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THE EFFECTIVENESS ON TEACHING CONDITIONAL SENTENCE TYPE 1 THROUGH COMMUNICATIVE APPROACH (A Pre Experimental Study at Eighth Grade Students in SMP ISLAM AL IKHLAS JAKARTA) A “Skripsi” Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiya and Teachers’ Training in Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for the Degree of S. Pd (Bachelor of Arts) in English Language Education By: AHMAD SANI NIM: 105014000370 DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH EDUCATION FACULTY OF TARBIYA AND TEACHERS’ TRAINING “SYARIF HIDAYATULLAH” STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY JAKARTA 2011
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(A Pre Experimental Study at Eighth Grade Students in SMP ISLAM


A “Skripsi”

Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiya and Teachers’ Training

in Partial Fulfillment of Requirements

for the Degree of S. Pd (Bachelor of Arts) in English Language Education



NIM: 105014000370






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Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:

Nama Lengkap : Ahmad Sani

No. Induk Mahasiswa : 105014000370

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul Skripsi : The Effectivness on Teaching Conditional Sentence Type 1

through Communicative Approach (A Pre Experimental

Study at Eight Grade in SMP ISLAM AL IKHLAS


Atas bimbingan skripsi oleh:

Nama Dosen : Drs. Agus Muchtar Rosyidi, M. Ed

No. Induk Pegawai : 19600718199403 1 002

Dengan ini saya selalu penulis menyatakan bahwa:

1. Skripsi merupakan hasil karya asli saya dengan sebenar-benarnya untuk diajukan

kepada fakultas ilmu tarbiyah dan keguruan untuk memenuhi salah satu

persyaratan memperoleh gelar sarjana (S.Pd) di Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif

Hidayatullah Jakarta.

2. Semua sumber yang saya pergunakan dalam penulisan skripsi ini telah saya

cantumkan sesuai ketentuan yang berlaku di Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif

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3. Jika di kemudian hari terbukti karya ini bukan hasil karya saya, maka saya pun

bersedia menerima sanksi yang berlaku di Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif

Hidayatullah Jakarta.

Jakarta, 28 september 2011

Ahmad Sani

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(A Pre Experimental Study at Eight Grade in SMP ISLAM AL KHLAS JAKARTA)


Presented to Department of English Education

In a partial fulfillment of requirements for the Degree of Strata 1








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Sani, student‟s registration number 105014000370 was examined at examination session of

the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher‟s Training, “Syarif Hidayatullah” State Islamic

University Jakarta on 16th

of August 2011. The „Skripsi‟ has been accepted and declared to

have fulfilled one of the requirements for the degree of S.Pd. (Bachelor of Arts) in English

Education in the Department of English Education.

Jakarta, September 28, 2011

Examination Committee

- The Head of Committee,

Drs. Syauki, M.Pd.

NIP. 19641212 199103 1 002



The secretary of committee,

Neneng Sunengsih, M.Pd

NIP.19730625 1999 03 2 001



The Examiner I,

Drs. Bahrul Hasibuan, M.Pd.



The Examiner II,

Dr. Atiq Susilo , M.A

NIP. 19491122 1978 03 1 001

............... …………………………

Acknowledged by

Dean of Tarbiya and Teachers‟ Training Faculty

Prof. Dr. H. Dede Rosyada, M.A.

NIP. 19571005 198703 1 003

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Sani, Ahmad. 2010, Teaching Conditional Sentence Type 1 through Communicative

Approach (A Pre Experimental Study at Eight Grade in SMP ISLAM AL IKHLAS),

“Skripsi”, English Education Department the Faculty of Tarbiya and Teachers’

Training Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta.

Advisor: Drs. Agus Muchtar Rosyidi M.Ed

Key Words: Conditional Sentence, Communicative Appraoch, and EIGHT GRADE of SMP


Grammar has an important role in learning teaching process of acquiring language in

order to help the students use the language grammatically and meaningfully. Grammar has a

lot of language elements; one of them is conditional sentence type 1. But, it needs a suitable

method in pursuing the target language while teaching learning process. One of the methods

is communicative approach because this method stresses on how to use the target language

communicatively and meaningfully.

The purpose of this study is to know whether or not the communicative approach is

effective in teaching conditional sentence type 1 at Eight Grade in SMP Islam AL IKHLAS


The population of this research is 120 students of Eight Grade of SMP ISLAM AL

IKHLAS JAKARTA, and the sample is 30 students taken by using cluster random sampling

technique. The writer did a pre experimental study as the method of the study, to know the

result of the score, the writer gave the test about conditional sentence type 1. The writer gave

a pre test before teaching learning process and gave the post test after the pre experimental

study. The type of the test is multiple choices and it is about conditional sentence type 1

which consists of 20 questions.

According to data of the test result, the t- test showed that to is higher than t table (tt).

It could be concluded from the result of the score that it is effective to teach conditional

sentence type 1 through communicative approach at Eight Grade in SMP ISLAM AL


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Sani, Ahmad. 2010, Teaching Conditional Sentence Type 1 through Communicative

Approach (A Pre Experimental Study at Eight Grade in SMP ISLAM AL IKHLAS),

Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Universitas

Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

Pembimbing: Drs. Agus Muchtar Rosyidi M. Ed

Kata kunci: Conditional sentence type 1, communicative approach, kelas 2 SMP Islam Al

Ikhlas Jakarta.

Grammar mempunyai peranan yang sangat penting dalam proses belajar mengajar

bahasa inggris agar peserta didik dapat menggunakan bahasa tersebut secara gramatikal dan

bermakna. Grammar mempunyai unsur kebahasaan; salah satu unsur bahasa tersebut adalah

conditional sentence type 1 atau kalimat pengandaian type 1. Akan tetapi, ini membutuhkan

metode pengajaran yang tepat dalam proses belajar mengajar agar tujuan bahasa tersebut

dapat tercapai. Salah satu metode tersebut adalah Communivative Approach karena metode

menekankan bagaimana cara menggunakan target bahasa secara komunikasi dan bermakna.

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah metode communicative

approach itu efektif dalam pengajaran conditional sentence type 1 di kelas delapan SMP


Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah 120 peserta didik, dan sample dalam penelitian

ini adalah 30 peserta didik. Penulis menggunakan teknik cluster random sampling dalam

pengambilan sample. Penulis menggunakan metode penelitian pre expreimental, penulis

memberikan pre test sebelum pengajaran dengan communicative approach dan meberikan

post test setelah pengajaran dengan menggunakan communicative approach untuk

mengetahui apakah metode ini efektif dalam pengajaran conditional sentence type 1. test ini

bertujuan untuk mengetahui hasil nilai dari penggunaan test ini. Sedangkan jenis test yang

diberikan adalah pilihan ganda yang total test tersebut 20 pertanyaan.

Berdasarkan hasil data penulis, hasil post test (to) itu lebih besar dari pada hasil t

table. Penulis menyatakan bahwa ada pengaruh dalam pengajaran conditional sentence type 1

melalui metode communicative.

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In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. All praises be to Allah, Lord of the

World. Who has given the mercy and Blessing to the writer so he can accomplish his

“Skripsi”. Peace and Salutation be upon the Prophet Muhammad SAW, his families,

companions, and his followers forever.

This “Skripsi” is presented to the Education of English Department Faculty of

Tarbiyah and Teachers Training State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

In this occasion, the writer would like to express his greatest appreciation, honor and

gratitude to his beloved parents (Bapak H. Sa’ddudin Ahmad and Hj. Asmawah), for their

irreplaceable encouragement and patience to motivate the writer to finish his study, for their

prayer, motivation, support, and patience in his various endeavors, and also his lovely sisters

and brothers their support and kindness to him in doing this “Skripsi” and all families who

always give their prayer, love, support, motivation, and moral encouragement to finish his


The writer also would like to express his deepest gratitude to Drs. Agus Muchtar

M,Ed who has give the writer advices, guidances, dedications, corrections, and suggestions in

finishing this “Skripsi”. His gratitude also goes to:

1. All inspiring lectures of English Department for their encouragement to the writer during

his study at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

2. Drs. Syauki, M.Pd., the Head of English Education Department.

3. Neneng Sunengsih, M.pd., the Secretary of English Education Department, and all the

staff of English Education Department.

