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The Dream Team Lead Generation Step By Step Guide 1 Welcome To The Dream Team Lead Generation Step By Step Guide This report is written by Alexander Baghdanov: Copyright laws apply; no part of this document could be copied or distributed without the express permission of the author. Index: Pg. 2 Dreams Really Can Come True Pg. 9 Solving The Lead Generation Dilemma Pg. 12 The Dream Team Marketing Business Plan Pg. 16 Step Two: Investing In Yourself Pg. 24 The Compensation Plan Pg. 27 Generating Your Earnings Pg. 31 The Dream Team Lead Generation SystemAnd You!!!

The Dream Team Lead Generation Step By Step Guide


Welcome To The Dream Team Lead Generation

Step By Step Guide

This report is written by Alexander Baghdanov: Copyright laws apply; no part of this document could be copied or distributed without the express permission of the author.


Pg. 2 Dreams Really Can Come True

Pg. 9 Solving The Lead Generation Dilemma

Pg. 12 The Dream Team Marketing Business Plan

Pg. 16 Step Two: Investing In Yourself

Pg. 24 The Compensation Plan

Pg. 27 Generating Your Earnings

Pg. 31 The Dream Team Lead Generation SystemAnd You!!!

The Dream Team Lead Generation Step By Step Guide


Dreams Really Can Come True!

Hello Again, this is Alexander and LubovBaghdanov.

Welcome, and Thank you for taking this very important step in the

creation of your Future.

Remember! This is your Dreamcoming out of its cocoon; a beautiful

butterfly awaits its first flight into Reality.

We called our Business Model the Dream Team. “Why”, you ask?

Because this is a culmination of several years of searching for the

perfect way to build an Online Business; a business model that could be

easily replicated and passed down to members of our team.

This is not just about making our Dreams Coming True.

The underlying factor for the entire concept of Dream Team

LeadGeneration, is that we are here to help you realize your Dreams.

This is a step-by-step guide, which will explain the important and vital

details of how you could become a part of our Team. Membership into

our Organization, simplifies your progression into a healthy, happy,

The Dream Team Lead Generation Step By Step Guide


prosperous and abundant life. Why not join an established and proven

business Model?

Really! There is no reason for you to have to go out and invent your

own wheel, the difficult work has already been done; a paved freeway

awaits your journey…

Set Your Goals

Before we take another step, we want you to take a few moments and

look ahead into your life. What do you see?

Do not compare your future to your present situation as it is now.

We feel that it is extremely important for each person to set goals for

themselves; these goals are nothing less than your personal dreams of

life. Your Dreams should be extravagant…

We need to learn to Dream Big!

Ask yourself these questions:

What would you like to Accomplish?

Where would you like to Go?

What would you like to Learn?

The Dream Team Lead Generation Step By Step Guide


What would you like to See?

What would you like to Buy?

What would you like to Own?

Where would you Live?

What cars would you Own?

What type of toys have you always wanted to buy?

The list could be endless, but more significantly, it should be endless.

Now comes the next big question! What are you doing to make your

Dreams become a Reality?

More than likely, you are like the vast majority of the people who live on

this planet; you get up each morning, and you head to work. You

probably clock no less than 40 to 60 hours per week. You have a

mortgage payment, which, you make by pinching your pennies. You

have a car payment maybe two, several children, and every one is

scattered to the wind as they do their best to live this life.

Parents see their children maybe a couple of hours in the evening, the

husband has his career, the wife has hers, and if the family is really

lucky, they may be able to spend a day together on Sunday.

The Dream Team Lead Generation Step By Step Guide


Believe me when I say this, there are more people living this scenario

than not. Parents spend so much of their most valuable time trying to

make a living that the families are actually living incognito; it’s a

pretend family.

If you’re going to Dream, you most definitely want to dream yourself

attaining one of the greatest accomplishments that life could offer, “True

Freedom”. Freedom from the Clock, and Freedom to spend quality time

with your family.

