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THE END OF THE AGE: The Word, Doctrine and … THE END OF THE AGE: The Word, Doctrine and Prophecy...

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1 THE END OF THE AGE: The Word, Doctrine and Prophecy By Gregory M. Wilson, J.D. Cautionary Note Concerning Forward Looking Statements The following discussion and analysis is based on the assumption that the 70-year period ending on May 14, 2018 will result in the visitation of God to Jerusalem. The time of Jacob’s trouble 1 , also known as Daniel’s 70 th week 2 , should follow this period. God’s House should be built in Jerusalem following this 70-year period. 3 The Babylonian exile theme of 70 years is applicable to Daniel’s 70 th week. The founding of the nation of Israel in 1948 was an astounding event. As she was formerly exiled for 70 years in Babylon, so too, her daughter, apostate Israel of 1948- 2018, has been spiritually exiled 70 years in God’s Holy Land, a land in which she dwells carelessly 4 , in the midst of God’s indignation 5 , shrouded in the deception of financial prosperity and military strength. God’s indignation abides on her unbelief these seventy years. Hear O Israel, the God of your fathers approaches you! The time of your Visitation is near! It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God! 6 The following discussion and analysis speculates about events based my legal analysis of prophetic events and the Scriptures. My conclusions can be identified as “forward looking statements" [FLS]. These conclusions are not prophetic declarations, but forecasts based on a diligent study of prophecy and divine doctrines of deliverance, salvation and redemption. We search and study the Scriptures inquiring "what manner of time that the glory of Christ should appear." 7 Inspirationally, we know that if we are spiritually sober and watch, then the Day of Christ and our gathering together unto Him, will not come as a surprise. It is an appointed time on God's prophetic calendar as declared by Paul. 8 The following is a brief study, supported in detail by other letters, in view of our mutual desire meet Him in the air! 9 The Duality of the Abrahamic Covenant 1 Jeremiah 30:17 2 Daniel 9:27 3 Zechariah 1:12, 16 4 Isaiah 47:8 5 Zechariah 1:12 6 Hebrews 10:31 7 1 Peter 1:11 8 1 Corinthians 15:20-28 9 1 Thessalonians 4:17


THE END OF THE AGE: The Word, Doctrine and Prophecy

By Gregory M. Wilson, J.D.

Cautionary Note Concerning Forward Looking Statements

The following discussion and analysis is based on the assumption that the 70-year period ending on May 14, 2018 will result in the visitation of God to Jerusalem. The time of Jacob’s trouble1, also known as Daniel’s 70th week2, should follow this period. God’s House should be built in Jerusalem following this 70-year period.3

The Babylonian exile theme of 70 years is applicable to Daniel’s 70th week. The founding of the nation of Israel in 1948 was an astounding event.

As she was formerly exiled for 70 years in Babylon, so too, her daughter, apostate Israel of 1948-2018, has been spiritually exiled 70 years in God’s Holy Land, a land in which she dwells carelessly4, in the midst of God’s indignation5, shrouded in the deception of financial prosperity and military strength.

God’s indignation abides on her unbelief these seventy years. Hear O Israel, the God of your fathers approaches you! The time of your Visitation is near! It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God!6

The following discussion and analysis speculates about events based my legal analysis of prophetic events and the Scriptures. My conclusions can be identified as “forward looking statements" [FLS]. These conclusions are not prophetic declarations, but forecasts based on a diligent study of prophecy and divine doctrines of deliverance, salvation and redemption.

We search and study the Scriptures inquiring "what manner of time that the glory of Christ should appear."7 Inspirationally, we know that if we are spiritually sober and watch, then the Day of Christ and our gathering together unto Him, will not come as a surprise. It is an appointed time on God's prophetic calendar as declared by Paul.8 The following is a brief study, supported in detail by other letters, in view of our mutual desire meet Him in the air!9

The Duality of the Abrahamic Covenant

1 Jeremiah 30:17 2 Daniel 9:27 3 Zechariah 1:12, 16 4 Isaiah 47:8 5 Zechariah 1:12 6 Hebrews 10:31 7 1 Peter 1:11 8 1 Corinthians 15:20-28 9 1 Thessalonians 4:17


The foundation for all doctrinal understanding of God’s redemptive plans for Jews and Gentiles originate from God’s promises made to Abraham.10 The Scriptures are about a Kingdom and its King, first and foremost.

There are two peoples which will have originated from Abraham. There is a line which originates from Isaac11, the child of promise and a line which originates from Jacob12, the bond child. Christ will be at the center of both peoples.13

The seed of Isaac is Jesus/Yeshua Christ14 and the members of His body15, the true Church16, a heavenly people17. The seed of Jacob is Remnant Israel, a physical people.18 The heavenly people will be as the “stars of heaven” and the physical people as the “sands of the seas”.19

Daniel’s 70 weeks prophecy looked forward to the restoration of the Kingdom of Heaven20 to Jacob. As a result of Jacob’s unbelief, the Kingdom was deferred. This unbelief resulted crucifixion of Israel’s Messiah, at His first Advent, as the Messiah ben Joseph, the suffering servant King.21 As a result of Jacob’s rejection and Christ’s resurrection to everlasting life, Jesus/Yeshua gave away the Kingdom of God, to a people who would produce spiritual fruit.22 Paul, the apostle to the Gentiles speaks God’s truths to the Gentile in this, the Age of Pentecost.

God intends to restore Jacob, as Remnant Israel, to the head of nations, with Jesus/Yeshua ruling from Jerusalem.23 This will be accomplished following Daniel’s 70th week.

It is with this background and in this context that we study prophecy, as history told in advance. The story ends with the restoration of Israel and Christ on the throne in Jerusalem. As fantastic as this may seem, it is true.24

God is preparing to return to Jerusalem, first to remove the redeemed Church, the body of Christ, then to put apostate Israel into the furnace of affliction, thereby extracting a repentant Jacob, which Isaiah calls “remnant Israel”, which will keep the commandments of God and keep the

10 Genesis 22:16-18 11 Galatians 4:28 12 Galatians 4:24-25 13 Ephesians 1; Revelation 12:17, 14:12, 20:4-5 14 Galatians 3:14, 29 15 Romans 12:5; 1 Corinthians 12:12, 27 16 Ephesians 5:23; Colossians 1:18, 24 17 Philippians 3:20-21 18 Psalm 22:23, 105:6; Isaiah 10:20-21, 41:8, 45:19, 65:9; Jeremiah 30:7-10, 33:26, 46:27; Ezekiel 20:5 19 Genesis 22:17 20 Matthew 8:11; Acts 1:6-7 21 John 19:12-15 22 Matthew 21:43 23 Revelation 20:4; Psalm 72:11-17 24 Romans 3:4


testimony and faith of Jesus/Yeshua. God's mercies will be upon the those Jews who keep Jesus'/Yeshua's testimony. 25

Israel’s nation formation event in 1948 and the 1967 recovery of Jerusalem were staging events in preparation for the time of Jacob’s trouble, Daniel’s 70th week. God's mercy will prevail, Israel's blindness to God's truth26 will be removed and God’s house will be built27, soon after the great departure of the Church. This departure event will result in the social and financial destruction of Israel’s great supporter, the United States of America. Then Israel will stand alone facing the hostility of all nations, the furnace of God’s promised affliction.28

A Nation Born in a Day!

The nation of Israel which was established on May 14, 1948 must be viewed as the beginning of the fulfillment of God's prophetic promise to restore the Kingdom to Israel at the "end of days".29 In the history of the world, there has never been a scattered nation restored in the manner after Israel. Israel's national restoration from the 70 and 135A.D "scattering" exiles, the "Diaspora", after 1,878 years, is proof alone of God's sovereignty and the truthfulness of His prophetic words. 30 He has disclosed all of His plans in advance of all future prophetic events.31

The Israel of Daniel's 70th Week: The Daughter of Babylon

There are many who do not believe that the national birth of the Jewish nation in 1948 is "the Israel" referenced in biblical prophecies. Paul informs us "for they are not all Israel, which are of Israel".32 That may well be true depending on which of the two Israels is biblically referenced in the "end of days" prophecy Scriptures.

