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The Douglas independent. (Roseburg, Or.) 1884-06-28 [p ]. · 2015. 2. 5. · FOSHGN TELEGRAPHIC...

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DOMESTIC TELEaZAPHIC HEWS. FOSHGN TELEGRAPHIC TTEWi. POETLABD MABZET EJEPOIiT. 07ES-W0BK- EP STTSISTESS XO. As a restorer of exhausted nerve force, THE DOCTOR'S EHDORSEMEST. Dr. W. D. Wright, Cincinnati, O., sends the (Wi m Li m llrULJj!)lj.)jxi , imir rmrr- mi - 3GC a 0 - 3J o Uqualt Strongest, Purest, Best and Most Econom- ical in the Market. - Never Varies In Qua ity Recommended to CONSUMERS by leading Physi- cians, Chemists and members of the Baa Francisco Board of Health. PREPARED BY THB BOTHIN MANUFACTURING COMPANY, San Fbascisco and Sacramento. The Science of Life, Only $1. BY liiAIL. POST-PAI- D. KHOW THYSELF.Z J A Great Meiical fort Da Hanlcc Exhausted Vitality. Nervous and Physical Debility. Premature Decline in man. Errors of Youth, and the un- told miseries resulting from indiscretions or excesses. A hook for ererj man, young middle-age- d and old. It cod tains 125 prescriptions for all acute and ahronio diseases, each one of which is invaluable. So found by the autho. whose experience for 23 years is such as probably never before fell to the lot of any physician. 300 pages, bound In beautiful French muslin, embossed covers, full gilt, guaranteed to be a finer work in every sense mechaniaal literary and professional thui any other work sold in this country for $2.50, or the money will de refunded in every instance, race only si uu Dy man, post-pai- o. juiuaira-tir- o sample 6 cents. Send now. Gold medal awarded the author by tha National Medical Association, to th officers of which be refers. The Science of Life should be read by the young (or instruction, and by the amicted tor relief. It will bene- - ntaUL lxmaon Lancet. There is no member of society to whom the Science of Life will not be useful, whether youth, parent, guardian, instructor or alergyman. Tribune. Address the Peabody Medical Institute, or Dr. W. H Parker, No. 4 Bullfinch s'eet, Boston, Mass., who may be sousulted on all diseases requiring skill and experi- ence. Ohronia and obstinate diseases aj t? A I that have baffled the skill of all other physi- - n si MS-da- m a specialty. Such treated success- - TUV 1? I C" ful& without an instance of failure. IniaCUri N, B. Send money by Registered Letter or P. O. Or- der. Books aan be sent to any address on the Pacific Coast as safely aa at home. Concealed in substantial wrappers Dearina out tne applicant i address. Ncrotam. OJtnt th untujprcud can if it A- - mfllMT.ni ti inl' nil crt J Bit ASS ICOMPRESSOR S6, ao i 5. Bars cure wllhoui oprlloti. i;ircuim ua CI7ULS A0SHC7. ISO Mtn St., H1 Ittt Te hava COOO HEALTH ike ITTES wast ba kept hi artlon DR. SANFORD'8 LIVER INY1CORATPR Just what its name implies; a Vegetable luver Medioine.and for diseases resulting from a deranged or torpid condition of the Liver; such asBiliousness, Costivehess. Janndioe, Dyspepsia. Malaria, Sheumatism. etc An invaluable Fam- ily Medicine. For full information send your ad--: dress on a postal card for 100 page book on the "Liver and Its Diseases," to DR. 6AM10BD, Si Duane Street, New York. ASK BHtiISI WILL TfcLL I0U IT9 &EFCTATIO.T. 5 n 2 Scales of all Iinds. EVERY SCALE GUARANTEED. Old Safes taken in Exchange. Safes Sold on Inutallments. Write for Prices. W. B. WILSHIRE & CO. Portland and San Francisco. FLOUR Fancy extra, . bbL $4775; bakers' extra, country, $ 4.004.50; superfine. $3.75. FK1SD, Etc. Corn meal, 100 lbs., $2.75 3.00: buckwheat, $5.50; oat meal. $4.00 .&; craefced wheat, $3.25ft&3.50; bran, V ton $1416: shorts. $2225: middlings. fine. $25.0030.00: hay. baled. S18.0020.00; chop, $22.5025.0U; oil cake meal, $35.00. BUTTER Fancy, fresh roll. W It... 25 26c; inferior, grade, 1820c; pickled, 25c EGG- S- doz., 20c OATS Choice milling, nominal: good feed, 50c. ordinary feed, 4850c. JiAiUitt x brewing, V ii i&s., nominal; feed, nominal; ground. $24.0026.00. WHEAT Good to choice, 100 lbs.. $1.40l.42i, good valley; Walla Walla and Eastern Oregon, $1.35. FISH Extra Pacific codfish, whole, in e., 7c boneless, in bxs.. 8ic 1? lb.: domestic salmon, hi bbls., $6.007.00. bbls.: $11.00, d. cans, v doz., $1.45: mackerel, No. 1, V kit, $1.752.00, No. 2, $1.501.75, No. 1, hf bbls.. $10.00. No. 2. $8.50: herrings. salted, hf bbls.. . dried, 10-l- b. bxs.. Toe HIDES AND BAGS Hides, dry. over 16 15., 15., 1718c; Murrain hides, one-thir- d off; hides, wet salted, over 55 Bs., lb., 6 7c (one-thir- d less for light weights, dam- aged, cut grubby or dry salted); pelts, shearling, 1085c; deer skins, winter, 1215c, Eastern Oregon, 22c, summer, E 0., 1820c, valley, 2528c: burlaps, 40 in., 8c, 45 in., 8Jc 60 in., 14c; twine, flour, 35 40c, wheat, 35c, fleece, 1213c; gunnies. 18c: wheat sacks, 78c: HUiNiii In comb. & lb.. 22 a 25c: strained in 5 gal., 11c tins, doz, $14.0015.00, half -- gal., $7.50. HOPS W 15., 15 20c; PROVISIONS Bacon. lli12ic: hams. country, v ., iKSioc, butcher, scarce; shoulders, iuiic - LAKD Kegs. 15.. I2c: Eastern. pails, 1213ic Oregon, tins, 1212ic; Cali- - tornia, iu-- u. tins, none SUGARS Golden C. in bbls.. lb.. 8c. in hf bbls., 8c; refined D, bbls., 7c, hi bbls., 71c; dry granulated, bbls., 9Je, hf bbls.. U2c: crushed, bbls.. 10c: fine crushed, bbls., 10c, hf bbls., 10c; cube, bbls. 10c hf bbls, 10jc; islands, No. 1, kgs. 77c, bgs., bwc WWII Ufw f V ifAvnia affrtAKtr lal 19 Mkl bbls., 40c. kgs., 50c, cs., gal. tins, 60c; isastern. bbls., rgal., 505oc, kgs, dOttoc, s., eo6oc RICE Sandwich Islands. No. 1. V lb.. 5jc; Uhlna mixed, 45c; China JNo. l, none: Rangoon, 5c GREEN FRUITS Apples, bx., $1.50 2.00; lemons, California, $4.005.00, Sicily, $1&0013.UO; oranges, bx., $4.004.50 limes. 100. $1.50(&2.00 FRUITS Prunes, Hungarian, 13a 15c; raisins (new), & bx., $Z.50Z.75, bxs., $2.753.00, qr bxs., $3.253.3o, 8th in bxs., 10c: citron, lb. in drums, 22ic; almonds, Marseilles, & id., lom'Mc, Lane, 20c; walnuts, Chili, ll12ic, California. 1213C DRIED FRUITS -B- leached, 14 15c; apples, machine-cured- , p 15., isioc, sun cured. 910c: peaches, machine-cured- , in boxes, lamlc: uerman, in boxes, & id., iu lie: plums, sum-cure- d, pitless, 1516c, machine-cured- , 1618c; pears, machine- - cured, 1012c, sun-cure- d, 10llc; figs, California. Jto-u- ). bx.. yc: Smyrna, auctpoc WOOL Valley. 1416e; Eastern Ore gon. 14(ffll5C POULTRYChickens, doz., spring, $4.50(35.50. old. $6.50: ducks. S10.0012.00 geese, $8.0010.00; turkeys, 15., 12$14c PEAS, SEEDS, Etc. Beans, lb., pea, 4c, s. w., 3c, lg. w., 4ic, bayou, 4Jc, pink, e, limas, t4c; peas, held, 'ih6c. sweet, l20c; timothy seed, 10A12c, red clover, 2225c. white clover, 4050c, alfalfa, 16 20c, hungarian grass, 810c, millet, 8(2;l0c. red top, 15W17C, blue grass, lawaoc, raes- - (juite grass, 10&!l2Ac. vegetables Potatoes, bu., em 60c according to variety: cabbage, & lb, 2c; turnips, sck., $1.25: carrots, $1.25 beeta, if onions mew), y id., 15c; pars nips. 2c. CHEESE California. 1517c; Oregon large, choice. 14(Su7c small, none. BUCKWHEAT Nominal, $3.00. CORN No demand. RYE Nominal, 100 lbs.,$1.502.00 SAN FRANCISCO MARKETS. RECEIPTS Wheat, 2.500 ctls.: flcur, 10.000 qr. sks.: oats, 60O ctls.; potatoes,!, 800 sks.: eggs. 7.000 doz. FLOUR San Francisco extra, best, "at $5.005.30; medium, $3.504.5O; shipping superfffie. $3.004.5J5. WHEAT Trading was Quite light, Shippers paid but little attention to offer ings, showing no disposition to buy, ai though admitting their willingness to ffiv 911.45 tf.ctl for trood shinning grades, and this figure is about the full limit of exporters. Parcels that can be classed as of milling quality bring higher prices, Altogether, some 700 tons sold as follows Buver 1884 200 tons. $1,531. Seller 1884100 tons, $1.41, 200, $1.41 tl. j Clrminsr nrio.p.a were: No. 1 white Bid. Asked. Buver season......... $1 46 $1 46 Seller season.. 1 39 1 39 Buyer 1884..... I 524 ..... Seller 1884. 1 40 1 40f BAGS AND BAGGING There appears to be a good demand for wheat bags. We ouote Calcutta. 22x26. standard Quality, at 74(&7fic for spot or June delivery. Wool bags are nominal at 3639c; potato gun nies 1414c apiece. , BARLEY Although there is no very general or pronounced demand, the feel- - is a shade stronger than at the close of last week. Offerings are comparatively free, but there is no pressure to sell, while holders are quite firm in asking rates. Some fairly good feed, rather light, sold by sample at 82Jc, but for anything choice 85c ctl was the ruling figure. For a par- cel of good No. 2 quality, an offer offer of 774c V ctl was refused. In brewing the movement is moderately steady, and fair transactions are dailv occurring within a range of yoU7jc ctl, according to qual ity. bales last wees were as follows: Buyer season 200 tons, 974c Seller season 100 tans, 851c Buyer 1884400 tons, 9394c $ ctl. OATS The market is inactive, especial ly for small jobbing lots, which, however, are not quicic 01 movement. We quote: Surprise and milling, $1.70 l.8U; Sio. 1, $i.55i.e&; wo. v $LoO 1.45: blacft, S1.351.50 V ctl. SEEDS Brown mustard, $3,00 3.50 yellow, $2.753.00; canary, 55ic; hemp, 3i3c: rape, 2A3c: timothy, oi6c al falfa, 7i8c $ lb. : flaxV $2.602.75 ctl. HAY Alfalfa, $8.008.00; wheat, $10.50 l3.oo; oat,$lu.5Uiz.uo: barley,- - $.oo 10.00: mixed. $7.00(19.00 W ton. BEANS We ouote as follows: Pea,$2.75 2.80: small white, $2.60 V ctl.: bayos, $4.75; pinks, $4.65; red jobbing at $5.00; li mas, $2.85; butter, $3.05. BUTTER Good to choice roll, lb, 2224c: fair, 1218c; firkin, 2123c; east ern, I4lc HONEY Extracted, 661o lb for choice: comb, 1012Jc; extra white, 13 live, 2123c tf R for hens, and 2021c for gobblers, geese, Sl.z51.50 v pair; ducks. $7.00 9.00 V doz. : hens, $8.00 9.50; roesters, young, $9.0012.00, old do, $7.50 8.50; broilers, $3.oo4.00, according to size ONIONS Geod to choice, ctl, 70(2 80c. POTATOES We quote: Old early rose, $1.50; old reds, $1,00(1.00; old whites, 60c $1.00 ctl; new mission garnet chile, 11c $ Vb new early rose, in bxs and bgs, lj2c. STRAW Quotable at 4555c bale. BUCKWHEAT Quotable at $3.253.50 ctl CORN California yeliew is quotable at $1.(301.65 for large, and $1.65 for small; white, $1.57J1.65; Nebraska white, $1.50 L55i?ctl. . TALLOW ood to choice rendered, 6i 7c; refined, 8i8$c lb. HOPS-Quot- able at 1016c, lb for poor to medium,and 1822Jc for good U choice. APPLES Oregon, bx., $1.80. HIDES Dry. V lb., usual selection. 