The boats, the cars, houses, vacations, etc…these are simply the added

bonuses to making life enjoyable, exciting, pleasant, calm, and peaceful.

True Peace Of Mind, comes with the cash flow that never stops flowing.

Imagine owning your own cash machine…

This Dream, which I believe, if you are like most people, is the same

dream that we all desire to fulfill into reality.

And this dream is closer to becoming a reality than you have ever


Like most people who have found us on the Internet, you found us

because you where already searching for your Big Break in Life. We all

The Dream Team Lead Generation Step By Step Guide


want to make it, and rightfully so. You Deserve Only the Best that Life

has to Offer.

This is why we invite you to take a few minutes, get a cup of coffee, sit

back, relax, and make yourself comfortable; we are going on a journey

together. I say comfortable, because this is how we want you to feel,

when we are together. Yes! In essence, this is a virtual realm, but as

you’ll soon see, in a short period of time, we will fast become friends,

and as our business partnership begins to flourish, we may be seeing

more of each other than first imagined.

Lets get to the really good stuff…

How does our business Model Work, and What’s in it for You?

The simplest equation in describing to you our Business Model, is that

we are building our relationship with you. We hope that you will soon

realize that we want to build this relationship on the foundation of trust,

honor, respect, safety, and security. You have our word on this, there is

absolutely nothing for us to gain from tryingto rip you off; there is

simply no way for us to do this even if we wanted.

We want to build a long term relationship, this is the only way that we

could profit from our association; when you make money, we make

money, when you prosper, we prosper. We need you, as much as we

The Dream Team Lead Generation Step By Step Guide


hope you will need us. This is a partnership, and a partnership can only

work when the consenting parties work together for a common purpose

and goal.

What are we trying to sell you?

Well this is a good question, and one that we would be proud to explain.

My wife and I are in MLM Marketing, and as marketers, we came across

the same problem that so many other marketers come up against when

trying to build your team. In order to grow, you need to sponsor new

member on a continuous basis. In a very short period of time, you run

out of the warm market base, which are your close friends, family, and

associates of life. When you go out past the comfort zone of your

immediate circle of people, you begin hitting dead end roads with blind

alleys on every corner.

You are a partner with the greatest company in the world, which is

promoting the greatest products and/or services in the world, but time

and again you hit a brick wall.

Like so many people out there, many turn to the World Wide Web and

the Internet to begin marketing their product. Unfortunately, so many

people soon realize that people simply are not interested in doing

business with people they have no acquaintance with. The Internet is

The Dream Team Lead Generation Step By Step Guide


rife with scam artists, who are simply looking for ways to take

advantage of people, especially the newbie’s.

In other words, just like us, they want to do business with people that

they respect, and are comfortable with. We have done our research, and

we find that we naturally gravitate to those marketing leaders, who

come across with honesty and integrity.

We are building our very foundation upon this very same premise.

So what are we selling? We are selling ourselves to you!!!

We have found that to be truly successful, you must go beyond the

products and services which any MLM Company has to offer; people are

searching for leaders and guides who could help them in their search for

personal success.

We have built such a System, and are offering this Service to you.

<True Leadership comes with Good Organization>

The Dream Team Lead Generation System is an Organization

formulated with those very principals in mind.

The Dream Team Lead Generation Step By Step Guide


Solving The Lead Generation Dilemma

We have already determined, the main reason so many people enter

into Internet Marketing. It’s so they could begin creating a Lead

Generating Funnel, to help them build a list, to which they could

promote a specific MLM Company that they are members of.

If this is you; “Welcome”! You have joined the ranks of untold millions.

Yes it’s true; there are literally millions of people trying to do exactly

what you are doing. They enter into the paradigm, not knowing one

thing from the next. They begin searching for information packets that

they could purchase, that some Info Guru put together. Before to long

they have invested hundreds of dollars, and are staying up every night

trying to make heads or sense of the information.