4. Prof. Dr. Dede Rosyada, M.A., the Dean of Faculty of Tarbiya and Teachers Training.

5. The Staff and Officer of the Libraries of UIN, ATMAJAYA, and American Corner, who

have given the writer to use the books.

6. Drs. H. Prasetyo., the principal of SMP ISLAM AL IKHLAS JAKARTA, who given the

writer an opportunity to carry out the research.

7. Retno Lestari S.Pd., the English Teacher at Eight Grade of SMP ISLAM AL IKHLAS

JAKARTA, who given the writer for accompanying.

8. All of my friends class A, B, and C of English Department. Especially (Taufik and

Herlina) who always support the writer in finishing this “Skripsi”. And other people who

cannot be mentioned and written one by one by the writer.

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May Allah, Almight bless them all.

Finally, the writer realizes that, this “Skripsi” is still far away from being perfected. A

criticism and suggestions would be acceptable to make it better by the writer.

Jakarta, 16 July 2011

The Writer

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ABSTRACT……………………………………...………………….. i

ABSTRAK ….…………………………………..………………….. ii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ……….…………..…………………… iii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ………….………..…………………..….V

LIST OF TABLES ……………………………………………….VII

LIST OF APPENDICES ………………………………………..VIII

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ……………………………….... 1

A. Background of the study …………………….………………………….. 1

B. Formulation of problem …………………………………………………. 4

C. Limitation of problem ………………………………………..………….. 4

D. Objective of the Study ………………………………………….….…… 4

E. Organization of script ……………………………………………...……. 5


A. Conditional Sentence …………………………………………………..… 6

1. The Kinds of Conditional Sentence ………………………………….. 7

2. The Form of Conditional Sentence type 1 ………………………….… 8

3. The Usage of Conditional sentence type 1 …………………………… 9

B. Communicative Approach ……………………………………………… 10

1. The Meaning of Communicative Approach ……………………....... 10

2. The Characteristics and The Principles of Communicative Approach. 14

3. The Strength and The Weakness of Communicative Approach …….. 19

C. Teaching Conditional Sentence Type 1 Through Communicative Approach

1. The Techniques of Presentation ……………………………...…….. 20

2. The Material of Learning ………………………………………….….25


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A. The Purpose of Research ……………………………….…………...…. 30

B. The Operational Definition of Variables …………………………....…. 30

C. The Place and the Time of the Research ………………...…………...... 31

D. The Population and Sample ………………………………………..….. 31

E. The Method of Study …………………………………………………. 31

F. The Procedures of Teaching Process …………………………............. 32

G. The Technique of Collecting Data ………………………………......... 33

H. The Technique of Data Analysis ……………………………………… 37


A. Data description ……………………………………………………..… 39

B. Data analysis …………………..………………………………………. 40

C. Interpretation ……………………...……………………………………45


A. Conclusion …………………………………………………………….. 46

B. Suggestion ………………………………………………………...…… 47

BIBLIOGRAPHY ……………………………………………..

APPENDICES …………………………………………………

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Table 2.1 Kinds of Conditional Sentence ……………………………………….8

Table 2.2 Techniques of Presentation by Scrambled Sentences….…………… 22

Table 4.1 The Result of the Pre Test ………………………………………….. 39

Table 4.1 The Result of the Post Test…………………………………………. 40

Table 4.2 The Result of the Pre Test and the Post Test ……………………….. 41

Table 4.3 The Result of the Deviation ………………………………………....43

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Appendix 1 Form of Test …………………………………………………………51

Appendix 2 Key Answer ………………………………………………………….54

Appendix 3 Lesson Plan …………………………………………………………..55

Appendix 4 Surat Pengajuan Judul Skripsi ……………………………………….58

Appendix 5 Surat Izin Penelitian ………………………………………………….59

Appendix 6 Surat Keterangan Telah Melakukan Penelitian ………………………60

Appendix 7 Interview dengan Guru Bahasa Inggris ………………………………61

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A. The Background of Study

English is one of international languages that used and studied all over the

world. In Indonesia, English is considered as the most important language and the

only compulsory foreign language subject, and then it is one of foreign language

subjects to test in the state examinations before students left junior and high

school. In addition, English is very important subject for students. Based on the

statement, the English teachers have to master and to organize learning teaching

process. The teachers have to master the material and the method. One of the

teaching failures is caused by an unsuitable method. According to William F.

Mackey “The method used has often been said to be the cause of success or

failure in language; it is ultimately the method that determines what and how of

language interaction”.1 From the statement above, the writer infer that a good

method can help the students in comprehending and mastering the lesson. And

one of the teaching failures is caused by an unsuitable method.

Some of the problems that enhance for the learners to comprehend English

are the influence of the structure and pattern from their own language (mother

language) and also the approach applied in teaching learning activities.

Meanwhile, the approach applied in teaching also influences the learner in

1 . William F. Mackey, Language Learning analysis, (London: longman, Greenand Co,

ltd, 1966), p.138


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learning process. Since several years ago, there are some methods and approaches

to get the English teaching method effectively. Nowadays, most of educational

institutions use communicative approach in teaching language to imitate foreign

language teaching system. In Indonesia, the curriculum implements

communicative approach as teaching foreign language which based on

communicative competence. And it entails that the goal of language teaching

cannot be attained by using the aural-oral and the cognitive-code approach

anymore. Communicative approach is the most wide spread of all teaching

approaches today which is common in Asian countries (including Indonesia).2

Basically, the communicative approach stresses on communication between the

teacher and learners, it has developed a flexibility which allows anything that will

further improve the communicative competence of learners.3 In language

teaching, communicative approach means “An approach which views language as

a form of social behavior and sees aim of language teaching as teaching learners

to communicate fluently, appropriately, and spontaneously in cultural context of

the target language.4 From preceding statement, the writer thinks that

communicative approach can be a solution to get the goal of language teaching.

The interpretation of communicative competence can be divided into; first,

grammatical competence refers to what Chomsky calls linguistic competence and

what Hymes intends by what is” formally possible”. Second, sociolinguistic

competence refers to an understanding of the social context in which

communication take place, including role relationships, shared information of the

participants, and the communicative purpose for their interaction. Third, discourse

competence refers to the interpretation of individual message elements in terms of

their interconnectedness and of how meaning is represented in relationship to the

2 H.G. Widdowson, Teaching Language as Communication. (Oxford: Oxford University

Press, 3rd

edition, 1988), p.36

3 Danny D. Steinberg, An Introduction to Psycholinguistics. (London: Longman Group

Limited, 1930), p.231-232

4 C.J Brumfit and T.J. Robert, A Short Introduction to Language Teaching, (London:

Batsford Academic and Education Ltd, 1993) p, 182

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entire discourse or text. Fourth, strategic competence refers to copying strategies

that communicators employ to imitate, terminate, maintain, repair, and redirect


Based on the statement above, the teacher must serve as a facilitator who

manages classroom activities. And the students are the communicators that

actively engaged in communication. The class activities are clearly and mostly

communicative. And the teacher initiates interactions between the students. And

the teacher serves as an advisor. In one setting, the teacher relies on authentic

material taken from the media (newspaper, magazines, etc), and in other situation

the teacher must use well designed sets of material. And the students are expected

to acquire language forms, meaning, function, and social context. In addition, the

teaching should emphasize the mastery of language function. And errors are

tolerated. And the result of evaluation is focused on fluency and accuracy. To

teach grammar as means for communication is difficult, especially for non active

students. The students are not only to oblige the knowledge of grammar but also

the students have to use in a real communication. So, it needs a specific method.

Communicative may be possible. For years, communicative approach has been

adopted as a method of teaching English in Indonesia. Proponents of

communicative approach claim that the teaching objective is the ability to use

English for communication in real-life situation as opposed to classroom situation.

Based on the statement above, there are some problems that influence to

communicate each other, that are the structure and the pattern (grammar). Most of

the linguists state that grammar is still important as one of the language

components that should be taught. Sauvignon said, “Communication cannot take

place in the absence of structure, or grammar, a set of shared as assumptions about

how language works, along with a willingness to cooperate in the negotiation of

meaning”.6 So, from the statement above, the writer think, to be able to use the

5 . Jack C. Richard and Theodore S. Rodgers, Approaches and Methods in Language

Teaching, (Cambridge University Press, 1986), p. 71

6 . Sandra J. sauvignon, Communicative Language Teaching: State of Art, TESOL

Quarterly volume 25, 1991, p.26

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language communicatively, the students should have mastered the rules of

grammar first. If the students have been taught some pattern and given some drills

to form a habit, the students are expected that the students will be able to

communicate in languages that have studied.

