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The dystrophin- associated protein complex Jeffrey Ehmsen, Ellen Poon and Kay Davies* Functional Genetics Unit, Department of Human Anatomy and Genetics, University of Oxford, South Parks Road, Oxford, UK *Author for correspondence (e-mail: [email protected]) Journal of Cell Science 115, 2801-2803 (2002) © The Company of Biologists Ltd The lethal muscle-wasting disorder, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, is caused by mutations or deletions in the dystrophin gene. In skeletal and cardiac muscle, dystrophin associates with various proteins to form the dystrophin- associated protein complex (DAPC). The DAPC is thought to play a structural role in linking the actin cytoskeleton to the extracellular matrix, stabilizing the sarcolemma during repeated cycles of contraction and relaxation, and transmitting force generated in the muscle sarcomeres to the extracellular matrix (Petrof et al., 1993). There is also evidence that the DAPC is involved in cell signalling via its interactions with calmodulin, Grb2 and nNOS (Rando, 2001). Various members of the DAPC, such as the sarcoglycans, have already been implicated in a number of muscle diseases, illustrating the vital role this complex plays in the maintenance of muscle integrity. This brief review offers a glimpse of the major known proteins that constitute the DAPC and the defects caused by their absence. Dystrophin The muscle isoform of dystrophin is a 427 kDa protein consisting of an N- terminal actin-binding domain, a central rod-like domain comprising 24 spectrin- like triple helical coiled coils, and a cysteine-rich C-terminus that allows assembly of the DAPC. Dystrophin stretches laterally along F-actin filaments, binding primarily via three sites within the N-terminal region (Norwood et al., 2000) and electrostatically through a cluster of basic repeats (11-17) within the rod domain (Amann et al., 1998). Although remarkable evolutionary conservation exists, with even the C. elegans homologue possessing the same number of spectrin repeats, much of the rod domain appears dispensable and a dystrophin molecule comprising at least eight integral repeats remains relatively Cell Science at a Glance 2801 (See poster insert) δ γ γ α α α α The Dystrophin-Associated Protein Comple ex ience 2002 (115, pp. 2801-2 803) Journal of Cell Sci Dystrophin F-Actin F Actin nNOS Desmin Desmin min ncoilin Syn α -Dyst trobr r re revin α roglyc rogly roglyc -Dystr yc can β β Na Na N N + + channel chann el c el arcospan arc rcospan osp pan Sa Sa Sa eolin e n-3 Cav Laminin- nin- 2 2 Jeffrey Ehmsen, Ellen Poon and Kay Davies Sarcoglycans Sa Sarcoglycans trophin Syntr oph Syntro hin ntroph Syntr Disorders associated with mutations in various members of the DAPC Dystrophin Duchenne muscular dystrophy Becker muscular dystrophy mdx (mouse) Dystroglycans no known human mutations embryonic lethal in mouse Sarcoglycans α -SG: LGMD2D δ -SG: LGMD2F ε -SG: myoclonus-dystonia Sarcosp an no known human mutation s no app parent dystrophy in m mouse knockout Dystrobrevins maintenance of DA Syntrophins Syncoilin upregu uscular dystrophies ulated in a number of m nNOS no app se knockout parent dystrophy in mou Laminin-2 2 α α chain: dy y (mouse) Caveolin-3 LGMD-1C C (human) C (h hy myopathy (mouse knockout)
Page 1: The Dystrophin-Associated Protein Complex · The dystrophin-associated protein complex Jeffrey Ehmsen, Ellen Poon and Kay Davies* Functional Genetics Unit, Department of Human Anatomy

The dystrophin-associated proteincomplexJeffrey Ehmsen, Ellen Poon andKay Davies*Functional Genetics Unit, Department of HumanAnatomy and Genetics, University of Oxford, SouthParks Road, Oxford, UK

*Author for correspondence(e-mail: [email protected])

Journal of Cell Science 115, 2801-2803 (2002)© The Company of Biologists Ltd

The lethal muscle-wasting disorder,Duchenne muscular dystrophy, is causedby mutations or deletions in thedystrophin gene. In skeletal and cardiacmuscle, dystrophin associates withvarious proteins to form the dystrophin-associated protein complex (DAPC).