They are told they need to create a Marketing Funnel, which includes:



Affiliate programs




The Dream Team Lead Generation Step By Step Guide


Ezine Accounts

Article Marketing

Squeeze Pages

Capture Pages

Sales Pages



Join Forums

Social Media


Before to long, they have realize that they have spent thousands and

thousands of dollars, and that several years have gone by, and they still

haven’t made a dime.

The problem is, is that its still as confusing today as it was when you

first began.

The Information Guru’s don’t really care if you truly succeed from your

online marketing project; they just want to get you hooked on the

information products that they are selling.

The Affiliate Marketers are just looking for people to promote their

personal software programs. If millions of people sign up today to sell

The Dream Team Lead Generation Step By Step Guide


their product, they will become very wealthy; you on the other hand,

may sell a few of their products, and make barely enough to cover your

costs of marketing that particular product.

Internet Marketing is a Jungle, not only is it difficult to blaze your trail

through the dense underbrush, its very difficult even to survive.

Which is the primary reason we have developed the unique marketing

strategy of Dream Team Lead Generation.

Yes we could ask you to spend thousands of dollars, buying our

information packets, or sell you a subscription to our replicated web-

site. Oryou could send us even more money, and we will even set you up

with a ready made marketing program, by which you will be able to

begin marketing through a ready made sales funnel.

Or you could simply Join Our Team.

The cost of joining is Still Free.

And you become a member of an Organization that will propel you to

the top of your own personal Team Of Very Successful Individuals, who

Simply Want To Make Money…

Without spending a lot of Money…

The Dream Team Lead Generation Step By Step Guide


What could be better that that?

The Dream Team Marketing Business Plan

Here’s how our system works:

We are a developing company, in time we will have many more options

available to our members, but at this present time, we have created a

simple formula whose primary function is to get you up and running as

quickly as possible.

Before we begin, we too have a confession to make. Yes, we were like all

the other newbie’s on the Internet, who entered into it for the purpose

of trying to find a way to market our MLM Company.

And Yes!, We too have spend thousands of dollars chopping through the

underbrush of the Internet Jungle.

A hundred times we wanted to throw in the towel and quit, Why?

Because its so confusing and complicated. Instead of us making millions

like we were promised by the Info Guru’s, all that we have done was

spend many thousands of dollars, and several years of our time, doing it

the old fashioned hard way; every man for himself, all by himself…

The Dream Team Lead Generation Step By Step Guide


After several years research, mostly by trial and error, we have found a

very important secret, that the big money is still in MLM Marketing. All

the Info Guru’s and Marketing Leaders, are ultimately still using you to

promote and generate leads for their particular MLM Company. Why?

Because this is where the Big Money Is!!!

<MLM Marketing is Still The King Cash Cow>

What we all need to do is Find Our Niche in this Lucrative Marketing


And again, We Have!!!

After several years of being just another fish in the sea, we have come

full circle, and are now back to square “One”. But this time we are

loaded for bear. What we have accomplished through our swimming in

the sea, is that we have grown and we have matured.

We have gleaned the concept of Creating a Brand, and this Brand is us.

Alexander and LubovBaghdanov, owners of the Dream Team Lead

Generation System.

We are going back to the basics:

The Dream Team Lead Generation Step By Step Guide


We are promoting ourselves as Team Leaders in a Very Lucrative

Marketing Program, a Program Designed To Make You A Lot Of Money,

Very Fast, and Very Easily.

Here’s what you need to do:

Begin Your Attraction Marketing Program

Now this may sound simple minded to you, but please take a moment to

see the underlying wisdom in our request.

We want you to create a Dream Board, yes you heard us right.

A Dream Board

My wife and I are firm believers in the Power of the Universe, The Laws

of Attraction, and in the Gifts of Spiritual Projection. Our Subliminal

Mind draws to us those things that we desire the most. The Secret

behind the Dream Board, and the subconscious mind, is that you must

already believe that the things you want the most, are already yours.

By placing your most coveted items on the wall before your very eyes,

creates the subliminal impression, that you already own those things;

which is good.