To conclude those statement, the writer is going to analyze about

communicate approach and its teaching conditional type 1 at SMP ISLAM AL

IKHLAS JAKARTA. Therefore, the title of this paper is

“Teaching Conditional Sentence Type 1 through Communicative

Approach: A Pre Experimental Study at Eight grade of SMP ISLAM


B. The Formulation of Problem

Based on the description above, the writer formulates the problem is; Is it

effective to teach Conditional Sentence Type 1 through Communicative Approach

at Eight Grade in SMP Islam AL IKHLAS JAKARTA.

C. The Limitation of Problem

The writer will only limit it about the problem is; Is it effective to teach

Conditional Sentence Type 1 through Communicative Approach at Eight Grade in


D. The Objective of Study

Based on the formulation and the limitation above, the objectives of study

is to know whether or not the Communicative Apporach is effective in teaching

conditional sentence type 1.

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E. The Organization of Writing

The writer divided this Skripsi into five chapters. Each of chapter has

some sub headings. They are:

Chapter one: The introduction consist of the background of study, the

formulation of problem, the limitation of problem, the objective of study, and the

organization of writing.

Chapter two: Theoretical framework discuss about teaching conditional

type 1 through communicative approach which has sub heading techniques of

presentation and the material of learning. And also discuss about kinds of

conditional, the form of conditional, and the usage of conditional. And also

explain about the meaning of communicative approach, the characteristics of

communicative approach, and the advantages and the disadvantages of

communicative approach.

Chapter three: it inform about the profile of the school ( SMP ISLAM AL

IKHLAS ) and research methodology which were discussed the determining place

and time of study, collecting data through determining population, sample, and

analysis data, the procedures of an analysis, operational definition of variable.

Chapter four: it is research finding which included the description of data

and analysis data.

Chapter five: they are conclusion and suggestion.

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A. Conditional Sentence

Conditional Sentences are also known as Conditional Clauses or If

Clauses. They are used to express that the action in the main clause (without if)

can only take place if a certain condition (in the clause with if) is fulfilled.

Conditional sentence is used to express something expected or unexpected

which may or may not be possible. It consist of two clauses, a dependent clause

that beginning with IF-Clause and the main Clause.1 And according to Oxford

Advanced learner Dictionary, a conditional sentence is one beginning with if or


The place of the main clause and the if-clause could be at the first or the

second part of the sentence. It does not matter which come first, as can be seen in

the examples:

- he will pass the exam, if he studies hard

- if he studies hard, he will pass the exam

-I would go to home if you called me

- if you called me, I would go to home

1 George E. Wishon and Julia Burk, Let’s write English, (New York: American Book Company,

1980), p. 249

2 A.S. Hornby, Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, (London: Oxford Universtiy Press, 1991),

p. 239


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- If I had enough time now, I would write to my parents.

- I would write to my parents, if I had enough time

From the statements above, the writer take a conclusion that conditional

sentence has two clauses, the main clause and the if-clause. and the if-clause

can probable happen or not if the certain condition of main clause is fullfilled

or not by that time. And The place of the main clause and the if-clause could be

at the first or the second part of the sentence.

1. The Kinds of Conditional Sentences

There are three kinds of conditional sentences basically. Each kind

contains a different form of tenses. In each type certain kinds are possible but

students who are studying the conditional for the first time should ignore these

kinds and concentrate on the basic forms.3 Conditional sentences are often

called “future conditional” which had three kinds, they are:

a. Conditional type 1 “present conditional”, conditional sentence type 1

is also called possible condition or real condition. And it is used

more generally to express a hypothetical condition that is potentially

true, but not yet verified.

b. Conditional type 2 “past conditional”, conditional sentence type 2 is

also called impossible condition or unreal condition and it is used to

refer to current state or event that is known to be false or improbable.

c. Conditional type 3 “past conditional”. Conditional sentence type 3 is

also called has similar meaning with conditional sentence type 2, that

is impossible condition or unreal condition. And it is used to refer to

contrary-to-fact past event. The past perfect is used in condition


From the statement above, the writer concluded that each conditional

sentence has different kinds and meaning. And then, the writer limits the

discussion only to the explanation of conditional type 1, but the writer still

3 A.J. Thompson and A.V. martinet, A practical English Grammar, (London: Oxford University

Press, 3rd

edition, 1981, p. 186

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need to know the differences between those three kinds in short. Betty

Schrampfer Azar has the table.4

Table 2.1

Kinds of Conditional Sentences

2. The Form of Conditional Type 1

Conditional type 1 is also called present real condition. The rules of

this form is in the verb of the if-clause is in the present tense and the verb in

the main clause is in the present future tense. This type or conditional type 1 is

4 Betty S. Azar, Understanding and Using English Grammar, (New Jersey: Prentice hall

Regents 2nd

Edition, 1989), p. 347

Meaning of the


Verb Form in

the IF-Clause

Verb Form in the

Result Clause

True in the


Simple present Simple present

Simple future

(a) If I have enough time, I

write to my parents last


(b) If I have enough time

tomorrow, I will write to

my parents

Untrue in the


Simple past Would + simple


(c) If I had enough time

now, I would write to

my parents. (in truth, I do

not have enough time, so

I will not write to them

Untrue in the


Past perfect Would have + past


(d) If I had enough time, I

would have written to

my parents yesterday. (in

truth, I did not write to


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also used to indicate a situation that same or suitable with reality in the present

time. With real conditions indicates a possibility, namely conditions which are

suitability to fact. The if-clause is taking place at this moment and the

probable result can be real. The complete forms of conditional sentence type 1

will be described below by the writer.

a. Simple present tense in if-clause and present future in main clause

“If you study hard, you will pass the exam”

b. Statement with “If” with adjective expressing feelings

“I will be happy if you come to my party”

c. If + Simple Present + Imperative (Giving advice or Instruction)

“If you feel tired, drink a cup of coffee”

d. If + Simple Present + Simple Present (talking about laws of nature or

things that always happened)

“If you heat Ice, it meals”

e. If + Simple Present + May (The result of the condition is just a


“If we go to john‟s party, we may have a good time”

f. If + should + Imperatives (To suggest that something is unlikely to

happen, or is not particularly probable)

“If you should run onto Peter, tell him he owes me a letter”

From the explanation above, the writer concluded that conditional

sentence is used in some modals, some of the expressions, and the if clause is

simple present tense and the main clause is future tense. And the the result

of the if clause is probable happen, if the certain condition is fullfilled by that


3. The Usage of Conditional Type 1

As stated before, every kinds of conditional sentence has a specific

form and usage. The writer will try to describe the usage of conditional

sentence type 1 that is used:

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a. When the result clause to express a habitual activity or situation.

- If I do not eat breakfast, I always get hungry during class

- If I clean this room, I will get concern in class

b. When the sentence concerns a particular activity or situation in the


- If I do not eat breakfast tomorrow morning, I will get hungry during


- If the weather is nice tomorrow, we will go on a picnic

c. When the result clause to express an established, predictable fact.

- Water will freeze if the temperature goes below 32 F/0 C.5

From the statement above, the writer concluded that there are some

usages in conditional sentence type 1. And the if-clause is affected by some

situation and predictable fact of the main clause.

B. Communicative Approach

1. The Meaning of Communicative Approach

Janice Yalden said as follows, “In this approach, language is viewed

not only as a body of knowledge about sound, vocabulary, and grammar but

also very much as an instrument for interpersonal communication for a whole

range of purposes as a wide variety of situation.”6

Jeremy Harmer, who is also interested in communicative approach,

stated that a definition about communicative approach that is the focus on

communicative activities and the concentration on language as a mean of

communication.7 This is because as one of the approaches in the teaching of

5Azar, Understanding and Using English Grammar… p. 347

6 Janice yalden, Communication language Teaching (Ontario: The Ontario Institute for

studies in education press), p. 6 7 Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, (London: Longman Group

UK Etd,1991), p. 48

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English with its basic aim to make the students are able to communicative

with others in English.

From the description above, the writer concluded that it seems Janice

yalden thought that the teaching of English must be about the body of

knowledge and the communicative function of it. Those are the materials of

English teaching according to the communicative approach.

