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i THE EFFECT OF BRAINSTORMING TECHNIQUE ON STUDENTS’ COMPETENCE OF VIII GRADE STUDENTS AT SMPN 23 JAMBI THESIS Submitted to fulfilled one of the reuirements to obtain the Undergraduate Degree (S1) in English Education Program of Faculty of Education and Teaching Training of State University Sulthan Thaha Saifudin Jambi PITRA LOKA TE. 141024 ENGLISH EDUCATION PROGRAM FACULTY OF EDUCATION AND TEACHER’S TRAINING THE STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY SULTHAN THAHA SAIFUDDIN JAMBI 2019





Submitted to fulfilled one of the reuirements to obtain the Undergraduate Degree (S1) in English Education Program of Faculty of Education and Teaching Training of State University Sulthan Thaha Saifudin Jambi






FAKULTAS ILMU TARBIYAH DAN KEGURUAN Alamat: FakultasIlmuTarbiyahKeguruan

Jl. Jambi – Ma. BulianKM. 16 Simp. Sungai Duren Muara Jambi 36363


The Dean Faculty of Education and Teacher Training

The State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

In Jambi


After reading, giving guidance, and making necessary correction, we agree that the thesis of

Name : Pitra Loka

NIM : TE.141024

Department : English Education Program

Title : The Effect Of Brainstorming Technique On Students’ Competence Of VIII Grade Students At SMPN 23 Jambi.

Could be submitted to munaqasah exam as one of the requirement for the

undergraduate degree (S1) in English Education Program faculty of Education and


Teacher Training the State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

So, we submit it in order to be examined soon.

We could say thanks for attention


Jambi, May 17th 2019

Advisor I Drs. A. Marzuki Arsyad Ash, M.Ag. NIP. 195502121980031003

Advisor II Hilma Suryani, M.Pd NIP. 198612262015 032005




Name : Pitra Loka

Subject : English Education Program

Title : The Effect Of Brainstorming Technique On Students’ Competence Of

VIII Grade Students At SMPN 23 Jambi.

This research was aims to analyze or find out the effect using Brainstorming strategy. This research was conducted on the students of class VIII SMPN 23 Jambi. The background of the problem in this study is that students are less motivated in writing. Therefore researcher use Brainstorming to improve students' understanding in Writing. In this research, researcher used the quasi experimental design, writer use 2 class that is class VIII 2 as experiment class which use Brainstorming strategy and class VIII 1 as control class using teacher strategy. The material taught is descriptive text. The instrument used is writing test. At the end of the meeting, the researcher gives the posttest. The final mean scores gained from both classes was analyzed by using T- test with significance level ɑ = 0.05. The results of the research show that there is a significant influence by using Brainstorming strategy in writing. The mean score of pre-test in experimental class was 36.11 with minimum score was 25 and maximum score was 67. The mean score of post-test in experimental class was 59.44 with minimum score was 32 and maximum score was 82. Meanwhile, the mean score of pre-test of control group was 36.06 with minimum score was 25 and maximum score was 58. The mean score of post test of control group was 51.17 with minimum score was 32 and maximum score was 72. So the researcher can conclude that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. It mean that there is significant effect of using Brainstorming strategy toward students’ writing competence at tenth grade in SMPN 23 Jambi.

Keyword : Brainstorming, Descriptive Text, The Effect Of Brainstorming Technique.



Nama : Pitra Loka

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul : Pengaruh Teknik Brainstorming Terhadap Kompetensi Siswa

Dari Siswa Kelas VIII Di SMPN 23 jambi. .

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis atau mengetahui efek dari menggunakan strategi Brainstorming. Penelitian ini dilakukan kepada siswakelasVIII SMPN 23 Jambi. Latar belakang masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah bahwa siswa kurang termotivasi dalam menulis. Oleh karena itu peneliti menggunakan Brainstorming untuk meningkatkan pemahaman siswa dalam menulis. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan desain eksperimen semu, penulis menggunakan 2 kelas yaitu kelas VIII 2 sebagai kelas eksperimen yang menggunakan strategi Brainstorming dan kelas VIII 1 sebagai kelas kontrol menggunakan strategi guru. Materi yang diajarkan adalah teks dskriptif. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah tes tertulis. Di akhir pertemuan, peneliti memberikan post test. Nilai rata-rata akhir yang diperoleh dari kedua kelas dianalisis dengan menggunakan T-test dengan tingkat signifikansi ɑ = 0,05. Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh yang signifikan dengan menggunakan strategi Brainstorming dalam pembelajaran menulis. Skor rata-rata pre test di kelas eksperimen adalah 36.11 dengan skor minimum 25 dan skor maksimum adalah 67. Skor rata-rata post test di kelas eksperimen adalah 59,44 dengan skor minimum 32 dan skor maksimum 82. Semetara itu, nilai rata-rata pre test kelompok kontrol adalah 36,06 dengan skor minimum 25 dan skor maksimum 58. Skor rata-rata post test kelompok kontrol adalah 51,17 dengan skor minimum 32 dan skor maksimum adalah 72. Jadi peneliti dapat menyimpulkan bahwa Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima. Artinya ada pengaruh yang signifikan menggunakan strategi Brainstorming terhadap kompetensi menulis pada kelas delapan di SMPN 23 Jambi

Kata kunci : Brainstorming, Descriptive text, Pengaruh teknik Brainstorming.



Thanks to Allah SWT, The most Gracious, The most Merciful

for the blessing and leading me.

I could finally finish writing this thesis.

Sholawat to the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

His coming really changed the world

Special thanks to:

My beloved parents, A. Rahman and (Almh)Yuliati and, who love and

encourage me and never stop praying for my success now and in the future with

endless love,always being with and guiding me, your prayers are really powerful.

My lovely Wife Ismi Hidayati, S. Pd, thanks for your support, love, and never

stop giving spirits to finish this thesis its make me strong and wish your dreams

will come true.

My second advisor Mrs. Hilma Suryani, M.Pd. and my first Mr. Drs. A. Marzuki Arsyad Ash, M.Ag, for your patiently, give me motivation to guiding

and teaching me to finished my thesis.

My best friends, Rio, Hendra, Rezu, Rudi, Bima, and all of my classmate’s

friends, my Kukerta’s friends, and my PPL’s friends who can not say your name

one by one, thank you for being my best friends in giving support every day,

thanks for help, suggestions and spirit in arranging this thesis,

without all of you I don’t mean.

May Allah SWT always bless us.




The meaning:

Surely with difficulty is ease. With difficulty is surely ease.

Artinya :

Karena sesungguhnya bersama kesulitan itu ada kemudahan. Sesungguhnya

bersama kesulitan itu ada kemudahan. (Q.S. Al-Insyirah:5-6)



Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamin, thank to Allah SWT because the writer could

complete this research as one of the requirements for getting undergraduate degree

(S1) in English Department of Tarbiyah faculty of State Islamic University

Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi by presenting a thesis entitled: “The Effect Of

Brainstorming Technique On Students’ Competence Of VIII Grade Students At

SMPN 23 Jambi.”

The writer would not have been completed without supports, guidance,

advice and special recognition for their invaluable help in accomplishing this

thesis. Therefore, the writer would like to express deep appreciation to:

1. Dr. H. Hadri Hasan, MA as a rector of the state Islamic University

Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

2. The vice rector I, II, III of the state Islamic University Sulthan Thaha

Saifuddin Jambi.

3. Dr. Hj. Armida, M.Pd as the dean of tarbiyah faculty and teacher

training the state Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

4. Dr. Hidayat, M.Pd, Kholid Musyaddad, M.Ag, Ilyas Idris, M.Ag as the

vice dean I, II, and III tarbiyah faculty and teacher training the state

Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

5. Amalia Nurhasanah, S.Pd, M.Hum as the chief of English study

program in tarbiyah faculty of state Islamic University Sulthan Thaha

Saifuddin Jambi.

6. Drs. A. Marzuki Arsyad Ash, M.Ag. as the first advisor who has given a

lot of input such as correction, idea, and contribution of thought and

beneficial idea toward the progress of this thesis.




TITLE PAGE........................................................................................................ ii

STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY................................................................... iii

OFFICIAL NOTE................................................................................................ iv

ABSTRACT........................................................................................................... v

ABSTRAK............................................................................................................ vi

MOTTO............................................................................................................... vii

DEDICATION................................................................................................... viii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT................................................................................... ix

TABLE OF CONTENTS..................................................................................... xi

LIST OF TABLES............................................................................................. xiv

LIST OF FIGURES............................................................................................ xv

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ........................................................................... 1

1.1. Background of the Study ................................................................................. 1

1.2. Research Question ...................................................................................... 4

1.3. Objective of the Research ................................................................................ 4

1.4. Limitation of the research ............................................................................... 5

1.5. Significance of the Research ........................................................................... 5

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE .................................. 6

2.1. Theoretical Review ...................................................................................... 6

2.2. The Conception of Writing .............................................................................. 6


2.3. Descriptive Paragraph ................................................................................ 8

2.4. Brainstorming Technique .............................................................................. 10

2.5. Assessment of Writing .................................................................................. 122

2.6. Empirical Review ........................................................................................... 144

CHAPTER III RESEARCH DESIGN ............................................................. 177

3.1. The Research Design ..................................................................................... 177

3.2. The Time and Location of the Research ................................................... 188

3.3. The Population and Sample of the Research ........................................... 188

3.4. The Technique of Collecting Data .............................................................. 199

3.6. The Technique of Data Analysis ................................................................... 20

3.7. Schedule of the Research ................................................................................ 21

CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION.............................................. 22

4.1. Finding of The Research......................................................................... 22

4.1.1. Descriptive Analysis...................................................................... 22

4.1.2. Statistical Analysis......................................................................... 30

a. The Result of Normality............................................................ 30

b. The Result of Homogenity......................................................... 31

4.2 Interpretation............................................................................................ 35

CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS...................................38

5.1. Conclusions.............................................................................................. 38

5.2. Suggestions............................................................................................... 39

REFERENCES ..................................................................................................... 40


APPENDIXES..................................................................................................... 43

CURRICULUM VITAE.........................................................................................



Table 3.1 Research Type....................................................................................... 17

Table 3.2 Target Population of Students Eight Grade SMP N 23 Kota Jambi..... 18

Table 3.3 Sample of The Eight Grade Students of SMP N 23 Kota Jambi.......... 19

Table 3.4 Schedule of The Research.................................................................... 21

Table 4.1 Scoring Grade....................................................................................... 23

Table 4.2 The Student’s Writing Result of Pre Test in Eksperimental Class....... 24

Table 4.3 The Student’s Writing Result of Pre Test in Control Class.................. 25

Table 4.4 The Student’s Writing Result of Post Test in Experiment Class......... 26

Table 4.5 The Student’s Writing Result of Post Test in Control Class................ 27

Table 4.6 Descriptive Statistic Result................................................................... 29

Table 4.7. Paired Sample Statistics....................................................................... 30

Table 4.8 Test of Normality with Kolmogorov-smirnov...................................... 30

Table. 4.9 Homogenity of Variences.................................................................... 31

Table. 4.10 Paired Samples Test........................................................................... 32

Table 4.11 Independent Sample test of Experimental Class................................. 33

Table 4.12 Independent Sample test of Control Class.......................................... 34



Figure 4.1 The percentage score of Pre-test in Experimental Class..................... 24

Figure 4.2 The Percentage of Pre-test in Control Group...................................... 25

Figure 4.3 The Percentage Score of Post-test in Experimental Group................. 26

Figure 4.4 The Percentage Score of Post-test in Control Group........................... 28




1.1 Background of the Study

Writing is a crucial ability in acquiring English. This skill sharpens the

students’ sense of language, especially for the structure, grammar, and

vocabulary aspects. Writing includes the creativity of the students in forming

messages by using many kinds of signs and combining words by words to

make a meaningful text on a page. Every day people use writing from simple

to complex, such as writing letters, notes, shopping lists, stories, etc. This

means that writing plays an important role in everyday communication.

Through writing, people can express their experiences, events, stories, and

ideas. So writing is at the core of our personal experience and social identity

that focuses on content, ideas and written products (Hyland, 2002). Nowadays,

everyone can express anything they want to express in writing and upload it to

social media, can be in the form of e-mails, and websites. In college, writing is

needed to write proposals, theses, college assignments and others. While for

writing work is needed for the profession as a journalist, editor, teacher and so

on. The better the writing skills the better the writing results.

As writing is a complex process, many aspects should be considered, such

as the diction and grammatical features as well as the organization. Writing is

not a skill that can be acquired by people naturally. As stated by Richards and

Renandya (2002: 309), written language is complex at the clause level.

According to their statements, writing consists of many constituent parts:

content, organization, originally, style, fluency, accuracy, or using appropriate

rhetorical forms of discourse. In writing, the writers need to master how to

generate ideas, how to organize sentences into a good paragraph, how to

choose appropriate vocabulary, and how to implement correct grammar rules.

That is why writing is called the most complex skill. The process of writing is

not merely about combining words into a sentence, sentences into a paragraph,

or paragraphs into a text. However, it invites the writers to communicate to


others with the piece of writing they produce. The process of writing engages

the writers to transfer what they think, react, experience into a visible form

that can be seen and understood by the readers. Therefore, when learners are

invited to write, they start to think (Hyland, 2003).