So go ahead, plaster it with the things that you want the most:

Your Dream Home

The Dream Team Lead Generation Step By Step Guide




Dream Vacations






Anything that you truly want or desire

But mostly, FREEDOM

This is the first step in building your vehicle to success, Project Success;

begin drawing other Like Minded Successful People into your Life. The

Dream Team system is about Success, and about being around

Successful People just like you.

Our goal is to Draw as Many People as possible; these will become your

Team-Mates, Members of Your Organization.

Once you have created your Dream Board, you are now ready to begin

creating the vehicle, which will transform those dreams into a reality.

In other words, you are ready for Step Two:

The Dream Team Lead Generation Step By Step Guide


Step Two

Investing In Yourself

As you already know, virtually every major department store in America

has what is known as a membership card. Some of these cards entitle

you to special offers, discounts, bonuses, rewards, cash-back, and in

some cases, even a share of the company profits.

Not all of these cards are equal, some are given away for free, others

need to be purchased. If you would notice, the ones given away for free

have the least value as far as your benefits go. The cards that cost a

yearly membership fee, will give more value. Not only are the savings a

little bit bigger, in some cases you may even geta little cash back at the

end of the year.

Depending of the amount of your purchases with the company, you

could receive a reward value equaling the cost of the yearly

membership fee, so in essence, your membership becomes free.

The Dream Team Lead Generation Step By Step Guide


Well, our company has the same basic premise.

There is a onetime membership-joiningfee; this covers the cost of

setting you up as a partner with them. Once you pay the joining fee, you

are immediately placed into the system.

Even though the joining fee is about $169.00, I consider this to be

negligible. Why?Because of the value included with your membership.

Let me explain this in more detail:

Your joining fee includes your first gift sample pack; this is to get you

started with the products that the company has to offer. Remember, the

list goes into the many hundreds of products, and categories of

products; literally everything anybody needs to live a healthy happy life.

If you could imagine it, they probably already have it.

With this first gift packet, you will receive all the catalogues, which turns

your home into a virtual shopping center of available products that you

could use and enjoy forever.

Now the best part, there are two set prices, One is the regular Retail

Price, which people who are not members must pay. And the Second is

your Price, which is up to 30% off from that retail price. You will

immediately begin realizing massive savings from the products that you

The Dream Team Lead Generation Step By Step Guide


more than likely use each and every day. If you could understand the

math behind the world of economics, you will recognize the great value

right up front.

From Day One, you are already getting more value for your dollar, than

from any other Big Box Retail store in America.

But that is just the beginning:

The company places you into their Economic Matrix, from here on out,

the value of your membership magnifies beyond your imagination. Not

only are you saving money from each product that you purchase from

your own store, you will now begin earning money for making that sale

to yourself. You will immediately begin realizing a Profit…

How is this Possible?

The answer will amaze you!

When you walk into a Big Box Mega Retail store, you will see thousands

of products sitting on the shelves for sale. Each of those items, no matter

how little and insignificant they may seem, has to be created, produced,

and manufactured in some manufacturing plant or facility.

The Dream Team Lead Generation Step By Step Guide


Each of these businesses must operate within a profit margin, or else

they will go broke.

Now as you already know, the factories do not sell directly to the store;

the products are sent through a long chain of middle-men before it is

ever placed on the shelf in your market or store.

A regional mega warehouse company buys directly from the factory by

the train-loads; it is then sent to smaller localized distribution centers to

be directed to even smaller warehouses that are directly situated in

every large metropolitan center. The product is then sent by truck on

individualized pallet loads to the store.

The same product could be shipped by many different trucking

companies, and of course, we must not forget the advertizing and

marketing costs associated with every product as it changes hands from

one place to another.

Eventually, you the consumer walk into a store and buy this particular

product for full retail price; this price must cover all of the expenditures

that it incurred just to get into your hands. A product sold for profit

starting at the factory may be sold for $1.00, but by the time is gets to

you, it will cost no less than $10.00, this has been the way business have

been operating for thousands of years. The greatest share of any

The Dream Team Lead Generation Step By Step Guide


products expense has always been in the marketing and in the

distribution of that product, raising the cost to near intolerable cost.

