Hear recommendations by 3/2006.o Conduct hiring during the 2006-2007

staffing cycle.o Conduct professional development by

8/2006.o Implement in conjunction with the

2006-2007 school year.

o Policy and procedural documents for implementationin the 2006-2007 school year will be publishedconsistent with the proposed timeline.

b) Revitalize the Arts Resource Council –a collaborative body of communityleaders, arts education administrators, andteachers – to complete the following:

1) Inventory all visual art, vocalmusic, instrumental music, danceand drama offerings at the schooland district level.

o DPS Arts Coordinator will establishmembership by 1/2006.

o Review the council charge and goalsby 1/2006 to ensure alignment withThe Denver Plan.

o Complete inventory by 2/2006.

o A revitalized Arts Resource Council will completetasks consistent with the proposed timeline.

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and drama offerings at the schooland district level.

2) Prepare a project plan to develop,pilot and implement high qualitycurricular offerings in visual art,vocal music, instrumental music,dance and drama, including:a. Revision/development of

standards.b. Revision/development of

planning and pacing guides.c. Revision/development of

assessments or otherperformance measures.

d. Resource allocation planningfor materials, instruments,staff, model schedules,including methods forallocating Mill Levy money tosupport implementation ofprogram offerings.

o Publish project plan in 4/2006.o Begin implementation of programs in

the 2006-2007 school year and asplanning/development allows.

c) Establish a Physical Education advisorywork group of PE administrators andeducators to complete the followingactivities:

1) Conduct an inventory of allphysical education programofferings at the school and districtlevel.

2) Prepare project plan to develop,pilot, and implement consistent,coherent curricular offerings inphysical education, including:a. Revision or development of

standards.b. Revision or development of

planning and pacing guides.

o Convene advisory work group by1/2006.

o Conduct inventory of PE offerings by2/2006.

o Publish project plan by 4/2006.o Begin implementation of programs in

the 2006-2007 school year and asplanning/development allows.

o Physical Education advisory work group will completetasks consistent with the proposed timeline.

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planning and pacing guides.c. Revision or development of

assessments or otherperformance measures.

d. Incorporation of District TaskForce on Student Health andFitness recommendations.

e. Resource allocation plans.d) Establish Spanish as a primary area offoreign language instruction in the DenverPublic Schools, while permittingadditional languages to be offered.

1) Make curricular connections withEnglish Language Acquisition toprovide support for elementary andmiddle school foreign languageinstruction.

o Complete by 1/2006 o Documents from the department of curriculum andinstruction will reflect renewed emphasis in Spanish.

o Program supports will be in place to supplementforeign language instruction in elementary school andmiddle school.

e) Establish a foreign language advisorywork group of administrators andeducators to complete the followingactivities:

1) Conduct an inventory of all foreignlanguage program offerings at theschool and district level.

2) Prepare project plan to develop,pilot, and implement consistent,coherent curricular offerings inforeign language, including:

a. Revision or development ofstandards.

b. Revision or development ofplanning and pacing guides.

c. Revision or development ofassessments or otherperformance measures.

d. Resource allocation plans.

o Convene advisory work group by1/2006.

o Conduct inventory of foreign languageofferings by 2/2006.

o Publish project plan by 4/2006.o Begin implementation of programs in

the 2006-2007 school year and asplanning/development allows.

o The Foreign Language advisory work group willcomplete tasks consistent with the proposed timeline.

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f) Establish a technology advisory workgroup of administrators and educators tocomplete the following activities:

1) Conduct an inventory of alltechnology program offerings atthe school and district level.

2) Prepare project plan to develop,pilot, and implement consistent,coherent curricular offerings intechnology, including:

a. Development of standards. b. Development of planning and

pacing guides. c. Development of assessments or

other performance measures. d. Resource allocation plans.

o Convene advisory work group by1/2006.

o Conduct inventory of technologyofferings by 2/2006.

o Publish project plan by 4/2006.o Begin implementation of programs in

the 2006-2007 school year and asplanning/development allows.

o The technology advisory work group will completetasks consistent with the proposed timeline.

g) Establish a library/media servicesadvisory work group of administrators andeducators to complete the followingactivities:

1) Conduct an inventory of alllibrary/media services offerings atthe school and district level.

2) Prepare project plan to develop,pilot, and implement consistent,coherent curricular offerings inlibrary/media services, including:

a. Development of programdocuments that illustrate howlibrarians can support coreinstructional programs at theelementary and secondarylevels; develop and maintainschool library collections; andsupport classroom researchactivities.

o Convene advisory work group by1/2006.

o Conduct inventory of library/mediaservices offerings by 2/2006.

o Publish project plan by 4/2006.o Introduce programs with robust,

existing standards and curricularmaterials in the 2006-2007 school year.

o Introduce new programs during the2007-2008 and 2008-2009 school yearas planning and development allows.

o The library/media services advisory work group willcomplete tasks consistent with the proposed timeline.

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b. Development of assessments orother performance measures.

c. Resource allocation plans.Objective 3: All students will complete a rigorous course of secondary school instruction in grades six through twelve.

Activity: Timeframe: Outcome/Measurement:a) Implement a rigorous core program inliteracy, math, science and social studiesfor all secondary students (as described inObjective 1).

o Refine existing core subject programsconsistent with the timeline outlined inObjective 1.

o Conduct professional developmentaround core programs consistent with thetimeline outlined in Objective 1.

o Implement core subject programsconsistent with the timeline outlined inObjective 1.

o The District will meet or exceed growth targets andmetrics for secondary students as defined by theDenver Public Schools Balanced Scorecard (includedas Appendix B to The Denver Plan).

o Grow the number of students in AP course offeringsby 10% annually.

b) Review graduation requirements forrigor and their ability to measure collegepreparedness.

**Begin implementation of requirementswith incoming 9th grade.

o Establish an advisory committee toreview requirements by 1/2006.

o Receive committee recommendationsby 2/2006.

o Receive Board of Education approvalby 6/2006 for implementation duringthe 2006-2007 school year.

o Graduation requirements will be consistent with theproposed timeline.

c) Ensure a consistent, district-widegrading policy for grades 6 through 12.

o Convene an advisory work group by12/2005.

o Develop and publish policy by 4/2006.o Conduct professional development

related to grading policy by 6/2006.o Begin policy implementation in 2006-


o DPS teachers will exhibit the same high levelexpectations and consistent grading throughoutsecondary schools in the District.

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d) Develop and implement commoncourse assessments (mid-term, benchmarkand end-of-year) in all secondary coresubject areas.

o Convene an advisory work group by12/2005.

o Develop and publish assessments by4/2006.

o Conduct professional developmentrelated to course assessments by 6/2006.

o Begin assessments in conjunction withthe 2006-2007 school year.

o DPS secondary school teachers will exhibit the samehigh level expectations and consistent gradingthroughout the District.

o After collecting baseline data for each subjectarea/grade level, the number of students passing mid-term and end of course exams will increase by 10%annually.

e) Make algebra widely available to 8th

grade students.o Inventory capacity of existing

mathematics staff to teach algebra.o Conduct professional development as

needed by 8/2006.o Hire staff as needed in accordance with

the district staffing schedule.o Offer expanded algebra opportunities to

8th graders beginning in 2006-2007 andscale as staff capacity allows.

o After collecting baseline participation data in 2006-2007, the number of 8th graders taking algebra willincrease at least 10% annually.

f) Research feasibility of supplementalprogramming for struggling readers andEnglish Language Learners in grades 6through 12.

Note: priority will be given to students ingrades 6-9.

o Complete programming research by3/2006.

o Decide on supplemental programmingby 4/2006.

o Program decisions will be consistent with theproposed timeline.

o The number of students who participate insupplemental programming and subsequently performat or above grade level will increase at least 5%annually.

o The number of students who participate insupplemental programming and subsequently rate“Unsatisfactory” in core subjects will decrease by atleast 5% annually.

g) Ensure consistent definitions andexpectations for all secondary schoolcourse offerings across the district.

o Convene an advisory work group by3/2006 to review current coursedefinitions and rectify inconsistencies.

o Implement in conjunction with the 2006-2007 school year.

o The District will provide appropriate professionaldevelopment and intervention support for secondaryteachers and students.

o Mobile students will benefit from continuity incoursework.

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h) Conduct a high school tour (during theschool day) for all 8th graders; use tour tofamiliarize students with District highschool options.

o Organize tour logistics by 12/2005.o Conduct tour by 1/2006.

o The number of 8th grade students who continue withDPS as freshman will increase annually.

i) Publicize graduationrequirements/college entrancerequirements in all secondary schools(grades 6 through 12).

o Develop and post materials by 8/2006. o All secondary students will be aware of therequirements for post-secondary education in a timelymanner.

o Increase the number of students taking AP courses by10% annually.

j) Conduct summer 9th grade academies toease the transition to high school for DPSsecondary students; include academic andenrichment opportunities.**

**To the extent financially feasible.

o Develop summer academy curriculum by3/2006.

o Determine staffing for summeracademies by 3/2006

o Conduct professional developmentaround summer academy program by5/2006.

o Implement during summer 2006 andeach summer thereafter.

o Collect data on baseline participation in the academiesand seek to grow participation by 10% annually.

k) Formalize opportunities forcommunication and interaction betweenmiddle school and high school teachers.

o Convene an advisory work group by3/2006 to identify strategic opportunities.

o Implement in conjunction with the 2006-2007 school year.

o Middle school and high school teachers will worktogether to inform instruction of transitioningstudents.

l) Implement secondary student advisoryprograms to improve relationshipsbetween students and faculty.

Notes:1) Begin this effort at the 9th grade

level and phase in other secondarystudents gradually.

2) Seek advisor continuity throughouteach student’s academic career.

o Complete advisory program researchby 2/2006.

o Adopt an advisory model by 2/2006.o Conduct professional development

around the advisory program model by5/2006.

o Implement advisory programs for the2006-2007 school year.

o All 9th grade students will be assigned an advisor forthe 2006-2007 school year.

o Increase the number of students in AP courseofferings per the targets defined in the BalancedScorecard.

o Decrease student drop-outs per the targets defined inthe Balanced Scorecard (included as Appendix B toThe Denver Plan).

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Objective 4: All students and teachers will have access to appropriate classroom materials and supplies.Activity: Timeframe: Outcome/Measurement:

a) Inventory literacy, mathematics, scienceand social studies materials in all schoolsto ensure that the tools supportingachievement are in place across thedistrict; order materials as needed.

