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THE EFFECTIVENESS OF READING ALOUD TO IMPROVE THE STUDENTS’ VOCABULARY MASTERY AT THE SECOND GRADE OF SMPN 3 PARANGLOE A THESIS Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) of English Education Department Tarbiyah and Teaching Science Faculty Alauddin State Islamic University of Makassar By: AHMAD JUNAID Reg. Number: 20400113137 ENGLISH EDUCATION DEPARTMENT TARBIYAH AND TEACHING SCIENCE FACULTY ALAUDDIN STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY OF MAKASSAR 2017
Page 1: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF READING ALOUD TO IMPROVE THE …repositori.uin-alauddin.ac.id/4343/1/Ahmad Junaid_20400113137.pdf · Reading Aloud affected the students’ vocabulary of the





Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana

Pendidikan (S.Pd) of English Education Department

Tarbiyah and Teaching Science Faculty

Alauddin State Islamic University

of Makassar



Reg. Number: 20400113137





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Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alamin, the researcher would like to express his

deepest gratitude to the Almighty Allah who has been giving his mercy and

blessing, inspiration and good health all the time to conduct the writing of this

thesis. Also Salawat and Salam are delivered to our prophet Muhammad SAW

who has brought us from the jahilia era to the modern era.

During the writing of this thesis, the researcher received much assistance

from a number of people. For their valuable guidance, correction, suggestion,

advice and golden support. Without them, the writing of this thesis would never

have been possible completed especially the writer’s beloved parents Juma I,

A.Ma and Damira., who always give attention and their motivation both material

and spritual until the completing of this thesis. In addition, the researcher would

like to express the greatest thankful and appreciation for those people, they are:

1. Prof. Dr. H. Musafir Pababbari, M.Si., as the Rector of Alauddin State

Islamic University (UIN) of Makassar.

2. Dr. H. Muhammad Amri, Lc., M.Ag., as the Dean of Tarbiyah and Teaching

Scince Faculty of Alauddin State Islamic University (UIN) of Makassar.

3. Dr. Kamsinah, M.Pd.I., and Sitti Nurpahmi, S.Pd., M.Pd., the Head and the

Secretary of English Education Department of Tarbiyah and Teaching

Scince Faculty of Alauddin State Islamic University (UIN) of Makassar.


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4. The most profound thanks to all lecturers of English Department and all

staff of Tarbiyah and Teaching Science Faculty for their help, support, and

guidance during the researcher studying at Alauddin State Islamic

University (UIN) of Makassar especially for Dr. Hj. Mardiana, M. Hum.,

and Dr. Muh. Rusdi T, M. Ag., the first and the second consultant for their

guidance, supports, suggestions and advice during the writing of this thesis.

5. Thanks for the English Teacher of SMPN 3 Parangloe Bunda Rina, S.Pd., all

of the teachers and all the students of 8 A and 8 B who had actively

participated to be the respondents of this research.

6. The writer’s beloved sisters, St. Masyita, Nur Fitrah, and Al-Munawwarah

for their patient, prayers, and motivation during my study.

7. The writer’s classmates in English Education Department (2013), Masniyah,

Kartika Sari, Reski Amalia S, Najamuddin, Zukri Prasetyo, Muhammad

Mas’ud MS, Armadi Jaya, Gusman Mansur, Ichsan ananta Wikrama, and

all friends who could not be mentioned here. Thanks for friendship and

suggestions to the researcher.

Gowa, 13 Agustus 2017

The Writer

Ahmad Junaid

NIM: 20400113137


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TITLE PAGE ....................................................................................................... i

PERNYATAAN KEASLIAN SKRIPSI ............................................................. ii

PENGESAHAN SKRIPSI ................................................................................. iii

PERSETUJUAN PEMBIMBING .............................................................................. iv

ACKNOWLEGMENT .............................................................................................. v

TABLE OF THE CONTENTS .........................................................................viii

LIST OF TABLES .............................................................................................. x

LIST OF APPENDICES.................................................................................... xi

ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................... xii


A. Background .................................................................. 1

B. Problem statement ....................................................3

C. Research objective ....................................................... 4

D. Research Significance .................................................. 4

E. Research Scope ............................................................ 4

F. Opearational Definition of Terms ................................ 4


A. Previous of Related research findings ......................... 7

B. Some pertinents ideas ................................................. 10

1. Definition of Vocabulary ...................................... 10

2. Part of vocabulary ................................................. 10

3. Kinds of Vocabulary ............................................. 12

4. The importantce of vocabulary ............................. 13

5. Reading Aloud ...................................................... 13

6. The purpose of reading aloud................................ 14

7. Function of Reading aloud .................................... 15

C. Theoretical Framework ............................................... 16

D. Hypothesis ................................................................... 19


A. Research Design .......................................................... 20

B. Research Variable ....................................................... 21

C. Population and Sample ............................................... 21

D. Research Instrument .................................................... 22

E. Procedure of Collecting Data ................................... 22


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F. Data Analysis Technique ............................................ 24


A. Findings ....................................................................... 28

B. Discussion ................................................................... 35


A. Conclusion................................................................... 38

B. Suggestion ................................................................... 39

BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................... 42

APPENDICES ..................................................................................................... 44

CURRICULUM VITAE ..................................................................................... 91


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1. The rate percentage of score experimental class in pre-test .................. 36

2. The rate percentage of score experimental class in post-test .............. 36

3. The rate percentage of score control class in pre-test .......................... 37

4. The rate percentage of score control class in post-test ....................... 38

5. The mean score and standard deviation ................................................. 39

6. The result of t-test calculation ............................................................... 41


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Appendix I Research Instrument ................................................................. 43

Appendix II The Classification of Students’ score in

Experimental Class ................................................................... 45

Appendix III The Classification of Students’ score in

Control Class ............................................................................ 46

Appendix IV The Raw Score of the Students’ Pre-Test in

Experimental Class ................................................................... 47

Appendix V The Raw Score of the Students’ Post-Test in

Experimental Class ................................................................... 48

Appendix VI The Raw Score of the Students’ Pre-Test in

Control Class ............................................................................ 49

Appendix VII The Raw Score of the Students’ Post-Test in

Control Class ............................................................................ 50

Appendix VIII The Raw Score of the Students’ Pre-Test and Post-Test

in Experimental Class ............................................................... 51

Appendix IX The Raw Score of the Students’ Pre-Test and Post-Test

in Control Class ........................................................................ 52

Appendix X Mean Score ............................................................................... 53

Appendix XI Standard Deviation of Experimental and Control

Class .......................................................................................... 54

Appendix XII The Significance Different ....................................................... 56

Appendix XIII The Distribution of T-Table .................................................. 57


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Name : Ahmad Junaid

Reg. Number : 20400113137

Department : English Education

Faculty : Tarbiyah and Teacher Training

Semester : VIII

Title : “The Effectiveness of Reading Aloud to Improve the Students’ Vocabulary

at SMP Negeri 3 Parangloe”

This research discussed about the implementation of Reading Aloud in teaching vocabulary. The objective of the research was to find out whether or not the Reading Aloud

affects on the students’ vocabulary development.

This research applied Quasi-experimental research. The Population of this research

was the second grade students of SMPN 3 Parangloe in academic year 2016/2017. The

sample were 8A and 8B, which consisted of 40 students. This research used cluster sampling.

The students were given a pre-test, then they were treated by applying Reading Aloud, and

finally, they were given a post-test. The data were collected through reading test. The result

of the data analysis showed that there was difference between the students’ score in pre-test

and post-test. It was proved by the mean score in pre-test which was higher than the mean

score in the post-test (69.1>61). Moreover, the result of test of significant analysis indicated

that the implementation of Reading Aloudr affected the students’ vocabulary.

The result of reading aloud method was good, it is effective to improve the Students’

vocabulary mastery at the second grade of SMPN 3 Parangloe. It was proved by students’

result before and after giving treatment, their scores increased and become good with the

mean score of the students’ pre test of experimental group was 61 with standard deviation

was 8.20 while of post test wich score with mean score were 69.1 and standard deviation was

8.22 after the treatment, and also in control group the total score of pre test 56.05 with

standard deviation was 8.53 and the total score of the students’ post test was 60.4 and

standard deviation was 9.68 the resul achieve from both test, the pre test and post test were


Based on the result of analysis, the researcher concluded that the implementation of

Reading Aloud affected the students’ vocabulary of the second year students of SMPN 3

Parangloe in academic year 2016/2017. This technique makes the students directly involve in

classroom activity, by reading and pronounce the text, it makes the students focus on the

content of the text because the words pronounced loudly, and establish active movement, set

sounds, thought, and feeling in motion. Therefore, the researcher suggested to the teachers to

apply Reading Aloud in teaching vocabulary, as one technique that can be used in teaching



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A. Background

The worldwide demands English and it creates an enormous demand for

quality of language teaching materials and resources. Being an international

language, English is spoken in the most international event and it is used as the

medium of the information on science, technology, and culture. English is one of

the international languages that are used to communicate among people all over

the world besides Mandarin and Arabic. Moreover, English plays an essential role

in many various aspects of life owned by human being. English now has a

prominent position in twenty more countries. Realizing the importance of English

language, Indonesian government considers that English is one of the compulsory

subjects to teach since Elementary School level in Indonesia.

It is the result of belief that children are better language learners, the brain

can more easily accept new things before puberty, and that acquisition of language

is possible without self consciousness. The children have fewer negative attitudes

to foreign languages than adult. And that consequently they are better motivated

than adult. Therefore, in such condition, it is the best stage to introduce the

English to the young learners.

Nowadays, In Indonesia, English considered as the first foreign language

and taught formally from elementary school up to the university level.

There are many components in language, such as listening, speaking,

reading, semantics, linguistics and vocabulary. Vocabulary is the most important

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thing in learning English. There are many reasons for this. Having a lot of

vocabulary that will be very helpful in terms of learning the English.

Teaching vocabulary is part of English teaching. Vocabulary power will

facilitate the student eay to understand what the people said. Vocabulary is one of

the most components of language and one of the first things applied linguists

turned their attention too.

Vocabulary is very important for someone who want to learn English,

because it will help them to understand many paragraphs written in English, and

understand what the people said. Sometimes people want to speak a lot but they

cannot explore what they mean, because they lack of vocabulary.

Haris (2011), In Indonesia, some English teachers still use traditional or

conventional method to teach vocabulary. Conventional method usually makes

students bored because the method is monotonous and the students are not active

so it makes the learners get bored. One of the ways to make the teaching

vocabulary effective is making the students actively so they will enjoy learning

and they can improve their vocabulary mastery.

In order to solve the problems, researcher considered that teachers and

students need a creative way of memorizing vocabulary. It is expected to make the

classroom vocabulary activity more interesting and enjoyable. There are many

creative techniques that can be used to enhance vocabulary mastery, for example

Incidental learning, independent strategy development, and so forth.

One of the teaching techniques which can be used in classroom vocabulary

development activity is Reading Aloud. It is one kind of teaching technique, in

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front of the class by teachers and students will pronounce the word loudly. This

technique can help students focus on the content of the text because the words will

pronounce loudly and it will be saved in students’ memories.

Therefore, this technique also make the students directly involve in

classroom activity. By reading and pronounce the text, student is easy to

remember the text. This technique was effective to be applied in the classroom as

Muller (2015), reading aloud makes active movement: sets sounds, thought, and

feeling in motion. As addition, Lane and Bright (2011) Teachers must maximize

the effectiveness of their read-aloud activities. To make read aloud as effective as


Realizing the problem faced by the students in memorizing vocabulary, the

researcher interested in investigating about the implementation of Reading Aloud

in teaching Vocabulary Mastery. The Reading Aloud technique was commonly

used for reading skill, but in this research, the researcher applied Reading Aloud

for Vocabulary Mastery. The researcher expected the use of reading aloud

influences to students’ vocabulary development.

Based on the description above, the writer conducted a research under the

title “The Influence of Reading aloud toward Student Vocabulary Mastery at

the second Year Student of SMPN 3 Parangloe”

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B. Problem Statement

In accordance with the background above, the researcher present the

problem statements as follow: “Is the Reading Aloud able to significantly the

students’ vocabulary mastery at the second year Student of SMPN 3 Parangloe

Objective of Research ?

As implicitly stated by the problem statement above, the objective of this

research is to find out whether or not the Reading Aloud affects on the students’

vocabulary mastery at the second year student of Junior High School 3 Parangloe.

C. Research Significances

This research expected to provide significant contribution both

theoretically and practically. Theoretically, this research expect to strengthen and

prove the other theories about the effectiveness of Reading Aloud in vocabulary

mastery for students. This research also expected to give practical contribution to

English teacher. English teacher can implement Reading Aloud to teach

vocabulary in the class. It is one of teaching strategy variation in the class. In

addition, it is expected to be a useful reference for any other research about


D. Research Scope

This research is about the use of Reading Aloud in vocabulary mastery.