Since the communicative capacity becomes the starting points of

communicative approach, it needs teachers‟ creativity to elaborate the

situation that can make the students really feel interested and get involved to

the class environment, so that the students expand their ideas accordingly. And

the teacher serves as a facilitator who manages classroom activities in the

learning teaching process. Then the students are the communicators who are

actively to engage in communication in order the class activities are clearly

and more communicative. And the teacher initiates interactions among the


Longman Dictionary of language teaching and applied linguistics

defines the communicative approach or communicative language teaching

(CLT) as an approach to foreign or second language teaching which

emphasize that the goal of language learning is communicative competence.8

This approach has been developed by British applied linguistics as reaction

away from grammar-based approaches.

From the statement above, the writer concluded that the goal of

language teaching based on communicative approach is to develop

communicative competence, it needs to understand the concept of

communicative competence.

Communicative competence is the competence which enables us to

transmit and interpret messages and give meaning in the interaction between

8 Jack C. Richard, Longman Dictionary of language teaching and Applied Linguistics

(London: Longman Group UK Limited, 1992), p. 65

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individuals in a specific context.9 Communicative competence involves being

be able to use the language appropriate to a given social context, the students

need knowledge of the linguistic form, meaning, and function to comprehend

about it. The students have to choose amount of these that given the social

context and the roles of the interlocutor. The students have also to manage the

process of negotiating meaning with their intern.

The concept proposed by Dell Hymes was subsequently developed by

other linguistic. One development often cited in references is the model

developed by Michael Canale. According to him, communicative competence

consists of four domains of knowledge and skill such as grammatical,

sociolinguistic, discourse, and strategic competence.

a. Grammatical Competence

This component is identical with linguistics competence. It involves

the mastery of language codes both verbal and non verbal, such as vocabulary,

sentence formation, pronunciation, spelling, and semantics. This competence

is required for the understanding and expressing meaning of an utterance.

b. Sociolinguistics Competence

Sociolinguistics competence relates to the extent an utterance

expressed and understood correctly in different sociolinguistic context, which

is turn depend on certain factors such as speaker-listener status, the objective

of the interaction and the rules and norms of the interaction. The

appropriateness involves form as well as meaning.

c. Discourse Competence

This component is concerned with the master of ways to combine

grammatical forms and meaning to reduce either spoken or written utterance

wholly in various forms. Unity of an utterance can be attained through form

cohesion and meaning coherence. Cohesion is the relationship between

utterances and grammatical structure devices to enable one to interpret the

9 D.H. Brown, Principles of language learning and teaching (Englewood Cliffs, New

Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1987), p. 199

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meaning of a discourse. Coherence is the relationship among several meaning

in an utterance.

d. Strategic Competence

These components consist of both verbal and non verbal

communications strategic used by a speaker to make up for the weakness in

communication due to the limitations of circumstances, strengthen the

effectiveness of communication. For example, the paraphrasing strategy is

used when a speaker forgets a certain grammatical structure.10

Communicative competence consist of two main components, those are

grammatical and non grammatical. The grammatical component is the primary

stage in the mastery of language. Non grammatical component includes

sociolinguistic, discourse, and strategies. Those components are present in

various styles of utterance, written, oral, and other specific styles, such as

letters, scientific speech, law, etc. then, communicative competence is

included in the four skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

Based on the statement above, the writer concluded that it is

important to understand and to know communicative competence which

included four domains of knowledge and skills such as grammatical

competence, sociolinguistic competence, strategic competence, and discourse

competence in language learning. The fourth characteristic of CLT often made

it difficult for no-native speaker who is not very proficient in the second

language to teach effectively. Dialogues, drills, rehearsed exercises, and

discussions (in the first language) of grammatical rules are simpler for some

non-native speaker to content with.


Michael Canale, from Communicative Competence Language Pedagogy, in Richards J.C and R.W. Schmidt, Language and Communication (London: Longman Group Limited, 1983) p. 34

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2. The Characteristics and The Principles of Communicative


The students use the language a great deal through communicative

activities such as games, role plays, and problem solving tasks.

According to Morrow activities that are truly communicative have

three characteristics that are: information gap, choice, and feedback.

a. Information gap, in this course of doing the activity, one participant should

be in a position to tell one or more other people something that the others

do not yet know.

b. Choice, the speaker must have some role in deciding exactly what he says

and how he will say it. This also means that there should be some

uncertainty in the mind of the listener about the speaker will say next.

c. Feedback, what the speaker say to the person he is communicating with

depend not only on what the other person say, but also what the speaker

wants to accomplish via the conversation.11

Finocchiaro and Brumfit said some characteristic of communicative

approach. They are:

a. Meaning is paramount

b. Dialogues, if used, enter around communicative functions and are not

normally memorized

c. Contextualization is a basic premise

d. Language learning is learning to communicate

e. Effective communication is sought

f. Attempt to communicate may be encouraged from the very beginning

g. Drilling may be occur, but peripherally

h. Translation may be used where students need or benefit from it


Keith Morrow and Keith Johnson in Diane Larsen freeman, Techniques and Principles in Language teaching (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1986), p. 132

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i. Reading and writing can start from first day, if desired

j. The target linguistic system will be learned best through the process of

struggling to communicate

k. Communicative competence is desired goal (i.e. the ability to use the

linguistic system effectively and appropriately)

l. Linguistic variation is a central concept in materials and methodology

m. Teacher help learners in any way that motivates them to work with the


n. Students are expected to interact with people, either in the flesh, through

pair and group work, or in their wrings

o. Intrinsic motivation will spring from an interest in what is being

communicated by the language.12

Here are the main core principles which make it most successful

language learning approach in used today. Keith Johnson said that there are

five principles in “communicative” type, they are:

a. The information transfer principle is it focuses attention on the ability to

understand and convey information content. One way to practice this

abilities is “communicative” to the extent that the students is being asked,

not to comment, but to extract certain pieces of information and to transfer

them onto the application forms.

b. The information gap principle, which makes this conveying of information

possible, there is certainly information transfer, but transferring and

conveying are not quite the same thing. One reason this principle is

important are: firstly, it permits genuine information flow in the class; the

students tell each other things they do not already know. Secondly, created

whereby the assessment of written or spoken work focus attention on

whether it succeed in “getting the message across”

c. The jigsaw principle is a version of involving an information gap.


Mary Finocchiaro and Christopher J. Brumfit, The Functional National Approach: from Theory to practice (London: Oxford university Press, 1983), p.91

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d. The task dependency principle can help to minimize this difference; the

student‟s knowledge that someone in the class will read his letter and

utilize its important content.

e. The correction for content principle, argues that at some stage the

student‟s language production should be judged on its communicative

efficacy in relation to a specific task. But the principle does not negate the

utility of teacher correction for grammatical accuracy at some other


From the statement above, the writer concluded that there are many

characteristics and principles that have to know to the teacher while the

teacher explained the material by applaying communicative approach.

1. Basic Principles for Teachers

a. Teachers‟ main role is a facilitator and monitor rather than leading the


b. Lessons are usually topic or theme based with the target grammar

“hidden” in the context

c. Lessons are built round situations/functions practical and authentic in

the real world e.g. asking for information, complaining, and apologizing

d. Activities set by the teacher have relevance and purpose to real life

situations-students can see the direct benefit of learning

e. Dialogues are used that centre on communicative functions, such as

socializing, giving directions.

f. Emphasis on engaging learners I more useful and authentic language

rather than repetitive phrases or grammar patterns

g. Emphasis on communication and meaning rather than accuracy. Being

understood takes precedence over correct grammar. The fine tuning of

grammar comes later.


Keith Johnson, Communicative syllabus Design and methodology, (Oxford: Pergamon Institute of English, 1982), p. 163.

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h. Emphasis is put on the “appropriacy” of language. What is the most

appropriate language and tone for a particular situation?

i. Communicative competence is the desired goal e.g. being be able to

survive, converse, and be understood in the language

j. Emphasis is put on correct pronunciation and choral (group) and

individual drilling is used

k. Authentic listening and reading texts are used more often rather than

artificial text simply produced to feature the target language

l. Feedback and correction is usually given by the teacher after tasks have

been completed rather than at the point of error, thus interrupting the


From the statement above, the writer concluded that the teachers‟

role is not central and the teacher has to facilitate the communication

process between the students in the classroom. And there are many

principles that must be know to the teacher while the teacher explained the

material by applaying communicative approach.

