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VOL. XI. DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, IS T EW JERSEY, SATURDAY. FEBRUARY ]2, 1881. THElRONERAi PASSAGE TICKETS PUBUSHElJ EFEUV SATUBIMY VV ,, The Dover Printing Company, PUULIHHEIlo AND J'llOltlJiTOI.S. Gffioa or Morris Btront asar Blaclwoll, TF.KMS OV SUBSCRIPTION OBAM, IIANCE & Co.'s STORE, POUT OI1AM, N. .T. rtur. in ii,.. i I,,,: li...., I,I ,i,-:.io»iiii,» Jt Ir-un M.-v Voil: m1. ,v..T|,.,,,l ,,l LOKM IUTKK AIM, !>li,U' I'.H U.N <jl;i;AT Sii'llAI^ AM) JliKI.ANI). Hi-1 On, iJ".""."""'?"""- - SMI)! «• A - BK-VXKTT, M. I) Sii Monti,., i.oujHOMaiO ^1! ADYEKTISIHU HATES. ATITK' UAK&NUIIUEOX, JlHKfl BATES. ^ j C()r _ > 754 1 5! ) Oolum 1 Mi\ff I 7» a 5u i flli R fill 10 (H) 4 r. ti B If) So BO '1(1 00 (i OH 10 00 n fii) IB (){) 18 5l> i2 (II) 11 (Hi i:i no n; 2r. 25 (ii) 41 HI) 18 21 2f> fir. no (id Til) Ml r,o DO 2L» (III Ii7 00 ESTABLISHED IN 1851. I ^UItEDHUnS and MEDICINE, PAINTS, . Oils, GIIHH, lirusiii's, lVrriLiiK.il-, Sit., • oM byJASIEH A. GuODALK, 1lie 1'ionwr DrusuiHt, of r»o?er. Utiire <>m;u unHrJNIMYH for tlir Hale uf Mclicim'3 umv from !t to 10 1. i 1 n i U>61'. M, 44-Iy oim P. STICKLE, Counsellor at Law AND AIASTKK IN CHANCERY, ROCKAWAY, N. J._ jlM"\NStOM IIOU8K. Corner of Iilt''kwfill iniil SUBIEI Rta, DOVER, N. J. I. B. JOLLEY, Proprietor. HOI-HOB nud Carriage! to Lot, L. C. BIERWIRTH, ; ANALYTICAL OHEMIST.I DOVER, H. 3. A2TAL7BES of all DESCRIPTIONS OF ORES AND MINERALS. T. LIGPOKT, ITT 'Counsellor at Law, AND MASTER IN CHANCERY, OIBte in t l » Natioiml Dni.iii llanli Uiukiiuf 3LAOF»^LST., D0VEH, N. J, REUBEN ROWE, H. Pi SANDERSON, I'salflr In WAliON uttl (JAIUSIAdE WOOD VUHI. t'I'i'OfilTK l i u v t l l W.l'UT. Wlprrucl. Mlkjiui iarriit^o ami witgo. til VAHN'IKH. buth of FINE COLOHH fu LEA , Wnni l'liiirt, (Jnloriitp mid VaniiNh niHhoj uid StriiHiiR l W i l n , afull Block. All of Uio above (jondH from the ln-M, mat- •8 k n o w n l,y puiuttTH. FIJtbT-CLASS OAHRUfiEaiid KLEIUJf 0HNU1KK IH Huviiijj ]m<la Irani; 'JS]>ori.-im' .'(iriticrlv ns pftHi*Ka buil<i-r, fnrni fl UK.IV..I,:]I kimVl- ly (i!ljpr<i(>nli>r. THE OLD STAND. UNION HALL BUILDING, DlarkwiHStrtcl, Dover, Hot Air Furnaces, Of the Intent din] in,)Ht hnjjrovt-d fttjl.n, f lP | auMorttitci.U.r Htnvi'f, t-lif-iip'r'u-'^nsili. llV COOK.I'AItLOH. HEATING STOVES, BANG-ES, JOHN DRUMMER'S SHAVING AND HAIR CUTTING SALOON, SUSSEX STREET, KEROSENE Oil,, LANTERNS AND UH1TTANJA WAKE, TIN & JAPAN WARE, FRUIT CANS, *c, IIS HOOPINfi, EAVJM, TllOUGHS, lotite. IIi,;IjpKt juice* i>&i<l IW old I r m . Copper land and pawtet tuktu in «ie!iiinj! ALEXANDER WIGIITON. Dec*mber2itIi.l870. 1-lvr DOVER, N. J. e pises has been enlicelv refitted In a neat nnw LADIlC'^EN HAIH ATTORNEYS A COUNSELLORS' AT LAW, Cor. Hlacknell and Sussex StB. DOVER. N- J. I. 0. KBIGHBOtjn. A. 0, BMITH. L. W. THURBER, BUPERIKTENDEST OF PODLIO 80HOOT.8 op Momus oorai'V. Offloo over QE0. BI0HAHE8 k Co.'a BTOltE, DOVER, N. J. Rpeclal OIHCB honn on Baturdava from 8 A. M. til! 13VL. 17-tf JLT08E8 BLANCHAED, ATTORNEY AT LAW, IKD UABTBB IN CnAMCEKV, DOVER, N. J. OSlue OTSr A. Wisblon'a BtaTo and tin Bturc, 17-lj Blaokwll itresi. m B. HOAOLAND, H. D., PHYBIOIAN AND 8OTGE0N, OFFICE AT MB. THOS. WILLIAM'S, «m MINE HILL, N. J. PIANOS AND ORGANS TUNED AND REPAIRED, FOR RENT AND FOIt BALE OK INSTALLMENTS. WM. 8, WEIGHT. Dora, N, J Lot! Boi B8. O.tf Agents foe FdrtankB' Scales and Tsr. willigor't Safos. VOORHEES BROTHERS, MORRISTOWN, JSOILBERS', C/iBraAQElIAKEBS',ni.iC5. auiTns 1 , 0OHTiiA(^ron3 AND MIN- ma acrpmEB. AgrlflaHum ImplementB, Boeda, Fcrtlllzfirs kt.. ralLla, Oila, GltiBi, etc. TSTALTEE A. WOOD'S Celebrated MOWEES and KEAPEES. Scrriitown. Dea.18th.IS78: McKinnon Bros KiXDJACTOBEBB 07 Axes and Edge Tools, RQCKAWAY, N. J. .i of infoi caio. W .lection with ninj; thi .nyo'h! llshad and well-known firm gom lvalues*, we tito this mei " '""" pataUotlmt such Ii not th< ia bunloess, litre no coir firm white Tor, andHtia.ll welt-liDOini goods witb gi - All oar Booda are hand-made tlirouchatit am W»»re the onljfirra In ftoekawaymakinf; anul goodi entirely by hand. Water Tuywi fi W. P. BAY, CATEFEB and CONFECTIONE Morristown, N. J. Pllrs. FeBllralB and rrivalo Psrtioa aupp lo fall sr in part, *lth IOT OBEAM, OTBTBItS, 00SFE0T10NEIIY, J1EATB, a»!'T,An8, DONED TURKEY, OiHl, IBLtlES, FANCY CAKE. •5 OBAULCtrrE DBTOBSE, riRA J . *tUi fc*fnOLHa«or icrvina, ciockery. .•.^•U^ip.flocTcbllii.fiowrrMnilsb.Ac. EW MARBLE YARD IK DOTEH! has, T. Clark & Son ToopenfldRnew nliopin Dover in Bearing's buttdLi.fr, C O M E R BLACK WELL AND DEHGJlN BIS., and invitu tho putronaRc or ILu public, Horse Shoeing POETIC;. YOUHO PEOPLES' COLTTMH. THE BRAVE SWISS BOY. FOR THE NEXT FEW WEEKS WILL, PREPARATORY TO QUITTING THE BUSINESS, OFFER THEIR ENTIRE STOCK at. astonisldng low figlirGS. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF STYLISH and SUBSTANTIAL GOODS WILL BE SOLD KEG-AftDLERS OF COST. A PILE OF ODDS AND ENDS THAT HAS ACCUMULATED THE LAST YEAR OR SO HAVE BEEN LAID ON THE COUNTER AND WILL BE SOLD AT ANY PRICE. WE GIVE YOU AN OPPORTUNITY NOW that YOU WILL NEVER HAVE AGAIN OF FITTING OUT YOUR FAMILY AT LESS THAN ONE-HALF THE USUAL COST IN THEIR FEET WEAR. CALL EARLY AND GET YOUR SELECTIONS. EIESINI. cfc CO., BLACKWELL St., DOVER. DOVM, K. J., Fdi. 9lli, 1881. IKJ 111 tl.r: li&Ut uf lu, v rcul, | ;l.tUi),l wuiUH .limr w.,K buiied. 0 (or.Mart lire.'a \ THEFI,4T CHEEK i.\ mourns COUNTY CALLAT STINER'S NEWYORK AND CHINA TEA CO,, BLACSWK.L St., DOVER OUR 50 CT. TEAS a better (him H.W etowheio at f(l cts. duetrial will prove tbe fiit'f. Our liigli yrude new cruj> teiia, SI'UHOH SSO, rulnilcd nt 70cti. per Hi, COFFEE! COFFEE COFFEE! rlmling Rich Old Moclm, Government., Java, Mnrncatbo, Santos, Rio are all steam rousted. Always fresh. , SUGARS SOLD AT COST. Tlio inliiiMliintKof Dover anil Morris Ormnty will do well by purcliusin^ Ilieir 'inter supply from us. 40-lv T H E DOVER LUMBEE CO. offers to builders tlio best opportunities in the purchase of LUMBER of every grade and dosmptiou including LOW PRICES aud tbe great ftdvautogo of having Lumber 'Worked to Order by maebmory at tbe place whore it is purchased, greatly lessening the cost of building by tlio great saving in manual labor. Our stock always includos Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings and LUMBER of e^ery description, and CBpecial paiiiH are taken to give satisfaction in every particular. GRoam KionARDfl, Piosidont. Vfit. Ti. LAHDEBT, fleo'j and Troas. 1. W. BUBINQ, Gen'l Mnnagsr. * specialty of tliflbni piotfully soli iXTRA WIDTH MUSLIK9, H8, 40, 42, 45, I AH, ii lo 1(15 ilichen widt! In plain blcm-htd. _, 104, U-i hiTwIlledKliccliiiKB offltamlaid •oodsat ,Vt 8. BABBITTS. DAIBY BUTTER, Ens S Erie j Fruits THE CELEBRATED ROOKAWAYAXE! vholcHaic trade only. I«i to KUITLY STORES v, GOODS at t nlwniH prepared the DEST pn mblcJ to BiiPi>;y HORSE SHOEING LOWEST MARKET PRICES. Th.B part of Warren Crnrntj in notedforits OOD BUTTER MAHEItS. 1 handle all kinds FARMEItS I'ROIUJCE. Otdei by mail and it- jour condn frtiali and guoj the sunif day. WE KING, JL, BLAIUST01YN,». J. •.O. BOX, 25. ! Notice of Settlement. Notice in hcrebj Riven that th» nccnuntH of to iiibflcnlmr.Atiiiiluifltrttnt of Jnn.MiSlifiRii scraued, will lie multled afcd stated bytil nrrORfttr, tnd reported fur nettle men I to tin Irpbann' Court uf tho County of Morris, ct Holiday Hie- frmrlli day .if Ajui'l next. JAMEi II. CAIIHEL. iteJ Jau. ar.lb, 1881. ' B-lflt Notice of Settlement. Mntico ii heraby Riven tlmt th« accounts r 'c'J, wilt to 'nitliicl mil stated by the Htir- .gatc, ami rsnurled fur uoUlcniciit to rphn-nu- Car.rl ol tlio Count* o( Merri oiidnY tiiu fourth liny of A p n l n p i t . m.\NE D. HTEPIfKNS, LADBA. ary 24tli, 1B81. 8-lOiv WE ARE NOW MAKING THE GREATEST OFIT12R TO BOOK AGENTS made bv »n» nnMinliinf; luiimc It i TlllSO'anii mil Lo madf. fvi uulv a nil i"ith' a call. Tor 3.3 PEER, Dckawty,MorriuCo.,N. J. THE HOLIDAY SEASON nlurinp HOLIDAY flOOIW. iir fieu.linR HOLIDAY GIFTS to frieuda, willfindtho CENTRAL EXPRESS c liost and cheapest mutn by whicli to trad, D. A. SEARING, Agent. Vk'ICE AT REUBEN ISOWE'S, huriSEX RTBBET, D0TER. BEEMER & PALMER DEiilEB IM COAL, WOOD, MAS0N8' MATEHXALS, * BLUE STONE, FERTILIZERS UAfiDAKDTALS BRIOK, LIME, CEMENT, CALCINED PLASTER, FKOKT BBIOK, FrUEL'IAY.FIIlEBniOK, FLAG STONES CURBING. CELLAR STEPS, COPING, 8ILI^, LINTELS AJN'B CI8TEIIN NECKB, WHAKN'S PHOSPHATE, Hone DuBt, Guano* PniKlrette, LAND PLASTES, £u WOOD sawed in stove lengths. STOVE, EGG, CHESTS UT, Orders m\y bo adirenBod thronph tliePos Office Lock Ilni 28, orlofUt A. Beemer'sofflc iI)lftfiweHBt.,neir 8a»cx, crtt thojard. BLACKSMITH'S COAL otmstftntlj on hand UJHECB IMUE3. ) B. P1LKI1 Parker's Ginger Tonic ,„„, ,„„ io tlio blood rich i nod to Btrcnslben ejurj pirl of tho s It his cured Lnndtena uf ds^wbiaK in Aak joar coigbbor aboot it. 6- K SIEBER, House and Decorative Painter, rtBjHCtfnllj caltn attention tuliii BTOES, COIt. BLAflKWELL ANDE9SEXSTS., DOVER, near tho 1st M. E. Church, WALL ...... B, for ILIA rents tri 13 pur roll, J rurl mil tit'VfleiH, pr y«n], I'iit Iat* prettirat tliinfii in filiittiary, Cunter '11'ii'CCR nnj tirsnkeN. Also n fie 1 FOB. The old established Blacksmith and Wagon Shop now occupied by John Morgan, oppo> site Union Foundry Machine Shops, Rock- ray,N.J. If not soli before MARCH Is1 will be for rent. sU, Drniim* Inr ill klmlit oi'Yrci- Mi. GOKTBAOTfl TAKEN for cilnriorB ofbuiDiDB KQ<1 publJo r 28 i, 1SS5. ALEX- HOCJUSTAT, A". llLT,.. tH Lo j.,!i i "licit )on ifymi Rt. mi: »(?•• JlfC"]:' a year. It i,- lUKkf. Snn-1 • li'.-rviiijr nit, Wultur, IDjr u u d u iu his nl,l •rily nsk p i n tn g o fitr .ht ruijiii'dt I liuv( y>nnrg tor, win itlrii, lj.ml» ! dun you Horn I j,^,, uwtJ t "Q 1(Ji u voar h«ilMi I •riiJtlnlgijuue in wine. If my e.irii .you wore iuit MLCIIC, it w o u l d WB Lter of nu toascfjui'nct; (ume wbdli you wfut to rtffiii-iiotiim oc ii-if; liul heudd.-il.wliili- U'nthMdi'ledio hiu *?>••• " I trust, t-ir, you will jmrdnu w. I, Haying tliat I cnii not look on carfllcHs nliile.vim are niiiiin^ vonisdf ; imtl so I hope you will hi im: go." 'f Im l-fckltjsf) gHnicster vus quite uiuv^d nt tlie duvotioii nud fuitMuLiiL'aaof Lu nnd. ,Spriuj;iti^ fii»iu b c l . lit: p[)«d liuiMoff in lii.1 (insHiti^'-fiowii, : waitoil dustily fo and fro iu tlie up rdui'ut for a foiv minntea iu f-ileucs. iat, lie jifiuatid lifforo Walter anil od liin huDii. "Yon area stmiglit- nl, Wiirin-hearttnl follow," ho ci «d. " H a t tin; ui(,iu I urn eon- (1 of tlmt, tbolcNsdiHiJURoanu) I to imrt will you. Will ytm not ataj willi uiu ?" "No, MJ good Liastri', I can uot," iliawwed Walter, firmly. " Not evt'it if 1 promise to turn over L new leiif, uml neither to .liiult licr jiiiublc any mom from this dny ?" Walter was in a mcfiNiire re-im^ured by IICKO words, nnd liia cyei were lit up witli ii new hope, " All I if you rimlly •ill []u that, «ir !" ho eiclnitmsj. '•Tlin't niters everyUiingi fiiid Isliallbeas over- oj'od to stay with you ns I should have is right 1 n hew y e you." Ituockcd d:< (|]11NIITI •y to tlo your Icbhel bei i ilc " Fiat CrceL Hlfjj"a l'H (It- -j'liiteil Slubon flingfl a bi- I iluin out dc plauks an* Jars Hi (k ruuf I :lit!i-k <lt moltoii I Let the ie it iiiisiitv lunJy, wsHziti' WAIKS ABOUT WOMAN'. Queen Tictoria made S4000 ou stock in ing laat yean " Lot's cousoiiiliite " is the latest torw, popping the question. ODD wifo bus beea know^ tp Bet a nan mtlstiiig why he win bora. A tann ut Houth Covoutry, CODD,, hqs I two wives nnd been married ;ice withic eleven months. lettia Hnwyer, tJio new Wieoonain mator. gave liin two daughters 8100,000 licco wlieu they were married. The meanost woman on record is tlie io who boiled codftah in a lire-proof fc to koop her neighbors from getting ell. Soveu huudretl tbousnivl womeu io aiico and Italy are timployud in tlio .nufpctui'G of raw silk from tho co- JOH. During tho ceuauB in Swilzcrlantl 917 omen refnaud to toll their ugca, and ach ono WUB returned At 40 aud fined 1.29. A geutlerurtii thoother evening ob- istcd lo pluyirig curds with a lady.to- iiiae he said (the hnil such a winning ray tiboutlier. A Chicago glues eye merchant knowa [ n lady who was married four yeara jforolior liusbuud found out thutaho ind en artificial eye. Mrs. Gorfield Bays that the General is ibstiuntG when anybody nndertukos to five him. AD<1 it is quite pro^inbl iat Mia. Giirfiold k«own. Ou lh,R Little Oo.orada lives a woman ho avers that she is 128 years old, nnd Lai fikc distinctly remembers t <e ftuni k r k T i y . lfftli of Mar, 1780. Ex GovornorTdlbot, of MasBtioluise 1 rites : " I t seems especially important onion should at this time bo given n >t« in municipal affairs." Whouover ynnng Indies leani losliclt .pin iu their apronfatHops eo tliat it won' iratch a fellow's wriat, thoto will bi more marriages. Don't you think," said n huabnnd mildly rebuking hii wife, " thnt wo- ion nro poeaeaEeJ bj tha devil ?" 'ns tlio quick reitly, '.'•*• aoon aa thoy ,ro marred,"- Mr. Cannon, delegate in Contfrei :'rom Utah, wns recently naked how many wives he really had. when he replied Euoagh lo keep me from rfleOdliai ith other men's wiYeq," Tha Hurricane isftToll printed littli paper published in OharleBton, S, 0., b; ita editor, MIHS Evn E. Britton, a girl 'ho ia oiilv 12 yenrH old. Tlioro are good many worse pupers puliliahfld i iiis world by &good manyol^er people. A Galycston widow is about to man icr fifth huebnnd. Herpaator rohuket Iior for contemplating taatrimony nt loon again. " W«ll. I ionl nnutyoa t understand, if the Lord keeps on takii hem 1 will too," was tho Bpiritod reply Misa Francos Power Coblie tlmt women are cowardly chiefly in sma! things; bnt that in great conci where life, honcr or faith ia nt stake, o: wboru pfitmiva fortitude rather thai conriigo is tested, they nru likvly to b lore heroic than men. "9*0 hero," BttM a fault-Onding Itm band to Ilia wife, " wo must have thing SKfcil in this IICHRP BO that wo slip know jnat where eynry.tlu.iig IH kept. 'it!i fill Hi? V^rt/'aho swpetly ivil, "and let na begin wi!h voi lato hours, my love;) slionKl di'ur like to knotv wlier« they .ire kt>pl," i. lets tilings run on as ngnui, 11 Thtro are Bcventccn and a. half nifn toovery femala in tho Territory of Da- bota." *'\Voll," Haid Miss Jones, spin- star, Tfhen ibe read tha nbove itttw, " it : ffirlt knew ythii I know, they'd Uko that CflU nftn mtber tli&n none at all." "Then tLut in setfk'd," said hia mna- ter, in a serioiis tone, " I nm obliged to you for rpeaking no .faithfully to me. I know that I linyo been living in fooliug way ; but I will be different for tlio lutiire. That you may rely upon," Walter's joy was KQ (jreiit at hoariug tliin unosptoled resolution that lie nearly bui-bt inlo.ti:iirn. Uulmppily, however, he wiia noon to oxjiuriutice the disup- poinlmpnt of nil bin liopis, Fur a fortnight Mr, Lurnuil kept hit* pnuuiso fitithfiilly ; hut at the end of ,1ml timo he ngaiu yielded to tint old toiuptntiou, nnd tiitor a uiglit of revelry rt:lnriu : d hoirif! in broad dnyliglit \\\ a alnto of complcts liolplBsaneiH, The SST- vaut roncwed his outroaties and warn- iga ; reniindod bin lHijater that the phy- riitn lmd dedured that Ilia cxistcupe ponded on hia leadiug n sober life, uud ilaiueil from him a ruuewal o' the •okuu promise. But ahs ! it proved m in na bofort-. l a ii f,tiw dr-jx nil hh >]ica V/CVP ngain cruaheil, and liiu pray- •3 (ind pntrenties were only answered by i« mtwtet witli Ashrug of the filiouldiirs. You kuuw nothingabuut it.Wtiltor," .i*l he. "The temptation is BO strong, iat ono can't bo always resisting it." "But it is your duty to resist it, sir. id you can succeed if you w^ll ouly ake up jour inind to do so." " It'H tooUte now," replied tlieo'-ber, ith ft faint smito. " 1 hare fought and uglit, and been beaten at last, X shall ire up fighting oovf." 'Are you rea(Iy in earnest ?" cried 'altar, seriously. " I nm really in earnest," replied Mr. afon.d, " Then I must indeed quit your ser- ioo, flir. I will not stay here if I can it save yon from rushing headlong to utrnctioii." " Silly fellow !" n>plicd his maBtnr, ostily. "What moro would you have ? will be for your direct advantage to iy with mo, Look at ray condition, ie doctor was quite right in saying iat I couldn't live another year. Bcmuin icre for that short time, find ytm shall well paid for your services. I Till iko oaro not to forgot you in ray will." ['lie young Switzcr could not restnuu emotion at bearing bin voak-minded ut good-natured master talk in such a aroless wny abont death. Unable to. [peak, ho turned to leave the Mom.whei] fir, Lafocd called him back, ", Hnvfl yon no reply to make to to ) demanded, in an offended tone. "Kothing ruoro than this, eir— our doctor QBBured me that you might ve for ton, twonty, or cvon thirty yeai mger, if you cocld, only bo porsaaded \ live in e, sober and reasonable ^ay. 3b, my dear sir," ho exclaimed, ;iva up these habits thtit &r« mining nnd BOUI, and X will devote in; whale lite to you \" "No use," tyaa the gloomy reply. "Il were to make iifnv resolutions, they would otilj be broken, as tbo others' , f-ir, 1 will go fur u yeur, since it *i hirotiRly," nwentcil Wtl- t'uiild lui loi,(;i'r riibist hi« mas- ,^l. "Whcn-shull jHturt ?" ! Jon piriiflp. YDU will be we!- Thru I will HPt out ntonce, nir ; th •IIU-T our parting is aver, l\w better," "But if it is no puinful toyo.i, why e ay u! nil ? You know how glad should be for you to stay." Ami you know, air, wiiv I am i.L d to Ri. ( » rpplied Walter, finnly. itr<lou mi 1 , dc«r sir, fu BiK-nking uny e UL ibo mibjoct; but if you only had the resolution to—" I'll rmifcciinolhor trial, Walter," KL Mr, Lufuud, withaBioilft (lint ton*.rr.3ti .th liin Kuiikun and wasted featmm " You Khali Iiciir fnnu me in three months," he continued ; "mid WolI.woHhallHf'c. Gofid-hy. tsl winhns K» with yon I" liand whicli liiq inter fixttiiidoJ. mi'l kifiSL'i] it fervently, •srrvp yon 1" eitid he. vyv.v. "If pr.ij'erN, you, ciin bo of nny .vul." •r. Yun have been a aluiturd Mr. Lafoud, 'God liu with p ''Iah&ll never more look upon yonder glorioiiH HUD. or hoar tbe gBj singfog of the birds. I hare something to cay to you, Walter, before I go. Do yon Me that black cabinet in Ihe ooraer ?. I bequeath it to you, with eTerytbfog it contains, uud bope with all my heurt Hint it will help you on in tbe world aa you deserve. Here is the key of my desk, in which you will find my will, which confirms you in tbe possession of the cabinet onl nil its contents. And Wultur grasped HI tenra in his it prajtrs for litlp, j»u will b e n t "Fuvcw.-!!, Wulte itlir.ilH.TV:iut,"er ith {Hiiuful (imoti you I—perhnps we ehiill uerer meet ench \n:t ngtiiii." Bo they parted. Wulter wtut by tin first eauveynneo to ttniiiiu to the honsi GeiiGral IJoBaugy ; imd bia formnr inantor sunk into profound grief m bo dwelt upon tho aflectiou mid eolieituuo •hieh tho young Hwitaer had shown mnrdbim. "Only a year Hdoner," l,e naed,witli torturing nugiiish, "and I i[-eu. Tho doctor ia quits mistaken in s opinion. I suppose I mnflt fulfill my lestiny. So let tha matter drop, Wal- r." "Anythios unn be (ioue if one is onl termincd," pecsiated the young mnn, ith eatrealy in his tone. Hin maafer tiirnt'il a wny nc^d Hhook hii head. " Too ',,ifco, (no late, 1 hnTe ,hi; niorrJ eourngo or deierntinatiorj." en mny God hnvo mercy upoi rp-pliod tlio servant, Eol ia no longer a plnci; for rn- ypd on the ono h&x^ l^ u a dnty to himself, &nd on ttio pther b; pity for hia torrtbly misled mapter, WH! (j Borrpr.-fiilly quitlwl the apftrlmenl and after picking ft fu** thic^a, returned to take hit fliinl leave. Mr. Lafoqd, however, woul.i not bring himsolf f< belioyo iti tho reality of BUCII » aadde: and determined resointiorj, nnd use* nrgui^ont to induce tho lad ti ajuaogo his miud. ^e eyea begged hii as a personal fayor to remain, tmt Wai terperaiBtcd in hia.iJfterminalion ; m canld the most laviiib otTera of cmoli indaoo him to stay and be s belp- lesa spectator of tbo ruin of one whom be was unablo to nave. " If 1 were caij an determined BBJO are," flif.'lurd Mr. Lafund, "how muc! belter it wouhl bo Tor me t But now in too late. Farewell, then, Walter, yon baie made up your mind to quit mi service. Bat thoagb you leave me, it not necefisttry thnt you return to yoi nntfiin homo. I received thia h\y from ray ancle, General poTfcugy, w lives in Roacn. fie old gentleman ia of a oteady and IrnBtworthy 1 1 ti light lave been red man ! Now, sow give ine jour hand, dear boj. Let t- look once more upon your honest Be. Miiy Heaven bleaa you for all your kind ness nnd devolion t Farewell 1" [TO BE CONTINUED, 1 THE OLD UESTLEMAK'S STORf. A HTA1IE I'AIiTE fiNlfWED UP SUTT-FTTE TJJAIL 5 ! ifJO—AN OLD'FASHIONED 13MDK. " Talk about your jeiix de sodete, char- tuli'H. and all tliat Hind of thing—a lut of people spinning out vcraeB and milking Hilly rhymes—ami pray, what ia the une of it f Mv niother. before hermarrini had a pirLty educntitm—good enough tbe d»y, and tliirt right then and ihete B wlemn friendship h p was awata among them all, tlie drivar ^eluded, It was fully K week from the time tbe; were wowed in before they started again ou their jonraoy. I only bring tbia forward as a sample of bow useful hjindinesfl and a knowledge of cooking in. I can't tell yon about the'rest of the party, bat tbo Don kept op bis acquaintance with my father and mother for many years, gome six months afterward IDJ fjiher re- ceived from Havana a thousand cigars of that famous kind ' generation smoked. for liny n-Gorf blosa f oervimt, 5U<1 DB1[B;IIOt nii hi im ono, so ill I think tho host thing yon oan do ba to go there for a twelvemonth. You will litid him i\ better master tlinn I have bt'L'ii , uud ii* vou are really ilctermiDed to leave me, you myjbt doworso titan nter hia eervioe. I feel nuro you will ^ flomfoptaWij." Walter ahoak bia bead. "Iihocldn't iks fo go into soother boost, dx, *fUr tha Biperienw I bare bid ia j & K ' •MM." " • " - ( " . " C~;: U ,. IUB I thou hast conic loo lute, noble tind iuerouB heurt 1" Walter mot with a friundly rccpptioii •tun Oeneritl BeBuiigy—n Im.vo old irriorwlio hadRcrvt'd nndfii- Nupoleon, ml fought itt Wiitfrlio, Tlwre he lnul een fievcroly wounded, imd lmd lont hia ght foot hy a ctimicm-biill. Hiu Imir HI gray, andhia coiintonnnoe wcithei'- •aten j but in spitn of hia nge and itlrmitics ho enjoyed tolerably good icalth, and wna (ilwuya io*"good humor. .nviiiR from long cxpcricnco beooiae a 38i) obiiorvur of those around him, it LIB not long before ho recognised tho di'ita of bis newaervnut, to whom Jif ion b(i3iuiui an mncli iiltuched as hit tphtiw had been. l\'ii!tfr had been about three months tho General's aevvicc, nnd il seemed to II appearance-as if he was likely to be- une a permanency HIDIO, ivfifiti ali;lt«r rived Irom I'niii, thciiwuliug of which iddtuily filinngtid the customary gayety tlio old uiftn into the deepest gloom. " Tins is a Bad uffair," said he to Wai- r, ffbo happened to bo in thoroom at io time. " My poor nephew t" " Mr. Lufond V What is the matter 'ith him ?" inquired Walter, 'He la ill, dtngorously ill, poor fol- ', HO the doctor informs me," replied ;hc General. " \*ou oau read tbe letter mwelf, Ho scsms to complain of ioiug atirrounded by strangora, with no > in tlie houao that ho oan roly on. If were not suoh an old cripple, I would ;o and help him to the beat of my abil- :y ; fornlthongh bo has led a thought- reckless life, a moro thorougli- ienrted gentleman doeB not live, Poor dolphe 1" " I must go to him, air," said Waltor, tddanly, after hastily reading tbo letter, he uernsnl cu" which hud driven all the ilar from his cliepks. "You I Why, it is not long Binco yon ift him ; and what doyou want to ga nek for ?" inquired the General, Iu BUtt iriso. Gun ypv, EOt guees, sir ? I mnst go nurse him. He must at ' < .iBb hnvi pemon near him to pay himSOVQO ttpntinn." " II you care for h,iia eo," exolnimcd ie General, l( why did you leave bia lorvioo f" TLifl led Walter to explain to tlio old iotleman the redoona which had com' pcllod him to give up his eitoation, antl to heg pormisaion to act tho part of nurse to liia former master, A tonr ipurkled in tbn old mna'a oye sta tbfi •ontb deolarcd the attaohment bo had ilwaye oheriBbcd for Mr. Lufond. "Go to him, tlien." said he. " lean nottrufit him to a more f&itbfnl attendant; and as soon ns I can I will follow yoa, anil ,ke myplace with you by Iris bedside. Poor Adolphe I Had bo only possessed firmneaa of cbaracter, find avoided bad company, ho might have been well aud itrong to-day. But bis ynhuppy weak* jeai baa brought Uiui, to tho grave before iifl tir^o, in Bpito of. all mywarnings and entreaties, As he has soweil, BO mnst(he reap. All, Walter, his fate isftterrible proof of tho consequences of evil habits. But nil regrets tiro useless now, Let vs loso no tijne in giving what little help vie can," Making all tho necessary preparation! for the journey nithout a moment's da- lay, Walter noon reached Pnris. Whpi he enturod the chamber ol Mr. Ii_afoH' lie was shocked nt the chnngo whiah ft few aliort months bjid made in his np pearanra. It was evident that the doc. tor hnd rather disguised than tho danger tio was it). Tho HUQlitjn eyes and withered fuoa showod only plainly that thuspnos of time allotted tc him on earth was but short. Waltci sank ou his kneus by tho bedsit]?, itU( taking Iho ptlo and waatGc' band in hie, breathed a prajcr that God might sei It to deal mtircifuHy with n li.'oyetii vonng ; while the invalid nmilcd fnintly, ind stroked thocheek of hi« fFiilbfn ptlendant, "Dear Walter, how good of you t< come buck 1" murmured tininvalid, " thoaght joa would not leuva rnq to dlt iilono. I fcnretl thnt yoi^r pied'olJo: woakl prove truu, and thetotorc I dh not lrjijl; you, t o pr> home. I wanted t. .liiivo iv true friend witli mo at thn In; moment, wh-cli I feel can not lw fur i> now." Tbo faithful anriLur saw thnt Mi Lafand too woll knew the critical condi lion lia wua io to be deonived by tu]Be hopes, and ho therefore did es.-r- thing iu his power to make tlia last days uf the dying mnn aa free Irom pniu uud discomfort as possible. Who could tell what might ho the eitcct, even it to lat« A period, ol cuetal nnrsiDj aau derated J. am talking about, maybe-, 75, 80 year (i(;<i. Sho could paint a flower and imik ibirt—yes. MiuJuni. i nd play Mi'Z&rt nnd ('dok n piuliling, mid do every f thi'in well. There HUD not thutsluiin enibhuKH. of ediinalion as it oiisfs 1< ay—the™ vm the nudity. If tlirr had hiijipinK'il nny vicissitude of for- hujf bin! couiil lmv« (jou(- out into the :1<1tnd tnUcn cum of not wily hcr- ", but even of otl«T«. AVIii-n «be vra. rrieil—that was in 1B17, (L'trd IIIPSI me, only two y«ur» nfttT tin- iiattJc of WatorJoo !)—my futher uud nether ivcnl i their wedding tour H.mtli, nnd vert- to Rpond auionili ouaplunUtiiu, bctmiK- ii iiGur CLarlratou. There woHJujtmisb a Winter then «» it inalioen Ihisyciir. In 3812 my futli«r iea:ly died from txpo.sarfj Jtirint; the viir, and had (o ho mimed far years .(terwurd. Well, tlwy nUrtcil,mul were iiiowid upsown when' this ski (' of Iticb- nimil, and hiul to stay nt a waj-nidc avern for uluiost a weok. In tin: istngi:- foaeli tliera wont thrm 1 othor paPiengcra. One of thorn IVUH it Hpnniah (,'entloinau, ob hia way (so bo an id) .to Cliarltiaton, alienee he was to t»j;i'slii|tpiii.j lo Cuba. The tavern waa just on one of .lie spurs of that hilly country where tlm Dine ud wnsnlsd ifto- Ihig.) in Green* lien to do. T^thfi- mid not >JO moved, [•il in, nnd tin 1 poor hoiiiio—only a biiit- ng pii4Co for nil-oners—II;L:1 rt-nlly imth- D([ to wit. Thoiit;li the purtiiw in thu tiigi.'-cuuch lvt're ijuitd miUiinwn to OIK. 1 mother, tbey WITO perfectly willing to :ontri ( )iito each bis services to tlio gene- ral welfare, Oae was a first officer of a ship then at Richmond, loading with flour for South America : tho other niis a Boston man, iu n dry goods business. It was my mother who organized tlie party, Iu UID tavern there was meal, but not enough meat to foeil one per/iou for ft day, and theu KB to the meal, the horses totho Binge—four of them—hnd to bo fed, for ..here was neither ontu nor hay. There were, besides, two vogro ita in tlio tavern, tho driver ol tht llidgci divides Virginiu, lated im nu EHipiiniaas land. Here wta n was tnknn ill and . The party was HIK»I penplu who ktipt th stagfl, but, wlint wua wor&o, from *.be cold, the driver's hn&tla and feet wore ao frost-bitten th,at lio «a9 laid up. Whei ho wii9 oiiiomo advantage was in Ilia knowledge of the country. Tho Spanish geutlemau showod a grentdealof judement, and declared liimtelf to bo my mother's lieutenant, A borss saddled, und tho Spanish gentleman BCut out ii> forage, while mother took everything in oliargo, The old m»» aud his bed-ridden vife, who kepi tliehmifie, Dbilicutod entirely. There was plentj ol money, of course, EHthe Spani man wus profuso with his gold ounces. out in tbe morning of the Ursl lay in tbo heavy snow, on a tour of ex- loration, he iras expeotod buck at night- ill. But anxious hours ehpaod and ti< did not return. Tho Boston man wa mt out on another liorae to follow bi ackfi. At last, at nightfall, they both imo baok, Tho Spaniard hadsunfa ox- auctod on tho snow, but had first tied is horse to a tree, nnd hung on t Draneh & basket of provisions which b< ia<3 bought Bomewhere. Mj niatbei had providentially eeut out a bottle o randy, soino of fatticr'a Ktores, with the .oston man, and tlmt bad revived thi Don. Then, my father having been pa to bed in the ouly roam that wns habit' ibie, tho party ensconced ihemsGlvea in ho kitphca. The negro servants wen to bring in the wood ; fortucntel; ihera was enough of that. Tlior* wu icthing to cook in but & altillot, & boiler, ml a dutch oven, but mymother wen o work. Out oi ohaos sho brought urder. Too ship's Captnia was icvalu- Be found a >oucg porker in thi pen attached to the houna, end ho kill' and drea3cd it. Beoiember, tbero were len peoplo to tako of, mid tho foil borsea. Every day the Don would gi out witli a gun and tryaud got noun jume, Imt nothing wns to be hnd, No 1 ;benonrest house was eight miles away tnd could ouly be readied, through grei drifts of anow—quite itnpractioabto f( ooiioh. "The Captain nuide a sledge ont < n oldbed, big enough to bold two, an ,'ith the Don they drove to thnt neigl boring iann-houne nud brought bans that night enough food of its kind meal, bncon, and potatoes—to last thi family for tho week, but tho first trip tho Don had eihauated their chioliGB All the horses Kara ono lmd been oajrii to the neighbor to take can? cf. 5 father tbe third dny got bMtcr-.es did th driver, through tV.o caruful n: my motliev, '1'hen 11;R pasfloug treaties beinir over, bnd a right mon iitne of i*. On tho fifth day a party rtreil, sent out by the nm,ioun stngo pn prietara, to disootar what had boon tl futo ol l!in ooaoh nnd tho pasengr) L'ad o[ tlndins ft fatoishf^l nnd r.Un sot of pooplo, Itipy found a mern party enjoying thtxrm-lvos. Thi cocine party lmd of conrsfl brought good Btock of proviGiona. My molhi fsi'. her h.is oflea told uu\ iloteiKined iavo a porting bunqnet or th« grumli iliBrucler, nnd Imving eoolted tbo win dinner for some fomtcea people, n 1 penred liorself at Lb'^iiltlio beRt dn B!IS hnd in her trousaeua. Sho vna rhicboiify a former As (o my mother, had & very bfatitiful bracelet BLMII her. (or our Don vmn no Ic^a u yersoa ihaa the sou of tho Lieuttuani-Oover- lor of Oubii. Ht 1 went buck to 9puin .ftenvard and headed tlree nr four revo- lutions there, ami tlied u»mc 3D years ;go. My dmir Ma'Jum, CXCUBB all this leacriptioL uf wliat took piano at this liti- ;inning of tin." century in a Virginia Hiyside tavero ; but do jon ronlly think but any om; uf tboMi nieujonng girla, wlio hiivo bftt'ti utting that cnarodo in sncti r. piessaut war, with ft httio sovpeon of tln> limruhnnH maun IT, would be very nsoftil if thej- were placed in Biidi straits nu I have Ixicn t<.*lliug you about ? Just «H likely, when they got married, it is, their liushiiiidH wlio will havo to tulii- riu-o of tin-in, not thoy their hus- IjuntiH, Tli pro If t<io much flammery uhmil (he girlh of to-day ; they are too (.'lubiintto; and i»iml you, tlio Kliip- wrucka caused by fortuuo aro rather more frcqiirnt in 1B81, I think, tian they WIMV iu my yoiiager timo. If I bad i-Tcp met a indy "—tbe old tlcman looked Houtlinentul here, then pUUHlid. Witli nil tho necpflSitry accomplish- mpiit« ?" tht! liBtcutr added. " Well, tbnt in a>>out it," said tho old tutlcuiitn. "1 aliouU not have hoen lcRiitL'd iiiiiong (hi! *ild fofiies, who tnlli iu n senile way about what we tbe iiiHigiiiliuant reminiscences of the past," ud the old gentleraiin bowed and left. " I can't hp.fi," siiid ft graceful girl, ' how thut old gentleman eau ii.tcreut yon—ftttifrmug creiituru t Mamma says in lier very young dayB. though, that he was thought a grent dual of. I think ho boa outlived Im time, Ho preaches so. ys comparing the womon of to-day w mi'n who lived in tho year one. Nfiy tUtjy were not a bit handsomer, rw, or more ncoomplislioi] than are of today. Survival of the fittest i what ray drosamaker Bays—and i>. No my brother is not hero. ; ill ; lo^s s>f uppetito, imd won't moi'Mil ; nut a noul in the houao [i Huit INN tasltsa, so fastidious and ea- 3>octnr saya it may bo iwrknia, d I imi Hum ym have !he best chtfiu v York. Hoft- nhould I or mamma mv how to make IUCBSCI* fur him E iod-byt!. I flia infor tlio GermaD." The Bltcr lilt A plum,) little Celsetial, his almond •t;s twiiilding with delight and aa ex- mrdinnry griu lighting up WB yellow unteiitince, dropped in to witness tho tery drawing the other day. He watched the blindfolded boys the numbers from the wheel with ipnrcnt interest and boro the jokes of tho erotyil around with evident good .hire. "Say, John, yon wasliee that uia^'a hirtee V ashed one of the crowd, point- to ono of tho benevolent looking itaisaionerfi. " I waslipa heopce plcntee ahirteo if I iniiec plize," replied tho bland Mongo* m. "Hnvayoii got fl liefcet J o h n ? " in- lired ibe man in tho crowd. "•Wall, mo tilkeo Lie habce." replied o Chinaniau, drawing one from his ocket. "Xlickee wiu f" be inquired. The man in tho crowd looked at the imber, and scanning his liet found that had come iu for a $500 prise. Well, John," replied tbo man in the :owd very innocently, "I think yoa've 3St." 'Chinee man lodee nllee time," said ie subject of tha Flowery Empire; 'gotee no luokco ; gloss tlow ttickea -ay." "Yon needn't <lo that, John," eaid. tho in with a patronizing air. 'TH ffivo ou a dime for it." 'Dlime too lillee. GlimtQB me a dol- ,"Bnid tlio Celestial. 'A dollar's too much for a ticket that can't win. We'll split tho difference and call it half a doll&r, eh ?" ruid John's [niot informant. "Chinee mnn glottce no luekee; Mel- i«an man takee nice mlonee. Takee the iokoe and glimmo fio 1 bitte." Aud ohn pasBed over his ticket ia exchange r the money. When tho Mongolian's grinning fen- ;uroa bad disappeared i!io man chuckled .nil remarked tha; ho h&d "got her this imo," " Let's see the ticket" said one of hit Ticndn. Tho man nho had made the luoky in- ogtmout banded the ticket over, when lis friand exclairaetl:— " Why, George, it was drawn last •nne 1" Bat tU his tiicughtfuUnd loTing.UK Memad in Tun. " Tbe end Is ooming,' 1 uid th« ianlid ^ 'tfc tftjj i th beautiful woman, as you mayaw fro: her mioiitura patated by DuratnJ, whi I nhall chow yob. Fathar hu ofUo to mo that it was the tupptegt of dinnei hnd t h i t moth>ar tug to them In W wm iwHt Tolot lonu ilmplp imDafe Is that so," anted tlie man, dmub- [oended, th« revelation that be baft boon tinned dawning upon him. "Yfhere is ;hat rascal of a heathen Obinoe who put up this job on me ?"—New Orleans Pic- lyune. llonr They UctelTed iU ^cird. Tho IlescalBro IudiaKH nre a bad lot, but no worso than many other tribes of nohlo red men in tlie West. Soma ra- igiousi body in tboEast thinking thus ;he soil at that agenoy was ripo for tf- jeiving tlio eoal of ths gospel of glad tidinga, aent forth ? misfiionary to lubor the viiicj-urd. Ai-'conHiig to hia ac- connt he had a ntmow escape. He re- lorts those* Indian.i aa without the first. ilna of morality, and nothin 19 tlio foun- dation of all truo religion they have ab- solutely nothing to build on, "Wbon bs told them of tho murder of John the Baptist, a ad hi'i hend upon a chrrger, their oyo3 kindled with aavago delight. The story of the Bufferings of the Saviour on the crob-u elicited a war whoop, and at tho story of Herod slaying all the littlt) ildrcn the tribe flourished their scalp- ing knives and tomahawks and began a war dance. So b» stood not on tha order of going, bat vent at once. The infidel trgya just us n bull inx chained to A post. Hobollen and pura, but don't gi* loam froia tli» port, i noting. Mot moon,—/<uft BiUingt. ^3 .Si.