The DAPC is thought to play a structuralrole in linking the actin cytoskeleton tothe extracellular matrix, stabilizing thesarcolemma during repeated cycles ofcontraction and relaxation, andtransmitting force generated in themuscle sarcomeres to the extracellularmatrix (Petrof et al., 1993). There is alsoevidence that the DAPC is involved incell signalling via its interactions withcalmodulin, Grb2 and nNOS (Rando,2001). Various members of the DAPC,such as the sarcoglycans, have alreadybeen implicated in a number of musclediseases, illustrating the vital role thiscomplex plays in the maintenance ofmuscle integrity. This brief review offersa glimpse of the major known proteinsthat constitute the DAPC and the defectscaused by their absence.

DystrophinThe muscle isoform of dystrophin is a427 kDa protein consisting of an N-terminal actin-binding domain, a centralrod-like domain comprising 24 spectrin-like triple helical coiled coils, and acysteine-rich C-terminus that allowsassembly of the DAPC. Dystrophinstretches laterally along F-actinfilaments, binding primarily via threesites within the N-terminal region(Norwood et al., 2000) andelectrostatically through a cluster ofbasic repeats (11-17) within the roddomain (Amann et al., 1998). Althoughremarkable evolutionary conservationexists, with even the C. eleganshomologue possessing the same numberof spectrin repeats, much of the roddomain appears dispensable and adystrophin molecule comprising at leasteight integral repeats remains relatively

Cell Science at a Glance 2801

(See poster insert)


γγ αααα

The Dystrophin-Associated Protein Compleex

ience 2002 (115, pp. 2801-2803) Journal of Cell Sci


F-ActinF Actin





α roglycroglyroglyc-Dystr yccanββ

NaNaNN ++ channelchannel c el


eoline n-3Cav


Jeffrey Ehmsen, Ellen Poon and Kay Davies

Sarcoglycansg ySaSarcoglycans


Disorders associated with mutationsin various members of the DAPC

Dystrophin• Duchenne muscular dystrophy• Becker muscular dystrophy• mdx (mouse)

Dystroglycans• no known human mutations• embryonic lethal in mouse

Sarcoglycans• α-SG: LGMD2D••• δ-SG: LGMD2F• ε-SG: myoclonus-dystonia•

Sarcospan• no knowwn human mutations• no appparent dystrophy in mmouse knockout

Dystrobrrevins• maintennance of DA


Syncoilinn• upregu muscular dystrophiesulated in a number of m

nNOS• no app use knockoutparent dystrophy in mou

Laminin-22• α• α chain: dyy (mouse)

Caveolin-3• LGMD-1CC (human)C (h• hy myopathy (mouse knockout)

Page 2: The Dystrophin-Associated Protein Complex · The dystrophin-associated protein complex Jeffrey Ehmsen, Ellen Poon and Kay Davies* Functional Genetics Unit, Department of Human Anatomy


functional (Harper et al., 2002).Dystrophin deficiency results in loss ofthe associated protein complex andsevere muscular dystrophy, under-scoring the central role that dystrophinplays in assembling and maintaining thelink between cytoskeletal actin and theextracellular matrix.

DystroglycansThe widely expressed α and βdystroglycans make up the core of theDAPC, establishing the transmembranelink between laminin-2 and dystrophin.Both proteins are produced from a singlepost-translationally modified poly-peptide, and are heavily glycosylatedprior to being sorted to their respectiveextracellular and transmembranelocations. These glycosylation patternsare developmentally regulated and largelycorrelate with the diversity of bindingpartners in different tissues (Winder,2001). Total deletion of dystroglycan inmouse is embryonic lethal owing todisruption of formation of the extra-embryonic basement membrane, and thevoid of naturally occurring mutations orother dystroglycan-associated diseasessuggests that its function is indispensablefor survival (Williamson et al., 1997).Disrupting the dystroglycan-dystrophinlink causes a Duchenne-like phenotype,whereas disruption of the laminin-dystroglycan link causes congenitalmuscular dystrophy. Defects in post-translational modification of dystroglyanmay also be pathogenic, as a nonsensemutation in the glycosyltransferase,Large, is the primary defect in themyodystrophy mouse (Grewal et al.,2001).