Note: this process will include materialsthat need to be replenished.

o Material and supply needs will beaddressed annually and on an ongoingbasis.

o The inventory and ordering will be completedconsistent with the proposed timeline.

b) Centralize ordering for all corecurriculum areas.

o Develop a process to order centrally by3/2006.

o Communicate new ordering process toschools by 3/2006.

o Place all 2006-2007 orders by 4/2006.o Coordinate delivery of materials to

schools by 7/2006.o Revise the purchasing timeline for future


o The new ordering process will be rolled out consistentwith the proposed timeline.

o 100% of materials required to support the corecurriculum will be in classrooms before the first dayof school every year.

c) Establish district-wide naming/rankingguidelines for all courses.

o Convene an internal work group by3/2006 to review current course rankingsand rectify inconsistencies.

o Implement in 2006-2007.

o The District will support all course offerings with theappropriate materials in a timely manner.

Objective 5: All DPS families will have equal access to and make informed choices among a portfolio of schools – including neighborhood schools– that are aligned in their core instructional program, but unique in their ability to meet community needs and interests.

Activity: Timeframe: Outcome/Measurement:a) Ensure that all school choices –neighborhood, magnet, contract andcharter – provide a “core” academicprogram that is aligned with statestandards in core curricular areas.

1) Use school improvement planningand the chartering/contractingprocess to ensure programalignment.

o School Improvement Plans willdocument alignment with statestandards, effective 6/2006.

o Charters and contracts will documentalignment with state standards,effective in the 2006-2007 school year.

o All DPS schools will hold the same high-levelexpectations for student learning in all academicchoice settings.

o The District will meet or exceed growth targets andmetrics as defined by the Denver Public SchoolsBalanced Scorecard (included as Appendix B to TheDenver Plan).

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2) Use local, state and federalaccountability regulations to ensurethat all schools are makingprogress toward state and districtstandards.

b) Empower schools to participate in thedesign of the DPS portfolio by introducingacademic choices that “wrap around thecore” of state and district standards. Eachschool, through its school improvementplan or charter/contract, will develop a“compelling story to tell” about itsacademic program.

Wrap-around programming could include,but is not limited to:

1) International Baccalaureate2) Performing Arts3) Science and Technology4) International Studies5) Montessori6) Dual Language

Grade configurations could include, butare not limited to:

1) K-52) K-83) 6-84) 6-125) 9-126) K-12

o School Improvement Plans willincorporate descriptions of “wraparound” programming andconfigurations, and a “compelling storyto tell” by 3/2006.

o School charters and contracts willincorporate descriptions of “wraparound” programming andconfiguration and a “compelling storyto tell” by fall 2006.

o School improvement plans or school charters andcontracts will document the value proposition of eachschool in DPS, allowing all DPS families to select aschool choice that is appropriate for his/her specificlearning needs.

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c) Introduce formal communications andenrollment procedures that will result inparents making an affirmative selection oftheir school of choice, even if they arechoosing a neighborhood school.

Note: DPS will engage the community todevelop awareness among parentsregarding options in the DPS portfolio.

o Three-year communications plan willbe developed by 6/2006.

o Multi-media communications effortwill begin by 8/2006.

o Parents will begin making schoolchoices in the fall prior to eachupcoming school year.

o The District will grow public awareness of the conceptof a portfolio of school choices.

o 100% of DPS families make an affirmative selectionof their school of choice, even if they are choosing aneighborhood school.

o Equal distribution of students (by ethnicity, gender,income level, etc.) deciding to enroll in schoolsoutside their enrollment area.

o Increased enrollment across all DPS school choices.o The District will grow overall enrollment by offering a

product that Denver families desire.

d) Conduct market research to:1) Understand which current DPS

program designs/gradeconfigurations are successful andsupported.

2) Understand which program designsand grade configurations thecommunity and educators would liketo see added to the portfolio.

3) Investigate opinions and attitudes ofparents and students in private andreligious schools, charter schools,DPS schools with high rates of “netchoice in,” and public schoolsoutside DPS.

o Market research will be completed by7/2006 and every three years thereafter.

o Results of market research will be published consistentwith the proposed timeline and serve as a basis forplanning the DPS portfolio of academic choices.

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e) Establish a formal process to develop,introduce, implement and evaluate allprogram designs and grade configurationsin the DPS portfolio.

Process should consider the following:1) School and community interests.2) District policies, procedures, and

timelines on new school and programdevelopment, revitalization, redesign,and school improvement planning.

3) State accreditation procedures andstate/federal accountability regulationsand timelines.

4) Parental choice timelines.5) Data aligned with the DPS Balanced

Scorecard that allows for a comparisonof performance across program designtypes, grade configurations, geographyand school life cycles.

o Comprehensive timeline for planningand accountability initiatives will be inplace by 3/2006.

o Begin community engagement aroundthe concept of a portfolio of academicchoices for all students in 6/2006.

o Data set will be designed from the DPSBalanced Scorecard by 6/2006.

o Process will be fully articulated by6/2006.

o Process will be incorporated intocharter and contract school selectionprocesses by 6/2006 and schoolimprovement planning processes by12/2006.

o All school selection will be anaffirmative selection by DPS familiesby 12/2006.

o The process to develop, implement, evaluate and holdaccountable all school choices in the DPS portfoliowill be published and widely understood consistentwith the proposed timeline.

f) Align all parental choice timelines withdistrict administrative calendars, such asbudget planning and teacher staffing.

o Aligned timeline will be completed by4/2006.

o Communication of aligned timelinewill begin in fall 2006 for choiceprocess leading into the 2007-2008school year.

o New choice timeline will be published consistent withthe proposed development timeline.

o Measured community awareness of and satisfactionwith the timeline.

o Measured increasing community awareness of thetimeline in future years.

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Denver Goal I: Our children will learn from a highly-skilled faculty in every school that is empowered by robust professional developmentand real-time assessment data.

Component B: Differentiated professional development opportunities for faculty members will support the Instructional Reform Planand enhance teaching practices in all DPS classrooms.

Objectives: 1) All DPS faculty members will participate in coherent, relevant, and excellent professional development opportunities.

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Goal I: Our children will learn from a highly-skilled faculty in every school that is empowered by robust professional development and real-timeassessment data.Component B: Differentiated professional development opportunities for faculty members will support the Instructional Reform Plan and enhanceteaching practices in all DPS classrooms.Objective 1: All DPS faculty members will participate in coherent, relevant, and excellent professional development opportunities.

Activity: Timeframe: Outcome/Measurement:a) Realign existing resources to create aLeadership Development Department(LDD); department will orchestrateprofessional development activities for alldistrict employees (principals, assistantprincipals, teachers, paraprofessionals andsupport staff).**

Differentiated professional developmentwill include, but not be limited to, thefollowing:

1) Four core subject areas2) Assessment/use of data3) English Language Acquisition4) Special education5) Gifted and talented education6) Classroom management7) Summer 9th grade academies8) Collaboration with parents9) Student advisory programs10) Paraprofessional NCLB


**Any realignment will result in similaror decreased cost to the district.

o Define scope and reporting structure forthe Leadership Development Departmentby 12/2005.

o Post vacancies for LeadershipDevelopment Department staff by1/2006.

o Complete Leadership DevelopmentDepartment hiring by 2/2006.

o Assign budgeted resources by 2/2006 tosupport planning for 2006-2007 schoolyear development activities.

o The department will be established consistent withthe proposed timeline.

o The district will quantify annually the resourcesdedicated to staff development.

o DPS instructional staff members will demonstrateevidence of their professional development in theclassroom.

o The retention rate of DPS teachers will increase by atleast 5% annually as DPS becomes a moreprofessionally enriching environment.

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b) Redesign the induction program fornew teachers**; include the followingcomponents:

1) Formal orientation2) Full-time mentors (through

probationary period)

**To the extent financially feasible andper statutory requirements.

o Identify staff to support the inductionprogram by 3/2006.

o Develop curriculum for the inductionprogram by 5/2006.

o Implement the first induction program insummer 2006.

o The program will be established consistent with theproposed timeline.

o All new teachers will participate in the inductionprogram.

c) Enact immediate, job-embeddedsupport for teachers whose students arelower performing as indicated byinterim/benchmark assessment data.

Interventions will include, but not belimited to the following:

1) Model lessons by administratorsand coaches

2) Teacher observations in otherclasses

3) Additional training oninstructional methods

4) Team teaching opportunities

o Leverage new Leadership DevelopmentDepartment to establish process by5/2006.

o Implement process in conjunction withthe 2006-2007 school year.

o Refine process as necessary on anongoing basis.

o All teachers who have aggregate benchmark data thatindicates students have not achieved proficiency willreceive immediate instructional support on a prioritybasis.

d) Develop a mechanism by which tomeasure/track the utility of professionaldevelopment activities with respect tostudent outcomes.

o Convene an advisory work group todetermine appropriate measurement by5/2006.

o Begin annual assessment of allprofessional development activities inconjunction with the 2006-2007 schoolyear.

o The professional development activities conducted inthe district will translate into clear academicachievement improvements.

o The percent of instructional staff members whoreport that the professional development theyreceived improved their ability to increase studentachievement will increase on surveys by 10%annually.

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e) Develop a professional developmenttranscript to track training provided toeach teacher.

o Develop transcript by 5/2006.o Implement transcripts in conjunction

with the 2006-2007 school year.

o All teachers will have an historical record of trainingreceived.

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Denver Goal I: Our children will learn from a highly-skilled faculty in every school that is empowered by robust professional developmentand real-time assessment data.

Component C: A comprehensive assessment strategy will provide teachers with real-time information regarding the growth of eachstudent and allow teachers to differentiate instruction.

Objectives: 1) Student performance will be assessed regularly in all courses during the school year using a consistent and coherent set ofclassroom assessments.

2) Student performance data will be communicated to parents and students on a regular basis and in a consistent manner.

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Goal I: Our children will learn from a highly-skilled faculty in every school that is empowered by robust professional development and real-timeassessment data.Component C: A comprehensive assessment strategy will provide teachers with real-time information regarding the growth of each student andallow teachers to differentiate instruction.Objective 1: Student performance will be assessed regularly in all courses during the school year using a consistent and coherent set of classroomassessments.

Activity: Timeframe: Outcome/Measurement:a) Convene an advisory assessment workgroup to develop a comprehensiveassessment strategy.

Committee will engage in the followingtasks:

1) Consider an RFP process fordevelopment of assessments thatcalls for implementation in spring2006.

2) Develop or purchase examsaligned to progress calendars andthe CSAP.

3) Supplement commercially madeassessments with constructedresponse items developedinternally as needed in spring2006.