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On, i J " . " " . " " " ' ? " "" - - SMI)! «• A - BK-VXKTT, M. I)Sii Monti,., i . o u j H O M a i O


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llshad and well-known firm b » gomlvalues*, we t i t o this mei " '"""pataUotlmt such Ii not th<ia bun loess, l i t re no coirfirm white Tor, and Htia.llwelt-liDOini goods witb gi -All oar Booda are hand-made tlirouchatit amW»»re the onljfirra In ftoekawaymakinf; anulgoodi entirely by hand. Water Tuywi fi


Morristown, N. J.Pllrs. FeBllralB and rrivalo Psrtioa aupp

lo fall sr in part, *lth




J. *tUi fc*fnOLHa«or icrvina, ciockery..•.^•U^ip.flocTcbllii.fiowrrMnilsb.Ac.


has, T. Clark & SonToopenfldRnew nliopin Dover in Bearing'sbuttdLi.fr, C O M E R BLACK WELL AND

DEHGJlN BIS. , and invitu thoputronaRc or ILu public,

Horse Shoeing






DOVM, K. J., Fdi. 9lli, 1881.

IKJ 111 tl.r: li&Ut uf lu,v rcul, |;l.tUi),l wuiUH

.limr w.,K buiied.

0 (or .Mart lire.'a

\ T H E FI ,4T C H E E K

i.\ mourns COUNTY CALL AT


OUR 5 0 CT. TEASa better (him H.W etowheio at f(l cts. due trial will prove tbe fiit'f. Our liigli

yrude new cruj> teiia, SI'UHOH SSO, rulnilcd nt 70 cti. per Hi,

COFFEE! COFFEE COFFEE!rlmling Rich Old Moclm, Government., Java, Mnrncatbo, Santos, Rio are all

steam rousted. Always fresh. ,

S U G A R S SOLD AT COST.Tlio inliiiMliintKof Dover anil Morris Ormnty will do well by purcliusin^ Ilieir

'inter supply from us. 40-lv

T H E DOVER LUMBEE CO.offers to builders tlio best opportunities in the purchase of LUMBER

of every grade and dosmptiou including LOW PRICES aud tbe great

ftdvautogo of having

Lumber 'Worked to Orderby maebmory at tbe place whore it is purchased, greatly lessening the

cost of building by tlio great saving in manual labor. Ourstock always includos

Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldingsand LUMBER of e^ery description, and CBpecial paiiiH are taken

to give satisfaction in every particular.GRoam KionARDfl, Piosidont.Vfit. Ti. LAHDEBT, fleo'j and Troas.

1. W. BUBINQ, Gen'l Mnnagsr.

* specialty of tliflbnipiotfully soli

iXTRA WIDTH MUSLIK9, H8, 40, 42, 45,I AH, ii lo 1(15 ilichen widt! In plain blcm-htd.

_, 104, U- i hiTwIlledKliccliiiKB offltamlaid•oodsat ,Vt 8. BABBITTS.


E n s S Erie j Fruits



vholcHaic trade only. I « ito KUITLY STORES v,

GOODS at t

nlwniH preparedthe DEST

pnmblcJ to BiiPi>;y


Th.B part of Warren Crnrntj in noted for itsOOD BUTTER MAHEItS. 1 handle all kindsFARMEItS I'ROIUJCE. Otdei by mail andit- jour condn frtiali and guoj the sunif day.


• .O. BOX, 25. !

Notice of Settlement.Notice in hcrebj Riven that th» nccnuntH ofto iiibflcnlmr.Atiiiiluifltrttnt of Jnn.MiSlifiRiiscraued, will lie multled afcd stated by t i lnrrORfttr, tnd reported fur nettle men I to tin

Irpbann' Court uf tho County of Morris, ctHoliday Hie- frmrlli day .if Ajui'l next.

JAMEi I I . CAIIHEL.iteJ Jau. ar.lb, 1881. ' B-lflt

Notice of Settlement.Mntico ii heraby Riven tlmt th« accounts r

'c'J, wilt t o 'nitl i icl mil stated by the Htir-.gatc, ami rsnurled fur uoUlcniciit torphn-nu- Car.rl ol tlio Count* o( MerrioiidnY tiiu fourth liny of A p n l n p i t .

m . \ N E D. HTEPIfKNS,L A D B A .

ary 24tli, 1B81. 8-lOiv


BOOK AGENTSmade bv »n» nnMinliinf; luiimc It iTlllSO'anii mil Lo madf. fvi uulv a nil

i"ith' a call. Tor

3.3 PEER,Dckawty,MorriuCo.,N. J.


HOLIDAY GIFTS to frieuda, will find tho


c liost and cheapest mutn by whicli to trad,

D. A. SEARING, Agent.














Hone DuBt, Guano* PniKlrette,LAND PLASTES, £u

WOOD sawed in stove lengths.


Orders m\y bo adirenBod thronph tliePosOffice Lock Ilni 28, orlofUt A. Beemer'sofflc

iI)lftfiweHBt.,neir 8a»cx, c r t t thojard.

BLACKSMITH'S COAL otmstftntlj on hand


Parker's Ginger Tonic,„„, ,„„ io tlio blood rich inod to Btrcnslben ejurj pirl of tho sIt his cured Lnndtena uf ds^wbiaK inAak joar coigbbor aboot it. 6-

K SIEBER,House and Decorative Painter,

r tBjHCtfn l l j caltn a t t e n t i o n t u l i i i


near tho 1st M. E. Church,

WALL. . . . . . B , for ILIA rents tri 13 pur roll, Jr u r l m i l tit'VfleiH, p r y«n], I'iit Iat*prettirat tliinfii in filiittiary, Cunter

'11'ii'CCR nnj tirsnkeN. Also n fie1

FOB.The old established

Blacksmith and WagonShop now occupied byJohn Morgan, oppo>site Union FoundryMachine Shops, Rock-

ray,N.J. If not solibefore MARCH Is1will be for rent.

sU, Drniim* Inr ill klmlit oi'Yrci-Mi. GOKTBAOTfl TAKEN for

cilnriorB ofbuiDiDB KQ<1 publJo

r 28 i, 1SS5.



l lLT,..

tH Lo j . , ! i i

"licit )onifymi Rt. mi:»(?•• JlfC"]: 'a year. It i,-lUKkf. Snn-1

• li'.-rviiijr n i t , Wul tur ,IDjr u u d u iu h i s nl,l

•rily nsk p i n tn g o fitr.ht ruijiii'dt I liuv (

y>n nrgtor, win

itlrii, l j .ml» ! dun you Horn I j , ^ , , uwtJ t"Q 1(Ji

u voar h«ilMi I•riiJtlnlgijuue in wine. If m y e.irii.you wore iuit M L C I I C , it would WBLter of nu toascfjui 'nct; (u m e wbd l i

y o u wfut to rtffiii-iiotiim oc ii-if; liulheudd.-i l .wlii l i- U 'n thMdi ' l ed io hiu *?>•••" I trust, t-ir, you will jmrdnu w. I,Haying tliat I cnii not look on carfllcHsnliile.vim are niiiiin^ vonisdf ; imtl soI hope you will hi im: go."

'f Im l-fckltjsf) gHnicster vus quite uiuv^dnt tlie duvotioii nud fuitMuLiiL'aaof Lu

nnd. ,Spriuj;iti^ fii»iu bc l . lit:p[)«d liuiMoff in lii.1 (insHiti^'-fiowii,: waitoil dustily fo and fro iu tlie

up rdui'ut for a foiv minntea iu f-ileucs.iat, lie jifiuatid lifforo Walter anilod liin huDii. "Yon area stmiglit-nl, Wiirin-hearttnl follow," ho c i«d. " H a t tin; ui(,iu I urn eon-(1 of tlmt, tbolcNsdiHiJURoanu) I to

imrt will you. Will ytm not ataj williuiu ?"

"No, M J good Liastri', I can uot,"iliawwed Walter, firmly.

" Not evt'it if 1 promise to turn overL new leiif, uml neither to .liiult licrjiiiublc any mom from this dny ?"

Walter was in a mcfiNiire re-im^ured byIICKO words, nnd liia cyei were lit up

witli ii new hope, " All I if you rimlly•ill []u that, «ir !" ho eiclnitmsj. '•Tlin't

niters everyUiingi fiiid Is l ial lbeas over-oj'od to stay with you ns I should have

is right 1n hew y

e you."

Ituockcd d:< (|]11NIITI

•y to tlo your Icbhel bei

i ilc " Fiat CrceL Hlfjj"a

l'H (It-

-j'liiteil Slubon flingfl a bi-Iiluin out dc plauks an* JarsHi (k ruuf I:lit!i-k <lt moltoii I Let the

ie it iiiisiitv lunJy , wsHziti'


Queen Tictoria made S4000 ou stockin ing laat yean

" Lot's cousoiiiliite " is the latest torw,popping the question.

ODD wifo bus beea know^ tp Bet a nan

mtlstiiig why he win bora.

A tann ut Houth Covoutry, CODD,, hqs

I two wives nnd been married

;ice withic eleven months.

lettia Hnwyer, tJio new Wieoonain

mator. gave liin two daughters 8100,000

licco wlieu they were married.

The meanost woman on record is tlie

io who boiled codftah in a lire-proof

fc to koop her neighbors from getting


Soveu huudretl tbousnivl womeu ioaiico and Italy are timployud in tlio.nufpctui'G of raw silk from tho co-


During tho ceuauB in Swilzcrlantl 917omen refnaud to toll their ugca, andach ono WUB returned At 40 aud fined


A geutlerurtii tho other evening ob-istcd lo pluyirig curds with a lady . to -

iiiae he said (the hnil such a winningray tiboutlier.

A Chicago glues eye merchant knowa[ n lady who was married four yearajforolior liusbuud found out thutaho

ind en artificial eye.

Mrs. Gorfield Bays that the General isibstiuntG when anybody nndertukos tofive him. AD<1 it is quite pro^inbl

iat Mia. Giirfiold k«own.

Ou lh,R Little Oo.orada lives a woman

ho avers that she is 128 years old, nndLai fikc distinctly remembers t <e ftunik r k T i y . lfftli of Mar, 1780.

Ex GovornorTdlbot, of MasBtioluise1

rites : " I t seems especially important

onion should at this time bo given n

>t« in municipal affairs."

Whouover ynnng Indies leani losliclt

.pin iu their apron fat Hops eo tliat it won'

iratch a fellow's wriat, thoto will bi

more marriages.

Don't you think," said n huabnndmildly rebuking hii wife, " thnt wo-

ion nro poeaeaEeJ b j tha devil ?"

'ns tlio quick reitly, '.'•*• a o o n aa thoy,ro marred,"-

Mr. Cannon, delegate in Contfrei:'rom Utah, wns recently naked how manywives he really had. when he replied

Euoagh lo keep me from rfleOdliai

ith other men's wiYeq,"

Tha Hurricane is ft Toll printed littlipaper published in OharleBton, S, 0., b;ita editor, MIHS Evn E . Britton, a girl'ho ia oiilv 12 yenrH old. Tlioro are

good many worse pupers puliliahfld iiiis world by & good manyol^er people.

A Galycston widow is about to manicr fifth huebnnd. Herpaator rohuket

Iior for contemplating taatrimony ntloon again. " W«ll. I ionl nnutyoa tunderstand, if the Lord keeps on takiihem 1 will too," was tho Bpiritod reply

Misa Francos Power Coblietlmt women are cowardly chiefly in sma!things; bnt that in great conciwhere life, honcr or faith ia nt stake, o:wboru pfitmiva fortitude rather thaiconriigo is tested, they nru likvly to b

lore heroic than men.

"9*0 hero," BttM a fault-Onding Itmband to Ilia wife, " wo must have thing

SKfcil in this IICHRP BO that wo slipknow jnat where eynry.tlu.iig IH kept.

'it!i fill Hi? V ^ r t / ' a h o swpetly t»ivil, "and let na begin wi!h voi

lato hours, my l o v e ; ) slionKl di'urlike to knotv wlier« they .ire kt>pl," i.lets tilings run on as ngnui,

11 Thtro are Bcventccn and a. half nifntoovery femala in tho Territory of Da-bota." *'\Voll," Haid Miss Jones, spin-star, Tfhen ibe read tha nbove itttw, " it: ffirlt knew ythii I know, they'd Uko thatCflU nftn mtber tli&n none at all."

"Then tLut in setfk'd," said hia mna-ter, in a serioiis tone, " I nm obligedto you for rpeaking no .faithfully to me.I know that I linyo been living infooliug way ; but I will be different fortlio lutiire. That you may rely upon,"

Walter's joy was KQ (jreiit at hoariugtliin unosptoled resolution that lie nearlybui-bt inlo.ti:iirn. Uulmppily, however,he wiia noon to oxjiuriutice the disup-poinlmpnt of nil bin liopis,

Fur a fortnight Mr, Lurnuil kept hit*pnuuiso fitithfiilly ; hut at the end of,1ml timo he ngaiu yielded to tint oldtoiuptntiou, nnd tiitor a uiglit of revelryrt:lnriu:d hoirif! in broad dnyliglit \\\ aalnto of complcts liolplBsaneiH, The SST-vaut roncwed his outroaties and warn-

iga ; reniindod bin lHijater that the phy-riitn lmd dedured that Ilia cxistcupeponded on hia leadiug n sober life, uudilaiueil from him a ruuewal o ' the•okuu promise. But ahs ! it proved min n a bofort-. l a ii f,tiw dr-jx nil hh>]ica V/CVP ngain cruaheil, and liiu pray-•3 (ind pntrenties were only answered byi« mtwtet witli A shrug of the filiouldiirs.

You kuuw nothingabuut it.Wtiltor,".i*l he. " T h e temptation is BO strong,iat ono can't bo always resisting it."" B u t it is your duty to resist i t , s i r .id you can succeed if you w^ll oulyake up jour inind to do so."" It'H tooUte now," replied tlieo'-ber,ith ft faint smito. " 1 hare fought anduglit, and been beaten at last, X shallire up fighting oovf."

'Are you rea(Iy in earnest ?" cried'altar, seriously." I nm really in earnest," replied Mr.afon.d," Then I must indeed quit your ser-

ioo, flir. I will not stay here if I canit save yon from rushing headlong toutrnctioii."" Silly fellow !" n>plicd his maBtnr,

ostily. "What moro would you have ?will be for your direct advantage toiy with mo, Look at ray condition,ie doctor was quite right in saying

iat I couldn't live another year. Bcmuinicre for that short time, find ytm shall

well paid for your services. I Tilliko oaro not to forgot you in ray will."

['lie young Switzcr could not restnuuemotion at bearing bin voak-minded

ut good-natured master talk in such aaroless wny abont death. Unable to.[peak, ho turned to leave the Mom.whei]fir, Lafocd called him back,

", Hnvfl yon no reply to make to to) demanded, in an offended tone."Kothing ruoro than this, eir—

our doctor QBBured me that you mightve for ton, twonty, or cvon thirty yeaimger, if you cocld, only bo porsaaded\ live in e, sober and reasonable ^ay.

3b, my dear sir," ho exclaimed,;iva up these habits thtit &r« mining

nnd BOUI, and X will devote in;whale lite to you \"

" N o use," tyaa the gloomy reply. "Ilwere to make iifnv resolutions, they

would otilj be broken, as tbo others '

, f-ir, 1 will go fur u yeur, sinceit *i hirotiRly," nwentcil Wtl-

t'uiild lui loi,(;i'r riibist hi« mas-,^l. "Whcn-shull jHturt ?"! Jon piriiflp. YDU will be we!-

T h r u I will HPt out ntonce, nir ; th•IIU-T our parting is aver, l\w better,""But if it is no puinful toyo.i, why eay u! nil ? You know how glad

should be for you to stay."Ami you know, air, wiiv I am i.Ld to Ri.(» rpplied Walter, finnly.itr<lou mi1, dc«r sir, fu BiK-nking unye UL ibo mibjoct; but if you onlyhad the resolution to—"I'll rmifcciinolhor trial, Walter," KL

Mr, Lufuud, withaBioilft (lint ton*.rr.3ti

.th liin Kuiikun and wastedfeatmm " You Khali Iiciir fnnu me inthree months," he continued ; "mid

WolI.woHhallHf'c. Gofid-hy.tsl winhns K» with yon I"

liand whicli liiqinter fixttiiidoJ. mi'l kifiSL'i] it fervently,

•srrvp yon 1" eitid he.vyv.v. " I f pr.ij'erN,you, ciin bo of nny.vul."•r. Yun have been aaluiturd Mr. Lafoud,

'God liu with

p''Iah&ll never more look upon yonderglorioiiH HUD. or hoar tbe gBj singfog ofthe birds. I hare something to cay toyou, Walter, before I go. Do yon Methat black cabinet in Ihe ooraer ?. Ibequeath it to you, with eTerytbfog itcontains, uud bope with all my heurtHint it will help you on in tbe world aayou deserve. Here is the key of mydesk, in which you will find my will,which confirms you in tbe possession ofthe cabinet on l nil its contents. And

Wultur grasped HI

tenra in hisit pra j t rs for

litlp, j»u will b e n t"Fuvcw.-!!, Wulteitlir.ilH.TV:iut,"erith {Hiiuful (imoti

you I—perhnps we ehiill uerer meet ench\n:t ngtiiii."