Based on curriculum 13 (K13) of junior High School, there are four

fundamental skills should be achieved by Indonesia students, namely :

reading, listening, speaking, and writing. In this case, the writer will take up

descriptive text as the source of data, because this kind of writing is relevant

to the second year students’ syllabus as well as to the goal of writing English.

The unit’s curriculum of education level of Junior High School issued that

Indonesia students must be able to express meaning in short functional written

text and simple essay of recount, narrative, descriptive, asking and giving

opinion, ask about the ability and willingness to do an action, give instructions

to (invite, prohibit, ask permission, and response), greeting card, present tense,

present continous tense, ask a comparison of the number and nature of people,

animals, objects, past tense, and notice.

This is in accordance with the experience the author had diving the Field

Practice experience (PPL) at MTsN Jambi Timur, in which the students are

less motivated in writing. Least of the students are able to write a given text.

Problems often faced by students in writing are grammar, vocabulary, and less

motivated in writing. Based on the writer observation with English Teacher

there, she stated that the students got difficulties in writing the text because

they still have limited on grammar and vocaburally. In addition, when the

writer was asked the students' opinions about their difficulties, most of them

said that they feel uninterested to write the text, because they say that is a

bored activity. Teacher only asked them to read a text, translate the sentence

and answer the question based on the text given.

In addition the preliminary observation that researcher did in SMPN 23

Kota Jambi, the researcher found that most of students’ writing skills were

relatively low. They face some problems dealing with the writing skill. Those

are ideas, grammatical features, and organization of the paragraphs. Most of


them could not generate ideas well. They tended to be stuck in generating

ideas before they really developed sentences into paragraphs. Students also

complained that they could not think of anything significant enough to write.

They spent much time at the planning stage yet they were still confused how

to start their writing. Besides, most students made grammatical mistakes in

writing. It is going to be more serious when there is no control and guidance

from the teacher. The students will not realize their mistakes and repeat the

mistakes along their writing process.

Furthermore, most students have a difficulty in organizing the paragraphs

well. They cannot put the main ideas together with the supporting details.

They do not know how to organize their ideas and some of them do not even

have any idea. Thus, the organization of the paragraphs is not good and

sometimes confusing.

Considering the facts, it is necessary to convince the students that writing

is not difficult skill to do. There are a lot of interesting techniques for teaching

writing in which students can explore their ideas to achieve their good writing

ability. One of the techniques that can make the students enjoy writing is by

using the Brainstorming technique. As stated by Brown (2001:184)

brainstorming is a technique which helps someone initiate some sort of the

thinking process. By using brainstorming activities, the students can create as

many ideas as possible and it means that they also produce sentences into

paragraphs related to the topic. This is a technique for getting ideas. It is a

process to get all possible raw materials on paper. We concentrate on writing

situation and write down every thought we do not pay attention to the

complete sentences or spelling. We just write everything that comes to mind

as much as possible. Turkenik (1998:10) states, “one way to get ideas about a

subject is to focus your thoughts on it and then let your mind run free in all

direction around it. Let your mind release a storm of ideas. This process is

called brainstorming”. Writing down the ideas helps the students remember

what they want to write and organize their ideas they have before writing a



In a more trusted scope, some researchers have conducted the studies

concerning the implementation of this technique in some other country. For

instance Tossi Ana Ari Utami (2014) have done the research about

“Improving The Ability in Writing Descriptive Text Through Brainstorming

Technique For Grade VIII Students at SMP N 1 Piyungan” and found the

result of the data analysis, it shows that use brainstorming teaching technique

affects on students’ achievement in writing. It is found that students’

achievement in writing taught by using brainstorming teaching technique is

higher than those taught by using lecturing technique.

In addition, the results of research by Rizky Ayu Mardhikaningrum (2016)

on "Using Brainstorming Techniques to Improve Writing Ability of Eighth

Grade Students in SMP N 1 Nanggulan Kulon Progo" also said that there was

a significant influence using Brainstorming Techniques on students.

'Achievement in writing descriptive texts among Indonesian students. These

studies show that although brainstorming techniques provide significant


Based on the background above, the researcher is interested to investigate

the use of brainstorming technique in improving students’ writing skill of the

eighth grade students of SMPN 23 Jambi in academic year 2018/2019.

1.2 Research Questions

This research has a question to be answered:

1) Is there difference between students taught by brainstorming

technique and those taught by teacher strategy ?

2) Is brainstorming technique effective to be used to teach writing

skill at SMPN 23 Jambi ?

1.3 Objective of the Research

Based on research question above, this research aims to find out

whether there is any significant effect of using Brainstorming technique on

the student’s writing skill and if it is effective to be used to teach writing skill.


1.4 Limitation of the research

The researcher limits the study on improving writing skill technique of

the eighth grade students of SMPN 23 Jambi by means of brainstorming as

teaching technique. The study is also limited on writing descriptive paragraph

especially in describing person, thing or place. In addition, descriptive

paragraph should have a generic structure such as identification, description

and conclusion.

1.5 Significance of the Research

Theoretically this technique can help teachers to find alternative ways

to teach writing. in terms of practice, this technique can be used as a

technique to improve students' writing skills through brainstorming

techniques. For other researchers, this study can provide general knowledge

of how to improve students' writing skills in writing specifically in writing

descriptive texts.




2.1. Theoretical Review

The scientific investigation which is expected to contribute both theoretical

and practical significance should be conducted on the basis of some relevant

theoretical constructs and empirical evidences. The present study will be

conducted on the ground of the following theoretical bases:

2.2. The Concept of Writing

Writing is one of the four skills that should be learnt and mastered in

language learning. Patel and Jain (2008:125) state that writing is a kind of

linguistic behaviour; a picture is not. It presents the sounds of language through

visual symbols. Writing may be very important for one group of students but

much less important for others. Writing is essential features of learning a language

because it provides a very good means of foxing the vocabulary, spelling, and

sentence pattern. Writing is the most efficiently acquired when practice in writing

parallels practice in the other skills. It provides an excellent consolidating activity.

Urquhart and McIver (2005:3) stated that writing is a process of exploration

that offers benefits to students and content area teachers alike. As students write to

make their ideas clear and comprehensible, they experience the fun of discovery,

and so do their teachers. Writing is concerned it is much more difficult to identify

a central theme to the discussions about teaching (Wyse and Jones, 2001:113).

McDonald and McDonald (2002:7) argue that writing is usefully described

as a process, something which shows continuous change in time like growth in

organic nature. Different things happen at different stages in the process of putting

thoughts into words and words onto paper. Writing is transforming thoughts into

language; it means that we need to think about the content of our writing first and


then arrange the ideas using appropriate language (e.g. grammar and vocabulary).

Therefore, we should learn about organizational skills in writing.

The important function of language in society is for communication.

Nowadays, more and more people communicate their ideas, feeling, thoughts and

many other affairs through writing. A good writer absolutely needs to know how

to express his ideas or messages in written words clear so that it can be easily

understood by the readers. Graham and Perin (2007:3) write that writing well is

not just an option but it is a necessity. A long with reading comprehension, writing

skill is a predictor of academic success and a basic requirement for participant in

civic life and in global economic. They also add that writing is a means of

extending and deepening students’ knowledge.

Urquhart and McIver (2005:11) write that in the following section, we

examine this question in the context of the stages of the writing process:

Prewriting is the period where writers get ready to write-gathering information,

organizing ideas, identifying audience and purpose, and selecting genre. Drafting

is the production stage of getting ideas down using complete sentences and

reflecting the general conventions of writing. Revising is the time when writers

review their work, checking for clarity of message, word choice, and organization.

Editing is the process of checking written work for the conventions of writing and

any lingering concerns with voice, tone, and style.

Graham and Perin (2007:9) state that most contexts of life (school, the

workplace, and the community) call for some levels of writing skill, and each

context makes overlapping, but not identical demands. Proficient writers can adapt

their writing flexibly to the context in which it takes place. In the school setting,

writing plays two distinct but complementary roles. First, it is a skill that draws on

the use of strategies (such as planning, evaluating, and revising text) to

accomplish a variety of goals, such as writing a report or expressing an opinion

with the support of evidence. Second, writing is a means of extending and

deepening students’ knowledge; it acts as a tool for learning subject matter.

In supporting statement above, Fulwiler (2002:32) writes that writing helps

us figure things out in at least two ways. On the one hand, it makes our thoughts


visible and it allows us to expand, contracts, modifies, or discards them. We can

hold only so many thoughts in our heads at one time; when we talk out loud and

have dialogues with friends, or with ourselves, we lose much of what we say

because it is not written down. More importantly, we cannot extend, expand, or

develop our ideas fully because we cannot see them. When we can witness our

thoughts, we can do something with them. On the other hand, the act of writing

itself generates entirely new thoughts that we can then further manipulate. Writing

one word, one sentence, or one paragraph suggests still other words, sentences,

and paragraphs. Writing progresses as an act of discovery; no other thinking

process helps us so completely develop a line of inquiry or a mode of thought.

Scientists, artists, mathematicians, lawyers, and engineers all think with pen to

paper, chalk to blackboard, and hands on terminal keys. Extended thought about

complex matters is seldom possible, for most of us, any other way.

Harmer (2004:31) argues that writing (as one of four skills of listening,

speaking, reading, and writing) has always formed part of syllabus in the teaching

of English. Besides, writing encourages students to focus on accurate language use

because they think as they write; it may well provoke language development as

they resolve problems which the writing puts into their minds. Moreover, writing

is frequently useful as preparation for some other activity, in particular when

students write sentences preamble to discuss activities. Once again, writing is used

to help students perform a different kind of activity (in this case speaking and

listening). The students need to be able to write to do these activities; however, the

activities do not teach students to write. Hence, it can be concluded that the

writing is very important for students because it is not only in the writing lessons

the students have to write. However, it is also needed in four skills because the

writing has been covering the four skills.

2.3. Descriptive Paragraph

Description is an element in many different types of writing. Descriptive

writing appeals to the senses, so it tells how something looks, feels, smells, tastes,


and/or sounds. A good description is a word picture; the reader can imagine the

object, place, or person in his or her mind (Oshima and Hogue, 2007:61).

In the same line, Savage and Shafiei (2007:30) state that in a descriptive

paragraph, the writer uses words that create an image and help the reader to see,

feel, touch, smell, or taste the topic that she or he is describing. Therefore, in a

descriptive writing, someone or something should be described as vivid and real

as possible to attract the reader’s sense.

According to Zemach and Rumisek (2003:25), a descriptive paragraph

explains how someone or something looks or feels. A descriptive paragraph is a

paragraph which describes a person, place, or thing so that the reader can picture it

in his or her mind. Describe writing uses words to build images for the reader

(Savage and Shafiei, 2007:34). It is usually written in logical order and very vivid

detail. Oshima and Hogue (2007:61) state that descriptive writing consideration to

the senses; hence, it tells how something looks, feels, smells, tastes, or sounds.

Field (2009:44) states that a paragraph can vary in length but each

paragraph always deals with one topic. Within the group of sentences there should

usually be a topic sentence. This is the main sentences and the content of the

paragraph is expanded in the rest of the paragraph. In addition, a descriptive

paragraph consists of topic sentence, supporting sentences, and concluding

sentence. The topic sentence in descriptive paragraph introduces the item that the

researcher will describe; besides, it may also include the researcher’s general

feeling or opinion about the item. While the supporting sentences give some

background information and descriptive details about the item. The last is

concluding sentence that restates the idea in topic sentence using different words.

Besides, Evans (2000:8) states that a topic sentence introduces or

summarizes the main topic of the paragraph and gives the reader an idea of what

the paragraph will be about. Moreover, topic sentence should be followed by some

supporting sentences which provide some examples, details, reasons, justifications

and some evidences to support the topic sentence.

Moreover, Savage and Mayer (2005:2) state that a typical paragraph begins

with a topic sentence which introduces the topic. The supporting sentences that


follow support the idea in topic sentence with explanations, reasons and other

details. The concluding sentences bring the paragraph to an end.

Zemach and Islam (2005:21) state that when you describe a place you can

develop your paragraph by adding descriptive details and information that tell how

a place looks, sounds, smells or feels. A descriptive paragraph is organized with

generic structure; those are identification, description, and conclusion.

Identification in the first paragraph to introduce what is exactly going to be

described. The researcher uses identification to identify the recognition; besides, it

can be about the general statement about place, person, or thing which the writer

wants to describe. After stating the identification, a descriptive paragraph will

show the description of the object. The conclusion is the last part of the paragraph

and it is optional. A conclusion does not really give impression, but it is very often

helpful to the reader because it usually signals the end of the paragraph.

A description usually follows a pattern of organization that we call spatial

order. Spatial order is the arrangement things in a space (Oshima and Hogue,

2007:61). Some possible patterns of movement for description include movement

from left side move clockwise to the right, from right side move counter

clockwise to left side, from top to bottom, from bottom to top, from near to far,

from far to near, outside to inside, inside to outside. Turn signal is also important

because it helps the reader to follow the order of movement in the descriptive

paragraph. The example of turn signals are next to, by to the left, above, beside, to

the right, over, below, on the top, behind, in front of, etc.