There are two Israels. There is apostate Israel which God names "the Daughter of Babylon" and "Sodom and Egypt. There is remnant Israel which God will save.33

The nation of Israel, which declared independence on May 14, 1948, is apostate Israel, the Daughter of Babylon, which killed its prophets and Messiah Jesus/Yeshua. Jesus/Yeshua' death lasted a mere three days. Then He was resurrected sua sponte, by His divine authority as the Judge.34

25 Zechariah 1:16; Romans 11:32 26 Romans 11:7-10 27 Zechariah 1:16 28 Zechariah 14:2, Isaiah 48:10 29 Acts 1:6-7 30 Isaiah 11:11 31 Amos 3:7; Isaiah 46:9-10 32 Romans 9:6 33 Romans 11:26-27; 9:27; Isaiah 10:21-23 34 John 10:18, John 5:22


The Israel which will be tried during the Time of Jacob's Trouble is referred to by the prophet Micah as the "remnant of Jacob".35 Jeremiah tells us this trying period will be known as the "Time of Jacob's Trouble".36 This trouble is the result of Jacob's transgression.37 Jacob's principal transgression was (1) the rejection of the Holy and Just One and (2) the killing of the Prince of Life.38

Please note that this Israel is never referred as the remnant of Isaac. The seed of Isaac is Christ.39 The seed of Isaac includes those "new creatures" who become members of Christ's body during this Age of Pentecost.40 The seed of Jacob is Israel.41 This is a very important distinction when considering the restoration of physical Israel following the Second Advent, the Millennial Kingdom.42 The seed of Jacob was cast away43, but God in His wisdom, will have mercy on them.44

The Sign of Jonah

The Jewish leadership sought an immediate sign from Jesus as proof of His authority and nature as the Son of Man. This sign was demanded following his casting out of a demon in Matthew 12 where the leadership accused Jesus of being an agent of Satan45. The people were amazed by Jesus' eviction of the demon and wondered if He was the "son of David". The people knew the prophecies.46 Jesus gave them the sign of Jonah. 47 Jonah was in the belly of the whale three days, ejected, then he preached repentance to Nineveh 40 days. Nineveh repented. God spared the destruction of Ninevah as a result of their repentance.

Jesus/Yeshua was in the tomb three days, raised, then Jesus/Yeshua walked about Judea 40 days. The Jewish leadership did not repent. So, He deferred the "times and seasons" and the restoration of the physical Kingdom of Israel.48 He gave away, the Kingdom of God, a spiritual kingdom, to the Gentiles, the recipients of Paul's gospel, a people who would produce fruit.49 God will judge and destroy unrepentant apostate Israel.50

35 Micah 5:6-8 36 Jeremiah 30:7 37 Isaiah 59:20 38 Acts 3:14-15 39 Galatians 3:16 40 2 Corinthians 5:17; Galatians 3:29 41 1 Chronicles 16:13; Psalm 22:23 42 Revelation 20:2-6 43 Jeremiah 33:26 44 Jeremiah 33:26a; Romans 11:31-32 45 Matthew 12:25-26 46 2 Samuel 7:12-14; Psalm 89:34-37, 132:11-12; Isaiah 9:7; Matthew 1:1, 9:27, 20:30, 21:9, 15; Revelation 22:16 47 Matthew 12:39 48 Acts 1:6-7 49 Matthew 21:43; Ephesians 5:32; Colossians 1:27 50 Zechariah 13:8


On Day 40 of the Jewish Omer count, Jesus/Yeshua ascended to the Father. Ten days later, on the Feast of Pentecost, Jesus/Yeshua sent God, the Holy Spirit, to indwell all those who believed in the name of Jesus/Yeshua. This event commenced the Kingdom of God, albeit in mystery form, Christ indwelt, the hope of glory.51 This Pentecostal Age continues with the Holy Spirit actively indwelling believers. This is a unique and mysterious age.52 This, the indwelling of the Spirit of God, was the first step in a two-part redemption transaction, in Isaac, following Israel's rejection of Messiah Yeshua. The first installment is the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, to be followed at a future Pentecost, by the final installment, the redemption of the body. This physical redemption is the hope of glory for we shall be changed in the "blink of an eye" and shall our bodies will be transformed into the manner of His glorious body.53

Judgment and Diaspora

Forty years later, in 70A.D, God destroyed the Temple and exiled Judah a second time for unbelief. The forty years between Christ's resurrection and the destruction of Jerusalem was another forty years of testing, as in the years of the wilderness wanderings of Israel. Israel has been unfaithful and refused to follow Abraham's example of a belief in God's promises which should result in the righteousness of faith. Daniel's 70th week is principally reserved for them.

Judgment, Faith, Deliverance and Restoration

Faith is the currency of eternity. Without faith it is impossible to please God.54 Jesus/Yeshua paid the price in "His blood" because He, alone, exhibited the kind of faith in His perfect life which God accepted. The shed blood of Jesus/Yeshua paid the penalty price for sin and thereby offered God's exclusive solution for the remission of sins.55 For by grace are you saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast.56 You cannot add to it, nor can you diminish it, just like His words.57 Now, therefore, if you shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus/Yeshua, and shall believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved!58 This is the gracious salvation offer of the Pentecostal Age. It will end suddenly, on a date certain, an appointed time, an holy convocation.59

Then, following the end of this Age, God declares that He will call out an assembly which He has named Remnant Israel.60 The next age will be short, a mere seven years to finish Daniel's

51 Colossians 1:27 52 Ibid 53 1 Corinthians 15:52, 1 Thessalonians 4:17; Philippians 3:20-21 54 Hebrews 11:6 55 Hebrews 9:22, 10:14, 19; Revelation 1:5 56 Ephesians 2:8-9 57 Deuteronomy 4:2, 12:32 58 Romans 10:9-10 59 Leviticus 23:17; 1 Corinthians 15:23, 52; 1 Thessalonians 4:17 60 Romans 9:27; Isaiah 10:21-23


70th week. This righteous assembly will be called out of the furnace of affliction61 during the seven year period described as the time of Jacob's trouble.62 Remnant Israel will keep the commandments of God and have the faith and testimony of Jesus/Yeshua.63

Death could not keep Israel's Messiah ben Joseph, their suffering servant Messiah, in the tomb at His first appearance.64 He lives. At the appointed "time and season", He will return as Messiah ben David, the Lion of Judah, at His second appearance. For Zechariah says that He will return a second time as the One who is "just and having salvation" for Remnant Israel, His brethren, who keep the commandments of God and have His faith and testimony.65 He will restore the kingdom to Israel.

Daniel’s 69th week66 ended at Zechariah 9:9 when Messiah Yeshua rode into Jerusalem “lowly, and riding upon an ass, and upon a colt of the foal of an ass”. The last part of this quoted verse is often cited as having been fulfilled in totality as it is quoted in Matthew 21:5. Surely, the quoted portion was fulfilled. It is the omission of Zechariah 9:9 that is instructive and prophetically speaking to Second Advent of Christ when the “King cometh unto [Jerusalem]: He is just, and having salvation”. These words speak to the Second Advent salvation of Remnant Israel addressed as the “daughter of Zion”67 and the “daughter of Jerusalem”68. This is a yet, unfulfilled future prophetic event.69

Apostate Israel Will Birth God's Inheritance: Remnant Israel, the Remnant of Jacob

As far back as when God divided the languages and nations, when He separated the Sons of Adam, He contemplated the nation of Israel.70 We are told that God set the boundaries of all nations "according to the number of the children of Israel". God has a plan. His portion is His people and Jacob is the lot of His inheritance.71

In our day, while all the nations of the world bicker about Israel's borders and her capital, Jerusalem, the City which bears God's name72, God's plans for Israel and Jerusalem continue to become apparent in current day events, as we approach Daniel's 70th week. During Daniel's seven year period, the nation of Israel will be called the "Daughter of Babylon" 73. Isaiah says that the "daughter of Babylon" is a polluted inheritance. Isaiah says, "in that day", the remnant

61 Isaiah 48:10 62 Jeremiah 30:7 63 Revelation 12:17,14:12, 20:4 64 Isaiah 53, Psalm 22 65 Zechariah 9:9; Revelation 12:17, 14:12, 20:4 66 Daniel 9:26 67 Psalm 9:4; Isaiah 4:4. 62:11 68 Zechariah 9:9; Zephaniah 3:14 69 Romans 11:26; Jeremiah 31:33-34 70 Deuteronomy 32:8 71 Deuteronomy 32:9 72 Jeremiah 25:30; Daniel 9:18 73 Isaiah 47:1, Zechariah 2:7


of Israel, and such as are escaped of the House of Jacob, shall return to the mighty God.74 This remnant shall be delivered and saved.75

Be assured, the nation of Israel birthed on May 14, 1948 is the nation described by Isaiah.76 It is an apostate nation, yet God knows it will hold the hearts of His remnant people, the true seed of Jacob, His inheritance, whom He will draw out of the coming furnace of affliction. He will save His inheritance at Second Advent following the Time of Jacob's Trouble.77

Daniel's Vision of the Son of God Delivering and Saving

The prophet Daniel gives us a beautiful image of God's future protection and provision for His inheritance in Daniel 3. Daniel, a righteous prophet, had three Jewish brethren named Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. These three figuratively represented a type of future Remnant Israel which would not bow to King Nebuchadnezzar as a future type of Antichrist. Nebuchadnezzar intended to burn these three Jews in a furnace of fire which he stoked seven times, figuratively Daniel's 7-years and Isaiah's furnace of affliction.78

The King cast the three righteous Jewish servants of God Most High into his burning fiery furnace. The three did not burn. The king looked into the furnace and saw a fourth man whom he described as being in "the form like the Son of God". That quote is from the Bible of the Reformation Church, the King James Bible, a public domain Bible outside of England.