4) Develop procedures to ensuretimely return of assessment results.

5) Develop protocol for reporting datato include disaggregated data byskills, strands, school, subgroups,classroom, and student.

o Establish assessment committee by11/2005.

o Complete committee tasks and formulateassessment recommendations by 1/2006.

o Present committee recommendations tostaff by 1/2006.

o Committee responsibilities will be met consistent withthe proposed timeline.

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b) Order assessment materials. o Assessments will be fully developedand/or ordered by 3/2006 forimplementation during the 2006-2007school year.

o All materials will be available to the schools prior to thestart of the 2006-2007 school year.

c) Develop a schedule for administrationof assessments.

o Schedule will be published by 4/2006. o Schedule will be published consistent with the proposedtimeline.

d) Conduct professional development forstaff on the administration and analysis ofnew classroom assessments in each of thecore subjects.

o Initial professional development will beconducted by 5/2006.

o Professional development surroundingassessments, the use of data andmodifying instruction will be ongoing.

o At least 95% of teachers will complete assessmenttraining prior to the start of the 2006-2007 school year.

e) Offer professional developmentactivities to principals, assistant principals,instructional support teams and coaches ondata-driven decision making.

o Professional development will beconducted by 5/2006.

o Professional development surroundingassessments and the use of data will beongoing.

o At least 95% of principals, assistant principals,instructional support teams and coaches will completeassessment training prior to the start of the 2006-2007school year.

f) Implement the new assessment program. o Implement the new assessment programin conjunction with the 2006-2007school year.

o All students will be assessed via the new strategy duringthe 2006-2007 school year.

g) Capture assessment program data inInfinite Campus for rapid and simplifiedreporting of results.

o Develop technology capacity by 3/2006.o Train instructional staff on entering data

and generating reports by 5/2006.o Leverage Infinite Campus in conjunction

with the assessment strategy, beginningin 8/2006.

o All benchmark assessment data will be processedthrough Infinite Campus consistent with the proposedtimeline.

h) Develop and implement commoncourse assessments (mid-term, benchmarkand end-of-year) in all secondary coresubject areas (as noted in Component 1,Objective 3).

o Convene an advisory work group by12/2005.

o Develop and publish assessments by4/2006.

o Conduct professional developmentrelated to course assessments by 6/2006.

o Begin assessment implementation inconjunction with the 2006-2007 schoolyear.

o DPS secondary school teachers will exhibit the samehigh level expectations and consistent gradingthroughout the District.

o Over 95% of students will take assessments in all fourcore subjects.

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Objective 2: Student performance data will be communicated to parents and students on a regular basis and in a consistent manner.a) Develop a district-wide and standards-based report card that provides meaningfulinformation on student progress towardsstate standards; report card would beapplicable to grades K-8.

o Establish a Report Card Committee by11/2005.

o Develop and publish the new reportcard by 3/2006.

o Conduct report card training sessionsfor teachers by 5/2006.

o Conduct report card training sessionsfor parents by 5/2006.

o Begin report card implementation inconjunction with the 2006-2007 schoolyear.

o Report card development and implementation will occurconsistent with the proposed timeline.

b) Establish a consistent grading policythat will be implemented district-wide forthe K-12 continuum.

o Convene an advisory work group by12/2005.

o Develop and publish policy by 4/2006.o Conduct professional development

related to grading policy by 6/2006.o Begin policy implementation in

conjunction with the 2006-2007 schoolyear.

o DPS teachers will exhibit the same high levelexpectations and consistent grading throughout theDistrict.

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Denver Goal I: Our children will learn from a highly-skilled faculty in every school that is empowered by robust professional developmentand real-time assessment data.

Component D: A best-in-class organization will demonstrate the capacity to recruit, hire, develop, and retain highly qualified teachers,principals, and support staff.

Objectives: 1) Develop a customer-focused culture within the Human Resources department, emphasizing continuous improvement andcustomer service to principals, teachers, other school and central employees.

2) Maximize Denver Public Schools’ ability to recruit and hire the most capable teachers and principals.

3) Establish simple, efficient Human Resources processes that enable teachers, principals and central administrators to focuson the core mission of the district – advancing student achievement.

4) Engage in ongoing, collaborative conversations with labor organizations to facilitate stronger District/employeerelationships.


Simple,Efficient HR



withLabor Groups


Recruit QualityTeachers &Principals

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Goal I: Our children will learn from a highly-skilled faculty in every school that is empowered by robust professional development and real-timeassessment data.Component D: Operate a best-in-class organization with demonstrated capacity to effectively recruit, hire, develop, and retain highly qualifiedteachers, principals, and support staff.Objective 1: Develop a customer-focused culture within the Human Resources department, emphasizing continuous improvement and customerservice to principals, teachers, other school and central employees.

Activity: Timeframe: Outcome/Measurement:a) Identify key performance metrics that measure HR support foroverall District goals.

o Publish performance metrics by12/2005.

o Communicate metrics and relatedexpectations to HR staff by12/2005.

o HR will improve in its overallcustomer service orientation.

o The district will improve retention ofprincipals and teachers by at least 5%annually.

b) Develop and conduct an annual HR Customer Service Surveyto collect feedback on key performance metrics.

o Publish survey by 4/2006.o Conduct survey by 5/2006.

o Make survey available to all schoolsand departments.

o Grow the number of favorablerespondents by 10% annually.

c) Develop a mechanism by which to collect feedback on a pertransaction basis.

o Develop paper-based and/ortechnology based transactionsurveys by 5/2006.

o Begin implementation in 6/2006.

o Increase the number of HR customerswho report favorably on interactionswith the department by 10% annually.

d) Hire a highly-qualified Executive Director of HumanResources.

o Staff position by 12/2005. o Position will be filled consistent withthe proposed timeline.

e) Conduct professional development for all HR staffsurrounding core HR competencies.

o Complete training for the 2005-2006 school year by 11/2005.

o Professional development effortswill be ongoing.

o 95% of HR staff members willcomplete training consistent with theproposed timeline.

f) Develop a customer “service level agreement” for use withschools and departments.

o Develop agreement by 11/2005.o Collect feedback from a sample of

schools/departments by 12/2005.o Implement service level

agreements in conjunction with thesecond 2005-2006 semester.

o HR will secure a service levelagreement that is tied to theperformance metrics from all schoolsand departments by 1/31/06.

g) Integrate ProComp into the main line of business. o Begin integration in 11/2005, uponProComp vote.

o Continue as needed in 2005-2006.

o Teachers who opt into ProComp willreceive the same high level of serviceas other District employees.

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Relentless Pursuit of Student Achievement 39

h) Conduct one-on-one meetings with each employee who optsinto ProComp.

o Conduct meetings in conjunctionwith each opt-in window.

o Conduct meetings with 100% of opt-in employees.

i) Leverage regular principal meetings and school visits toimprove customer contact and service.

o Principal meetings are beingconducted several days per weekon an ongoing basis.

o HR will be represented at 100% ofprincipal meetings.

j) Reactivate the customer advisory council, which will includeinternal and external representation.

o Convene council by 11/2005. o Council will convene consistent withthe proposed timeline.

k) Establish an HR employee recognition program based on keyperformance metrics.

o Implement program by 1/2006.o Recognize employees on an

annual basis.

o Implement program consistent withthe proposed timeline.

o Recognize HR employees quarterlyfor quality of customer service.

Objective 2: Maximize Denver Public Schools’ ability to recruit and hire the most capable teachers and principals.Activity: Timeframe: Outcome/Measurement:

a) Revise the DPS staffing calendar to allow for a morecompetitive position in the recruiting market.

o Finalize calendar by 11/2005. o DPS will be in the market byFebruary each year.

o DPS will hire at least 75% of teachersby April each year.

o DPS will hire 90% of teachers byMay each year.

o DPS will hire 100% of teachers bythe start of each school year.

b) Develop a comprehensive 2006-2007 marketing andrecruitment strategy.

o Convene an advisory committeethat includes DPS staff membersand community resources todevelop strategy by 12/2005.

o Implement beginning 1/2006 andthroughout the staffing cycle.

o Development and implementationwill occur consistent with theproposed timeline.

o DPS will increase the number of highquality teacher applicants annually.

c) Market ProComp as a key selling point and uniqueopportunity for teachers in the Denver Public Schools.

o Include as a key component in themarketing strategy for 2006-2007and beyond.

o DPS will increase the number of highquality teacher applicants annually.

d) Increase the number of early contracts extended in hard-to-staff areas, including ELA, Mathematics and Special Educationteachers.

o Issue contracts up to 75% ofanticipated need as early as2/2006.

o DPS will hire 75% of hard-to-staffteachers by April each year.

o DPS will hire 90% of hard-to-staffteachers by May each year.

o DPS will hire 100% of hard-to-staffteachers by the August each year.

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Relentless Pursuit of Student Achievement 40

e) Work with metro area higher education programs to develop areliable pipeline of teachers who are well trained to serve theDenver Public Schools.

o Review partnerships by 3/2006.o Establish an advisory committee

by 3/2006 that can team with DPSpartners to ensure programming isconsistent with DPS needs.

o At least 50% of successful teacherhires from universities will be a directresult of higher educationpartnerships.

f) Establish recruiting metrics that heighten the accountability ofHR to schools and departments.

o Finalize metrics by 11/2005.o Performance related to recruiting

metrics will be published annually.

o Metrics will be published consistentwith the proposed timeline.

o Performance as measured by metricswill improve by 10% annually.

g) Review the substitute teacher recruitment process and hiringterms to ensure continuity of instruction given regular classroomteacher absences.

o Convene an internal work groupby 3/2006 to review currentpractice and recommend newstrategies around substituteteaching.

o Hear recommendations by 5/2006.o Implement new recommendations

as appropriate in conjunction withthe 2006-2007 school year.

o DPS will have a readily availablesubstitute pool that can serve allschools in the District well and in atimely manner.

o Classroom instruction will bedisrupted minimally when regularclassroom teachers are absent.

h) Redesign the Human Resources web site for use as aneffective recruiting tool; include a specific recruiting portal.

o Post new web site by 1/2006. o The number of recruits andemployees who report that the website was a useful tool in theiremployment decision will increase10% annually.

i) Conduct an HR staffing open house that will allow prospectiveprincipals, assistant principals and teachers to meet theSuperintendent and Chief Academic Officer and to learn aboutDPS’ academic vision.

o Conduct by 2/2006. o Open house will be conductedconsistent with the proposed timeline.

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Objective 3: Establish simple, efficient Human Resources processes that enable teachers, principals and central administrators to focus on the coremission of the district – advancing student achievement.

