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The Eat Well Cookbook

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  • 8/11/2019 The Eat Well Cookbook


  • 8/11/2019 The Eat Well Cookbook


    about the authorsJan Purser and Kathy Snowball are the authors of The Detox Cookbook, which won a

    2006 Cordon dOr Cookbooks and Culinary Arts Award (USA) in the Illustrated

    Cookbook category.

    Jan is a naturopathic nutrition consultant, remedial therapist and meditation teacher.

    Jans passion is teaching people how to become more balanced holistically through nutri-

    tion, diet, detoxification programs, counselling, meditation and natural therapies. Her

    busy clinic, Food, Body & Health is based in Perth. Jan has worked in the food and food

    publishing industry for over 20 years and has been a practitioner since 1996. She is

    currently the contributing health editor to Australian Good Tastemagazine. Jan has writ-ten six books on health, food and meditation and her most recent books are Indian

    Home Cooking (with Ajoy Joshi) and Blender Drinks (with Dimitra Stais and Tracey


    Kathy, a former food director of Australian Gourmet Traveller, is a freelance food

    writer, menu and marketing consultant and educator. After a successful career in mer-

    chant banking, Kathy went to London to study at Leiths School of Food and Wine. Eightyears of catering and teaching later, she returned home and joined the Australian

    Womens Weekly as assistant food editor. She then became part of the Gourmet

    Travellerteam, becoming food editor in 1993 and food director in 2000. She has edit-

    ed two cookbooks, Gourmet Menus and Food for Friends. Kathy is a partner in Manna

    from Heaven, bakers of divine handmade biscuits and cakes.

  • 8/11/2019 The Eat Well Cookbook


  • 8/11/2019 The Eat Well Cookbook


    jan purser & kathy snowball

    photography by greg elms


    eat well cookbook

  • 8/11/2019 The Eat Well Cookbook



    Neither the authors nor the publisher may be held responsible for claims resulting from information in this book. If you are

    under medical care for any condition, seek the advice of your health practitioner before acting on any suggestions in this

    book and do not make any adjustments to prescribed medications without their approval.

    First published in 2006

    Copyright text, Jan Purser & Kathy Snowball 2006

    Copyright photography, Greg E lms 2006

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or

    mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage or retrieval system, without prior

    permission in writing from the publisher. The Australian Copyright Act 1968 (the Act) allows a maximum of one chapter

    or 10% of this book, whichever is greater, to be photocopied by any educational institution for its educational purposes

    provided that the educational institution (or body that administers it) has given remuneration to Copyright Agency Limited

    (CAL) under the Act.

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    National Library of Australia

    Cataloguing-in-publication entry:

    Purser, Jan. The eat well cookbook : gluten-free and dairy-free recipes for food lovers.

    1st ed.

    Includes index.

    ISBN 978 1 74114 827 5.

    ISBN 1 74114 827 8.

    1. Gluten-free diet - Recipes. 2. Milk-free diet - Recipes.

    I. Snowball, Kathy. II. Title.

    Designed and typeset by Nada Backovic

    Photography by Greg Elms

    Food prepared by Celia Dowzer

    Food styled by Virginia Dowzer

    Edited by Kim Rowney

    Index by Fay Donlevy

    Printed in Singapore by Imago

    Front cover: Grilled Kofta with Pomegranate & Parsley Salad (page 52)

    Back cover: Old-fashioned Trifle (page 139)

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  • 8/11/2019 The Eat Well Cookbook


    contentsAbout the book vi

    Our stories 1

    10 ways to eat well 2

    The Eat Well food plan 4

    10 ways to manage food sensitivities and allergies 6

    10 ways to reduce weight 10

    10 ways to live well and feel great 14Breakfast 19

    Lunch 35

    Dinner 81

    Dessert 129

    Baking 143

    Small bites 157

    Seasonal menus 172

    Basic recipes 174

    Glossary 179

    Index 183

  • 8/11/2019 The Eat Well Cookbook


    about the book

    First and foremost, The Eat Well Cookbookis a collection of recipes, with sensational food

    suitable for all occasions whether it be dinner for two, a family meal or entertaining for the

    masses. The bonus is that it has been written with those of you in mind who like to keep a

    close eye on your health, weight and wellbeing but who also wish to eat really well. An

    even bigger bonus is that all the food is gluten- and dairy-free, for those of you with sensitivi-

    ties or intolerances and allergies in those areas.We are dear friends, sharing a great passion for food and the desire for good health.

    Both of us bring different expertise to the book: Kathy has a wealth of cooking knowledge

    and Jan brings her naturopathic knowledge. This food is real its what we cook and eat on

    a daily basis to keep us fit and full of vitality. Because its real and because we live our phi-

    losophy, we know it works and that it can also work for you.

    Many people ask us how we stay passionate about food and keep ourselves motivated

    to cook fabulous meals. For a start, we both exercise almost every day of the week and weare certain this increases our energy and optimism. With good energy and a positive out-

    look, we cant help but feel inspired to do the things that make us feel great. Added to that,

    we eat a wide range of foods and avoid those that dont suit our bodies. As a result, we

    enjoy good health and feel energetic most of the time.

    We would dearly love you to adopt our philosophy, enjoy our way of cooking and eat-

    ing wonderful food so that you can live a long, healthy and vital life.

  • 8/11/2019 The Eat Well Cookbook


    our stories | 1

    JAN: Being a naturopathic nutrition consultant makes

    me very aware that more and more people are

    developing health problems because they eat too

    much of the same foods or choose the wrong types

    of foods. I also see the results of increased stress tak-

    ing its toll. My clients are usually at a loss as to what

    to do about their symptoms, which range from diges-

    tive upsets to fatigue, headaches and skin rashes. I

    always start them on our detox program, outlined in

    our Detox Cookbook, to give their body a rest from

    potential problem foods. Its wonderful for me to see

    the changes in my clients health and outlook as

    they progress through the detox. They feel more in

    control of their health because they finally get in

    touch with their bodies and can pinpoint what

    foods contribute to them feeling unwell, and what

    makes them feel good.

    My own history includes a dairy sensitivity and Im

    convinced that this exacerbated my childhood ear

    infections and subsequent hearing problems. I knowthat when I avoid dairy and keep wheat to a mini-

    mum my health and energy are excellent.

    Understanding the foods that are right for your

    body is a great start to good health but feeling well

    is about so much more than just what you eat. I think

    that total good health means your physical body is

    well cared for, your emotional and mental selves arefed and kept in balance, and your spiritual side is

    nurtured in whatever way makes you feel connected

    with others, the universe and nature. When all these

    facets are kept in balance, life is truly fabulous and

    lifes challenges are generally more manageable.

    our stories

    KATHY: I think we all agree that if we feel fabulous,we have a better quality of life. As a food writer and

    part owner of the bakery, Manna from Heaven, I am

    very aware of the pitfalls of working in a food-related

    industry. While I want to enjoy the best food on offer,

    I also want to keep a watchful eye on my health,

    weight and general wellbeing. I would never pretend

    to be an expert on the path to good health, but afteryears of regular detoxing under Jans guidance, I am

    very much in touch with my body and what suits it. I

    know that after a month of cutting out all wheat and

    dairy products while Im detoxing, I feel light and

    energetic. I am not allergic to these foods, and I love

    wheat products, especially good bread, but I know

    that excessive indulgence in them will leave me feel-ing bloated and lethargic.

    Good health and wellbeing is not just about what

    you eat. I walk with my dog Saffy every morning and

    swim three times a week. Dont get the wrong idea

    I am not a fanatic. I exercise because I like it and it

    makes me feel good. Making time for relaxation is

    also important, and Im an avid reader. But cooking

    is my favourite pastime of all. I never cook food just

    because it is good for me I only ever cook food I

    love to eat. Our shared passion for good food is the

    basis for the recipes in this cookbook.

  • 8/11/2019 The Eat Well Cookbook


    10 ways to eat wellStart with great ingredients that are fresh, flavour-filled and vital no one wants to die of boredom trying

    to keep healthy. Next, look at how good the food is for you and what nutritional value it offers. Eating

    well means choosing the right mix of foods to provide the best nutrients to allow your body to maintain tip

    top health so you feel full of energy all day, every day.

    2 | the eat well cookbook

    1. Eat seasonally. Fruit and vegetables are at their nutri-tional best and have optimum flavour when they are

    in season, and provide the best nutrients for that time

    of year. For example, fruit and vegetables high in

    vitamin C are plentiful in autumn and winter, giving

    us a natural defence against colds and flu. If you buy

    organic fruit and vegetables, you will notice you can

    usually only buy varieties that are in season at the

    time. Aim to drink a fresh vegetable juice a couple of

    times a week, particularly those containing carrot

    and beetroot as these vegetables contain protective

    anti-oxidants that reduce the risk of disease.

    2.Avoid processed foods wherever possible fresh

    foods will provide the best nutrition for your body.

    Some processed foods, such as canned tomatoes,

    noodles, rice products and canned fish, are a great

    addition to the pantry but we suggest that you avoid

    processed snack foods and those that are high in

    kilojoules and low in beneficial nutrients. Processed

    foods are often high in salt, which can lead to fluid

    retention and is certainly not good for those of you

    with high blood pressure. Processed food may alsocontain preservatives, some of which are thought to

    be carcinogenic when consumed too often. If you

    have food intolerances or allergies, focusing on fresh

    foods, particularly organic and free-range, may help.