2. Basic Principles for Learners

a. Learners are often more motivated with this approach as they have an

interesting what is being communicated, as the lesson is topic or theme


b. Learners are encouraged to speak and communicate from one day

rather than just barking out repetitive phrases

c. Learners practice the target language a number of times, slowly

building on accuracy

d. Language is created by the individual often through trial and error

e. Learners interact with each other in pairs or groups to encourage a

flow of language and maximize the percentage of talking time rather

than just teacher to students

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f. Unless the focus is on the accrucay stage of the lesson, learners are

corrected at the end of the activity soa s not to interrupt their thought


From the statement above, the writer concluded that the studetns

must use the target language communicatively and the students are expected

to interact each other rather than to the teacher. And also the students must

negosiate between theirself while teaching learning process.

3. Designs

a. Objectives

Piepho (1981) discusses the following levels of objectives in a

communicative approach:

1.) An integrative and content level (language as means of expression)

2.) A linguistic and instrumental level (language as a semiotic system

and object of learning)

3.) An affective level of interpersonal relationship and conduct

(language as a means of expressing values and judgments about

oneself and others)

4.) A level of individual learning needs (remedial learning based on

error analysis)

5.) A general educational level of extra-linguistic goals (language

learning within the school curriculum).15


Diane Larsen Freeman, Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching, (London: Oxford University Press, 1986), p. 129

15 Jack C Richard and Theodore S. Rodgers, Approaches and Methods in Language

Teaching, (Cambridge university press), p. 73

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3. The Strength and The Weakness of Communicative


a. Strength

Each approach has its strength and weakness. Here is some strength of

communicative approach:

1.) Psychologically students are more active in asking question based on their

communication needs

2.) The students can use the language that it is learned as an instrument to


3.) It is more humanistic, because it concern with the students, activities in real

situations and has meaning in context of function in language

4.) Communicative interaction gives learners more opportunities to express

their own individually in the classroom

b. Weakness

1.) It takes more time for the teacher to make preparation

2.) It needs teacher‟s creativity to make the class a live

3.) The teacher should master the materials in sorts of real situation in class


4.) Discouraging shy students to express their ides (to produce sentences)

because they are shy to other people in front of the class

5.) Often makes difficult for a non native teacher who is not very proficient in

the second language to teach effectively.16

From the statement above, the writer concluded that there are many

strangeth and weakness of communicative approach in teaching learning

process. The teachers have to maximize a responsibility for determining

and responding to learner language needs.


William Littlewood, Communicative Language Teaching, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981), p. 94

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C. Teaching Conditional Sentence Type 1 Through

Communicative Approach

1. The Techniques of Presentation

Techniques of presentation model should be appropriate to the context

without demanding total realism. There is a right to expect the presentation

models to be acceptable as exponents of communicative function. On the other

hands, it is believed that what is presented could be used for a communicative

purpose. Because of the reason, the writer uses some techniques in presenting

conditional sentence type 1 such as games, scrambled sentences, song, picture,

dialogue, role play, and work in discussion. Each technique should be based

on classroom situation at once.

a. Games

This technique is used in the communicative approach. The

students will find the enjoyable and if the game is designed, the techniques

give the students valuable communicative practice. Let‟s see the example


1.) First, the writer divided the class into groups of four. And the

writer copied and cut up one sheet per group

2.) Second, the writer asked for each student to choose a topic sentence

3.) Next, the writer explained to the students that the students must

finish off the first sentence, using the correct tense for the first

conditional. Then the students must start the second sentence with

the end of their first sentence. Demonstrate with one of the


4.) Then, the students fold their first sentence under so that all that can

be seen is the half of the new conditional sentence. Then the

students passed their sheet to the next student in the group.

5.) And the next student continued that sentence and then writes the

start of the next one.

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6.) This activity continues in this way until all the students in each

group have written sentences in all the columns.

7.) And the writer just monitor and checked the students are using the

first conditional correctly and make a note of any repeated error to

go through as a class at the end of the activity.

8.) And the class can vote for the most interesting series of sentences.

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b. Scrambled Sentences

The writer will give the students some sentences in scrambled

order and then the students try to make about coherence.

Table 2.2

Technique of Presentation by Scramble Sentences



You are

offered a job

in Madrid

next year.

1. If I go to







You are

offered a

place in the

top football

team In your


1. If I play







You are

offered a free


world travel


1. If I travel

round the





You are offered

a job as a top

fashion model.

1. If I work

as a top






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Home Get I

If Will You

Telephone I

The To Won’t

Go Rains We

Match If It


Party Come Will

You To If

Invite My I

You ?

I Television My

Will Homework I

If Finish Watch

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Mike If Is

Will Retire He

65 ?

Go Zoo Is

Won’t It The

If Hot They

Too To

Buy Will If

You A Half

I Eat Cake


The At If

Meet I You

Me Will Arrive

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c. Song

Teaching conditional sentence type 1 through song is enough

interesting since most of the students like singing songs, especially from

the western and enable to make them learn by heart. The most important

thing to keep in mind is the songs provide engaging context that makes it

easier to structures.

Gasser and Waldman suggest the following procedure for using

song in the classroom:

1.) Begin by introducing the song and tell a little about it

2.) Make a lyrics available to the students, either by writing them on

the board for the students to copy, handing out mimeographed

copies of the words, or providing lyrics with key words or

structures missing (a modified cloze exercise) that students must

listen for and fill in. this provides recognition practice as well

3.) Sing or play the song once and allow students to listen and enjoy it

4.) Go through the lyrics with students aloud and check

comprehension, understanding of lexical items, etc.

5.) Go through the song one verse at a time, let the students listen

before the students sing. If there is a chorus, let students practice it


6.) Sing the entire song with class several times. Once or twice is not

enough. Give the students opportunity to practice and remember

that the students are dealing with a tune, rhythm, and language all



Karin M. Cantron and karl Graham. Internet. Http: www. Karinsplayground.com

Airport ?

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d. The Picture and the Text

The usage of picture is very effective to help students in

understanding conditional sentence type 1. The students get the idea easily

and clearly through picture. The writer shows the picture to the students

and asks them to imagine what the students will do with it, it can improve

subconscious knowledge since the students see the object and it can add

their intention to the subject. The writer used the picture from the textbook

and browsed in the internet. The text is related to the picture. A picture can

illustrate each situation and also give leads to each sentences. For example,

the picture of Gorilla in the jungle “if I meet Gorilla,……….”. the

students of the class love completing this sentence and create others.

The picture and the text below is a big Gorilla in the jungle and

The picture and the text are put on the big screen and filled by colorful

picture, in order to the students can be more interested and the teacher

conducts a questions such as “What will you do if you meet a Gorilla?”

which will elicit responses with conditional type 1 sentences.

Face to face with a Gorilla

I had found the baby Gorilla four weeks before, and it was very ill. But

now it was well again, and I had to take it back to its family. I picked it up,

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walked out to the car and drove to the forest. With the baby in my arms, I start to

walk in among the trees. I was worried. „if the mother doesn‟t recognize the baby,

she won‟t take it back,‟ I thought. „Perhaps she‟ll even kill it‟.

The family was there. I put the baby Gorilla down on the ground and

walked a few meters away. Then I stopped and watched. I could see the mother

looking at the baby, and I thought, „will she come closer? What will she do?‟

Suddenly the father was there, in front of me. He was the biggest Gorilla

of the family. It was frightening because he was only few meters away. I was

frightened, but I knew what I to do. People think gorillas often attack people, but

they don‟t-they only attack when you show you‟re so scared. „if I turn and run

away, this gorilla will attack me,‟ I thought. But I don‟t move, he‟ll go away.‟ I

didn‟t move.

Suddenly male gorilla lifted his hand. I was terrified. But he wanted to

frighten me, not hit me. After few seconds, he dropped his hand and turned. He

went over the baby, picked it up and moved away into the trees. I sat down on the

ground. I was shaking.18

e. Dialogue

Using realistic dialogue, the students will be easily in applying the

function of conditional sentence type 1. Realistic dialogue sets in a

perfectly acceptable context: a situation where one speaker does not find,

meanwhile the other is doing and wanting to find out.

