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6 STATE Greater Kashmir SRINAGAR | July 05, 2013, Friday The Elite's Co-ed High School (An English Medium Educational Institute) Email: [email protected], Tele: 08713860031 NISHAT SRINAGAR JOB OPPORTUNITY Applications are invited on plain paper for the post of th th th teachers for classes 8 , 9 and 10 Note: ? Experienced candidates shall be given preference. ? Applications along with necessary testimonials should reach our school office by or before 06-07-2013. ? I Interview and demonstration will be held on THE SPOT. For queries, Contact on 9622881183, 9796152866 Sd/- Principal Yaseen News Agency 9419749091 OFFICE OF THE ELECTION COMMISSION FEDERATION CHAMBER OF INDUSTRIES KASHMIR FCIK HOUSE, SANAT NAGAR, SRINAGAR ELECTION NOTIFICATION In view of framing of “Executive Council” by the Election Commission, it is notified that the election for Administrative Council is scheduled to be held as per following programme in the office of “FCIK House” Sanat Nagar, Srinagar:- S. No. Particulars Date Time 1. Date of filling of nomination papers for various posts of Administrative Council. 6 th of July, 2013 up to 2.00 P.M. 2. 1 st Joint Meeting of Executive Council/General Council Delegates 7 th of July, 2013 at 2.00 P.M. 3. Last Date of withdrawal of nomination papers 8 th of July, 2013 up to 2.00 P.M. 4. Scrutiny and final list 8 th of July, 2013 at 4.30 P.M. 5. Date of Election for various posts 9 th of July, 2013 11.00 A.M. to 4.00 P.M. 6. Declaration of Administrative Council 9 th of July, 2013 at 5.30 P.M. Sd/- (Makhmoor Gowhar) Secretary Election Commission. M-006 FALAH BEHBOOD COMMITTEE Address: Malik Lane, Mehjoor Nagar Srinagar Kashmir MALIK ASIF NOOR PATRON FBC, MEHJOOR NAGAR CONGRATS SIKH COMMUNITY “Panj Pyaliay Panj Peer Chatam Peer Baitha Gurbari, Arjun Kaya Palat Kay Murath Hargobind Sawari”. On the occasion of the sacred 418 th , Birthday of Guru Hargobind Sahib, I extend my hearty greetings to the Sikh Community of Kashmir.Born in Amritsar on 1595, Guru Hargobind Sahib traveled to Kashmir with the message of brotherhood, harmony & peace. On the special occasion I hope & pray that all the mankind should follow the path of brotherhood & peace. Sd/- Malik Asif Noor M-006 OFFICE OF THE PRINCIPAL GOVT . B T T O Y O O S HIGHER SECONDARY R R INSTITUTE BEERW R R AH W W , BUDGAM, KASHMIR K K "Tender Notice" Sealed tenders affixed with revenue stamp of Rs. 5/- are invited from registered printers and suppliers for publishing annual magazine “Bairom” 2013. The tenders should reach this office within a weeks time from the date of publication of this notice alongwith CDR worth Rs. 3000/- (Three Thousand Only). The full details regarding the magazine, its terms and conditions can be had from this office on all working days. The undersigned reserves the right to accept or reject the tender without assigning any reason thereof. Sd/- Principal M-006 OFFICE OF THE PRINCIPAL GOVT . B T T O Y O O S HIGHER SECONDARY R R INSTITUTE BEERW R R AH W W , BUDGAM, KASHMIR K K “Press Note” As desired by worthy Director School Education Kashmir a parent teacher meeting was held in the institution on 3 rd of July 2013. The meeting was presided over by Principal Syed Adil Akhter. The parents appreciated the efforts and praised the institution for academic excellence and developmental work. Some useful suggestions with regard to moral development, students behavior and students attendance were provided by the parents. The meeting concluded with a word of thanks by the Principal. The parents were informed that the process will continue in future and meetings will be held on 3 rd of every month. In case of holiday meeting would be held on next working day. Sd/- Principal M-006 SCORPIO FOR SALE MODEL 2012 VLX SHOWROOM CONDITION Absolutely scratch less, done 11 Km is for immediately sale. NO FINA N N NCE 9419011633 ONLY GENUINE PARTIES CONTACT Omar can't wash hands off innocent killings: Naeem Akhtar Omar does not need certificate from BJP agents: Tanvir Sadiq Srinagar, July 4: Expressing abject dismay at the Chief Minister disowning the case related to the killing of two youth