Bo they parted. Wulter wtut by tinfirst eauveynneo to ttniiiiu to the honsi

GeiiGral IJoBaugy ; imd bia formnrinantor sunk into profound grief m bodwelt upon tho aflectiou mid eolieituuo

•hieh tho young Hwitaer had shownmnrdbim. "Only a year Hdoner," l,enaed,witli torturing nugiiish, " and I

i[-eu. Tho doctor ia quits mistaken ins opinion. I suppose I mnflt fulfill my

lestiny. So let tha matter drop, Wal-r."

"Anythios unn be (ioue if one is onltermincd," pecsiated the young mnn,

ith eatrealy in his tone.Hin maafer tiirnt'il a wny nc d Hhook hii

head. " Too ',,ifco, (no late, 1 hnTe,hi; niorrJ eourngo or deierntinatiorj."

en mny God hnvo mercy upoirp-pliod tlio servant, Eol

ia no longer a plnci; for rn-ypd on the ono h&x^ l^ u a

dnty to himself, &nd on ttio pther b;pity for hia torrtbly misled mapter, WH!(j Borrpr.-fiilly quitlwl the apftrlmenland after picking ft fu** thic^a, returnedto take hit fliinl leave. Mr. Lafoqd,however, woul.i not bring himsolf f<belioyo iti tho reality of BUCII » aadde:and determined resointiorj, nnd use*

nrgui^ont to induce tho lad tiajuaogo his miud. ^ e eyea begged hiias a personal fayor to remain, tmt WaiterperaiBtcd in hia.iJfterminalion ; mcanld the most laviiib otTera of cmoli

indaoo him to stay and be s belp-lesa spectator of tbo ruin of one whombe was unablo to nave.

" If 1 were ca i j an determined BBJOare," flif.'lurd Mr. Lafund, "how muc!belter it wouhl bo Tor me t But nowin too late. Farewell, then, Walter,yon baie made up your mind to quit miservice. Bat thoagb you leave me, itnot necefisttry thnt you return to yoi

nntfiin homo. I received thia h\yfrom ray ancle, General poTfcugy, wlives in Roacn. f i e old gentleman ia

of a oteady and IrnBtworthy1 1 t i

light lave been red man ! Now,

sow give ine j ou r hand, dear bo j . Lett- look once more upon your honestBe. Miiy Heaven bleaa you for all your

kind ness nnd devolion t Farewell 1"[TO B E CONTINUED, 1



" Talk about your jeiix de sodete, char-tuli'H. and all tliat Hind of thing—a lut ofpeople spinning out vcraeB and milkingHilly rhymes—ami pray, what ia the uneof it f Mv niother. before hermarrinihad a pirLty educntitm—good enough

tbe d»y, and tliirt right then and ihete Bwlemn friendshiph

p was awata amongthem all, tlie drivar ^eluded, It wasfully K week from the time tbe; werewowed in before they started again outheir jonraoy. I only bring tbia forwardas a sample of bow useful hjindinesfl anda knowledge of cooking in. I can't tellyon about the'rest of the party, bat tboDon kept op bis acquaintance with myfather and mother for many years, gomesix months afterward IDJ fjiher re-ceived from Havana a thousand cigarsof that famous kind 'generation smoked.

for liny n-Gorf blosa

foervimt, 5U<1 DB1[B;IIO t nii hiim ono, so

illI think tho host thing yon oan doba to go there for a twelvemonth. Youwill litid him i\ better master tlinn I havebt'L'ii , uud ii* vou are really ilctermiDedto leave me, you myjbt do worso titan

nter hia eervioe. I feel nuro you will

^ flomfoptaWij."

Walter ahoak bia bead. "Iihocldn'tiks fo go into soother boost, dx, *fUr

tha Biperienw I bare bid ia j & K '• M M . " " • " • - • • ( " . • " C ~ ; : U , .

IUB I thou hast conic loo lute, noble tindiuerouB heurt 1"Walter mot with a friundly rccpptioii

•tun Oeneritl BeBuiigy—n Im.vo oldirriorwlio hadRcrvt'd nndfii- Nupoleon,

ml fought itt Wiitfrlio, Tlwre he lnuleen fievcroly wounded, imd lmd lont hiaght foot hy a ctimicm-biill. Hiu ImirHI gray, and hia coiintonnnoe wcithei'-•aten j but in spitn of hia nge anditlrmitics ho enjoyed tolerably good

icalth, and wna (ilwuya io*"good humor..nviiiR from long cxpcricnco beooiae a38i) obiiorvur of those around him, itLIB not long before ho recognised thodi'ita of bis new aervnut, to whom Jifion b(i3iuiui an mncli iiltuched as hittphtiw had been.

l\'ii!tfr had been about three monthstho General's aevvicc, nnd il seemed to

II appearance-as if he was likely to be-une a permanency HIDIO, ivfifiti ali;lt«rrived Irom I'niii, thciiwuliug of whichiddtuily filinngtid the customary gayetytlio old uiftn into the deepest gloom." Tins is a Bad uffair," said he to Wai-r, ffbo happened to bo in tho room atio time. " My poor nephew t"" Mr. Lufond V What is the matter

'ith him ?" inquired Walter,' H e la ill, dtngorously ill, poor fol-', HO the doctor informs me," replied

;hc General. " \*ou oau read tbe lettermwelf, Ho scsms to complain of

ioiug atirrounded by strangora, with no> in tlie houao that ho oan roly on. If

were not suoh an old cripple, I would;o and help him to the beat of my abil-:y ; fornlthongh bo has led a thought-

reckless life, a moro thorougli-ienrted gentleman doeB not live, Poordolphe 1"

" I must go to him, air," said Waltor,tddanly, after hastily reading tbo letter,

he uernsnl cu" which hud driven all theilar from his cliepks."You I Why, it is not long Binco yon

ift him ; and what do you want to ganek for ?" inquired the General, Iu BUttiriso.

Gun ypv, EOt guees, sir ? I mnst gonurse him. He must at '< .iBb hnvipemon near him to pay him SOVQO

ttpntinn."" II you care for h,iia eo," exolnimcd

ie General, l (why did you leave bialorvioo f"

TLifl led Walter to explain to tlio oldiotleman the redoona which had com'

pcllod him to give up his eitoation, antlto heg pormisaion to act tho part

of nurse to liia former master, A tonripurkled in tbn old mna'a oye sta tbfi•ontb deolarcd the attaohment bo hadilwaye oheriBbcd for Mr. Lufond. "Go

to him, tlien." said he. " lean nottrufithim to a more f&itbfnl at tendant; andas soon ns I can I will follow yoa, anil

,ke my place with you by Iris bedside.Poor Adolphe I Had bo only possessedfirmneaa of cbaracter, find avoided badcompany, ho might have been well auditrong to-day. But bis ynhuppy weak*jeai baa brought Uiui, to tho grave beforeiifl tir^o, in Bpito of. all my warnings and

entreaties, As he has soweil, BO mnst(hereap. All, Walter, his fate is ft terribleproof of tho consequences of evil habits.But nil regrets tiro useless now, Let vsloso no tijne in giving what little helpvie can,"

Making all tho necessary preparation!for the journey nithout a moment's da-lay, Walter noon reached Pnris. Whpihe enturod the chamber ol Mr. Ii_afoH'lie was shocked nt the chnngo whiah ftfew aliort months bjid made in his nppearanra. I t was evident that the doc.tor hnd rather disguised thantho danger tio was it). Tho HUQlitjn eyesand withered fuoa showod onlyplainly that thuspnos of time allotted tchim on earth was but short. Waltcisank ou his kneus by tho bedsit]?, itU(taking Iho ptlo and waatGc' band in hie,breathed a prajcr that God might seiIt to deal mtircifuHy with n li. 'oyetii

vonng ; while the invalid nmilcd fnintly,ind stroked tho cheek of hi« fFiilbfn


"Dear Walter, how good of you t<come buck 1" murmured t in invalid, "thoaght j o a would not leuva rnq to dltiilono. I fcnretl thnt yoi^r pied'olJo:woakl prove truu, and thetotorc I dhnot lrjijl; you, to pr> home. I wanted t..liiivo iv true friend witli mo at thn In;moment, wh-cli I feel can not lw fur i>now."

Tbo faithful anriLur saw thnt MiLafand too woll knew the critical condilion lia wua io to be deonived bytu]Be hopes, and ho therefore did es.-r-thing iu his power to make tlia last daysuf the dying mnn aa free Irom pniu uuddiscomfort as possible. Who could tellwhat might ho the eitcct, even i t to lat«A period, o l cue ta l nnrsiDj aau derated

J. am talking about, maybe-, 75, 80 year(i(;<i. Sho could paint a flower and imik

ibirt—yes. MiuJuni. i nd play Mi'Z&rtnnd ('dok n piuliling, mid do every

f thi'in well. There HUD not thutsluiinenibhuKH. of ediinalion as it oiisfs 1<ay—the™ vm the nudity. If tlirr

had hiijipinK'il nny vicissitude of for-hujf bin! couiil lmv« (jou(- out into the

:1<1 tnd tnUcn cum of not wily hcr-", but even of otl«T«. AVIii-n «be vra.rrieil—that was in 1B17, (L'trd IIIPSI

me, only two y«ur» nfttT tin- iiattJc ofWatorJoo !)—my futher uud ne ther ivcnl

i their wedding tour H.mtli, nnd vert-to Rpond auionili ouaplunUtiiu, bctmiK-

ii iiGur CLarlratou.There woHJujtmisb a Winter then «» itinalioen Ihisyciir. In 3812 my futli«riea:ly died from txpo.sarfj Jtirint; theviir, and had (o ho mimed far years.(terwurd. Well, tlwy nUrtcil,mul wereiiiowid up sown when' this ski (' of Iticb-nimil, and hiul to stay nt a waj-nidcavern for uluiost a weok. In tin: istngi:-foaeli tliera wont thrm1 othor paPiengcra.

One of thorn IVUH it Hpnniah (,'entloinau,ob hia way (so bo an id) .to Cliarltiaton,alienee he was to t»j;i'slii|tpiii.j lo Cuba.

The tavern waa just on one of .lie spursof that hilly country where tlm Dine

ud wnsnlsd ifto-Ihig.) in Green*

lien to do. T^thfi-mid not >JO moved,[•il in, nnd tin1 poorhoiiiio—only a biiit-

ng pii4Co for nil-oners—II;L:1 rt-nlly imth-D([ to wit. Thoiit;li the purtiiw in thutiigi.'-cuuch lvt're ijuitd miUiinwn to OIK.1

mother, tbey WITO perfectly willing to:ontri()iito each bis services to tlio gene-

ral welfare, Oae was a first officer of aship then at Richmond, loading withflour for South America : tho other niisa Boston man, iu n dry goods business.I t was my mother who organized tlieparty, Iu UID tavern there was meal,but not enough meat to foeil one per/ioufor ft day, and theu KB to the meal, thehorses to tho Binge—four of them—hndto bo fed, for ..here was neither ontu norhay. There were, besides, two vogro

ita in tlio tavern, tho driver ol tht

llidgci divides Virginiu,lated im nu EHipiiniaasland. Here wta nwas tnknn ill and .The party was HIK»Ipenplu who ktipt th

stagfl, but, wlint wua wor&o, from *.becold, the driver's hn&tla and feet wore aofrost-bitten th,at lio «a9 laid up. Wheiho wii9 oiiiomo advantage was in Iliaknowledge of the country. Tho Spanishgeutlemau showod a grentdealofjudement, and declared liimtelf to bomy mother's lieutenant, A borsssaddled, und tho Spanish gentlemanBCut out ii> forage, while mother tookeverything in oliargo, The old m»» audhis bed-ridden vife, who kepi tliehmifie,Dbilicutod entirely. There was plentj olmoney, of course, EH the Spani

man wus profuso with his gold ounces.out in tbe morning of the Ursl

lay in tbo heavy snow, on a tour of ex-loration, he iras expeotod buck at night-ill. But anxious hours ehpaod and ti<

did not return. Tho Boston man wamt out on another liorae to follow biackfi. At last, at nightfall, they bothimo baok, Tho Spaniard had sunfa ox-auctod on tho snow, but had first tiedis horse to a tree, nnd hung on t

Draneh & basket of provisions which b<ia<3 bought Bomewhere. M j niatbei

had providentially eeut out a bottle orandy, soino of fatticr'a Ktores, with the.oston man, and tlmt bad revived thi

Don. Then, my father having been pato bed in the ouly roam that wns habit'ibie, tho party ensconced ihemsGlvea inho kitphca. The negro servants wen

to bring in the wood ; fortucntel;ihera was enough of that. Tlior* wuicthing to cook in but & altillot, & boiler,ml a dutch oven, but my mother weno work. Out oi ohaos sho brought

urder. Too ship's Captnia was icvalu-Be found a >oucg porker in thi

pen attached to the houna, end ho kill'

and drea3cd it. Beoiember, tbero werelen peoplo to tako of, mid tho foilborsea. Every day the Don would giout witli a gun and try aud got nounjume, Imt nothing wns to be hnd, No1

;benonrest house was eight miles awaytnd could ouly be readied, through greidrifts of anow—quite itnpractioabto f(


" T h e Captain nuide a sledge ont <n old bed, big enough to bold two, an,'ith the Don they drove to thnt neigl

boring iann-houne nud brought bans

that night enough food of its kindmeal, bncon, and potatoes—to last thifamily for tho week, but tho first triptho Don had eihauated their chioliGBAll the horses Kara ono lmd been oajriito the neighbor to take can? cf. 5father tbe third dny got bMtcr-.es did thdriver, through tV.o caruful n:my motliev, '1'hen 11;R pasflougtreaties beinir over, bnd a right moniitne of i*. On tho fifth day a partyrtreil, sent out by the nm,ioun stngo pnprietara, to disootar what had boon tlfuto ol l!in ooaoh nnd tho pasengr)

L'ad o[ tlndins ft fatoishf^l nnd r.Unsot of pooplo, Itipy found a mern

party enjoying thtxrm-lvos. Thicocine party lmd of conrsfl broughtgood Btock of proviGiona. My molhifsi'. her h.is oflea told uu\ iloteiKinediavo a porting bunqnet or th« grumliiliBrucler, nnd Imving eoolted tbo win

dinner for some fomtcea people, n1

penred liorself at Lb '^ i i l t l io beRt dnB!IS hnd in her trousaeua. Sho vna

rhicboiify a formerAs (o my mother,

had & very bfatitiful bracelet BLMIIher. (or our Don vmn no Ic^a u yersoaihaa the sou of tho Lieuttuani-Oover-lor of Oubii. Ht1 went buck to 9puin.ftenvard and headed t lree nr four revo-lutions there, ami tlied u»mc 3D years;go. My dmir Ma'Jum, CXCUBB all thisleacriptioL uf wliat took piano at this liti-;inning of tin." century in a VirginiaHiyside tavero ; but do jon ronlly thinkbut any om; uf tboMi nieujonng girla,

wlio hiivo bftt'ti utting that cnarodo insncti r. piessaut war, with ft httio sovpeonof tln> limruhnnH maun IT, would be verynsoftil if thej- were placed in Biidi straitsnu I have Ixicn t<.*lliug you about ? Jus t«H likely, when they got married,it is, their liushiiiidH wlio will havo totulii- riu-o of tin-in, not thoy their hus-IjuntiH, Tli pro If t<io much flammeryuhmil (he girlh of to-day ; they are too(.'lubiintto; and i»iml you, tlio Kliip-wrucka caused by fortuuo aro rathermore frcqiirnt in 1B81, I think, t i a nthey WIMV iu my yoiiager timo.

If I bad i-Tcp met a indy "—tbe oldtlcman looked Houtlinentul here, then

pUUHlid.Witli nil tho necpflSitry accomplish-

mpiit« ?" tht! liBtcutr added." Well, tbnt in a>>out i t ," said tho oldtutlcuiitn. " 1 aliouU not have hoenlcRiitL'd iiiiiong (hi! *ild fofiies, who

tnlli iu n senile way about what we tbeiiiHigiiiliuant reminiscences of the past,"

ud the old gentleraiin bowed and left." I can't hp.fi," siiid ft graceful girl,

' how thut old gentleman eau ii.tcreutyon—ftttifrmug creiituru t Mamma saysin lier very young dayB. though, that hewas thought a grent dual of. I think hoboa outlived Im time, Ho preaches so.

ys comparing the womon of to-dayw mi'n who lived in tho year one.Nfiy tUtjy were not a bit handsomer,rw, or more ncoomplislioi] than areof today. Survival of the fittest

i what ray drosamaker Bays—andi>. No my brother is not hero.; ill ; lo^s s>f uppetito, imd won't

moi'Mil ; nut a noul in the houao[i Huit INN tasltsa, so fastidious and ea-

3>octnr saya it may bo iwrknia,d I imi Hum ym have !he best chtfiuv York. Hoft- nhould I or mammamv how to make IUCBSCI* fur him Eiod-byt!. I flia in for tlio GermaD."

The Bltcr lilt

A plum,) little Celsetial, his almond•t;s twiiilding with delight and aa ex-mrdinnry griu lighting up WB yellowunteiitince, dropped in to witness thotery drawing the other day.

He watched the blindfolded boysthe numbers from the wheel with

ipnrcnt interest and boro the jokes oftho erotyil around with evident good.hire.

"Say, John, yon wasliee that uia^'ahirtee V ashed one of the crowd, point-

to ono of tho benevolent lookingitaisaionerfi.

" I waslipa heopce plcntee ahirteo if Iiniiec plize," replied tho bland Mongo*m.

"Hnvayoi i got fl liefcet J o h n ? " in-lired ibe man in tho crowd."•Wall, mo tilkeo Lie habce." repliedo Chinaniau, drawing one from hisocket. "Xlickee wiu f" be inquired.The man in tho crowd looked at theimber, and scanning his liet found thathad come iu for a $500 prise.

Well, John," replied tbo man in the:owd very innocently, "I think yoa've3St."

'Chinee man lodee nllee time," saidie subject of tha Flowery Empi r e ;

'gotee no luokco ; gloss tlow ttickea-ay."

"Yon needn't <lo that, John," eaid. thoin with a patronizing air. ' T H ffivo

ou a dime for it ."

'Dlime too lillee. GlimtQB me a dol-,"Bnid tlio Celestial.'A dollar's too much for a ticket that

can't win. We'll split tho difference andcall i t half a doll&r, eh ?" ruid John ' s[niot informant.

"Chinee mnn glottce no luekee; Mel-i«an man takee nice mlonee. Takee the

iokoe and glimmo fio1 bi t te ." Audohn pasBed over his ticket ia exchanger the money.

When tho Mongolian's grinning fen-;uroa bad disappeared i!io man chuckled.nil remarked tha; ho h&d "got her thisimo,"

" Let's see the ticket" said one of hitTicndn.

Tho man nho had made the luoky in-ogtmout banded the ticket over, whenlis friand exclairaetl:—

" Why, George, it was drawn last•nne 1"

Bat tU his tiicughtfuUndloTing.UK Memad in Tun.

" Tbe end Is ooming,'1 uid th« ianlid^ 'tfc tftjj i th

beautiful woman, as you m a y a w fro:

her mioiitura patated by DuratnJ, whi

I nhall chow yob. Fathar h u ofUo to

mo that it was the tupptegt of dinnei

hnd th i t moth>ar t u g to them In W

wm iwHt Tolot l o n u ilmplp imDafe

Is that so ," anted tlie man, dmub-[oended, th« revelation that be baft boontinned dawning upon him. "Yfhere is

;hat rascal of a heathen Obinoe who pu tup this job on me ?"—New Orleans Pic-lyune.

llonr They UctelTed iU ^cird.Tho IlescalBro IudiaKH nre a bad lot,

but no worso than many other tribes ofnohlo red men in tlie West. Soma ra-igiousi body in tbo East thinking thus;he soil a t that agenoy was ripo for tf-jeiving tlio eoal of ths gospel of gladtidinga, aent forth ? misfiionary to lubor

the viiicj-urd. Ai-'conHiig to hia ac-connt he had a ntmow escape. He re-lorts those* Indian.i aa without the first.ilna of morality, and no thin 19 tlio foun-

dation of all truo religion they have ab-solutely nothing to build on, "Wbon b stold them of tho murder of John theBaptist, a ad hi'i hend upon a chrrger,their oyo3 kindled with aavago delight.The story of the Bufferings of the Saviouron the crob-u elicited a war whoop, andat tho story of Herod slaying all the littlt)

ildrcn the tribe flourished their scalp-ing knives and tomahawks and began awar dance. So b» stood not on thaorder of going, ba t vent at once.

The infidel trgya just us n bull inxchained to A post. Hobollen and pura ,but h» don't gi* loam froia tli» port, inoting. Mot moon,—/<uft BiUingt.


THE IEON ERAThe Dover Printing Company,


Saturday, Feb. 12th,A 881.PROTECTION IN 1884.

It is UBOiesi to ignore the fivst that- thePreo Tmdtra ware by no means crushed at

:" tlife late eltutiotut, and that they are alreadypushing forwavcl thdr preparations for thenext general eltolloca. In other words, nilthat was really seoutud in tlie NocembetekcUoiw, 10 fai at protectitm to oar indus-tries... cooaeraed, wafltbat tlie country re-mains oommitted to tbo protectionist pol-lay you tzt PBEBENT. Since tbe electionsDemocratic, leaders Imvo been more out-ipoken iu favor of Pras Trade than theydared to be wlion Bolioitlng the suffrages of

R cominmiiiies. And the FiTrade league of New York is endeavoringby ditftemiDRtiou of its rnililtaAtiaiin to pre-pare tlie way for »u outspoken luano in ihe

For our j.art va tho issue takiog definite i

j glad t(

hope we shall see no more shambling ora-tions, blowing Uot and blowing coltl, suchas marked the conduct of the lute Demo-cratic cflmass, especially in our owe Stale.

Protectionists, too, are realizing fullyttmt the time fora square issue seams tuhe approaching,

Tbe Bulletin of the Iron anil Steel Asso-ciation Sa helping on the good caueo bytimely und able artiules in support of ourprotective policy—and thd recent eatahllbh-nient of a Journal in Naw York, called the.American l"roteotioijiflt, shows that organi-sation U beginning, too, on our own aide.

lu view cf tlieie ooubidtrtttione, the re-vision of our tariff, under the Eutou bill, ifthis Hbould become ft tow, will he vratcbndby all parties with tbu greatest interact.Our community is directly interested In tliemaiiitt'Biiiico of protective duties on iron.In (not tho wliola country, enpecially thelaboring pDrtton. Is interested In the ualnle-Eatco of tlinue duties

It is a favoritfl argument of the FreeTraders that our Agricultural couuminltlu.iuflerby thifitBriff OD iron, tliat if therewere no tariff, farmers could buy theiiiron end other goods at a less price, andLe more prosperous. Tha argument hasBorne specious plausibility, but a fa*siderationri will show that it is very fafrom being conclusive, la the first placeIt necessary to dhow that ouc formers reasuffer from thh tariff—and that is impashie, Binca they wore never to prosperous,that U in tlio great Weetorn districts where,being favored by nature, they would Incasa outstrip their Eastern oompotitore,tariff or no tariff—and (hen tbe ftrtnebeet market is the home market, ant. farera will pronper more when nmnuf&oluriuore prospering. We hare thua stated bri<if onr reply lo the Froe Tradorn' "stock" ar-gument, believing that it is opportune to al-lude again to the subject whiob wasprominently before us a few months ago."Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty,"and we call attention again to theBO mattersof protection; our adversaries are active,and we must not slumber on oar laurelThe israe. may be diverted, but from pment appearances it would seem tliat thePresidents content will be fought on theissue of Froe Trade or Protection.


Th* New York Graphic of Tuesday even-ing published ft lengthy history of tbe lifeof Samuel Blow, President of (be B. .L. &W. Eftilroad. Ha was born in Ireland, Dgood family, in 1817, an3 vu brought to

ill country bj hia parent • whan two yearold. Be began life poor, as a clerk in ainiportiug houte. and rapidly rose In tliemercantile buaineaa, which b» Followed fortwenty-live yearn. In 1865 be was electedPrtsiJHnt of tbe Hudson River KailroaJ,the stock of which wan then worth $17share. Short!? afterward tbe lice becamno prosperous that dividends were earnedand paid, and t\t tbe tlma of hli retirementin 1807, after ten years' service, the markivalue of the shires was $H0. The Board olDirectors of the road, recognizing the em-inent sarvices of Mr. Hlouu, preseuled binwith a batidsotue service of plate, oostin67,HJ0.

Mr. Sloan was elected a Director of tbDelaware, Lackawanna and Westers K. It.Co. iu 18(11. Tbe road at that dnte servedonly in connection with other roads to forman incomplete outlet for the then rapid);settling portion of what are now tbe greaPennsylvania coal fields. Subsequently itwas completed from Grett Bend o i the Erieroad to Scranton and Fittxtoii, which wastbe northern division, The southern divt-dion was known as tbe CoWs Gap Railroad,Mid extended from Scmnton through Cobb'l»p to the Pehwara Hirer.

It is a curiouH fact in the history of theseroads tbat in their first stage* cool wai uotused aa fuel for their locomotive engines,and the grent basis of tbe road's subsequentwealth nod prosperity was only utilized aftersome years.

In 18.13 tbo company "set about con-ducting I. model angina of sreat power for

burnlug anthracite ooal," and, as eipreBfiediu the report of that year, "should theanticipation in this respect be realized, wrdesign nt once to order several of tba ramioharauter. • • • It Is to be believedthey wilt come into general use, and thersbyonline a Urgely tacreued consumption ofanthracite coal, and at tbe Hams time caunei vast finviuR in the cost of fuel, no cmdllitem in tbe running «pan«e of a railroad."The equipment of the road then consisted ofthirteen locomotive engines, totand bftggngo cars, sixty bonne atcars aud 850 coal earn or uoppera. The totalO06t, iuolutlitig the machine and car shopsat Koran tou, itlniated at $30r,,724. In

LOOKING AFTER THE IRON INTEREST.We are glad to notice that iron men are

moving in a nj-Hleinatio manner tu prottheir great iuteri'sts iu this country. Marprominent tueu engaged in tho business havfor some time past Leld that Mr. Sherman'rulings on tank or plate iron liave b(Injurious to American industries, Thin UIng hns led tbe Cleveland HolUng MUl.Cniupany and forty other iron and etcel com-panies and firms to address a letter to Pres-ident-elect Qorneld. asking tho Appointmentof a Secrttary of the Treasury, who w]more carefully guard the Iron interests ithe country than, aa they allege, bis bithe case with Secretary Sherman, who tie;claim, has Injored tbe iron trade seriousl,by adverse cuatoma revenue decision!.

The day following the making publictaiulettar occurred an instance which ihowBtliat this combined action of iron men badmade an Impression. Secretary Shermantelegraphed to the Custom HpuBe ID N«WYork olty to niBp«nd all action previouordered by tbe Treasury department in igard to the Imports of tank iron, aboi•which there ia a dispute HE to tlio prope:ctoaB.neat.on; and it was said around tbi

' Custom House that Mr. Sherman L&d become alarmed at tbe memorial sent to MiGiirfleld by the iron men of Cleveland.

This shows what might be accompliby the Iron men of this country if thejcould agree upon concerted action as re-specting tha promotion of tho Intereststheir trade. There are at all times strongagencies employed to benefit English ironinterest" In this country, and it Is a gratify-ing sign of the times to see iron-men tnoring to defend Ibjlr own rights and pratedAmerican Industry.

Fined Threa Thousand Dollars.The charter of the Morris Cunnl nnd Bank

ing Company requires that the bridges ovoithe canal sb&ltbe maintained by the compnnj"10 M not to inconvenience the public.For flfly years these bridgea have beentwelve feet wide and the npprcaohes oforade of ten feet to tbe hundred. A reoeiPf.ranic couuty Grand Jnry thought thi* didinconvenience tlio publio and a number *indictments were found. Convictions w_.obtained on two of them and on Monday tbidefendant pleaded non volnt oontendento four more. Judge Diion ordered the oou-vioted company to at once abate the nultantM,and sentenced them to pay a fine of $000 andthe coals in each of the six canes, but prom-ised to reduce the amount of the fines in casethe company Should acepds to the pablic de-innnd befon the end of Ibe present term ofCourt, which enda on tbe Uiird Tuesday inApril. The Court stated that a width of eh-tees feot end & grails ol approach of not lessthan eight feet tu a hundred would be in ac-cordance with the idea the Court entertainedof what constituted a proper bridge.

' Mine HillGenml Dot is staying here for a short

period. He gave an entertainment on lion,day evening is tlie Chnrch.

Disagreeable weather with its complementof wet feet, sore tbioats, etc., is with as.

The tickets foi oar I'liblio School enter-tainment are ont and are meeting withready M!C Tbie of cauree is nothing motbto was expected, Blnce sach an ecterpriwfaai a special claim on every one in the dls-triot; andnodDnbttbenwiUbean immenugathering on the evening of the entertain-ment, Saturday the 10 th. We hope to Bemany of oar Dover friends in attendance othat "evening. Purchaaeyoortiokateatonce,If yoa wish to eidov nfew bonn of "malloyedpteaenra don't fail to be present Yoiuos.

' • Tho County Poor Houie,'The Trustees of the Oonnty Poor House

met at that institution on Monday, to elect« Steward and physician. Although theBoard ia Democtatio they unanimously re-solved to re-elect the present ,Lntber Bkellenger. who Is ft

Steward, Mr.Beoublican.

Mr. 8. Is lo be congratulated that oil meritshave won him mcb&complIneDtfromtboHwho a^e hit political opponents and the gen-Ilemeti of the Board sre to be commendedfor rifling above party in considering th«b u t inte««ta of the county. Dr. Carpen-ier, of BoonUra, was elected Physician ofthe boose tosaoceed Dr. Cooper.

SUCCASUNNA,A mad dog started fram this plaw o&

Thursday afternoon, and went to McCains-•rille and bit two dog», and from there toVanatta Station, when It pawed throughtwo cow yards, mapping at the oowa, butfortnnttely not bWng any. Befon it reach«J the ucond yard people were in punatt ,and after charing it aiouoi Mhtla theyiiniUy succeeded in killing i t ~

St. John't Church.St. John's Chomb will agab be open for

regular serrlcef, the nctonbJp left vwantaix months ago bylUr . Mr. Butler beingnow filled by Bar. D. D. BUbop, late olTuiffTiDfl, Conn. Wa tmdenUnd that BevMr. Bishop has leawd a home oa Fnupaet• tnet , ajji will bring bJa family hers veryMOB. Buooeu attend him in hU labon

AdalflMogpartrfroinDflTer vlrited U rJobn Mardo. of Ulna Hill, and had s plea*

•TZt*~) on lloodty avail' " " - '

that your Ihe company transported 48,720pttssoDRern, l0(l,(K)O louHof nntbrocite coal,1(),('00 tons OF Iron and 31,000 torn of otherfreight. In tha BEUID year the companybought aorao of tbe chofceet tracts of ooalland lying around IScrauton. and continuedadding to their coal territory tbe vast extentof land now form itiff the t)roperly of theDelaware, Lackawanna and Western CoalCompany.