My NIV uses the phrase "like a son of the gods" which implies a pagan deity79 saving the three Jewish servants. The following verse 26, in both Bibles, describes the king, as he opened the furnace door, saying Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, "servants of the Most High God" come out! Come here!

The KJB text recognizes that the "Son of God" phrase in verse 25 written as "bar elahh" is the physical manifestation of the Godhead and not a pagan deity. There are only two choices, the God of Israel or pagan deities. It was He, the God of Israel, who protected the three Jewish servants. It will be He who protects and provides for Remnant Israel during the Time of Jacob's Trouble, a time of affliction.80

Apostate King Nebuchadnezzar, in verse 26, recognized that this fourth person standing midst the fire was associated with the God of Israel in verse 25. Apparently, the NIV scholars who penned verse 25 were either unable to see the contextual connection of Israel's God in verse 26 or worse, were intent on diminishing the divinity of Christ. There is a literary idiom which

74 Isaiah 20-22 75 Romans 11:26; Isaiah 59:20-21 76 Isaiah 11:11, 66:8 77Jeremiah 31:31-34 78Daniel 9:27; Isaiah 48:10 79 Isaiah 37:19 80 Revelation 12:6; Isaiah 43:1-2; Zechariah 13:9


supports this intentional misstatement of Aramaic text when read with companion verse 26. It states: "Text without context is pretext." Pretext is a subtle form of deception. Pretext is defined as "an effort or strategy intended to conceal something". The truth has, thereby, been concealed81 from these men who would alter the voice of God's words. If you fiddle with God's words, he is going to fiddle with your mind.

For a detailed analysis of "remnant Israel" see below.82

Cautionary Note on Bible Versions: A Personal Testimony

I am highly critical of all copyrighted bibles, including, but not limited to, the NIV and NASB. Look at the forward pages of these bibles. Do you see a copyright “©” mark? I am going to explain the legal meaning of this mark. It is a bold mark which says, as a matter of law, that the contents of the book are not God’s words.

All of my biblical studies have been confined to the Authorized Version of the King James Bible because it originates from the “majority text” or 95% of all historical biblical manuscripts in existence. As a lawyer, I have been trained to follow the evidence. All bibles since 1881, except the KJB, originate from the “minority text” or 5% of all historical biblical manuscript evidence.

It is the majority text, the preponderance of evidence, which must be followed. God’s words, which are active and alive83, are represented in the majority text. The majority text constituted the Bible text of the Reformation. God's words are like fire.84 Figuratively, fire consumes with great heat and spreads out growing continuously until it is quenched. God's fire, expressed in the majority text, necessarily must prevail over the minority text.

The minority text is the bible of the Vatican manuscript.85 What did the Vatican’s papal powers do to the Reformation Church?86 The minority text persecuted the majority text. The minority text burned the majority text at the stake for blaspheme against Rome. Why? Who would be the persecutor of God's words? Who would diminish the divinity of Christ? Who desires to ascend to the throne of God?87

81 Ezekiel 14:9 82 See article titled: Valiant for the Truth at https://9-11-2017.com/2017/06/06/valiant-for-the-truth-the-time-of-jacobs-trouble/ 83 Hebrews 4:12 84 Jeremiah 23:29 85 The 1881 Revised Version bible, the basis of all new age bibles, is derived from the minority texts of Vaticanus, Alexandrinus and Sinaticus. 86 See Fox’s Book of Martyrs: http://www.ccel.org/f/foxe/martyrs/home.html 87 Isaiah 14:12-14


In God’s sovereignty, the simplicity of His salvation doctrine is clear in these minority text bibles.88 However, the searching and studying of biblical doctrine and prophecy in minority texts will lead you into error. These errors are typically manifested in all sorts of replacement theology and doctrinal confusion. They are the principal sources for all Church denominational divisions and faulty eschatology.

I was saved in October 1972 using my New American Standard Bible (NASB) by the grace of God. From 1972 until 1994 it was my primary bible. I was saved, inspirationally, responding to a verse doctrinally speaking to remnant Israel during the Time of Jacob's Trouble.89 Thank God for the simplicity of salvation.90 I heard God knocking and I invited Him into my heart. I was 21 years old.

In 1994, following a tragedy, I became painfully aware that my walk with the Lord was insufficient. I had been lazy. I had read my Bible, but I had not studied it. I had not searched it. My reading had been superficial. So, at the encouragement of my bride, then of 14 years, I entered Bible Study Fellowship International (BSF), a Monday evening men's Bible. Most BSF men enter that Bible Study at the prompting of their wives, God's women. Men often need the swift kick in the behind from a godly woman. My biblical studies were elevated. My faith was encouraged by the other 300+ men who had given up Monday night football to inquire of God with a new heart and sincerity.

After 20 years of BSF participation, as a student and in various leadership positions, I became bored with the bible study. I had learned a great deal, but it was time to dig deeper. That was 2012 and I was 61. Forty years had passed. In January 2012, I had prayed that God would light my passion. My bride, then of 31 years, was praying for my passion to return. I asked God to lead me into all truth and set my heart on fire91 like it had been in 1972.

During the course of inquiry, I was lead to a new Bible, the King James Bible. I remember seeing men in BSF who used the KJB. I wondered why they chose such an outdated Bible styled in the English of the 1800's. As lawyers, we are encouraged to avoid "legalese" writing styles with old English words. I saw the KJB as a book full of "legalese" type passages. I asked God which Bible I should study. I did a great deal of reading on the subject during the next three years. I was revived well beyond my 1972 passions. God had become my consuming fire, a glorious fire full of passion for His truth.92

88 Note: This is a true statement unless Jewish kingdom doctrine is substituted for or added to Pauline Christian salvation doctrine. Jewish Kingdom salvation doctrine is based on works and faith, whereas, Pauline Christian salvation doctrine is based upon faith alone, apart from works. 89 Revelation 3:20 90 Ephesians 2:8-9; Romans 10:9-10 91 Jeremiah 23:29 92 Ibid


What will follow in this letter will speak to this passion. I am going to be very critical of what I will term “Laodicean bibles” for legal, biblical and doctrinal reasons. I want to preface my remarks with the following statements.

God is fully able to speak to His people who have opened the door of their hearts to Him. If you approach God with earnest sincerity, He is able to lead you into all truth.93 The mind of Christ is fully available in our bible studies.94 He led me into a greater measure of faith and truth as I became a more diligent student of His words. I was lead to the KJB. I still read my NIV and NASB, but less and less. The "thee, thou and shall" words of the KJB have disappeared before my eyes over time.

The arguments in favor of this Bible, the majority text, as the preserved word of God in the English language, are simply overwhelming. God promised to preserve His words, the words of the Lord, forever.95 That promise is not limited by language! Who created the seventy languages at Babel?96 The promise of preservation is an unlimited eternal divine warranty! All Scripture is given [by the Lord of language] by inspiration of God, and is profitable97 for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:.98 [bracketed phrase added]

So, tell me, what limitations does God have in this regard, that He might require some drafting help from man’s inspiration? He said His Scriptures were "God breathed" and "preserved" forever. Did He limit this promise only to the Hebrew or Greek languages? Did He limit His promise to the original plenary autographs (original manuscripts) which, by the way, no one has seen in 1,900 years.99 There are no originals. Anyone who quotes "the original Greek text" is a deceiver. There are only copies of the original manuscripts. Did God say that He needed copyright protection? Did He say some of His words could be "man breathed" by the "little gods" of Genesis 3:5?