    3. Cook simple food with lots of flavour. This could eas-ily be our mantra because we love food that isnt too

    fussy but has loads of great flavour from fabulous

    fresh produce. A well-stocked pantry is important, so

    keep a good range of spices on hand, and always

    have a supply of garlic, ginger, chillies and onions at

    the ready. Consider growing your own herbs

    oregano, chives, bay leaves, rosemary, sage, thyme,

    parsley and basil are all easy to grow and dont

    require much space.

    4.Avoid unhealthy takeaways. When you simply do

    not have time to cook, choose a healthy takeaway

    meal. We buy dishes such as sushi combination and

    seaweed salad, teriyaki chicken or fish with rice and

    salad, Chinese steamed chicken with gai lan in oys-

    ter sauce or sambal and rice, Vietnamese fresh rice

    paper rolls and vegetable stir-fry, Vietnamese beef

    pho (beef and noodle soup), Chinese barbecued

    pork with stir-fry vegetables and rice, Indian dhal,

    rice and green beans, Indian beef vindaloo and rice

    (make a salad to go with it) or Chinese braised tofu

    and mushrooms with vegetables and rice. Note thatthere is no mention of pizza, burgers, fries or

    crumbed chicken on this list. This is for a good rea-

    son: these fast foods are very high in fat and salt

    and, when eaten regularly, will contribute to an

    increase in weight.

  • 8/11/2019 The Eat Well Cookbook


    5. Focus on your wellbeing, not your weight. Avoid

    becoming obsessive about your weight and instead,

    put that energy into monitoring how you feel. Whenyou choose foods specifically to help you feel better

    from an energy and emotion perspective, your

    weight will usually adjust to what is healthy for you.

    This might entail doing a detox twice a year, avoid-

    ing foods that make you feel sluggish (such as sugary

    and fatty foods), taking supplements that boost your

    energy and eating well balanced meals to keep yourenergy levels stable (helping you avoid sugar crav-

    ings and energy slumps). See page 10 for 10 Ways

    to Reduce and Manage your Weight.

    6. Have three well-balanced meals a day. This means

    eating a balance of protein, carbohydrate and fat.

    The right combination will give you sustained energy

    during the day, will make you feel less like snacking

    and will provide a good range of essential nutrients.

    See the Eat Well Food Plan on page 4.

    7. Go for low GI carbs. When you eat carbohydrates,

    make them low glycaemic index (GI) where possible.

    Low GI carbohydrates are broken down and

    absorbed by your digestive system more slowly, pro-

    viding sustained energy for a longer time. This helps

    reduce sugar cravings and helps you feel energetic all

    day. When combined with protein, it reduces the like-

    lihood of snacking unnecessarily. Some examples of

    gluten-free low GI carbohydrate foods are: sweet

    potatoes, basmati rice, gluten-free hi-fibre bread, fresh

    rice noodles, legumes (lentils, chickpeas, beans), soymilk, soy yoghurt, buckwheat, gluten-free muesli, corn

    on the cob, fresh corn kernels lightly cooked, nuts and

    seeds. Higher GI carbohydrates, such as rice other

    than basmati, white gluten-free bread, rice cakes,

    polenta, white potatoes, puffed rice or millet and

    dried rice noodles can be eaten, but be sure to team

    them with some protein and fibre (in the form of veg-

    etables, fruit or salad) which help to make the overallGI of a meal lower. For more information on low GI

    foods, look at The New Glucose Revolution, Professor

    Jenny Brand-Miller, Kaye Foster-Powell and Professor

    Stephen Colagiuri (Hodder, 2002)

    8. Put less food on your plate. Large dinner plates can

    look great but might tempt you to serve up larger por-tions, so think about using smaller plates. There

    seems to be an obvious correlation between our pop-

    ulation becoming larger and the tendency towards

    larger serving sizes and snack bar sizes. Help your-

    self maintain a good weight by thinking small when

    it comes to portions but thinking big when it comes

    to vegetables and salad.

    9. Create a good environment to eat in. Part of the

    enjoyment of eating well is making a point of creating

    time to enjoy your food and to unwind from the day.

    We love sitting at a set table and relaxing over the

    evening meal, catching up with the events in our part-

    ners lives. Dont have the television on it is neither

    good for communication nor digestion but choose

    some relaxing music. Ignore the telephone and treat

    the evening meal as an occasion, every day.

    10.Dont eat when you are distressed. This will most like-

    ly lead to digestive problems, so try to put off eating

    until you feel calmer. See page 17 for some techniques

    to help you manage stress, diffuse overwhelming emo-tions and create a calmer state of mind. If you are

    going through an emotionally stressful time, seek the

    help of your naturopath who may prescribe some very

    effective herbal or nutritional supplements to reduce the

    effects of stress on your body.

    10 ways to eat well | 3

  • 8/11/2019 The Eat Well Cookbook


    the eat well food planThis is a guide on what to eat at each meal so you are eating a good mix of nutrients, ensuring that you feel energetic and

    reducing the likelihood of sugar cravings and mid-afternoon energy slumps. This will help you to sustain good energy. An

    easy way to judge the appropriate protein and carbohydrate portions for your body is to look at your palm size and

    thickness (referred to as your palms volume). Go to our seasonal menu plans on pages 172-3 for ideas on how to plan your

    weeks meals using the recipes in this book.

    4 | the eat well cookbook


    Include the following food types:

    Freshly made vegetable juice or a large glass of warm water with the

    juice of half a lemon squeezed into it.

    Protein choose from eggs, nuts and seeds, fish, chicken, tofu, meat,soy cheese, legumes (chickpeas, beans, lentils), protein powder (see

    glossary), soy yoghurt (this supplies a little protein along with

    carbohydrate). Include a small portion of protein with your breakfast

    (60-80 gm or about half your palms volume).

    Carbohydrate yeast-free hi-fibre bread, corn bread, cooked rice,

    rice or corn crispbread, soy or rice milk, puffed cereal (rice, corn,

    millet), rolled oats (if you tolerate them), rolled rice, nut and seedmuesli, cooked potato, soy yoghurt, buckwheat pancakes. Have 12

    to 1 cup carbohydrate (or 1 to 11/2 times your palms volume).

    Fat this will already be present in nuts, seeds, cereals, eggs, soy

    yoghurt, hi-fibre bread, corn bread and muesli. You need just a little.

    Fibre breakfast is a good time to include a high-fibre food such as

    ground linseeds or psyllium husks to help with regularity.Fruit and/or vegetable if you like, save your fruit for between

    meals, or have some with breakfast. Some of our breakfast recipes

    include a vegetable.

  • 8/11/2019 The Eat Well Cookbook



    Include the following food types:

    Protein in addition to the breakfast protein list, try

    venison, duck, quail, lamb or shellfish. Have a portion of

    a protein food to suit your appetite (or 12 to 1 times your

    palms volume).

    Carbohydrate in addition to the breakfast list, look for

    starchy vegetables (potato, sweet potato, corn), rice

    noodles, buckwheat noodles, cooked buckwheat,

    quinoa, amaranth and polenta. Have 1 to 2 slices of hi-

    fibre yeast-free bread, 2 to 4 rice or corn crispbread, or

    the equivalent of1


    to 1 cup cooked carbohydrate (or1 to 11/2 times your palms volume).

    Fat as for breakfast, there may already be a little fat in

    the protein food choice. But you can also have a little

    drizzle of extra virgin oil or a nut or avocado oil over

    salad or vegetables (this may be in the form of a dressing).

    Vegetables, raw and/or cooked have the equivalent of

    2 to 3 cups of non-starchy vegetables, preferablydifferent colours.



    Protein as for breakfast and lunch.

    Have a portion of a protein food to suit your appetite (1

    times your palms volume).

    Carbohydrate as for breakfast and lunch.Have the equivalent of 12 to 3/4 cup (12-1 times your

    palms volume).

    Fat as for breakfast and lunch.

    Vegetables as for lunch. Have 3 to 4 cups of different

    coloured non-starchy vegetables.

    Fruit you may like to finish your meal with a piece offruit, or have a light dessert occasionally.


    Choose from the following: a piece or two of fresh fruit, a

    small handful of nuts and seeds, one or two corn or ricecrispbread spread with hummus or some sort of nut

    spread, a small container of soy yoghurt (you can mix this

    with fruit and/or nuts and seeds), a cup of raw vegetable

    sticks plain or with a little hummus.

    the eat well food plan | 5

  • 8/11/2019 The Eat Well Cookbook


    6 | the eat well cookbook

    10 ways tomanage foodsensitivitiesand allergies

    A food allergy is an immune response to a specific

    food, usually to the protein component. A food sensi-tivity or intolerance (much more common than a true

    allergy) is a chemical reaction to a food, usually to

    the various components in foods and additives.

    Some food allergy reactions are severe, resulting

    in drastic symptoms such as sudden hives or an asth-

    ma attack, and can even be life-threatening where

    the heart and lungs shut down. In these cases, theoffending food is avoided at all costs. However,

    many food allergy symptoms and food sensitivity or

    intolerance symptoms are very similar.

    People can develop food allergy or sensitivities to

    all kinds of foods and it is not uncommon to develop

    them in your thirties and beyond, despite not react-

    ing to a food before then. Chronic stress, poor dietor poor digestion can gradually diminish your

    immune function, making your body more prone to

    potential food and environmental allergens.

    In coeliac disease, the allergy is to the protein, or

    gluten, in wheat, rye, spelt, barley and triticale. Oats

    may also be a problem for some people due to con-tamination from the other grains mentioned.

    The symptoms range from severe gastrointestinal dis-

    tress to fatigue, anaemia and a feeling of poor

    health. Gluten must be totally avoided regardless of

    whether the symptoms subside after eliminating it,

    because over time, the allergic reaction leads to

    damage of the small intestine wall, impairing diges-tion and nutrient absorption, resulting in nutrient

    deficiencies and malnutrition.