SarcoglycansFive transmembrane proteins, allexpressed primarily in skeletal muscle,constitute the sarcoglycan family: α (50kDa, also called adhalin), β (43 kDa), γ(35 kDa), δ (35 kDa) and ε (50 kDa). Theβ, γ and δ sarcoglycans co-purify, withβ and δ forming an especially tight link,whereas α sarcoglycan may be spatiallyseparated. Dystrophin and γ sarcoglycancan interact directly, and δ sarcoglycanappears to be coordinated to thedystroglycan complex (Chan et al.,1998). Mutations abolishing theexpression of any one of thesarcoglycans cause loss of the othersfrom the sarcolemma; the four recessive

limb girdle muscular dystrophies 2D,2E, 2C and 2F are caused by absenceof the α, β, γ or δ sarcoglycans,respectively (Bushby, 1999).

SarcospanSarcospan is a 25 kDa membrane proteinwith four transmembrane domains andintracellular N- and C-termini, a uniquefeature for transmembrane proteins ofthe DAPC (Crosbie et al., 1997).Expression is seen predominantly inskeletal and cardiac muscle, but shorterisoforms exist in other tissues. Nohuman disease is currently known to beassociated with sarcospan deficiency,and sarcospan-null mice maintainexpression of all sarcoglycans at thesarcolemma and do not developmuscular dystrophy (Lebakken et al.,2000).

α-DystrobrevinsAlternative splicing produces five α-dystrobrevin isoforms, differing as C-terminal truncations. Three of these arefound in muscle, but only α-dystrobrevin-2 is abundantly expressedat the sarcolemma. This isoform containstwo tandem α-helical syntrophin-bindingsites, which may be alternatively splicedto modulate the stoichiometry ofsyntrophin association with the DAPC(Newey et al., 2000). As dystrobrevincontains several tyrosine kinaseconsensus sites, protein-proteininteractions may also be regulated bytyrosine phosphorylation. Dystrobrevinassociates with dystrophin via coiled-coilinteractions, but an independent link withthe sarcoglycan/sarcospan complexmight also exist as dystrobrevin andsyntrophin can bind to the DAPC in theabsence of the C-terminal region ofdystrophin (Crawford et al., 2000).Intriguingly, dystrobrevin-knockoutmice present with a DMD-like phenotypewhile retaining the DAPC andsarcolemmal integrity. Loss ofdystrobrevin is expected to disrupt thesyncoilin-mediated link between theDAPC and desmin intermediatefilaments (see below), perhapscontributing to dystrophy. Alternatively,the coordinate reduction of sarcolemmalnNOS that is observed in these knockoutssuggests that signalling defects may be atfault (Grady et al., 1999).

SyntrophinsAll three of the 58 kDa syntrophinisoforms are found at the neuromuscularjunction in skeletal muscle, but only theα1 and β1 isoforms are present along thesarcolemma. Each contains twopleckstrin homology (PH) domains,which are modules of ~100 amino acidsfound in many signalling proteins. Withineach first syntrophin PH domain is a PDZdomain capable of facilitating homo- andhetero-dimerization with other PDZ-containing proteins. Indeed, through thesetypes of interactions, the syntrophins mayfunction as modular adaptors in recruitingsignalling proteins to the sarcolemma andDAPC: binding interactions exist withskeletal muscle sodium channels, nNOS,serine/threonine kinases, MAST205 andstress-activated protein kinase-3 (Rando,2001). The highly conserved C-terminal57 amino acids [constituting thesyntrophin-unique (SU) domain]probably contain binding sites fordystrophin family members. No humandisease has been correlated withsyntrophin mutations. Mice lacking α1syntrophin (the predominant muscleisoform) display no overt phenotype, butnNOS is absent from the sarcolemma andthe postsynaptic membrane is grosslyabnormal (Kameya et al., 1999; Adams etal., 2000).