Vocabulary has many fields. In this research, the researcher focused on three

fields of vocabulary They are, Noun, Verb and adjective.

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E. Operational Definition of Terms

The title of this research is “The Effectivenes of Reading Aloud toward

Student Vocabulary Mastery at the second year student of Junior High School 3

Parangloe.” In understanding the topic of this research easily, the researcher

would like to present the operational definition of terms.

1. Vocabulary

Vocabulary can be defined as the words of a language, including

single items and phrases or chunks of several words which covey a particular

meaning, the way individual words do. While without grammar very little can be

conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed”.

Vocabulary is one of the materials studied by students of all level of

schools in Indonesia. It has been mastered if they want to master English well. It

is impossible to be successful in study language without mastering the vocabulary.

Vocabulary is a central of language and of critical importance of typical language.

Without sufficient vocabulary, people can not communicate effectively or express

his ideas in both oral and written form.

To support the speaker’s interaction in communication, vocabulary

becomes important because it can be used as basic foundation to construct a word

into a good sequence of sentence. Therefore, the students should have to obtain

vocabulary mastery

2. Reading Aloud

Reading aloud is an activity to read something loudly. Reading aloud

is necessary to be learned. The aim of using this method is to make the students

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get deeper understanding. Reading aloud can increase children’s vocabulary,

experiential backgrounds, listening comprehension skills, syntactic development,

word recognition, and their understanding about concepts of print and story.

Reading aloud is a kind of comprehensive practice of pronunciation.

The material for reading aloud is the passage with certain content and

circumstances. Not only should we pronounce every word properly, but we should

divide the meaning groups correctly, arrange the pause based on the content.

Meanwhile, we should apply suitable stress, intonation and rhythm. Therefore,

reading aloud is a very good pronunciation practice. Our students come from

many places of the country, some of them have strong local accent. Reading aloud

can help them correct their dialect effectively.

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A. Review of Related Research Findings

In this research, there are some reviews of related research finding from

the previous researcher, they are:

1. The first Review finding came from Melda (2013) in his thesis “The

Application of Reading Aloud Technique to Increase Students’ Pronunciation at

The Seventh Grades of Junior High School Batudaa” stated that reading aloud

has function to increase oral English and can practice pronunciation. The data

were collected through written vocabulary test in pre-test and post-test. The result

of the data indicated that there was a significant different between post-test in

experimental class and controlled class. The mean score of test (65) in

experimental class was higher than the mean score of post-test (35) in controller

class and the standard deviation of the post-test (23.6) in experimental class was

greater than the standard deviation of the post-test in controlled class (1.31).

2. The second Review finding came from Azhar (2011) in his thesis “The

Effectiveness of Reading Aloud at Sekolah Alam Cikeas” State that Using

Reading aloud Can Increase Student’s Reading Comprehension. The researcher

applied descriptive Qualitative using ‘Interview and Questioner. This strategy fits

with the students at Sekolah Alam Cikeas because students can understand the

reading very well.

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3. The third is from Fatmah (2014) in her thesis “Pengaruh Implementasi

Strategi Reading Aloud Terhadap Hasil Membaca Santri Kelas I’dadydi Pondok

Pesantren Al-Luqmaniyyah Umbulharjo Yogyakarta Tahun Ajaran 2013/2014”

The results of this study indicate the learning process of Al-Mabadi'u Al-

Fiqhiyyah in class I'dady Pondok Pesantren Al-Luqmaniyyah going well with the

varied methods. Students play an active role in the learning, using Reading Aloud

strategy can help learners to focus mentally, pose questions, and stimulate


4. Holly B Lane (2007) “Maximizing the effectiveness of reading aloud”

reading aloud gained a new level of emphasis. It was called “the single most

important activity for building the knowledge required for eventual success in

reading” The researchers suggested that more studies should be conducted to

determine what specific behaviors during read-aloud sessions contribute to later

literacy development.

There are low to moderate negative correlations between time teachers

spend reading aloud and their students’reading achievement. That is, in

classrooms where teachers spend more time reading aloud to children,

students’reading achievement tends to be worse than in classrooms where less

time is devoted to read-aloud activities. In classrooms where reading aloud was

taking place, there were fewer interactions with students, and students spent less

time reading on their own. On the other hand, there is ample evidence of the

benefits of reading aloud to children.

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For example, reading aloud to children can increase their vocabulary,

reading aloud to children can increase their listening comprehension skills,

reading aloud to children can promote their syntactic development. It is also clear

that reading aloud to children can increase their ability to recognize words.

Reading aloud promotes a variety of skills and abilities related to emergent

literacy, and, in fact, children’s own emergent readings demonstrate evidence of

having had books read to them.

5. Vickie Johnston (2015) The Power of the Read Aloud in the Age of the

Common Core , An interactive read-aloud, is a systematic and explicit method of

reading aloud where the teacher models vocabulary development, reading

fluently, and comprehension strategies and requires the students to join in the

discussion, thus becoming interactive participants in their own learning.

Read-aloud was an interactive read-aloud in which children were not

simply passive listeners but were actively involved Power of the Read Aloud The

Open Communication making predictions and asking and answering questions.

Simply asking children questions during an interactive readaloud was found to be

ineffective in vocabulary growth; however, unless students were able to engage in

dialogue about the text. Growth was related to how students engaged in this

dialogue or interactive talk.

Based on the previous finding above, it can be concluded that there are

many methods that can be used to improve the students’ vocabulary development

especially using nice method in learning-teaching process. Actually the students

need many method and media to build up their vocabulary so that they more

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joyful and interesting in the class. In fact, it can make students easy to increase

their vocabulary.

B. Some Pertinent Ideas

1. Definition of Vocabulary

Mukoroli in Graves (2000, as cited in Taylor, 1990) defines vocabulary as

the entire stock of words belonging to a branch of knowledge or known by an

individual. He also states that the lexicon of a language is its vocabulary, which

includes words and expressions. Nilawati (2009) In her Thesis “The Effectiveness

of Teaching Vocabulary by Using Puppet at Elemetary School Students at SDN

Reteh II Lembang” State that Vocabulary is one of the materials studied by

students of all level of schools in Indonesia. It has been mastered if they want to

master English well. It is impossible to be successful in study language without

mastering the vocabulary.

Vocabulary is a central of language and of critical importance of typical

language. Without sufficient vocabulary, people can not communicate effectively

or express his ideas in both oral and written form.

According to Nation (2011) Vocabulary can be defined as the words of a

language, including single items and phrases or chunks of several words which

covey a particular meaning, the way individual words do.

2. Part of Vocabulary

Vocabulary include of three part, they are :

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a. Verb

Verb is word that can be used to form basic of close sentence. Verb is

word that express action of states of being, verb are action word, the more action

can note, the more power full they are. A verb is a kind of word (part of speech)

that tells about an action or a state. It is the main part of a sentence: every

sentence has a verb. In English, verbs are the only kind of word that changes to

show past or present tense.

Every language in the world has verbs, but they are not always used in the

same ways. They also can have different properties in different languages. For

example, in some other languages (e.g., Chinese & Indonesian) verbs do not

change for past and present tense. This means the definition above only works

well for English verbs.

b. Noun

To determine a noun, first remember the tried and true wisdom that noun is

a person, place, thing or idea. Noun is a word that functions as the name of some

specific thing or set of things, such as living creatures, objects, places, actions,

qualities, states of existence, or ideas. Linguistically, a noun is a member of a

large, open part of speech whose members can occur as the main word in

the subject of a clause, the object of a verb, or the object of a preposition.

Lexical categories (parts of speech) are defined in terms of the ways in

which their members combine with other kinds of expressions. The syntactic rules

for nouns differ from language to language. In English, nouns are those words

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which can occur with articles and attributive adjectives and can function as

the head of a noun phrase.

c. Adjective

Adjective is a describing word, the main syntactic role of which is

to qualify a noun or noun phrase, giving more information about the object


Adjectives are one of the English parts of speech, although historically they were

classed together with the nouns.

Certain words that were traditionally considered to be adjectives, including

the, this, my, etc., are today usually classed separately, as determiners. Very

simply adjective modify nouns. This means that they may modify any verb,

adjective are divided into categories as a way of understanding their purpose.

The simplest definition of an adjective is that it is a word that describes or

clarifies a noun. Adjectives describe nouns by giving some information about an

object’s size, shape, age, color, origin or material.

3. Kinds of Vocabulary

Alqahtani (2015) indicates two kinds of vocabulary, namely receptive

vocabulary and productive vocabulary.

1) Receptive Vocabulary

Receptive vocabulary is words that learners recognize and understand

when they are used in context, but which they cannot produce. It is vocabulary

that learners recognize when they see or meet in reading text but do not use it in

speaking and writing.

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2) Productive Vocabulary

Productive vocabulary is the words that the learners understand and can

pronounce correctly and use constructively in speaking and writing. It involves

what is needed for receptive vocabulary plus the ability to speak or write at the

appropriate time. Therefore, productive vocabulary can be addressed as an active

process, because the learners can produce the words to express their thoughts to


4. The Importance of Vocabulary Mastery

As an English teacher, we believe that in learning English as a second

language the learners should mastery the base component of English such as

sound system, the basic structural pattern and a limited number of vocabulary


Mastery vocabulary is a must in our life both in interacting and learning.

Without vocabulary we cannot express our idea, it is a tool in our mind to think

and solve the problem. More words you have in your mind give you more ways to

think and solve the problem. We realized that vocabulary is the most importance

think in our life for communication.

Adnyana (2013) stated that “Vocabulary is exactly important in mastering

English, because many vocabularies which are mastered, it means more ideas they

can express or many ideas of people. So the students will realize that a word can

show many meanings and many words have one meaning. If students has know

about that, they will try to make a sentence in other form”.

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5. Reading Aloud

Reading aloud is an activity to read something loudly. Reading aloud is

necessary to be learned. It is support by Huang (2010 p. 148) “reading aloud is an

important part in education for all-around development, which has several

functions in English teaching”.

In reading aloud, students can test themselves whether the pronunciations

that they are saying is correct or not. If the pronunciations are not correct, it can

be be revised directly by the teacher.

According to Subyakto & Nababan (1993, p.168) reading aloud can

support pronunciation skill. Meanwhile Huang (2010 p. 148) said that “reading

aloud is used as the major and magic way to improve students’ oral-English”.

Based on the explanation above, reading aloud is important in reading

activity such as help students reach better reading of language item, and help them

to practice word stress, intonation, and pronunciations. They stop and start

frequently, mispronouncing some words and skipping others.

6. The purpose of reading aloud

Reading aloud also has positive effects on the development of vocabulary

reading comprehension. Nabhani in Primamore (1994) argues that learners benefit

more than others when they are read to because they often enter school lacking the

necessary tools of literacy, and may be ‘at risk’ in developing their reading and

writing skills. Reading aloud to children can be used proactively to avoid

problems in reading such as poor vocabulary and lack of comprehension.

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Moreover, according to Huang (2010 p.149) Reading aloud has five

functions in foreign language; 1) Practice pronunciation, 2) Improve oral English,

3) Get deeper understanding, 4) Strengthen the knowledge and 5) Improve the

classroom atmosphere.

7. Function of reading aloud

There are some function of reading aloud, they are:

a) Practice pronunciation

Reading aloud is a kind of comprehensive practice of pronunciation. The

material for reading aloud is the passage with certain content and circumstances.

Not only should we pronounce every word properly, but we should divide the

meaning groups correctly, arrange the pause based on the content. Meanwhile, we

should apply suitable stress, intonation and rhythm.

Therefore, reading aloud is a very good pronunciation practice. Our

students come from many places of the country, some of them have strong local

accent. Reading aloud can help them correct their dialect effectively.

b) Improve oral English

The students with perfect oral English should pronounce properly and

speak fluently. Most students learn English with a focus on reading and writing

skill. For some students who don’t have the confidence to practice spoken

English, reading aloud can help them overcome the faults of fluency, repeat,

improper pause, and develop natural and good pronunciation habit.

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c) Get deeper understanding

In fact, reading aloud is reappearance of all the original content of idea,

feeling, attitude and style in the form of voice. Therefore, standard reading not

only can make the students keep great attention, arouse their sense and

imagination, but help them understand original correctly and deeply.

Based on the explanations from these some experts above, it can be

concluded that reading aloud very helpful to increase students’ vocabulary

mastery. There are two reasons why reading aloud is necessary, first it ensures

that the reading process is going on and help the teacher to improve it. Second it

gives a practice in the manipulation of sound and practice in speech and


C. Theoretical Framework

Vocabulary is central to English language teaching because without

sufficient vocabulary students cannot understand others or express their own

ideas. Wilkins In Lessard (1994) wrote that “while without grammar very little

can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed” (pp.111–112).