Activity: Timeframe: Outcome/Measurement:a) Complete the Human Resources automation project, whichwill replace inefficient, paper-based processes with highlyefficient online processes. Sample processes include:

1) Applications/Teacher staffing2) “PACE” forms3) Requisition forms

o Complete automation project by6/2006, with the followingmilestones:1) Applications/Teacher staffing

by 1/2006.2) “PACE” forms by 3/2006.3) Requisition forms by 6/2006.

o Implement in conjunction with the2006-2007 school year.

o Automation will occur consistentwith the proposed timeline.

o Employees who report thatautomation improved their workingconditions will increase by 10%annually.

o The district will improve teacher andprincipal retention by at least 5%annually.

b) Improve the process between administrators and principals forplacing unassigned teachers.

o Collect feedback from teachersand principals by 1/2006.

o Finalize new process by 2/2006.

o Decrease the number of teachersplaced after May each year.

o The district will improve overallteacher retention by at least 5%annually.

c) Formalize dissemination of HR policies and procedures;maintain online.

o Complete by 11/2005. o Dissemination of materials will occurconsistent with the proposed timeline.

o Employees will use this onlineresource as their preferred means foraccessing information.

d) Review and revise telephone response guidelines. o Complete by 11/2005. o 100% of phone inquiries will bereturned within 24 hours.

e) Expand payroll customer service hours to improveaccessibility for school-based staff.

o Establish new schedule inconjunction with the 2006-2007budget cycle.

o Begin new schedule in conjunctionwith the 2006-2007 school year.

o Payroll customer service hours willbe convenient and flexible for school-based staff.

f) Develop and post HR operations and major milestonescalendar.

o Complete by 11/2005. o Calendar will be posted consistentwith the proposed timeline.

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Objective 4: Engage in ongoing, collaborative conversations with labor organizations to facilitate stronger District/employee relationships.Activity: Timeframe: Outcome/Measurement:

a) Conduct regular meetings with senior District staff and seniorunion leadership to discuss issues in a timely and ongoingmanner.

o Conduct meetings quarterly withthe DCTA and classified employeegroups.

o Meetings will occur consistent withthe proposed timeline.

b) Continue participation in joint committees that relate toworking conditions and work environment as directed by theDCTA contract, including:

1) Market Compensation Task Force2) Enrollment Task Force3) School and District Climate Task Force

o Convene committees as per timingoutlined in the DCTA Agreement.

o Committees will be conducted as perterms of the Agreement.

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Denver Goal II: Highly-trained principals and assistant principals will serve as instructional leaders of the faculty in DPS schools.

Components: A) The Denver Public Schools will articulate a well-defined role for both the principal and assistant principal position,establishing instructional leadership as their primary professional responsibility.

B) A best-in-class organization will launch a strategic effort to attract and retain the best principals and assistantprincipals.

C) Differentiated professional development opportunities for principals and assistant principals will support theInstructional Reform Plan and enhance their ability to serve as instructional leaders.







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Relentless Pursuit of Student Achievement 44

Denver Goal II: Highly-trained principals and assistant principals will serve as instructional leaders of the faculty in DPS schools.

Component A: The Denver Public Schools will articulate a well-defined role for both the principal and assistant principal position,establishing instructional leadership as their primary professional responsibility.

Objectives: 1) Redefine the principal and assistant principal roles.

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Relentless Pursuit of Student Achievement 45

Goal II: Highly-trained principals and assistant principals will serve as instructional leaders of the faculty in DPS schools.Component A: The Denver Public Schools will articulate a well-defined role for both the principal and assistant principal position, establishinginstructional leadership as their primary professional responsibility.Objective 1: Redefine the principal and assistant principal roles.

Activity: Timeframe: Outcome/Measurement:a) Publish a new principal job descriptionthat emphasizes instructional leadershipand the need to drive academic success forall students.

o Publish job description by 12/2005.o Incorporate new expectations into

professional development activitiesbeginning in 1/2006.

o Job description will be published consistent with theproposed timeline.

o Principals will report that at least 75% of their time isspent on instructional leadership.

b) Conduct professional development forprincipals’ support staff that enables theprincipals to focus on instructionalleadership.

o Develop training curriculum by 3/2006.o Conduct training by 5/2006 or in

conjunction with the summer principaltraining (as noted in Component 3below).

o 100% of support staff members will participate in theprofessional development activities.

c) Publish a new assistant principal jobdescription that both supports the principalas instructional leader and encouragessimilar leadership by assistant principals.

o Publish job description by 12/2005.o Incorporate new expectations into

professional development activitiesbeginning in 1/2006.

o Job description will be published consistent with theproposed timeline.

o Assistant Principals will report that at least 75% of theirtime is spent on instructional leadership.

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Relentless Pursuit of Student Achievement 46

Denver Goal II: Highly-trained principals and assistant principals will serve as instructional leaders of the faculty in DPS schools.

Component B: A best-in-class organization will launch a strategic effort to attract and retain the best principals and assistantprincipals.

Objectives: 1) Execute proven principal and assistant principal recruitment practices.

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Relentless Pursuit of Student Achievement 47

Goal II: Highly-trained principals and assistant principals will serve as instructional leaders of the faculty in DPS schools.Component B: A best-in-class organization will launch a strategic effort to attract and retain the best principals and assistant principals.Objective 1: Execute proven principal and assistant principal recruitment practices.

Activity: Timeframe: Outcome/Measurement:a) Redesign the selection procedures forprincipals and assistant principals.

o Work in conjunction with HumanResources to develop a new selectionprocess by 12/2005.

o Publish new procedures by 1/2006.

o Principal and assistant principal hiring will be achievedconsistent with goals outlined in the Denver PublicSchools Balanced Scorecard (included as Appendix B toThe Denver Plan).

b) Develop and launch a comprehensiveprincipal/assistant principal recruitmentstrategy.

o Complete strategic planning by 12/2005so that recruitment efforts can bemodified for the 2006-2007 school year.

o Recruitment strategy will be published and executedconsistent with the proposed timeline.

c) Develop a Denver Public SchoolsAspiring Principals Program.

o Develop program by 2007-2008. o At least 50% of successful principal/assistant principalhires will be a direct result of their participation andtraining in the program.

d) Develop a competitive performance-based compensation system (and relatedperformance contract) that recognizesstudent outcomes, academic leadership,organizational risk-taking and school-based enterprise.

o Convene an advisory work groupcomprised of HR, Budget and principalrepresentatives to draft terms of theperformance-based evaluation system;convene work group by 5/2006.

o Conduct a public process amongprincipals to discuss metrics by which tomeasure principals moving forward;conduct discussions through 9/2006

o Hear committee recommendations by9/2006.

o Implement performance contracts forprincipals in conjunction with the 2007-2008 school year.

o Performance-based compensation system and relatedperformance contract will be finalized consistent withthe proposed timeline.

o All principals will sign performance contracts,beginning with the 2007-2008 school year.

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Relentless Pursuit of Student Achievement 48

Denver Goal II: Highly-trained principals and assistant principals will serve as instructional leaders of the faculty in DPS schools.

Component C: Differentiated professional development opportunities for principals and assistant principals will support theInstructional Reform Plan and enhance their ability to serve as instructional leaders.

Objectives: 1) All DPS principals and assistant principals will participate in coherent, relevant and excellent professional developmentopportunities.

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Relentless Pursuit of Student Achievement 49

Goal II: Highly-trained principals and assistant principals will serve as instructional leaders of the faculty in DPS schools.Component C: Differentiated professional development opportunities for principals and assistant principals will support the Instructional ReformPlan and enhance their ability to serve as instructional leaders.Objective 1: All DPS principals and assistant principals will participate in coherent, relevant and excellent professional development opportunities.

Activity: Timeframe: Outcome/Measurement:a) Conduct monthly professionaldevelopment sessions for principals bylevel. The focus will include, but not belimited to, the following:

1) Translating instructional vision intoaction.

2) Establishing a common understandingof DPS’ mission and values, curricularprograms/initiatives, and broad systemchanges DPS is tackling.

3) Enabling shared learning, exchangingbest practices, and developing a peernetwork.

4) Understanding CSAP; how to aligninstruction.

5) Identifying best practices incurriculum, assessment, instruction,and professional development.

6) Using professional development time(grade level/department meetings, 90minutes) to improve studentachievement.

7) Conducting academic reviews.8) Orchestrating interventions to address

students’ academic, social/emotionaland physical health needs.

9) Providing and facilitating parent andcommunity engagement.

o Professional development will beconducted in the scheduled principalmeetings, beginning in 11/2005 and onan ongoing basis.

o Under the leadership of each principal, DPS schoolswill meet or exceed metrics as defined by the DenverPublic Schools Balanced Scorecard (The BalanceScorecard can be reference on page XX of TheDenver Plan).

o Principals will report that at least 75% of their time isspent on instructional leadership.

o Assistant Principals will report that at least 75% oftheir time is spent on instructional leadership.

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b) Establish a leadership advisory workgroup to research/develop a curriculumtraining program.

Focus will be on increasing studentachievement by developing theinstructional leadership and managementexpertise of all existing and aspiring DPSprincipals. The work group will design atraining program for three tracks:

• Principal Leadership DevelopmentProgram: designed to meet the needsof incumbent principals.

• Aspiring Principals Program: designedfor education professionals who desireto become principals.

• New Principals Program: designed forthose who have been promoted fromwithin the system and those recruitedfrom other school systems.

Principals participating in any of the threetracks will receive training in thefollowing leadership framework:**

1) Personal Qualities2) Educational Knowledge/Skill3) Strategic Thinking/Planning4) Organizational Management &

Design5) Interpersonal Qualities

**See Appendix A.

o Establish advisory work group in11/2006.

o Complete program development by5/2006.

o Implement the Principal LeadershipDevelopment Program in 2006-2007 andon an ongoing basis.

o Implement the Aspiring and NewPrincipals programs in 2007-2008 and onan ongoing basis.

o At least 75% of principals who have been through thedevelopment programs will see improved academicachievement in their schools in the subsequent year.

o Schools overseen by principals who have beenthrough the development programs will seeimprovement in their SAR academic performancerating within two years of their training.