In IHfiO Mr. Bloac was elected President ofthe Delaware, Idrftawanna and Western rood,aid since that time has made its iutereeUtbe objects of his untiring supervUlon.Under Inn management tho road has rapidlyextended Its connection!, in all directionBand forms a complete syntetn of arteriesdraining tbe heart of the great Pennsylvaniacoal region. At the time of Mr. Sloan'sfirst connection with tho road the aoutbernbrunch of tbe main line had not been com-pleted ; since then the rand with its connec-tions spans over (100 miles of territory.Some of the leawd linen are virtually owned,

• and the'terniH being.). The road and its

brancbes nt praeat are: Tbe original mainline from Great Band, Fa., to tbe DelawareRiver, 115milei; Morris & Essex—Uobokento PLUlipBburg—11B miles (witb Bocutonbranch) j Newark and Bloom&eld road—Newark to,Montolalr—6 miles: Chester it.R.~-Dover'to Chester—13 inilea; WarrenRailroad-from tha Dalnware River to NewHampton Junction, N. J.—18 miles; VolliRailroad—Great Bend to Binghamton, ]

tbe length of the leuneE aequivalent to ownership.

Y.—11 miles; Oreeuo Bailrcad—ChenangoTnrkfl, N. Y.. to Greene, N. Y . - 8 miles;Utica, Cbenango and Busquebaniia ValleyKallroad—Utica to Ohenanga Forks, K. Y.&iid Jttcbfleld Bprings Branch, 9R milesOswepo and Byraooio Railroad—from Oswe(jo to Syracuse—S!5 mlten; Oaynga aud Kns-quebtmna Itailroad—from Onwego to Ithaca—14 miles; Hyraeuee, Binghamton and NewYork lUilrosd—81 milen; Laokawanna nodBlootnshury Kallroad,—BQ miles. Tbe roll-Ing ilook of the company at tbe presenttime oonsisU of lflB splendid locomotives,100 pntuengOT oonches, 27 baggage and mailcars, 474 freight {tax) can, 1G stock oars,43G platform cars, lfi.OOO coal oars, 70caboMe cars and and 878 aenioe can. Mr.Sloan has long been aniloui to attend bbsystem and seenre a connecting link withtbe West, but until recently failed to maturehin plans. In August Urt, after surveyingthe field, he-resolved upon tlie boldjsabomeof competing *lth tho New York Centraland Erie roads for the Immense carryingtrade In whfon they, have: jo long had amonopoly by extending (he Delaware, Lack-KWatina and Western road from Binghamton1o Buffalo. • Surveys were made, a new com-pany was organised vlth a captt&I of |1O,-ono.OW, Mr. Sloan vas elected IU President,and the n»d Is now well under way, aud Iuall probability it will be completed withinthe next eighteen months. The length ofthe new main line and branches will boabout GOO miles. When completed It willalso open np a market for tbe ooal of theDelaware, Laokawanna and Western Com-pany which [t has not had before. It wasmainly through tbe efforts of Mr. Sloan tbattbe great railroad tunnel through BergenHill, back of Hoboken, was built. Whenheentered upon tlie duties of President of theDelaware, iAckawannn and Western Bail-road Company he found tbat its only outletfrom tidewater to the interior was throughthe tunnel under Bergen Hill, owned by theErie Company, which eraoted a heavy yearlytoll for the privilege, besides oatndng con-stant delays and annoyance to the passenger,coal aud freight trains of the Delaware,iAckawanna and Western road at this pointHe determined to end this Injurious andtroublosome policy by building a tunnel forthe eiolanive use of the Delaware, Lacka-wanna and Wenteni Bailroad and its con-nections, and with this end in view laid theplans of the projected undertaking beforeius directors, who, in 187B, authorized, tbiwork. After threewhiob numerous

»a yean of mb«r,. daringand foraMsbk difficulties

were met and overcome, the great tunnelwas finished, Iu> total length between theeastern and western portabtls (.880 feet. I tis 27 feet in width and is 18 feet la height,and required 4,800,000 Haventnw brick forlining and facing i t Subsequently, throughhis directions, ths first and only iron rail-road bridge ever built aurora the HaokansackRiver was conitracted. This strong andhandsoma structure ia three hundred feet inlength and cost 1180,000.

Mr. Sloan was el*oted President of theMichigan Central lUilroad in June. 1873,and remained as such until 187S. He wasI'BO 1'rwidont of and reorganized tho Mu-inette, Hocgbton and Ontonagon Bailrondof Michigan and the International and GreatNorthern Itaiirond of Texas, He is and hasbeen President for some yean of the Bpma,Watertown and Ogdenaburg and the FortWayne and Jackson Railroad of Indianrv.While engaged in these vast enterprises,controlling and managing &• he haa largeinterests, he has been associated with manyof onr leading merchants and bankers whoseconflieuoe find tegpeot he has retained, andfew capitalists in America are held in higheresteem or whose word will go farther in themoneyed capitals ot Europe than that of theFVesldintof the Delaware, Lackawanna andWestern BaUroad Company.

Thlavai at Work.The family of Mr. Wm. Woodhuli, on

redneadaj night, about 11 o'clock, noticedperson peering la tbe window of Ifiu

Berry's houe on Morris afreet, opposite Utiaoffloe. He walked away and won afterrelumed and repeated tha act, kftsr whichb« went around to the rear of tha honu.le went over to alarm Jfia Berry, tod.hilfl doing so MUM Jenny Berry. In thenext house, saw the thief trying to get intotba cellar window. Mr. WoodhulL?nd Mr.Mtae Berry, Jr., then went up town to get

night watchman to MOOTS hia arrest,_. «&d not find him. UeuUn», a coo-

FedenU, who bad been hiding in a brickihcd of the new block, ran out and gave ftrhtsUe, tad both haitly decamped.Two brothers, George and Andrew Van-

Unyne, of tflngwcod, were In Fadtr'aObthing store on Wednisday, when Mr.Feder notioed Oiorge take ft cap and slipt under his coat He at once ootnpelltdilm to nrnnderl t , u d earned his arrest,

Jmtfoe (HgeMnt him lo JaU in default ofbad, aaaoomnUUed hli brother u a wit-

FREEHOLDERS'MEETINC-The Uurris Oconty Board of Freeholders

met on Wednesday morning. All the nben were pfeunl exoept Messrs. Johnioaand Hayden. Tbe minutes of the hut meet-ing were read and approved,

The- Committee on Insurance to wboiwai rof orred the matter of a bill of E. *Q. Jtow i Erecae, repotted thai they ooultfind nothing in the bill to warrant theirproval of it, (he txpenfles charged bavinbeun inuurred by a previous Board. Late;at tba request of tbe Board, Mr. Bossi satisfactory explanation of tbe items anithe bill was ordered paid.

County CollectorSkelienger presented hiiraport for the quarter just ended, whiclwas accepted. It abows the receipts of tbtquarter to bnvs been. 11112,480.61; expenses»7» H0C.U ; balance ou hind, 840,178,77.

At tbe request of tha Director the Colictnr slated that noue of tbd appropriatio]for county expenditures had boun exceedi—that of tba bridge appopriation there rmained over $4,000; for court expenseMlittle over $3,0(10; for poor house on•SfiDQ ; and for lunacy nearly $3,000.

Mr. Smith reported that the bridge ovethe Fftssaic river at Swinefleld is now neari,

ploted, &ad offered a rtwlutian that thivelaud Bridge Company be paid $250

account, and, tbat nbould the bridge biaccepted by the Joint Committee on Suturday, I2thimt., the Diraotor he authorizesto give an order on tbe County Collectoifor tbe balauoe, $750, which would ithe oue-Lalf to bo pi

Coroiior Sathbun,before tbe Board U

, S ,bo paid by Morris County,

hbun, of Madison, appeareird to explain a bill of VG3 4

costs in the case of tho post mortem exam-ination of tbe child of Ben}, Mohart. Besaid he hod taken action at tbe Instance itbe Prosecutor. The body had lo be kesix weeks to await the action of tba obeiniat.The child was. three and a half month* old,and was illegitimate, T,n woman wasbrought from Buffalo and left with h «father. After the child was born they

imed very anxious to get rid of it. amthetfbetora thought from appearances thithe child kad been poisoned with arneuiTbe result proved that the child died fromnatural causes. Mr. fiathbnn's bill was al-lowed, and tbe bills of Dm. J. E. & F. J.Van Wageuer and C. Anderson for $50 forpost mortem examinations. It was slatedthat tho chemist's bill would not amount to

•Mi.Mr. Wolfe thouRht nomething had bettei

be done with tbe work bouse anil movthat traaipa be put to work under the dintion of tlui Court House Committee. Ijnothing else could be done he suggestedthat boxes of stone be placed in the cornersot tho room and that tramps be compelledto carry {.tones from one tu tha other.

Director JackBon said hn hud noticedarticle in tbe Jerseyinan criticising the Free-bolder* in respect to this matter. He ~ '

ioat of tbe trotupa are picked up in Motwu, aud it looked as ii there was eoint

collusion between tbe authorities in tinmatter, for they are scarcely dlscbargeibefore they are re-arrested and sent bacl

gain.Mr. Leek said that ooeyear ago they wen

ink to the lock-up in Morristown. Wbjjo't we have a plaou now where we i

beep them cheaper fMr. Wolfe a i d it looked as if Monlstowi

was profiting at the expense of the county.They were getting fees for lockiDg trampsup and pay for beeping them,

Mr. Hinith suggested tbat it would b<better to Qnd out what could be done. H<favored putting them to work if it oould b,done, and if necessary put a guard ovethem.

Mr, Salmon, County Counsel, said he wasmdet tbe Impression that tbe statute which

authorizes them to be imprisoned, does nolsay at hard labor, but he thought the Boardwould havs a right to put all the prUonerf

* Mr*-Wolfe withdrew hfs renolut'on.On motion of Mr. Ford the Bbt'riff wa

invited to give bin opinion to the Board.He said be did not know what oould bi

done unless they drew stone In th« yard £compelled them to break i t

Mr. Leek said tbe Oourt objected to thatwhen they tried it before.

Mr. Honuoll said ltoiburv wutroubled with tramps because there the;

impelled them to work.Tbe Sheriff reported that he had ore:

forty prisoners, of whom about fifteen wentramps. Only one had been committed fo:several weehti post.

The members having oome to tha condn<Bion that tbe trawp season was about ended,and that it was difficult to define what actloiBhould be taken, the Board adjourned.

Bills amounting to $2,874.25, inductingone for $750 for the iron bridge near Dover,and those for the Bwineflell bridge, irordered paid.



T U C H K B B ' flKflOBT,

There was an extensive auction salewater probity in Netr Jersey Saturday,Perth Ambcy, by (lio Board of Broprfetors

rMy. It coiiBiatedoffourplotswhiolhave been In the poiseBGion of the Board foiover 140 yean, and from which very litrevemie ins been received. The first is IjukaHopntcong or Brooklyn Pond, aboilywatei ooreriug l,G0O fteret, aud a Btripland, 100 yards iu width," bordering on Ilake ita entire circuit. It Is situated in Moiriu uod Bossex Conuties, and is about thirtyfive miles from Now York, on tha DeUwnriLookuwanua and Wustflrn Baiitouf.. Tinlike in regarded tu th« finest uhset at watei

within maoy miles of New York and was vol.bedat*90,OOU. It was sold to Hon. Nathaniel Niles, of Madii»n, lor 9GG0, nnd .cludea rights now used \>s the ilorria 0am

^<, ly of water is drawn from thin Inkon» huve be«Q pending to suppl

Newark, and possibly Jersey Qity and '

as its BU|ipl;Negotiation


y City anil ._with water from the

An AHliotad Houiehold.The funily of Bev. W. \f, HiOtoway, Jr.,

patter of tha FmbyterEin Ohoicb, hat beengreatly afflicted for % wttk or more by avisitation of mulat fever. Mr. Halloway,

tbiee eoildna and Us •liter hava aUbeen sick, but we are glad to learn that innearly all their cues then ue indicatloni ofiprovement.

Died From tha Effect! of Burnt*Hn. Ellsln Skellenger, tha aged ladj at

fe who WM to terribly boned by hnrtW t t r i m « w n«rafe, who WM to t r i l y y nr

otbei »toW tre tnmuj rim « w no.toed latt waekTllQttend til! Wedn«daj bit,henabe died, Th» funeral service! will

place U U B ^ t o f t o th

The property would have sold for a-, mu.arger sum nod i t not been understood that

Mr. NUeB intended to aoavart the Like intoa summer resort for the benefit ol the iiohoo]loachew of New Jersey iu the vacation sea-son. I t it to bB arranged somewhat on theplan of ihe Chttutaaqiu Afwuiubly Qroando,AU thu desirable features of that pboo wilbo adopled, and any which may be oonsld.erfcdobJBOliouableor DDneoestarr will b«avoided. The ]..k«Btt«tu« admirably adaptedfor snoh a »cheue, as it in is situated ja themountains of Morris and Sussex Counties,is 800 feet above the level cf the fie*, near:eight milea long and from oue-qiurt«r ttwo miles vide. Mr. Niles inteudi to hareit stocked with fish by the United 6Ut«aFish Commissioners. , .ill kinds of flahadapted to tha climate and the tempentureand quality of the wattr vitl be plaoed ithe lake fur the benefit of the publia, withcertain restrictions. Artuugemauts will bemade for BCIIOO] teuoben. su tbat they catspend their entire vacation at thu lake forrerj sraell dnm of money aud liaten loserict of leotunw froni persona most learntin BcientiBo aud literary aubjeots, and enio'other privileges otherwise beyond theirreach. TeaakflH from other Stated may also.vail IhemielveB of tbe privileges offered.t is propose:, to erect nuitabla buildings,segtnning on % small scale and lucrt-asinghe aoeommodalionH from yuar to year.

The lake called Oqlver'a Pond, in SussexCouuty, wfaitih is iwo tDiles long and framane-a,uurter to oa r i a i l e wide, and Quick'sLake, ip toe same oonnty, compriaias 100icrea,100yanlB' .width of land aroaud it,•TBre also boouht by Mr. Niles, but tbay wilbe nsed fox private purposes. The first waa•old for «C0O find wUl be stocked with flah,and the asoond was Bold for $200.

Shark Hirer, in Monmoontb County,whiahoamprises uvtra) hundred fines, waialso sold. Fur 100 yean tin* stream hasbeen occupied by oyHtcrmen, and has pro-duced some of tbe finest oysters sent to theNew Xoik market Mr Hllea foroed. thiproperty np to IOC0, for tbe benefit of theFree bobool Faud of Bf aw Jersey, but i t w uutrookoffat JS75 to the repreMntatim ofthe oyatermen aud landowners. It la claim-ed that the piocaedi of the Lut rale belongto the F » e School Pond, us the river is tide*water. . .

Of Rial Intereit to tha PioplaThose who an afillobd with coDgha i

coldioanfind in onr miditnob*tlerMmedie#than Tim'i Oongb Drops and Mediwttd Can-diem. They «nbina tha best ingredients Invuiont forms, and a gnat TOKDJ paople inthis town have found this winter that thaya n the beat and cheapest natdiea, u weUu the moat pleamnt, for tha mrt of ooight,opldsandtonthroaui. Ur. Tims bupUeedall hi* diffennt medioationi with < < ^ >« 4 O 8 t t d h i

tboriud httdqairUn for the aaU of tlthis vioinitT^lf yoa m boUwred \.cold jon will find Out by wiling on " Top"that he *iU.«pply j<m with a wmedy thitwm jait m o h i i a t a vary UUls ooat. Bodo not fill your ijBfein with t)l kiadi ofquMdtnottfQiiM,batgo at one* to "Fop"•"•* ~ * •ometfilog pleaaant, oomtiv* u id not

A now anil very uafol thing U •'AtuUnipenninf Uidor, or Water Conductor,1

U>et4vutlMmeut of wfatoU appears on thispage I* is a reriUbla bluiiiig to all whsbara bwn annoyed and Inpuedkl tailiCBbyloakinggntten, and thOMwtw te*4th d r i ltha deHriptlou of it given in tha adratW-

y~- meal wiB_b« it cnec wtUfled u to Hi

OftmporUncetottie Carmen or MorrliGount|.

BDOOKI-TK, K. Y., Feb. fi, 1B8I.

To the Editor of Iwnr BRA tI waa greatly plaaeed to we as article

your valued paper oa (oeilage a short Umu

It Ii a Bubjrat which ahonid becomefamibur to faimue aa " household words.'It stands foremost of all discoveries In invportanoe to the-ftrmbg community, and toeuiqoh praise cannot ba given to Hr. Qoffarifor hip untiriuK effwta to BOITC tbe mjBteMr. MorriB of Maryland was the pioneerthis oountry U> make the experiment, butiid It ID imperfectly tbe first ami leconHuasons thnt it was only a partial sueceai.In fact Mr. Goffart only learned ft few yeanago, by experience, how to preserve ensllagiperfectly. The fanners in this country undeeply fndobted to Mr. J. I). Brown, IVaident of Tbe Kow York Plow Co., f 5 ])aek-man St., N. Y., who translutcd M. QofTarfbook from tbe French, thereby bringing biexperiments to their notice, through a boowhich he published and sold fit the nomineprice of one dollar ; this was more tbnn tw<years ago, but'attbat time tbe system wanot perfect, it was not fully understood b;M, Guffart, but imperfect ai it war, it wdemonKtrated that five OOWB could be kejwhere one is by the old system, of drfodder.

Dr. Bailey, of Billerioa, Mass., and MMillH, of Pompton, N. J., were the only tvwho tried the Hystem of U. Ooffoit ai truuTatBd by Air. Brown—this was in lB70-anboth proved a Kuooens far exceeding theirmoat sanguine expectation*!.

The pant season Mr. Mills built anotheisilo, (making two) size 40 feet long by IEfeet vide and lit feet deep, capable of bold'ng about 220 torn eaoh of ensilage.

He has 125 head of cattle, and severalhorses; the past aeuon he did not savepound of hay. I talked with him a fo'days since, and be assured me hia oattlnever looked bettor and bis milch oows wetgiving more than double tho quantity ofmilk than they had previously dotsame time of the year on dry feed.f d f il t b t b i l t

done at tbeted. I h e a r

of dozens of silos that were built the pastseason and every one a socoesi, but it is onlyin Its infancy. Tbe coming season therewill be thousands of silos built, as farmerwill prefer to save their winter's supply ithis way. It is past an experiment, it Issettled fact The first of list June I wasin my native town (a few miles from DoverN. I.) aud feeling satisfied th«t Ihe bay cn>iwould bs short, urged some of my relations;farmen) to immediately plant corn forfodder, but no heed was takes of it; nodoubt before this they have wished thev hadtoken my ndvicB.

The system of ensilage Is very simple.AU that is necessary is to dig a cellar of suf-ficient size to hold a winter's tupi 'fodder, wall it up aud plaster theends smoothly with oemeut, and content thbottom. Of ouuree it mast be under cover,under tho barn or'wagon home ia as good nany place. The corn slrauld be plnnted iirows about 29 to 80 inches apart and threeor four grains to the foot; on good soil audpith thorough cultivation the yield will be

from 30 to 75 tons to the acre. When thecom is iu tassel and the pollen falling it iiready to out; it must then be run throughcutting maohiuo which will out, stalks ipieces from half to one inch in length; fillthe silo as quickly as possible, (DO matterwhat kind of weather it happens to be,)when full place on top of the ensilage planlmade to fit the silo no that by weightingthem, the ensilage will be pressed down andthe nir expelled j 60 to 100 pounds of stoneto the square foot will be aufHcieut weightIf'stonea are not convenient, bags of graitor even sheaves of grain will answer th<purpose, 'i'he cost of cutting and filling asilo will not exceed one dollar a ton. Per-haps. I may have more to say on this subjectat aome future time. The translation h no<•old for ten green poBtagu stamps.

J. W. DotOLlflS,109 Gates avenue.

St Bernard's Fair.The fair for the benefit of St. Benmrd'i

Church, Wt. Hope, doled on the 24th iiltThe returns am as follows: From tbe firsttable, in charge of Mrs. BIcConvHle aad Mrs,llourk, $170.05; from the second table, incharge of Mrs. Currigan and Mm. Kelleher,1138,78; drinking stand, $108.25; dancing,(108.58; door, $103.44; exhibition cf tbechildren of St. Bernard's sohool, (50.50;net proceeds of the fair, $780. GO.

Tha following are thoie who draw theartioles disposed of by chance from the firsttable—china tea set, Mary E. Darcy; gold(row ar-1 chain, Katie Egan; bed quilt. Dr.Mills; ehromo of Futlier Burke, Jaa. Cain;box of lea and tea pot, James Tinley; net Oiievolry, W. J. Tally: clock, Timothy Byan;look, Bobert Wlcki; boy's BUU, Lewis W.BUphans t life of Saint Winifred, Matthew.Brady \ vase, Mrs. Qeorge Lambert t child'stea. set, Mary Molioy t breast pin and earringB, Tommy MoOonvllle [ nentleman'sof Jewelry, Maggie Kelleber: feather oriT. O'Grady; pair voset, Mrs. Fox; glasscase, Mary A. Daily: pair vuei, Mary Hur-ley j email vases, Willie OallEgan. Fromsecond table—ton of ooal, Jas. Kollr, croasand chub, Lilly Allen, doll, Mary Gahill;cantor, Mary A. nice; locket and chainMary A. Lenehan ; two pictures, Mrs. Mo-Donald i photograph, Tom Koarney; box oftea, Lar.Flanigan. ,

WEEKLY IRON REPORTS,The Engineering and Mining Journal of

but Saturday Bays:There ia great quietness in tbe iron

ket, without, however, having any depress-ing effect upon prices. It Ii almost impos-sible to move iron, and it Is accumulating ondocks and elsewhere. The consumptionstill very large, and ths indication* ratb<favor an advance In prioei, as makers wisoon be compelled to come into the marketto a considerable extent,

AHXUOIH PIG.—Brokers and dealers pro-nounoe the market exceedingly quiet Welearn of UD busloewi worthy ot note. Twohundred tout of No. 1 Thomas iron froiBeoond hands for Immediate delivery are n_potted to have sold at (26. There havewen very fair inquiries In the market at

prides a little below makers' views. Wequote No. 1 atftS5@S2e; No. 2, $22@$23and Forge at »20@S21.

' SOOTCH Pro.—The market abroad iilittle lower. Here there is but little btuinesndoing, largely owing to the font that the ironcan not be moved. Prioei, however, remainunchanged. We note soles of between 7,000and-fl.OOO tons of Bessemer Iron for ship-ment at $27.50, laid down here. We quoteEgtlnton at $22; 01eoRarnook at |SS Q0|Owteberrie at » H • and Ooltnftss at |3*.5O

' Reiotutlont of Condotento.At a meeting of the officers and teaoben

of tha Fort Oram Sabbetb School, held Fab.611), the following preamble and resolution*were niianlmonily passed;

' n n u s . It baa pleased Almighty God toremove from HB by death our endearedbrother and fellow laborer, Bro. WilliamTonklng, and

W E U B U , HB waaf as long M his healthwould permit, ft roost effioUntand influen-tial teacher; thenfore De itEESOLVXD. Tbat aB oo-laboren with him

In the SHbbath School, we will rememberhis connseli, oherish bis mBmoij and 1sttate hii many excallent virtaes.

BUOIVXD, Tbat we deeply aynpathliwith hiR bereaved widow and family in theirgreit affliction, and w« pray they may bedivinely BustaJned In their aorrowful be-

avement *BKSOLVKD, That a oopr of this preambleid resolationB be givpn to tlie family, t

copy be plaardon file in tlio Hnbltah iirln *ana'a copy l>e forwarded lo cndi nr

t papers.' • Bmv. (I. T. .TAOKIO;

Suspected Mtirriar.Vorris Lnnn )gnu lmi bem arrcit«<

mnpiolon of being concerns] in tbe diPatrick Martin, who w u found dead on the.track of the. Delaware, Liukawanna andWestern. Bailroitd nt Snnimlt last Sunday.Martin left flhield'a Bsloon at a late hour

lay night to go home, and he was ao-uned by Lannlgan. ATter tb» body

w u found tho authorities oommonced an in-vestlgaUon, and found that Lannigan'fl

~ lament of hiv movement! after he leftnaloon with Martin did .not agree with

that of others who had seen them; and aawaa known to ba a man of bad reputationwu ordered to be arrested.

Another Mad Def.Mad dogs Mima to be nnnnally nnmerons

In Ibis section Ibis winter. On Tuesday onepatted akmft tn« " » * f r o m Bookaway to)enville ftnd thKragli the lstler pUoe. Sev-

enldoga were known to have bean bitlen byhim, and It ii nporbd that two oowi vere1v»UrtHenofhlmhawMS<iiiisIntlis "notion of UontrlUe.

In th i Cowl Old Thnei.Thi BiotiD n n t In 1690, when Bevrott Ocllins •ncoet.'led Dr Timothy Johnea.the putomte of the T in t Prabyterian

Iharoh ofHorriBtown, hit aalary WM £130the flrat year, 9140 for the neoond, and

SD annually thereafter, together with apartonaRa ind fire wood. The tns for pay-ment of Ihft aame WM raised and levied onIt* pnriahionm in Ue evne manner M thi

diKcted SUte bixei ilionld be railed

M&unt HOP*ty, cf JobMOQiborgh,aiund pulpite with oar

h great

MORRIS COUNTY COURTS,In tho Circuit Oourt the c u e of Samuel

8. Beach, exsoutor, etc.. va. Jetar K. Jwk-eon, ttt ali., after being ably mmmed op byMr. I'itoey agalmt Sir. Little, for thewill of Harriet Uoff, deceased, WM given tot ie Jury, and after a deliberation of wveral

i verdict In favor of— , thereby sustaining the instru-ment in wntroviny as the l u t will and 0(4-ioUof the deceased. The oontestajtts Hialaid intend carrying tbe case to the Oourt oflaat resort and if they do, and there is umuoh time aousumad in the other Courts uthere has been hate, the. estate will be worthconsiderably lew than it was at the time ofMrs. Hoff's death.

The next case taken up was that of Olaa-diua B. LaseU vs. Tbe Hoboken Fire Insur-unco Co-, and wasau action brooght to re-cover tbe mini of $2,O(X>, under a policy ofimmranoe. Tbe IOKS ocourr«d Iu October,187H, aud tlio property insured consisted of alarge dwelling house situate iu Wbfppany.The defense was a purely technical one—the defendant Bunking lo dsfeot the plaiu-tiff's claim on the plea of the vaeanoy of Ihepremises at tha time the fire occurred. Fromthe evidence it appeared tuat tbe son of Mr.LUBOJI occupied tbe bome aud had a generalAupurviRlou ovf r the furin, but on the daypreceding Ihe nlgbt of the fire, he went toOrange on burinehs, intending to return nextday aud during his absauofltbe houee wasdestroyed. The ease was really defended byThe London and Lancashire Inauranae Co.'ho have "bought out" tbe Hoboken Ooi

O. U- A. U.A new Council of this order w u lnatiti

ted in Newark on Thursday nientnndaridirection of Ex-State Couosfllor Wm.Wright, of Dover.' I t Is to be knotrnFranklin Oonnoil, So. 110, and start* witttwenty flhartar members. A large Uumbeiof the officer* of tbe Shte Ooanoil wen•ttendanoa, and a number of the ( n U mirom Davar.

d to learn t lat Mn. D. Menaghen of the Danville hotel, i

n taken by tbe plaintiff.S9.75 fur plaintiff. Mean

pany. The jury r«turuBd a verdict for the3laictiff for S3,140.83. Tbb caae will also)o carried up. Mr. Theo. Little and E. A.~uavte for plaintiff »nd Mr. Alfwd Mills and

. O. Lathrop, Jr. , for defendant.No. C on the Oirauit list—Weston Brown

vs. Silas O. MoOorJ was an action to dis-tlie dsfendant of certain wood land

in Morris township which he had taken pos-session of under an agreement to out off thewood. There was no opposition and theplaiutiff obtulned a judgmeut. A. W, Bellfor plaintiff.

No. It-William II. Hopping ra. SamuelM. Hopping was an ootiuu in trover andconvvrtilon for certain goods alleged to have

intiff. Yerdiot ofMeBira. PJtuBy i.

ThBlMtnasetriedin the (Jirouit wu No.8—Luny Wbitonack VB. The Executors otBilker WhitenBck, decayed. The plaintiffsought to reoover for boarding deceased Inhis Ufa time, and tbe defense was to thi.Beat tbat Hie board was given in return forlervicpa aud labor. Verdict f>r plaintiff for

432. Messrs. Jenkins and Werts fend Mr.L'itney.

The jury WAS discharged for tbe term.In tlio Quarter Sessions tbs following mat*

ters were disposed of:George A. Apgar, disorderly house, tried

and uoquitt«d.Thomas Benm, stealing chickens, M -

ilarfj Monroe wan alio acijuitted of aa-Bault mid baltery on War Den.

In tbo COM of tho Morris & Essex R. %Co. indicted for nuiaauoe a nol. pros, wasentanul.

Llargnrct nnd William Ennis suooeeded injbowiug their Innocence uudur a charge ofkeepiug a houaa c* HI fame.

ThB uaeo of Miohl'fil Otrnplell went off for16 term.Abrera Morria, Ihe Morristown burglar

trj^d bnrd through his counsel Mr. Bell toexcape the BUle Piinon, but tho jury foundhim guilt; ot both olTenseH obnrgtd —break-ing aud entering Knox & McOlellatt'ii stvra—and axfiault and battery with intent to killOou Unlly.

ThB ProsMinlor moved for ilruck juriea inthe caseH of Jerome B. Young, it diottd forperjury, ami Amul Couiptnn iudict-d for for-gery, aud tha trials were sut down tor April: and (I, respectively.

Appeals have been tried as follows :Stephen Budd and henry I), Larlson,

rudgement for Larison for $10.40Demmock Eoe and Mary Clark. Non-

suit in favor of Eoe,William J. Easton, appellant and Setplien

Earlen, appelleo. Judgment of con-suit infavor of Easton on the ground of failure ofproof.—Banner.

As Qoon AS NEW.—Kid gloves cloaneiwith BarbMUfc'-i Kid Glove cleaner. TryAt YoagbtAKIIlgorB'M.

Mr. Chan. T. Clark, tbe popular blaesmith of Dover, saya XX Cough Syrup U tbeonly remedy that will ours his calds, Heban rfiraommendetl jt to many who have triedit and been oorotL Sold at Vought & Sill*gwe's.

It yon take our advioe yoa will loie no ttmifa cnlling an yonr flrugitiat fur 9ELTJEEBaOVQH BTnUP-wlthoat an oqnal. Pn(

twenty-five oenti.