Based on the definition above, I conclude that The more we mastered

vocabulary the more we understand what the people said, the more vocabulary the

learners have, the easier for them to develop their four skills (listening, reading,

writing, and speaking) and learn English as the foreign language generally.

Students often instinctively recognize the importance of vocabulary in

their learning process. As Fadhilah (2011) noted, “It can also be articulated as

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basic building block of language”. Teaching vocabulary helps students understand

and communicate with others in English.

Voltaire purportedly said, “Language is verydifficult to put into words.” I

believe English language students generally would concur, yet learning

vocabulary also helps students master English for their purposes.

Reading aloud is an activity to read something loudly. Reading aloud is

necessary to be learned. It is support by Huang (2010 p. 148) “reading aloud is an

important part in education for all-around development, which has several

functions in English teaching”.

In reading aloud, students can test themselves whether the pronunciations

that they are saying is correct or not. If the pronunciations are not correct, it can

be revised directly by the teacher.

According to Jhontson in Hargrave and Sénéchal (2000) found that an

interactive read-aloud resulted in vocabulary gains even when those interactive

interventions were short. Meanwhile Huang (2010 p. 148) said that “reading aloud

is used as the major and magic way to improve students’ oral-English”.

Based on the explanation above, reading aloud is important in reading

activity such as help students reach better reading of language item, and help them

to practice word stress, intonation, and pronunciations. They stop and start

frequently, mispronouncing some words and skipping others.

The researcher focused the research on the effectiveness of reading aloud

toward vocabulary mastery. However, there are two classes which are divided into

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experimental class and control class. The conceptual framework of this research is

as follows:

Based on framework before, the researcher teached vocabulary in two

classes. First is experimental class and the second is control class. In experimental

class, the researcher used reading aloud in teaching vocabulary. Different from

control class, the researcher used conventional teaching method in teaching

descriptive text.

Teaching Vocabulary


Experiment Class Control Class

Using Reading Aloud as

Method in Teaching


Using Conventional

Teaching Method In

Teaching Vocabulary


The Students’ Ability in

Vocabulary Mastery

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D. Hypothesis

The hypothesis of the research is formulated as follows:

H1 : The use of Reading Aloud can enhance the students’ vocabulary mastery at

the second year student of Junior High School 2 Parangloe.

H0 : The use of Reading Aloud cannot enhance the students’ vocabulary

mastery at the second year student of Junior High School 2 Parangloe.

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This chapter presents research design, variables of the research,

population and sample, instrument of the research, procedure of collecting data

and technique of analyzing of data.

A. Research Method

The design of this research is Quasi Experimental Design; exactly

Nonequivalent Control Group Design that involving two groups of classes. One

group treated as the experimental class and other group treated as the controlled


In experimental class, researcher applied Reading Aloud as Method in

Teaching while in control class use conventional teaching method.

The researcher used pre-test and post-test design in both experimental and

controlled class. The aim is to find out of the using of Reading Aloud in

enhancing students’ vocabulary mastery. To get the significant effectiveness by

comparing the pre-test and post-test both of experimental class and controlled


This is a model of Quasi-Experimental Design, exactly Non-equivalent

Control Group Design.

E O1 X O2

C O3 O4

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E : Experimental class

C : Control class

O1 : Pre-test (in experimental class)

O3 : Pre-test (in control class)

X : Treatment that will be given for experimental class by using

reading aloud as method.

O2 : Post-test (in experimental class)

O4 : Post-test (in controlled class)

(Sugiyono, 2015:116)

B. Research Variables

There are two variables of this experiment research. They are Independent

variable and dependent variable:

First, the independent variable is Reading Aloud as Method, which are the

teaching aids that helps the students to enhance their vocabulary mastery.

Second, the dependent variable is the students vocabulary mastery.

Dependent variable is affected by independent variable. This research shows that

using reading aloud affects the students’ vocabulary mastery or not.

C. Population and Sample

1. Population

According to Arikunto (2013) states that, population is the total member

of research respondents, while sample is a part or representation of population that

is researched. The population of this research taken from the second year

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Studentof SMPN 3 Parangloe, Gowa, in Borisallo in academic year 2016/2017.

The total numbers of population are 81 students, consists of 4 classes.

2. Sample

The technique sampling used in this research is cluster sampling. The

researcher would take two classes as the sample to get representative data.

The researcher took two classes as sample and divided into two groups,

experimental class and control class. The researcher took XA consist of 20

students as experiment class and XB consist of 20 students as the control class.

D. Research Setting

1. Location of the research

This research was conducted in one of Junior High School in Gowa

regency, Lanna, Borisallo, Parangloe, South Celebes, i.e. SMP Neg. 3 Parangloe.

2. Time of the research

This research was done less than six months, it was started from March,


2017 till August, 17th


3. School Profile

a. School Identity

Name of School : SMPN 3 PARANGLOE

Adress : Jl. Malino KM. 40 Kel. Tala-Tala

Kec Parangloe

District : Parangloe

Regency : Gowa

Headmaster : Hj. Ummihati, S.Pd

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School status : Affair

NPSN / NSS : 40313398 / 101020809205

b. Vision School of SMP Negeri 3 Parangloe)

Creating Schools of Achievement, Critical Thinking, Creative, and


c. Mission School of SMP Negeri 3 Parangloe)

1. Learners are faithful, devoted, and virtuous.

2. Learners insight into the present and future to face the

demands of the times.

3. Educate participants are able to face the problems of life,

discipline, and responsibility.

d. Students condition

1. Learning Group Data

Tabel 3.1. Learning Group Data

No. Name

group level

Number of students

L P Jumlah

1. Kelas 7 A 1 11 19 30

2. Kelas 7 B 2 11 15 26

3. Kelas 8 A 3 7 14 21

4. Kelas 8 B 4 8 15 23

5. Kelas 9 A 5 9 13 22

6. Kelas 9 B 6 7 13 20

Jumlah 53 89 142

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E. Research Instrument

To obtain the data, the researcher preceded the tests that consists of pre-

test and post-test. The function of pre test is to know how far the ability in

memorizing vocabulary before using Reading Aloud and the function of post test

is to know the enhancement of students’ ability in memorizing vocabulary after

using reading aloud as a method in teaching vocabulary.

F. Data Collecting Procedure

The researcher would collect the data by test (pre-test and post-test)

1. Pre-test

To collect the data, the researcher administered a pre-test to both classes. It

tested to the students. The Pre-test was intended to know the prior knowledge of

the students on vocabulary mastery before giving the treatment. The researcher

conducted pre-test for experimental group on 2nd

may ….. and 3rd

may for

controlled group.

2. Treatment

After giving the pre-test, the researcher conducted the treatment to the

experimental class only by using reading aloud as method in the teaching

vocabulary. The treatment was given for at least eight meetings, while the

controlled class received a treatment by using conventional technique. The

procedures of treatment in experimental class:

1) The researcher came to the class then introducing himself and

his purpose

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2) The researcher described kind of genres of the text in English

and the importance to know each text.

3) The researcher explained some problem in vocabulary mastery

to the students

4) The researcher applied reading aloud in teaching vocabulary in

experimental class.

The procedures of treatment were chronologically performed as


1. Monday, 2 may 2017 the researcher did the treatment in experimental

class. The material was Narrative text

2. At 11th,


…… the researcher continued the research. the material was

Part of Speech

3. At 14th,


the researcher continued the research. the material was Noun

and Adjective

4. At 16th,


the researcher continued the research. the material was Verb

3. Post-test

The post-test used after giving treatment to the students. The test was same

with the pre-test before. In this post-test, the researcher saw the improvement of

the students after giving treatment. The researcher conducted post-test for

experimental group on 2nd

may and 3rd

may for controled group.

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G. Data Analysis Technique

The data were obtained through the pre-test and post-test. The researcher

used the procedures as follow:

1. Scoring the students’ correct answer of pre-test and post-test by

using the following formula :

Students’ score

Score = x 100

Maximum score

2. Scoring category of the students’ pre-test and post-test by using

scoring rubric items as follow

No Scale Classification

1. 91 – 100 Very Good

2. 76– 89 Good

3. 61 – 75 Fair

4. 51 – 60 Poor

5. Less than 50 Very Poor

Pusat kurikulum (2006)

3. The formula used in calculating the mean score of the students’


∑X X =


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X = Mean score

∑X = Sum of all scores

N = Total number of the respondents

Arikunto (2006)

4. Finding out the standard deviation of the students pre-test and post-

test by applying this formula:

1. SD =


SD = Standard deviation

SS = the sum of square

n = Total number of the subjects

∑𝑋2 = The sum of all square; each score is squared and all the

squares are added up

(∑𝑋)2 = The square of the sum; all the scores are added up and the

sum is square total.

Arikunto (2006)

𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆 = � − Where SS= ∑X2 −

𝑛𝑛 − 1

(∑ 𝑋𝑋)



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5. The formula used in finding out the difference between students’

score in pretest and post-test is:


T= Test of significance

x�R1 = Mean score of experimental group

x�R⁵ = Mean score of control group

SS1 = Sum square of experimental group

SS2 = Sum square of control group

n1 = Number of students of experimental group

n2 = Number of students of control group


SS1 =∑x12-

(∑ X1)


SS2 = ∑x22-

(∑ X2)


Arikunto (2006)

The formula explained about the significant between the pre-test and the

post-test. The aim of the formula was to answer the question of the problem

x�1 − x�2 𝑡𝑡 =

�� SS1 + SS2

� � 1

+ 1

n1 + n2 − 2 n1 n2



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statement, to know whether the Reading Aloud method effective or not in

improving vocabulary mastery at the second grade of SMP 2 Parangloe, Gowa.



This chapter deals with the findings of the research and the discussions of

the findings. In this chapter, the researcher analyzed the data consist of the result

of pre-test and post-test either in experimental class or controled class.

Moreover, in this chapter, the researcher analyzed the data obtained from

the students pre-test and post-test. The data consisted of the result of the pre-test

and post-test. The pre-test was intended to know the ability of the students’

vocabulary mastery before giving treatments, while the post-test was intended to

find out whether there was any improvement or not of the students’ vocabulary

mastery after having several treatments through Reading aloud.

A. Findings

The findings of the research were based on the results of the data analysis.

The data analysis used vocabulary test to collect the data. The vocabulary test

consists of pre-test and post-test. The pre-test was given to find out the students’

ability in vocabulary mastery before presenting Reading Aloud method, and the

post-test was given to find out the improvement of the students’ vocabulary

mastery after giving the treatment.

1. The Classification of the Students’ Pre-Test and Post-Test Score in

Experimental Class.

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The following table shows the distribution of frequency and percentage

final score of students’ Vocabulary Mastery at the second Year Student of

SMPN 2 Parangloe in pre-test and post-test of experimental class.

Before the treatment, the researcher conducted the pre-test. The result of

the pre-test was acquired to know the students’ level in mastering vocabulary.

All students’ result can be seen in the data in table 1. The table shows that

fifteen students (15%) got good score, eight students (40%) got fair score, nine

students (45%) got poor score, and none of students (0%) got very good and very

poor score.

Table 1

The rate percentage of score experimental class in the pre-test

No. Classification Score Frequency Percentage

1 Very good 90 –100 - -

2 Good 76 –89 1 10%

3 Fair 61 – 75 5 40%

4 Poor 51 – 60 14 45%

5 Very poor Less than 50 - -

TOTAL 20 100%

After treatment, the researcher conducted the post-test. All students’

result could be seen into the data in table 2. There were two students (10%) got

very good score, eleven students (55%) got the good score, seven students (35%)

got the fair score, and none of the students (0%) got poor and very poor score.

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Table 2

The rate percentage of score experimental class in the post-test

No. Classification Score Frequency Percentage

1 Very good 90 – 100 - -

2 Good 76 – 89 5 55%

3 Fair 61 – 75 7 35%

4 Poor 51 – 60 8 -

5 Very poor Less than 50 - -

TOTAL 20 100%

Based on the result above, it can be concluded that the rate percentage

in the post-test was higher than the rate percentage in the pre-test. There were

not students got very good score in the pre-test but in the post-test there were

two students got very good score and none of the students got poor and very poor

score in the post-test. There was also a student got score among 53 till 80 in the


2. The Classification of the Students’ Pre-Test and Post-Test Score in

Control Class.

Table 3

The rate percentage of score control class in the pre-test

No. Classification Score Frequency Percentage

1 Very good 90 – 100 - -

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2 Good 76 – 89 - -

3 Fair 61 – 75 4 10%

4 Poor 51 – 60 9 60%

5 Very poor Less than 50 7 30%

TOTAL 20 100%

Table 3 above shows the rate percentage of the score of control class in

the pre-test from 20 students, none of the students got score more than 50. There

were six students (30%) got the fair score, ten students (50%) got the poor score,

and four students (20%) got very poor score. This indicates that the rate

percentage of score control class in the pre-test was low.