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c) Conduct a three-week SummerLeadership Institute for existing principalsto build their instructional leadershipcapacity prior to the 2006-2007 schoolyear.

o Develop curriculum by 5/2006.o Conduct institute in 6/2006.

o 100% of existing DPS principals will participate in theSummer Leadership Institute.

d) Provide professional developmentsupport to principals on theimplementation of a new SchoolImprovement Planning process.

o Begin principal training around schoolimprovement planning by 3/2006.

o Collect first round of new schoolimprovement plans by 5/2006 and eachyear thereafter.

o 100% of existing DPS principals will participate intraining related to the School Improvement Planningprocess.

o All principals will publish complete SchoolImprovement Plans consistent with the proposedtimeline.

e) Provide opportunities for assistantprincipals to expand their knowledge andskill, and become viable candidates for theposition of principal.

o Conduct monthly meetings with assistantprincipals, beginning in 11/2005 and onan ongoing basis.

o Among the number of assistant principals whocompete for principal positions, the number hired willincrease 5% annually.

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Relentless Pursuit of Student Achievement 52

Denver Goal III: Collaboration among the Denver community and all DPS stakeholders will support our children in a safe, orderly, andenriching environment in every school and classroom.

Components: A) Parents will help DPS students realize success in their academic careers.

B) The community will support DPS students in their quest toward academic and personal excellence.

C) Each school will work with its community to establish an intentional school culture and positive school climate.

D) All students not subject to serious medical concerns will demonstrate excellent attendance – 97% of eligible school days.

E) District administrators will operate DPS under a coherent, system-wide safety and security structure.

F) District administrators will operate DPS with maximum efficiency and accountability.

Denver &DPS Communities

Collaboratefor a

Safe & OrderlyEnvironment







DistrictEfficiency &


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Relentless Pursuit of Student Achievement 53

Denver Goal III: Collaboration among the Denver community and all DPS stakeholders will support our children in a safe, orderly, andenriching environment in every school and classroom.

Component A: Parents will help DPS students realize success in their academic careers.

Objective: 1) Establish effective communication channels between the District and parents.

2) Ensure that every parent is encouraged and empowered to engage with DPS and knows the impact that suchinvolvement can have on student outcomes.



Engagement Understandingof Academic


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Relentless Pursuit of Student Achievement 54

Goal III: Collaboration among the Denver community and all DPS stakeholders will support our children in a safe, orderly, and enrichingenvironment in every school and classroom.Component A: Parents will help DPS students realize success in their academic careers.Objective 1: Establish effective communication channels between the District and parents.a) Launch a communications campaign that includes proactiveDistrict outreach to parents regarding opportunities to beinvolved in school activities.

Communication will be characterized by the following:1) Frequent and accessible2) Parents’ native language3) Parent-friendly language4) Multi-media

Involvement opportunities could include the following:1) School governance/policy involvement2) Homework support3) PTA, PTSA or PTO service4) Classroom volunteering5) Attendance monitoring6) Fieldtrip support7) Fundraising support

o Develop by 5/2006.o Launch campaign by 8/2006.

o After collecting baseline data duringthe 2006-2007 school year, thenumber of parents who participate inschool-related activities will grow10% annually.

o Student mobility will decrease by atleast 10% annually as parents betterunderstand the importance ofcontinuity in instruction.

o Increase the number of satisfactoryparent survey ratings by 10%annually (see survey details below).

b) Conduct professional development for school-based staffaround parent engagement.

Training might focus on the following:1) Effective strategies for parent outreach2) Cultural sensitivity3) Effective use of parents in the classroom

o Conduct training prior to 8/2006. o At least 95% of school-based staffwill participate in training related toparent engagement.

c) Leverage the district-wide and federally-mandated ParentEmpowerment Council to work as an advocate for parentalinvolvement and as a resource for parent information.

o Outline Parent EmpowermentCouncil role by 1/2006.

o Recruit members by 3/2006.o Conduct training by 8/2006.o Roll-out with the 2006-2007

school year.

o The Parent Empowerment Councilwill be in place at the start of the2006-2007 school year.

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d) Redesign and conduct parent satisfaction surveys and focusgroups to collect data around parent involvement.

o Publish new survey by 5/2006.o Conduct survey and focus groups


o Increase the number of surveyscollected by 10% annually.

o Increase the number of satisfactoryratings by 10% annually.

Objective 2: Ensure that every parent is encouraged and empowered to engage with DPS and knows the impact that such involvement can haveon student outcomes.a) Develop a grade-level array of academic support tools forparents who are assisting with student homework; offer relatedtraining opportunities.

o Convene an advisory work groupthat includes curriculum andcommunity relationsrepresentatives by 4/2006 to assessexisting parent support tools andcurrent need.

o Develop support tools as needed incore curricular areas by 8/2006.

o Offer support tools in conjunctionwith the 2006-2007 school year.

o Leverage community grouppartnerships to conduct regularparent training sessions.

o All parents will receive support toolsat back-to-school night and via theWeb.

o After collecting baseline data duringthe 2006-2007 school year, increaseparent training participants 10%annually.

b) Develop a compact for all students, parents, teachers,principals and the district that articulates responsibilities for eachparty related to each student’s academic experience. A parentengagement commitment will be a component of the compact.Responsibilities might include:

1) Meet with teachers at least 3 times per year.2) Monitor/ensure student attendance.3) Monitor/assist with student homework.4) Monitor time spent reading.5) Engage in a daily dialogue regarding school learning.

o Conduct a community process thatincludes parents, teachers andstudents who will determine thescope of responsibility for eachparty; conclude process by 3/2006.

o Assemble an internal work groupby 3/2006 to develop anappropriate compactimplementation process.

o Conduct a school-based processthat will tailor compacts asappropriate for each setting;conclude process by 5/2006.

o Publish, distribute and collect firstcompact by 8/2006.

o After collecting baseline data duringthe 2006-2007 school year, increasethe number of parents who signcompacts by 10% annually.

o Among parents who sign compacts,over 90% will demonstrate aminimum level of involvement.

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Relentless Pursuit of Student Achievement 56

Denver Goal III: Collaboration among the Denver community and all DPS stakeholders will support our children in a safe, orderly, andenriching environment in every school and classroom.

Component B: The community will support DPS students in their quest toward academic and personal excellence.

Objectives: 1) All DPS students will have caring adult relationships in their lives, dedicated to their academic and personal success.

2) All DPS students will have access to a wide variety of enrichment activities that complement the formal school day.

3) A comprehensive network of community partnerships will provide the academic, social, and emotional support thatDPS students need.




Social &EmotionalSupport



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Relentless Pursuit of Student Achievement 57

Goal III: Collaboration among the Denver community and all DPS stakeholders will support our children in a safe, orderly, and enrichingenvironment in every school and classroom.Component B: The community will support DPS students in their quest toward academic and personal excellence.Objective 1: All DPS students will have caring adult relationships in their lives, dedicated to their academic and personal success.

Activity: Timeframe: Outcome/Measurement:a) Expand relationships with community groups to assign amentor to every student in need of additional positive adultinfluences.

Mentors will monitor and assist with:1) Academics and goal setting2) Attendance3) Student mobility4) Character development5) Confidence and motivation

Note: The District will begin this effort in middle schools.

o Establish additional partnershipswith mentoring organizations by5/2006.

o Identify pool of eligible studentsby 10/2006.

o Assign mentors throughout the2006-2007 school year.

o The District will match 100% ofgrade 6-8 students who need amentor during the 2006-2007 schoolyear, starting with sixth grade.(Expand program to include studentsat all grades levels as mentorcapacity becomes available).

b) Develop a mechanism that measures impact of the mentorprogram overall and in each of the key focus areas: academics,attendance, student mobility, character development andconfidence/motivation.

o Establish an advisory work groupto develop a method ofmeasurement by 5/2006.

o Implement in conjunction with the2006-2007 school year.

o The number of long term mentoringcommitments will increase annually.

o Students with mentors willdemonstrate improved academicperformance, attendance, andbehavior as defined by the mentormetrics.

o Students with mentors willdemonstrate reduced mobility in thedistrict as defined by the mentormetrics.

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Objective 2: All DPS students will have access to a wide variety of enrichment activities that complement the formal school day.Activity: Timeframe: Outcome/Measurement:

a) Expand relationships with community groups to coordinatebefore- and after-school enrichment activities in DPS orcommunity-based facilities through 6:00 p.m. Monday throughFriday.

Enrichment activities could include, but will not be limited to thefollowing:

1) Homework assistance2) Life skills/career development/college preparation3) Athletics and recreation4) Art, music, drama and dance5) Other social and cultural6) Environmental and civic responsibility7) Game clubs (e.g., chess)

o Review existing before- and after-school enrichment programs by5/2006.

o Expand before- and after-schoolprogramming as necessary by8/2006.

o Modify programming on anongoing basis as needed.

o All DPS students will have theopportunity to be engaged inproductive academic or enrichmentactivities from 7:00 a.m. until 6:00p.m. each day of the school week.

b) Leverage community relationships to provide enrichmentopportunities in DPS or community-based facilities throughoutthe summer break. Enrichment activity areas would be similarto those conducted throughout the year.

o Review existing summerenrichment programs by 5/2006.

o Expand summer programming asnecessary by 8/2006.

o Modify programming on anongoing basis as needed.

o All DPS students will have theopportunity to be engaged inproductive academic or enrichmentactivities throughout the summerbreak.

Objective 3: A comprehensive network of community partnerships will provide the academic, social, and emotional support that DPS studentsneed.

Activity: Timeframe: Outcome/Measurement:a) Hire a recognized community leader to organize, implementand evaluate the overall community engagement effort.

o Completed as of 10/2005. o Happy Haynes was appointedeffective October 3, 2005.

b) Inventory and define the scope of current District/communitypartnerships.

o Complete inventory by 3/2006.o Define relationship scope by


o Each DPS partner will have a definedrole and relationship with the district.

c) Conduct a community outreach effort to forge newpartnerships where resources do not currently exist.

o Outreach will continue on anongoing basis.

o The district will publish a new listannually that illustratescomprehensive coverage in terms ofstudent resources.

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Relentless Pursuit of Student Achievement 59

d) Publish a community partnership list that teachers, theStudent Services Department, parents, and mentors can use tomatch students with appropriate community resources.

o Publish list by 9/2006.o Update annually.

o List will be made available and easilyaccessible consistent with theproposed timeline.

e) Develop an evaluation system that will allow DPS to measurethe impact of each community partnership on an annual basis.

o Convene an internal work groupby 3/2006 to develop theevaluation system.

o Complete evaluation system by5/2006.

o Begin implementation in 2006-2007.

o The district will publish studentimpact results based on thisevaluation annually.

f) Build the infrastructure necessary to link DPS volunteers withschool needs efficiently and on a priority basis.

o Complete by 1/2006. o All DPS volunteer efforts will bechanneled through one point ofcontact.

g) Leverage relationship with the DPS Foundation to securefunds necessary to implement initiatives as defined in TheDenver Plan.

o Include DPS Foundation staff instrategic planning discussions andrelated funding decisions asappropriate and on an ongoingbasis.

o DPS will maximize the opportunityfor support that is presented by adistrict-affiliated foundation.

h) Fund and launch the DPS Foundation Partners Program tolink a community-based business with each school.