19 20c; dry kip, 1920c; dry calf, 2022ic: salted steers, 65 lbs, 11c LARD Eastern refined, 3 to 10-l- b. tins, 1212c Other provisions unchanged. SALSION Oregon, 1-- Ib cans, v doz., t'o. b., $1.20, $1.22. EGGS f doz.. 23c BRAN The spot market is quotable at $15.5016.50per ton. MIDDLINGS Active at $19.0021.00 ton. it has been largely shown during the past thirteen rears that the New Vitalizing Treatment dispensed by Drs. Starkey & Palen, 1109 Girard street, Philadelphia, Pa., is the most prompt and efficient agent yet discoyered by the medical profession. Its use by over-worke- d business and pro fessional men would save many hundreds of lives every year, and to give to thous- ands more the ability to work without the weariness, exhaustion, and peril which now attend them. A pamphlet contain ing full particulars in regard to the na ture and action of this remarsaoie treat- ment will be mailed free. Write for it. All orders for the Compound Oxygen Home Treatment directed to 1L E. Math- ews. 606 Montgomery Street, San Fran cisco, will be filled on the same terms as if sent directly to us in Philadelphia. It's a aueer coincidence but nearly all defaulters are "fly" fellows. AN ASHY EXPERIENCE. How an Old Veteran Escaped Anni hilation and Lived to Impart a Warn Ins to Others. (National Tribune of Washington.) A pleasing occurrence which has just come to our notice in connection with the New York state meeting of the Grand Army of the Republic is so unusual in many respects that we venture to repro-produc- e it for the benefit of our leaders. uaptain Aiirea itensom, or ixew xotk. while pacing in the lobby of the armory, previous to one of the meet- ings, suddenly stopped and scanned the face f ot a gentleman who was in earnest conversation with one of the Grand Army officers. It seemed to him that he had seen that face before, partially obscured by the smoke of battle, and yet this bright and pleasant countenance could not be the same pale, and death-lik- e visage, which he so dimly remembered. 11U A CvvllvWVlUUi 11AV JUUV 0 uuou would not down at command and haunted him the entire day. On the day following he again saw the same counten ance, and ventured to speak to its owner. The instant the two veterans heard each other's voices that instant they recognized and called each other by name. Their faces, and forms had changed, but their voices were the same, xne roan whom Captain Rensom had recognized was Mr. W. K. Sage, of St. Johns, Mich, a veteran of the Twenty-thir- d New York Light Ar tillery and both members of Burnside's fa mous expedition to worth uarolina. Alter the first greetings !were over. Captain Rensom said: "It hardly seems possible. Sage, to see you in this condition, for I thought you muse nave oeen aeaa long ago. "Yes. 1 do not doubt it. for. if 1 am not mistaken, when we last met I was occupy ing a couch in the hospital, a victim of Yellow Jack' in its worst form. "I remember. The war seems to have caused more misery since its close than when it was In progress," replied the Cap- tain. "I meet old comrades frequently who are suffering terribly, not so much from old wounds as from the malarial poi- - "I think so myself. When the war closed I returned home and at times I would feel well, but every few weeks that confounded 'all-gon- e feeling would come upon me again. My nervous system, which was snattered in the service, failed me entirely and produced one of the worst possible cases of nervous dyspepsia. Most of the time I had no appetite: then again I would become ravenoubly hui;rry, but the minute I sat down to eat I loathed food. My skin was dry and parched, my flesh loose and flabby. I could hold noth- ing on my stomach for days at a time, and what little I did eat failed to assimilate. I was easily fatigued: my mind was de- pressed; I was cross and irritable and many a night my heart would pain me so I could not sleep, and when I did I had horrid dreams and frightful nightmares. Of course, these things came on one by one, each worse thn the other. My breath was foul, my tongue was coated, my teeth decayed. I had terrific headaches which would leave my nervous system com- pletely shattered. In fact my existence, since the war, has been a living death, from which I have often prayed for re- lease." "Couldn't the old surgeon do you any good?" "I wrote him and he treated me, but like every other doctor, failed. They all said my nerve was gone and without that to build upon I could not get well. When I was at my worst, piles of the severest nature came upon me. Then my liver gave out and without the use of cathar tics 1 could not move my ooweis at au. My blood got like a stream of fire and seemed literally to burn me alive." "Well you might better have died in battle, quick, and without ceremony." O "How many times I have wished I had died the dav we captured Newberne."i "And yet you are now the picture of health." "And the picture is taken from life. I am in perfect condition. My nerve tone is restored; my stomach reinvigorated; my flesh is hard and healthy; in fact I have new blood, new energy and a new lease of life wholly as the result of using War- ner's Tippecanoe. This remarkable pre- paration, which I consider the finest tonic and stomach restorer in the world, has overcome all the evil influences of mala- ria, all the poison of the army, all traces of dyspepsia, all mal-assimilati- of food, and indeed made a new man of me." The Captain remained silent for awhile evidently musing over his recollections of the past. When he again raised his head he said: "It would be a godsend if all the veter- ans who have suffered so intensely and also all others m the land who are endur ing so much misery could know of your experience. Sage, and the way by which you have been restored." And that is why the above conversation is recounted. The second largest source of revenue to the u. s. uovernment from any one branch of business, is derived from the production and manufacture of tobacco. Blackwell's Durham Tobacco Co., of Dur- ham," N. C, claims to be the largest manu facturer of Smoking Tobacco in the world The reputation of Blackwell's Genuine Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco is too firmly established to need any commend ation at our hands. In another column our readers will notice their new an- nouncement which is of interest to all lovers of the weed. ; The company are perfectly responsible, and when they an- nounce that they will give away $11,950 in cash, it is an assured fact that they mean just what they say. Smokers will find an opportunity of combining business with pleasure by reading their announcement- - "itouGH on Cobns."! 15c Ask for it. Complete cure, hard or soft corns, warts, bunions. j .. We take pleasure in! referring the pub- lic of the merits of Papillon Catarrh Cure. It will cure ChroDic Catarrh, Cold in the Head, Rose-col- d, and j for Hay Fever no remedy is aa effective, j It has cured hun- dreds of cases, j Treatment for Sunburn. Camelline for the complexion will afford relief in all cases. I Dr. Henletfs Celery; Beef apd Iron is the best Nerve Tonic ever discovered. No remedy equals Papillon Skin Cure for Eczema or Scrofula, curing the most obstinate cases. j CATARRH A New Treatment whereby a permanent cure is effected in from one to three applications. Particulars and trea- tise free on receipt of stamp. A, H. Dixon & Son, 305 King street west, Toronto, Can. A CARD To all who are Buffering1 from errors and indiscretions of youth, nervons weakness, early decay, losa of manhood, etc, I will send a receipe that . w j via, m mm., v.- vnni.i. .UWgl.IQUJTO was discovered by a xniasiooery in South America. Send envelope to Kv. Joseph T. Is-- Station D, New York, j The life of Henry George Is in readiness for the printers. A prison is being built at Zacatecas, Mexico, for women. English soldiers and rebels exchanged shots at Suakim last week. The weather in England is so cold that fears are entertained for the crops. Dreysen, an eminent professor f his- tory in the University of Berlin, is dead. A large number of houses were de- stroyed by fire in Pisagua, Peru, recently. Earl Spencer arrived last week at Bel- fast, Ireland. Great enthusiasm pre- vailed. Maver has leased the Port St. Martin, Paris, and engaged Sarah Bernhardt for seven years. TowelL American minister to London, will celebrate the Fourth of July, and has issued tickets for a dinner. A Berlin dispatch' says: It is stated that a bill is being prepared raising the import duties on grain. An Ontario villacre is licrhted with eras made from sawdust, said to be equal to coal gas and free from sulphur. The article in the divorce bill abrogating the laws of 1816. which abolished divorces. was adoDted by the French Senate last week. The Spanish bark Aagelia, which left New Orleans for Barcelonia, was struck bv lizhtnine and burned. The crew were rescued. An epidemic, believed to be the Butonic plague, has broken out in the villages along the right bank of the Tigres river, near Bagdad. Patti has signed an agreement with Ma nleson to sincr in America next season. She will receive $4,000 for each, concert and all expenses. A detective left Montreal for Quebec iAMfc week with a warrant slimed bv Presi dent Arthur, asking for the extradition of bank president .fc.no. The steamship America made the trip from New York to yueenstown in o days and 14 hours, beating the best previous record by two hours. A jubilee, in honor of the 50th birthday of Spurgeon, was given at Holborn taber- nacle, London, last week, at which 6,000 persons were present. The Prince of Orange's illness was chiefly induced by the vitiated atmos- phere in which he lived. Sixty parrots were kept in his bedroom. the Dublin court fined "William O'Brien, editor of the United Ireland, 5O0 for contempt in connection with the action of tlje libel against O'Brien by Bolton. A washout on the Mexican Central Rail- road, occurred near Agusscaloentes, last week. The passengers were transferred, and the break was speedily repaired. The Imperial canal of China is the long- est in the world, and the greatest in point of traffic. Its length, including river sec- tions, is 2,100 miles, connecting forty-on- e cities. The Transvaal deputation is concluding a commercial treaty with Germany. to its terms Germany will be placed upon the most favored national footing. Several foreign Anarchists were ar- rested at Vienna last week. In their pos- session was a dynamite bomb of sufficient power to blow up the largest public build- ing in Vienna. . The public of Madrid were recently alarmed by the explosion in a house of that city, caused by a bomb being placed inside the doorway. The door was clown out and the windows shattered. No one was hurt. Elder Smoat, a Mormon missionary, has been expelled from Bavaria by order of the minister of the state. Smoat had suc ceeded in making many converts, whom he was preparing to send to Utah, but this plan has been broken up for the present. Miss Gertrude Griswold, niece of Bret Harte, who made a brilliant success as a concert vocalist in Glasgow, Liverpool and Manchester, and at