at Markandal near Sonawari in north Kashmir, Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Thursday said Omar Abdullah couldn’t claim to be the chief minister and yet wash his hands off innocent blood spilled in the state. In a statement issued the PDP chief spokes- person, Naeem Akhtar said: “The chief minister has taken the unusual mix of his arrogance and incom- petence to the next level after having expressed his helplessness, in April this year, on the floor of the house over a similar incident in Baramulla.” “By arrogantly asking the newsmen to inquire from Army about the status of investigation into the killing of Sonawari youth, Omar Abdullah has not just conveyed his abdication of responsibility, but has insulted the chair he is occupying,” Akhtar said. Referring to the news report that many gov- ernment organizations in the state were headless, Akhtar said the state government could in view of CM’s outright abdication of his duties also be declared as headless. “The CM’s position in JK can easily be declared as vacant till it is held by Omar Abdullah,” Akhtar observed. He said the chief min- ister should instead of pleading helplessness have set example of probity by taking action against those involved it cold blooded killings over past 5 years and cannot claim impunity under AFSPA. The PDP chief spokesperson said the shift- ing stands on the revocation of AFSPA have reduced the chief minister’s position to a mockery of the system in which we operate. He said the latest observation of chief minister “I won’t talk about AFSPA right now” indicates that he (CM) has finally given up on it as “life’s mission.” Akhtar said the CM had announced revocation of AFSPA “within two or three days” on October 21st, 2011 in the aftermath of Haji Yousuf’s death in suspicious circumstances that had related it to the goings on in the Abdullah family. He said after that the chief minister has been regularly diluting his stand on this important issue which was initially brought up by him to divert attention from the controversy arising from Haji Yousuf’s death. Srinagar, July 4: Omar Abdullah’s Political Secre- tary Tanvir Sadiq today lambasted the PDP saying that Chief Minister Omar Abdullah does not need certificate from “BJP run PDP agents” about his com- mitment to ensure peace, prosperity and security to the people of the state. “Omar Abdullah does not need sermons from anybody, least from a party which is based on, treachery, and deceitfulness,” Tanvir said in a statement.“Look into your own track record and criminal trajectories before commenting” said Tanvir “Your anti-Kashmir policies, plots and blunders cost the state thousands of innocent lives” he said. “Today they have the audacity of talking about the welfare of the people.” “Omar Abdullah does not believe in vulgar publicity and self promotion. He has left this impression on the government he leads. The people of the state will give their verdict in 2014 which will be a date that will serve as the obituary for the PDP,” Tanvir said. “Frustration, bitterness, and disguising this as a critique is a reflection of the deeper and structural malaise that has gripped the PDP.” “Omar Abdullah is committed to all he has said, we don’t spread lies unlike PDP who in the name of healing touch gave killing touch by killing scores of people,” said Tanvir. He said the Chief Minister believes in the doc- trine of “actions speaks louder than words”, unlike Mufti Muhammad Sayeed who only hoodwinked the people with Self Rule” “During PDP regime security bunkers were given a five star look. Omar Abdullah not only ensured houses and hotels occupied are vacated but ensured Mufti’s five star bun- kers do not exist,” said Tanvir. “They spread lies about peace but people have not forgotten how mercilessly they had Commanders killed who were ready to talk peace,” he said.Hitting out at PDP spokesman he said that it is a well known fact that he is known to have used extra constitutional authority during the regime of Mufti Sayeed” adding “He had flouted all rules and regulations.”