    Dairy allergy (usually to the protein casein), or

    dairy sensitivity or intolerance (usually to the milk

    sugar lactose) can result in any of the symptoms listed


    It is possible that you may tolerate a suspect foodon its own, but not in combination with other suspect

    foods the allergen load may tip you over the symp-

    tom-free threshold.

  • 8/11/2019 The Eat Well Cookbook


    testing for allergy, sensitivities or intoleranceMost testing procedures blood tests, skin prick tests and muscle testing are not conclusive, although they certainly give

    a good indication of foods to watch. A wheat allergy can be determined by a blood test, and coeliac disease by small

    intestine biopsy.

    The most conclusive way of determining whether you react to a food is to eliminate the suspect food or foods for at least

    two weeks or until symptoms abate. Then challenge your body by re-introducing the foods one at a time, noting any

    physical symptoms or side effects, or changes in energy levels and mood. It can help to avoid any foods that you react to

    strongly for several months, then very gradually re-introduce them into your diet and have them only occasionally. This isoften the most effective way of reducing reactions. At the same time, it is crucial that you build your digestion strength and

    immune function to ensure your body is less reactive overall and becomes symptom-free.

    10 ways to manage food sensitivities and allergies | 7

    runny nose

    skin rash





    burning or swelling around

    the mouth

    abdominal cramps

    mouth ulcers



    irritable bowel syndrome

    ulcerative colitis

    bed wetting in children



    feeling shaky




    rapid breathing

    burning sensations on the skin


    chronic cystitis

    fluid retention




    chronic colds

    recurring ear infections



    poor sleep

    inability to concentrate

    If you suspect you have a food allergy or sensitivity, try keeping a food diary (see page 8) to see if there is a link

    between the foods you are eating and how you are feeling. If you experience any of these on an on-going basis,

    seek advice from a health professional.

    Symptoms for allergies, sensitivities and intolerances may include any of the following:

  • 8/11/2019 The Eat Well Cookbook


    1. Seek professional advice. If you suspect you have a food

    allergy or intolerance, it is best to enlist the help of a quali-

    fied nutrition consultant, naturopath or dietician to help you

    with an elimination diet which omits suspect foods, fol-lowed by a challenge program of re-introducing the foods

    to gauge your response. Some elimination diets are very

    restrictive, so it is important to do this correctly for best

    results. Your practitioner may prescribe nutritional or herbal

    support to strengthen your digestion and immune function

    based on your symptoms and medical history.

    2. Improve your digestion. Naturopaths believe that, aside

    from chronic stress and poor diet, bowel permeability (also

    called leaky gut syndrome), bowel toxicity, low produc-

    tion of stomach acid and insufficiency of pancreatic

    enzymes can play a role in the development of food

    allergy or intolerance. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory med-

    ication and cortisone-based medication are also thought to

    have an effect while a long history of antibiotic use can

    compromise the digestive system. Firstly, make sure you

    chew your food thoroughly, taking your time to eat. This

    will help to improve your digestion, allowing your brain to

    receive and send signals so that the appropriate enzymes

    and acids are produced in adequate quantities to break

    down and absorb the food you are eating. Secondly, it

    can be helpful to take digestive bitters in water or a diges-

    tive bitters tablet before meals, or a digestive enzyme tablet

    with meals to improve your digestion. Your naturopath will

    be able to help you decide which you need. This ensures

    that you are treating both the cause and the symptoms to

    get the best long-term results.

    3.Avoid getting into a food rut. To avoid developing any,or further, food intolerances, make sure you eat a wide

    variety of all the food types. It is best not to buy and eat

    the same foods week in and week out. Vary the food you

    eat at all your meals and dont have the same food more

    than once a day if possible. If you have a food intoler-

    ance, it can be useful to make a point of eating that food

    only every three or four days. If you eat foods like dairy

    products, wheat, eggs, oranges, soy products or toma-

    toes every day, change your patterns to give them a reston a regular basis as these are some of the most com-

    mon food allergens.

    4. Do a detox once or twice a year. Our detox program,

    detailed in our Detox Cookbook, is essentially a well-

    balanced modified elimination regime that gives your body

    a break from many potential food allergens. Make sureyou also omit any additional foods you suspect affect you.

    A detox program with appropriate nutritional and herbal

    supplements can help to strengthen your immune function

    and digestion, minimising your reactions to foods.

    5. Have a variety of grain foods. Because gluten is found in

    many common grain foods and their products (wheat, rye,

    spelt, barley, triticale and oats), it makes good sense to

    bring in a variety of other grains and starchy carbohydrate

    foods to create variety. Many people eat wheat products

    several times a day (wheat based cereal, muffins, sand-

    wiches, biscuits and pasta are common in the average diet)

    and it can be this monotony that results in an intolerance.

    Think outside the square. Other grain foods include corn,

    rice, quinoa, amaranth, arrowroot, sago, tapioca, buck-

    wheat, millet, sorghum, and legume-based flours like

    chickpea, lentil and mung bean. Noodle varieties, aside

    from wheat-based pasta, include rice noodles, buckwheat

    noodles, mung bean noodles, spelt pasta (if you are okay

    with gluten) and gluten-free pasta. You can buy these foods

    from the health food and Asian sections of the supermarket

    and from health food stores.

    6. Take note of symptoms. Keep a detailed food diary, not-

    ing everything you eat and drink along with how you feel

    each day, so that you can refer to the diary if you have

    any reactions. It is so easy to forget what you have eaten

    8 | the eat well cookbook

  • 8/11/2019 The Eat Well Cookbook


    the previous day, and reactions may not occur until the

    day following consumption of a problem food. Start your

    diary before you omit suspect foods and keep it up until

    after you have re-introduced them it will be a great helpin the long run. Once you have a few weeks of diaries,

    look for recurring patterns or reactions from the same

    types of foods, or products made from the same ingredi-

    ents. Often you dont realise how often you may have a

    reaction until you keep a diary.

    7. Pay attention to cravings. If you crave certain foods, par-ticularly not-so-healthy foods such as chocolate, sweets or

    cakes, it may suggest that you are sensitive to those foods.

    The most common problem cravings are chocolate, alco-

    hol, caffeine drinks, wheat-based foods like bread, cakes

    or biscuits, cheese and soft drinks. If you begin to crave

    these foods, take note of any symptoms after eating them

    you may discover you have an intolerance to the very

    thing you think your body needs. Do keep in mind,

    though, that sometimes you might crave a food for its spe-

    cific nutrients, such as craving meat because your iron is a

    little low this can be a good thing.

    8. Eat a wide variety of foods when pregnant. Many

    women believe that the food they eat during pregnancy

    will influence the risk of their baby developing food aller-

    gies later on. There is ample scientific evidence showing

    that this is not so, and it is best for a pregnant woman to

    eat a wide variety of foods to gain the best possible nutri-

    tion for her growing baby.

    9. Encourage children to eat a wide variety of foods. If you

    have children, make sure they dont fall into a food rut.By bringing variety into their meals and mixing and

    matching the grain foods they eat, you can give them a

    great start. Children may be more susceptible to develop-

    ing food intolerance for a number of reasons: poor

    digestion, a mineral or vitamin deficiency or a mineral

    imbalance (excess copper in relation to zinc is thought to

    make them more prone to allergic reactions). If you sus-

    pect any of these, seek the help of your naturopath to

    improve their health while they are young. If your childhas developed eczema you may want to keep a food

    diary of their diet for a few weeks, noting symptoms of

    food intolerance and cravings that could indicate poten-

    tial problem foods. Encourage your children to sit while

    eating, and to chew well without rushing. It certainly

    helps to avoid having the television on during meals so

    they concentrate on eating properly.

    10.Take supplements to improve your health. Your natur-

    opath may prescribe the following to help build your

    gastrointestinal tract (GIT):

    vitamin C with bioflavonoids (to help reduce allergic reac-

    tions and acts as an anti-inflammatory agent),

    digestive bitters or enzymes (to improve GIT function), vitamin B complex (the Bs help with the breakdown and

    absorption of food),

    fructo-oligosaccharides (or FOS, provides the best kind of

    fibre that beneficial bacteria in the GIT thrive on, helping

    them to multiply, building the health of the GIT),

    colostrum (produced from whey or sourced from cattle,

    helps to build the immune system), arabinogalactans (helps build GIT strength),

    probiotics (beneficial bacteria, helps improve digestion,

    assists GIT repair and helps build immunity),

    fish oil (EFA and DHA) and evening primrose oil (reduces

    inflammation and helps GIT repair and strengthen),

    echinacea and astragalus (to boost immune function and

    lessen reactivity to allergens), homeopathic phenolic desensitisation drops (drops taken

    several times a day to reduce your reactions to aller-

    gens), and,

    selenium and zinc (minerals essential for healthy digestion

    and immune function).

    10 ways to manage food sensitivities and allergies | 9

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    10 waysto reduce andmanage your weightWe want you to focus on how you feel, on what makes

    you feel good and to learn what doesnt suit your body.

    We dont recommend crash diets going on and off diets

    will lead to the yo-yo syndrome where your bodys metabo-

    lism drops every time, making maintaining a healthy

    weight all the more impossible. The only way to reach and

    maintain a healthy weight is by reviewing your eating andlifestyle habits and changing the ones that are not serving

    you well. We think of it as choosing to adopt lifestyle

    habits that will make you feel great.