2.4. Brainstorming Technique

Kelly and Gargagliano (2000:4) state that when you brainstorm, you write

as many words or phrases as you can think of about a topic. You do not have to

write complete sentences when brainstorming. Folse et al. (2010:31) add that

brainstorming is quickly writing down all the taught that come to your head.

When you brainstorm, you do not think about whether an idea is good or bad or


whether your writing is correct. You simply write to put your ideas on paper. This

process is called brainstorming because it feels like there is a storm in your brain.

According to Sinagatullin (2009:98), brainstorming is the activity which

depends on the active participation of the whole group, helps create a spirit of

cooperation, and encourages students’ creative thinking. Owing to various cultural

and individual reasons, not all students willingly join in such an activity. Some

learners know that they are not sharp-witted and clever enough to solve intricate

problems and try to stay apart from group work. Others just loathe working

cooperatively and prefer answering questions in academic solitude. Teachers are

required to use brainstorming techniques rationally, it is not to exceed the

established mental and physical boundaries and norms.

Folse et al. (2010:32) add that brainstorming is not a linear or a consecutive

process. Writers do not think of one thing, write it down, then think of something

else, write it down, and so on. Instead, brainstorming can be a messy process.

Writers move from one idea to another, then back to an earlier idea, then forward

again to a new idea, and so on. They cross out words, draw lines to make

connections, and change their minds. Brainstorming is a cycle with steps that

repeat continually. In addition, Urquhart and McIver (2005:15) argue that the

beauty of brainstorming is its nonjudgmental quality. If it has done properly,

students do not censor their ideas on a brainstorming list. Rather, anything goes.

When students use this strategy, they discover what they know about a given topic

and can see what they may need to learn more about.

Pollard (2008:51) states that writing process focuses on the process of

writing rather than on the final product. This involves teaching students about the

stages involved in writing; i.e. the process. The aim is to help students see each

stage as being important and to dedicate time to each of them. The teacher’s role

is to guide students through the stages one uses when writing. The stages are as

follows. First, students brainstorm and note down any ideas connected to the topic.

They decide from the brainstormed list which ideas are the most relevant to the

topic, task or title. Then the students decide which order to put those ideas in.

Next, the students prepare the first draft; the focus at this stage is organization of


the piece of writing. This does not mean that grammar and accuracy are not

important; it just means that they are not the focus at this stage. In addition,

revision and editing the drafts are initially focused on content, relevance and

organization. The final stage is the production of a finished piece of work. In

addition, to raise awareness of the students on the stages of writing, teacher can

brainstorm the steps with the students. Alternatively, teacher can present them

with the list above and ask for their comments on it. Finally, teacher could give

them the list above, jumble up and ask them to put the stages in order.

In addition, teacher can guide students in writing ability through the stages

by brainstorming technique as the following;

1. Brainstorming: write the topic or title on the board and invite students to

say anything at all connected to the topic.

2. Go through the brainstormed items and decide which are the most relevant

to the topic and the most interesting.

3. From the list of chosen items, students decide how the comments will be

organized. At the end of this stage, students will have a plan or mind map

that they can use for writing.

4. Students write the first draft of their piece of work in the form of mind


5. In the same lesson, in later lessons, or for homework, students can revise

their first drafts, improving on the content and organization.

6. When they have a good second draft, i.e. the content, relevance and

organization satisfies them, they can move onto improving the language.

7. Finally, students can copy out their essays, in a clean, final version in the

form of paragraph.

2.5. Assessment of Writing

Assessment is a part of language teaching as are the materials, syllabus in

approach. There should be evident a harmonious relationship between course

objectives and all these curriculum elements. The assessment is very important to


measure the effectiveness of teaching learning process. It also helps the English

teacher decide to move on the next material or just simply repeat the materials.

Coffin et al. (2003:2) state in assessing such writing, lecturers focus on the content

and the form of the writing that is the language used, the text structure, the

construction of argument, grammar and punctuation.

Assessment can be defined as a way for teachers to know the students’

achievement and ability to give score to the students. Every subject in teaching

learning process need to be assessed; it includes writing in English subject.

Brown, (2004:218) states that the assessment of writing is no simple task.

Assessing students’ writing ability needs a clearance about the objective and the

criterion itself. It has the role rubric that uses to score the writing’s ability of the

students. It also help the English teacher decide to move on the next material or

just repeat the materials have been given to the students.

According to McKay (2006:140), classroom assessment refers to

assessment carried out by the teachers in the classroom. He divides classroom,

assessment into two assessments. Firstly, Formative Assessment is an assessment

when teachers are collecting information about children’s strengths and

weaknesses in order to provide feedback to learners and to make further decisions

about teaching. Secondly, Summative Assessment is an assessment when teachers

are collecting information at the end of a period of time; generally, it gives a

report to others about children’s progress. Summative assessment carried out by

teachers may also inform their own teaching.

Then tests are a subset of assessment; they are certainly not the only form

of assessment that a teacher can make. Tests can be useful devices, but they are

only one of many kinds of procedures and tasks that teachers can ultimately use to

assess the student (Brown, 2004:4). The construct of writing assessment may be

determined by the curriculum, and or the theory. The students can succeed in

writing genres at a range of different levels, and assessment is related to the

gradual development of features of successful writing within each genre.

Johnson and Johnson (2002:6) stated that assessment is collecting

information about the quality or quantity of the change in a student, group,


teacher, or administrator. Performance assessment is collecting information about

demonstrations of achievement involving actually performing a task or a set of

task, such as conducting an experiment, giving a speech, writing a story, or

operating a mechine. After the intended outcomes of instruction are defined, the

procedures are used to determine their achievement. In order to achieve purpose

that match with the students performances.

Weigle (2002:1) stated that the best way to test people’ writing ability is to

get them to write. It means that a rest of writing involves at least two basic

components: one or more writing tasks, or instructions that tell test takers what to

write, and a means of evaluating the writing samples that test takers produce.

The researcher focuses on assessing students’ ability in composing a good

descriptive paragraph. The students are asked to make a descriptive paragraph

based on the topic given and they have to submit their works, then the researcher

analyzes it and gives the score for students’ works by using rubric which includes

some components, such as: format, punctuation and mechanics, content,

organization, grammar and sentence structure (Oshima and Hogue, 2007:196).

Therefore, the assessment is very important to do by teachers in the

classroom in order to know the students’ achievement toward the material during

the teaching learning process. It can develop students’ ability to evaluate

themselves, to make judgments about their own performance and improve upon it.

2.6. Empirical Review

Empirical review is a review of the previous researchers and theories that

were currently available on the subject which will be used in this present study.

The point of empirical review is to elaborate a deep understanding of the theories

previously. In this part, the researcher reviews two studies which had been

conducted by two different researchers. The following are the reviews:

Widiari (2011) had conducted a similar research entitled “Improving

writing skill through brainstorming technique of tenth grade students of SMAN 1

Abiansemal In Academic Year 2010/2011”. The present classroom action study


basically was triggered by the fact that the subjects under still faced problem in

finding and organizing ideas in writing. This technique gave enough opportunity

for the students to express their ideas freely about the main topic given by the

teacher. After the application of brainstorming technique, there was a significant

improvement of the students’ ability in writing. Therefore, it was concluded that

brainstorming technique can improve students’ writing ability. It was seen when

they could do the last post-test with high mean score.

Saputra (2012) had conducted a similar research entitled “Using

Brainstorming Technique to Improve Writing Skill of the Tenth Grade Students of

SMAN 1 Abiansemal in Academic Year 2011/2012”. The research was begun

when he found that writing ability of the students was very low. Most of Students

faced these difficulties in finding and organizing ideas for writing a paragraph.

Brainstorming technique gave enough opportunity for the students to express their

ideas freely about the main topic given by the teacher. The result of the study

showed that students’ ability in writing descriptive paragraph could be improved.

It meant that the result was appropriate with the purpose of the study.

The relevant study is “Improving The Ability in Writing Descriptive Text

Through Brainstorming Technique For Grade VIII Students at SMP N 1

Piyungan” by Tossi Ana Ari Utami. The objective of this study to find out the

improvement of the students’ writing ability after being taught through using

brainstorming technique. This research is action research study and was done in

two cycle. The researher used written test and observation to collecting data. The

similarity are the objective of the study and on the use of descriptive text as

material, while the differences are on the place, the technique collecting data and

technique (method) of the study.

The study above showed a significant improvement of the students’ ability

in writing; it can be a mirror that the present study will be as successful as the

previous one. It indicated that brainstorming technique was an effective technique

to improve students’ writing skill. Thus, this technique was also expected can

improve the achievement of the subjects’ ability especially in descriptive

paragraph writing. Moreover, the researcher in the present study must be carefully


chooses the topics to be appropriate and close to the subjects’ environment. This

way actually can help the subjects to choose and brainstorm the topics based on

their environment. By the application of brainstorming technique, the subjects’

ability in writing hopefully can be improved significantly.




3.1. The Research Design

The type of the research was quasi experimental design. The kind of quasi

experimental design of this research was nonequivalent control group design. It

involved random assignment of intact groups to treatments, not random

assignment of individuals. There were two classes in this research; control and

experimental classes. According to Jhon W. Creswell (2008, p.645) that quasi-

experiments design are experimental situations in which the writer assigns, but not

randomly, participants to Classes because the experimenter cannot artificially

create groups for the experiment.

The experimental class was taught by using particular treatment

brainstorming technique in the form of mind mapping to improve students’

writing competence. In addition, control class was only given a pre-test and post-

test without particular treatment as what was given for experimental group. These

group used different techniques, but both experimental and control classes were

treated with the same test. The pretest was a test which was conducted before the

actions. It gave information about the students’ competence scores before the

actions. Meanwhile, the posttest was a test which was conducted to measure their

writing scores after the actions. Then the score of both tests were compared.

Table 3. 1

Research Type


A T1 T2

B T1 X T2



A : Experimental group

B : Control group

T1 : Pre- test for experimental group and control group

√ : Receiving particular treatment

X : Without particular treatment

T2 : Post- test for experimental group and control group.

After giving particular treatment to the experimental group by using

Brainstorming Technique, the scores between experimental and control groups

were analyzed by statistical formula. It aimed to know whether there was or not

the effect of variable X into variable Y.

3.2. The Time and Location of the Research

The subjects of the research were all members involved in the English

teaching learning processes in grade VIII. They were all eighth grade students,

especially grades VIII 1 and VIII 2 in SMP N 23 Kota Jambi in the academic year

2018-2019. It started for about one month, November 2018 until December 2018

3.3. The Populations and Samples of the Research

1. Populations

The populations of this research were the second year students, class VIII

of SMP N 23 Kota Jambi. Class VIII consisted of four classes namely VIII 1, VIII

2, VIII 3, and VIII 4.

Table 3.2

Target Population of Students Eight Grade SMP N 23 Kota Jambi

Class Number






Total 115

2. Samples

In this research, the researcher used two classes as an experimental class

and control class. The technique of sampling was cluster random sampling which

means the sample was devided by the researcher into separate groups, called

clusters. Cluster random sampling was used because the population was large and

widely dispersed. Therefore, the researcher took classes as samples of this

research which VIII 2 as an experimental class and VIII 1 as control class.

Table 3.3

Sample of The Eight Grade Students of SMP N 23 Kota Jambi

Class Number

VIII 1 32

VIII 2 32

Total 64

3.4. The Technique of Collecting Data

The researcher used writing test to collect the data. It consisted of

Descriptive text and was given for getting the objectives data of the students’

achievement in writing skill by using Brainstorming technique in the class,

especially for the eight grade students at SMP N 23 Kota Jambi. The tests were

applied twice, those were pretest and post test. Pretest was given before the

material was taught and post test was given after the material was taught, in the

last meeting of the total number of the research. The time allocation for each test

was 45 minutes. The implementation of the test aimed to measure students’

achievement before and after the treatment was conducted.


3.5. The Validity and Reliability Test

Heaton (1988.p.159) states that the validity of a test refers to

appropriateness of a given test or any of its component parts as the measure of

what it is purposed to measure. The type of validity was content validity.

Referring to Bambang (2006,p.23) , Content validity is that if a measurement is as

the representative of the ideas or the appropriate material that will be measured.

The materials were taken from the guide book for the students and other related


a. Validity

Tests were conducted by teaching experimental classes using specific

treatment brainstorming technique. In addition, the control class was only given a

pre-test and post-test without special treatment that was given to the experimental

group. This was done to see whether a brainstorming technique can improve

students' writing competence or not. Validity that will be used by researchers

based on eighth grade student textbooks, eighth grade English syllabus subjects

and descriptive text.

b. Reliability

The test must be reliable as a measuring instrument. Reliability was the

extent to which a test consistently measures whatever it measures. To find out the

reliability of the test, researchers used interrater reliability, which used two raters.

3.6. The Technique of Data Analysis

In analyzing the data, the researcher used the pre-test and post-test scores

of the experimental group and the control group. The researcher used paired

sample t-test and experimental class. Paired sample t-test was used to see the

effect of brainstorming technique from the results of the pre-test and post-test

experimental class. While the independent sample t-test was used to compare the

results from experimental class and control class. The researcher used score of the

experimental and the control classes in order to find out whether or not there was


a significant effect of using Brainstorming Technique toward students’ Writing

competence, the data were statistically analyzed by using T-test formula and using

SPSS 22.0 (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences).