the urystal Jfalace, London, made her operatic debut at the Convent Garden Theater, London, last week. , The Mahdi has again written to Mudir Dongola, summoning him to espouse the cause, if he acquiesces he will be made governor ot the provinces, and allowed to keep all the taxes. If he refuses the lieu tenants of Mahdi will murder all belong ing to him. The Porte is not reconciled to the out look of affairs in Egypt, and he has ad- - dresssed a circular to the powers insist ing that England's self-impose- d task of restoring order in Egypt is so far com- pleted that army occupation ought to be withdrawn. On behalf of the cattle ranchers of Mon tana, the Canadian Pacific Railroad au thorities have represented to the minister ot customs at Ottawa the propriety of al lowing cattle from the western states to be carried through Canadian territory, in bond, lor export. Ex-Minist- er Sargent was again compli- mented by a public banquet given at the atiiiy cuiu iyavy uubei,- - i tin jutui, uy i number of Entrlmh and American gentle men who are indignant at the treatment ol bargent by Bismarck. The principal speaker was Minister JLoweii. An official inquiry has shown that the crowd which hissed Prince Bismarck at Friedricharna last week was composed of Schleswig-riolstei- n workmen, who were imbued with the bitter anti-Prussi- an feel ing which has been entertained in certain portions of that , province ever since its conquest in 1884. Bismarck entertained last week at parliamentary luncheon, cabinet ministers and members of the bundesrath and the reichstag. The Princess Bismarck at the same time entertained the ladies of these gentlemen. It was noticed that Bismarck conversed privately with Windthorst, the well known ultramontane leader. Some negroes have arrived at Lisbon from Mozambique. They escaped from stations formed by Henry M. Stanley, the explorer. The neprrees have lodged a com plaint with the ministry of marine in which they state that they have been fraudulently hired and that they have been subjected to much maltreatment, In the English commons recently, the under foreign secretary stated that the last news heard from General Gordon was April 12th. He said twenty messengers had been sent to Gordon by dinerent routes, une messenger, who went up at night by boat. succeeded in entering Khartoum. On his return, bearing Gordon's answer to the government, he was pursued by rebels and killed. A Paris correspondent of the London Times says: Stephens, the ex-Feni- head center, has forwarded to the active mem- bers of the brotherhood at Chicago, a manuscript circular summoning an early meeting at Chicago of prominent Irish-America- ns who are willing to join a new movement in favor of military organiza- tion, on the line proposed by the late John O. Mahoney. Thirty thousand Galabos, or Gallas, a tribe above Cairo, will descend along the Baraka river, while King John will enter the Egyptian territory by way of Abiabox. King John attempts the relief of Kassola and Mallas and the rescue of Kalambat. This step taken by the Abyssinian gov- ernment will have remarkable results, ex- tending beyond the mere relief of the ed garrisons. The present condition Of the labor mar- ket in Austria is shown by a strike of blacksmiths and farriers, which has just been begun at Pesth. The strikers demand only that they shall be allowed to rest on Sundays; that twelve hours shall consti- tute a day's work, and that their pay shall be 7 florins ( 2.81) per week. At present they are required to work fourteen hours a day, the half of Sunday, and receive 30 cents & day as wages. The Senate has passed the Utah bill. The House has taken up the Thurman bill. Wiggins predicts a big &torm September 19th. President Arthur has returned to "Wash ington. Bishop Simoson died in Philadelphia last week. : A strike of the New York plumbers is imminent. Mrs. Langtry has made a big hit in San rrancisco. Luke Phillips, a wif was hanged in Detroit last week. The Fitz John Porter bill has finally passed both houses of Congress. Ellis Andrews, of Portland, committed suicide recently in Oakland, Cal. Milwaukee has a tobacco chewing con- test with a gold watch as the first prize. Leadville, Col., had a $50,000 fire re- cently. Two men perished in the flames. Louisville, Ky is now driving out the clairvoyants by taxing them $zUU a year, i . In the Senate recently discussion was had on the late bank failures in New York city. Sidney Dillon has resigned the presi dency of the Union Pacific Railroad Com' pany. An Ogelthorpe, Ga., boy has invented a cash drawer, for which he has refused $10,000. The Muerose fire works factory and the Burt house at Bradford, Pa., were burned recently. ' The estate of John Russel, the New York miser printer, valued at $48,008, is in dispute. The Rio Grande river above El Paso, Texas, than at any time within a quarter of a century. i A! piece of land sold in New York the other day for $800,000, or thirty-tw- o times its cost in 1047. The reported consolidation of the Balti more and Ohio and Postal Telegraph com panics is a canard. A Philadelphia doctor announces his in tention to build a crematory in that city as a private speculation. The fast trotter Jay Eye See. the prop- erty of J. I. Case, made a trial mile in 2:12 last week at the Chicago Driving Park. In a three-mil- e rowing race last week between the crews of Harvard and Co lumbia colleges, the former won in 22:24. is suing for a divorce. Her sister drugged her and had her married to "Walter War- - dell. i D. M. Marshall, of Matamoras, W. Va. became deranged when the cyclone passec over that place last week, and committed suicide. The famous Flat Rock spring, at Sara toga, which disappeared about twenty-fiv- e years ago, is said to have again commenced to bubble. Antoni Chevari, an Italian cook, com mitted suicide in San Francisco recently. The cause for the commission of the deed is unknown. James "Wigmore, the special officer of JOimaon smith on the 1'Sth of May, was acquitted last week. Marie Buckland, an insane inmate of the Champaign county. Ohio, infirmary, refused to eat and died of starvation after three weeks' stubborness. The strike of the coal miners in the Monongahela mines in Pittsburg, Pa., has spead nearly to every pit. Four pools and about 5,uuu miners are now idle. The inter-collegia- te four-oare- d shell race for Childs' challenge cup, at Philadelphia last week, was won by the Pennsylvania university crew in 9 minutes and 6J sec onds. nt Fish, of the New York Marine Bank, pleaded not guilty last week to the charge of misappropriation of bank funds, and was released on the ong nal bail. -- - A San Francisco dispatch says that the directors of the North End Comstock mines have decided to put Mexican down to 3.300 level and stop work for a time on the others. John Callahan & Co., wholesale liquor dealers of .Louisville. Ky.. assigned re centlv. Liabilities. 8100.000: assets, $140, 000. Business complications caused the" assignment. ! Five out of six stove foundries in Pitts burg and Alleghany, Pa., resumed work last .week with non-unio- n men. Union men have been out for three weeks against a 15 per cent reduction. i In the recent explosion of a boiler of a portable saw mill at .Laurel tun, w. va. Frank Therse and Morgan liath were killed, and Mort Bush fatally and three Others dangerously wounded. j The friends and family of Heister Cly- mer, at Reading, Pa., authorize the state ment that he used, narcotics for insoma nia, and being much debilitated, the dose produced paralysis of the brain. The National Electric Medical Associa fcion, recently at Cincinnati, O., heard an address by John iiing, on "Medical Legis lation." which he declared unconstitu tional and a conspiracy against republican liberty. ) Richard K. Fox, of New Yoik, offers $1,000 for Peterson, the champion oars man of San Francisco, who defeated George Lee and Wallace Ross, to row on the Oak Point course some time next August. The medical inspectors of San Francisco are charged with criminal carelessness in allowing one-ha- lf the passengers of the City of Tokio to land before it was discov ered that smallpox had been raging be tween decks, : Reports connecting Commodore Garri son's name with protested paper last week in New York have this foundation: He is endorser of Pittsburg, Cleveland and To- ledo paper, some of which may have been extended. The uommoaore says he has had no personal paper protested. In the coming match between Sullivan and Mitchell, the platform in the Madison square uaruen, iew xorK, win ue ioit; feet square and twenty feet will be rope off in the center, so .that when a man is knocked through the ropes he will not have to drop several feet to reach the bot tom. Daniel Corrigan chief clerk of the bu reau of medicine and survey in the navy department, and Edwin C. Kirkwood, clerk in the same bureau, were arrested recently, charged with defrauding the government by means of vouchers for supplies which had been negotiated by outside parties. The glove fight announed to take place , . . r . 1 ,. T J A last wees at xnaianapoiis, Ana., iwiweeu Charles Lange, of Ohio, and John Clow, of Colorado, proved to be a hippodrome. Clow was present, but Lange did not ap pear. A man resembling Lange was in troduced, and Clow knocked him out in the third round. Adrian' Hill, a pedestrian, started last week in a race against time, from the New York approach to the bridge to San Francisco. The conditions upon which he is to win to win the stake of $2,000 are that he is to walk fifty miles a day every day except Sundays, and complete his task within three months. The Fourth of July is included in his resting days. Thomas Stephens, who is traveling from San Francisco to Constantinople on a bi- cycle, arrived at Omaha last week. He lost twenty-fiv- e pounds on the trip, but was in excellent health. He left the same day for Chicago, and expects to arrive in New York the latter part of J uly. He will cross the ocean in September, and cross Europe in October, arriving in Con- stantinople on the 1st of November. subjoined professional endorsement, "I have prescribed DR. WM. HALL'S BALSAM FOR THE LUNGS In a great number of cases and always with success One case in particular was given up by several physicians who had been called in'for consultation with myself. The patient had all the symptoms of confirmed Consumption cold night sweats, hectic fever, harrassing coughs, etc He commenced imme- diately to get better and was soon restored to his usual health. I found DR. WM. HALL'S BALSAM FOR THE LUNGS the most valua ble expectorant for breaking up distressing coughs anc" colds." "Rough on Coughs." 