  • 8/11/2019 The Eat Well Cookbook


    1. If you dont use it, you wear it. This fact is based

    on simple maths. If you eat more kilojoules than

    your body can use, youll store those kilojoules asfat. Doing this repeatedly leads to weight gain. We

    are not suggesting you start counting kilojoules, but

    recommend that you look at where you can con-

    sume less. You can increase your kilojoule usage by

    doing daily exercise and being more active.

    If you eat low kilojoules and still put on weight

    or cannot shift weight, seek the help of a health

    practitioner. You may have an underactive thyroid,

    insulin resistance or your body may be reacting to

    chronic stress. All of these can lead to weight gain.

    2. Have a regular Cellular Health Analysis (CHA)

    check. CHA shows your muscle mass, body fat

    composition, biological age, cellular health and

    vitality, and toxicity and fluid retention in your body.

    Your CHA practitioner will be able to tell you what

    kind of exercise you specifically need to reduce

    your weight and improve your health. A CHA check

    will show if nutrients are being fully utilised by your

    bodys cells. If they are not, your practitioner will

    help you remedy this and will also be able to tell

    you if you need particular nutrients to reduce fluidretention, inflammation or toxicity.

    If you have great health, a CHA check will help

    to keep you on track ensuring you age youthfully

    and continue to have an energetic life. A CHA

    check helps you to remain motivated as you make

    necessary changes to diet and lifestyle. There is no

    greater encouragement then seeing your biologicalage become younger, looking younger, seeing your

    body composition change for the better and feeling

    far more energetic.

    3.Avoid unnecessary kilojoules. Avoid overdoing

    alcohol, fruit juice and eating high-kilojoule snacks.

    All of these add extra, unnecessary kilojoules intoyour daily intake. Read the nutrition information

    panel on foods you buy to determine the fat, sugars

    and kilojoules. It can be quite an eye opener.

    Remember the 95 per cent rule its what you do

    95 per cent of the time that really counts. You can

    indulge in treats five per cent of the time and still

    maintain a healthy weight but indulge any more

    than that, and you had best get on your bike, or

    into those joggers.

    4. Assess your social eating habits. If you have a

    busy social life you may tend to overeat when

    drinking alcohol and eating with friends. Balance

    your meals over the day to compensate for social

    eating. If you are dining out or entertaining at

    home then consider your other meals that day to

    balance your intake. For example, if dining out in

    the evening, eat a light breakfast such as a small

    bowl of nut and seed muesli, only have fruit for

    snacks and have a big salad with a protein food

    for lunch. This way you can indulge a little at din-

    ner time without overdoing your kilojoule intake forthe day. Perhaps skip dessert or share one to keep

    things in moderation.

    5. Recognise emotional eating. This is where a lot of

    people lose the plot. When the stress levels crank

    up, you can fall into the trap of comfort eating

    usually on high kilojoule or highly processed foods.Before reaching for that comfort food snack, ask

    yourself the following questions:

    10 ways to reduce and manage your weight | 11

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    Am I really hungry or is this a comfort eating urge?

    Why am I choosing it?

    Is there an emotional trigger?

    Am I eating due to boredom, habit, stress,


    Is this related to an activity, such as watching


    What healthier food could I eat instead?

    Do I really need it?

    Am I truly prepared to add unnecessary kilojoules

    to my day and possibly store unnecessary fat?

    Copy this and pop it on the refrigerator as a

    pre-snack check list. The only way to change com-

    fort eating habits is to become aware of them and

    then replace them with another, more beneficial,

    action. If the urge to comfort eat is related to an

    activity such as watching television, do something

    else instead, such as read, do some stretch exercis-

    es, pursue your hobby, have a relaxing bath, listen

    to music or call a friend. Keep a record of your

    comfort eating urges so you can recognise the pat-

    terns you have developed. A good strategy when

    you have the comfort food urge is to eat something

    healthy, like a piece of fresh fruit, then, after 15minutes, review whether you really need the com-

    fort food. If you still do, then distract yourself by

    doing something active instead of giving in.

    Another good strategy is to only eat at the table.

    Never eat standing at the refrigerator or cupboard.

    Best of all, keep an honest food diary where you

    record everything you eat and drink and beaccountable for it. You could include your comfort

    eating urges in your food diary so that you get to

    know what triggers those urges.

    12 | the eat well cookbook

    6. Only eat when you are hungry but dont skip

    meals. Many people tend to eat even if they are

    not hungry, mostly due to habit. If you dont tend tobe hungry at meal times, review your snacking

    habits. Save your eating for actual meals. If you are

    often not hungry, you may need to increase your

    exercise or you may be choosing the wrong mix of

    foods. See our Eat Well Food Plan on page 4 for a

    guide to what to eat each day. If you skip meals on

    a regular basis, you run the risk of lowering your

    metabolic rate which means your body will burn

    fewer kilojoules and store the leftover as fat. At the

    very least, eat a good salad with a little protein at

    meal times to give your body the nutrients it needs

    and to keep your metabolism chugging along.

    7. Enjoy your meals but dont eat the leftovers after-

    wards. Make delicious meals that are pleasurable

    to prepare and eat and take the time to sit down at

    the dining table to enjoy them. Never eat on the run

    or pick at food mindlessly. Pop any leftovers into a

    container in the refrigerator for lunch the next day.

    8. Stop eating when you begin to feel satisfied and

    dont continue to eat until you feel overfull. This isan important point as we have so much food avail-

    able in our society that it can be tempting to

    overindulge. It takes at least 20 minutes for our

    brain to get the message that we have eaten

    enough food. This is why it is important to take your

    time eating, so you can get the message in time,

    before you have overeaten. Remember to thinkabout portion sizes and leaving a little on your

    plate. Never go for second helpings and dont

    have dessert if you already feel full after the main

    course. If you cant possibly resist, then remember to

    eat lightly the next day to balance out the week.

  • 8/11/2019 The Eat Well Cookbook


    9. Use statements to achieve your goals. Rid your

    mind of negative thoughts. You are not only what

    you eat, you are what you think about yourself. Thethoughts you have about yourself and your body

    will influence your eating habits and lifestyle choic-

    es. If you constantly berate yourself or put yourself

    down, you are more likely to make poor food

    choices, exercise little and struggle to maintain a

    healthy weight.

    Say this statement to yourself: I am overweight

    and I look horrible. How do you feel inside when

    you say that? Do you notice that your energy seeps

    away just holding that thought? Now say this to

    yourself: I love eating well and feeling great!

    How do you feel inside when you say that? Do

    you notice that your energy increases as you hold

    that thought?

    Some further statements that will help you feel

    great are:

    I feel very good about myself and enjoy looking

    after my body

    Every day I am getting better and better

    I am fit, healthy and full of energy

    Place these statements where you can see them

    daily. Repeat them to yourself several times a day,

    even if at first you dont agree with the words.

    When you catch yourself having negative self

    thoughts, immediately say in your mind No! or

    Stop! and repeat a positive statement a few times.

    Continue to work on changing your thought patternsfor the better and you will achieve your goals.

    10.Weigh yourself once a month only or lose the

    scales forever if you feel addicted to weighing your-

    self. Many people jump on the scales each day

    10 ways to reduce and manage your weight | 13

    and if the result is not favourable, they feel bad

    about themselves which starts off the comfort eating

    cycle. Scales are only a useful tool when they areused at regular intervals and at the same time each

    month (this is particularly the case for women whose

    hormone levels may influence fluid levels in their

    body). If you like, jot your weighing day in your

    diary and treat it as a challenge to yourself to be

    pleased with the reading each month. You really

    dont need to rely on scales because you can tell if

    a little weight has crept on, or if you have reduced

    any extra padding, by the feel of clothes and by

    looking in that full length mirror. Adopt our philoso-

    phy become tuned in to your body so you will

    know when it does not feel as good as it could,

    then take measures to correct it accordingly.

  • 8/11/2019 The Eat Well Cookbook


    10 ways to livewell and feel greatLiving well comes from achieving balance in all areas of your life. By bal-

    ance we mean maintaining a good mental and emotional state as well as

    physical. Sometimes the balance can get way out of kilter due to all kindsof work, home or relationship pressures, but the secret is to notice the

    imbalance as quickly as you can then do what is needed to tip the scales

    back to an even footing before your health is affected. You will know

    when you are off balance when you: over react, feel overwhelmed, dont

    care about eating well, cant be bothered exercising, feel depressed,

    dont look forward to the day, dont experience little moments of joy, lose

    your sense of humour, lose a sense of purpose, start eating sugary foods,

    drink excess alcohol often, overdo caffeine, feel drained, cry at the drop

    of a hat, feel angry all the time, and, yell at the kids a lot. If any of this

    sounds like you, read our strategies for managing stress on page 17.

  • 8/11/2019 The Eat Well Cookbook


    1. Manage stress it is a major contributor to disease

    and ageing. When you are dealing with stress, your

    body produces stress hormones called adrenalinand cortisol. When stress is chronic, the oversupply

    of cortisol can make your body store fat more easily,

    particularly around your middle, markedly increasing

    the risk of developing diabetes and heart disease. It

    can certainly lead to a condition called insulin resist-

    ance, which, if left untreated, can result in diabetes.

    This condition can leave you feeling fatigued most of

    the time because your body cells do not receive

    enough glucose needed for energy. If you have a

    chubby middle, then see your naturopath or practi-

    tioner to check if you have insulin resistance and

    take steps to correct the condition.

    2. Maintain a healthy weight. Excess weight, aside

    from increasing the risk of diabetes and heart dis-

    eases, creates stress on your body that can hasten

    degenerative changes in major joints such as the

    knees and hips, leading to arthritis. When you

    maintain a healthy weight, you will have more ener-

    gy, will remain youthful for longer and your body

    will be much healthier in every way. Look at our

    weight-reducing strategies on page 10.