The DPS Foundation Partners Program will coordinate with thefollowing community initiatives:

1) The Downtown Denver Partnership’s Businesses Unifiedfor DPS (BUDS) program.

2) The Leadership Denver high school alumni supportnetworks.

o Secure other funding sources asneeded by 3/2006.

o Launch comprehensive programby 5/2006.

o Grow the number of effectivepartnerships by 10% annually.

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Denver Goal III: Collaboration among the Denver community and all DPS stakeholders will support our children in a safe, orderly, andenriching environment in every school and classroom.

Component C: Each school will work with its community to establish an intentional school culture and positive school climate.

Objectives: 1) Every school community will articulate a plan for an intentional school culture.

2) The District and each school community will embrace a code of conduct that supports student learning.

3) All principals and school faculty will be fully trained in classroom management as a vehicle for academic achievement.

4) DPS will improve nutrition and physical activity in order to improve students' readiness to learn.

Conductthat Supports




Intentional Culture&

Positive School Climate

Focus onStudentWellness


on Culture

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Goal III: Collaboration among the Denver community and all DPS stakeholders will support our children in a safe, orderly, and enrichingenvironment in every school and classroom.Component C: Each school will work with its community to establish an intentional school culture and a positive school climate.Objective 1: Every school community will articulate a plan for an intentional school culture.

Activity: Timeframe: Outcome/Measurement:a) School principals will work in conjunction with staff, studentsand their communities to develop a plan related to intentionalschool culture. Schools will be able to articulate a plan for thefollowing:

1) School-Based Code of Conduct2) Leadership3) Teaching, Learning & Assessment4) Relationships5) Problem Solving6) Expectations, Trust & Accountability7) Voice8) Physical Environment9) Rituals & Transitions

Plans will include clear expectations for relationships among:

1) Principals2) Teachers3) Other school-based staff4) Parents5) Students6) Community

o Plans should be prepared forimplementation during the 2006-2007 school year.

o Each school will publish its plan foran intentional school culture and aprocess for achieving one;plan/process will be publishedconsistent with the proposedtimeline.

o Each school will see improvedattendance annually.

o Each school will see an overalldecrease in the number of disciplineincidents, suspensions andexpulsions annually.

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Objective 2: The District and each school community will embrace a code of conduct that supports student learning.Activity: Timeframe: Outcome/Measurement:

a) Articulate a district-level definition of conduct that supportspositive school climate and academic excellence.

o Convene an advisory work groupthat includes centraladministrators, principals, andteachers by 3/2006 to outline codeof conduct.

o Hear recommendations by 4/2006.o Publish district-level definition of

conduct by 5/2006.

o The District will publish a code ofconduct consistent with the proposedtimeline.

o All parties in the DPS communitywill support an environment that isconducive to learning.

b) Require each school to develop a code of conduct that reflectsdistrict-wide expectations and is customized to accommodateunique community and program interests.

o Organize school-based workgroups by 5/2006.

o Publish school-based codes ofconduct for implementation duringthe 2006-2007 school year.

o Each school will publish a code ofconduct consistent with the proposedtimeline.

o Each school will maintain anenvironment that is conducive tolearning.

c) Establish district-wide expectations for excellence in customerservice at each school site.

o Convene a cross-functionalcommittee to develop standards by4/2006.

o Publish standards by 6/2006.o Distribute standards in conjunction

with the 2006-2007 school year.

o Expectations will be set consistentwith the proposed timeline.

o All Denver Public Schools staff willbe aware of and embrace customerservice expectations.

d) Publish a Climate and Culture Survey to measureeffectiveness of the safe and orderly schools effort.

o Complete survey by 4/2006.o Issue first survey in 5/2006 to

secure baseline date and conducton an annual basis movingforward.

o After collecting baseline data inspring 2006, the number of studentswho report that they feel safe atschool on the annual Climate andCulture Survey will increase by 5%annually.

o After collecting baseline data inspring 2006, the number of teachersand principals who report a positiveclimate on the annual Climate andCulture Survey will increase by 5%annually.

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Objective 3: All principals and school faculty will be fully trained in classroom management as a vehicle for academic achievement.Activity: Timeframe: Outcome/Measurement:

a) Identify classroom management curricula that can beimplemented in the Denver Public Schools.

o Eligible programs will beidentified by 7/2006.

o Programs will be evaluatedannually.

o Curricula will be identifiedconsistent with the proposedtimeline.

b) Develop individual school plans that choose among District-approved classroom management programs, but assert a uniformapproach within each school; involve teachers, parents andstudents in this process.

o School level selection andplanning will be completed by8/2006 for implementation duringthe 2006-2007 school year.

o Each DPS school will exhibitconsistency in classroommanagement practice consistent withthe proposed timeline.

o Practice will be assessed at regularintervals via the instructional walk-through process.

c) Conduct professional development for principals, assistantprincipals and teachers around classroom managementcurriculum and technique.

o Staff will be fully trained by8/2006.

o The roll-out of programs and relatedstaff training will occur consistentwith the proposed timeline.

o Annual program evaluationscompleted by teachers will indicatethat students are experiencingpositive growth.

Objective 4: DPS will improve nutrition and physical activity in order to improve students' readiness to learn.a) Create a District wellness policy that incorporates standardsfor nutrition and physical activity in the Denver Public Schools.

o Discussed sample wellness policywith the Denver School HealthAdvisory Council in 8/2005.

o Collect input on policy fromschool staff, parents andcommunity members by 2/2006.

o Secure Board of Educationapproval by 3/2006.

o Market to schools by 6/2006.o Implement policy in 8/2006.

o The wellness policy will be adoptedconsistent with the proposed timeline.

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b) Build community partnerships that promote healthful eatingand active living.

o Work with partners to develop acommunity level action plan toimprove nutrition and physicalactivity by 3/2006.

o Seek/secure funds for a healthmarketing campaign in selectschools/communities by 3/2006.

o Support schools in makingproposed changes on an ongoingbasis.

o Action plan will be publishedconsistent with the proposed timeline.

o Funds will be secured consistent withthe proposed timeline.

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Denver Goal III: Collaboration among the Denver community and all DPS stakeholders will support our children in a safe, orderly, andenriching environment in every school and classroom.

Component D: All students not subject to serious medical concerns will demonstrate excellent attendance – 97% of eligible school days.

Objectives: 1) The Denver community will hold a high attendance expectation for all Denver Public Schools students.

2) The District will implement a uniform method to track the attendance of each student.

3) The District will use technology to heighten parent, mentor, faculty and principal awareness around student attendancepatterns.

4) The District will implement a wide array of interventions at the school level to promote attendance among chronicallytruant students.



HeightenedAwareness of


Array ofInterventions



UniformMethod to

Track Data

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Goal III: Collaboration among the Denver community and all DPS stakeholders will support our children in a safe, orderly, and enrichingenvironment in every school and classroom.Component D: All students not subject to serious medical concerns will demonstrate excellent attendance – 97% of eligible school days.Objective 1: The Denver community will hold a high attendance expectation for all Denver Public Schools students.

Activity: Timeframe: Outcome/Measurement:a) Close high school campuses at lunchtime.

Note: Closures will affect grades 9-12 beginning in the 2006-2007 school year; however, schools who submit approvedtruancy reduction plans may be permitted to exempt their 11th

and 12th grade students from the closures.

o Complete feasibility analysis by3/2006.

o Finalize closure decisions by7/2006.

o Work with the Denvercommunity to organizeadditional resources as needed.

o Activities will be completedconsistent with the proposedtimeline.

o Student attendance will improve inafternoon classes.

b) Develop a compact for all students, parents, teachers,principals and the district that articulates responsibilities for eachparty related to each student’s academic experience. Anattendance commitment will be a component of the compact.

o Conduct a community process thatincludes parents, teachers andstudents who will determine thescope of responsibility for eachparty; conclude process by 3/2006.

o Assemble an internal work groupto develop an appropriate compactimplementation process.

o Conduct a school-based processthat will tailor compacts asappropriate for each setting;conclude process by 5/2006.

o Publish, distribute and collect firstcompact by 8/2006.

o Collect a baseline number ofcompacts for the 2006-2007 schoolyear; grow the number ofstudents/families who signcompacts by 5% annually.

o Among students who signcompacts, over 90% will meet theattendance expectation and graduatefrom high school.

o The District will see a reduction intruancy of at least 10% annually.

o The District will see a reduction instudent mobility of at least 10%annually.

c) Launch a community awareness/partnership campaign;outline specific opportunities for the community to assist in theeffort to keep students in school.

o Convene an advisory committeeby 3/2006 to recommend strategiesfor community involvement inattendance/truancy issues.

o Launch campaign and relatedstrategies in conjunction with thestart of the 2006-2007 school year.

o Refresh campaign each schoolyear.

o Campaign will be executedconsistent with the proposedtimeline.

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d) Recognize schools, teachers and students who meet theattendance expectation or demonstrate significant progress onattendance to create positive incentives around attendanceefforts.

o Publish a report of students whomeet the attendance expectationeach month.

o Identify district-sponsoredrecognition vehicles by 12/2005.

o Encourage schools to develop aunique attendance recognitionprogram by 12/2005.

o Recognize the first group ofstudents who meet the attendanceexpectation in 1/2006 and eachmonth thereafter.

o Deliver a comprehensive recognitionprogram consistent with theproposed timeline.

o Students who meet the attendanceexpectation will increase 5%annually.

o At least 75% of students deemed“chronically truant” will showimproved attendance in thesubsequent years.

Objective 2: The District will implement a uniform method to track the attendance of each student.Activity: Timeframe: Outcome/Measurement:

a) Issue guidelines that detail District expectations for timely andaccurate attendance recording at each school and in eachclassroom.

Note: Guidelines will include an outline of responsibility foreach type of employee involved in attendance recording.

o Completed as of 8/2005.o Guidelines will be redistributed

each new school year.

o All schools received guidelinesduring the first week of school.

o 100% of teachers will recordattendance each day (once per dayat the elementary level and onceper period at the secondary level).

b) Develop a system to monitor student mobility within theDistrict and enable intervention as appropriate.

o Convene an advisory work groupthat includes centraladministrators, technology teammembers, and principals by2/2006 to develop a monitoring/intervention process.

o Engage community partners asneeded for interventions aroundschool change decisions.

o Implement new process inconjunction 2006-2007.

o Mid-year student mobility willdecline by 10% annually.