But we the consumer, have been groomed from birth, that that is the

only way that we as consumers could purchase the products that we

need to live.

But in the last few decades, this Marketing Model has been getting a run

for their money, with a completely new Business Model that is stealing

the competition away.

This is called Multi-Level Marketing…

Why would a Manufacturing Corporation Bother with such a Business

Venture as this? Very Simple question to answer! They have the

potential of earning greater profits from their hard work of producing


First of all, they are no longer competing against other companies who

are producing a similar product; competition forces the prices down.

One of the more critical areas of cost cutting comes in the area of

employee wages.

The Dream Team Lead Generation Step By Step Guide


To produce the same product as anybody else, you need to lower your

cost of doing business, lowering the wages, and keeping them at a

minimum. This of course encourages ongoing poverty levels of millions

of working class Americans.

The Businesses savvy enough to realize the great importance and value

of MLMMarketing, have entered into a literal gold field of greater

profits. When their competition sells their product for $1.00, The MLM

Company has the ability to sell their product for $3.00 to $4.00.

As you could see, they have virtually increased their profits many times

over. By eliminating the Distribution and Marketing Funnel that all

other Manufacturing companies are using, they could sell their product

on the retail level for $6.00 to $7.00, instead of the $10.00 that everyone

else has to charge, just to break even.

In essence it’s a Magical Formula; Make more money by selling it for less

than anybody else. It does not take a marketing genius to see the beauty

behind Multi-Level Marketing.

Let the everyday average consumer become the Marketing Funnel. As

they invest in the Company, they are investing in themselves; a true

winning proposition.

The Dream Team Lead Generation Step By Step Guide


Yes! You will always meet people who tried it out but did not get very

far, but lets be realistic about it, not everybody really puts the right

amount of effort into the program. Almost every MLM Company has

those who simply fly to the stars; the sky is not even the limit to the

amazing level of prosperity that they achieved, for the effort that they

put into their marketing program.

Ingenuity, creativity, being smart, industrious, and putting in good effort

always has its rewards. MLM Marketing Industry has created more

millionaires than the lottery; by people who were willing to invest in

themselves and in their future.

There is simply no other business model alive today, that could reward

its associates with the tremendous amount of prosperity and

abundance, and all with such a minimal amount of expenditure. Just the

cost of purchasing the minimum level of products for yourself and your


As working class people, we are trained to make money from what is

known as the traditional work system; we trade our most valuable

commodity, which is our time, in exchange for dollars. Each week you

dedicate 40-60 hours, for a set in advance price, it could be by the hour

or it could be a salary. You clock your hours, get paid, and starting the

following week, the process begins again from the number zero.

The Dream Team Lead Generation Step By Step Guide


If you don’t work, you do not get paid, there is no exchange. The more

time you miss from work, the less money you make. A ruthless wheel

that forces billions of people in the world to get up each day, head for

work and clock in their hours.

In MLM Marking, the Business Model is built upon the premise, that you

are setting up an ongoing passive marketing funnel. In the beginning,

you need work to get the wheel turning, but when the vehicle begins to

move, you just sit back and enjoy the ride, and the freedom that comes

with your ride.

You are making an investment into a system that generates an ongoing

residual money making cash-cow, and an automatic milking devise, that

just keeps the money flowing forever.

You found us on the Internet through the various Marketing programs

that we have set up. This sets you apart from the average working

person that has given up on their future of prosperity and freedom. You

on the other hand are searching for something really unique and special,

that might provide you with the right opportunity; a ticket out of your

ridiculous dilemma of social slavery to the traditional system of


The Dream Team Lead Generation Step By Step Guide


You are not just a warm market, you are what is known as the Hot

Market. We believe, you are in the right place at the right time to begin

securing the freedom that you have always been searching for.