“It is a very well known fact that PDP and their leaders are famous for their intrigue and dirty machinations,” said Tanvir. Missing baby found dead PEERZADA AARIF Buchoo (Pattan), July 4: Police have recovered the body of a missing baby of Buchoo village from a well in north Kashmir. Two-year old Zeenat Ashraf daughter of Muhammad Ashraf Rather of Buchoo Pattan had gone missing on June 19 from her house in Buchoo village. "Police on Wednesday night recovered the body of the baby from a well in the village," said uncle of the deceased. Talking to Greater Kashmir Muhammad Ashraf Rather, father of the deceased baby said. "My daughter has been murdered she was lying in the well for past many days," he added. JKEEU elects office bearers Rajpori elected as Prez, Bhat Gen Secretary, Najar Chief Organizer Srinagar, July 4: Elections of Jammu and Kashmir Electric Employees Union (JKEEU) were held here on Thursday, a spokesman of JKEEU said in a state- ment. Abdul Salam Mir Rajpori was elected as President of the Union while Manzoor Ahmad Bhat was elected as General Secretary and Muhammad Maqbool Najar was elected as Chief Organizer The elected union represents the all eight wings of Power Department, including PDD and PDC. The result of the Union elections, held Thursday, was declared by the returning officer Bashir Ahmad Khan (Superintendent Engineer North). Pertinently, the Union had adopted the custom to ‘select’ the office bearers and it was first time here that the elections were held for the posts of top officer bearers who would hold the chair for three years. Asiya Andrabi visits T ral T T Tral, July 4: Dukhtaran-i-Milat chief Aasiya Andrabi on Thursday visited south Kashmir’s Hayen village to pay trib- utes to three Hizbul Mujhadeen militants: Shabir Ahmad Bhat, Shahnawaz Ahmad Mir and Aijaz Ahmad Laway who were slain in a fierce encounter with the armed forces at Mandoora, Tral. Speaking on the occasion, Aasiya said: “These martyrs would always rule the hearts of Kashmiri people. They have laid their precious lives for the sacred cause and Kashmiri people would always remember them as martyrs. The time has come that we take this freedom struggle to its logical conclusion.” Swiss Ambassador meets CS Srinagar, July 4: The Swiss Ambassador to India Dr Linus Von Castelmur Thurs- day afternoon called on Chief Secretary Muhammad Iqbal Khanday here at Civil Sec- retariat. The Ambassador was accompanied by his Wife Madame Francoise Gardies. During the interaction various matters of mutual interests were discussed. Hilal War calls for shutdown on July 13 Srinagar, July 4: The Chairman of People’s Political Party (PPP), Engi- neer Hilal Ahmad War has urged the people of Kash- mir to observe a complete Kashmir shutdown on the occasion of Martyrs day on July 13. Paying rich tributes to those martyrs, War said, “I appeal the freedom loving masses of Kashmir from the entire length and breadth of the valley to observe a com- plete shutdown and pay trib- utes to the pious martyrs of 1931.” JKVHA hails Health Commissioner Srinagar, July 4: Execu- tive Director J&K Voluntary Health Association A.M.Mir has hailed Commissioner/ Secretary to Government Health and Medical Educa- tion Shaleen Kabra for issu- ing instructions to Food Safety Officers and Health Officers for seizing Gutka products, which has been banned by the Government. Mir in a statement com- plimented Kabra and hoped that the drive would continue on a sustained basis. Pertinently, on the instructions of Health Com- missioner, huge quantity of banned Gutka products were seized and destroyed in all districts. The shopkeep- ers have been warned not to sell Gutka, which is a banned product and unsuitable to consumption, as it causes cancer. CET Paper Leak Tarigami slams Govt Srinagar, July 4: Express- ing surprise over the govern- ment’s “causal approach” vis-à-vis Common Entrance Test paper leakage, the CPI (M) State Secretary M Y Tarigami has said weeks have passed and authorities are yet to come out with facts behind awful incident having a huge impact on thousands of students across the state. In a statement Tarigami while expressing concern over the leakage of question papers in the CET conducted by Board of Professional Entrance