Tumors, £rysipel«i. MercurialBtrafuia aai gonenl debfllty oarod by " Dr.Llndioy's Blood ioircbor.' Hold by drugfiiali,

Statistic! often move unwelcome fa oil amnone more IO thin that twenty per cent,tlie people of tbii State din from eonBamptiiand kindred diieasci. The great qaeitiitiowtu redone tois terrible mortality has eRiffcd the minds of otir uoi t eminent scholar*and physician*. Prom the testimonials oftlionmoda nbo have uaed ABTBPE'B ELIXIROF 8ULFHDB, nothing' in the way of aiedl-cinuh r dnne so much toward thla sad

A Bad Accident.OHcar Mftssiiker, n young man, met witbterrible iiPOident nt Aekloy's BBW mill, be->v the Morristown dupi.il, ou Biiturday,'hich vill erippla liiin for life. He waa ai

work ovet a lur^e circular KBW, with toothprobably an incb nnd a quarter long, when

diioiiiK thut the pit benrath tho SAW wasllett with sawdust he aitjmcleil to clear it

witb bia foot, nnd on tlie snw wiw mukfugabout 600 Tevolntions per minute hl« footwan inhtnntly mnnglpd into n Khapeleui maun.The SAW stnmk in just above tbo heel audout np the leg two or thtuo inches, undalso down lutotlie foot, wiudlng up Its workby Blaahing off hU great toe. The bonei'ore terribly splintered and ligamenta andirteriea of eouise oil cat looso.

Temperance.The teinperancfl lecture at the Presby-

terian church on Wednesday evening waa adecided1 success, MisaDeVellingwugnet.ed by a large, Intelligent aud attentiveaudience, notwithstanding tbe unfavorableweather. Tbe address-was excellent, andmade with such real earnest eloquenee thatit must have carried conviction to, and founda hcurty response in, every heart present.Eighteen members of the National Pro-hibition Alliance were Rained and abouttwenty-two dollars raised for tho generalfund of the organization.

Tax Detinquentit *MB. KnrroB s 1 notice my name In the

of delinquent tuc payers. I am not indebtedto the Township of Randoldb for poll tax, asI waa a soldier in the late rebellion, and bylaw am exempt. Yoore Truly,


•[We also dealra to state that the JohnGibson, advertised for poll tax, is not con-nected with tba E B I o f f lcc-Ec]

Mr. Wm. Morrison, of Mt. Hope Avenue,aim desires to nay that he It not the per-son ot that name advertised.

A Luaky Eieape.Mr. Ed. A Taylor wu out driving with

a Indy friend on Tuesday afternoon, on theRockaway road. On the level beyond thsDiokbrson Bridge,where there was but» sin-gle track Ibrausfa large drifts of anew hemet Mr. Thos. Omm and wife oominff in anopposite direction. In attempting lo turnout for each ether Mr. Oram's Bleich WHSupset, and Mrs. Omm (ras thrown directlyunder Mr. Taylor's bom, which caused thatfcnlmal to leap upon tbeBtoue fenoe near b j .Mr. Oram'a hone mn away, hut balng prattywell entangled Aid not go far. Luckily allescaped serious injury.

Morristown.JJev.S. L. Bowman, D. D., wiw iwllei.

away to Pannaylvftni'. this week, bat the re-vival work is atill progrewilng, and numbersan nightly at the altar. Bev. Jas, M. Tuttlebean preaching for four or five night* thisweik nut! the interests in on the lnoreane.

John Parker, died at his residence nearlorristawn ou Tnesdav lngl of paralysis.

Mr. Parker wm well known us an excellentoitisen, a gentleman of n fine type and a de-vout obrifllliin. He.WOB no efflcial memberof tbe I t E. ChQroh. Bis fuaeral took

The Powder Magailnai.Major F. H. Parker, Ur charge of tbt

PiooaUhny PowSer Depot, advtrtiaee forpropoetls for furnUhlng and delivering atPort Oram the n«eesairr iron work for amagazine onlldfagi'; eoQaisting of about122.B0B lbs. WrongttlronBeama, Boda,Bare, Angles, Channel' and Plate, with thauMeflsary. Bolts, Washers and- Pina, andabout 27,782 lbs. Iron Castings. .Proposalifor either or both claiew of the iron abovementioned will be reoeived, Bldi will bereceived until Thundfty, U a n k Sd:

Badly Frightened-The mail train made an muucoemiful ontoh

at the mail bag at Convent Station em Wed-nesday evening, and the crane being swunground with aonsidenble force the look of

t bag broke through a window of tbeloklng ear and gave Mr. Smith, of Morris-

town, a severe blow In the face, cutting bischeek. He suspected a collialon, of ooarse,and for a time made thlngi pretty lively In

• Mad Doff In Dovar.A dog In Grant street went mad yesterday

and foratimenadeconalderableaioiUnient.A half dozen other doga were with him, bat Itis not known whether any of them wan bit.tin. The animal waa finally shot by Mr.TV F.WlRgina on Mr. Wellington Bryant'iporch, From all parts of tills oounty thisweek e*me reports of mad dogs about, andmany more are noted In othtr parta of tha

In all afflictions of tbo throat and lungs UsremcEUtl effect Is ilinplv wouderful. Onoeintroduced Into everj household It won Id ban*Isb the terror of this HIBCUB Trnm tha land.

For Bale by Vought & Killgoro. '

A Foolish Mistake.Don't make the mistake of confounding

retnody of acknowledged merit with'the numeroui quack mediclntig tbat an now so com-

JOB. We spoak from export en oe when wo BIJthat Parter'i Ginger Tonic fa a.Bterling healthrcttoraihe and will do all that is claimed Tor

Wo have used It onrnclves with the happi-est result! fur Ql.emnat.em and vhen tvorn out

srffork. Bee ndv.—TIHKB.For«a!e ly VoughtJcKillgorn.

FOR SALE!upfl and lot in Dover, a btrgoln tf so

PnAuession ftiven April l a t | a ne.Platform Srtiuc Wagon ; two cheap horses.

Kiqulre of b


Jtergen 8t, Dover,

Sleighs! Sleighs!A flue lot of well ilnlslied

SLEIGHS, both swell bofly

and Portland cutters, for

sale at Geo. McCracken'

Carriage Fncfory.

I. 1. loport

Micli»elM»tkGatberme MonnUobsel Marraf

Bernard UoOornlet[oira of Patrick Uurlercard Ualonaobu 11, Ueiliok•alnek MoDoiaMk l n t l f t P i t t •>

O Hosier

W. S. OOLLARD,Carriage Trimmer and Furni-

ture Upholsterer,MORIUS BTBEET, DOVER, N. 3.

H»tr Matirawee mnde to order and old mat-raaiei UAile over. Window Bhades made anaimip. Ordt-rs Tor all kinds of upholsteringift»tly aud promp'iyeiouuteil. Oarriigo trimiiing in all its branches. Prices moderate.

WANTED!A girl to do genera) homo work.


l.ulter» r ema in ing unc la imedin tbe Post Office al Dover. X. J

BOTH, H. J., Feb. HU, 1981.HiaaBhodaOoa, Edwaid Hogan,7enna!e Eallwrt. JoBepbta. JohDBOD,Umm Llppenoott, Son. J. Loser,John B. Nolon, ,' A!!U Annie Suaitb,E. I . Stork, Jennie Thomu,Tim, Treloar, Jobn Wlilford,

AtntlU -Woods.To obtain in? or the abore letters .a? lIad'

rortliefl"anil glvf date of tbU Hal.ft. 0. HIN0HMAN, P. It.

FUNERALS!Tlypr«ile»ol8n»llPrott«.pproelalea.1TX QnalitTandvorkniatiHbipoftlwbLHt.

My tb»nk.for liberal patronage in the paat,Orders by telegraph meBaenRer or toleplio

* *° °" JOHN JONES, Cndtrt.kcr.' • '7 Ilnckinay, ». J.

NOTICE.Theis ^fill be a mcoling of tho stock-

holders of the Dover & Ilockawav RailroadCompany

WEDNESDAY, Feb. 23J, 1881,at 12 o'clock, M., in JerstY City. N. J.10-2w GEOEOB EICHASDS, Pres't.

NOTICE.The Itookaway TovnRhip Committee wl

mBet at Biggott'a Hotel oa•MONDAY, FEBKflAKY Wm,

at 10 A. v . to settle nptbe bminen of t iejear. EDWARD P. BEAOH,

TowEaLip Clerk.K0OX4WAT, N. J,, Feb. 10, 1881. 10 3w.

The Administrators' Sale of


lata D. P. MERCHANT wai

adjourned (m account ofstorm

until WEDNESDAV, the 16th

of February.

Report of Receipts and Dis-bursements of RockawayTownship since the last pub-lished report.

1S80.Mar. 13. Bstsnco in li.nd of TOITD

Tresaiirer, | i 383 11Oslkelodotidoplisilaofun, " ™ "

To ossh paid clerk, Jndgefl and In-S»G151 00100

3100350 81

100M OO8SO0

837 835,408191.10011

.. spMtors, town meeting," John BieKolt.aae uottT," casti paid for nad retnrni

- B. Butt, Ai.eiaor," bcmities on wild animals," E. P. Be>tk. Tom Clark," OfsrBeer of the Foor," baiaaoe in hands ot Town Tress."SUMudOoout iTa i ," bslsaos ID bands of Oolleetor,

17,1151«OoKRSer—BD7ARD P. BEACH, Olerk.

NDTX~The Town Oaramlltas msnt to par billsand ssille with tha Kolljotor ind othaViom'ship etnosrs F.brparj « l b . 18B1.

liock.waj,.-*. J., Fib. 10U, 1BS1



qrasra is BUTE AHD ooosxi TAXE&

nnxaan or noir «uPasting; the Eaokettatowa aaaiaa.Tla.M.AIi,R. R. toP.nnay]fBBla,for two waekl nd lngThurada; eteaina;, Feb. Uth, 1881.

STATIOin niOK.ountain Tisw, . .


. TS3U


ObsBlsr B. It. (Herton s, Oanria's,BnenuaBiia, TanatU and €)>*••terJnnotl™a»lioiiB,).... l,inCakisTiDs mu

innUttt loo.

John E. BrtnniaHannah B. BrownThomaaln BtrrynanJfibDA.Brlaat 'John Braadrlak

Uablon ClarkJohai Ootaeris.oatoBW.OmlarWlulsm GransHslrs of Wm Osplei

D" WBS Batsj

Aaroaj JHakenMHeliv of Junes SorssTPetrrDsiandHslrs of Karitw HimJam.. N.MiouVeter DeQnvBoMlmaDass



ISOl aitu

1901W100I H390


John GrantOnsu Fosd Iron Huilag Co.Henry GammerJohaOoblePater GallagherUiobiel OuldenJohn GoldenEugene GouldPeter UuotEdward OrsdyJohn GalllganJohn 0. UocldAndrew OrltsHerman GilueriSilas GoodrleuNewton GnfrinJ.meiOilliirt.Jr. ,Joauph OllbertCbBS. GallagserJarwi OUinore ,

Tton?.. Hlaks

Wp. UlTsudUiobiol HmleyWin. HamFleming BanterUleluoiHaysNid.ol.. BaitPalriee BaienJohn. HartJohn SIIIOBJamel HartOk... W. Balllllcliul BolloruJam™ Ha, bluaPatrick HaleyChomsB Hoelorl^ary Part

GecrgeHarparlaBioa Hpjan'

Edward OilerJohn HetleryAu.tlo HillIiMiklHnll

aaarDi fidJtss. BBlnisoimHsslBnsoab Heardnian

BlljBbHaihknjOaalotiBsjsEdmund BassJimesHoBsu

rans nanBon

asses .-Henry Hart

[[ohMl HeilinEd*nrd I


fmnloilab Heddjlartbolomcw hawkinalaolel Bollr[lenulHonan

Ohas. HflBancampWm, I . rfenderain .Peter Hirkto3aleb IV. Hopler

'ames If ayi -; s • ..

, " - •---'•



TBir.ofJ.oolKimblearooi B. K1&R' K i l


ohnBonrlts•rDeliDsBoatkatnaU HonrkoitrJckRcynoldB

(din Bran J

liclne! Byan

nning F. Heuinrin of Jtraei Buully

8»a 01

.. . . . Suiter[elrs of Andrew BbkWMr


-jeph M. Tir.JtrlioorAarun Vanboskirk

Wird W»t«tiB. WWtlord

[tin* of Andrew Wright


obn Anderson ,osoph Austin

JOB Aycrijrpe Armittong

obc Andemoo

oisph B acholi 11 lllancliirdJ»rtin H.DImchirdlirc-a Bet BinDim V. Bslerliileoa Blancbtrd

*icrce Barrettincph Qrowahii. DUnchardrm. Brown

Micliad Dnrni

160ISOa ooISO

.... irtonjury Bnrtlo

3enrgc BurrAndronrOlsoaDivrkertichard Berrigftniland Birch

nunufil BartonClinn. Buah

ilolph Baitron

BTIJ BUkele/.nuH JiRlicookcm-Be Blakeleyiahui Brownittr Ilixtrom

srlin Doyenirnes Bemmin

Caleb De«chTliomsB Blakelej

•nreusBnuk>ha Bnrk

Cswlfl 0r»n8sepli B Craneiorna» Caioy

'liomaH Casfck'miotby (Jorcoraniiuct Conrhlinlioraai Carljon•trick Cullennricl Callen Jr.tenrv CorrigtnoBuph O&vlin>ennl« CUvetmghDhn Chivmploa

om»i Ohimpios

JterOnrterIdward Onnnollyamen Oarroll(olm CoffeeIndrew Oratnpbell




IS, in



eCoonajnei Cnlnej *

obn CnlnoyArtin Orottreruard ConnorilomtuOarr

Phoraai Oowier) « . Oollimwoo Oolne;

)BTld OODDfiltramt)B Oonwa;-


eo. W. DlokenoQ«o.L.Deciar

rohoPerapiy .lalthew netnpiy

chard Doremoiroller DfQraw3bn C. Dowire;leliard Dewire)avid Dowayidwtrd Bonei

p fiits Dnnn, Jr.

-i. DIVII1-QBephB.DDwt* » « • Dr»kfl<Vtn. DemohnDiddov>wfti DoDohnsToiikh Dow

Demon th

UGbul ThuniLbrun D«»nohn DoylnSdwird Dolud•atriokDwuiereniih DeQrawtobertDeaiawUuhtnlDflvor*Tohn DaQrtw

JclurdElllitimrd BrerauniMid Xitler




aaieoin1H1601 »



1i_-l a180sool a150ISO




i.J.{or,r,.ooWm. ilotieBNils /AttsobWdli.m 4 . Jukurn

lamcsl--Thol»a. 1Albeit leperBamuet LeperttattutDKXVessObarleiLnndgraennranelsj. LuseyTbtrmaa trpoh

/smel JjetobarDftTid LaBhJssaoLit

h l

AbrafeBmUora-etiliebaelUlSonaldbtiebMlHarlinirlsa lleDosalolWm. a. MatthewsUfMViIlii imVm. UfllerTamea UoOulr.l l b ] H?etri.k Unifliyolin 0. Meriltt'rtriek Ueloteerames Baloy^wlsHattheirsleymonr Henittil.ninn Merilttrobn Uartln'smei MlrtlD'aoe.HeO.I»easeUorgaijehaorHorginohD B. afonnfro. Horrisobs U. Margoioa^ b H O^boraasHoOae

OflArge Monroeindn'Merrltt

Dho B. MooroIllai H. MiDtoa

~ H J


Etsitssrttobara Halone? b d H h

WnTMcXeeYerIbas. MoKeerer.dwsfd UoFssnoaoph UsvliiD 'ISttlel P. Merrillonn UeEeefer

Albert UillarJossphSstbn

lewla J. Niclolaobn Norgren

itrlok O'BriBO7homaa O'BrlenlanlelO'Hara .ohalVfinenoho One!!*'atrlck O'Brleo[iobael O'OonnDra

William OdellmOnitead

.itroiionciias. oa«u


tee PennaI. Potrslllet Fowell

._jrj PriceBlchard Priak

Palter PblllftPm. Pblllpa

James Perkinstepben Palmertaorge PeerKiidP.lmer.Jr.>STid Palrssr, 8r.shroielPslner

Wm. PopeDaridB. Palmer"rands A. Peer'aobanaa Poteramim. PsKOoeaoob Pnder

TbornasOnltlejlartin Qalnn


John Bjan''Imothj Bjanimotbi R.an

amoi BobertsPatrick Bile*"iora?Bll



e IUrilarldBow .

Wm. Roger*araj.BoelcttIiobul Bogtneth Itobinicname( Branaoob Blolineramei Eranohn Btdnaro u Bidner

)anlel Sponwnbnrg™- Bponaenbnrj

rsoob SUller•.cobHutton

W«bH.flroilblobert Shorn

aaarreremlab Seekobn Gcnllylohael flnlllras.

IlebaelBnmnn.Jr.obi SnlllrmIsary Smithobaa.Slonter

tennis Somraen*mei Bevmowohn Serbtenbeii Steadworth?

•teorgt B.arkPullisorge Bonofaawyre

u . SorlboeiLnkBmltli

Qeorjta fimlabko,

Obarlei TnrkitrUttbew Tookuimnel Tre*«rlb«nobt TbomiaimeaTookiaMreTuite .itnuel Trereokbomu Tbom.i

iei Tyrrel

obnBtTaotierhMrenry Vanderhoerebard T«rrffln

~ .H.Tanorieir Yinoraen

ohi yt, WalWn


aw*in Ward


saw?*fa. Vktan









sopb Bork, John Bojle, . . J usepb l a n s n , B™n«l Bur. ~s Fl7, • ' "'Berrj, Jame« &s«j, Edward C r ," "•Oavsnjfjb, JoUnComelln., Pun., cu j j " . "

^.teoh^i&fsEpbriam Sirioth, Tbomi C , 1" ?•

riaej, Putnek Molnt». J, J,.' l lD u ' " -Malclicw McDonil 1 Jobn Mli "l luiMaber, Jubn u «.w,D, , ] n l , r ¥ ,,, .. ...Matlbews, John Btoller, C W r i l l ; ' , "I1

Sntton, John Sntittgcr, Jr., WUI • ' ;ljl)

David W Vr.r>d«rh(mf, Uiiijii.l . -Loeey, Jolin M Vonderb(David W.lli* llbod» Ceertuan " , | , i \ v"'h Jh K n»,,d Ei,^"'jt>';lr Joba C. King, !)»,Yeoman. u'"l

Bocuway, S. J. TIIK unit, u n .

The Morristown Institutionfor Savings

belnjz about lo rloB

me to pitrclmeuihlcb Ility know about.Tli* Managua mil ihouhro reroivi. Ep|,|jf.fl.

l l le ibi) lirtt i|

UiVin,'i:tbi\"'w,il E'l.'t'a'di'nnlt,1,,,,.1;..":"allinobanolii.tini, • anraer 1,

'atuJTcb Id m i """•"•• '"" ' lu l l

To the Depositors in the Morris-town Institution for Savings

H vfliv difhcnlnil lio perittth

ilitaand pin


. lint i

.1. [ionioi>. ii t , t,, dii

, diinsllnri,,,,,,,',,, „, „,1""t ti.M

»d L , , ; ; , , , , : , :In tbo wiuiliof. up. tbe Menage™ ilo.irp «>]

tbodjlin»lmslolis.oojactjn.li..o™ude!,niJ. * . ...I.I them in au.lni,,B Ihi, , ,ilipy have iimauryd from tho Cbanccllm' -m'inler wbub Is publisliid »itli tbHcirenl'.r

1st. Topuy tfap'OipaBitiauDUT t t l t T

opuy tfap'OipaBitimatant on let TeL

t f

ade ssliicu tin 1.1auDUT matant on let TeLruarv » c l t l in f,,||ritb Intorcat fruni iime of dopesit B[ 4 Mrtut per annum '2il To turn tlio Becnntica (h,clu<l,nE tlio

eal estate) into money us rapidly as Urn caneasomuily and WIHOI; be ilnno3d To make a divldeud on rlfposils of it

lens. 60 percent ou the IStli daj ofFthruairnoit, and to pay tlio balauoe a. soon a s mJ.ble ' '

lfi.tiBitfirn tboloti IIBTO briv

to keep (Wirm

le .1th. To distribute amonc tliotl

et flurplDB us soon as all tho »DronvtrloJ into o s b .

« " We tdTlao all depositorsdepogit bookfi and nut Iu Hull t h e .


„ . ALtBEDMULH.Morrisiowii, Jnn, 27i.li, 1BB1

IW CIIAlVCeilY OF KKW JKUSKV.IQ the Matter of th inn riftlm Morris-

iluiionfor^sDBThe petition of tlie Morn

fnrHavings (which IB immtMorris Cotmty, NfH Jurshaving beun preaonlf.!! t t tCourt LeincaitiBfi.d,

That eaid Innlitnliiiu was inortbo legislature of naiii Hint is ui'clt>provad April 9tb, 1867, anii thattime it his bern in BnrcLBBfui uiieratiou iMorristown kfoieutd;

TfaatitwHBtarU>daBdbaBbc«Dnrriod onby oillEons ot Morris Couniv, as itn manacerafor tho pcrposo or prrviJui^ ft Bah ulace fotho deposit of (tvinEB lij ptraone f M

M J o an,! auid

il in Htirrlnloni) duly vurififi'

n Cuiirt, and tlio

inorrnora.Ml bvl V t at-


osit of (n MorrJata..«^«<a^ aaa 4»u 11 a .a k \l n II a IIII BtllU Cutl l l t V 1 t]UH

holtllDg out u Indocamsnl fr»r thrift andeconomy lo th«H who hid DO otbor gooti op-portunity for inviutiiiff tlirir earnings;

Tint the dcpoult(i placed la its ktepmtr harubeen inreited nnd tbulnlrMBttuibeuiioirncdfrom ystt to year and iutere*t divltJendi paid•emi-ftnniifclly to itti dfijioiiiturs, and tbat Itsltit luloreiit diflilentl out of its net earuingnuinen. n t lulnrestdi f iti net earfor the gix months n O i t prior to tho firior JsMHury iislant w*s at ths rato or lonr paro u t . per »nunm,payable ou and after the Ulbdiy of Jan-i&rv ing taut;

TUt Mid InstitutioutoitidepoalU...

That it ii in \ par feet IT eohout eonnithsiselt mor* than aalBctenl topaj

jutbiDR except

nl)tio •all iti

iiiQr*; " "—it it is cirr.ed on by nun a got s wLo do

not receive, mod wbo ander fhn proTibiocB olthe churter are (orbidden to reoeiTe I D ; emol-ument or oorapeiiBation filiatover. either di-rectly or ludirtttlj for their suvioei or to

orrow tram tho Institution :thattaUl Iutltation has no caplUl plock,

mud lhat whenorcr tbe b.iBineKs A tbo Imli-tuttun maybe closed its »sseta nlioiild be fairlyDd equitably divided unoriR its dopoHitotu •That tlie trast whiob thu man at; era of the

Inulltiitioa have »BUmed in a pubfto tin" •ThatitsiBSotsconHiit of cnah unhand of

uh l o w d on call (iwnrod by U. B. Govoni-•Jtnt BondB), of United Status GovcrnraeulBonda, of town bonth, i»rbon<lH and morttraBci»ndorioraoroal oilala in the County oUIor-

tbe imwat of ICdupo'aiU iouhl iSTjull Itonce In money;

Tlint since tha oreinlzHtlon of slid IQBtitn-tian »nd mtlieyrar 1874,aiiutliet8aTiaci}!ftuk. a stvled... MrtBtoin, »nd» t K . n - .1

Tbut tlie wlole amount of tho dnnnHHn nfBald Inatllulmo I. (lS3™oi:«7i. That the whole amount of thr. dopoBlls of

i.f'f*idB™.1" * " • n o t " I C " ' >»,000,ne Bavincs Bank ia HUfHcient •Th.t uld MorriHtown Iiistitntion for S»vmr.i

II no iBnrar n o c i a r ; for th. p.bllo Boo3,an4 that tho pre.ent ia a farorkblo tim« tiill«r>ononiaaeonrillD.;

Tbat Ibe mataears haTe aclsmlnnd todoa.b aiii I n t i l t i l

doa.c aui-the basinrsioi BWa institution t,

tuns to diitributc tbo prucnedg of tint nrjgcnftmons (he depoaltora entillod to tiium BO that•xictjuaticemaybo dona to tit, ami BO thatlie wid oianiigorB may bo IttlJy di noli anted

from tbelr trust; i^nargtnTb*t thu depositor! in itld Institution aro

.ery aomerouu. Doing nearly norouieen buu-ored in nnniber, nianv of tbem for small•nlD

1nnti, reaidlns iu ilifforont lonlitins ;

.That miiny ot said ilepogiton ire minori andwomen, and that tburg Ii reason to beliovothat by rea.on of abst-neo, or legal di.abiiiljor Mini other causo, . conBide?ablB nnmberoi mem mav not appoar to look atler theirJWH iDtereata and to draw oat Ibuir dividondiwnen deolartd; while olbcrs micbt dcmanilmore tban tb»u ratable sUaro for the time

That all dopoiltorishould boprntvotccialikcand that «Ml .quUly ami JD,1icc in ill %»tribntijiiortheaaaetBor tboii proceeds can*EOt tw «ffanUKl without tlio itrj of tbj, fjuurt

1 contrulling tbe ijinliDgn uf tbe said trtntoej

And"the aid o! this Court belnjr involt.nl h»iia lulltuboD, and tbe Chancellor beiuf of

opiaion that it should be gr.nted' * f

IlfaontbiBtwenty-ilFtb day of Januarr in

th.t III. pr.}«o( tire

1. la v tn of tho fact that thnlnBtilntion iiihoittobflwr-amUptbej will of c n n r H a ro_OOlre no farther depoBitn., ?. To convert th« Miotsof aatd Institution

ioney ai fait UH the iinn 0»n m"oLablT

v i i ihS" 4 1 0 u k t M0!1 w t b e r 8l°pfl ""«"• -

ing Us bnaincis as may bo nocouary

nt aimuhS dJ'Sit"1 ° f *' ' M i l t flftj P "r i j c r . o r d e r o f Ml O o a r t *° 'p»ly n"n(urtherHdend on deposiii « e B D t snat ..art of tb«JoMMfLSTiS

/ l i i .!Si™.'"" * * l U ? ' * ™ ilepotila .hall bo"nob diridond Irom tba otbor monov. of tboInstitution, mil to rant™ th. amooat torn n«

I. paid to blm:" > t " l " b

oa tbe dotnminBtion ol the man.ccr. 10•• ».lrbndn™,.bi,h ZcM., T«m°" ™ . " " / bat. tan m,,T, «i ih o , , , 0 ,

"? »'»nch aMormtaalloa, anil sllh. i t t l o on part of tin a<po«ltora thai

" ' ' ' " t • r«rm.n«i.tFto,e,im.«t,ispniinto .aid maL.sen lo pay

, i i ' J L" '°» •'"• Inleri.l ?p to tbitaayotr.brnarjn.xlat II . m , ol '"'

ier cent, per .mum, proYldnl tb.t aaia ifio.Ha arecalloa !or wiAin len da;, after tnb-£S""nooem.jtbj ..id m,n.,ora of Ihgir

f""" to m>ka snob pajnmt;Ha fnrtbor onlor.d : '• » a " S . " ^ "•«»?I»B report from lima

»inf.aia.iiet.aoaasenritlM. and bats

f. Ik ,°.'™,'.°'" ld I"u"™"r. l» amir

'J''r111""1"" """'"*'TIIBODOBBBraTOlT.




Bt. Valentice'H dny a**t Monday.

Coimeon Cumioil meeting next Uoiidny


Marshal Kelly eipeoU to attend Gartiuld'B

The Euekettatowu Furnaca was fiut iu

blent en IVe-ludhduy night.

l ion . V. A. rott i i JjBfi BiiL'icribod sj..",(;<:fi

for tho world's lair in New York.

i t in rumored the! tlia 1!ookuwuy Lot-el

landlord will move in the Hpnuf;.

Mr. Gea. I. Senc-y's (jift for thiH wank is

GU.OUO to the Brooklyn Y. M- O. A.

A JJoor.k-11 mau M3IF. hie vrifo Kitty, t.f-

cuurjo BIIO goto her biw;k up nt) oftfsii.

Every farniei Hhouhl read Uio cc in in imita-

tion on " Entilugo " in iw»Uifir column.

Sjvtnthousi . i idponiomi visittitf tbo ll;idi-

]Hon Y. M. C. A. rcwdinjj ream last yfw.

l i r a . Stickie, of ProapL-ct street, baa L

All the latest ooaaty report* in the £ Ethis week.

Frank Searing b u returned lo DOTSfrom Kansas. ,

I)., L. A W. atook u still steady at about23; K. J. Central, 83.

itev. E. W. Long vas Installed pastorFidrmciiiit on the 1st inet.

Mi. Frank Peer, of Boukaway, lost d Teryvaluable Lorae on Tuesday.

Eev. 0. T. Jauks'Mi will lecture on Tonporancu in Handera tuxt 'f uesduy evening.

It iB reported that Mr. It. H. Vogt, Intoiditor of ILo EBA, will publish a paper ii


I k v . L. I, Btout<;ukirg has rcmov,

Sdmnley's Mountain to Newton foi


Crowded B(ir«:e i:oi;i|ielH IIB to l;«,y

Mr. VHII Winkle of I

• d fro

factory ther

iii;lit in

not (a'l

Tho Madison folk's tin1 again fltirrinj; tl;

license quentioti UJI for tlie Hpriiig ekittiot

Mr. J . 8. Crane, of (VIIIW Mrwi., Uooulr.i

is about fo mukti R W mith'fl Tiuit to Florid.

Eighty-five trumps— indtiding one w<

man—wer« lodged in the- lock-up dtirin


Our conBBrvativo E>')IDO1 house ninthly

does not meet tbo neeils of tliia radical c

m unity.

K the

nilrnnd fro

OOI will H

ndur Her


In pursuance of tbe call ineued Home weekibgp tot a meeting at Hometown to considerplans for ttie i.n.clioration ot the conditionof ths pauper Ismatefi of our alms bouse, agoodly number of ladies Bad gentlemen conrened in tbe Common Council room at 1(o'clock on Wc(Jues<Jay morning last. MayorMiller called the meeting to order and intro-duced itov. P , Applcton, of Bocmttm, who

iad the object of tbe meeting and detailedtbo present conditions of uffnii-s i>t our almshaute. Following is ft RynojisiB of iha &d-

ii VLry gna*

O tiitttgonj

PQRT MORRIS.Am glad my iBfuruiaul wJe mistal)it the irice of Mr. Cr no's donation,i it had been a thousand doUftrg inatead

of what he eajs it me. It «tu sot amah f<the reverend geoUfinAQ to neh into printibont, iwrlicularly as bo bad stated ths ez-wtHam In the same larao of the Bai inwhich I guvtf (he estimate of tha gentlemanwho info fined me, and who was oue of Mr.Crane's friend*. I do not propose to play

e to Crane's Tilinadge. He made allant fight, U


all the weapons tit ola

nud to the best advantage nud was de-liitt J. I took no part ia t ie buttSe, and ae

ain't quarrel with mo now that it id overrTf in l td that 1hB good St. Bridgst—

r f-him the mitjnrtty uf Irish girla Dbtd

1 u la iad- haul t j n friend who was tall-

her wiiut Hom of the neighbors were

UK a l i u t her ' I f t l i cyknew me

fttulHiy norsi thmijo thitn tluit

bt lit vt ut J (.lliiif; Iruiu y r u f . I caa heIfh

mi a l l , ,

u l l (]<

d,il)t of eithThe Oovii Vcrtnesi


Odd PdlnwH fllli.d tn-

• llon t \ p


ivo bneufnudi

slmva br>jtli

l timo,

it to tin. amount of•ibed for tin' new t'rc

uf which Mr. H. H. Hff.uh,

Mr«. Elizuhi'th CIITIIIOM,who rccfiilly mult'ivvi'utcancer in the breiwt, diedUintpln-eJaBtwetk.