15c, 25c, 60c, at Druggists. Complete cure Coughs, Hoarse- ness. Sore Throat. Offensive Breath, Bad taste in Mouth, Coated Tongue, show torpid liver and dis- - vegetable remedy, quickly relieves ail! 25 cents. At all Druggists. Redington, wooaaru ec uo., Jforuand, uregon. "Bucbu-Paiba.- " Quick, complete cure, all annoying kidney and urinary dis- eases. $1. 27 THE GREAT -- grfflJ mtu rti p e ft Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica; Lumbago, Backache, Headache, Toothache, (lore Th rout. Swell I n. Kprai na, Bruiaem, Burns. Ncalda, Froat Bites, ASD ALL OTllEK BODILY PAIS9 A5D ACHES. Sold by Druggist onA Dealer tvnrwbm. Fifty CnU bottle. -- Direction. In 11 Language. THE OHARI.E A.TOGELEIt CO. (SiuoMMri u A. YOiiEL& CO.) Balttatwe. Bd--, C. 8. A. Fortify the system. rtQSfEfflM All who have experi- enced and witnessed i tii effect of Hoetct-ter'- s Stomach Bitten upon the weak, brok- en down, deroondinir victims of dyspepsia," urer oompuunt ieTer and ague, rheum a-- tism, nerronj debili ty, W JHVUittVUn us- - cay, know tnat In this supreme tonio and alterative there exists a specific prin- ciple which reaches the very source of the trouble, and effects an absolute and per- manent cure. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers . gener ally. .PDJUUB TORPID DOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER, and MALARIA. From these sources arise tliree-fourtn- s of the diseases of the human race. These symptoms indicate their existence : Xiosa mi Appatite, Bowels costive, SIcIk Head-suh- e, fullnti) after eating, aversion to exertion of body or mind, Eructation of food. Irritability of temper, JLovr spirits, A feeling of bavins; neglected some duty- - Dizziness, Fluttering at the Heart, Dots before the eyes, WgtaJjr col- ored urine, CONSTIPATION; and de- mand the use of a remedy that acts directly on the Liver. As aLiver medicine T.UTT'S PILLiS have no equal. Their action on the Kidneys and Skin is also prompt; removing all impurities through, these three scav- engers of tUe system, producing ftppe. tite, sound digestion, regular stool s .a clear BfclS and a vigorous body. TUTT'S PIXIES cause no nausea or griping nor Interfere with daily work and are a perfeot ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA, 6oldeverywhTe,Se. Office. 44 Murray 8t.,N.Y. TUTTS HAIR DYE. Gray Hair oh Whiskers changed in. Btantly to a Giosst Biack by a single ap- plication of tbls DTE. Sold by Druggists, or sent by express oh receipt of $1. Office, 44 Murray Street, New York. TOH'S ISAAN UAL CF USEFUL EECE1PT8 FSEL i m Lj Mil IN CASH To the SMOKERS of ; Blackwell's Genuine I Bull Durham Smok- ing Tobacco. The genuine has picture of BULL on every package. For particulars see our next announcement. OOLAnHAM An oil fijh of rich and delicious nnsmV. flavor" Superior to the finest fan-O- K CANDLE FISH ported 3ardines. Ask for them. FOR PRESERVING AXI) REACTI Tit IB COIIPLEXIOX. CAMELLINE has been sanctioned by the modical profession, and is the only harmless article for the complexion. The recommenda tion or forty of of the leading physicians have oeen puDusnea, ; TOIMOX OAK. CAMELLINE is a sure nreventive of Oak poisoning and gives speedy relief in all cases of sunDurn. Price, 50 Cents. ' FOR SALE BY ALL. DRUGGISTS. n A I IQM A M'O SUnd nnrirolled aa the aVMUOIVIMni OfiEST CHEWING TO- - niTAPtl Dl IIH BACCO IHS WOULD. MCMun r LUll One plug- - in every box TOBACCO fita lrom 40 Th! BEtT or Rejrenera-to- r a made expressly for the cure Of deranjrement of the generatiTO onrana There is no mutake about thia Inatrament. the con- - tinaoua atream of ELEC TRIC ITY permeaon'5 throoBh the parts most restore them to hgilthT action. IK not eouionna tlila with Electric Belt adrertlsed to euro all lib from headtote. Itiafot tneOMsapectno ptirpoea for ctrcntars glrlny full Information, address ChceTW Pectrio Bat Co, Ma Washington fcc, Chicago, hi. SARSAPARILLA YELLOY DOCEI IODIDE OP POTASS, The-Be- st Blood Purifier and Tonic Alterative in use. It puickly cures all diseases originating from a disordered state of the blood or liver. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Boils, Blotches, Pim- ples. Scrofula. Gout, Dropsy, Tumors, Salt Rheum and Mercurial Pains readily yield to its purifying properties. It leaves the blood pure, the liver and kidneys healthy, the com--plexi- on bright and clear. For sale by all drug- gists.. J. B. GATES & CO- - - - Proprietors, BAST FBANCISCO, CAL. PIANOS. CTCim'AV KKAXICJI A. BACH. OICIiillAl .GaLler, Roenish Pianos; Burdeti Orirana. band initrumenta. Lartreat stock ef Sheet Music and Books. Bands supplied at Eastern tricea M. GRAY, 208 Post Street, San Francuco. m 1 f inn 5, COO Naw and Seoond-hao- d rbnor I Q F1 1 X ai half price. Pianos $73 and up. Anti-- I Irtl f UU sellPiano Vactorr. 24426 liis St. a I N. P. N. U. Na 29.- -S. F. N. U. No. 106. PISfJS rEfvtUT F0r CTArn f Ettfly to use. A certain cure. Not expensive. Three months' treatment in one package. Uooa for Col in the Head, Headache, Dizziness, Hay Fever, &o. i'Uty cenis. aj an vrugwtns, or oy man. 12. T. HA2EI.TIN K. Warren, Pa. TO S20 PER DAY AEXTH often realize selling: OCR SPLENDID $10 Photo Family Record Picture Bo can you. For terms, address O. P. SHORT.b218ansome St., San Francisco. CaL- - nfcjiatS PAPILLON CATARRH CURE. An unfailing menns of curing nasal catarrh, by insufflation. , Catarrh, Coijj in the Head. Bronchial Catarrh, and Hay Fever yield almost instantly to this sovereign remedy. It is a liquid medicine that does not sojart, burn or irritate; it allays the inflammation, j re-ve- nts accumulations of matter, and permits free breathing- - It relieves these maladies and will permanently cure. Ita efficacy aa a cure for hay r ever is estaDiisneo. as many testimonials certify. .It has been used several years. For offensive discharge from the nose, or lost sense of smell, taste or hearing, and pain in your head, use Papillon Catarrh Cure, weconstantly receive reports from physicians and druggista acknowledging the efficacy of this remedy. Ca- tarrh is a tie eptive disease, and if chronic is dangerous. . Papillon Catarrh Cure has pro- duced cures of many acknowledged incurable cases. Price, $1.00 per bottle; six for $5.00. Direc- tions in ten languages accompany every bottle. For sale by all druggists. Iodide of Potassium is one of the strongest of the minerals use in medicit-e- , and has produced much I of- fering in the world, Taken for a loug time and in large doses, it dries up the eastrio juices, impairs digestion, the stomach refuses food, and the patient declines in health and weight. Persons with Mood or Skin Dis- eases should be eareful how they take these n ineral poisons, as in roost instahoes the effect cf them is to al- most permanently impair the constitution. To take the place of these poisons we offer you a safe, sure, prompt, and permanent relief from your troubles. Swift's Spe-d- is entirely a vegetable preparation, and it is easy . . r s t ttw m i xi. il f a x nave cure a permanently cioua laiutuvueuiju generation by the use of fewifw's Specific, alter I had most signally failed with Mercury and Potash. F. A. Toomer. M. D., Perry, Qa. A young man requests me to thank you for his cure of Blood Poison by the use of your Specific after all other treatment had failed. Jos. Jacobs, Druggists, Athens, Ga. Onr Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailod free to applicants. ' THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO , Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. N. Y. Office; 153 W. 23d St., bet 6th and 7th Avenues. No luEoro Dyspepsia! i aVi' A ,f mm ill! j ) - - L I v ," ; " - " t li'.i J i i I '(,!!,: ;V " i i . , t . Recommended by all Physician CURE for Indigestion, Lps8 of Appetite, ard the Best Lf ver Regulator known. .SOLD ONLY t? GLASS. To fill or sell any but the genuine article out of our bottle is a felony, and when detected, will be prosecuted to the fuU extent c f the law. Trade suppled by 63) Washington Street, Ban Francisco, CaL May be wholly 'TINMR FEET prevented toy the use of a pep, fectly hgrmlepa 11 EH!onp?l"pbyTIII3 JaAl! -80 tOTl!n8 Jender feet, and will distress occasioned by exposure and wearing tight boots, Inclose 1 for a package ffjklculMIV. Address I. 3lAi-Blij- :. 8ole Agent, Portland, Oregon. ' ii Vffi ft . I SE WC. WflTFDTin i e LlNCOLH XLS sfel.V',v,FrVl!,V' c i: Jf 30 DAYS'.-iTRIAL- ' fBJJ-Ohli.- ) tAVTi.a. E LECTRO-VOLTA- BELT and other KiJTOM Appuajcm are sent on 80 Days Trial TO MBH 0LY, YOU NO OR OLD, who are suffr-ii-yt from Kkrvous Dxvnzrr, Lost Vitality, wastwo WFArnKSSES. and alt those disease ot i.psesAi, Nature, lenultlnir from Arsta mi Othib Causks. 8pKiy relief and comp'eta restoration to Hkalvh, Viooa and Makhob gCASAKTEKn, Send at once tor Illuairited Pamphlet free. Address Vcltaio BeltCay Marshall, Hiclu DR. PIERCE'S I ""IvM ft2iEIectra-?Isrnt!- e K1 ' ''It ,' J is th? oply complete gody-ba- t )fii::s7tl' tcry in the world. - Only one If f. liT- - ecneratiner continuous Ei.bctko-- ao-- frvnin-i- c CtuRtKT. xvlflioot Acids. Cures disease like msic. For mik cx female. Huaclreds cured ! Pamphlet, &c, free. IIAGNETIC ELASTIC TSUS3 COPAITT, 70-- t Sacramento Street, San Francuco, xL- - :ihi ihirrxjiJajrytB I HW The Greatest fcLlLKlerviiieknowii. (Liebie's Extract), the aE Wonderful Nutritive and Invigorator. (Pyrophosphate), Tonic for the isiooa, ana rood for the Brain. This Talnable DlscoTcry. lately prepared and sold in Portland. Oregon, has been extensively used in that locality, and performed many astonishing cures As a Nervine and Toilte it is unsurpassed. - The combination of Celery. Beef and Iron, has shown to possess wonderful power to build up broken-dow- n constitutions, and restore vigor to both mind and body. It is an efficient remedy in cases of General Debility, Aerrona ExhanMlon, leepleaanesa. NfHral-ffla- . Dyspepsia, f Physical and Mental rower, I rinary DlMcnUies.and mail Derange, meats of Health, where an efficient and agreeable Tonic and Nervine is required, . PREPARED AND SOLD BY TUTHILL, COX & CO., 537 Clay Street. - - Hah Francisco. quickly cured by theCIVULE AdoptwJinall the HOSPITAL OF FRANCIS, trompt rrturn of VIGOR. Blmple cases, $3 to . Severe ones, S to $lt Pmphl Fr. ClvUle Kcracdlal Aceaey. ICO Fulton St. Hew xorx. 1WLEDGE FOR IN! 1 to remedy the indiscretions of youth manhood and to detect them in thers. Send for the medical work of DR. MARTINE and cure thrself. Sent to any address of receipt of fifty cents. DR. MART1XE, - 10 Geary street, San Francisco, Cal. ' THE BEST mm DESICCATED C0C0AIIUT 0000 Is rns Wori " Ask; your Grocer for it m mini t II i mini, RUPTURE Absolutely eared In 99 to dfs, by Dr Ptereet Patent Warrant Use only Eieetrksrow 1 1 zp. 'jL-f-- sr II I f ilIMnAN Pawfartt tvUM i i vtik ee od comfort night tod dar. Cowl Tt4 htmdradf of others. New niw&ratod nia ThlM tVA. v.valninnA.ll lnfnm.rtn 4W