    3. Exercise most days of the week. Not only is exer-

    cise an excellent way to manage stress, it also

    helps to: reduce and prevent depression; lower

    your risk of developing diabetes, heart disease and

    cancer; and slows the ageing process. It may inter-

    est you to know that muscle loss and fat storagedue to inactivity is a major biomarker of ageing.

    Reversing both can increase your longevity very

    nicely. When your body is fit and your muscles are

    toned, you have much greater energy to thrive on

    and can enjoy life to the max.

    10 ways to live well and feel great | 15

    4. Get good quality sleep. If anxiety is preventing or

    disturbing your sleep, follow our stress management

    strategies on page 17. Sleep is the number onebattery recharger. Poor sleep, or lack of sleep,

    means your energy reserves cannot be well replen-

    ished and can lead to exhaustion, excess stress and

    depression. You need around seven to eight hours

    sleep each night to ensure you feel vital and vibrant.

    5. Reward yourself often. We both work very hard yet

    still make a point of doing things we find uplifting.

    We find it crucial to our sense of wellbeing.

    Everyone enjoys different rewards but think about

    visiting art galleries, seeing a good movie, dining

    out, going to the theatre, having weekends away,

    going to the beach, going shopping, taking time

    out to read, cooking great meals, going for a stroll,

    and having a decent holiday break every year.

    Rewards take us away from the demands of daily

    life and help us recharge our batteries ready for the

    next busy time ahead.

    6. Spend time with other people. Many people tend

    to cut themselves off socially if they are overly busy.

    We are not meant to be islands and isolation canlead to depression. Make sure you factor time into

    your life for your family and friends as this will help

    keep you emotionally balanced. Remember the

    importance of having a good laugh it is very ther-

    apeutic, and the best opportunities for laughter

    come from spending time with other people.

    7. Keep a positive attitude. If you keep up with exer-

    cise, give yourself regular rewards and eat well, a

    positive attitude is pretty easy to achieve. It is well

    known that you get more of what you focus on. If

    you focus on how fortunate you are to have good

  • 8/11/2019 The Eat Well Cookbook


    health and a good life, you get more of the same.

    Likewise, if you focus on whats lacking in your life

    you will attract more dissatisfaction. If you feel your-

    self spiralling into the abyss of negative thinking, do

    what you can to pull yourself out. Look at our man-

    aging stress strategies on page 17 or read about

    using positive statements on page 13. Having a

    good laugh will pull you out of the blues, as will

    some strenuous exercise. It also helps to look at the

    big picture. We can so easily become bogged

    down by the petty things in life and forget to appre-

    ciate the little joyous moments. Make sure you

    spend time with people who are positive as those

    negative ones will always drag your energy down,

    leaving you feel drained. Negativity is quite catch-

    ing, but so is optimism.

    8. Strive to be successful and enjoy what you do.Follow your passion and you will find your pursuits

    truly rewarding. This is such an important element

    of feeling great, as you would know if you have

    ever worked in a job that you dont enjoy. It can

    be quite debilitating to your body, mind and spirit

    to remain stuck in a situation such as this. If you

    feel its impossible to change your job situation,then follow your passion through your hobbies and

    in your spare time. Who knows, it may eventually

    lead to great changes in your life. Being successful

    doesnt mean anything more than feeling pleased

    with what you have accomplished as you review

    your day before you go to sleep at night.

    Whatever you are doing, strive to do it to the bestof your abilities as this is an essential part of build-

    ing self-esteem and feelings of self-worth. You will

    feel great if you have healthy self-esteem and value

    what you have to offer.

    9. Have several alcohol free days (AFDs) each week.

    It is good practice to give your body a break from

    alcohol every week. Many people feel more ener-

    getic if they abstain during the working week.

    Alcohol is a depressant and should be avoided if

    you are feeling flat or depressed. Alcohol also adds

    quite a few kilojoules into your day and can cause

    your weight to slowly creep up if those kilojoules

    are not used for energy. There are lots of pluses as

    a result of cutting down alcohol, but there are also

    lots of pluses from enjoying a very good drop of

    wine. As with everything, balance is the key.

    10.Take some basic supplements. Your body will func-

    tion more efficiently if you have a good multivitamin

    and mineral supplement every day. If you are prone

    to sore joints or arthritis, add in a supplement con-

    taining glucosamine, which is excellent joint food. If

    you have inflammation, then fish oil (EPA/DHA) is

    essential for its anti-inflammatory properties. Finally,

    some daily fibre in the form of psyllium husks will

    help to keep you regular and will help lower your

    blood cholesterol. Your naturopath will also be able

    to advise you on specific supplements for any par-

    ticular health condition you may have.

    16 | the eat well cookbook

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    strategies for managing

    general stressEat well. Dont give in to cravings for sugary, fatty processed foods as they will

    make you feel worse.

    Exercise daily. Both aerobic and weight resistance exercise are effective in

    reducing insulin resistance and they stimulate the release of endorphins, or feel-goodhormones, in the brain.

    Avoid alcohol.

    Take time outeach day to relax, doing something you enjoy.

    Have a good laugh. Laughing, like exercise, releases endorphins.

    Breathe deeply. When you are stressed you tend to take shallow breaths and this

    creates a physical stress. Remind yourself to take long slow deep breaths that fill your

    lungs and expand your abdomen. Practise inhaling and exhaling for a longer time to

    gain the full benefits of the relaxation and stress release.

    Listen to soothing music.

    Have a regular massage. Part of your bodys stress response is that you will

    hold tension in your muscles. Most people find their back, shoulder and neck

    muscles are most affected.

    Stretch tense muscles each day, particularly if your work involves sitting down most

    of the day writing or at your computer.

    10 ways to live well and feel great | 17

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  • 8/11/2019 The Eat Well Cookbook


    breakfastOne major mistake people make is to skip breakfast. This meal isterribly important because it helps to rev up your metabolism after

    the fast during the night. If you cant face breakfast early, then

    make your breakfast time a bit later or at least start the day with

    an easy-to-drink protein powder and fruit smoothie. If you miss

    breakfast, or any other meal, your metabolism is likely to slow

    down a little which makes putting on weight much more likely.

    We have covered most bases in this section, from more

    substantial weekend breakfast dishes, to lighter weekday options.

    If you eat breakfast out, try to avoid greasy bacon and sausages,

    as these will only add to your waistline, not to mention your

    cholesterol levels. If you must indulge, then do so but only on

    the odd occasion.

    Another important morning tip is to drink a couple of large glassesof water to hydrate your body. This can be in the form of herbal

    tea or water with a squeeze of lemon or lime juice if you like.

    JAN: I always go for a walk on the beach

    (and a swim in summer) before breakfast which

    makes a wonderful start to the day. I tend to have

    a protein powder and berry smoothie (based on

    soy or rice milk, rice protein or isolated whey

    protein and berries) with a small bowl of gluten-

    free muesli in summer or porridge in winter. That

    mix keeps me chugging along nicely all through

    the morning. I might have a few nuts or a piece

    of fruit mid-morning, but I am usually too busy atthe clinic. I focus on eating this good balance of

    nutrients to keep my energy levels stable during

    the day so that I dont fall in a heap at the end. It

    makes an amazing difference to eat this way

    (see Ten Ways To Eat Well, page x) and my

    clients always comment on how good they feel

    when they change their habits.

    KATHY: When I first met Jan (about 15 years

    ago), I used to skip breakfast or just grab an

    apple on the run, and wondered why I always

    felt so run down. Its still not my favourite meal of

    the day, but after listening to Jan, I now think

    about it more and make sure I eat something

    substantial in the morning, and its not surprising

    that I feel so much better for it. In winter I love

    porridge with banana or rhubarb and in summer,

    our gluten-free Nut & Seed Muesli (page 22)

    with seasonal fruit, such as mango or peaches,

    and soy milk. Like Jan, I rise early and walk and

    swim in the mornings, plus drink lots of water.

    Water is a key element of my diet and I drink

    at least 2 litres (64 fl oz) a day. It keeps me

    hydrated and works wonders for my ageing skin.

  • 8/11/2019 The Eat Well Cookbook


    buckwheat & blueberry souffl

    pancakes with scented hazelnut syrupPeople who love pancakes can enjoy this recipe without being overly concerned about their waistline. This makes a special

    breakfast or brunch for lazy weekends or holidays.

    20 | the eat well cookbook

    1 cup (5 oz) gluten-free

    self-raising flour

    1 cup (5 oz) buckwheat flour

    2 tbsp gluten-free gluten substitute

    2 tsp gluten-free baking powder

    12 tsp ground cinnamon

    20 g (34 oz) hazelnut meal

    114 cups (10 fl oz) low-fat soyor rice milk

    4 eggs, separated

    1 tbsp pure maple syrup

    112 cups (7 oz) fresh or

    thawed frozen blueberries

    macadamia oil, to grease


    13 cup (134 oz) hazelnuts

    2 cups (16 fl oz) unsweetened

    100% apple juice

    1 vanilla bean, split lenghtwise

    3 cm (114 in) piece

    cinnamon stick

    112 tbsp pure maple syrup

    To make Scented Hazelnut Syrup, spread hazelnuts on an oven tray and toast at 180C

    (350F) for 78 minutes or until lightly browned and fragrant. Place nuts in a clean tea

    towel and rub vigorously to remove skins. Roughly chop the nuts and set aside.

    Bring apple juice, vanilla and cinnamon to the boil in a saucepan over medium heat.