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Objective 3: The District will use technology to heighten parent, mentor, faculty and principal awareness around student attendance patterns.Activity: Timeframe: Outcome/Measurement:

a) Complete the roll-out of Infinite Campus – DPS’ new studentinformation system – and specifically, capabilities related toattendance.

Roll-out will include:

1) Completion of same day automated phone/email/letternotification capabilities.

2) Completion of Parent and Mentor Portal capabilities.3) Attendance reporting capabilities.

o Complete full installation prior tothe start of the 2006-2007 schoolyear.

o Roll-out will be completed consistentwith the proposed timeline.

o 100% of parents will be contactedvia phone, email or letter notificationupon a daily or period absence.

o The number of parents who rate thephone/email/letter notification as auseful tool on satisfaction surveyswill increase by 10% annually.

o The district will train all interestedparents and/or mentors on portalcapabilities in a variety of trainingsettings.

o Focus groups of parent and/ormentor users will indicate that atleast 90% rate the portal as a usefultool.

o Principals/staff/parents will haveaccess to accurate student attendancerecords on a daily basis.

Objective 4: The District will implement a wide array of interventions at the school level to promote attendance among chronically truantstudents.

Activity: Timeframe: Outcome/Measurement:a) Introduce interventions recommended by the existing TruancyReduction Committee to keep students with attendance issues inan academic setting and out of truancy court.

o Begin intervention programs inconjunction with the 2006-2007school year.

o The District will see a reduction intruancy of at least 10% annually.

o The District will see a reduction instudent mobility of at least 10%annually.

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Denver Goal III: Collaboration among the Denver community and all DPS stakeholders will support our children in a safe, orderly, andenriching environment in every school and classroom.

Component E: District administrators will operate DPS under a coherent, system-wide safety and security structure.

Objectives: 1) The district will abide by a clear and uniform policy for the discipline, suspension, and expulsion of students.

2) DPS will expand cooperation with city safety agencies.

3) All DPS administrators and staff will be aware of and understand use of the Emergency Response and CrisisManagement plan.


City SafetyAgencies

CoherentSafety & Security





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Goal III: Collaboration among the Denver community and all DPS stakeholders will support our children in a safe, orderly, and enrichingenvironment in every school and classroom.Component E: District administrators will operate DPS under a coherent, system-wide safety and security structure.Objective 1: The Denver Public Schools will abide by a clear and uniform policy for the discipline, suspension, and expulsion of students.

Activity: Timeframe: Outcome/Measurement:a) Identify a comprehensive set of indicators that measure safetyin areas involving students and staff, facilities, environmentalissues and emergency plans.

o Finalize indicators by 3/2006. o Indicators will be utilized and trackedin every school by 8/2006.

b) Conduct community forums and parent focus groups tocollect feedback on the safety indicators, proper discipline,suspension and expulsion guidelines (except for incidents forwhich law delineates a clear course of action).

o Complete forums and focus groupsby 3/2006.

o Revise the student disciplinepolicy by 7/2006.

o Feedback will be incorporated into apublic matrix of safe and orderlyschool metrics.

o After collecting baseline data inspring 2006, the number of parentsand community members whoindicate on the annual satisfactionsurvey that the District is takingsufficient steps to provide a safe andorderly environment for children willincrease by 5% annually.

c) Revise and re-publish the student discipline policy,incorporating broad community feedback.

o Collect feedback from allconstituent groups by 4/2006.

o Secure Board of Educationapproval by 6/2006.

o Conduct staff training by 8/2006.o Begin implementation by 8/2006.

o The student discipline policy will berevised and implemented consistentwith the proposed timeline.

d) Publicly report safety, discipline, suspension and expulsioninformation as per metrics defined in the Balanced Scorecard foreach Denver Public School (See Denver Public SchoolsBalanced Scorecard on page XX of The Denver Plan).

o Begin reporting cycle inconjunction with the 2006-2007school year.

o The Balanced Scorecard will beutilized and tracked in every schoolas of August 2006.

o The district will see improvedreporting accuracy related todiscipline incidents, suspensions andexpulsions annually.

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e) Audit a sample of schools to ensure consistency of practiceand reporting and accordance with the Colorado Department ofEducation requirements.

o Audits will occur at a randomselection of schools on a quarterlybasis.

o The district will conduct and publishresults of the audits consistent withthe proposed timeline.

o Consistency of reporting willincrease over time.

f) Explore and implement programs, such as Restorative Justiceand alternative sentencing, which may serve as effectivealternatives to traditional disciplinary practice.

o Convene an advisory committeeby 3/2006 to research effectiveprograms and identifyopportunities for implementationin the Denver Public Schools.

o Hear recommendations by 4/2006.o Implement programs in

conjunction with the 2006-2007school year.

o Measure effectiveness on anannual basis.

o Students who are served throughalternative discipline programs andapproaches will demonstrate adecrease in behavioral incidents.

Objective 2: The Denver Public Schools will expand cooperation with city safety agencies.Activity: Timeframe: Outcome/Measurement:

a) Review all existing agreements with the city that relate to safeand orderly schools.

Examples include:o Intergovernmental agreement with the Denver Police

Department.o Informal agreement with the Denver Fire Department.

o Evaluate all existing relationshipsby 4/2006.

o Propose any agreementmodifications by 5/2006.

o Partnership agreements will befinalized consistent with theproposed timeline.

o Incident response will occur as perthe agreements in 100% of cases onrecord.

b) Forge new relationships that will foster safer schoolenvironments.

o Identify new opportunities forcollaboration by 5/2006.

o Finalize new agreements by8/2006.

o New partnership agreements will beconsistent with the proposedtimeline.

o Incident response will occur as perthe agreements in 100% of cases onrecord.

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Objective 3: DPS administrators and staff will be aware of and understand use of the Emergency Response and Crisis Management plan.Activity: Timeframe: Outcome/Measurement:

a) Conduct district-wide professional development around theEmergency Response and Crisis Management plan.

o Training will be conducted overthe summer on an annual basis.

o All school-based staff willparticipate in Emergency Responseand Crisis Management plantraining.

b) Each school will develop a unique Emergency Response andCrisis Management plan that is adapted appropriately for itsbuilding and team.

o Individual school plans will besubmitted to the District by 9/1each year.

o All school-based plans will besubmitted in a timely manner.

o All schools will ensure propereducation surrounding the plan byconducting drills at least once permonth.

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Denver Goal III: Collaboration among the Denver community and all DPS stakeholders will support our children in a safe, orderly, andenriching environment in every school and classroom.

Component F: District administrators will operate DPS with maximum efficiency and accountability.

Objectives: 1) Each department will work to develop a customer-focused culture with emphasis on continuous improvement andcustomer service to principals, teachers, other school and central employees.

2) All budgeted district resources will be aligned with the strategic plan goals and objectives.

3) Responsibility for all budgeted resources and related decision-making processes will be consolidated.

4) Individual schools will be held accountable for excellence in student achievement and efficient operations through arevised school improvement planning process.

5) A standing body of citizens will take stewardship of The Denver Plan.

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Goal III: Collaboration among the Denver community and all DPS stakeholders will support our children in a safe, orderly, and enrichingenvironment in every school and classroom.Component F: District administrators will operate DPS with maximum efficiency and accountability.Objective 1: Each department will work to develop a customer-focused culture with emphasis on continuous improvement and customer serviceto principals, teachers, other school and central employees.

Activity: Timeframe: Outcome/Measurement:a) Establish district-wide expectations for excellence in customerservice. Expectations would apply to all types of DPSrelationships, including but not limited to the following:

1) Administrative staff and parents/students2) Administrative staff and principals/teachers3) Administrative departments

o Convene a cross-functionalcommittee to develop standardsand best practices by 3/2006.

o Publish standards by 6/2006.o Distribute standards in conjunction

with the 2006-2007 school year.

o Expectations will be consistent withthe proposed timeline.

o All Denver Public Schools staff willbe aware of and abide by customerservice expectations.

b) Require each department to identify function-specificperformance metrics that measure support for overall Districtgoals.

o Identify metrics by 8/2006. o Each department will be measuredagainst function-specific standardsand metrics annually.

c) Evaluate customer service support via satisfaction surveyscompleted by departments, schools, parents and students.

o Distribute surveys at the end ofeach school year, beginning withthe 2006-2007 school year.

o The number of favorable customerservice ratings by department willincrease 5% annually.

Objective 2: All budgeted district resources will be aligned with the strategic plan goals and objectives.Activity: Timeframe: Outcome/Measurement:

a) Review all current district expenditures in the context ofstrategic plan goals.

This effort will include a process for prioritization, including:o Review current expenditures and map to District goals

and priorities.o Identify and eliminate expenditures that do not map to

District goals and priorities.o Reallocate resources as appropriate.

o Annual and ongoing. Eachdepartment will be required toconduct this effort on an annualbasis; however, the budget willneed to be flexible toaccommodate changes to thestrategic plan over time.

o The Citizen’s Guide to theDenver Public Schools formatwill denote clearly the alignmentof resources with district goalsand objectives.

o Parents and community memberswho participate in budget-relatedfocus groups will report that theinformation is “transparent.”

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b) Adopt a set of coherent budget principles that guide Districtfinancial planning.

o Secure Board of Educationapproval on budget principles by12/2005.

o DPS will have coherent guidelinesthat inform the budgeting process.

c) Offer a financial incentive to schools that are able to growenrollment over and above annual projections.

o Convene an internal work groupby 1/2006 to determineenrollment-driven fundingparameters.

o Begin incentive program inconjunction with the 2006-2007school year.

o All DPS schools will be motivatedto participate in the effort toincrease enrollment.

o At least 50% of schools will growtheir enrollment above projectionsannually.

d) Review the District continuous-year calendar in the context ofresources required and academic achievement.

o Conduct an analysis ofexpenditures associated with thecontinuous year calendar by12/2005.

o Conduct an analysis of academicperformance data at continuousyear schools by 12/2005.

o Use findings to analyze theefficacy of maintaining twocalendars in the District.

o DPS will channel resources toprogramming with proven academicoutcomes.