Ho: t0 < t-table

Ha: t0 > t-table

Ho is an accepted if t0 < t-table or there is no significant effect of using

brainstorming technique toward students’ writing competence in descriptive text

of the second year students.

Ha is accepted if t0 > t-table or there is a significant effect of using

brainstorming technique toward students’ writing competence in descriptive text

of the second year students.

3.7. Schedule of the Research

Schedule of research is important to guide the researcher to do the

research. It can be seen in the following table:

Table 3.4 Schedule of Research


NO Activities Oct Nov Des Jan Feb Mar

1 Proposal



2 Consultation of



3 Proposal Seminar X

4 Collecting Data X

5 Research



6 Writing Thesis X

7 Thesis Examination X

Notes: The Research will use the schedule above to do Writing. It’s about four

months and it can be change anytime depend on situation and condition.




4.1 Finding of The Study

The data of students’ writing test in pre-test at experimental and

control groups were scored by raters, after the researcher got the data, the

researcher employed SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solution)

version 22. In this case, the data was analysed by using T-test. There are

two kinds of T-test, they are Independent Sample T-test and Paired Sample

T-test. In this research, the reseacher used Paired Sample T-test to analys

data. The finding include: 1). Descriptive analysis of students’ writing test.

2). Stastitical analysis of students’ writing test.

4.1.1 Descriptive Analysis

In this section, the researcher explained the frequencies, percentages,

mean and etc of the test, based on the result of the test before and after

giving the treatment in both experimental and control group. The

criteria of score writing based on standart score in SMP N 23 Jambi.

The scoring grade can be seen in the table 4.1.

Table. 4.1. Scoring Grade


80-100 Excellent

60-79 Good

40-59 Fair

20-39 Poor

0-19 Very Poor


Table 4.2 The Student’s Writing Result of Pre Test in Eksperimental Class

Pre Test Experimental Class

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative



25 4 22,2 22,2 22,2

32 7 38,9 38,9 61,1

38 2 11,1 11,1 72,2

42 2 11,1 11,1 83,3

45 1 5,6 5,6 88,9

54 1 5,6 5,6 94,4

67 1 5,6 5,6 100,0

Total 18 100,0 100,0

Figure 4.1 The percentage score of Pre-test in Experimental Class


can be seen from the Table 4.2 and further explained by Figure 4.1, 4

student (22,2%) got 25 and based on the scoring grade it is categorized as

poor, 7 students (38,9 %) got 32 and it is categorized as poor, 2 students

(11,1%) got 38 and it is categorized as poor, 2 students (11,1%) got 42

and it is categorized as fair, 1 student (5,6%) got 45 and it is categorized


as fair, 1 student (5,6%) got 54 and it is categorized as fair, 1 student

(5,6%) got 67 and it is categorized as good.

Table 4.3 The Student’s Writing Result of Pre Test in Control Class

Pre Test Control Class

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative



25 5 27,8 27,8 27,8

32 3 16,7 16,7 44,4

38 7 38,9 38,9 83,3

50 1 5,6 5,6 88,9

54 1 5,6 5,6 94,4

58 1 5,6 5,6 100,0

Total 18 100,0 100,0

Figure 4.2. The Percentage of Pre-test in Control Group


As can be seen from the Table 4.5 and further explained by Figure

4.1 , 5 students (27,8%) got 25 and it is categorized as poor, 3 students

(16,7%) got 32 and it is categorized as poor, 7 students (38,9%) got 38 and

it is categorized as poor, 1 student (5,6%) got 50 and it is categorized as

fair, 1 student (5,6%) got 54 and it is categorized as fair, 1 student (5,6%)

got 58 and it is categorized as fair.

Table. 4.4 The Student’s Writing Result of Post Test in Experiment Class

Figure 4.3. The Percentage Score of Post-test in Experimental Group

Post Test Experimental Class

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative



32 1 5,6 5,6 5,6

38 2 11,1 11,1 16,7

47 2 11,1 11,1 27,8

54 1 5,6 5,6 33,3

59 3 16,7 16,7 50,0

67 1 5,6 5,6 55,6

68 4 22,2 22,2 77,8

72 3 16,7 16,7 94,4

82 1 5,6 5,6 100,0

Total 18 100,0 100,0


After using treatment (Brainstorming), the students showed good

improvement in this class. As can be seen from the Table 4.6 and further

explained by Figure 4.1, 1 student (5,6%) got 32 and it is categorized as

poor, 2 students (11,1%) got 38 and it is categorized as poor, 2 students

(11,1%) got 47 and it is categorized as fair, 1 student (5,6%) got 54 and it

is categorized as fair. 3 students (16,7%) got 59 and it is categorized as

fair. 1 student (5,6%) got 64 and it is categorized as good. 4 students

(22,2%) got 68 and it is categorized as good. 3 students (16,7%) got 72

and it is categorized as good. 1 student (5,6%) got 82 and it is

categorized as excellent.

Table 4.5 The Student’s Writing Result of Post Test in Control Class

Post Test Control Class

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative



32 1 5,6 5,6 5,6

38 6 33,3 33,3 38,9

50 2 11,1 11,1 50,0

54 1 5,6 5,6 55,6

58 1 5,6 5,6 61,1

59 1 5,6 5,6 66,7

62 3 16,7 16,7 83,3

64 1 5,6 5,6 88,9

68 1 5,6 5,6 94,4

72 1 5,6 5,6 100,0

Total 18 100,0 100,0


Figure 4.4 The Percentage Score of Post-test in Control Group

This class was without treatment (Brainstorming) and the result can be

seen from Table 4.8. For further, was explained by Figure4.1, 1 student (5,6%)

got 32 and it is categorized as poor, 6 students (33,3%) got 38 and it is

categorized as poor, 2 students (11,1%) got 50 and it is categorized as poor, 1

student (5,6%) got 54 and it is categorized as fair, 1 student (5,6%) got 58 and

it is categorized as fair, 1 student (5,6%) got 59 and it is categorized as fair, 3

students (16,7%) got 62 and it is categorized as good, 1 student (5,6%) got 64

and it is categorized as good, 1 student (5,6%) got 68 and it is categorized as

good, 1 student (5,6%) got 72 and it is categorized as good

The finding showed that after accepting the treatment students’

writing score of post test of experiment class, comparing to the pre-test of

experimental before and also with pre-test and post-test of control class. The

post-test of experimental class showed a significant progress. In pre-test there

was no students who got >70, while in post-test of experimental class, the

percentage of sample who got >70 increased by 22,2% (0%-22,2%).

Moreover, the minimum score in post-test of experimental class (32) was

equal with pre-test and post-test of control class. The maximum score in post-

test of experimental class (82) was equal with post-test of control class but

was higher than the pre-test of experimental class.


This finding indicates that after using brainstorming, the students’

writing skill is significant proven by the progress of score from pre-test and


After scoring the frequency and percentage of score from pre-test and

post-test, the means, the standard deviations, the minimum and the maximum

of the writing pre-test and post-test scores of the sample were calculated

respectively by using IBM SPSS 22. Table 4.6 represented the result.

Table 4.6 Descriptive Statistic Result

Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Pre Test Experimental

Class 18 25 67 36,11 10,959

Post Test Experimental

Class 18 32 82 59,44 14,026

Pre Test Control Class 18 25 58 36,06 9,956

Post test Control Class 18 32 72 51,17 12,743

Valid N (listwise) 18

As Table showed, the mean of post-test score of experimental class

(59,44). It indicated that on average, the use of brainstorming has caused the

improvement of students’ score, but it is important to know that such a

conclusion is only a descriptive conclusion. It should be tested about being

meaningful this progress.

Therefore, to investigate whether brainstorming is effective to increase

students’ skill in writing descriptive text, and whether brainstorming has a

significant effect of students’ writing skill, the researcher tested the result of

pre-test and post-test by using Paired Sample Test of cases in IBM SPSS

Statistic 22.


Table 4.7. Paired Sample Statistics Paired Samples Statistics

Mean N Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean

Pair 1

Pre Test Experimental Class 36,11 18 10,959 2,583

Post Test Experimental

Class 59,44 18 14,026 3,306

Pair 2 Pre Test Control Class 36,06 18 9,956 2,347

Post test Control Class 51,17 18 12,743 3,004

The data that presented above was the performance scores of the group

of students taken as sample, before and after taught by using brainstorming as

the treatment. The mean scores of pre-test was 36,11, while the mean scores of

post-test was 59,44. The number of students (N) both in pre-test and post-test

were 18 students. The standard deviation of pre-test was 10.959 and the error

mean was 2.583. On the post-test, the standard deviation was 14,026 and the

error mean was 3.306. Based on the result of mean, it can be concluded that

the mean score of pre-test was different from the mean score of post-test. Thus

it can be concluded that there was increasing since the mean score of post-test

was higher than pre-test.

4.1.2. Statistical Analysis a. The Result of Normality

Table 4.8 Test of Normality with Kolmogorov-smirnov

Tests of Normality

Class Kolmogorov-Smirnova

Statistic df Sig.

Result of Students' Writing

Pre Test Experiment Class ,257 18 ,003

Post Test Experiment Class ,205 18 ,044

Pre Test Control Class ,256 18 ,003

Pre Test Control Class ,238 18 ,008

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction


Based on the table above was known that the significance value from

each pre-test and post-test is higher than 0,05. The sig/p-value on pre-test of

experimental class is 0.003 and it is lower than 0,05 (0,003<0,05), means that

the data is not normal distribution, the p-value on post-test of experimental

class is 0,044 and it is higher than 0,05 (0,044>0,05), means the data is in

normal distribution. The p-value on pre-test of control class is 0,003 and it is

lower than 0,05 (0,003<0,05), the p-value on post-test of control class is 0,008

and it is higher than 0,05 (0,008<0,05), means that the data is in normal

distribution. Therefore, it also means that H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. So

it can be interpreted that each of data in pre test is not normal distribution and

each data in post test is normal distribution.

b. The Result of Homogeneity

To know the homogenity, the researcher used test of homogenity

of variance with SPSS. 22 by the value of significance (α) = 0,05. The result

can be seen below:

Table. 4.9 Homogenity of Variences

Test of Homogeneity of Variances

Result of Students' Writing

Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

1,596 3 68 ,198

Based on the table above was known that the sig/p value from each

data is higher than 0,05. It means H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. Thus,

it can be interpreted that the data is homogeny.


Table. 4.10 Paired Samples Test

Based on the Table 4.14 The Output of Paired Sample Test, showed

that the result of the compare analysis with using t-test. The output showed

of mean of pre-test ad post-test (-23.333), standard deviation (15.996),

mean standard error (3.770). The lower different (-31.288), while the

upper different (-15.379). The result of test t (6.189) with df = 17 and

significance (0.000).

We can see that the value of t was -6.189 the way to test whether null

hypothesis could be rejected by comparing the result of tcount and ttable. If

the result of tcount is higher than ttable at the level of significance 0.05, then

the null hypothesis can be rejected. In consulting to ttable, the researcher

needed to find out the degree of freedom, as can be seen in Table 4.14 that

the Degree of Freedom is 17, the researcher consulted to the ttable, at the

level of significance 0.05, the value of ttable is 2.120. Comparing to the

value of tcount and ttable (6.189 > 2.120), ttable as same as p-value. To

determine whether the null hypothesis can be rejected or not, we can

comparing p-value with of the obtained statistic that is less than 0.05

(Balnaves & Capulti, 2001).

Paired Samples Test

Paired Differences t df Sig. (2-

tailed) Mean Std.





95% Confidence

Interval of the


Lower Upper



Pre Test


Class - Post Test



-23,333 15,996 3,770 -31,288 -15,379 -6,189 17 ,000



Pre Test Control

Class - Post test

Control Class

-15,111 15,896 3,747 -23,016 -7,206 -4,033 17 ,001


As Table 4.14 showed, the p-value was less than 0.05 ( 0.001<0.05).

Thus, there was enough evidence indicating that the null hypothesis could

be rejected, and it could be concluded that using brainstorming was

effective on students’ writing descriptive text.

Table 4.11 Independent Sample test of Experimental Class Group Statistics

Class N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean

Results of Students' writing Pre Test Experimental

Class 18 38.06 13.077 3.082

Post Test Experimental

Class 18 57.22 13.636 3.214

Independent Samples Test


Test for

Equality of

Variances t-test for Equality of Means

F Sig. T Df






Std. Error


95% Confidence

Interval of the


Lower Upper

Results of






.041 .841 -

4.304 34 .000 -19.167 4.453 -28.216 -10.117






4.304 33.940 .000 -19.167 4.453 -28.217 -10.116


Based on the table above was known that the t value > t table (4,304 >

2,101) and P value is lower than 0,05 (0,000 < 0,05 ). It showed that H0 is

rejected and Ha is accepted. Therefore, it also means that there is significant

differences between pre test and post test of experimental class. In the group

statistic table, we can see that the mean value for pre test is 38,06 and the

mean value for post test is 57,22. It brings interpretation that the mean value

of post test is higher than the mean value of pre test. In addition, the mean

difference between pre testand post test is 19,167 (57,22-38,06), and the

difference is around 10,116 to 28,217.