The Compensation Plan

I call this the nuts and bolts of the mechanism:

In other words, the <Money Machine>

How does the company compensate you for your time and effort in

growing your Business Team?

Remember, this is a Retail Marketing Venture! The money comes from

the sales of product. But Don’t Worry, you are not asked to sell anything;

Not One Thing!!!

You Are Not A Product Sales-Person

You Are A Company Representative

As a partner with thisMLM Company, you enter into the relationship as

a Consultant; your duty and responsibility is to promote the Benefits of

the Company, and to help people with the registration part of their new


The Dream Team Lead Generation Step By Step Guide


As new members join, they are automatically placed in the Matrix under

you, and in actuality become your down-line. They are members of Your

Team, and Your Personal Organization. Overall, the responsibility of

training and guiding the new recruits rests upon your shoulders; they

are your responsibility.

But you must remember one vey important thing, you do not sell

products to your down-line, just like you, they are free to spend as much

or as little as they want, each and every month, for as long as they want.

There are no limitations, restrictions, or requirements…

But your personal compensation is bound to the sales of those members

who are in your direct down-line. You have a vested interest, and it is

only natural, that you would be there as an advisor, and training

specialist, who would want to build a channel of communication, as well

as develop a meaningful level of trust, respect, and friendship; which

arecommensurate to your measure of being a good leader.

A Good Leader, is one who leads by example; being loyal to your

Organization, your Team, and your MLM Company, has tremendous

value, benefits, and rewards.

The Dream Team Lead Generation Step By Step Guide


Encouraging people to invest in their personal company, through

utilizing the purchasing power that we all have, increases the overall net

value, or Personal Value “PV” of the Group. This creates the necessary

economic base from which all the profits are derived from. By spending,

we are all earning.

I know that I am repeating myself here, but I want to remind you, This

venture is really not about spending money, in the sense that you are

giving away money to somebody else with no return. The beauty of the

entire principal is that in a very short period of time, you should be able

to purchase any and all products that you could ever use or consume, on

a monthly basis, completely free of charge.

Your compensation kicks into gear. It no longer matters if you spend

$300.00 per month, or even $600.00 per month; in essence, you are not

spending one red cent. It’s all Free. At this rate you could spend several

thousand per month, and who cares, none of it comes out of your

pocket, it comes from your earnings, rewards, bonuses, and


Now lets take this to the next level:

The Dream Team Lead Generation Step By Step Guide


Generating Your Earnings

Its time to get to the business of making some cash:

The Business Model begins with You!

As an example, and at the full retail level; you need to spend at least

$400.00 per month for all of your essential living products and supplies.

At this first stage in the process, to be quite frank with you, you are at

the lowest level in the Matrix. Everything revolves around you as an

individual consumer.

To purchase all your living essentials, you need to spend $400.00 per

month; with a 30% discount, you will automatically save about $100.00

per month. You will also receive a bonus check from the sale that you

made to yourself, equaling 3%, of the $300.00. Your first check in the

mail will be about $9.00. Added all up, your first monthscompensation is

about $109.00.

The Dream Team Lead Generation Step By Step Guide


Now lets say that you are using the products. You find that they are

absolutely great, and you are very happy with your decision to join

forces with this MLM Company. In fact, you want to bring 3 of your

friends into the company, so that they could purchase products for so

much less than anyplace else, and even earn a little bonus check to boot.

These three will now receive the same level of benefit from their

expenditure, which you did in your first month.

But for you, the world is about to change. As a Team, your Group spent a

combined total of $1,200.00. At this level your percentage rate changes

to 6% of the total combined expenditure. 6% of $1,200.00 =$72.00. Add

this to your personal 30% discount off the full retail price, and you

realize a compensation of $172.00 for this month.

Now your Three Friends are very excited with the results of their first

months shopping experience from their own Company Store, and they

each bring in three more people under themselves. There are now a

total of 13 people in your Team. Each of them spends about $300.00

purchasing products that theywere already buying someplace else at

full retail, but now, they are recouping the benefits of their membership

with your MLM Company.