Wn iimlcrHtiuisHhfi Ku;3uf thiii plane, 1ms nmdn ftltev. W. II. MuConniulf,

ing the truck on tl)

Orain east.

Tlio Poirornl lo Sunday Beli-

port a nnlivo teiiehor in India i

W, Couklic,

Bloominptlfile wants moro li

accommodation of her work

does Dover.

A Miulifion u a P i p i U f t i i . t f i i : . r

didn't liko by actually skhiuitiff h:

Where's Herjib ?

Tbeo. Littlo and H. C. r i tney In

elected Dirpctoru of the Peters Mfti

fug Cottipiiny of Newark.

Mr. I>. Holier bml in hid i«osnminn on

Tuesday tbreo piukrrel which weighed HOT-

entcen and n hulf pounds !

One of tho new rans on tho M. ft; E. Hivia-

ion took fire nn Friday of lust week from o.

defective heating a,)pfiratun.

Messrs, Uenj. L. Browa and Eugcno

Tnwel l lias loaHfd ths V. S. notol , Morriti-

towu, for flvo years from April 1st.

Mr. Ohds. A. Covort, Secretory of the

Dover Iron Couiriany, slipped while walking

last Saturday and Hpraineil hi i aukla.hut only line v.

A SnceaanunR party put a chtirg« of pow- ^ o f I J l l t d l l

der in o etick of wood on his pile aud - '

ueighbor ' i stove wns blown up HOOD fiftcr.

The Protections nt their eulertainmei

Fob. S2d, will ptTBPiit a tiiinntrol olio, ni

t i e cotnei!,v of "Woodcock 's Littlo Gnme

Tho Decltcrlowi. Intlejiondcmt unys Sei:

to r Youugblood bns inoro gGcriiiio " buck-

bone " than auy othor lueiubur of tho Legi

Tliey report

d M. E. Cliu

ri-(]in>Ht tn ii

of Pino Uro

I n fn tthiit hoth

ojuntv huh I,11..> lik> thi <

mt cur. It lif

o jmssibihU of k i ( p

, till

. I K

1 U>



•i u t

1 1


" I 1

t l i

tL 111


v,tmIt Cl


:ilt II111 11

"t tryit her


nr li.t III-bo\«

Mt. J. W. C. '^ll . tbeSUlionugsntftt tilDover dapot, mai'W the uuuouncemei t thai

n d d h i dhe Is able to offer tale* on third-

!•. 1 11 M i l ] I I 1 t h . l>Ll

. . ] . . . [ ) H i 1 , V UIW\,M

.1 . i l . i l.i II . L..J ; , nutnt 1 IM. tin f Hi i l ( i

f i s l in > I r o c a 11, b<>

I t 1 i- '• tt

elawtidkets to »U p.Qi»b Went, by mythe PennnylviLiii Hail road- This reJuuUonb in oonw<]iienoe of tire gwat competitionnow existing between lending nOlroad com.p f f l , und tbwe vbo contemplate goiWest tfatB ypring can Beanie Uieir tickaUeheaply of Mr, Carn-11 at thi- Dover depotthey can in M*v York mi save the troubleand expesae of pring to lhat tdty to purchasethem. The fire from Dov-er t<3 Chicago uii only & ; to Bt. Louis, «3j iKaiiau City,i a ; Dearer, 133.60.

IN AND ABOUT DOVER.Bend the advertU«ms»t of 50,000 peach


Calico for 4 centa per yard at W. S. Eab-itt'«All goods sold b ; the N. V & Oh'int Tea[i (ire warranted pnre.Buy jour teas ooffeoa tnd spices at theV aud China Tea Co.

lit it 1 A Co must BUII thoir entire stock atij i riLf the neit few wueks.$J WO worth of UnotH and flhoes will be'Id for luIfofitatHcinlJbCa'iLPur Limner-, of blunt its and fianrwla should

otft)fg-tV.r 8 JkbltittwholiaBthebrReBttoik in l lci outity.

]'»iil im-H thi! opportunity Hoinl & Ho.ill HIM ,i u to liny yunr lioola & .Shoes for

b hid Olovo Cle

iHlang eardu o

y kh'iwnattnpl

l in Lm;niviti)t

leavca coeri cents s

^ ' " — " — ; v • " - - ' - . - - . . • - n -





srun of the Into wax mul inwnlwr of Co. K!1H> l l shN.w .Ii>rr,('y, linn j .M rec-ivi'ij JKIHI;

Mr. lleury SI. Hall, of Uoniitmi, hs t wei-liliot two wild K«'KO that worn milking tliciv&y Nurtli nnd stojiped nn the farm to labi rent. Ono weighed twelvu HTKI the otbt:

ommit o of prertulicrs of tbo Kewarl

ence to oxrtmiiu1 caiulidalpH fo\

nao, met in Dover on Monday,

otiiidntc apppan-d—Mr. Hang'


Senator Canfield end Fred. Jlnet, of tli.Itoibury Hotel, offer twenty cents Rpieo.for live tjuail, to kcop them through tinwinter.

John CtirtiB, an iuleinpcralo nmn living atBloomingdals, foil into tbo mill p»m] tlicroon rnemlBj night of last wuek, nud wimdrovned.

A privilto hop ijivoc Qt tho Vauuier House,8uc<i.3\inna, on Thursday coning of lastweek, van ene of tho finest flonal CTCUIII ofthe season.

lletwoen Dover and Bloomingdulo, Boon-ton'i Burplua help id utilizud.--Bulletin." Suqilus " iKgood, very ; iteoundmoamclibettor than "idle."

Tkcre was not a pound of conl for nnlo inBoonton lout Saturday, and some Boontonpeople were negotiating with Dover dealerson Monday for a Bnpply.

Jan. Wilson and Bcbort Owea, of Brooli-eide, have each a leg broken iu two pliicos—the former by being caught batwoon a log••<t it rock, the latter by ft fall,

T ie name of Mr. John Drummer vmaccidentally omitted h s t week front ths rolldf eien.pt Dremen. l ie was one of tboohnrter members of Vigilant Hose.

Tho Hometown authorities compel trampato do three hours' work in opening guttersfor their breakfast And the number oftramps is growing beautifully loss.

The Chronicle nave t int George Hullivcr,of Dover, wen BO drunk and disorderly on atrain one night hat wook that ha vim sentUp for five days. Who's Bulliver?

It is rumored that the Roman Catholicdiocese of New Jersey will be divided, andtwo now bishops will bo appointed, withheadquarters at Trenton and Kowark.

Tho trial of ROT. B. B. Lockwood, of thisM' E. ConferfDce, oil chflrgeri of im in oralconduct preferred by Mrs. Myers, of Phil-lipsburg, boa lesulted in his acquittal.

Mr. Theo. Woodhnfi, cf FhiiderB, hasBorne of the fitiCBt young orchard ApplenUibo found anywhere. Wo know it, for hekindly remembered tlio EHA folks this week.

Ganaral Wnahinuton IB crertittd wiih hav-ing E»id in 1777 that At Mint tinu* (here worebetween oightj and ono hundred iron worksgreat and small in operation iuMorrin county,

Mr. A. H. filiermnn, formerly of Mt.Hope, but more recently of Nynck, N. Y.,b*B received the appointment of Vieo Princi-pal of Iho High Bchool of the City of Orange,N. J .

•Toon M. Tourn, of Forcptcu, has killedsix foxes in Pompton Valley and Ticinity,linoe NOT, let. He despatched the lest one—A handsome red ono—Tuesday of lastweek.

- Shoriff McDarit made tbo followicg saleon thn 2Gtt ult. Kiccatora of Wm. Iliiic-bardt, det 'd, TS. Phillip Stone and othen.Proparty in Oheator townahip. Bold to AnnStone.

There ii a propoaition before tba LegiHli-(ure to prevent all thootinf; of game for thenext year or two, to give tho birds a olinnceto recuperate from tbo soverity of thoWinter.

A capitalist offarad io faka tho rmsotn of(ho Uonisiofm BaringB Rank and pay offthe depositors immediately and in full; anoffer which « M refused in the interest of tbadepositors.

Oleomargarine sells in large <juantitiei intforrirtown, so the Jcnwyman nays, fortwenty-fivo cento a poend. AVeli, Morria-town'tr taite is considered [onthctic. Pcr-bapB it in,

Ei-Chief Charley HcColluui flhould hi*Dheon mcntionoQ as one of tho quests of theiV ft^I^Tnr to?i titir^irfo (/onip?1^ v ii V!!!i t t TDoTer last wuck. Hs is oca of the brat fire-men at the county sfct

At tha rolling mills No. 2 furnace in beingtorn down to muka room for another nowdouble furnact. S i i or aerim cars of manu-factured iron were shipped from tho millstbe fint week of thia mon'.h.

Tha bill introduced in t i e Legislature,providing that the fipense of committingtramps should bo paid out of tbo town trens-nry where mcti antsta are made, is a justmeunra and fib cold become & law.

It ' i the fashion now to remoTO Dearly nilthe t.ourc from between rooms and thosecponing into halls, u d in their places ban/,;enrUina of dark hta»y staff-Tich nipluahcB,raw silks or utsaiiB, e ^ e d with heaxy

Freeholder Smith, of Hanovor, in lookingllinmgh nn old dusk Urn ether day fouudibout fll'i in old lilts, currency, etc. All»er« mloenmblo cxcppt two^ l bills on t i eold Union Dniik, of Doicr.

One evening liut week thoy fliod up anice mipppr mid prcjMircd fur n donation to

. Mr. Eiifiton at thi- bound of John CIUPS,8r., at ]Jandp|Mny. And tbc rcieipturcachpiltho munificout KUUI of SlO.

Tbo Morris Plains Ahj-lura is recuivhigevery few diiyn Rome unfortiumto ii)3nno in-dividual wlio has committud murder. TliolatcHt (H)iitriliutiim in Mary O'Connor, whokilli-d her Uirco eliildrea in J»rsJuly.

Dnn Dcflcoii Inst flaturdny enrrifld a sackof Rn.lt wnigliing a.KtlbH. tjuilo a dihtuncpbut far enoufib to wiu a wapjnr mndt. Thnriin HIRD said to be a mau nt wnrk in tho nevb«ildi:igs who nan lift a 3K> pound barrel ofuincl with his teeth.

Knnp in miud tiie eutcrtaitimDnt of tii-Mino Hill ncliool, on tlio liith inst, I t willbfi a renlly exci'llr'iitnffitir, nmlal! tbfimonoymade will bo expended for the bum-fit ofhe Boliolnrs, in tho purchano of nn oryauind tho Biarting of ft library.

Daniel L. Mnritt, an old resident of thisviolnily, died In UHNOM on tbo lid inrt. Hin

inn wero brou^lit hero for intermiuit.find lio wits buried nt RertNhiro Vnlley onTuoBdny, RGT. Dr. StcJdard preaching thosermon. Ho was T> years of ago.

A young man who gave bis name oo films.Hope, of Ito^'haway, K. J., wai arrestedWedneadny ovoning while trying to unloclttha Ptfe in the paint Hlmp of Thomns H.Wliekn, Jrrsfiy City. Ilo entrred (ho fitoni

jRt a, ludo which ho cut in tho back

pi tn for 6 ch*M LBOT hi* chicken coop.When tli* ohuo cu&« ofi iha fox got awny.tni ft Urn sights laltr »inrr*d tc \U cooi

-*«4 kUltd ft MOT* of cbict-u. he d"im tt* bflntntaa of J

' lhii drm


li ti.'f mul tin in. r^I in . I f (i th-mugl .i u i d DM t , jry ]imt tin iWirt.il r

.o ilnj i.n


Mt!i [u ich Iniixd tint (ti<

^r w Hie t uilliuittw

p ki] h>H tin pi i h LiLHkett, do t.ll Ihurn] M i r U t m c m i ' U ' n o Mr lh

f the nnt pnnLoiW ifkr d iluctinij (hmi^ioii «l».u tiic p i u l i n lure will l.j

ii)i]i»-.i(jii man Mr Hurd nml b, Hastcm ihil nolundtrstiiiiu it tintl M r llii..: ii,i.!•!,!•,;iit l I k t t

II n P r iti;-,',. <•!,

: i! "Imlibu t> linnLnlMHliojhuaslhi}

ID coopirito nidiith tllllHl' 11) ) lllllLboiisi Wo litlmnuid a n l - t h t t limyi IH, .vlulo thpy cm.mlau.u lwjh ' t i i .dthmn 'JIIH Dine

t tliohitf u r i oi tiniH,iM.r.nliB-iidirf

Ho was fi fino looking mnn. und ho proudly

il rut led down I be tiulewnlkfl wilh tliLMiir of

iroprictorrthip in ovory movement. " Hcjf

four- pardon,1 ' said « strnngor, ns lie stepped

ip to him, lint in hand, in utmoat humility.

' P o l have yrmr ponnission to romain in

own over iiifiht?"

A:i nystcr aupperuri lor the auspicaa of tbn

pmbpra of tho Millbrook U . E. ClmrL-h.

will lio hold ftt the rosldnuco of Air. George-

n, on Tuesday avoninfj n t i t , the jjro-

hich will bo devoted to the pay-

ment of Ihc pastor 's salary. All nhoutd help

rfiuch a pootl object.

A donation viait will ho giron for the

jnefit of Etiv. Ptarco Itoficrfi at tbo resi-

raco of Mr. V m . N, Spcncvr at BaikHlire

Valley, on Tuesday evouiug noxt. If slormy,

ing. An invitntion in given

to nit. Ample stabling for twenty homca.

Hate, wraps, robes and other artioteg will bu

.Hken ouro of by check if desired.

A mud dog ran through Bnrtloyvillo, mid

.s firtid to bare hitten nearly oil tho dogH in

.bat phoo, ranny of whom havo already

men killed. Ho Btoppod at tbo Hchool bouBo

and wont into tho h*dl JURI nt tho time for

closing school, but fortunately tlis ^ U o k i a

hod been kept in tbat nftcm

illy fihot

Bilby. — Jer

l'oltir, ilNtw \ork, wim U r-,L]j dutrnkdworkiuqN (il Iho olHts Ol.ivritiLi' Aid As.ition uf N»* T i r k , « 1 reontiiNimUd

Dial thin meelnif; maujjurnlo A Hui;mly of;y Cily tost like cbanwt. r, and at once- tike hold of tho

uf looking into the conditionj[jora and net iw intelligently and

innmptlyns the reqniromonts neeiu to thid. Hu thought Mm w,iR n gmnd oppor-ity for doiiij; gooil mid iiifitituting pliil-ir^pio inenHiicGrj of roform in thi} jjovurn-it nml cure of pinners. Hi.i reiimrlincoriiing the Bnurce ofproimlileoppoHiticmLow measure, might well upply to Now

York bill Hfiemed too lunch liko an UTIJUH!id unoilted for Utah nt [{..od dlizwm ol ourumlry wlm urn iibuvo tb« reproneb i'liplied.llu rri-oni mcn.leil that ulmu IIOUBOH:oiihl ulso bo work linuacH, and thoseil« to work be unnipcllcd to enra thnirm living. Ho recomineitdod breakingone for mnwuliuuiziug tho by-ronde

throughout Iho county, as n braafli of la-bor not likely to prove coropelitivo withthe hom>st labor of our working nlntsiiH,about whioli RO inueli has been faiil. HuInscd by reuoinniitnding tliia niovemuntot only as friemls to horanleKi childrenud philanthi-fipiatriin geminil, hut upon

tho broad grounds of cbriitiimity.

At thin Htngo of tho proceedings Kev.A. Erd mnn was oliOrJi ii Cbr>iruiiin, and QR-

ittl tho duticB hy a nhort ftddrow.. J . P. Apploton wan cb«Hen Seerotary.er>nrilitutku dmilar to tbat of the N.;v,-

York Statn ClinriticB1 Aid AsBouiation wnwadnjikcl.

loliou of Mrs. Edw*:d Tajlor, tbeMorris Oonnty OharitioB1 Aid Ansociatioii

he name adopted foe tho new org^ini-

n tho dupot platform h? Goo.cj-mnn.

Takme: an Unjust Advantage.There is a lsw in referenoo to the pnbtl-

ation uf cowKjiapcrs in thiu Btnta by thoH-ovisicriB nf which a nmn is compelled to» 7 for a newspaper an long an ho Inkes it

from Iho office. Tlio Jaw is ..onigned toprotect puhlialiers frotu thoso who do notwant to f ny for what they read, hnt unprin-

ipkd publishprB ore taking ndrnntngo of it) Ticliniiio uoBiisppcting people. Uudur

'his law a p\iblitilier cun Rend hift nownpriporto tiny man without an order for Biibsorip-

id if the latter taken it from tho officebound to pay for it, whether ho

order-id it or not In Boveral instfiacca ofito poopls Lava told us that they urnec-oivinfj a certain paper which they nover

ordered, nc^ -'ondiT who ia k i rd enough tolake them tho gift of the paper. Wo haveten heard nome eiprosn a Htroug dislike to

it—but Biy they will rend it as long as it ia«n t to them. Others have said they linvamlv rt-il their pr.per atnyped, l» t it baa keptin coming to them. Many of thooo poopla

are not awaro that tho 3QW compels them topay for tlio paper it tboy receive- it. Tho

ily way for them to got rid of it is torefuse to take it from Hie poet-office at nil.

t is a diflhonent 8dvi.nti\ga which Home pub-inhers tflko of a law designed t? protectbfiir intflrrHlii nnd WB wuru reading ptcplolot to bo duptd by it. We ahall alwaysno! obliged to any reader who does not lika

the E m if ho will tell ns to Flop it when hUabanription ttpires. Wo take & just pridni endeavoring to mnko thn paper worth itsn^t, and it would be hcmiliatioE to nn tottil that we were compelled to force onrflptrupon our readers hf auoh tricks as

ihcio. Ersry upright, honest jinbluher,will feel iho same way. To ths pnbllo waFay, if you fio not like or want a paper, pay

iptJy tifld rcltuo to toko it from thepont-offlce.

Ui*] ins, chariot). g h n h u M u id Uokn, Innttt T

bllt i . '

Judge KMIOUBP, of IJoonton.

rMsod tlio meeting nnd fully

trie-fly ad-

ndor,«d its

iiuo nr« emokfiii nud some are untruthfulit when llio ehnrcli cousintatl or only tinn^ter anil tbe Twolvn, OHO of Ibein butrny-

ed Him ; mintlier duclurod wilh OHIIIH [hat liedid not know Him, itud cithers worried nbon'who hhouM lid uliicf mncup tliem when He3iiino iatoIIiH Kingdom. Study tbo thuiRiShut mnko furpeaco. If peoplo would onljlearn (o put tlioir tenffum in anbicctioii;hoi« would be littlo tronblu in the cliun'hir out of it. Thia was tbe firnt iuslnllatiou Iliid evor Hflon, 1 know all about it HDW Ilaed tn think it wan miifih on MethojmtniniNtcrB lo bi.vH to pink up their tn>jm nmliiovu every Iwu or three yeura Hut takt itill in nil John W.'.sliij Au>^i,\ u ^imiljiMifith nf hi-iul in Hint urrai^Bineut V cim-

\ preadii-r for two or tbrets JOIUH win ii tlii>imtwtbHt they can Rot ulcar nfhimiU llwindnf tint ti.nc, without kicking up a rum.ins. Ami lliougli IL panple mn y nut like In

to lore, it givus tbo boys a chftaicc. TtoMotlm.lti.LH nro tidkinu nb.iut eitfiidini! ilm

tin of tlieir luinimew. If thry nra wiseey won't dn it. One can hnnlly'piuk up art'Biinritr iinw-a-iliivs without Kucitif; fcoine

rrel ; purtofthe

On motion of Mayor Miller, it was cle-

iidi-d to f-stftblihh an initiation of Jl.dO.

Itov, M. Ogdpn, of Cliatbam, nddresHnd

hRinectiDB and e i idon td tho procfledingB.

A permanent organization was eff«ctoJ

IJ the election of tho following office™: A.

H. nu l l , Pres ident ; Judge KnuoiiEiO, Vice

iident; ROY. J . P . A|»plcton, Serru-

; Mm. Colli'B, Treasurer. Executive

ii'iUce—tn ad'lition to Hoard of Offi-

evrs—MrM. L . IJ. WarC, Mrs. Hitchcock,

Mrs. W. G. LnUirop, Jr . , Dr. John W.

Jnckion, Hon. Nathaniel Nilen.

I t wus decidtd to fiend a letter, signed by

tbo officers, to the LnKifii»turR (iHkinff for

of tho b i l l - n o w befor thiitHie piKN

body-requiring that abb-bodied trampsbe compelled to work.

Adjourned, to meet at tho call of tho Ex-ecutivti Committcp.

STANHOPE.Deupilothe Tarions predictions of no-call-

1 weather proplifita, we nro now enjojing

iceedingly mild weather, which promises

to lesson considerably, oitended opportmii-

of nleighing. Though yet early iu the

:, Tew will fail to recognize that '81

promiiios a rich barrcut in tho fin Fine is]


' lha different induBtricn Boem to recoiTO

new life, and ia conRrqutnce tho thouijrit-

ful bufliness mind is

tho nod mul su

ctive, nnd engur to

of ioTiting

c notiec tlir.t the Alba 3-rother'B ofPort Morrifi, RIITO ID soch inr'ieationB, havo

cnitly received into tlioir firm, Mr. Hey-this, of Mino Hill, an purtniT, and willntinnetoaerTctlieir cuHtomersic their linebiiFiinessi, with that proruptniiBa and dis-

iteb whiah )ma always been their charac-riMtic, They would say to thoir patrons

that they will find in Mr. tteynoldsn perfectgontlcmiui, and one Always ready and

ng to deal with them in tbo niOEt satis-factory aui reasonable manner. Mr. Mow*

ry will still continuoin his usual position'ith tlio firm, and it is needless to lay tbat

bin friends will still recognize in him, the


of old.

tiiaing gentleman


• + • <

A Narrow Escape from Drownlnff.The County of Morris has just mlgeed thefcesiity of fill inn A iicaaoy in tha Barro.

Bate's office, Surrogn'ie QiUen u d a -puttyif friends wero fishing at Longwood onTuesday, and while tho Surrogate WMcatching bait UIB ice giiTs way under himmd Itt him ia the water where It was. Terydeep. Hia fritndi were untble to help himbewue of the wcaknen of the foe, and tie

mpelled to idi

ud bre»k hit myti (

p yfor -some disUooa before meting ( u ofnffloltDt ttrength to beir bii wdgbt. Anh bd ith hj llfi


n l,ii (T, tuL f),

me, Itullbf jur jio plmt lifi, nnd tht ' l l i

-1, , [.':-:, i

my bo cf mUi Tt niif,ht bo

L'bi, II Ill(

pit Aillih i th loi

J \V Porter wFirst I'roslnU

tin Mimiliv rif iho church lu


'11 for (hum

3 ho tboro will be uo

til installed nn Ptritornun Clmrcth of Stall-• Miig r u b 7th 'Ihad btauliSod tlin p i l -

pp Mr. Wnrtrl

!oila<l like one uf tbo ancienpilnnniiK wa rt,id oi, Wiis tnithter of ceremnnuw B»v H ill Slmidpfnrd, of ti..Uurl ProktjjIfrinii OburcL of Tientonprenoheil thn sermon nud delivered tinoliurnf! totlie Pastor. The Berraon «n8 e icclli'tit nnd tha chatga Tery impressiveMr, Siuddeford wiid ho Imd boon Mr. For

r'ii nuires! neifjlibor for two yunra urn're testiaiouy tn IIH worth nml eflloieticyn!miDJNter of thi: G >HJHL ltev, AleinndeioinllK, uf Hackeltstown, whinn thn Stan-

hopo folkfl nre IOWHTH glittl to wolunimtLom, delivered n very nensibit

g tn the ponplo, ndvisiiiR them tiliov.nil t i l ing lo hridlo their tongues and Iticrnstnl wliiit ILcy wniri Fifict'u yenm np>

l, lie wan iiiMlullftfl prwtor of ii littliof only twoiMy-flvn meinlierH. l'.m

l in>nplo worked togt;lb<T nnd llu

tbo prop

No r< mm

Pnint !'r

KLriptMii put tip Bt tho Red Froi

rn ni)dtr tho direct Hiijicryiaioi

it tnr, nhohiw thri ty-si i years

No (omuiiBHioB nllow«il, whic

inptop.-rly iircpn

filiowt'd lit Iha :

1 t , 1

f I

VV (

k'l'o Cdii h Symp" will unsure yongb"a m l . It is llio teat cougha the market, rrlco25ctn.

mt tn get riil of pimplea. bgils, tet-


Ifjoavn, \.a ,iino "Liadiioy

by nil dnijjgiHU,• i

UESSIIS. ELY BROS., Drtho pant three i

j ^ u t i , Owcjro

nters E bav oenaf-

AVu mperfwlio of Mho



^ ]t wftiitiiih'tu Ret clerf at tbinW ilnt-aity t lumnll tlio pre

ud leetnriiiir of nil Hit itilvfid from Ailani'a day untilK I.HVO pence iu Ktnwhopi1.iistnr ii t i i r triid. 1 uni not

nq in ibt

nd (

h-jury titi

m q ir, but I like MriK-h, m fir, airly setlted in the

l t f l i

I'od 1 tku

yr«l n int of li

ehiiig gdcU who h-ivui w , NDW Ittflivo Ilia no«*n [ to habit nf

ery new iniiii.1;-itroncLfnc veryfa MIIOII IIP W\H

s ho flight to gived h intewardship,

ny, that bisO th

lnry willI liny nay, by tlistWmiiibleiirl nf S' ... .wo tuid it. Tim ci»i r.>»ntion n^nan tniy JGOII aiul S'JOO comes out ef tlie " Hiisten-.tinii fund" wlnlevur that is."Tlio Lord is gooit to tbo railrr.nd com-

inipM, i! they haven't got nnv smils to bi>ivmV tiiiid one of tlio bnyn, tn-dny. SenDW cuy bo (liken tbn MOW awny for lhcui.ii jwnr man wiinto.l tho HBOW taken off he

o.i]dli,irotf.n..yf<»rU."The pniutfr'ri Lavo tlie compiiu/s licnsos

alliiiiniediiiclndingtlie banb factor*. Tbey-p now woi-iiing on tlio round hnnse. 31 iy-e they will givo tfce office a coat before theyat Ihrough. D. J .

Borkshiro Valley.Tlie iuliabi'nnts of HUH ™ihiy are preatly

jurjyod by tnnd dogH. One cacio tliroilffli

pre two weelw n(;o nnd bit a dog helonginfj

> Tlioraiw Filzherbcrl. At tbo end of nino

.ya this diiR wan Liken with mad fits, miJ

.n lownrdH Ilurdtcwn, ' biliiiR Bcveml dogs

i tho way, W h i n i t B nt n-f fur ns Mr.

[IIRO'B it turned into his door ynrc! and bit

his dog, and tben mn into tlio IIOUHO whers

it dropped with another fit, frightening tho

adits, who, with ncreama mounted npnn

c3mirn nnd tables, whore thoy ram lined un-

til tho dog wiia Mbot by Mr, MHBB.

Through the effurla of Mim Everett, ths

ihool tenchor, and L i m e Fichter, of Lower

Vallsy, n donation will bo fiiien as n pro sent

to our pafltor as Boon as i t will he ooiiTenioat

T b f l n e » proprietor of tbo Jlotel, J[r. A,

A. Meni l t , look possession Just Thaw3ay.

Tha bnilding,haH beet, newly repnired with

riting appoar-

will fiud the

tod with Cttnrrh i nd cold in tbe bead. I

plied Btmtral renii'dbu vithoat ^oud fcmlts,

ni winter I used jour Cream Bultn, anil

ljund i t to aicompllnh all jou repruniiiiled

T. F. MuCimmcK Ju i ipe Cemuion l'lons)

UliZlbeth.N J , Aug. U t b , 1880.

Fon 8 i i E B S Vouont & KILLQOBE,

I Lave pot Bonally and in my family madi

of Ely's Cream Balm For cold in the liunl ind

nasal catarrh, wilh tho most mti«factory re-

t. * cheerfully jjiva It m j inilorienini

tli; at t, trial fjr ihu aetoral cumpli

fur which It is especially recommended.

Pastor M.E.CLureu, Iliidon,

N. 3., March 20tU, 1KS0.

Holilliy Vmicl


!>y (

VOUld K i 7

•ial tliuy 11y c.)iii|>ltiiilmT-SVart

il. It a^U mi botli oral 11 M

nd tiitrcfuro cumpk'tcly fi

rffft remedy. If ymi have

l ihci

l kidneys

Fur ualu by VuuglitA


n tho b

Why Should Thov.

sin in dull, tho M-rvfitho Bjstata rolaic

•tcbed. Why BboulJ h

clDrjrvmer, doelatu, inccl

•rnlily drug ILrJ



jfTprra M urMlahlo rndlclM (or Iho"ail <UitaHn drkliiR train m lmpuM i

JWyAVORTTE SEMEBY.._r__']flotnKliIner&" Initder Com pint a C«,

f umlpntl.-in or itio bou-pia nud dlsuaMnof Iliaror . To Women whosurri-r frtirn nnyor the

ii;th ami tint will lo tierfurm llu'ir ilulicn

fuc-Urily. Wo have full ith ttnuigtlu'iiing

bracing ciTeutw anil oan recouiuu'iid it

For mlu by V«aglitAKillKore.

Eighty-Five Dollars Lost-

nil ilii not lell mo tbat your Iniflband in up

d't'tlt nr;uiii,iiD(l{)t.tirulj-curi'J in' nt, tim-

i m.-iliclno xn I'arker'd Gl:i(-or'Tonic?"

. indi-B-1, I ilu." Ran' Mm. Benjamin to hoi

iriiig utij;l.ljor,«iia tb&t tuu when WB liad

•lily paid fielitj-flve JollnrH iu d.ictoi'e

MidprinefiptionB.ard after be hail been

given q i by Iiia p lmie ian ' to die. Now nij

liUBbiinJ ft-olH r>»ive!l us ever, entirely cured

liy thin excellent Tonic. And ninny B sick n n n

inilibl Im well in r> week if tlity i>ould cnly try

it. Fur hakt by VotiRlit & K i l i ^ re .