Exam- ination (BOPEE) demanded a thorough probe into function- ing of the Institution.He said an impartial probe would fix the responsibility and as such lead to punishment to the cul- prits. Tarigami said leakage of question papers have exposed the integrity of the transpar- ent institutions of the state like BOPEE. Work on Astanpora Achan WSS commences SHOWKAT DAR Pulwama, July 4: The PHE depart- ment has started work on the Astanpora Achan water supply scheme here in south Kashmir. Pertinently, Greater Kashmir and Kashmir Uzma have been regularly high- lighting the problems faced by the thousands of residents in absence of the potable water. A water supply scheme for the residents of Achan Pamnjrten, Gunfd Achan, Petipora and other villages was sanctioned by the government in 2009. “But con- struction work was not taken up and funds were diverted to some other scheme,” said an official. Residents of the area have been drinking contaminated water flowing from the Rambi Ara Nallah for the past many months. “Dozens of residents are suffering from different abdominal diseases like Jaundice etc,” locals said. “We have started the con- struction work on the Astan pora Achan water scheme. Firstly the bore well will be dug and then the tank will be constructed,” said Executive Engineer PHE Sho- pian and Pulwama Abdul Qayum Chaudary. GK IMPACT Jammu & Kashmir Housing Board C ORRIGENDU M (For Information of All) The post of Computer Operator advertised vide advertisement Notice No. HB/TO/CJ/26 Dated: 26-06-2013 the salary of which has been indicated as Rs.50000/- per month inadvertently should be read as Rs.5000/- per month. Sd/- Technical Officer to M.D DIPK-NB-931 J&K Housing Board Jammu NK005-GK Office of the Tehsil Legal Services Committee (Rent Controller Chief Judicial Magistrate Srinagar) Mega Lok Adalat It is for the information of General public that Mega Lok Adalt is being held in the court premises of Saddar Court Srinagar by the District Legal Services Authority and Tehsil Legal Services Committee. All the pending cases pertaining to rent matters shall be taken up, for their mutual settlement. Therefore all the concerned persons are requested to contact Tehsil Legal Services committee for referring the rent related matters to the Tehsil Legal Services Committee for their mutual settlement before 8 lh of July 2013. Parties may appear in concerned bench of Lok Adalt on 8 th of July 2013. Sd/- Chairman Tehsil Legal Services Committee DIPK-4187 Rent Controller/CJM Srinagar NK005-GK Office of the Zonal Education Officer Mawer Subject: Engagement of Rehbar-e-Taleem vide Govt. Order No.635-Edu of 2010 dated 04/08/2010 and Govt. order No.522-Edu of 2013 dated 08/05/2013. ADvERTISEMENT NOTIfICATION Applications on plain paper are invited from the eligible candidates of the below mentioned habitation having passed 10+2 and above for engagement as Rehbar-e-Taleem in below mentioned school in terms of Govt. order No.635-Edu of 2010 and Govt. order No. 522- Edu of 2013 dated 08/05/2013 (Predominantly inhabited by ST population). S. No. Name of the zone Revenue village Name of the school where ReT is to be engaged No of posts advertised Remarks/ Category 1 Mawer Kunnel Govt. Boys Middle School Kunnel 01 (one) RBA this office within 10 (Ten) days from the date of publication of this notice in the news paper. No application shall be received after the expiry of the stipulated date and time. The candidate should not be less than 18 years and more than 37 years of age as on 01/01/2013. The engagement of Rehbar-e-Taleem will be made in terms of Govt. Order No.288-Edu of 2009 if the habitation fulfils all the required norms. 7. Qualification certificates. 8. Permanent Resident Certificate (PRC) from revenue department. 9. Present Residence Certificate of Village/Panchayat. 10. Non-Migration certificate. 11. Marks Certificates of each examination. 12. Category Certificate (ST). Sd/- Zonal Education Officer DIPK-4176 Mawer NK005-GK
Page 1: The Elite's Co-ed High Schoolepaper.greaterkashmir.com/epaperpdf/572013/572013-md-hr-6.pdf · 6 Srinagar | July 05, 2013, Friday state Greater Kashmir The Elite's Co-ed High School