God's Words Do Not Need Federal Copyright Protection

Salvation is a free gift.100 Therefore, His words are a free gift and obviously would never contain copyright protection. Man's problem is pride. Man elevates his words as a form of divinity. In this context, man's problem is that he thinks himself righteous apart from God.101 This is an "idol in the heart" as discussed in Ezekiel 14. Pride is self-righteousness expressed as inordinate self-esteem for man’s own original literary works of authorship which man prefers to God's

93 John 16:13 94 1 Corinthians 2:16 95Psalm 12:6-7 96 Genesis 11:1, 6-9 97 Note: profitable in that it produces Godly fruit of the Spirit as given in Galatians 5:22-23 982 Timothy 3:16 99 Note: The oldest manuscripts, the minority texts, are about 350 A.D. 100 Ephesians 2:8-9 101 Jeremiah 37:9; 1 Corinthians 3:18


because he cannot imagine, that a King (James) appointed by God102, would charge 47 men to translate and write an English language version of the Holy Bible. Oh, the audacity of God! How dare God should exclude the Laodicean scholarship and their wise higher criticism? After all, the Laodicean Church is the church of "people power and civil rights"103. Enter the modern Darwinian era of higher biblical criticism of the period 1850-1881, enter the scholars of “higher criticism” Tishendorff, Tregelles, Lightfoot, Westcott and Hort. Man ascends to the throne of God with 200+ bible versions at the end of the age. Let confusion reign!

God gave me a passion for “end times” prophecies much to my surprise, as I had never had any interest in this subject matter before 2012. I believe that my principal audience is a post-resurrection/rapture Jewish audience. Some may find my interpretive views interesting, but all will recognize that these doctrinal views are opposed to traditional views. My views are based on analyzing the Scriptures as a lawyer writing a legal brief in support of a motion or claim. Instead of citing case law or statutes, I cite Scripture, the highest authority in God's jurisdiction of eternity.

I have not been trained as a Doctor of Divinity like most of the scholars. I never attended a seminary. I reject historic positions favoring to review all of the evidence de novo. The Lord instructs us to "prove all things".104 That is a lawyer’s motto. The scholars have not been trained to analyze text like a lawyer. I do not make a living from my writings so I do not risk my income by expressing my contrary legal views. I practice law for a living. I am qualified by a legal education and professional experience to analyze legal documents, case law and statutes, having attained a Doctorate degree in Jurisprudence many, many years ago. For me, the Old and New Testaments are God's legal documents.105 He will judge all humanity by His legal documents. I believe that I am qualified, by intensive legal and biblical training styled after the promises106, to expound His prophetic words, as I believe I have been led. It is the intent of my heart to exalt Christ in my studies and expositional writings.

Again, I ask you to read, study and consider Ezekiel 14 and take the words of God to your heart. These Ezekiel 14 words are an indictment returned against all who would approach God's words carelessly. Historically, this chapter was addressed to the "elders of Israel". Doctrinally, it is addressed to the scornful rulers of Israel who had set up idols in their hearts and put the stumbling blocks of their iniquity before their faces. Inspirationally, these idols and iniquities represent anything my life, and yours, which might estrange us from God. Personally, pride and sin are foremost. Jesus/Yeshua said: "Be not deceived"!107 Therefore, deception is the first sign of the end of the age before Daniel’s 70th week. It is highly probable that the “falling away”

102 Daniel 2:21 103 Note: Greek word origin: Laos meaning people, nation or crowd. Dike meaning custom, law, judgment. 104 1 Thessalonians 5:21 105 Ecclesiastes 12:14 106 John 16:13 107Matthew 24:4


apostasy will have been the result of “adding to” and “detracting from” the word of God.108 The problem began in Genesis 3 and the age will end with the same issues. Nothing is new under the sun. The apostasy of Genesis 3 is simply repackaged and peddled as the words of God under the auspices of a federal copyright for the unsuspecting.109

Do You Have a Passion For God's Truth?

Do You Care Enough to Diligently Inquire?

These Laodicean bibles, like the NIV and NASB (1881-2017) continue to diminish the deity of Christ in the Scriptures. The NIV and NASB, as a copyrighted bibles, expressly protect the original literary works of man. This statement should shock you! Title 17 United States Code (USC) sets forth the legal protection under federal law for these protected literary works of man.

17 USC 102(a) states in part:

"Copyright protection subsists, in accordance with this title, in original works of authorship fixed in any tangible medium of expression, now known or later developed, from which they can be perceived, reproduced, or otherwise communicated, either directly or with the aid of a machine or device. Works of authorship include the following categories: (1) literary works;"

Translation: These bibles are protected literary works which cannot be protected unless they are “original works of authorship”. These bibles represent the “original literary works of authorship” of man.

The notice of copyright is placed on protected works so that they are visually perceptible on copies. 17 USC 401 states in part:

" (a) Whenever a work protected under this title is published in the United States or elsewhere by authority of the copyright owner, a notice of copyright as provided by this section may be placed on publicly distributed copies from which the work can be visually perceived, either directly or with the aid of a machine or device.

(b) Form of Notice.—If a notice appears on the copies, it shall consist of the following three elements:

(1) the symbol © (the letter C in a circle), or the word “Copyright”, or the abbreviation “Copr.”; and"

Emphasis Added

108 2 Thessalonians 2:3; Deuteronomy 4:2, 12:32; Revelation 22:18 109 Isaiah 28:9; Hebrews 5:12-13; 1 Peter 2:2


Look in the front pages of your bibles. Do you see "the mark" ©? If so, it is a declaration that these are the protected literary works of man, not God!

These bibles are pleasant reading, but I would never study one looking for doctrines of truth. I would never study one expecting to understand prophecy. In Ezekiel14, God promises to deceive the mind of man if he approaches the word of God with idols in his heart.110 If you are studying man’s words, do not expect perfection. Expect error.

I prefer the Bible of the Reformation Church, the majority text, the King James Bible. The battle for the word of God first described in Genesis 3:1-13 rages at this, the end of the Age. These thirteen verses contain the dialogue between Eve and Satan beginning with Satan’s smug words to Eve questioning God’s authority and ending with Eve's confession to God.

These 13 verses record the fall of mankind. You see God permitted Satan to provide a choice to Adam and Eve and thereby test their love for God. Do you love God? Do you prefer man's protected words or God's words? Do you know where to find them? The God of all creation is waiting for you to ask Him to lead you into all truth.111

What is the message of this sad story? Does it have an application today? We know that it is a story of disobedience to God’s commandment to Adam. But, this disobedience is merely a symptom of the mankind’s greatest problem. That problem is Truth. What is true and what is false and what are the consequences of each. There are consequences and they will be eternal in nature.

God had told Adam that eating from the forbidden tree would result in death. Adam believed God. However, it was Eve who was the first target of garden temptation. The method of temptation was deception which played to pride. Deception was Satan’s tool. Remember, "in the beginning" separation from God began with deception. We know this principle is true because the apostle Paul tells us that “the woman was deceived”.112 This simple truth is important because “the voice of the LORD113 God [was] walking in the garden in the cool of the day”. The voice was the pre-incarnate Jesus/Yeshua, the physical manifestation of the Godhead.114 This same voice, in the flesh, from the Mount of Olives, said that the first “sign of [Christ’s second coming] and the end of the world”, will be deception.115 The fallen ages begin with deception and end with deception. This is our theme. It is a battle for the words of Truth.

110 Ezekiel 14:1-10 111 John 11:22, 16:13; James 1:5 112 1 Timothy 2:14 113 Note: LORD in capitals is Jehovah, God’s covenant name, the LORD Jesus/Yeshua. 114 John 1:1-14, John 14:9 115 Matthew 24:4


So, how do we protect ourselves from deception? We begin with God's knowledge. 116 Lack of God's knowledge and rejection of His knowledge results in personal destruction. Conversely, knowledge and acceptance of God's knowledge protects us from destruction.

What is Deception?

The KJB has seventy verses which define the scope of deceit. I will summarize twenty verses.