BUV Dr. ISiirr'a Hcnralfiia and Sitk Iliad-•U'iiO 1'illB. TiltVI' I'lllrt BIC II HpeClftl

aratioii »oidv Tur the ei.ru uf Mpi'dal did->, ami for t!i.H(- OIHNWW thuy sn ivurttivIriol bv all iiitclliBeiiL «nfloriT«. Tlity are

1 ofiur mil? I din

a t in roof, and presents an in

>nd truvolluiuatoni

baat of ncoommodtttiona by calling onL "Lantx."

Our genial Wend. Doo." has nmo«dhia Post Office and business down h j theriver, opposite the Mattbewn property. Th*boys vill always find! K hearty welcome, aodhear eotnt) of tho jolly old "Ufton" Uu4" Doo " il MI expert in (spinning by visiting

him. OMXOA.

—.—.—*~+-« •Prataotlnff Mlnon.

The religloui organlxaMom of thia Statsu e arrangiog to npport % bill to ba intro-duced in the Irtghkare pror'diug for Oisprohibition of gambling or the naei of gam-bling initrumenta by minom ia pUcej v a c n

liquor is nld, and makes It *n-affei»e topenult minori to pluy oards, pool, biUiudior other game* mulooni. The penally p«-•oribed Ii n fine and toprifoninen^ th«UUerto be gnulea from 1SO dayi to three mcntni,T h S d f N J U H

•KV aiiiil'r umi I uri Pircay. They ctmUiumini nrolhi-r nureotici. Prepared by A.

K-It'unn, M.D., ScmiLon, Pa. St-ni IJV moilen receipt til t'rec-fiOc:a. BIcK-SHiin .t R-:b-bine tiinf C. N. Crittmilen, New York, ARfnlH.

DII, IiN*pr sayu: I have sold Dll. UUllll'HsVur>!lpi& mid Hick lien da tho Fillfl for yearsind lean rccoirnn'nil them: Tlieynavo madelomo wontlcrfu! euros In thifi aectittr.

A.KNirp.M.D. Pittslon, PaJDR. LAFE Buvn. I tiavo Bold DR. BUltffS

.-ieurfl];in and Hick Ileidaclie Vi]\» ever liiiceHICT W.TO first lutruduoL'd. They gl^e thebcnl ofialiBfactloii.

A . A . L m , M.D.N»nticoke,Pi,Fon SALE ur You onr k BILLOOHI.















Jan. 13th, 1881.




I iigiiin npiiear in the campaign (leld-nol a can-didate! for the White House- Imt for the purpose ofshowing wlio will sell yon n suit of clothes tlie bestnnd cheapest. 1 Imro taken great pains in selectingmy stock, adapted for this iall nnd winter, in Hie lineoflttiADY-DIOE CLOTIIIKGfor Wen, Youths', Boys'ind tJhildrcii's wear. A very rtesii fible lint' of PIECEGOODS of all grades and maierials, and l a m alwaysready to serve my patrons to my utmost ability inmaking a good lining siiniuiit for a very moiluniteprice. A full lino of HATS (UPS mid (JESTS'FURN1S11JN0 «O0BS of iill ilt'sciiiifions iilways on hand.[ sincerely request tlio people of Morris Coimty (o payparticular attention to this, that competition cannottouch me this fall. All I ask of you is to call on

C3-BORGK 3FI.-EJ3DEJn,The Reliable Clothier and Merchant Tailor,

NextDoor to the Post Office, Hover, H. J.


D n TTTHXrJT3ld hsTo't undcmt'jorl tiwt. while lif In *npngsd

l t d u c i ' i " ! of hlHiiicdirinolFa/oritnnpiii.fontlmiMIhopmctlci!of hliprofrfalon,

h m l r l l l y to VSet practice

olFa/of hlio VSe—;-j-,- '--•-> ••• t'jfct prncllc^.

. (|1 dlwaAcflof n fhronlo ehnrnrtpr, nn-lwr/OMnn all tht inlnor ma car>ltnl ojmratloui ofall th« ii

rial-til'sMe*br>i-na[nEnrm"!inenr,6i ii)«r«ue

CT."iw5*gi^a>i."Min»iiT. ii. i.

Profitable Reading for Everybody.'umen, ministers, aelhen'and »ll w'lio iictirctam by ihc cpnilBjvt toil and worry of your woik^on't drJTik Intoxicating biittn.bul \\\t

.'ra:i;y wilh Ccm spllon, f(

d Slrsngth Rolorer Ev

udc wrapper.

Parker's Hair Balsam, M / f i ^t h» n ( , t * Soit EcoDDiukil I l a l r D n i i l a r

itainifS only ingtediinn lhat are lenffjeialtliair and (Clip, tliE UA15*M nill bs foundaic tatiifactcity than my other preparation.Tfr fa l l i to Baiton 0 n j o r FKtl^IIftlr

to the original youthlul color and if warranted t»itmorediiidnifl, prevent laid neu and itopfillioj«[ ihe hair. Slid ty {iruf{iid tt 50 ctntt, _ - _ -


BEST PLOW IN THE MARKET.'ivril firat prcniinm a t U. J . Htate Fair,iv, | u t t fall. Over 300 solJ by m ks tHeed 'or circuUr.


agricultural Implements,Seeds,Fertilizers, etc.

JOIM-H VKV DIOKI, Truellini; Agent,orrlitowa, Feb. 3d, luBl. 9-to


DOYES, N. J.(FFICB adlnbiDB thi DoTer Iinober Com-

vny'n mill. Oonttuti liken, and plant,-eificatlopi «nd mitflriila ore»err kind fnr.

nliloa for bnlldinji. Jshblnj • ipeoUllj.

SLATE ROOFING.te fatnlBh<i<] from Iba boat qntrrlea b i

ho imill qaiDlitjr or car load, and laid, II d*.irad, l i | uDmlenoid workmen a t low rallM.

urrH,iTTohimv IT LAW,

H A & T E I I AHD BOLI0IT0B IK OB1K0EIIV,PraBiitlongr In all Oonrta or Km Il rHJ.


ask attention to the following

bargains in tlieir Silk Depart


GKAIN, Black, at $1 per yard.

Satin Finish Gros Grain, Black

at $1.25, sold elsewhere at

$1.60. Satin Finish Gros Grain

Blaok, extra heavy quality, at

$1.37 1-2 per yard, would be

cheap at $1.75, 20 inch Satin

de Lyon, colored, at $1.09.

These are the cheapest goods

we ever aold in our silk de-

partment. SATIS DE LYON.

blaok, at $1 per yard, worth

$1.25. Satin de Lyon, black,

at $1.25 per yard, well worth

$1.60. FANCY SILKS. Check

and Ohone, at 5Oo. per yard,

sold last season at 75c. These

are social bargains and will

not be duplicated.


159 & 161 Market St.,

Newark, N. J.






SCISSORS IN CASES, POCKET KNIVES,SLEIGH BELLS, nud n ;rait variety of new ami useful nrLiules for

Gt> ami si e ihti disitlav (itjirosentw.

S.SI6NE0FTHfi|PADL0CK,D0"VERDover, Oct. 12th, 1880.

Household!Tho LATEST im-

proml, most dur-

Jlll!i},'jUl(l G0UV(;n

iont S E ; W I N Q

M A C H I N E lor

family use nnil man

ufacturiug purpone

of any invented. A

trail will Lconviuce

WM. H. BAK.BR, Agent,October 20111,1880. (41-ly) D O V E R , NT. J .


VISITING CARDS, etc.,e<|iial to eugraving, nt one-fourlh tlio prico, nt tha IRON En* oflico.

UNMjm.!impb'i tigs,FEBUBABI »ih, issi.

In tha nialttr or Jonah M.cur, JUmlnlilra-IDT C? Tit a frw I.VI. 4 f\ • • - .-*-

ja t .1tllOQ

i nialtir or Jonah M.cur, JUmlnlilra-or MatKarit CtateJ, demml. dono-

ril.r to limit crejilon.

itoril laonlarnl by 111. Snrronta Ibal th»lU idiDigi.lralor gin piblli nollee to tha

--Hlfonoriluaalattorialidioidnittobiiiilo their iigbti, daataudi mil claim, anlnillhile^ndor uatb.mthta nln. mo.tlu [pon. Ibla

. >j ntlluir up » com oi thliordor, nltbln•ei.ty ilav! h.re.tter, fiin ol Ilia n d ™b-

licpao., ,» n , ,,„„„„or Ilirri, I . ' , , ,tlu, ind &!HO irithiu tlie Haid twenty d intortlalncthiaium Ig th. "I.o» V n / 'ol ihe u n i a p n , or Ih.. Blali.ror tbee Bpacoortiiae(tbeMnrroUjdifMme Bpacoortiiae(tbeMnrroBaUjudifneinv

tnttb.r notice to b. muweait j) ; aaa°f >nrmditDrahalliefloot Ic, ilbiblt b " or a . 'debt, ucmand and claim »Uhiu tbe a.ld pnicior nine rnonlbi, pnbplonollte biing gl , , n „» ' « • • " * amb creditor Iball b. ror i r . rd"Kamtal"rto"*°'1°11 """•""•l!'l"' H«

OHiBLIS A.OILUiN.Srinoiati.AlrniBopyfroialhoiaintitii. * lo-lOw




• ™ ' 7 uj aim hthai. fno boy len iiaiieabontlwo;e.raarDat Iba'aia o( Id; iito«IJ jean, .m.ll la ,ui«t, atfdatk e j . . . -

AiidrGii,JOBS DOTS, In.,

imu Bin, u7. j .



original mul only logitiinnto Eximndiiig Leader iu tlio market.


Sou; AniaTB FOB THE STATE or NEW JERSEY. Architects specifyi t ; builders recommend it; all prnnticnl plumbers, tinsmiths aid roof-ers use it. This CONDUCTOR extensively used throughout tho UnitedStates lias mined an unprecedented and increasing popularity, made ofshout metal nnd so formed that it will yield to the expansive'force of•miter that becomes therein ; it is thus prevented from bnretinc in win-ter, thereby saving to property owners the expense of replnatcrinK andrepapermg damp ivalls occasioned by the bursting and lealiimj of thoordinary round conductors.

Testimonials lnrve been received from tlie following residenNeivart, N. J., where it is in general use;

ts of

« • £• rate aid l.k JO«r tinu.r for MISTDTB PATENT Zipu.lini, O.ivanfecd Leader.

[Extract from Newark ManWATER LXADEBH.—An inlor

weather b}- the aamlfonl BroAnnliti'i Putcnt Expanding Cn o w i i m . Boce.orieair .n.en INI In I.O|ith,"5oari"«"™'upriubt po.ltlon, i lkd vlth w.tor, and m n allo»ed to freeio mlfii " i i , 1

by lour fncnti in dlimder »nd nUcrad it t ie >e«ma ana Jc' " ™

g g]icg eiporim nt il beinc tried durimr tjie

Cither ta e Sandlonl Brother!, plumleri, No. 819 Dtoi.l Mill „ ,,?.. i i !Analiii Ateit E.p«ndl»Rail.ln zed L»der oTVlb l d r b t a ' V ^now In m . Piece, or leaiir a f t I k

olfd ri.i S I ^oll botil i n r l b . n '

heir tpecincatto&a. Builder, and the public .31)04. an Ihs Bale .Kent... j s r All order, ror (be .bore louder will reee T&

orthoB»l«. Infora.tlon promptly tnrnlihea. I „.„„8ANDJWD BB08., BBOAD ANB C


NOTICE.Wberoai It appeari hj iho return* of th»

u t (.eotion liild ID the Central Election Dii-tiiet.in and for Uio lownsli.p of Randolpli,Morrli OotmlT, on lUe iccondiiiiy orNarem-ber 1BB0 tbtt laid eleti dittrkl CDQUIDB

; therefore it ii

n., Tb»* tbe Committee or uidip cbuigfl, iltor and renljost tbe

nniUmi or itld election district 10 11 tonuke tbe diitrlcls in laid towmhip %u nntireqnal in popnUtion t i ponibls, tuTing refnr-DDOO to the gooffriphlcU tompsotneii ot tlieBilddfitriots.iniltotlieeouTenioBceortoteraand (hat laid change and attention rial, beai follown: that Ii to Bay in DIHS of diriiionline between tbB laid CeD^rtl Bleotion Dutrlctaod said Southern Election Diitriot rcmilo-inBUherttofaro. t ie laid aifialoa line bft.tveen^drUvtriotsifaRllbeftiroUowa

Dinning in tbe to»A leading from Bover

line orpiwi tho lane eaal of the John A.Oiterttct htimoBtoad, ind to ruo 1bBnee alongfceQaiddle of itld road toward DoTer to the

nnt bridge 0T«r the Millbrook i t rum: thenooIn * dir«t line •onthwoiterly Is the emuroadi at Cbaries lAmpion'g roiitlonra in theTOaaieadiDg from Itocktvaj' to the QotkcrMeeting Home: thunee followinfi the middleof lait oamEd road by Eaglet' comer, Dili'soorner, Omne'i oornar, Heurj Atno'm JBOHB1!Botoland tba Dickerson Mine, ta the roadleading from Btoeaaunn* to Moniitoim, atTanniir'acoiQir; tooaco along the middle ofaald laat named corthwculerly to tbo BliekHirer dividing line township of Bandolpb from— *r0wJM«.p n! Boxbnrj, aud thBDoetoend;— thai all territory and rotcra toath oriaidllun ihAlibelonrtoaDdrotetaflildScnlhernDlitrict, and tatd dlitrlota are altered andrcadlDittfd »cocrdln[lT, iod tl at no obieoB oralleAtfonii1 hereby> intended for the OfArktknown aa th« Northen. Elootion Dlitrict ofuidtowmhlDofBandolph.

JAMES 8. WEU0K, Town Oloik.


HAIRJ HAIR!The only hair manufac-

turer in Dorcr is nt






Saturday, February 12th,1681, ttth.


,Vhoan cf 12 anj 6 o'clock r.. u



«J Udlo, OuU a>4 CVUiM at



darling, it Laa just begun." " I s n ' tnice, momma; j o a know I wantedlire to bear tlie eleigh belle again"Hush, HIT child, mwnn* will notyou die. No, darling, 70a ibaJl hmany sl&igh rides yet before you die." N o , cot many, mamma ; if I eoulrh*xe just one it voul<! be ao nice."little girl who b*3 IMH tbe BUOW eoianil go nine tiraet Uy dying in her bibio home OL 8 t Aotoine atreet. Weebbad weeks the fever bad burned wither and its fierce fire shoved iUell indeep blue eyes and the lovely, baooeiface. Tbe mother an ever constwatcher at the sufferer's pillow,never given up hope, but tbe child, withat knowledge which seens to comefill before knew that she would njoin hot merry playmate* oter onsohtwl ground, Day by day u the tobnrned abe bad wished for tbe snowcome, and when tbe wlite flakes fell 1other day tbe loving mother changetbe child's position that she might, uiwarned, catch Ibe first glimpse of "fleecy snow. Tbe child gazed oat inlflurried air long and earnestly, and therwhen tbe pain made her writhe, abturned an appealing look to the aid'faced mother, aad said: " B a t m t a m rI don't be.ieTe I ..hall ever have anothileigb ride. Now promise me tbatthis snow 1B on tbe ground when Iyou'll have my coffin carried to the firaiDn a sleigh." " Why, my sweet ohfwhy da you moke such a request ? It•hall not die—yon will grow bettermorrow," "Bat, mamma, piomise 1will you ? Please, mamma, please"Yes, darling jee." "Ob,mamma, that's BO tice. See, it is grcing dark outside. Pall tbe bed newtheiwadow, mam tun, so that I can sethe atreet .i.mi>. There, see—the flakthey glint An jnst—like—diamond 1wiU be sleigliino; in tbe moruicp, tatnodlsbiill hear the bells." Like tlsnovflnbe that falls upon the warearth she melted awny, and noknows whether sue woke to bear miand bells on that morning we dull- onday open our ayea upon. A few dt>;Lifter p'isserebj turned to look at a smifuneral prooesnon. and wondered wthe undertaker bad put bis hoarse up:rnnnert BO early In tlie BeaaoD.—Detroi'iFree Prtu.

TtiP Prcfiont Fashion Leiden.Accridiof! to the London Wnrl

AmericuiiB are "Worth's best customersand American Mies now lead the (asionnble world ; in fact fill tbe placesuch matters formerly occupied by tFrenoh em press, Tbe editor «aja:Worth, tbe Vttie dreeamoker, lamenltbe republican diversity in drew, if ncsimplicity, which has come, in with tbFrench republic as compared with thdays of the empire. Then tbe empressor one of her fine ladies used to set thfashion aud make it permanent until thfashionable world was all dotted in thaistyle, WIIOE an ther change wasthis regular and almost constitutionalway. "If i t were not for the Unite/States," our London eontempoiaty goeson to Bay, " Europe might to vitbau*anything to wear. Tho women ot tinfavored region, finding tbe throne cfashion meant, with no protpoet of(accession, are characteristJeaU^ lettinnp a regime of antonal Buffing* for tbchoice of Btirt and bodiee, whibVina:eventual!; work ai well as the old institution. Tbey are Mr.: "Worth's mosTalonble customers, and; iiTeijbbdyknows tbat they are ibont the bes'dressed women in the world. Of "

' awn country women, we grieve'• to ~ ssjhe fpealc8 with a lorrowftl ahifceof thbead. Declining prosperity teems 'bave mode them as mecqi./in -jptrittbey are poor in pane. Tbey crib hispatterns by the Ingenious processes 0'ordering dresses, keeping them Ionenough to get copies made by oheajdressmakers at borne, and then sendingthem buck on pretence tbat tbey do noHI; or, if they keep them altogether, iis only to wear them out long beforepaying tbe bill—in fact, to reduce thselves to a state of moral "ihabbineaswhich is far more distressing to tbeldressmaker than any blemish of. tb>bind in tbeir outer casing,"

_.».+.»Freaii Notei About the Ftihloni.

Bed satin baUyensei an gradually dlsapparing.

A short drew made of riot materlat b id'mlraible anywh

Bayadere Btriped pluahli mnohued fortrimming fancy costume*.

Venetian pohit, Alenoon and real 8panUhire tbree styles in laces which which ancow fa spwlal vogne.

The new tinted cattimeres are mad* Into<joalot boue^reuet in tbs Holland itjletwo eantnrles ago.

Martud effect Is «i»c to ubei famed anatkek garments by th» tendency to high col.<iring in tlie genersl itj.M ct drew.

8pantaJ«weh7is very fashionable. Thetstoeltts. brooehw and Barring* in largeleaf deslgiui,atadAedv.th gems, find a readymarket and oomnwad a high price.

The fMhlonsble bneelet of tbe moment Iia barrow band of hammered gold, fromwbish depends ft fine gold ohiln, andcirclet, imido of which ii a diamond pan-dwi.

UagnlfloeDi tttin fabrics an Importedcowed wtth VaOTriu baa4s ot a HIM tiaalUj,whoH daullog r*r« gi« the material tht«Bwt of being oortred wllh pnototu stones.

Very bMOtnlng Indoor Jaoketi made ofSET* blae Hindoo wrtimeM, wiUt wideborden of oriental cuhmew of lh« bright**wlon. Baffles of yellow lac« an ——•round the Mck and wriits.

Black BmaseU net surfs appl ied withYelret leftTM whlekan ooTand with irtdet-eeot beadi, a n worn upon baaneU of blao!phuh. They an fisbntd at tbe aide* ofthe lut with uuatiMs or beetlM of the nat-nl i i te .

VUhm of Iodfa mall, deeonted withntod-painUd botdwri, and edged withOrtcqae lace, art worn orotMd orer Uiibodln in front, tba iub e&da being eaniedto the bmck, and fsstentd with a bunch ofWattcau ilbboni

"Erer Slice the Flood."

The inundation of 1771. which awep!away a gteat part of the old Tono bridgeKewcastle, England, was long remem-bered and allnded to u, "tbe flood."On one occasion Mr. Adam Thompsonwas put into the witneu box at the 1*•lies. Tbe counsel asking hi* nun* « •etired for answer:

"Adan, sir—Adam Thompson,"" Where do yon live ?"( > At Paradise, sir.*'(PertJise is a.Till»g« about I mile and

• halfweSttofNewcMtlc)"And bow long bsre you dwelt Ii

Paradise V oonllnued the bmrrister.*• Erer ilnoe the food!" m i Ibe reply

made in all simplicity, and with no in-tention to raise a laugh* :

It is needless to say that the judge•iked for an explanation.

A little girl ol lHyftart, tbe dngfater


One la oa&ttnuallT bearinR iu varioaagrades of muealine society, noUbly sthotels, alabs, and places of amusement,tb*t this or tbat mau lives like a gentle-

The phnue is ao common, andapplied to suoh a diversity of persons,as to seem to Dave DO definite meaning,or a very uncertain one. If yon be ofan inquiring mind, if you care to lookfor causes, you will be surprised,making the acquaintance o l ' some ofthose s4d to live like gentteinen, tolearn tbst they can lire like wbnt tbey,manifestly , are sot. You natnnlly askyourself, " How can a man be one thtb]and live like soother ? Tbat whichman lives he fa—is he not ? " Bat 70very soon discover that, while yourview is entirely correct, in itself, itsocially or oonventiouaily wrong.tbe easy-going, miscellaneous, bymeans over-scrupulous society of man,a man may live like a gentleman, wh<if he were arraigned on tbe charge andfairly tried, could never be provedguilty.

To be a gentleman and to live bkagentleman ought to be tbe same; bnlin ordinary lorlanoo tbey bare no con-nection, and are, indeed, often oppoied,To be a gentleman means a great deal -far more than many who olaim to Ugentlemen have any conception of, Tilire like a gentleman refers, generally,to externals alone, to outside presenta-tion, to keeping up appearances,man who dresses well, dines well, is notoffensive in manners and associations,who observes visibly tbfl common de-cencies, Is presamod and asserted to livelike a gentleman. By what meamunder what conditions he lives isconsidered. He may incur debt without thinking how or expecting to paybe may be regardless of bis word ; hemay be devoid of principle ; be may haincapable of honor; he may bo private-ly tbe very reverse of wbnt he assumesto be publicly, and yet, as the wordsemployed, live like a gentleman. H(probably pays wliat he hanloatatfriond-\y games of cards; meets his bar-billspromptly ; does not allow bis club dttilo run behind; bis bets, if tbey havegone'Bgtii nat him, be does not neglect,All tbese are seen and known. But,outside of tbe very worldly selfish oirclibe nffects ho preserves faith "with no-bo Jy ; bis behavior is seldom creditable,frequently disgraceful; lie swindles bidwasherwoman, a poor widow with sav-ors) Fmflit children ; be pawns his wife'swatch secretly ; he shsmefully abusesthe confidence of meu and women.But tben be lives lifao & gentleman.

How .many such fellows there are inevery large city, especially in theMetropolis I Society, the clubs, com-mercial haunts, are full of them. Theycloak, in some measure at least, theirmeanness, their coarseness, their vices,from the elasa with which they desire toitend well, and as a sort of contemptiblerecompense are all the meaner, coarser,ind more vicious to those they are notafraid of, who bare no power to ruin Ibeandeserred reputation they Tiavi Dare-tally built, up eUewhere,.,TJioy; arerolnble and flippant,, exoeiUtvfli r ftndwearisome, on tbs Bubjeot ol gentlemen.The form is ever in their mooths; perbaps, because the thing la noyer in theirnature; tbcj pretend to pat ererjibingto the gentlemanly test; they spfesk ofthemselves and their immediate com-panions as gentlemen every f#ur minntes;ihay orerdo tho matter lamentably. Infact, tbeir genuineness may bo suspect-ed from their verbal insistence on whatthey pretend they are and demand theirMoncU should be. The man over-fondif talking about being a gentleman, and

of Its indispensableness in society aadlif mar be with reason doubted. A-eritable gentleman is BO sure of liia

i t , BO tati&frBd with the real, thatbe has no need or desire to bo on parade,10 advertise bis claims.

There is any number of men soiniious to live liko gentlemen, as tliejtyle it, that they have no time or iu-lEnation, apparently, to ba gentlemen.

They would not be seen in Broadway orthe Avenue with a hat out of season ormill filling oofttj I boy would refuse toxink cheap wine or go to the opera on

loot Bat they wont J like or get a noto'Isconnted whiob they had no prospect' meeting; would sell fraudulent stock

a spurious mine, or basely slandergoad women with an alacrity thut re-reals long practice. To live like genllo-icn—inat is, etrnt iu clothes obtained0 credit; spend money ostentatiouslyrhioh i.a not theirs ; talk of things they' ld not admit to themselves; make

asunQptions wholly foreign to, and3Dtrndietfirj of, their character—ibeyrill stop at no ordJDsry baseness, andiolate every generous or just principle.

Their entire thought and ingeoufty arelireoted to show and sham; they arosonoernod with and for tbeir vulgarvanity; tbey have no regard for, orindent ending of, proper pride.

In a great many cases, men who dolot, in the popular acceptance, live at11 gentlemen, yet lire truly like tbum.

They are simple, quiet, unpretentious.Pirat ot all, they want to be independentand strictlj honest, Tl-ey would rather

shabby clothes; subsist 01aeal a day; occupy a garret; bare no

associates; be grotslv misunderstood [ind erea tDJirepresented, than bear.boat them ill the signs of wealth, dii-iDction, favor, and feel at the same time

it these a n hollow, andabsoiutelvuD-merited. Tbeir desire, tbeir determi-

ition, la to be gentlemen, to lire gen-Bmen, sot to. live like gentlemen.

They havs no wish, an ambitio•-, to beIke anything ; tbey are resolved, what-

ever tbey are, to be the thing itself, andIhey carry oat tbeir rewlation severely

id inflexibly. Tbe sorry fellows who>im only to live like gentlemen, no doubt

look down upon and pity tbe men whoire gentlemen, because they prefer sham

truth, and have no comprehension ofs fine character they so miserably tans-

[ttersda in.



Hon. J. H. Snjdar, of StogertiBi. KBratelnllTtastineitotbo ability of " F.Body''., eriiibital In tlie e«» ol h

irtioi, New Turk," " Favorite

hiiUltioVhVwM'cuTCrod witli Bait Rhuam

_1 to foot. "Firorite Borne1'iiikful (bther, "reUcvta

te "y," 1

it Itheum.



J . HtttetorMclB. puryarl.Tto belt BLACK CABHHEBE for nnnneni

i rbDei l MoMiis Bum l» ;olor> »nil blaik.Tue best Henrietta Ololh and Alourniug

" S ?b»Jo°tA lIx'»6oL BHDDDAS, iligkand doable width, colon and blaek.

- arlor ]lu»ot Mouni, In ooloraand bl.ok.a la DBUR DOOSS of all klDdi at


li'thTifBarfalifflictioiTbU oceoned two year* Bgo, anil not a mptithe diieue h u ilnoe apppureu." Wliat it ulfdr tliii 0I1IU it will do Tor all who lieu U.

L1VBB DIBEABE—Mr. S. H. Nortlirop,[*asinsl'arB,.H. V., tor BOVBMI yean Capta.>( tlie fioy police, i i y i : " I have been for 1ADK time *mti lufforer from doranKCmeitl

ol tlie liter, end after oeiQR many of tho mod.folnuB recommended (or Umt oomplaint, ErKennetlj'e "F»vonte Bemedy" U tae only r -which saTO ma «nyrel.Bf. • " " "tbe"F4»oriteBemei)y"iL-preparatioo; one thit rosy 1»

CHRONIC IJVBB DIBBASE.-Itev, f. Q.Hmith, of Hartfrrd, Ct., n«yi !^"BeiDg


LEAVE HEW XOBK.- ;;At7tt)OA.M. (Through Mail T » i a ) , « -

uecliDg willi ttia iSuonlou l imuutai DcufdlilyrBuocttJO, tho ChunUx lirancli tVDovurfttfdBocmuumntudCbosU'r; Hie riu*80iH- " - 'tt WaturlwJ.for Andomr,Kowtou »nU.louB, t h u A . L . & W . U. 11. aiWftBbrurJUkUUobaUhuuk,WttttrQAjt, fCur JUkUUDks UHuuionotou, Qra.lUlfliasplusa

tlBburt., Utica,

G t l s u . je UckswonDB tni

a J I l -

ia a good,» be depen

d, BONESnded upon.ll f 0


&V andbittloi

r from Olronlotl0B. I at laet tried »o«r • Famand foond Imrandiate relief.

tl b l b k d d I&V and foond Imrandiate reli I neebittloi, wblob norkod «ondon In m} genera!

t "



SATURDAY, February 19th,1981 tt the American House, Haoluttntown,

, f i , between tho houm of 13 undS o'clock,IF. M., the desirable

Dairy Farm,.ItualDil 01,8 mil. from Wataloo BallroaiatatioD and five nil OB from HacKeltBtoirn, Pi.5 ' SlliSilaidB or Xon»n Oa.B.aj, BuAanil.oii, 1 . RUplnaa and olhora, Bald » " "ooutalniBB 800 Aoroe, more or lean, abnal

jSra l idpaBlunHand ' -^ l l ..II In par.all together. IniproveaieiiH connUt ora


oS.ZT;d'.r..b;n;i!:ilrKaio"';£™..° TM. lan.1 la in 'a Booii |UU of mlllva.,inu and are for grain sropB. .r.r.oilB daalrIIR lo Uwk at tbh property may call opon 8

i o n at Ib. farm or upon in Trimmer aH " ( lou"* tC 'ma | . ' knom and attendan.iglVBlTon day of Bale.

ASA TRiHMEB, Excoetor.

StroaHaburg. Borantou, BIIiRhaiiiton, Utlcji.Hlob««Ul BprinuB, Sjraonaeand OBHUBO, irllliiiBBpmg oar. attaaned.At 1:00 P . M. Oawgo EipreaB Irom B«»

iork (al(«tilii8B«raattaohad).via. Palenon iBoonlon tbruoeh to Wator Gap, 8lro.iil«lmn;,StranloB,'iliogIianitiin,IJalo,lIaratlioii. Con-land, Homer, Syiaciise anil. OBWKKO, emu,II Waterloo »Jtn 8(ll.ex Railroad Tor Andoiind NB»ton! atDnIa»ara»ltU Blairjlomi By.At BinfrbatDton with train for OreeiiL, Oifonl,Norirlah, Utlu.fto, Thin train rmiB thrungli

Osir ffO aatnrday Digbla.At rifiP.M.PlilllipBlinreSpecial Tor Olial-

jam, MorrlaWn, Dover, HiclieUBlom,Wa«li.ugloii. FaBton, B»llilcliom, Allenlonn, ltrad-'IK and HarrlBlmrg. without change.

11 (N. J . Wnflt Line Uailroad) 9:19 A. M. i'm -P. M.

A. HEA50NISB, Superlnifndent.



HACKETTSTOW, If. J.^ionfictnrer of top md no topbBKK.Bi.two\e%% oarTiBgeB, two Bait Pi t toBi, finwiter,' lo spring bngslss, Bingie B » ( Ph»ton«, con- •uitJy OD hmd, and m*de to order cf tha

flst ra»teriil tnd by tue beit raechftnicB, noc*iotth« beit workmen employed. Kvarrbai:-

' wamnted t i repro.<£.t«l. BEPAlRlNGme In all its bnoofaes al th« moat remro-

jle ikteB, eotiie aaturactmn given. OnlyInt-oliBi work frill be turned oni, All ordeterampdy mended to, cither la perncn or by

Jis.il. I •tuploT Ut sgents io sell for me, norpay no per cent, to »uj one to Bell aay uf m y'ork. Any on» wishing to porchBic will IBTO\nej by coniinj to my fiotDry before par-..I.B«..e.b.r., .ud •"»>*•;;;•}{£"HaokettalQwn, May S7tb, 1B80.