Table 4.12 Independent Sample test of Control Class Group Statistics

Class N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean

Result Of Students' Writing Pre Test Control

Class 18 34.17 8.787 2.071

Post Test Control

Class 18 49.17 11.789 2.779

Independent Samples Test


Test for

Equality of

Variances t-test for Equality of Means

F Sig. t Df






Std. Error




Interval of the


Lower Upper

Result Of






4.334 .045 -

4.328 34 .000 -15.000 3.466 -22.043 -7.957






4.328 31.434 .000 -15.000 3.466 -22.064 -7.936


Table above shows that the t value > t table (4,328 > 2,101) and P value

is lower than 0,05 (0,000 < 0,05 ). It showed that H0 is rejected and Ha is

accepted. Therefore, it also means that there is significant differences between

pre test and post test of control class. In the group statistic table, we can see

that the mean value for pre test is 34,17 and the mean value for post test is

49,17. It brings interpretation that the mean value of post test is higher than

the mean value of pre test. In addition, the mean difference between pre test

and post test is 15,00 (34,17-49,17), and the difference is around 7,936 to


4.2 Interpretations

The aims of this study were to find out whether or not there was a

significant effect of using brainstorming in writing descriptive text. The

result showed that there was any significant effect of group who are taught

by using brainstorming and those who are not. This can be seen from the

result of pre-test and post-test in both of groups. The mean score of pre-

test in experimental class was 36.11 with minimum score was 25 and

maximum score was 67. The mean score of post-test in experimental class

was 59.44 with minimum score was 32 and maximum score was 82.

Meanwhile, the mean score of pre-test of control group was 36.06 with

minimum score was 25 and maximum score was 58. The mean score of

post test of control group was 51.17 with minimum score was 32 and

maximum score was 72.

From the analysis data above, there was any significant effect of

using brainstorming writing descriptive text. It means students’ score of

post-test was better than pre-test, thus, students’ score of post-test did give

some effect in this research. In order to gain the research problem are

stated in chapter I, The researcher conducted an experiment in a pre-test

and post-test design. The procedures done during teaching and learning

process were devided into three steps.


First step, give the pre-test to the students. Pre-test that the

reseacher gave to the students to know the capacity of the students’

competence between experimental class and control class. When the

researcher gave the pre-test to the two class, there were class VIII 1 and

class VIII 2 there some differences when they did a pre-test before, the

researcher choose one of them to be experimental class or control class.

The differences were in class VIII 1 the students did not interested to the

test, they prefer to play handphone, talk with their classmate and they

choose to go out the class. Furthermore, just only 19 students who did the

pre-test. Meanwhile, class class VIII 2 the students were excited to did the

pre-test, and they can be invited to cooperate so there were 18 students did

the test, but there are some students who are absent because of illness and

permission. After complete the test, the researcher choose the class VIII 2

as the experimental class.

Second step, was applying the treatment to teached them how

writing brainstorming in descriptive text. The treatment was done in three

meeting. First meeting, the students enjoy what the researcher teach, the

reseacher teached them about the definition of descriptive text and

structure of the text. The reseacher have 45 minutes to teach them about

descriptive text and they got the point of descriptive text. Second meeting,

they enjoy the teaching and learning, because they think the subject was

interesting. Researcher keep on discussing the material in brief after that

the researcher discussed about language features of descriptive text. In this

meeting they might be seriously in learning this subject. Last meeting,

some them who want to learned and listened the researcher. In this

meeting the researcher gave them the example and how to write a

descriptive text then they understand write it. Moreover, the students have

more vocabularies and understand how to write better.

The last step, was giving the post-test. Post-test it the test to know

the students’ writing competence after using brainstorming. The title of

post-test writing was “Your Best Friend or Your Idol”. It because this title


based on their syllabus and approved the English teacher. When gave this

test, the first class who got the test was the class VIII 1 they were very

unconfident this was the same situation when the researcher gave the pre-

test. They have bad writing when they did the test. While, class VIII 2,

there were enthusiastic did the best. But only some of them who did the

post-test. Because, they were very lazy to write again and again, thus only

18 students who did the post-test.

After the steps were conducted, the researcher got data in the form

of pre-test and post-test score. Then, the researcher analyzed them by

using Paired Sample T-test trough SPSS 22. In the table 4.10 the

researcher analyzed a descriptive statistic of both pre-test and post-test

scores and it shows the different mean of pre-test and post-test score. It

shows the mean pre-test score is lower the post-test score (36.11<59.44).

from the data above, the reseacher interpreted there is improving of

students writing score from pre-test to post-test. But, the resercher need to

analyzed inferential statistic of data with Paired Sample T-test to know the

significant different both pre-test and post-test score.

From the researcher’s finding in chapter IV, the output data of

Paired Samples Statistic Experimental Class showed that the mean of pre-

test and post-test was increased from 36.11 to be 59.44. The standard

deviation is to measure how much the variance of the sample. The

standard deviation of pre-test is 10.959>36.11 and the post-test is

14.026>59.44, where if the standard deviation is getting higher than the

mean it means that the mean is not homogeny, while if the standard

deviation is getting smaller than the mean it means that the mean is

homogeny. So, it can be concluded that standard deviation of pre-test and

post-test was homogeny. It means that the sample of this research almost

has the same mean.

Based on the output data of Paired Samples t-test it was found that

the p-value was less than 0.05 (0.000<0.05). It means the result was

significance. Therefore, it can be concluded that there was significance


different between the students’ taught by using brainstorming technique

and those who were not and there was significant improvement of the

students’ writing descriptive text of the eight grade students of SMP N 23

Jambi in academic year 2018/2019 before and after using Brainstorming


The findings above have proven that using brainstorming technique

was able to improve the students’ ability in writing descriptive text. This

related with the theoretical by Kelly and Gargagliano (2000:4) which state

that when you brainstorm, you write as many words or phrases as you can

think of about a topic. You do not have to write complete sentences when

brainstorming. Folse et al. (2010:31) add that brainstorming is quickly

writing down all the tought that come to your head. When you brainstorm,

you do not think about whether an idea is good or bad or whether your

writing is correct. You simply write to put your ideas on paper. This

process is called brainstorming because it feels like there is a storm in your


The result of this study is in line with the study conducted by

Saputra (2012). He had conducted a similar research, the result of the

study showed that students’ ability in writing descriptive paragraph could

be improved. It meant that the result was appropriate with the purpose of

the study. Moreover, study by Widiari (2011) showed that in type of

Classroom action research, the Brainstorming strategy also bring positive

effects toward students’ ability in writing. In addition, Tossi Ari Ana

Utami (2014) did the similar research that the result support those

arguments as well. In conclusion, Brainstorming strategy bring significant

effect toward students’ writing competence, especially in writing

descriptive text.

In other words, teaching writing by using brainstorming was

effective, they used variety of vocabulary, and the content was more

interesting. They also used their personal expression to make the readers

feel like what they felt at the time. The students become more free to


generate and share their ideas, something that could not be achieved when

the composed at text without using any technique.

Retelling their think through brainstorming can be a good practice

to teach descriptive text, especially in grammatical points. The advantages

above implied that the use of brainstorming gives positive effect in writing

brainstorming of descriptive text. It had been proven by the result of data

analysis that show there is significant effect brainstorming in writing

descriptive text before and after taught by using brainstorming.

However, the students got some positive side after the researcher

gave them the treatment by using brainstorming technique. They did some

effort to make their writing better when post-test. It means that some of

them were interested in using brainstorming technique. It because they

were feeling free to putting the words they want and they understand about

what they have write. Another positive side using brainstorming just not

only as a technique for writing descriptive text, but also others technique

for any subject.




This chapter provides the conclusion and suggestion of the study. The

conclusion is made by the findings of the study with referenced to the problem

statement and the objectives of the study. Suggestions are made for educators who

are concerned to the teaching writing.

5.1. CONCLUSIONS Based on the result of this study that has been analyzed in the previous

chapter, it can be concluded that Brainstorming Technique is effective to be used

to improve students’ writing competence at SMP N 23 Jambi. The researcher was

conduct the research and the result of this research were the students in English

lesson especially in Writing got the score higher after using brainstorming

technique. However, the students more active and can share ideas with the other

friends and also to confidents to ask the teacher about the material by

brainstorming technique. It means, there is a significant improvement of the

students writing ability before and after being taught by Brainstorming technique,

and there was significant difference between control class and experimental class

being taught by brainstorming technique. The result of students’ writing in pre-

test was 36.11 and the result of students’ Writing in post-test was 59.44

(59.44>36.11). It means the mean of the post-test was higher than pre-test, and the

result of students’ Writing in control class was 51.17 while, the result of students’

Writing in experimental class was 59.44 (59.44>51.17). It means the result of

control class was different with experimental class. It show that the Writing skill

of the students under study improved significantly after being taught in

Descriptive text text by brainstorming Technique. Based on the research, it can be

conclude that Using Brainstorming technique can Enhance Students’ Writing

Performance at SMP N 23 Jambi in the academic year 2018/2019.


5.2. SUGGESTIONS Based on the conclusion above, the researcher proposes the following


1. The students should pay attention what the teacher explains for making the

learning process running well. If they do not understand the material or

teacher explanation, they should ask to their teacher.

2. The teacher should give or prepare good material to make the students

more interested in learning, because the teaching material give influence to

the students understanding. The teacher also have to know what students’

difficulties in writing, and help to solve their problem.

3. The application of Brainstorming Technique is suggested to the teacher in

teaching English especially in Writing because provides many interesting

activities that can be make students more understand about writing skill of

descriptive text so that it can make them more active in the classroom.

4. The same experiment with a larger population would be necessary to

confirm the finding of this study.

5. The further researcher can investigate the Using Brainstorming Technique

in other language skill and components such as speaking, grammar, and




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APPENDIXES Scoring Rubric










Score Pre-Test Control Class

Interreter 1 : Dr. Faurina Anatasya, M.Hum

Score Pre-Test Control Class

No. Nama Siswa Total Nilai

1 S1 7 38

2 S2 5 25

3 S3 5 25

4 S4 5 25

5 S5 7 38

6 S6 7 38

7 S7 5 25

8 S8 9 50

9 S9 7 38

10 S10 10 54

11 S11 7 38

12 S12 6 32

13 S13 8 38

14 S14 6 32

15 S15 6 32

16 S16 5 25

17 S17 7 38

18 S18 11 58


Score Post-Test Control Class

Interreter 1 : Dr. Faurina Anatasya, M.Hum

Score Post-Test Control Class

No. Nama Siswa Total Nilai

1 S1 8 38

2 S2 8 38

3 S3 9 50

4 S4 8 38

5 S5 12 62

6 S6 11 58

7 S7 12 62

8 S8 10 54

9 S9 6 32

10 S10 11 59

11 S11 13 68

12 S12 14 72

13 S13 7 38

14 S14 7 38

15 S15 12 62

16 S16 12 64

17 S17 8 38

18 S18 9 50


Score Pre-Test Experimental Class

Interreter 1 : Dr. Faurina Anatasya, M.Hum

Score Pre-Test Experimental Class

No. Nama Siswa Total Nilai

1 S1 9 45

2 S2 5 25

3 S3 8 42

4 S4 13 67

5 S5 8 42

6 S6 7 38

7 S7 5 25

8 S8 10 54

9 S9 6 32

10 S10 6 32

11 S11 6 32

12 S12 6 32

13 S13 6 32

14 S14 5 25

15 S15 5 25

16 S16 6 32

17 S17 8 38

18 S18 6 32


Score Post-Test Experimental Class

Interrater 1 : Dr. Faurina Anatasya, M.Hum

Score Post-Test Experimental Class

No. Nama Siswa Total Nilai

1 S1 8 38

2 S2 8 38

3 S3 14 82

4 S4 10 72

5 S5 10 54

6 S6 9 68

7 S7 11 68

8 S8 9 68

9 S9 10 59

10 S10 9 59

11 S11 7 47

12 S12 7 47

13 S13 12 72

14 S14 11 67

15 S15 13 72

16 S16 11 68

17 S17 9 59

18 S18 6 32


Score Pre-Test Control Class

Interrater II : Netty Zurnelly, M.Pd

Score Post-Test Experimental Class

No. Nama Siswa Total Nilai

1 S1 9 50

2 S2 13 67

3 S3 9 49

4 S4 6 32

5 S5 9 50

6 S6 6 32

7 S7 13 67

8 S8 8 42

9 S9 11 42

10 S10 10 55

11 S11 6 32

12 S12 6 32

13 S13 5 25

14 S14 8 42

15 S15 14 72

16 S16 8 42

17 S17 5 25

18 S18 5 25


Score Post-Test Control Class

Interrater II : Netty Zurnelly, M.Pd

Score Post-Test Experimental Class

No. Nama Siswa Total Nilai

1 S1 9 50

2 S2 11 59

3 S3 9 50

4 S4 9 50

5 S5 8 42

6 S6 14 72

7 S7 11 59

8 S8 12 62

9 S9 7 37

10 S10 10 54

11 S11 13 67

12 S12 14 72

13 S13 7 37

14 S14 7 37

15 S15 13 67

16 S16 11 59

17 S17 9 47

18 S18 11 59


Score Pre-Test Experimental Class

Interrater II : Netty Zurnelly, M.Pd

Score Post-Test Experimental Class

No. Nama Siswa Total Nilai

1 S1 9 50

2 S2 6 32

3 S3 10 55

4 S4 15 75

5 S5 11 59

6 S6 10 54

7 S7 5 25

8 S8 13 67

9 S9 8 42

10 S10 7 37

11 S11 7 37

12 S12 5 25

13 S13 5 25

14 S14 5 25

15 S15 6 32

16 S16 8 42

17 S17 11 59

18 S18 7 37


Score Post-Test Experimental Class

Interrater II : Netty Zurnelly, M.Pd

Score Post-Test Experimental Class

No. Nama Siswa Total Nilai

1 S1 9 50

2 S2 9 50

3 S3 16 82

4 S4 9 50

5 S5 10 54

6 S6 9 47

7 S7 8 37

8 S8 7 37

9 S9 13 67

10 S10 7 37

11 S11 7 37

12 S12 12 62

13 S13 6 32

14 S14 15 72

15 S15 16 80

16 S16 15 77

17 S17 10 55

18 S18 6 30



Name :

Class :

Instruction !