Satan deceived Eve.117 It is our hearts which are deceived.118 Deception causes trust.119 Deception opposes the truth.120 Deception issues from the tongue as speaking lies.121 Man is capable of self-deception.122 The pride of man’s heart can deceive.123 Prophets can be deceived.124 Deception seeks to prevail over truth.125 Man deceives.126 Great signs and wonders can deceive.127 Deception can kill you.128 Good words and fair speeches can deceive.129 A sophomoric high view of one’s self is deception.130 It is deception if anyone believes he can mock God.131 False doctrines deceive.132 Evil men and seducers deceive.133 Failure to admit sin is deception.134 Failure to acknowledge that Jesus/Yeshua Christ has come in the flesh is deception.135 The antichrist is a deceiver.136 The old serpent, the Devil and Satan deceives the whole world.137

Deception by its very nature is extremely difficult to discern. It masquerades as truth, but opposes truth. This is why God's words are critical to true knowledge, true understanding, true wisdom and correct doctrine.

We are first introduced to demonic deception in Genesis 3 with Satan deceiving Eve. This satanic deception has continued throughout the ages will continue to the end when Satan "deceives the whole world". The singular purpose of deception is to oppose God's words for the 116 Hosea 4:6 117 1 Timothy 2:14; Genesis 1:1, 4-5 118 Deuteronomy 11:16; Job 31:9; Isaiah 44:20; James 1:26 119 Job 15:31 120 Jeremiah 9:5 121 Ibid 122 Jeremiah 37:9; 1 Corinthians 3:18 123 Jeremiah 49:16; Obadiah 1:3 124 Ezekiel 14:9 125 Obadiah 1:7 126 Matthew 24:4; Mark 13:5; Luke 21:8 127 Matthew 24:24 128 Romans 7:11 129 Romans 16:18 130 Galatians 6:3 131 Galatians 6:7 132 Ephesians 4:14; 2 Thessalonians 2:3 133 2 Timothy 3:13 134 1 John 1:8 135 2 John 1:7 136 Ibid 137 Revelation 12:9


purpose of distorting the truth just enough to make it imperfect and impotent in power. Hosea says that lack of God's knowledge and, or the rejection of God's knowledge ends in personal destruction.138

Divine Truth Expressed in God’s Words is Our Only Protection from Deception

A biblical definition of truth can be crafted from the Scriptures of Truth139. The word “truth” appears 224 times in the KJB.

Proverbs 22:17-21 provides a wonderful summary of God’s truth. The Scriptures state:

17 Bow down thine ear, and hear the words of the wise, and apply thine heart unto my knowledge.

18 For it is a pleasant thing if thou keep them within thee; they shall withal be fitted in thy lips.

19 That thy trust may be in the LORD, I have made known to thee this day, even to thee.

20 Have not I written to thee excellent things in counsels and knowledge,

21 That I might make thee know the certainty of the words of truth; that thou mightest answer the words of truth to them that send unto thee?

Truth is found in God’s words. His words impart knowledge. Knowledge produces understanding. Understanding applied produces divine wisdom. God is able to fill us with the spirit of wisdom.140 The beginning of knowledge141, wisdom and good understanding originates with humble reverent obedience to the LORD142. Divine wisdom is the principal thing.143 There is no wisdom nor understanding nor counsel against the LORD.144

These truths are fundamental and great. God makes His truths known and if one will bow down and hear145 the words, a person can know, with certainty, God’s truth. God communicates His truth through His words. These words are active and alive146and can be “kept” within man.

138 Hosea 4:6 139 Daniel 10:21 140 Exodus 28:3, 31:3; 1Kings 4:29 141 Proverbs 1:7 142 Psalm 111:10 143 Proverbs 4:7 144 Proverbs 21:30 145 Proverbs 2:2 146 Hebrews 4:12


God’s words are spirit and life.147 These words can be “fitted” to his lips and with his lips he can “answer” with those “words of truth” anyone sent to him for counsel according to God’s truth.

Truth and Word148 are two of the LORD’s names. John says, “the Word became flesh and dwelt among us”. He says, “I am the way, the truth and the life...”149 The ancient Hebrew word for “truth”, utilizing original pictographic letters, spelled “aleph mem tav” is a word picture of “living waters” flowing from our Messiah.150 You will recognize the Alpha Omega151 name which is Aleph Tav in Hebrew. These are the first and last letters of Hebrew alphabet constituting the words of God. The Aleph is a picture of strength as an ox head, the Mem is a picture of flowing water and the Tav a picture of a leaning cross representing covenant promises.152 This picture of Messiah was figuratively expressed in the Rock of Meribah.153 The Rock, another name for Jesus/Yeshua, was intended to teach the nascent nation of Israel about their future Messiah. He will be the Rock of remnant Israel’s154 salvation.155 This Rock judged Moses for disobedience and prevented his entry into the Promised Land.156 God had told Moses to strike the rock once.157 Moses struck it twice. God was figuratively assuring us that their Messiah would be struck once. He died once for all.158

The problem was knowing words of God.159 Eve did not know God's words well enough to distinguish them from Satan's revision. The problem was “adding to” and “diminishing from” the words of God. Eating the fruit was the result of not believing the words of God.

We know that these 13 Hebrew verses in Genesis 3 are applicable and relevant today because they contain 666 Hebrew letters. Say What!? No way! Yes, numeric evidence of inspiration! Eve desired to become "as a god" choosing to add to (Eve added "shall not touch"160), delete from (she deleted "freely from eating"161) and otherwise altered God's words.162 Satan questioned God’s authority saying: “Yea, hath God said”.163 Then, Satan revised God’s word with a "better and more accurate translation"164 saying: “Ye shall not surely die:”165

147 John 6:63 148 John 1:14 149 John 14:6 150 John 7:37-39 151 Revelation 1:8, 22:13 152 See: http://www.hebrew4christians.com/Grammar/Unit_One/Aleph-Bet/aleph-bet.html 153 Numbers 20:10-13 154 Isaiah 10:20-22 155 Psalm 18:2, 62:6, 78:35; Genesis 49:24; Deuteronomy 32:15 156 Numbers 20:12 157 Exodus 17:6 158 Hebrews 10:10; Romans 6:10; 1 Peter 3:18 159 Hosea 4:6 160 Genesis 3:3 161 Genesis 3:2, 2:16 162 Genesis 3:5 163 Genesis 3:1 164 Note: Describing the first Bible reviser.


We know this 666 number is associated with the satanic beast and events of the Time of Jacob's trouble.166 He is the one who desires to ascend to the throne of the Most High.167 Thereby, Genesis and Revelation are connected at the end of the age. Arrange the 66 books in a circle and Genesis and Revelation are joined, as without beginning or end, in the nature of God.168

So, "the mark ©" which represents the "original literary works of man" masquerading as God's words, tells you that they, the demi-gods of Genesis 3:5, the scholars of “higher criticism”, have added to and diminished God's words. So, following the principle of Genesis 3:1-13, altering God's words in the presence of Satan, the beast of Revelation 13:18, results in a Laodicean bible as a type of a "mark of the beast ©". I did not make this up. It is the conclusion which results from a legal analysis of Scripture and United States Code.

If you have an interest in biblical mathematics, such as 666, there are numerous empirical mathematical proofs which authenticate God's words as originating from a divine source.169

It is the battle for the truth of God's words versus the lies and deceiving words of Satan whose cunning is cleverly disguised as the words of an angel of light170. The copyright marks on these bibles are condemning evidence, otherwise known to lawyers in the Rules of Evidence as "admissions against self interest", in that these bibles affirmatively declare that they are not God's words, as claimed from some pulpits, but the protected and copyrighted original words of man. Be not deceived! Deception is the first sign of "the end of the age".171 God has warned the world. He says "You shall not add to the word which I command you, neither shall you diminish it."172 This same command from Jesus/Yeshua applies to the Time of Jacob's Trouble.173

God is Zealous for His Glory!174

His Glory Includes His Words!