Objective 3: Responsibility for all budgeted resources and related decision-making processes will be consolidated.Activity: Timeframe: Outcome/Measurement:

a) Transfer responsibility for management and disbursement ofall Mill Levy, General Obligation Bond, and Title funding to theDenver Public Schools Budget and Finance Department.

o Complete consolidation by3/2006.

o Consolidation of budgetresponsibility will be completedconsistent with the proposedtimeline.

b) Transfer responsibility for management and disbursement ofdistrict, state and federal grant funding to the Denver PublicSchools Budget and Finance Department.

o Complete consolidation by9/2006.

o Consolidation of budgetresponsibility will be completedconsistent with the proposedtimeline.

c) Establish clear guidelines and an approval process around alldistrict expenditures.

o Publish guidelines and a formalapproval process by 3/2006.

o Publication of guidelines andprocess will be completedconsistent with the proposedtimeline.

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d) Establish clear delineation between funds that areappropriately overseen by the Denver Public Schools Foundationand those which are appropriately overseen by the Denver PublicSchools.

o Complete agreement withFoundation by 12/2005.

o Begin redirection of funds asappropriate by beginning of nextbudget cycle.

o Agreement will be forgedconsistent with the proposedtimeline.

Objective 4: Individual schools will be held accountable for excellence in student achievement and efficient operations through a revised schoolimprovement planning process.

Activity: Timeframe: Outcome/Measurement:a) Revise the School Improvement Planning process to ensurethat all schools set goals, objectives and strategies that arealigned with The Denver Plan and Balanced Scorecard.

The new school improvement plans will feature:

1) A consistent school improvement plan template.2) Consistent metrics and goals around student learning,

attendance, behavior, school capacity and climate.3) Improvement strategies that accommodate unique school

program and configuration situations.4) Alignment with timelines for federal and state

accountability initiatives & district and stateaccreditation processes.

5) Reflection of the budget and teacher staffing cycles.

o Convene an advisory work groupin 12/2005 to develop plantemplates and review planningprocess.

o Begin professional developmentfor principals and assistantprincipals in 3/2006.

o Collect plans from each school onan annual basis.

o Each DPS school will have a highquality improvement plan.

b) DPS will leverage the Colorado Department of EducationSchool Improvement Grants (select schools receive $50K inyear one; $100K in year two) to support District schools withthe highest need based on student achievement data.

o Complete grant applications perthe 2005-2006 CDE timeline andeach year thereafter.

o DPS schools with the mostsignificant needs will have theresources to execute an intensiveschool improvement strategy.

Objective 5: A standing body of citizens will take stewardship of The Denver Plan.Activity: Timeframe: Outcome/Measurement:

a) Convene a group of approximately 150 citizens of Denver tohold the District accountable to goals, objectives and activitiesas outlined in The Denver Plan and the DPS BalancedScorecard.

o Convene the committee by3/2006.

o DPS will report progress to thecommittee on a quarterly basis.

o DPS will make progress toward allDistrict goals as stated.

o DPS will win broad communityconfidence from Denver.

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Appendix B:School Leadership Development Framework

Leadership capability is a combination of knowledge, understandings, attitudes, skills and personal qualities across five domains that enables aperson to perform to a high standard in a given leadership role or context.


Professional values and ethicsSchool leaders are passionate about learning and have strong beliefs in the value of their work and the importance of professional ethics.

For example they:o Maintain a commitment to ethical values and professional practice at all times.o Serve as positive role models for others.o Display respect, knowledge, and understanding of the social, ethnic, cultural, and religious backgrounds of their learning community.

Personal strengths and commitment to ongoing personal and professional developmentSchool leaders use their knowledge of self to maximize overall performance of themselves and others.

For example they:o Remain calm under pressure and manage their emotions.o Nurture a sense of humor and maintain a balanced perspective.o Display resilience in recovering quickly from adversity and setbacks.o Accept constructive feedback, reflect upon and act on this feedback.o Manage personal time effectively, prioritize appropriately and delegate efficiently.o Acknowledge conflicts and act to resolve them appropriately.o Understand their personal strengths and development needs as a school leader.o Take calculated risks and implement new projects with confidence.o Develop and implement a plan for future personal and professional development.

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Decision-making and judgmentSchool leaders focus on the big picture, develop workable plans and evaluate the implications of their actions.

For example they:o Gather and evaluate information thoroughly before making a decision, but are prepared to be decisive when necessary.o Extract the key issues from complex data and information.o Show understanding of the impact of their decisions on others and on current systems; they take this into consideration before acting.o Identify the real cause of a problem and work to resolve it.o Recognize and appreciate complex relationships.o Recognize how activities that are apparently unconnected link to make up an overall picture.


Effective communicationSchool leaders communicate at a high level of effectiveness to a wide range of audiences and groups.

For example they:o Use active listening and questioning skills effectively to ensure understanding and to clarify issues.o Provide personal and public recognition and praise across the school community.o Express ideas logically and fluently, adapting style to suit the needs of different audiences.o Provide constructive and professional feedback, coaching and mentoring to members of the school community.o Use appropriate communication technologies effectively.

Productive relationshipsSchool leaders develop and sustain productive relationships within and beyond the school community.

For example they:o Create a climate of mutual respect and support.o Mediate, negotiate and implement appropriate conflict resolution strategies.o Recognize and acknowledge everyone as an individual with their own qualities and strengths.o Build cohesive, collaborative teams.o Understand and utilize the diversity of skills and talents within the school community.o Give constructive feedback to work colleagues and others in a context of mutual professional respect.o Delegate authority and responsibility for key tasks and ensure appropriate support is accessible.

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o Encourage parent participation and active contributions within the school from other stakeholders.o Encourage, develop and support learning networks.

Inspiring othersSchool leaders develop effectiveness by inspiring, motivating and celebrating achievement.

For example they:o Display understanding of and skill in motivating different groups.o Celebrate student and staff achievement through a range of highly visible strategies.o Use a range of influence strategies that engage all staff in the school’s programs and policies.o Maintain high visibility and devote considerable time to interact with students, staff and community.


Pedagogical knowledgeSchool leaders demonstrate expert knowledge of the core business of teaching, learning, curriculum, assessment and reporting.

For example they:o Display high level understanding of the conditions that promote quality teaching and learning.o Articulate an informed and cohesive philosophy of learning and teaching.o Understand and clearly articulate the links between curriculum, assessment and pedagogy.o Show understanding of current international and national perspectives on curriculum, assessment and pedagogy in conceptualizing teaching

and learning programs.

Pedagogical applicationSchool leaders apply knowledge and understanding to inform, plan, implement, monitor and evaluate teaching, learning, assessment and reportingpractices across the school.

For example they:o Demonstrate skills to promote, identify, and evaluate the quality of classroom practice.o Implement high-leverage strategies that align curriculum, teaching and learning, assessment and reporting.o Engage in substantive professional conversation and debate about curriculum, teaching, learning and assessment issues.

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Building an environment that maximises student learningSchool leaders have expert knowledge and understanding of student learning, development and behavior and apply this information to thedevelopment of systems to support learners and learning.

For example they:o Create a safe and productive learning environment.o Understand how best to develop systems to support student learning, development and behavior.o Model and promote respect for the diversity of student backgrounds, experiences, developmental needs and learning approaches.o Use current learning research to embed continuous improvement in teaching and learning programs.o Develop a strong culture of student leadership and decision-making.

Building learning communitiesSchool leaders develop and sustain a professional learning community.

For example they:o Develop and contribute positively to team-based programs.o Help others in the workplace through best practice in adult learning and critical reflection.o Actively participate in and contribute to teaching and learning networks in and between schools.o Participate in action research projects and use findings to influence school practices where appropriate.


Building school vision and cultureSchool leaders lead the school community to develop, articulate and commit to a shared educational vision focused on quality teaching and learning.

For example they:o Articulate a shared vision for the school and communicate this vision widely.o Foster an innovative, futures-focused culture based on a commitment to continuous improvement.

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Strategic planningSchool leaders systematically gather and evaluate information from a broad variety of sources and use that information to think and plan creativelyand strategically.

For example they:o Use effective change management principles, strategies and practices to achieve continuous improvement in staff and student learning.o Develop systems and processes to encourage and support others towards forward thinking, innovation and responsive, flexible solutions.o Demonstrate lateral and strategic thinking, drawing on their own wisdom and that of others.

Building leadershipSchool leaders recognize, promote and build the leadership capacity of staff, students, parents and the community to enhance leadership densityacross the school community.For example they:

o Create a culture that recognizes the value of significant leadership density in empowering members of the school community.o Negotiate and implement a variety of leadership development strategies such as delegation of authority and responsibility, coaching and

mentoring.o Establish and maintain processes to ensure the emergence and support of teacher and student leadership.

AdvocacySchool leaders influence the educational debate, advocate for their schools and public education, and engage the support of stakeholders andpolicymakers.

For example they:o Actively and regularly consult with relevant stakeholders.o Proudly promote the profession of teaching at every opportunity.o Act as an advocate and provide a voice for students, staff and parents.o Build strategic alliances to engage and mobilize the support of policymakers, unions, students, parents and the community.o Play a proactive role in shaping the future of education in DPS by promoting their leadership, their school, the profession and by

publicizing education in the community.

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Operating effectively within a regulatory and organizational frameworkSchool leaders efficiently and effectively apply expert knowledge of legislative, curriculum and policy requirements.

For example they:o Design, implement and evaluate plans, policies and procedures to ensure alignment of system priorities with school community

expectations.o Display an in-depth understanding of the challenges of managing a complex organization.o Report regularly to their school community on the performance of the school and on improvements in targeted areas.

PersonnelSchool leaders develop and implement effective personnel management structures, strategies and procedures.

For example they:o Negotiate and implement processes and programs to develop staff professional skills and capabilities.o Develop and implement initiatives to facilitate and enhance staff well-being.o Maintain effective processes to support and monitor staff performance.o Negotiate and implement processes to ensure staff meet accountability requirements.

Management of resources to achieve goalsSchool leaders manage effectively and accountably within their delegated responsibilities.

For example they:o Monitor and evaluate policies, procedures and practices to refine and improve performance.o Develop and implement an effective management cycle to facilitate data analysis, planning, budget allocation and accountability.o Effectively utilize this process in the management of curriculum organization, educational programs, general resource management and

school finance.o Use IT effectively to communicate and perform key work functions.

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Managing systems and processesSchool leaders create and utilize effective management systems and processes.

For example they:o Set and justify priorities.o Ensure that opportunities for critical reflection, systematic monitoring, and review processes are embedded into the change process.o Engage all members of the school community in consultation and in participative decision-making.o Develop and communicate clear statements regarding structures, processes, delegations, roles, responsibilities and accountabilities within

the school community.o Ensure clear accountabilities are evident in documentation and in protocols and procedures adopted by members of the school community.