6 state Greater KashmirSrinagar | July 05, 2013, Friday

The Elite's Co-ed High School

(An English Medium Educational Institute)Email: [email protected], Tele: 08713860031


JOB OPPORTUNITYApplications are invited on plain paper for the post of

th th thteachers for classes 8 , 9 and 10

Note:? Experienced candidates shall be given preference.? Applications along with necessary testimonials should reach our school office by or before 06-07-2013.? I Interview and demonstration will be held on THE SPOT.

For queries, Contact on 9622881183, 9796152866Sd/- Principal


en N









ELECTION NOTIFICATIONIn view of framing of “Executive Council” by the Election Commission, it is notified that the election for Administrative Council is scheduled to be held as per following programme in the office of “FCIK House” Sanat Nagar, Srinagar:-S.

No. Particulars Date Time1. Date of filling of nomination

papers for various posts of Administrative Council.

6th of July, 2013 up to 2.00 P.M.

2. 1st Joint Meeting of Executive Council/General Council DelegatesCouncil Delegates

7th of July, 2013 at 2.00 P.M.

3. Last Date of withdrawal of nomination papersnomination papers

8th of July, 2013 up to 2.00 P.M.

4. Scrutiny and final list 8th of July, 2013 at 4.30 P.M.

5. Date of Election for various postsposts

9th of July, 2013 11.00 A.M. to 4.00 P.M.

6. Declaration of Administrative Council

9th of July, 2013 at 5.30 P.M.Sd/- (Makhmoor Gowhar)

Secretary Election Commission.M-0


FALAh BEhBOOd COmmITTEEAddress: Malik Lane, Mehjoor Nagar Srinagar Kashmir

Malik asif Noor PatroN fBC, Mehjoor Nagar CoNgrats sikh CoMMuNity

“Panj Pyaliay Panj Peer Chatam Peer Baitha gurbari, arjun kaya Palat kay Murath hargobind sawari”.

On the occasion of the sacred 418th, Birthday of Guru Hargobind Sahib, I extend my hearty greetings to the Sikh Community of Kashmir.Born in Amritsar on 1595, Guru Hargobind Sahib traveled to Kashmir with the message of brotherhood, harmony & peace.

On the special occasion I hope & pray that all the mankind should follow the path of brotherhood & peace.

Sd/- Malik Asif NoorM-0




"Tender Notice"Sealed tenders affixed with revenue stamp of Rs. 5/- are invited from registered printers and suppliers for publishing annual magazine “Bairom” 2013. The tenders “Bairom” 2013. The tenders “Bairom”should reach this office within a weeks time from the date of publication of this notice alongwith CDR worth Rs. 3000/- (Three Thousand Only). The full details regarding the magazine, its terms and conditions can be had from this office on all working days. The undersigned reserves the right to accept or reject the tender without assigning any reason thereof.

Sd/- PrincipalM-0




“Press Note”As desired by worthy Director School Education Kashmir a parent teacher meeting was held in the institution on 3rd of July 2013. The meeting was presided over by Principal Syed Adil Akhter. The parents appreciated the efforts and praised the institution for academic excellence and developmental work. Some useful suggestions with regard to moral development, students behavior and students attendance were provided by the parents. The meeting concluded with a word of thanks by the Principal. The parents were informed that the process will continue in future and meetings will be held on 3rd of every month. In case of holiday meeting would be held on next working day.

Sd/- PrincipalM-0


Scorpio for SaleModel 2012 VlX

ShowrooM conditionAbsolutely scratch less, done 11 Km is for immediately sale.