Christ's own people should have a passion for the truth of His words. The psalmist says: Thy words are truth.175 God's voice is expressed in his words.176 When God walked in the garden, it

165 Genesis 3:4, 2:17 166 Revelation 13:18 167 Isaiah 14:12-14 168 Revelation 1:8, 21:6, 22:13 169 Revelation 1:10, 4:1 Note: See Vernon Jenkins' work discussing Genesis 1:1 at: http://www.whatabeginning.com After considering Mr. Jenkins' and others works on this subject, I have become convinced that God's speech has a symphonic musical dimension. 170 2 Corinthians 11:14 171 Matthew 24:4 172 Deuteronomy 4:2; 12:32; Colossians 2:22 173 Revelation 22:19 174 Isaiah 42:8 175 Psalm 119:160; John 17:17 1761 Samuel 15:1


was the "voice of the Lord God walking in the garden".177 I need to oversimplify to make my point. Do you notice the use of the singular noun "voice". The use of the singular denotes the number "one". God speaks with the divine unity of One.178 He does not speak with multiple voices as you find in the 200+ bible versions since 1881 when Professors Westcott and Hort and eight others on their sequestered committee published the purportedly revised version the King James Bible. If God spoke with a multitude of voices He would be the "author of confusion". He is not the author of confusion.179

The Revised Version, as it was termed, was not a revision of the King James Bible. Westcott and Hort secretly translated the minority text represented in the Alexandrianus, Sinaticus and Vaticanus manuscript texts. These three and a small number of other manuscripts represented a mere 5% of all existing bible manuscripts. The King James Bible was translated from the Majority Text, known as Textus Receptus, or the Syriac or the Byzantine manuscript, which represents 95% of all manuscript evidence! A preponderance of evidence leads to truth.

All bibles since 1881, excluding the KJB, are based on the 1881 Revised Version and the minority texts of Alexandria and the Vatican. The King James Bible exalts the divinity of Christ. These minority texts have consistently diminished the divinity of Christ.180 A case in point is the fourth person in Nebuchadnezzar's furnace.181 Was this fourth person the pre-incarnate Christ or a pagan deity? The pagan deity view diminishes Christ status in Nebuchadnezzar's furnace because it will be Christ's testimony that remnant Israel will proclaim when God tests Israel in Isaiah's furnace.182 It also frustrates the figure of Christ as the One who protects remnant Israel during Daniel's 70th week.183 Remnant Israel will have the faith and testimony of Jesus/Yeshua during this period.184 He will protect them as God protected Daniel’s friends in Nebuchadnezzar's furnace.

As the body of Christ, should we not too, seek to exalt our Lord in His words and our deeds? Since we look forward to His glory, should we not desire to study that text which exalts Him? He has spoken his words into one reliable English translation. Do you think that the creator of the universe who created all languages185 is weak in this regard? He is able to express His words in one English bible. This is a divine warranty! Is anything too hard for God?186 Read the book titled "Which Bible" by David Otis Fuller or "Final Authority" by William P. Grady. This is a good place to begin your diligent quest. This book is a collection of articles by multiple

177 Genesis 3:8 178 Deuteronomy 6:4; Mark 12:29; Ephesians 4:4-6 1791 Corinthians 14:33 180 For more examples see: http://preservedwords.com/newage-pv.htm 181 Daniel 3:25 182 Revelation 12:17, 14:12; Isaiah 48:10 183 Revelation 12:6 184 Revelation 12:17 185 Genesis 11:7-9 186 Genesis 18:14; Jeremiah 32:27; Luke 18:27


authors discussing the nature of the battle of the ages for God's truth. What a story! Just shocking!

Consider this: Do you think Satan knows which bible versions belong to God's voice? The answer is a resounding "yes"! You can know which one it is. It is the despised Bible. It is the attacked Bible. It is the old fashioned Bible which is full of out dated words. It is the King James Bible Authorized Version. Satan is near.187 Beware!

We Should Exalt the Glory of His Words!

Justification, sanctification and glorification describe the three states, past, present and future, of the body of Christ. We were justified in the past when we received Christ as our personal Savior. Presently, we are all in the process of being sanctified to the fullness of Christ.188 In the future, we will be glorified at the Rapture, the second order of the first resurrection, when He shall appear.

The body of Christ expectantly awaits God's glory. Should we not also be zealous for God's glory now expressed in His true words?

The Centrality of the Word of God

The first verse of Genesis 1 is highly instructive in regard to Jesus/Yeshua' proper name as the Alpha Omega.189 Genesis 1:1 is comprised of seven Hebrew words. Only six of which have been translated in all Bibles! The middle word is word four. This un-translated word is spelled "Aleph Tav". It is a secret which the Apostle John reveals. The Jew does not know what it is. Most Christians do not know what it is. Is it simply a literary artifact?190 Can you believe that God would not associate a profound truth in each of His first seven words? Can you believe that even one word was left as unknown or untranslated? It is the glory of God to conceal a thing like the "Aleph Tav". It is our honor to search out the concealed matters.191 In searching out these concealed things God searches our hearts.192

The middle word stands next to Elohim (word 3). Elohim is a plural word representing the plurality of God's Trinitarian nature. Word four is Jesus/Yeshua' proper name, the Word of God expressed as Aleph Tav. The Aleph Tav letters are the first and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet representing the wholeness of the alphabet. All Scripture testifies about Jesus/Yeshua.193 The testimony of Jesus/Yeshua is the spirit of prophecy.194 Jesus/Yeshua says

187 Matthew 16:23 188 Ephesians 4:13; Galatians 4:19 189 Revelation 1:8, 11, 21:6, 22:13 190 Matthew 5:18 191Proverbs 25:2 192 Jeremiah 17:10; 1 Chronicles 28:9; Revelation 2:23; Psalm 139:1 193 John 5:39 194 Revelation 19:10


one of His names is Alpha Omega.195 The Greek equivalent Alpha Omega is Aleph Tav in Hebrew. The Aleph Tav is the Word of God.

The Apostle John confirms this fact. He says in John 1:1, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." John uses the phrase "in the beginning" as a literary tool to direct to Genesis 1:1. John continues in verses 2 and 3 confirming that Jesus/Yeshua, the Word, was with God and was God. In Genesis 1:1 He is located beside "Elohim" completing the Trinity. Naturally, the Trinity would be disclosed in the first verse of the Bible. All things were made by him.196 So, Jesus/Yeshua has to be in Genesis 1:1 as the creator.

John continues with his inspired discussion on the Word as God in 1 John 5. He says: “For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.197 You will not see this verse in your Laodicean bibles because it was removed by an ancient bible reviser. Interesting? The words of God have been under assault since the beginning in Genesis 3. Paul says: “For we are not as many, which corrupt198 the word of God: but as of sincerity, but as of God, in the sight of God speak we in Christ.”199 [Emphasis Added]

There you have it. God's glory in His words, not man's words. God does not share His glory with anyone!200 John 1:1 confirms and interprets word four of Genesis 1:1.

But wait, there is more! Word six in Genesis 1:1 is instructive too. Word six is the "vav aleph tav", letters which are located between "heaven and earth", and translated as "and".

I see a word picture in the "vav aleph tav" letters. It is the crucified Messiah Jesus/Yeshua. He stands between Heaven (Hebrew word 5) and Earth (Hebrew word 7). I am reminded of the words "no man comes to the Father, but through the Son." The Son is the way, the truth and the life.201 Therefore, if you want to go to Heaven to see the Father, you must go through the Son!202 The pictograph meaning of the "vav" is a nail. It connotes a connection or bridging. The "aleph" was a picture of an ox head representing strength and authority as of a father. The "tav" was a picture of a cross or a leaning "x" mark and represented a covenant or promise. Reading the "vav aleph tav" word picture it says "strength of the covenant connects or bridges". God's Messiah Jesus/Yeshua is the embodiment of God's covenant promises to Abraham, Isaac and

195 Revelation 1:8, 11, 21:6, 22:13 196 John 1:3 197 1 John 5:7 198 Note: The word “corrupt” has been removed from the Laodicean bibles. The word “peddle” has been substituted in its place. From the Greek root word “kapelos” or huckster, speaking to those peddlers who adulterate products for financial gain. 199 2 Corinthians 2:17 Note: God is inspecting our hearts realtime. 200Isaiah 48:11 201 John 14:6 202John 6:44


Jacob. Isaiah confirms that the Messiah was given as "a covenant of the people".203 Jesus/Yeshua is the physical embodiment of God’s promises.204 All Scripture testifies of Jesus/Yeshua.205

The "aleph tav" with a "vav" is a picture of the crucified Jesus/Yeshua. The "vav" word picture is a nail. This is compelling in its own right because nails were used to crucify Jesus/Yeshua. John 14:6 confirms and interprets word six of Genesis 1:1.