Table 4

The rate percentage of score control class in the post-test

No. Classification Score Frequency Percentage

1 Very good 90 – 100 - -

2 Good 76 – 89 1 10%

3 Fair 61 – 75 7 35%

4 Poor 51 – 60 7 35%

5 Very poor Less than 50 5 20%

TOTAL 20 100%

While the rate percentage of the score of control class in the post-test from

the 20 students as table 4 above shows, none of the students (0%) was got very

good score which score more than 90 . There were two students (10%) got the

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good score, ten students (50%) got the fair score, seven students (35%) got the

poor score and only one student (5%) that got score less than 50.

Based on the table 3 and 4, it can be concluded that the rate percentage in

the post-test was greater than the rate percentage in the pre-test.

3. The Mean Score and Standard Deviation of the students’ Experimental and

Control Group

After calculating the results of the students’ pre-test and post-test from

the experimental group and the control group, the mean score and standard

deviation of their scores presented in table 5. The mean score of the students’ pre-

test of experimental group which shown from the table was 63.9 with standard

deviation was 9.62. The mean score of the students’ pre-test of control group

which shown from the table was 58.65 with standard deviation was 8.99.

The mean score of the students’ post-test of the experimental group

which shown from the table was 80.05 with standard deviation was 8.38. The

mean score of students’ post-test of control group which shown from the table

was 65.3 with standard deviation was 9.30. It revealed that the mean score and

standard deviation of pre-test and post-test of experiment group and control

group were different which obtained from the students.

Based on the data above, it could be concluded that the students’ ability

of experimental group in mastering vocabulary material was higher than the

control group.

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Table 5

The Mean Score and the Standard Deviation of Experimental and Control

Group of the Students’ Pre-test and Post-test.

Types Mean Score Standard Deviation

Pre-test Post-test Pre-test Post-test

Experimental 61 69.1 8.20 8.22

Control 56.05 60.4 8.53 9.68

Then, the total score of students’ pre-test of experimental group was 61

Meanwhile, the total score of the students’ post-test was 69.1 and the total score

of the students’ pre-test of control group was 56.05 and the total score of the

students’ post-test of control group was 60.4. The results achieved from both

tests, the pre-test and the post-test, were different.

Based on the result above, the researcher has considered Reading aloud

method could be one of the effective ways to improve the students’ vocabulary

mastery. It based on the mean score of experimental group’s post-test was higher

than control group.

4. Hypothesis Testing the Difference Significant Between the Experimental

and Control Group

Although, the mean score increased after treatment but the hypothesis in

Chapter II p. 24 must be tasted again with the statistical calculation. The

statements of the hypothesis are:

(Ho) : The use of Reading Aloud cannot enhance the students’

vocabulary mastery at the 1st

grade students of Islamic Boarding

School of Hasan Yamani. The statistical formula is: Ho = X1 – X2

= 0 or X1 – X2.

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(H1) : The use of Reading Aloud can enhance the students’ vocabulary

mastery at the 1st

grade students of Islamic Boarding School of

Hasan Yamani. The statistical formula is: H1 = X1 – X2>0 or X1 –


To know whether the mean score of the experimental group and the

control group was statistically different, the t-test applied with the level

significance (P) = 0.05 and the degree of freedom (df) = n-2, where n1 = 20 and

n2 = 20 and the total observations are twenty students. The result of t-test after

calculation can be seen the following table 6.

Table 6

The Result of t-test calculation

Variable t-test Value t-table Value

X1 – X2 3.06 2.042

The table 6 indicates that value of the t-test was 5.28. It was higher than

the value of the t-table was 2.086 with significant level (P) = 0.05 and (df) = 38,

then the value of t-table was 2.086 while the value of t-test (5.28 > 2.086). It

means that hypothesis was accepted.

B. Discussion

Vocabulary is the most important thing in learning English. There are

many reasons for this. Having a lot of vocabulary will be very helpful for the

student in terms of learning the English language, such as speaking, listening,

reading and writing. It can be the basic skill that should be learnt by the students.

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They need to know more vocabulary before making a sentence, they need

vocabularies to speak, they need vocabulary to understand what they are listening.

Reading Aloud is one of the most important technique in teaching

vocabulary mastery of English learners , which means the teachers and students

pronounced the word loudly in front of the class. This technique help the students

focus on the content of the text because the words pronounced loudly and it saved

in students’ memories. Therefore, this technique also makes the students directly

involve in classroom activity. By reading and pronounce the text, the students

easier to remember the text.

The aim of this thesis was to find out whether or not Reading aloud

method led the students in the experimental group to a significant higher

comprehension scores than those who did not participate in Reading aloud

method. To prove it, the researcher used vocabulary test which consisted of 30

items as the instrument in the pre-test and the post-test.

In this research, the researcher found that the students’ ability increased

more significantly after using Reading aloud method more than control group. It

is indicated by the result of pre-test of experimental group was 61 with the mean

score was 69.1 and the post-test was 8.20 with the mean score was 8.22.

Meanwhile, the result of pre-test of control group was 56.05 with mean score

was 60.4 and the post-test was 8.53 with the mean score was 9.68 The result of t-

test both groups, the experimental and control group was higher than t-table

result (3.06>2.042). It means that Reading aloud is one of effective ways to

enhance the students’ vocabulary mastery.

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Considering the computation result above, it was clear that Reading aloud

method done by the experimental group contributed to their vocabulary

enhancement. It makes the student more active to pronounce the word loudly,

This finding was consistent with what Huang (2010) stated reading aloud is used

as the major and magic way to improve students’ oral-English”.

Reading aloud method had also given positive affect to students’ spirit.

Almost all of the students in the experimental group were listened by this

method. They felt that reading aloud method had made them easy to remember

the vocabulary. It supports the explanation from Muller (2015), reading aloud

makes active movement: sets sounds, thought, and feeling in motion.

The subject in this research is different from the previous researchers

where this research has conducted at the second grade of SMPN 3 Parangloe. The

materials that presented are also very closely related to the daily lives of

students. It makes the students feel curious to find an empty section of a work

sheet provided by the teacher. Moreover, Reading aloud method could also make

a good classroom atmosphere for students that can be increased the motivation

of the students to improve learning achievement.

The result of this research was compatible with some related finding. One

of them is Fatmah (2014) in her thesis “Pengaruh Implementasi Strategi Reading

Aloud Terhadap Hasil Membaca Santri Kelas I’dadydi Pondok Pesantren Al-

Luqmaniyyah Umbulharjo Yogyakarta Tahun Ajaran 2013/2014” The results of

this study indicate the learning process of Al-Mabadi'u Al-Fiqhiyyah in class

I'dady Pondok Pesantren Al-Luqmaniyyah going well with the varied methods.

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Students play an active role in the learning, using Reading Aloud strategy

can help learners to focus mentally, pose questions, and stimulate discussion. The

result showed that writing achievement is increased through the implementation

of Reading Aloud in the classroom instruction. It has the same result between

this research and the previous related finding that hass been discussed in chapter

2. Both of them show that using Reading Aloud is effective in teaching


Based on the discussion above, the researcher concluded that Reading

aloud method in teaching vocabulary could enhance the students’ vocabulary

mastery. It was proved from by result of the research that students got higher

scores after giving the treatment than before giving the treatment.

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This chapter consists of two parts, the first deals with the conclusions of

the findings, and the second part deals with suggestions.

A. Conclusions

Based on the findings and discussion, the researcher puts forward

conclusion as follows:

The result of reading aloud method was good, it is effective to improve

the students’ vocabulary mastery at the second grade of SMPN 3 Parangloe. It

was proved by students’ result before and after giving the treatment, their scores

increased and become good with the mean score of the students’ pre-test of

experimental group was 61 with standard deviation was 8.20 while of post-test

which had poor score with mean score were 69.1 and standard deviation was 8.22

after the treatment, and also in control group the total score of pre test 56.05

with standard deviation was 8.53 and the total score of the setudents’ post test

was 60.4 and standard deviation was 9.68 the result achieve from both test, the

pre test and post test were different.

The researcher found that there was a significant difference between

experimental group and control group. The significance difference result of

students was 5.28 (t-test) and the level of significance (P) = 0.05 and (df:n-2) =

40 – 2 = 38, where n1 = 20 and n2 = 20. The value of t-table was 2.086 while the

value of t-test 5.28 > 2.086. It means that hypothesis was accepted. In other

word, reading aloud method could enhance the students’ vocabulary mastery.

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B. Suggestion

The research findings indicate that reading aloud method could be applied

in teaching vocabulary since it could motivate the students to be eager and get

used to memorize vocabulary. As the result, some suggestions are proposed as


1. English teachers should applied creative technique in the classroom for

teaching vocavulary, so it is advisable to the teachers to implement

Reading Aloud as one of alternative technique in teaching vocabulary

in order to improve students’ reading comprehension.

2. It is suggested that the teachers use reading aloud method as one of

many alternatives method in improving students’ vocabulary mastery.

3. The teacher should be able to encourage and motivate the students to

participate in reading aloud method.

4. The teacher should listen to the students when they are doing Reading


5. The English teacher should be more creative to choose method or

strategy in teaching vocabulary, arrange the learning environment and

become the best facilitator in learning English.

6. This research will be a useful information and contribution for the

next researcher especially about students’ vocabulary mastery.

7. For the next researchers who want to use reading aloud method, it

would be better if the next researcher is conducted in a longer period.

8. The last suggestion that should be done by the teacher is evaluation.

Teacher must know how to evaluate the students’ vocabulary


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Finally, the researcher realizes that there are still many shortages in his

thesis, so the researcher really expects the criticism and suggestion for the

improvements. Thus, the researcher also hopes this thesis can be a meaningful for

the teacher of English as well as students and further researcher.

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Students’ Reading Comprehension In News Item Text (An Experimental

Research at the 10 th Grade of MA Darul Amanah Sukorejo Kendal in

Academic Year of 2010/2011). A Thesis of State Walisongo University,


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FAKULTAS TARBIYAH DAN KEGURUAN Kampus I Jl. St. Alauddin No. 63 Makassar Tlp. (0411) 86492 Fax 864923

Kampus II Jl. St. Alauddin No. 36 Samata Sungguminasa-Gowa Tlp. (0411) 424835 Fax






Rearrange words below!

1. p – h – n – a – t – e – l – e - :

2. r – u - h – r – n – g - :

3. e - j – u – p – m – d - :

4. v – e - a – l – e - :

5. m – s – f – a – l – e – e - :

6. b – t – a – u – e – i – l – u – f - :

7. w – y – e – s – r – o – e – b - :

8. r – l – a – m – l – e – s - :

9. t – i – e – t – s – n - :

10. k – h – i – c – c – s - :

11. n – e – h – :

12. g – g – s – e - :

13. d – a – n – g – e – s – o – u – r - :

14. o – f – o – h – i – s – l - :

15. n – e – g – a – b - :

Page 57: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF READING ALOUD TO IMPROVE THE …repositori.uin-alauddin.ac.id/4343/1/Ahmad Junaid_20400113137.pdf · Reading Aloud affected the students’ vocabulary of the


A. Choose the correct answer!

1. What is the synonym of foolish?

a. stupid b. bad

c. ugly d. good

2. You are , so you need food.

a. hungry b. full

c. tall d. cool

3. An eagle in the forest.

a. run b. slept

c. fly d. lived

4. What is the antonym of female?

a. man b. women

c. male d. boy

16. Elephant is a animal.

a. tall b. long

c. small d. big

17. What is the synonym of tall?

a. high b. small

c. large d. short

18. Mary is as Hollywood star.

a. smart b. big

c. beatiful d. small

19. I have a in my garden.

a. chick b. bad

c. long d. tall

20. What is the antonym of well?

a. nice b. good

c. narrow d. Bad

10. The monkey crocodile in the


a. saw b. sleep

c. good d. Eat

11. Mary Is celebrating her birthday.

Now Mary feels

a. angry b. dusty

c. easy d. Happy

12. Eagle so hungry. So he a


a. walk b. Looking for

c. kick d. Wear

13. The hen is I want to feed it.

a. hungry b. soft

c. dirty d. Large

14. Mary didn’t study hard. He

didn’t the exam.

a. study b. break

c. pass d. give

15. The crocodile lives in the

a. forest b. river

c. home d. street

Page 58: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF READING ALOUD TO IMPROVE THE …repositori.uin-alauddin.ac.id/4343/1/Ahmad Junaid_20400113137.pdf · Reading Aloud affected the students’ vocabulary of the




FAKULTAS TARBIYAH DAN KEGURUAN Kampus I Jl. St. Alauddin No. 63 Makassar Tlp. (0411) 864924 Fax 864923

Kampus II Jl. St. Alauddin No. 36 Samata Sungguminasa-Gowa Tlp. (0411) 424835 Fax






Rearrange words below!