Please, make a descriptive text about Your Parents at least 3 paragraphs.

Answer :



Name :

Class :

Instruction !

Please, make a descriptive text about Your best Friend or your Idol at least 3

paragraphs using Brainstorming technique.

Answer :



Sekolah : SMP N 23 KOTA JAMBI Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas/Semester : VIII/Ganjil Materi Pokok : Descriptive Text Alokasi Waktu : 2x 4 Jam Pelajaran 40 Menit A. Kompetensi Inti

KI-1 dan KI-2: Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya. Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, santun, peduli (gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), bertanggung jawab, responsif, dan pro-aktif dalam berinteraksi secara efektif sesuai dengan perkembangan anak di lingkungan, keluarga, sekolah, masyarakat dan lingkungan alam sekitar, bangsa, negara, kawasan regional, dan kawasan internasional”.

KI 3: Memahami, menerapkan, dan menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual, prosedural, dan metakognitif berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah

KI4: Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri, bertindak secara efektif dan kreatif, serta mampu menggunakan metode sesuai kaidah keilmuan

B. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi Kompetensi Dasar Indikator

3.3 mengidentifikasi tujuan komunikasi, strukture text, dan unsur kebahasaan sari text descriptive tentang peristiwa bersejarah lisan dan tulis sesuai konteks penggunaan.

Memilih atau memilah topic text desriptive

Mengidentifikasi dan menyebutkan bagian-bagian dari text desriptive dengan ucapan dan tekanan kata yang benar

4.3 Teks text descriptive

Memahami struktur text descriptive Memahami unsur kebahasaan dari text



C. Tujuan Pembelajaran Setelah mengikuti proses pembelajaran, peserta didik diharapkan dapat: Memilih dan memilah topic text descriptive. Mengidentifikasi dan menyebutkan bagian-bagian dari text descriptive

dengan ucapan dan tekanan kata yang benar. Memahami struktur text descriptive. Memahami unsur kebahasaan dari text descriptive.

D. Materi Pembelajaran Fungsi Sosial

Menjaga hubungan interpersonal dalam konteks resmi Struktur Teks

Dapat mencakup: - Identification - Description

Unsur Kebahasaan - Ungkapan dan istilah yang digunakan dalam text descriptive. - Using simple present tense - Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, dan tulisan tangan

Topik “My Parents”

Multimedia Text

E. Metode Pembelajaran 1) Pendekatan : Saintifik 2) Model Pembelajaran : Discovery learning, Problem Based Learning (PBL) 3) Metode : Diskusi

F. Media Pembelajaran 1. Media

Worksheet atau lembar kerja (siswa) Lembar penilaian

2. Alat/Bahan

Penggaris, spidol, papan tulis

G. Sumber Belajar Buku Penunjang Kurikulum 2013 Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas

VIII, Kemendikbud, Revisi Tahun 2016 Kamus Bahasa Inggris Pengalaman peserta didik dan guru


H. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran 1 . Pertemuan Pertama ( 2 x 40 Menit)

Kegiatan Pendahuluan (10 Menit)

Guru :


Melakukan pembukaan dengan salam pembuka dan berdoa untuk memulai pembelajaran

Memeriksa kehadiran peserta didik sebagai sikap disiplin Menyiapkan fisik dan psikis peserta didik dalam mengawali kegiatan

pembelajaran. Aperpepsi

Mengaitkan materi/tema/kegiatan pembelajaran yang akan dilakukan dengan pengalaman peserta didik dengan materi/tema/kegiatan sebelumnya

Mengingatkan kembali materi prasyarat dengan bertanya. Mengajukan pertanyaan yang ada keterkaitannya dengan pelajaran yang

akan dilakukan. Motivasi

Memberikan gambaran tentang manfaat mempelajari pelajaran yang akan dipelajari dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.

Apabila materitema/projek ini kerjakan dengan baik dan sungguh-sungguh ini dikuasai dengan baik, maka peserta didik diharapkan dapat menjelaskan tentang materi : Teks deskriptif pendek dan sederhana, tentang orang, binatang, dan


Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran pada pertemuan yang berlangsung Mengajukan pertanyaan

Pemberian Acuan

Memberitahukan materi pelajaran yang akan dibahas pada pertemuan saat itu.

Memberitahukan tentang kompetensi inti, kompetensi dasar, indikator, dan KKM pada pertemuan yang berlangsung

Pembagian kelompok belajar Menjelaskan mekanisme pelaksanaan pengalaman belajar sesuai dengan

langkah-langkah pembelajaran. Kegiatan Inti ( 70 Menit )

Sintak Model Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran


Peserta didik diberi motivasi atau rangsangan untuk


1 . Pertemuan Pertama ( 2 x 40 Menit)




memusatkan perhatian pada topik materi Teks deskriptif

pendek dan sederhana, tentang orang, binatang, dan benda

dengan cara :

Melihat (tanpa atau dengan Alat) Menayangkan gambar/foto/video yang relevan.

Mengamati Lembar kerja materi Teks deskriptif pendek dan

sederhana, tentang orang, binatang, dan benda

Pemberian contoh-contoh materi Teks deskriptif

pendek dan sederhana, tentang orang, binatang, dan

benda untuk dapat dikembangkan peserta didik, dari media interaktif, dsb

Membaca (dilakukan di rumah sebelum kegiatan pembelajaran berlangsung). Membaca materi dari buku paket atau buku-buku penunjang lain, dari internet/materi yang berhubungan dengan Teks deskriptif pendek dan sederhana, tentang

orang, binatang, dan benda. Mendengar

Pemberian materi Teks deskriptif pendek dan sederhana,

tentang orang, binatang, dan benda oleh guru. Menyimak

Penjelasan pengantar kegiatan secara garis besar/global tentang materi pelajaran mengenai materi : Teks deskriptif pendek dan sederhana, tentang orang,

binatang, dan benda untuk melatih kesungguhan, ketelitian, mencari informasi.

Problem statemen (pertanyaan/ identifikasi masalah)


Guru memberikan kesempatan pada peserta didik untuk mengidentifikasi sebanyak mungkin pertanyaan yang berkaitan dengan gambar yang disajikan dan akan dijawab melalui kegiatan belajar, contohnya :

Mengajukan pertanyaan tentang materi : Teks deskriptif pendek dan sederhana, tentang orang,

binatang, dan benda yang tidak dipahami dari apa yang diamati atau pertanyaan untuk mendapatkan informasi tambahan tentang apa yang diamati (dimulai dari pertanyaan faktual sampai ke pertanyaan yang bersifat hipotetik) untuk mengembangkan kreativitas, rasa ingin tahu, kemampuan merumuskan


1 . Pertemuan Pertama ( 2 x 40 Menit)

pertanyaan untuk membentuk pikiran kritis yang perlu untuk hidup cerdas dan belajar sepanjang hayat.

Data collection (pengumpulan data)


Peserta didik mengumpulkan informasi yang relevan untuk menjawab pertanyan yang telah diidentifikasi melalui kegiatan:

Mengamati obyek/kejadian Mengamati dengan seksama materi Teks deskriptif

pendek dan sederhana, tentang orang, binatang, dan

benda yang sedang dipelajari dalam bentuk gambar/video/slide presentasi yang disajikan dan mencoba menginterprestasikannya.

Membaca sumber lain selain buku teks Mencari dan membaca berbagai referensi dari

berbagai sumber guna menambah pengetahuan dan pemahaman tentang materi Teks deskriptif pendek dan

sederhana, tentang orang, binatang, dan benda yang sedang dipelajari.

Aktivitas Menyusun daftar pertanyaan atas hal-hal yang belum

dapat dipahami dari kegiatan mengmati dan membaca yang akan diajukan kepada guru berkaitan dengan materi Teks deskriptif pendek dan sederhana, tentang

orang, binatang, dan benda yang sedang dipelajari. Wawancara/tanya jawab dengan nara sumber Mengajukan pertanyaan berkaiatan dengan materi

Teks deskriptif pendek dan sederhana, tentang orang,

binatang, dan benda yang telah disusun dalam daftar pertanyaan kepada guru.


Peserta didik dibentuk dalam beberapa kelompok untuk: Mendiskusikan

Peserta didik dan guru secara bersama-sama membahas contoh dalam buku paket mengenai materi Teks deskriptif

pendek dan sederhana, tentang orang, binatang, dan



1 . Pertemuan Pertama ( 2 x 40 Menit)

Mengumpulkan informasi Mencatat semua informasi tentang materi Teks

deskriptif pendek dan sederhana, tentang orang,

binatang, dan benda yang telah diperoleh pada buku catatan dengan tulisan yang rapi dan menggunakan bahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar.

Mempresentasikan ulang Peserta didik mengkomunikasikan secara lisan atau

mempresentasikan materi Teks deskriptif pendek dan

sederhana, tentang orang, binatang, dan benda sesuai dengan pemahamannya.

Saling tukar informasi tentang materi : Teks deskriptif pendek dan sederhana, tentang orang,

binatang, dan benda dengan ditanggapi aktif oleh peserta didik dari kelompok lainnya sehingga diperoleh sebuah pengetahuan baru yang dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan diskusi kelompok kemudian, dengan menggunakan metode ilmiah yang terdapat pada buku pegangan peserta didik atau pada lembar kerja yang disediakan dengan cermat untuk mengembangkan sikap teliti, jujur, sopan, menghargai pendapat orang lain, kemampuan berkomunikasi, menerapkan kemampuan mengumpulkan informasi melalui berbagai cara yang dipelajari, mengembangkan kebiasaan belajar dan belajar sepanjang hayat.

Data processing (pengolahan Data)


Peserta didik dalam kelompoknya berdiskusi mengolah data hasil pengamatan dengan cara :

Berdiskusi tentang data dari Materi : Teks deskriptif pendek dan sederhana, tentang orang,

binatang, dan benda

Mengolah informasi dari materi Teks deskriptif pendek

dan sederhana, tentang orang, binatang, dan benda yang sudah dikumpulkan dari hasil kegiatan/pertemuan sebelumnya mau pun hasil dari kegiatan mengamati dan kegiatan mengumpulkan informasi yang sedang


1 . Pertemuan Pertama ( 2 x 40 Menit)

berlangsung dengan bantuan pertanyaan-pertanyaan pada lembar kerja.

Peserta didik mengerjakan beberapa soal mengenai materi Teks deskriptif pendek dan sederhana, tentang orang,

binatang, dan benda. Verification (pembuktian)


Peserta didik mendiskusikan hasil pengamatannya dan memverifikasi hasil pengamatannya dengan data-data atau teori pada buku sumber melalui kegiatan :

Menambah keluasan dan kedalaman sampai kepada pengolahan informasi yang bersifat mencari solusi dari berbagai sumber yang memiliki pendapat yang berbeda sampai kepada yang bertentangan untuk mengembangkan sikap jujur, teliti, disiplin, taat aturan, kerja keras, kemampuan menerapkan prosedur dan kemampuan berpikir induktif serta deduktif dalam membuktikan tentang materi : Teks deskriptif pendek dan sederhana, tentang orang,

binatang, dan benda antara lain dengan : Peserta didik dan guru secara bersama-sama membahas jawaban soal-soal yang telah dikerjakan oleh peserta didik.

Generalization (menarik kesimpulan)


Peserta didik berdiskusi untuk menyimpulkan

Menyampaikan hasil diskusi tentang materi Teks

deskriptif pendek dan sederhana, tentang orang,

binatang, dan benda berupa kesimpulan berdasarkan hasil analisis secara lisan, tertulis, atau media lainnya untuk mengembangkan sikap jujur, teliti, toleransi, kemampuan berpikir sistematis, mengungkapkan pendapat dengan sopan.

Mempresentasikan hasil diskusi kelompok secara klasikal tentang materi : Teks deskriptif pendek dan sederhana, tentang orang,

binatang, dan benda Mengemukakan pendapat atas presentasi yang dilakukan tentanag materi Perbedaan

dan persamaan dari beberapa undangan resmi untuk

beberapa acara yang berbeda dan ditanggapi oleh kelompok yang mempresentasikan.

Bertanya atas presentasi tentang materi Teks deskriptif


1 . Pertemuan Pertama ( 2 x 40 Menit)

pendek dan sederhana, tentang orang, binatang, dan

benda yang dilakukan dan peserta didik lain diberi kesempatan untuk menjawabnya.