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    J Bit ASS ICOMPRESSOR S6, ao i 5.Bars cure wllhoui oprlloti. i;ircuim uaCI7ULS A0SHC7. ISO Mtn St., H1 ItttTe hava COOO HEALTH ike ITTES wast ba kept hi artlon

    DR. SANFORD'8 LIVER INY1CORATPRJust what its name implies; a Vegetable luverMedioine.and for diseases resulting from a derangedor torpid condition of the Liver; such asBiliousness,Costivehess. Janndioe, Dyspepsia. Malaria,

    Sheumatism. etc An invaluable Fam-ily Medicine. For full information send your ad--:dress on a postal card for 100 page book on the"Liver and Its Diseases," to DR. 6AM10BD, SiDuane Street, New York.


    5n 2

    Scales of all Iinds.EVERY SCALE GUARANTEED.

    Old Safes taken in Exchange.Safes Sold on Inutallments.

    Write for Prices.

    W. B. WILSHIRE & CO.Portland and San Francisco.

    FLOUR Fancy extra, . bbL $4775;bakers' extra, country, $4.004.50;superfine. $3.75.

    FK1SD, Etc. Corn meal, 100 lbs., $2.753.00: buckwheat, $5.50; oat meal. $4.00

    .&; craefced wheat, $3.25ft&3.50; bran, Vton $1416: shorts. $2225: middlings.fine. $25.0030.00: hay. baled. S18.0020.00;chop, $22.5025.0U; oil cake meal, $35.00.

    BUTTER Fancy, fresh roll. W It... 2526c; inferior, grade, 1820c; pickled, 25c

    EGG-S- doz., 20cOATS Choice milling, nominal: good

    feed, 50c. ordinary feed, 4850c.JiAiUitt x brewing, V ii i&s., nominal;

    feed, nominal; ground. $24.0026.00.WHEAT Good to choice, 100 lbs..$1.40l.42i, good valley; Walla Walla andEastern Oregon, $1.35.

    FISH Extra Pacific codfish, whole, ine., 7c boneless, in bxs.. 8ic 1? lb.: domesticsalmon, hi bbls., $6.007.00. bbls.: $11.00,

    d. cans, v doz., $1.45: mackerel, No. 1, Vkit, $1.752.00, No. 2, $1.501.75, No. 1,hf bbls.. $10.00. No. 2. $8.50: herrings.salted, hf bbls.. . dried, 10-l- b. bxs.. Toe

    HIDES AND BAGS Hides, dry. over 1615., 15., 1718c; Murrain hides, one-thir- doff; hides, wet salted, over 55 Bs., lb., 6

    7c (one-thir- d less for light weights, dam-aged, cut grubby or dry salted); pelts,shearling, 1085c; deer skins, winter,1215c, Eastern Oregon, 22c, summer, E0., 1820c, valley, 2528c: burlaps, 40 in.,8c, 45 in., 8Jc 60 in., 14c; twine, flour, 3540c, wheat, 35c, fleece, 1213c; gunnies.18c: wheat sacks, 78c:

    HUiNiii In comb. & lb.. 22 a 25c:strained in 5 gal., 11c tins,doz, $14.0015.00, half --gal., $7.50.

    HOPS W 15., 15 20c;PROVISIONS Bacon. lli12ic: hams.

    country, v ., iKSioc, butcher, scarce;shoulders, iuiic -LAKD Kegs. 15.. I2c: Eastern.pails, 1213ic Oregon, tins, 1212ic; Cali- -tornia, iu-- u. tins, none

    SUGARS Golden C. in bbls.. lb.. 8c.in hf bbls., 8c; refined D, bbls., 7c, hibbls., 71c; dry granulated, bbls., 9Je, hfbbls.. U2c: crushed, bbls.. 10c: finecrushed, bbls., 10c, hf bbls., 10c; cube,bbls. 10c hf bbls, 10jc; islands, No. 1, kgs.77c, bgs., bwcWWII Ufw f V ifAvnia affrtAKtr lal 19 Mklbbls., 40c. kgs., 50c, cs., gal. tins, 60c;isastern. bbls., rgal., 505oc, kgs, dOttoc,s., eo6oc

    RICE Sandwich Islands. No. 1. V lb..5jc; Uhlna mixed, 45c; China JNo. l,none: Rangoon, 5c

    GREEN FRUITS Apples, bx., $1.502.00; lemons, California, $4.005.00, Sicily,$1&0013.UO; oranges, bx., $4.004.50limes. 100. $1.50(&2.00

    FRUITS Prunes, Hungarian, 13a15c; raisins (new), & bx., $Z.50Z.75,bxs., $2.753.00, qr bxs., $3.253.3o, 8th

    in bxs., 10c: citron, lb. in drums, 22ic;almonds, Marseilles, & id., lom'Mc, Lane,20c; walnuts, Chili, ll12ic, California.1213C

    DRIED FRUITS -B- leached, 14 15c;apples, machine-cured- , p 15., isioc, suncured. 910c: peaches, machine-cured- , inboxes, lamlc: uerman, in boxes, & id., iu

    lie: plums, sum-cure- d, pitless, 1516c,machine-cured- , 1618c; pears, machine--cured, 1012c, sun-cure- d, 10llc; figs,California. Jto-u-). bx.. yc: Smyrna, auctpoc

    WOOL Valley. 1416e; Eastern Oregon. 14(ffll5C

    POULTRYChickens, doz., spring,$4.50(35.50. old. $6.50: ducks. S10.0012.00geese, $8.0010.00; turkeys, 15., 12$14c

    PEAS, SEEDS, Etc. Beans, lb., pea,4c, s. w., 3c, lg. w., 4ic, bayou, 4Jc, pink,

    e, limas, t4c; peas, held, 'ih6c. sweet,l20c; timothy seed, 10A12c, red clover,

    2225c. white clover, 4050c, alfalfa, 1620c, hungarian grass, 810c, millet, 8(2;l0c.

    red top, 15W17C, blue grass, lawaoc, raes- -(juite grass, 10&!l2Ac.

    vegetables Potatoes, bu., em60c according to variety: cabbage, & lb,2c; turnips, sck., $1.25: carrots, $1.25beeta, if onions mew), y id., 15c; parsnips. 2c.

    CHEESE California. 1517c; Oregonlarge, choice. 14(Su7c small, none.

    BUCKWHEAT Nominal, $3.00.CORN No demand.RYE Nominal, 100 lbs.,$1.502.00


    RECEIPTS Wheat, 2.500 ctls.: flcur,10.000 qr. sks.: oats, 60O ctls.; potatoes,!,800 sks.: eggs. 7.000 doz.

    FLOUR San Francisco extra, best, "at$5.005.30; medium, $3.504.5O; shippingsuperfffie. $3.004.5J5.

    WHEAT Trading was Quite light,Shippers paid but little attention to offerings, showing no disposition to buy, aithough admitting their willingness toffiv 911.45 tf.ctl for trood shinning grades,and this figure is about the full limit ofexporters. Parcels that can be classed asof milling quality bring higher prices,Altogether, some 700 tons sold as follows

    Buver 1884 200 tons. $1,531.Seller 1884100 tons, $1.41, 200, $1.41

    tl. jClrminsr nrio.p.a were:

    No. 1 white Bid. Asked.Buver season......... $1 46 $1 46Seller season.. 1 39 1 39Buyer 1884..... I 524 .....Seller 1884. 1 40 1 40fBAGS AND BAGGING There appears

    to be a good demand for wheat bags. Weouote Calcutta. 22x26. standard Quality,at 74(&7fic for spot or June delivery. Woolbags are nominal at 3639c; potato gunnies 1414c apiece., BARLEY Although there is no verygeneral or pronounced demand, the feel- -is a shade stronger than at the close oflast week. Offerings are comparativelyfree, but there is no pressure to sell, whileholders are quite firm in asking rates.Some fairly good feed, rather light, soldby sample at 82Jc, but for anything choice85c ctl was the ruling figure. For a par-cel of good No. 2 quality, an offer offer of774c V ctl was refused. In brewing themovement is moderately steady, and fairtransactions are dailv occurring within arange of yoU7jc ctl, according to quality. bales last wees were as follows:

    Buyer season 200 tons, 974cSeller season 100 tans, 851cBuyer 1884400 tons, 9394c $ ctl.OATS The market is inactive, especial

    ly for small jobbing lots, which, however,are not quicic 01 movement.

    We quote: Surprise and milling, $1.70l.8U; Sio. 1, $i.55i.e&; wo. v $LoO

    1.45: blacft, S1.351.50 V ctl.SEEDS Brown mustard, $3,00 3.50

    yellow, $2.753.00; canary, 55ic; hemp,3i3c: rape, 2A3c: timothy, oi6c alfalfa, 7i8c $ lb. : flaxV $2.602.75 ctl.

    HAY Alfalfa, $8.008.00; wheat, $10.50l3.oo; oat,$lu.5Uiz.uo: barley,- - $.oo

    10.00: mixed. $7.00(19.00 W ton.BEANS We ouote as follows: Pea,$2.752.80: small white, $2.60 V ctl.: bayos,

    $4.75; pinks, $4.65; red jobbing at $5.00; limas, $2.85; butter, $3.05.

    BUTTER Good to choice roll, lb,2224c: fair, 1218c; firkin, 2123c; eastern, I4lcHONEY Extracted, 661o lb forchoice: comb, 1012Jc; extra white, 13

    live, 2123c tf R for hens, and 2021c forgobblers, geese, Sl.z51.50 v pair; ducks.$7.00 9.00 V doz. : hens, $8.00 9.50;roesters, young, $9.0012.00, old do, $7.50

    8.50; broilers, $3.oo4.00, according tosize

    ONIONS Geod to choice, ctl, 70(2 80c.POTATOES We quote: Old early rose,

    $1.50; old reds, $1,00(1.00; old whites, 60c$1.00 ctl; new mission garnet chile,

    11c $ Vb new early rose, in bxs and bgs,lj2c.