    Simmer, uncovered, for 810 minutes or until reduced by half. Stir in hazelnuts and

    maple syrup and set aside to cool slightly.

    Sift flour, buckwheat flour, gluten substitute, baking powder and cinnamon into a

    large bowl. Stir in hazelnut meal and make a well in the centre.

    Whisk together milk, 13 cup (212 fl oz) water, egg yolks and maple syrup. Gradually

    stir into the flour mixture and whisk to a smooth batter. Stir in blueberries.

    Use electric beaters to whisk egg whites in a clean bowl until firm peaks form.

    Gently fold egg whites into pancake batter until combined.

    Heat a large non-stick frying pan over medium heat and brush with oil. Use a 13 cupmeasure to scoop two lots of pancake batter into pan, allowing room for spreading.

    Cook for 2 minutes or until browned underneath. Carefully turn pancakes and cook

    for 2 minutes or until puffed, browned underneath and cooked through. Line an

    oven tray with baking paper and place pancakes on tray in oven at 100C (200F) to

    keep warm. Repeat with remaining batter to make 12 pancakes, lightly brushing pan

    with oil between batches.

    To serve, place pancakes on serving plates and drizzle the syrup over the top.

    SERVES 46

    Batter can be made several hours ahead whisk egg whites and fold through justbefore cooking. Pancakes will keep warm in oven for up to an hour. Syrup will keepfor up to 1 week in refrigerator.

    G L U T E N - F R E E D A I R Y - F R E E D E T O X - F R I E N D L Y

  • 8/11/2019 The Eat Well Cookbook


    creamy bircher muesliBircher muesli in its original form was little more than oats and grated apple. Thankfully, it has evolved into something with

    infinite variations. This one is gluten-free, made with cooked rice instead of oats. If you like, add a teaspoon or two of protein

    powder to the muesli or serve with a small protein powder drink for a more substantial start to the day.

    breakfast | 21

    Combine apple, rice, yoghurt, milk, sultanas, lemon juice and psyllium in

    a bowl. Mix well. Cover and place in the refrigerator overnight to soak.

    Before serving, stir almonds and pepitas into the rice mixture and spoon

    into bowls. Top with fruit and serve.

    SERVES 2

    Muesli mixture will keep in an airtight container in refrigerator for up to 2

    days. Add the nuts and seeds just before serving.

    1 large Granny Smith apple, unpeeled,

    halved, cored, coarsely grated

    123 cups (8 oz) cooked medium-grain rice

    200 g (612 oz) carton vanilla soy yoghurt

    13 cup (212 fl oz) soy or rice milk

    2 tbsp sultanas

    2 tbsp lemon juice

    2 tsp psyllium husks14 cup (112 oz) slivered almonds, toasted

    2 tbsp pepitas (pumpkin seeds)

    13 cup (112 oz) fresh blueberries or other

    fresh fruit, to serve

    G L U T E N - F R E E D A I R Y - F R E E D E T O X - F R I E N D L Y

  • 8/11/2019 The Eat Well Cookbook


    nut & seed muesliThis muesli is rich in fibre and nutrients, so just a small serve will keep you satisfied and full of energy throughout the

    morning. We used a selection of preservative-free dried fruit apple, strawberries, wild figs and pineapple but you can use

    any preservative-free dried fruit of your choice. Serve with soy or rice milk and a dollop of soy yoghurt if you like, topped

    with some fresh fruit such as berries, mango or banana. If you can eat oats (they are not gluten-free), you could use 1 cup of

    oats in place of puffed rice.

    22 | the eat well cookbook

    212 cups (6 oz) rice bran flakes

    1 cup (134 oz) puffed rice

    1 cup (612 oz) whole buckwheat

    1 cup (112 oz) flaked coconut

    1 cup (312 oz) flaked almonds

    1 cup firmly packed (312 oz) chopped

    preservative-free dried fruit12 cup (212 oz) sultanas

    12 cup (212 oz) brazil nuts, sliced

    12 cup (212 oz) pepitas (pumpkin seeds)

    12 cup (214 oz) sunflower seeds

    12 cup (214 oz) linseeds (flax seeds)

    12 cup (212 oz) lecithin

    Combine all ingredients in a large airtight container.


    Muesli will keep in an airtight container in a cool cupboardfor up to 2 months.

    G L U T E N - F R E E D A I R Y - F R E E D E T O X - F R I E N D L Y

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  • 8/11/2019 The Eat Well Cookbook


    potato cakes with wilted spinach

    & poached eggsTo speed things along a bit, you can steam the potato and sweet potato the night before and then use two pans to poach the

    eggs. The potato cakes also make a fabulous accompaniment to meat, fish or chicken dishes.

    24 | the eat well cookbook

    720 g (1 lb 7 oz) potatoes, quartered420 g (14 oz) orange sweet potato,

    cut into 3 cm (114 in) thick slices

    2 eggs, lightly whisked

    2 tbsp chopped fresh flat-leaf

    (Italian) parsley

    2 tbsp chopped fresh chives

    212 tsp chopped fresh oregano

    extra virgin olive oil

    2 tbsp white vinegar

    8 large eggs, for poaching

    300 g (10 oz) baby spinach leaves

    SERVES 2 (hearty breakfast)SERVES 4 (light breakfast)

    Potato cake mixture can be made aday ahead and cooked up to 1 hourahead. Keep warm in the oven assuggested. Eggs can be poachedup to 30 minutes ahead. Reheat asoutlined in recipe just before serving.

    Wilt spinach close to serving.

    Steam potato and sweet potato for 20 minutes or until tender. Set aside to cool.Pass all potato through a potato ricer fitted with a medium plate into a large bowl.

    Add eggs, parsley, half the chives and oregano. Season well with salt and pepper

    and mix until combined.

    Heat a large non-stick frying pan over medium heat and brush the pan with oil to

    lightly grease. Use a 13 cup measure to scoop four lots of potato mixture into the

    pan. Use a spatula to flatten slightly and smooth the top, and cook for 23

    minutes or until browned underneath. Carefully turn cakes and cook for 23

    minutes or until browned. Line an oven tray with baking paper. Place potato

    cakes on tray in oven at 100C (200F) to keep warm. Repeat with remaining

    potato mixture, brushing the pan with oil between batches.

    Bring a saucepan of salted water to the boil, add vinegar, then reduce to a gentle

    simmer. Carefully break 1 egg into a small bowl. Use a wooden spoon to swirl the

    water in the pan to create a whirlpool. Tip egg into centre of whirlpool and cook for34 minutes or until set on the outside. Use a slotted spoon to lift egg onto a plate

    lined with paper towel. Continue cooking eggs, placing on the plate when done.

    Meanwhile, heat 1 tablespoon oil in a large saucepan over medium heat. Add

    spinach, cover and cook, tossing leaves occasionally, for 34 minutes or until

    wilted. Season with salt and pepper and set aside.

    Carefully lift eggs from plate and return to saucepan of hot water to heat for 1minute. Lift onto paper towel to drain quickly.

    Place potato cakes onto serving plates, top with some spinach and finish with a

    poached egg. Sprinkle with remaining chives and serve immediately.

    G L U T E N - F R E E D A I R Y - F R E E D E T O X - F R I E N D L Y

  • 8/11/2019 The Eat Well Cookbook


    scrambled eggsThis is our favourite basic scrambled egg recipe. The secret to perfect eggs is to scrape a flat spoon across the base of the

    pan, as described below, dont stir the eggs. We have added a few variations. Halve the recipe if you would like to serve 2.



    Whisk eggs and milk in a bowl. Stir in chives and season well withsalt and pepper.

    Heat oil in a frying pan over medium heat. Add egg mixture and cook

    until the mixture begins to set underneath. Use a flat-tipped wooden

    spoon to scrape along base of pan from one side to the other to create

    clouds of cooked egg. Continue drawing the spoon along base of pan

    until eggs are almost set (the mixture should be a little unset on top).

    Spoon onto gluten-free toast to serve.

    SERVES 4

    Eggs are best cooked just before serving.


    * Before cooking the eggs, stir in 100 g (312 oz) chopped smoked

    salmon, 1 tablespoon drained tiny capers and 1 tablespoon finely grated

    lemon rind. Cook as above but it is unnecessary to season with salt as

    the salmon and capers are salty.

    * Before cooking the eggs, stir in 1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley, 1

    tablespoon chopped fresh basil and 1 teaspoon fresh thyme leaves.

    8 eggs34 cup (6 fl oz) soy milk

    2 tbsp chopped fresh chives

    2 tsp light olive oil

    Yeast-free Hi-fibre Bread (page 146),

    to serve

    G L U T E N - F R E E D A I R Y - F R E E D E T O X - F R I E N D L Y

  • 8/11/2019 The Eat Well Cookbook


    indian-style eggsThis divine breakfast dish is based on a recipe by Ajoy Joshi, from our favourite Indian restaurant in Sydney Nilgiris. If you

    prefer a little more heat, add an extra chilli or serve with a little chopped fresh chilli . A serve of two eggs per person is a hearty

    breakfast that will keep you going for hours. As part of a brunch meal, however, you can easily serve one egg per person.


    the eat well cookbook

    2 tbsp light olive oil

    2 tsp coriander seeds, lightly crushed2 brown onions, finely chopped

    1 leek, white section thinly sliced

    pinch sea salt

    1 tbsp finely chopped fresh ginger

    2 large cloves garlic, finely chopped

    12 tsp ground turmeric

    800 g (1 lb 10 oz) ripe tomatoes,

    finely chopped

    2 small fresh red chillies, seeded,

    finely chopped

    12 cup chopped fresh coriander


    8 eggs

    Yeast-free Hi-fibre Bread (page 146),

    to serve

    Heat oil in a large frying pan over medium heat. Add coriander seeds and

    cook for 30 seconds or until fragrant. Add onions, leek and salt and cook,

    stirring often, for 10 minutes or until golden.