Menyimpulkan tentang point-point penting yang muncul dalam kegiatan pembelajaran yang baru dilakukan berupa : Laporan hasil pengamatan secara tertulis tentang materi : Teks deskriptif pendek dan sederhana, tentang orang,

binatang, dan benda Menjawab pertanyaan tentang materi Teks deskriptif

pendek dan sederhana, tentang orang, binatang, dan

benda yang terdapat pada buku pegangan peserta didik atau lembar kerja yang telah disediakan.

Bertanya tentang hal yang belum dipahami, atau guru melemparkan beberapa pertanyaan kepada siswa berkaitan dengan materi Teks deskriptif pendek dan

sederhana, tentang orang, binatang, dan benda yang akan selesai dipelajari

Menyelesaikan uji kompetensi untuk materi Teks

deskriptif pendek dan sederhana, tentang orang,

binatang, dan benda yang terdapat pada buku pegangan peserta didik atau pada lembar lerja yang telah disediakan secara individu untuk mengecek penguasaan siswa terhadap materi pelajaran.

Catatan : Selama pembelajaran Teks deskriptif pendek dan sederhana, tentang

orang, binatang, dan benda berlangsung, guru mengamati sikap siswa dalam pembelajaran yang meliputi sikap: nasionalisme, disiplin, rasa percaya diri,

berperilaku jujur, tangguh menghadapi masalah tanggungjawab, rasa ingin

tahu, peduli lingkungan

Kegiatan Penutup (10 Menit)

Peserta didik :

Membuat resume dengan bimbingan guru tentang point-point penting yang muncul dalam kegiatan pembelajaran tentang materi Teks deskriptif pendek

dan sederhana, tentang orang, binatang, dan benda yang baru dilakukan. Mengagendakan pekerjaan rumah untuk materi pelajar Teks deskriptif

pendek dan sederhana, tentang orang, binatang, dan benda yang baru diselesaikan.

Mengagendakan materi atau tugas projek/produk/portofolio/unjuk kerja yang


1 . Pertemuan Pertama ( 2 x 40 Menit)

harus mempelajarai pada pertemuan berikutnya di luar jam sekolah atau dirumah.

Guru :

Memeriksa pekerjaan siswa yang selesai langsung diperiksa untuk materi pelajaran Teks deskriptif pendek dan sederhana, tentang orang, binatang,

dan benda. Peserta didik yang selesai mengerjakan tugas projek/produk/portofolio/unjuk

kerja dengan benar diberi paraf serta diberi nomor urut peringkat, untuk penilaian tugas projek/produk/portofolio/unjuk kerja pada materi pelajaran Teks deskriptif pendek dan sederhana, tentang orang, binatang, dan benda.

Memberikan penghargaan untuk materi pelajaran Teks deskriptif pendek dan

sederhana, tentang orang, binatang, dan benda kepada kelompok yang memiliki kinerja dan kerjasama yang baik.

Jambi, 10 Desember 2018.

Mengetahui Guru Pamong Mahasiswa

Nur Hidayati S.pd, Pitra Loka NIP : TE 141024


Sekolah : SMP N 23 KOTA JAMBI Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas/Semester : VIII/Ganjil Materi Pokok : Descriptive Text Alokasi Waktu : 2x 4 Jam Pelajaran 40 Menit


I. Kompetensi Inti KI-1 dan KI-2: Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang

dianutnya. Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, santun, peduli (gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), bertanggung jawab, responsif, dan pro-aktif dalam berinteraksi secara efektif sesuai dengan perkembangan anak di lingkungan, keluarga, sekolah, masyarakat dan lingkungan alam sekitar, bangsa, negara, kawasan regional, dan kawasan internasional”.

KI 3: Memahami, menerapkan, dan menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual, prosedural, dan metakognitif berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah

KI4: Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri, bertindak secara efektif dan kreatif, serta mampu menggunakan metode sesuai kaidah keilmuan

J. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi Kompetensi Dasar Indikator

5.3 menjelaskan isi teks lisan dan tulis yang menceritakan peristiwa bersejarah dengan benar dengan memperhatikan tujuan komunikasi, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan text descriptive sesuai konteks penggnaan.

6.3 memberi informasi tentang peristiwa bersejarah secara lisan dan tulis dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur text, dan unsur kebahasaan text descriptive sesuai konteks.

Memahami isi teks lisan dan tulis text descriptive

Menampilkan teks descriptive dengan paper di kelas dan bertanya jawab dengan guru


K. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Memilih dan memilah topic text recount Mengidentifikasi dan menyebutkan bagian-bagian dari text recount

dengan ucapan dan tekanan kata yang benar Memahami struktur teks recount Memahami unsur kebahasaan dari text recount

L. Materi Pembelajaran Fungsi Sosial

Menjaga hubungan interpersonal dalam konteks resmi Struktur Teks

Dapat mencakup: - Identification - Description

Unsur Kebahasaan - Ungkapan dan istilah yang digunakan dalam text descriptive. - Using simple present tense - Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, dan tulisan tangan

Topik “Your Best Friend”

Multimedia Text

M. Metode Pembelajaran 1) Pendekatan : Saintifik 2) Model Pembelajaran : Discovery learning, Problem Based Learning (PBL) 3) Metode : Teknik Brainstorming Mind Mapping


N. Media Pembelajaran 3. Media

Worksheet atau lembar kerja (siswa) Lembar penilaian

4. Alat/Bahan

Penggaris, spidol, papan tulis

O. Sumber Belajar Buku Penunjang Kurikulum 2013 Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas

VIII, Kemendikbud, Revisi Tahun 2016 Kamus Bahasa Inggris Pengalaman peserta didik dan guru

Your Best




Address Attitude


Hair Height



Singing Reading






P. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran 1 . Pertemuan Pertama ( 2 x 40 Menit)

Kegiatan Pendahuluan (10 Menit)

Guru :


Melakukan pembukaan dengan salam pembuka dan berdoa untuk memulai pembelajaran

Memeriksa kehadiran peserta didik sebagai sikap disiplin Menyiapkan fisik dan psikis peserta didik dalam mengawali kegiatan

pembelajaran. Aperpepsi

Mengaitkan materi/tema/kegiatan pembelajaran yang akan dilakukan dengan pengalaman peserta didik dengan materi/tema/kegiatan sebelumnya

Mengingatkan kembali materi prasyarat dengan bertanya. Mengajukan pertanyaan yang ada keterkaitannya dengan pelajaran yang

akan dilakukan. Motivasi

Memberikan gambaran tentang manfaat mempelajari pelajaran yang akan dipelajari dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.

Apabila materitema/projek ini kerjakan dengan baik dan sungguh-sungguh ini dikuasai dengan baik, maka peserta didik diharapkan dapat menjelaskan tentang materi : Teks deskriptif pendek dan sederhana, tentang orang, binatang, dan

benda Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran pada pertemuan yang berlangsung Mengajukan pertanyaan

Pemberian Acuan

Memberitahukan materi pelajaran yang akan dibahas pada pertemuan saat itu.

Memberitahukan tentang kompetensi inti, kompetensi dasar, indikator, dan KKM pada pertemuan yang berlangsung

Pembagian kelompok belajar Menjelaskan mekanisme pelaksanaan pengalaman belajar sesuai dengan

langkah-langkah pembelajaran. Kegiatan Inti ( 70 Menit )

Sintak Model Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran


Peserta didik diberi motivasi atau rangsangan untuk


1 . Pertemuan Pertama ( 2 x 40 Menit)




memusatkan perhatian pada topik materi Teks deskriptif

pendek dan sederhana, tentang orang, binatang, dan benda

dengan cara :

Melihat (tanpa atau dengan Alat) Menayangkan gambar/foto/video yang relevan.

Mengamati Lembar kerja materi Teks deskriptif pendek dan

sederhana, tentang orang, binatang, dan benda. Pemberian contoh-contoh materi Teks deskriptif

pendek dan sederhana, tentang orang, binatang, dan

benda untuk dapat dikembangkan peserta didik, dari media interaktif, dsb

Membaca (dilakukan di rumah sebelum kegiatan pembelajaran berlangsung). Membaca materi dari buku paket atau buku-buku penunjang lain, dari internet/materi yang berhubungan dengan Teks deskriptif pendek dan sederhana, tentang

orang, binatang, dan benda. Mendengar

Pemberian materi Teks deskriptif pendek dan sederhana,

tentang orang, binatang, dan benda oleh guru. Menyimak

Penjelasan pengantar kegiatan secara garis besar/global tentang materi pelajaran mengenai materi : Teks deskriptif pendek dan sederhana, tentang orang,

binatang, dan benda untuk melatih kesungguhan, ketelitian, mencari informasi.

Problem statemen (pertanyaan/ identifikasi masalah)


Guru memberikan kesempatan pada peserta didik untuk mengidentifikasi sebanyak mungkin pertanyaan yang berkaitan dengan gambar yang disajikan dan akan dijawab melalui kegiatan belajar, contohnya :

Mengajukan pertanyaan tentang materi : Teks deskriptif pendek dan sederhana, tentang orang,

binatang, dan benda yang tidak dipahami dari apa yang diamati atau pertanyaan untuk mendapatkan informasi tambahan tentang apa yang diamati (dimulai dari pertanyaan faktual sampai ke pertanyaan yang bersifat hipotetik) untuk mengembangkan kreativitas, rasa ingin tahu, kemampuan merumuskan


1 . Pertemuan Pertama ( 2 x 40 Menit)

pertanyaan untuk membentuk pikiran kritis yang perlu untuk hidup cerdas dan belajar sepanjang hayat.

Data collection (pengumpulan data)


Peserta didik mengumpulkan informasi yang relevan untuk menjawab pertanyan yang telah diidentifikasi melalui kegiatan:

Mengamati obyek/kejadian Mengamati dengan seksama materi Teks deskriptif

pendek dan sederhana, tentang orang, binatang, dan

benda yang sedang dipelajari dalam bentuk gambar/video/slide presentasi yang disajikan dan mencoba menginterprestasikannya.

Membaca sumber lain selain buku teks Mencari dan membaca berbagai referensi dari berbagai sumber guna menambah pengetahuan dan pemahaman tentang materi Teks deskriptif pendek dan sederhana,

tentang orang, binatang, dan benda yang sedang dipelajari.

Aktivitas Menyusun daftar pertanyaan atas hal-hal yang belum dapat dipahami dari kegiatan mengmati dan membaca yang akan diajukan kepada guru berkaitan dengan materi Teks deskriptif pendek dan sederhana, tentang orang,

binatang, dan benda yang sedang dipelajari. Wawancara/tanya jawab dengan nara sumber

Mengajukan pertanyaan berkaiatan dengan materi Teks

deskriptif pendek dan sederhana, tentang orang,

binatang, dan benda yang telah disusun dalam daftar pertanyaan kepada guru.


Peserta didik dibentuk dalam beberapa kelompok untuk: Mendiskusikan

Peserta didik dan guru secara bersama-sama membahas contoh dalam buku paket mengenai materi Teks deskriptif

pendek dan sederhana, tentang orang, binatang, dan

benda. Mengumpulkan informasi

Mencatat semua informasi tentang materi Teks deskriptif


1 . Pertemuan Pertama ( 2 x 40 Menit)

pendek dan sederhana, tentang orang, binatang, dan

benda yang telah diperoleh pada buku catatan dengan tulisan yang rapi dan menggunakan bahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar.

Mempresentasikan ulang Peserta didik mengkomunikasikan secara lisan atau mempresentasikan materi Teks deskriptif pendek dan

sederhana, tentang orang, binatang, dan benda sesuai dengan pemahamannya.

Saling tukar informasi tentang materi : Teks deskriptif pendek dan sederhana, tentang orang,

binatang, dan benda dengan ditanggapi aktif oleh peserta didik dari kelompok lainnya sehingga diperoleh sebuah pengetahuan baru yang dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan diskusi kelompok kemudian, dengan menggunakan metode ilmiah yang terdapat pada buku pegangan peserta didik atau pada lembar kerja yang disediakan dengan cermat untuk mengembangkan sikap teliti, jujur, sopan, menghargai pendapat orang lain, kemampuan berkomunikasi, menerapkan kemampuan mengumpulkan informasi melalui berbagai cara yang dipelajari, mengembangkan kebiasaan belajar dan belajar sepanjang hayat.

Data processing (pengolahan Data)


Peserta didik dalam kelompoknya berdiskusi mengolah data hasil pengamatan dengan cara :

Berdiskusi tentang data dari Materi : Teks deskriptif pendek dan sederhana, tentang orang,

binatang, dan benda. Mengolah informasi dari materi Teks deskriptif pendek

dan sederhana, tentang orang, binatang, dan benda yang sudah dikumpulkan dari hasil kegiatan/pertemuan sebelumnya mau pun hasil dari kegiatan mengamati dan kegiatan mengumpulkan informasi yang sedang berlangsung dengan bantuan pertanyaan-pertanyaan pada lembar kerja.

Peserta didik mengerjakan beberapa soal mengenai materi Teks deskriptif pendek dan sederhana, tentang

orang, binatang, dan benda.