SyncoilinSyncoilin was first identified via itsinteraction with α-dystrobrevin inmuscle (Newey et al., 2001). Sequenceanalysis revealed the presence of aunique N-terminus domain and a coiled-coil domain that is typical of those foundin intermediate filament proteins.Syncoilin is highly expressed in skeletal,cardiac and smooth muscle at thesarcolemma, Z-lines and neuromuscularjunction. Through its interaction withdesmin, syncoilin is thought to provide alink between the DAPC at thesarcolemma and the intermediatefilament protein network (Poon et al.,2002). Its upregulation in a range ofmuscular dystrophies may be acompensatory mechanism againstmuscle damage.

nNOSThe production of nitric oxide (NO) bynNOS is important for increasing localblood flow to match the increasedmetabolic load of contracting muscles,

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Page 3: The Dystrophin-Associated Protein Complex · The dystrophin-associated protein complex Jeffrey Ehmsen, Ellen Poon and Kay Davies* Functional Genetics Unit, Department of Human Anatomy

such as during exercise. The presence ofnNOS at the sarcolemma is mediatedthrough PDZ domain interactions withsyntrophin, and it is lost in a number ofmuscular dystrophies including DMD.Indeed, patients with DMD showabnormal blood vessel constrictionpresumably due to lack of nNOS at thesarcolemma, and it is the only otherprotein known to correlate so closelywith the fiber-type-specific onset ofdystrophy. This observation is inaccordance with the supposed role of theDAPC in signalling and the contributionof ischemic stress to muscledegeneration. However, abolishingnNOS expression alone in mice does notcause overt dystrophy (Crosbie et al.,1998; Chao et al., 1998).

Laminin-2Laminin-2 is composed of α2, β1 and γ1chains and binds to α-dystroglycan andthe α7β1 integrin complex. Laminins arethought to form the structural part of thebasement membranes along withcollagen IV, nidogen and perlecan.Mutations of the laminin α2 gene causesevere congenital muscular dystrophybut do not appear to cause damage to thesarcolemma (Patton, 2000).

Caveolin-3Caveolae are vesicular invaginations ofthe plasma membrane and are found inmost cell types. The primary scaffoldingprotein of skeletal muscle caveolae iscaveolin-3, and although traditionallyconsidered distinct from the DAPC, anumber of studies imply an importantrelationship. Caveolin-3 interactsdirectly with the C-terminus of β-dystroglycan, co-fractionates withdystrophin and α-sarcoglycan, andshows elevated expression in Duchennemuscular dystrophy. Transgenic miceoverexpressing caveolin-3 present withDMD-like pathology, suggesting thatcompetitive downregulation ofdystrophin at the sarcolemma mayoccur. Mutations in caveolin-3 areassociated with autosomal dominantlimb-girdle muscular dystrophy(LGMD-1C), hyperCKemia and ripplingmuscle disease (Galbiati et al., 2001).

Sodium channelsVoltage-gated sodium channels bind tosyntrophin PDZ domains, an interaction

that may influence ion conductionproperties or association with otherchannels (Gee et al., 1998). However,even in the absence of syntrophin,normal sodium channel distribution isseen along the sarcolemma, suggestingthat this interaction is not essential forchannel localization (Adams et al., 2001;Ribaux et al., 2001).

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Cell Science at a Glance 2803

Cell Science at a Glance on the WebElectronic copies of the poster insert areavailable in the online version of this articleat jcs.biologists.org. The JPEG images canbe downloaded for printing or used asslides.

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2804 Journal of Cell Science 115 (14)


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