    STRAW Quotable at 4555c bale.BUCKWHEAT Quotable at $3.253.50ctlCORN California yeliew is quotable at

    $1.(301.65 for large, and $1.65 for small;white, $1.57J1.65; Nebraska white, $1.50

    L55i?ctl. .TALLOW ood to choice rendered, 6i7c; refined, 8i8$c lb.HOPS-Quot- able at 1016c, lb for poorto medium,and 1822Jc for good U choice.APPLES Oregon, bx., $1.80.HIDES Dry. V lb., usual selection. 19

    20c; dry kip, 1920c; dry calf, 2022ic:salted steers, 65 lbs, 11cLARD Eastern refined, 3 to 10-l- b. tins,1212c Other provisions unchanged.SALSION Oregon, 1-- Ib cans, v doz.,t'o. b., $1.20, $1.22.EGGS f doz.. 23cBRAN The spot market is quotable at

    $15.5016.50per ton.MIDDLINGS Active at $19.0021.00


    it has been largely shown during the pastthirteen rears that the New VitalizingTreatment dispensed by Drs. Starkey &Palen, 1109 Girard street, Philadelphia,Pa., is the most prompt and efficient agentyet discoyered by the medical profession.Its use by over-worke- d business and professional men would save many hundredsof lives every year, and to give to thous-ands more the ability to work without theweariness, exhaustion, and peril whichnow attend them. A pamphlet containing full particulars in regard to the nature and action of this remarsaoie treat-ment will be mailed free. Write for it.

    All orders for the Compound OxygenHome Treatment directed to 1L E. Math-ews. 606 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, will be filled on the same terms as ifsent directly to us in Philadelphia.

    It's a aueer coincidence but nearly alldefaulters are "fly" fellows.


    How an Old Veteran Escaped Annihilation and Lived to Impart

    a WarnIns to Others.

    (National Tribune of Washington.)A pleasing occurrence which has just

    come to our notice in connection with theNew York state meeting of the GrandArmy of the Republic is so unusual inmany respects that we venture to repro-produc- e

    it for the benefit of our leaders.uaptain Aiirea itensom, or ixew xotk.while pacing in the lobby of the

    armory, previous to one of the meet-ings, suddenly stopped and scannedthe face f ot a gentleman who was inearnest conversation with one of theGrand Army officers. It seemed to himthat he had seen that face before, partiallyobscured by the smoke of battle, and yetthis bright and pleasant countenancecould not be the same pale, and death-lik- evisage, which he so dimly remembered.

    11U A CvvllvWVlUUi 11AV JUUV 0 uuouwould not down at command andhaunted him the entire day. On the dayfollowing he again saw the same countenance, and ventured to speak to its owner.The instant the two veterans heard eachother's voices that instant they recognizedand called each other by name. Theirfaces, and forms had changed, but theirvoices were the same, xne roan whomCaptain Rensom had recognized was Mr.W. K. Sage, of St. Johns, Mich, a veteranof the Twenty-thir- d New York Light Artillery and both members of Burnside's famous expedition to worth uarolina. Alterthe first greetings !were over. CaptainRensom said:

    "It hardly seems possible. Sage, to seeyou in this condition, for I thought youmuse nave oeen aeaa long ago.

    "Yes. 1 do not doubt it. for. if 1 am notmistaken, when we last met I was occupying a couch in the hospital, a victim of

    Yellow Jack' in its worst form."I remember. The war seems to have

    caused more misery since its close thanwhen it was In progress," replied the Cap-tain. "I meet old comrades frequentlywho are suffering terribly, not so muchfrom old wounds as from the malarial poi--

    "I think so myself. When the warclosed I returned home and at times Iwould feel well, but every few weeks thatconfounded 'all-gon- e feeling would comeupon me again. My nervous system,which was snattered in the service, failedme entirely and produced one of the worstpossible cases of nervous dyspepsia. Mostof the time I had no appetite: then againI would become ravenoubly hui;rry, butthe minute I sat down to eat I loathedfood. My skin was dry and parched, myflesh loose and flabby. I could hold noth-ing on my stomach for days at a time, andwhat little I did eat failed to assimilate. Iwas easily fatigued: my mind was de-pressed; I was cross and irritable andmany a night my heart would pain me soI could not sleep, and when I did I hadhorrid dreams and frightful nightmares.Of course, these things came on one byone, each worse thn the other. My breathwas foul, my tongue was coated, my teethdecayed. I had terrific headaches whichwould leave my nervous system com-pletely shattered. In fact my existence,since the war, has been a living death,from which I have often prayed for re-lease."

    "Couldn't the old surgeon do you anygood?"

    "I wrote him and he treated me, butlike every other doctor, failed. They allsaid my nerve was gone and without thatto build upon I could not get well. WhenI was at my worst, piles of the severestnature came upon me. Then my livergave out and without the use of cathartics 1 could not move my ooweis at au.My blood got like a stream of fire andseemed literally to burn me alive."

    "Well you might better have died inbattle, quick, and without ceremony." O"How many times I have wished I haddied the dav we captured Newberne."i

    "And yet you are now the picture ofhealth."

    "And the picture is taken from life. Iam in perfect condition. My nerve toneis restored; my stomach reinvigorated; myflesh is hard and healthy; in fact I havenew blood, new energy and a new leaseof life wholly as the result of using War-ner's Tippecanoe. This remarkable pre-paration, which I consider the finest tonicand stomach restorer in the world, hasovercome all the evil influences of mala-ria, all the poison of the army, all tracesof dyspepsia, all mal-assimilati- of food,and indeed made a new man of me."

    The Captain remained silent for awhileevidently musing over his recollections ofthe past. When he again raised his headhe said:

    "It would be a godsend if all the veter-ans who have suffered so intensely andalso all others m the land who are enduring so much misery could know of yourexperience. Sage, and the way by whichyou have been restored."

    And that is why the above conversationis recounted.

    The second largest source of revenue tothe u. s. uovernment from any onebranch of business, is derived from theproduction and manufacture of tobacco.Blackwell's Durham Tobacco Co., of Dur-ham," N. C, claims to be the largest manufacturer of Smoking Tobacco in the worldThe reputation of Blackwell's GenuineBull Durham Smoking Tobacco is toofirmly established to need any commendation at our hands. In another columnour readers will notice their new an-nouncement which is of interest to alllovers of the weed. ; The company areperfectly responsible, and when they an-nounce that they will give away $11,950 incash, it is an assured fact that they meanjust what they say. Smokers will find anopportunity of combining business withpleasure by reading their announcement- -

    "itouGH on Cobns."! 15c Ask for it.Complete cure, hard or soft corns, warts,bunions. j ..

    We take pleasure in! referring the pub-lic of the merits of Papillon Catarrh Cure.It will cure ChroDic Catarrh, Cold in theHead, Rose-col- d, and j for Hay Fever noremedy is aa effective, j It has cured hun-dreds of cases, j

    Treatment for Sunburn. Camellinefor the complexion will afford relief in allcases. I

    Dr. Henletfs Celery; Beef apd Iron isthe best Nerve Tonic ever discovered.

    No remedy equals Papillon Skin Curefor Eczema or Scrofula, curing the mostobstinate cases. j

    CATARRH A New Treatment wherebya permanent cure is effected in from one tothree applications. Particulars and trea-tise free on receipt of stamp. A, H. Dixon& Son, 305 King street west, Toronto, Can.

    A CARD To all who are Buffering1 from errorsand indiscretions of youth, nervons weakness, earlydecay, losa of manhood, etc, I will send a receipe that

    . w j via, m mm., v.- vnni.i. .UWgl.IQUJTOwas discovered by a xniasiooery in South America.Send envelope to Kv. Joseph T. Is--

    Station D, New York, j

    The life of Henry George Is in readinessfor the printers.

    A prison is being built at Zacatecas,Mexico, for women.

    English soldiers and rebels exchangedshots at Suakim last week.

    The weather in England is so cold thatfears are entertained for the crops.

    Dreysen, an eminent professor f his-tory in the University of Berlin, is dead.

    A large number of houses were de-stroyed by fire in Pisagua, Peru, recently.

    Earl Spencer arrived last week at Bel-fast, Ireland. Great enthusiasm pre-vailed.

    Maver has leased the Port St. Martin,Paris, and engaged Sarah Bernhardt forseven years.

    TowelL American minister to London,will celebrate the Fourth of July, and hasissued tickets for a dinner.

    A Berlin dispatch' says: It is statedthat a bill is being prepared raising theimport duties on grain.

    An Ontario villacre is licrhted with erasmade from sawdust, said to be equal tocoal gas and free from sulphur.

    The article in the divorce bill abrogatingthe laws of 1816. which abolished divorces.was adoDted by the French Senate lastweek.

    The Spanish bark Aagelia, which leftNew Orleans for Barcelonia, was struckbv lizhtnine and burned. The crew wererescued.

    An epidemic, believed to be the Butonicplague, has broken out in the villagesalong the right bank of the Tigres river,near Bagdad.

    Patti has signed an agreement with Manleson to sincr in America next season.She will receive $4,000 for each, concertand all expenses.

    A detective left Montreal for QuebeciAMfc week with a warrant slimed bv President Arthur, asking for the extradition ofbank president .fc.no.

    The steamship America made the tripfrom New York to yueenstown in o daysand 14 hours, beating the best previousrecord by two hours.

    A jubilee, in honor of the 50th birthdayof Spurgeon, was given at Holborn taber-nacle, London, last week, at which 6,000persons were present.

    The Prince of Orange's illness waschiefly induced by the vitiated atmos-phere in which he lived. Sixty parrotswere kept in his bedroom.the Dublin court fined "William O'Brien,

    editor of the United Ireland, 5O0 forcontempt in connection with the action oftlje libel against O'Brien by Bolton.

    A washout on the Mexican Central Rail-road, occurred near Agusscaloentes, lastweek. The passengers were transferred,and the break was speedily repaired.

    The Imperial canal of China is the long-est in the world, and the greatest in pointof traffic. Its length, including river sec-tions, is 2,100 miles, connecting forty-on- ecities.

    The Transvaal deputation is concludinga commercial treaty with Germany.

    to its terms Germany will beplaced upon the most favored nationalfooting.

    Several foreign Anarchists were ar-rested at Vienna last week. In their pos-session was a dynamite bomb of sufficientpower to blow up the largest public build-ing in Vienna. .

    The public of Madrid were recentlyalarmed by the explosion in a house ofthat city, caused by a bomb being placedinside the doorway. The door was clownout and the windows shattered. No onewas hurt.

    Elder Smoat, a Mormon missionary, hasbeen expelled from Bavaria by order ofthe minister of the state. Smoat had succeeded in making many converts, whomhe was preparing to send to Utah, but thisplan has been broken up for the present.

    Miss Gertrude Griswold, niece of BretHarte, who made a brilliant success as aconcert vocalist in Glasgow, Liverpool andManchester, and at the urystal Jfalace,London, made her operatic debut at theConvent Garden Theater, London, lastweek. ,

    The Mahdi has again written to MudirDongola, summoning him to espouse thecause, if he acquiesces he will be madegovernor ot the provinces, and allowed tokeep all the taxes. If he refuses the lieutenants of Mahdi will murder all belonging to him.