The total combined purchasing power equals about $4,000.00 this

month. At this level, you personally are lifted to the 12% bracket. 12%

The Dream Team Lead Generation Step By Step Guide


of $4,000.00 =$480.00; add this to your regular 30% monthly savings,

and your compensation has begun earning a whopping $580.00 per

month. At this level, all the products that you buy for yourself on a

continual basis, are free of charge, with a little bit of cash coming back to

you each month as your income.

As your down-line grows, the exponential purchasing power of your

group begins to explode. In a very short period of time, you could be

experiencing a financial shift so powerful, that you may want to quit

your job for good.

Now imagine this, you are now purchasing all the products that you

could ever use, on a monthly basis, for the rest of your life, for Free!!!

And you didn’t have to clock in any hours, you didn’t need to go to work

anyplace for anybody.

There simply is no better value than this any place on this globe. All you

did was buy some products from your own Store, and told a few friends

about your amazing discovery.

At Last, True Freedom…

Remember, according to these examples, you are still in your first few

months of you business partnership.

Just Imagine where you will be in a couple of years.

The Dream Team Lead Generation Step By Step Guide


There is no limit to the value of your membership. You could continue

growing your Company Team for as long as you want, to become as big

as you want. As you increase your groups purchasing value, you will be

earning 25% of the gross Expenditure, which means that a 6 and 7

figure yearly income is not unrealistic at all.

Go For The Diamond Level, this is a great place to retire; a whopping

$1,000,000.00 per year in bonuses and compensation, for the rest of

your life. This Is Simply Outstanding…

Now Lets Look At The Dream Team System:

The Dream Team Lead Generation Step By Step Guide


The Dream Team Lead Generation System

And You!!!

As a member of the Dream Team Lead Generation System, you have just

magnified your MLM Experience off of the charts. This is a whole new

level of Marketing, which makes your world absolutely unique and


So now we are partners, both with the DREAM TEAM, and with our

Multi-Level Business Partner, What’s next? What can you expect from


We are here to take away the pain from the dreaded process of

Marketing your association and partnership.

We are here to make the process of building your organization as

smoothly and easily as possible. This is a no-brainer; this is what

everybody needs and wants; a lead generation system that

The Dream Team Lead Generation Step By Step Guide


automatically funnels in new prospects, completely on auto-pilot,


We have built such a system, and the leads are coming in, and they are

just waiting to join us in our offer. What we are doing, is giving these

leads to you.

90% of the work has already been done, all they need is some basic

training, instruction, and guidance, which our Team will provide,

completely free of charge. All that is expected of you:

Is to believe in Yourself…

Believe in your Company…

Believe in your Future…

Support your Organization and your Partnership with Us…

And begin building a relationship with those placed into the

Matrix below you…

Nothing could be easier…

Once you join our team, you will receive access to all of our training

materials, which include videos, CD’s, Booklets, Guides, Reports, etc…

which are provided to you from the MLM Company. As a bonus, you will

also receive our personal training material, both in the form of Ebooks,

and videos, which could be accessed in the members only, back office, of

our official Company Web Site:

The Dream Team Lead Generation Step By Step Guide



Are you excited?

Are you ready to take the next step?

Yes!!! Alexander and Lubov, we are excited and are ready to join

your team of successful people. We want to be a part of this

exceptional Business opportunity,

We Are Ready To Join Today !!!

Press this link, and you will be taken to the new members section of

our Partner MLM Company, just fill in the form that they provide, and

you will automatically be in the Matrix.

Once you’re in, we will contact you personally, either by phone or by

Email, and we will begin our relationship with you on the next level.

Once again, Thank you in advance for joining, We look forwards to being

your friends and business partners:

Alexander and LubovBaghdanov

Email: [email protected]

Skype: mlmdiamonds

The Dream Team Lead Generation Step By Step Guide