Alex in dialogue below is trying to make a conversation with Dave

and Amy. And language is used presented as purposeful behavior, and can

be readily accepted as relevant to the students potential communicative

needs. Let us see the dialogue below:

Alex: you like Amy a lot, don‟t you?

Dave: well, yeah, I do. She‟s lovely

Alex: does she like you too?

Dave: how should I know?

18 Herbert and Jeff Stranks, English in Mind. Cambridge University Press, 2007

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Alex: ask her out, Dave. Then you‟ll know.

“Maybe I should ask Amy to go with me. But, if she does not like

me, she will say no. maybe she‟ll get angry.

Alex: so-did you ask her out?

Dave: no way

Alex: come on, Dave. She‟s a girl, not a monster.

Dave: ha, ha

Alex: look, if you do not try, you will never know her, will you?

Dave: um, I was thinking, maybe………..

f. Role Play

Role play can be set up so that the students are structured. The use of

role play in teaching and learning process can give the students an

opportunity to practice communication in different social context and in

different social roles.

For instance, the students think one of the conditional sentence type

1 in the form of a question such as, “what will you do if you meet a Gorilla

in the jungle?” and ask that question to other students and the students

must answer in 10 seconds, if the student can no answer in 10 seconds, the

student must write 3 possible answer from that question on the whiteboard

correctly. From that example, the teacher‟s role is being monitor whether

the students‟ answer are correct, then after all the student get turn, the

students make a dialog in pair based on the statement written above and

demonstrate it in front of the class.19

g. Work Discussion

Group work is particularly useful in the transaction of knowledge

and also very effective for developing foreign language. This technique


Herbert Puchta and jeff Stranks, Teacher Resourches, (Cambridge University Press, 2007)

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seems to be most appropriately in EFL classes in which the main objective

of the instruction is the development of communicative competence.20


it has two potential roles. One is to increase the intensiveness of accuracy

work-and this may also perform the function of giving learners experience

of group activity in clearly organized system, so that they become used to

the concept and do not feel threatened by the greater freedom later to be

afforded by fluency-based group activity.21


Nuril Huda, Language Learning and Teaching: Issues and Trends, (Malang: IKIP Malang publisher, 1998), p. 85


Cristopher Brumfit, Communicative methodology in Language Teaching, (Cambridge: Cambridge University press, 1984), p. 78

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A. The Purpose of Research

The purpose of research in this Skripsi is to know whether or not the

communicative approach is effective in teaching conditional sentence type 1 at

Eight Grade in SMP Islam AL IKHLAS.

B. Operational Definition of Variable

It is useful to know the meaning of operational definition of variables.

Variables can be classified into two kinds: the independent variables and

dependent variable. The independent variable is the characteristics that is

hypothesized to have an effect on comprehension, meanwhile (also called

outcome or criterion) the dependent variable is the variable that will be affected

by the independent variable, it is the goal of instruction that will be studied.1 And

also Amirul Hadi and Haryono said “variable penelitian adalah segala sesuatu

yang akan dijadikan objek pengamatan penelitian. (It has a meaning that variables

has an important role in the subject that will be studied)”.2

1 Donna M. Johnson, Approaches to Researches in Second Language Learning, (London:

Longman Group, 1992), p. 172

2 Amirul Hadi and Haryono, Metodologi Penelitian Pendidikan. (Bandung: Pustaka setia,

1998), p. 205


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Based on the statement above, the writer concludes that the independent

variable of this study is communicative approach and the dependent variable is the

result of teaching conditional sentence type 1 through communicative approach.

C. The Place and The Time of The Research

The writer takes the research of this study at SMP ISLAM AL IKHLAS

which located in Jln. Cipete Raya III No. 6-8 Jakarta. The research started since

May 2nd

until June 08th


D. Population and Sample

1. The Population

In this research, the writer took the population at Eight Grade of the

students in SMP ISLAM AL IKHLAS JAKARTA. This grade consists of 4

classes and the total of the students are about 120 students.

2. The Sample

The writer took the sample as the research to 1 class and takes a half of the

population. The totals of samples are 30 students. And the writer took the

cluster ramdom sampling at Eight Grade in SMP ISLAM AL IKHLAS


E. Method of Study

The writer conducted Pre experimental study. To know whether or not the

communicative approach is effective in teaching conditional sentence type 1, the

writer gave the pre test before the teaching learning process through

communicative approach and the writer gave the post test after treated the

teaching learning process through communicative approach. In the research the

writer used the pre experimental method by using pre test and post test design.

The writer uses t-test to analyze the students‟ score, the writer did the research

only one class. The writer hold a pre test before the teaching learning process and

gave a post test after treated the teaching learning process through communicative

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approach. In the end of the research, the writer gave twenty questions to the

students in order to find students‟ ability after learning conditional type 1 through

communicative approach. The questions are included as the instrument of


F. the Procedures of Teaching Learning Process in A Pre

Experimental Study.

The writer takes a role as a teacher on the class and taught Conditional

Sentence Type 1 through Communicative Approach at Eight Grade of SMP

ISLAM AL IKHLAS JAKARTA. The writer evaluated whether the teaching

learning process at SMP ISLAM AL IKHLAS has taught communicatively. To

know the teaching learning process has communicatively, Mary Finocchiaro

and Christopher Brumfit mentioned that are:

1. presentation of a brief dialog or several mini-dialogues, preceded by a

motivation and a discussion of the function and situation people, roles,

setting, topic, and the informality or formality of the language which the

function and situation demand

2. Oral practice of each utterance of the dialog segment to be presented that

day (entire class repetition, half-class, groups, individuals) generally

preceded by your model. If mini-function and meaning

3. dialog are used, engage in similar practice

4. Questions and answers based on the dialog topic and situation itself

5. Questions and answers related to the students personal experiences but

centered around the dialog theme

6. Study one of the basic communicative expressions in the dialog or one of

the structures which exemplify the function. You will wish to give several

additional examples of the communicative use of the expression or

structure with familiar vocabulary in unambiguous utterances or mini-

dialogues (using pictures, simple real objects, or dramatization) to clarify

the meaning of the expression or structure

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7. Learners‟ discovery of generalizations or rules underlying the functional

expression or structure. This should include at least four points: its oral and

written forms (the elements of which it is composed, e.g. “how about +

verb + ing?”) its positions in the utterance, and in the case of structure, its

grammatical function and meaning

8. Oral recognition, interpretative activities (two to five depending on learning

level, the language knowledge of the students, and related factors)

9. Oral production activities-proceeding from guided to freer communication


10. Copying of the dialogues or mini-dialogues or modules if they are not in

the class text

11. Sampling of the written homework assignment, if given

12. Evaluation of learning (oral only), e.g. “how would you ask your friend to

…………..? And how would you ask me to …………….?”3

G. The Technique of Data Collecting

a. Test (pre Test and Post Test)

1. Pre Test

The writer took a multiple choice test as the pre test. The test taken as the

first score before teaching learning process through communicative approach.

The writer wants to know the result in this pre test how far the students‟ score

and ability in learning grammar, especially the conditional type 1 that was not

taught by communicative approach.

2. Post Test

The writer gave the test to the students a post test after the treatment given

by teaching conditional sentence through communicative approach. The writer

wants to know the result of the students‟ score after teaching conditional

sentence through communicative approach. The writer used the test multiple-

3 Mary Finocchiaro and Christopher Brumfit. In Jack C. Richards and Theodore S.

Rodgers, Approaches and methods in Language teaching, (Cambridge: Cambridge University

Press, 1986), p. 71

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choice. The writer used this kind of the tests may be this test is very suitable for

testing knowledge of grammatical structure, use of tenses, and vocabulary.4

H. Teaching Learning Process

The writer will report the teaching learning process of conditional sentence

type 1 at Eight Grade of SMP ISLAM AL IKHLAS JAKARTA. The stage of

lesson plan are divided into five stages, they are: Motivating strategies,

Presentation, Practice, Summing Up, and Assessment.5

The teacher makes a lesson plan and searches some material that related to

the content, the text book is English in Mind (Cambridge Press), and the role of

the textbook is to stand for the distant and hardly accessible delight that lie behind

the forbidding barriers of strangeness of language, the imaginative life of the child

as well as its craving. And also the role of the teacher is to bring the pupil to this

strange territory, but with language tools prepared at home, in familiar situations.6

This activity was held to achieve the maximum result in teaching and learning

process and to make the students more enjoyable and fun in learning conditional

sentence type 1 before the teacher taught in the class.