    The Porte is not reconciled to the outlook of affairs in Egypt, and he has ad- -dresssed a circular to the powers insisting that England's self-impose- d task ofrestoring order in Egypt is so far com-pleted that army occupation ought to bewithdrawn.

    On behalf of the cattle ranchers of Montana, the Canadian Pacific Railroad authorities have represented to the ministerot customs at Ottawa the propriety of allowing cattle from the western states tobe carried through Canadian territory, inbond, lor export.

    Ex-Minist- er Sargent was again compli-mented by a public banquet given at theatiiiy cuiu iyavy uubei,- - i tin jutui, uy inumber of Entrlmh and American gentlemen who are indignant at the treatmentol bargent by Bismarck. The principalspeaker was Minister JLoweii.

    An official inquiry has shown that thecrowd which hissed Prince Bismarck atFriedricharna last week was composed ofSchleswig-riolstei- n workmen, who wereimbued with the bitter anti-Prussi- an feeling which has been entertained in certainportions of that , province ever since itsconquest in 1884.

    Bismarck entertained last week atparliamentary luncheon, cabinet ministersand members of the bundesrath and thereichstag. The Princess Bismarck at thesame time entertained the ladies of thesegentlemen. It was noticed that Bismarckconversed privately with Windthorst, thewell known ultramontane leader.

    Some negroes have arrived at Lisbonfrom Mozambique. They escaped fromstations formed by Henry M. Stanley, theexplorer. The neprrees have lodged a complaint with the ministry of marine inwhich they state that they have beenfraudulently hired and that they havebeen subjected to much maltreatment,

    In the English commons recently, theunder foreign secretary stated that the lastnews heard fromGeneral Gordon was April12th. He said twenty messengers had beensent to Gordon by dinerent routes, unemessenger, who went up at night by boat.succeeded in entering Khartoum. On hisreturn, bearing Gordon's answer to thegovernment, he was pursued by rebelsand killed.

    A Paris correspondent of the LondonTimes says: Stephens, the ex-Feni- headcenter, has forwarded to the active mem-bers of the brotherhood at Chicago, amanuscript circular summoning an earlymeeting at Chicago of prominent Irish-America-ns

    who are willing to join a newmovement in favor of military organiza-tion, on the line proposed by the late JohnO. Mahoney.

    Thirty thousand Galabos, or Gallas, atribe above Cairo, will descend along theBaraka river, while King John will enterthe Egyptian territory by way of Abiabox.King John attempts the relief of Kassolaand Mallas and the rescue of Kalambat.This step taken by the Abyssinian gov-ernment will have remarkable results, ex-tending beyond the mere relief of the ed

    garrisons.The present condition Of the labor mar-

    ket in Austria is shown by a strike ofblacksmiths and farriers, which has justbeen begun at Pesth. The strikers demandonly that they shall be allowed to rest onSundays; that twelve hours shall consti-tute a day's work, and that their pay shallbe 7 florins ( 2.81) per week. At presentthey are required to work fourteen hoursa day, the half of Sunday, and receive 30cents & day as wages.

    The Senate has passed the Utah bill.The House has taken up the Thurman


    Wiggins predicts a big &torm September19th.

    President Arthur has returned to "Washington.

    Bishop Simoson died in Philadelphialast week. :A strike of the New York plumbers is

    imminent.Mrs. Langtry has made a big hit in San

    rrancisco.Luke Phillips, a wif was

    hanged in Detroit last week.The Fitz John Porter bill has finally

    passed both houses of Congress.Ellis Andrews, of Portland, committed

    suicide recently in Oakland, Cal.Milwaukee has a tobacco chewing con-test with a gold watch as the first prize.Leadville, Col., had a $50,000 fire re-

    cently. Two men perished in the flames.

    Louisville, Ky is now driving out theclairvoyants by taxing them $zUU a year,

    i .In the Senate recently discussion was

    had on the late bank failures in New Yorkcity.

    Sidney Dillon has resigned the presidency of the Union Pacific Railroad Com'pany.

    An Ogelthorpe, Ga., boy has invented acash drawer, for which he has refused$10,000.

    The Muerose fire works factory and theBurt house at Bradford, Pa., were burnedrecently.' The estate of John Russel, the NewYork miser printer, valued at $48,008, isin dispute.

    The Rio Grande river above El Paso,Texas, than at any time within a quarterof a century.


    A! piece of land sold in New York theother day for $800,000, or thirty-tw- o timesits cost in 1047.

    The reported consolidation of the Baltimore and Ohio and Postal Telegraph companics is a canard.

    A Philadelphia doctor announces his intention to build a crematory in that cityas a private speculation.

    The fast trotter Jay Eye See. the prop-erty of J. I. Case, made a trial mile in 2:12last week at the Chicago Driving Park.

    In a three-mil- e rowing race last weekbetween the crews of Harvard and Columbia colleges, the former won in 22:24.

    is suing for a divorce. Her sister druggedher and had her married to "Walter War- -dell.


    D. M. Marshall, of Matamoras, W. Va.became deranged when the cyclone passecover that place last week, and committedsuicide.

    The famous Flat Rock spring, at Saratoga, which disappeared about twenty-fiv- eyears ago, is said to have again commencedto bubble.

    Antoni Chevari, an Italian cook, committed suicide in San Francisco recently.The cause for the commission of the deedis unknown.

    James "Wigmore, the special officer of

    JOimaon smith on the 1'Sth of May, wasacquitted last week.

    Marie Buckland, an insane inmate ofthe Champaign county. Ohio, infirmary,refused to eat and died of starvation afterthree weeks' stubborness.

    The strike of the coal miners in theMonongahela mines in Pittsburg, Pa.,has spead nearly to every pit. Four poolsand about 5,uuu miners are now idle.

    The inter-collegia- te four-oare- d shell racefor Childs' challenge cup, at Philadelphialast week, was won by the Pennsylvaniauniversity crew in 9 minutes and 6J seconds.

    nt Fish, of the New YorkMarine Bank, pleaded not guilty lastweek to the charge of misappropriation ofbank funds, and was released on the ongnal bail. -- -

    A San Francisco dispatch says that thedirectors of the North End Comstockmines have decided to put Mexican downto 3.300 level and stop work for a time onthe others.

    John Callahan & Co., wholesale liquordealers of .Louisville. Ky.. assigned recentlv. Liabilities. 8100.000: assets, $140,000. Business complications caused the"assignment.

    ! Five out of six stove foundries in Pittsburg and Alleghany, Pa., resumed worklast .week with non-unio- n men. Unionmen have been out for three weeks againsta 15 per cent reduction.

    i In the recent explosion of a boiler of aportable saw mill at .Laurel tun, w. va.Frank Therse and Morgan liath werekilled, and Mort Bush fatally and threeOthers dangerously wounded.j The friends and family of Heister Cly-mer, at Reading, Pa., authorize the statement that he used, narcotics for insomania, and being much debilitated, the doseproduced paralysis of the brain.

    The National Electric Medical Associafcion, recently at Cincinnati, O., heard anaddress by John iiing, on "Medical Legislation." which he declared unconstitutional and a conspiracy against republicanliberty.) Richard K. Fox, of New Yoik, offers$1,000 for Peterson, the champion oarsman of San Francisco, who defeatedGeorge Lee and Wallace Ross, to row onthe Oak Point course some time nextAugust.

    The medical inspectors of San Franciscoare charged with criminal carelessness inallowing one-ha- lf the passengers of theCity of Tokio to land before it was discovered that smallpox had been raging between decks,

    : Reports connecting Commodore Garrison's name with protested paper last weekin New York have this foundation: He isendorser of Pittsburg, Cleveland and To-ledo paper, some of which may have beenextended. The uommoaore says he hashad no personal paper protested.

    In the coming match between Sullivanand Mitchell, the platform in the Madisonsquare uaruen, iew xorK, win ue ioit;feet square and twenty feet will be ropeoff in the center, so .that when a man isknocked through the ropes he will nothave to drop several feet to reach the bottom.

    Daniel Corrigan chief clerk of the bureau of medicine and survey in the navydepartment, and Edwin C. Kirkwood,clerk in the same bureau, were arrestedrecently, charged with defrauding thegovernment by means of vouchers forsupplies which had been negotiated byoutside parties.

    The glove fight announed to take place, . . r . 1 ,. T J Alast wees at xnaianapoiis, Ana., iwiweeuCharles Lange, of Ohio, and John Clow,of Colorado, proved to be a hippodrome.Clow was present, but Lange did not appear. A man resembling Lange was introduced, and Clow knocked him out inthe third round.

    Adrian' Hill, a pedestrian, started lastweek in a race against time, from theNew York approach to the bridge to SanFrancisco. The conditions upon which heis to win to win the stake of $2,000 arethat he is to walk fifty miles a day everyday except Sundays, and complete histask within three months. The Fourthof July is included in his resting days.

    Thomas Stephens, who is traveling fromSan Francisco to Constantinople on a bi-cycle, arrived at Omaha last week. Helost twenty-fiv- e pounds on the trip, butwas in excellent health. He left the sameday for Chicago, and expects to arrive inNew York the latter part of July. Hewill cross the ocean in September, andcross Europe in October, arriving in Con-stantinople on the 1st of November.

    subjoined professional endorsement, "I haveprescribed DR. WM. HALL'S BALSAM FORTHE LUNGS In a great number of cases andalways with success One case in particularwas given up by several physicians who hadbeen called in'for consultation with myself.The patient had all the symptoms of confirmedConsumption cold night sweats, hectic fever,harrassing coughs, etc He commenced imme-diately to get better and was soon restored tohis usual health. I found DR. WM. HALL'SBALSAM FOR THE LUNGS the most valuable expectorant for breaking up distressingcoughs anc" colds."

    "Rough on Coughs." 15c, 25c, 60c, atDruggists. Complete cure Coughs, Hoarse-ness. Sore Throat.

    Offensive Breath, Bad taste in Mouth,Coated Tongue, show torpid liver and dis- -

    vegetable remedy, quickly relieves ail!25 cents. At all Druggists. Redington,wooaaru ec uo., Jforuand, uregon.

    "Bucbu-Paiba.- " Quick, complete cure,all annoying kidney and urinary dis-eases. $1.


    THE GREAT -- grfflJmturti p e ft

    Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica;Lumbago, Backache, Headache, Toothache,

    (lore Th rout. Swell In.Kprai na, Bruiaem,Burns. Ncalda, Froat Bites,ASD ALL OTllEK BODILY PAIS9 A5D ACHES.

    Sold by Druggist onA Dealer tvnrwbm. Fifty CnU bottle.--

    Direction. In 11 Language.THE OHARI.E A.TOGELEIt CO.

    (SiuoMMri u A. YOiiEL& CO.) Balttatwe. Bd--, C. 8. A.