    Add ginger, garlic and turmeric and cook, stirring, for 1 minute. Add

    tomatoes, chillies and 2 tablespoons water, bring to a simmer and cook,

    stirring occasionally, for 8 minutes or until tomatoes are saucy. Stir in

    coriander and season well with salt and pepper.

    Spread mixture evenly over the base of pan. Make a hollow in the tomato

    mixture, then break an egg into the hollow. Continue with remaining 7

    eggs, spacing them evenly. Cover and cook for 8 minutes for slightly soft

    yolks or 10 minutes for firm yolks.

    Spoon eggs and sauce into serving bowls and serve with gluten-free bread.

    SERVES 48

    The tomato mixture can be made a day ahead and reheated in panbefore adding eggs.

    G L U T E N - F R E E D A I R Y - F R E E D E T O X - F R I E N D L Y

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  • 8/11/2019 The Eat Well Cookbook


    28 | the eat well cookbook G L U T E N - F R E E D A I R Y - F R E E

    home-style baked beansYou will never venture into canned baked beans again once you have tried the real thing. In fact, you may want to serve our

    baked beans for lunch and dinner as well as breakfast. It is a fabulous recipe because you can leave it in the oven and get on with

    other things while it transforms into a saucy, scrumptious dish. To cook as a detox recipe, reduce the maple syrup to 3 teaspoons.

    1 tbsp olive oil

    1 large brown onion, chopped

    1 large carrot, finely chopped

    1 celery stick, finely chopped

    1 large red capsicum (pepper), chopped

    2 large cloves garlic, finely chopped

    1 small fresh red chilli, seeded, finely


    375 g (12 oz) dried navy beans (or

    haricot beans), soaked in cold water

    overnight, drained

    800 g (1 lb 10 oz) can diced tomatoes

    in juice

    1 tbsp gluten-free Dijon mustard

    2 bay leaves

    4 sprigs fresh thyme

    1 tsp ground paprika

    2 tbsp pure maple syrup

    2 tbsp chopped fresh flat leaf

    (Italian) parsley

    Heat the oil in a flameproof casserole dish over medium heat.

    Add onion and cook, stirring often, for 10 minutes or until light golden.

    Add carrot, celery, capsicum, garlic and chilli and cook, stirring

    occasionally, for 5 minutes.

    Add drained beans, tomatoes, mustard, bay leaves, thyme and paprika.

    Stir in 21/2 cups (20 fl oz) water and bring to the boil. Cover and bake at

    160C (315F) for 3 hours, stirring the beans after 2 hours and adding

    extra water if needed, or until beans are tender.

    Stir in maple syrup and parsley and season well with salt and pepper.

    SERVES 8

    Beans can be made up to 2 days ahead. Beans can be frozen in smaller

    quantities for up to 2 months. Thaw in refrigerator as needed and reheaton the stove.

  • 8/11/2019 The Eat Well Cookbook


    quinoa & rice porridge

    with linseeds & dried vine fruitIf you cant eat oats, heres a delicious alternative to classical porridge.

    breakfast | 29

    Combine quinoa, rice flakes, sultanas, currants, linseeds and 2 cups (16 fl

    oz) water in a medium saucepan. Bring to the boil over medium heat.

    Reduce heat to low and cook, covered, stirring often, for 3 minutes or

    until mixture reaches a porridge consistency.

    Spoon into serving bowls and sprinkle with a little brown sugar. Serve

    with the milk.

    SERVES 2

    Porridge is best made close to serving.

    12 cup (134 oz) quinoa flakes

    12 cup (2 oz) rolled brown rice flakes

    2 tbsp sultanas

    2 tbsp currants

    1 tbsp linseeds (flax seeds)

    brown sugar, to serve

    soy or rice milk, to serve

    G L U T E N - F R E E D A I R Y - F R E E D E T O X - F R I E N D L Y

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  • 8/11/2019 The Eat Well Cookbook


    french toast with fruit compoteThis is a wonderful recipe for French toast for people who cant eat gluten. You can use our Yeast-free Hi-fibre Bread

    (page 146), which is also gluten-free, or buy an uncut loaf of gluten-free bread if you prefer. If you cant find wild figs,

    use chopped dried figs. The fruit compote can be served warm or cold.

    breakfast | 31

    To make Dried Fruit Compote, place apple juice, apples, figs, sultanas,

    raisins and cinnamon in a saucepan. Bring to a simmer over medium heat.

    Reduce heat to low, cover and cook, stirring gently occasionally, for 15

    minutes or until fruit is plump and tender. Set aside to cool.

    Whisk together eggs, milk and maple syrup in a bowl until combined.

    Place bread slices in a shallow dish in a single layer and pour egg mixture

    over the top. Carefully turn bread to coat in the egg mixture. Set aside for

    10 minutes or until all egg mixture has soaked into the bread.

    Heat a large non-stick frying pan over medium-high heat. Brush with oil to

    lightly grease. Add enough bread slices to fit comfortably in the pan and

    cook for 2 minutes or until golden underneath. Carefully turn the slices

    and cook for 2 minutes or until golden. Line an oven tray with baking paper

    and place bread on tray in oven at 100C (200F) to keep warm. Repeat with

    remaining bread slices, brushing the pan with oil before cooking.

    Place the toast onto serving plates and serve warm with the fruit compote.

    SERVES 4

    Dried Fruit Compote will keep, covered, in refrigerator for up to 1 week.French toast can be cooked 1 hour ahead. Keep warm in oven, as suggested.

    4 eggs

    1 cup (8 fl oz) soy or rice milk

    1 tbsp pure maple syrup

    8 slices of 1.5 cm (58 in) thick

    gluten-free bread

    macadamia oil


    113 cup (1012 fl oz) unsweetened

    100% apple juice

    1 cup (134 oz) halved preservative-free

    dried apple slices

    12 cup (212 oz) halved dried wild figs

    12 cup (212 oz) sultanas

    12 cup (134 oz) raisins

    3 cm (114 in) piece cinnamon stick

    G L U T E N - F R E E D A I R Y - F R E E D E T O X - F R I E N D L Y

  • 8/11/2019 The Eat Well Cookbook


    apple breakfast muffinsFor people in a rush in the morning, our breakfast muffins provide a well-balanced meal that will give you sustained energy

    throughout the morning. We used unflavoured soy protein powder, or you could use whey protein or rice protein powder if

    you prefer. Buy these from health food stores. You can also bake the mixture in small 1/3 cup (21/2fl oz) muffin pans which

    will take about 25 minutes to cook.

    32 | the eat well cookbook

    macadamia or light olive oil, to grease

    3 cups (15 oz) gluten-free all-purpose

    flour pre-mix

    13 cup (114 oz) protein powder

    112 tbsp gluten-free baking powder

    3 tsp ground cinnamon

    12 tsp ground cardamom

    12 cup firmly packed (312 oz)brown sugar

    2 red apples, peeled, cored,

    finely chopped

    1 cup (5 oz) currants

    14 cup (112 oz) sunflower seeds

    14 cup (112 oz) linseeds (flax seeds)

    3 eggs

    112 cups (12 fl oz) light soy milk

    or rice milk

    100 ml (312 fl oz) macadamia

    or light olive oil

    140 g (412 oz) container apple puree

    Brush 12 x 23 -cup (5 fl oz) muffin pans with oil to lightly grease.

    Sift flour, protein powder, baking powder, cinnamon and cardamom into a

    large bowl. Add sugar, apples, currants and seeds and mix well.

    Whisk eggs, milk, oil and apple puree together in a separate bowl. Add to

    dry ingredients and mix with a large spoon until just combined.

    Spoon mixture into muffin pans and bake at 180C (350F), swapping

    around after 20 minutes, for 3032 minutes or until lightly browned andcooked when tested with a skewer (the skewer will be a little sticky). Set

    aside to cool in pans for a few minutes then transfer to a wire rack to cool


    MAKES 12

    Muffins will keep in an airtight container for up to 2 days. Freeze,

    wrapped individually for up to 2 months. Thaw in refrigerator. Can bewarmed in oven.

    G L U T E N - F R E E D A I R Y - F R E E

  • 8/11/2019 The Eat Well Cookbook


    protein powder & berry smoothieUse your favourite protein powder in this recipe aiming for about 20 g of pure protein (check the nutrition information on the

    product) the amount you use will depend on the product. We have given two options for fruit, but you can use any soft

    seasonal fruit such as mango, custard apple, persimmon and all other berries.

    breakfast | 33

    Place the ingredients in a jug and use a hand-held blender to combine. Or

    mix in a blender.


    In place of blueberries, use 1 small ripe banana and the pulp of

    1 to 2 passionfruit.

    Add 3 tsp freshly ground linseeds and 1 tsp psyllium husks before

    blending for a healthy dose of omega-3 fatty acids and increased

    dietary fibre. Serve immediately as these additions will thicken the

    drink on standing.