First, the teacher did the motivating strategies by making communicative

activities with asking some students about their ideas. Many questions in this

stage around conditional sentence type 1 such as “what will you do, if you meet a

Gorilla in the jungle?” Then the teacher shows the picture from the text book of

Gorillas in the jungles and asked the students to give some comments about the

picture. Some of the students gave an example from the questions above, such as

“I will run away, if I meet a Gorilla in the jungles

Second, the teacher moved to the next stage: that is presentation. Before

the teacher give the presentation, the teacher gave one of the techniques in

4 Wilga M. Rivers, Teaching Foreign-Language Skills, (Chicago: the University of

Chicago Press, 1968) p, 313

5 F. L. billow, the techniques of language teaching, (London: Longman group limited,

1961), p. 55

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teaching learning process, such as the teacher gave some examples in jumbled

words and asked the students to make in a good order. After one of the students

can give the correct order, the teacher explains about the conditional sentence type

1 based on the students opinion in the first stage. For example, “I will run away if

I meet a Gorilla in the jungle” or “if I do not move, the Gorilla will go away”.

Form that example, the sentence has main clause and if clause. The main clause is

“I will run away” which has rule: subject + will + verb1 + object/complement.

And that example has if clause. The if clause is “if I meet a Gorilla in the jungle”

which has rule: if + subject + verb1 + object. The teacher explained that

conditional sentence type 1 is used to indicate a situation that same or suitable

with reality in the present time. With real conditions indicates a possibility,

namely conditions which are suitability to fact. The if-clause is taking place at this

moment and the probable result can be real. Then the teacher asked the students to

improve the material communicatively. The teacher increased the student‟s

attention by giving question-answer drill. “What program will you watch if you

watch TV this evening?” and the result was good because the students started to

make a communication, discussing it with their friends and tried to answer the

questions. Many various answer by the students: “I will watch cartoon movies”, “I

will watch news sport”, and “I will watch drama film”.

Third, skill practice. The teacher gave the students a picture from the text

book. The picture is a Gorilla in the jungle. The text is Narrative text, the text is:

Face to face with a Gorilla

I had found the baby Gorilla four weeks before, and it was very ill. But

now it was well again, and I had to take it back to its family. I picked it up,

walked out to the car and drove to the forest. With the baby in my arms, I start to

walk in among the trees. I was worried. „if the mother doesn‟t recognize the baby,

she won‟t take it back,‟ I thought. „Perhaps she‟ll even kill it‟.

The family was there. I put the baby Gorilla down on the ground and

walked a few meters away. Then I stopped and watched. I could see the mother

looking at the baby, and I thought, „will she come closer? What will she do?‟

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Suddenly the father was there, in front of me. He was the biggest Gorilla

of the family. It was frightening because he was only few meters away. I was

frightened, but I knew what I to do. People think gorillas often attack people, but

they don‟t-they only attack when you show you‟re so scared. „if I turn and run

away, this gorilla will attack me,‟ I thought. But I don‟t move, he‟ll go away.‟ I

didn‟t move.

Suddenly male gorilla lifted his hand. I was terrified. But he wanted to

frighten me, not hit me. After few seconds, he dropped his hand and turned. He

went over the baby, picked it up and moved away into the trees. I sat down on the

ground. I was shaking.7

The teacher asked the students to read the text and imagine that “what will

you do if you meet the Gorillas in the jungle?” The teacher asked the students to

work in pairs or groups to find some conditional sentences type 1 from the text

above. The teacher divided into groups because a group is usually a number of

people who interact with one another.8 And the teacher‟s roles are facilitator and

monitor to the student‟s learning. The teacher monitored and facilitated the

students and gave explanation about things which have not understood by the


After monitoring the students, the teacher asked the students to sit back

individually and asked the students whether the students had some questions.

Then the teacher gave the students a test which consists of 20 questions. And the

students to give spaces between each other in order the students did the test

individually and minimized the probability of cheating, the teacher gave the time

about 15 minutes. And the result of the test is listed in the research finding.

Fourth, the teacher reviewed the material and gave the conclusion about

conditional sentence type 1 by giving a little bit presentation to listen the

dialogues between Dave and Amy, and asked the students to underline the

dialogue that using conditional sentence type 1 and give the correction if


7 Herbert and Jeff Stranks, English in Mind. Cambridge University Press, 2007

8 Interview with the teacher

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Last, the teacher closed the session. But, the teacher gave the students changes to

ask some questions. After giving changes to the students to ask some questions,

the teacher played songs that related to the material above.

The writer felt that the language learning process in the class room has

interactions between the teacher and the students and it was very fun because the

teacher often asked the student‟s opinions and participation in the classroom. The

learning teaching process at SMP ISLAM AL IKHLAS are suitable with the

statement form Keith Morrow, that are communicative approach has three

characteristics, they are: information gap, choice, and feedback.9

Finally, the writer concluded that the learning teaching process at SMP ISLAM

AL IKHLAS has the standard communicative approach.

I. Technique of Data Analysis

After getting the pre test and post test score as the data of the research. The

writer analyzed in this formulation of technique of data analysis.


t =

Σ 𝑥2𝑑

𝑁(𝑁 − 1)

Md = Mean of differences from pre test and post test, which are calculated

with the formula:

Md = Σ 𝑑


∑d = Total of gain/difference score between variable x and variable y

N = Number of Sample

9 See Sub-Chapter II, Characteristic and the Principles of Communicative Approach

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∑ 𝑥2 𝑑 = Total of each quadrate deviation which is calculate after

knowing (xd) first.

xd = Deviation of each subject counted with formula (d-Md)

To find the calculation of total of each quadrate deviation, the writer use formula:

∑ 𝑥2 𝑑 = Σ 𝑑2 – (Σ 𝑑)2


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A. Data Description

As previously stated of this Skripsi, the writer conducted A Pre

Experimental Study and collected the data from the pre test and gave the post

test. There are 120 students of Eight grade of SMP ISLAM IL IKHLAS, then the

writer have done the test for thirty students as a sample. The writer uses cluster

random sampling as the technique of sampling. The writer gave the test which

consisted 20 items and each item that answer correctly gets 5 points. The

instrument of the test can be seen in the appendix.

Here is the report of concerning the data description. The score of the pre

test and post test.

a. Pre Test Score

Table 4.1

The Result of Pre Test

NO Pre test Score NO Pre Test Score

1 85 16 85

2 75 17 75

3 85 18 70

4 85 19 60

5 85 20 80

6 65 21 90


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7 85 22 85

8 95 23 60

9 70 24 65

10 65 25 65

11 70 26 70

12 75 27 65

13 70 28 65

14 60 29 75

15 75 30 75

After seeing the result of the pre test above, the writer calculated the mean score

of the data which called Variable x (∑ x) that has total score….. It is calculated

with formula:

Mean Score = ∑𝑥


2,250 30

= 75

From the result above, the writer can see that the score of 60 is the lowest score

and the highest score is 95.

b. Post Test Result

Table 4.2

The Results of the Post Test

NO Score Post Test NO Score Post Test

1 85 16 90

2 80 17 75

3 80 18 80

4 85 19 70

5 85 20 75

6 70 21 85

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7 80 22 90

8 90 23 65

9 80 24 70

10 70 25 75

11 75 26 75

12 85 27 70

13 75 28 60

14 65 29 80

15 75 30 80

Mean Score = ∑𝑦


2,320 30

= 77.3

From the result above, the writer can see that the score of 60 is the

lowest score and the highest score is 90.

B. Data Analysis

The writer would like to calculate the differences score between the pre test

and the post test or the writer would like to calculate Gain (d). the writer uses

the formula:

D = y – x

In which:

D= gain or differences score between the pre test and the post test

Y= post test

X= pre test

Table 4.3

The results of the Pre Test and the Post Test

NO Pre Test ( Variable x) Post Test ( Variable


Gain (d)/ (Post

Test – Pre Test)

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1 85 85 0

2 75 80 +5

3 85 80 -5

4 85 85 0

5 85 85 0

6 65 70 +5

7 85 80 -5

8 95 90 -5

9 70 80 +10

10 65 70 +5

11 70 75 +5

12 75 85 +10

13 70 75 +5

14 60 65 +5

15 75 75 0

16 85 90 +5

17 75 75 0

18 70 80 +10

19 60 70 +10

20 80 75 -5

21 90 85 -5

22 85 90 +5

23 60 65 +5

24 65 70 +5

25 65 70 +5

26 70 75 +5

27 65 70 +5

28 65 60 -5

29 75 80 +5

30 75 80 +5

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X= 2,250:30= 75

Y= 2,320:30=77.3 ∑d= 90

After seeing the data above, the writer calculated the differences score

between the pre test and post test (Md). The writer uses the formula below:

Md = ∑𝑑


= 90


= 3

After getting the (Md), the writer determined the Quadrate deviation (𝑥2 𝑑).

