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The Effect of Font Size on The Way a Person Memorizes The Text

Date post: 24-Feb-2016
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The Effect of Font Size on The Way a Person Memorizes The Text. By: Suzie Yoon. Have you ever been trying to memorize an essay or even memorize your vocab words? Looking for an easy way?. Problem Statement & Hypothesis. Will the person memorize the text better if the font size is bigger? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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The Effect of Font Size on The Way a Person Memorizes The Text By: Suzie Yoon
Page 1: The Effect of Font Size on The Way a Person Memorizes The Text

The Effect of Font Size on The Way

a Person Memorizes The Text

By: Suzie Yoon

Page 2: The Effect of Font Size on The Way a Person Memorizes The Text

Have you ever been trying to memorize an essay or even memorize your vocab words?

Looking for an easy way?

Page 3: The Effect of Font Size on The Way a Person Memorizes The Text

Problem Statement & Hypothesis

Will the person memorize the text better if the font size is bigger?

If the font size is bigger, then the person will memorize the text better

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Brief DiscussionIn this project, I wanted to see if the size of the font would effect how well the person memorizes. For me, bigger font size is better to memorize. I believe that because there are fewer words than what the smaller font size would have on a page. Also, for people who would have photographic memory, the words would be bigger, and better to remember.

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Basic conceptsHomo Sapiens-the primate species to which modern humans belong; humans regarded as a speciesHippocampus- the elongated ridges on the floor of each lateral ventricle of the brain, thought to be the center of emotion, memory, and the autonomic nervous system.Photographic Memory- the ability to remember information or visual images in great detail.

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Design Diagram

TITLE: The effect of font size on the way a person memorizes the text. HYPOTHESIS: If the font size is bigger, then the person will memorize the text better.IV: Font Size DV: The person’s memorization: How much the person can read back the sentence.CONSTANTS: Type of paper, Color of paper, Type of font, Font color, The sentence for the three groups

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100 people (15-20 age group)A notebookComputerPrinterPrinter Ink (should be with printer)Printer paperPen or pencilClipboard (optional just to be organized)Type of word document (Text Edit, Microsoft Word, Office, etc)20-word sentence.


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Safety1. Watch out for paper cuts

2. Don’t use the writing utensil in a wrong way

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Procedure1.Have your sentences ready, each

sentence on different papers2.Get the consent form signed3.Explain to the person what they will be

doing give them the sentence for 10 seconds.

4.Take the paper back and wait 5 seconds

5.Then ask them to read the sentence back to you, mark how many words they got wrong and how many words they added

6.Mark the results

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Design Diagram (cont’d)

12 size font 28 size font 48 size font0-4 words

5-8 words

9-12 words

13-16 words

17-20 words

levels 12 size font 28 size font 48 size fonttrials 33(15-20 age

people)33(15-20 age

people)33(15-20 age


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Results!levels 12 size font 28 size font 48 size font0-4 words 0 0 16

5-8 words 12 0 12

9-12 words 21 6 5

13-16 words 0 12 0

17-20 words 0 15 0

Data table

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ANOVAs analysisIf I marked my data more specifically, then I would have used the ANOVAs analysis. The ANOVAs test tries to prove if the reason for each data is significant or not.

Also to show if it is chance or not.

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Photo documentation

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ConclusionMy hypothesis was not fully supported. But It was supported to a point. Bigger font size is better to memorize but when the font size got too big, then it got harder to memorize. If I was to change my hypothesis to

If the font size was 28, than it would better to memorize than the 12 size font.

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Sources of error1. Background and surroundings 2. Unknown vocabulary3. Pressure on the person4. The specific amount of words5. Reading problems

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Additional researchThe effect of a picture related to the font on memorizationThe effect of color of font on memorizationThe effect of vocabulary on memorization

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Special thanks to…MRS.PIETRANGELO !All my participants(:My sister

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Barmeier, Jim. The Brain. San Diego: Lucent Books, Inc, 1996. Print.

"Brain." UXL Complete Life Science Resource. Ed. Julie Carnagie and Leonard C. Bruno. Detroit: UXL, 2009. Gale Science In Context. Web. 6 Oct. 2010.

"Memory." The Gale Encyclopedia of Science. Ed. K. Lee Lerner and Brenda Wilmoth Lerner. 4th ed. Detroit: Gale, 2008. Gale Science In Context. Web. 6 Oct. 2010.

"Memory." U*X*L Science. U*X*L, 2008. Gale Science In Context. Web. 5 Oct. 2010.

Partridge, Kenneth. The Brain. New York: The H.W. Wilson Company, 2009. Print.