1. p – h – n – a – t – e – l – e - :

2. r – u - h – r – n – g - :

3. e - j – u – p – m – d - :

4. v – e - a – l – e - :

5. m – s – f – a – l – e – e - :

6. b – t – a – u – e – i – l – u – f - :

7. w – y – e – s – r – o – e – b - :

8. r – l – a – m – l – e – s - :

9. t – i – e – t – s – n - :

10. k – h – i – c – c – s - :

11. n – e – h – :

12. g – g – s – e - :

13. d – a – n – g – e – s – o – u – r - :

14. o – f – o – h – i – s – l - :

15. n – e – g – a – b - :

Page 59: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF READING ALOUD TO IMPROVE THE …repositori.uin-alauddin.ac.id/4343/1/Ahmad Junaid_20400113137.pdf · Reading Aloud affected the students’ vocabulary of the


B. Choose the correct answer!

1. What is the synonym of foolish?

a. stupid b. bad

c. ugly d. good

2. You are , so you need food.

a. hungry b. full

c. tall d. cool

3. An eagle in the forest.

a. run b. slept

c. fly d. lived

4. What is the antonym of female?

a. man b. women

c. male d. boy

5. Elephant is a animal.

a. tall b. long

c. small d. big

6. What is the synonym of tall?

a. high b. small

c. large d. short

7. Mary is as Hollywood star.

a. smart b. big

c. beatiful d. small

8. I have a in my garden.

a. chick b. bad

c. long d. tall

9. What is the antonym of well?

a. nice b. good

c. narrow d. Bad

10. The monkey crocodile in the


a. saw b. sleep

c. good d. Eat

11. Mary Is celebrating her birthday.

Now Mary feels

a. angry b. dusty

c. easy d. Happy

12. Eagle so hungry. So he a


a. walk b. Looking for

c. kick d. Wear

13. The hen is I want to feed it.

a. hungry b. soft

c. dirty d. Large

14. Mary didn’t study hard. He

didn’t the exam.

a. study b. break

c. pass d. give

15. The crocodile lives in the

a. forest b. river

c. home d. street

Page 60: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF READING ALOUD TO IMPROVE THE …repositori.uin-alauddin.ac.id/4343/1/Ahmad Junaid_20400113137.pdf · Reading Aloud affected the students’ vocabulary of the



The Classification of Students’ score in Experimental Class

NO. Name Pre Test Post Test

1. Muh.adsar 70 80

2. Sapri 60 65

3. Muh.sapri 55 65

4. Ical 55 57

5. Aswar 70 77

6. Saparuddin 80 87

7. M.ahmad 60 70

8. Irfan 75 80

9. Asri.s 60 73

10. Mustakim 65 70

11. Siti hatija 50 60

12. Sri.santi 70 77

13. Nur.eni 55 60

14. Sri fitri anggreani 60 67

15. hartika 55 65

16. ismiati 55 57

17. nur.hakiki syam 55 65

18. nur parida 60 75

19. jumriani 60 67

20. sel fira 50 65

Total 1220 1382

Mean Score 61 69,1

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The Classification of Students’ score in Control Class

NO. Name Pre test Post test

1. Nurfika Awaluddin 60 70

2. Arif Hidayatullah 73 73

3. Hartina 67 80

4. Muh. sofyan 73 73

5. Khaerunnisa 47 50

6. Hasriadi 50 57

7. Hamka 53 57

8. Munawir anas 60 70

9. Muh. shaleh 47 60

10. Fadilah Ramadhani 55 50

11. Abd. Karim 60 60

12. Wahyuni 65 67

13. Nur Intan 53 67

14. Nurul khatimah 60 63

15. Khaerul Umam 45 50

16. Vera Wulandari 55 53

17. Rismayanti 53 60

18. Asdar 45 53

19. Nur Hilmi 50 50

20. Muh. Ilham 50 45

Total 1121 1208

Mean Score 56,05 60.4

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The Row Score of the Students’ Pre-Test in Experimental Class

Number of



of item

Number of

correct answar Score Classification

1 15 11 60 Fair

2 15 10 73 Fair

3 15 8 67 Fair

4 15 8 73 Fair

5 15 11 47 Very Poor

6 15 12 50 Poor

7 15 9 53 Poor

8 15 11 60 Fair

9 15 9 47 Very Poor

10 15 10 55 Poor

11 15 8 60 Poor

12 15 12 65 Poor

13 15 8 53 Poor

14 15 10 60 Fair

15 15 8 45 Poor

16 15 8 55 Poor

17 15 10 53 Poor

18 15 11 45 Poor

19 15 10 50 Poor

20 25 8 50 Poor

TOTAL 1278

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The Row Score of the Students’ Post-Test in Experimental Class

Number of


Number of


Number of correct

answar Score Classification

1 15 13 80 Good

2 15 14 65 Fair

3 15 12 65 Fair

4 15 12 57 Poor

5 15 13 77 Good

6 15 13 87 Good

7 15 11 70 Fair

8 15 14 80 Good

9 15 11 73 Fair

10 15 12 70 Good

11 15 12 60 Poor

12 15 13 77 Good

13 15 11 60 Poor

14 15 10 67 Fair

15 15 12 65 Fair

16 15 10 57 Poor

17 15 11 65 Fair

18 15 13 75 Fair

19 15 13 67 Fair

20 25 10 65 Fair

TOTAL 1601

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The Row Score of the Students’ Pre-Test in Control Class

Number of



of item

Number of

correct answar Score Classification

1 15 9 60 Poor

2 15 11 73 Fair

3 15 10 67 Fair

4 15 11 73 Fair

5 15 7 47 Very poor

6 15 10 50 poor

7 15 8 53 Poor

8 15 9 60 Poor

9 15 7 47 Very poor

10 15 9 55 Poor

11 15 9 60 Poor

12 15 11 65 Fair

13 15 8 53 Poor

14 15 10 60 Fair

15 15 7 45 Very poor

16 15 9 55 Poor

17 15 8 53 Poor

18 15 7 45 Very poor

19 15 8 50 Poor

20 25 8 50 Poor

TOTAL 1173

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The Row Score of the Students’ Post-Test in Control Class

Number of


Number of


Number of

correct answar



1 15 12 80 Good

2 15 11 73 Fair

3 15 12 80 Good

4 15 11 73 Fair

5 15 11 73 Fair

6 15 10 67 Fair

7 15 11 73 Fair

8 15 11 73 Fair

9 15 10 67 Fair

10 15 10 67 Fair

11 15 9 60 Poor

12 15 10 67 Fair

13 15 10 67 Fair

14 15 9 60 Poor

15 15 9 60 Poor

16 15 8 53 Poor

17 15 9 60 Poor

18 15 8 53 Poor

19 15 8 53 Poor

20 25 7 47 Very poor

TOTAL 1306

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The Classification of Students’ score in Experimental Class

Respondents Pre-Test Post-Test

Score (X) X12

Score (X) X12

1 70 4900 80 6400

2 60 3600 65 4225

3 55 3025 65 4225

4 55 3025 57 3249

5 70 4900 77 5929

6 80 6400 87 7569

7 60 3600 70 4900

8 75 5625 80 6400

9 60 3600 73 5329

10 65 4225 70 4900

11 50 2500 60 3600

12 70 4900 77 5929

13 55 3025 60 3600

14 60 3600 67 4489

15 55 3025 65 4225

16 55 3025 57 3249

17 55 3025 65 4225

18 60 3600 75 5625

19 60 3600 67 4489

20 50 2500 65 4225

Total Total 1121 64217 1208

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The Row Score of the Students’ Pre-Test and Post-Test

in Control Class

Respondents Pre-Test Post-Test

Score (X) X22

Score (X) X22

1 60 3600 70 4900

2 73 5329 73 5329

3 67 4489 80 6400

4 73 5329 73 5329

5 47 2209 50 2500

6 50 2500 57 3249

7 53 2809 57 3249

8 60 3600 70 4900

9 47 2209 60 3600

10 55 3025 50 2500

11 60 3600 60 3600

12 65 4225 67 4489

13 53 2809 67 4489

14 60 3600 63 3969

15 45 2025 50 2500

16 55 3025 53 2809

17 53 2809 60 3600

18 45 2025 53 2809

19 50 2500 50 2500

20 50 2500 45 2025

Total Total 1121 64217 1208

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2 =

� �


The Mean Score

A. Experimental Class

1. Pre-test

𝑋 = ƩX

1 N

2. Post-test

𝑋 = ƩX

1 N

= 1220


𝑋�1 = 61

= 1382


𝑋�1= 69,1R

B. Control class

1. Pre-test


2. Post-test

𝑋�2 = N




= 1208


𝑋�2= 60,4

𝑋�2 = 56,05



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1 1


Standard Deviation

a. Experimental class

1. Pre-test

𝑆𝐷 = � 𝑆𝑆1


2. Post-test

𝑆𝐷 = � 𝑆𝑆1


Where : Where :

𝑆𝑆1 = Ʃ𝑋2 – (Ʃ𝑋1 )


𝑛 𝑆𝑆1 = Ʃ𝑋2 –

(Ʃ𝑋1 ) 2


= 75700 - (1220)


= 96782 - (1382)


= 75700 - 1488400

20 = 96782 - 1909924


= 75700 – 74420

= 1280

= 96782 – 95496,2

= 1285,8

𝑆𝐷 = � 𝑆𝑆1

𝑛−1 𝑆𝐷 = �



= �1280

19 = �1285,8


= √67.36 = √67,67

= 8,20 = 8,22

2 2

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2 2

b. Control class

1. Pre-test

𝑆𝐷 = � 𝑆𝑆1


2. Post-test

𝑆𝐷 = � 𝑆𝑆1


Where : Where :

𝑆𝑆1 = Ʃ𝑋2 – (Ʃ𝑋2)


𝑛 𝑆𝑆1 = Ʃ𝑋2 –

(Ʃ𝑋2 ) 2


= 64217 - (1121)


= 74746 - (1208)


= 64217 - 1256641

20 = 74746 - 1459264


= 64217 – 62832,05

= 1384,95

= 74746 – 72963,2

= 1782,8

𝑆𝐷 = � 𝑆𝑆1

𝑛−1 𝑆𝐷 = �



= �1384,95

19 = �1782,8


= √72,89 = √93,83

= 8,53 = 9,68

2 2

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The Significance Different

𝑋�1 = 69,1 SS1 = 1285,8

𝑋�2 = 60,4 SS2 = 1782,8

1. T-test

t = X�1−X�2

�� SS1+SS2

�� 1

+ 1 �

n1+n2−2 n1 n2

t = 69,1−60,4

1285,8+1782,8 1 1 ��

20+20−2 �� + �

20 20

t = 8,7

3068,6 2 � �� �

38 20

t = 8,7


t = 8,7


t = 8,7 2.84

t hitung =3,06

2. T-table

For level of significance (D) = 0,05

Degree of freedom (df) = (N1+N2)-2 = 20+20-2 = 38

t-Table = 2,042

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The Distribution of T-Table

Df Level of Significance for two-tailed test

0,5 0,2 0,1 0,05 0,02 0,01

Level of Significance for one-tailed test

0,25 0,1 0 0,025 0,1 0,005














































































































































































































































Page 73: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF READING ALOUD TO IMPROVE THE …repositori.uin-alauddin.ac.id/4343/1/Ahmad Junaid_20400113137.pdf · Reading Aloud affected the students’ vocabulary of the


APPENDIX XIV (Experimental Class)


Nama Sekolah : SMPN 3 Parangloe

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : VIII/ A

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit ( 1x pertemuan )

Topik Pembelajaran : Classroom

Pertemuan Ke : 1-2

A. Standar Kompetensi :


7. Memahami tulisan bahasa inggris sangat sederhana dalam konteks


B. Kompetensi Dasar :


7.1 Memahami kalimat dan pesan tertul;is sangat sederhana

C. Indikator:

Mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam kalimat-kalimat sangat


Mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam dialog

Page 74: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF READING ALOUD TO IMPROVE THE …repositori.uin-alauddin.ac.id/4343/1/Ahmad Junaid_20400113137.pdf · Reading Aloud affected the students’ vocabulary of the


D. Tujuan Pembelajaran:

Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam kalimat

sangat sederhana

Siswa mampu mengidentifikasi sebuah nama benda sesuai dengan


Siswa mampu mendiskripsikan sebuah gambar dengan

menggunakan kata-kata yang telah ditentukan

E. karakter peserta didik yang di harapkan:

a. Religius

b. Rasa ingin tahu

c. Komunikatif

d. Kerja keras

e. Tanggung jawab

F. Model/metode pembelajaran:

Total physical response ( untuk pengenalan kosakata baru)