The writer uses the formula as below:

∑ 𝑥2 𝑑 = Σ 𝑑2 – (Σ 𝑑)2


Xd = Deviation of each subject counted with formula (d-Md)

Table 4.4

The Result of the Deviation

NO d Xd (d-Md) 𝒙𝟐𝒅

1 0 -3 0

2 +5 +2 24.1667

3 -5 -8 -24.1667

4 0 -3 0

5 0 -3 0

6 +5 +2 24.1667

7 +5 -8 -24.1667

8 -5 -8 -24.1667

9 +10 +7 96.667

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10 +5 0 24.1667

11 +5 +8 24.1667

12 +10 +7 96.667

13 +5 +2 24.1667

14 +5 +2 24.1667

15 0 -3 0

16 +5 +2 24.1667

17 0 -3 0

18 +10 +7 96.667

19 +10 +7 96.667

20 +5 +8 -24.1667

21 -5 +8 -24.1667

22 +5 +2 24.1667

23 +5 +2 24.1667

24 +5 +2 24.1667

25 +5 +2 24.1667

26 +5 +2 24.1667

27 +5 +2 24.1667

28 -5 -8 -24.1667

29 +5 +2 24.1667

30 +5 +2 24.1667

∑d= 90 𝑥2𝑑 = 5 ∑ 𝑥2 𝑑 = 725.001

After getting the data, the writer determined t value, the writer uses the

formula as follow:


t =

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Σ 𝑥2𝑑

𝑁(𝑁 − 1)

t = 3


39(39− 1)

t = 3


t = 3. 29

C. Interpretation

After collecting and analyzing the data, the writer used the interpretation

through tt (t table). From the result of the data above, the writer interpreted that

the result of the to is higher than t table (tt). It hyphotized that there is a good

influence in teaching conditional sentence type 1 through communicative


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After collecting and analyzing the data, the writer concluded from A Pre

Experimental Study that the result of the score above and from the t table (tt)

shown that there is a good influence in teaching conditional type 1 through

communicative approach at Eight Grade of the students in SMP ISLAM AL



Based on the research, the writer would like to give some suggestions as


1. The teachers are suggested to use communicative approach in teaching

conditional sentence type 1

2. The teacher should be able to motivate the students in teaching learning

process in order to the students understood about the material

3. The teacher should be able to choose the suitable technique in applying

communicative approach

4. It hope that the teacher can explain conditional sentence type 1 clearly, in

order to the students can understand well

5. The teacher should give the students some assignments about conditional

sentence type 1


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6. It hopes that the teacher makes review about conditional sentence type 1, in

order to the students memorize it.

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Brumfit C.J and J. Robert T, A Short Introduction to Language Teaching, London: Batsford

Academic and Education Ltd, 1993.

C. Jack Richard and Theodore S. Rodgers, Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching,

Cambridge: Cambridge University press, 1986.

C. Jack Richard, Longman Dictionary of language teaching and Applied Linguistics London:

Longman Group UK Limited, 1992.

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R.W. Schmidt, Language and Communication London: Longman Group Limited, 1983.

Cantron Karin M and Graham karl. Internet. Http: www. Karinsplayground.com, 28 February


Cristopher Brumfit, Communicative methodology in Language Teaching, Cambridge: Cambridge

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Steinberg D, Danny, An Introduction to Psycholinguistics. London: Longman Group Limited,


Donna Johnson M. Approaches to Researches in Second Language Learning, London: Longman

Group, 1992.

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E. George Wishon and Burk Julia, Let’s write English, New York: American Book Company,


Finocchiaro Mary Finocchiaro and Brumfit Christopher J. The Functional National Approach:

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Herbert Puchta and jeff Stranks, Teacher Resourches, Cambridge University Press, 2007.

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Janice yalden, Communication language Teaching. Ontario: The Ontario Institute for studies in

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Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, London: Longman Group UK


Johnson Keith, Communicative syllabus Design and methodology, Oxford: Pergamon Institute of

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Keith Morrow and Johnson Keith in Diane Larsen freeman, Techniques and Principles in

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M. Rivers Wilga, Teaching Foreign-Language Skills, Chicago: the University of Chicago Press,


Mackey F. William, Language Learning analysis, London: longman, Greenand Co, ltd, 1966.

Nuril Huda, Language Learning and Teaching: Malang: IKIP Malang publisher, 1998.

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Ciputat, 10 Januari 2009


: Istimewa:1 (sa tu ): Pengajuan Judul Skiripsi

Kepada Yth,

Ketua Jurusan

Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris



Ass alumu' alaikum l|tr. llb

Salam silaturahim, dan teriring semoga bapak selalu sukses dalam menjalankan

aktifitas sehari-hari.

Mengingat akan berakhirnya masa studi saya di tingkat strata I (SI), maka saya

yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini :


I 05014000370

Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan

Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Bermaksud mengajukan judul skripsi mengenai : "Analysis cn Teaching

Conditional Sentence Type I Through Communicative Approacho' (A study Case


sebagai bahan pertimbangan bagi bapak, dengan ini saya lampirkan :

1. Outline

2. Abstraksi

3. Daftar Kepustakaan Sementara

Demikianlah judul skripsi ini saya ajukan, dengan harapan semoga bapak

berkenan menyetujui dan sekaligus menentukan Dosen Pembimbingnya. Atas perhatian

Bapak, saya ucapkan banyak terima kasih.

Was s al am u' alaik um ll/r. lI/ b.





/fu, ",f

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-&W&. ulN JAKARTA i ronm lrnrI- _ _ _ --. Jt rr H ruagda No

lr:y,r":::!,,*le l l n A ' f F r F h r r A r r ^

r\o. uoKumen : Fl ' fK_FR_AKD-082I gt . I erotr : 1 september 200gNo. 00RevisiHal . . 1t l r

\ . rv r \ , { | TEr1 tv tLJHUNAN l4 lN p ENELITIANi-"i

Norr ro r : Un.0 l / l r . l /1 rp .009 l t .7L / l :00gLarrrp. : OutlinctPropo.;al


Hal : Perrnohonin Iz in penel i t ian

Kepada Yth.Kepala SMP Islanr Al-Ihhlas


Assn/atttu' al o i htm wr.tvh.

Deugarr l rorrnat l iarni s i : rrrpajkan balrua,

Jakarla, 13 Februari 2009

Type I Throughl : ight Cr ldr : o f 'SMp ls larn Al -

NanraN I MSenrcsterJurtrsanJuci i r l Sl ' ipsi

: Ahntad San i: 1 0 5 0 1 4 0 0 0 3 7 0: V l l l: Pendidikan Bahasa Inggr. is: Ar ra lys is on feach ing Conc l i t iona l Ser r tence

Colr i r i turr ic l t ivc Approaclr ( A Sttrcl l , cusc, atIkhlas Jakarra

adalah bettar tnal tasisrva/ i I rakultas l l ' ru 1'arbi1,ah c]a, Kegurtra' UIN Jakarta va'g sedangnlen\/r ls l ln skr ipsi ' dan akal i t t tet tgadaka'penel i i iarr (r iset) di instansi ; ,a 'g saLrdara pimpin.

UIrtuk i tu kar:r i nrol ton . Sattdara clapat nrengizinkan ma6asis*,a tersebut nrelaksanakanpenel i t ian di tenrpat dimaksud.

Atas perhat ia ' c la, ker ja sanra sarrclarer, kar ' i ,capka' ter ima kasih.

II/as s cr I u tn tr' u I q i ku t t t tyr.tp b.

Ternbusan:l Dekan I : l ' lK2. Pernbantu Dekan l l ic lang Akadernik3. Nlahasisrva ) ,arrs bcr .sangl iu tan


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