The Psalmist confirms this fact when he says "they have pierced my hands and feet" in Psalm 22:16.206 Jesus/Yeshua' atoning sacrifice was the symbolic message that God was sending when He ordered Abraham to offer Isaac as a sacrifice upon Aruanah's Mt. Moriah threshing floor. On that day, God swore an oath to Abraham based on Isaac's offered sacrifice in Genesis 22:16 which was received by God “in figure”207. This oath, followed by the promises, forms the basis of the "confirmed covenant" of Daniel 9:27. For more on the significance of the Aleph Tav in Scriptures visit: https://alephtavscriptures.com/

That oath is the "confirming covenant" in Christ that would see fulfillment "in Isaac" on the Cross and fulfillment, in Jacob, at the Second Advent following the Time of Jacob's Trouble when God will deliver, forgive and save Remnant Israel, His inheritance.208

This truth speaks to the two paths to redemption, a heavenly or spiritual people, in Isaac, the body of Christ and a physical people, in Jacob, the Remnant of Israel, both redeemed by God in Christ at different times and in different manners.

Is it not interesting that the “pierced Messiah” of Psalm 22:16 is connected with the “offer of sacrifice” of Isaac in Genesis 22:16! That is the awesome integrity of biblical integration which speaks to our Sovereign Lord God’s inspiration! It is Jesus/Yeshua, the “root and offspring of David”, who testifies to these biblical truths in Revelation 22:16! Can I say more?

Yes, there is more! Is it any surprise that Daniel's 70th week, the Time of Jacob's trouble, which concludes with the deliverance and salvation of remnant Israel is verse number 22,016 in the Bible?209

For me these numeric coincidences are definitive proof of divine truth, authorship and confirmation of "the covenant" which will, upon its confirmation, herald the Time of Jacob's Trouble and the ultimate restoration of the Kingdom of Heaven, the Millennial Kingdom after

203 Isaiah 42:6 204 Genesis 3:15 205 John 5:39 206 Zechariah 12:10 207 Hebrews 11:19 208 For a detailed legal analysis of Daniel 9:27 see the article titled: The Literary Architecture of Daniel 9 at https://9- 11-2017.com/2017/06/06/the-literary-architecture-of-daniel-isaiah-59-a-case-study/ 209 Daniel 9:27


Christ's Second Advent. The King has unfinished business with Planet Earth generally and Israel specifically.210 And the LORD shall be King over all the Earth: in that day shall there be ONE LORD, and His name is ONE!211 How many voices does He have?

Thomas asked Jesus/Yeshua, "Lord, we know not wither thou goest; and how can we know the way?"212 The way to God the Father is through the Son who was bruised for our transgressions.213 The pathway to redemption is prefigured in Genesis 1:1 as Jesus/Yeshua who extends His hands between Heaven and Earth. Has He called you?

O the depth of the riches both of wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out!214 God's redemption is not a secret. God has not spoken in secret, in a dark place of the earth: I said not unto the seed of Jacob, Seek me in vain: I the LORD speak righteousness, I declare things that are right.215 O Jerusalem who kills the prophets and stones those sent to her.216 O Israel, return unto the LORD thy God; for thou hast fallen by thine iniquity.217

Approaching the "Word of God" With Honest Humble Reverence

In Ezekiel 14, God returned a verdict of guilty against the scornful elders of Israel. As a result of their idols and iniquities, God confounded their minds. God speaks to us through our minds as we search, study and contemplate His words. If anyone would have idols and iniquities in his or her heart, seated in pride and sin, one cannot trust that God will reveal His truth, but rather the opposite.

In Ezekiel, God sent deceiving spirits and judged the minds of Israel's elders. God answered the elders, with falsehood according to the multitude of their idols.218 The words of God bespeak caution! God draws a line between truth and falsehood and rewards those who seek Him with either His truth or deception based on the condition of a person's heart. If you mess with God's words, He will mess with your mind. I say this in the context of man claiming copyright ownership in the purported words of God. These masters of original literary authorship purporting to be the God's words, as in the NIV and NASB, are evidence of idols in the heart whereby man "has ascended to the throne of God Most High, fulfilling Satan's promise in Genesis 3:5. They became "as gods" substituting their words for the words of God. As it was in

210 Philippians 2:10-11; Romans 14:11; Isaiah 45:22-25 Note: That the Isaiah verse is based on the sworn oath of God (ֵאל). 211 Zechariah 14:9 212 John 14:5 213 Isaiah 53:10 214 Romans 11:33 215 Isaiah 45:19 216 Matthew 23:37 217 Hosea 14:1 218 Ezekiel 14:9


the beginning, so it will have been in the end. The age ends in apostasy, as all prior ages.219 There is no new thing under the sun!220

There is a 70-Year Prophecy Which Speaks to Building of the Tribulation Temple

God is a gracious God of warnings. Do you think that God would not have placed a prophecy which speaks to the end of the age? Jesus/Yeshua gives that warning in Matthew 24:3b-8. Verse 8 speaks to the Revelation 12:1 image in the heavens. Jesus/Yeshua says:"All these are the beginning of sorrows." This is a Jewish idiom for a woman giving birth. The figure expressed in the starry host of the constellation Virgo, which appeared on September 23, 2017, is most probably associated with Jesus/Yeshua' words in Matthew 24:8. Could this "wonder" have been a warning of a coming change in the Ages? [FLS] These coming sorrows will fall upon the Daughter of Babylon following her coming of age on the 70th year. Seventy years is the theme of Babylon and Daniel's 70 weeks prophecy. We should expect God to follow through in the patterned nature of His divine ordinal perfection.

God is a God of warnings. Do you think that God would not place a prophecy which speaks to the beginning of Daniel's 70th week. It is not the mythical 7-year satanic covenant/treaty which the Laodicean Church fathers peddle as their wise interpretive doctrines. It is the covenant that God the Father made with Abraham and confirmed to Isaac and Jacob, that Israel will become a great nation and her King, Messiah ben David will be the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. God has business to finish with Israel. That is the purpose of Daniel's 70th week of seven years. It commences the completion of God's promises to finish the restoration and establishment of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth with Lord Jesus/Yeshua on the Throne ruling from Jerusalem!

Zechariah 1: The 70 Years of Indignation Preceding Temple Construction

Apostate Israel, the 70 year old Daughter of Babylon, has experienced God's indignation these past 70 years.221 God has been in the process of regathering Israel out of the countries wherein God had scattered them.222 However, when God deems Israel's regathering sufficiently established for Daniel's 70th week, He will pour out His fury upon apostate Israel and show mercy223 to those who He knows will be the remnant.224 Justice and judgment are the habitation of God's throne: mercy and truth issue forth.225

219 2 Thessalonians 2:3 220 Ecclesiastes 1:9 221Zechariah 1:12 222 Ezekiel 20:34a; Isaiah 11:11-12 223 Romans 11:32 224 Ezekiel 20:34b 225 Psalm 89:14


God's mercy and His fury will likely commence in the months following Israel's national presence in God's Holy land, upon the "accomplishment of 70 years"226. God has established a 70-year visitation pattern in these last days. Israel should expect the visitation of God in 2018.

The world is against Israel. A review of the United Nations resolutions confirms that the world is obsessed with and opposed to Israel's restoration. Although she is in the land, God's indignation abides on her, as she has no rest and no peace. She has been constantly at war since 1948. This is not God's blessing. It is indignation, a sign of the "cup of indignation" to come.227

[FLS] There is a prophecy which speaks directly to the building of the Temple in the end of days! It is in Zechariah 1, specifically verse 16. All biblical commentators state that Zechariah 1 and its reference to a 70-year period refers back to the Babylonian exile by Nebuchadnezzar. They are mistaken. This is a prophecy for Israel now and looks toward the construction of the Tribulation Temple. [FLS] This prophecy will become operative following the fullness, or as Jeremiah describes it, the accomplishment, of 70-years. [FLS] This means that a complete 70-year period will have run its course. For Israel, that course ends on May 14, 2018.

May 14, 2018 will be Israel's first completed 70-year period of independent rule since 606 B.C. Many prophets warned Israel's kings. They did not embrace the messages of their prophets. They killed them. As a result of disobedience, God exiled them for seventy years. He removed them from Jerusalem and the cities of Judah. The seventy year Babylonian exile removed the disobedient Jewish generation.

As it took 70 years to remove a disobedient generation in Babylon, so too, we may surmise, that it will take 70 years to establish a generation upon a national birth. Israel is maturing as a nation and is ripe for God to finish His business in Daniel's last week, the 70th week of his preeminent prophecy.