Practice and production ( untuk pembelajaran ungkapan transaksional

dan interpersonal)

G. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran:

Kegiatan awal;

Guru bertanya kepada siswa mengenai hal yang berkaitan dengan topik

Page 75: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF READING ALOUD TO IMPROVE THE …repositori.uin-alauddin.ac.id/4343/1/Ahmad Junaid_20400113137.pdf · Reading Aloud affected the students’ vocabulary of the


Guru menunjuk beberapa siswa untuk mengucapkan kosa kata dengan

suara lantang

Guru melibatkan siswa dalam mengidentifikasi kosakata dalam kalimat

Guru memberikan tugas atau diskusi kepada siswa

Membiasakan siswa membaca dan menulis melalui tugas yang telah


Memberikan kesempatan berfikir kepada siswa untuk menyelesaikan



Guru bertanya tentang hal yang belum diketahui oleh siswa mengenai


Guru memberikan penjel;asan dan menyimpulkan terkait tentang

pengajaran kosakata dengan menggunakan reading aloud

Kegiatan Penutup

Guru bersama siswa membuat rangkuman pelajaran

Melakukanpenilaian dari tugas yang telah dikerjaka

Page 76: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF READING ALOUD TO IMPROVE THE …repositori.uin-alauddin.ac.id/4343/1/Ahmad Junaid_20400113137.pdf · Reading Aloud affected the students’ vocabulary of the


H. Sumber Belajar

1. Buku LKS bahasa inggris SMP/MTS kelas VIII

2. Media

I. Penilaian

Teknik : tes tertulis

Prosedur : selama proses

Bentuk : penugasan

Instrument : terlampir


Ahmad Junaid


Page 77: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF READING ALOUD TO IMPROVE THE …repositori.uin-alauddin.ac.id/4343/1/Ahmad Junaid_20400113137.pdf · Reading Aloud affected the students’ vocabulary of the



Nama Sekolah : SMPN 3 Parangloe

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : VIII/ A

Alokasi Waktu : 1 x 45 menit ( 1x pertemuan )

Topik Pembelajaran : Noun (People)

Pertemuan Ke : 3

A. Standar Kompetensi :


7. Memahami tulisan bahasa inggris sangat sederhana dalam konteks


B. Kompetensi Dasar :


7.1 Memahami kalimat dan pesan tertul;is sangat sederhana

C. Indikator:

Mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam kalimat-kalimat sangat


Mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam dialog

Page 78: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF READING ALOUD TO IMPROVE THE …repositori.uin-alauddin.ac.id/4343/1/Ahmad Junaid_20400113137.pdf · Reading Aloud affected the students’ vocabulary of the


D. Tujuan Pembelajaran:

Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam kalimat

sangat sederhana

Siswa mampu mengidentifikasi sebuah nama benda sesuai dengan


Siswa mampu mendiskripsikan sebuah gambar dengan

menggunakan kata-kata yang telah ditentukan

E. karakter peserta didik yang di harapkan:

f. Religius

g. Rasa ingin tahu

h. Komunikatif

i. Kerja keras

j. Tanggung jawab

F. Model/metode pembelajaran:

Total physical response ( untuk pengenalan kosakata baru)

Practice and production ( untuk pembelajaran ungkapan transaksional

dan interpersonal)

G. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran:

Kegiatan awal;

Guru bertanya kepada siswa mengenai hal yang berkaitan dengan topik

Page 79: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF READING ALOUD TO IMPROVE THE …repositori.uin-alauddin.ac.id/4343/1/Ahmad Junaid_20400113137.pdf · Reading Aloud affected the students’ vocabulary of the


Guru menunjuk beberapa siswa untuk mengucapkan kosa kata dengan

suara lantang

Guru melibatkan siswa dalam mengidentifikasi kosakata dalam kalimat

Guru memberikan tugas atau diskusi kepada siswa

Membiasakan siswa membaca dan menulis melalui tugas yang telah


Memberikan kesempatan berfikir kepada siswa untuk menyelesaikan



Guru bertanya tentang hal yang belum diketahui oleh siswa mengenai


Guru memberikan penjel;asan dan menyimpulkan terkait tentang

pengajaran kosakata dengan menggunakan reading aloud

Kegiatan Penutup

Guru bersama siswa membuat rangkuman pelajaran

Melakukanpenilaian dari tugas yang telah dikerjaka

Page 80: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF READING ALOUD TO IMPROVE THE …repositori.uin-alauddin.ac.id/4343/1/Ahmad Junaid_20400113137.pdf · Reading Aloud affected the students’ vocabulary of the


H. Sumber Belajar

3. Buku LKS bahasa inggris SMP/MTS kelas VIII

4. Media

I. Penilaian

Teknik : tes tertulis

Prosedur : selama proses

Bentuk : penugasan

Instrument : terlampir


Ahmad Junaid


Page 81: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF READING ALOUD TO IMPROVE THE …repositori.uin-alauddin.ac.id/4343/1/Ahmad Junaid_20400113137.pdf · Reading Aloud affected the students’ vocabulary of the



Nama Sekolah : SMPN 3 Parangloe

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : VIII/ A

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit ( 1x pertemuan )

Topik Pembelajaran : Noun (Place)

Pertemuan Ke : 4

A. Standar Kompetensi :


7. Memahami tulisan bahasa inggris sangat sederhana dalam konteks


B. Kompetensi Dasar :


7.1 Memahami kalimat dan pesan tertul;is sangat sederhana

C. Indikator:

Mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam kalimat-kalimat sangat


Mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam dialog

Page 82: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF READING ALOUD TO IMPROVE THE …repositori.uin-alauddin.ac.id/4343/1/Ahmad Junaid_20400113137.pdf · Reading Aloud affected the students’ vocabulary of the


D. Tujuan Pembelajaran:

Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam kalimat

sangat sederhana

Siswa mampu mengidentifikasi sebuah nama benda sesuai dengan


Siswa mampu mendiskripsikan sebuah gambar dengan

menggunakan kata-kata yang telah ditentukan

E. karakter peserta didik yang di harapkan:

k. Religius

l. Rasa ingin tahu

m. Komunikatif

n. Kerja keras

o. Tanggung jawab

F. Model/metode pembelajaran:

Total physical response ( untuk pengenalan kosakata baru)

Practice and production ( untuk pembelajaran ungkapan transaksional

dan interpersonal)

G. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran:

Kegiatan awal;

Guru bertanya kepada siswa mengenai hal yang berkaitan dengan topik

Page 83: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF READING ALOUD TO IMPROVE THE …repositori.uin-alauddin.ac.id/4343/1/Ahmad Junaid_20400113137.pdf · Reading Aloud affected the students’ vocabulary of the


Guru menunjuk beberapa siswa untuk mengucapkan kosa kata dengan

suara lantang

Guru melibatkan siswa dalam mengidentifikasi kosakata dalam kalimat

Guru memberikan tugas atau diskusi kepada siswa

Membiasakan siswa membaca dan menulis melalui tugas yang telah


Memberikan kesempatan berfikir kepada siswa untuk menyelesaikan



Guru bertanya tentang hal yang belum diketahui oleh siswa mengenai


Guru memberikan penjel;asan dan menyimpulkan terkait tentang

pengajaran kosakata dengan menggunakan reading aloud

Kegiatan Penutup

Guru bersama siswa membuat rangkuman pelajaran

Melakukanpenilaian dari tugas yang telah dikerjaka

Page 84: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF READING ALOUD TO IMPROVE THE …repositori.uin-alauddin.ac.id/4343/1/Ahmad Junaid_20400113137.pdf · Reading Aloud affected the students’ vocabulary of the


H. Sumber Belajar

5. Buku LKS bahasa inggris SMP/MTS kelas VIII

6. Media

I. Penilaian

Teknik : tes tertulis

Prosedur : selama proses

Bentuk : penugasan

Instrument : terlampir


Ahmad Junaid


Page 85: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF READING ALOUD TO IMPROVE THE …repositori.uin-alauddin.ac.id/4343/1/Ahmad Junaid_20400113137.pdf · Reading Aloud affected the students’ vocabulary of the



Nama Sekolah : SMPN 3 Parangloe

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : VIII/ A

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit ( 1x pertemuan )

Topik Pembelajaran : Part Of Body

Pertemuan Ke : 5-6

A. Standar Kompetensi :


7. Memahami tulisan bahasa inggris sangat sederhana dalam konteks


B. Kompetensi Dasar :


7.1 Memahami kalimat dan pesan tertul;is sangat sederhana

C. Indikator:

Mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam kalimat-kalimat sangat


Mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam dialog

Page 86: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF READING ALOUD TO IMPROVE THE …repositori.uin-alauddin.ac.id/4343/1/Ahmad Junaid_20400113137.pdf · Reading Aloud affected the students’ vocabulary of the


D. Tujuan Pembelajaran:

Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam kalimat

sangat sederhana

Siswa mampu mengidentifikasi sebuah nama benda sesuai dengan


Siswa mampu mendiskripsikan sebuah gambar dengan

menggunakan kata-kata yang telah ditentukan

E. karakter peserta didik yang di harapkan:

p. Religius

q. Rasa ingin tahu

r. Komunikatif

s. Kerja keras

t. Tanggung jawab

F. Model/metode pembelajaran:

Total physical response ( untuk pengenalan kosakata baru)

Practice and production ( untuk pembelajaran ungkapan transaksional

dan interpersonal)

G. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran:

Kegiatan awal;

Guru bertanya kepada siswa mengenai hal yang berkaitan dengan topik

Page 87: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF READING ALOUD TO IMPROVE THE …repositori.uin-alauddin.ac.id/4343/1/Ahmad Junaid_20400113137.pdf · Reading Aloud affected the students’ vocabulary of the


Guru menunjuk beberapa siswa untuk mengucapkan kosa kata dengan

suara lantang

Guru melibatkan siswa dalam mengidentifikasi kosakata dalam kalimat

Guru memberikan tugas atau diskusi kepada siswa

Membiasakan siswa membaca dan menulis melalui tugas yang telah


Memberikan kesempatan berfikir kepada siswa untuk menyelesaikan



Guru bertanya tentang hal yang belum diketahui oleh siswa mengenai


Guru memberikan penjel;asan dan menyimpulkan terkait tentang

pengajaran kosakata dengan menggunakan reading aloud

Kegiatan Penutup

Guru bersama siswa membuat rangkuman pelajaran

Melakukanpenilaian dari tugas yang telah dikerjaka

Page 88: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF READING ALOUD TO IMPROVE THE …repositori.uin-alauddin.ac.id/4343/1/Ahmad Junaid_20400113137.pdf · Reading Aloud affected the students’ vocabulary of the


H. Sumber Belajar

7. Buku LKS bahasa inggris SMP/MTS kelas VIII

8. Media

I. Penilaian

Teknik : tes tertulis

Prosedur : selama proses

Bentuk : penugasan

Instrument : terlampir


Ahmad Junaid


Page 89: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF READING ALOUD TO IMPROVE THE …repositori.uin-alauddin.ac.id/4343/1/Ahmad Junaid_20400113137.pdf · Reading Aloud affected the students’ vocabulary of the



Nama Sekolah : SMPN 3 Parangloe

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : VIII/ A

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit ( 1x pertemuan )

Topik Pembelajaran : Animals

Pertemuan Ke : 7

A. Standar Kompetensi :


7. Memahami tulisan bahasa inggris sangat sederhana dalam konteks


B. Kompetensi Dasar :


7.1 Memahami kalimat dan pesan tertul;is sangat sederhana

C. Indikator:

Mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam kalimat-kalimat sangat


Mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam dialog

Page 90: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF READING ALOUD TO IMPROVE THE …repositori.uin-alauddin.ac.id/4343/1/Ahmad Junaid_20400113137.pdf · Reading Aloud affected the students’ vocabulary of the


D. Tujuan Pembelajaran:

Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam kalimat

sangat sederhana

Siswa mampu mengidentifikasi sebuah nama benda sesuai dengan


Siswa mampu mendiskripsikan sebuah gambar dengan

menggunakan kata-kata yang telah ditentukan

E. karakter peserta didik yang di harapkan:

u. Religius

v. Rasa ingin tahu

w. Komunikatif

x. Kerja keras

y. Tanggung jawab

F. Model/metode pembelajaran:

Total physical response ( untuk pengenalan kosakata baru)

Practice and production ( untuk pembelajaran ungkapan transaksional

dan interpersonal)

G. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran:

Kegiatan awal;

Guru bertanya kepada siswa mengenai hal yang berkaitan dengan topik

Page 91: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF READING ALOUD TO IMPROVE THE …repositori.uin-alauddin.ac.id/4343/1/Ahmad Junaid_20400113137.pdf · Reading Aloud affected the students’ vocabulary of the