No fiNaNaN Nce

9419011633only genuine partieS contact

Omar can't wash hands off innocent killings: Naeem Akhtar

Omar does not need certificate from BJP agents: Tanvir Sadiq

srinagar, july 4: Expressing abject dismay at the Chief Minister disowning the case related to the killing of two youth at Markandal near Sonawari in north Kashmir, Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Thursday said Omar Abdullah couldn’t claim to be the chief minister and yet wash his hands off innocent blood spilled in the state.

In a statement issued the PDP chief spokes-person, Naeem Akhtar said: “The chief minister has taken the unusual mix of his arrogance and incom-petence to the next level after having expressed his helplessness, in April this year, on the floor of the house over a similar incident in Baramulla.”

“By arrogantly asking the newsmen to inquire from Army about the status of investigation into the killing of Sonawari youth, Omar Abdullah has not just conveyed his abdication of responsibility, but has insulted the chair he is occupying,” Akhtar said.

Referring to the news report that many gov-ernment organizations in the state were headless, Akhtar said the state government could in view of CM’s outright abdication of his duties also be declared as headless. “The CM’s position in JK can

easily be declared as vacant till it is held by Omar Abdullah,” Akhtar observed. He said the chief min-ister should instead of pleading helplessness have set example of probity by taking action against those involved it cold blooded killings over past 5 years

and cannot claim impunity under AFSPA. The PDP chief spokesperson said the shift-

ing stands on the revocation of AFSPA have reduced the chief minister’s position to a mockery of the system in which we operate.

He said the latest observation of chief minister “I won’t talk about AFSPA right now” indicates that he (CM) has finally given

up on it as “life’s mission.” Akhtar said the CM had announced revocation of AFSPA “within two or three days” on October 21st, 2011 in the aftermath of Haji Yousuf’s death in suspicious circumstances that had related it to the goings on in the Abdullah family.

He said after that the chief minister has been regularly diluting his stand on this important issue which was initially brought up by him to divert attention from the controversy arising from Haji Yousuf’s death.

srinagar, july 4: Omar Abdullah’s Political Secre-tary Tanvir Sadiq today lambasted the PDP saying that Chief Minister Omar Abdullah does not need certificate from “BJP run PDP agents” about his com-mitment to ensure peace, prosperity and security to the people of the state.

“Omar Abdullah does not need sermons from anybody, least from a party which is based on, treachery, and deceitfulness,” Tanvir said in a statement.“Look into your own track record and criminal trajectories before commenting” said Tanvir “Your anti-Kashmir policies, plots and blunders cost the state thousands of innocent lives” he said. “Today they have the audacity of talking about the welfare of the people.”

“Omar Abdullah does not believe in vulgar publicity and self promotion. He has left this impression on the government he leads. The people of the state will give their verdict in 2014 which will be a date that will serve as the obituary for the PDP,” Tanvir said. “Frustration, bitterness, and disguising this as a critique is a reflection of the deeper and structural malaise that has gripped the PDP.”

“Omar Abdullah is committed to all he has said, we don’t spread lies unlike PDP who in the name of healing touch gave killing touch by killing scores of people,” said Tanvir.

He said the Chief Minister believes in the doc-trine of “actions speaks louder than words”, unlike Mufti Muhammad Sayeed who only hoodwinked the people with Self Rule”

“During PDP regime security bunkers were given a five star look. Omar Abdullah not only ensured houses and hotels occupied are vacated but ensured Mufti’s five star bun-kers do not exist,” said Tanvir.

“They spread lies about peace but people have not forgotten how mercilessly they had Commanders killed who were ready to talk

peace,” he said.Hitting out at PDP spokesman he said that it is a well known fact that he is known to have used extra constitutional authority during the regime of Mufti Sayeed” adding “He had flouted all rules and regulations.”“It is a very well known fact that PDP and their leaders are famous for their intrigue and dirty machinations,” said Tanvir.