WIBTWiBD., a . f.M,

(1.67 0.(3087 617



s??c*BUbu Computo,losleathiff on lapt u Blood. This ll

Eutuncles, t i l t filtan, KulirU,B U b u ComplaJuto, u i all dlKOralosleathiff on l a o r e C«Ddnion pi

Bemed; U •

•M STnXlKUIA. The tr im effoelMt/SCOTILL'S BLOOD ASD LITEBSTBDP «re rtMloto, ami ttalr

ril b H n J t D l iSTBDP «re rtMloto, ami ttalrncoril b oitH»ngarfJ t j Dalian.


Zk«y gU» tarn t» PT h * Ttifing •/Out

Ut* /**•• -As B

Tbe swfol dfgnity of tbe Chinese[entlemen wilf>ot allow bin to* wnu-lation bis own witiKi'OU. He apprs-ei&tes wit, and in fond of }ea ; but bewonldai loon grow bis own tea as Tuakeils own jokee, When he goes into

society, he carries in bfs pookel a pnek-ige of witticisms and repartees whieb be

baa pnrcb&aed «i the nearest joka-ebup"Tbcn conTenatios flags, and he per-fleiTeH an opportacity for nayin g tome-ihlnjr brilLtut, be draws a humorous r&-

rk from tbe top of bis package andgnreijr hands it to bis neighbor, Tbe" itter as grarely reads it, and, seleetingfrom his handle of repartee the ont

bioh is appropriB^ returns it with asow to the odginsl joker. Ibe twothen solemnly imile in a courteous indandemoutrattTo way, and resume their

tnvenatfon, satufled as to tbeir havingacquitted tWrnsehes with eonipiauonibriDluoy.; Tbii proceeding h i t . oneWrkod adTantaire--the witUciwni are

VEG£TftBlEWltim S'n 7 u £ » bwtWOBJl MKDIC1NK.


For ExtemAl «nd Intsni*l TTM.Th« GreAUst Pain Uoliorer or tho Ago.



jT, J . BAOKOf I " 8


m thoroaftl/ farniilied und fffiolt^BiP |«d witb itaree or GlUFFITH-ft CSLE-


Eiret'i, Pilinor, Hilw*ale8. Toledo, CindluU.'8t, LOBIB, Pettr Daelger'i u d UoaBrewery Lsftira. The best WINKS, XjqBBtl OIjtT* H the b»r.

ra«4s: t l|0y BBlirradAQil I*uJg.i tud aua<iu«U>nnii BB. tor BetLlehem. M*uol (Jbuuk. Jleidlntj andB. tor Bet

At Siw M. O»ffpgo E i p m s (Drawingt h d ) I m Kuw York vU Pr'

At S i w l . M. O»ffpgo E i p m s (Drawifioom OBK ftttuched) Irom Kuw York vU. Pergon ftad JtooutuD, runs through to Wat

1 Gap, Stroudiborg, florantOD. Gft*t Beuu,JHughsjutoa. LIBIB, Uantlion, Cortlaud,Hom S d Oswego; oflnnuotinR1*!Homer,Syraauie »cd Oswego; tionnuotiiiK'aiBorer i l taOtol ir B. B.,VWaWrloo.withiatMi B. B. tor Andoior, Se»ton aid all BIB-tloo.; at IXIanan win Blalrstomi UT., atScranU, rtthflloonuburn Dl.WonKrl'ltt;-'on, ElDgaton, WiHeBUarro, Danrtllo, Nor b-jmoerJaud, to., at Bcpgnainton j l lb UtieiBlmlon rir Or«oe, Somlob.. Btlta, miBUblald BprinjB. PaBMUfora ta«lng tbltrain Bam Sow Iork, Paloraon akdBoocto.can cocniol al Waalllngton will, train fo:f biUlpibnrg, Baaton, tt>tnlou«ni. Ul«nlo»n,HarrlioiirianilpolBtB 00 tbe Lpt'lli Vallo)-,and Lolilgli anbf Siiaquehaniia IU. IM.1 . ; alFhlllip.bnr« «ltb BelridorB Dl.uiof 01 Pa. B,B. forLamliBrtTlllo, IronWn and FuiUdolpbi-

At 10.10 A. U. DororAocommodatloa.

:bto"waterGap,atrouda.Co, BrracuBB aaduawego,

»lth Lehlgb TaUej Ballroad and Leblgt an3• ihaStja B. M. tot BltUltnem, All«nto»n,

igandHarriaburg. AUowitbBol.Del,™— ao for Belridore,At lu top.Jf . (Uaokettitown EipreBB)Btop-

ping at. Mllbnrn, 8ummil,.0batham, MadUou,Mofrlilom and all lut loni went lo Haoketlrtown.oonnooling »t Waterloo ultb tr«io IiAodoverandNcwIon.

stao p . M., DoTor ExproBB fnr Summit,BernardBrnhvBaaaingrldge and all poinla ot

PuBBaio and'Delaware Sallrosd.) ClialliauiUadiBnn, MorrlBtown, Borne PlaliiB, Diinrl c,Boekawny and Bover, Oonnectinu at Bcnvilluwith train for Boontou, at Dover wltb CbeBti-rBatlroad for gheBler sn<l 8noca8nmiB, and M

For Ben.aril,vi:i«, 15aallnerlil«'IllUniloa, Bllrlms, Olllette, Berkoley Helgliltad all atallona on PaBHBlo ami Delaware 11.

DOVER 1IHK TABLE,Traltia arrho and depart froiu tills .tati follows:EA8TH0UBD A.M. WKarBOCltD

EipreBB* 6.38. r .barg Spec. 4:95

ji-er Esprosa 7:00iokotUlwnEip.7:H3in Yort £xp. 8:W

Eaflton MallOsweBoEiprBBB*fl:52

P.M.Dover Accom. 12:25Eaitan Espresi 3:00B'filiamlODEip.*2:30Eaflton Express 6:20lTkettatownEip.G;L9DowEaBfl 7d2

'Via, EoontonBrnnoli.

OawBgo E s p / B3PhlUipsl)'gBpeo.lO:8S


A.M.B.008.C73. .38.178.30B/J888


HirtoDIroniaBuocaBDnnaM O l i l hMoOfclDBvilhFor-Oram



I. H. f. X. a. M. p..30 4.30 Slow fora,G.40


Hii-li Br ia>;Oalifun,MiddleTalley,Qerman Valley,Nanchrigbt,Dartlty,Flamlera,


. p. iB.Qa 6.50

iO.10 7.3"7.88 1.107.26 4.097.1(1 3.617.13 3.357.D2 3,146,68 S.006.53 2,57fi.51 2.1)26.45 2.40fi.35 2.25


SUSSEX St. GROCER,still continues to keep n full and frenli <{

tity of

Groceries aiuT Provisions,

SEASONABLE FRUITS,•reign ami »!omtnlio, tlio bout grade.itmecl Ooodu. ami M HUpplics of thojuGeholdin l iMincCaro will always bu liken to securo good

i tba best qunlity flnd eqnal pain* to'nc-1' i t innt the Lio^t rfiiHOiiatle margiim conBteiit with the puruliiUiitig price, Humternet near ihe corner of Iilackwull, DoverOctober 1 rib. 1873.

In Chancery of New Jersey.TO ALB1!11T C. FIGHTER i

BY virtue ora II onWolt l io Conrl of ('Man(ifrynf Nuw Jersey, iiinhs <m Urn it ay v

liewp, AdmiiiiHtrslor i>r Ap|<liia Juno Milf, it ciiaiplaiiiani, anil j-m «ml utln;ilefentlan tn, yuu »ru iciofrM to ippoi

on or b'Tiiro the third dajr oT MarcL u t i,l,e.nai<l bill will It- takfii an conf-wtItmt jnn,liu mi.l liill lit fil«(1 fur tlio collection oftcv uf (Hie hniiiltctl do 1 lira iciili int'-rnm N o » f n b r l B , ,I P b j tin: lant I*LM of (la

j pirlel Ficliter, late ol

lijBiiitl willdlrcetrc!' ' ' '

"nii(io"lii".jf paidcJuUt c*r-

In the renewal of MoKIBGAN' & Co.'s ad-vertisement in this paper we feel that thisold reliable firm deserve more than a nteremention. This firm has essentially "StruckOil." Commencing business with the firstintroduction of Petroleum, by steady Indus tryand strict.attention to business and the wantsoftheir customers, they are to-day the greatoil kings of the State. McKIBGAN & Co.'OILS are noted for their PURITY, SAFETY,BRILLIANCY and ECONOMY. AH thevarious brands of Oils handled by this firmare perfectly pure and are up to the markedstandard as rated. They handle no impureoils. This being the case dealers in MorrisCounty and vicinity, if there are any who donot deal with this firm, we advise them toopen business relations with them) as weknow whereof we speakwhenwe advise themto that effect. Their Machinery Oil is usedall over this busy region. There is no opposi-tion to it inthe market. Their BRILLIANTSAFETY and PARLOR WATER WHITEbrands tor illuminators are superior to gasand rank next to the electric light for illu-minating purposes.

McKIRGAN & Co., Wharf foot of THIRD AVENUE,etb.iflTO. ' aii-fiiu !»• m T7P" -A. XI IE , KT.

THE BEST PLACEont« kind for onju«m«i,l l» tlila .ration I.


re«cl»«cl and placed in poallion THKFEKKE NEW




GEO MANN'SNew Billiard Parloriuti SALOON, Blnckwel) St., Dover, jual

tittod up with uow wiA elegant uppointiueutH.ofl«rn to tbo plesuure soeker oua of tlie <jm-(itcst and most pleRHimt jiluufiH of enjoyniontiu town. THE BILLIARD PAHLOlt ton-UiiiH tt/o flue carom tiibloH BUC. is fitted lip

itli ovorythine ii.!efinn*ry for tho eiijoyiuoutf tho gitme. HUPFEL'S LAOEH, tlin tin-st Liev«rage drank, RITTIIJ'S ki'iit in frueliHI I hen Find a full Htock of Ueniinn cbueayH,

Hi liril waters, Pine Apple Cider, Tretzek,urdineH, t'Ui. Ooorge will bo always oil

Html to plwtsti liiK friends, and will uiukuvery B,rini«er l t d nt home. Pl-Sai

Freeman Wood,





DANTEL'F. ' BEATT?i*Wa8hPniiton,riew Joree(.








ft. TAYLOR & SON,ii-*-, lil,ACK\V]•:,,!. ST.,i b 1

HARNESS111 IK. -:i[) :i



iitl sHfintiii I»nli;r

I inin tlmH.-*-l<|ii,irl.T



[.OKHli'liLANKETH of «' iy}ilai)k^n.H(|Uirt(lilaritft«,ctc.,BDFFAI.O ItOBES, WOLF I10REH.


]| HHP {•> hi found h it fireWiii

l,ev Hbonld not uny tlio Rime ; anil MI<1 billnc*e» tliat Difd l«ncT b»a liecoma uuc, (batben- in no pcrfonftl tfllats, t int mid two sons

n y trialni to harr nn' intcrdRt in"natd lain-1 tint mtil lull |>rtvrn • siUo of said li>r tbu [isjaunt of (aid leuiicy. t - i i T n i i

Diltd Dfcemlir.r 31HI,18E





S I M E I 6TBEET, DOvT.°, !"- ' i





for ill kiudn of buildings, unil the conntrnclinn

HOP BITTERSJ i . .lc(Hfi!]].!iJtern mid Ir*uthor.

AHII" j-niir ilriiL'itilicin bfforo vonorciiYiihr.'

HOP WTTKlia M'F'O CO.,14w lloflii'Ster, N. Y. and Toronto, Oi


BtevciiB' Flnnud, Ansoia Plminel, Dimnt Fltn-nf't.GiiiEfftiKlTvrilf.-'tl FUnnol, Caul on Flan-ni'I fmm ID to 25 ft*., LSticbcl ami uubloacb-rul; colored cunlon ftaanrlf nt

W. S.

AQEKTB Wjt NTED to unit tbe Riost roaiar

ISOLWOmiFOFIHSWOELD,).F F .3 . BnbliitH, lute nf Yokohama, Japan.

llratlRC Rnrwratilinns of llt>Ht)ii>n Nntiaiiiki tall partifolmifet. Cnnl»Ilotion—Ihe wiiil ii

Drily aall the

. ari!!c<'N, utc, runtfited and lion nilmderfnl bouk, <•<rr*nn?plB t'aB''"i'i

prl«B tLiB nrrat KEiirictai r tha

lrncerninMan, wilh

i r i . rc i l l tah ami Plcn'l Qlieapcr than [her ca

eond roortB Also t'ba

. , uf allba claf -CANDY

B0ARB AHD LOMfNO by tho DAY orTEK, kt r»ion>ble niet. 45- ly

i^nation* or Idolaldril HjiiritB, tlj(: Dcsliuv otraiiRn bfllicfd. !fRt>i]d»

elP(l thercwilL.' U illitsantique ftvlc. A trul

Hin lo it'll i n w n w J j

jfUItHAED BR08.,TU (ftesljjnt flt., l'hil.idnlBnlj

MRS. M. PARRifPortOram, would rcaiK-etfully cull tins at-entiou of thu iatiirrt or lijui i'!'u:f> nml ncimtio her new wtvlts in FALL MILI,lN!-;ili.Ilio alsokwiiH r.ll thu lutt^t UOUI'.UH it.

Ladies' Fancv Goods,Blio la al«n SOLB AdKNT in 1'OIIT UHA.M


Hiatan iHlanrt Dvioi; nud (ilcmiinj; Iihni-iit, uf ScwM'li ; llit- Hoik CrvHin! CJ

_.imuiins-. Now Yurli. and for Mim;. UiimiHELlAlJLE I'AT'l'JiHSK. tlsve bcraca

Pi,r.Or».n.May 3d,lfiH().


lncta laken an.l imtcriiiln funiislicil for


ind all kmdi of nuili, whether of 1SR10K o


work, wliothSTONE.

nulor THR IIKIN ERA lmiklin




Fool Tablesfrom tlio celobrattd mannraolorjr of 1. M.


OKOHESTEIONbn« alao inat betn anppUed mth ne» m««l='and »lll (iellBliI lh» patrom ot Ilia Lonae moretlun over, toralablng mu.to «qml to a bra.B

d l B O l


LAGER BEERi draught am) tlie bunt of


The'New EmpireIT«1-Air, Gas & Base-burn-

ing Cookfng Store.


AUo, a LBIK« A.R0rtmtut of otter StJuaof Cookiug m»v.», IlauiiM, 1'arloi



Alao, ftolioiceBtoi.'kof

Hard ware. Cutlery,nrl Jap«»u»a., WUIKIOI, Copper, Plum


(Jlutlu, Uiir|M*ti, Lamps, PsintH rind OllbCaBt-B, Vuktlii-n, I'raU'a Ablrsl Oil(wiimivp.) Abii>.


Kooliiig, Plumbing and JoliWork promptly Btti-nilHl to.


"airbank's SCHICB at ftlauufnc-turer'fi prices;

Old Iron, Cupper, Bra**, Lori, BBKO «niGreenuai-ka takcii it> fscliwut;*:fur KHIHIH.


ay.Marrfi 1.187U.

illyiimliorii'.i.liiKfM or ilu- folU-wiu,;

LONDON nml LIVl^RrOOIi and

GLOLfi, Ciiiiitail $20,000,000.


Cuj.itiil $10,1)00,000.

itOYAIi OF LIVERPOOL,Cupitiil §10,000,000.


Cupitul $5,000,000.


Capital $300,000.

rEOPLE'H, Ncwnrli. " IJOO.OOO,


of i'liilivWi'lim, Awutji tfiUiU,0O[>.

Tho London ABHUTHIICO Corjiomlion cTJOIUIOP, capital *ri,r.(lll,(H)l).

SpriiiKflild Firo Iiniiinnco Co., Mnmiiiuhiiottfl, cftpiUl!jil,BW),00O.

WettloliuKtcr i-iro lunuranoo Cotiiiauy oiavi "York, capital ijISOO.OOO.

Fire Association O i f aLsstrj, »3,600,00l

3»rml. 600.00C


Freeman Wood,

qiHEbfsl IlLUiCHEJ) lIl.'al.IN for II) ri.

(1 Dicac'lic,] MuHli(if the West, Wiii-mt:,, FnFruitnf UieLooui, Hill, Hi

fllilln, It D! tli?


lie. I)«tkiT,

rfl'io*i'i'siil-'i.™.""c'itloii, n t r a


in! am

SlatoWitti Ix'tter fnciliticB I ametinblwl y

on SI.A'l'E HOOFS cheaper tlinu cvcriifiinnone but tin! befit qunlity of KIIIIO ami uiploying flwUlrwH im-c)i«iic:i I r a n gunnutf-e iiinti-rinl nml worh in every pnrticlnr. Tin- SlieathiiiR Full ftlwuya 011 bund.

DnteA Ottobtr 13th, 1B8(1.



EOVUl 0. .1.

Oarpet Weuvinp, In 1,1! wiiltLfi. donest-ulusfl Blylo al !owl;st nit.-,. Tho best

kiud of wiirp ouly Iifii.*tl. NEW crtrpt-tH uhrmi for BtUo. The highest jiriiso piiid U

, or takuu in exchange for tmrpet.

C L O T H B S DYK1) a m i Clemie<| u gooU s ty le .

Dover. Mm' 25i!>, ltNU. '2:1-1:





Rflalwajri cm liniid (i full nr.il freuli stoc6tandi.nl goods nt


It doesn't pny !o (.'ip.'nriciitwitlitluur. Aslourgrocrr for Ilio ranioiH

VIOLA, BRAND,. It in alw.iyn pood- ran

ry t ime. Kdiulersnn IIHRd U I t hi U

mil take nrelied ujii

1 on thiileBOO J


0flOnii.Tbeir.Gimc,],iiiR ptrf,,-

;ub aud jiowxrlilriccn. CaLiltiRiiesi 429 W, Silh Ht.,cw Ynrk. PfriOHa

J . i C . lischM.WHit) tn<l lOlti Avc

ion Hiti pftppr lrlit'int. M2-

NOTICE! -Notice li hereby given that al! mwunt i

for Bulwcriptic.il to and advcrtiBFiiieiita intli* IKON KIU due Bem-.oiin H Vt^t w.rotsrign«d (kpUmber SMb, 1«RO. to Isaao 11Jotler, «nd by blm to Tbe DOTLT PrintingOompaaj, to whom the »BDO muni ha p|ii<lKo on* BiCTpftn enplrivcee of thnt onmjianrb u wttlioritr to rswlre imy monnyorro-tit bQ!i for atlt(rtiBoni"iilfl OT unb-

ronaMlj lKloDsbgtol l H Vcgt

1881. Carpels! iSSi.OJLHPET8 rorQOde. CARPF1T.S forSflclg.OAIiPJiTS f.triOttu. OAIIPBTB fnrr.OrtB.

ALL WOOL CAItPET (urSOct*.A.I.L WOtiL CAIU'KT for 75et».

Ifll'^SELb CAKrETS, choirP pxltemn, f.tr SOct1.. per yard. TI.Q best nualitioa nf Bnin-jelCirpelB; Clnus Matting, nf all kimln ;)lMn,pliidabii rano/ H»pir " " '


i fancy Killd MattiOt

Ktpir Mftms . Coirtting; l tn E i ; Hat«;tfl; OitOlotha; Lino-

S h d n l l d i_ . „ „ - . . . - - - - C » n « L , - , -lenm ; Tlbln Oil Clfrth: Shade OnllindL, .„til cohrs. Otrpeti mul« B?d It...]; Hbadegfitted and bang; goad Job gt/uranteeil at






Joseph York.o-tf HoAAiirarws. s. j .



fllwaye carry a complete stock ot

D.ry Goods




Mining Materials,

Gas Pipe and Fittings,



Celebrated Rand Drillthe befit in tlio country.

Drafts and Passage Tickets

roil HAI.K roil M'JtiNi. or I

rStandard Apple, Pear,

Cherry and Quince Trees.Vim* HIII] SiiiaU t'ruiif, Aimnnifpis.Hi.«<•!< ui:il ]-:vc'i7fn-cnK for llcd^Lii;:•uiiiiflmi Inmi (ii'iicvii. ^ . V. I OUTilir^.i'i- HLi.l |u<'\ni^ or my HirK'h urniant tlic riiunu tii^t-cliiKM mid trnu tinit rlu-itl«r Uii.ii tli''c!i(i!tjH.>t.

Souietliiiig Uow in Strawberries.{•illicit

II i:

i inI Lim nit),


E. SSEBER,l'/M'Ellbiiwil'.siik uu'.I :'M Ul ||lf I'M

">• largt-**• t " wlI I T I C M•L-tl» or li


Im|iorl'd FKIN:|I Wiill Pap , , , r,,r P , , " , " 'Celling rnpi rp, Curntr J'lefii.B. Our '

4,000 BOLLS

t y [ i | m ; p ttcr.tiun. r.. VV.OOWlJltEY.P, O. Bot Mi!!. ISiuiiitnti, MuiTix Co . N. J .

[JfL-finbi't illh, ISHIi. 2-ly

For Catarrh,r, Cold

.VlCflffDllit._ Tlio iipplica-

nuuiViiug.aiid tR'fiint BiipcrBcding Die UBpowdrm, liquiilH, antl unufTa. I'rlco 60 ecntu.On rccfipt of CO cuutH. wilt mm) ft ntclaceIrcr. K«n(] for circular, with full inltinnatlon

ELY'H CBEAM BALM CO., Otrcgn, S . V.

"MERIT MUBT HEAP t l i JDST IlEWARD."Of tho many Ontarrh ana J h y Fover rtnio-

difH HP Jitpp in utock ihnro ie tiooo nf wlm-hour cuBtoraurB npi>ah more liiKlilvtlian «f Elv'sCrfam IWnnUKCMpry. Wo htve n e w l u n i ] -

in salts or'tlint hnE'ci*'1''" ^ H ^ i i n i " J B I ! sal-iKtiicticn. c . N . c i t r r rEN ' iON,

US Fulion St.,Ni]w York.Fon SAM. HV Vuiionr A H I H I W H E .

AiidbyWIinlesiilf Drngf-isu (icnorally. 4C-Cm


OBAINEIta, 0ILDEI19 nhitS. Contracts tnUnmidKoniasdECcruted int h l h J


of iu

tni i . l iHaviu

Bsli h e t l K f of iumso :i».l ni-u paint-

inp, we feolcompuk'iit to m.-ct (lie (lrniaiidaof all. pHiut nhun in thn OLD 1'J.E.SliYTE-RIAN CHUItOH. I1. O. H I I 183.J.MARTIN. 19-lr A. BUCK.

H. RENSTROM,The Tailor,

B still in biifiinoRR, oppofiito llit depot, amfill pay strict attention to tie making of


it loy rales. Clothing pleaneti and im;it'repaired. r :ly

Tliat Acts a t tiie S.in.e Time wi


and tho K1DNSYS.Ttif-JBFrrnKircsiis arutlio nnluml dcn.iii,.

irmif ll« ivnlfiii. Iflli-y work


,Ct>.ir.'li,intlon nil,! l>llch


WtyBu'f IWhybsr^c J=.I dlatroBB from Con

"XX S'fiSrffltao.u.. otil,-ordered urina?

iofp('Oplowliotrefer ta purtliaie ay-Wort lUrttttdy prepared, I ts pro-jofUili celebrated n

oeatrotod.lnput vplalari-obotUca,and in eqtin ouis. It BFavei tho ticcoa&liy of

•jOHtpooplo. Price, Bl per baltlo.UQOID AND DD.T BOLD BT UI11ICKHBTB.



BY virtue cf au crOcr made ly FrancisClulil, Esq., cut) of tho JndftcB oi tbo

Ih f M (M h(ittt tiny of 1)ol l]i(;tltviBiJolm II. Kin

Tublie Wrului

VfTniiiHiVoii'DiVBiiBlimtiimorb iiml M,iry Oeoboek. tlie Biib-



THUltSDAT. Fcl)rnnry 2*th, 1881,lio lJimi-H uf 12 II. and 6 o'clock, thatt loVlout P. M. b[ said liny, tlm fol-ct oflimd, Hitnato in Itio townnliip•»y, In Miid Uouittj tA Morris, tliiiitin artrccl [ron. Jfon'sc Cobb Riid wiftII. Himtilo, diteil April Hth, 1855,

and rrcfirdi'd in BIorriH Comity Clcrk'8 Office,* l 8lliLId55, in hook I' 6 of .lewis, pattep

. BcyinulDR at a stake and htnp ofu an M ciml road bolnf; tlie fourthfn tract of 102 H4-1011 nctec, iclarniHiel Colib, Ootolier 7LU; 1S10, and rq-in book 8 17, .pspo 02, udng pir t ofl i from Ihimcii rttnu.ng an the

jQinpaf (856) p i t B (1) nyrtb fourteendegro t b d i i l i kM e f2) mirth flrty-olgl.t

a nml niiHUy links: tlicicn ik-griGB east fliiven rliains nnil Biitj-ukft; tLcnct«(4) Hontli .Ifty-cightdegreesfiiiclnmnatdmntfly linkt) to tlie placeinnine, cimtalnttig "5 aaroa, strict mtai-Condittt>i)H midb lioowri on tlay ot Bale.


C i i :

id triicl, ami from Ihiminpasft nnw (1856) pointB (1) nyrtb fourgrooB wtat snvtu cbniiis nod B.iiy-Bii link*;

o f2) mirth flrty-olgl.t Apiece east siiml n i U l i k s : tliciico (3) noutli

l t

Datnd Deo. Gib, 16B0..

SHERIFF'S SALE!ot-rli Circuit Cloiirl—Ezra Pout, ninintiff, vs.Jacob IUrjlek, defaudant. A!i»H 0. fa. dehim, ot ter. In catje. Rot urn able to HifTerm, A. D. lBbO.

TRICE A flOOK, Att'yB.Ily virtue nf tlifi above wtnteil writ of fieri

.das In n,y liniicls, I Khali anom kn Bale at,,I.II., vn,.,i... - . "1 0 CourtHouao, in MorriB-

to«n lN.J,,onMONDAY, Hi

of h


i tla< all that c tract.;lHinlprtmis(8lieieinaficri.<n-

thotow'iiHliip i»f Wasl.incton, in tlicCounty otMorris and rftato of Kcw Jrraey, loiiLiilod ind

CHCribCfl «H folJOlVB Slire, mi log at a b o p of n(oties in Jacob Rear-

:k's1un>, »reo i coniLT lo said Miller's woodit, and runs llieiire (1) north HltT-BCVcn ile-r,McaBttbi-(:(!c)iniiiB to a corner In Howdlffillurs linu, alnn comer nf mid Harrick'3

mrt; !benuL fi) north iwu-ly-nii and R imlfej'Tfeii west nevcnteen C.IB.MR BIHI'forty.flvuHUM to ii ntahc in Hi d Ilowo 1 i Willot's lino;


REAL ESTATE!Tho saliBcriber, Eieculor of T.z<>\ih-\ Arrc

Iccenscil, will sell ut PUBLIC HALE, uii tli


flfty-flve nciee c'f Inmi, about fillwlilck it phiDRh land, tliii. IwlaDce I

wilL litary tmilxjr. Tlie imii

wliicli ?:mdrefl tiACHES

(lour. Al*ny yonra ginUiniBjr

1NO WATEJl at tliiinns limbor of twe

} OO J3.

'1'bo aboropmntsi'R liu nldtir ttie public rfriim IlaelicHstown to Waterloo and aVont ,..„ni)l<> Irrrni the Waterliio dcpi.t of thy 0., L. iW. It. R. Co. Haiti to lake place at 1 o'clock p.M. TERMS MADKKARY.

C.n . VALENTINI!, Exfculor.February 1st, 1881.



A propdrtj comprisiiiR thirty five inslly improved, nnd located uL Cntnra miles from Dover on tbo road 1cChetUr, On tbe pretL.sos is &

B O O K S AL!iwIv01

Iniuoiiiic CutaioMieof olenrnnce saloSpfclil diucoaut to April firs!, jnerioi

IEGOAT BE0THEES,SBcrtmiin St., cpp. rnpt-Omff Nc-'Tork.


Wethiiiclon, N. J.

ELY'S CREAM BALM.UttTinc given ELY'H ORFAM HALM n tridlartrise tlmne BiitT.Tiiip from Catarrh tu liv

tliL-rrodinliesflPlrK f bt-liovi, it to be tlinnly rvttietir t int will cure ibiri [errililc t|ifl.

i. TboHa

•f.uliil'it'Bing n<Iv(i((im"(]'"but


and onthDUBes. MPO n tcrnint timiEe. Plenlyof good fruit, early ind Into, anil a very Quo•print: at water new ttu honee. Apply to


M * , , - . , • • . • -


o romr-b- n,0ro wi.lelj or 'avorably known.B ripiU ID rilitvlng, imjtk Li etiriDjt. For

ei *nij pium g«neriJlj, it j B the nprl»i>.liill l )O?* . 1C-4W

jut tbnlOtlllTl

mil t

yiB to tht jikQo (rtH nnil forty-t

Oii f

a i i a b a iirty linkn (c

inc!r'aii\MMllol a hall druk

ici.b Beiufr-k,iu Hunt; N a pi


Henry llilli:r anild April With, 1874,12 Ac





NO aildlUonal charge for oitraotlng wberntw (e«lb an in.Srtrf. ff.are now Bak

-nslioantifiilsotBcftcothfur :


oTtf .SeptBoilxr 25th, 1875.

R A D MII A K Hv n I I 11 n'ipn.Milioaa (if flianh

|oa ol thD trar-•y. Living»tont\A lull record of

lie ktYtU disconTK'B

WILDS OF AFRICA.DfrcriliinK willi pvDnt seruncy tlioconolr?,

rtilo vntlC'VH, murveio'iiB ^akpn, atcpendomlVPIS, niiElitj cutanctB, wild bemtt, ind no

The (Urlnp ilp*csrn( of tbo rlret COCKO tyin intrepid STANLEY, WIIOBC arUaKnenti,"rilnus BdTcutnrei anil pri*?tionB bats noirnlM in thn anrittls of niiSoratlonJi. I t li Ho'"refa!l olhsr Imokn for Its ditorilty, illI'C.natinp, ^mptito Etylo, »nd ibsorblng,irillini: iDtoreat.

AGENTS WANTEDpvery townelilp. Onoankl ladtiertttFliti.

'nil for clienlur MKI tRrn,n, ilsn 75 c«nts foritflt and isecnrfi territorT Rt oncn.(l-4w WILLIAM FLIKT, rbllidelphifc

O01I T«b)o foinuk, hilfend Jnll bleio. J Barncjly TnWo Liui-n, Doable DimaBkml noubl^iatin Damaak, T»blo Lin n. N»p-• / ^ O W B * etc at

Shthl/'Ul IriN.UI/ a

s. aABBirnft