    Fortify the system.rtQSfEfflM All who have experi-enced and witnessedi tii effect of Hoetct-ter'- sStomach Bitten

    upon the weak, brok-en down, deroondinirvictims of dyspepsia,"urer oompuunt ieTerand ague, rheum a--tism, nerronj debility, W JHVUittVUn us--cay, know tnat Inthis supreme tonioand alterative thereexists a specific prin-ciple which reachesthe very source of thetrouble, and effectsan absolute and per-manent cure. Forsale by all Druggistsand Dealers . generally.


    DISORDERED LIVER,and MALARIA.From these sources arise tliree-fourtn- s of

    the diseases of the human race. Thesesymptoms indicate their existence : Xiosa miAppatite, Bowels costive, SIcIk Head-suh- e,fullnti) after eating, aversion toexertion of body or mind, Eructationof food. Irritability of temper, JLovrspirits, A feeling of bavins; neglectedsome duty-- Dizziness, Fluttering at theHeart, Dots before the eyes,WgtaJjr col-ored urine, CONSTIPATION; and de-mand the use of a remedy that acts directlyon the Liver. As aLivermedicine T.UTT'SPILLiS have no equal. Their action on theKidneys and Skin is also prompt; removingall impurities through, these three scav-engers of tUe system, producing ftppe.tite, sound digestion, regular stool s.a clearBfclS and avigorous body. TUTT'S PIXIEScause no nausea or griping nor Interferewith daily work and are a perfeotANTIDOTE TO MALARIA,6oldeverywhTe,Se. Office. 44 Murray 8t.,N.Y.

    TUTTS HAIR DYE.Gray Hair oh Whiskers changed in.

    Btantly to a Giosst Biack by a single ap-plication of tbls DTE. Sold by Druggists,or sent by express oh receipt of $1.

    Office, 44 Murray Street, New York.TOH'S ISAAN UAL CF USEFUL EECE1PT8 FSEL




    To the SMOKERS of ;Blackwell's Genuine IBull Durham Smok-ing Tobacco.

    The genuine has picture ofBULL on every package.

    For particulars see our nextannouncement.

    OOLAnHAM An oil fijh of rich and deliciousnnsmV. flavor" Superior to the finest fan-O- K

    CANDLE FISH ported 3ardines. Ask for them.


    CAMELLINE has been sanctioned by themodical profession, and is the only harmlessarticle for the complexion. The recommendation or forty of of the leading physicians haveoeen puDusnea, ;

    TOIMOX OAK.CAMELLINE is a sure nreventive of Oak

    poisoning and gives speedy relief in all cases ofsunDurn.

    Price, 50 Cents.' FOR SALE BY ALL. DRUGGISTS.n A I IQM A M'O SUnd nnrirolled aa theaVMUOIVIMni OfiEST CHEWING TO- -

    niTAPtl Dl IIH BACCO IHS WOULD.MCMun r LUll One plug- - in every boxTOBACCO fita lrom 40

    Th! BEtT or Rejrenera-to- ra made expressly for

    the cure Of deranjrementof the generatiTO onranaThere is no mutake aboutthia Inatrament. the con--tinaoua atream of ELECTRIC ITY permeaon'5throoBh the parts mostrestore them to hgilthTaction. IK not eouionnatlila with Electric Beltadrertlsed to euro all libfrom headtote. ItiafottneOMsapectno ptirpoea

    for ctrcntars glrlny full Information, address ChceTWPectrio Bat Co, Ma Washington fcc, Chicago, hi.


    The-Be-st Blood Purifier and Tonic Alterative inuse. It puickly cures all diseases originatingfrom a disordered state of the blood or liver.Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Boils, Blotches, Pim-ples. Scrofula. Gout, Dropsy, Tumors, SaltRheum and Mercurial Pains readily yield toits purifying properties. It leaves the bloodpure, the liver and kidneys healthy, the com--plexi- on

    bright and clear. For sale by all drug-gists..J. B. GATES & CO-- - - Proprietors,



    CTCim'AV KKAXICJI A. BACH.OICIiillAl .GaLler, Roenish Pianos; BurdetiOrirana. band initrumenta. Lartreat stock ef SheetMusic and Books. Bands supplied at Eastern tricea

    M. GRAY, 208 Post Street, San Francuco.

    m 1 f inn 5,COO Naw and Seoond-hao- d rbnorI Q F 1 1 X ai half price. Pianos $73 and up. Anti-- IIrtl f UU sellPiano Vactorr. 24426 liis St. a IN. P. N. U. Na 29.- -S. F. N. U. No. 106.

    PISfJS rEfvtUT F0r CTArn f

    Ettfly to use. A certain cure. Not expensive. Threemonths' treatment in one package. Uooa for Colin the Head, Headache, Dizziness, Hay Fever, &o.

    i'Uty cenis. aj an vrugwtns, or oy man.12. T. HA2EI.TIN K. Warren, Pa.TO S20 PER DAY AEXTHoften realize selling: OCR SPLENDID$10 Photo Family Record PictureBo can you. For terms, address O. P.SHORT.b218ansome St., San Francisco. CaL--



    An unfailing menns of curing nasal catarrh,by insufflation. , Catarrh, Coijj in the Head.Bronchial Catarrh, and Hay Fever yieldalmost instantly to this sovereign remedy. Itis a liquid medicine that does not sojart, burnor irritate; it allays the inflammation, j re-ve- ntsaccumulations of matter, and permitsfree breathing- - It relieves these maladies andwill permanently cure. Ita efficacy aa a cure forhay r ever is estaDiisneo. as many testimonialscertify. .It has been used several years. Foroffensive discharge from the nose, or lost senseof smell, taste or hearing, and pain in yourhead, use Papillon Catarrh Cure, weconstantlyreceive reports from physicians and druggistaacknowledging the efficacy of this remedy. Ca-tarrh is a tie eptive disease, and if chronic isdangerous. . Papillon Catarrh Cure has pro-duced cures of many acknowledged incurablecases.

    Price, $1.00 per bottle; six for $5.00. Direc-tions in ten languages accompany every bottle.For sale by all druggists.

    Iodide of Potassium is one of the strongest of theminerals use in medicit-e- , and has produced much I of-fering in the world, Taken for a loug time and in largedoses, it dries up the eastrio juices, impairs digestion,the stomach refuses food, and the patient declines inhealth and weight. Persons with Mood or Skin Dis-eases should be eareful how they take these n ineralpoisons, as in roost instahoes the effect cf them is to al-most permanently impair the constitution. To take theplace of these poisons we offer you a safe, sure, prompt,and permanent relief from your troubles. Swift's Spe-d-

    is entirely a vegetable preparation, and it is easy

    . .r s t ttw m i xi. il f ax nave curea permanently cioua laiutuvueuijugeneration by the use of fewifw's Specific, alter I hadmost signally failed with Mercury and Potash.

    F. A. Toomer. M. D., Perry, Qa.

    A young man requests me to thank you for his cure ofBlood Poison by the use of your Specific after all othertreatment had failed.

    Jos. Jacobs, Druggists, Athens, Ga.

    Onr Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailod freeto applicants. '

    THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO ,Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga.

    N. Y. Office; 153 W. 23d St., bet 6th and 7th Avenues.

    No luEoro Dyspepsia!i


    A ,f

    mm ill!j ) - - LI v

    ," ; " - " tli'.i J i iI '(,!!,: ;V" i i . , t .

    Recommended by all PhysicianCURE for Indigestion, Lps8 of Appetite, ardthe Best Lfver Regulator known..SOLD ONLY t? GLASS. To fill or sell anybut the genuine article out of our bottle is afelony, and when detected, will be prosecutedto the fuU extent c f the law. Trade suppled by63) Washington Street, Ban Francisco, CaL

    May be wholly'TINMR FEET prevented toythe use of a pep,fectly hgrmlepa11 EH!onp?l"pbyTIII3 JaAl!

    -80tOTl!n8 Jender feet, and willdistress occasioned by exposure andwearing tight boots, Inclose 1 for a packageffjklculMIV. Address I. 3lAi-Blij- :.8ole Agent, Portland, Oregon.

    ' ii Vffi ft .

    I SE WC. WflTFDTin i e


    XLSsfel.V',v,FrVl!,V'c i: Jf

    30 DAYS'.-iTRIAL- '



    ELECTRO-VOLTA- BELT and other KiJTOMAppuajcm are sent on 80 Days Trial TOMBH 0LY, YOU NO OR OLD, who are suffr-ii-ytfrom Kkrvous Dxvnzrr, Lost Vitality,wastwo WFArnKSSES. and alt those disease oti.psesAi, Nature, lenultlnir from Arsta miOthib Causks. 8pKiy relief and comp'etarestoration to Hkalvh, Viooa and MakhobgCASAKTEKn, Send at once tor IlluairitedPamphlet free. AddressVcltaio BeltCay Marshall, Hiclu

    DR. PIERCE'SI ""IvM ft2iEIectra-?Isrnt!- e K1

    ' ''It ,' J is th? oply complete gody-ba- t)fii::s7tl' tcry in the world. - Only oneIf f. liT- - ecneratiner continuous Ei.bctko-- ao--frvnin-i-c CtuRtKT. xvlflioot Acids.

    Cures disease like msic. For mikcx female. Huaclreds cured ! Pamphlet, &c, free.

    IIAGNETIC ELASTIC TSUS3 COPAITT,70-- t Sacramento Street, San Francuco,

    xL-- :ihi ihirrxjiJajrytBI HW The Greatest


    (Liebie's Extract), theaE Wonderful Nutritive andInvigorator.

    (Pyrophosphate), Tonicfor the isiooa, ana roodfor the Brain.

    This Talnable DlscoTcry. lately prepared andsold in Portland. Oregon, has been extensively used inthat locality, and performed many astonishing curesAs a Nervine and Toilte it is unsurpassed. - Thecombination of Celery. Beef and Iron, has shownto possess wonderful power to build up broken-dow- nconstitutions, and restore vigor to both mind and body.It is an efficient remedy in cases of General Debility,Aerrona ExhanMlon, leepleaanesa. NfHral-ffla- .

    Dyspepsia, f Physical and Mentalrower, I rinary DlMcnUies.and mail Derange,meats of Health, where an efficient and agreeableTonic and Nervine is required, .


    TUTHILL, COX & CO.,537 Clay Street. - - Hah Francisco.

    quickly cured by theCIVULE AdoptwJinallthe HOSPITAL OF FRANCIS, trompt rrturn of VIGOR.Blmple cases, $3 to . Severe ones, S to $lt Pmphl Fr.ClvUle Kcracdlal Aceaey. ICO Fulton St. Hew xorx.

    1WLEDGE FOR IN!1 to remedy the indiscretions of youthmanhood and to detect them inthers. Send for the medical work of

    DR. MARTINE and cure thrself. Sentto any address of receipt of fifty cents.DR. MART1XE,- 10 Geary street, San Francisco, Cal.


    0000 Is rns Wori "Ask; your Grocer for itm mini t II i mini, RUPTURE

    Absolutely eared In 99 todfs, by Dr Ptereet Patent

    Warrant Use onlyEieetrksrow1 1 zp. 'jL-f-- srI I I f ilIMnAN Pawfartt tvUM i ivtik ee od comfort night tod dar. Cowl

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