For a detailed legal analysis of "these 70 years" see below.228

The Great Departure Precedes Daniel's 70th Week

Daniel's 70th week will follow the end of the Age of Pentecost, an age which will terminate with the mysterious resurrection and departure of the body of Christ, the true Church. This prophetic event, popularly termed the "Rapture" will complete the figurative wave offering imagery of the Feast of Pentecost. As Christ was resurrected on the Jewish festival day called "First Fruits" 226 This phrase "after 70 years be accomplished at Babylon I will visit you" originates in the context of Jeremiah's Babylonian exile prophecy of Jeremiah 29:10. I surmise, that the "daughter of Babylon" as today's apostate Israel, which has returned to the Land in unbelief, will follow this 70 year pattern which is consistent with Daniel's 70 weeks prophecy, Daniel 8:24-27. 227Isaiah 51:17; Psalm 11:6; Revelation 14:10

228 See article titled: The 70 Years of Indignation at https://9-11-2017.com/2017/06/06/the-70-years-of-indignation-apocalypse-israel-2017/


symbolized by the "wave sheaf offering to God", so too, the body of Christ, will be raised at Pentecost symbolized by the "two loaf wave offering" representing the resurrected dead in Christ and the catching out of the living in Christ. So, with the initial deposit of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost 30A.D followed by the [FLS] redemption of the body on Pentecost 2018, the promised redemption transactions will have been completed fulfilling the Feast's wave offering typology. Pentecost will fall on a day and hour only known to God, probably on a Sunday in the Spring.

The apostle Paul was keen to speak doctrinally to his future brethren, Remnant Israel, in the first ten verses of 1 Thessalonians 5:1-10 which follow the resurrection/rapture event of 1 Thessalonians 4:17-18. I am using the word "doctrine" with the purpose of "rightly dividing" the divisions of God's redemptive plans. There is a salvation/redemption plan for the Church and a salvation/redemption plan for Remnant Israel. These two redemption doctrines coexist in the New Testament and form the basis for much misunderstanding. Do not forget, that the a good portion of our New Testament is doctrinally addressed to the Tribulation Jews too. God is going to restore the remnant and He is going to use portions of the New Testament to teach them about Jesus/Yeshua. They are going to get the "testimony of Jesus/Yeshua" from the New Testament, the two witnesses and the 144,000 gospel of the kingdom evangelists.229 We may be able to "inspirationally or spiritually" apply Jewish doctrine in these first ten verses to the Church, but we must never mix Church salvation doctrine with Jewish tribulation salvation doctrine or we create the doctrine of demons.230 This doctrine mixing is the reason for all of the denomination differences in the churches today. Be aware too, that the word "doctrine" has been removed from many verses in favor of the word "teaching" in New Age bibles. God cries out to the Jewish leadership in Isaiah 28 saying: "To whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk and drawn from the breasts." Doctrine is the first and most important of the four purposes of the Scriptures.231 What we are going to see in these ten verses is a clear demonstration by Paul that he intends to use doctrinal language never applied doctrinally to the Church. Therefore, we must necessarily look toward a Jewish tribulation doctrine.

These ten verses follow chronologically the last three verses of 1 Thessalonians 4 which ended with the resurrection/rapture. The first verse of 1 Thessalonians 5 immediately shifts the conversation from the resurrection/rapture to the restoration of the kingdom to Israel at the Second Advent of Christ. We can know this with doctrinal certainty by the use of the term the "times and seasons". This term is used exclusively in reference to the restoration of the kingdom to Israel and the day of the Lord.232

In Acts the disciples asked Jesus/Yeshua if He was going to restore the kingdom to Israel and His answer identifies the specific meaning of kingdom restoration. He called it the "times and 229 Revelation 12:17, 11:3, 7:4 230 1 Timothy 4:1 231 2 Timothy 3:16 232 Acts 1:6-7, Daniel 2:21


seasons". In 1 Thessalonians 5, Paul is addressing remnant Israel in our future. These Jewish brethren will not need any further writing to figure out the "times and the seasons" because they will have just witnessed the devastating sudden resurrection and removal of hundreds of millions of Christians. God will have begun to remove their blindness to the times and seasons.233

The reference to the "day of the Lord" in verse 2 is the time period associated with Daniel's 70th week, the Time of Jacob's Trouble and the events described in the Book of Revelation.234 It is interesting that verse 3 speaks figuratively to the Revelation 12:1-5 wonder of the woman. Jesus/Yeshua refers to this woman in his dialogue with the disciples using the birthing idiom "beginning of sorrows."235 This image, which appeared in the Virgo constellation on September 23, 2017, may have been the warning of the impending changes as Israel's 70th year approaches fullness.

After the resurrection/rapture event and with their spiritual sight being restored, a remnant of Jewish believers will be born again.236 These new Messianic believers will be Remnant Israel. They will keep the commandments of God and have the faith and testimony of Yeshua.237 They will not be in the darkness of verse 4 because the light of Yeshua's testimony will illuminate their understanding of the "times and seasons". In verse 6 they will soberly watch for the Second Advent of Christ.

In verse 8 we should take note that their "armor of God" is different from that of their recently departed Christian brothers. They will wear a breastplate of "faith and love" associated with the Sermon on the Mount representing the new "commandments of God", the gospel of the kingdom.238 They wear a helmet called the "hope of salvation". Their tribulation salvation is based on faith and works and their salvation is uncertain until Christ appears at the Second Advent. Tribulation salvation will be a faith and works salvation.

The armor of God given to the Christians in Ephesians 6 is distinctly different from the armor in 1 Thessalonians 5. This is evidence that these brethren are Jewish believers in Daniel's 70th week. Our breastplate is "righteousness" which was imputed to us at the moment we faithfully believed in the atoning work of Christ. Our helmet is the "helmet of salvation". Our salvation is sure. Our armor is the armor of our Messiah Jesus/Yeshua. The breastplate and helmet of the Church match Christ's in Isaiah 59:17a at His First Advent. This Isaiah 59:17 verse is similar to the Isaiah 61:2 in that these two verses both refer to Christ's first and second Advents each separated by a semi-colon and a comma, respectively. To date, these punctuation marks reflect a 1,987 year pause in the verses since Christ's resurrection.

233 Romans 11:25 234 Daniel 9:27 235 Matthew 24:8 236 Revelation 12:1-5, Psalm 22:31 237 Revelation 12:17, 14:12, 20:4 238 Matthew 5


Finally, in verse nine we notice that God has not appointed these Tribulation Jews to God's wrath, otherwise known as the last three and half years of Daniel's week of seven years.239 They are God's people, in Jacob, His inheritance.240God will provide for them as He did for the Hebrew nation in the forty years of wilderness wandering.241


Two Questions:

There are two interesting questions which must be considered. The first is asked by the God in the Garden of Eden following the disobedience of Eve and Adam.242 The question was "Where are you?"

The second question was asked by the “wise men” who were seeking the King of the Jews.243 The question was "where is he?"

A response will be required by all someday.244 Does it need to be asked by you?

Where are you?245

God is asking you this question. Where are you? Are you walking in the garden of God in disobedience fashioning a covering for your disobedience?246


Where is He?247

Have you come to the place in your life where you are asking “Where is He” who is “just and having salvation”?

The answers, in the Age of Pentecost are simple.248

Salvation is only to be found in Jesus/Yeshua, the LORD of life.249

Jesus/Yeshua says, Behold I stand at the door of your heart and knock: if you hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in, and will dine with you and you with Me.250

239 Matthew 24:21; Revelation 12:6 240 Deuteronomy 32:9 241 Exodus 16, Micah 7:14; Revelation 12:6,14 242 Genesis 3:9 243 Matthew 2:2; John 4:22 244 Romans 14:11; Philippians 2:10-11; Revelation 5:13; Isaiah 45:23 245 Genesis 3:9 246 Genesis 3:7 247 Matthew 2:2 248 Ephesians 2:8-9; Romans 8:1, 10:9-10 249 Acts 4:12; Philippians 2:9-12


Jesus/Yeshua says, I am the bread of life.251 If you do not get the bread of life, you will be toast!252

253ַּבֲעֹוֶנֽ�׃ ָכַׁשְלּתָ ִּכי ֱא�ֶהי� יְהָוה ַעד יְִׂשָרֵאל ׁשּוָבה

250 Revelation 3:20 251 John 6:35 252 Matthew 25:41 253Hosea 14:1
