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The Essence of Safety ..[1]

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  • 7/31/2019 The Essence of Safety ..[1]


    The Essence of Safety.

    What The Other Voices Say

    Presented by:

    Frank Dobson

    Dobson Associates

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    What The Other Voices Say.

    Safety has made quite a lot of

    progress over the last 36 + years.

    Our workplaces are now much

    safer than our homes.

    As a matter of fact, we are 8 times

    safer at work than at home. (BLS 05)

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    What The Other Voices Say.

    There is a lot of confusion andmisunderstanding about defining


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    What The Other Voices Say.

    This confusion is limiting usfrom achieving the high levels

    of Safety Performance expected

    in todays Hi-Tech world.

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    What The Other Voices Say.

    We all need to establish a uniformdefinition and understanding of

    Safety if we are going to Lead and

    Manage this function effectively.

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    What The Other Voices Say.

    We have the responsibility tocommunicate, more effectively, a

    single-minded version of Safety to

    all of our workforce.

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    Just What Do The Other

    Voices Say?????


    Breakout into Teams and solvethis riddle

    What Does Safety Mean to Me?

    Record your ideas and report back

    in 20 minutes.

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    Listing of Mind-Sets

    We all possess a mental model

    or mind-setof what Safety

    means to each of us.

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    What Is A Mental Model

    or Mind-Set?

    The human brain builds a model frombits of knowledge, (like putting a

    puzzle together), without knowing

    what the picture should look like, orhow the pieces fit together.

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    What Is A Mental Model

    or Mind-Set?

    The bits of knowledge come frompersonal experiences, imagination,

    perceptions, and from some problem

    solving strategies we use during

    day-to-day operations.

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    What Is A Mental Model

    or Mind-Set?

    The picture takes shape as the piecesare added,


    It may never be complete.

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    Listing of Mind-Sets

    Were there any people whosemodels were similar?

    If so, how similar were they?

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    Listing of Mind-Sets

    Were there models that wereextremely far apart?

    If so, how far apart?

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    What Are Mental Models ?

    Variations in peoples perceptionsof Safety.

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    What Are Mental Models ?

    Mind-sets formed over time that

    have developed into realities.

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    What Are Mental Models ?

    Models that were influenced byour cultural and professional


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    What Are Mental Models ?

    Internal Pictures of our core beliefsof reality.

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    What Are Mental Models ?

    Our understanding of where andhow we fit into the world around us.

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    What Are Mental Models ?

    How we see our systems working

    in our workplaces.

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    Limitations to Models

    often incomplete version of anevent or observable fact

    sometimes flawed due to human

    error in basic assumptions

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    Limitations to Models

    reliant upon information from

    other models or emotions based in

    the absence of feedback

    not easily understood and open to

    loose interpretations

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    Limitations to Models

    sometimes based on ambiguous and

    contradictive information(Garbage-InGarbage-Out)

    based on very little information andover-simplified explanations to a

    complex event

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    Limitations to Models

    validity of information not tested

    (i.e. clinging to old Safety Myths)

    representations of what is true,

    but not what is false

    Break for 10 mins.

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    Testing It For Yourself


    Breakout into Teams again thenwrite (in 25 words or less)

    A definition of Safety.

    Take 20 minutes then record ideas

    and report out.

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    Some Common Responses

    Preventing accidents and injuries

    Freedom from harm or injury

    Being safe

    Not getting hurt

    Its number one

    Following procedures

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    Some Common Responses

    Being aware of your surroundings

    It is a state of being

    Looking out for each other

    Complying with OSHA

    Going home the same way you

    came to work

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    Evaluating Our Responses

    How did your mental models or your

    mind-sets influence you with thedefinitions you wrote for Safety?

    Did you totally capture theessence of Safety that you


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    Evaluating Our Responses

    Have you noticed the wide

    variability and uncertainty?

    Was this a most difficult task

    for you to perform?

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    Evaluating Our Responses

    Have we been reciting clichs

    without seeking substantiation?

    Do we follow published premises

    that may not have any foundation?

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    OK..So Who Is Right

    & Who Is Wrong?

    The implication here is not that your

    responses are right or wrong.

    We are addressing the variability in

    the key aspects of the

    Essence of Safety.

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    Safety Management


    As individuals please writein 25 words or less..

    How Do I Manage Safety?

    Take 20 minutes then we will discuss.

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    What Does It Look Like?

    This should be a simple Question!

    Why is this exercise so difficult?

    Do you really know Safety or

    how to manage it?

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    Dont Copp-Out

    How many of you just wanted to

    throw-up your hands and say;

    I really dont know Safety or how

    to manage it!

    Youre the Safety Guy, you tell us!

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    Safety Professional Model

    How accidents are caused

    (Domino sequence of causation)

    Heinrichs 1-29-300 premise (alsoknown as the Accident Ratio Study)

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    Safety Professional Model

    90% of accidents caused by unsafeacts of employees..

    10% by unsafe work conditions

    Frequency precedes severity

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    Safety Professionals

    Strive for certainty and wisdom to

    continuously improve and to

    constantly challenge, refine, and test

    the prevailing mental models, and

    feedback systems that influence us.

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    World Complexities

    The natural world, business systems,

    accident causation, root cause,

    psychosocial factors, and cultural

    influences just may be well beyond

    our mental capabilities.

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    There is no single-minded model of

    what safety is or how to manage it.

    This uncertainty is a gap in need of


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    This uncertainty represents an

    opportunity for safety professionals

    and organizations to achieve a higher

    level of capability and confidence in

    the quest to control hazardous


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    Safety is..

    Not an exact Science

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    Please remember..

    All Accidents Are

    Preventable !

  • 7/31/2019 The Essence of Safety ..[1]


    Thank You

    for learning with us today.

    Take Care & Stay Safe