Missing baby found dead PeerZaDa aarif

Buchoo (Pattan), July 4: Police have recovered the body of a missing baby of Buchoo village from a well in north Kashmir.

Two-year old Zeenat Ashraf daughter of Muhammad Ashraf Rather of Buchoo Pattan had gone missing on June 19 from her house in Buchoo village.

"Police on Wednesday night recovered the body of the baby from a well in the village," said uncle of the deceased.

Talking to Greater Kashmir Muhammad Ashraf Rather, father of the deceased baby said. "My daughter has been murdered she was lying in the well for past many days," he added.

jkeeu elects office bearersrajpori elected as Prez, Bhat gen secretary, Najar Chief organizerSrinagar, July 4: Elections of Jammu and Kashmir Electric Employees Union (JKEEU) were held here on Thursday, a spokesman of JKEEU said in a state-ment.

Abdul Salam Mir Rajpori was elected as President of the Union while Manzoor Ahmad Bhat was elected as General Secretary and Muhammad Maqbool Najar was elected as Chief Organizer

The elected union represents the all eight wings of Power Department, including PDD and PDC.

The result of the Union elections, held Thursday, was declared by the returning officer Bashir Ahmad Khan (Superintendent Engineer North).

Pertinently, the Union had adopted the custom to ‘select’ the office bearers and it was first time here that the elections were held for the posts of top officer bearers who would hold the chair for three years.

asiya andrabi visits traltraltTral, July 4: Dukhtaran-i-Milat chief Aasiya Andrabi on Thursday visited south Kashmir’s Hayen village to pay trib-utes to three Hizbul Mujhadeen militants: Shabir Ahmad Bhat, Shahnawaz Ahmad Mir and Aijaz Ahmad Laway who were slain in a fierce encounter with the armed forces at Mandoora, Tral.

Speaking on the occasion, Aasiya said: “These martyrs would always rule the hearts of Kashmiri people. They have laid their precious lives for the sacred cause and Kashmiri people would always remember them as martyrs. The time has come that we take this freedom struggle to its logical conclusion.”

swiss ambassador

meets CsSrinagar, July 4: The Swiss Ambassador to India Dr Linus Von Castelmur Thurs-day afternoon called on Chief Secretary Muhammad Iqbal Khanday here at Civil Sec-retariat.

The Ambassador was accompanied by his Wife Madame Francoise Gardies.

During the interaction various matters of mutual interests were discussed.

hilal War calls for shutdown

on july 13Srinagar, July 4: The Chairman of People’s Political Party (PPP), Engi-neer Hilal Ahmad War has urged the people of Kash-mir to observe a complete Kashmir shutdown on the occasion of Martyrs day on July 13.

Paying rich tributes to those martyrs, War said, “I appeal the freedom loving masses of Kashmir from the entire length and breadth of the valley to observe a com-plete shutdown and pay trib-utes to the pious martyrs of 1931.”

JKVHA hails Health Commissioner Srinagar, July 4: Execu-tive Director J&K Voluntary Health Association A.M.Mir has hailed Commissioner/Secretary to Government Health and Medical Educa-tion Shaleen Kabra for issu-ing instructions to Food Safety Officers and Health

Officers for seizing Gutka products, which has been banned by the Government.

Mir in a statement com-plimented Kabra and hoped that the drive would continue on a sustained basis.

Pertinently, on the instructions of Health Com-

missioner, huge quantity of banned Gutka products were seized and destroyed in all districts. The shopkeep-ers have been warned not to sell Gutka, which is a banned product and unsuitable to consumption, as it causes cancer.

Cet Paper leak

Tarigami slams Govt Srinagar, July 4: Express-ing surprise over the govern-ment’s “causal approach” vis-à-vis Common Entrance Test paper leakage, the CPI (M) State Secretary M Y Tarigami has said weeks have passed and authorities are yet to come out with facts behind awful incident having a huge impact on thousands of students across the state.