Guru menunjuk beberapa siswa untuk mengucapkan kosa kata dengan

suara lantang

Guru melibatkan siswa dalam mengidentifikasi kosakata dalam kalimat

Guru memberikan tugas atau diskusi kepada siswa

Membiasakan siswa membaca dan menulis melalui tugas yang telah


Memberikan kesempatan berfikir kepada siswa untuk menyelesaikan



Guru bertanya tentang hal yang belum diketahui oleh siswa mengenai


Guru memberikan penjel;asan dan menyimpulkan terkait tentang

pengajaran kosakata dengan menggunakan reading aloud

Kegiatan Penutup

Guru bersama siswa membuat rangkuman pelajaran

Melakukanpenilaian dari tugas yang telah dikerjaka

Page 92: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF READING ALOUD TO IMPROVE THE …repositori.uin-alauddin.ac.id/4343/1/Ahmad Junaid_20400113137.pdf · Reading Aloud affected the students’ vocabulary of the


H. Sumber Belajar

9. Buku LKS bahasa inggris SMP/MTS kelas VIII

10. Media

I. Penilaian

Teknik : tes tertulis

Prosedur : selama proses

Bentuk : penugasan

Instrument : terlampir


Ahmad Junaid


Page 93: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF READING ALOUD TO IMPROVE THE …repositori.uin-alauddin.ac.id/4343/1/Ahmad Junaid_20400113137.pdf · Reading Aloud affected the students’ vocabulary of the



Nama Sekolah : SMPN 3 Parangloe

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : VIII/ A

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit ( 1x pertemuan )

Topik Pembelajaran : Adjectives

Pertemuan Ke : 8-9

A. Standar Kompetensi :


7. Memahami tulisan bahasa inggris sangat sederhana dalam konteks


B. Kompetensi Dasar :


7.1 Memahami kalimat dan pesan tertul;is sangat sederhana

C. Indikator:

Mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam kalimat-kalimat sangat


Mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam dialog

Page 94: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF READING ALOUD TO IMPROVE THE …repositori.uin-alauddin.ac.id/4343/1/Ahmad Junaid_20400113137.pdf · Reading Aloud affected the students’ vocabulary of the


D. Tujuan Pembelajaran:

Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam kalimat

sangat sederhana

Siswa mampu mengidentifikasi sebuah nama benda sesuai dengan


Siswa mampu mendiskripsikan sebuah gambar dengan

menggunakan kata-kata yang telah ditentukan

E. karakter peserta didik yang di harapkan:

z. Religius

aa. Rasa ingin tahu

bb. Komunikatif

cc. Kerja keras

dd. Tanggung jawab

F. Model/metode pembelajaran:

Total physical response ( untuk pengenalan kosakata baru)

Practice and production ( untuk pembelajaran ungkapan transaksional

dan interpersonal)

G. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran:

Kegiatan awal;

Guru bertanya kepada siswa mengenai hal yang berkaitan dengan topik

Page 95: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF READING ALOUD TO IMPROVE THE …repositori.uin-alauddin.ac.id/4343/1/Ahmad Junaid_20400113137.pdf · Reading Aloud affected the students’ vocabulary of the


Guru menunjuk beberapa siswa untuk mengucapkan kosa kata dengan

suara lantang

Guru melibatkan siswa dalam mengidentifikasi kosakata dalam kalimat

Guru memberikan tugas atau diskusi kepada siswa

Membiasakan siswa membaca dan menulis melalui tugas yang telah


Memberikan kesempatan berfikir kepada siswa untuk menyelesaikan



Guru bertanya tentang hal yang belum diketahui oleh siswa mengenai


Guru memberikan penjel;asan dan menyimpulkan terkait tentang

pengajaran kosakata dengan menggunakan reading aloud

Kegiatan Penutup

Guru bersama siswa membuat rangkuman pelajaran

Melakukanpenilaian dari tugas yang telah dikerjaka

Page 96: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF READING ALOUD TO IMPROVE THE …repositori.uin-alauddin.ac.id/4343/1/Ahmad Junaid_20400113137.pdf · Reading Aloud affected the students’ vocabulary of the


H. Sumber Belajar

11. Buku LKS bahasa inggris SMP/MTS kelas VIII

12. Media

I. Penilaian

Teknik : tes tertulis

Prosedur : selama proses

Bentuk : penugasan

Instrument : terlampir


Ahmad Junaid


Page 97: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF READING ALOUD TO IMPROVE THE …repositori.uin-alauddin.ac.id/4343/1/Ahmad Junaid_20400113137.pdf · Reading Aloud affected the students’ vocabulary of the


APPENDIX XV (Controlled Class)


Nama Sekolah : SMPN 3 Parangloe

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : VIII/ A

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit ( 1x pertemuan )

Topik Pembelajaran : Classroom

Pertemuan Ke : 1-2

J. Standar Kompetensi :


7. Memahami tulisan bahasa inggris sangat sederhana dalam konteks


K. Kompetensi Dasar :


7.1 Memahami kalimat dan pesan tertul;is sangat sederhana

L. Indikator:

Mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam kalimat-kalimat sangat


Mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam dialog

Page 98: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF READING ALOUD TO IMPROVE THE …repositori.uin-alauddin.ac.id/4343/1/Ahmad Junaid_20400113137.pdf · Reading Aloud affected the students’ vocabulary of the


M. Tujuan Pembelajaran:

Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam kalimat

sangat sederhana

Siswa mampu mengidentifikasi sebuah nama benda sesuai dengan


Siswa mampu mendiskripsikan sebuah gambar dengan

menggunakan kata-kata yang telah ditentukan

N. karakter peserta didik yang di harapkan:

ee. Religius

ff. Rasa ingin tahu

gg. Komunikatif

hh. Kerja keras

ii. Tanggung jawab

O. Model/metode pembelajaran:

Total physical response ( untuk pengenalan kosakata baru)

Practice and production ( untuk pembelajaran ungkapan transaksional

dan interpersonal)

P. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran:

Kegiatan awal;

Guru bertanya kepada siswa mengenai hal yang berkaitan dengan topik

Page 99: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF READING ALOUD TO IMPROVE THE …repositori.uin-alauddin.ac.id/4343/1/Ahmad Junaid_20400113137.pdf · Reading Aloud affected the students’ vocabulary of the


Guru melibatkan siswa dalam mengidentifikasi kosakata dalam kalimat

Guru memberikan tugas atau diskusi kepada siswa

Membiasakan siswa membaca dan menulis melalui tugas yang telah


Memberikan kesempatan berfikir kepada siswa untuk menyelesaikan



Guru bertanya tentang hal yang belum diketahui oleh siswa mengenai


Guru memberikan penjel;asan dan menyimpulkan terkait tentang

pengajaran kosakata dengan menggunakan reading aloud

Kegiatan Penutup

Guru bersama siswa membuat rangkuman pelajaran

Melakukanpenilaian dari tugas yang telah dikerjaka

Page 100: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF READING ALOUD TO IMPROVE THE …repositori.uin-alauddin.ac.id/4343/1/Ahmad Junaid_20400113137.pdf · Reading Aloud affected the students’ vocabulary of the


Q. Sumber Belajar

13. Buku LKS bahasa inggris SMP/MTS kelas VIII

14. Media

R. Penilaian

Teknik : tes tertulis

Prosedur : selama proses

Bentuk : penugasan

Instrument : terlampir


Ahmad Junaid


Page 101: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF READING ALOUD TO IMPROVE THE …repositori.uin-alauddin.ac.id/4343/1/Ahmad Junaid_20400113137.pdf · Reading Aloud affected the students’ vocabulary of the


Page 102: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF READING ALOUD TO IMPROVE THE …repositori.uin-alauddin.ac.id/4343/1/Ahmad Junaid_20400113137.pdf · Reading Aloud affected the students’ vocabulary of the



The writer, Ahmad Junaid was born in Apoang, 5th

November 1994, west Sulawesi. She is the first

children from four children of the couple of Juma I,

A.Ma and Damira. A man who is called by Jun started

her education at SDN 02 Apoang, Majene. After she

finished in Elementary school, she continued her study

in Islamic Boarding School of Hasan Yamani. After it, he continue his study in

Islamic Boarding School of Hasan Yamani again. After graduated in 2013, she

chose and registered at Alauddin State Islamic University of Makassar. She was

student of Tarbiyah and Teaching Science Faculty, English Education

Department in academic year 2013. Now he was finished his thesis under the

title “The Effectiveness of Reading Aloud to improve the Students’ Vocabulary

Mastery at the second grade of SMPN 3 Parangloe”.

Page 103: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF READING ALOUD TO IMPROVE THE …repositori.uin-alauddin.ac.id/4343/1/Ahmad Junaid_20400113137.pdf · Reading Aloud affected the students’ vocabulary of the



Ahmad Junaid English Education Department of UIN Alauddin Makassar

[email protected]

ABSTRACT: This research discussed about the implementation of Reading

Aloud in teaching vocabulary. The objective of the research was to find out

whether or not the Reading Aloud affects on the students’ vocabulary

development. This research applied Quasi-experimental research. The

Population of this research was the second grade students of SMPN 3

Parangloe in academic year 2016/2017. The sample were 8A and 8B, which

consisted of 40 students. This research used cluster sampling. The students

were given a pre-test, then they were treated by applying Reading Aloud, and

finally, they were given a post-test. The data were collected through reading

test. The result of the data analysis showed that there was difference between

the students’ score in pre-test and post-test. It was proved by the mean score in

pre-test which was higher than the mean score in the post-test (69.1>61).

Moreover, the result of test of significant analysis indicated that the

implementation of Reading Aloudr affected the students’ vocabulary. The

result of reading aloud method was good, it is effective to improve the

Students’ vocabulary mastery at the second grade of SMPN 3 Parangloe. It was

proved by students’ result before and after giving treatment, their scores

increased and become good with the mean score of the students’ pre test of

experimental group was 61 with standard deviation was 8.20 while of post test

wich score with mean score were 69.1 and standard deviation was 8.22 after the treatment, and also in control group the total score of pre test 56.05 with

standard deviation was 8.53 and the total score of the students’ post test was

60.4 and standard deviation was 9.68 the resul achieve from both test, the pre

test and post test were different. Based on the result of analysis, the researcher

concluded that the implementation of Reading Aloud affected the students’

vocabulary of the second year students of SMPN 3 Parangloe in academic year

2016/2017. This technique makes the students directly involve in classroom

activity, by reading and pronounce the text, it makes the students focus on the

content of the text because the words pronounced loudly, and establish active

movement, set sounds, thought, and feeling in motion. Therefore, the

researcher suggested to the teachers to apply Reading Aloud in teaching

vocabulary, as one technique that can be used in teaching process.

Keywords: Students’ Vocabulary Mastery and Reading Aloud


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Teaching vocabulary is part of English teaching. Vocabulary power will

facilitate the student eay to understand what the people said. Vocabulary is one of

the most components of language and one of the first things applied linguists

turned their attention too. Vocabulary is very important for someone who want to

learn English, because it will help them to understand many paragraphs written in

English, and understand what the people said. Sometimes people want to speak a

lot but they cannot explore what they mean, because they lack of vocabulary.

Haris (2011), In Indonesia, some English teachers still use traditional or

conventional method to teach vocabulary. Conventional method usually makes

students bored because the method is monotonous and the students are not active

so it makes the learners get bored. One of the ways to make the teaching

vocabulary effective is making the students actively so they will enjoy learning

and they can improve their vocabulary mastery..

One effort that researcher has conducted to the students to become more

active was applying Reading Aloud. In this method, the students are actively

involved in learning activities and contributed to building knowledge, and it is

responsible for what they construct. Reading Aloud is a method that make

students focus on the content of the text because the words pronounced loudly and

it saved in students’ memories. This technique also makes the students directly

involve in classroom activity. By reading and pronounce the text, the students

easier to remember the text.



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Furthermore, the research problem of this research was “Does Reading

Aloud significantly improve students' vocabulary mastery at the second grade of

SMPN 3 Parangloe?”. Then, the research objective was to find out the effectiveness

of using Reading Aloud in significantly improving students' vocabulary mastery at the

second grade of SMPN 3 Parangloe. In addition, this research was beneficial

practically in the context for the students (they can solve their vocabulary problems),

the lecturers (they can provide an alternative solution to the problems in teaching

vocabulary by using Reading Aloud method), and the further researcher (they can use

the finding of this study as one of their references). Finally, this research was focused

on students’ vocabulary mastery at the second grade students of SMPN 3 Parangloe.


The first Review finding came from Melda (2013) in his thesis “The

Application of Reading Aloud Technique to Increase Students’ Pronunciation at

The Seventh Grades of Junior High School Batudaa” stated that reading aloud

has function to increase oral English and can practice pronunciation. The data

were collected through written vocabulary test in pre-test and post-test. The result

of the data indicated that there was a significant different between post-test in

experimental class and controlled class.