    250ml soy or rice milk

    2-3 tbsp protein powder, approximately

    13 cup fresh or frozen blueberries

    G L U T E N - F R E E D A I R Y - F R E E D E T O X - F R I E N D L Y

  • 8/11/2019 The Eat Well Cookbook


  • 8/11/2019 The Eat Well Cookbook


    KATHY: I love lunch and I get quite excited about

    it. During the week I keep it pretty simple. If Im

    working at home I have a salad, like the Roasted

    Vegetable & Lentil Salad (page 176), or our Leafy

    Green Salad (page 176), with some Hummus

    (page 177) and vegetables added. When I am

    working at Manna from Heaven, we cook a staff

    lunch every day and its pot luck. If its pasta and I

    am detoxing, I always have a can of tuna on hand

    and I make a salad. On the days when Im outand about, I usually lean towards Asian food,

    maybe a soup or a stir-fry with tofu. On the

    weekend, its a different matter. Because I love to

    cook so much, I take the time to make something a

    little more elaborate, usually with seafood. I often

    prepare dishes on the weekend that I can eat

    during the coming week, such as the WarmPumpkin, Beetroot & Chickpea Salad with Tahini

    Sauce (page 78).

    JAN: I almost always take my own lunch when Im

    working at my clinic (I think home-prepared food

    always tastes so much better and is much easier

    because I prefer to avoid gluten and dairy). Lunchis always a protein of some kind with vegetables

    or salad and sometimes rice or noodles or gluten-

    free bread. Often I take leftovers from the night

    before. If I need to buy lunch, I might get a salad

    and have a protein powder drink or get some

    fresh rice paper rolls and a salad. On weekends,

    lunch might be an open sandwich with salad and

    our Hummus (page 177) or maybe a yummy egg

    spread that Gavin makes, soup with bread or our

    Roasted Vegetable & Lentil Salad (page 176).

    Depends on the season, the mood and whats on.

    lunchWhether you are planning a long, lazy weekend lunch or wantingsomething fast and simple to prepare during a busy week, you will

    find recipes here to suit you.

    We suggest you buy your dry goods on a weekly basis, but shop

    for fresh ingredients daily if you have the time. If you cook with

    the seasons, you will be rewarded with flavours at their best.

    We buy organic or free-range produce and shop at growers

    markets, if possible. You meet some remarkable characters, you

    learn a lot about what you are eating, and its wonderful to

    develop a relationship with the farmer.

    There is a cross-section of recipes here, with tastes from around

    the world, using fresh herbs and spices liberally, to give you a

    full-flavoured experience.

    Many of these dishes can be prepared in advance and are ideal

    to pack for a working lunch. If you have to buy your lunch and

    have allergies or sensitivities, it can be difficult to buy prepared

    meals or salads that are free of suspect foods. Remember you

    can always buy salad ingredients accompanied by some sort of

    protein such as chicken, salmon, boiled egg or meat from places

    that sell sandwiches. Ask them to fill a takeaway container with a

    good selection and perhaps take your own gluten-free bread or

    some of our Big Rice Salad (page 175).

    If you are entertaining, many of the dishes in this section can be

    served as an entree.

  • 8/11/2019 The Eat Well Cookbook


    chicken, leek & potato soup

    with peasPoached chicken is one of our favourite foods because it is very versatile and the flavours are so pure. You will have some

    chicken left over from this recipe, which you can use in a salad, such as Asian-style Chicken & Crab Salad with Pink

    Grapefruit (page x), or simply make delicious chicken sandwiches. This satisfying soup is also great as a main course, but

    you will need to increase the quantity.

    36 | the eat well cookbook G L U T E N - F R E E D A I R Y - F R E E D E T O X - F R I E N D L Y L U N C H B O X

    1.5 kg (3 lb) chicken

    1 carrot, coarsely chopped

    1 onion, halved

    6 black peppercorns

    4 stalks fresh parsley

    1 tbsp olive oil

    1 leek, trimmed and chopped

    500 g (1 lb) Sebago potatoes, chopped

    into 2 cm (34 in) pieces

    200 g (612 oz) peas, podded

    1 tbsp small fresh mint leaves

    extra virgin olive oil, to serve

    Yeast-free Hi-fibre Bread (page 146),

    to serve

    Rinse chicken with cold water, then place in a stockpot and cover with

    water. Add carrot, onion, peppercorns and parsley stalks and bring slowly

    to the boil, skimming scum from surface, then simmer over low heat for

    30 minutes. Turn off heat and cool chicken in pot for 30 minutes. Remove

    chicken and strain stock. Cool stock and remove fat from surface. You will

    need 1.5 litres (48 fl oz) stock. Reserve remaining stock for another use.

    Halve chicken and reserve one half for another use. Remove skin and

    bones from remaining chicken and tear meat into bite-sized pieces.

    Heat oil in a large saucepan and cook leek, covered, over low heat until

    soft, adding a little water if sticking to pan. Add potatoes, peas and the

    6 cups (48 fl oz) of stock, bring to the boil, then cook over medium heat

    for about 20 minutes or until potatoes and peas are tender. Add chickento pan, season to taste and cook over low heat until chicken is warm.

    Sprinkle soup with mint leaves, drizzle with extra virgin olive oil and serve

    with the bread.

    SERVES 4

    Soup can be prepared a day ahead.

  • 8/11/2019 The Eat Well Cookbook


    h k k & l

  • 8/11/2019 The Eat Well Cookbook


    chicken, pork & veal terrine

    with beetroot salsaThe rich flavours of this terrine are perfectly complemented by the freshness of the beetroot salsa. You could also serve it with

    roasted witlof or asparagus, or try it with Baby Spinach & Pomegranate Seed Salad (page 176). Its great to take on picnics.

    Minced pork and chicken can sometimes be fatty, so give your butcher a few days notice and ask him to mince lean meat for you.

    38 | the eat well cookbook G L U T E N - F R E E D A I R Y - F R E E L U N C H B O X

    10 slices prosciutto, trimmed of fat

    250 g (8 oz) lean minced (ground) pork

    250 g (8 oz) lean minced

    (ground) chicken

    2 tbsp shelled pistachios, peeled

    1 egg, lightly beaten

    good pinch ground allspice

    1 lemon, peeled, segmented and

    coarsely chopped

    2 large eschalots (French shallots), finely


    2 tbsp chopped fresh chives

    2 chicken thigh fillets, trimmed of fat

    160 g (5 oz) veal escalopes

    rocket (arugula) leaves and Olive &

    Thyme Focaccia (page 148), to serve


    3 large beetroot (beets), trimmed

    2 tbsp olive oil

    1 tbsp balsamic vinegar

    2 tbsp chopped fresh chives

    To make Beetroot Salsa, wrap beetroot in foil, place on an oven tray and

    roast at 200C (400F) for 4560 minutes or until beetroot are tender.

    Remove foil and, when cool enough to handle, peel away skin. Cut

    beetroot into 1 cm (12 in) dice, combine with remaining salsa ingredients

    and season to taste.

    Line a 1.5-litre (48 fl oz) capacity loaf pan with two-thirds of the

    prosciutto, leaving it to overhang the sides of the pan.

    Combine minced pork, minced chicken, pistachios, egg, allspice, lemon,

    eschalots and chives and season liberally to taste. Place half the minced

    meat mixture in base of pan, top with chicken, veal and remaining

    mince mixture. Place remaining prosciutto slices on top and then fold

    overhanging prosciutto over. Cover with a double layer of foil, place in a

    roasting pan and pour in enough hot water to come halfway up sides of the

    loaf pan. Bake at 180C (350F) for 1 hour or until meat juices run clear.

    Remove terrine from oven and place a weight on it while it cools. Remove

    from loaf pan and scrape away jelly from around terrine. Cover and

    refrigerate. Serve sliced with Beetroot Salsa, rocket leaves and focaccia.

    SERVES 8 (entree)

    SERVES 46 ( lunch)

    Terrine can be prepared a day ahead.

  • 8/11/2019 The Eat Well Cookbook


    i t d il ith

  • 8/11/2019 The Eat Well Cookbook


    marinated quail with

    red cabbage saladIf you have time, prepare the quails the day before and leave them to marinate overnight, as this will really enhance the

    flavours. Dont be put off the recipe if you dont have the luxury of time they are still delicious with only 30 minutes of

    marinating. If you cant get quail, use chicken thigh fillets or trimmed duck breasts.

    40 | the eat well cookbook G L U T E N - F R E E D A I R Y - F R E E D E T O X - F R I E N D L Y L U N C H B O X

    4 large quail

    250 g (8 oz) red cabbage,

    thinly shredded

    150 g (5 oz) Chinese cabbage,

    thinly shredded

    1 tsp salt

    2 tbsp toasted sesame seeds4 green (spring) onions (scallions), sliced

    on the diagonal

    1 large fresh green chilli, sliced

    12 cup firmly packed torn fresh mint


    freshly ground black pepper

    vegetable oil

    lime wedges, to serve


    14 cup (2 fl oz) wheat-free tamari sauce

    2 tsp five-spice powder

    1 cinnamon stick

    2 cloves garlic, sliced

    2 cm (34 in) piece fresh ginger, sliced

    2 tsp sugar

    juice of 1 lime

    To make Marinade, combine all ingredients.

    Cut quail in half down either side of backbone and discard backbone. Cut

    in half through breastbone. Place quail, skin-side up, on a cooking rack

    over a roasting pan and pour boiling water over the quail. Transfer quail to

    a bowl and pour marinade over. Cover and marinate for 5 hours or

    overnight in refrigerator.

    Place both cabbages in a bowl, add the salt, toss to combine and stand for

    30 minutes. Combine cabbage, sesame seeds, green onions, chilli and mint

    and season with black pepper.

    Drain quail and reserve marinade. Brush quail with oil, brown in a non-

    stick frying pan and place on an oven tray. Roast at 200C (400F) for 10

    minutes, then rest, loosely covered, in a warm place for 10 minutes. Place

    strained marinade ingredients in a saucepan, add any juices from quail and

    simmer over low heat for 2 minu