1 . Pertemuan Pertama ( 2 x 40 Menit)

Verification (pembuktian)


Peserta didik mendiskusikan hasil pengamatannya dan memverifikasi hasil pengamatannya dengan data-data atau teori pada buku sumber melalui kegiatan :

Menambah keluasan dan kedalaman sampai kepada pengolahan informasi yang bersifat mencari solusi dari berbagai sumber yang memiliki pendapat yang berbeda sampai kepada yang bertentangan untuk mengembangkan sikap jujur, teliti, disiplin, taat aturan, kerja keras, kemampuan menerapkan prosedur dan kemampuan berpikir induktif serta deduktif dalam membuktikan tentang materi : Teks deskriptif pendek dan sederhana, tentang orang,

binatang, dan benda

antara lain dengan : Peserta didik dan guru secara bersama-sama membahas jawaban soal-soal yang telah dikerjakan oleh peserta didik.

Generalization (menarik kesimpulan)


Peserta didik berdiskusi untuk menyimpulkan

Menyampaikan hasil diskusi tentang materi Teks

deskriptif pendek dan sederhana, tentang orang, binatang, dan benda berupa kesimpulan berdasarkan hasil analisis secara lisan, tertulis, atau media lainnya untuk mengembangkan sikap jujur, teliti, toleransi, kemampuan berpikir sistematis, mengungkapkan pendapat dengan sopan.

Mempresentasikan hasil diskusi kelompok secara klasikal tentang materi : Teks deskriptif pendek dan sederhana, tentang orang,

binatang, dan benda Mengemukakan pendapat atas presentasi yang dilakukan

tentanag materi Teks deskriptif pendek dan sederhana,

tentang orang, binatang, dan benda dan ditanggapi oleh kelompok yang mempresentasikan.

Bertanya atas presentasi tentang materi Teks deskriptif

pendek dan sederhana, tentang orang, binatang, dan

benda yang dilakukan dan peserta didik lain diberi kesempatan untuk menjawabnya.


1 . Pertemuan Pertama ( 2 x 40 Menit)


Menyimpulkan tentang point-point penting yang muncul dalam kegiatan pembelajaran yang baru dilakukan berupa : Laporan hasil pengamatan secara tertulis tentang materi : Teks deskriptif pendek dan sederhana, tentang orang,

binatang, dan benda Menjawab pertanyaan tentang materi Teks deskriptif

pendek dan sederhana, tentang orang, binatang, dan

benda yang terdapat pada buku pegangan peserta didik atau lembar kerja yang telah disediakan.

Bertanya tentang hal yang belum dipahami, atau guru melemparkan beberapa pertanyaan kepada siswa berkaitan dengan materi Teks deskriptif pendek dan

sederhana, tentang orang, binatang, dan benda yang akan selesai dipelajari

Menyelesaikan uji kompetensi untuk materi Teks

deskriptif pendek dan sederhana, tentang orang,

binatang, dan benda yang terdapat pada buku pegangan peserta didik atau pada lembar lerja yang telah disediakan secara individu untuk mengecek penguasaan siswa terhadap materi pelajaran.

Catatan : Selama pembelajaran Teks deskriptif pendek dan sederhana, tentang

orang, binatang, dan benda berlangsung, guru mengamati sikap siswa dalam pembelajaran yang meliputi sikap: nasionalisme, disiplin, rasa percaya diri,

berperilaku jujur, tangguh menghadapi masalah tanggungjawab, rasa ingin

tahu, peduli lingkungan

Kegiatan Penutup (10 Menit)

Peserta didik :

Membuat resume dengan bimbingan guru tentang point-point penting yang muncul dalam kegiatan pembelajaran tentang materi Teks deskriptif pendek

dan sederhana, tentang orang, binatang, dan benda yang baru dilakukan. Mengagendakan pekerjaan rumah untuk materi pelajaran Teks deskriptif

pendek dan sederhana, tentang orang, binatang, dan benda yang baru diselesaikan.

Mengagendakan materi atau tugas projek/produk/portofolio/unjuk kerja yang harus mempelajarai pada pertemuan berikutnya di luar jam sekolah atau dirumah.

Guru :

Memeriksa pekerjaan siswa yang selesai langsung diperiksa untuk materi


1 . Pertemuan Pertama ( 2 x 40 Menit)

pelajaran Teks deskriptif pendek dan sederhana, tentang orang, binatang,

dan benda. Peserta didik yang selesai mengerjakan tugas

projek/produk/portofolio/unjuk kerja dengan benar diberi paraf serta diberi nomor urut peringkat, untuk penilaian tugas projek/produk/portofolio/unjuk kerja pada materi pelajaran Teks deskriptif pendek dan sederhana, tentang

orang, binatang, dan benda. Memberikan penghargaan untuk materi pelajaran Teks deskriptif pendek dan

sederhana, tentang orang, binatang, dan benda kepada kelompok yang memiliki kinerja dan kerjasama yang baik.

Jambi, 10 Desember 2018

Mengetahui Guru Pamong Mahasiswa

Nur Hidayati S.pd, Pitra Loka NIP : TE 141024



Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas : VIII Kompetensi Inti :

KI 1: Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

KI 2: Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli (toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri, dalam

berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan keberadaannya

KI 3: Memahami dan menerapkan pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural) berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu

pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.

KI 4: Mengolah, menyaji, dan menalar dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan, mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah

abstrak (menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang

sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.


Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pokok/ Materi Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Pembelajaran Peneliaian Alokasi Waktu

Sumber belajar

3.1 Menerapkan

struktur teks

dan unsur kebahasaan


melaksanakan fungsi

sosial teks

deskriptif dengan



menanyakan tentang


orang, binatang,

dan benda,

pendek dan sederhana,


dengan konteks


nya .

4.11 Menangkap makna

dalam teks

Teks deskriptif

pendek dan

sederhana, tentang orang, binatang, dan


Fungsi sosial



mengenalkan, mengidentifikasi,

mengkritik, dsb.

Struktur text

(gagasan utama dan informasi rinci)

a. Menyebutkan nama

orang, binatang, benda dan nama


yang dipilih untuk dideskripsikan

b. Menyebutkan sifat

orang, binatang, benda dan

bagiannya, dan

c. Menyebutkan


Siswa menyalin dengan

tulisan tangan yang rapi beberapa teks deskriptif

tentang orang, binatang,

dan benda, sangat

pendek dan sederhana dari berbagai sumber,

dengan menggunakan

ejaan dan tanda baca dengan benar.

Siswa membaca dan

mendengarkan teks-teks tersebut untuk

memahami isi pesannya.

Dengan bimbingan guru,

siswa mengidentifikasi fungsi sosialnya, struktur

teks (termasuk a.l.

gagasan utama dan informasi rinci), dan

unsur kebahasaan dari

setiap teks tersebut.


Dengan bimbingan dan

arahan guru, siswa


Tingkat ketercapaian

fungsi sosial teks deskriptif tentang

orang, binatang, benda,

pendek dan sederhana.

Tingkat kelengkapan dan keruntutan dalam

menyebutkan dan

menanyakan tentang deskripsi orang,

binatang, benda dalam

teks derkriptif.

Tingkat ketepatan

unsur kebahasaan: tata

bahasa, kosa kata,

ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tanda

baca, kerapihan tulisan


Sikap tanggung jawab,

kerjasama, cinta damai,

dan percaya diri yang

menyertai tindakan menyebutkan dan

menanyakan tentang

16 JP

Buku Teks



ucapan dan tindakan guru


setiap tindakan


interpersonal/ transaksional

dengan benar

dan akurat

Contoh teks

dari sumber


Sumber dari internet,


- www.dailyenglish.com

- http://americanenglish.s



deskriptif lisan dan

tulis, pendek



4.12 Menyusun


deskriptif lisan dan

tulis, pendek

dan sederhana,


orang, binatang,

dan benda,


memperhatikan fungsi


struktur teks, dan


kebahasaan yang benar

dan sesuai


tindakan dari atau terkait dengan

orang, binatang,

benda yang

semuanya sesuai dengan fungsi sosial

yang hendak


Panjang teks: kurang

lebih 6 (tiga) kalimat.

Unsur kebahasaan

(1) Penyebutan kata

benda singular

dengan a dan the, dan plural (-s).

(2) Kata ganti it, they, she, we, dst.; our, my, your, their, dst.

(3) Kata sifat tentang

orang, binatang,

benda dalam kehidupan siswa

di rumah, sekolah,

dan sekitarnya, dengan atau tanpa

kata keterangan

quite, very.

(4) Frasa nominal

menanyakan dan mempertanyakan tentang

fungsi sosial, struktur teks,

dan unsur kebahasaan dari

setiap teks tersebut.

Mengumpulkan Informasi

Secara kolaboratif, siswa

mencari dan mengumpulan beberapa

teks deskriptif tentang

orang, binatang, dan benda, sangat pendek

dan sederhana dari

berbagai sumber,

termasuk dari internet, film, koran, majalah,

buku teks, dsb.

Siswa membaca rujukan dari berbagai sumber,

termasuk buku teks,

untuk mengetahui fungsi

sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari

teks deskriptif tentang

orang, binatang, dan benda.

Siswa membaca semua

teks deskriptif tentang orang, binatang, dan

benda yang telah

terkumpul tsb., secara

deskripsi orang, binatang, benda, dalam

teks deskriptif.


Kinerja (praktik)

Tugas menganalisis dan

menghasilkan teks deskriptif tentang orang,

binatang, benda nyata di

lingkungan sekitar.


(penilaian yang bertujuan

untuk memberikan balikan secara lebih cepat)

Observasi terhadap

tindakan siswa

menggunakan bahasa Inggris untuk

menyebutkan dan

menanyakan deskripsi orang, binatang, benda,

ketika muncul

kesempatan, di dalam dan di luar kelas.

Observasi terhadap

kesungguhan, tanggung


- http://learn



- https://www.google.com/


seperti dark brown, cute little cat, beautiful red


(5) Kata kerja untuk menyatakan

keadaan dan

tindakan rutin dalam simple

present tense: be, have, go, play,get, take, dll.

(6) Penggunaan

nominal singular

dan plural secara tepat, dengan atau

tanpa a, the, this, those, my, their, dsb secara tepat dalam frasa


(7) Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi

(8) Ejaan dan tanda


(9) Tulisan tangan


Orang, binatang, benda di sekitar dan

lebih cermat dengan cara mengidentifikasi dan


- fungsi sosial setiap


- nama orang,

binatang, benda yang


- sifat orang, binatang,

benda yang


- tindakan orang,

binatang, benda yang


- kosa kata, tata

bahasa, ucapan,

tekanan kata, ejaan,

tanda baca yang digunakan

Secara kolaboratif siswa

meniru contoh-contoh yang ada untuk membuat

teks deskriptif sangat

pendek dan sederhana tentang orang, binatang,

dan benda untuk

mencapai fungsi sosial

yang berbeda-beda, dengan struktur teks,

dan unsur kebahasaan

jawab, dan kerja sama siswa dalam proses

pembelajaran di setiap


Observasi terhadap kepedulian dan

kepercayaan diri dalam

melaksanakan komunikasi, di dalam

dan di luar kelas.

Penilaian diri:

Pernyataan siswa secara

tertulis dalam jurnal

belajar sederhana

berbahasa Indonesia tentang pengalaman

belajar memahami dan

menghasilkan teks deskriptif tentang orang,

binatang, benda,

termasuk kemudahan dan kesulitannya.

Tes tertulis

Membaca dan menulis teks deskriptif yang

menuntut pemahaman

dan pemaparan tentang

deskripsi orang, binatang, benda.


relevan dengan kehidupan siswa,

dengan memberikan

keteladanan tentang

perilaku jujur, disiplin, percaya diri,

kerjasama, dan

bertanggung jawab.

yang sesuai konteks.


Siswa membandingkan

fungsi sosial, struktur

teks (termasuk a.l. gagasan utama dan

informasi rinci), dan

unsur kebahasaan dari beberapa teks deskriptif

tentang orang, binatang,

benda yang telah dikumpulkan dari

berbagai sumber tersebut

di atas.

Siswa memperoleh balikan (feedback) dari

guru dan teman tentang

fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan yang

digunakan dalam teks

deskriptif yang mereka hasilkan.


Siswa membuat beberapa teks deskriptif sangat

pendek dan sederhana

tentang orang, binatang,

benda yang ada dalam


Kumpulan karya teks

deskriptif sangat pendek

dan sederhana tentang

orang, binatang, benda yang telah dibuat.

Kumpulan hasil analisis

tentang beberapa teks

deskriptif tentang orang, binatang, benda.

Lembar soal dan hasil



kehidupan siswa di rumah, kelas, sekolah,

dan sekitarnya dalam

bahasa Inggris, dengan

struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan yang sesuai

dengan fungsi sosial

nyata yang hendak dicapai (membanggakan,


mengidentifikasi, memuji, mengkritik, dsb).

Siswa berupaya berbicara

secara lancar dengan

ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi yang benar dan

menulis dengan ejaan

dan tanda baca yang benar, serta tulisan yang

jelas dan rapi.

Siswa membicarakan

permasalahan yang dialami dalam membuat

teks deskriptif tentang

orang, binatang, benda dan menuliskannya

dalam jurnal belajar

sederhana dalam bahasa Indonesia.