The second Review finding came from Azhar (2011) in his thesis “The

Effectiveness of Reading Aloud at Sekolah Alam Cikeas” State that Using Reading

aloud Can Increase Student’s Reading Comprehension. The researcher applied

descriptive Qualitative using ‘Interview and Questioner. This strategy fits with the

students at Sekolah Alam Cikeas because students can understand the reading

very well.

It can be concluded that there were the researchers above give some

contributions to the researcher. Therefore, the researcher will be seen is there any

improvements of students’ vocabulary mastery by using Reading Aloud method at

the second grade of SMPN 3 Parangloe or not.


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Vocabulary can be defined as the words of a language, including single

items and phrases or chunks of several words which covey a particular

meaning, the way individual words do. While without grammar very little

can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed”.

1. Mukoroli in Graves (2000, as cited in Taylor, 1990) defines vocabulary as

the entire stock of words belonging to a branch of knowledge or known by

an individual.

2. Nilawati (2009) State that Vocabulary is one of the materials studied by

students of all level of schools in Indonesia. It has been mastered if they

want to master English well.

3. Nation (2011) Vocabulary can be defined as the words of a language,

including single items and phrases or chunks of several words which

covey a particular meaning, the way individual words do.

Kinds of Vocabulary

Alqahtani (2015) indicates two kinds of vocabulary, namely receptive

vocabulary and productive vocabulary.

1. Receptive vocabulary is words that learners recognize and understand

when they are used in context, but which they cannot produce.

2. Productive vocabulary is the words that the learners understand and can

pronounce correctly and use constructively in speaking and writing.

The Importance of Vocabulary

Adnyana (2013) stated that “Vocabulary is exactly important in mastering

English, because many vocabularies which are mastered, it means more ideas they

can express or many ideas of people. So the students will realize that a word can

show many meanings and many words have one meaning. If students has know

about that, they will try to make a sentence in other form”.


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Reading Aloud

Reading aloud is an activity to read something loudly. Reading aloud is

necessary to be learned. It is support by Huang (2010 p. 148) “reading aloud is an

important part in education for all-around development, which has several

functions in English teaching”. In reading aloud, students can test themselves

whether the pronunciations that they are saying is correct or not. If the

pronunciations are not correct, it can be be revised directly by the teacher.

Theoretical Framework

Vocabulary is central to English language teaching because without

sufficient vocabulary students cannot understand others or express their own

ideas. Wilkins In Lessard (1994) wrote that “while without grammar very little

can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed” (pp.111–112).

Based on the definition above, I conclude that The more we mastered

vocabulary the more we understand what the people said, the more vocabulary the

learners have, the easier for them to develop their four skills (listening, reading,

writing, and speaking) and learn English as the foreign language generally.

Students often instinctively recognize the importance of vocabulary in

their learning process. As Fadhilah (2011) noted, “It can also be articulated as

basic building block of language”. Teaching vocabulary helps students understand

and communicate with others in English. Voltaire purportedly said, “Language

is very difficult to put into words.” I believe English language students generally

would concur, yet learning vocabulary also helps students master English for

their purposes.

Reading aloud is an activity to read something loudly. Reading aloud is

necessary to be learned. It is support by Huang (2010 p. 148) “reading aloud is an

important part in education for all-around development, which has several

functions in English teaching”.

In reading aloud, students can test themselves whether the pronunciations

that they are saying is correct or not. If the pronunciations are not correct, it can

be revised directly by the teacher.


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According to Jhontson in Hargrave and Sénéchal (2000) found that an

interactive read-aloud resulted in vocabulary gains even when those interactive

interventions were short. Meanwhile Huang (2010 p. 148) said that “reading aloud

is used as the major and magic way to improve students’ oral-English”.

Based on the explanation above, reading aloud is important in reading

activity such as help students reach better reading of language item, and help them

to practice word stress, intonation, and pronunciations. They stop and start

frequently, mispronouncing some words and skipping others.


The researcher applied non-equivalent controlled group design which is one

of the forms of quasi experimental design. The researcher used non-equivalent

controlled group as a kind of the research because the researcher tried to develop an

innovative strategy to solve the problems. This product can be applied by other

classrooms which have similar problems. The design involved two classes which are

experimental class and control class with the pre-test and the post-test design.












Arifin (2012)

The researcher identified that dependent variable was students’ vocabulary

mastery and the independent variable was the Reading AloudReading Aloud

method. The population of this research was all the second grade students of SMPN

3 Parangloe academic year 2016/2017. The sample of the research was taken by

using purposive sampling technique which consisted of 40 students. The researcher

chose 20 students in VIII A as experimental class and 20 students in VIII B as

control class.

Regarded the research method and design that mentioned previously, the

researcher used these following techniques to collect the data:


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1. Pre-test

The researcher gave the pre-test to know the students’ vocabulary before

giving a treatment by using Reading Aloud method. The researcher gave rearrange

word and told the students to fill the blank items. The researcher gave the pre-test

for experimental class and control class to measure the initial knowledge of the

students about vocabaulary whether they are good or not.

2. Treatment

After giving a pre-test, the researcher treated each class. The researcher

gave the treatment for six meetings, each meeting took for 90 minutes. The

experimental class was treated by using Reading Aloud method while the control

class was treated by using conventional or classical method.

a. The Experimental Class

The steps in teaching vocabulary by using Reading Aloud method were:

1st meeting:

1) Introduced the new words to students and make sure they

pronounced the words.

2) Presented the words pattern “Clasroom” and asked students to

make two sentences.

3) Each students read the words loudly and read the sentences loudly.

4) After the first meeting, the teacher gave the task to the students.

5) Compare answers with other classmates.

2nd meeting:

1) Told the students about the material and spesific information.

2) The teacher asked the students about the vocabulary that taught in

previous meeting.

3) Giving a new vocabulary, and doing multiple choice test.

4) Evaluated and reflected the learning and teaching process by the



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The procedures of the treatment in 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th meetings

were the same, but the materials that gave to the students were


b. The Control Class

In control class, the researcher gave a conventional or classical

treatment to the students. The reseracher compared how the students’

learning achievement without giving the treatment by using Reading

Aloud method. The steps in teaching vocabulary by using conventional

method were:

1) Wrote some vocabulary on the white board.

2) Ask the students to make a complete sentence by stating the

vocabulary on the whiteboard in English.

3) The teacher checked the students’ answers whether the student has

understood or not.

4) The teacher gave a worksheet to each student and ask them to read.

5) The teacher and students together examined the students’ answers.

3. Post-test

After gave the treatment, the researcher gave the post-test to the students to

know their mastery after treatment in vocabulary. It aimed to find out the difference

achievement of students’ vocabulary development between before and after gave the

tratment to the students by using Reading Aloud method. The content of the post-

test was same with the pre-test. The students were given topic about Noun, Adjective

and Verb.


The Findings of Research

1. The Classification of the Students’ Pre-Test and Post-Test Score in Experimental Class.


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The rate percentage of score experimental class in the pre-test

No. Classification Score Frequency Percentage

1 Very good 90 –100 - -

2 Good 76 –89 1 10%

3 Fair 61 – 75 5 40%

4 Poor 51 – 60 14 45%

5 Very poor Less than 50 - -

TOTAL 20 100%

After treatment, the researcher conducted the post-test. All students’

result could be seen into the data in table 2. There were two students (10%) got

very good score, eleven students (55%) got the good score, seven students (35%)

got the fair score, and none of the students (0%) got poor and very poor score.

The rate percentage of score experimental class in the post-test

No. Classification Score Frequency Percentage

1 Very good 90 – 100 - -

2 Good 76 – 89 5 55%

3 Fair 61 – 75 7 35%

4 Poor 51 – 60 8 -

5 Very poor Less than 50 - -

TOTAL 20 100%

Based on the result above, it can be concluded that the rate percentage

in the post-test was higher than the rate percentage in the pre-test. There were

not students got very good score in the pre-test but in the post-test there were

two students got very good score and none of the students got poor and very poor


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score in the post-test. There was also a student got score among 53 till 80 in the


2. The Classification of the Students’ Pre-Test and Post-Test Score in

Control Class.

The rate percentage of score control class in the pre-test

No. Classification Score Frequency Percentage

1 Very good 90 – 100 - -

2 Good 76 – 89 - -

3 Fair 61 – 75 4 10%

4 Poor 51 – 60 9 60%

5 Very poor Less than 50 7 30%

TOTAL 20 100%

Table 3 above shows the rate percentage of the score of control class in

the pre-test from 20 students, none of the students got score more than 50. There

were six students (30%) got the fair score, ten students (50%) got the poor score,

and four students (20%) got very poor score. This indicates that the rate

percentage of score control class in the pre-test was low.

The rate percentage of score control class in the post-test

No. Classification Score Frequency Percentage

1 Very good 90 – 100 - -

2 Good 76 – 89 1 10%

3 Fair 61 – 75 7 35%

4 Poor 51 – 60 7 35%

5 Very poor Less than 50 5 20%


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TOTAL 20 100%

While the rate percentage of the score of control class in the post-test from

the 20 students as table 4 above shows, none of the students (0%) was got very

good score which score more than 90 . There were two students (10%) got the

good score, ten students (50%) got the fair score, seven students (35%) got the

poor score and only one student (5%) that got score less than 50.

3. The Mean Score and Standard Deviation of the students’ Experimental

and Control Group

The Mean Score and the Standard Deviation of Experimental and Control Group of the Students’ Pre-test and Post-test.

Types Mean Score Standard Deviation

Pre-test Post-test Pre-test Post-test

Experimental 61 69.1 8.20 8.22

Control 56.05 60.4 8.53 9.68

Then, the total score of students’ pre-test of experimental group was 61

Meanwhile, the total score of the students’ post-test was 69.1 and the total score

of the students’ pre-test of control group was 56.05 and the total score of the

students’ post-test of control group was 60.4. The results achieved from both

tests, the pre-test and the post-test, were different.

The Result of t-test calculation

Variable t-test Value t-table Value

X1 – X2 3.06 2.042


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The table 6 indicates that value of the t-test was 5.28. It was higher than

the value of the t-table was 2.086 with significant level (P) = 0.05 and (df) = 38,

then the value of t-table was 2.086 while the value of t-test (5.28 > 2.086). It

means that hypothesis was accepted.


In this research, the researcher found that the students’ ability increased

more significantly after using Reading aloud method more than control group. It

is indicated by the result of pre-test of experimental group was 61 with the mean

score was 69.1 and the post-test was 8.20 with the mean score was 8.22.

Meanwhile, the result of pre-test of control group was 56.05 with mean score

was 60.4 and the post-test was 8.53 with the mean score was 9.68 The result of t-

test both groups, the experimental and control group was higher than t-table

result (3.06>2.042). It means that Reading aloud is one of effective ways to

enhance the students’ vocabulary mastery.

Considering the computation result above, it was clear that Reading

aloud method done by the experimental group contributed to their vocabulary

enhancement. It makes the student more active to pronounce the word loudly,

This finding was consistent with what Huang (2010) stated reading aloud is used

as the major and magic way to improve students’ oral-English”.


The result of reading aloud method was good, it is effective to improve

the students’ vocabulary mastery at the second grade of SMPN 3 Parangloe. It

was proved by students’ result before and after giving the treatment, their scores

increased and become good with the mean score of the students’ pre-test of

experimental group was 61 with standard deviation was 8.20 while of post-test

which had poor score with mean score were 69.1 and standard deviation was 8.22

after the treatment, and also in control group the total score of pre test 56.05

with standard deviation was 8.53 and the total score of the setudents’ post test


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was 60.4 and standard deviation was 9.68 the result achieve from both test, the

pre test and post test were different.

The researcher found that there was a significant difference between

experimental group and control group. The significance difference result of

students was 5.28 (t-test) and the level of significance (P) = 0.05 and (df:n-2) =

40 – 2 = 38, where n1 = 20 and n2 = 20. The value of t-table was 2.086 while the

value of t-test 5.28 > 2.086. It means that hypothesis was accepted. In other

word, reading aloud method could enhance the students’ vocabulary mastery.


The research findings indicate that reading aloud method could be applied

in teaching vocabulary since it could motivate the students to be eager and get

used to memorize vocabulary. As the result, some suggestions are proposed as


1. English teachers should applied creative technique in the classroom for

teaching vocavulary, so it is advisable to the teachers to implement

Reading Aloud as one of alternative technique in teaching vocabulary

in order to improve students’ reading comprehension.

2. It is suggested that the teachers use reading aloud method as one of

many alternatives method in improving students’ vocabulary mastery.

3. The teacher should be able to encourage and motivate the students to

participate in reading aloud method.

4. The teacher should listen to the students when they are doing Reading


5. The English teacher should be more creative to choose method or

strategy in teaching vocabulary, arrange the learning environment and

become the best facilitator in learning English.


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