In a statement Tarigami while expressing concern over

the leakage of question papers in the CET conducted by Board of Professional Entrance Exam-ination (BOPEE) demanded a thorough probe into function-ing of the Institution.He said an impartial probe would fix the responsibility and as such lead to punishment to the cul-prits. Tarigami said leakage of question papers have exposed the integrity of the transpar-ent institutions of the state like BOPEE.

Work on Astanpora Achan WSS commences

shoWkat Dar

Pulwama, july 4: The PHE depart-ment has started work on the Astanpora Achan water supply scheme here in south Kashmir.

P e r t i n e n t l y , Greater Kashmir and Kashmir Uzma have been regularly high-lighting the problems faced by the thousands of residents in absence of the potable water.

A water supply scheme for the residents of Achan Pamnjrten, Gunfd Achan, Petipora and other villages was sanctioned by the government in 2009. “But con-struction work was not taken up

and funds were diverted to some other scheme,” said an official.

Residents of the area have been drinking contaminated water flowing from the Rambi Ara Nallah for the past many months.

“Dozens of residents are suffering from different abdominal diseases like Jaundice

etc,” locals said.“We have started the con-

struction work on the Astan pora Achan water scheme. Firstly the bore well will be dug and then the tank will be constructed,” said Executive Engineer PHE Sho-pian and Pulwama Abdul Qayum Chaudary.

gK iMpact

Jammu & Kashmir housing Boardc o r r i g e n d u M(for information of all)

The post of Computer Operator advertised vide advertisement Notice No. HB/TO/CJ/26 Dated: 26-06-2013 the salary of which has been indicated as Rs.50000/- per month inadvertently should be read as Rs.5000/- per month.

Sd/- Technical Officer to M.DDIPK-NB-931 J&K Housing Board JammuN



office of the tehsil legal Services committee

(rent controller chief JudicialMagistrate Srinagar)

Mega lok adalatIt is for the information of General public that Mega Lok Adalt is being held in the court premises of Saddar Court Srinagar by the District Legal Services Authority and Tehsil Legal Services Committee. All the pending cases pertaining to rent matters shall be taken up, for their mutual settlement. Therefore all the concerned persons are requested to contact Tehsil Legal Services committee for referring the rent related matters to the Tehsil Legal Services Committee for their mutual settlement before 8lh of July 2013. Parties may appear in concerned bench of Lok Adalt on 8th of July 2013.

Sd/- Chairman Tehsil Legal Services CommitteeDIPK-4187 Rent Controller/CJM SrinagarN




office of the Zonal education officer MawerSubject: Engagement of Rehbar-e-Taleem vide Govt. Order No.635-Edu of 2010 dated 04/08/2010 and Govt. order No.522-Edu of 2013 dated 08/05/2013.

ADvERTISEMENT NOTIfICATIONApplications on plain paper are invited from the eligible candidates of the below mentioned habitation having passed 10+2 and above for engagement as Rehbar-e-Taleem in below mentioned school in terms of Govt. order No.635-Edu of 2010 and Govt. order No. 522-Edu of 2013 dated 08/05/2013 (Predominantly inhabited by ST population).S. No.

Name of the zone Revenue village

Name of the school where ReT is to be engaged

No of posts advertised

Remarks/ Category

1 Mawer Kunnel Govt. Boys Middle School Kunnel 01 (one) RBA

The applications must be supported with the following certificates and should reach to this office within 10 (Ten) days from the date of publication of this notice in the news paper. No application shall be received after the expiry of the stipulated date and time.The candidate should not be less than 18 years and more than 37 years of age as on 01/01/2013. The engagement of Rehbar-e-Taleem will be made in terms of Govt. Order No.288-Edu of 2009 if the habitation fulfils all the required norms.7. Qualification certificates.8. Permanent Resident Certificate (PRC) from revenue department.9. Present Residence Certificate of Village/Panchayat.10. Non-Migration certificate.11. Marks Certificates of each examination.12. Category Certificate (ST).

Sd/- Zonal Education OfficerDIPK-4176 MawerN



